Aktie / Hashtag: Oel+Gas

  1. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    US OIL RIG-COUNT FALLS TO A NEARLY 20-MONTH LOW -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 29 September 2023, 20:19 1319 ET - The number of active, oil-targeted rigs in the US drops by another five in the latest week to 502, the lowest total since Feb. 4, 2022, according to oilfield services company Baker...
  2. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    GLOBAL ENERGY ROUNDUP: MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 29 September 2023, 10:46 The latest Market Talks covering Energy markets. Published exclusively on Dow Jones Newswires throughout the day. 0746 GMT - Energy base effects are now driving uncertainty in French inflation, Pantheon Macroeconomics' Claus...
  3. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    wti-crude #Oel/Gas fällt vom th bei 95.03$ auf ein tt bei 91.44$.
  4. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    CALIFORNIA GASOLINE PRICES TOP $6 FOR 1ST TIME THIS YEAR -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 28 September 2023, 16:04 0904 ET - As oil prices climb toward $100-a-barrel, gasoline prices in California jump above $6-a-gallon for the first time this year, with AAA reporting an average statewide price of...
  5. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    WTI OIL HITS A 13-MONTH HIGH AS INVENTORIES FALL -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 27 September 2023, 21:41 1440 ET - US crude futures climb 3.6% to finish at $93.68 a barrel, marking the largest one-day gain since July 7 and the highest settlement since Aug. 29, 2022. The trigger for much of today's...
  6. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    NATURAL GAS PRICES RALLY ALONGSIDE OTHER ENERGY COMMODITIES -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 27 September 2023, 15:52 0852 ET - Natural gas prices are seeing another surge in prices after three consecutive sessions of gains, up 1.7% at $2.700/mmBtu. The gains appear to be driven mostly by a broader...
  7. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    OIL PRICES TURN HIGHER AHEAD OF US SUPPLY REPORTS -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 26 September 2023, 19:14 1214 ET - US crude futures have wiped away early-morning declines to trade 1% higher at $90.57 a barrel, putting them back within $1 of a 10-month-high. The move higher may suggest investors are...
  8. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    WTI OIL PRICES RISE 0.7% TO $90.34 A BARREL #Oel/Gas
  9. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    RISING OIL PRICES UNLIKELY TO MAKE FED TIGHTEN -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 25 September 2023, 17:26 1025 ET - Rising energy prices are unlikely to cause US consumer spending and GDP to decline, Goldman Sachs economists say in a note. Oil prices have increased less than in previous rallies and...
  10. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    US OIL RIG-COUNT DROPS SHARPLY -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 22 September 2023, 20:20 1320 ET - The number of active, oil-targeted rigs in the US falls by eight in the latest week to 507 rigs, the lowest total since Feb. 4, 2022, according to oilfield services firm Baker Hughes. The oil rig-count...
  11. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    WTI OIL TURNS LOWER, DOWN SLIGHTLY FOR THE WEEK -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 22 September 2023, 19:45 1245 ET - US crude futures give up sizable gains from earlier in the session and now trade 0.2% lower at $89.48 a barrel. The move takes them off course for what could have been a weekly gain, as...
  12. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    RISING ENERGY COSTS EXPECTED TO BURDEN GRAIN PRODUCERS -- MARKET TALK #Weizen #Oel/Gas 22 September 2023, 18:48 1148 ET - Global grains production is likely to match future demand, weakening prices, but a surge in energy costs will limit how much lower food prices go, says Teucrium's Jake...
  13. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    EUROPEAN OIL STOCKS GAIN AMID OUTLOOK OPTIMISM -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 22 September 2023, 17:03 1402 GMT - European oil stocks gain as crude prices rise amid optimism about the demand outlook, with Saudi production cuts and buoyant Chinese demand #China tipped to underpin the market. Saudi...
  14. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    NATURAL GAS PRICES RISE DESPITE AUSTRALIAN STRIKE PROGRESS -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 22 September 2023, 15:49 0849 ET - Natural gas prices climb 1.5% to $2.648/mmBtu and are virtually unchanged for the week. "The market is thus far shrugging off reported progress in Australia between Chevron and...
  15. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    NATURAL GAS STAYS LOWER DESPITE BULLISH STORAGE DATA -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 21 September 2023, 18:04 1104 ET - Natural gas prices remain lower on the day, down 1.4% at $2.695/mmBtu despite a weekly storage report that was bullish compared to both expectations and averages. The EIA says gas...
  16. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    servus miteinand! :danke: #Oel/Gas heizöl: wtf ... :eek:
  17. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    Warum die Spritpreise vorerst hoch bleiben #Oel/Gas #Russland und Saudi-Arabien wollen weniger Rohöl liefern. Dadurch steigen auch die Preise für Diesel und Benzin. Autofahrer müssen sich an den Tankstellen auf 2 Euro pro Liter einstellen...
  18. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    Russlands Energieminister Nowak: #Russland wird seine Erdöl-Exporte bis Jahresende ausgehend vom durchschnittlichen Mai-Juni-Level um 300.000 bpd senken. #Oel/Gas https://stock3.com/news/live
  19. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    OIL PRICES ERASE LARGE GAINS AS DOLLAR REBOUNDS -- MARKET TALK #Oel/Gas 19 September 2023, 20:21 1321 ET - US crude futures have completely erased large gains driven by earlier weakness in the dollar, and are now trading virtually flat on the day at $91.48 a barrel. The US Dollar Index had...
  20. wicki99

    Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

    #Oel/Gas heizöl: und hier ab an short? starker h1-resist, seit tt verdammt gut gelaufen. los rakunte ...
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