• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

AOI - Africa Oil - WKN A0MZJC

8/22/2012 5:33:39 AM | | 147 reads | Post #31410704

OK, so I compared this morning’s release with AOI’s corporate presentation from May to calculate the increase in unrisked Net Best Estimate prospective oil resources. Bear in mind this morning’s CPR is as of June 30th, so doesn’t account for the recently announced farm-outs. I’m also ignoring the Contingent Resources for Kenya 10BB (28 MMBbl). Quick and dirty, I calculate AOI’s total Net Best Estimate of prospective resources to be 10,804 MMBbls today (up from 5,326 as of the May presentation).

Here’s the breakdown, these figures are unrisked MMBbls and indicative of AOI’s working interest as of 30-June (pre-Marathon farm-out):

Kenya 9 -- was 1,399; now 1,287; CHANGE -112
Kenya 10A -- was 127; now 176; CHANGE +49
Kenya 10BA -- was 1,094; now 4,943; CHANGE +3,849
Kenya 10BB -- was 1,033; 1,566; CHANGE +533
Kenya 12A -- was 0; now 2,291; CHANGE +2,291
Kenya 13T -- was 0; now 236; CHANGE +236
Ethiopia 7&8 -- was 85; now 85; CHANGE 0
Ethiopia South Omo -- was 0; now 810; CHANGE +810

(Total Net Change: 7,656 MMBbls)

Next add in Puntland assuming a 27% working interest (45% AOI ownership of HRN * 60% HRN working interest in Puntland):
Nugaal – 1,102
Dharoor – 327

At this point, total prospective resources (Net Best Estimate) for AOI is 12,823 MMBbl (up from 5,326 as of the May presentation), but this is pre-Marathon farm-out.

Now for the Marathon farm-out adjustment:
AOI now has 50% of Kenya Block 9 (down from 100%); and 20% of Kenya Block 12A (down from 50%).
This reduces Block 9 prospective resources by 644 MMBbls, and 12A by 1,375 MMBbls.

So grand total prospective resources (Net Best Estimate) for AOI is now 10,804 MMBbl (up from 5,326 as of the May presentation), basically an increase of just over 100%.
Spotted a slight error -

Block 9 (AOI 50% post recent farm-in) was 1,399MMBbl has decreased -50% (-699.5MMBbl) to 699.5MMBbl but this EXCLUDES a prospective recoverable gas resources of 1.88 TCF (Bogal).


Block 9 (AOI 50% post recent farm-in) was 1,399MMBbl BUT IS NOW 1,287MMBbl therefore AOI NET best estimate is 643.5MMBbl NOT 699MMBbl but this EXCLUDES a prospective recoverable gas resources of 1.88 TCF (Bogal).

Oben richtig,-Fehler unten im Text

Warnado1 III Board

A few notes that should be taken into consideration.

1, This resource comparison is between the figures on page 26 of the latest AOI presentation dated May 2012 and the recently released Independent Resource Estimates released dated Aug 22nd 2012.



2, The most recent Independent Resource Estimates released dated Aug 22nd 2012 is dated "as of June 30, 2012" therefore it does not take into consideration the reduced AOI working interest of Block 9 and Block 12A due to the Marathon Oil farm-in which was announced on 23rd July 2012.


3, All figures are un-risked gross best estimate and NOT un-risked net best estimate attributable to AOI.

4, Prevoiusly there was no resource estimates for Blocks 13T and 12A in Kenya and the South Omo Block in Ethiopia but the latest Independent Resource Estimates released dated Aug 22nd 2012 now includes this.

5, The summary below is based on the figures prepared for convenience by the Company and not by Gaffney Cline & Associates but they are a collective total based on each individual prospect/lead which have been independently assessed Gaffney, Cline & Associates.

6, I have excluded other assets such as Puntland and Mali as I believe they are either worthless (Mali) or not core interest.

7, This exercise is pointless but interesting in the fact that it shows the movement (increase, decrease and unadjusted) of our resources.

Lets start with the Kenyan Blocks -

Block 9 was 1,399MMBbl has decreased -8% (-112MMBbl) to 1,287MMBbl but this EXCLUDES a prospective recoverable gas resources of 1.88 TCF (Bogal).

Block 10A was 423MMBbl has increased +39% (+165MMBbl) to 588MMBbl.

Block 10BA was 2,188MMBbl has increased +351% (+7,667MMBbl) to 9,885MMBbl.

Block 10BB was 2,066MMBbl has increased +51% (+1,066MMBbl) to 3,132MMBbl.

Block 12A was not previously reported and is now 4,582MMBbl.

Block 13T was not previously reported and is now 472MMBbl.

Now onto Ethiopia -

South Omo Block was not previously reported and is now 2,700MMBbl.

Blocks 7 & 8 was 155MMBbl which is unadjusted and EXCLUDES gross best estimate (2C) contingent gas resources of 106 BCF (El Kuran).

In summary based on the above the GROSS Resource Estimate has increased from 6,231MMBbl to 22,801MMBbl which is a increase of +265%.

Now, I have also conducted the same exercise on AOI's UNRISKED NET best estimate.

Again, lets start with the Kenyan Blocks -

Block 9 (AOI 50% post recent farm-in) was 1,399MMBbl has decreased -50% (-699.5MMBbl) to 699.5MMBbl but this EXCLUDES a prospective recoverable gas resources of 1.88 TCF (Bogal).

Block 10A (AOI 30%) was 127MMBbl has increased +38.5% (+49MMBbl) to 176MMBbl.

Block 10BA (AOI 50%) was 1,094MMBbl has increased +351% (+3,849MMBbl) to 4,943MMBbl.

Block 10BB (AOI 50%) was 1,033MMBbl has increased +51% (+533MMBbl) to 1,566MMBbl.

Block 12A (AOI 20% post recent farm-in) was not previously reported but in the latest report their previous 50% interest would have been 2,291MMBbl therefore their adjusted 20% interest would give them 916.4MMBbl (20% of 4,582MMBbl).

Block 13T (AOI 50%) was not previously reported therefore 50% of 472MMBbl is 236MMBbl.

Onto Ethiopia again -

South Omo Block (AOI 30%) was not previously reported therefore 30% of 2,700MMBbl is 810MMBbl.

Blocks 7 & 8 (AOI 55%) was 155MMBbl which is unadjusted therefore 55% of 155MMBbl is 85MMBl and EXCLUDES gross best estimate (2C) contingent gas resources of 106 BCF (El Kuran).

Again, in summary based on the above the AOI NET Resource Estimate has increased from 3,738MMBbl (AOI May 2012 presentation EXCLUDING PUNTLAND and the previously unknown estimates of Blocks 12A, 13T and South Omo whilst also INCLUDING the very recent farm-in deal with Marathon) to 9,431.9MMBbl which is a increase of +152%.
"Canaccord analyst Thomas Martin reckons the gross unrisked resource potential for Tullow’s blocks has risen by three times, with a gross resource potential of as much as 21bnbbls."

"“However, the chances of success associated with some of this resource are actually rather low, reflecting the early stage nature of the exploration program onshore Kenya,” he added.

As a result, the analyst does not expect to make large changes to its risked net asset value on the back of the resource update despite remaining supportive of the (Tullow) stock".

Kurze BNN-Erwähnung für AOI:

Beim Kursziel von 11,20 CAD lauten die Empfehlungen einstimmig "Buy"...


Ab Minute 0:53.
Range Präsentation 22 August:

Aus dem heutigen Investor Q&A von Range Resources zu Puntland:

"4. When will the next Puntland update be? An update is anticipated to be released to market early next week."


August 27, 2012 (AOI–TSXV, AOI–NASDAQ OMX) … Africa Oil Corp. (“Africa Oil” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on the drilling program ongoing in Puntland (Somalia).

The Shabeel North-1 well has reached a total depth of 3945 meters and has encountered metamorphic basement at a depth of 3919 meters. The well penetrated 149 meters of interbedded sands and shales of the Triassic Adigrat Formation with no oil or gas shows and only minor porosity exhibited on electric logs. Accordingly, the well is being plugged. As noted in a previous Puntland drilling update, the Upper Cretaceous Jesomma sands did exhibit porosity and hydrocarbon shows but produced only fresh water on a drill stem test. These sands are similar to the Jesomma sands encountered in the previously drilled Shabeel well in respect of log response and oil and gas shows. It has therefore been determined that additional testing of these zones in the previously drilled Shabeel well is also not warranted.

Based on the encouragement provided by the Shabeel wells, the Operator (Horn Petroleum Corporation) and their partners, Range Resources and Red Emperor, plan to enter the next exploration period in both the Nugaal and Dharoor Valley Production Sharing Contracts (“PSC’s) which carry a commitment to drill one well in each block within an additional 3 year term. The current operational plan would be to contract a seismic crew to acquire additional data in the Dharoor Valley block and to hold discussions with the Puntland Government to gain access regarding drill ready prospects in the Nugaal Valley block. The focus of the Dharoor seismic program will to delineate new structural prospects for the upcoming drilling campaign.

Keith Hill, President and CEO of Africa Oil, commented, “While we were disappointed that we were not able to flow oil from the first two exploration wells in our Puntland (Somalia) drilling campaign, we remain highly encouraged that all of the critical elements exist for oil accumulations, namely a working petroleum system, good quality reservoirs and thick seal rocks. We look forward to working with the Puntland government to move our exploration project to the next phase which will likely require us to focus on prospects in different areas of the basins. One should keep in perspective that it often takes a number of wells to find commercial hydrocarbons and we plan to continue our aggressive program to unlock the potential of this highly prospective region.”

The Puntland (Somalia) exploration program is operated by Horn Petroleum Corporation (“Horn”). Africa Oil holds an approximate 45% equity interest in Horn which in turn holds a 60% working interest in the Dharoor and Nugaal Valley blocks. The other partners in the blocks include Range Resources (20%) and Red Emperor (20%).

About Africa Oil

Africa Oil Corp. is a Canadian oil and gas company with assets in Kenya, Ethiopia and Mali as well as Puntland (Somalia) through its 45% equity interest in Horn Petroleum Corporation. Africa Oil's East African holdings are in within a world-class exploration play fairway with a total gross land package in this prolific region in excess of 300,000 square kilometers. The East African Rift Basin system is one of the last of the great rift basins to be explored. New discoveries have been announced on all sides of Africa Oil's virtually unexplored land position including the major Albert Graben oil discovery in neighboring Uganda. Africa Oil’s recent Ngamia-1 discovery extends the Albert Graben play into Kenya where Africa Oil along with partner Tullow Oil plc hold a dominant acreage position. Newly acquired seismic and gravity data show robust leads and prospects throughout Africa Oil's project areas. The Company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and on First North at NASDAQ OMX-Stockholm under the symbol "AOI".
AUG 27, 2012 - 17:30 ET

Africa Oil Second Quarter of 2012 Financial and Operating Results

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 27, 2012) - Africa Oil Corp. ("Africa Oil", "the Company" or "AOC") (TSX VENTURE:AOI)(OMX:AOI) is pleased to announce its financial and operating results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2012.

•In Block 10BB (Kenya), the Company and its partner Tullow Oil plc ("Tullow") completed drilling the Ngamia-1 exploration well to a total depth of 2,340 meters and reported a significant light oil discovery. The Ngamia-1 well encountered over 100 meters of net light oil pay in the Upper Lokhone Sand section and an additional 43 meters of potential oil pay in the lower Lokhone Sandstone section.

•The Company and its operating partner on the Block, Tullow, recently spud the joint ventures second exploration well, Twiga South-1. Following the Ngamia-1 discovery, the partnership acquired additional seismic to better delineate prospects along the Ngamia-1 trend. Based upon the recently acquired 2D seismic data, additional 'Ngamia-style' prospects were mapped in Blocks 10BB and 13T (Kenya), including Twiga South-1. The Twiga South-1 well, in Block 13T, is planned to a total depth of 3,114 meters and targets the same structural trend and reservoirs as the recent Ngamia-1 oil discovery 23 kilometers to the south.

•Exploration activities are accelerating with operational plans to mobilize two additional drilling rigs into the Company's areas of operation. One of the rigs will be mobilized into Kenya, commencing drilling operations in Block 10A on the Paipai-1 exploration well. The second rig will be utilized in Ethiopia, drilling Sabisa-1 which is our first exploration well on the South Omo Block.

•The Company continues to actively acquire, process and interpret 2D seismic over Blocks 10BA, 10BB, 12A, 13T and South Omo with three seismic crews currently active.

•In Puntland (Somalia), the Company, through its 44.7% ownership interest in Horn Petroleum Corporation ("Horn"), completed drilling the Shabeel-1 exploration well and commenced drilling the Shabeel North-1 exploration well in June of 2012. The Shabeel North-1 well has reached a total depth of 3,945 meters and has encountered metamorphic basement at a depth of 3,919 meters. The well penetrated 149 meters of interbedded sands and shales of the Triassic Adigrat Formation with no oil or gas shows and only minor porosity exhibited on electric logs. Accordingly, the well is being plugged. The Upper Cretaceous Jesomma sands did exhibit porosity and hydrocarbon shows but produced only fresh water on a drill stem test. These sands are similar to the Jesomma sands encountered in the previously drilled Shabeel-1 well in respect of log response and oil and gas shows. As a result, the Company has determined that additional testing of these zones in the previously drilled Shabeel-1 well is also not warranted. The Company and its partners plan to enter the next exploration period in both the Dharoor Valley and Nugaal Valley Productions Sharing Contracts.

•Africa Oil ended the quarter in a strong financial position with cash of $85.0 million and working capital of $56.1 million as compared to cash of $109.6 million and working capital of $90.2 million at December 31, 2011.

Keith Hill, President and CEO, commented, "Africa Oil is very encouraged with the results of the Ngamia-1 well. Our next well, Twiga South-1, represents the next step in expanding the play northward into the Lockichar basin and proving up the 'string of pearls' concept along the main basin bounding fault. The arrival of the additional two drilling rigs will allow us to evaluate whether the Tertiary trend extends into southern Ethiopia and to test the Cretaceous rift in north-central Kenya. We continue to be highly optimistic that the early success will extend into these other areas. While we were disappointed that we were not able to flow oil from the first two exploration wells in our Puntland (Somalia) drilling campaign, we remain highly encouraged that all of the critical elements exist for oil accumulations, namely a working petroleum system, good quality reservoirs and thick seal rocks. We look forward to working with the Puntland government to move our exploration project to the next phase which will likely require us to focus on prospects in different areas of the basins."


Tullow Oil is on schedule for the planned drilling of its third well in Northern Kenya’s block 10A PaiPai-1 well within the next month even as it emerged that they might increase their estimates for finds in Kenya. Tullow has been moving truckloads of the Weatherford rig for the last two weeks from the port of Mombasa through Nanyuki on the way to the PaiPai site. The rig will be the second of Tullow oil’s active units in Kenya.

“We are mobilising the equipment of about 300 truckloads and so far, everything is going on smoothly,” said Tullow Oil Corporate Affairs Advisor in Kenya Anne Kabugi. The exploratory drilling at the PaiPai-1 prospect, located in the Anza Basin west of Lake Turkana will go on concurrently with the Twiga-1 in block 13T located on the eastern side of the Lake. The Paipai prospect is expected to be drilled to a total depth of 4150 metres.

Tullow Oil changed its earlier plans of moving the first rig which was used at Ngamia-1 well in block 10BB’s to Paipai in block 10A, and opted to deploy it to Twiga-1 prospect located 23 kilometers further North in block 13T. Ngamia-1 energised the company to fast track its operations after discovering 143 meters of net oil pay, the largest ever discovery in a single well by Tullow oil in Africa, now awaiting appraisal drilling to confirm its commercial viability.

Sources have it that what Tullow has found in Kenya could even be more than they first earlier thought. Tullow is operating Block 10A, 10BA, 10BB, 13T, 12A and 12B and is also a non-operated partner in onshore block L8 where apache is the operator. On offshore drilling, American oil exploration company Apache has resumed its actual drilling at the Mbawa-1 prospect off the Lamu Island after activities to prepare the deep drilling were completed.

According to the Apache public affairs manager John Roper, The well is currently drilling, operations are going according to plan. “We anticipate the well will to reach total depth between 45 and 60 days from the day we first began to drill on 10th of August,” said Roper. Elsewhere drilling has been stopped at Shabeel North-1 well in Puntland, Somalia, after hopes of finding oil and gas deposits were dashed by fresh water discovery
RESEARCH ALERT-Dundee cuts Africa Oil Corp price target

Aug 29 (Reuters) - Africa Oil Corp <AOI.V>:
* Dundee cuts Africa Oil Corp <AOI.V> price target to c$13 from c$13.75;
rating buy
Wed 16:22
Re: Corporate Presentation

All appears to be working for me Runster66.

For your information, Twiga-1 (planned TD 3,114mtrs) will target the same structural trend and reservoirs as the recent Ngamia-1 oil discovery. I would expect shows possible from 1,150mtrs onwards.

As for Pai-Pai, the planned TD is +/- 4,150mtrs and will target upper and lower Cretaceous sandstones in a large anticlinal trap. If the well reaches the planned TD it could enter Jurassic territory. I am unsure of what depths the primary targets are but previous wells (Sirius&#8208;1 (TD-2,638mtrs and Belltrix-1 (TD-3,480mtrs) encountered residual oil staining over thousands of feet.
Tullow to drill 3rd well, may raise its forecast .
Tuesday, 28 August 2012 00:08 BY SOLOMON KIRIMI

Tullow Oil is on schedule for the planned drilling of its third well in Northern Kenya’s block 10A PaiPai-1 well within the next month even as it emerged that they might increase their estimates for finds in Kenya. Tullow has been moving truckloads of the Weatherford rig for the last two weeks from the port of Mombasa through Nanyuki on the way to the PaiPai site. The rig will be the second of Tullow oil’s active units in Kenya.

“We are mobilising the equipment of about 300 truckloads and so far, everything is going on smoothly,” said Tullow Oil Corporate Affairs Advisor in Kenya Anne Kabugi. The exploratory drilling at the PaiPai-1 prospect, located in the Anza Basin west of Lake Turkana will go on concurrently with the Twiga-1 in block 13T located on the eastern side of the Lake. The Paipai prospect is expected to be drilled to a total depth of 4150 metres.

Tullow Oil changed its earlier plans of moving the first rig which was used at Ngamia-1 well in block 10BB’s to Paipai in block 10A, and opted to deploy it to Twiga-1 prospect located 23 kilometers further North in block 13T. Ngamia-1 energised the company to fast track its operations after discovering 143 meters of net oil pay, the largest ever discovery in a single well by Tullow oil in Africa, now awaiting appraisal drilling to confirm its commercial viability.

Sources have it that what Tullow has found in Kenya could even be more than they first earlier thought. Tullow is operating Block 10A, 10BA, 10BB, 13T, 12A and 12B and is also a non-operated partner in onshore block L8 where apache is the operator. On offshore drilling, American oil exploration company Apache has resumed its actual drilling at the Mbawa-1 prospect off the Lamu Island after activities to prepare the deep drilling were completed.

According to the Apache public affairs manager John Roper, The well is currently drilling, operations are going according to plan. “We anticipate the well will to reach total depth between 45 and 60 days from the day we first began to drill on 10th of August,” said Roper. Elsewhere drilling has been stopped at Shabeel North-1 well in Puntland, Somalia, after hopes of finding oil and gas deposits were dashed by fresh water discovery
August 29, 2012
(Energy Division) CASEY RESEARCH
(As of August 23, 2012)
We are here with Marin Katusa of Casey Research and he
has probably gained a broader attention over the last while
because back in the spring, he was one of the few that said
“go to cash” and get there quick! So it is time to get caught
up with Marin about what he thinks about some different
metals and the price of oil going forward.
David Pescod: Marin, should we ask you about Africa Oil?
Marin Katusa: Sure. Casey Energy Report was the first
newsletter to write up Africa Oil. We have been big supporters.
We have now since sold, unfortunately we sold a little
too early, but we did very, very well on it. Keith Hill who is
on our explorer’s honorary list as well as Lucas Lundin, are
the main individuals behind the deal, which is exploring the
East African rift in Kenya. I think what you are going to see
is a large financing now somewhere in the range of $8.50
and $10.00 and you are going to have big institutions (the
Merrill Lynch’s of the world) that are coming in and getting
excited about the story. It’s one of the few spots in the oil
world that has truly delivered, but it still is Africa, so it does
carry a lot of risk.
DP: As we go forward, let’s check out your expectations for
different commodity prices. What do you see for oil over the
next year?
MK: I think it is going to be in the trade-bound range between
$80 to $95, subject to something in the Middle east
happening. If Israel does invade or bomb Iran, you will see
oil pop well over $125 overnight, both WTI and Brent, but I
think that if something like that doesn’t happen, we will see
$80 to$95 oil.
DP: Is there hope for natural gas or do we have to wait a
few years?
MK: It depends which region you are talking about. If you
are talking in Canada or Alberta – the AECO price, I don’t
see much hope.
Africa Oil
Katusa played a big role in
founding and financing Africa Oil
way back when.
If you would like to see the NexTen List, e-mail:
In the U.S. (depending on the region) I still see below
$3.00, so for North America – I have been saying this for
over three years – stay away from North American dry
gas. However if you look at places in Europe and South
America, there are certain areas that you are getting between
$9.00 and $17.00 per mcf. So when you talk about
natural gas you have to look at where you are investing in.
DP: What about uranium? All of a sudden there are more
than a few people going hopeful, particularly with the BHP
decision to forget about the Olympic Dam.
MK: It’s not just BHP, what about Cameco? There are a
lot of questions still about Cigar Lake. So I think with the
HEU agreement coming to an end next year in October,
there’s going to be a lot more dancing partners for Putin.
You have China, India, Saudi Arabia, and even Japan is
back, all willing to pay well over the price that the Americans
have been paying the Russians for their uranium.
Remember, once you build these large nuclear reactors
the actual uranium price is less than 3% of the cost. It’s
irrelevant for a nuclear utility whether you are paying $50
or $250 per pound all that matters is a long-term secure
supply of the uranium fuel. I do see uranium above US$70
a pound by November 1, 2013.
DP: Let’s get to some of your favorite stories. I understand
Poseidon Concepts is your number one pick?
MK: It’s been a great story for our newsletter subscribers.
It’s one that I am on the bid trying to buy. I think it is a
great story and a lot people think they are going to lose
market share to new competitors, which I disagree with.
The industry is finding new uses for their tanks and I think
it has price appreciation potential and within 18 months it
will be an $18.00 stock and collecting a nice dividend
while you are holding it. I am quite confident with Poseidon.
Will be presenting again in Stockholm on Thursday 13 September at 18.30
Lets hope it will be as informative as the last presentation he conducted at the same location.
2012-09-04 16:54


(Bloomberg) Pareto Öhman has no explicit mandate from the company outlined a new issue, called a private placement, of Africa Oil.

The experience Direkt.

The transaction will according to a draft dated 30 August withdraw 150 million U.S. dollars of new capital to the company. Capital is supposed to be used for ongoing exploration in East Africa, and the public funding.

The shares will be offered in a so-called book-building process in which the volume and price per share shall be determined. The results will then be presented to the company that has to accept the terms or not. The transaction is completed then only if Africa Oil's management is pleased with the price and demand.

The process is said to be initiated by "several customers" to the investment bank.

The number of outstanding shares of Africa Oil is now around 229 million. Based on the current share price and the proposed amount of $ 150 million transaction will include approximately 17 million new shares.

The Offer is scheduled to be paid to investors outside Canada.

"I will not comment on this," said Stefan De Geer, Director of Corporate Finance at Pareto Öhman, the news agency Direkt.

Martin Havner +46 8 5191 7919
Michael Bernander +46 8 5191 7917


Updated 2012-09-05 10:28. Published 2012-09-05 10:26

Africa Oil has quickly become a course rocket after the news last summer that the company found significant amounts of oil in Kenya. Now try the investment bank Pareto withdraw the equivalent of 1 billion from institutional investors, reports the Daily industries.

The money from the offering to be notified to Di used to include continued exploration in East Africa. The new issue is on a total of 150 million dollars, the equivalent of just over 1 billion.

The offer to subscribe for shares have been distributed to a variety of Pareto customers in a so-called private placement. According to the contents of the offer Di have read states that the process started "after the initiative by several customers."

The shares will be offered in a so-called book building process where the final price is set on the shares. Then it will be up to management to decide on the rights issue is completed.

The largest shareholder in Africa Oil is the Lundin family. Africa Oil's shares so far this year has risen by over 60 percent on the stock exchange.



Neue Präsentation.
Kenya Spends $25 Billion on Bond-Backed Port for Oil: Freight

By Sarah McGregor - Sep 4, 2012 11:00 PM GMT+0200

Kenya, East Africa’s largest economy, is moving to spend $25 billion on a second port, a crude pipeline and roads that will open up export routes in a region luring investors with oil and gas discoveries.

The Kenyan government has agreed with oil-rich South Sudan to build a 2,000-kilometer (1,243-mile) pipeline to the northern Kenyan coastal town of Lamu. Early-stage construction began in March to clear the way for a deepwater port that will serve Kenya’s underdeveloped north, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda.

The planned northern corridor may provide South Sudan with an alternative route for its oil exports, other than via Sudan, after a dispute earlier this year over oil-transit fees brought the neighboring states to the brink of war. The two nations together hold 6.7 billion barrels of crude reserves, the third- largest in sub-Saharan Africa after Nigeria and Angola.

“This a massive project, equivalent to about two-thirds of Kenya’s annual gross domestic product,” said Mark Bohlund, a sub-Saharan Africa economist with IHS Global Insight who in July attended a conference on Lamu in London. It “could boost growth in the entire region because the overdependence on the Mombasa port has held it back.” Lower transport costs and faster goods movement could help both agriculture and industry, he said.

Kenya’s $34 billion economy, which earns most of its foreign exchange from tea and tourism, is forecast to withstand the global slowdown and expand 5 percent this year and next, from 4.4 percent in 2011, according to the World Bank. Abundant rains this year have boosted agriculture, an industry that generates a quarter of Kenya’s output, and curbed inflation to 6.1 percent in August from a 20 percent peak in November. Kenya is the world’s largest exporter of black tea.

Infrastructure Bonds
The Kenyan government last month opened a tender for the design and construction of the first three berths at Lamu, to be financed by the annual sale of 13 billion shillings ($154.4 million) of infrastructure bonds over five years.

Kenya sold 37.2 billion shillings of 12-year infrastructure bonds between September 2011 and February, the most recent auctions of the debt, at an average yield of 16.64 percent, according to the central bank. That compares with a rate of 12.959 percent for 8.13 billion shillings of 30-year savings development bonds sold in February 2011.

“Right now our interest rates are extremely attractive in a global context to bring investors in,” Aly-Khan Satchu, chief executive officer of Nairobi-based investment company Rich Management Ltd., said by phone.

Projected Demand
The bulk, container and general cargo docks are scheduled to be built by 2016, expanding to 32 berths capable of handling 24 million tons of cargo a year by 2030. That would meet 40 percent of projected local demand by shippers, according to a 2011 report by the 19-nation Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa.

Private operators will eventually be hired to run the Lamu harbor, Peter Oremo, a project manager at Kenya Ports Authority, said in a phone interview. Plans to expand the congested Mombasa port, which handles shipments for businesses in Kenya and other East African nations, aren’t keeping pace with increasing trade demand, while the port’s maximum depths and narrow layout restrict the size of the vessels that can safely enter, he said.

The planned pipeline has drawn interest from companies including Toyota Tsusho Corp. (8015), a unit of Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp., which has bid $5 billion to build it, according to the Standard, a Nairobi-based newspaper. State-owned China National Petroleum Corp., one of three companies that pump most of South Sudan’s oil, may also participate, the newspaper said.

Toyota East Africa Ltd. Chairman Dennis Awori wasn’t available for comment when Bloomberg contacted his office. Li Zhanbin, a spokesman for CNPC in Beijing, didn’t answer his mobile phone when called yesterday for comment.

Production Halt
South Sudan, which kept three-quarters of the former unified country’s crude output of 490,000 barrels per day after seceding from Sudan last year, relies on oil for almost all of its government revenue. It halted crude production in January because of the dispute with Sudan over transit fees. While the country is preparing to resume production after reaching a provisional agreement last month over the payments, the friction has injected new impetus into discussions to build the pipeline.

South Sudan has also raised the possibility of building a pipeline via neighboring Ethiopia and Djibouti. Feasibility studies are being conducted on both proposals over the next six months, South Sudan Oil Minister Stephen Dhieu Dau told reporters on Aug. 30, without saying who will fund construction. The goal is for a new pipeline to be operational by 2015.

Tourist Attacks
With virtually no industry or infrastructure in place across Kenya’s north, investors may be reluctant to put their wealth in a territory better known for ethnic conflict and kidnappings. The Lamu archipelago, a tourist destination near the border of war-torn Somalia, was the site of an attack last year that left one British tourist shot dead and his wife taken hostage. Kenya blamed al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Somalia, and its army began an incursion into the warn-torn Horn of African nation.

“There are definitely risks with these projects,” said Bohlund. “And it’s probably one of the reasons why Kenya intervened in Somalia.”

Environmentalists and coastal residents have also raised concerns that the project may harm the environment in an area that boasts the Swahili settlement known as Lamu Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Lamu project is part of a wider plan, known as the Lamu Port-Southern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport corridor, to furnish northern Kenya with roads, airports and a refinery in Isiolo, and help spur economic growth of at least 10 percent by 2030.

‘New Frontier’
“We are moving to a new frontier of the world and these types of investment opportunities of this scale are fast- dwindling,” Silvester Kasuku, an adviser in the prime minister’s office overseeing the project, said in an interview.

Kenya’s government is in talks with funders, including Export-Import Bank of China, for a $1 billion loan to lay highways and rails to South Sudan and Ethiopia, where infrastructure development is bolstering economic growth, Kasuku said.

The transit route may also provide farmers in southern Ethiopia who grow crops including coffee and corn with access to international markets and lead to further investment in Kenya’s Turkana region, the site of the country’s first oil find. It was announced by London-based Tullow Oil Plc (TLW) in March.

That discovery, along with the expected start of crude production in Uganda later this year, and natural gas finds off the coast of Tanzania and Mozambique, has boosted competition among oil and gas companies for a greater role in exploring.

“Uganda will need more imports with its oil discovery, South Sudan and Ethiopia are landlocked and are developing,” said the Kenya Ports Authority’s Oremo. “We have to be able to serve these growing markets in the hinterland.”

The Green Lantern.

Africa Oil was solidly in the green, handily outperforming the overall market as investor’s seem to be
taking a position in anticipation the of results from it’s recently spud Twiga South-1 exploration well, located in onshore Block
13T in Kenya. On August 21, the company announced that it had spud the well, which has a planned total depth of 3,114 m and
targets the same structural trend and reservoirs as the recent Ngamia-1 oil discovery 23 km to the south. Drilling at Twiga
South-1 in Kenya continues and initial results are due in September or October. The well is operated by Tullow Oil who holds a
50% working interest. An extensive coring and testing program is planned if the well encounters similar pay sands as at the
Ngamia-1 discovery. Recall, Africa Oil’s share price hit a high of $11.35 in recent months (shares traded below the $2 a share
market up until March 2012) on speculation that the company’s Ngamia-1 well in Kenya could be a "basin opener". The
Ngamia-1 exploration well encountered an initial 20 metres of net oil pay, followed by another 80 meters in deeper zones.
Tullow sampled light waxy oil with an API of 30 from six formations after successfully retrieving samples to the surface.
Although the company has shown that the chance of geological success is high, commerciality cannot be assessed until the
formation is flow tested. Pressure data confirmed multiple pools with porosities between 23-29%. Canaccord Genuity Oil & Gas
Analyst Christopher Brown has previously noted that successful flow testing on Ngamia-1 may open up a “string of pearls” of
look-a-like geological anomalies that could exceed the 2.5 billion barrels Tullow discovered in Uganda. The next major event
for the company will be the drilling of Twiga South-1, which Brown believes 39% chance of geological success and a gross
prospective resource estimate of 59 million barrels. This will be an important potential catalyst in determining the repeatability
of the Ngamia-1 play, which is expected to have six additional follow-up locations on Block 13T (including Twiga South-1).
Tullow plans to production test Twiga South-1 (via a pump) and subsequently move back to Ngamia-1 for an extended
production test. He also points to the Block 10BA, just north of the Ngamia block. This block has 9.9 billion barrels of
identified gross unrisked resources with a geological chance of success of only 7% on average. Brown believes a successful well
on this block would result in another step-change event for the company; a small change in the geological risk would "move the
needle" significantly given the large resource base. In onshore Kenya, the Paipai-1 well in Block 10A, is on track to spud in
early September using the Sakson PR-5 rig which is in the process of final mobilization from Mombassa to the well site.

Africa Oil lunch presentation.

September 14, 2012

Africa Oil - Keith C. Hill CEO

Canadian oil company with exploration licenses in Kenya, Ethiopia, Mali and Somalia.

Date: Friday 14 September 2012
Time: At 12:00 pm
Location: Remium, Kungsgatan 12-14

RSVP by the day before by email to event@remium.com by providing your name and the purpose for which you wish to listen to the presentation. Seats are limited and Remium asking interested persons to register their interest as soon as possible.


I would also expect Remium, as I do with Nomura, to issue updated coverage as their last note was issued on June 4th 2012.

Neue Präsentation
2012-09-19 09:28

(Bloomberg) Africa Oil is one of the shares to Nomura recommends buying if you are looking for "mid-cap shares."

Africa Oil is trading at a discount of 34 percent compared with the net asset value, which can be set against the sector is trading at a discount of 25 percent.

It appears from a market letter Nomura reiterates buy recommendation and target price of SEK 90.

After Ngamia-finding is Africa Oil on the verge of gaining access to a multimiljardfatsbassäng in Kenya and Ethiopia. Furthermore, Africa Oil financing in place for seven wells in the region.

The area in Kenya and Ethiopia seem like Lake Albert Rift Basin in Uganda. Given that a third of the Lake Albert Rift Basin in Uganda was sold for close to $ 3 billion, a similar success story in Kenya / Ethiopia indicate a big upside to the current share price, writes Nomura.

As to whether Africa Oil manage to make the approximately 4 billion prospected resources outside Block 10BB and 13T in Kenya and Ethiopia, giving Nomura this is a probability of 4 percent. Furthermore, based Nomura their calculations of Africa Oil at a value of 4:20 per barrel in both Kenya and Ethiopia, much lower than the 10-15 dollars per barrel of oil that both Tullow and Africa Oil have been mentioned as possible.

Exchange Editor +46 8 5191 7910


Horn Petroleum Corporation

Warnado1III Board

I have been mulling over the idea (after a whisper I heard) that Horn Petroleum Corporation, who we know are on the lookout for new deals, could possibly have Simba'a Block 2A on their radar.

Simba are in search of a joint venture partner for their 100% owned block 2A and Horn have plenty of Lundin ammunition if "the family" see any future potential there.

Not an impossible tie up in my opinion.
:gruebel: würde ja Long Simba durchaus Sinn machen....... :)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1302159#1302159 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 21.09.2012, 09:15 Uhr[/url]"]Horn Petroleum Corporation

Warnado1III Board

I have been mulling over the idea (after a whisper I heard) that Horn Petroleum Corporation, who we know are on the lookout for new deals, could possibly have Simba'a Block 2A on their radar.

Simba are in search of a joint venture partner for their 100% owned block 2A and Horn have plenty of Lundin ammunition if "the family" see any future potential there.

Not an impossible tie up in my opinion.
wollen wir beide mal mit ne kleinen Posi in das Tradingdepot nemen? :)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1302350#1302350 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 21.09.2012, 13:17 Uhr[/url]"]TPN, SMB ja!!
du oder ick?
ich hab kein direkten Orderbuch Einblick - würde sagen
SMB zu 0,115/0,12 CAD 10000
TPN zu 0,36 CAD 5000

was meinste? :)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1302418#1302418 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 21.09.2012, 14:13 Uhr[/url]"]Ja!
:) :danke: :up:
Oben Unten