
Beiträge aus dem Forum zu Russland:

  1. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    ...or around 10% of their value. Despite last week's 2.2-million-barrel-a-day pledged production cut by OPEC+ led by Saudi Arabia and Russia #Russland , oil market participants were generally skeptical over the promised reductions by the cartel given a lack of strong penalties for failing to...
  2. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    OIL FUTURES RISE AS SAUDI ARABIA, RUSSIA EXTEND CUTS -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas #Russland 6 November 2023, 16:07 0907 ET - Crude futures recover some of last week's losses amid news that Saudi Arabia and Russia will both stick to their production cuts through the end of the year. The war in...
  3. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    Warum die Spritpreise vorerst hoch bleiben #Oel/Gas #Russland und Saudi-Arabien wollen weniger Rohöl liefern. Dadurch steigen auch die Preise für Diesel und Benzin. Autofahrer müssen sich an den Tankstellen auf 2 Euro pro Liter einstellen...
  4. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    Russlands Energieminister Nowak: #Russland wird seine Erdöl-Exporte bis Jahresende ausgehend vom durchschnittlichen Mai-Juni-Level um 300.000 bpd senken. #Oel/Gas
  5. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    Fundamentale Nachricht Rohöl Brent: Weiterhin unklare Aussichten zu russischen Ölausfuhren #Russland #Oel/Gas #China von Tomke Hansmann Zuletzt überwogen laut Commerzbank-Analystin Barbara Lambrecht die Hinweise, dass die Angebotsausfälle Russlands begrenzt sind...
  6. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    ...Crisis Caused By Russia's War in Ukraine Easing -- Market Talk 13 February 2023, 17:55 1055 ET - Prices of commodities produced by Russia #Russland , Belarus, and Ukraine, which soared early 2022 are now easing, signalling a thawing crisis despite the continuing conflict in Ukraine, says...
  7. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    ...-- Market Talk #Oel/Gas 10 February 2023, 11:39 0939 GMT - Brent crude oil jumps by more than 2% after media reports that Russia plans #Russland to slash output by 500,000 barrels a day next month in response to Western-impose price caps on its oil exports. Brent, the international oil...
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