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Das Team von wünscht allen Tradern und Investoren einen schönen Feierabend :-)

Wohnort: Düsseldorf, Salzburg
Beiträge: 40943
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Beitrag7168/55678, 27.04.18, 16:46:17 
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greenhorn schrieb am 26.04.2018, 14:38 Uhr
gruebel baut doch noch weiter am Tassenboden
greenhorn schrieb am 20.04.2018, 11:39 Uhr
- gestern schönes Candle im Chart eingebaut up, daumen

Rooky schrieb am 19.04.2018, 14:38 Uhr
First Cobalt Initiates Study on Refinery Restart Requirements

Rooky schrieb am 19.04.2018, 12:47 Uhr
das hatte ich bei EQX allerdings auch gehofft

dukezero schrieb am 19.04.2018, 11:54 Uhr
greenhorn schrieb am 19.04.2018, 08:56 Uhr
FCC - für mich im Moment einer der guten Werte im Cobaltsektor, auch wenn Chart nicht immer funktioniert - RSI von 20 und Gap geschlossen sind eigentlich eine gute Kombination für eine Erholung

Zusammenschluss muss erst erfolgen, dann hop!!

gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.
Kostolanys Erbe

Wohnort: Im schönsten Bundesland zwischen Nord- und Ostsee.
Beiträge: 10844
Trades: 4
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Beitrag7167/55678, 27.04.18, 21:03:29 
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26/04/2018 Trading Halt

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 19.03.2018, 22:13 Uhr

Beadell Resources Ltd.: Listing in Kanada über Umweg und Lundin-Familie steigt ein

Beadell überraschte heute mit einem ungewöhnlichen Weg, die Aktien auch im kanadischen Markt zu listen (Link). Die Struktur ist nicht ganz einfach, ich versuche das Ganze einmal zu erklären.

Anstatt ein IPO oder ein Zweitlisting in Kanada zu wählen, wird Beadell Resources in eine kanadische Aktienhülle eingebracht werden.

Diese Firma heißt Golden Harp Resources Inc. (TSX: GHR). Aktuell hat Golden Harp 3,3 Millionen Aktien ausstehend und wird im Verhältnis von 1 zu 11 zurückgerollt (ca. 300.000 Aktien danach). Bei 0,085 CAD je Aktie sollen vorher 4 Millionen CAD an frischem Kapital eingesammelt werden. Diese 4 Millionen CAD zeichnet SPROTT mit diversen Tochterfirmen und die LUNDIN-Familie. Dies sind nach dem Roll-Back 0,935 CAD, die bezahlt werden pro Aktie.

Adam Lundin wird in das Management der neuen Firma gehen.

Wir als Beadell-Aktionäre bekommen dann für 14,25 Aktien von Beadell eine Aktie der neuen Firma, die Americano Mining heißen wird.

Das bedeutet, dass Beadell von den aktuellen 1,23 Milliarden Aktien in eine deutlich bessere Struktur wechseln wird. Die Aktien werden in Kanada und Australien weiter gehandelt.

Die neue Firma Americano Mining wird dann laut meinen Berechnungen ca. 90,7 Millionen Aktien ausstehend haben. Davon gehören 86,52 Millionen Aktien den früheren Beadell-Aktionären und rund 4 Millionen Aktien den Golden Harp Aktionären, also Sprott und Lundin.

Bei einem theoretischen Preis von 0,935 CAD kommt die Firma dann auf einen Börsenwert von nur 84,80 Millionen CAD.

Ich glaube, dass hier und heute eine Überreaktion stattgefunden hat.

Der Markt impliziert, dass der Preis für die neuen Aktien den Sprott und Lundin bezahlen (0,935 CAD) der faire Umrechnungskurs für Beadell ist (0,935 CAD geteilt durch 14,25 = 0,0656 CAD).

Doch Lundin und Sprott wollen natürlich so günstig wie möglich in die Aktie, zumal Lundin dann auch ins Management geht.


Die Aktienstruktur wird deutlich besser und statt 1,23 Milliarden Aktien gibt es nur noch rund 90 Millionen Aktien (besser für den kanadischen Markt). Lundin kommt in das Management, was die Kanadier vermutlich als Bonus einpreisen.

Die Aktie wird umbenannt, bleibt aber an beiden Börsen gehandelt.


Sprott und Lundin "ziehen" sich einige günstige Aktien, jedoch nur im Gegenwert von 4 Millionen CAD und halten danach auch nur etwa 4,40% an der Firma.

Es ist ein Roll-Back, der zunächst nie gut ankommt. Doch auf Sicht von 1 bis 2 Jahren sollte dies der beste Weg sein.


Der Markt hat aus meiner Sicht überreagiert und nimmt den Platzierungspreis für Sprott und Lundin als Anhaltspunkt. Ich glaube nicht, dass die Aktie nach Abschluss der Transaktion auf diesem Niveau handelt, sondern höher.

© Hannes Huster
Quelle: Auszug aus dem Börsenbrief "Der Goldreport"

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 02.03.2018, 21:48 Uhr
Hannes Huster hat ja auch was dazu geschrieben...

Beadell Resources Ltd.: Star zum Problemkind?

Sehr schwach reagierte Beadell auf die heute vorgelegten Jahreszahlen (Link).

Die Zahlen waren auch kein Augenschmaus. Das Unternehmen hat nicht Abschreibungen in Höhe von fast 100 Millionen AUD vorgenommen und wollte damit vermutlich die Bilanz komplett säubern. Dies führte dann zu einem Netto-Verlust von 101 Millionen AUD, wo im letzten Jahr noch ein Netto-Gewinn von 22,4 Millionen AUD stand.

Die Zahlen kann man sich nicht schönreden, doch der Schnitt mit den Abschreibungen war nur konsequent. Viele der Goldproduzenten haben dies in 2015 und 2016 getan und so die Bilanzen komplett zurückgeschnitten. Beadell Resources tat dies nun zum Ende des Jahres 2017.

Durch die am Montag bekannt gegebene Kreditlinie von Sprott Lending (Link) über 60 Millionen USD hat sich das Unternehmen aber einen finanziellen Spielraum eingeräumt, der ausreichen sollte, bis die Tucano Anlage modernisiert wurde.


Vom einstigen Star hat sich Beadell leider zum Problemkind entwickelt. Das Management hat mit zu euphorischen Prognosen und deren Nichterfüllung die Anleger enttäuscht.

Die Abschreibungen hätte das Unternehmen aus meiner Sicht ein Jahr früher tätigen müssen, anstatt nun, aus einer schwachen Ausgangsposition heraus.

Die Aktie kam heute stark unter Druck und verlor 18% bei hohen Umsätzen.

Die Short-Seller sind hier leider wieder mit von der Partie.

Die Short-Position auf Beadell lag bereits am 23.02. bei 4,18% aller ausstehenden Aktien. Seit Ende Januar erhöhen die Short-Seller den Druck und die Aktie fällt:

Es ist davon auszugehen, dass heute erneut Millionen von Aktien geshortet wurden, da die Aktie unter das Tief gedrückt wurde.

Früher oder später werden diese Short-Seller eindecken müssen. Die 4,18% per 23.02. entsprechen ca. 51,5 Millionen Aktien, die die Leerverkäufer short sind.

Es sah am Montag, nach der Bekanntgabe des SPROTT-Kredits so aus, also ob die Eindeckungen starten. Doch die heute vorgelegten Zahlen eröffneten den Short-Sellern ein erneutes Fenster.

Ich will nun sicher nicht alles auf die "bösen Short-Seller" schieben, doch wir sehen doch deutlich, wie man eine Aktie in einer schwachen Verfassung durch derartige Short-Attacken schädigen kann.

Das Kind liegt nun leider im Brunnen und ich denke, dass nun alle Horror-Szenarien in der Aktie eingepreist sind. Den fairen Wert habe ich auf 0,20 Euro gesenkt, da ich die nächsten Zahlen abwarten muss.

Cadrach schrieb am 02.03.2018, 06:52 Uhr
Bin ja gestern eingestoppt worden. War sehr ungeschickt vom Vorstand die Bereinigung der Abschreibungen in dieser Bilanz vorzunehmen. Hätten Sie mal schon im Jahr vorher machen sollen.
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 01.03.2018, 21:07 Uhr
BDR hat das Gap von September 2015 nun geschlossen...

» zur Grafik

Wir haben aber noch weitere Gaps aus dem Jahr 2008 und 2009 offen und wenn ich mir

den Jahresbericht 2017 anschaue, dann kann ich mir eine weitere Verkaufswelle

vorstellen, besonders, wenn der Goldpreis weiter rückläufig ist.

» zur Grafik

Anbei 2 Auszüge aus dem Jahresbericht:

01/03/2018 2017 Full Year Statutory Accounts and Appendix 4E

Net Assets fast halbiert.... Shocked

» zur Grafik

» zur Grafik

Für mich aufgrund der aktuellen Situation (nach diesen Zahlen) weiterhin nur eine Watchlist-Aktie.

Cadrach schrieb am 01.03.2018, 19:04 Uhr
Bin heute morgen bei
eingestoppt worden. Könnte auch nach den Zahlen noch weiter runter gehen. Schaun mer mal. KK 0,1 AUD

gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Dresden
Beiträge: 3609
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Beitrag7166/55678, 27.04.18, 21:23:38 
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Feierabend für diese Woche!

UPDATE 4 - TMX has decided to shut down all markets for the remainder of the day. Trading will not resume today, including market on close. We apologize for the inconvenience. Further updates will be provided.
Hinweis nach §34b WpHG zur Begründung möglicher Interessenskonfl.: Der Verfasser von o.g. Beitrag kann Short- und/oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Düsseldorf, Salzburg
Beiträge: 40943
Trades: 435
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Beitrag7165/55678, 30.04.18, 08:47:57 
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gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
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Beitrag7164/55678, 30.04.18, 08:55:29 
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kaffee Guten Morgen!.....waren die Strassen heute leer.......sauber durchgeradelt ohne Stau....... Smile
Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
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Beitrag7163/55678, 30.04.18, 09:15:32 
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up, daumen LUC - sollten noch das letzte gerissene GAP nach unten schließen und dann aber bitte wieder UP Smile

dukezero schrieb am 30.04.2018, 08:47 Uhr


Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
Gefällt mir erhalten: 4554
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Beitrag7162/55678, 30.04.18, 09:37:01 
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:eek: -30% und fast auf Tagestief geschlossen

greenhorn schrieb am 27.04.2018, 15:38 Uhr
Surprised oha, aber die Kosten/Unze(gerade die AISC) steigen enorm und die Produktion wird geringer angenommen

Sltrader schrieb am 27.04.2018, 15:36 Uhr
Dgc wird nach zahlen gefaltet :eek:

Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Deutschland
Beiträge: 8260
Trades: 372
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Beitrag7161/55678, 30.04.18, 12:41:22 
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ONTology Coin weiter sehr stark, aktuell 8,50$ - habe hier nochmal 1/4 verkauft. insgesamt schöner Gewinn und der Rest ist jetzt noch ein Free Ride

NEO auch stark über s Wochenende. im Hoch bei 94$, aktuell 85$

marcovich schrieb am 09.04.2018, 10:38 Uhr
gute News bei Ontology, Kurs sehr stark, Top Partnerschaften mit Marktführern im VC Bereich. NEO kommt auch, könnte Bodenbildung sein aktuell.

Ontology Announces Cooperation with Sequoia China, Danhua Capital, Matrix Partners China and ZhenFund

marcovich schrieb am 05.04.2018, 17:30 Uhr
1/2 ONT verkauft zu 2,70$ und getauscht in NEO zu 46$ Confused bisher Nullsummenspiel ..

marcovich schrieb am 16.03.2018, 21:16 Uhr
Paar NEO Coins zu 70$ zum Portfolio und ONT Coins (Ontology) zu 1,65$, reine Diversifikation

ONT ist Partner von Neo, u.a. wohl in der Blockchain Allianz China mit Microsoft, IBM, Iota. Zudem kein ICO sondern Streuung via Airdrop, dh. Preis soll sich selbst finden. Diverse Techn. Innovationen im ersten HJ 18 angekündigt.

Schönes Wochenende. beer

Generell Swing - Long Trades bevorzugt.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
Gefällt mir erhalten: 4554
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Beitrag7160/55678, 30.04.18, 12:42:14 
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DGC Detour Gold - da der Goldpreis heute auch etwas schwächelt könnte ich mir sogar noch weiter fallende Kurse vorstellen..ala 3 black soldiers ....wie seht ihr das? Kopf kratzen Smile

greenhorn schrieb am 30.04.2018, 09:37 Uhr
:eek: -30% und fast auf Tagestief geschlossen

greenhorn schrieb am 27.04.2018, 15:38 Uhr
Surprised oha, aber die Kosten/Unze(gerade die AISC) steigen enorm und die Produktion wird geringer angenommen

Sltrader schrieb am 27.04.2018, 15:36 Uhr
Dgc wird nach zahlen gefaltet :eek:

Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
Gefällt mir erhalten: 4554
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Beitrag7159/55678, 30.04.18, 15:14:30 
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ORL mal was Long zu 3,52 Euro....allerdings könnte es aufgrund der niedrigeren Produktion+höheren Kosten zu "Verärgertverkäufen" kommen gruebel Smile
aber im Gegenzug höhere Marge und höhere erzielte Preise

2018-04-30 08:54 ET - News Release;symbol=ORL&region=C
BRISBANE, Australia, April 30, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Orocobre Limited (TSX:ORL) (ASX:ORE)



Record quarterly sales revenue of US$41.3 million on total sales of 3,052 tonnes of lithium carbonate. Total sales revenue for the year to date is US$105 million
Record gross cash margin up 21% to US$9,177 per tonne, underpinned by firmer sales prices, demonstrating the strong cash generation ability of the Olaroz operations
Record price received of US$13,533/tonne on a free on board basis (FOB), up 17% quarter on quarter (QoQ) with higher priced contracts reflecting firmer market conditions. Prices for the June quarter 2018 are expected to be higher than in the March 2018 quarter
Cash costs (on cost of goods sold basis) up 10% QoQ to US$4,356/tonne as a result of lower production and sales volumes in the quarter
Production of 2,802 tonnes of lithium carbonate. As previously reported 2018FY production is expected to be approximately 10% less than the previous guidance of approximately 14,000 tonnes
Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.
Kostolanys Erbe

Wohnort: Im schönsten Bundesland zwischen Nord- und Ostsee.
Beiträge: 10844
Trades: 4
Gefällt mir erhalten: 1468
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Beitrag7158/55678, 30.04.18, 21:52:39 
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Abraplata arranges $1.5-million private placement

2018-04-30 10:44 ET - News Release

Mr. Willem Fuchter reports


Abraplata Resource Corp., subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval, will conduct a non-brokered private placement of up to 7.5 million units at a price of 20 cents per unit to raise up to aggregate gross proceeds of $1.5-million.

Each unit will consist of one common share in the equity of the company and one share purchase warrant. Each warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share of the company at a price of 30 cents per share for a period of three years from the closing of the financing.

The proceeds of the financing will be used for exploration activities at the company's Diablillos property and for general working capital purposes. The company may pay finder's fee to qualified finders in respect to the financing. Securities issued as a result of the financing will be subject to a statutory hold period. Closing is expected on or around May 3, 2018.

About Abraplata Resource Corp.

Abraplata is a junior mining exploration company focused on delivering shareholder returns by unlocking mineral value in Argentina. The company's experienced management team has assembled an outstanding portfolio of gold, silver and copper exploration assets, and is focused on advancing its flagship Diablillos silver-gold property, with an indicated mineral resource containing 80.9 million ounces silver and 732,000 ounces gold, through the various stages of feasibility.;symbol=ABRA&region=C

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 20.03.2018, 21:51 Uhr

Abraplata completes PEA at Diablillos, seeks partner

2018-03-20 12:07 ET - News Release

Also News Release (C-SSRM) SSR Mining Inc

Mr. Willem Fuchter of Abraplata reports


Abraplata Resource Corp. has completed a positive preliminary economic assessment (PEA) on its 80-square-kilometre Diablillos silver-gold project in the province of Salta, Argentina, 150 kilometres southwest from the city of Salta.

The PEA features strong economics, with an after-tax net present value (NPV) of $197-million (U.S.) at a 7.5-per-cent discount rate, an after-tax internal rate of return of 30.2 per cent and a three-year payback. The project could produce 9.8 million ounces of silver equivalent each year at an all-in sustaining cost of $7.52 (U.S.) per ounce of silver equivalent.

Abraplata bought the project in 2016 from SSR Mining Inc., and Abraplata president and chief executive officer, Willem Fuchter, says, "the acquisition was fortuitous because the company was able to get it when market valuations were low."

SSR had done considerable work on the property already, spending over $30-million (U.S.) on engineering, metallurgical testing and geotechnical work. It provided Abraplata with a solid technical foundation on which to build its recent PEA.

As of an August, 2017, resource estimate, Diablillos contains 27.1 million indicated tonnes grading 93.1 grams per tonne silver and 0.84 gram gold for 80.9 million ounces silver and 732,000 ounces gold. The deposit's epithermal mineralization is mostly found in the centre of the system at the Oculto deposit. The company claims 95 per cent of its resource comes from Oculto, however, it still has several satellite deposits it's in the process of drilling.

One such deposit is Fantasma, which lies 800 metres west of Oculto. It remains open for expansion to the east, and Abraplata believes, based on its current understanding of the geology, that Fantasma may extend into Oculto.

Abraplata says satellite deposits might expand the resource by 10 per cent, while in-pit drilling could add another 20 per cent to 30 per cent. However, the company says the most exciting expansion potential lies in the high-grade zone below its current pit shell.

Abraplata devised its mine plan to optimize the project's NPV and the plan only accounts for 60 per cent of the resources outlined at Oculto. If the company can expand its in-pit resources, additional resources located beneath the pit shell could become economic.

"Some of our drill holes have intercepted grades of up to 17 g/t over 10 metres down there," explains Mr. Fuchter. He describes Oculto as containing feeder zones below the pit shell that have the potential for narrower, but higher grade gold mineralization that Abraplata could exploit later in the pit's eight-year life through underground mining.

Abraplata intends to deliver a fully permitted project with a feasibility study by the end of 2019. To get there, it aims to first finish a prefeasibility study (PFS) by the end of 2018. The PFS will require Abraplata to do more drilling, continue the environmental studies started by SSR and begin the permitting process. The company is finalizing a 7,500-metre drill program for the rest of the year.

The company completed a small financing in January, 2018, and raised $2-million. Mr. Fuchter says that completion of a prefeasibility study will require another $7-million.

"What we are looking for given the size of the project is a strategic investor to come in and work with us," Mr. Fuchter says. "If we did it on our own we could become a mid-tier producer, but that's going to take a lot of capital. The type of strategic investor we would be looking for is someone who has a record of building mines in Latin America, and has operational experience within Latin America."

Abraplata also has three early-stage copper porphyry exploration properties in Argentina. It's looking to form joint venture agreements to continue developing them. Shares of Abraplata are currently valued at 18 cents with a 52-week range of 17 cents to 63 cents. The company has a market capitalization of $14-million.

"When you look around Latin America, you've got a couple of big silver projects, but most other things that are development stage are much smaller than this," Mr. Fuchter says. "They're typically underground operations, and often in jurisdictions that take a long time to permit. So to have 10 million ounces of annual production potential that we think we can permit fairly quickly and have this level of production -- I think that's very hard to find.";symbol=ABRA&region=C

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 02.03.2018, 21:51 Uhr

Abraplata's Diablillos PEA predicts $342M (U.S.) NPV

2018-03-02 07:22 ET - News Release

Mr. Willem Fuchter reports


Abraplata Resource Corp. has completed an independent preliminary economic assessment (PEA) on the company's 100-per-cent-owned Diablillos silver-gold project, located in Salta province, Argentina. The results of the PEA demonstrate the potential technical and economic viability of establishing an open-pit silver-gold mine with mill complex on the Diablillos property. Highlights of the PEA are provided in the associated table and the forecast annual silver equivalent (AgEq) production and head grades are shown in an image on the company's website.

(all dollar amounts in U.S. dollars)

Pretax net present value (NPV) 7.5% $342-million
Pretax internal rate of return (IRR) and payback 40.7% and 2.9 years
After-tax NPV 7.5% $197-million
After-tax IRR and payback 30.2% and 3.1 years
Average head grade 125.1 g/t Ag and 0.72 g/t Au
Average annual production 9.8 Moz AgEq or 136,000 oz AuEq
Mine life 8 years
Average all-in sustaining cost per ounce produced $7.52/AgEq oz or $542/AuEq oz
Initial capital $293-million
Metal price assumptions Ag:$20.00/oz and Au:$1,300/oz
Calculated metal net smelter return (NSR) values Ag:$15.20/oz and Au:$1,097/oz

The PEA is preliminary in nature and includes inferred mineral resources that are too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that PEA results will be realized. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

Commenting on the results, Hernan Zaballa, chairman of Abraplata, stated: "We are very pleased with the robust results of the Diablillos PEA. The PEA demonstrates that Diablillos has the potential to produce almost 10 million AgEq ounces per year at a low all-in sustaining cost per ounce. While the main Oculto deposit does require prestripping, the average grades are relatively high for an open-pit mine. On the basis of historical drill results, our geological team believes that there is strong potential to expand the high-grade gold zones in the eastern portion of the Oculto deposit, which are not included in the PEA pit shell. The gold-rich mineralization at Oculto and additional near-surface mineralization at satellite deposits sets up the potential to extend the mine life and potentially strengthen the economics even more in future economic studies."

The PEA was prepared under the guidance of lead consultant RPA Inc. of Toronto with input from GR Engineering Services Ltd. of Perth, Western Australia, and Saxum Engineered Solutions of Argentina.

A cash flow valuation model for the Diablillos project was developed as part of the PEA. From metal prices of $20 (U.S.) per ounce silver and $1,300 (U.S.) per ounce gold, the associated table shows the sensitivity of estimated NPV of the project's cash flows at various silver prices.


Silver price After-tax NPV 7.5% After-tax IRR After-tax payback
(US$/oz Ag) (US$)

$16/oz Ag $108-million 20.3% 3.7 years
$18/oz Ag $153-million 25.3% 3.4 years
$20/oz Ag $197-million 30.2% 3.1 years
$22/oz Ag $241-million 34.9% 3.0 years
$24/oz Ag $285-million 39.5% 2.8 years


Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 26.02.2018, 20:54 Uhr

Abraplata expects to release Diablillos PEA soon

2018-02-26 12:21 ET - News Release

Mr. Hernan Zaballa reports


Abraplata Resource Corp.'s preliminary economic assessment of the Diablillos silver-gold project is nearing completion and the company expects to announce the results by the end of February, 2018. The company is also pleased to report that the contractual anti-dilution right held by SSR Mining Inc. under the second amended and restated share purchase agreement dated March 21, 2017, which entitled SSR Mining to maintain a free carried 19.9-per-cent equity interest in the company, has now expired.

Hernan Zaballa, chairman of Abraplata, commented: "Previously, Abraplata was obligated to issue shares of the company to SSR Mining each time we did an equity financing. Now that we have fulfilled the qualifying financing requirement associated with the purchase of Diablillos, SSR Mining will be required to pay for shares they receive in future financings. That will result in less dilution and more financing flexibility going forward, and we are pleased to have met this important milestone. Likewise, we look forward to achieving another major milestone in the near future when we announce the results of a PEA on Diablillos."

Pursuant to the anti-dilution right, previously whenever the company issued common shares to third parties, it was obliged to issue additional common shares to SSR Mining, without payment, sufficient for SSR Mining to maintain a 19.9-per-cent equity interest in the capital of the company. SSR Mining retains an equity participation right under the SSR agreement which entitles SSR Mining to participate in future transactions in which the company issues equity securities for cash or non-cash consideration. For example, if the company intends to undertake an equity financing, SSR Mining will have the right to purchase, on the same terms as the equity financing, up to that number of equity securities as would result in SSR Mining maintaining, following the completion of the equity financing, the same equity interest it held immediately prior to the completion of the equity financing.

Likewise, if the company intends to issue equity securities for non-cash consideration, or as a result of a consolidation, amalgamation, merger, arrangement, corporate reorganization or similar transaction or business reorganization resulting in a combined company, SSR Mining will have the right to subscribe for and purchase such number of equity securities as would result in SSR Mining maintaining, following the completion of the non-cash transaction, the same equity interest it held immediately prior to the completion of the non-cash transaction, for the cash equivalent of the consideration being received by the company under the non-cash transaction.

If SSR Mining fails to fully exercise its equity participation right in connection with any equity financing or non-cash transaction, its equity interest in the company will be diluted. SSR's equity participation right will expire upon SSR Mining's equity interest in the company being less than 10 per cent for any continuous period of at least 30 days. A copy of the SSR agreement is available from the company's profile on SEDAR.

About Abraplata Resource Corp.

Abraplata is a junior mining exploration company focused on delivering shareholder returns by unlocking mineral value in Argentina. The company's experienced management team has assembled an outstanding portfolio of gold, silver and copper exploration assets, and is focused on advancing its flagship Diablillos silver-gold project, with an indicated resource of 81.3 million ounces silver and 755,000 ounces gold, through the various stages of feasibility. In addition, Abraplata owns the highly prospective Cerro Amarillo property.;symbol=ABRA&region=C

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 29.01.2018, 18:30 Uhr

Abraplata to drill Diablillos in Q2

2018-01-29 10:50 ET - News Release

Mr. Willem Fuchter reports


Abraplata Resource Corp. has provided an update on its Diablillos property in Salta province, Argentina. Having recently completed a non-brokered private placement of $2-million (see the company's news release dated Jan. 12, 2018), Abraplata is in the process of finalizing a preliminary economic assessment of its Diablillos silver-gold project, the results of which are expected to be announced by the end of the first quarter of 2018. In addition, the company is preparing plans for 2018 drill testing of newly identified exploration targets aimed at expanding the mineral resource base on the property.

"The PEA is expected to demonstrate the substantial silver and gold production potential of the Diablillos property as an open-pit operation, provide investors with estimates of the project economics, and provide a road map to the delivery of a fully permitted project for development by the third quarter of 2019," commented Hernan Zaballa, chairman of Abraplata. "Moreover, we believe we can grow the existing mineral resources identified to date, which currently only includes the main Oculto deposit, by converting additional near-surface mineralization to resources through the drilling planned for 2018."

Preliminary Economic Assessment

The Diablillos PEA is being conducted under the guidance of lead consultant RPA Inc of Toronto ("RPA"). RPA is being assisted by GR Engineering Services Ltd of Perth, Western Australia ("GRES"), and Saxum Engineered Solutions of Argentina ("Saxum").

The PEA will cover all aspects of the Diablillos project that would typically be addressed in a scoping study. RPA is preparing land and permit requirements, geology and resources (including a new resource estimate for the property), all mining aspects (including mine design and optimization, mining methods and equipment, and waste rock disposal procedures), and Life-of-Mine plan. GRES is providing inputs with respect to preliminary process design criteria, process flow diagrams, general arrangement drawings, mechanical equipment lists, material take-offs, leach pad and tailings storage facility, and supporting infrastructure (roads, power, water, buildings, etc). Saxum is responsible for cost estimation and identifying the local sources of plant and materials. The report will also include after-tax cash flow forecasts and cash flow sensitivity to key inputs.

Drilling Campaign

A recent technical review of the Diablillos property together with the detailed mapping of key outcrop and drill data analysis has defined three areas on the property that require further drilling with the objective of converting mineralization into resources. These areas are:

The Oculto silver-gold deposit and its immediate environs;
Satellite deposits surrounding Oculto that are prospective for silver mineralization;
The Northern arc of mineral occurrences located approximately 1,500 metres north of the main Oculto deposit.

The drill campaign is expected to commence in Q2 2018.

Expansion of Oculto Silver and Gold Mineralization

The Oculto deposit contains all of the current Indicated Mineral Resources reported on the property to date. New geological interpretation by the Company indicates that Oculto has a much stronger structural control element than previously thought. Most of the structures that control mineralization trend NE with a steep southeast dip. A secondary set of control structures strike ESE with steep southerly dips. The secondary structures have been poorly tested because they are subparallel to historical drilling. Correlation of the control structures between surface mapping and drill intersections has identified numerous areas where high grade silver and gold mineralization has not been closed off by existing drill definition. This offers potential for a substantial increase in the Oculto resource via additional drilling.

Satellite Deposits with Near-Surface Silver Mineralization

Drilling at the satellite deposits of Fantasma, Alpaca, and Laderas is required to test recently identified mineralized NE- and ESE-trending mineralized structures which have been inadequately tested or not been tested at all in the past. The Company completed approximately 3,000 metres of drilling at Fantasma in the H2 2017, and this drilling indicted that mineralization was open to the east and could be linked to the Oculto deposit. Additional drilling in 2018 is planned to bring near-surface silver mineralization contained in the satellite deposits into mineral resources.

Northern Arc Targets

Cerro Viejo Oeste, Cerro del Medio, Pedernales, and Corderos are geophysical/geochemical targets located in the Northern Arc, which is located to the north of Oculto on the Diablillos property, and form part of a structural array dominated by ENE and NW mineralized structures that dip 70-80 north. The ENE structures are invariably thicker with better breccia development. Mineralization in the wider area follows a NW-trending structure and individual prospects are generally ENE to ESE splays off the main NW trend. Drilling in 2018 is expected to test the extent of this structure and the potential for additional satellite deposits in this area.

Streamlining of Management Structure

In an effort to reduce costs and conserve financial resources, the Company has made personnel changes to eliminate redundancies and streamline its management structure and wishes to acknowledge, and to express its gratitude for, the contributions made by the affected individuals. Deferred compensation and other amounts owing by the Company to these individuals in connection with the cessation of their employment in the aggregate amount of $97,500 will be satisfied by way of the issuance of 414,893 common shares of the Company at a deemed price of $0.235 per share. The transaction is subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange"). In compliance with Canadian securities laws and the rules of the Exchange, the common shares to be issued will be subject to a hold period of four (4) months.

Qualified Person

Willem Fuchter, PhD PGeo, President & CEO of AbraPlata Resource Corp. and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.

About Abraplata Resource Corp.

Abraplata is a junior mining exploration company focused on delivering shareholder returns by unlocking mineral value in Argentina. The company's experienced management team has assembled an outstanding portfolio of gold, silver and copper exploration assets, and is focused on advancing its flagship Diablillos silver-gold project, with an indicated resource of 81.3 million ounces silver and 755,000 ounces gold, through the various stages of feasibility. In addition, Abraplata owns the highly prospective Cerro Amarillo property.;symbol=ABRA&region=C

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 10.01.2018, 23:20 Uhr

Abraplata increases private placement to $2.1-million

2018-01-10 12:18 ET - Warrants Called to Trade

Mr. Willem Fuchter reports


Further to its news release dated Jan. 5, 2018, announcing AbraPlata Resource Corp.'s intention to complete a non-brokered private placement of up to six million units at a price of 20 cents per unit for total gross proceeds of up to $1.5-million, Abraplata has, in response to strong investor demand, decided to increase the size of the financing to 10.5 million units for total gross proceeds of $2.1-million. Other than the increase in the size of the financing, all other terms are as disclosed in the company's news release dated Jan. 5, 2018.

Closing of the financing remains subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. In compliance with Canadian securities laws and the rules of the exchange, all securities issued in connection with the financing will be subject to a hold period of four months.

About Abraplata Resource Corp.

Abraplata is a junior mining exploration company focused on delivering shareholder returns by unlocking mineral value in Argentina. The company's experienced management team has assembled an outstanding portfolio of gold, silver and copper exploration assets, and is focused on advancing its flagship Diablillos property, with an indicated resource of 81.3 million ounces Ag and 755,000 oz Au, through the various stages of feasibility. In addition, Abraplata owns the highly prospective Cerro Amarillo property with its cluster of five mineralized copper-(molybdenum-gold) porphyry intrusions located in a mining camp hosting the behemoth El Teniente, Los Bronces and Los Pelambres porphyry Cu-Mo deposits. Further exploration work is also planned for the company's Samenta porphyry Cu-Mo property, located south of First Quantum's TacaTaca project, as well as its Aguas Perdidas gold-silver epithermal property.;symbol=ABRA&region=C

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 05.01.2018, 20:45 Uhr
:eek: Shocked

Mist, so hatte ich mir das mit oberen Gap-Closes schließen nicht vorgestellt...

....doch nicht an einem Tag !!! Baseball

» zur Grafik

Abraplata Resource arranges $1.5M financing

2018-01-05 09:07 ET - News Release

Mr. Willem Fuchter reports


Abraplata Resource Corp. intends to complete a non-brokered private placement of up to 7.5 million units, each consisting of one common share in the capital of the company and one common share purchase warrant, at a price of 20 cents per unit for total gross proceeds of up to $1.5-million. Each warrant will be exercisable for two years to purchase an additional common share at a price of 30 cents but will expire earlier if, for any 10 consecutive trading days on the TSX Venture Exchange, the closing price of the company's common shares equals or exceeds 40 cents.

Proceeds from the financing will be used for continuing exploration on, and evaluation of, the company's Diablillos property and its other mineral exploration properties in Argentina, payment of outstanding accounts payable, general and administrative expenses, and working capital. Closing of the financing is subject to the approval of the exchange. In compliance with Canadian securities laws and the rules of the exchange, all securities issued in connection with the financing will be subject to a hold period of four months. The company expects to complete the financing within 30 days.

SSR Mining Inc. (formerly Silver Standard Resources Inc.) holds a contractual anti-dilution right entitling SSR Mining to maintain a 19.9-per-cent equity interest in the capital of the company, under the second amended and restated share purchase agreement dated March 21, 2017. A copy of the SSR agreement is available from the company's profile on SEDAR. Completion of the financing, and any subsequent exercise of the warrants, will oblige the company to issue additional common shares to SSR Mining pursuant to the anti-dilution right sufficient for SSR Mining to maintain a 19.9-per-cent equity interest in the capital of the company.

In connection with the financing, the company may pay a commission or finder's fees.

About Abraplata Resource Corp.

Abraplata is a junior mining exploration company focused on delivering shareholder returns by unlocking mineral value in Argentina. The company's experienced management team has assembled an outstanding portfolio of gold, silver and copper exploration assets, and is focused on advancing its flagship Diablillos property, with an indicated resource of 81.3 million ounces Ag and 755,000 oz Au, through the various stages of feasibility. In addition, Abraplata owns the highly prospective Cerro Amarillo property with its cluster of five mineralized copper-(molybdenum-gold) porphyry intrusions located in a mining camp hosting the behemoth El Teniente, Los Bronces and Los Pelambres porphyry Cu-Mo deposits. Further exploration work is also planned for the company's Samenta porphyry Cu-Mo property, located south of First Quantum's TacaTaca project, as well as its Aguas Perdidas gold-silver epithermal property.;symbol=ABRA&region=C

greenhorn schrieb am 04.01.2018, 09:01 Uhr
Smile kannte ich noch garnicht - oder habs vergessen Danke kichern

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 03.01.2018, 21:53 Uhr
MACD Embarassed Wink

» zur Grafik

A highly prospective Epithermal Precious Epi thermal Precious Metal Project in the Province of Salta in northwestern Argentina

The property covers an area of 79km2

~85,000m of drilling in 448 drill holes

Indicated Resource of 27.7m tonnes @91.2g/t Ag and 0.85g/t Au

Containing 81.3m oz Ag and 755k oz Au


gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Deutschland
Beiträge: 8260
Trades: 372
Gefällt mir erhalten: 4955
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Beitrag7157/55678, 01.05.18, 16:23:50 
Antworten mit Zitat
MEX - schon sehr gute Resultate, was meint ihr?

THUNDER BAY, Ontario, May 01, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mexican Gold Corp. ("Mexican Gold" or the "Company") (MEX.V) (MEXGF) (4QW1.F) is pleased to announce that its 2018 Field Exploration Program at the Changaro zone has yielded high-grade sampling results. Channel sampling carried out at the historical La Perdida mine assayed:

13.48 g/t Au Eq (13.04 g/t gold, 6.83 g/t silver and 0.21% copper) over 8 metres, including 27.76 g/t Au Eq (27.30 g/t gold, 11.7 g/t silver and 0.49% copper) over 2.0 metres.

A sampling program carried out in 2010 at the historical El Alto-Changaro mine (see press release May 10, 2011) yielded the following:....
Generell Swing - Long Trades bevorzugt.
Kostolanys Erbe

Wohnort: Im schönsten Bundesland zwischen Nord- und Ostsee.
Beiträge: 10844
Trades: 4
Gefällt mir erhalten: 1468
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Beitrag7156/55678, 01.05.18, 21:13:06 
Antworten mit Zitat

01/05/2018 Senex reaches approvals milestone on WSGP

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 05.01.2018, 21:46 Uhr
AU:SXY läuft auch weiter... Embarassed

» zur Grafik

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 21.12.2017, 23:30 Uhr
21/12/2017 Senex sells Phase 2 gas to GLNG

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 18.12.2017, 22:22 Uhr


18/12/2017 Senex progresses Cooper Basin gas project with grant funding

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 14.12.2017, 22:22 Uhr

08/12/2017 Tim Crommelin 100,000 $0.340 $34,000

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 10.12.2017, 22:57 Uhr


08/12/2017 Senex reaches approvals milestone in the Surat Basin

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 24.10.2017, 21:09 Uhr


23/10/2017 Senex brings Western Surat Gas Project wells online

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 27.09.2017, 08:46 Uhr

26/09/2017 COE: Frey-1 Farmout

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 13.09.2017, 01:49 Uhr

13/09/2017 Senex Good Oil Conference presentation

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 06.09.2017, 22:04 Uhr
05 September 2017
Senex awarded Surat Basin acreage for domestic gas supply

» zur Grafik

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 15.06.2017, 20:56 Uhr
In Aussie Land ist bei mir AU:SXY als Ölwert ganz oben auf der watchlist!

Sollten die Richtung 0,25 AUS$ oder tiefer anlaufen...geht der Button los Wink

Hängt natürlich auch ein wenig vom Ölpreis ab, wie stark der korrigiert...

Senex Energy Limited is an Australian oil and gas exploration and production company. We have a 30-year operating history and a significant onshore acreage position in the Cooper-Eromanga Basin and Surat Basin.

Letzte Präsentation:

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 15.06.2017, 19:45 Uhr
Bei starker Schwäche kaufe ich auch dazu... Denke die "Gaps" werden noch geschlossen... Wink whistle

Anbei die aktuelle Präsentation:

Seite 19 !!!

greenhorn schrieb am 15.06.2017, 10:27 Uhr
FRU - der sinkende Ölpreis tut seines dazu, aber solange die Dividende stimmt........würde auch dazukaufen, mal sehen

greenhorn schrieb am 07.06.2017, 09:02 Uhr
Danke up, daumen Danke!

Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 06.06.2017, 21:40 Uhr
» zur Grafik

greenhorn schrieb am 06.06.2017, 09:52 Uhr

scheint auf GAP-Close-Kurs zu sein; sehe was bei 12,55 - 12,00 - 11,50 CAD

gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.
Kostolanys Erbe

Wohnort: Im schönsten Bundesland zwischen Nord- und Ostsee.
Beiträge: 10844
Trades: 4
Gefällt mir erhalten: 1468
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Beitrag7155/55678, 01.05.18, 21:50:29 
Antworten mit Zitat

Renaissance Gold partners drill South Roberts, Silicon

2018-05-01 11:59 ET - News Release

Mr. Robert Felder reports


Renaissance Gold Inc. expects to conduct exploration drilling programs on at least seven of its partner-financed projects during 2018. Some of that drilling is continuing, and other programs are planned for later in the year. The following is an update on two of these projects already under way.

South Roberts project

S2 Resources (see news release dated July 31, 2017), has notified the company of the commencement of core drilling on the South Roberts project in Eureka county, Nevada. A recently completed CSAMT (controlled-source audio-frequency magnetotellurics) survey and an infill soil geochemistry program have significantly strengthened the drill targets on the project, located on the prolific Battle Mountain-Eureka trend of world-class gold deposits. Figure 1, available on-line, shows a geologic cross-section constructed from drill hole information and a new CSAMT pseudosection from the same area. The CSAMT lends strong support to the geologic model and indicates a resistivity response interpreted to represent an upthrown anticlinal block of favourable lower-plate carbonate rocks. The target lies at the crest of the anticline and in a very favourable geochemical setting.

Figures associated with this news release are available on-line.

Figure 2, available on-line, shows the gold and arsenic and results from the recently completed 200-metre enzyme-leach soil geochemistry survey. Detailed inhouse interpretation of the soils data indicates robust Carlin-suite responses broadly coincident with the anticline.

Two initial core holes are planned to depths of approximately 400 m to test multiple target horizons located in the axial zone of this anticline, as follows:

The contact between the Mississippian Webb formation and the Devonian Devils Gate limestone (host to the Rain and Afgan deposits);
The upper part of the Devonian Denay limestone (host to the Gold Bar, Gold Canyon, and Goldstone deposits);
Subject to depth, the Devonian McColley Canyon formation (host to the Gold Pick and Gold Ridge deposits).

Silicon project

AngloGold Ashanti is drilling the Silicon project and it has reported the completion of three core holes totalling 1,145 m, part of a planned program to complete approximately 3,000 m. Detailed geologic mapping and a gridded soil program are under way over the existing claim block to identify further drill target opportunities. Silicon is located in the Bare Mountains mining district of Nye county, Nevada, and contains extensive exposures characteristic of the upper portions of a low-sulphidation epithermal gold system. The project is near Corvus Gold Inc.'s North Bullfrog and Mother Lode projects, and Northern Empire Resources Sterling mine, where both companies are active and reporting good drill results.

Robert Felder, president and chief executive officer, stated: "We are very excited to begin drilling on the South Roberts targets. The recently generated results provide a lot of encouragement on an already very strong target in a very prospective location on a major gold trend in Nevada. We are also very pleased to see the progress being made by AngloGold at Silicon and will report drill results as they become available. This is an exciting year for RenGold, with seven planned drill programs all representing opportunities to produce significant results for shareholders."

About Renaissance Gold Inc.

Renaissance Gold is a Western United States focused prospect generator utilizing a joint venture business model. Renaissance Gold applies the extensive exploration experience and high-end technical skills of its founders and team members to search for and acquire high-quality precious metal exploration projects that are then offered for joint venture to industry partners which provide exploration financing. Renaissance Gold maintains a large portfolio of gold and silver exploration properties and has entered into over 60 exploration agreements including those as AuEx. On May 29, 2017, the company acquired Kinetic Gold Corp. and its subsidiaries, which hold various exploration properties located in Nevada.;symbol=REN&region=C
gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
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Beitrag7154/55678, 02.05.18, 08:49:49 
Antworten mit Zitat
kaffee Guten Morgen! Smile

doch nur 2.......nun ja Embarassed Smile

greenhorn schrieb am 30.04.2018, 12:42 Uhr
DGC Detour Gold - da der Goldpreis heute auch etwas schwächelt könnte ich mir sogar noch weiter fallende Kurse vorstellen..ala 3 black soldiers ....wie seht ihr das? Kopf kratzen Smile

greenhorn schrieb am 30.04.2018, 09:37 Uhr
:eek: -30% und fast auf Tagestief geschlossen

greenhorn schrieb am 27.04.2018, 15:38 Uhr
Surprised oha, aber die Kosten/Unze(gerade die AISC) steigen enorm und die Produktion wird geringer angenommen

Sltrader schrieb am 27.04.2018, 15:36 Uhr
Dgc wird nach zahlen gefaltet :eek:

Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Göppingen
Beiträge: 10128
Trades: 404
Gefällt mir erhalten: 2582
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Beitrag7153/55678, 02.05.18, 15:13:25 
Antworten mit Zitat
CEO kauft munter weiter am Markt, die wird was

PerseusLtd schrieb am 14.03.2018, 13:25 Uhr
GLDN einige gesammelt die letzten Wochen

» zur Grafik

Wohnort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 12939
Trades: 22
Gefällt mir erhalten: 702
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Beitrag7152/55678, 02.05.18, 15:25:50 
Antworten mit Zitat
GLDN ist neben ANG und USAU meine mit Abstand groesste Position und hat imho sogar die besten Aussichten auf einen "vielfaeltigen und vielfachen" Sommer.

PerseusLtd schrieb am 02.05.2018, 15:13 Uhr
CEO kauft munter weiter am Markt, die wird was

» zur Grafik

PerseusLtd schrieb am 14.03.2018, 13:25 Uhr
GLDN einige gesammelt die letzten Wochen

» zur Grafik

gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
Gefällt mir erhalten: 4554
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Beitrag7151/55678, 03.05.18, 09:43:55 
Antworten mit Zitat
kaffee Guten Morgen! Smile
Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Deutschland
Beiträge: 8260
Trades: 372
Gefällt mir erhalten: 4955
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Beitrag7150/55678, 03.05.18, 10:07:21 
Antworten mit Zitat
heute Update zum Sunrise (Cobalt, ..) Projekt. Ich finde es hört sich alles sehr gut an! On track. Das einzige was mich stört, ist dass "Construction" Phasen meist nicht von so guter Performance begleitet werden .. trotzdem stehen hier einige sehr interessante News an ..

Clean TeQ Sunrise Project Update

• Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for Clean TeQ Sunrise Project remains
on track for delivery in June 2018
• Targeting substantially increased metal production over the first 10
years (compared to 2016 Pre-Feasibility Study and NI 43-101 Technical
• Nameplate refinery capacity increased substantially to 7ktpa cobalt and
25ktpa nickel to maximise production optionality
• Higher revenue from increased metal production and stronger price
outlook is expected to offset any larger investment in capacity
• Early works program underway preparing for the installation of water
pipeline, power infrastructure and construction camp
• Strong ongoing engagement with government and community

hier die aktuelle Investor Präsentation:

aktuelles Buy mit Kursziel 1,80 AUD (kam vor dem heutigen Update):

marcovich schrieb am 24.04.2018, 11:32 Uhr
Clean TEQ ( letzte Position zu 1 AUD zugekauft Confused

155 Mio PP ist durch zu 1,15 AUD ! 5 Mio zusätzlich generiert durch SPP.

Melbourne, Australia – Clean TeQ Holdings Limited (Clean TeQ or Company)
(CLQ:ASX; CLQ;TSX; CTEQF:OTCQX) is pleased to announce the completion and
settlement of its A$150m underwritten institutional placement (Placement) and Share
Purchase Plan (SPP).

Further to the announcement on 8 March 2018, the Company has issued and allotted
43,575,880 shares under Tranche 2 of the Placement, representing approximately A$50
million. In addition to the Placement, which was heavily oversubscribed, Clean TeQ
received a strong response to the SPP raising an additional A$5.5 million.
Together, the Placement and Share Purchase Plan represent a total equity raising of
A$155.5 million before transaction costs, which will be used to fund early works and long
lead items designed to accelerate the development of the Clean TeQ Sunrise
Nickel/Cobalt/Scandium Project.

Accelerating the development timetable is expected to provide the opportunity for Clean
TeQ Sunrise to commence production approximately 12 months earlier than previously
. Bringing forward production of high purity cobalt and nickel sulphate will
enable Clean TeQ to take advantage of rapidly growing markets for these critical inputs
into the lithium ion battery industry.

Cobalt auf High, Nickel Preise auch ordentlich am steigen. CLQ gibt Gas..
Technisch sollte ein Support sein um die 1 AUD Marke. Hoch aus 2017, Aufwärtstrend. Chart ASX

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Generell Swing - Long Trades bevorzugt.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
Gefällt mir erhalten: 4554
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Beitrag7149/55678, 03.05.18, 13:48:29 
Antworten mit Zitat
TGZ - Teranga Gold - Zahlenwerk liest sich nicht schlecht, die hohen Ausgaben sind für neue Minen/Exploration/Projekte.....was natürlich den Q1 Gewinn sehr schmal aussehen läßt. Mal sehen was der Markt macht.....Teranga ist ja sehr gut gelaufen die letzten Wochen

Teranga Gold earns $2.98-million (U.S.) in Q1;symbol=TGZ&region=C
2018-05-03 07:01 ET - News Release

Mr. Richard Young reports


Teranga Gold Corp. has release its financial and operating results for the three months ended March 31, 2018. All amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated

"We have a clear vision for Teranga and that is to become a multi-asset, mid-tier gold producer in West Africa," said Richard Young, President and CEO. "With the financings now in place to build our second mine and to move a third project through a future feasibility study, we have a well-defined roadmap for executing on our vision. Beyond the near-term priorities of Wahgnion and Golden Hill, we are also focused on advancing our extensive organic pipeline in Cote d'Ivoire for future growth."

"Operationally, the year is off to a strong start at Sabodala with higher production and lower costs as we continue to positively reconcile to ore estimates," stated Paul Chawrun, COO. "At Wahgnion, all critical long-lead equipment and key contracts have been awarded and bulk earthworks are well underway putting us on track to begin concrete installation for the mill foundation later this month. Furthermore, a continuation of positive drilling results received at Golden Hill this year, has strengthened our confidence that this advanced exploration project has the potential to be our third mine."
Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
Trades: 525
Gefällt mir erhalten: 4554
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Beitrag7148/55678, 03.05.18, 13:53:19 
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First Cobalt doubles strike length at Kerr;symbol=FCC&region=C
2018-05-03 07:48 ET - News Release

Mr. Trent Mell reports


Results of recent drilling have doubled the strike length of the mineralized zone in First Cobalt Corp.'s Kerr area to over 200 metres. Further potential for mineralization exists along strike of this newly-identified mineralized zone, located south of Kerr Lake in the Cobalt North area of the Canadian Cobalt Camp. The Kerr area contains several drill targets, with the Kerr #2 target now a priority for follow up.


New assay results confirm the mineralized zone at the Kerr #2 target has doubled in strike length from the previously reported 100m to over 200m

The zone contains a polymetallic network of veins and disseminated mineralization with cobalt, silver, copper, lead and zinc

High grade intercepts include 0.56% Co over 1.8m as well as 1.45% Co, 940 g/t Ag and 0.44% Ni over 0.3m within longer intervals of mineralization including 5.0m of 0.10% Co and 4.6m of 0.27% Co

A silver intercept of 8.0m of 31 g/t Ag is part of the same vein network, highlighting the potential for undiscovered cobalt-rich areas near the historic mines

Mineralized zone remains open along strike and drilling in the area is ongoing

Trent Mell, President & Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"In short order First Cobalt has doubled the strike length of a newly discovered cobalt-rich zone and there is potential to increase this further. This is a testament to the integrated geological model our team has developed and continues to update with new data. The presence of a network of veins and disseminated mineralization across more than 200 metres is encouraging for our strategy of identifying open pit targets in this historic Canadian mining district. Our 2018 drilling program will continue targeting 15 areas containing past-producing mines, but the Kerr area is now a high priority for exploration work."
Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

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Beitrag7147/55678, 03.05.18, 13:58:37 
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Kobalt wohl eher negativ, für Nickel gut

„..Asked for insight into how costs are being affected by changing battery chemistry (less cobalt), Elon made it clear he thinks they have the lowest costs already, and that they will continue reducing cobalt and “get it to almost nothing” to make further gains..”

Wohnort: Berlin
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Beitrag7146/55678, 03.05.18, 14:05:51 
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Verkauf zu 3,60 Euro
greenhorn schrieb am 30.04.2018, 15:14 Uhr
ORL mal was Long zu 3,52 Euro....allerdings könnte es aufgrund der niedrigeren Produktion+höheren Kosten zu "Verärgertverkäufen" kommen gruebel Smile
aber im Gegenzug höhere Marge und höhere erzielte Preise

2018-04-30 08:54 ET - News Release;symbol=ORL&region=C
BRISBANE, Australia, April 30, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Orocobre Limited (TSX:ORL) (ASX:ORE)



Record quarterly sales revenue of US$41.3 million on total sales of 3,052 tonnes of lithium carbonate. Total sales revenue for the year to date is US$105 million
Record gross cash margin up 21% to US$9,177 per tonne, underpinned by firmer sales prices, demonstrating the strong cash generation ability of the Olaroz operations
Record price received of US$13,533/tonne on a free on board basis (FOB), up 17% quarter on quarter (QoQ) with higher priced contracts reflecting firmer market conditions. Prices for the June quarter 2018 are expected to be higher than in the March 2018 quarter
Cash costs (on cost of goods sold basis) up 10% QoQ to US$4,356/tonne as a result of lower production and sales volumes in the quarter
Production of 2,802 tonnes of lithium carbonate. As previously reported 2018FY production is expected to be approximately 10% less than the previous guidance of approximately 14,000 tonnes

Homo proponit sed deus disponit - Es ist ein langer Weg zum Whisky-Experten - aber es ist eine schöne Zeit dahin! - gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Beiträge: 1975
Trades: 35
Gefällt mir erhalten: 388
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Beitrag7145/55678, 03.05.18, 15:09:16 
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hab mich jetzt in portofino eingekauft.hatten vor paar tagen auch news.aktie am fast am könnte bissl phantasie reinbringen.MK derzeit unter 2 mio.könnte schneller verdoppler werden demnächst.

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Beitrag7144/55678, 03.05.18, 15:57:55 
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habe die Tage mit 2 Entwicklern (seit 20 Jahren in der Li-Ion Akku Industrie) gesprochen, die meinen Cobalt wird man nicht ersetzen können, ggf. reduzieren.
Mit anderer Chemie versuchen...., das hätten sie alles hinter sich, kann man machen, aber das geht dann deutlich auf die Haltbarkeit, Anzahl Ladungszyklen etc .. gruebel

ich denke Tesla hat den Anstieg von Cobalt auch nicht in der Form eingeplant und muss jetzt x00.000 Tesla produzieren mit den doppelten, dreifachen Cobaltpreisen .. das geht ins Geld

PerseusLtd schrieb am 03.05.2018, 13:58 Uhr
Kobalt wohl eher negativ, für Nickel gut

„..Asked for insight into how costs are being affected by changing battery chemistry (less cobalt), Elon made it clear he thinks they have the lowest costs already, and that they will continue reducing cobalt and “get it to almost nothing” to make further gains..”

Generell Swing - Long Trades bevorzugt.

Wohnort: Düsseldorf, Salzburg
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Beitrag7143/55678, 03.05.18, 16:15:16 
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Tesla läuft eher in die Insolvenz! Das beeinflusst die Rohstoffpreise!!
Die Meinung in den USA ist vernichtend!Die Entwicklung geht in Richtung Festkörperbatterien. Hier ist Deutschland gut aufgestellt!
marcovich schrieb am 03.05.2018, 15:57 Uhr
habe die Tage mit 2 Entwicklern (seit 20 Jahren in der Li-Ion Akku Industrie) gesprochen, die meinen Cobalt wird man nicht ersetzen können, ggf. reduzieren.
Mit anderer Chemie versuchen...., das hätten sie alles hinter sich, kann man machen, aber das geht dann deutlich auf die Haltbarkeit, Anzahl Ladungszyklen etc .. gruebel

ich denke Tesla hat den Anstieg von Cobalt auch nicht in der Form eingeplant und muss jetzt x00.000 Tesla produzieren mit den doppelten, dreifachen Cobaltpreisen .. das geht ins Geld

PerseusLtd schrieb am 03.05.2018, 13:58 Uhr
Kobalt wohl eher negativ, für Nickel gut

„..Asked for insight into how costs are being affected by changing battery chemistry (less cobalt), Elon made it clear he thinks they have the lowest costs already, and that they will continue reducing cobalt and “get it to almost nothing” to make further gains..”

gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Beiträge: 1975
Trades: 35
Gefällt mir erhalten: 388
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Beitrag7142/55678, 03.05.18, 16:24:27 
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Trash schrieb am 03.05.2018, 15:09 Uhr
hab mich jetzt in portofino eingekauft.hatten vor paar tagen auch news.aktie am fast am könnte bissl phantasie reinbringen.MK derzeit unter 2 mio.könnte schneller verdoppler werden demnächst.

jetzt wird die 0,065 drüben gesaugt. whistle denke in erwartung der ergebnisse wird das teil sich ab jetzt mindestens verdoppeln.billigste litiumaktie diem ich derzeit kenne.ein börsenbrief hatte die glaube auch auf dem radar.wenn das thema wieder gespielt wird ist hier einiges drinn.
aber drann denken alleine bekommen die das zeug nicht aus dem boden.rechne hier mit feindlicher übernahme.angrenzend die ganz großen der branche.wenn hier gute bodenproben kommen dürfte die speku ziehn.
Kostolanys Erbe

Wohnort: Im schönsten Bundesland zwischen Nord- und Ostsee.
Beiträge: 10844
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Beitrag7141/55678, 03.05.18, 16:43:55 
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Heute du ersten USAU eingesammelt Wink

Fischlaender schrieb am 02.05.2018, 15:25 Uhr
GLDN ist neben ANG und USAU meine mit Abstand groesste Position und hat imho sogar die besten Aussichten auf einen "vielfaeltigen und vielfachen" Sommer.

PerseusLtd schrieb am 02.05.2018, 15:13 Uhr
CEO kauft munter weiter am Markt, die wird was

» zur Grafik

PerseusLtd schrieb am 14.03.2018, 13:25 Uhr
GLDN einige gesammelt die letzten Wochen

» zur Grafik

gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Beiträge: 1975
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Beitrag7140/55678, 03.05.18, 17:53:48 
Antworten mit Zitat
Trash schrieb am 03.05.2018, 15:09 Uhr
hab mich jetzt in portofino eingekauft.hatten vor paar tagen auch news.aktie am fast am könnte bissl phantasie reinbringen.MK derzeit unter 2 mio.könnte schneller verdoppler werden demnächst.

Lithiumproduzent Galaxy Resources beauftragt JP Morgan für Argentinienprojekt
Der australische Lithiumproduzent Galaxy Resources (ASX: GXY) lässt durch die Investmentbank JP Morgan „strategische Optionen“ für sein argentinisches Lithiumprojekt „Sal de Vida“ prüfen. Offenbar besteht Interesse sowohl aus China wie aus Korea. Die Möglichkeiten, die JP Morgan mitverhandeln soll, reichen von einer strategischen Beteiligung bis zum einfachen Abnahmevertrag.

Zur Entwicklung des Projekts benötigt Galaxy laut einer Machbarkeitsstudie 376 Mio. USD. Die Verpflichtung der amerikanischen Investmentbank hat Anfang der Woche den Kurs von Galaxy anspringen lassen. Aber ein erfolgreicher Deal würde sicherlich auch für neue Bewegung im gesamten so genannten „Lithium Dreieck“ von Argentinien, Chile und Bolivien sorgen.

Davon könnte am Ende sogar der kleine Nachbar von Galaxy profitieren: Portofino Resources (TSXV: POR; FRA: POT). Denn wie das „Sal de Vida“ Projekt von Galaxy ist auch das 1.804 Hektar große Konzessionsgebiet von Portofino Teil des weltberühmten Salars „Hombre Muerto“, auf dem der andere Nachbar, FMC Lithium, bereits produziert.

Portofino hat jüngst bekannt gegeben, dass bei begrenzten oberflächennahen Salzlösungsproben unter Verwendung von Handschnecken Werte von bis zu 340 Milligramm pro Liter Lithium innerhalb der Hombre Muerto-Konzession gemessen wurden.

Portofino besitzt ein ganzes Portfolio an Lithiumprojekten in Argentinien und empfiehlt sich für künftige Partnerschaften. Die mit 8.500 Hektar größte Konzession heißt Rio Grande Sur und hat LSC Lithium (TSXV: LSC) zum Nachbarn. LSC Lithium hat seinerseits eine erste Ressourcenschätzung innerhalb seiner Konzessionen gemeldet, die insgesamt 2,19 Millionen Tonnen Lithiumcarbonat (Li2CO3) -Äquivalent in der der Kategorie „inferred resources“ umfasst, mit Gehalten zwischen 338 Milligramm pro Liter Lithium und 410 Milligramm pro Liter Lithium.

Die Aktie von Portofino ist in den vergangenen Wochen stark unter Druck geraten und fast wieder beim Ausgangsniveau von 0,05 CAD angekommen. Bei aktuell 0,06 CAD pro Aktie ergibt sich ein Börsenwert von nur 2,8 Mio. CAD. Portofino könnte daher für Überraschungen gut sein.
Kostolanys Erbe

Wohnort: Im schönsten Bundesland zwischen Nord- und Ostsee.
Beiträge: 10844
Trades: 4
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Beitrag7139/55678, 03.05.18, 21:56:31 
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Chalice Gold to acquire up to 80% of Denain-Pershing

2018-05-03 10:57 ET - News Release

Mr. Alex Dorsch reports


Chalice Gold Mines Ltd. has further expanded its strategic footprint in the world-class Abitibi gold belt in Quebec, Canada, after securing an option and farm-in agreement over a prospective package of ground immediately adjacent to its East Cadillac gold project.

The company has entered into a binding option agreement to acquire up to an 80-per-cent interest in the Denain-Pershing project from Renforth Resources Inc.

The acquisition of the project adds to the already regionally significant contiguous land position held by Chalice along the prolific Larder Lake-Cadillac fault, with the total strike coverage now exceeding 27 kilometres, over a total area of about 245 square kilometres.

The Denain-Pershing project

The Denain-Pershing project is located about 55 km east of the town of Val d'Or in Quebec, and comprises 184 contiguous claims for a total area of about 100 square kilometres. The claims include about 11 kilometres of Larder Lake-Cadillac fault.

The Val d'Or district, which includes Chalice's East Cadillac gold project, is one of the more prolific gold producing areas in Canada, having contributed more than 20 million ounces of gold production to the approximately 84 million ounces of gold produced along the Larder Lake-Cadillac structure.

The project is largely unexplored, with limited historical drilling defining several gold showings on the western and northeastern parts of the claims. Renforth completed an airborne magnetic survey over the entire property in late 2017 that will allow Chalice to better define the continuation of the Larder Lake-Cadillac fault as it extends through the western portion of the project.

Planned work program

The company will begin merging all historical Renforth exploration data, including existing drill data, into the East Cadillac project database. This will facilitate an integrated approach to exploration targeting over the consolidated land position.

Initially, a coarse grid surface soil and rock sampling program will be conducted over the summer season (June, 2018, through October, 2018). Once results are processed, it is expected that a surface geophysics program will be conducted to define drill targets.

Option agreement terms

Chalice may earn an 80-per-cent interest in the project by making total option payments of $200,000 to Renforth and financing exploration expenditures of $1.25-million over a period of three years. Chalice has the right to withdraw without earning an interest in the project at any time.


Timing Option payments Expenditure commitment

Execution of binding agreement $50,000 -
Year 1 $50,000 $200,000
Year 2 $50,000 $400,000
Year 3 (Chalice earns 80 per cent) $50,000 $650,000
Total $200,000 $1,250,000

Upon completing all obligations under the agreement and forming a joint venture, the agreement is subject to usual joint venture dilution terms including reverting to a 2-per-cent net smelter return upon either party diluting its project interest to less than 10 per cent, unless the aggregate royalties payable to any party in respect of a particular claim would exceed 3 per cent, in which case the royalty rate will be reduced such that the maximum aggregate royalty is 3 per cent. The Denain-Pershing claims have pre-existing NSR royalties of up to 2 per cent.

As part of the transaction, Chalice will also subscribe to $250,000 worth of ordinary shares in Renforth, subject to price and terms to be agreed. Should the share placement not be completed by May 31, 2018, or if the terms are not agreed, the remaining terms of the option agreement shall continue to apply. Shares taken up pursuant to the placement will be subject to a four-month statutory escrow period. The option agreement is subject to satisfactory completion of due diligence primarily in relation to matters of tenure.

Chalice's chief executive officer, Alex Dorsch, said: "The agreement with Renforth further enhances and consolidates our already significant position in the world-renowned Abitibi, extending our exploration footprint along the key gold-hosting structure in the region, the Larder Lake-Cadillac fault. We are looking forward to kicking off our exploration programs in the near future, applying modern exploration techniques and methodologies for the first time in this region to advance this exciting project as quickly as possible."

Background on the East Cadillac gold project

The East Cadillac gold project covers an area of 245 square kilometres and is located about 35 km east of the greater than 20-million-ounce Val d'Or gold camp in Quebec, Canada. With landholdings encompassing a strike length of 27 kilometres of the Larder Lake-Cadillac fault, the most prolifically endowed gold trend in the southern Abitibi, the project is situated amongst some of the region's most significant mines, and surrounds the historical Chimo gold mine, owned by Cartier Resources. Chalice has completed a regional-scale geochemistry, geophysics and about 27,000 metres of diamond drilling program on the project since acquiring the project in 2016. The project is a consolidation of several earn-in option agreements (Chalice earning 70 per cent to 100 per cent) and Chalice's 100-per-cent-owned claims.

Competent persons and qualifying persons statement

The information in this report that relates to exploration results in relation to the Denain-Pershing project is based on information compiled by Dr. Kevin Frost, BSc (honours), PhD, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Dr. Frost is a full-time employee of the company and has sufficient experience in the field of activity being reported to qualify as a competent person as defined in the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Minerals Resources and Ore Reserves, and is a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 -- Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The qualified person has verified the data disclosed in this release, including sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information contained in this release. Dr. Frost consents to the release of information in the form and context in which it appears in this news release.;symbol=CXN&region=C
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