• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

Bei NCU bin ich wieder raus, das ist dann doch nicht so gelaufen wie gedacht. :(
dieses gold- und silber-gewürge nervt nun gewaltig. :sick: :evil: ich sollte aktuell erst mal einen bogen darum machen, blödes hin und her ......
Hatte letzte Woche auch verkauft, sehe es aktuell allerdings lediglich als Konsolidierung.
Seit 03.11.2020 mehr als 100% gestiegen und von den Indikatoren überkauft.

Langsam entspannt es sich wieder.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028342#2028342 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 15.12.2020, 17:55 Uhr[/url]"]Bei NCU bin ich wieder raus, das ist dann doch nicht so gelaufen wie gedacht. :(
Interessanter Kupferexplorer Surge Copper SURG.V mit starker news nachbörslich. :up:

by @newswire on 15 Dec 2020, 16:01
Surge Copper Signs Option Agreement to Acquire A 70% Interest in the Berg Copper Project from Centerra Gold Inc.

TSX-V Trading Symbol: SURG

VANCOUVER, BC, Dec. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Surge Copper Corp. (TSXV: SURG) ("Surge" or the "Company") has entered into a definitive option agreement (the "Option Agreement") with Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Centerra Gold Inc., a TSX listed Company ("Centerra") whereby Surge will have the right to acquire a 70% interest in the Berg copper-molybdenum-silver project through issuing C$5 million in common shares of Surge and C$8 million in spending commitments, in each case, over a period of up to five years. Berg hosts a large porphyry copper-molybdenum-silver deposit located in the Tahtsa Ranges in central British Columbia. The main deposit at Berg is located approximately 28km northwest of Surge's Ootsa project on a 34,798 hectare tenement package which is contiguous with the Ootsa property. Berg is currently 100% owned by Centerra.

Dr. Shane Ebert, Chief Executive Officer of Surge, commented: "The acquisition of Berg is highly strategic to Surge, as it solidifies the Company's position in the district, and adds both significant, high quality historical resources, and a large, prospective land package. Surge is advancing a multitrack agenda of aggressive exploration and strategic copper district consolidation in British Columbia, and this transaction represents an important step in our path forward."


Definitive Option Agreement to acquire 70% interest in Berg
Option includes $5 million in share payments to Centerra plus $8 million in project spending commitments over a period of five years
2018 resource estimate (classified as historical) of 397 Mt grading 0.44% CuEq in the Measured & Indicated categories, and 14 Mt grading 0.34% CuEq in the Inferred category1. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as a current mineral resource or reserve and Surge Copper is not treating it as a current mineral resource or reserve.
Mineralization at Berg is close to surface, exhibits excellent vertical continuity, remains open at depth and radially outward, and is notable for having a significant supergene enrichment zone
Project is contiguous with Surge's Ootsa property, and is located 22km northwest of the Huckleberry Mine and Mill Complex, in an area of B.C. with excellent transport, power, and water infrastructure
Large land package with attractive pipeline of known porphyry and polymetallic hydrothermal vein targets, including 16 known magnetic anomalies developed through airborne geophysics
Select historic drill hole highlights are shown in the table below
Hier etwas Informationsmaterial von JS Research über Surge Copper:
In Kanada gestern 40k auf der 1,10 CAD weggekauft SK TH 1,11 CAD etwa 0,72 Euro

Laut diversen Boards in Kanada wird der Produzentenstatus bis Ende des Jahres erwartet beim Low Cost Copper Betrieb. Ich bin gespannt.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025977#2025977 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 08.12.2020, 15:41 Uhr[/url]"]Schnitt 0,66 raus
Habe da sowieso noch ein LongPosi :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025925#2025925 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 08.12.2020, 13:19 Uhr[/url]"]Excelsior Mining 3XS long zu Schnitt 0,632 gestern in Canada ausgebrochen
SK 1,04 CAD entspricht 0,67 Euro

Kanadischer Low Cost Kupferwert, kurz vor Produktionsbeginn (Meldung wird dieses Jahr erwartet)

» zur Grafik
Equinox Gold Announces Friendly Acquisition of Premier Gold Mines >>> https://www.premiergoldmines.com/upload/documents/press-releases/2020/dec-16-2020-pr_eqx_premieracquisition.pdf
gold und silber: was gabs denn da in der nacht-session zu trinken???
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028372#2028372 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 15.12.2020, 19:09 Uhr[/url]"]dieses gold- und silber-gewürge nervt nun gewaltig. :sick: :evil: ich sollte aktuell erst mal einen bogen darum machen, blödes hin und her ......
Teilverkauf bei 1,04....bissl Liqui
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2027832#2027832 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 14.12.2020, 12:01 Uhr[/url]"]:whistle: jetzt kommt mehr Aufmerksamkeit rein

"....Taseko Mines has the potential to be a multi-bagger stock over time...."

Chart schaut auch aus...
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026852#2026852 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 10.12.2020, 12:03 Uhr[/url]"]:gruebel: gestern kaum/keine Reaktion in Canada......manchmal dauert es ja ein paar Tage....mal sehen
von den Fakten und MK eigentlich schönes Potential 8)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026303#2026303 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.12.2020, 11:29 Uhr[/url]"]TKO - Taseko 866869

mal was Long zu 0,91 - wirkt ein wenig wie "vernachlässigt".......Produktion läuft, erwarte ein sehr profitables 4.Q/2020; Kupferpreis hat sich ja deutlich besser entwicklet als erwartet; Aussichten sind positiv :gruebel: :)

neuste Präsentation:
https://www.tasekomines.com/assets/docs/presentations/Dec 2020 - Update.pdf

Taseko Mines' Florence project receives aquifier permit
2020-12-08 14:44 ET - News Release

Die gute Premier Gold :cry:
Auch ein Wert, der hier schon lange dabei ist und mit dem ich schon gutes Geld verdient habe. :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028582#2028582 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 16.12.2020, 12:45 Uhr[/url]"]Equinox Gold Announces Friendly Acquisition of Premier Gold Mines >>> https://www.premiergoldmines.com/upload/documents/press-releases/2020/dec-16-2020-pr_eqx_premieracquisition.pdf

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028671#2028671 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 16.12.2020, 16:07 Uhr[/url]"]Die gute Premier Gold :cry:
Auch ein Wert, der hier schon lange dabei ist und mit dem ich schon gutes Geld verdient habe. :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028582#2028582 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 16.12.2020, 12:45 Uhr[/url]"]Equinox Gold Announces Friendly Acquisition of Premier Gold Mines >>> https://www.premiergoldmines.com/upload/documents/press-releases/2020/dec-16-2020-pr_eqx_premieracquisition.pdf
Wobei Equinox schon sowas wie ein schwarzes Loch ist, das eine Mine nach der anderen verschlngt.
Newcastle Gold, Anfield Gold, Trek mining, Luna Gold, JDL Gold, Leagold und nun Premier Gold... :eek:
....das war auch mein erster Gedanke...."die gute alte Premier Gold"....

:friends: :beer:

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028684#2028684 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 16.12.2020, 16:15 Uhr[/url]"];)

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028671#2028671 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 16.12.2020, 16:07 Uhr[/url]"]Die gute Premier Gold :cry:
Auch ein Wert, der hier schon lange dabei ist und mit dem ich schon gutes Geld verdient habe. :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028582#2028582 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 16.12.2020, 12:45 Uhr[/url]"]Equinox Gold Announces Friendly Acquisition of Premier Gold Mines >>> https://www.premiergoldmines.com/upload/documents/press-releases/2020/dec-16-2020-pr_eqx_premieracquisition.pdf

U.S. Gold Corp. Drills Continuous Mineralization and Attractive Gold Equivalent Grade of 1.126 g/t Over 177.5 Meters Within its CK Gold Project in Wyoming


- 177.5 meters (600 feet) of continuous gold, copper and silver mineralization with an average gold equivalent grade of 1.126 g/t
- 2020 drill program was a combination of core and reverse circulation drilling
- The twenty-nine hole drill program is designed to advance the CK Gold Project to the Pre-Feasibility Study level
- Drill holes were for metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological and resource expansion purposes

ELKO, Nev., Dec. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Gold Corp. (NASDAQ: USAU) (the "Company"), a gold exploration and development company, is pleased to announce the first results of the recent twenty-nine hole drilling program for its CK Gold Project, an advanced stage gold and copper exploration and development project located just outside of Cheyenne, Wyoming. The results of the program, which are 177.5 meters (600 feet) of continuous gold, copper and silver mineralization with an average gold equivalent grade of 1.126 g/t, demonstrate strong continuity of attractive gold and copper grades.

George Bee, President and CEO of U.S. Gold Corp. commented, "I'm very pleased with the data from this first hole as it not only validates the previous interpretation of the resource, it shows that there may be some better grade to further enhance the economics of the project. Furthermore, we have good values to chase at the bottom of the conceptual PEA pit resulting in exploration potential that will be our focus once we have cemented the project's value proposition in the Pre-Feasibility Study."


alles long: rohstoffe, indizes, währungen. das passt nicht mehr in meine vorstellungen. egal, servus miteinand! :beer:

Freehold Royalties to pay two-cent dividend Jan. 15

2020-12-15 18:09 ET - News Release

Mr. Matt Donohue reports

Freehold Royalties Ltd.'s board of directors has declared a dividend of two Canadian cents per common share, to be paid on Jan. 15, 2021, to shareholders of record on Dec. 31, 2020. These dividends are designated as eligible dividends for Canadian income tax purposes.

In addition to paying the dividend to holders of Freehold common shares, Freehold will also pay a dividend equivalent payment to holders of its recently issued subscription receipts. The dividend equivalent payment of two cents per subscription receipt will be paid on Jan. 15, 2021, to holders of subscription receipts of record on Dec. 31, 2020. The dividend equivalent payment will not be a dividend and will not be designated as an eligible dividend for Canadian income tax purposes. Holders of subscription receipts should refer to Freehold's prospectus dated Dec. 4, 2020, for a description of the tax treatment of the dividend equivalent payment.

Freehold's focus is on acquiring and managing oil and gas royalties.

Freehold's common shares and subscription receipts trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada under the symbols FRU and FRU.R, respectively.

© 2020 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
18P :eek: :D :juchu: ! Achtung ! von gestern - sind nach wildem Handel mit +54% geschlossen....
First Cobalt receives $10M funding from Cdn gov't

2020-12-16 12:11 ET - News Release

Mr. Trent Mell reports


First Cobalt Corp. has signed contribution agreements and will be the recipient of $10-million in public funding from the government of Canada and the government of Ontario. This critical funding will allow the company to accelerate the commissioning and expansion of its refinery in Northern Ontario, attract new investment and execute against its strategic business plan.

Key terms under the agreements with both governments are as follows:

Government of Canada -- $5-million interest-free loan through the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario;
Government of Ontario -- $5-million non-repayable grant through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp.;
This combined strategic investment, totalling $10-million, will enable First Cobalt to recommission and expand its cobalt refinery north of Toronto;
Once complete, the facility will be the first of its kind in North America, capable of producing 25,000 tonnes of battery-grade cobalt sulphate annually, which could represent 5 per cent of the global market for refined cobalt.

First Cobalt's refinery project has an estimated capital cost of $77-million ($60-million (U.S.)), including federal and provincial contributions totalling $10-million. This support will help secure well-paying, long-term jobs in Northern Ontario.

The refinery adds another significant piece to the automotive supply chain in Canada, following recent announcements by both levels of government in support of battery electric vehicle production.

As global electric vehicle sales continue to set new records, First Cobalt will play a critical role in the growing North American supply chain. This investment reinforces Canada's position as an automotive powerhouse as the auto industry positions itself for an electric future.

John Pollesel, chairman of the board of directors, commented: "Today's announcement is a transformational investment from the federal and provincial governments and is further validation of the strategic plan that our management team has been executing for many months. This funding sends a strong signal to investors that our plan is credible, achievable and realistic. Looking ahead, the enhanced credibility this funding brings will help attract investment partners to this critical project."

Trent Mell, president and chief executive officer, commented: "The electric vehicle revolution is powered by cobalt, and we are thrilled to partner with the government of Canada and the government of Ontario to expand and recommission our Northern Ontario refinery, bringing long-term employment to the community.

"Global demand for cobalt is increasing as electric vehicles become more widely adopted. Our refinery will be the only source of domestic cobalt for the North American electric vehicle industry, and it will also be well positioned to support the European market.

"The cobalt feed material that we will process will be certified as ethically sourced and conflict-free. Moreover, our goal is to build the greenest cobalt refinery in the world. Initial indications are that our refinery will have CO2 [carbon dioxide] emissions that are 50 per cent lower than our benchmark peer -- and we will not stop there."
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2016565#2016565 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 10.11.2020, 15:18 Uhr[/url]"]18P

2020-11-10 08:00 ET - News Release

First Cobalt Provides Refinery Project Update
Canada NewsWire

TORONTO, Nov. 10, 2020

TORONTO, Nov. 10, 2020 /CNW/ - First Cobalt Corp. (TSXV: FCC) (OTCQX: FTSSF) (the "Company") today provided an update on commercial contracts and metallurgical test work relating to its cobalt refinery located in Ontario, Canada.


First Cobalt and Glencore have agreed to discuss a long-term feed purchase contract rather than the tolling arrangement originally contemplated, providing First Cobalt greater leverage to the cobalt market by entering into offtake contracts with end users directly
The maturity date on the Company's US$5 million loan with Glencore has been extended by one year to August 2022, which better aligns with refinery commissioning
Glencore continues to provide support to ensure a technically viable design of the plant and smooth commissioning
In order to secure a diversity of supply, First Cobalt will supplement any feed provided by Glencore with other sources of ethical cobalt
Bench scale testing of cobalt hydroxide feedstock from Glencore's Katanga Operation (KCC) yielded recoveries in excess of 97%, significantly higher than the 93% recovery assumption in the Company's May engineering study
Timelines for pilot plant completion and submission of permit amendments remain on track while discussions for government support are well advanced

Trent Mell, President & Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"The change in approach towards feed purchase contracts results in greater exposure to the cobalt market and potentially a greater share of the project economics outlined in our May 4 engineering study. With the decision to be a market purchaser of feedstock, rather than a toll refiner, the Company has resumed discussions with lenders and intends to move aggressively to advance its strategy. I am very appreciative of Glencore's ongoing support and look forward to working towards completing a mutually agreeable cobalt hydroxide supply agreement for our refinery. We continue to advance our vision to create a new cobalt supply chain in North America, which will provide excellent leverage to a strengthening cobalt market for First Cobalt shareholders."

Securing feed material under a long-term cobalt hydroxide purchase contract, rather than a tolling contract, will allow the First Cobalt Refinery to be an active market participant and achieve market-based returns from its operations. This will also provide First Cobalt shareholders with greater leverage to the cobalt market. With competitive operating costs and strong ESG credentials, the Refinery is very well positioned to become an important global player in the refined cobalt business, a key component in the growing North American and European electric vehicle supply chains.

Offtake discussions with OEMs and other cobalt sulfate consumers have been very constructive, given strong interest in: (i) a geographically diverse supply chain, (ii) ethically sourced cobalt, and (iii) a low environmental footprint.

The Company intends to finalize a supply agreement with Glencore on mutually agreeable terms while securing additional feedstock from other miners of ethically produced, high-quality cobalt hydroxide. The Company does not anticipate any difficulties securing sufficient feedstock for the Refinery's nameplate capacity of 5,000 tonnes per annum of contained cobalt. Moreover, diversification of feedstock supply will help offset the risk of supply interruptions from any single operation.

The US$5 million debt agreement the Company has in place with Glencore had an original maturity date of August 23, 2021. The parties have amended the loan agreement to extend the maturity date by one year to August 23, 2022. All other terms are unchanged, including Glencore's right to convert all or a portion of the balance owing to common shares of First Cobalt at a discount to market of up to 15%.

Cobalt hydroxide feed material from Glencore's KCC mining operation was received in September, with leaching and neutralization testing performed by SGS ahead of pilot plant test work. Bench scale work yielded cobalt recoveries in excess of 97%, significantly higher than the 93% recovery reported in the Company's May 4 engineering study. The 97% recovery is similar to recoveries achieved on other DRC cobalt hydroxide feedstock that First Cobalt tested in 2019 to produce battery grade cobalt sulfate. The Company is confident that it will meet or exceed this recovery level as it proceeds to pilot plant testing, which would contribute to even stronger project economics.

With respect to the Company's conversations with government, First Cobalt remains optimistic for a positive outcome. The increasing prevalence of electric vehicles in Canada as well as the integrated nature of the North American automotive supply chain place First Cobalt at the center of a generational shift – one that is well aligned with government policy at the Federal and Provincial levels.
gold und silber glänzen nicht nur, nein, sie strahlen seit 3 tagen. futures mit th bei 1887.40 $ bzw. 25.985 $. silber in der zeit von 24 $ auf knapp 26 $ gerannt. dolle sache ...
kam gestern.......
Canada Nickel signs MOU with Taykwa Tagamou Nation
2020-12-16 09:12 ET - News Release

Mr. Mark Selby reports


Canada Nickel Company Inc. has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Taykwa Tagamou Nation (TTN), with the objective of establishing a long-term, mutually beneficial business relationship.

"Canada Nickel is fully committed to the responsible development of the Crawford nickel-cobalt sulphide project to deliver NetZero nickel and cobalt products. From the very beginning, our approach has been to work with first nations and local stakeholders as partners in order to create shared value through economic opportunities, while also being respectful and responsible stewards of the natural environment. We welcome their innovative partnering approach and their support of our efforts to move forward on the development, permitting and construction of the project," said Mark Selby, chair and chief executive officer of Canada Nickel. "Canada Nickel acknowledges TTN in their commitment to protect and enhance the land and resource-based economy within their traditional territory. We are grateful for the open and constructive communications we have had with them and look forward to moving forward together in the same spirit of partnership."
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2027846#2027846 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 14.12.2020, 13:10 Uhr[/url]"]Canada Nickel Company Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Wabun Tribal Council for Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project :)

TORONTO, Dec. 14, 2020 /CNW/ - Canada Nickel Company Inc. ("Canada Nickel" or "The Company") (TSXV: CNC) (OTCQB: CNIKF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with the Matachewan and Mattagami First Nations in relation to exploration and development operations at the Company's Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project ("the Project") near Timmins, Ontario.

The MOU establishes a commitment by Canada Nickel to engage in ongoing consultation and establish a mutually beneficial cooperative and productive relationship with the First Nations located in the Project area. The agreement also provides the communities with an opportunity to participate in the benefits of the Project through business opportunities, employment and training, financial compensation and consultation on environmental matters.

Mark Selby, Chair and CEO of Canada Nickel Company, said: "Canada Nickel is fully committed to the responsible development of the Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide project to deliver NetZero Nickel and Cobalt products. From the very beginning, our approach has been to work with First Nations and local stakeholders as partners in order to create shared value through economic opportunities, while also being respectful and responsible stewards of the natural environment." said Mark Selby, Chair and CEO of Canada Nickel. "Canada Nickel acknowledges Matachewan and Mattagami First Nations in their commitment to protect and enhance the land and resource-based economy within their Traditional Territory. We welcome their constructive approach and their support of our efforts to move forward on the development, permitting and construction of the project."

Chief Jason Batisse of Matachewan First Nation is "happy to be forging a strong and mutually beneficial relationship with Canada Nickel on their promising Nickel-Cobalt Project." Throughout our preliminary discussions, it has become apparent that "Mark is genuinely committed to responsible and sustainable development, and our community appreciates being engaged in the early planning stages of the project" said Chief Chad Boissoneau of Mattagami First Nation.

The Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project is located in the heart of the prolific Timmins-Cochrane mining camp in Ontario, Canada, and is adjacent to well-established, major infrastructure associated with over 100 years of regional mining activity. Canada Nickel has launched wholly-owned NetZero Metals Inc. with the aim to develop zero-carbon production of nickel, cobalt, and iron at the Crawford Project.

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025435#2025435 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 07.12.2020, 09:28 Uhr[/url]"]Canada Nickel CNC long 1,23 Euro

News vom Wochenende und Hammer im Chart.
PEA wird zum Ende des Jahres erwartet.

Passend dazu https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/13239434-aktien-tesla-batterie-engpass :kichern:

Canada Nickel Company Announces Filing of NI 43-101 Technical Report for Previously Announced Crawford Project Updated Resource

» zur Grafik
wie sieht deine Einschätzung bei Kupfer aus...... :) :danke:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2029106#2029106 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 17.12.2020, 12:45 Uhr[/url]"]gold und silber glänzen nicht nur, nein, sie strahlen seit 3 tagen. futures mit th bei 1887.40 $ bzw. 25.985 $. silber in der zeit von 24 $ auf knapp 26 $ gerannt. dolle sache ...
servus greenhorn, in anbetracht aller umstände (gesellschaftlich, politisch und wirtschaftlich) kann ich immer nur den kopf schütteln, weil die märkte alle widrigkeiten ausblenden. bei kupfer im speziellen sieht das chartbild extrem bullisch aus. hier braucht man aktuell schon den monats-chart, damit man nicht nur den blauen himmel sieht. seit april fast nur grüne kerzen. märz-tief bei 1.9725 $. gute unterstützung zwischen 3.5000 $ und 3.3000 $. mögliche long-ziele bei 3.7500 $ und 4.000 $. wie gesagt, ich zweifle an dem, was ich sehe, aber es ist wahr. um 3.3000 $ dachte ich, es könnte nach dem lauf konsolidieren, aber das war es nicht. aber immer nur long .... :evil:


[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2029113#2029113 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 17.12.2020, 12:55 Uhr[/url]"]Hammer!
wie sieht deine Einschätzung bei Kupfer aus...... :) :danke:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2029106#2029106 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 17.12.2020, 12:45 Uhr[/url]"]gold und silber glänzen nicht nur, nein, sie strahlen seit 3 tagen. futures mit th bei 1887.40 $ bzw. 25.985 $. silber in der zeit von 24 $ auf knapp 26 $ gerannt. dolle sache ...
gold und silber mit neuen th. letzterer mit einem plus von über 4%. future mit dem th von 26.125 $ über den widerstand um 26 $ gesprungen. als mein lieblingswort entpuppt sich hier im forum der ausdruck "irre"! :wallbash: am montag im tief noch bei 23.755 $ gestanden. gestern mal intraday eine konso von 25.500 $ bis 24.850 $ gefahren, die aber am abend in einer stunde vollständig getilgt wurde. ein short-szenario ist nicht in sicht, hoffe aber mal, zumal nach dem anstieg, auf eine gute handelbare short-konso. :evil:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028819#2028819 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 16.12.2020, 21:07 Uhr[/url]"]alles long: rohstoffe, indizes, währungen. das passt nicht mehr in meine vorstellungen. egal, servus miteinand! :beer:

» zur Grafik » zur Grafik
mittelfristig ist das aber doch kein Kurs, hier kannst du locker von 30-35 USD in 2021 ausgehen
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2029160#2029160 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 17.12.2020, 14:05 Uhr[/url]"]gold und silber mit neuen th. letzterer mit einem plus von über 4%. future mit dem th von 26.125 $ über den widerstand um 26 $ gesprungen. als mein lieblingswort entpuppt sich hier im forum der ausdruck "irre"! :wallbash: am montag im tief noch bei 23.755 $ gestanden. gestern mal intraday eine konso von 25.500 $ bis 24.850 $ gefahren, die aber am abend in einer stunde vollständig getilgt wurde. ein short-szenario ist nicht in sicht, hoffe aber mal, zumal nach dem anstieg, auf eine gute handelbare short-konso. :evil:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028819#2028819 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 16.12.2020, 21:07 Uhr[/url]"]alles long: rohstoffe, indizes, währungen. das passt nicht mehr in meine vorstellungen. egal, servus miteinand! :beer:

» zur Grafik » zur Grafik
die aussichten für den silber-kurs lassen sich für mich schwer einschätzen. ob die rahmenbedingungen für weiter steigende kurs günstig sind, kann ich in der aktuellen situation nicht beurteilen. der 2020er-anstieg von rund 11 $ an war für mich spekulationsbezogen. und kursfristig betrachtet ist das edelmetall überkauft (aber das thema kennen wir na ähnlich gut von kupfer etc.). schau ma ma, na seh'n ma schon ....
Da kam nachbörslich noch etwas...

Canada Nickel Makes Fourth New Discovery - North Zone at Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2029111#2029111 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 17.12.2020, 12:53 Uhr[/url]"]kam gestern.......
Canada Nickel signs MOU with Taykwa Tagamou Nation
2020-12-16 09:12 ET - News Release

Mr. Mark Selby reports


Canada Nickel Company Inc. has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Taykwa Tagamou Nation (TTN), with the objective of establishing a long-term, mutually beneficial business relationship. [...]
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2027846#2027846 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 14.12.2020, 13:10 Uhr[/url]"]Canada Nickel Company Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Wabun Tribal Council for Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project :)

TORONTO, Dec. 14, 2020 /CNW/ - Canada Nickel Company Inc. ("Canada Nickel" or "The Company") (TSXV: CNC) (OTCQB: CNIKF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with the Matachewan and Mattagami First Nations in relation to exploration and development operations at the Company's Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project ("the Project") near Timmins, Ontario. [...]
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025435#2025435 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 07.12.2020, 09:28 Uhr[/url]"]Canada Nickel CNC long 1,23 Euro

News vom Wochenende und Hammer im Chart.
PEA wird zum Ende des Jahres erwartet.

Passend dazu https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/13239434-aktien-tesla-batterie-engpass :kichern:

Canada Nickel Company Announces Filing of NI 43-101 Technical Report for Previously Announced Crawford Project Updated Resource

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!! Nicht der Brüller aber wichtig.

18P - läuft einfach weiter...... :) 8)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2029100#2029100 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 17.12.2020, 12:24 Uhr[/url]"]18P :eek: :D :juchu: ! Achtung ! von gestern - sind nach wildem Handel mit +54% geschlossen....
First Cobalt receives $10M funding from Cdn gov't

2020-12-16 12:11 ET - News Release

Mr. Trent Mell reports


First Cobalt Corp. has signed contribution agreements and will be the recipient of $10-million in public funding from the government of Canada and the government of Ontario. This critical funding will allow the company to accelerate the commissioning and expansion of its refinery in Northern Ontario, attract new investment and execute against its strategic business plan.

Key terms under the agreements with both governments are as follows:

Government of Canada -- $5-million interest-free loan through the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario;
Government of Ontario -- $5-million non-repayable grant through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp.;
This combined strategic investment, totalling $10-million, will enable First Cobalt to recommission and expand its cobalt refinery north of Toronto;
Once complete, the facility will be the first of its kind in North America, capable of producing 25,000 tonnes of battery-grade cobalt sulphate annually, which could represent 5 per cent of the global market for refined cobalt.

First Cobalt's refinery project has an estimated capital cost of $77-million ($60-million (U.S.)), including federal and provincial contributions totalling $10-million. This support will help secure well-paying, long-term jobs in Northern Ontario.

The refinery adds another significant piece to the automotive supply chain in Canada, following recent announcements by both levels of government in support of battery electric vehicle production.

As global electric vehicle sales continue to set new records, First Cobalt will play a critical role in the growing North American supply chain. This investment reinforces Canada's position as an automotive powerhouse as the auto industry positions itself for an electric future.

John Pollesel, chairman of the board of directors, commented: "Today's announcement is a transformational investment from the federal and provincial governments and is further validation of the strategic plan that our management team has been executing for many months. This funding sends a strong signal to investors that our plan is credible, achievable and realistic. Looking ahead, the enhanced credibility this funding brings will help attract investment partners to this critical project."

Trent Mell, president and chief executive officer, commented: "The electric vehicle revolution is powered by cobalt, and we are thrilled to partner with the government of Canada and the government of Ontario to expand and recommission our Northern Ontario refinery, bringing long-term employment to the community.

"Global demand for cobalt is increasing as electric vehicles become more widely adopted. Our refinery will be the only source of domestic cobalt for the North American electric vehicle industry, and it will also be well positioned to support the European market.

"The cobalt feed material that we will process will be certified as ethically sourced and conflict-free. Moreover, our goal is to build the greenest cobalt refinery in the world. Initial indications are that our refinery will have CO2 [carbon dioxide] emissions that are 50 per cent lower than our benchmark peer -- and we will not stop there."
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2016565#2016565 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 10.11.2020, 15:18 Uhr[/url]"]18P

2020-11-10 08:00 ET - News Release

First Cobalt Provides Refinery Project Update
Canada NewsWire

TORONTO, Nov. 10, 2020

TORONTO, Nov. 10, 2020 /CNW/ - First Cobalt Corp. (TSXV: FCC) (OTCQX: FTSSF) (the "Company") today provided an update on commercial contracts and metallurgical test work relating to its cobalt refinery located in Ontario, Canada.


First Cobalt and Glencore have agreed to discuss a long-term feed purchase contract rather than the tolling arrangement originally contemplated, providing First Cobalt greater leverage to the cobalt market by entering into offtake contracts with end users directly
The maturity date on the Company's US$5 million loan with Glencore has been extended by one year to August 2022, which better aligns with refinery commissioning
Glencore continues to provide support to ensure a technically viable design of the plant and smooth commissioning
In order to secure a diversity of supply, First Cobalt will supplement any feed provided by Glencore with other sources of ethical cobalt
Bench scale testing of cobalt hydroxide feedstock from Glencore's Katanga Operation (KCC) yielded recoveries in excess of 97%, significantly higher than the 93% recovery assumption in the Company's May engineering study
Timelines for pilot plant completion and submission of permit amendments remain on track while discussions for government support are well advanced

Trent Mell, President & Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"The change in approach towards feed purchase contracts results in greater exposure to the cobalt market and potentially a greater share of the project economics outlined in our May 4 engineering study. With the decision to be a market purchaser of feedstock, rather than a toll refiner, the Company has resumed discussions with lenders and intends to move aggressively to advance its strategy. I am very appreciative of Glencore's ongoing support and look forward to working towards completing a mutually agreeable cobalt hydroxide supply agreement for our refinery. We continue to advance our vision to create a new cobalt supply chain in North America, which will provide excellent leverage to a strengthening cobalt market for First Cobalt shareholders."

Securing feed material under a long-term cobalt hydroxide purchase contract, rather than a tolling contract, will allow the First Cobalt Refinery to be an active market participant and achieve market-based returns from its operations. This will also provide First Cobalt shareholders with greater leverage to the cobalt market. With competitive operating costs and strong ESG credentials, the Refinery is very well positioned to become an important global player in the refined cobalt business, a key component in the growing North American and European electric vehicle supply chains.

Offtake discussions with OEMs and other cobalt sulfate consumers have been very constructive, given strong interest in: (i) a geographically diverse supply chain, (ii) ethically sourced cobalt, and (iii) a low environmental footprint.

The Company intends to finalize a supply agreement with Glencore on mutually agreeable terms while securing additional feedstock from other miners of ethically produced, high-quality cobalt hydroxide. The Company does not anticipate any difficulties securing sufficient feedstock for the Refinery's nameplate capacity of 5,000 tonnes per annum of contained cobalt. Moreover, diversification of feedstock supply will help offset the risk of supply interruptions from any single operation.

The US$5 million debt agreement the Company has in place with Glencore had an original maturity date of August 23, 2021. The parties have amended the loan agreement to extend the maturity date by one year to August 23, 2022. All other terms are unchanged, including Glencore's right to convert all or a portion of the balance owing to common shares of First Cobalt at a discount to market of up to 15%.

Cobalt hydroxide feed material from Glencore's KCC mining operation was received in September, with leaching and neutralization testing performed by SGS ahead of pilot plant test work. Bench scale work yielded cobalt recoveries in excess of 97%, significantly higher than the 93% recovery reported in the Company's May 4 engineering study. The 97% recovery is similar to recoveries achieved on other DRC cobalt hydroxide feedstock that First Cobalt tested in 2019 to produce battery grade cobalt sulfate. The Company is confident that it will meet or exceed this recovery level as it proceeds to pilot plant testing, which would contribute to even stronger project economics.

With respect to the Company's conversations with government, First Cobalt remains optimistic for a positive outcome. The increasing prevalence of electric vehicles in Canada as well as the integrated nature of the North American automotive supply chain place First Cobalt at the center of a generational shift – one that is well aligned with government policy at the Federal and Provincial levels.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2029366#2029366 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 17.12.2020, 17:53 Uhr[/url]"]18P - läuft einfach weiter...... :) 8)
Fast 2 Jahre seitwärts auf 15 Cents und auf einmal explodiert das Teil. :eek:
Unterstützung auf der 0,115 getestet und up :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028373#2028373 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 15.12.2020, 19:14 Uhr[/url]"]Hatte letzte Woche auch verkauft, sehe es aktuell allerdings lediglich als Konsolidierung.
Seit 03.11.2020 mehr als 100% gestiegen und von den Indikatoren überkauft.

Langsam entspannt es sich wieder.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2028342#2028342 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 15.12.2020, 17:55 Uhr[/url]"]Bei NCU bin ich wieder raus, das ist dann doch nicht so gelaufen wie gedacht. :(
Oben Unten