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Beitrag52/52, 14.09.07, 14:55:32  | S5N - Sacre-Coeur Minerals WKN: A0JKHQ
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Wohnort: Düsseldorf, Salzburg
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Beitrag51/52, 14.09.07, 14:57:20 
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Nachricht vom 22.08.2006 | 10:31 432 mal gelesen

Neuaufnahme in die 1.000 Prozent Watchlist!
Leser des Artikels: 432

Die Börse eröffnet Investoren, die sich intensiv mit der Materie beschäftigen, bisweilen unglaublich gute Einstiegskurse. Schauen Sie sich einmal Sacre Coeur Minerals (WKN A0JKHQ) an. Der Börsenwert des kanadischen Goldexplorationsunternehmens liegt bei rund 20 Mio. CAD, wobei Sacre-Coeur laut dem jüngsten Quartalsbericht noch 9,7 Mio. CAD in der Kasse hat! Erst Ende letzten Jahres ging Sacre-Coeur Minerals zu 1,50 CAD an die Börse.
Insgesamt hat Sacre-Coeur Minerals Gold- und Diamantenprojekte auf einer Gesamtfläche von 850 Quadratkilometer. Damit ist das Unternehmen der größte Landbesitzer in diesem südamerikanischen Land. Das „Million Mountain Gold“-Projekt liegt neben einem Projekt von Guyana Goldfields. Es liegen eine Reihe von historischen Daten vor.

Nach hervorragenden Ergebnissen beim „Million Mountain Gold“-Projekt in Guyana explodierte der Aktienkurs in der Spitze auf 3,50 CAD. Mittlerweile notiert die Aktie nur noch bei 1,20 CAD. Aber es hat sich nichts geändert! Sacre-Coeur sitzt aller Voraussicht nach auf einem Goldvorkommen, das mehrere Millionen Unzen umfasst und zudem noch einfach zu fördern ist.

Und interessanterweise hat der CEO von Pan African Mining auch hier als Chef das Ruder in der Hand. Die Aktie ist für uns ein glasklarer Kauf! Wir nehmen 100.000 Sacre-Coeur Minerals zu 1,20 CAD in unsere 1.000 Prozent Watchlist auf! Wir rechnen kurzfristig mit News! Kaufen Sie bis 1,10 Euro in Frankfurt oder direkt in Kanada.
gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Düsseldorf, Salzburg
Beiträge: 40943
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Beitrag50/52, 14.09.07, 14:57:27 
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Neue, reichhaltige Goldzone mit 115 g/t Gold entdeckt!

Am Mittwoch schrieben wir unseren Premium-Abonnenten:

"Sacre-Coeur Minerals vor HAMMERMELDUNG?

Heute haben wir eine SMS an unsere Premium-Abonnenten versendet und Ihnen den dringenden Kauf von Sacre-Coeur Minerals (WKN A0JKHQ) bis 1,40 Euro empfohlen.

Nach nächtlichen Telefonaten mit Analysten von Haywood Securities und Canaccord Capital sieht alles danach aus, dass bei dem in Guyana aktiven Goldexplorationsunternehmen in Kürze eine Bombe platzen dürfte!

Deshalb jetzt schnell noch die wichtigsten Fakten: Ende 2005 erfolgte der Börsengang von Sacre-Coeur Minerals zu einem Kurs von 1,50 CAD. Nach spektakulären Bohrergebnissen explodierte die Aktie im vergangenen Jahr auf 3,00 CAD bzw. in diesem Jahr in der Spitze auf über 3,50 CAD. Derzeit notiert die Aktie bei 1,80 CAD. Im Zuge der allgemeine Schwäche bei den Rohstoffwerten wurde Sacre-Coeur ohne Sinn und Verstand nach unten geprügelt. Und das trotz sehr guter Ergebnisse.

Ende August 2007 meldete das Unternehmen 106,9 Meter mit 1,36 Gramm Gold pro Tonne von einem Bohrloch, welches 100 Meter südöstlich der bisherigen Bohrungen lag! Die Ausmaße der oberflächennahen Goldmineralisierung werden größer und größer!

Grabenarbeiten und die Sammlung von Bodenproben wurden jetzt sogar mehr als 1.000 Meter weiter östlich durchgeführt, um die Bohrungen vorzubereiten. Liegt hier der Schlüssel für die aufkeimenden Gerüchte in Kanada? Stellen Sie sich vor: kontinuierliche Goldmineralisierung, die sich über mehr als 1.000 Meter von den ursprünglichen Bohrungen erstreckt!? Hier könnte ein großer Tagebau entstehen!

Wir wittern eine große Chance und folgen dem Motto: "buy the rumour" (kaufen aufgrund von Gerüchten)!

Bei einem Börsenwert von nicht einmal 35 Mio. CAD ist die Aktie von Sacre-Coeur Minerals (WKN A0JKHQ) dramatisch unterbewertet! Vergessen Sie nicht: das Unternehmen verfügt noch über weitere(!) 6 regionale Blöcke, die noch nicht exploriert wurden. Ein starker Kassenbestand ist ebenfalls ein gutes Kaufargument. Worauf warten Sie noch? Wir trauen der Aktie in den nächsten Wochen den Sprung über 2 Euro und den Angriff auf neue Höchstkurse zu! Bitte setzen Sie einen individuellen Stop-Kurs. "

Wir hatten wieder Recht. Diese Meldung kam heute früh. Schauen Sie sich das an!!!


Sacre-Cœur Minerals (WKN A0JKHQ) meldete heute früh erste Resultate eines regionalen Programms zur Sammlung von Bodenproben beim 1.250 Quadratkilometer umfassenden Nordwest-Projekt in Guyana. Erkundungsarbeiten begannen bereits im Januar 2007. Derzeit werden geochemische Untersuchungen bei den als aussichtsreich eingestuften Gebieten durchgeführt. Anfängliche Ergebnisse von Bodenproben haben in Verbindung mit Kartierungsarbeiten drei Ziele mit Top-Priorität für das Bohrprogramm identifiziert.

Alle Ziele befinden sich entlang eines strukturellen Trends, der sich über fast 12(!) Kilometer in nordöstlicher Richtung quer über Ländereien von Sacre-Cœur Minerals erstreckt. Mit dem Steinbohrer wurden Proben bis in eine Tiefe von 2 Metern gewonnen. Wo die Quarzadern zu hart für den Steinbohrer waren, wurden Splitterproben gesammelt. Die Proben haben eine Reihe von Goldanomalien identifiziert, die nun näher untersucht werden sollen.

Äußerst bemerkenswert ist eine ziemlich große Zone (1.280 Meter lang und 360 Meter breit!), die außerordentliche Ergebnisse erbrachte. Dazu zählte eine Probe mit 115,38 Gramm Gold pro Tonne (g/t) sowie eine Reihe von Proben mit sehr hohem, oberflächennahen Goldgehalt:

Übersicht von ausgewählten Ergebnisse der Proben

Probe Nr. - Untersuchung (g/t Gold)
NW-2069 - 32.74
NW-2070 - 19.21
NW-2071 - 40.71
NW-2072 - 6.25
NW-2078 - 3.90
NW-2079 - 115.38
NW-2080 - 2.07
NW-2081 - 3.17
NW-2105 - 3.85
NW-2106 - 31.39
NW-2108 - 4.48
NW-2109 - 24.09

Das Programm zur Sammlung von Bodenproben wurde anhand eines Rasters von 100 mal 100 Meter durchgeführt. In der oben angesprochenen Zone wurden 42 Proben gesammelt, wovon 29 Proben Gold enthielten. Bei 12 dieser Proben fand man so gar hochgradige Goldgehalte (siehe Tabelle).

Sacre-Cœur Minerals hat zudem in der Zwischenzeit weitere Gebiete von einige Privatpersonen entlang dieses vielversprechenden, strukturellen Trends erworben.

Der Vorstandsvorsitzende von Sacre-Cœur Minerals, Irwin Olian, zeigt sich begeistert über die anfänglichen Resultate des neuen Nordwest-Projektes. Dieses komme jetzt noch zum Flaggschiff-Projekt Million Mountain hinzu, wo das aggressive Bohrprogramm fortgesetzt werde, um die goldführende Zone weiter auszudehnen.

Die Entdeckung einer reichen, goldführenden Zone beim Nordwest-Projekt ist der Startschuss für ein zweites Hauptexplorationsprojekt. Sacre-Cœur Minerals hat bereits ein zweites Atlas Copco Bohrgerät bestellt, welches im Spätherbst geliefert werden soll. Dies erlaube dem Unternehmen die Arbeiten bei beiden Projekten noch weiter zu forcieren.
© wallstreet:online AG
Karsten Busche
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Beitrag49/52, 14.09.07, 14:58:00 
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Sacre-Coeur Discovers Rich Gold-Bearing Zone in Its Northwest Project Area; Chip Samples Show Exceptional Grades Including 115.38 g/t Au
VANCOUVER, BC, Sep 14, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (the "Company") (TSX-V: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) is pleased to report that it has received initial results from its regional sampling program on its 1,250 sq km Northwest Project area located in the Region 1, Mining District 5 of Guyana, South America. Reconnaissance work commenced on this project in January of this year and has been ongoing. Follow-up soil geo-chem sampling is being conducted on many of the areas identified as most prospective during the reconnaissance program. Early results from the sampling program along with field mapping have identified three high priority targets for drilling along a structural trend which extends for nearly 12 kilometres in a North-easterly direction through property held by the Company.

Soil auger samples taken at nominal two meter depth as well as one meter chip samples taken from quartz veins too hard for auger sampling have identified numerous gold anomalies for follow-up. Most notable among these is a sizeable anomalous zone measuring 1,280 meters X 360 meters which yielded extraordinary results including 115.38 g/t Au from one chip sample, NW-2079, as well as several other very high grade, near surface soil and chip samples, the results of which are presented in the table below.


Sample # Assay Sample Sample Width Comment
(g/t Au) Type (meters)
NW-2069 32.74 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2070 19.21 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2071 40.71 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2072 6.25 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2078 3.90 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2079 115.38 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2080 2.07 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2081 3.17 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2105 3.85 Auger soil N/A alluvial/artisanal tailings
NW-2106 31.39 Auger soil N/A in situ sugary qtz vein
NW-2108 4.48 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
NW-2109 24.09 chip 1.0 in situ qtz vein
Notes: Assays are uncut.


The sampling program was conducted on a nominal 100 meter X 100 meter grid. The anomalous zone referred to above was tested by a total of 42 chip and soil samples. Of the 42 total, 29 were anomalous at > 0.05 ppm Au, including the 12 high-grade samples shown in the table. The zone identified consists of a stock-work containing a high density of mineralized quartz veins.

The Company's 1,250 sq km Northwest Project area is comprised of concessions under license from prominent local businessman, Alfro Alphonso, as well as properties directly acquired by the Company from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, and acquisitions from several other Guyanese private individuals. These additional acquisitions have been made to expand the Company's holdings along a highly prospective structural trend identified during reconnaissance work.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "We are very excited with the initial results now coming from our new Northwest Project area, in addition to the ongoing success we are enjoying at our flagship property, Million Mountain, where core drilling is continuing at an aggressive rate and continues to expand the scope of the gold-bearing zone. Discovery of a rich gold-bearing zone in the Northwest Project now gives us a second major regional exploration project to pursue. We have ordered a second new Atlas Copco core drill rig for delivery later this fall. It will permit us to further accelerate our drilling programs on both of these projects."

Assay Data

The Company uses Loring Laboratories - Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories, Ltd. of Calgary, Alberta qualitatively to analyze geo-chem and other field samples. The results presented herein are composites of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction (+200 mesh) and the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay. Splits of every 10th sample and splits of all samples returning assay of greater than 5.0 g/t Au are sent to ALS Chemex' Vancouver, BC facility for check assay.

Technical Staff

The Company's exploration program is overseen by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., Senior Vice President Mining and Exploration for the Company, along with the project geologic staff including Jack King, Project Manager Northwest Region, Joseph Calpito, Senior Project Geologist, and Maria King, Senior Project Geologist. Mr. Sparks is a Qualified Persons under NI 43-101. Mr. Ardito Martohardjono, a Director of the Company and laboratory specialist, provides assistance establishing lab protocols and sample handling and assay quality control.

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focusing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 850 square miles of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at

ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. "Gregory B. Sparks" Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng. Sr. VP Mining & Exploration

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations.

Distributed by Filing Services Canada and retransmitted by Marketwire

For further information, contact:

Irwin Olian
President and CEO
Email: Email Contact
Phone: 604-899-0100
Fax: 604-899-0200

Lee Dunston
Corporate Communications
Email: Email Contact
Phone: 604-899-0100
Fax: 604-899-0200

Suite 1925, Box 11553
650 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4N8

SOURCE: Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd.
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
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Wohnort: Düsseldorf, Salzburg
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Beitrag48/52, 14.09.07, 14:59:14 
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Klarer Vervielfacher auf Sicht von 2-3 Jahren.
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Beitrag47/52, 09.11.07, 09:13:40 
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Nov 09, 2007 03:01 ET
Augur Sampling From Sacre-Coeur's Northwest Gold Project Confirms Near-Surface High-Grade Gold; Augur Samples Include 26.8 g/t Au

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - November 9, 2007) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (TSX VENTURE: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) (the "Company") is pleased to report that positive results continue from its regional sampling program on its 1,250 sq km Northwest Gold Project located in the Region 1, Mining District 5 of Guyana, South America. Mechanized deep trenching has now begun on the first prime target area along a 12 kilometer favorable structural trend which has been identified in the region. Current sample results include a 26.8 g/t Au 1 meter auger sample and a 48.3 g/t Au grab sample taken from an outcropping quartz vein.

Work in this area has revealed a sizable near-surface "package" of closely spaced mineralized quartz veins hosted in schist. The dominant veins are gently dipping at 15 - 20 degrees to the North, oriented along the fabric of the host rock. In addition to high grade mineralization within the veins, the host rock between the veins is laced with "micro-veins" along joint sets which are also mineralized and have imparted gold mineralization into the host schist as well. Our prior Press Release dated September 14, 2007, reported high-grade results of the initial sampling program over this area, covering a surface grid of approximately 1,280 m by 360 m.

An ongoing auger drill and trench sampling program is focused on determining the intensity of gold mineralization in the host rock between the veins within the mineralized package. Current results from this program are presented in the following table.


Sample Assay Sample Type Sample Description
No (g/t Au)
NW3579 5.778 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist sandy coarse
-grained with fragments of qtz.
NW3580 1.302 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist sandy
coarse-grained with qtz fragments.
NW3638 2.568 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW3659 3.419 auger - 1m Brown alluvial with fragments of
NW3660 1.660 auger - 1m Brown alluvial with fragments
of qtz. S
NW3685 2.216 auger - 1m Brown sandy coarse-grained gravel
with fragments of qtz and laterite-
NW3686 3.763 auger - 1m Brown sandy coarse-grained gravel
with fragments of qtz. - alluvial
NW3688 3.286 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW3695 48.313 rock grab sample Sugary qtz with visible gold
NW3714 6.751 auger - 1m Sandy coarse-grained with fragments
of qtz - alluvial
NW3729 2.106 rock grab sample Gray qtz.
NW3742 2.397 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW376 26.761 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW3770 1.138 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW3776 1.471 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW3779 2.829 rock grab sample Sugary qtz with mica
NW3780 3.242 auger - 1m Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW3858 5.825 trench-1m vertical Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW3878 3.719 trench-1m vertical Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW3894 5.077 trench-1m vertical Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW9027 2.117 trench-1m vertical Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
NW9102 3.477 trench-1m vertical Brown weathered schist with
fragments of qtz. - between veins
Notes: All auger samples are hand auger samples collected commencing one meter below the surface and continuing for a one meter sample interval. Assays are uncut.

Early mechanized trenching has been able to cut through a vertical section of the relatively flat lying mineralized structure to a total thickness of approximately ten meters. Persistence at greater depths will be determined by drilling. Though early in the program, the mineralized zone exhibits good aerial persistence, which will be further investigated by trenching and drilling. The Company currently is mobilizing a small MPP track mounted Pioneer drill to site which has capacity to core to approximately 30 meters in weathered rock. Following the Christmas break, early in 1Q 2008, the Company expects to receive on site a track mounted Atlas Copco CT 14 core drill which has coring capability to 1,000 meters on NQ core. This rig and/or a contract drill will further investigate the depth extent of this sub-horizontal zone of gold mineralization.

Million Mountain Project

The Company continues to work to expand the size of the main zone at Million Mountain, as well as to undertake infill drilling. We are awaiting with anticipation assay results from trenching and drilling progressing to the South and East from the known mineralized body. While awaiting clearance of the large back log of pending results to the South, drilling has commenced over an area extending approximately 1km east from the main zone in an area where trenching has revealed a highly prospective geologic setting with many mineralized quartz veins exhibiting visible gold.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "Early results from our surface sampling work at the Northwest Gold Project continue to suggest great potential, as the area covered is quite sizable and grades are most encouraging. We look forward to the commencement of our core drilling program on site shortly after the Christmas break. In the meantime, we remain excited about prospects for our Million Mountain Gold Project, where core drilling is underway and continues to generate strong results. We are moving as quickly as possible toward delineation of a meaningful 43-101 compliant resource."

Assay Data

The Company uses Loring Laboratories - Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories, Ltd. of Calgary Alberta qualitatively to analyze geo-chem and other field samples. The results presented herein are composites of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction (+200 mesh) and the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay. Splits of every 10th sample and splits of all samples returning assay of greater than 5.0 g/t Au are sent to ALS Chemex Vancouver, BC facility for check assay.

Technical Staff

The Company's exploration program is overseen by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., Senior Vice President Mining and Exploration for the Company, along with the project geologic staff including Jack King, Project Manager Northwest Region, Joseph Calpito, Senior Project Geologist, and Maria King, Senior Project Geologist. Mr. Sparks is a Qualified Persons under NI 43-101. Mr. Ardito Martohardjono, a Director of the Company and laboratory specialist, provides assistance establishing lab protocols and sample handling and assay quality control.

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focussing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 850 square miles of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at


"Gregory B. Sparks"
Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng.
Sr VP Mining & Exploration

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Beitrag46/52, 13.11.07, 09:12:46 
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Nov 13, 2007 03:01 ET
Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd. Receives Additional $5.28 Million From Exercise of Warrants and Options

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - November 13, 2007) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (TSX VENTURE: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) (the "Company") announces the receipt of CAD $5,281,440 in aggregate proceeds from exercise of 1,766,890 Share Purchase Warrants and 1,336,000 Share Purchase Options during the period from May 24, 2007 to date. Included were Agent Warrants exercisable at CAD $1.50 and One-Half Share Purchase Warrants exercisable at CAD $2.00 which comprised part of the Units, both of which were issued in connection with the Company's $13.2 Million Initial Public Offering of October 2005. The majority of the funds were received during the past three weeks near the respective expiration dates.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "We are grateful to our shareholder base for the continued support evidenced by the recent warrant and option exercises. They have brought in an aggregate of nearly $5.3 million, effectively creating a further financing for the Company. As a result, we now have a strong cash position of $8.4 million, enough to cover budgeted exploration and development costs on our Guyana portfolio for nearly two years at present levels. In addition, a substantial overhang has now been removed from the market for the Company's shares, which may have contributed to volatility in our share price in the past."

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focussing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 850 square miles of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at


"Irwin Olian"
Irwin Olian
Chairman & CEO

Wohnort: Düsseldorf, Salzburg
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Beitrag45/52, 14.11.07, 15:40:22 
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gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Berlin
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Beitrag44/52, 26.02.08, 09:08:40 
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Feb 26, 2008 03:01 ET
New Trench and Pit Data Expands High-Grade Zone at Sacre-Coeur's Northwest Gold Project; 12 Meters Average 7.90 g/t Au
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - February 26, 2008) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (the "Company") (TSX-V: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) is pleased to report that further results from its trenching and test pitting program recently conducted on a portion of its Northwest Project area in Guyana continue to expand and demonstrate continuity of the zone of near surface high-grade gold mineralization. Test pit NWHTP yielded 12 meters averaging 7.90 g/t Au, which include a vein with true width of 0.8 meters grading 21.41 g/t Au hosted in mineralized country rock.

As reported previously, the Company is conducting a mechanized trenching program to further test the anomalous area identified by soil sampling in its Northwest Project area. Complete assays for four additional trenches and partial assays for seven trenches and one test pit have been received. Because the mineralized zones are sub-horizontal, trench and pit channel samples were oriented near vertical (normal to the dip of the mineralized structures) at sample stations located at approximate one meter intervals along the trenches. Selected results from some intersections of the mineralized zone are presented in the table below.


Trench Number Sample Sta. From To Interval Assay
(m) (m) (m) (g/t Au)
NWHTP (test pit) 4m 0.0 0.8 0.8 21.41
4m 0.8 1.3 0.5 2.69
6m 0.0 0.8 0.8 17.21
6m 0.8 1.8 1.0 (assay pending)
6m 1.8 2.8 1.0 1.24
12m 0.0 1.0 1.0 (assay pending)
12m 1.0 1.6 0.6 7.87
12m 1.6 2.6 1.0 (assay pending)
14m 2.5 3.5 1.0 1.82
16m 0.0 0.8 1.4 4.26
NWTR 7B 0m 1.2 1.7 0.5 1.30
0m 1.7 2.5 0.8 4.53
2m 1.0 1.9 0.9 8.47
6m 3.0 3.8 0.8 3.87
8m 3.0 3.5 0.5 4.17
10m 3.0 3.9 0.9 1.56
64m west 1.0 1.5 0.5 2.93
64m west 1.5 2.3 0.5 3.73
66m west 0.0 0.8 0.8 1.19
68m west 0.0 0.8 0.8 3.18
70m west 0.0 0.8 0.8 3.44
NWTR 19B 14m 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.66
15m 0.0 2.0 2.0 4.35
NWTR 7A 14m 1.9 2.7 0.8 25.20


Notes: 1) Samples are cut normal to the dip of the structure, thus
represent true width. 2) Samples presented in this table are assayed by
Loring Laboratories as further described below. From-To represent depths in
meters from surface.

Trench Survey Data


East North
Trench No. (m) (m)
NWHTP 824,682 837,565
NWTR7B 824,661 837,603
NWTR19B 824,364 837,219
NWTR7A 824,720 837,565

Though trenching presents essentially only a two dimensional picture by intersecting the relatively flat-lying mineralized zone at or near its outcrop, geologic mapping of the trenches indicates a package of closely spaced sub-horizontal veins of similar tenor greater than 10 meters thick persisting over an area measuring approximately 1200 meters by 350 meters. A relatively shallow grid of core drill holes is planned to establish a third dimension for the gold bearing zone. Because of the successful in-house drilling program at its Million Mountain Project in Guyana, the Company has purchased a new Atlas Copco CT 14 core drill mounted on a crawler carrier and is preparing to commission the rig for drilling this highly encouraging zone along with numerous other prospective targets on its Northwest Project area.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "Early results from our trenching and pitting program at the Northwest Project are producing robust results that give us great encouragement for the potential of this new project area. We are looking forward to the arrival of our new diamond drill rig on site so that we may commence drilling to evaluate the width and continuity of the gold-bearing zone. It has already been traced on surface to cover an area of approximately 1200 m by 350 m, so the potential is certainly great. The Northwest Project now gives the Company a second major gold project in development in Guyana to go along with the Million Mountain Project where drilling is ongoing."

Assay Data

The Company uses Acme Laboratories for its core sample assays. Samples are prepared at Acme's Georgetown Guyana prep facility. Prepared samples are shipped to Acme's analytical lab in Santiago, Chile for determination. Acme's facilities are ISO certified. Every tenth sample is split and a duplicate sample is shipped to ALS Chemex Vancouver, BC facility for check assay. As well, splits of all samples determined by Acme to be 5 g/t Au or greater are also shipped to ALS Chemex for check assay. The results presented herein are composites of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction (+200 mesh) and the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay.

The Company uses Loring Laboratories - Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories, Ltd. of Calgary Alberta to analyze geo-chem and other field samples. Splits of every 10th sample and splits of all samples returning assay of greater than 5.0 g/t Au are sent to ALS Chemex Vancouver BC facility for check assay. The results presented herein are composites of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction (+200 mesh) and the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay.

Technical Staff

The Company's exploration program is overseen by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., Senior Vice President Mining and Exploration for the Company. Mr. Sparks is a Qualified Persons under NI 43-101. Mr. Luis Gana is Chief Geologist Northwest Region. He is assisted by Joseph Calpito, Senior Project Geologist. Mr. Henry Salvado is Chief Geologist Puruni Region (which includes Million Mountain Project). He is assisted by Messrs. Alan Davies, Carlos Toro-Taylor, and Bjorn Jeune, all Senior Project Geologists. Mr. Ardito Martohardjono, a Director of the Company and laboratory specialist, provides assistance establishing lab protocols and

Wohnort: Berlin
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Beitrag43/52, 11.03.08, 07:58:02 
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Mar 11, 2008 00:01 ET
Sacre-Coeur Discovers Second Zone in Northwest Project Area; Vein Outcrop 4.1 Meters Apparent Width, Averaging 6.90 g/t Au, Including 1.4 Meters at 17.63 g/t Au
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - March 11, 2008) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (TSX-V: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) (the "Company") is pleased to report that further results from its ongoing field reconnaissance program have yielded a new discovery consisting of an exposed quartz vein with an apparent width of 4.1 meters grading 6.9 g/t Au, including 1.4 meters at 17.63 g/t Au. The exposed vein was channel sampled across the surface expression of its width in increments described in the table below.

Sample Designation From(m) To(m) Interval(m) Assay(g/t Au)
NWWTP01 0.0 1.2 1.2 0.82
1.2 2.6 1.4 17.63
2.6 4.1 1.5 1.74
Notes: 1) Samples were cut normal to the strike of the structure. Dip is indeterminate at this time, so width must be considered apparent widths. 2) Samples presented in this table are assayed by Loring Laboratories as further described below.

The geologic setting is similar to that of that of the recently announced Northwest Project trench samples. The structures in both instances share a North 45 degrees East strike. This sample site is located nearly 20 km North-Northeast of the recently reported trench samples. The congruence of character between these two widely spaced discoveries comports well with an emerging model of a very large scale permissive zone striking Northeast-Southwest through the district.

The Company is aggressively pursuing reconnaissance surveys of all of its properties lying within the highly prospective trend with five sampling crews of seven men each. Concurrently it is continuing to follow up with mechanized trenching, in areas of promising reconnaissance work to delineate target areas for drilling. A new Atlas Copco CT 14 track mounted core drill has been purchased by the Company and is expected to be on site later this month to commence drilling. Drilling is planned to be conducted around the clock seven days per week. This is the same protocol being used at the Company's most advanced project, Million Mountain.

Sample Location

Sample Designation East(m) North(m)
NWWTP1 174,523 855,043
According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "We are certainly excited about the new zone discovered some 20 km to the Northeast of our original discovery in the Northwest Project area. Other strong targets have also been identified on trend. We are looking forward to the commencement of core drilling on site in a few weeks as we move forward with our second major project in Guyana."

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
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Beitrag42/52, 14.07.08, 17:27:50 
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Jul 14, 2008 11:24 ET
Sacre-Coeur Minerals Commences Drilling Key Targets at Northwest Gold Project
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - July 14, 2008) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (TSX-V: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) (the "Company") is pleased to report that it has mobilized two additional core drills to begin drilling priority targets identified on its more than 450 square mile holdings at its Northwest Gold Project located in the Northwest Region of Guyana. Drilling tasks are being shared between one of the Company's new CT14 track-mounted core drills operated by the Company's drilling crews and one KID Series II modular core drill provided and operated by Energold under contract to the Company.

Both drills will be operating around the clock seven days per week to test the numerous high probability targets identified by extensive field work and trenching over the past year, including areas which yielded trench results of 12.0 meters grading 7.90 g/t Au, and another project area yielding 4.1 meters grading 6.90 g/t Au, as reported earlier. These targets and others to be tested by this drilling program lie along the well defined Arakaka trend, which is characterized by well mineralized sheeted veins intruded into schist. The veins are intruded along the planes of schistosity and typically form concentrated packages of multiple veins dipping at shallow angles situated very near surface in the areas targeted.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "We are delighted to have core drilling underway at the Northwest Project, as the preliminary data from our regional sampling, trenching and mapping activities in the project area has been most exciting. The Company now has expansive drill programs underway at two major regional projects, Million Mountain and Northwest, with a third, Kartuni, slated for drilling in the coming months."

Assay Data

The Company uses Acme Laboratories for its core sample assays. Samples are prepared at Acme's Georgetown Guyana prep facility. Prepared samples are shipped to Acme's analytical lab in Santiago, Chile for determination. Acme's facilities are ISO certified. Every tenth sample is split and a duplicate sample is shipped to ALS Chemex Vancouver, BC facility for check assay. As well, splits of all samples determined by Acme to be 5 g/t Au or greater are also shipped to ALS Chemex for check assay. The results presented herein are composites of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction (+200 mesh) and the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay.

The Company uses Loring Laboratories - Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories, Ltd. of Calgary Alberta to analyze geo-chem and other field samples. Splits of every 10th sample and splits of all samples returning assay of greater than 5.0 g/t Au are sent to ALS Chemex Vancouver BC facility for check assay. The results presented herein are composites of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction (+200 mesh) and the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay.

Technical Staff

The Company's exploration program is overseen by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., Senior Vice President Mining and Exploration for the Company. Mr. Luisito Sangalang, P.Geo, Exploration Manager - Guyana, directs all of the Company's programs in Guyana. Mr. Sparks and Mr. Sangalang are Qualified Persons under NI 43-101. The Northwest Region is managed by Mr. Luis Gana, Chief Geologist Northwest Region. He is assisted by Messrs. Ricardo Baja, Ernesto Dizon, and Noel Cueto, all Senior Project Geologists. Mr. Ardito Martohardjono, a Director of the Company and laboratory specialist, provides assistance establishing lab protocols and sample handling and assay quality control.

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focussing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 850 square miles of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at


"Gregory B. Sparks"
Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng.

Sr VP Mining & Exploration

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Beitrag41/52, 23.09.08, 09:56:55 
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SOURCE: Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd.
Sep 23, 2008 03:01 ET
Sacre-Coeur Minerals Grants Stock Options and Resets Exercise Price of Outstanding Stock Options
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - September 23, 2008) - Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd. (TSX-V: SCM) (the "Company") announces that it has made further grants of incentive stock options, subject to any necessary regulatory approval, to purchase up to an aggregate of 150,000 shares of which 25,000 were granted to Ms. Limor Rubin, CFO and a Director, 25,000 were granted to Mr. Lee Dunston, Corporate Communication Representative, and 100,000 stock options were granted to various other consultants to the Company. The options are exercisable for a term of two or three years at the price of CAD $1.15 per share.

Subject to any necessary regulatory and shareholder approvals, the Company has also agreed to amend the terms of outstanding stock option agreements covering 1,812,500 stock options issued prior to March 22, 2008, in order to reduce the exercise price of such options to CAD $1.15 from their current prices ranging from of CAD $1.50 to CAD $3.12 per share. All of the other terms and conditions of the option agreements remain unchanged.

Out of the 1,812,500 outstanding stock options being repriced, 1,130,000 stock options are for directors, and officers of the Company. The other options are for employees, and consultants including geological staff, and administrative staff.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "Over the past several years we have assembled an outstanding team of industry professionals for both our geological and administrative staff. We felt that it is important to adjust the exercise price in view of the adverse conditions in the financial markets in order to restore their value as incentive compensation."

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focussing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 850 square miles of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at


"Irwin Olian"
Irwin Olian
Chairman & CEO
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations.

For further information, contact:

Irwin Olian
President and CEO
Email: Email Contact
Phone: (604) 899-0100
Fax: (604) 899-0200

Lee Dunston
Corporate Communications
Email: Email Contact
Phone: (604) 899-0100
Fax: (604) 899-0200

Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd.
Suite 1925, Box 11553
650 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4N8 Click here to see all recent news from this company
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Beitrag40/52, 23.09.08, 09:57:30 
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Sacre-Coeur estimates Million Mountain resource

2008-09-22 13:43 ET - News Release

Mr. Irwin Olian reports


Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. has received the interim NI 43-101-compliant resource estimate for zone 1 of its Million Mountain project located in the Lower Puruni region of Guyana, South America. The estimate, prepared by internationally recognized firm Pincock Allen & Holt (PAH) working jointly with MAPTEK/KRJA, both of Lakewood, Colo., includes measured resources of 12,119,285 tonnes grading 1.0 gram per tonne Au and indicated resources of 2,175,278 tonnes grading 0.9 g/t Au. Total contained gold is 451,397 troy ounces Au (388,456 troy ounces Au measured and 62,941 troy ounces Au indicated).

Official publication of the NI 43-101-compliant technical report, including the resource estimate, as prepared by PAH along with its attendant press release, will follow shortly.

The scope of this resource estimate is limited to zone 1 of the Million Mountain project, which has been drilled by the company over the past two years. It is considered an interim estimate, as assay results for approximately 20 additional holes were not received in time for inclusion in this resource model. An updated NI 43-101-compliant resource estimate for zone 1, along with resource estimates for additional drilling of zone 1 and other zones currently being drilled, will be prepared on a continuing basis as additional drilling results are compiled.

Zone 1, which is the original discovery zone on the Million Mountain project, has been drilled to a depth of approximately 200 metres below surface. Since the initial discovery, the company's geologic team has discovered seven additional highly prospective zones, all of which exhibit strongly anomalous gold values at surface and which bear geologic characteristics similar to zone 1. The areal extent of mineralization of zone 1 comprises less than 5 per cent of the total area of all identified zones targeted for core drilling. The trend defined by zones 1 to 8 is approximately eight kilometres in length.

According to Irwin Olian, chief executive officer of the company: "We are extremely encouraged by the resource identified to date contained in zone 1. The seven additional zones identified by our field efforts over the past two years provide in aggregate more than 20 times the mineralized target area contained in zone 1. Together these eight zones present a real opportunity for a large regional complex. Accordingly, we are aggressively expanding our drilling program to test the additional zones and to continue expansion of zone 1."

Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 46129
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Beitrag39/52, 13.11.08, 10:54:37 
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SOURCE: Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd.

Nov 12, 2008 16:24 ETSacre-Coeur Completes Initial Assessment of Its Guyana Exploration Portfolio and Prioritizes Advancement of the Million Mountain Project While Conserving Cash During Economic Turndown
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - November 12, 2008) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (the "Company") (TSX-V: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) today announced a strategic restructuring of its exploration programs in Guyana to prioritize development of its advancing Million Mountain Project, as well as a series of steps to conserve cash. Exploration will continue on a more limited basis on other priority targets within its portfolio in Guyana. The restructuring reflects management's assessment of the optimal strategy for increasing shareholder value in the present difficult world economic environment, based upon information developed in its Guyana exploration program over the past three years.

In September, 2008, the Company released its NI 43-101 compliant interim resource estimate of 451,397 measured and indicated tr oz Au contained in Zone 1 near surface at its Million Mountain Project in Guyana. In the same release, the Company also announced identification of seven additional highly prospective mineralized zones in close proximity, along a trend with the original Zone 1 discovery. These seven additional zones of anomalous gold cover a surface area in aggregate more than 20 times the mineralized target area defined by Zone 1. Together, these eight zones comprise a mineralized target with world class potential. In addition to its potential to host a commercial deposit of significant size, the project exhibits relative ease of access from the capital city of Georgetown, has a large and well developed permanent work camp, has a minimum of environmental complexities, and is the subject of a large body of technical data which the Company has now developed. As such, the Million Mountain Project is considered by management to be the Company's highest priority for immediate development and the focus for its expenditures in the next year.

Given the very difficult state of the world economy, and of the junior resource equity market in particular, the Company's management and Board have revised its strategy to maximize opportunities for near term success while conserving cash through the expected period of downturn. In addition to prioritizing development of the Million Mountain Project, the Company is suspending grassroots exploration and target generative programs elsewhere in its portfolio. This strategic shift will permit the Company to reduce its exploration staff in Guyana by some 194 persons to 27 % of past level. The reduction in staff will include not only local support workers but expatriate geologists as well, which will be reduced 64% from 14 to 5 effective January 1, 2009. Field work will be consolidated out of the Company's main Lower Puruni District Camp, located at the Million Mountain Project, to further reduce operating costs. Two core drills which have recently been operating on the Company's properties by third party contractors will be demobilized, leaving two Company-owned rigs available for operation in 2009 by our own drillers.

Over the past three years, the Company has conducted extensive studies of its seven regional blocks in Guyana, comprising approximately 2360 sq km of property. These studies have included broadbased geochemical and geophysics studies, mapping, sampling and other field reconnaissance work, together with desk-top studies. Based on this work, the Company has prioritized its holdings which it believes to have sufficient resource potential to justify further investigation, while segregating those holdings which it does not believe have significant potential to host a commercial deposit. As a result of this work, the Company will be relinquishing before yearend nearly 50% of its existing property portfolio in Guyana. Further details will be provided after finalization of the property reductions and filing with the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission.

According to Greg Sparks, P.Eng., Senior V.P and head of the Company's Guyana program, "While retrenchments are never pleasant, this market driven situation has provided the opportunity for us to rationalize our program to ensure that we are going about our business as efficiently as possible. As a result of the excellent exploration work by our technical team over the past three years, we have been able to make some difficult but informed decisions concerning downsizing of our overall portfolio and prioritization of the Million Mountain Gold Project. We are one of the fortunate junior companies with ample cash to continue to advance its key project and continue to add intrinsic value to its stock. We are taking all steps necessary to meet the current market conditions proactively by reducing our total burn rate to approximately CAD $250,000 per month. With cash on hand of approximately CAD $5.7 million management expects that though this down turn could be protracted, the Company will emerge intact and with greater value-added."

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focussing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 850 square miles of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at

"Irwin A. Olian"
Irwin A. Olian
CEO and Chairman

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations.

For further information, contact:

Irwin Olian
President and CEO
Email: Email Contact
Phone: 604-899-0100
Fax: 604-899-0200

Lee Dunston
Corporate Communications
Email: Email Contact
Phone: 604-899-0100
Fax: 604-899-0200

Carrie Howes
Corporate Communications - London
Email: Email Contact
Phone: 7780-602-788

Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd
Suite 1925, Box 11553
650 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4N8 Click here to see all recent news from this company
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Beitrag38/52, 03.11.09, 19:44:32  | Der nächste Upmove voraus?
Antworten mit Zitat
Wer PAF-Aktionär war, sollte auch SCM und AQ kennen. Derzeit habe ich zwar beide nicht im Depot, aber auf der WL und von SCM habe ich auch ein nettes Zerti im Safe... ...die Shares werde ich aber erst ab Ende Dez./Anfang Januar handeln können.

Nach dem PP-Closing gab es einen netten Upmove von CAD 0,60 auf CAD 1,20 innerhalb sehr kurzer Zeit. Mein EK war mit CAD 0,65 recht gut, beim Ausstieg war ich nicht ganz so optimal, aber man soll sich nicht ärgern, sondern über das faktisch Eingecashte freuen.

Mittlerweile hat die Aktie/Technik wieder gut abgekühlt. Können wir den nächsten Upmove mit dem Gesamtmarkt schon jetzt starten?

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, zumal wir kurstreibende News wohl erst ab Dezember erwarten können, dann allerdings mit Hui (alluviale Goldproduktion funzt) oder Pfui (sie funzt eben nicht). Aber auch im 2. Fall wären noch die HardRock-Targets vorhanden.

Hier einmal der Chart:

Hier mal das Orderbuch. Irgendwie nervt die 10k-Treppe im Ask, derzeit mal bei CAD 0,94 beginnend (Teile der Order auf CAD 0,94/0,95 wurden gekauft) von Scotia. Zu Zeiten des offenen PP´s im Sommer fing die Treppe bei CAD 0,90 an, wenn ich das richtig erinnere. Nach dem Closing verschob sie sich dann auf die CAD 1,20 beginnend, irgendwann wurde sie wieder runtergezogen.

Komische Sache, eine "künstliche", weil gewollte Bremse? Keine Ahnung, als sie nach dem Schließen der Finanzierungsrunde nach oben gezogen wurde, war der Kurs auf jeden Fall für einen 100%-Upmove innerhalb wirklich nur sehr weniger Börsentage gut.

Market Depth By Order For SCM as of 2009-11-03 13:23:50
Special terms orders and non-boardlot orders do not appear in the Market Depth by Order.

Broker Volume Price
9 BMO Nesbitt 2,000 0.88
2 RBC 1,000 0.87
1 Anonymous 9,000 0.87
95 Wolverton 500 0.86
141 Bolder 5,000 0.86
7 TD Sec 10,000 0.85
83 Research Cap 10,000 0.81
1 Anonymous 9,000 0.77
2 RBC 5,000 0.76
7 TD Sec 6,000 0.75

Price Volume Broker
0.94 5,000 85 Scotia
0.95 9,500 85 Scotia
0.96 10,000 85 Scotia
0.97 10,000 85 Scotia
0.98 10,000 85 Scotia
0.99 10,000 85 Scotia
1.00 5,000 7 TD Sec
1.00 10,000 85 Scotia
1.01 10,000 85 Scotia
1.02 10,000 85 Scotia

Market Book For SCM

Und hier die letzte News vom 21.10.2009 via Stockwatch:

Sacre-Coeur continues preparations at Million Mountain

2009-10-21 05:42 ET - News Release

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Fabrication and set-up work for Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd.'s alluvial test mining plant at Million Mountain alluvial Zone 2 in the Lower Puruni region of Guyana, South America, is nearing completion. Importation of plant equipment and supplies for the program was effected on a duty- and VAT-free basis in August, 2009. Since that time, the following milestones have been achieved:

* Clearing and preproduction stripping of initial mining area complete. The initial area prepared should provide about three months of production at the anticipated target rate of 1,000 cubic metres per day. Site preparation and expansion will continue on a continuing basis commensurate with production;
* The gravel pump skid is complete, tested and operational;
* The fresh-water pump skid is complete, tested and operational;
* A few small details remain to complete on the wash plant/sluice, which is essentially complete; remaining details should be done by the end of October;
* The ramps for the ferry crossing and the road to the mining area are all complete;
* The amalgamator is assembled and set on its base. Testing will be undertaken shortly;
* The gold refinery is under construction and should be complete during November;
* The contract for site security from an independent, professional security service is complete and scheduled to start Nov. 1;
* The agreement for helicopter transport of the gold from the project site to Georgetown and attendant armoured car service pickup from the helicopter for delivery to the point of sale is in progress, and should be in place during November.

Tasks remaining prior to achieving commercial production:

* Build skid for pipe fusion machine and fuse (join) HDPE slurry and water pipe;
* Complete final details on wash plant (catwalks and ladder ways, cradle for concentrate box, complete feeder box);
* Move gravel pump skid, wash plant and water pump skid across the river from the construction site to the mining site, and connect all of the modules;
* Complete the refinery to receive and process concentrate;
* Construct security barracks and perimeter fence;
* Finalize agreement with helicopter service to transport gold from site to Georgetown;
* Plant start-up and commissioning.

All remaining tasks precedent to commissioning are now expected to be complete by Nov. 30, 2009. Commissioning and debugging of the equipment should be achievable in approximately two weeks following start-up, with commercial production targeted before year-end.

According to Irwin Olian, chief executive officer of the company, "Preparations for our alluvial test mining program at Million Mountain have been progressing rapidly and we are excited about the upcoming prospects for the program."

Assay data

The company uses Loring Laboratories -- Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories Ltd. of Calgary, Alta., to analyze its core samples from prospect drilling programs as well as alluvial samples from test pits and auger drilling. Splits of all samples prepared are retained for check assay by ALS Chemex facility in Vancouver, B.C., as warranted. All samples returning a value of one g/t Au or greater for the minus-200-mesh pulp also have the plus-200-mesh-screened fraction analyzed for coarse metallics.

The company also uses Loring Laboratories -- Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories of Calgary, Alta., to analyze geochem and other field samples. Splits of every 10th sample and splits of all samples returning assay of greater than five g/t Au are sent to ALS Chemex facility in Vancouver, B.C., for check assay.

Technical staff

The company's exploration program is overseen by Gregory B. Sparks, PEng, senior vice-president, mining and exploration, for the company. The alluvial exploration program is directed by Salim Silah assisted by Luis Gana, Wilmar Ladia and Bjorn Jeune, all senior project geologists. Ardito Martohardjono, a director of the company and laboratory specialist, provides assistance establishing lab protocols and sample handling and assay quality control.


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Beitrag37/52, 03.11.09, 19:57:17 
Antworten mit Zitat
SCM könnte nach Chart in ein Dreieck laufen (bastelt dran) und dann up!!
gemäß § 34 WpHG darf der Autor zu jederzeit Short- oder Long-Positionen in der/den behandelte(n) Aktie(n) halten.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag36/52, 14.12.09, 10:59:16  | News via Stockwatch vom 14.12.2009
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Sacre-Coeur Minerals starts gold production in Guyana
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur Minerals starts gold production in Guyana

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 12/11/2009 $0.76
Monday December 14 2009 - News Release

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Set-up and commissioning of Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. alluvial plant have been completed, and successful gold production operations have now commenced. Initial results appear to exceed original expectations for metallurgical recovery, particularly with respect to recovery of very fine gold. Samples from the first operating shifts will be analyzed to characterize the size distribution and tenor of the gold recovered. Plant feed grade, concentrate, and tailings will be systematically sampled through January 2010 operations to confirm initial observations. Gold produced will be refined and delivered for sale to the Guyana Gold Board beginning in January 2010 following its reopening after the holidays, after which calculated plant feed grade for December production will be determined.

Mining was initiated in the lower grade, Southern margin of Million Mountain Alluvial Zone 2 to permit plant operating personnel to become thoroughly familiar with operating procedures and equipment prior to processing higher grade feed. Alluvial zone thickness and character as well as stripping ratio for the area of mining start up was consistent with expectations based on the previously announced test pitting program at 1.5 meters alluvial zone thickness and 1.33:1strip ratio. In January, mining will begin advancing to the North into the higher grade heart of the Puruni Paleo-channel in a series of successive push-backs of the North pit wall. As mining progresses to the North into the main Paleo-channel, alluvial zone thickness is expected to increase to approximately 2.0 - 2.5 meters and stripping ratio is expected to decrease to 0.5 - 0.8:1. Overburden from the push-backs along with tailings from the alluvial plant will be deposited on the retreating side of the mining front restoring the land surface to approximate pre-mining elevation as mining advances to the North.

Concurrent with initiation of production operations, site security utilizing the services of a security contractor was begun on a 24 hour per day / seven day basis.

Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, adds: "We are delighted to achieve this important milestone in the development of the Company. Plant commissioning and the start-up of alluvial test mining operations pushes us closer to positive cash flow and financial independence, two of our important longer-term goals. We are very grateful to our team of mining professionals on site in Guyana headed up by Greg Sparks, for their hard work and effectiveness in importing, assembling and commissioning our initial plant in very short order. We look forward to our first gold pour in the near future."

Assay Data

The Company uses Loring Laboratories - Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories, Ltd. of Calgary Alberta to analyze its core samples from prospect drilling programs as well as alluvial samples from test pits and auger drilling. Splits of all samples prepared are retained for check assay by ALS Chemex Vancouver, BC facility as warranted. All samples returning a value of 1.0 g/t Au or greater for the -200 mesh pulp also have the +200 mesh screened fraction analyzed for coarse metallics.

The Company also uses Loring Laboratories - Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories, Ltd. of Calgary Alberta to analyze geo-chem and other field samples. Splits of every 10th sample and splits of all samples returning assay of greater than 5.0 g/t Au are sent to ALS Chemex Vancouver BC facility for check assay.

Technical Staff

The Company's mining and exploration program is overseen by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., Senior Vice President Mining and Exploration for the Company. Exploration is directed by Mr. Henry Salvado, Chief Geologist - Puruni District. The alluvial exploration program is headed by Mr. Salim Sillah, assisted by Luis Gana, Wilmar Ladia and Bjorn Jeune, all Senior Project Geologists. Mr. Ardito Martohardjono, a Director of the Company and laboratory specialist, provides assistance establishing lab protocols and sample handling and assay quality control. Mr. Sparks and Mr. Salvado are qualified persons under NI 43-101.

� 2009 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag35/52, 22.12.09, 18:06:43  | Gerade gefunden im Money Week vom 13.11.2009
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I like African Queen (CA:AQ) and its sister firm Sacre Couer (CA:
. Sacre Coeur operates in Guyana. It has some exciting hard
rock assets as well as alluvial gold (gold found in riverbeds).With
test production of the alluvial gold progressing, you might see
some exciting news on actual production before year end. African
Queen is a grass-roots explorer, so a lot can go wrong, but it is a
potential rocket.They’ve just signed a joint venture with gold
mining giant Newmont on a property in Ghana (Africa’s second
biggest gold producer) that has a 1.1 million ounce historic
resource, although it’s believed there’s even more waiting to be
uncovered. And surface sampling on their Mozambique project
has yielded excellent results along a 10km stretch. Results on the
ground magnetic survey should come in over the next week or
two.The geologists think they’ve hit a very big bullseye.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag34/52, 06.01.10, 11:23:46  | News via Stockwatch vom 06.01.2010
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Sacre-Coeur promotes Sparks to president and CEO
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur promotes Sparks to president and CEO

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 1/5/2010 $0.86
Wednesday January 06 2010 - News Release

Mr. Irwin Olian reports


In conjunction with the commencement of Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd.'s alluvial test mining program it has moved to strengthen its professional mining management by promoting Mr. Gregory B. Sparks, P.Eng., to the positions of President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. It has also added industry veteran Mr. Allen David Heyl, P.Geo, as its new Director of Mining and Exploration. Mr. Irwin Olian will continue to be active in management as an executive officer of the Company in his capacity as Chairman and Director. Both Mr. Olian and Mr. Sparks have been Directors and executive officers of the Company for in excess of five years and will continue to serve on the Board. Ms. Limor Rubin remains as Chief Financial Officer.

Mr. Sparks, P.Eng., is a senior mining executive with over thirty-five years experience in the minerals industry embracing exploration, feasibility, development and operation of both surface and underground mining projects. He has experience with a variety of minerals including: gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc, uranium/thorium, coal and industrial minerals. Mr. Sparks has developed and managed exploration and subsequent feasibility studies for all of these commodities, for a variety of companies including both majors and juniors. His effectiveness in exploring for and evaluating deposits is enhanced by many years of operational experience developing and managing producing surface and underground mines. Mr. Sparks completed a B.Sc. in mining engineering plus graduate level course work at Missouri School of Mines in 1973. He has been a registered Professional Mining Engineer for over 25 years. Mr. Sparks will receive U.S. $15,000 per month in fees as compensation for his services.

In addition, the Company has entered into an agreement with Mr. Allen David Heyl, P.Geo., engaging him initially as Director of Mining and Exploration. Mr. Heyl will direct the day-to-day operations of the Company's exploration and alluvial mining programs in Guyana, including supporting infrastructure, reporting directly to Mr. Sparks. He has more than twenty five years of progressive experience in mining industry management, exploration and operations, the majority of which has been in South America. Mr. Heyl has played key roles in the development and execution of exploration programs, identification and acquisition of various successful projects, and management of alluvial mining operations for both major and junior mining companies. Mr. Heyl received a B.Sc. degree in Geology from Ft. Lewis College in 1982. He will receive US $10,000 per month in fees as compensation for his services.

The Company is also pleased to announce that it has extended the contract of Mr. Scott Young as its Corporate Communications Representative through December 31, 2010. Mr. Young will receive CAD $5,500 per month in fees as compensation for his services.

In addition, the Company announces that is has granted incentive stock options, subject to any necessary regulatory approvals, to purchase up to an aggregate of 620,000 share of its Common Stock. The options are exercisable for a term of three years at a price of CAD $0.85 per share and include 450,000 incentive stock options granted to Mr. Gregory B. Sparks, President, Chief Executive Officer and Director, 100,000 incentive stock options granted to Mr. Allen David Heyl, Director of Mining and Exploration, 25,000 incentive stock options granted to Mr. Scott Young, Corporate Communications Representative and 10,000 incentive stock options granted to Mr. Ardito Martohardjono, Director.

According to Irwin Olian, Chairman of the Company, "We are delighted to strengthen our management team with the addition of David Heyl and to increase Greg Sparks' responsibilities by appointing him as our new President and CEO. As we now focus our efforts on development and expansion of our alluvial mining operations in addition to continuing with our ongoing exploration programs in Guyana, we felt it was important to strengthen our professional mining management. Greg has overseen our Guyana operations in the capacity of Senior V.P. in recent years and his impressive background and experience in mine development and operations will be invaluable in leading the Company going forward. At the same time, I remain personally committed to maintaining an active role in senior management as Chairman, focusing on overall corporate strategy and business development, interfacing with the capital markets and providing general leadership."

� 2010 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag33/52, 15.01.10, 14:21:25  | News via Stockwatch vom 15.01.2010
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Sacre-Coeur hires Martohardjono as refinery manager
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur hires Martohardjono as refinery manager

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 1/14/2010 $0.90
Friday January 15 2010 - News Release

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. has entered into an agreement to engage Mr. Ardito Martohardjono as its Refinery Manager in Guyana, South America. Mr. Martohardjono has been a Director of the Company for in excess of five years and will continue to serve on the Board.

Mr. Martohardjono has 20 years of experience in the mineral exploration service industry, with a number of companies, including Bondar Clegg Canada Ltd. and ALS Chemex. Mr. Martohardjono will receive CAD $4,000 per month in fees as compensation for his services in this capacity.

In connection with Mr. Martohardjono's engagement as Refinery Manager, the Company has granted him, subject to any necessary regulatory approvals, additional incentive stock options to purchase up to 25,000 shares. The options are exercisable for a term of three years at a price of $0.90 per share.

According to Mr. Gregory B. Sparks, CEO of the Company, "We are pleased to have someone with Mr. Martohardjono's experience and integrity looking after this critical element in our alluvial gold production process."

� 2010 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag32/52, 24.02.10, 15:50:31  | News via Stockwatch vom 24.02.2010
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Sacre-Coeur moves toward full-scale production
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur moves toward full-scale production

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 2/23/2010 $0.83
Wednesday February 24 2010 - News Release

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd.'s alluvial test mining program is proceeding well and, based on the information gained from this program, it is developing plans to upscale this effort into a continuing production operation.

The focus of the test mining program is to: 1) provide a bulk sampling opportunity to confirm the adequacy and accuracy of the initial test pitting program; 2) examine the distribution and character of gold contained in the various alluvial strata; 3) determine the material handling characteristics of the overburden and the alluvial zone to optimize for production-scale mining operations; and 4) develop the most effective concentrate refining techniques and parameters. The initial test operation was sited on the low-grade margin of the main Zone 2 paleo-channel to obtain the foregoing information without jeopardizing the higher grade portions of the zone while mining and processing procedures were being developed and optimized.

Based on test mining results, it has been determined that stripping of overburden is best accomplished with track-mounted excavators, but mining of the alluvial zone itself is more effectively accomplished using water jets. The use of water jets to extract the alluvial pay zone permits thorough and precise cleaning of the high-grade, coarse gold typically found at the bedrock interface. It also reduces the role of heavy equipment in the mining operation, creating cost-efficiencies through savings on equipment costs and the need for skilled heavy equipment operators.

In addition to modifications being implemented in the mining system, bottlenecks in the refinery are being eliminated to permit processing of all gravity concentrates as produced to shorten the pipeline time to gold sales. This refining backlog has delayed initial gold sales from test operations. Sales of finished gold are now expected to commence by early March, 2010, and continue thereafter on a regular basis.

The company is very pleased that the test mining program has quickly fulfilled its objectives, and it is able to confidently prepare for full-scale continuing production. The company's strategy is to continue operating the test operation as a pilot plant to gather additional information and generate revenue while it is preparing the equipment for regular production as described herein. Though cost estimation for gearing up with the revisions outlined is just beginning, the total costs are expected to be relatively modest, at less than $200,000. Implementation timing is expected to be approximately three months.

� 2010 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
PN schreiben


Beitrag31/52, 11.04.10, 09:22:36  | News Via Stockwatch vom 10.03.2010
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Sacre-Coeur begins shipping gold from Million Mountain

2010-03-10 12:18 ET - News Release

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. has commenced shipping of limited gold production from its alluvial test mining program on Million Mountain alluvial zone 2, located in Guyana, South America. Initial shipments totalling approximately 30 tr ounces gold will be sold to the Guyana gold board this week. Following these initial shipments, production from continuing test mining will be periodically sold to the Guyana gold board, as the company continues testing operations while it prepares for full-scale production as announced in Stockwatch news on Feb. 24, 2010. Output is expected to gradually increase as the company moves incrementally into full-scale production from its first operating unit over the next few months.

Gold produced by the company is purchased by the Guyana gold board, an agency of the Republic of Guyana, at London PM fixing price on the day of settlement, less royalty payable to the Guyana government equal to 5 per cent of the settled value.

This is an important milestone in the development of the company's alluvial gold deposits in Guyana. Sales of gold produced from the test mining program will help offset the costs associated with ramping up to full-scale production, as well as the company's continuing hardrock gold-exploration program. The goal of the company at full-scale alluvial production is to reach cash self sufficiency, with respect to all of its operating and exploration costs, through revenue generated by its alluvial mining activities. While the company remains unflaggingly committed to its primary objective of identifying and developing major hardrock gold deposits on the more than 1,000 square kilometres of properties it holds in Guyana, the company also expects to further expand its alluvial operations to include multiple operating units in order to fully exploit the alluvial gold-resource potential on it properties concurrent with its continuing exploration programs.

Technical staff

The company's mining and exploration program is overseen by A. David Heyl, PGeo, director of mining and exploration for the company. The refinery is managed by Ardito Martohardjono, refinery manager. Exploration is directed by Henry Salvado, chief geologist A Puruni district. The alluvial exploration program is headed by Roan Dabuet, assisted by Johnson Poshiwa, both senior project geologists with many years of alluvial gold experience. Mr. Martohardjono, in addition to his role as refinery manager, is a director of the company and a laboratory specialist, who provides assistance establishing lab protocols, sample-handling procedures and assay quality control. The undersigned, Mr. Heyl and Mr. Salvado, are qualified persons under NI 43-101.

We seek Safe Harbor.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag30/52, 11.04.10, 09:23:26  | Folgenews via Stockwatch vom 10.03.2010
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Sacre-Coeur Minerals correction

2010-03-10 12:51 ET - Correction

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. will not sell 30 trillion ounces of gold through its initial shipments to the Guyana gold board this week, as stated earlier in Stockwatch. The text should have read 30 (tr) troy ounces. Stockwatch regrets the error.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag29/52, 13.04.10, 09:28:19  | News via Stockwatch vom 13.04.2010
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Sacre-Coeur arranges $1.22-million private placement
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur arranges $1.22-million private placement

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 4/12/2010 $0.76
Monday April 12 2010 - News Release

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. has arranged a non-brokered private placement to raise gross proceeds of up to $1,225,000 to a small group of accredited investors. Under the terms of the private placement, the company will offer for sale a maximum of 1.75 million units at 70 cents per unit.

Each unit will consist of one common share of the company and one-half of one share purchase warrant, where each whole warrant will allow the subscriber to purchase one additional common share of the company at $1 for a period of two years from the closing date. The company may, in its discretion, pay a cash finder's fee of up to 7 per cent of the total gross proceeds of the offering.

The units issued upon the closing of the private placement will be subject to a four-month hold period. The private placement is subject to the acceptance of the TSX Venture Exchange.

Proceeds from the private placement will be used to explore the company's properties located in Guyana and for working capital.

� 2010 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag28/52, 13.04.10, 09:28:45  | News via Stockwatch vom 13.04.2010
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Sacre-Coeur grants options to buy 385,000 shares
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur grants options to buy 385,000 shares

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 4/12/2010 $0.76
Monday April 12 2010 - Options Proposed

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. has granted incentive stock options, subject to any necessary regulatory approvals, to purchase up to an aggregate of 385,000 shares of its Common Stock. The options are exercisable for a term of three years at a price of CAD $0.76 per share and include 50,000 incentive stock options granted to Mr. Gregory B. Sparks, President, Chief Executive Officer and Director, 25,000 incentive stock options granted to Ms. Limor Rubin Shtanger, Chief Financial Officer and Director and 15,000 incentive stock options granted to Ms. Jennifer Todhunter, Corporate Secretary.

� 2010 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag27/52, 17.04.10, 09:54:59  | News via Stockwatch vom 16.04.2010
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Sacre-Coeur hires B&D as financial consultant
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur hires B&D as financial consultant

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 4/16/2010 $0.68
Friday April 16 2010 - News Release

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. has engaged B&D Capital Partners of Vancouver to provide corporate finance advisory services and to act as a financial consultant to the company for an initial term of two years, subject to earlier termination as provided in the consulting agreement. B&D is controlled by Brad Aelicks and Don Mosher. As compensation for their services, B&D will receive $5,500 per month in fees. In addition, the company is granting employees and affiliates of B&D an aggregate of 250,000 incentive stock options to purchase common shares of the company at a price of 76 cents per share exercisable for a term of three years, as part of the option grant announced in the company's press release in Stockwatch dated April 12, 2010.

2010 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag26/52, 28.04.10, 06:58:03  | News via Stockwatch vom 27.04.2010
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Das "Closing" kommt noch, etwas Zeit bleibt. Kurzfristig Interessierte sollten sich bitte mal anschauen,
was im letzten Sommer mit dem Kurs innerhalb von nur einer Woche passierte, als das damalige
PP zu CAD 0,65 geschlossen worden ist. DYODD. Cool


Sacre-Coeur Minerals 1.75-million-share financing
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur Minerals 1.75-million-share financing

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 4/23/2010 $0.66
Tuesday April 27 2010 - Private Placement

The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to a non-brokered private placement announced April 12, 2010.

Shares:1.75 millionPurchase price:70 centsWarrants:874,999 share purchase warrants to purchase 874,999 sharesWarrant exercise price:$1.00 for a two-year periodHidden placees:14Finders' fees:$4,655 payable to Haywood Securities Inc.; $2,940 payable to Muelhaupt & Partners (Roger Muelhaupt); $7,350 payable to B & D Capital Partners (Brad Aelicks, Don Mosher)

2010 Canjex Publishing Ltd.



Beiträge: 8182
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Beitrag25/52, 28.04.10, 23:03:01 
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Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd. Closes $1.225 Million Private Placement

Apr. 28, 2010 (Business Wire) -- SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (the "Company") is pleased to announce the closing of its previously announced non-brokered private placement which has raised gross proceeds of CAD $1,225,000. Under the terms of the private placement, the Company has issued 1,750,000 Units (the “Units”) at CAD $0.70 per Unit to a small group of accredited investors.

Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company and one-half of one share purchase warrant (the “Warrants”). Each whole Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share of the Company at an exercise price of CAD $1.00 until April 28, 2012.

The Company paid cash finders’ fees of CAD $14,945, representing 1.22% of the aggregate proceeds of the offering. The Units are subject to a 4-month hold period in Canada expiring August 29, 2010.

Proceeds from the private placement will be used to explore the Company’s properties located in Guyana and for working capital. According to Gregory Sparks, CEO of the Company, “We are delighted with the investor response to our offering, which was oversubscribed. This additional capital will give us added flexibility as we ramp up alluvial gold production while continuing with our drilling program for hard-rock targets on the Million Mountain trend."

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focussing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 1000 sq. km of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at .



“Gregory B. Sparks”
Gregory B. Sparks

President & CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company’s expectations. There is no guarantee that the tenor or continuity of the resource target discussed herein will ultimately prove to be as delineated in the Company’s sampling program, nor that the yields obtained by production scale gravity extraction will be comparable to the yields produced in the sampling program.

Source: Business Wire (April 28, 2010 - 4:36 PM EDT)

Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
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Beitrag24/52, 29.04.10, 06:59:45 
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@NewAccount - Danke Dir. Habe mal die für mich wichtige Passagen (Werder-)grün gemarkert,
weil man es als Aktionär gerne liest:

NewAccount schrieb am 28.04.2010, 23:03 Uhr

Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd. Closes $1.225 Million Private Placement

Apr. 28, 2010 (Business Wire) -- SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (the "Company") is pleased to announce the closing of its previously announced non-brokered private placement which has raised gross proceeds of CAD $1,225,000. Under the terms of the private placement, the Company has issued 1,750,000 Units (the “Units”) at CAD $0.70 per Unit to a small group of accredited investors.

Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company and one-half of one share purchase warrant (the “Warrants”). Each whole Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share of the Company at an exercise price of CAD $1.00 until April 28, 2012.

The Company paid cash finders’ fees of CAD $14,945, representing 1.22% of the aggregate proceeds of the offering. The Units are subject to a 4-month hold period in Canada expiring August 29, 2010.

Proceeds from the private placement will be used to explore the Company’s properties located in Guyana and for working capital. According to Gregory Sparks, CEO of the Company, “We are delighted with the investor response to our offering, which was oversubscribed. This additional capital will give us added flexibility as we ramp up alluvial gold production while continuing with our drilling program for hard-rock targets on the Million Mountain trend."

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focussing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 1000 sq. km of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at .



“Gregory B. Sparks”
Gregory B. Sparks

President & CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company’s expectations. There is no guarantee that the tenor or continuity of the resource target discussed herein will ultimately prove to be as delineated in the Company’s sampling program, nor that the yields obtained by production scale gravity extraction will be comparable to the yields produced in the sampling program.

Source: Business Wire (April 28, 2010 - 4:36 PM EDT)

Es wird IMHO fix gehen, wir zuletzt in der Vergangenheit:


Wohnort: Nord-Germanien
Beiträge: 1586
PN schreiben


Beitrag23/52, 20.05.10, 09:40:20 
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Sacre-Coeur drills 103.6 m of 1.27 g/t Au at Million
Ticker Symbol: C:SCM

Sacre-Coeur drills 103.6 m of 1.27 g/t Au at Million

Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd (C:SCM)
Shares Issued 29,983,527
Last Close 5/19/2010 $0.70
Thursday May 20 2010 - News Release

Mr. Gregory Sparks reports


Sacre-Coeur Minerals Ltd. has provided results from its current drilling program aimed at expanding the resource at Zone 1 on its Million Mountain property located in Guyana. Drill hole MM17510 returned 103.6 meters grading 1.26 g/t Au, which includes 15.0 meters grading 4.81 g/t Au. The 600 meter hole encountered 7 significant zones of gold mineralization, which together with anomalous gold values between zones averaged 0.4 g/t Au continuously from surface to 589 meters.

In September 2008, the Company reported an NI 43-101 compliant interim resource estimate which revealed Measured Resources of 12,119,285 tonnes grading 1.0 g/t Au and Indicated Resources of 2,175,278 tons grading 0.9 g/t Au. Total contained gold is 451,397 tr oz Au (388,456 tr oz Au Measured and 62,941 tr oz Au Indicated). Following this initial resource development effort, drilling was temporarily diverted toward scout drilling multiple preliminary targets which had been developed along the 20km Million Mountain trend on the Company's Lower Puruni Block in order to identify and prioritize additional key zones along the trend for further target refinement prior to commissioning resource drilling on these additional zones. The scout drilling work was completed at year end 2009. Commencing in early 2010, drilling was again focused on Million Mountain Zone 1 to continue expansion of the Zone 1 resource.

The current phase of resource expansion drilling has included slightly more than 4,000 meters drilled to date in 7 holes. The goal of this phase of drilling was to better understand the plumbing of the mineralizing system, to identify key structural controls both pre and post mineralization, and to develop drilling data for expansion of the NI 43-101 compliant resource. This phase of drilling is testing for continuation of the mineralized body to the North, East, South, and at greater depth than the original resource drilling. Significantly, bedrock exposed on the floor of the test mining pit in Alluvial Area 2 which is consistent in rock type and character to that of the existing Zone 1 resource host has provided further encouragement for extension of the Zone 1 resource for an additional 0.5km further to the Northeast. This newly exposed bedrock is being mapped and evaluated for further step out drilling on a probable extension of Million Mountain Zone 1 in addition to the already planned ongoing resource expansion drilling

A table of selected drilling results from the current program is presented overleaf, followed by a table of drill hole survey data.


Drill Hole From To Interval Assay
(m) (m) (m) (g/t Au)

MM17510 0.0 103.6 103.6 1.27
including 0.0 15.0 15.0 4.51
296.1 300.3 4.2 1.96
572.15 589.18 17.03 1.00
MM17410 218.0 304.1 86.1 0.33
including 218.0 222.0 4.0 0.69
including 299.1 304.1 5.0 1.39
MM17310 422.05 434.78 12.73 0.69
MM17210 667.23 678.05 10.82 0.75


1) Intercepts are not resolved to true width.

2) Assays are uncut, though no significant
statistical outliers occur in the sample


HoleID East North Elevation Total Azimuth Dip

MM16909 240854.00 697169.00 69.15 623.10 134.2 -82.8
MM17010 240901.00 697186.00 68.00 600.00 104 -80.0
MM17110 240971.00 697204.00 70.00 272.00 107 -60.0
MM17210 240971.00 697204.00 70.00 749.10 138 -80.0
MM17310 240989.28 697163.29 85.65 601.90 107.5 -80.0
MM17410 241315.96 697019.43 61.33 377.10 292.9 -70.0
MM17510 241013.14 697115.01 68.00 600.50 105 -57.0

Drill holes MM16910 through MM17110 encountered numerous narrow zones of Au mineralization grading as high as 12.08 g/t Au over 0.48 meters, but did not contain continuous zones of more than two meters grading at or above 0.5 g/t Au. These holes are believed to have encountered the fringe of the mineralized zone away from the main feeder plumbing. All drill holes in this program, though in some instances collared near holes included in the existing resource model, were drilled with azimuths and dips to target untested potential extensions of the current resource body to the North, East, South, and at greater depth than the original phase of resource drilling.

We are very pleased with the initial efforts to expand the Zone 1 resource, and are particularly excited about the prospects for an extension of the zone by more than 0.5km to the Northeast of the current resource body, as revealed in the floor of our alluvial mining test pit. Advances in the Zone 1 hard-rock resource as well as the impending start up of production scale alluvial mining at Area 2, nearby provide strong evidence of presence of a robust gold system at Million Mountain.

Technical Staff

The Company's mining and exploration program is overseen by Mr. A. David Heyl, P. Geo., Director Mining and Exploration for the Company. Exploration is directed by Mr. Henry Salvado, Chief Geologist. The Mr. Henry is assisted on the hard-rock exploration program by Mr. Wilmar Ladia, and by Mr. Bjorn Jeune, both Senior Project Geologists with many years gold experience. Mr. Ardito Martohardjono is a Director of the Company, and a laboratory specialist who provides assistance establishing lab protocols, sample handling procedures, and assay quality control. The undersigned, Mr. Heyl, and Mr. Salvado are qualified persons under NI 43-101.

� 2010 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

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