• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

SSP - Sandspring Resources - WKN A0YF1M

Sandspring mit ausgezeichneten Fortschritten in der Exploration und Entwicklung von Toroparu.

Imho einer der lukrativsten MOz-Developer für eine long term Anlage, das wird eine ganz große Story!

Area play Riva Gold (Konzessionen grenzen nordwestlich direkt an Toroparu an) wird von allen
signifikanten, operativen Fortschritten - wie auch von der Infrastrukturentwicklung und der hervor-
ragenden Zusammenarbeit mit den locals und der Regierung - stark profitieren.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1172922#1172922 schrieb:
CCG-Redaktion schrieb am 16.11.2011, 15:26 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik
November 23, 2011 09:30 ET

Sandspring Reports Additional Higher Grade Drilling Results From Toroparu; Expects Announcement of Updated Resource Estimate and Updated Preliminary Assessment Results in December 2011

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 23, 2011) - SANDSPRING RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce further results from its 2011 expansion and infill-drilling program at the Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana, South America ("Toroparu").

Highlights include:

241.5m of 1.32 g/t Au including 67.5m of 2.31 g/t Au in TPD 252A
•300.0m of 1.06 g/t Au (0.17% Cu) including 120m of 1.58 g/t Au (0.20% Cu) in TPD 255
•213m of 1.14 g/t Au (0.17% Cu) in TPD 259
•225m of 0.95 g/t Au in TPD 273
(See details in Table 1)

Sandspring Resources - Hängt am Bärentropf

Veröffentlicht am 05.12.2011 14:40:00 Uhr von Christian Kämmerer

Als unverändert angeschlagen kann man wohl zu Recht das Kursgeschehen des kanadischen Explorations- und Entwicklungsunternehmen Sandspring Resources Ltd.bezeichnen. Bereits zur vergangenen Analyse vom 26. September wurde auf die angespannte Chartsituation hingewiesen, wenngleich der aufmerksame Beobachter ohne Zweifel feststellen wird, dass die Aktie seit Ende September vielmehr mit steigenden Kursen überzeugte. Doch ist eben das Wort überzeugte vielmehr überzogen, denn die Erholungsbewegung besitzt doch eher den Charakter eines anschließenden Abverkaufs als neuen Höchstkursen. Mehr dazu im nachfolgenden Fazit.

Quelle Charts: Tradesignal Web Edition


Da ja die Börse bekanntlich keine Einbahnstraße ist, wechseln sich Auf- und Abwärtsbewegungen stets ab. Nur eben die Trendintensität liefert entscheidende Hinweise ob man mit den Marktkräften agiert oder eben nicht. Bei der Sandspring Aktie dominieren, insbesondere seit dem Tief vom 4. Oktober bei 1,2617 USD, die Bären und somit erscheint nach Abschluss der laufenden Gegenbewegung ein Rückschlag bis zu eben diesem Niveau gut möglich. Darunter liefert nur noch das Tief aus 2010 bei 1,048 USD einen Halt, bevor die Aktie in das Penny-Stock-Universum eintauchen könnte.

Steigt die Aktie jedoch über das Niveau von 1,83 USD an, besteht durchaus die Möglichkeit das nunmehrige Widerstandslevel von 2,05 USD zu attackieren. Ein Ausbruch darüber könnte eine weitere Erholungsbewegung bis 2,55 und ggf. bis 3,06 USD einleiten.

Quelle Charts: StockCharts.com

Long Szenario:

Um das bärische Setup aufzuhellen, bedarf es einen Anstieg über 1,83 USD. In der Folge wären Kurssteigerungen bis um Widerstandsbereich von 2,05 USD möglich, bevor darüber weitere Aufschläge bis 2,55 und im Weiteren Kurse von 3,06 USD denkbar werden könnten.

Short Szenario:

Die Bären bleiben unterhalb von 1,83 USD im Vorteil und neuerliche Abgaben bis 1,2617 USD sind zu erwarten. Ein neues Jahrestief dürfte unweigerlich zu Rücksetzern bis 1,048 USD führen, bevor unterhalb der 1,00-USD-Marke Kurse im Penny-Stock-Bereich auf die Agenda rücken.

© Christian Kämmerer
Technischer Analyst bei BörseGo/GodmodeTrader

Offenlegung gemäß § 34b WpHG wegen möglicher Interessenkonflikte: Der Autor ist in den besprochenen Wertpapieren bzw. Basiswerten derzeit nicht investiert.
December 21, 2011 07:00 ET
Sandspring Resources Ltd. Continues to Report Positive Drill Results From Its Toroparu Project, Including 127.5m Intercept of 1.83 g/t Gold and 0.15% Copper in Drill Hole TPD280A

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 21, 2011) - SANDSPRING RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce additional results from its 2011 infill-drilling program at the Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana, South America ("Toroparu").

The reported holes TPD 275-285, represent an additional 5,167 m of diamond core drilling within the Main East Zone of the Toroparu Deposit area (Fig. 1). A total of 65,833 m of results have now been reported from the 2011 Drill Program; with a total of 136,552m of drilling reported to date from the Toroparu Deposit.

Highlights include:

124.5m of 1.44 g/t Au in drill hole TPD 278
127.5m of 1.83 g/t Au (0.15% Cu) including 19.5m of 4.07 g/t Au (0.35% Cu) in TPD 280A
88.5m of 1.01 g/t Au including 43.5m of 1.39 g/t Au (0.09% Cu) in TPD 282
103.5 m of 1.1 g/t Au in TPD 283

The detailed list of intercept highlights for drill holes TPD 275-285 can be found at the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/ssp1221drillholedetail.pdf.

The on-going infill drill program continues to provide encouraging assay results. Highlighted intercepts from drill holes TPD278 and 283, which cross-cut the higher grade mineralized lenses in the Main East Zone of the deposit, as well as hole TPD280A, drilled along strike but perpendicular to the dip of these features, continue to demonstrate the continuity of higher grade mineralization at depth. The remaining reported infill holes TPD275, 276, 277, 279, 281, 282, 284 and 285, all drilled in the Main Eastern Zone (Fig. 1), contain numerous gold intercepts that improve the quality and accuracy of the geological and resource modeling. Expansion drilling continues northwest and southeast of the Main Toroparu Deposit area.

Sandspring continues to work on updating its NI 43-101 compliant Mineral Resource Estimate which is being prepared by SRK Consulting (US) Ltd. (SRK), Lakewood, Colorado, as well as updating its Preliminary Economic Assessment which is being prepared by P&E Mining Consultants Inc (P&E), Brampton, Ontario for the Toroparu Deposit. These reports are expected early in 2012.

Geochem sampling progresses on the regional grid which was designed to test the gold potential across a survey area, covering ~270 sq. km of Sandspring's mineral concession, where several prospective lithological and litho-structural features have been defined by earlier airborne geophysical and tele-detection work. Results from 4,000 samples received to date reveal several gold anomalous zones. Systematic infill line sampling of these anomalous areas is ongoing. The Company is confident that results from the infill sampling will generate several new target zones for reconnaissance drilling.

The Company is currently commissioning its first reverse circulation (RC) drill rig which it expects will go into service in early January. This rig will accelerate the exploration drilling programs in the vicinity of the Toroparu Deposit area and over the geochemical anomalies identified through the 2011 regional geochemical sampling and mapping program.

"The company's aggressive drill program, which has provided positive and encouraging results over the last month, continues to increase our confidence that Toroparu is one of the larger gold deposits in the Guyana Shield," says Werner Claessens, VP Exploration. "In addition to reporting on the continued development of that resource through an updated Mineral Resource Estimate and an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment, we are optimistic that the results of the regional geochemical campaigns will lead to additional new discoveries within our concession package over the coming year."

To view Figure 1: Plan View of Drill Hole Locations TPD 275-285, please visit the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/ssp1221fig1.pdf.

Figure 2 highlights areas of elevated grade of Au >1.5 g/t delineated over the course of 2011 infill drill and resource modeling programs, identified as a series of mineralized lenses with an east-west orientation and plunging 45 degrees to the west in the core of the Main East Domain of the Toroparu Deposit.

To view Figure 2: Longitudinal Section with Mineralized Gold Lens >1.5 g/t Au cut off, please visit the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/ssp1221fig2.pdf.

Analytical testing and reporting of quantitative assays for the results reported in this press release was performed independently by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. ("AcmeLabs"). AcmeLabs is an ISO9001: 2008 accredited laboratory. A system of blanks, standards and duplicates were added to the Toroparu sample stream by the Company to verify accuracy and precision of assay results, supplementing a variety of internal QA/QC tests performed by AcmeLabs.

Mr. Brian Ray, P.Geo., Senior Resource Geologist with Sandspring and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release.

Sandspring Resources Ltd. is a Canadian junior mining company currently in advanced exploration and prefeasibility assessment of the multi-million ounce Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana. Visit Sandspring's website at www.sandspringresources.com.

To view our previous disclosure on the latest resource estimate:

To see the Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Toroparu Gold-Copper project:

Additional information on Sandspring can be viewed on SEDAR under the Company's profile at www.sedar.com or on Sandspring's website at www.sandspringresources.com.
Gov’t open to continue working with Canadian investors - Natural Resources Minister

Details Published on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 10:13 Written by Super User

Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud this morning joined Canadian
High Commissioner to Guyana Mr. David Devine at the Canadian High Commission at a Video
Conference with Canadian investors. The Conference was held in Fairmont Royal York, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada and attracted the attendance of Azimuth Resources Limited, CGX Energy Inc.,
Columbus Gold Corporation, Guyana Goldfields Inc., Reunion Gold Corporation and Sandspring
Resources Ltd. Minister Persaud said, inspite of the fact that the ministry he now heads is new and
Government is working on creating the ministry, he assured investors that things are settled and
the necessary preparations for continued investments are in place.

Guyana’s natural resources sector is a very important sector for our economy, particularly in the
areas of mining…all aspects of it such as gold, diamond and manganese, and the exploration
activities of oil and gas,” Minister Persaud said. Towards this end, President Donald Ramotar
decided that Guyana needs to have a much more coordinated, harmonized and integrated approach
in the area of natural resources management, as this area is seen as a significant growth sector,
which, going forward, will increasingly contribute to the country’s national economy, wealth and
prosperity for all Guyanese. Minister Persaud also said that with the new ministry, it is hoped that
all hitches to procure the type of environment and facilitation of all activities within the natural
resources sector as it regards to pertinent issues, can be responded to, thereby serving the needs
of investors, operators and stakeholders within the natural resources sector, moreso within the
mining sector.

“As a government we have been very pleased with the interest shown by Canadian investors in the
mining sector, also the work done by the Canadian High Commissioner in his office… We are very
appreciative of the contributions so far…Our government is open for business, moreso for increased
activities within the mining sector, particularly looking at the areas of gold and bauxite, also other
interests in different minerals. There is openness and we want to let every single investor feel
comfortable,” Minister Persaud said. Towards this end, there will be a focus on the environment,
and sustainability in development as that would not contradict in any way, to increase activities
once they are properly managed, “So we have pushed ahead and emphasised the need for
sustainable management and due respect given for the environment, we do not see that impeding
investment activities in the mining sector, we expect everyone to be corporate players, respectful
to our environment,” Minister Persaud said.

“I want to reassure you that we are very accommodative to your investments, moreso we look
forward to increased interest and our offices, with the new ministry is here to safeguard that…we
are open and ready to continue the engagement we have as there are 28 Canadian investors in the
mining sector and we certainly look forward to having this number increased,” Minister Persaud
. In September this year, REPSOL, the internationally renowned oil exploration company was
given approval by former President Bharrat Jagdeo for an extension to its deadline for drilling of
the Jaguar Well in the Guyana offshore area.

Tullow Oil, a London-based Company, YPF and CGX of Canada are the main partners in the Jaguar
well joint venture drilling project, holding equity interests of 30 and 25 percent respectively. The
drilling process was halted by a rig that was used by another operator in Suriname at the time but
is in Guyana now and ready to commence for a period of about six months (180 days), President
Ramotar said recently. In mining, Guyana Goldfields Inc., a Canadian- based company signed an
agreement in November to the tune of US$1B, for the development of the Aurora Mines located in
the Cuyuni River, Region Seven.

The agreement is similar to the recent accord between the Guyana Government and Sandspring
Resources Inc for construction of the Toroparu mines in the same district and will be followed by
another agreement for mining at Bonasika. Additionally, manganese mining in the North West
District, Region One, has been reinvigorated after agreements were sealed in March with Reunion
Manganese Incorporated.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1188764#1188764 schrieb:
CCG-Redaktion schrieb am 18.12.2011, 21:06 Uhr[/url]"]Shockingly low gold ounce valuations on 48 TSX juniors: Ticker Trax

This has been one of roughest years for junior companies (in all sectors) since Q4/08 and Q1/09.

Since the spring (and even while gold was going through $1800) I have told paid subscribers that
the junior gold companies should only be valued in the range of $30 to $50 per ounce because that
appeared to be the going rate for valuations across the board..


[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1204126#1204126 schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 27.01.2012, 19:43 Uhr[/url]"]V.SSP - Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (Cambridge House)<i></i>

>> Talk with Jaime Wells, Assistant Manager, Technical Dept

• nettes Gespräch mit den 2 IR ladies von Sandspring, welche aber nicht besonders skilled waren
bzgl. tiefgehenderen Fragen; für IR war es dennoch vollkommen i.O., sahen auch ganz gut aus :)

• Sehen sich komplett unterbewertet, Sandspring sei von der Krise im Sektor sehr stark betroffen;
imho JA, aber natürlich nicht die Einzigen, und es gibt Ausnahmen

• wollen einige neue Leute dieses Jahr an Board holen, für die Planung der Mine --> Construction

Toroparu: NI-Update und PEA befindet sich in der Endphase, SRK Consulting hängt hier ein wenig
hinterher; sind sehr busy; soll bis spätestens Q2 released werden

• nach dem release der neuen PEA werden die 2012 Pläne für Toroparu nochmal komplett überdacht,
angepasst bzw. optimiert

• sehr schwierig wird es, die nächste Finanzierung mit SEHR GUTEN Konditionen durchzubekommen;
sprich interessiert keinen Kapitalgeber, was die POTENTIELLE Bewertung der Firma ist, sondern wie viel
sie in 2012 wert ist/war am MARKT wert ist, bis zum Zeitpunkt der Finanzierung; demnach ist es sehr
wichtig, dass der SP wieder schnell Richtung 2 CAD kommt; eine Finanzierung unter 2.50 CAD wäre
imho für die langfr. Etablierung etwas hinderlich, bzgl. Verwässerung, warrants etc.

• die nächste Finanzierung zw. Q3-Q4 geplant, abhängig von den Ergebnissen und den Verläufen
der Programme

• es müssen noch einige, wichtige Straßen für Transport, Maschinen etc. dieses Jahr fertiggestellt werden

• bis dato keine SICHTBAREN Probleme alá Guyana Gold mit mgl. Überflutungen von nahegelegenen Flüssen,
idF Purini River

• haben die gute Kooperation zu der Regierung mehrmals unterstrichen, das sei in Guyana SEHR WICHTIG,
da alles über diese läuft

• IMMENSES Explorationspotential, auf das sie ausdrücklich hingewiesen haben; IMHO nichts neues
hier; dieses Deposit hat gigantisches Upside-Potential, mehr als 20 Mio Oz Au sind LT realistisch;
der Weg Richtung BFS (Profitabilitätsmessung) ist für die key targets JETZT aber imho wichtiger

• imho fehlt noch ein DETAILLIERTER schedule für 2012, auch für Investoren und Interessenten,
u.a. auch neues Update auf der HP, CP, FS; imho klar, dass sie erst auf die PEA warten; aber dieses
Vorgehen müssen sie VERMITTELN


Sandspring Res. - Erwartungsgemäß weiter abwärts

Im Hinblick zur vergangenen Analyse vom 5. Dezember hielt sich das kanadische Explorations- und Entwicklungsunternehmen Sandspring Resources Ltd. geradezu idealtypisch an den Fahrplan in Richtung neuer Kurstiefs. Das zuletzt markierte Zwischentief wurde hierbei am 19. Dezember bei 1,14 USD markiert. Aktuell erweckt der Chart überdies die Tendenz, dieses Tief einzustellen. Weitere Details zur möglichen Folgetendenz erfahren Sie im anschließenden Fazit.


Quelle Charts: Tradesignal Web Edition


Die Zeichen stehen weiter auf Sturm in Sachen fallender Kursnotierungen. Rücksetzer unter das letzte Zwischentief von 1,14 USD sollten daher zu weiteren Verlusten bis zum Tief aus 2010 bei 1,048 USD führen. Die 1,00-USD-Marke ist in Folge dessen nicht mehr fern und ein Unterschreiten als durchaus wahrscheinlich anzusehen. Die nächsten Abwärtskursziele befinden sich im weiteren Verlauf bei 0,87 USD und darunter bei 0,71 USD.

Steigt die Aktie hingegen über das letzte Zwischenhoch von 1,48 USD an, besteht andererseits die Möglichkeit einer Kurserholung bis 1,83 USD. Oberhalb davon könnte die Aktie wieder im Glanze vorheriger Kursfreuden erstrahlen und bis zum Widerstandslevel von 2,05 USD ansteigen. Erst oberhalb davon wäre übrigens eine wirkliche Trendumkehr zu erwarten.


Quelle Charts: StockCharts.com

Long Szenario:

Auch wenn bislang klare Umkehrsignale im Chart fehlen, so wäre dennoch ein Anstieg über 1,48 USD als Chance für weiter anziehende Kurse anzusehen. Aufschläge bis 1,83 und darüber bis zum Widerstand bei 2,05 USD sollten in der Konsequenz erwartet werden. Oberhalb davon könnte man dann durchaus wieder von der Rückkehr der Bullen sprechen.

Short Szenario:

Neue Tiefs gehen mit tieferen Zwischenhochs einher und somit sind weitere Verluste zu erwarten. Ein Bruch des letzten Tiefs bei 1,14 USD sollte weitere Verluste bis zur 1,00-USD-Marke initiieren, bevor darunter Kurse bei 0,87 sowie ggf. noch tiefer bei 0,71 USD einzuplanen wären.

© Christian Kämmerer
Technischer Analyst bei BörseGo/GodmodeTrader

Offenlegung gemäß § 34b WpHG wegen möglicher Interessenkonflikte: Der Autor ist in den besprochenen Wertpapieren bzw. Basiswerten derzeit nicht investiert.

Kämmerer, Christian, 09.02.12 - 8:00 Uhr
February 22, 2012 08:55 ET
Sandspring Resources Ltd. Identifies 7 Surface Gold Anomalies Within 15 km of Toroparu; Defining New Drill Targets for 2012 Exploration Program

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 22, 2012) - Sandspring Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("SSP" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from its 2011 geochemistry exploration and mapping program for the Upper Puruni Property.

Sandspring has identified seven surface gold anomalies within a 15 km radius of the Company's Toroparu Gold Deposit (see Figures 1 and 2), which currently contains NI 43-101 compliant measured and indicated resource of 6.03 million ounces gold grading 0.78 g/t, and an inferred resource of 3.97 million ounces grading 0.69 g/t (see the Company's Press Release of January 30, 2012).

Figure 1: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/768211_fig_1.jpg

Figure 2: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/768211_fig_2.jpg

These multi-kilometer scale geochemical features have been identified as a result of regional and semi-regional geochemical surveys conducted from March through December 2011 over a 300km2 investigation area within Sandspring's Upper Puruni Property concessions (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/768211_fig_3.jpg

Significantly, most of the anomalies are located on the edge of low magnetic features, as identified by recent reprocessing of airborne magnetic data, (see Figure 4) which may be small acid plutons similar to the granodiorite intrusive extending into the western part of the Toroparu Gold Deposit area. These low magnetic features occur within a low magnetic corridor, which coincides with the Puruni shear lineament, a regional structural feature that can be traced for several hundreds of kilometers. Other known gold deposits and mineralization systems including, Omai, Hicks and Eagle Mountain may be related to this shear corridor. Furthermore, results from 37 element ICP analysis demonstrate a good correlation of gold with Cu, Ag, Sb, Mo and Hg within these anomalies. The results reflect the same element associations as the one characterizing the mineralization system at Toroparu.

The interpretations provide a reliable working model that will guide reconnaissance drill programs to test for mineralization systems beneath these anomalies in 2012. Access road construction and reconnaissance reverse circulation (RC) is currently underway. The Company maintains four drill rigs on site, including an R/C rig, with plans to expand the exploration drills on site during 2012. A basic exploration budget of $5 million has been approved for 2012. This budget may be expanded as a function of positive results.

Werner Claessens, VP Exploration stated: "The initial systematic geochemical survey of geologic features across our Upper Puruni Property has identified a number of gold anomalies, and confirms our expectation that the Guiana Shield greenstone belts covered by tropical forest can be explored using systematic regional exploration methods so successfully applied to the West African Shield over the last 20 years. We remain confident that a system as large as the one discovered at Toroparu cannot exist in isolation, and that our exploration efforts have a good chance of finding satellite or new deposits within our concession area".

The 2011 regional and semi-regional geochemical surveys focused on zones with attractive exploration potential as interpreted from existing exploration data, geological maps, an airborne geophysical survey of the property, and satellite images (see Figure. 4). A total of 4,400 samples were collected in 2011 with hand-auger below the soil or lateritic crust following regular grid patterns. Samples were submitted to AcmeLabs' on-site prep facility together with blank and standard QAQC samples, where they were prepped and then shipped to AcmeLabs laboratory for ICP 1FO3 37 element analyses. Several of the regional gold anomalies including Red Dragon North, Ameeba Hills and the two anomalous zones within the Toroparu granodioritic intrusive located west-north-west of the Toroparu Gold Deposit area (identified as Toroparu NW on Figure 1) were confirmed by additional infill line sampling. Further sampling of the other geochem features, Red Dragon Road, Timmermans and Puruni, are ongoing and will be completed over the next few months.

Figure 4: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/768211_fig_4.jpg

AcmeLabs is an ISO9001: 2008 accredited laboratory. A system of blanks, standards and duplicates were added to the Toroparu sample stream by the Company to verify accuracy and precision of assay results, supplementing a variety of internal QA/QC tests performed by AcmeLabs.

Mr. Brian Ray, P.Geo., Senior Resource Geologist with Sandspring and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release.
February 29, 2012 07:00 ET
Sandspring Resources Ltd. Continues to Report Positive Drill Results From Its Toroparu Gold Project Including 165 m Intercept of 1.41 g/t Gold in Drill Hole TPD286

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 29, 2012) - SANDSPRING RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce additional results from its 2011 infill and expansion drilling program at the Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana, South America (the "Toroparu Gold Deposit").

Highlights of the announcement include:

Infill Drill Results

TPD 286: 118.5 m of 1.23 g/t & 165 m of 1.41 g/t Au
TPD 295: 21 m of 1.96 g/t Au
TPD 296: 24 m of 1.97 g/t & 73.5 m of 1.0 g/t Au
TPD 321: 28 m of 1.32 g/t in saprolite, 57 m of 1.14 g/t, 115.5 m of 1.46 g/t, & 126 m of 1.55 g/t Au*
TPD 322: 87 m of 2.15 g/t Au*
TPD 324: 23.5 m of 1.86 g/t Au

* Infill drill holes TPD 321 and TPD 322 were drilled along strike of mineralization to probe the continuity of higher grade lenses in the eastern mineralized zone of Toroparu Gold Deposit.

Exploration Drill Results

TPD 313: 107 m at 0.97 g/t Au including 80 m of 1.09 g/t in drill hole located 1.2 km SE of the Toroparu Deposit (Exhibit 2)

The detailed list of intercept highlights for drill holes TPD 286-325 can be found at the following link:

Exhibit 1: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/exhibit_1.pdf

Sandspring is reporting significant drill results from its on-going infill drill program within the area defined as the Potentially Mineable Portion of the Toroparu Resource (see Sandspring's Jan 30, 2012 press release). Drill holes TPD 286, 290, 296, 321, 322, 323A, 324, and 325 (See Exhibits 2 & 3), specifically targeting mineralization at shallow depths, highlight that the continuity of elevated grades seen in in this area extends to surface.

Step-out and exploration drilling to the northwest and the southeast of the Toroparu Gold Deposit, designed to systematically test for extensions of mineralization, encountered gold mineralization in TPD 313, located 1.2 km southeast of the defined Toroparu Deposit Gold area. Gold mineralization in this drill hole expresses a similar mineralization style and grade distribution as the main deposit (See Exhibits 1 & 2).

While it is too early to determine the extent of this mineralization, the results indicate the exploration potential to extend mineralization in this direction. Significantly, drill hole TPD 313 is located at the intersection of the NNW trending Wynamu lineament within the Puruni shear zone in which the Toroparu Gold Deposit is located. Follow-up drilling of this area has been given a high priority.

Exhibit 2: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/exhibit_2.pdf

Exhibit 3: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/exhibit_3.pdf

Additionally, the Company has commenced a systematic reconnaissance drill program utilizing reverse circulation (R/C) drilling, of two multi-kilometer length surface gold anomalies (see Sandspring's Feb 20, 2012 press release) located to the northwest of the Toroparu Gold Deposit with the objective of finding satellite deposits in the proximity of the future mining facilities at the Toroparu Gold Deposit.

Werner Claessens, VP Exploration states: "The recently released updates of the Mineral Resource Estimate and PEA for Toroparu reflect a solid project based on a world-class resource with robust project economics. The reported results from our ongoing infill drill program continue to contribute to the growth potential of the M&I resources within the project. I believe that step-out drilling along strike of the deposit zone in both directions and the RC exploration drilling further to the northwest will reveal more mineralization systems, which will be developed to additional resources."

Drill holes including TPD 287, 288, 289, 291, 293, 295, & 298 were drilled to test the boundaries of the conceptual mine plan reported in the Company's January 30, 2012 press release. This last phase of the infill drill program is designed to convert Inferred to Measured & Indicated Resources, and specifically targets the delineation of mineralization in the saprolite and shallow fresh rock areas within the conceptual starter pit. This program is expected to be completed in early March 2012. It will lead to a greater understanding of the lithological and structural controls of the mineralization and the completion of the geological model to be used in pre-feasibility engineering.

The reported holes TPD 286-325, represent an additional 12,252 m of diamond core drilling within the Toroparu Gold Deposit area. A total of 78,085 m of results have now been reported from the 2011 drill program; with a total of 148,804 m of drilling reported to date from the Toroparu Gold Deposit.

Analytical testing and reporting of quantitative assays for the results reported in this press release was performed independently by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. ("AcmeLabs"). AcmeLabs is an ISO9001: 2008 accredited laboratory. A system of blanks, standards and duplicates were added to the Toroparu sample stream by the Company to verify accuracy and precision of assay results, supplementing a variety of internal QA/QC tests performed by AcmeLabs.

Mr. Brian Ray, P.Geo., Senior Resource Geologist with Sandspring and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release.
neue Unternehmens-Präsentation 03/2012:

Sandspring Resources Ltd. Announces $25 Million Bought Deal Public Offering of Common Shares

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 8, 2012) -


Sandspring Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters co-led by RBC Capital Markets and Scotiabank (collectively the "Underwriters") to purchase 23,150,000 common shares (the "Common Shares") at $1.08 per Common Share for gross proceeds of $25.0 million (the "Offering"). The Company has granted the Underwriters an option to purchase up to an additional 15% of the Common Shares, exercisable in whole or in part, at any time prior to the 30th day following the Closing Date.

The net proceeds of the Offering will be used to fund Sandspring's exploration and development activities, and for general corporate purposes.

The Offering is scheduled to close on or about March 30, 2012, and is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary approvals including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.
DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - March 12, 2012) - SANDSPRING RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the publication of an updated NI 43-101 technical report titled "TECHNICAL REPORT, UPDATED RESOURCE ESTIMATE AND PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE TOROPARU GOLD-COPPER DEPOSIT, UPPER PURUNI RIVER AREA, GUYANA" (NI 43-101 & 43-101F1, P&E Report No. 234)".

This report supports the latest Mineral Resource Update and the Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Toroparu Gold Project, released on January 30, 2012. The document may be found under Company's profile at www.sedar.com or on the Company's website at www.sandspringresources.com.
March 22, 2012 17:17 ET
Sandspring Resources Ltd. Reports Further Encouraging Results from Its Infill Drill Program, Including 94.5 m of 1.55 g/t Gold and 0.31% Copper in Hole TPD 340


TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 22, 2012) - SANDSPRING RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce additional results from its 2012 infill and expansion drill program at the Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana, South America (the "Toroparu Gold Deposit").

Included in today's release are results from infill core holes TPD 326-362, (which includes 27 holes drilled within the eastern mineralized zone and 10 holes within the western mineralized zone of the Toroparu Gold Deposit), as well as exploration drill results from core holes TPD 363-366 drilled 1.2 km southeast of the Toroparu Gold Deposit boundary.

Infill Drilling

The primary purpose of these infill drill holes was to target near surface saprolite and fresh rock mineralization that had not been drilled previously due to surface conditions (see Exhibits 2 and 3 below). The secondary purpose of these infill holes is to convert Inferred Mineral Resources to Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resources.

Highlights of the infill drilling program results include:

TPD 327: 75 m of 1.19 g/t Au (0 m to 75 m)
TPD 340: 94.5 m of 1.54 g/t (265.5 m to 360 m)
TPD 343: 64.5 m of 2.09 g/t (165.5 m to 231 m)
TPD 346: 69 m of 1.37 g/t Au (0 m to 69 m)
TPD 349A: 28 m of 2.59 g/t Au (0 m to 29.5 m)
TPD 360: 88.5 m of 1.52 g/t Au (0 m to 88.5 m)

* All gold assays intervals reported in the above highlights are top cut at 12 g/t Au consistent with the top cut of the Toroparu Gold Deposit Mineral Resource estimate.
March 30, 2012 10:23 ET

Sandspring Resources Ltd. Announces Completion of C$25,002,000 Bought Deal Offering

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 30, 2012) -

Sandspring Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") announced that it has completed its previously announced bought deal offering of common shares. The Company issued 23,150,000 common shares (the "Common Shares") at $1.08 per Common Share for gross proceeds of $25.0 million (the "Offering"). The syndicate of underwriters was co-led by RBC Dominion Securities Inc. and Scotia Capital Inc., and included BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. and Clarus Securities Inc. (collectively the "Underwriters"). Sandspring has granted the Underwriters an option to purchase up to an additional 15% of the Common Shares, exercisable in whole or in part, at any time prior to April 30, 2012. The Underwriters received a 5.5% cash commission in respect of the Offering.

The net proceeds of the Offering will be used to fund Sandspring's exploration and development activities, and for general corporate purposes.

The securities being offered have not, nor will they be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from the U.S. registration requirements. This release does not constitute an offer for sale of securities in the United States.

Sandspring is a Canadian junior mining company currently in advanced exploration and prefeasibility assessment of the Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana. Please visit the Company's website www.sandspringresources.com.
May 31, 2012 07:30 ET
Sandspring Resources Ltd. Confirms Discovery of Satellite Gold Deposit 1.2 km Southeast of the Current Six Million Ounce M&I Gold Resource at Toroparu

DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - May 31, 2012) - SANDSPRING RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the discovery of a new gold mineralized body, called the SE zone, which is situated 1.2 km southeast of the eastern edge of its Toroparu Gold Deposit located in the Republic of Guyana (see Figure 1). The most recent mineral resource estimate for the Toroparu Gold Deposit contains 240.89 million tonnes @ 0.78 g/t Au for 6,034,000 ounces in the Measured and Indicated categories and 179.18 million tonnes @ 0.69 g/t Au in the Inferred category contained within an optimized pit at a cutoff grade of 0.28 g/t Au (see the Sandspring press release dated January 30, 2012).

The initial discovery of mineralization in the SE zone occurred in TPD 313, which tested a gold anomaly identified by a semi-regional geochemical program conducted within the Toroparu Gold Deposit area (see Sandspring press release dated February 22, 2012). A follow-up drill campaign comprised of 20 core holes along 50 m spaced fences east and west of the initial discovery hole, was carried out in two phases, TPD 363 to 370 and TPD 378 to 390, to vertical depths of 200 to 300 m.

The gold intercepts in these core holes have apparent widths of 25 m to more than 100 m and show a good grade distribution of disseminated medium-grade interspersed with higher-grade zones. 3D modeling of the assay results identifies an east-west orientated and west plunging mineralized envelope, which is quite similar in form and orientation as the higher-grade core zone in the Main East zone of the Toroparu Gold Deposit (see Figure 2). Mineralization is open to the east and to depth. Much less abundant copper sulphides in the SE zone highlights a difference in mineralization style between this area and the Main East zone of the Toroparu Gold Deposit.

Results from the initial exploratory hole, TPD 313, were reported in the Sandspring press release dated February 29, 2012. Results from TPD 363, 365, & 366 were reported in a press release dated March 22, 2012. Additional results from the SE zone reported in this release include TPD 367-370 and TPD 378-390. Highlights from the reported drill holes include:

TPD 313: 107 m at 0.97 g/t Au including 80 m of 1.09 g/t1
TPD 363: 87.0 m at 1.60 g/t Au2
TPD 365: 22.5 m at 1.74 g/t Au (63 m to 88.5 m) and 12 m at 1.28 g/t Au (97.5 m to 109.5 m)2
TPD 366: 52.5 m at 1.23 g/t Au (82.5 m to 135 m) and 52.5 m of 0.92 g/t Au (189.0 m to 241.5 m)2
TPD 367: 21.0 m at 1.27 g/t Au (112.5 m to 133.5 m)
TPD 378: 66.0 m at 1.45 g/t Au (67.5 m to 133.5 m) and 109.5 m at 1.14 g/t Au (148.5 m to 258 m)
TPD 384: 25.5 m at 1.28 g/t Au (171.0 m to 196.5 m) and 16.5 m of 1.79 g/t Au (199.5 m to 216 m)
TPD 386: 18.0 m at 1.36 g/t Au (10.0 m to 28.0 m) and 40.5 m at 0.83 g/t Au (60 m to 100.5 m)
TPD 390: 54.0 m at 1.74 g/t Au (150.0 m to 204.0 m)
1 previously reported in February 29, 2012 press release
2 previously reported in March 22, 2012 press release

No gold assays intervals reported in the above highlights had to be top cut. The top cut applied to intercept reporting at the Toroparu Gold Deposit is 12 g/t Au; consistent with the top cut of the Toroparu Mineral Resource estimate.

Werner Claessens, VP Exploration states: "The discovery of the first satellite deposit is an important achievement for the team. The SE zone has a strike length of more than 400 m and is still open to the east. Further, these results show a good and steady gold grade distribution over interesting widths in the saprolite as in the bedrock. I am confident that our systematic exploration approach will lead to more discoveries and demonstrate that the Upper Puruni area has district potential."

Results from infill hole TPD 361 (Toroparu Gold Deposit), step-out holes to the south of the main deposit (TPD 372-374) and from exploration holes TPD 373-377 in the western part of the Toroparu resource zone can be found in Exhibit 1. Exploration holes TPD 373-377 indicate several low to moderate grade gold intercepts and confirm the potential to find satellite deposits to the NW of the main deposit at Toroparu.

The location, orientation, and depth of drill holes TPD 361, 367 to 390 can be found in plan and longitudinal view at the following links:

Figure 1: SE Zone Drill Hole Location Plan View: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/SSP3105_figure1.pdf

Figure 2: SE Zone Hole Location Longitudinal View: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/SSP3105_figure2.pdf

The detailed list of drilling results for drill holes TPD 361, 367 to 390, including depth and length of interval, and uncapped higher grade intervals can be found at the following link:

Exhibit 1: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/SSP3105_exhibit1.pdf

The reported holes TPD 367-390 represent an additional 7,652 m of diamond core drilling within the Toroparu Gold Deposit area (Exhibit 1). A total of 165,727 m of drilling has been reported to date from the Toroparu Gold Deposit.

Additionally, the Company's systematic reconnaissance drill program utilizing reverse circulation (R/C) drilling over two multi-kilometer surface gold anomalies located several kilometers to the northwest of the Toroparu Gold Deposit is ongoing (see Sandspring's Press Release of February 20, 2012).

Analytical testing and reporting of quantitative assays for the results reported in this press release was performed independently by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. ("AcmeLabs"). AcmeLabs is an ISO9001: 2008 accredited laboratory. A system of blanks, standards and duplicates were added to the Toroparu sample stream by the Company to verify accuracy and precision of assay results supplementing a variety of internal QA/QC tests performed by AcmeLabs.

All data verification and quality assurance/quality control procedures of the Company were applied specifically to the results contained in this press release, and the data herein has been verified by Mr. Brian Ray, P.Geo., Senior Resource Geologist with Sandspring and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101, in accordance with the procedures of the Company. The data verification procedures and quality assurance/control procedures adopted by the Company and applied to the work being reported in this press release can be found in Section 11.0 and Section 12.0 of the "Technical Report, Updated Resource Estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Toroparu Gold-Copper Deposit", No. 234 with an effective date of January 30, 2012 and dated March 12, 2012. The Technical Report was filed on SEDAR under the Company's profile on March 13, 2012 (www.sedar.com).

Mr. Brian Ray, P.Geo., Senior Resource Geologist with Sandspring and a Qualified Person under NI 43- 101, has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release.

Sandspring Resources Ltd. is a Canadian junior mining company currently in advanced exploration and prefeasibility assessment of the multi-million ounce Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana. Visit Sandspring's website at www.sandspringresources.com.

To view Sandspring's previous disclosure on the latest resource estimate please see: Sandspring Resources January 30, 2012 Press Release.

To see the Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Toroparu Gold Deposit please see: Sandspring Resources March 22, 2011 PEA.

Additional information on Sandspring can be viewed on SEDAR under the Company's profile at www.sedar.com or on Sandspring's website at www.sandspringresources.com.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1257647#1257647 schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 04.06.2012, 21:32 Uhr[/url]"]zu SSP: Empfehle HOLD

Ebenfalls ein gebranntes Kind. Betrachtet man die bloßen Kennziffern und die Eigenschaften
des Projekts egtl. eine ausgezeichnete Story. Aber halt nur egtl. - hier lief Einiges überhaupt
nicht rund. Einiges mag vom MM verschuldet sein, jedoch waren auch externe, spezielle Faktoren
an dem drastischen Verfall Schuld.

Die Story für sich betrachtet: Solides Projekt mit wirtsch. Kennziffern, einer noch! moderaten
CAPEX (imho schon zu hoch, da der Ausblick der Kostenseite stark nach oben zeigt), ordentl.
Infrastrukturanbindungen, keine schlecht, aber unentwickelte location bzw. unerfahrener Mining-
Staat (davor scheuen sich viele Instis in dieser Zeit), starke Bohrprogramme, weiterhin allgemein
eine hohe Explorationsfantasie etc.

Probleme kommen von folgenden Seiten:
- Viel zu spät auf die benötigte Finanzierung reagiert; Anfang 2011 hätte hier imho schon in Teilen
reagiert werden müssen, ggfs. durch einen Insti-Einstieg, der für Vertrauen gesorgt hätte, einer
Ankündigung eines PPs, Bought Deals etc.; leider wurde dieser verpasst, und im Herbst 2011
beschleunigte sich dann die Abwärtsspirale
- News Leak: Hier wurden die share holder wirklich abgezockt. Die Finanzierung zu 1 CAD war dem
MM schon viel länger bekannt, gar nicht anders ist der krasse Abverkauf im Vorfeld unter teils hohem
Volumen bei stabilem und ausgesprochen solidem news flow damals zu erklären >>> betrachtet man
das financing von dieser Seite her, ist zwar ein Teil natürlich den market conditions verschuldet,
ein anderer Teil aber ganz klar dem MM; habe dies schon in Teilen in Vancouver gemerkt, als die
Anwesenden kritischen Fragen bzgl. der Finanzierungsplänen etw. ausgewichen sind
- SPP leidet stark unter den ebenfalls fragilen Vorkommnissen bei GUY - diese Story wurde von
zahlreichen kan., als aus südamerik. Brokern und Banken gecovert, die sich mit Kurszielen teils
überschlugen, nach der letzten mile stone news kam dann das bittere Erwachen - das NPV des
Projekts ist rel. gering, und man hat sich mit den Prognosen mächtig verhoben, es folgte danach
eine gnadenlose Verkaufswelle, welche das Unternehmen weiter unter Druck brachte; die letzte
Finanzierung ist wie bei SSP - LT betrachtet - leider sehr schlecht
- ausgebliebener support der größten Share Holder, Instis, der Leute hinter der Story..
- leider schafften sie es nicht, ihre Story unter der Szene richtig zu "verkaufen"; bis heute habe sie
das noch nicht hinbekommen
June 08, 2012 07:00 ET

Sandspring Resources Ltd. Issued Environmental Permit for Toroparu Gold Property

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 8, 2012) - SANDSPRING RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Environmental Permit for the development, construction and operation of a large-scale mine at its Toroparu Gold Property in Guyana S.A. has been issued by the Guyana Environmental Protection Agency. The issuance of the Environmental Permit is the culmination of an extensive multi-year baseline data collection followed by collaboration between Governmental agencies and interested parties with Sandspring and a team from its environmental contractor, Ground Structures Engineering Consultants, of Georgetown, Guyana.

Under the Mineral Agreement between Sandspring and the Government of Guyana, signed in November of 2011, issuance of the Environmental Permit satisfies one of the two conditions for the Company to acquire its large scale Mining License, the remaining condition being the demonstration to the Government of Guyana of the feasibility of a mining operation at Toroparu.

Rich Munson, CEO, stated: "We are very pleased to receive the Environmental Permit, which approves processing options ranging from 3.5 million tons up to 20.0 million tons of ore per year at Toroparu. All environmental aspects of the permit application were developed in accordance with international environmental standards and took into account the ecological effects of the biodiversity that are unique to Guyana and the Toroparu area. This milestone is another significant step in de-risking the project and is clear evidence of the Government of Guyana's continuing support of responsible mineral development."

Sandspring is a Canadian junior mining company currently in advanced exploration and prefeasibility assessment of the multi-million-ounce Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana. Visit Sandspring's website at www.sandspringresources.com.

Gute news von Sandspring: Durch diese wichtige Genehmigung erwerben sie ein weiteres Puzzleteil auf dem Weg zum Produzenten.

Die nächsten Katalysten:

> Regelmäßige Bohrergebnisse: 4 rigs on-site | 3 diamond core + 1 R/C
> Neue Rigs könnten schon bald hinzukommen: Additional R/C and RAB rigs expected
> Explorationspotential wird weiter getestet: Regional exploration is ongoing in 2012
> Pre-Feasibility Report (PFS)
> Mining License
> Hiring of Mine Operations & Development Team
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1259509#1259509 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 08.06.2012, 13:02 Uhr[/url]"]June 08, 2012 07:00 ET

Sandspring Resources Ltd. Issued Environmental Permit for Toroparu Gold Property

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 8, 2012) - SANDSPRING RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Environmental Permit for the development, construction and operation of a large-scale mine at its Toroparu Gold Property in Guyana S.A. has been issued by the Guyana Environmental Protection Agency. The issuance of the Environmental Permit is the culmination of an extensive multi-year baseline data collection followed by collaboration between Governmental agencies and interested parties with Sandspring and a team from its environmental contractor, Ground Structures Engineering Consultants, of Georgetown, Guyana.

Under the Mineral Agreement between Sandspring and the Government of Guyana, signed in November of 2011, issuance of the Environmental Permit satisfies one of the two conditions for the Company to acquire its large scale Mining License, the remaining condition being the demonstration to the Government of Guyana of the feasibility of a mining operation at Toroparu.

Rich Munson, CEO, stated: "We are very pleased to receive the Environmental Permit, which approves processing options ranging from 3.5 million tons up to 20.0 million tons of ore per year at Toroparu. All environmental aspects of the permit application were developed in accordance with international environmental standards and took into account the ecological effects of the biodiversity that are unique to Guyana and the Toroparu area. This milestone is another significant step in de-risking the project and is clear evidence of the Government of Guyana's continuing support of responsible mineral development."

Sandspring is a Canadian junior mining company currently in advanced exploration and prefeasibility assessment of the multi-million-ounce Toroparu Gold Deposit in the Republic of Guyana. Visit Sandspring's website at www.sandspringresources.com.
Sandspring Appoints President & Chief Operating Officer and Grants Options


DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - Sept. 7, 2012) -Sandspring Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Yani Roditis as President & Chief Operating Officer of Sandpring.

Rich Munson, CEO, states "Sandpring Resources is pleased to welcome Mr. Roditis to the Company. Mr. Roditis's appointment is a significant milestone in the Company's plan to become a gold producer. After successfully centralizing its exploration group in February of 2011 in its Georgetown, Guyana office under the direction of Mr. Werner Claessens, Vice President Exploration, and Mr. Pascal van Osta, Exploration Manager, Sandspring has focused on this senior management position to lead the development of the Toroparu Gold Project. Mr. Roditis's extensive experience in mine development, engineering, permitting and operations will be a valuable asset as we advance this project from the current optimization stage into feasibility, and then construction and operation."

Mr. Roditis most recently served as Vice President, Operations of Teranga Gold Corporation. Prior to joining Teranga, he was Chief Operating Officer of Gabriel Resources Ltd., where he was primarily responsible for stakeholder engagement, engineering, permitting and the operational aspects of the Rosia Montana project. Formerly, Mr. Roditis spent 11 years with Barrick Gold Corporation, gaining extensive experience in operations and mine development through a number of progressively senior positions at the company's operating mines and development projects in the United States, Peru, Chile and Argentina. Mr. Roditis holds two Master of Science degrees from the University of Arizona and a Bachelor of Science Degree on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering from the National Technical University in Athens, Greece.

Mr. Roditis will begin by overseeing the ongoing optimization of the Toroparu Operating Plan, which includes the evaluation of a number of scenarios based on selective mining of the higher grade core of the Toroparu deposit instead of bulk mining the resource as previously defined. The objectives of the optimization include defining an operation that provides a smaller initial project capital cost and a capability to expand to optimal throughputs financed from internally generated cash flow while maintaining life of mine gold and copper production ranges reported in the Company's Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment.

In addition to further mine plan optimization, more drilling within the high grade core of the deposit is needed to convert Inferred Resources to Measured and Indicated. This drilling is expected to be completed in Q4 2012. Once the infill drilling and mine plan optimization is complete, the company expects to have sufficient information to complete the Prefeasibility study for the Toroparu project.

Mr. Roditis states "I am pleased to join this dynamic team and to have the exciting opportunity to contribute to both the development of this emerging gold district and the country of Guyana. Toroparu is a multi-million ounce resource in a mining friendly jurisdiction that has a high potential for further growth, as evidenced by the recent discovery of a satellite mineralized body 1.2 km away from the main pit area. Additionally, Sandspring delivered a significant milestone in June by receiving the environmental permit for the development of the Toroparu project. Together with the capable exploration team assembled by Sandspring, we expect to create significant value for all stakeholders going forward."

Additionally, Sandspring announces that the Company has granted to certain officers and consultants a total of 1,011,000 stock options to purchase common shares of the Company. The stock options are exercisable at $0.60 per share and will expire on September 6, 2017. This stock option grant is subject to regulatory approval.

Sandspring is a well-funded junior mining company currently exploring and developing the NI 43-101 Toroparu gold project in the Republic of Guyana, South America. Additional information on Sandspring can be viewed on SEDAR under the Company's profile at www.sedar.com
Praesentation vom Sept.2012
weitere Insiderkäufe

Feb 1/13 Feb 1/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 20,000 $0.455
Jan 31/13 Jan 31/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 52,500 $0.460
Jan 30/13 Jan 30/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 22,500 $0.460
Jan 29/13 Jan 28/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 48,500 $0.457
Jan 25/13 Jan 25/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 66,500 $0.460
Jan 24/13 Jan 24/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 29,000 $0.476
Jan 18/13 Jan 18/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 21,000 $0.480
Jan 18/13 Jan 14/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 31,000 $0.460
Jan 18/13 Jan 11/13 Roditis, Ioannis Savros Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 62,000 $0.450
Jan 10/13 Jan 9/13 Barnes, Phillip Gregory Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 2,000 $0.420
Sandspring Grants Annual Stock Options to Officers and Directors


DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - Feb. 18, 2013) - Sandspring Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SSP) (the "Company") announced that the Company has granted to officers and directors 1,280,000 stock options to purchase common shares of the Company. The stock options are exercisable at $0.41 per share and will expire on February 7, 2018. This stock option grant is subject to regulatory approval.

Sandspring is a well-funded junior mining company currently exploring and developing the NI 43-101 Toroparu gold project in the Republic of Guyana, South America. Additional information on Sandspring can be viewed on SEDAR under the Corporation's profile at www.sedar.com or on Sandspring's website at www.sandspringresources.com.

This news release includes certain forward-looking statements concerning the future performance of our business, financial performance and condition, as well as management's objectives, strategies, beliefs and intentions. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as "may", "will", "plan", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "intend" and similar words referring to future events and results. Forward-looking statements are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, the Company's successful expansion of its mining team and the advancement of the Toroparu deposit toward feasibility and obtaining positive results from ongoing evaluation and testing of multiple gold targets located elsewhere in the Company's landholdings, among other risks as described in more detail in our recent securities filings available at www.sedar.com. Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward looking- statements and we caution against placing undue reliance thereon. Sandspring Resources Ltd. has an ongoing obligation to disclose material information as it becomes available.
Oben Unten