• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

SSRM - So, nochmal bissl genauer angeschaut...des Rätsels Lösung - denke ich - ist auf Seite 18.....die Minen sind dicht, wenig Produktion....und ein Teil der Kosten bleibt + Kosten der Wiedereröffnung. Haben im Moment genug Cash.....kann man nur hoffen es wird bald besser
Türkei und Argentinien auch politisch etwas belastend m.M.n


der Wert an sich ist aus meiner Sicht Top.....sollte man sich auf WL legen für das After-Corona-Szenario; vorausgesetzt Gold/Silber bleiben auf dem Niveau :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048437#2048437 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.02.2021, 20:03 Uhr[/url]"]ist auf ad hoc nicht so zu sagen
hatten wohl wegen Corona Produktionsprobleme, bzw. immer noch
sollte sich aber dann langsam auflösen - erwarten tun sie die Verbesserung im 2 Halbjahr... :gruebel: :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048411#2048411 schrieb:
sudoer schrieb am 09.02.2021, 19:03 Uhr[/url]"]Moin, hat jemand eine Idee, warum zsv so schlecht läuft? Bei einem vergleichbaren Silberpreis im letzten September lagen die noch deutlich höher!?
» zur Grafik
SSRM 07:42 02/10/21 SSR Mining initiated with an Overweight at JPMorgan

JPMorgan analyst Tyler Langton initiated coverage of SSR Mining with an Overweight rating and $24 price target.

SSR's discount to the Metals and Mining group should narrow as the market becomes more confident that it can execute on its PEA case at Copler and increase reserves/production at Marigold, Langton tells investors in a research note.

Read more at:

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048717#2048717 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 10.02.2021, 13:06 Uhr[/url]"]SSRM - So, nochmal bissl genauer angeschaut...des Rätsels Lösung - denke ich - ist auf Seite 18.....die Minen sind dicht, wenig Produktion....und ein Teil der Kosten bleibt + Kosten der Wiedereröffnung. Haben im Moment genug Cash.....kann man nur hoffen es wird bald besser
Türkei und Argentinien auch politisch etwas belastend m.M.n


der Wert an sich ist aus meiner Sicht Top.....sollte man sich auf WL legen für das After-Corona-Szenario; vorausgesetzt Gold/Silber bleiben auf dem Niveau :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048437#2048437 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.02.2021, 20:03 Uhr[/url]"]ist auf ad hoc nicht so zu sagen
hatten wohl wegen Corona Produktionsprobleme, bzw. immer noch
sollte sich aber dann langsam auflösen - erwarten tun sie die Verbesserung im 2 Halbjahr... :gruebel: :)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048411#2048411 schrieb:
sudoer schrieb am 09.02.2021, 19:03 Uhr[/url]"]Moin, hat jemand eine Idee, warum zsv so schlecht läuft? Bei einem vergleichbaren Silberpreis im letzten September lagen die noch deutlich höher!?
» zur Grafik
:oops: hab ich auch gesehen......das ist immer etwas bremsend.... :gruebel:
eventuell ne kleine Posi mal hinlegen
Geht bei euch ceo.ca? :gruebel:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048759#2048759 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 10.02.2021, 14:53 Uhr[/url]"]:oops: hab ich auch gesehen......das ist immer etwas bremsend.... :gruebel:
eventuell ne kleine Posi mal hinlegen
im Bereich Nickel finde ich auch NICL oder TN (Tartisan) interessant.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048842#2048842 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 10.02.2021, 16:47 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048801#2048801 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 10.02.2021, 16:11 Uhr[/url]"]Geht bei euch ceo.ca? :gruebel:

hm, hab gerade auf dem Handy geschaut, da funktioniert es auch.
Auf dem Tablet aber nicht. Beides Android und Chrome. Seltsam. :scratch:
Ein Käufer dran bei Excelsior Mining, kam da eine Empfehlung?

Sind ungewöhnlich die Umsätze :scratch:

Iceberg auf der 1,08 wird angeknabbert :kichern:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048847#2048847 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 10.02.2021, 16:52 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048842#2048842 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 10.02.2021, 16:47 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048801#2048801 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 10.02.2021, 16:11 Uhr[/url]"]Geht bei euch ceo.ca? :gruebel:

hm, hab gerade auf dem Handy geschaut, da funktioniert es auch.
Auf dem Tablet aber nicht. Beides Android und Chrome. Seltsam. :scratch:

Habe komischerweise das gleiche Problem... :gruebel:

Handy funktioniert - Laptop nicht
Gestern und heute waren die genau um 15:30 Uhr nicht erreichbar. :(
Bestimmt überlastet durch massig Peketec Zugriffe :lol:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048922#2048922 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 10.02.2021, 19:59 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048847#2048847 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 10.02.2021, 16:52 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048842#2048842 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 10.02.2021, 16:47 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048801#2048801 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 10.02.2021, 16:11 Uhr[/url]"]Geht bei euch ceo.ca? :gruebel:

hm, hab gerade auf dem Handy geschaut, da funktioniert es auch.
Auf dem Tablet aber nicht. Beides Android und Chrome. Seltsam. :scratch:

Habe komischerweise das gleiche Problem... :gruebel:

Handy funktioniert - Laptop nicht

New Gold's Rainy to produce up to 290,000 oz Au in 2021

2021-02-10 07:49 ET - News Release

Mr. Renaud Adams reports


New Gold Inc. has provided its annual operational outlook for the Rainy River mine and updated mineral reserves and mineral resources as of Dec. 31, 2020. Annual operational estimates for the New Afton mine will be released at a later date. All amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.

Following the tragic underground mud-rush event at the New Afton mine that occurred on Feb. 2, 2021, the release of annual operational estimates for the New Afton mine will be slightly delayed allowing the company sufficient time to advance a more fulsome analysis and consider the potential impact on its 2021 production plan as additional information from its investigation becomes available. As noted in the press release dated Feb. 8, 2021, the mine has restarted some underground activities and is currently operating at approximately 3,000 to 5,000 tonnes per day. The mill is currently processing ore from the live pile, which contains approximately 100,000 tonnes at 0.65 to 0.75 per cent copper and 0.40 to 0.50 gram per tonne gold. The intermediate-grade surface stockpile contains approximately 1.4 million tonnes at 0.35 to 0.45 per cent copper and 0.20 to 0.30 gram per tonne gold.

"We will continue to prioritize the health, safety and well-being of our work force as we continue to safely and sequentially ramp up underground operations at the New Afton mine. As we consider the impact on the 2021 mine plan, we have flexibility to adjust the 2021 mine plan, including the optionality of supplementing mill feed for a period of time from our surface stockpiles," stated Renaud Adams, president and chief executive officer. "At the Rainy River mine, the company will continue to focus on optimizing our operational and cost performance with the objective of outperforming the 2021 technical report estimates as we build on the many accomplishments achieved over the past two years. We will also evaluate the potential expansion of the underground mine beyond the current life of mine, focusing on organic growth opportunities and advancing the exploration program."


+14% :juchu: :juchu:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048881#2048881 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 10.02.2021, 17:47 Uhr[/url]"]Ein Käufer dran bei Excelsior Mining, kam da eine Empfehlung?

Sind ungewöhnlich die Umsätze :scratch:

Iceberg auf der 1,08 wird angeknabbert :kichern:
Da ich gerade gute Laune habe,eine Frage an die User vom Rohstoffthread.

Ihr postet hier oft super Möglichkeiten :up: , nur bekomme ich hier seltener mit ob ihr gerade irgendwo long seid.

Bin ich blind oder falls nein, schafft ihr es zeitlich nicht?

Vielleicht können wir diese Chancen hier mehr teilen.

Nur als Idee, da jeder seine Augen ja woanders hat. :)

Einen schönen Abend noch zusammen :beer: :wein:
Guten Morgen :coffee:

Weiß noch nicht was ich von der Finanzierung halten soll.
Nach der Verzögerung wegen Covid in 2020 benötigt Excelsior wohl Cash, aber ein ganzer Warrant pro Aktie für 1,25 CAD.
Zudem sollte doch langsam aber sicher der Cashflow einsetzen :scratch:
Start at 25M lbs per year
Expand to 125M lbs per yea
Und wieso wird die Aktie unter immensen Umsätzen bis 1,12 CAD hochgezogen wenn die Finanzierung bei 0,95 CAD liegt.

Vielleicht mal abwarten wer da einsteigt

Excelsior Mining Announces C$20 Million Bought Deal Financing

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Excelsior Mining Corp. (TSX: MIN) (FSE: 3XS) (OTCQX: EXMGF) ("Excelsior" or the “Company”) announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Scotiabank and PI Financial Corp. as joint bookrunners and underwriters (the “Underwriters”), pursuant to which the Underwriters have agreed to buy on a bought deal basis 21,100,000 units (the “Units”) of the Company, at a price of C$0.95 per Unit for gross proceeds of approximately C$20 million (the “Offering”). Each Unit consists of one common share (each a “Common Share”) and one warrant (each a “Warrant”). Each Warrant is exercisable to acquire a Common Share (each a “Warrant Share”) at an exercise price of C$1.25 for a period of 18 months from the closing of the Offering.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048963#2048963 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 10.02.2021, 21:20 Uhr[/url]"]+14% :juchu: :juchu:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048881#2048881 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 10.02.2021, 17:47 Uhr[/url]"]Ein Käufer dran bei Excelsior Mining, kam da eine Empfehlung?

Sind ungewöhnlich die Umsätze :scratch:

Iceberg auf der 1,08 wird angeknabbert :kichern:
:coffee: Guten Morgen! :)
gestern auch in Canada weiter hoch auf 0,15 CAD - hier werden aktuell schon 0,12 Euro bezahlt :eek:
! RSI über 80 und gestern auch etwas weniger Volumen in Canada
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048033#2048033 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.02.2021, 07:39 Uhr[/url]"]FKC SK bei 0,13 CAD, leicht unter TH - weiterhin positiv:
-kein Gap gerissen!
-höheres Volumen als am Tag davor
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2048988#2048988 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 10.02.2021, 22:13 Uhr[/url]"]Da ich gerade gute Laune habe,eine Frage an die User vom Rohstoffthread.

Ihr postet hier oft super Möglichkeiten :up: , nur bekomme ich hier seltener mit ob ihr gerade irgendwo long seid.

Bin ich blind oder falls nein, schafft ihr es zeitlich nicht?

Vielleicht können wir diese Chancen hier mehr teilen.

Nur als Idee, da jeder seine Augen ja woanders hat. :)

Einen schönen Abend noch zusammen :beer: :wein:

Gute Idee! Dabei ist zu berücksichtigen, dass einige noch auf uralt Posies sitzen, die gerade z.b. bei Next erst 50% hinten lagen und die ich fett mit 30% plus verkauft habe!
Wenn ich die letzten 10 Jahre nehme habe ich 8 Trades gemacht im Rohstoffbereich! Allerdings gibt es aktuell sehr gute Chancen und die sollte man posten!! :wein: und dann prosten! :kichern:
TKO - Taseko durchbekommen........ :up: Zinsbelastung gesenkt, zusätzliche Mittel, Cashposi gestärkt
Taseko Mines closes $400-million (U.S.) note offering

2021-02-10 12:41 ET - News Release

Mr. Russell Hallbauer reports


Taseko Mines Ltd. has completed its offering of $400-million (U.S.) aggregate principal amount of 7 per cent senior secured notes due 2026. A portion of the proceeds will be used to redeem the outstanding $250-million (U.S.) 8.75 per cent senior secured notes due 2022. The remaining proceeds, net of transaction costs and accrued interest, of $131-million (U.S.) are available for capital expenditures, working capital and general corporate purposes.

Stuart McDonald, president of Taseko, commented: "This bond refinancing and upsize has significantly strengthened Taseko's financial position and lowered our cost of capital. We now have a cash balance of approximately $200-million (U.S.) and no significant debt maturities until 2026. With the majority of the required funding for our Florence Copper project now in hand, we are moving forward with final design engineering of the commercial production facility as well as procurement of certain critical components."

"Capital requirements for the commercial production facility are estimated at $230-million (U.S.)," added Mr. McDonald. "We continue to advance discussions with potential joint venture partners, but with our strong cash balance and improved Gibraltar cash flows from copper prices that are currently over $3.70 (U.S.) per pound, we have numerous options available to obtain the remaining funding."

Russell Hallbauer, chief executive officer of Taseko, commented: "A commitment to capital discipline is a guiding principle for this organization. We have demonstrated this in the past by completing over $800-million (U.S.) of capital programs at Gibraltar, on time and on budget. Florence is no different. We are designing and engineering the commercial facility to achieve the most accretive results for shareholders. Florence is one of the least capital intensive copper production facilities in the world and when fully ramped up will produce 40,000 tonnes of high quality cathode copper annually for the US domestic market. It is a green project, with carbon emissions and water and energy consumption all dramatically lower than a conventional mine, and with C1 operating costs of 90 U.S. cents per pound of copper, it will also be in the lowest quartile of the global cost curve."

We seek Safe Harbor.

© 2021 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2043620#2043620 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 28.01.2021, 16:41 Uhr[/url]"]:D wird gut aufgenommen
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2042936#2042936 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 28.01.2021, 08:08 Uhr[/url]"]:gruebel: Nachfrage ist offensichtlich sehr groß.... 8)
und wenn sie das durchbekommen reduzieren sie ihren Zinssatz um 1,75%

Taseko increases note offering to $400-million (U.S.)
2021-01-27 14:40 ET - News Release

Mr. Russell Hallbauer reports


Taseko Mines Ltd. has upsized and priced an offering of $400-million (U.S.) aggregate principal amount of senior secured notes due 2026, an upsize of $75-million (U.S.) over the amount previously announced. Interest on the notes will accrue at an annual rate of 7.0 per cent, payable semi-annually, and the notes will be issued at par. The offering is expected to close on Feb. 10, 2021, subject to customary closing conditions.

Taseko intends to use the net proceeds from this offering, together with cash on hand, to redeem all $250-million (U.S.) aggregate principal amount outstanding of its 8.75-per-cent senior secured notes due 2022 (including accrued interest); to make capital expenditures, including at its Florence copper project and Gibraltar mine; as working capital; for general corporate purposes; and to pay fees and expenses in connection with this offering.

The notes will be secured by first-priority liens on the shares of Taseko's wholly owned subsidiaries, Gibraltar Mines Ltd., Curis Holdings (Canada) Ltd. and Florence Holdings Inc. and by Gibraltar's rights under the joint venture agreement relating to the Gibraltar mine. The notes will also be guaranteed by certain restricted subsidiaries, including Gibraltar Mines and Florence Copper Inc. Upon admission of a minority joint venture partner for the Florence copper project under certain conditions, the guarantee of the bonds by Florence Copper would be released.

We seek Safe Harbor.

© 2021 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abstauber auf 0.25 cad oder 0.29 setzen! 2 Tages chart 5 min!

Goldcore to produce 1,000 kg graphite from Berkwood
2021-02-11 09:30 ET - News Release

Mr. Thomas Yingling reports


Goldcore Resources Ltd. has engaged Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd. to produce 1,000 kilograms of graphite concentrate from Berkwood project channel and drill core sample material for use in applied technical tests and to more fully characterize the Berkwood project graphite product. Test work will in particular focus on Lithium Ion Battery anode components. Over the past four years Goldcore has collected and stored raw graphite mineralised rock sample material from its Berkwood Graphite Project located in Northern Quebec for use in future metallurgical and application tests, and as a reference material for the Company's stated project resource (refer NR of Aug 19th, 2019). A subsample of reference raw material will be shipped to Base Metallurgical and processed, concentrated and purified to produce up to 1,000 kg of high-grade Graphite.

Goldcore continues to receive abundant interest in further study of the Berkwood Project product from graphite users and trade experts to further demonstrate the applications to which the Company's product will be most suited. In particular, the compelling jumbo- and large-flake size distribution that occurs naturally in the Zone 1 resource, and the ready upgrading of a concentrate of 97.8% graphite by crushing and flotation (please refer to the NR of Feb 7th, 2019, and the video at https://youtu.be/DXWCpr3G1-c ) is regarded by industry participants as being highly encouraging.

Michel Robert states, "Even when compared against a global suite of Graphite prospects, projects and mines, it is extremely rare to see graphite concentrates that are readily processed to yield both an abundance of large flakes AND high graphitic carbon grade. Berkwood's initial Graphite process samples have, to date, delivered on both these highly desirable and therefore potentially valuable characteristics."

The Company previously sent Berkwood Project 97.8% graphite concentrate to ProGraphite where the concentrate was readily purified to 99.95% (NR Aug 27, 2019). The near term plan is to have Base Met repeat the process with more core and channel sample material, and then to send the concerntrate to ProGraphite to purify to 99.95, make spherical graphite and coat the graphite for application in the anode components of test batteries. The Company will also use the purified product to supply a number of Battery Manufactures, and other consumers and purchasers of Graphite with test samples (commonly in 15 kg parcels) for those users to test the product for their own application-specific purpose.

CEO Tom Yingling states: "I am very pleased to have engaged Base Metallurgical Labs to process the Graphite that we have collected over the past four years to concentrate 1000kg of high-grade Graphite. Tests undertaken to date have shown excellent expandability characteristics, ready amenability for purification to 99.95% using a standard alkaline process, and that a high proportion of large flake graphite that is amenable to spheroidization is present. Being able to send 15 kg parcels of the Company's High Grade Graphite is one of the key steps to potentially securing an offtake agreement with a Lithium Ion Battery manufacturer and or other consumers of Graphite."

Qualified Person: Mr. Dave Kelsch, P.Geo. is a Qualified Person ("QP") as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, and he has reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release.

About the Company: Goldcore Resources is managed by a team with over 150 years collectively with a proven track record of not just finding numerous mines but building and operating them too. The Goldcore management team's most recent success is the discovery of the Berkwood Graphite resource in Northern Quebec. Goldcore owns this asset 100 percent and the Company's shareholders will benefit from this asset as the demand for Graphite for electric vehicles increases significantly.

We seek Safe Harbor.

© 2021 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2049344#2049344 schrieb:
The Bull schrieb am 11.02.2021, 15:58 Uhr[/url]"]GEM ...Trading Halt....
OTC handelbar....keine schlechte Nachricht
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2049363#2049363 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 11.02.2021, 16:13 Uhr[/url]"]Goldcore to produce 1,000 kg graphite from Berkwood
2021-02-11 09:30 ET - News Release

Mr. Thomas Yingling reports


Goldcore Resources Ltd. has engaged Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd. to produce 1,000 kilograms of graphite concentrate from Berkwood project channel and drill core sample material for use in applied technical tests and to more fully characterize the Berkwood project graphite product. Test work will in particular focus on Lithium Ion Battery anode components. Over the past four years Goldcore has collected and stored raw graphite mineralised rock sample material from its Berkwood Graphite Project located in Northern Quebec for use in future metallurgical and application tests, and as a reference material for the Company's stated project resource (refer NR of Aug 19th, 2019). A subsample of reference raw material will be shipped to Base Metallurgical and processed, concentrated and purified to produce up to 1,000 kg of high-grade Graphite.

Goldcore continues to receive abundant interest in further study of the Berkwood Project product from graphite users and trade experts to further demonstrate the applications to which the Company's product will be most suited. In particular, the compelling jumbo- and large-flake size distribution that occurs naturally in the Zone 1 resource, and the ready upgrading of a concentrate of 97.8% graphite by crushing and flotation (please refer to the NR of Feb 7th, 2019, and the video at https://youtu.be/DXWCpr3G1-c ) is regarded by industry participants as being highly encouraging.

Michel Robert states, "Even when compared against a global suite of Graphite prospects, projects and mines, it is extremely rare to see graphite concentrates that are readily processed to yield both an abundance of large flakes AND high graphitic carbon grade. Berkwood's initial Graphite process samples have, to date, delivered on both these highly desirable and therefore potentially valuable characteristics."

The Company previously sent Berkwood Project 97.8% graphite concentrate to ProGraphite where the concentrate was readily purified to 99.95% (NR Aug 27, 2019). The near term plan is to have Base Met repeat the process with more core and channel sample material, and then to send the concerntrate to ProGraphite to purify to 99.95, make spherical graphite and coat the graphite for application in the anode components of test batteries. The Company will also use the purified product to supply a number of Battery Manufactures, and other consumers and purchasers of Graphite with test samples (commonly in 15 kg parcels) for those users to test the product for their own application-specific purpose.

CEO Tom Yingling states: "I am very pleased to have engaged Base Metallurgical Labs to process the Graphite that we have collected over the past four years to concentrate 1000kg of high-grade Graphite. Tests undertaken to date have shown excellent expandability characteristics, ready amenability for purification to 99.95% using a standard alkaline process, and that a high proportion of large flake graphite that is amenable to spheroidization is present. Being able to send 15 kg parcels of the Company's High Grade Graphite is one of the key steps to potentially securing an offtake agreement with a Lithium Ion Battery manufacturer and or other consumers of Graphite."

Qualified Person: Mr. Dave Kelsch, P.Geo. is a Qualified Person ("QP") as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, and he has reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release.

About the Company: Goldcore Resources is managed by a team with over 150 years collectively with a proven track record of not just finding numerous mines but building and operating them too. The Goldcore management team's most recent success is the discovery of the Berkwood Graphite resource in Northern Quebec. Goldcore owns this asset 100 percent and the Company's shareholders will benefit from this asset as the demand for Graphite for electric vehicles increases significantly.

We seek Safe Harbor.

© 2021 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2049344#2049344 schrieb:
The Bull schrieb am 11.02.2021, 15:58 Uhr[/url]"]GEM ...Trading Halt....
ich hab noch was in Frankfurt....mal schauen was passiert!!!
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2049365#2049365 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 11.02.2021, 16:15 Uhr[/url]"]OTC handelbar....keine schlechte Nachricht
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2049363#2049363 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 11.02.2021, 16:13 Uhr[/url]"]Goldcore to produce 1,000 kg graphite from Berkwood
2021-02-11 09:30 ET - News Release

Mr. Thomas Yingling reports


Goldcore Resources Ltd. has engaged Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd. to produce 1,000 kilograms of graphite concentrate from Berkwood project channel and drill core sample material for use in applied technical tests and to more fully characterize the Berkwood project graphite product. Test work will in particular focus on Lithium Ion Battery anode components. Over the past four years Goldcore has collected and stored raw graphite mineralised rock sample material from its Berkwood Graphite Project located in Northern Quebec for use in future metallurgical and application tests, and as a reference material for the Company's stated project resource (refer NR of Aug 19th, 2019). A subsample of reference raw material will be shipped to Base Metallurgical and processed, concentrated and purified to produce up to 1,000 kg of high-grade Graphite.

Goldcore continues to receive abundant interest in further study of the Berkwood Project product from graphite users and trade experts to further demonstrate the applications to which the Company's product will be most suited. In particular, the compelling jumbo- and large-flake size distribution that occurs naturally in the Zone 1 resource, and the ready upgrading of a concentrate of 97.8% graphite by crushing and flotation (please refer to the NR of Feb 7th, 2019, and the video at https://youtu.be/DXWCpr3G1-c ) is regarded by industry participants as being highly encouraging.

Michel Robert states, "Even when compared against a global suite of Graphite prospects, projects and mines, it is extremely rare to see graphite concentrates that are readily processed to yield both an abundance of large flakes AND high graphitic carbon grade. Berkwood's initial Graphite process samples have, to date, delivered on both these highly desirable and therefore potentially valuable characteristics."

The Company previously sent Berkwood Project 97.8% graphite concentrate to ProGraphite where the concentrate was readily purified to 99.95% (NR Aug 27, 2019). The near term plan is to have Base Met repeat the process with more core and channel sample material, and then to send the concerntrate to ProGraphite to purify to 99.95, make spherical graphite and coat the graphite for application in the anode components of test batteries. The Company will also use the purified product to supply a number of Battery Manufactures, and other consumers and purchasers of Graphite with test samples (commonly in 15 kg parcels) for those users to test the product for their own application-specific purpose.

CEO Tom Yingling states: "I am very pleased to have engaged Base Metallurgical Labs to process the Graphite that we have collected over the past four years to concentrate 1000kg of high-grade Graphite. Tests undertaken to date have shown excellent expandability characteristics, ready amenability for purification to 99.95% using a standard alkaline process, and that a high proportion of large flake graphite that is amenable to spheroidization is present. Being able to send 15 kg parcels of the Company's High Grade Graphite is one of the key steps to potentially securing an offtake agreement with a Lithium Ion Battery manufacturer and or other consumers of Graphite."

Qualified Person: Mr. Dave Kelsch, P.Geo. is a Qualified Person ("QP") as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, and he has reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release.

About the Company: Goldcore Resources is managed by a team with over 150 years collectively with a proven track record of not just finding numerous mines but building and operating them too. The Goldcore management team's most recent success is the discovery of the Berkwood Graphite resource in Northern Quebec. Goldcore owns this asset 100 percent and the Company's shareholders will benefit from this asset as the demand for Graphite for electric vehicles increases significantly.

We seek Safe Harbor.

© 2021 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2049344#2049344 schrieb:
The Bull schrieb am 11.02.2021, 15:58 Uhr[/url]"]GEM ...Trading Halt....
aktuell kannst du auch via Tradegate um die 0,40 verkaufen....ich bin schon zu 0,34 raus :cry:
Oben Unten