ATC - Atac Resources - WKN A0BKZG


Beiträge: 13.170
Trades: 51
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 12.03.2010, 09:10 Uhr[/url]"]Wie viele schon wissen, bin ich an der Story von ATAC schon eine ganze
Weile dran und konnte mich in den letzten Monaten intensiver in die Story

ATAC Resources ist meines Erachtens einer der best aufgestelltesten
Juniorunternehmen im gesamten Sektor, welches in den letzten 15
Monaten auch richtig groß herausgekommen ist (Top-Performer 2009).
ATAC verfügt über ein eingespieltes senior Team und hat sich ein nahe zu
beispiellos, selektiertes Projektportfolio aufgebaut.


Mir gefallen insbesondere die lukrative Situation und der Ausblick im Haupt-
projekt Rau mit Millionen OzAu-Potenzial, das imho schon bald fortgeschrittenen
Status erreicht wird. Das Management um Mr. Ian Talbot (COO) wird den Fokus
in 2010 auf die Entwicklung des imho zukünftigen 'Major-Deposits' legen und mehr
als 12Mio CAD in den nächsten 12 Monaten investieren. Nach einer erfolgreichen
Kapitalaufnahme von fast 10Mio CAD, abgeschlossen vor 2 Monaten, lassen sich
auch hier viele Parallelen zu Underworld Resources erkennen. ATAC plant
in 2010 ein stattliches Bohrprogramm auf Rau durchzuführen. Es sollen 18.000+
Bohrmeter auf Rau durchgeführt werden, der Fokus wird auf die hochgradigen
Oberflächenzonen gelegt.

Die Story von ATAC hat erheblich an Klasse und Qualität zugenommen, die
fundamentalen Daten, der umgesetzten Fahrplan in 2009, die feine Struktur und
Diversifikation, sowie der begnadete Ausblick geben ATAC einen besonderen Status.
ATAC Resources wird sich imho in den nächsten Jahren zu einer großen Story entwickeln.

Des Weiteren konnte ATAC in den letzten Monaten die Cashbalance und das
bereitgestellte Arbeitskapital signifikant auf 12,5Mio CAD ausbauen und eine ansehnliche
Explorationssumme für 2010 in Planung stellen, die addiert auf mehr als 12Mio CAD beziffert
wird. Das Management verfolgt eine zielstrebige und aggressive Strategie das erstklassig
Projektportfolio sorgfältig und sicher auf Vordermann zu bringen, um weitere
sehenswerte Fortschritte und Erfolge verzeichnen zu können.

ATAC konnte im ersten großen Bohrprogramm auf Rau herausragende Bohrerfolge
melden, welche insbesondere wegen den exzellenten Au-grades und den indizierten
Verläufen vieler Goldzonen in Oberflächennähe, zu erwähnen sind.
Das Rau Projekt besitzt schon jetzt erstklassiges Potential für eine zukünftige Goldmine
und die starken, fundamentalen Rahmendaten werden die Richtung in der Entwicklung
vorgeben. Hier wird imho schon bald der erste 'Big Player' im Sektor Interesse beurkunden,
um sich eine erste Position in diesem Wert sichern zu können. Vermutlich wartet man
auch eine Schwächephase ab, welche seit Monaten ausbleibt.

Rau - Highlights


The 540 sq/km Rau property lies within the Tintina Gold Belt. It is situated in a highly prospective geological setting between the regional-scale Dawson and Robert Service Thrusts, which imbricate Paleozoic shales and silty carbonate rocks. Recent interpretation has identified striking resemblances between the geological setting of the Rau property and the northern part of the Carlin Trend. To view stratigraphic and structural similarities, please click on the following link:

The Carlin Trend is located in Nevada and is one of the world's largest gold districts. Gold deposits in this district are estimated to contain in excess of 5,000 tonnes (~160,750,000 oz) gold. Deposits within the northern part of the Carlin Trend account for over half of this total, with gold production and reserves in excess of 3,000 tonnes (~96,450,000 oz) gold. (Economic Geology; September 2003; v. 98; no. 6; p. 1063-1067).

Deposits comprising the northern part of the Carlin Trend are clustered in an approximately 160 sq/km area. The Rau gold discovery was made in 2008 when 18 diamond drill holes totalling 3423 m identified gold mineralization within the hinge area of a gently east-southeasterly plunging anticline. The host anticline has been traced 22 km west-northwesterly from a high level, Late Cretaceous granitic stock. Gold occurs in sulphide and oxide zones. The mineralized system is open from the discovery area in both directions along the anticlinal axis and at depth.

Gold mineralization is hosted in dolomitized or decalcified limestone near the crest of the anticline. The main sulphide minerals are pyrite, arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite, while accessory minerals include bismuthinite, scheelite and sphalerite. The thickest intersection from sulphide bearing mineralization averaged 1.71 g/t gold over 78.54 m from hole Rau-08-05.


Oxide gold mineralization is devoid of sulphide minerals. It occurs in intensely decomposed, porous limestone with occasional sections of massive boxwork limonite. Hole Rau-08-16, the furthest hole to the northwest, intersected 53.95 m of oxide mineralization that averaged 2.69 g/t gold. Oxidation at the Rau property may predate glaciation, which partially exposed the discovery area on the floor of a south facing cirque. Projections of the barely unroofed Discovery Horizon trend laterally beneath cover rocks on the adjacent valley walls, suggesting that there is good potential for extensions of the oxidized zone along strike to the northwest and southeast. This interpretation is supported by geochemical and geophysical data.

One of the major focuses of ATAC's 2009 exploration program will be further definition of the oxide gold potential using large diameter diamond drilling. The other main objectives are to expand the known zones and to discover new areas of mineralization elsewhere on the property.

The most significant assay intervals from 2008 are clustered in a 300 by 200 m zone at the west end of the drill area. All of the holes in this zone tested the Discovery Horizon which hosts both sulphide and oxide gold mineralization. Mineralized intervals average approximately 60 m thick within this horizon. Gold values are highest near the fold axis and gradually decrease down the fold limbs. No holes have been drilled along strike to the northwest of the zone and all of the holes to the southeast of it are not believed to have been drilled deep enough to intersect the Discovery Horizon.


The 30 km long Rau property was staked to cover potentially favourable areas for sediment-hosted gold mineralization based on the distribution of known showings, geophysical features and geochemical anomalies. Most of the property has received only first pass exploration. Helicopter-borne geophysical data has been compiled with reconnaissance-scale geochemical results to guide property-wide evaluation aimed at additional gold discoveries. Follow up work will first examine numerous targets within a highly prospective 6 km long corridor centred on the discovery area before assessing potential in the remainder of the favourable trend.

The 2009 drill program at the Rau property will utilize two drills initially. One drill will begin in early June and will be used as a scout drill to extend the known areas of mineralization. A second larger-diameter drill will start up in mid-June and will concentrate on definition drilling of the oxide zone, in the Discovery Horizon.

"The fact that the Rau property has many similarities to the northern Carlin Trend is a very significant development for ATAC and the Yukon." stated Graham Downs, chief executive officer of ATAC. "We look forward to utilizing Carlin deposit models to assess the Rau property and ATAC's other nearby properties."



Rau - Infrastructure

Geplantes Explorationsprogramm auf Rau in 2010
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.03.2010, 12:29 Uhr[/url]"]ATAC Resources treibt mit SEG-Leader Strategic Metals die expansive
Politik der Allianz deutlich voran und ist auf gutem Weg die nächsten
signifikanten Entdeckungen und Projektfortschritte zu publizieren und
neue Topliegenschaften hervorzubringen.

Der Fokus wird von ATAC in diesem Jahr natürlich auf die entdeckten
Goldzonen in der Rau property gelegt. ATAC hat wie Underworld Resources,
eine große Anzahl zusätzlicher claims in der nahem Umgebung akquirieren
können und seine Besitzinteressen zu einem kolossalen Areal ausgebaut.
Das Projekt besitzt nun eine Explorationsfläche von 540km², vgl. hier
Underworld’s Flaggschiffprojekte mit einer summierten Fläche
von 730km².

Das Geschäftsmodel von Strategic Models verspricht gegenwärtig
ausgezeichneteChancen, sich langfristig und diversifiziert an der
aufstrebenden Explorationsbranche in Nordamerika zu beteiligen
und an signifikanten Erfolgen direkt zu partizipieren. Strategic Metals
erwirbt Anteile an vielen, unterschiedlich fortgeschrittenen
Rohstoffunternehmen, handelt mit zahlreichen Liegenschaften,
verteilt Optionen und Bezugsrechte, erstellt & verkauft langfristig
orientierte Beteiligungsinstrumente und sichert sich strategische
Positionen in einigen potenziellen ‚major plays’ und zukünftigen
‚selfmade’ Produzenten.

Strategic’s Rolle und Einfluss als Investment- und Beteiligungsgruppe
wird an Größe zunehmen, der Marktwert der Beteiligungen wird bis
zu diesem Zeitpunkt mehr als 35Mio USD beziffert.

Die zahlreichen, kleineren Explorer werden als mittelbare ‘area player‘
von den führenden Konzernen in dieser Region zunehmend profitieren.
Einige kapitalstarke Developer, ‚PreProducer’ und erfahrene Produzenten
werden in den nächsten Jahren weitere Millionen von Dollar in diese Region
investieren, Der Yukon bleibt ein solides und ansehnliches „Pflaster“ für
die Rohstoff und Edelmetall-Branche und wird durch den jüngsten
"Gold- & Staking Rush" relevante Aufmerksamkeiten, Interessenten und
Investoren anziehen.

Strategic Metals - Projects Overview

Most of the projects held by Strategic are 100% owned. The Company has interests in properties hosting a wide variety of commodities including base, precious and specialty metals. Through the company's ongoing research, quality projects continue to be acquired as others are optioned or sold. Several of Strategic's gold properties are modelled on recent discoveries in Yukon by Underworld Resources Ltd. and Kaminak Gold Corporation in the White Gold area of Dawson range and ATAC Resources Ltd. at its Rau property.



Strategic Metals - Drilling Program 2010

Strategic Metals Ltd. plans to fund diamond drill programs at nine of its most prospective projects during 2010.

The nine projects that are scheduled for drilling in summer and fall 2010 include:

Five porphyry copper-gold prospects (GK, Vanderhoof Copper, Nikki, Mars, and Buzz) located in the main porphyry belts of British Columbia and Yukon; and,
Four volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) targets situated in the Finlayson VMS District of Yukon near the Wolverine Mine, which Yukon Zinc Corporation has announced it will open in mid-2010.
Drill targets on these properties include numerous surface showings, historical drill intercepts and various types of geochemical and geophysical anomalies.


Strategic Metals - Business Model

[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.03.2010, 12:32 Uhr[/url]"]SEG-Allianz

» zur Grafik

Strategic Exploration Group is a collection of junior resource companies that are focussed on exploring mining-friendly jurisdictions in northwestern Canada. The Group enjoys a close working relationship with Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited, a geological consulting firm with extensive knowledge and exploration experience in our focus area. Archer Cathro provides the Group unrestricted access to its unparalleled proprietary mineral databases.

The Group combines experienced management and youthful scientists and entrepreneurs. Its goal is to use the team's various strengths in research, property acquisition, marketing and project financing to identify and capitalize on resource and business opportunities.

Each company in the Group has its own mandate and is successfully implementing a well defined business model.

ATAC Resources Ltd. and Strategic Metals Ltd. are both project generating exploration companies. ATAC is concentrating on gold and silver exploration while Strategic is pursuing all other commodities. They are capitalizing on the Group's experience and local knowledge to formulate timely exploration ideas and are using them to acquire properties that can be farmed-out for cash, shares and/or work expenditures. This model reduces share dilution and exploration risk, while still providing the companies the opportunity to participate in a major discovery.

Rockhaven Resources Ltd. is concentrating most of its efforts on the Plata Property, a past producer of high grade silver-lead ore. This Yukon property is located in the same belt of rocks as the prolific Keno Hill camp, which is Canada's second largest historical, primary silver producer. Previous operators have extracted approximately 300,000 ounces of silver from shallow open cuts and identified a large near surface zone of mineralization containing gold and silver that is open to extension in three directions. Work in 2008 is designed to establish a resource in a manner compliant with NI 43-101 guidelines and to make new discoveries by following up geochemical and geophysical anomalies observed on the 3000 hectare claim block.

Midnight Sun Capital Corp. is a capital pool company, which was created to take advantage of special situations that do not fit with the other companies' business plans. Depending upon the direction this company takes, it may remain within the group or be replaced by another capital pool company.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 12.03.2010, 07:32 Uhr[/url]"]White Gold: PR-Maschine läuft auch Hochtouren!

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Pescod Talks Stock


Yesterday, we did a piece on Underworld Resources
with a picture of an incredibly handsome young guy
sitting in a sluice box with a gold pan full of gold...of
course it was yours truly.
The season is starting up in the Yukon and boy did it
start with a bang today as Underworld Resources ended
being bought out by Kinross on a friendly arrangement
between the two companies.
Obviously today, the world is suddenly aware of the
Yukon and for someone who had lived up in the Yukon
for several years, it’s nice to see the attention going
back where it belongs.

Once again, it’s hard to believe that a 100 years after
the original gold prospectors were up there from the
Trail of 1898, it looks like it’s going to be a very busy
season up north.
Now that Underworld is gone, the two companies
that seem to be getting most of the chatter are Kaminak
Gold and Atac Resources.
One look at the volumes today on the associated
companies and it tells you the interest will be there for
the Yukon this year and with the takeover Underworld
does almost 19 million shares trading.
Meanwhile, Kaminak does 1.3 million and is up
nicely. And Atac also does 1.6 million—also up nicely.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 16.03.2010, 11:43 Uhr[/url]"]Kinross deal motherlode for junior miner

TORONTO - It was only a matter of time. When Underworld Resources Inc. found a rich gold deposit in a remote corner of the Yukon last May, it seemed a given that a major company would eventually want to seize control of it.

By National PostMarch 12, 2010Be the first to post a comment

TORONTO - It was only a matter of time. When Underworld Resources Inc. found a rich gold deposit in a remote corner of the Yukon last May, it seemed a given that a major company would eventually want to seize control of it.

It finally happened yesterday, as Kinross Gold Corp. struck a $139-million deal to buy Vancouver-based Underworld.

The result was an investor frenzy that sucked in every company in the area. Shares of Kaminak Gold Corp., Northern Tiger Resources Inc., Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd., and others posted massive gains. They had all staked out ground around Underworld shortly after the company made its Golden Saddle discovery in the Yukon.

Golden Saddle sits 95 kilometres south of Dawson City. In January, Underworld released an initial resource estimate showing that the deposit holds more than 1.4 million ounces of contained gold in indicated and inferred resources. The company also released a report last week that firmed up more technical details about the project.

The discovery is not huge to date, but Toronto-based Kinross is confident that it can add more gold ounces through exploration. And given that Kinross has a market cap of nearly $13-billion, this was seen as an inexpensive way to get exposure to a promising region.

"We think the property has a lot of good exploration potential, and it's a relatively affordable transaction that gives us the flexibility to do other things," said Kinross spokesman MacPenney.

Of all the large-cap gold companies, Kinross has the most experience building and operating mines in remote Arctic locations. The company has been running the Fort Knox mine in Alaska since 1998, and it recently put its Kupol project in Northeast Russia into production as well.

Compared with Kupol, developing a mine at Golden Saddle is expected to be a breeze from both a logistical and political standpoint.

"It's a geography that we're pretty comfortable with," Mr. Penney said.

Underworld's project will be the first gold deposit that Kinross has owned in Canada in many years. In 2009, the company made its first foray back into Canada by buying a stake in the Diavik diamond mine, also in the Arctic.

Paolo Lostritto, an analyst at Wellington West Capital Markets, wrote in a note that the discovery brings attention to Yukon projects with good metallurgy. He mentioned Victoria Gold Corp., ATAC Resources Ltd. and Golden Predator Royalty & Development Co. as companies with projects that fit the bill.

The Kinross bid, which is nearly all in stock, needs to be approved by investors holding more than two-thirds of Underworld shares. Kinross already owns an 8.5% stake in the company.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 16.03.2010, 23:10 Uhr[/url]"]..where he specializes in mergers and acquisitions.. (!)
[url= schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 16.03.2010, 16:14 Uhr[/url]"]Mar 16, 2010 10:13 ET

ATAC Resources Ltd. Appoints Chairman of the Board

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 16, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to announce that Douglas O. Goss, Q.C. has been appointed to the position of Chairman of the Board for the Company, effective March 15, 2010.

Mr. Goss obtained his B.Comm. (Finance) from the University of Alberta in 1980, followed by his L.L.B. in 1984. Mr. Goss currently serves as Counsel to the law firm of Bryan & Company LLP in Edmonton, Alberta, where he specializes in Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate financing transactions. Mr. Goss has served on the Boards of, or as Counsel to, numerous private and public corporations in Canada, and is currently General Counsel to Premium Brands Holdings Corporation.

Mr. Goss also is the Chairman of the Board of the Edmonton Eskimo Football Club, and is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT).

ATAC is a well funded junior mining company focused on its 100% owned Rau Gold Project. The Rau Gold Project hosts Nevada-style gold mineralization previously unseen in Yukon. For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd., please visit ATAC's website at

On behalf of the board,

Graham Downs, CEO

ATAC Resources Ltd.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 16.03.2010, 23:15 Uhr[/url]"]Rick Rule hat seine Interessen signifikant ausgebaut!

The Rule Family Trust owns close to 7.9 million shares in ATAC.
Strategic Metals Ltd owns 9.8 million shares in ATAC.
The Rule Family Trust owns 8.4 million shares in Strategic Metals Ltd.

High-Quality Juniors: Hot-Ticket Tickers

The fact that the majors have lapsed when it comes to replenishing reserves and discovering new resources has paved the way for smart, resourceful, well-managed juniors to enjoy exponential growth and then get swallowed up by a major "at a substantial premium to what it is in fact worth on a net present value basis," Rick says. "We've seen M&A activity fairly strong in the last 18 months, and the next 24 months will dwarf what we've seen so far." For those reasons, he adds, he's "reasonably attracted" to a portfolio that contains "extremely high-quality juniors."

He puts the emphasis on that last phrase—"extremely high-quality."


As Rick sees it, the only way to make money in this sector is by "pawing through the frauds to find the needles of value in this fraudulent haystack. Not an easy thing to do."

As part of that process, he explains, "Whenever I buy a stock, I have an absolute reason for buying it. I have an informal target, particularly with regards to the juniors. Value is added by the probability of answers to some questions. Before I buy the stock, I say, 'What is the question?' 'How does the management team propose to answer it?' 'Is that efficient?' 'Do they have enough money to do that?' 'What is the likely value of yes?' 'What is the probability of yes?' 'And how long will it take to get that yes?'"

Generally speaking, Rick says that he personally will not buy a junior stock absent "a reasonable possibility of an 18-month double and. . .that a succession of 'yes' answers couldn't give me a tenfold return."
[url= schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 26.05.2010, 16:02 Uhr[/url]"]May 26, 2010 10:00 ET

ATAC Resources Ltd. Announces the Commencement of 2010 Drilling and Exploration at Its Rau Gold Project in Yukon

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 26, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to announce that it has commenced diamond drilling and surface exploration at its wholly-owned Rau Gold Project, which is located in the Keno Hill District of central Yukon Territory.

Five diamond drills have been contracted for use during the 2010 drill program. Three drills are presently on the property and drilling has begun on a minimum 18,000 m program that will:

1. Define and expand the Tiger Zone, with a focus on the high-grade oxide mineralization to the northwest, where hole Rau-09-19 intersected 28.04 m that averaged 24.07 g/t gold;
2. Evaluate and delineate the newly discovered gold-bearing East Zone which is known to underlie part of the Tiger Zone;
3. Drill elsewhere below the Tiger Zone to test the potential for multiple stacked horizons and high-grade feeder zones;
4. Test six priority gold targets within a 5 km long belt extending northwest of the Tiger Zone, where surface oxide and sulphide showings similar to the Tiger Zone have been identified; and,
5. Follow-up numerous other geochemical and geophysical targets within the 1300 sq km property, which were identified in 2009.

"ATAC has been eagerly anticipating an early return to the property. We remain focused on expanding the high-grade oxide and sulphide mineralization at the Tiger Zone and on confirming our discovery of a very large gold district," states Graham Downs, ATAC's CEO. "With more than 18,000 m of diamond drilling budgeted and well over 100 holes proposed, ATAC expects a constant stream of news flow for the next year."

Geophysical surveys are scheduled to begin in the next two weeks at the Tiger Zone and other select targets throughout the property. Work at the Tiger Zone will include various surface orientation surveys and a down-hole induced polarization survey. The orientation surveys will be used to trace the Tiger Zone mineralization and to identify the best methods to find additional mineralized zones. The down-hole survey will be used to interpret and test the continuity of the East Zone where hole Rau-09-44 intersected sulphide mineralization that averaged 3.71 g/t over 36.78 m. Ground-based gravity, grid-based induced polarization and airborne ZTEM surveys will also be used to cover select target areas.

Due to the size of the project and number of gold targets, ATAC will be conducting its 2010 exploration at the Rau Property from two camps. Work at the Tiger Zone and nearby targets will be done from the newly constructed base camp that connects to the Tiger Zone via property drill roads. Exploration on the rest of the property will be primarily conducted by three crews based at a road accessible staging camp near McQuesten Lake. Newly staked claims will receive stream sediment and soil geochemical surveys in conjunction with prospecting, while pre-established targets such as the Now, Sten and El Gossan will receive detailed follow-up grid soil sampling, prospecting and mapping in preparation for diamond drilling.

Drilling to date at the Rau Gold Project has mostly been confined to a band 800 by 300 m wide that is centered on the Tiger Zone. The project's claim holdings comprise a continuous land package that is 160 km long and up to 15 km wide. This land package covers favourable carbonate rocks in the footwall of a regional-scale thrust fault. Exploration of this highly prospective structural and stratigraphic system offers good potential for additional important gold discoveries in summer 2010.

About Rau Gold Project

The Rau Gold Project contains sediment hosted Nevada-style gold mineralization. Recent drilling at the Tiger Zone has traced stratabound gold mineralization over a strike length of 650 m. The gold is hosted in stacked horizons within fractured, brecciated and altered carbonate rocks. In the central and southwestern parts of the zone, the gold occurs with various combinations of arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. Hole Rau-09-66 was drilled in this zone and intersected 70.80 m averaging 5.11 g/t gold. In the deeply weathered northwestern part of the zone, the gold is associated with limonite, which formed by complete oxidation of the pre-existing sulphide minerals and iron carbonate gangue. Hole Rau-09-19 was drilled in this zone as well as hole Rau-09-41 which intersected 24.47 m that averaged 19.59 g/t gold. Most of the intercepts obtained in 2008 and 2009 lie within 100 m of surface and many holes intersected mineralization directly below a thin layer of overburden.

The technical information in this news release has been reviewed by Robert C. Carne, M.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101.

ATAC is a well funded junior mining company focused on gold. For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit ATAC's website at

On behalf of the Board,

Graham Downs, CEO
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 29.06.2010, 19:19 Uhr[/url]"]Wed Jun 16, 2010

Atac Resources Ltd. Announces Granting of Incentive Stock Options

June 16, 2010 -- ATAC Resources Ltd. ("ATAC") (TSX-V:ATC) announces that it has granted an incentive stock option to a director under its Incentive Stock Option Plan, entitling him to purchase up to a total of 100,000 shares at a price of $1.49 per share for a period of 5 years.

ATAC is a well funded junior mining company focused on its Rau Gold Project in Yukon. For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit ATAC's website at
[url= schrieb:
NewAccount schrieb am 08.07.2010, 19:29 Uhr[/url]"]Jul 08, 2010 13:02 ET
ATAC Resources Ltd. Makes Silver-Lead-Zinc-Indium Discovery at Its Rau Gold Project-Yukon

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 8, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to announce that it has made a significant silver-lead-zinc-indium discovery at the Ocelot target located in the western portion of its wholly owned Rau Gold Project in the Keno Hill Mining District, which is historically Canada's second largest primary silver producer.

The Ocelot target occurs along both sides of the regional structural corridor that hosts the Tiger Zone gold mineralization, 15 km to the southeast. Locally, it is situated in lowlands 1.5 km west of the Wind River Winter Road and is identified by a natural spring gossan and vegetation kill zone measuring approximately 300 by 150 m. ATAC staked the gossan in 2008 as part of its district-wide land acquisition program to secure the on-strike continuation of favorable host rocks of the Rau Gold discovery.

Early 2010 exploration at the Ocelot included induced polarization (IP), ground gravity geophysical surveys and an airborne ZTEM/magnetic survey in conjunction with soil sampling. Results produced a number of distinct geochemical anomalies coincident with gravity, IP, ZTEM airborne EM anomalies and a low level magnetic anomaly.

The Ocelot gossan is being deposited as a precipitate from acidic spring waters that are emanating from a faulted sequence of limestones and dolomites that appear to be correlative with rocks that host gold mineralization at the Tiger Zone. The geochemical and geophysical data indicate the potential for a series of high density, possibly massive sulphide bodies that dip shallowly to the north. The combined geophysical/geochemical anomalies are open to extension to the northwest beyond the areas of current ground surveys, which outline a potential one kilometer strike length to the discovery. The types of mineralization that most closely match the available data are carbonate replacement deposits or mantos.

Follow up prospecting of one of the coincident geochemical/geophysical anomalies in the largely overburden covered area near the Ocelot gossan identified a small vegetation kill zone where abundant boulders and cobbles of angular silver-lead-zinc massive sulphide and oxide mineralization occur at surface and confirm the geophysical anomaly. Photos of the new discovery are posted on the Company's website. Seven surface samples were taken from the new discovery and results are tabulated below.
Sample # Silver (g/t) (oz/t) Lead (%) Zinc (%) Indium (g/t)
G285164 2100 (61.25 oz/t) 55.33 0.74 62.00
G285165 1840 (53.67 oz/t) 44.49 1.19 17.00
G285166 86.30 (2.52 oz/t) 1.69 2.08 68.10
G285167 21.00 (0.61 oz/t) 0.75 22.60 4.12
G285168 11.65 (0.34 oz/t) 0.48 33.32 1.93
G285169 134.00 (3.91 oz/t) 2.39 40.55 3.16
G285170 2810 (81.96 oz/t) 80.55 0.17 3.28

"Making additional discoveries on the 160 km long Rau Gold Project has been a major priority for ATAC," states Graham Downs, ATAC's CEO. "We are extremely excited about the potential at the Ocelot and a diamond drill is being mobilized to the Ocelot on July 15th. This drill will be an addition to the three drills that continue to explore the Tiger Zone."

The technical information in this news release has been reviewed by Robert C. Carne, M.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person for the purposed of National Instrument 43-101.

ATAC is a well funded junior mining company focused on precious metals. For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit ATAC's website at

On behalf of the Board,

Graham Downs, CEO
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 17.07.2010, 15:38 Uhr[/url]"]ATAC loads up the truck! Minimale Verwässerung auf hohem Niveau!

Sattes financing mit einem starken Partner, dem insbesondere siam gefallen dürfte!

Sie benötigen diese stattliche Summe dieses Jahr nicht, denn das aktuelle 18k-Programm
auf Rau ist vollständig durchfinanziert. Man könnte darauf spekulieren, dass das Management
weitere rigs auf Rau auflaufen lässt, kann ich mir bei dem Fokus auf Tiger bezüglich der Arbeit
der Geologen und Drill Master aber kaum vorstellen. De facto ist ATAC nun für die nächsten 18-24
Monate mit einem Cashbestand von 35Mio USD dermaßen solide aufgestellt, dass sie sogar
über kleinere Akquisitionen und neue large scale Programme diskutieren können!

ATAC überzeugt gegenwärtig in nahe zu allen Belangen, sensationelle Entwicklung!

Fri Jul 16, 2010

ATAC Resources Ltd. announces $19.96 Million in Private Placements


July 16, 2010 - ATAC Resources Ltd. ("ATAC" or the "Company") (TSX-V: ATC) is pleased to announce that it has arranged the non-brokered private placement of up to 8,000,000 common shares of the Company at a price of CDN$1.85, and of up to 2,400,000 flow-through common shares of the Company at a price of CDN$2.15, for aggregate gross proceeds of up to CDN$19,960,000 (the "Offering").

The Company has agreed to allocate a portion of the Offering to subscribers found by Axemen Resource Capital Ltd. ("Axemen"), and may agree to similar allocations to other exempt market or investment dealers. The Company will pay finder's fees equal to 5% of subscription amounts found, payable in cash or shares, plus issue finder's warrants in an amount equal to 6% of shares subscribed for, with each such finder's warrant exercisable into one common share of the Company at a price of CDN$2.00 for 18 months from closing.

Closing of the Offering is anticipated to occur on or before August 6, 2010 and is subject to receipt of TSX Venture Exchange acceptance. Securities issued under the Offering will be subject to a hold period which will expire four months and one day from the date of closing.

The proceeds from the Offering will be used to continue exploration on ATAC's wholly-owned Rau property in the Keno Hill District of central Yukon and for general working capital purposes.

ATAC is a well-funded junior mining company focused on gold. For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit ATAC's website at

Graham Downs, CEO
ATAC Resources Ltd.
Tel: 604-687-2522

[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 09.07.2010, 08:33 Uhr[/url]"]Bonanza samples! :D

Sample G285164: 2100 g/t (61.25 oz/t) Silver, 55.33% Lead, 0.74% Zinc and 62.00 g/t Indium

Neben den hochgradigen Goldzonen können sie zukünftig einen second target auf die entdeckten
Silber- und Indium-Mineralisierungen (+Lead u. Zinc) legen, das sind weltklasse Oberflächenproben auf Ocelot!

» zur Grafik

» zur Grafik

Die zahlreichen claims von Rau tragen das Potenzial für weitere Überraschungen!
[url= schrieb:
NewAccount schrieb am 08.07.2010, 19:30 Uhr[/url]"]Jul 08, 2010 13:02 ET
ATAC Resources Ltd. Makes Silver-Lead-Zinc-Indium Discovery at Its Rau Gold Project-Yukon

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 8, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to announce that it has made a significant silver-lead-zinc-indium discovery at the Ocelot target located in the western portion of its wholly owned Rau Gold Project in the Keno Hill Mining District, which is historically Canada's second largest primary silver producer.

The Ocelot target occurs along both sides of the regional structural corridor that hosts the Tiger Zone gold mineralization, 15 km to the southeast. Locally, it is situated in lowlands 1.5 km west of the Wind River Winter Road and is identified by a natural spring gossan and vegetation kill zone measuring approximately 300 by 150 m. ATAC staked the gossan in 2008 as part of its district-wide land acquisition program to secure the on-strike continuation of favorable host rocks of the Rau Gold discovery.

Early 2010 exploration at the Ocelot included induced polarization (IP), ground gravity geophysical surveys and an airborne ZTEM/magnetic survey in conjunction with soil sampling. Results produced a number of distinct geochemical anomalies coincident with gravity, IP, ZTEM airborne EM anomalies and a low level magnetic anomaly.

The Ocelot gossan is being deposited as a precipitate from acidic spring waters that are emanating from a faulted sequence of limestones and dolomites that appear to be correlative with rocks that host gold mineralization at the Tiger Zone. The geochemical and geophysical data indicate the potential for a series of high density, possibly massive sulphide bodies that dip shallowly to the north. The combined geophysical/geochemical anomalies are open to extension to the northwest beyond the areas of current ground surveys, which outline a potential one kilometer strike length to the discovery. The types of mineralization that most closely match the available data are carbonate replacement deposits or mantos.

Follow up prospecting of one of the coincident geochemical/geophysical anomalies in the largely overburden covered area near the Ocelot gossan identified a small vegetation kill zone where abundant boulders and cobbles of angular silver-lead-zinc massive sulphide and oxide mineralization occur at surface and confirm the geophysical anomaly. Photos of the new discovery are posted on the Company's website. Seven surface samples were taken from the new discovery and results are tabulated below.
Sample # Silver (g/t) (oz/t) Lead (%) Zinc (%) Indium (g/t)
G285164 2100 (61.25 oz/t) 55.33 0.74 62.00
G285165 1840 (53.67 oz/t) 44.49 1.19 17.00
G285166 86.30 (2.52 oz/t) 1.69 2.08 68.10
G285167 21.00 (0.61 oz/t) 0.75 22.60 4.12
G285168 11.65 (0.34 oz/t) 0.48 33.32 1.93
G285169 134.00 (3.91 oz/t) 2.39 40.55 3.16
G285170 2810 (81.96 oz/t) 80.55 0.17 3.28

"Making additional discoveries on the 160 km long Rau Gold Project has been a major priority for ATAC," states Graham Downs, ATAC's CEO. "We are extremely excited about the potential at the Ocelot and a diamond drill is being mobilized to the Ocelot on July 15th. This drill will be an addition to the three drills that continue to explore the Tiger Zone."

The technical information in this news release has been reviewed by Robert C. Carne, M.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person for the purposed of National Instrument 43-101.

ATAC is a well funded junior mining company focused on precious metals. For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit ATAC's website at

On behalf of the Board,

Graham Downs, CEO
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 29.06.2010, 19:14 Uhr[/url]"]ATC

Mein Favorit für ein long term Investment zu einer billion $ company. Die sitzen mit Rau imho
nicht nur auf einem hochgradigen Goldprojekt, sondern vermutlich auf einem neuen Gold district. 8)
Die anderen Top Projekte, die 50%tige-Interessen an den White Gold Projekten und die zahlreichen
JVs lasse ich außen vor, absolute blue sky Aussichten..

Ein 18.000m Bohrprogramm läuft seit Ende Mai auf dem Hauptprojekt, ich erwarte einen
kontinuierenden Trend der Tiger Zone und weitere discoveries auf Jaguar und Panther.

» zur Grafik

Atac Resources Ltd. Announces the Commencement of 2010 Drilling and Exploration at its Rau Gold Project in Yukon

» zur Grafik
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 22.07.2010, 21:53 Uhr[/url]"]ATC

Atac erhöht das gesamte Financing von 20 Mio auf respektable 22 Mio USD(!)

Atac Resources increases offering to $15.5-million

2010-07-21 15:47 ET - News Release
Mr. Graham Downs reports


ATAC Resources Ltd. has increased the private placements announced in Stockwatch on July 16,
2010, subject to regulatory acceptance, to:

Up to 8.42 million common shares at a price of $1.85, for aggregate subscription
proceeds of up to $15,577,000;

Up to 3,023,000 flow-through common shares at a price of $2.15, for aggregate subscription
proceeds of up to $6,499,450.

The proceeds from these private placements will be used to continue exploration on ATAC's wholly
owned Rau property in the Keno Hill district of central Yukon and for general working capital purposes.

We seek Safe Harbor.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 27.07.2010, 20:06 Uhr[/url]"]That Was The Week That Was ... In Canada

By Our Canadian Correspondent

CC. The Bank of Canada raised interest rates by 0.25 per cent to 0.75 per cent, and lowered its forecast for economic growth for the second half of 2010. On the resource front, it was all about drill results with the overall market looking a little more buoyant than has been the case over the previous few weeks. Once all the trading was done, the TSX Ventures Exchange, home to more junior exploration companies than anywhere else in the world, had added a modest 1.12 per cent, while the TSX Gold Index had dropped a miniscule 0.16 of a per cent.

Kinross Gold cashed out on its 22.5 per cent interest in Harry Winston Diamond’s 40 per cent stake in the Diavik diamond mine in Canada’s Northwest Territories. The gold miner bought a 22.5 per cent interest at a US$104.4 million fire sale price and now is selling its stake fora cool US$220 million. Under the proposed sale, Harry Winston will pay Kinross US$50 million in cash, hand over 7.1 million Harry Winston shares, and issue a 12 month US$70 million note. The note will carry a five per cent coupon. Kinross also announced that it has arranged to sell its 19.9 per cent direct stake in Harry Winston through a block trade.Kinross picked up its block in 2009 for US$45.6 million and has ended up with a US$150 million profit.

Minews. Perhaps Kinross should go into the investment business?

CC. It is a nice chunk of change. And Kinross diddo some buying this week, too. The major acquired an interest in the Kupol East and West licences in Russia from B2Gold for US$33 million cash and subsequent payments of US$15 million for each incremental million ounces in gold reserves subsequently proven, up to nine million ounces of gold. B2Gold also retains payments equal to 1.5 per cent of net smelter returns from the start of production. Kinross ended theweek up C.45 at C$17.05, Harry Winston dropped C$1.43 to close at C$13.00, and B2Gold added C
.11 to C$1.58.

Minews. Interesting stuff. And now, that raft of drilling news you mentioned.

CC. Shares of Magma Metals added C.03 to close at C.41 after the company reported a 51 metre drill intercept running5.02 grams platinum per tonne, 4.84 grams palladium per tonne, 1.18%copper, and 0.56% nickel at the Bridge zone on its Thunder Bay North project in northwest Ontario.

Not to be outdone, Romarco Minerals cut 38.1 metres grading 11.8 grams gold per tonne at its Haile project in South Carolina. Despite the result, Romarco ended the week down C.06 atC$1.69.

And there was another case of investors selling into good news at Fronteer Gold and AuEx Ventures. The partners continue to hit the goodies at their Long Canyon property in Nevada.The latest results included 5.27 grams gold per tonne over 64 metres.Fronteer Gold, which holds a 51 per cent interest, lost C.18 to closeat C$6.28, while 49 per cent stake holder AuEx closed at C$3.17, for a C.27 loss. Elsewhere, Premium Exploration had a good week after reporting 2.23 grams gold per tonne over 157.9 metres at its Friday-Pet site project in Idaho. Premium ended the week up C.125 at C.45.

Minews. Decent enough stuff. But was there anything else other than drilling news to report?

CC. Well, one of the high flying speculative Yukon exploration plays went to the market to cash up the till. Atac Resources, which has multiple drills turning on its Rau property is looking to issue 8.42 million shares at C$1.85 each, as well as three million flow through shares at C$2.15 each. Funds from the C$22 million raising will be used to continue ramping up work at Rau. Atac ended theweek down C.07 at C$1.89.

And new Gold got a boost after reporting that gold production rose 62 per cent in the second quarter of 2010. Driving the increase was a 42 per cent jump in production at the Mesquite mine in California to 39,000 ounces of gold. In total, New Gold produced 90,000ounces of gold from mines in California, Mexico and Australia. New Gold ended the week up C.14 at C$5.27.

Sticking to the production scene, second quarter production at Olympus Pacific’s Bong Mieu plant in Vietnam hit 8,200ounces. Olympus ended the week up C.05 at C.37.

On the not so bright side, copper production from First Quantum fell by 8.3 per cent to 85,400 tonnes as a result of ongoing problems in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The government has stripped First Quantum of its right to mine the Kolwezi project, where the company had invested C$750 million. The Congo risk must already have been priced in, though, as investors instead elected to go with a rising copper price, and First Quantum ended the week up C$6.28 at C$67.78.

Finally, New Island Resources has agreed to merge with Mountain Lake Resources. The move leaves a rival bid by Anaconda Mining in limbo. Under the Mountain Lake deal, every 4.25 New Island shares will be exchanged for one Mountain Lake share. New Island added C.015 to C.11. Mountain Lake added C.03 to C.54, while Anacondatacked on C.045 to close at C.295.

The bigger Canadian companies start to report second quarter earnings next week. For the resource companies, it will be all about commodity prices and drill results. We will see what next week has in store.

[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 27.07.2010, 20:10 Uhr[/url]"]4 Safe Investments After the Recession

Last Updated on Monday, 26 July 2010 03:35
Written by admin
Monday, 26 July 2010 03:35

Although we don’t think this “recession” is anywhere close to over and will get better any time soon, it would be wise to watch these forms of investments very closely. If or when the double-dip comes, be prepared to jump on these investments like a rabbit on viagra because when the dust settles, these areas will be where the parties at.

Gold, Energy, Food and Land

Investors who have survived the deepest recession in decades have witnessed a dollar collapse, a housing market collapse, government defaults and a stock market collapse. After the recession started in 2007, everyone is thinking the same thing, where do we invest our money now? In as early as 2005, a monkey could close their eyes throw their money into stocks, bonds and real estate to easily profit.The buy and hold strategy was lucrative and quite accurate. Most retail investments had a perceived safety of principal and long term growth.From March 6th, 2009 to the second quarter of 2010 we witnessed a confident bear market rally, meaning we had a 30% recovery in stocks overall, but still down 30%-40% from pre-recession highs. We are all still trying to recover back to even.

So what is an investor to do?…. Let’s start by decreasing ownership of pieces of paper like stock certificates, bond certificates, mortgage documents. Over the coming decade smart investors will be a shifting from paper assets to physical assets and commodities. If someone could find a good way to invest in clean drinking water, that would be a good idea too!

It’s time to invest in Gold and Silver, Energy, Food and Land. These investments are based on earth produced physical objects… Iknow that sounds like weird description, but think about it. They are in high demand, they are finite (will run out) and are increasingly harder to produce.


Gold and Silver represent the physical forms of money, because they are resilient to financial collapse and will be a store of value for your savings. Gold and silver stocks are highly volatile and will fall with the market, but they can turn and start increasing as markets fall. The key is to find growth companies. Canada dominates gold mining and exploration, being a commodity based market.

Physical Gold is great if you can afford it, because it will protect against inflation and has done well over long periods of time. See ourpost on “Gold is Money”.

As you can see from the chart above, physical gold has been on a tear since 2000. Regular people in the growing middle class of Russia, India and China are buying gold jewelery and gold investments at an alarming rate. It is not usually a good idea for the average investor to buy when a chart is at such a peak, but gold prices can continue to rise on fear. $1,200 may become $1,800 in the next few months. Physical Gold can typically have corrections between 10% and 25%. Buy as price drops and then buy more regularly.

Some small and intermediate gold stocks for the growth investor:
Yamana Gold (AUY), Jaguar Gold (JAG), Detour Gold (DGC), U.S. Gold (UXG), Eldorado (EGO), IAMGOLD (IAG), LIHIR Gold (LIHR)

Juniors (TSE)?

Minera Andes Inc. (MAI), Terrane Metals (TRX), Claude Resources Inc. (CGR), Atac Resources Ltd (ATC), Rubicon Minerals Corp (RBY)

Junior Gold stocks are often long term holds and are also high potential acquisitions by larger companies.

Silver Stocks to look at:
Silvercorp Metals (SVM), Hecla Mining (HL), Silver Wheaton (SLW)


Oil is the number one energy source in the world and consumption will continue to rise with the rise of China, India and Brazil. Lookfor oil to push for $100+ a barrel. This is almost a no brainer, however, you cannot just buy mature Oil stocks and expect a return, because they are volatile and don’t offer much growth for the average investor. To invest, you must invest in Oil Futures and Options. It took me years to understand that a regular investor can buy oil futures. You will have to sign up with a broker that has e-minifutures like optionsXpress.

Oil Futures – miNY Crude (QM)


Hori. Beta. NYMEX Cr. Oil (HOU)

For stocks, Energy companies that produce natural gas, heating oil,hydro and oil delivery pipelines produce great returns even after the recession.


Food is our lifeline, literally. When you invest in Agriculture, farming and processing after the recession, you’re essentialy betting that we will continue to run out of food and consumption will be more than demand. Here are a few companies.

Exchange Traded Fund:
The Market Vectors Global Agribusiness ETF (amex:MOO),

Fertilizer companies:
Potash Corp (POT), Agrium (AGU), Mosaic (MOS)

Real Estate and Land

Owning property in areas that will grow is a great way to invest for the future. A company can go bankrupt, jobs will be lost, money can be printed, however land cannot be reproduced, it is finite. The recession has brought real estate prices down in several parts of America and the world, not quite in Canada though. The key is to expand your horizons past your own city and assume that the market has some downside risk.

[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 01.08.2010, 17:29 Uhr[/url]"]Atac glänzt mit einer neuen Discovery auf Rau. Wie ich erwate, wird in
der Area um Rau in den nächsten Jahren ein neuer Disctrict entstehen!

Atac Resources samples 17.5 g/t Au at Rau

2010-07-29 09:05 ET - News Release
Mr. Graham Downs reports


Atac Resources Ltd. has made another significant gold discovery at its wholly owned Rau gold project in the Keno Hill mining district of central Yukon territory.

Osiris gold discovery highlights:
Gold mineralization associated with realgar and orpiment grading from 1.92 to 12.15 grams per tonne gold
• Soil samples grading up to 17.5 g/t gold
• 517 new claims staked to complete coverage of a 150-square-kilometre area of highly anomalous gold and pathfinder elements in stream sediments
• Fifth drill mobilized to test the Osiris target.

The Osiris showing occurs within the Sten claim block that was staked in 2009 to cover a 17-kilometre-long mountain range, where five of six steam-sediment samples in the federal government steam-sediment database were highly anomalous for arsenic. Follow-up reconnaissance-scale stream-sediment sampling in 2009 identified several areas that warranted additional exploration, in particular one two-kilometre-long tributary of one of the anomalous drainages that is characterized by stream-sediment gold values ranging from trace to two g/t gold. Prospecting in the headwaters of this creek revealed gold mineralization over a widespread area.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 01.08.2010, 17:53 Uhr[/url]"]ATC

Schaut euch an in welchem Bereich von Rau das Orisis target inkl. der neuen Discovery liegt!
Zwischen den high grade Discovery Zonen von Ost (Orisis) und West (Grey Copper) und
den indizierten targets von Tiger, Condor, Panther etc. könnten sich die Gold-
Mineralisierungen in einer Länge von sensationellen 160km erstrecken.

Imho ist Atac schon die kommende "Ventana Kanadas", aufgrund den immensen Vorteilen bezüglich
der geopolitischen Lage und Stabilität (vgl. VEN) sehe ich bei Atac aber weit aus größere Potenziale.

Stellt euch vor, dass Atac mit Rau einen neuen Trend alá Carlin entdecken könnte..

Osiris target:

"The discovery has been traced for a 1 km strike length on both limbs of the fold. The strongest
soil geochemical response corresponds to a 40 m wide breccia zone that lies along the fold axis
where soils commonly contain in excess of 1 g/t gold, and range from trace to a maximum value of
17.5 g/t gold. The core of the gold and arsenic geochemical anomaly covers an area of
approximately 150 by 500 m with 60% of the soil samples grading in excess of 1 g/t gold..

» zur Grafik

Carlin Trend Gold Mine, NV, USA

[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 01.08.2010, 17:29 Uhr[/url]"]Atac glänt mit einer neuen Discovery auf Rau. Wie ich erwate, wird in
der Area um Rau in den nächsten Jahren ein neuer Disctrict entstehen!

Atac Resources samples 17.5 g/t Au at Rau

2010-07-29 09:05 ET - News Release
Mr. Graham Downs reports


Atac Resources Ltd. has made another significant gold discovery at its wholly owned Rau gold project in the Keno Hill mining district of central Yukon territory.

Osiris gold discovery highlights:
Gold mineralization associated with realgar and orpiment grading from 1.92 to 12.15 grams per tonne gold
• Soil samples grading up to 17.5 g/t gold
• 517 new claims staked to complete coverage of a 150-square-kilometre area of highly anomalous gold and pathfinder elements in stream sediments
• Fifth drill mobilized to test the Osiris target.

The Osiris showing occurs within the Sten claim block that was staked in 2009 to cover a 17-kilometre-long mountain range, where five of six steam-sediment samples in the federal government steam-sediment database were highly anomalous for arsenic. Follow-up reconnaissance-scale stream-sediment sampling in 2009 identified several areas that warranted additional exploration, in particular one two-kilometre-long tributary of one of the anomalous drainages that is characterized by stream-sediment gold values ranging from trace to two g/t gold. Prospecting in the headwaters of this creek revealed gold mineralization over a widespread area.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.08.2010, 10:41 Uhr[/url]"]Top-notch results!

Atac Resources drills 58.92 m of 8.70 g/t Au at Rau

2010-08-05 08:41 ET - News Release
Mr. Graham Downs reports


Atac Resources Ltd. has released assay results from initial 2010 diamond drilling in the oxide
portion of the Tiger zone at its wholly owned Rau gold project in the Keno Hill mining district.

The oxide drilling was carried out with large-diameter core. The hole pattern was designed to:

1. Test low-to-high-grade areas of the oxide portion of the Tiger zone where previous
drilling was relatively widely spaced in order to acquire necessary drill-spacing and bulk-density
information required for a resource calculation;
2. Improve drill core recovery in areas of late-stage faulting that appear to be related to the highest
gold grades in the oxide mineralization part of the Tiger zone;
3. Test interpreted extensions of the oxide mineralization down dip and along strike to the

Significant oxide holes for which complete assays have been received are provided in the
accompanying table. Results are also summarized in detail on cross-sections that are available on
the company's website.


Hole ID Section From (m) To (m) Int. (m) Au (g/t)

Rau-10-79 10+350NW 83.67 103.02 19.35 5.29
incl. 83.67 90.83 7.16 11.32
Rau-10-82 10+160NW 6.09 27.43 21.34 2.22
Rau-10-85 10+080NW 57.91 64.01 6.10 1.87
76.40 86.61 10.21 0.91
Rau-10-86 10+160NW 6.10 10.67 4.57 1.67
66.00 72.00 6.00 0.96
Rau-10-88 10+250NW 31.00 89.92 58.92 8.70
incl. 60.96 79.25 18.29 25.77
incl. 67.61 79.25 11.64 38.45
Rau-10-90 10+300NW 32.92 71.72 38.80 17.11
46.63 57.30 10.67 51.68
Rau-10-92 10+400NW 253.90 260.91 7.01 1.04

Holes Rau-10-72 and Rau-10-74 on Section 10+350NW intersected an oxide zone but did not return
significant gold grades. Hole Rau-10-78 on Section 10+400NW did not intersect an oxide zone,
while Rau-10-84, also on Section 10+400NW, was abandoned due to technical difficulties.

The tabulated intervals are mineralized lengths of core. Mineralization is controlled by
strata and, based on core-axis-to-bedding angles, true widths are estimated to be 70 to 90 per cent
of the interval lengths.

Grades of some of the intersections are higher than have previously been encountered
in this area; these are possibly due to the use of larger-core diameters and the implementation of
specialized drilling technologies, which have improved the recovery of core from highly fractured
and faulted zones that are known to contain better gold grades.
The company will be
carrying out a comparison of recovery versus gold grade to determine whether other areas of the
oxide deposit should be redrilled with the current equipment in an effort to improve overall
recoveries within the oxide zone.

Testing of extensions of the Tiger zone along the strike direction of the north-south structural
corridor is proceeding on sections 10+350NW and 10+400NW.
The drill productivity in this part of
the deposit is slower due to greater hole depths and poor ground conditions.

Diamond drilling has begun at the new Osiris target (see news in Stockwatch on July
29, 2010). A drill has also been mobilized to the Cheetah target, which is located five kilometres
northwest of the Tiger zone. The company will continue to drill-test the numerous targets along
trend of the Tiger zone, with the higher-elevation ones scheduled to be drilled first.

"The fact that we appear to be getting higher grades with improved core recoveries
is very encouraging and may be a key factor as we move toward a resource calculation
states Graham Downs, Atac's chief executive officer. "Regional exploration
follow-up has begun on sediment geochemical anomalies generated from first-pass exploration
elsewhere on the 1,400-square-kilometre Rau project, and we are confident that new targets for
drilling will result from this work. The company remains focused on its aggressive yet systematic
exploration of this new gold district


Maps, Tiger Zone - Rau Property





[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.08.2010, 10:47 Uhr[/url]"]ATAC Resources Ltd. Announces Major Gold Discovery

Wednesday, August 6th 2008

ATAC Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce very significant gold results from diamond drilling at its wholly owned Rau property in the Keno Hill District of central Yukon. The discovery lies on the northern edge of the prolific Tintina Gold Province, a belt of mostly intrusion-related gold deposits that stretches across Yukon and Alaska.

Encouraging surface results and visual evaluation of drill core have now been confirmed by assays from core samples that average 1.237 g/t (0.036 opt) gold across a thickness of 68.69 m (225.4 ft). Assays are pending for nine nearby drill holes that cut similar thicknesses of the same type of mineralization. Management is excited about the consistency of mineralization from hole to hole and believes that this is an important discovery with exceptional size potential.

Graham Downs, CEO, states that “ATAC has moved quickly to capitalize on this unique opportunity. The drill program has been extended to continue through fall and we expect to see more than 20 holes completed in this zone before the end of the exploration season. The extended diamond drill program will seek to establish the extent of the zone (which is open to expansion in all directions) and will search for especially high grade areas within it.”

In response to the discovery, ATAC has dramatically expanded its land position by staking an additional 1297 mineral claims in the favourable geological belt. The Rau property now totals 1393 claims covering an area 30 km long and up to 12.5 km wide. The claims extend easterly from the Wind River Trail, a route that has traditionally been used to transport heavy equipment into the district. An access road to the drill area from the closest point on the Yukon highway system would cross gentle terrain and have a total length of 57 km.

The gold mineralization is stratabound and is hosted in porous reefal limestone and dolomite of the Cambrian to Devonian age Bouvette Formation. The mineralized strata are on the outer fringe of a large and well zoned hydrothermal system developed above and around a Late Cretaceous granitic intrusion. The system is roughly centred on a small, poorly exposed intrusive stock that outcrops about 3 km east of the gold zone. Narrow, apparently coeval aplite and pegmatite dykes and sills are found over a much larger area. The intrusions are strongly fractionated, often containing various forms of tourmaline, unusual micas, beryl, garnet and wolframite. Skarns developed near the intrusive centre are irregularly mineralized with scheelite while more distal veins contain lead and zinc minerals.

The gold bearing strata range from about 50 to 90 m thick in drill holes. They are deformed by open, asymmetric folds with northwesterly striking subhorizontal axes. The folds exhibit northeasterly vergence related to two regional-scale southwesterly directed thrust faults that bound the favourable package of rocks. The host rocks are dolomitized and typically contain 5 to 20% sulphide minerals including (in approximate order of abundance) pyrite, arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite. Bismuthinite and scheelite are present in trace to minor amounts. Sulphide minerals occur as coarse disseminations and replacements. Total sulphide content is thus far consistent from hole to hole. The mineralized unit is overlain by a talc altered sequence with minor sulphides on fractures. This unit may have acted as an impermeable cap rock that helped to channel mineralization fluids laterally into the porous underlying dolomite host rocks.

Discovery of the gold mineralization resulted from follow up of a 99th percentile gold value reported by a reconnaissance-scale stream sediment survey. The zone itself was first identified by grid soil sampling, which outlined a 600 m long by 100 to 300 m wide area of largely coincident, very strongly anomalous gold and arsenic values. The geochemical anomaly is open to extension to the northwest. This area has now been grid sampled but results are not yet available. The zone is not conductive but it did show up as a second-order magnetic high on a helicopter-borne VTEM survey. Prospecting located limonite-rich float with occasional residual sulphides in the vicinity of the soil geochemical anomalies, but it has not found the zone in outcrop. In light of drill results, the discovery was very fortuitous because the area of mineralization is much larger than was suggested by surface work. A creek has eroded into the zone where an anticlinal fold brings it close to surface, otherwise the mineralization would have been completely buried. To the southeast and northwest, the fold axis projects under ridges so the mineralized beds are not exposed; to the northeast and southwest the host strata dip beneath cover rocks on either limb of the fold axis.

Eleven holes have so far tested the gold zone, and all but the first hole have cut the mineralized strata. Rau-08-01 was drilled near a ridge crest at the southeast end of the soil anomaly. It appears to have passed above the fold hinge, intersecting only weakly mineralized fractures in hanging wall stratigraphy. The other ten holes have been drilled on two lines: one paralleling the fold axis along the presumed length of the zone and the other aligned perpendicular to the fold axis across the presumed width of the zone. The holes that are located along the length of the fold axis have successfully traced the mineralized zone for a distance of 350 m. The holes drilled across the fold axis have defined an anticlinal axis and are beginning to define a synclinal axis. Unfolded, this section represents about 280 m of mineralized stratigraphy. All but one hole on the north limb of the fold axis had excellent recovery and cored solid, sulphide-bearing rock. The only hole on the south limb (Rau-08-03) intersected deeply weathered, oxidized rocks that yielded poor core recovery. Most material returned from this hole consisted of limonite boxwork or limonite mud. The gold-rich strata remain open to extension in all directions. Plan view maps, a drill cross-section, annotated photos of the drill area and pictures of the core are all available for viewing on the company’s website –

The sample intervals in hole Rau-08-02, which combined to total 68.69 m, individually ranged from 1.00 to 2.23 m in length. The grade of the individual samples ranged from 0.135 to 7.62 g/t gold, with most samples between 0.300 and 1.5 g/t. The average grade of 1.237 g/t gold, which is reported for samples collected from Rau-08-02, was calculated in a weighted manner reflecting variations in sample lengths.

All analyses referred to in this news release were performed at ALS Chemex in North Vancouver, BC. The samples were collected and handled in ways that ensures security, including chain of custody procedures. Blank and standard samples were randomly included in every batch of 20 core samples. Gold analyses involved fire assay followed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy. Analyses for other elements on drill core were done by inductively coupled plasma combined with either mass spectroscopy or atomic emission spectroscopy.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.08.2010, 10:52 Uhr[/url]"]ATAC RESOURCES LTD. ("ATC")
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered

BULLETIN DATE: August 6, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to a Non-Brokered
Private Placement announced July 16, 2010 and July 21,2010:

Number of Shares: 8,420,000 shares
3,023,000 flow-through shares

Purchase Price: $1.85 per share
$2.15 per flow-through share

Number of Placees: 10 placees (common shares)
19 placees (flow-through shares)

Finder's Fee: Axemen Resource Capital Ltd. - $187,050.00,
214,500 common shares and 361,800 Finder's Warrants that are exercisable into common shares at
$2.00 per share for an 18 month period.

Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd. - $97,312.50 and 60,300 Finder's
Warrants that are exercisable into common shares at $2.00 per share for an 18 month period.

Paradigm Capital Inc. -$291,937.50 and 180,900 Finder's Warrants that
are exercisable into common shares at $2.00 per share for an 18 month period.

Wellington West Capital Inc. -$9,700.00 and 6,000 Finder's Warrants that
are exercisable into common shares at $2.00 per share for an 18 month period.

Odlum Brown Ltd. - $9,997.50 and 5,580 Finder's Warrants that are
exercisable into common shares at$2.00 per share for an 18 month period.

PI Financial Corp. -$66,600.00, 24,000 common shares and 72,000
Finder's Warrants that are exercisable into common shares at $2.00 per share for an 18 month period.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company must issue a news release
announcing the closing of the private placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period
(s). The Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly.


[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.08.2010, 11:12 Uhr[/url]"]A mention of ATAC in the Grandich Client Update

Aug 6,2010

"As good as the Capoose has been so far in 2010 with so many more holes to come, it’s
the Yukon drilled holes that I think the market is especially looking for. The news yesterday from
ATAC and Kaminak Gold has ratcheted up the interest in the emerging Yukon gold rush."

ATAC could blow the lid right off the Yukon`s potential with a hit on any one of it`s numerous targets.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.08.2010, 11:15 Uhr[/url]"]ATAC Resources* (ATC : TSX-V : $2.05), Net Change: 0.25, % Change: 13.89%, Volume: 1,095,850
Roaring Tiger. ATAC Resources reported assay results from initial 2010 diamond
drilling in the oxide portion of the Tiger Zone at its wholly-owned Rau Gold Project in the Keno Hill
Mining District, Yukon. Highlight intersections included 38.80 metres of 17.11 g/t gold in Hole
Rau-10-90 and 58.92 metres of 8.70 g/t gold in Hole Rau-10-88. ATAC's CEO, Graham Downs, stated,
"The fact that we appear to be getting higher grades with improved core recoveries is very
encouraging and may be a key factor as we move toward a resource calculation.

Regional exploration follow-up has begun on sediment geochemical anomalies generated from first
pass exploration elsewhere on the 1,400 sq/km Rau Project and we are confident that new targets
for drilling will result from this work."
In addition to continuing to test extensions of the Tiger Zone along the strike, ATAC has also recently
begun diamond drilling at the new Osiris Target, and a drill has also been mobilized to the Cheetah
Target located 5 km northwest of the Tiger Zone.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.08.2010, 11:17 Uhr[/url]"]Atac Reaches New High On Latest Yukon Gold Hits

Vancouver - New infill drill results from the Tiger zone of Atac Resources' (ATC-V) Rau gold project have boosted the company's stock to an all-time high only days after somewhat disappointing results from the project's East zone. The latest results from the oxide portion of the Tiger zone show several high-grade intercepts of significant lengths. Atac intended the drilling to both shore up widely spaced areas and to test interpreted extensions of the mineralization downdip and along strike to the northwest.

The drilling is part of an 18,000-metre, $12.5 million exploration program on Atac's wholly-owned gold project in the Yukon's Keno Hill mining district. The Tiger zone has so far been delineated over a 650-metre-long and 100 to 200-metre-wide area with an average thickness of 40 metres.
On the northwest edge of drilling, hole 92 cut 7 metres averaging 1.04 grams gold per tonne, while hole 78 did not hit oxide and hole 84 had to be abandoned. Moving southeast, holes 72 and 74 did not hit significant mineralization while nearby hole 79 cut 19.4 metres averaging 5.29 grams gold from 84 metres.

Further southeast, hole 90 cut 38.8 metres grading 17.11 grams gold from 33 metres, including 10.7 metres averaging 51.68 grams gold, and hole 88 returned 58.9 metres carrying 8.7 grams gold from 31 metres, including 18.3 metres grading 25.77 grams gold. Closer to the centre of the zone, hole 85 cut 6.1 metres grading 1.87 grams gold from 58 metres depth, hole 86 hit 4.6 metres averaging 1.67 grams gold from 6 metres, and hole 82 cut 21.3 metres carrying 2.22 grams gold also from 6 metres depth.

The company used larger diameter core for the latest drilling. Atac reports the larger core could account for some of the higher-grade intercepts since it improves recovery in highly fractured and faulted zones with better grades. The company is now deciding whether to test other areas of the oxide zone with larger core.
Meanwhile on the less explored East zone, five of the eight holes drilled this summer did not intersect significant mineralization. Of those the company did report, hole 73 cut 23.2 metres averaging 2.54 grams gold from 182 metres and hole 87hit 16.2 metres grading 2.16 grams gold from 279 metres depth.

While drilling the East zone, the company discovered a new stratabound layer of gold sulphide mineralization in five of eight holes in what it now calls the Upper Tiger Zone. Hole 77 cut 4.9 metres grading 3.83 grams gold, hole 83 hit 6.2 metres carrying 4.34 grams gold and hole 87 hit 7.6 metres averaging 4.94 grams gold, with all hits starting from between 105 and 120 metres depth.

Elsewhere on Rau, Atac has started diamond drilling on the recently-discovered Osiris target, mobilized a drill rig to the Cheetah target 5 km northwest of the Tiger zone and continues to test several targets along the Tiger zone trend. Since expanding the property this year, Atac's Rau project spans over 1300sq. km.
The company is currently filling its exploration coffers with a $20 million non-brokered private placement it expects to close very shortly. Atac plans to issue up to 8 million shares at $1.85 and up to 2.4 million flow-through shares at $2.15. Currently the company has 78.5 million shares outstanding.

Atac's share price dropped 18¢ or 9% on the day the East zone results came out, but jumped back up 25¢ or 13.9% two days later to an all-time closing high of $2.05 on the latest news.

[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 07.08.2010, 11:36 Uhr[/url]"]Die rig vom Ocelot target wurde letzte Woche auf Cheetah verlegt. Nach den letzten Infos und
dem neusten Stand der Technik werden sie Ocelot trotz harter Wintermonate drillen können.

De facto sind 5 drill rigs auf Rau am Laufen: 2 auf Tiger, 1 auf Condor, 1 auf Osiris und die letzte
wie gerade geschrieben auf Cheetah. Sinnvolle Vorgehensweise für eine hoch produktiven Auslastung
der Kapazitäten, die kurze Saison dürfte für die meisten targets im Yukon schon im September enden.
Nach dem Hauptprogramm auf Rau können sie sich im Herbst und durch den Winter 2011 voll und
ganz auf die erste Ressourcen-Kalkulation für Tiger konzentrieren und parallel 1-2 rigs auf Ocelot
auflaufen lassen. :clap:

"This move falls in line with their plan to drill the priority targets that are at higher altitudes before the
weather becomes the determining factor. Since Ocelot can be drilled all year round, it doesn't make
much sense to keep that drill going as we will surely return if these upcoming results warrant it."

Comments vom geschätzen touareg aus dem ATC-board auf stockhouse:
In working out priorities for the 5 drills they are taking into account the altitude.. this is because the higher level targets will offer a shorter window of time when drilling is possible.. So as the weather worsens in the fall they will be able to continue drilling on some of the lower targets.. Ocelot of course should be able to continue right through the winter.. Its hard to tell on the maps which targets are higher but my guess is that Cheeta is a high one.. Based on samples Puma looks compelling (18.4 g/t au and 120 g/t ag) Forgive my ignorance but have they got a drill at Puma yet?
Perhaps Puma is not so high up and they will drill it later this year...
If just one of these many new targets throws up some juicy assays Atac will explode..
Hey Graham gets some more drills.. 5 is not enough !! ;)

I also note that on SEDI Rick Rule still holds exactely the same number of shares: 7,873,000..
I'm not sure how quickly insider trades show up on SEDI but would expect any selling over the last 2 or 3 weeks would be showing up by now..

Some of you guys were talking as if there was no doubt he was selling..
I wouldnt be so sure.. perhaps like some of us he is happy with his core position and intends to see it through.. perhaps he has a higher target in mind..

An dieser Stelle möchte ich ein ganz dickes Lob an die treuen Jungs vom ATC-board in Übersee aussprechen:
Es gibt nur ganz wenige öffentliche Threads, welche an die Qualität und das Niveau von diesem Thread hinkommen! :up:

Rau Drilling Program 2010





[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 15.08.2010, 16:25 Uhr[/url]"]ATAC RESOURCES LTD. ANNOUNCES CLOSING OF PRIVATE PLACEMENTS TOTALING $22,076,450

August 9, 2010 -- ATAC Resources Ltd. ("ATAC") (TSX-V: ATC) is pleased to announce the closing
of the following private placements, as originally announced by News Release dated July 16,
2010, as amended by News Release dated July 21, 2010:

+ an 8,420,000 common share private placement at a price of CDN $1.85 per share,
for aggregate subscription proceeds of CDN $15,577,000
; and
+ a 3,023,000 flow-through common share private placement at a price of CDN $2.15
per share, for aggregate subscription proceeds of CDN $6,499,450.

In connection with the closing of these private placements, ATAC has issued the following securities
in payment of finders' fees:
+ 238,500 finders' shares; and
+ 686,580 finders' warrants, each entitling the holder to purchase one common share at a price of
$2.00 until February 5, 2012.

All of the securities issued in connection with the closing of these private placements, including the
securities issued in payment of finders' fees, are subject to a hold period in Canada until December
6, 2010.

The proceeds from these private placements will be used to continue exploration on ATAC's wholly-
owned Rau property in the Keno Hill District of central Yukon and for general working capital

ATAC is a well-funded junior mining company focused on gold. For additional information
concerning ATAC Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit ATAC's website at

[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 28.08.2010, 12:52 Uhr[/url]"]Mining News: Juniors pour millions into Yukon projects

Drilling, deep-imaging surveys top strategies as juniors join one major and sole producer in seeking
new pockets of mineralization

By Rose Ragsdale
For Mining News

DAWSON, Yukon Territory – Hardrock mining explorers are capitalizing on unprecedented investor
interest and going after paying gold, silver, copper-rich porphyry, lead-zinc and other metal
deposits here with uncommon gusto this summer.

A few years ago, a multimillion-dollar, single-season exploration program would have been a rare
commodity in the Yukon. But this year, at least a half-dozen juniors have joined one major, Kinross
Gold Corp., and the Yukon’s only producer, Capstone Mining Corp., in forking over megabucks to
poke around this picturesque, mountainous country in search of lucrative minerals. Numerous
smaller exploration plays also are whipping up a frenzy of activity on the periphery of the larger

All of the explorers are sinking hard-won cash by the millions into just a few short weeks of claim
staking, drilling, prospecting and surveying. And they are carrying out these intense exploration
campaigns with a new, almost tangible, sense of urgency that appears to reflect not only the
uncertain markets but also a conviction that timing is everything, and now is the time for mining in
the Yukon.

Rau discovery excites investors Atac Resources’ Rau gold project is finally getting attention after
many months of flying below investor radar.

Atac recently increased its 2010 exploration budget for Rau to C$15 million to drill 15,000 meters,
up an initial program of C$12.5 million for 12,500 meters.

“Rau is the largest exploration play in Yukon, and arguably in western Canada, with the exception
of the Selwyn Project,”
said Atac President Rob Carne. “The Yukon is at the forefront of brand-new
discoveries and that is part of the reason that the territory is on everybody’s radar screen.”

Another reason the Yukon is drawing industry attention is because very little regional exploration is
under way among gold miners.

“The industry is in a bit of quiet desperation, and the Canadian industry is doomed to recycling old
he said.

Atac is one of a small group of exploration companies spawned by longtime Yukon mining
consultant Archer Cathro Ltd., which got its start in the 1950s and 1960s working for oil and gas

Bill Wengzynowski, president of Archer Cathro, said his firm and independent prospector Shawn
Ryan are the only parties who have carried out significant gold prospecting in Yukon Territory in the
past decade.

The Rau Project is situated at the northern edge of the Tintina Gold Belt, a curved swath of intense
gold mineralization that stretches from southwestern Alaska through Yukon into northeastern British
. Huge gold deposits, including 33.5-million-ounce Donlin Creek and the Fort Knox and
Pogo gold mines lie within the Tintina belt, but “the geology doesn’t stop at the border,” Carne said.

Atac raised C$22 million in the markets in early August, bringing to C$34 million its total cash in the
bank. “All of it is based on the Rau discovery,” Carne said.

The company had five drills operating in three camps on the 1,300-square-kilometer, or about 502-
square-mile, property in early August, with an objective of demonstrating that Rau is a multimillion-
ounce property.

In addition to work done at the Tiger Zone where it discovered gold in 2008, Atac has identified six
new surface gold zones by following up high values from grid and widely spaced reconnaissance soil
The best zones are in a 500-meter-wide belt, which lies 2-5 kilometers along strike to the
northwest of the Tiger zone, in and adjacent to the northwest-striking structural corridor.

Anomalous soil geochemical values stretch intermittently for about 22 kilometers to the northwest
along the projected trace of the structural corridor
, which is marked by electromagnetic conductors.
Surface rock samples collected from talus or recessively weathered areas assayed between 1.0
grams per metric ton gold and 18.5 g/t gold.

Atac planned an aggressive $12.5 million program of mapping, geochemical sampling and diamond
drilling involving at least four drills is under way for the Tiger zone area in 2010, as well as
systematic first pass exploration of the rest of the property.

In late July, Atac reported another significant gold discovery at Rau, this time near the eastern
border of the property.
The junior reported gold mineralization associated with realgar and
orpiment within its Sten claim block grading from 1.92 to 12.15 g/t gold along with soil samples
grading up to 17.5 g/t gold.

Wengzynowski said he named the new gold discovery Osiris, after the Egyptian god of the
underworld in honor of the achievements of Underworld Resources Inc.
, which was acquired earlier
this year by Kinross Gold Corp.

Atac quickly staked another 517 new claims to complete coverage of a 150-square-kilometer area
of highly anomalous gold and pathfinder elements in stream sediments and mobilized a fifth drill to
test the Osiris target.

When asked if Atac hopes to one day sell the Rau gold project to a major mining company for
development, Carne said the junior is focused on finding the gold and creating value for its shareholders,
believing that the shareholders will decide what happens to the project.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 02.09.2010, 19:12 Uhr[/url]"]ATC, next major Junior in making!

Die Story geht voll auf, genau so habe ich mir das vorgestellt!

"Initial results from the first Osiris drill hole have confirmed the Company's belief that the Rau Gold
Project covers a new gold district
" states Graham Downs, ATAC's CEO.

# neue Carlin style Discovery (98m still pending, das kann ein Monster-Hit werden!)
# Atac sitzt nach diesen news ganz nah an der Disctrict-Discovery(!)
# begnadete Treffer-Quote, auf Osiris treffen sie mit dem ersten Loch auf eine fette Ader!
# 2 neue, hoch potentielle high grade targets (Osiris + Isis), die hohen Erwartungen an Osiris wurden nach der letzten sample-Discovery bestätigt!
# strike-Länge auf Osiris wird gegenwärtig auf 2,1km geschätzt
# die prognostizierten, ökonomischen Kennzahlen der neuen targets werden imho erstklassig
# 5 aktive drills, major newsflow bis Ende 2010 erwartet (mehr als 12k BM werden folgend!)
# multi commodity discoveries, auf Rau wurden neben den high grade Au targets, etliche base metals targets gefunden
# potentielle strike-Länge auf Rau wird auf unvorstellbare ~ 220km erhöht! (eom - new Carlin in making?)
# Atac wird die nächsten Jahren (sofern kein buyout folgt), einer der heißesten large scale Projekte in Nord-Amerika entwickeln!

Atac hat das Potential auf eine Success-Story alá Aurelian und Ventana,
imho werden sie diese in fernen Zeit noch übertrumpfen! So long..

ADG/SMD. Die Szene wird in den nächsten Monaten langsam aber sich das Potential
der 'Archer-Cathro' Gruppe realisieren, die beste Zeit liegt noch lange vor uns!

2010-09-01 08:39 ET - News Release
Mr. Graham Downs reports


Atac Resources Ltd.'s first diamond drill hole at the Osiris target on its Sten claim block has
intersected 9.26 grams per tonne (g/t) gold over 31.13 metres within a larger interval that
averaged 4.65 g/t gold over 65.20 metres.
Assays from the remaining 98 metres of the hole
are still pending


Hole ID From (m) To (m) Int. (m) Au (g/t)

OS-10-01 7.62 16.38 8.76 1.81
56.08 121.28 65.20 4.65
incl. 72.20 103.33 31.13 9.26

Osiris target, picture

(1) Reported intersection widths are drilled
thicknesses. True widths are not known as
mineralization appears to be controlled by both
bedding and structure.

The Sten claims are situated at the eastern end of Atac's wholly owned 1,400-square-kilometre Rau
gold project in central Yukon -- about 100 kilometres east of the Tiger zone, which has been the
focus of most of the company's exploration efforts to date.

Mineralization in the Osiris target area shares many of the characteristics of Carlin-type gold
deposits, including similar alteration assemblages and association with the low-temperature arsenic
sulphides, realgar and orpiment.
Host rocks are two, 150-to-250-metre-thick limestone debris flow
and turbidite units, referred to as the Osiris and Isis horizons, which occur within basinal silty mudstones.

Drill hole OS-10-01 has partially tested a 150-by-500-metre gold-arsenic soil geochemical anomaly
over the Osiris horizon
, where 60 per cent of the soil samples grade in excess of one g/t gold.
Preliminary prospecting has identified gold-bearing talus and in situ mineralization intermittently for
an additional 2.1 kilometres along strike.
Grades of surface grab and bedrock samples range from
1.95 g/t gold to 39.2 g/t gold. The vertical extent of observed bedrock mineralization is in excess of
300 metres.

The company has accelerated its exploration efforts in the Osiris target area:

Four of six drill holes, which will test a 300-metre-wide section across the Osiris horizon, have been
completed to date.

Prospecting is continuing, and a 4.5-square-kilometre soil geochemistry grid extension is under way.
Drill pads have been constructed to test the Isis horizon that lies 100 metres above the Osiris horizon,
where prospecting has returned grab samples ranging from 1.48 to 23.90 g/t gold within a 150-by-900-
metre gold-arsenic soil geochemical anomaly

"Initial results from the first Osiris drill hole have confirmed the company's
belief that the Rau gold project covers a new gold district
," states Graham Downs,
Atac's chief executive officer. 8)

"We have completed a 1,400-square-kilometre detailed stream sediment sample survey,
covering 160 kilometres of strike length. Initial results of that work are very encouraging, and
numerous targets for follow-up work in 2011 have already been identified. Drilling will continue at
the Osiris and Tiger zones, and other new targets as long as weather permits."

We seek Safe Harbor.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 12.09.2010, 15:54 Uhr[/url]"]Yukon Territory

GOLD – Shares of Vancouver-based Yukon gold explorer Atac Resources Ltd. extended market
gains Sept. 8, rising C$1.22, or 20 percent, to C$7.22, reflecting total gains of 171 per cent so far in
September. The company Sept. 1 reported that the first diamond drill hole at the Osiris Target on
its Sten claim block of the Rau Project in east-central Yukon Territory intersected 9.26 grams per
metric ton gold over 31.13 meters within a larger interval that averaged 4.65 g/t gold over 65.20
meters. Assays from the remaining 98 m of the hole are still pending. Reported intersection widths
are drilled thicknesses. True widths are not known as mineralization appears to be controlled by
both bedding and structure. The Sten claims are situated at the eastern end of Atac’s 1,400-square-
kilometer Rau project about 100 kilometers east of the Tiger Zone, which has been the focus of
most of the company’s exploration efforts to date. Mineralization in the Osiris target area shares
many of the characteristics of Carlin-type gold deposits, including similar alteration assemblages
and association with the low-temperature arsenic sulphides, realgar and orpiment. Host rocks are
two, 150- to 250-meter thick limestone debris flow and turbidite units, referred to as the Osiris and
Isis Horizons, which occur within basinal silty mudstones. Drill hole OS-10-01 has partially tested a
150-by 500-meter gold-arsenic soil geochemical anomaly over the Osiris Horizon where 60 percent
of soil samples graded in excess of 1 g/t gold
. Preliminary prospecting has identified gold-bearing
talus and in-situ mineralization intermittently for an additional 2.1 kilometers, or nearly 1.4 miles,
along strike. Grades of surface grab and bedrock samples range from 1.95-39.2 g/t gold. The
vertical extent of observed bedrock mineralization is in excess of 300 meters. Atac has accelerated
its exploration efforts in the Osiris target area. Four of six drill holes, which will test a 300-meter-
wide section across the Osiris Horizon, have been completed to date. Prospecting is ongoing and a
4.5 sq/km soil geochemistry grid extension is underway
. Drill pads have been constructed to test
the Isis Horizon that lies 100 meters above the Osiris Horizon, where prospecting has returned grab
samples ranging from 1.48-23.90 g/t gold within a 150-by-900-meter gold-arsenic soil geochemical
anomaly. “Initial results from the first Osiris drill hole have confirmed the company’s belief that the
Rau Gold Project covers a new gold district,” said Atac CEO Graham Downs. “We have completed a
1,400-sq/km detailed stream sediment sample survey, covering 160 kilometers of strike length.
Initial results of that work are very encouraging and numerous targets for follow-up work in 2011
have already been identified.
Drilling will continue at the Osiris and Tiger zones and other new targets
as long as weather permits,” he added.
[url= schrieb:
NewAccount schrieb am 20.10.2010, 14:32 Uhr[/url]"]Oct 20, 2010 08:30 ET

ATAC Resources Ltd. Increases its Land Position Near its Recent Osiris Discovery

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 20, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) announces that it has staked an additional 801 claims at its wholly-owned Rau Gold Project, which is located in the Keno Hill district of central Yukon Territory.

The new claims adjoin the eastern and northeastern edges of the Company's existing claim block. The additional 167 sq/km of staking increases the Company's land position near its recent Osiris discovery, where Carlin-type gold mineralization occurs at the Osiris, Isis, Conrad and Eaton Zones. These zones lie within a 25 km belt of anomalous gold and pathfinder geochemistry, which was previously known as the Sten area but has now been named the Nadaleen Trend. Assays from the upper half of the first hole from the Osiris Zone averaged 4.65 g/t gold over 65.20 m (see news release dated September 1, 2010). An updated claim map can be viewed on ATAC's website.

The Tiger Zone, which lies approximately 100 km west of the Nadaleen Trend, was the initial discovery at the Rau Gold Project. It has received a total of 25,623 m of diamond drilling in 132 holes during the past three exploration seasons. The Tiger Zone is located on a 15 km long ridge system where more than a dozen gold and/or silver exploration targets have been identified. The ridge system that hosts the Tiger Zone and nearby targets is now named the Rau Trend.

ATAC's property comprises a continuous band of claims that is 185 km long, averages 15 km wide and encompasses over 1500 sq/km. It is situated between the Dawson and Kathleen Lakes Faults and covers a belt of Paleozoic carbonate rocks along the North American paleo-continental margin. This belt of favourable rocks is now termed the Rackla Gold Belt and contains both the Rau and Nadaleen Trends.

Core samples from the remainder of hole one at the Osiris Zone and another eight diamond drill holes that tested the Osiris, Isis, Conrad and Eaton Zones within the Nadaleen Trend have recently arrived at the assay lab. Results from these holes will be released together in one batch with an anticipated date near the end of November. Additional results from the Tiger Zone within the Rau Trend will also be released as a batch when complete. The 2010 drill program is now finished at the Rau Gold Project.

"Due to the significance of the Osiris discovery and the demonstrated potential of the Rackla Gold Belt, it was imperative that we stake certain known gold and pathfinder anomalies in the area," states Graham Downs, ATAC's CEO.

The technical information in this news release has been reviewed by Robert C. Carne, M.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101. ATAC is a well funded junior mining company focused on its 100% owned Rau Gold Project. For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd., please visit ATAC's website at

On behalf of the board,

Graham Downs, CEO
Oben Unten