• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

OSK - Osisko Mining - WKN A0Q390

Osisko warns about TRC's mini-tender offer

2012-01-03 16:21 ET - News Release

Mr. John Burzynski reports


Osisko Mining Corp. has been notified of an unsolicited mini-tender offer, made by TRC Capital Corp. on Dec. 23, 2011, to purchase up to five million, or approximately 1.297 per cent of Osisko's common shares, at a price of $9.55 per share. Osisko does not recommend or endorse this unsolicited offer.

Shareholders are cautioned that the offer has been made at a 4.12-per-cent discount to the closing price for Osisko's shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Dec. 22, 2011, being the day before the offer was announced.

Shareholders should also be advised that TRC Capital has reserved the right to withdraw its offer at any time at its sole discretion and also reserved the right to decline to purchase all deposited shares if all conditions are not satisfied, including in the event that the offer price exceeds the market price of Osisko's shares at the applicable time.

The company does not endorse TRC Capital's unsolicited mini-tender offer and is not associated with TRC Capital, the mini-tender offer or the offer documentation. TRC Capital has made many similar unsolicited mini-tender offers for shares of other companies. Mini-tender offers are designed to seek fewer than 5 per cent of a company's outstanding shares, thereby avoiding many disclosure and procedural requirements applicable to most bids under Canadian securities legislation.

Shareholders are cautioned that they should consult their investment advisers and exercise extreme caution regarding the TRC Capital offer.

The Canadian Securities Administrators have expressed serious concerns about mini-tender offers such as the possibility that investors might tender to a mini-tender offer based upon a misunderstanding of the terms of the offer, including the per security price available under the offer relative to the market price of such securities. Comments from the CSA on mini-tenders can be found on the Ontario Securities Commission website. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has published investor tips regarding mini-tender offers on its website.

According to TRC Capital's current offer documents, Osisko shareholders who have already tendered their shares may withdraw their shares at any time before Jan. 24, 2012, at 5 p.m. (Toronto time) by following the procedures described in the offer documents.
January 12, 2012 08:29 ET

Osisko Previews Q4 2011 Canadian Malartic Operating Results

Production of 79,718 Ounces Au in Fourth Quarter

Production of 200,137 Ounces Au for First Partial Year of Operations 2011


MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Jan. 12, 2012) - Osisko Mining Corporation (the "Company" or "Osisko") (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to report a preview of Canadian Malartic operational results for the quarter ended December 31, 2011.

Fourth Quarter Operating Highlights

•Gold production of 79,718 ounces
•Total gold production of 200,137 ounces for first partial year 2011
•Increase in grade mined in fourth quarter averaging 0.96 g/t Au
•Recoveries continue to be higher than feasibility modeling at 88.3 percent for fourth quarter
•Crusher construction 60 percent complete as of December 31st and on schedule
Sean Roosen, President and Chief Executive Officer, commenting on the fourth quarter operating preview: "We saw steady increases in grade mined to average 0.96 g/t Au, which resulted in increased ounces produced in the fourth quarter. Recoveries also remain higher than anticipated in the feasibility study, averaging 88.3% over the past quarter. Construction of the pre-crush unit is progressing well and we anticipate its completion on schedule, which will allow us to achieve a strong operational year in 2012, our first full year of production."

Full operational and financial results for the fourth quarter 2011 will be made available on February 23th, 2012.
January 13, 2012 08:00 ET

Osisko Provides Notice of Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2011 Financial Results Release and Conference Call

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Jan. 13, 2012) - Osisko Mining Corporation (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to announce that its fourth quarter and year-end 2011 results will be released after market close on February 23, 2012 followed by a conference call on February 24th at 11:00am EST.

Q4 and Year-End Conference Call Information

Those interested in participating in the conference call should dial in at 416-981-9000 (Toronto local and international), or 1-800-931-6421 (North American toll free). An operator will direct participants to the call.

The conference call replay will be available from 1:00 p.m. EST on February 24, 2012 until 11:59 p.m. EST on March 9, 2012 with the following dial in number: 416-626-4100 or Toll-free 1-800-558-5253, access code 21574696.
Osisko Mining Corp. veröffentlicht Produktionszahlen

Osisko Mining Corporation gab gestern die Produktionsergebnisse des Canadian-Malartic-Projekts für das vierte Quartal 2011 bekannt. In den drei Monaten bis zum 31. Dezember belief sich die Goldproduktion auf 79.718 Unzen. Damit belief sich die Produktion bis zum Jahresende auf insgesamt 200.137 oz.

Während des Dezemberquartals erhöhten sich die abgebauten Gehalte auf 0,96 g/t Gold. Die Gewinnungsraten lagen im Durchschnitt bei 88,3%.

Die vollständigen operativen und finanziellen Ergebnisse des vierten Quartals werden am 23. Februar veröffentlicht.

© Redaktion MinenPortal.de

Redaktion, 13.01.12 - 14:03 Uhr
Osisko Mining Corp.: Kaufen mit Kursziel 19,00 $

Osisko Mining Corporation gab am Donnerstag die Produktionsergebnisse des vierten Quartals 2011 bekannt. In den drei Monaten bis zum 31. Dezember belief sich die Goldproduktion auf 79.718 Unzen. Damit erreichte die Produktion bis zum Jahresende insgesamt 200.137 oz.

Die Produktion lag im Dezemberquartal leicht über den Erwartungen von GMP Securities, wo man von 75.100 oz ausgegangen war. Die Analysten rechnen damit, dass Osisko die Planung für das Gesamtjahr 2012 erfüllen wird.

Neben den guten Produktionszahlen meldete das Unternehmen einen höheren Durchschnittsgehalt von 0,96 g/t Gold im Dezemberquartal. Die Analysten waren von 0,85 g/t ausgegangen, wie im Septemberquartal. Die Gewinnungsraten lagen im Durchschnitt bei 88,3%.

GMP empfiehlt die Aktie von Osisko weiterhin zum Kauf und behält das Kursziel von 19,00 $ bei.

© Redaktion MinenPortal.de

Redaktion, 14.01.12 - 13:01 Uhr
January 16, 2012 - 10:00 AM EST
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Hammond Reef Gold Mine Project - Federal Funding Allocated to Participate in the Environmental Assessment

OTTAWA, Jan. 16, 2012 /CNW/ - The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has allocated a total of $18,000 to two applicants to support their participation in the federal environmental assessment of the proposed Hammond Reef Gold Mine Project in Ontario.

The recipients are:

the Atikokan Sportsmen's Conservation Club and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters; and
the Ontario Coalition of Aboriginal People.

This funding is allocated through the Participant Funding Program administered by the Agency and is intended to support public participation in upcoming steps of the comprehensive study process, including the review of the Comprehensive Study Report.

A funding review committee, independent of the environmental assessment process, was established to assess the funding requests. The Funding Review Committee's report, along with further information on the project, is available on the Agency's Web site at www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca , in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry, under reference number 11-03-63174.

Osisko Hammond Reef Gold Ltd. proposes to develop an open-pit gold mine that is expected to operate for about 14 years with a production rate of approximately 50,000 tonnes per day. It is located approximately 23 kilometres northeast from the Town of Atikokan in northwestern Ontario, near Marmion Lake.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency administers the federal environmental assessment process, which identifies the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.

media may contact:

Céline Legault
Communications Advisor
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Tel.: 613-957-0278
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1204067#1204067 schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 27.01.2012, 17:02 Uhr[/url]"]T.OSK - Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (Cambridge House)<i></i>

>> Talk with John Burzynski, Vice-President of Corporate Development

• TOP professioneller Stand u. solider Auftritt, informatives Material für alle Interessenten

• offene Kommunikation, gute Antworten

• Management kontrolliert weiterhin mehr als 10% von den o/s., gegenwärtiger Wert von mehr wie 450 Millionen USD

• wollen bis zu 670.000 Unzen auf Malartic dieses Jahr produzieren (!)

• ENORMES Upside Potential auf den umgrenzenden Liegenschaften vom bis dato indizierten Erzkörper;
das hat er ausführlich erwähnt, Fokus ist natürlich auf die Operationen gerichtet, nur werden sie auch
planen, die LOM signifikant zu erhöhen, weiter wird eine Steigerung der Produktion 2015+ geplant

Hammond Reef: Feasibility bis Ende Q4 2012 geplant + großes Explorationsprogramm ongoing (130k+ BM!)

Hammond Reef resource target 10+ Mio Oz Au

Hammond Reed, Sparton; langfr. Kooperation geplant, imho Übernahmephantasie gegeben

• große Erwartungen bzgl. den Investments, Kooperationen etc. hinsichtlich Pershimco und Ryan Gold,
bei Bowmore wartet man bis dato noch auf die Entdeckung einer potentiellen, signifikanten Lagerstätte

CCG ist bzgl. des Fahrplan, fundamentals etc. auf einem SEHR GUTEN Stand, ist ja einer der core picks hier seit JAHREN

February 02, 2012 17:02 ET

Osisko Board Member Resigns

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Feb. 2, 2012) - Osisko Mining Corporation ("Company") (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) announces with regret that Mr. Richard A. Ross, C.A. has tendered his resignation to the Board of Directors so that he may focus on family matters.

Victor H. Bradley, Chairman of the Board of Directors, commenting on Mr. Ross's resignation stated: "We are extremely sorry to see Mr. Ross depart, and have with great reluctance accepted his resignation. Although he was with us for only a short period, Richard was a highly appreciated member of the Board and his insight, experience and input will be missed. He has all of our best wishes."
Osisko to Option Tri Origin's Rlx Property, Red Lake, Ontario

Markham, Ontario CANADA, February 16, 2012 /FSC/ - Tri Origin Exploration Ltd. (TOE - TSX Venture), ("Tri Origin" or the "Company") is very pleased to announce the completion of a Letter of Intent ("LoI") to enter into an important exploration agreement with Osisko Mining Corporation to advance the Company's 100%-owned Red Lake Extension ("RLX") property at Red Lake, Ontario. The LoI outlines the terms under which Osisko will fund exploration programs at RLX to earn an equity interest in the property.

Robert Valliant, CEO of Tri Origin stated, "We are excited to have Osisko with its significant expertise in the gold mining business join Tri Origin in its search for gold at Red Lake. Osisko's recognition of the exploration potential of the RLX property and the need for a more sustained and capital intensive effort to unlock this potential will be of great benefit to our exploration program going forward."

The key terms agreed to in the LoI give Osisko the right to earn an initial 51% interest in the property by funding $5.0 million on exploration over a 4 year period and by paying Tri Origin a total of $800,000 in cash during the period. If these conditions are met, Osisko will then have the right to either earn up to a total of 65% interest in the property by completing detailed deposit delineation and a bankable feasibility study or to enter into a 51% Osisko-49% Tri Origin joint venture to further explore the property. Tri Origin will be operator of the project for the first year and Osisko will have the option to become operator each year thereafter.

Osisko has also agreed to participate in a private placement for 5 million common shares of Tri Origin at $0.07 per share for total proceeds of $350,000. The Company anticipates that the placement will close on or around February 17th, 2012 subject to regulatory approval. All securities will be subject to a hold period of four months and one day from the date of closing. Proceeds of the placement will be used for mineral exploration at the Company's properties in Northern Ontario and for general corporate purposes.

The RLX property covers an area of 121 square kilometres along the south-eastern extension of the Red Lake greenstone belt and adjoins Goldcorp's Red Lake mine property 10 kilometres southeast of the Red Lake Mine. Tri Origin has conducted regional geological, geophysical, geochemical and drilling programs at RLX. This work has successfully established that the important gold hosting rock units and structures of the Red Lake District extend across the property and has resulted in prioritization of target areas that now require detailed exploration. The agreement with Osisko will allow detailed exploration to proceed with expedient and full evaluation of selected target areas within this large, well-located property that, prior to Tri Origin, had not been explored for gold.

Both parties are now working toward timely completion of the final option agreement and planning of exploration programs that are expected to commence at the start of the coming field season.

Canadian gold producer Osisko Mining Corporation joins Global Geoscience to explore gold projects in Nevada, including Nubian's Excelsior Springs Gold project

VANCOUVER, Feb. 16, 2012 /CNW/ - Nubian Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce that Global Geoscience Ltd (Global) and Osisko Mining Corporation (Osisko) have entered into a binding letter agreement covering Global's five gold projects in Nevada. Under the agreement and to earn a 45% interest, Osisko must fund all acquisition and exploration related expenditures on Global's five Nevada projects up to a cumulative total of US$8M over a maximum period of 4 years, which includes Nubian's Excelsior Springs Gold project. If Osisko then elects to increase its interest in Global's share of any project to 70% it will have the sole responsibility to fund the project through to completion of a bankable feasibility study and in doing so shall receive an interest of 70% of Global's 70% interest in Excelsior. Nubian had reviewed the agreement between Global and Osisko and withdraw from its Right of First Refusal in favour of Osisko. Nubian will maintain a Right of First Refusal regarding any future development at Excelsior. For more details regarding the agreement please refer to Global's news release at

About Excelsior Springs
Nubian owns 100% of Excelsior Springs in Nevada covering 142 mining claims. Global holds an option to acquire a 70% interest in Excelsior by spending US$3 million over four years. In its first drill program at Excelsior in 2011, Global intersected significant gold mineralisation in shallow, wide spaced drilling over a strike length of 2.2 kilometres.

About Osisko Mining Corporation (TSX:OSK)
Osisko Mining Corporation is an emerging North American gold production company with a market capitalisation of over C$4.5 billion. Osisko owns and operates the largest open pit gold mine in Canada, the Canadian Malartic mine in Quebec, which it took from first drill hole to commercial production in six years. Forecasted gold production for 2012 is between 610 and 670 thousand ounces. Osisko is a pure gold company and is an active investor in greenfield exploration projects and opportunities.

About Global Geoscience (ASX:GSC)
Global Geoscience is an Australian greenfield exploration company targeting gold, copper and silver on its mostly 100% owned projects in Nevada, Arizona and Peru. In 2011 Nubian entered into an agreement with Global Geoscience regarding its Excelsior Spring Project in Nevada. The Company successfully drilled 3,000m at Excelsior and it intends to follow-up with an additional drill programs in 2012.

About Nubian Resources (TSX-V:NBR)

Nubian Resources Ltd is a Canadian Junior Exploration company with interests in the USA and Africa. Effective 1stNovember 2011 Nubian acquired a portfolio of 9 properties situated in Nevada, Montana, New Mexico and Arizona, targeting gold, silver and copper. Part of the portfolio was Excelsior Springs, which Nubian previously leased. In 2012 the company plans to enhance the value of its property portfolio by conducting initial exploration on its property portfolio. The company has 7.2 M shares outstanding and working capital and receivables of 1 M USD.

"Global Geoscience Ltd has secured accelerated funding for a second stage of exploration at Excelsior Springs through an agreement with Osisko Mining Corporation, a successful Canadian gold mine developer. This is promising news for the future of Nubian's 30% interest in the project," said Chief Executive Larry Treadgold.

"Larry Treadgold"

Larry Treadgold
CEO Nubian Resources Ltd
February 23, 2012
Osisko Q4 2011 Net Profit of $37.8 Million
MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Feb. 23, 2012) - Osisko Mining Corporation (the "Company" or "Osisko") (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to report that it has generated a net profit of $37.8 million ($0.10 per share) during the fourth quarter of 2011, and in its first partial year of operations has generated a net profit of $18.0 million ($0.05 per share) versus a loss of $17.8 million in 2010 ($0.05 per share).

Mine operating profits during the fourth quarter totaled $39.5 million, and $79.5 million for 2011. The Canadian Malartic mine reached commercial production on May 19, 2011.

Sean Roosen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Osisko, commenting on the results: "We are extremely pleased with the solid and profitable financial performance in our first year of start-up operations. The financial results clearly demonstrate the strength of the Canadian Malartic mine, which even in this first partial year of ramp-up operations has allowed us to capture great margins in this favorable gold price environment. We anticipate 2012 to provide a strong operating year for the Company as we complete the ramp-up and optimize operations at Canadian Malartic."

Highlights for the fourth quarter and the year were:

-- Gold production of 79,718 ounces in the fourth quarter and 200,137
ounces for the year;
-- Operating cash flow of $39.7 million in the fourth quarter and $85.7
million for 2011;
-- Capital outlays of $356.8 million;
-- Year-end increase in Canadian Malartic gold reserves by 200,000 oz. to
10.72 M oz., effectively replacing 2011 production.

The construction of Canadian Malartic was completed in late February 2011. Following a cold testing period of the processing plant, ore was introduced in the mill in early April and first gold was poured on April 13, 2011, approximately six years after the initial drill hole. Commercial production was achieved on May 19, 2011, representing the first day where the processing plant throughput averaged at least 60% of the 55,000 tonnes per day capacity. Sean Roosen noted: "The dedication and contribution of our employees was remarkable as we moved Canadian Malartic from an exploration project to one of Canada's largest gold mines in just over six years."

Following the positive contribution of the Canadian Malartic mine, in the fourth quarter the Company has recognized a tax benefit from prior year's losses which contributed $10.0 million to the net earnings.

In the fourth quarter of 2010, the Company had net earnings of $3.1 million, mainly as a result of unrealized gain on investments for $2.9 million, and a gain on premium of flow-through shares of $3.7 million, In 2010, finance costs were capitalized to property, plant and equipment as Osisko was developing its Canadian Malartic mine.

The Company has also strengthened its senior management team with the recent appointment of Ms. Helene Cartier as Vice President, Environment and Sustainable Development following the departure of Jean-Sebastien David.

Key operating results

(in thousands of Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

2011 2010 2011 2010
Gold Production (oz) 79,718 - 180,633 -
Gold Sales (oz) 75,100 - 155,500 -
Average Sale Price (US$/oz) 1,655 - 1,667 -
Average Market Price
(US$/oz) 1,688 - 1,663 -
Cash Costs per Ounce (C$/oz) 936 - 952 -
Cash Costs per Ounce
(US$/oz) 914 - 955 -
Cash Margin per Ounce
(US$/oz) 741 - 712 -
Revenues 128,100 - 263,408 -
Mine Operating Profit 39,526 - 79,452 -
Net earnings (loss) 37,802 3,078 17,997 (17,826)
Net Earnings (loss) per
Share 0.10 0.01 0.05 (0.05)
Cash Flows from Operations 39,660 4,467 85,700 (20,786)
(1) Since the beginning of commercial production; excludes 19,505 ounces
from pre-production.

Steady progress at Canadian Malartic

Ramp up at Canadian Malartic continued throughout the period. Mill availability and performance were lower in October and November, but an improved performance was noted in December and continued into 2012. The mine production has continued to increase with greater flexibility as the pit is being developed. The grade processed has increased as the mine is gaining closer access to the higher grade ore areas. The operating team is also steadily gaining experience in mining near the old underground mining areas.

Total Tonnage Tonnes per
Available Operating Produced Tonnes per Operating
Hours Hours (%) (t) Hour Day
Q2 2011 2,184 1,793 82 2,481,196 1,384 29,894
Q3 2011 2,208 1,890 86 3,086,324 1,633 36,742
Q4 2011 2,208 1,995 90 2,934,803 1,471 33,733
January 2012 744 684 92 1,084,538 1,586 36,151

Production statistics are as follows:

Tonnes Mined (000's)
- Ore 3,549 7,383
- Waste 10,590 20,562
- Overburden 1,823 3,267
Total 15,962 31,212
Tonnes Milled (000's) 2,935 7,492
Grade (g Au/t) 0.96 0.85
Recovery 88.3 87.7
Gold production 79,718 180,633
(1) Since the beginning of commercial production; excludes 19,505 ounces
from pre-production.

As previously announced, the Company is building a new secondary crushing circuit designed to increase production to design capacity of 55,000-60,000 tonnes per day. The construction program is progressing well and is on target to deliver the first unit near the end of March and the complete program by the end of June.

The mine operating statement for the production period is as follows:

(in thousands of Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2011 YTD 2011(1)
($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Gold sales (ounces) 75,100 72,100 8,300 155,500
Silver sales (ounces) 42,100 49,800 - 91,900

Revenues 128,100 122,879 12,429 263,408

Production Costs (74,841) (74,647) (9,398) (158,886)
Royalties (1,933) (1,192) (159) (3,284)
Depreciation (11,800) (8,748) (1,238) (21,786)
Total (88,574) (84,587) (10,795) (183,956)

Net Mining Profit 39,526 38,292 1,634 79,452
(1) Since the beginning of commercial production.

During the year, the Company exercised its option to purchase half of the Royal Gold royalty (previously owned by Barrick Gold) for US$1.5 million and re-purchased a 1% royalty interest from Geoconseils Jack Stoch Limitee in consideration for the issuance of 460,000 common shares of Osisko. This royalty was encumbering a portion of the Canadian Malartic and Barnat deposits and is part of a 2.5% Gross Metal Royalty interest that was granted as a result of the acquisition of certain claims of the Canadian Malartic property in March 2006. Following this purchase, only 60% of the recoverable gold ounces at the entire Canadian Malartic mine are subject to a 1.5% Net Smelter or Gross Metal Royalty, based on the most recently published reserve estimates.

Update on Resources and Reserves

The following resource and reserve estimates are dated as of January 1, 2012. Resources are based on a lower cut-off of approximately 0.30 g/t Au (0.286 to 0.312 g/t Au) and reserves/pit shell resources are based on a US $1200 gold price.

Consolidated global (in situ) resources for all Malartic area deposits (Canadian Malartic, South Barnat, Gouldie, Charlie, Jeffrey and Western Porphyry) are 372.95 Mt @ 1.02 g/t Au for 12.23 M oz gold in the Measured and Indicated category and 50.35 Mt @ 0.71 g/t Au for 1.16 M oz gold in the Inferred Category. This number excludes 2011 production and stockpiled inventory (approx. 230,000 oz. Au). Global (in situ) Inferred resources for the Hammond Reef deposit are estimated at 530.6 Mt @ 0.62 g/t Au for 10.52 M oz gold. Consolidated diluted in-pit resources for all Malartic area deposits (except Western Porphyry) are 345.49 Mt @ 0.99 g/t Au for 11.00 M oz gold in the Measured and Indicated category and 10.74 Mt @ 0.69 g/t Au for 0.24 M oz gold in the Inferred Category. These numbers also exclude 2011 production and stockpiled inventory (approx. 230,000 oz. Au). Diluted in-pit resources at Hammond Reef in the Inferred category are 336.6 Mt @ 0.63 g/t Au for 6.86 M oz gold.

The Proven & Probable reserve estimate at Malartic (main pit and three satellite pits excluding Western Porphyry) is 337.67 Mt @ 0.99 g/t Au for 10.72 M oz gold. This number excludes 2011 production (approx. 200,000 oz. Au).

Summary table of Resources and Reserves as of January 1, 2012

Property Category Tonnes Grade Ounces Au
(M) (g/t Au) (M)
Canadian Malartic Global M&I 372.9 1.02 12.23
Canadian Malartic Global Inferred 50.4 0.71 1.16
Hammond Reef Global Inferred 530.6 0.62 10.52
Canadian Malartic Diluted In-pit M&I 345.5 0.99 11.00
Canadian Malartic Diluted In-pit Inferred 10.7 0.69 0.24
Hammond Reef Diluted In-pit Inferred 336.6 0.63 6.86
Canadian Malartic P&P Reserves 337.67 0.99 10.72

The Company continues to conduct exploration work on a regional basis around the Canadian Malartic infrastructure for additional resources and reserves.

Exploration and Development

A new resource estimate for Hammond Reef was released on November 7, 2011. New drilling by Osisko and Brett Resources from January 2010 to July 2011 (approximately 300,000 meters) has significantly increased the size of the deposit. Global inferred resource now stands at 10.52 million ounces of gold (based on 0.30 g/t Au lower cut-off), and in-pit inferred resource reached 6.86 million ounces at a diluted grade of 0.63 grams per tonne gold, based on a Whittle-optimized pit shell using a gold price of US$1,200 per ounce, a corresponding lower cut-off grade of 0.28 grams per tonne gold and a waste/ore strip ratio of 1.25.

Additional drilling continues since July 2011 to allow for the upgrade of the entire in-pit deposit to indicated category by the end of the first quarter of 2012 and measured and indicated category by the end of the second quarter 2012.

During the year, the Company has terminated its activities on various exploration projects, including Duparquet and Goldboro, which resulted in a charge of $16.0 million.

The Company continues to pursue growth opportunities by the evaluation of various projects and entering into exploration agreements.

Summary from the Company's financial position and results are as follows:

(in millions of Canadian dollars)

December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010(1)
Cash Position(2) 142.0 397.9
Working Capital 47.4 282.9
Total Assets 2,069.2 1,958.9
Total Debt 331.6 287.9
Shareholders' Equity 1,654.1 1,594.0
(1) Revised under IFRS

(2) Includes Cash and Cash equivalents, Short-term investments and
Restricted cash.

In August 2011 an amended and restated master funding and lease agreement has been signed with Caterpillar Financial Services for US$56.3 million to finance additional mining equipment for Canadian Malartic. As at December 31, 2011, US$45.6 million have been drawn on the increased facility.

In 2011, the Company made debt repayments of $11.8 million and completed two private placements of flow-through shares for $32.4 million.

Capital investments amounted to $59.5 million for the fourth quarter and $356.8 million for 2011 mainly for the Canadian Malartic construction, the Canadian Malartic expansion project and investments in exploration projects.

Outlook for 2012

With the introduction of a new pre-crushing plant which is expected to be fully completed by the end of June 2012, the Company expects to produce between 610,000 and 670,000 ounces at a cash cost ranging from $510/oz to $575/oz. The cash cost is expected to decrease substantially as the plant reaches full capacity, an increase of 65% compared to 2011. The non-cash charges are expected to be approximately $136 per ounce.

Capital expenditures are estimated at $219.2 million and are summarized below:

Canadian Malartic
Expansion 65.9
Pre-Stripping Development 23.9
Other Capital 46.2
Hammond Reef
Reserve Development and Exploration 39.2
Feasibility and Other Studies 15.3
Other 4.5
Exploration Projects 23.9
Other 0.3

The Company expects to repay $86.9 million on its various credit facilities.

Non-IFRS Financial Performance Measures

The Company has included certain non-IFRS measures including "cash cost per ounce" and "cash margin per ounce" to supplement its financial statements, which are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). Refer to the Company's 2011 Management Discussion and Analysis.

Year-End 2011 Results Conference Call

Osisko will host a conference call on Friday, February 24, 2012 at 11:00 AM EST, where senior management will discuss the financial results and provide an update of the Company's activities. Those interested in participating in the conference call should dial in at 416-981-9000 (Toronto local and international), or 1-800-931-6421 (North American toll free). An operator will direct participants to the call. The call will be retransmitted for 14 days with the following dial in number: 416-626-4100 or Toll-free 1-800-558-5253, access code 21574696.

About Osisko Mining Corporation

Osisko Mining Corporation operates the Canadian Malartic gold mine in Malartic, Quebec and is pursuing exploration on a number of properties, including the Hammond Reef Gold Project in Northern Ontario.

Mr. Luc Lessard, Eng., Senior Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of Osisko, is the Qualified Person who has reviewed this news release and is responsible for the technical information reported herein, including verification of the data disclosed.

Cautionary Notes Concerning Estimates of Mineral Resources

This news release uses the terms measured, indicated and inferred resources as a relative measure of the level of confidence in the resource estimate. Readers are cautioned that mineral resources are not economic mineral reserves and that the economic viability of resources that are not mineral reserves has not been demonstrated. In addition, inferred resources are considered too geologically speculative to have any economic considerations applied to them. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies or economic studies except for Preliminary Assessment as defined under NI 43-101. Readers are cautioned not to assume that that further work will lead to mineral reserves that can be mined economically.

Note Regarding Certain Measures of Performance

This press release contains certain non-IFRS measures, including "cash cost per ounce" and "cash margin per ounce". The Company believes that these measures, together with measures determined in accordance with IFRS, provides investors with an improved ability to evaluate the underlying performance of the Company. Non-IFRS measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. The data is intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical fact, that address events or developments that Osisko expects to occur, are forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "scheduled" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur including, without limitation, further development of its Hammond Reef project and increasing of throughput at the mill to achieve design capacity at its Canadian Malartic mine, timely installation of the pre-crush circuit, increasing of mining fleet availability, increasing of production. Although Osisko believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, including, without limitation, that all technical, economical and financial conditions will be met in order to warrant further development of its Hammond Reef project and that the diligent ongoing optimizing of its operations at the Canadian Malartic mine including the installation of the secondary crushing circuit will be achieved and will, accordingly, improve its operating performance, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements.

Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include gold prices, access to skilled consultants, mining development personnel, results of exploration and development activities, Osisko's limited experience with production and development stage mining operations, uninsured risks, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of personnel, materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, actual performance of facilities, equipment and processes relative to specifications and expectations, unanticipated environmental impacts on operations market prices, continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. These factors are discussed in greater detail in Osisko's most recent Annual Information Form and in the most recent Management Discussion and Analysis filed on SEDAR, which also provide additional general assumptions in connection with these statements. Osisko cautions that the foregoing list of important factors is not exhaustive. Investors and others who base themselves on forward-looking statements should carefully consider the above factors as well as the uncertainties they represent and the risk they entail. Osisko believes that the expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in this press release should not be unduly relied upon. These statements speak only as of the date of this press release.

Osisko Mining Corporation
Consolidated Balance Sheets
As at December 31, 2011 and 2010 and as at January 1, 2010
(tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except per
share amounts)
December 31, December 31, January 1,
2011 2010 2010
$ $ $

Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 100,670 358,493 673,777
Short-term investments - 17,068 84,064
Restricted cash 14,485 11,176 16,212
Accounts receivable 39,419 30,731 30,149
Mining taxes receivable - 2,058 7,610
Inventories 47,552 - -
Prepaid expenses and other
assets 7,174 7,329 790

209,300 426,855 812,602

Non-current assets
Restricted cash 26,878 11,202 16,134
Investment in an associate 1,698 2,158 2,802
Other investments 16,041 40,851 6,919
Property, plant and equipment 1,801,325 1,477,818 504,305
Deferred income and mining
taxes 14,000 - -

2,069,242 1,958,884 1,342,762


Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued
liabilities 74,562 73,519 46,996
Current portion of long-term
debt 86,485 70,405 6,155
Provisions and other
liabilities 824 - -

161,871 143,924 53,151

Non-current liabilities
Long-term debt 245,139 217,481 173,914
Provisions and other
liabilities 6,038 3,494 355
Deferred income and mining
taxes 2,126 - -

415,174 364,899 227,420

Equity attributable to Osisko
Mining Corporation shareholders

Share capital 1,656,034 1,606,051 1,111,326
Warrants 13,166 13,166 5,871
Contributed surplus 55,909 43,390 24,272
Equity component of convertible
debenture 8,005 8,005 8,005
Accumulated other comprehensive
income (9,397) 11,019 -
Deficit (69,649) (87,646) (34,132)

1,654,068 1,593,985 1,115,342

2,069,242 1,958,884 1,342,762

Osisko Mining Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
For the three months and the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010
(tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except per
share amounts)
Fourth Quarter Year
2011 2010 2011 2010
$ $ $ $

Revenues 128,100 - 263,408 -

Mine operating costs
Production costs (74,841) - (158,886) -
Royalties (1,933) - (3,284) -
Depreciation and depletion (11,800) - (21,786) -

Earnings from mine operations 39,526 - 79,452 -

General and administrative
expenses (6,144) (11,500) (30,707) (31,955)
Exploration and corporate
development expenses (2,651) (930) (23,585) (2,473)
Other losses - (240) (485) (240)

Earnings (loss) from operations 30,731 (12,670) 24,675 (34,668)

Interest income 354 1,081 2,318 3,363
Finance costs (6,910) - (17,676) -
Foreign exchange gain (loss) 1,669 2,850 (1,148) 2,751
Share of loss of associate 20 (34) (460) (644)
Other gains 1,962 10,140 3,288 9,672

Earnings (loss) before income
and mining taxes 27,826 1,367 10,997 (19,526)

Income and mining tax
recovery 9,976 1,711 7,000 1,700

Net earnings (loss) 37,802 3,078 17,997 (17,826)

Net earnings (loss)
Basic 0.10 0.01 0.05 (0.05)
Diluted 0.10 0.01 0.05 (0.05)

Osisko Mining Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
For the three months and the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010
(tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except per
share amounts)
Fourth Quarter Year
2011 2010 2011 2010
$ $ $ $

Operating activities

Net earnings (loss) 37,802 3,078 17,997 (17,826)
Adjustments for:
Interest income (354) (1,081) (2,318) (3,363)
Share-based compensation 2,999 4,023 10,779 13,630
Depreciation 11,973 153 22,277 473
Finance costs 6,910 - 17,675 -
Write-off of property,
plant and equipment 175 240 16,451 240
Unrealized foreign exchange
loss (gain) (1,738) (1,791) 1,657 (2,875)
Share of loss of associate (20) 34 460 644
Loss (gain) on sale of
financial assets - 770 (5,041) 770
Unrealized net loss (gain)
on financial assets at
fair value through profit
and loss 1,604 (7,685) 10,119 (7,217)
Deferred gain - premium on
flow-through shares (3,567) (3,748) (7,849) (3,748)
Provisions and other
liabilities 825 - 1,220 -
Deferred income and mining
tax recovery (9,976) (1,700) (7,000) (1,700)
Other non-cash gain - - (639) -

46,633 (7,707) 75,788 (20,972)

Change in non-cash working
capital items (6,973) 12,174 9,912 186

Net cash flows from operating
activities 39,660 4,467 85,700 (20,786)

Investing activities

Net decrease in short-term
investments - 14,438 17,068 66,996
Net decrease (increase) in
restricted cash (20,629) (633) (18,985) 9,968
Acquisition of investments (1,500) (7,500) (13,783) (31,947)
Proceeds on disposal of
investments - 13,294 12,038 17,185
Property, plant and
equipment, net of government
credits (59,533) (156,681) (356,787) (497,960)
Acquisition of assets - (4) - 33,881
Interest received 356 1,095 2,525 3,234

Net cash flows from investing
activities (81,306) (135,991) (357,924) (398,643)

Financing activities

Long-term debt - 75,000 - 75,000
Debt issuance costs (5) (946) (640) (946)
Finance lease payments (4,596) (1,457) (8,419) (11,098)
Long-term debt repayments (1,250) - (3,333) -
Issuance of common shares,
net of issue expenses 701 21,456 39,477 41,189
Interest paid (5,293) - (12,684) -

Net cash flows from financing
activities (10,443) 94,053 14,401 104,145

Decrease in cash and cash
equivalents (52,089) (37,471) (257,823) (315,284)

Cash and cash equivalents -
beginning 152,759 395,964 358,493 673,777

Cash and cash equivalents - end 100,670 358,493 100,670 358,493
Osisko firm on 2012 guidance: 610,000 - 670,000 ounces gold

Osisko CEO Sean Roosen eyes million ounce future in 2016 as company makes steady progress and looks to better grades at its operating Canadian Malartic mine.

Author: Kip Keen
Posted: Friday , 24 Feb 2012


Osisko is on track to produce 610,000 to 670,000 ounces gold in 2012 at its Canadian Malartic mine in Quebec with no major hiccups in the installation of two pre-crush circuits, said Sean Roosen, Osisko president and CEO, in a quarterly conference call mid-day Friday.

The trick will be, as Roosen put it , "enough pre-crush to get us to the promised land in this issue."

Without the pre-crush circuits, Osisko has been operating the Canadian Malartic mill at about 60 percent its 55,000-tonne-per day nameplate capacity since beginning commercial production in May last year. But Roosen said one pre-crusher should be online in March, bringing throughput to between 45,000 and 50,000 tonnes per day, with another to follow in June, enabling as much as 60,000-tonne-per-day throughput.

Meanwhile, gold grade is set to rise about 30 percent to between 1.2 and 1.3 g/t gold as Osisko develops its open-pit and gains access to higher grade areas this year. Some of these higher grade areas, Roosen said, come in at more than two grams per tonne in mineralized halos around mined out areas in historic underground workings.

"It's obviously a very signficant step for us," Roosen said, after outlining the effect of the added pre-crush circuits and projected grade improvements.

Roosen also laid out plans for Osisko's other projects, chief among them Hammond Reef in Ontario. While acknowledging it was a low grade project, with a 10.5 million ounce resource @ 0.62 g/t Au, he argued it had the makings of a robust mine given, among other things, a low strip ratio in the 1.25:1 range, strong metallurgy, good deposit geometry with "easy ounces" on top and solid infrastructure.

Roosen also said he hoped to have permitting and environmental assessment of Hammond Reef finished by the end of the third quarter.

If all goes according to plan, Osisko could push a million ounces gold in production by 2016, joining the ranks of intermediate miners, Roosen said.


It was Osisko's first year end report as a gold producer. Over about six months of commercial operation Osisko produced 200,137 ounces gold.

Operating cash flow was C$85.7 million while net profit was C$18 million. Cash costs were $955 per ounce gold for the year and $914 per ounce gold in the fourth quarter.

In the fourth quarter gold grade was 0.96 g/t Au, better than the 2011 average of 0.85 g/t Au. Recovery was also strong: 88.3 percent in the fourth quarter and 87.7 percent for the year. That compares to 84 percent recovery as projected in a feasibility study of the Canadian Malartic mine.

However, Roosen credited the strong performance on recovery in part to longer retention time of ore in the mill owing to sub-nameplate capacity. He reckoned recovery would fall off a bit as throughput increased in 2012.

Quelle: http://www.mineweb.com/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page34?oid=146070&sn=Detail&pid=102055
Osisko Announces Record Date for Annual Meeting

MONTREAL, QUEBEC -- (Marketwire) -- 02/27/12 -- Osisko Mining Corporation (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) ("Osisko" or the "Company") announces that it will hold its 2012 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the "Annual Meeting") on May 10, 2012, in Montreal, Quebec. The time and address of the location of the Annual Meeting will be as set forth in Osisko's Management Information Circular and Proxy for the Annual Meeting. The record date for determining the holders of the Company's common shares entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is March 23, 2012.
Significant ‘disconnect’ keeps Osisko stock cheap

John Shmuel Feb 27, 2012 – 12:17 PM ET | Last Updated: Feb 27, 2012 5:47 PM ET

Doubts about what Osisko Mining Corp. can achieve at its Canadian Malartic mine is keeping the company’s stock cheap, said a mining analyst on Monday.

Jamie Spratt, analyst with Clarus Securities Inc., raised his price target on Montréal-based Osisko to $23, citing what he called a valuation “disconnect.”

Mr. Spratt pointed out in a research note that some investors remain doubtful that Osisko can achieve nameplate throughput of 60,000 tonnes per day at its Malartic mine — located in Quebec — with the installation of two new cone crushers this year. In fact, the current price of Osisko’s stock is pricing in throughput near 20,000 tonnes per day — a scenario Mr. Spratt said is very doubtful.

Osisko’s most recent earnings results showed Osisko achieved 34,000 tonnes per day throughput in the fourth quarter. Even if Osisko fails to achieve throughput beyond that level, the stock should still be above $20 a share, Mr. Spratt said.

“Overall, this suggests to us a significant disconnect between the current valuation of Osisko shares and the most conservative assumptions of the ramp in throughput at Canadian Malartic,” he said.

“Our current target price of $23.00 per share assumes the achievement of 60,000 [tonnes per day] throughput by Q3 2012,” he said. “We assume that this throughput level, which generates about 565,000 oz in average annual production, is maintained over a 17 year mine life.”

Mr. Spratt maintained his buy rating on Osisko. His previous price target was $21.50 a share.
11:08 AM EST - Osisko Mining Corporation (OSK):
John Burzynski sold 10,000 shares at $12.65 on 03-05-12 --
bringing his total stake in the company to 639,600 shares.

(Montreal, March 12, 2012) Osisko Mining Corporation (the “Company” or “Osisko”) (OSK: TSX, EWX: Deutsche Boerse) is pleased to report that construction and installation of the first of two cone crushers in the secondary crushing facility has been successfully completed.

Commissioning of crusher number one at the secondary crushing facility is now underway. Crusher number two of the secondary crushing facility will be added upon arrival at site, which is still anticipated to be on schedule this coming June. A planned maintenance shut-down of the mill was also completed on Friday, with a liner change out in the SAG mill. The mill and the new secondary crusher line have been started and are ramping up towards their target of 50,000 tonnes per day, as the manufacturer’s standard start-up test protocols are being completed.

Osisko President and CEO Sean Roosen commented: "The addition of the new cone crusher sets the stage for us to pursue the ramp up to 50,000 tonnes per day at the Canadian Malartic mill, which has a name plate design capacity of 55,000 tonnes per day. Construction and commissioning has gone very well with the mild winter we had on site. We want to congratulate the team including Osisko workers and contractors for completing the construction and installation ahead of schedule executing the build with no time lost accidents.”

quelle: osisko.com
April 03, 2012 18:49 ET
Osisko and Metis Nation of Ontario Sign Memorandum of Understanding

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - April 3, 2012) -

Osisko Mining Corporation ("Osisko" or the "Company") (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Osisko Hammond Reef Gold Ltd., and the Métis Nation of Ontario ("MNO") have formally signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") to guide their working relationship in regard to the development of the Hammond Reef gold project in northwestern Ontario.

The MOU sets out the way in which the local Métis community, as represented by MNO's Treaty #3 / Lake of the Woods / Lac Seul / Rainy River / Rainy Lake Consultation Committee and the Community Councils that are a part of the Committee, will be consulted regarding the development of the project and commits the parties to working together to address any potential impacts the project may have on Métis rights, interests and way of life. The Consultation Committee is made up of Joel Henley (President, Kenora Métis Council), Alvina Cimon (President, Northwest Métis Council), Marlene Davidson (President, Atikokan Métis Council), the President of Sunset Country Métis Council, the Region One Captain of the Hunt, and Regional Councillor Theresa Stenlund as Chair.

"This agreement is an important step in building a mutually respectful and sustainable relationship between the Métis community and Osisko Hammond Reef Gold Ltd. in relation to the Hammond Reef gold project. It sets out a consultation process through which Osisko Hammond Reef Gold Ltd. can engage with the Métis Community at the local and regional levels in order to better understand Métis rights and interests that may be impacted in the local area around the project, through, amongst other things, completing a traditional knowledge study and a technical review of the project", said MNO President Gary Lipinski.

Sean Roosen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Osisko added: "The signing of this MOU is the result of a respectful consultation process between the signatories. This agreement represents a milestone in our continuing working relationship with all the local communities in the region and underscores Osisko's commitment to continue developing a strong relationship with Aboriginal people".

MNO Regional Councilor Theresa Stenlund, commented, "Our community looks forward to continuing to work with Osisko Hammond Reef Gold Ltd. in a positive and productive manner. The MNO has worked hard with Osisko Hammond Reef Gold Ltd. and we are happy to move forward and are proud of our positive relationship and successful negotiations. There is a real need for economic development in the northwest, and we see MNO's involvement with Osisko Hammond Reef Gold Ltd. as an opportunity to foster opportunities for Métis businesses and citizens, while protecting our traditional values and way of life."

Subject to the project impacts on Métis rights and interests (if identified through the consultation process), the parties also agreed to negotiate an IBA based on the goals and objectives of the MOU.

About MNO

The MNO represents the Métis people and Métis communities within Ontario through a province-wide governance structure at the local, regional and provincial levels. For more information on the MNO as well as its framework for government and companies to consult with Métis communities in Ontario visit www.metisnation.org.
April 17, 2012 11:58 ET

Osisko Nominates Michele Darling to Board of Directors

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - April 17, 2012) - Osisko Mining Corporation ("Company") (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to announce that Ms. Michele Darling has accepted to be a nominee for the election to the Board of Directors.

Messrs. Victor Bradley, Staph Leavenworth Bakali, Marcel Côté, William A. MacKinnon, Sean Roosen, Gary Sugar, Serge Vézina and Robert Wares, current directors, have also accepted to be nominees.

The directors' election will take place during the Annual Shareholders Meeting to be held on May 10, 2012 at 4:00 PM at Le Centre Sheraton Montreal, 1201 René-Lévesque blvd. West, Montréal (Québec).

Ms. Darling has over thirty years of global business experience with particular expertise in Human Resources Management and Corporate Governance. She is the President of Michele Darling and Associates Inc. and provides human resources and strategic planning consulting services to Canadian and American businesses. Prior to establishing her consulting practice, Ms. Darling was Executive Vice President, Corporate Governance with Prudential Financial Inc. from 1996-2002. She played a very significant role in the transformation of Prudential Financial from a mutual company into a public company, and was honored as Human Resources Executive of the Year in 2000. From 1991-1996, she was the Executive Vice President Human Resources at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, having joined the bank in corporate banking. Ms. Darling is currently a member of the Board of Advisors for Hewitt Equipment Limited, the Denihan Hospitality Group (New York) and The Pickseed Group of Companies. She is the Chair of The Credit Hospital Foundation and is the Founder and Chair of The Halo Foundation. She is the Benefactor of The Darling Home For Kids and is a Governor of The Shaw Festival Theatre.

Ms. Darling holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from the University of Sydney (Australia) and obtained her Master's degree in Education from the University of Toronto. She is a Certified Human Resources Professional.

About Osisko Mining Corporation

Osisko Mining Corporation operates the Canadian Malartic Gold Mine in Malartic, Québec and is pursuing exploration on a number of properties, including the Hammond Reef Gold Project in Northern Ontario. Canadian Malartic's production is 100% unhedged.

Contact Information

John Burzynski
Vice-President, Corporate Development
(416) 363-8653

Sylvie Prud'homme
Director of Investor Relations
(514) 735-7131
Toll Free: 1-888-674-7563
May 09, 2012

(Montreal, May 9, 2012) Osisko Mining Corporation (OSK: TSX, EWX: Deutsche Boerse) announces as a reminder that its first quarter 2012 results will be released after market close on May 10, 2012 followed by a conference call on Friday, May 11th at 8:00am EDT.

Q1 Conference Call Information

Those interested in participating in the conference call should dial in at 416-981-9012 (Toronto local and international), or 1-800-909-4792 (North American toll free). An operator will direct participants to the call.

The conference call replay will be available from 1:00 p.m. EDT on May 11, 2012 until 11:59 p.m. EDT on May 26, 2012 with the following dial in number: 416-626-4100 or Toll-free 1-800-558-5253, access code 21590364.
May 10, 2012

(Montreal, May 10, 2012) Osisko Mining Corporation (the “Company” or “Osisko”) (OSK: TSX, EWX: Deutsche Boerse) reports that a fire started in the cyclone separator portion of the Canadian Malartic mill around 11:45 PM last night. Firefighters have contained and extinguished the fire and we are now monitoring the mill. Osisko representatives have re-entered the mill to carry out the preliminary damage assessment. Emergency procedures for an orderly shutdown were executed by the Osisko team and emergency services. Emergency services from Malartic and the region responded promptly. We would like to thank the emergency services teams for their efforts.

Approximately 50 employees were in the plant but no one was injured. At this time, we have no reason to believe that industrial chemicals were released in the environment. Regular mining operations are being maintained outside of the mill area and all employees are back at work.

Later today we will provide an update to the market setting out the anticipated schedule to resume full operations at the mill.
May 10, 2012

(Montreal, May 10, 2012) Osisko Mining Corporation (the “Company” or “Osisko”) (OSK: TSX, EWX: Deutsche Boerse) follows up on the earlier report of a fire at the Canadian Malartic Mill, and provides the following information update. A full assessment is in progress, and further details will be disseminated as they become available.

Preliminary indications are that the fire at Canadian Malartic was started by welding in proximity to the number four cyclone area and spread to the mill roof of that sector. The fire began at 11:50 pm yesterday, and was extinguished at approximately 4:30 am this morning. Proper emergency procedures were followed and there were no injuries to staff or emergency workers during the incident. No industrial chemicals or toxic gases were released during the fire.

As of 7:30 am this morning, staff began assessing damage. All staff are currently back at work on site, and regular mining activities are continuing in the pit outside the mill area. Mining operations continue on a normal schedule today.

Initial reports from site indicate the fire was contained around the number four cyclone and immediate area. Preliminary observations are as follows: the mill utilizes four cyclone sets - the number four cyclone set is damaged; the overhead crane in the cyclone bay is damaged; there is limited damage to the overhead crane in the ball mill bay; there is damage to the structure of the roof area above the cyclone bay; there is some limited damage to the wall of that bay. There appears to have been no damage to the SAG or ball mills and other systems of the mill.

Preliminary assessment indicates that the mill will be shut down for a period of approximately two to three weeks as a result of the fire. Osisko will be using this downtime to advance maintenance operations at the Canadian Malartic mill. The Canadian Malartic operation is covered by property damage insurance subject to a $250,000 CAD deductible, and business interruption insurance subject to a 20-day equivalent deductible.
May 10, 2011
Mine Operating Profits of $70.5 Million, Net Profit of $29.4 Million

Corporate Presentation Q1 Financial Results

Q1 2012 (Unaudited) Consolidated Balance Sheets

(Montreal, May 10, 2012) As previously reported in press releases today, a fire was experienced at the Canadian Malartic Mill early this morning. Details of this event such as they are known at this time were reported earlier and will not be recapped in this press release.

Osisko Mining Corporation (the “Company” or “Osisko”) (OSK: TSX, EWX: Deutsche Boerse) is pleased to report that it has generated a net profit of $29.4 million ($0.08 per share) during the first quarter of 2012 versus a loss of $5.3 million in 2011 ($0.01 per share).

Mine operating profits during the first quarter totaled a record $70.5 million. The Canadian Malartic mine reached commercial production on May 19, 2011 and, accordingly, mining operations did not contribute any revenues or profit during the corresponding period of 2011.

Highlights for the quarter were as follows:

Gold production of 91,178 ounces, strongest quarter to date;
Operating cash flow of $78.7 million, strongest quarter to date;
Investment in mining assets of $67.7 million;
Average gold recoveries of 91.2%;
Positive 11% reconciliation of gold ounces with respect to the reserve model;
Continued increase in average grade of ore processed at 1.05 g/t Au;
Continued improvement in cash costs of US$858 per ounce;
Continued increase in cash margin of US$840 per ounce.

Sean Roosen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Osisko, commenting on the results: “We had record gold production of over 91,000 ounces during the quarter, despite addressing challenges as we continue to ramp up this world class mine. Canadian Malartic was the second largest gold producer in Canada in the last quarter, after Goldcorp’s high-grade Red Lake Mine. We’d have likely hit our targeted production for the quarter, but we were three weeks early installing the first unit of the new secondary cone crusher, and consequently lost seven full days and five partial days of production due to the concurrent mill shutdown and startup. We continue improving our methods of extracting high grade ore from the areas around the previously mined underground stopes, despite some difficulties. We are still within the normal ramp-up time frame for a mine of this size, and issues aside, it was again a productive quarter as we generated $70.5 million from Canadian Malartic, our best quarter to date. We have recently been processing at rates of 42,000 to 46,000 tonnes per day, and hope to stabilize the circuit in this range pending the arrival of the last components of the second cone crusher. The completion of the secondary crushing facility in July should set the stage to increase throughput to design capacity of 55,000 tonnes per day in September, three months later than we’d originally planned to have this equipment available to us. Further optimizations of throughput will be pursued once this is achieved.”

“The Canadian Malartic mine has been performing very well from a geological and metallurgical point of view, with very positive gold reconciliation of +11%, and excellent recoveries of over 91%. Supplier and manufacturer delivery schedules, design capacities and availability have not met our expectations, and we are now completing the work necessary to resolve these issues. We are looking forward to completing the ramp up phase of this project, and we appreciate the ongoing support and efforts of our suppliers and service providers during this difficult period in supply chain management within the mining industry.

Outlook for 2012

Full integration of the first unit of the new secondary cone crusher is progressing at a slower rate than expected following start-up and commissioning trials. Modifications have been necessary and optimization is continuing, which is expected to result in lower than anticipated production in the second quarter. Manufacturer delays in delivery of elements of the second unit of the secondary crusher are also expected to affect second and third quarter production. Management is currently reviewing production guidance in light of delays in ramp up and assessment of this morning’s fire.

Steady Progress at Canadian Malartic

Operations at Canadian Malartic continue to improve during the ramp-up period. Mining activities have accelerated with the development of the pit area, which has enhanced flexibility with better mining conditions. During the quarter there were some difficulties accessing the higher grade ore. However, throughput gold grade continues to increase as more access is gained to the areas of higher grade material, and expertise develops in accessing material over open stopes. Throughput gold grade is expected to continue to increase in the rest of the year. Drilling, blasting and loading procedures are continuously evolving to augment productivity while maintaining a safe working environment.

Mining operations were affected by low availability of ancillary loading units. This will continue in the second quarter as key structural components are being replaced on two Letourneau L-1850 loaders. Osisko is working closely with the suppliers of the mining fleet to improve availability. Mining was also affected by the wet spring and wind conditions, which negatively impacted work schedules.

Production reconciles very favorably with the reserve model with an estimated gain of 11% in ounces for the tonnage mined during the quarter.

Milling throughput was affected by a seven day shutdown in March to connect the first FLSmidth XL2000. This shutdown was followed by five days of very low production while the new crusher was brought on line. Integration of the first XL2000 is continuing with the assistance of the manufacturer’s representatives, but it has not performed consistently at the manufacturer throughput guidance parameters of tonnes per hour and output size. This inaugural XL2000 has required several adjustments to move towards design specifications. Osisko is awaiting the final report on the crusher performance from FLSmidth, however it is now becoming apparent that the upper design operating levels are not sustainable. Modifications to the feeding system were required and will continue over the second quarter. Frequent stops and starts have resulted in a lack of stability in the circuit, which is affecting current throughput production. The manufacturer has also experienced a delay in the fabrication of some of the components for the second XL2000, which was previously anticipated to be installed and functional at the end of the second quarter. It is now anticipated that all components of the second XL2000 will arrive on site in June and be installed and commissioned in July. A cost overrun of $13 million on the crusher installation is expected due to modifications to material handling systems and subsequent contract labour costs associated with the modifications.

In order to gain further production flexibility and increase the robustness of the grinding mill circuit, the Company has decided to add an additional pebble crusher (identical to the current pebble crusher) in the mill. This $12 million investment is expected to be in service in September.

The production statistics since commencement of commercial production on May 19, 2011 are as follows:


May 14, 2012

(Montreal, May 14, 2012) Osisko Mining Corporation (the “Company” or “Osisko”) (OSK: TSX, EWX: Deutsche Boerse) herein provides an update from the preliminary assessment of fire damage incurred last week at the Canadian Malartic Mill and preliminary time estimates of the recommencement of production.

Civil engineering inspections have been conducted on the mill floor and roof areas affected by the fire, and safety concerns in the area of the Number 4 cyclone bank have been addressed. Clean-up and repair work has commenced.

A 600 tonne capacity mobile crane has been brought to site, and the Number 4 cyclone bank is being removed from the building and should be expedited tonight for refurbishing. Combined with the existing inventory of spare parts at the mine and work being carried out by suppliers, Osisko believes the Number 4 cyclone bank can be rehabilitated to working state in the near term.

SAG mill, ball mill and crusher wear steel is being replaced concurrently with work on the cyclone, work which was previously scheduled for the mid-May maintenance shut down but is proceeding ahead of schedule because of the fire-related shut down.

Osisko currently believes production will be able to resume in the near term using the three undamaged cyclone banks at a reduced throughput. Exact timing of the restart of production should be available later this week, as well as an estimate on the delay time needed to re-establish service of the Number 4 cyclone.

Insurance company representatives have been to site and the evaluation and claim process is following normal course. Initial advance payment on the claim is scheduled to be received within 10 to 15 days.

Mining activity in the pit has continued uninterrupted, and was not affected by last week’s fire.

Osisko would like to reassure stakeholders that all steps and measures are being taken to return Canadian Malartic to production in a safe and timely manner, and that the company is using this unscheduled downtime to best advantage while efforts to reestablish production continue.

Secondary Crusher and Pebble Crusher

It has also been confirmed that the adjustment ring for the second FLSmidth XL2000 cone crusher has been safely loaded in Brazil and is now preparing for shipment on a dedicated vessel destined for Trois-Rivieres, Quebec where it will undergo three weeks of machining and tooling on arrival. The other main components of the second FLSmidth XL2000 cone crusher are currently in transit via rail from Halifax to Malartic.

The components of the new pebble crusher purchased from FLSmidth (noted in last Friday’s press release) will be shipped this week via land transport from Northern United States to Malartic.
May 16, 2012 11:22 ET
Osisko Enhances Credit Agreement With CPPIB

Modifies Outstanding Warrants

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - May 16, 2012) - Osisko Mining Corporation ("Osisko" or the "Company") (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to amend its $150 million credit facility with CPPIB Credit Investments Inc. ("CPPIB"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CPP Investment Board, with CPPIB making available to the Company an additional $100 million delayed draw term loan. The key terms of the amendment are as follows:

The initial cash repayment schedule has been extended by one year to June 30, 2013. The reimbursements are based on 50% free cash flow up to $60 million per annum.
CPPIB will make available a delayed draw term loan of $100 million for working capital and general corporate purposes. Osisko may draw funds under this facility in $20 million increments, and any funds outstanding are reimbursable by December 31, 2013. There are no standby fees related to this tranche.

Sean Roosen, President and Chief Executive Officer
of Osisko commenting on the agreement: "The enhanced CPPIB facility provides us with greater flexibility as we continue our ramp up at Canadian Malartic and pursue our growth initiatives. We are pleased to have CPPIB as a financial partner in further establishing Osisko as a premier intermediate gold producer".

Osisko and CPPIB have agreed that security on property and assets not relating to Osisko's Canadian Malartic Mine will be released after December 31, 2013 upon making of the initial quarterly mandatory repayment in an amount of not less than $15 million, based on 50% free cash flow. All advances carry an interest rate of 7.5%.

In addition, Osisko has agreed to modifications of the existing warrants held by CPPIB. Osisko has applied to the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") for approval to amend the exercise price of each of the 7 million Tranche A common share purchase warrants issued in September 2009 (the "Tranche A Warrants") and each of the 5.5 million Tranche B common share purchase warrants issued in March 2010 (the "Tranche B Warrants"). The proposed amendment would reduce the exercise price of the Tranche A Warrants from $10.75 to $10.00 and the Tranche B Warrants from $19.25 to $10.00 (which exceeds the volume weighted average trading price of Osisko's common shares for the 5 trading days ended May 15, 2012). The amendment will take effect on the closing of the transaction, expected to occur on or about May 31, 2012.

In addition, the Company has agreed to forego its right to accelerate the exercise of the Tranche A Warrants if the common shares of the Company trade at a 50% premium to the exercise price of the Tranche A Warrants for a period of 15 days. All other terms of the Tranche A Warrants and the Tranche B Warrants will remain the same, including that the Tranche A Warrants will expire on September 24, 2014 and the Tranche B Warrants will expire on December 31, 2015. None of the warrants are held by insiders of Osisko.
Osisko Canadian Malartic Mill Returns to Operation

MONTREAL, QUEBEC -- (Marketwire) -- 05/17/12 -- Osisko Mining Corporation (the "Company" or "Osisko") (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to report that the Canadian Malartic mill has been returned to operational status as of 10 pm Wednesday evening. The grinding circuit is currently operating on a reduced basis using bypass feed with three of the four cyclone sets and two of three ball mills, as well as the SAG. Work is progressing on the repairs to the number 4 cyclone set, which is expected to be returned to operation within one weeks time. Recommissioning of the number 4 cyclone set will allow the third ball mill to be returned to operation. The primary and secondary crushers are undergoing scheduled maintenance and are expected to be returning to operation by Saturday.
May 22, 2012
Osisko's Canadian Malartic Mill Returns to Full Operation

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - May 22, 2012) - Osisko Mining Corporation (the "Company" or "Osisko") (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to report that the Canadian Malartic mill returned to full operational status Saturday evening, May 19, 2012. This follows the earlier reported May 9th fire and completion of temporary repairs to the damaged number 4 cyclone set. Sunday throughput production totaled 41,000 tonnes, and Monday's throughput was 39,000 tonnes.

The mill resumed partial operation on the evening of Wednesday May 16th, with the grinding circuit utilizing three of the four cyclone sets and two of the three ball mills, as well as the semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) unit. Completion of temporary repairs to the fourth cyclone circuit and the completion of scheduled maintenance on the primary and secondary crushers allowed for the resumption of full production on the evening of Saturday May 19th.

Production rates are still at ramp-up levels but have now returned to the pre-fire range. During the past week modifications to the XL2000 cone crusher bowl and liners have been effected under recommendations and supervision from the supplier FLSmidth. Their representatives are currently on site monitoring and adjusting the crusher circuit while trials of the modifications are conducted. Current throughputs during this work are expected to range between 35,000 tpd and 40,000 tpd. Pending successful completion of this work, Osisko expects to see the circuit stabilize in the 40,000 tpd - 45,000 tpd range as the Company awaits the arrival and installation of the second FLSmidth XL2000 cone crusher. The second XL2000 (number 2 of 2 cone crushers comprising the secondary crusher) is currently expected to be installed and operational by July. This should allow the circuit to subsequently increase throughput to 50,000 tpd - 55,000 tpd. Further optimization to the circuit, including the installation in August of the previously announced second pebble crusher, is expected to lead to increased daily throughput by September.

Sean Roosen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Osisko, commenting on the return to operations noted: "We are very proud of the speedy effort our team has made in getting the mill up and returned to operation after the fire. We greatly appreciate the outstanding efforts of our employees, contractors and suppliers. We'd particularly like to thank Guay inc. for getting their large capacity crane to site so quickly which allowed us to remove the damaged equipment and commence repairs; Rematech Inc. for supplying site assistance and shop availability for the rubber pipe repair and cyclopack refurbishing; and FLSmidth Krebs for the very fast cyclone refurbishing in their shop. All of these suppliers gave us 24 hours per day assistance and really made a great difference in the speed of our recovery from the fire. The location of the Canadian Malartic Mine has allowed us to respond quickly to the challenges of the past ten days, and really gave us rapid access to the necessary expertise and support infrastructure."

Luc Lessard, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Osisko, noted: "We are continuing to ramp up production, make modifications to improve throughput and stabilize the circuit. During the unplanned stoppage, we accelerated the regular maintenance of key operating units, which should improve our near term performance as we gain better plant availability."

Equipment and building damage from the fire is estimated between $6 and $8 million. The Company is working with its insurance underwriters and adjusters and expects the costs of the physical damages to be fully covered subject to a $250,000 deductible. Permanent repairs of the damage will continue over the next three to four months, with the eventual replacement of the number 4 cyclone set with a new cyclone cluster currently being manufactured by the supplier. Repairs to the damaged overhead crane and the mill roof will also be completed during this period. Minimal impact on production during these final repairs is anticipated.
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