Aktie / Hashtag: Oel+Gas

  1. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    GLOBAL COMMODITIES ROUNDUP: MARKET TALK 0415 ET - Oil prices #Oel/Gas are moving lower early on Monday, despite Israel stepping up its campaign in Gaza via land and aerial bombardment over the weekend. Brent crude is down 1.7% to $87.69 a barrel while WTI is 1.9% lower at $83.97 a barrel...
  2. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    OIL SLIPS DESPITE ISRAEL PUSHING DEEPER INTO GAZA -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 30 October 2023, 10:15 0815 GMT - Oil prices are moving lower early on Monday, despite Israel stepping up its campaign in Gaza via land and aerial bombardment over the weekend. Brent crude is down 1.7% to $87.69 a barrel...
  3. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    NATURAL GAS DROPS BACK AFTER STRONG WEEK -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 27 October 2023, 22:01 1501 ET - Natural gas closed down 1.6% at $3.164 per mmBtu, with traders cutting their exposure to futures that have been boosted by a cold outlook for US weather. "Strong gains this week have been...
  4. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    CRUDE OIL FINISHES HIGHER ON ELEVATED HOSTILITIES -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 27 October 2023, 22:17 1517 ET - Crude oil finishes up 2.8% to $85.54 a barrel for the day heading into a weekend where military operations in the Middle East appear to be escalating. "Any sign that the other countries...
  5. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    #Oel/Gas sowie #Gold geben nochmal ordentlich gas ....
  6. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    US OIL AND GAS RIG COUNT INCHES HIGHER -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 27 October 2023, 20:28 1328 ET - The number of rigs drilling for oil and natural gas in the US rose by one this week, according to the latest survey by Baker Hughes. Baker Hughes' says that US rigs rose to 625 in the latest week...
  7. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    OIL PRICES FALL AMID MIXED US INDICATORS -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 26 October 2023, 16:18 0918 ET - Oil futures fall as the war remains confined within Israel and the US economy gives mixed signals. Estimated 3Q GDP growth was slightly above expectations and September durable goods orders were...
  8. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    NYMEX OVERVIEW: CRUDE, RBOB FUTURES SHOW SMALL GAINS AS ULSD CONTRACTS FALL -- OPIS #Oel/Gas 25 October 2023, 20:35 Crude and gasoline futures contracts were all showing slight gains late Wednesday morning, with diesel futures falling even as federal data show another decline in U.S...
  9. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    NATURAL GAS RISE SLIGHTLY AMID MILD WEATHER FORECASTS -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 24 October 2023, 17:05 1005 ET - Natural gas prices keep rising after seemingly finding a bottom on Friday. The November contract, which expires later this week, is up 0.6% at $2.944/mmBtu. Above-average supplies...
  10. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    #Oel/Gas : energie-futures ... ohne worte. :wallbash:
  11. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    OIL PRICES EASE AMID HOPES OF LIMITS TO MIDEAST UNREST -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 19 October 2023, 18:51 1550 GMT - Crude-oil prices retreat and European oil shares drop amid market speculation that Middle East unrest might stay largely confined to existing hotspots. "Our baseline scenario...
  12. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    Die Erdöl-Vorratshaltung in den USA ist laut EIA-Daten zur Vorwoche überraschend um 4,49 Millionen Barrel gesunken, nachdem in der Vorwoche noch ein Lageraufbauf von 10,18 Millionen verzeichnet wurde. #Oel/Gas https://stock3.com/news/live
  13. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    NATURAL GAS FUTURES RISE AS 'FUNDAMENTALS REMAIN STRONG' -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 18 October 2023, 17:07 1007 ET - Natural gas markets rise "as LNG feed gas inches to new record levels and the weather driven sell-off of the past few days runs out of steam," Tradition's Gary Cunningham says. He...
  14. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    EUROPEAN OIL STOCKS GAIN AS SUPPLY JITTERS LINGER -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 17 October 2023, 17:56 1456 GMT - European oil and energy stocks gain as uncertainty around global oil demand and supply persists amid continuing Middle-East tensions. Diplomatic efforts to stop the Israel-Hamas conflict...
  15. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    NATURAL GAS ENDS LOWER FOR 4TH CONSECUTIVE SESSION -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 16 October 2023, 21:49 1448 ET - Natural gas prices decline for a fourth straight session, ending 3.9% lower at $3.109/mmBtu as a price-supportive retreat in domestic gas production during early October appears to be...
  16. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    OIL PRICES FALL 1% IN CHOPPY TRADING -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 16 October 2023, 17:25 1025 ET - Oil markets are volatile as the new week gets underway, with US crude futures recently down 1% at $86.80 after trading 1.3% higher at $88.33 just a couple hours ago. "After the big up day on Friday...
  17. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    #Oel/Gas : ich meine, es ist wieder mal an der zeit, hier ein wenig druck aus dem energie-future-kessel abzulassen!!! wünsche euch einen guten start in die neue handelswoche! :up: Nigerianischer Haushaltsminister: Nigeria strebt eine Ölproduktion von 1,78 Millionen Barrel pro Tag für 2024 an...
  18. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    WTI OIL RISING BY MOST SINCE APRIL, BRENT TOPS $90 -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 13 October 2023, 20:12 1312 ET - Oil prices are adding to earlier gains as Gazans brace for an Israeli offensive that investors fear could cause violence to spill over into other parts of the Middle East, potentially...
  19. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    US OIL RIG-COUNT RISES FROM 20-MONTH LOW -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 13 October 2023, 20:23 1323 ET - The number of active, oil-targeted rigs in the US rises by four in the latest week to 501 rigs, according to oilfield services company Baker Hughes. The bounce higher comes after the oil rig-count...
  20. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    #Oel/Gas : :kichern:
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