WS - Wildcat Silver - WKN A0J24M


Beiträge: 13.170
Trades: 51
"Neuvorstellung" Wildcat Silver (V.WS), mein neuer Favourit u.a. im Silbersegment für Trade + LT

Nach dem ersten Übernahmeangebot für Ventana Gold im California Dc. sollte die Übernahme
in den nächsten Wochen abgeschlossen werden. Daneben stehen spannende Entscheidungen
bzgl. Greystar an. Wie ihr vllt. wisst ging Ventana 2006 als spin off von Wildcat Silver hervor,
die Verantwortlichen (Augusta Group) halten geschätzte 30% der Anteile an Ventana - bis dato
beläuft sich der Gegenwärt auf fast 500 Mio USD. Dieses Jahr haben sie ein weiteres, aussichts-
reiches Projekt in einen neuen Wert names Riva Gold abgespalten. Wildcat ist de facto die "Mutter"
von der größten Gold-Story Südamerikas bzgl. der letzten 10 Jahre (!)

Habe mir den Wert die letzten paar Wochen intensiver angeschaut und ich kann nicht verstehen,
wieso dieser Wert so günstig an der Börse gehandelt wird und so wenig vom Ventana-Hype letzte
Woche profitieren konnte. Imho wird der stock maßgeblich von Insidern manipuliert und kontrolliert.

Wildcat besitzt genau dieselben Drahtzieher wie Ventana (!!!) im Management, daneben sind
noch hohe Tiere von Osisko und BHP im board vertreten. Die wahren money maker sind hier
natürlich die renommierten..

1. Mr. Warke als Chairman von Wildcat (founder von Augusta Resources, Kopf der Augusta
), der gegenwärtig noch als Chairman bei Ventana die letzten Feinheiten der kommenden
Übernahme mitgestaltet.

2. Mr. Angus, Finanzierungs- & M&A-Experte mit Führungsrollen u.a. bei (ex) Bema Gold, Nevsun,
, Conico, Tirex etc.

Wildcat hat Anfang Oktober ein PP zu 0.50 CAD - 10 Mio shares + jeweils 1/2 0.75er warrant
plaziert und will die nächsten Wochen ein 4.000m Programm auf ihrem multi commodity Projekt
starten. 6 Mio USD working capital stehen dafür bereit, das PP wurde komplett von Frontstreet

Wildcat hat einen 80%-tigen Besitz am Hardshell Projekt in Arizona erworben. Die Bohrergebnisse
aus den letzten Jahren sind absolut weltklasse! Die meisten top hits weniger als 150m unter der
Oberfläche. Open pit Potenzial in der PEA mit robuster Ressource bestätigt + underground mining

70.1 m of 344.9 g/t ag (Au Eq. ~ 6.15 g/t au!)
6.1 m 1450.7g/t ag 17.26% mn
41.1 m 270.2 g/t ag6.25% mn
36.6 m 345.5 g/t ag 10.19%mn
19.8 m 808.2g/t ag 15.50% mn
19.8m 983.9g/t ag 6.85% mn
29.0m 358.6 g/t ag 18.57% mn
49.99m 239 g/t ag 11.62% mn
71.90m 193 g/t ag 5.07% mn
22.86m 369 g/t 9.45% mn

letztes Update des NI-43 Report's + PEA (vom 27. Oktober 2010):

wichtigste Zahlen der PEA auf S.5 der Präsentation:

Imho sind die Zahlen wirklich gut, mit einer weniger konservativen Rechnung wäre die IRR (5%)
bei über 30% anzusetzen, capex mit 340 Mio und payback Zeit unter 5 Jahre. Riesige Resource
+ massives Upside-Potzenzial, negative Kosten der Silberproduktion und eine LOM von fast
20 Jahren mit eine anvisierten Silber-Produktion von 6 MOz per year. NPV (7,5%) bei 360 Mio,
Projekt in einer der sichersten Minenregionen der Welt und sehr gute infrastrukturelle
Anbindungen (power, water, roads, air service etc) bereits vorhanden.

Rechnen wir mit den aktuellen Silber- Preisen brauchen sie nur 2 Jahre für das payback der capex:
$27,7 * 6 000 000 = $166 200 000, dabei lasse ich die hunderte Mio cashflow für das Mangan
(+ Zinc & Lead) komplett außen vor.
Imho hat der 200%tige Anstieg der capex (wegen dem underground Zusatz) ggüber der letzten
PEA aus 2007 etliche Anleger abgeschreckt, da sie wissen, dass Wildcat diese Summe nicht mehr
alleine stemmen kann. Imho aber kein Grund für Bedenken, da ich sowieso von einem major
buyout bzw. JV ausgehe und sich die Ressource in den letzten 2 Jahren ver5facht hat!

Die stattliche Ressource wurde mit nicht mal 100 Bohrlöchern definiert! Ich kann mir gut vorstellen,
dass ein Projekt mit diesen Eigenschaften, Aussichten und der imho robusten, ökonomischen
Ressource hohes Potenzial hat, finanziert zu werden. Insbesondere traue ich diesem high skilled
management diesen Meilenstein zu..

MarketCap rund 40 Mio USD auf o/s. Basis, imho bietet der Wert auf diesem Niveau und mit
dieser Bewertung eine exzellente Einstiegsmöglichkeit, sowohl als Trade - als auch long term.
Es werden nach der Übernahme von Ventana mehr als 400 Mio USD bei den Verantwortlichen
frei - diese werden mit Sicherheit zum Teil in folgende Werte investiert:

- Wildcat Silver
- Riva Gold
- Continental Gold
- Greystar Resources
- Galway Resources

Imho wird Wildcat noch manipulativ auf diesem Niveau gehalten, es wird aber nicht mehr lang
dauern, bis sie diese Perle von der Leine lassen..


Vancouver, B.C., March 7, 2011 – Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX-V: WS) (“Wildcat” or “the Company”) has entered into an agreement with Silver Wheaton Corp. ("Silver Wheaton") for a $13 million private placement of 10 million shares at a price of $1.30 per share.
As part of the agreement, Silver Wheaton has a right of first refusal over any silver stream or royalty financing that Wildcat may choose to sell from its Hardshell project located in Arizona.
“We are pleased to enter into this agreement with Silver Wheaton,” commented Chris Jones, Wildcat’s President and CEO. “This agreement provides additional support in our belief that Hardshell is a superior asset with significant potential and also further strengthens our balance sheet. As we continue with our exploration program, we remain focused on notably expanding the current resource.”
Proceeds from the private placement will be used for general working capital purposes. The above agreement is subject to regulatory approval.

Vancouver, B.C., March 21, 2011 – Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX-V: WS) (“Wildcat” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the results of the first three drill holes completed on the Company’s flagship Hermosa property (formerly the Hardshell project)* located in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

“We are very encouraged with these drill results,” Wildcat’s President and CEO, Chris Jones said. “Initial indications show that the size and extent of the Hermosa silver deposit is expanding. We plan to continue an aggressive drilling program throughout the remainder of the year and believe we can significantly increase the resource as the deposit remains open in all directions.”
To date, 23 holes have been drilled for a total of 6,250 metres. At this time, three holes with full assays are available to be reported, of which two holes (Hole HDS-111B and HDS-119) are step-out holes.

Step-out hole HDS-111B is located on the western edge of the current resource and was successful in extending the known mineralization to the west. Hole HDS-111B intersected 19.8 metres of 282.8 g/t silver, 7.99% manganese, 1.64% zinc, 2.37% lead, and 0.17% copper within an interval of 32 metres averaging 186.2 g/t silver, 6.29% manganese, 1.29% zinc, 1.5% lead and 0.11% copper.
Of particular note, step-out hole HDS-119 was drilled to the northeast of the current Hermosa deposit suggesting that silver mineralization continues across the northwest-southeast American Fault. An upper zone encountered 6.1 metres averaging 377.2 g/t silver, 0.02% manganese, 0.02% zinc, 0.64% lead and 0.03% copper within an interval of 12.2 metres of 220.5 g/t silver, 0.10% manganese, 0.01% zinc, 0.61% lead, and 0.03% copper. In the lower mineral horizon, this hole encountered 9.1 metres of 305.5 g/t silver in addition to 21.12% manganese, 1.28% zinc, 2.39% lead, and 0.36% copper. This intersection was within a broader interval of 24.3 metres which averaged 139.9 g/t silver, 15.30% manganese, 5.75% zinc, 1.43% lead and 0.19% copper.
Hole HDS-122 is located in the southern extent of the current resource and confirms continuity between widely spaced holes in the southern portion of the deposit. Hole HDS-122 encountered 18.4 metres of 218.4 g/t silver, 8.64% manganese, 1.21% zinc, 0.70% lead and 0.05% copper.
The Company intends to continue to aggressively drill to the end of the year as mineralization remains open in all directions. Exploration efforts will primarily focus on step-out drilling with the objective of significantly expanding the current resource. Wildcat now has four drills operating on the property (two core and two reverse circulation).
A summary of the drill results are provided below:

Wildcat drills 100.3 m of 153.4 g/t Ag at Hermosa


[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 08.03.2011, 10:54 Uhr[/url]"]Mit großen Schritten geht es vorwärts! Kapitalstarke Branchengröße des Silbersegments und enger
Vertrauter der Augusta Group jetzt auch direkt an Board. Wildcat hat mit major Silver Wheaton die
Weichen gelegt, um Hardshell in einigen Jahren in die Produktion zu bringen. Das Projekt wird ein Elefant!

» zur Grafik
[url= schrieb:
Moritz schrieb am 07.03.2011, 16:32 Uhr[/url]"]VANCOUVER, March 7 /PRNewswire/ - Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSXV: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the Company") has entered into an agreement with Silver Wheaton Corp. ("Silver Wheaton") for a $13 million private placement of 10 million shares at a price of $1.30 per share.

As part of the agreement, Silver Wheaton has a right of first refusal over any silver stream or royalty financing that Wildcat may choose to sell from its Hardshell project located in Arizona.

"We are pleased to enter into this agreement with Silver Wheaton," commented Chris Jones, Wildcat's President and CEO. "This agreement provides additional support in our belief that Hardshell is a superior asset with significant potential and also further strengthens our balance sheet. As we continue with our exploration program, we remain focused on notably expanding the current resource."

Proceeds from the private placement will be used for general working capital purposes. The above agreement is subject to regulatory approval..
Huge results!

14.6% MANGANESE, 2.01% ZINC AND 2.30% LEAD

Apr. 4, 2011 (PR Newswire) --

VANCOUVER, April 4 /PRNewswire/ - Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX-V: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the
Company") is pleased to announce the results of four additional drill holes completed on the
Company's flagship Hermosa property located in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

Of the four holes reported, three holes were step-out holes (Hole HDS-114, HDS-115 and HDS-116).
A total of 23 holes have been drilled in the current program for a total of 6,250 metres,
of which 11 holes (eight step-out holes) have been reported to date.

A complete list of drill intercepts, location map and 3D model of the Hermosa mineralization are
now available on the company's website at

Step-out Holes

Drill holes HDS-114,115 and 116 continue to test the eastern and southeastern portions of the
Hermosa resource area, demonstrating high grades of silver and manganese.
Significant assays
encountered in these drill holes support the extension of mineralization beyond the current resource
and provide important geologic information in a previously untested area where recognized faulting

Infill Hole

HDS-112 is located near the western edge of the current Hermosa resource. The significant silver
and manganese mineralization encountered in this hole confirms continuity with previous drilling
north and south of HDS-112 and indicates the resource remains robust and open to the northwest.

Future drilling will target the connection to the mineralization intersected in the previously reported
hole HDS-113 (results reported March 24, 2011) and to the west and northwest. Of note, HDS-112
intersected 36.6 metres of 406.5 g/t silver, 14.55% manganese, 2.01% zinc, 2.30% lead and
0.15% copper..
V.WS, schickes step out hole

Wildcat Silver drills 25.9 m of 346.5 g/t Ag at Hermosa

2011-04-18 09:28 ET - News Release

Ms. Letitia Cornacchia reports

3.16% ZINC, 4.22% LEAD AND 0.30% COPPER

Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX-V: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the Company") is pleased to announce the
results for an additional 11 holes completed on the Company's Hermosa property located in
Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

Of the 11 holes reported, seven holes are step-out holes (Hole HDS-117, HDS-118, HDS-128,
HDS-130, HDS-131, HDS-133 and HDS-135). The Company continues to focus on increasing the
width and length of the current resource and these results further support the extension of

A complete list of drill intercepts, location map and 3D model of the Hermosa mineralization are
available on the company's website at

Step-out Holes

HDS-117 was drilled across or in the northwest-southeast trending American Fault and connects
the down dropped mineralization intersected in previously disclosed holes
HDS-121 and
HDS-119 (see map attached). Of note, HDS-117 intersected 25.9 metres of 346.52 g/t silver,
12.24% manganese, 3.16% zinc, 4.22% lead and 0.30% copper, demonstrating excellent silver,
manganese, lead and zinc grades.
[url= schrieb:
golden_times schrieb am 16.05.2011, 14:56 Uhr[/url]"]V.WS

Ich lehne mich mal ganz weit aus dem Fenster und spreche dem Flaggschiff-Projekt ein Potential von 350-500+ Millionen Unzen Silber zu.

Lassen wir progn. zukünftigen Erlöse der "by-products" Magnesium, Zinc & Lead voll in die Kalkulation mit einfließen, dann wird eine
Wildcat noch günstiger (noch höhere, negative Ag cash costs!) als eine Fortuna und Silvercorp produzieren.

Wildcat bleibt auch bei einem schwächelndem Silberpreis mein prime pick bei den Developern in der Silberbranche.

Mineralisierungen auf Hermosa weiterhin in allen Richtungen offen, gegenwärtiger NPV von 900+ mn USD. Best is yet to come!
Neue Präsentation online:
Wildcat's Plan of Operations

Umfassendes, neues Dokument von der USDA (Forest Service) online gestellt:


Wildcat Silver drills 20 m of 329.8 g/t Ag at Hermosa

2011-06-01 08:05 ET - News Release


Wildcat Silver Corp. is releasing the results for five additional holes (four step out), completed on the company's Hermosa property located in Santa Cruz county, Arizona. The Company continues to focus on increasing the width and length of the current resource and these results further support the extension of mineralization.

A complete list of drill intercepts, location map and 3D model of the Hermosa mineralization are available on the company's website at

Step-out Holes

HDS-136 lies east of the American Fault zone and intersected high grade silver on the down dropped side east of the fault. The hole intersected 20.0 metres which averaged 329.8 g/t silver, 3.81% lead and 2.83% manganese. Within this zone, a high grade intersection of 6.9 metres averaged 839.8 g/t silver, 7.12% lead and 8.17% manganese. This hole represents the eastern most drilling on Wildcat's patented claims, indicating the Hermosa mineralization continues east of the American Fault and remains open to the east on the Company's unpatented claims.
Tue, Jun 14, 2011 - Exclusive to Manganese Investing News

Is Chinese Manganese Supply Shrinking?

Electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD) has long been used in alkaline dry cell batteries, and is rapidly
being developed for use in lithium-manganese batteries. These batteries have shown incredible
potential in energy density
levels, as well as rapid recharging and life cycle. They may just be the
battery of the future for not only mobile electronics, but for electric and hybrid vehicles.
in China a supply shortage of the material in the coming years means that producers of the metal
worldwide may get a big boost


The desire for manganese supply has until recently, been primarily linked to future steel growth.
Currently, emerging technologies are also making demands on manganese which could dramatically
increase the level of demand. The appetite for mobile electronics around the globe, as well as the
switch to electric vehicles increases the need for lower cost and more efficient battery technology.
This is where EMD comes into play.

Jun. 15, 2011 (PR Newswire) --

VANCOUVER, June 15, 2011 /PRNewswire/ - Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX-V: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the Company") has granted 1,091,500 incentive stock options to directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company. The options are exercisable at $1.81 per share for a period of five years expiring on June 14, 2016.
Wildcat Silver investor Diamond Hill owns 13.73%

2011-06-21 20:31 ET - News Release

Mr. Stuart Angus of Diamond Hill reports

Diamond Hill Investment Corp., of 595 Burrard St., Suite 2600, Three Bentall Centre, Vancouver, B.C., pursuant to National Instrument 62-103, on June 17, 2011, acquired ownership and control of 4.54 million common shares of Wildcat Silver Corp., pursuant to the exercise by Diamond Hill of 4.54 million warrants of Wildcat at 50 cents per share. The shares purchased on the exercise of the warrants represent, in total, approximately 3.6 per cent of the 125,915,131 issued and outstanding common shares of Wildcat on June 17, 2011.

As a result of this acquisition of common shares, Diamond Hill now exercises ownership and control over a total of 17,287,000 shares of Wildcat, which in total represent approximately 13.73 per cent of the 125,915,131 issued and outstanding common shares of Wildcat on June 17, 2011.

R. Stuart Angus, a principal shareholder of the offeror and a director of Wildcat, also holds directly 1.45 million shares of Wildcat and 588,000 stock options of Wildcat, exercisable between 33 cents and $1.81, which expire between Dec. 18, 2011, and June 14, 2016.

Diamond Hill's acquisition was made for investment purposes. Diamond Hill may, in the future, acquire ownership and control over additional securities of Wildcat for investment purposes.

Diamond hill has filed a report on SEDAR pursuant to National Instrument 62-103 (early warning report). A copy of the report can be obtained from SEDAR.
Lithium-Ion Battery Developments: Most Affected Key Companies and ETFs

"In the first part of this article I reviewed and extended my discussion about the influence of oil prices
on adoption of lithium batteries including a brief analysis of oil ETFs as possible investment options
during the transition of the global automotive industry to electric propulsion. Now, I take a new look at
technological development in lithium-ion batteries to identify major trends in chemistries that are being
introduced, including an analysis of cathode and anode material and resource use, as well as advice
on how and where to invest in response to these innovations. The contribution closes with some brief
comments on what lies ahead both in terms of lithium batteries and beyond.."


Currently, there are no producers of manganese in North America. However, two companies are
working on their deposits, the first being American Manganese Inc. (AMYZF:US) which could be the
lowest cost electrolytic manganese producer in the world at $0.44/lb compared with$0.98/lb in China.
The second company is Wildcat Silver (WS:CN) that is working on its Hardshell property in Arizona.”
Investing in these companies seems to be a very good option, as reflected by their extremely high 1-
Year Return indicators: 196.902% and 335.443%, respectively.
Sollte für Dampf sorgen!!!

Wildcat Silver Corporation WS
7/5/2011 1:56:00 PM
VANCOUVER, Jul 5, 2011, 2011 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX-V: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that its common shares (the "Shares") have been conditionally approved for listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") under the symbol "WS". Listing of the Shares is subject to the Company fulfilling all of the requirements set forth by the TSX, including submission of all necessary documentation.

"We are pleased to have Wildcat advance to the TSX from the Venture Exchange," said Chris Jones, Wildcat's President and CEO. "This is an important milestone for the Company as it provides us with further opportunities to increase our exposure in the public markets. We look forward to continuing to achieve successes throughout the year."

About Wildcat Wildcat is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on development of Hermosa, its 80% owned silver project located in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. The project currently has an indicated mineral resource of 6.0 million tonnes averaging 187.8 grams per tonne silver for a total of 36 million ounces of silver in addition to an inferred mineral resource of 46.3 million tonnes averaging 58.6 grams per tonne silver for a total of 85 million ounces of silver. The Company has completed an updated preliminary economic assessment which contemplates an 18 year mine life with expected annual production in excess of 6 million ounces of silver for the first full five years of production.

Wildcat currently trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol WS.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS The statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements involving known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary materially from targeted results. Such risks and uncertainties include those described from time to time in Wildcat's latest annual report and management discussion and analysis. Wildcat assumes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

CAUTIONARY NOTE CONCERNING INFERRED MINERAL RESOURCES A preliminary economic assessment is preliminary in nature and includes inferred mineral resources. Inferred mineral resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that an inferred mineral resource will have the economic consideration applied that would enable it to be categorized in the mineral reserve category, and there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment will be realized.

To view this news release in HTML formatting, please use the following URL:

SOURCE: Wildcat Silver Corporation

For additional information please or contact: Letitia Cornacchia, Vice President, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications Telephone: +1 416 860 6310
Copyright (C) 2011 CNW Group. All rights reserved.

Near Term Catalysts

Q3-Q4: Further drill results at Hermosa, 4 active rigs, drill program expansion to approximately
30,000 metres through to the third quarter of 2011

Q3/11: Upgrade to TSX from the TSX.V, which could attract a much wider investment base.
The company is also exploring listing on the AMEX exchange in the US.

Q4/11: A new resource estimate is expected by year-end. The company envisions a doubling
of the current 121mm oz resource.

Q4/11: In conjunction with an updated resource, the company is expected to provide a new PEA –
The company may study a material change in milling scale with the expected increased resource.

Q4/12: Full feasibility study expected by year-end 2012

DGG Monthly Meeting

Presentation by Wildcat Silver Corp. (TSX-V:WS).

Wildcat Silver is a Vancouver-based mineral exploration company with an 80% interest in the Hermosa silver project in Arizona. Hermosa's resource includes an indicated resource of 6 million tonnes grading 188 grams per tonne silver for a total of 36 million ounces of silver in addition to 46 million tonnes grading 57 grams per tonne silver for a total of 85 million ounces of silver. Contact Jan de Ville for more information.

Date: Wednesday, July 20 2011

Location: Brown Palace Hotel
Wildcat Appoints Greg Lucero as Vice President of Sustainable Development

Jul. 12, 2011 (Canada NewsWire Group) --

VANCOUVER, July 12, 2011 /CNW/ - Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSXV: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of Greg Lucero to the position of Vice President, Sustainable Development.

Greg Lucero has more than 20 years of management experience in both the public and private sector, as well as an extensive background in the executive government working for local, state, and federal elected officials. Prior to joining Wildcat, Mr. Lucero was most recently the County Manager for Santa Cruz County in Arizona, where he also served as the chief lobbyist for the County at the state legislature and US Congress. Prior to that, Mr. Lucero held various positions with Sunrise Engineering. Mr. Lucero holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Arizona.

"We are happy to have Greg join our management team as Wildcat continues to advance in its development," said Chris Jones, Wildcat's President and CEO. "This year has been a pivotal year for us and as we further progress the Hermosa project, Greg will be a valuable contributor to our success."
Wildcat to commence trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange on July 19, 2011

VANCOUVER, July 18, 2011 /CNW/ - Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX-V: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the Company") is pleased
to announce that its common shares have been approved for listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX"). Wildcat
will commence trading on the TSX under the symbol "WS" at the opening on July 19, 2011 and will no longer trade on
the TSX Venture Exchange.

Chris Jones, Wildcat's President and CEO, said, "Advancing our listing to the TSX main board is a milestone
achievement for Wildcat that recognizes the Company's ability to finance and advance its development plan for our
Hermosa Project. This listing provides us the ability to reach a broader investor base and further advance the
significant value proposition that the Company represents."
Wildcat Drill Results Include 52 metres of 369 g/t Silver Continuing to Support Extension of Mineralization

Wildcat Silver Corporation WS 7/19/2011 9:00:00 AMVANCOUVER, Jul 19, 2011, 2011 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the Company") is pleased to announce the results for 23 additional holes (21 of which are step-out holes), completed on the Company's Hermosa property located in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

The Company has completed 80 holes accounting for approximately 20,730 metres of the total 30,000 metres planned. Wildcat has added a fifth drill rig to accelerate the current exploration program as it continues to focus on expanding the size and upgrading the quality of the current resource. The Company now has two core and three reverse circulation drills on the property. An update to the existing Hermosa mineral resource is expected to be released in the fourth quarter of 2011.
Wildcat appoints William J. Pennstrom, Jr as Vice President of Technical Services

VANCOUVER, Aug. 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ - Wildcat Silver Corporation (TSX: WS) ("Wildcat" or "the Company") ("Wildcat" or "the Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of William J. Pennstrom, Jr. to the position of Vice President, Technical Services.

Mr. Pennstrom has more than 35 years experience in the management and engineering aspects of mineral processing, specifically in extraction techniques that include crushing, leaching, milling, gravity separation, flotation, SX/EW, pressure oxidation, electrolysis, and smelting. His experience includes 20 years in operations and 15 years as an engineering consultant. Mr. Pennstrom has worked as the technical or engineering consultant for a vast number of large scale precious and base metal projects including International Tower Hill Mines' Livengood project, the Donlin Creek project, and Osisko's Canadian Malartic project. Mr. Pennstrom holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering and a Masters of Arts degree in Business Management. He is a Qualified Professional (QP) in Process Metallurgy as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

Chris Jones, Wildcat's President and CEO, said, "With Bill's operational track record, technical expertise and extensive experience, he will be a significant asset to the development of our Hermosa project. This appointment is particularly well timed as we continue with metallurgical optimizations this year."
Oben Unten