• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
:danke: Danke Olli! :)
:whistle: löpt an........in FFM günstiger als bei den anderen Kollegen
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417430#417430 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.06.2008, 15:27 Uhr[/url]"]über 0,30 CAD bekommt die Flügel..........Kohledeposit nach NI43-101 wieder rausgeholt

» zur Grafik
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417388#417388 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.06.2008, 14:42 Uhr[/url]"]hab mir mal nen paar Cash Minerals gesammelt.........wurden ja heute hier "weggeworfen" :kichern:
der liest mit......... :kichern:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417513#417513 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.06.2008, 16:13 Uhr[/url]"]:whistle: löpt an........in FFM günstiger als bei den anderen Kollegen
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417430#417430 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.06.2008, 15:27 Uhr[/url]"]über 0,30 CAD bekommt die Flügel..........Kohledeposit nach NI43-101 wieder rausgeholt

» zur Grafik
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417388#417388 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.06.2008, 14:42 Uhr[/url]"]hab mir mal nen paar Cash Minerals gesammelt.........wurden ja heute hier "weggeworfen" :kichern:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=416817#416817 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 08.06.2008, 15:44 Uhr[/url]"]Arise Technologies Corp. will begin construction of a multimillion-dollar silicon refinery in Waterloo in September, a company executive said yesterday.

Immer noch Druck drauf.

Sehen wir bei CAJ noch die o,50 Cad? :evil:
also ich bin eindeutig dafür das CAJ endlich die 0,50 knackt !!! :)
mein anderes Kohle-Play

North American Gem

war ausgesetzt und kommt gleich wieder in den Handel, Taxen gut, liege da um die 40% vorne

News Releases

North American Gem Inc. Receives First Priority on 415,434 Acres of Coal Prospecting Permits West of Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan

6/9/2008 11:33 AM - PR Newswire

Still Waiting on Approximately 1,000,000 Acres in Coal Permit Applications
TSX-Venture: NAG

VANCOUVER, June 9, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --

North American Gem Inc. (TSX-V symbol: NAG) has received a "Comfort letter" from Saskatchewan Energy and Resources stating that of the coal permit applications processed to date, on behalf of North American Gem Inc., 415,434 acres of issued Coal Prospecting Permits (CPP) will be given priority sequence in our area of interest west, northwest and east-northeast of Hudson Bay. The Company has filed and fully paid for 786 Coal Disposition applications to date. The comfort letter received lists all applications made on behalf of the Company during the period of May 6-9th, 2008 and details the land description, acres, priority sequence and the allocated coal prospecting permit (CPP) numbers. All of the ground that has been applied for has been done so in accordance will all the rules and regulations set forth by the government of Saskatchewan's permitting office.

As with all other companies applying for Coal Dispositions in Saskatchewan, North American Gem Ltd., has its applications and Coal Prospecting Permits subject to the Saskatchewan government's approval process. The standard issue Comfort letter states "the extent to which the land described in these applications can be issued has not been investigated, and therefore this letter should not be construed as an indication that any land will be issued, as a full review is still to be completed."

North American Gem Inc. has submitted 786 coal permit applications for 1,491,010.56 acres; this will be the first of a few letters of comfort that the Company will receive from the government of Saskatchewan's permitting office, as the Company continued to apply for permits until June 6th, 2008. The criteria for targeting the coal permit applications were: initial proximity to the recent coal discovery made by Goldsource, and strategically accumulating favourable cretaceous age coal hosting geological stratigraphy identified by Goldsource, and aggressively applying for ground that covered favourable cretaceous age coal hosting geological stratigraphy identified with the Adamas Coal Discovery west of the Goldsource discovery; this area being known only to North American Gem Inc. and subsequently returned an analysis from Loring Laboratories of Sub-bituminous A grade coal from drill core that sat unprotected, subjected to the elements for 14 months.

Charles Desjardins, President of North American Gem Inc. said, "This entire process from permit application to the granting of the actual permits will take time, but we are confident that North American Gem Inc. will be a major land holder in this newly discovered region once all of the permits have been granted. Once the coal prospecting permits have been granted, North American Gem Inc. will aggressively explore the region."

North American Gem Inc. anticipates being a major land holder in this new coal region of Saskatchewan. The Company will commit to aggressive exploration and is currently assembling an outstanding Board of Advisors with expertise in the area of coal exploration. The Company plans to first twin the Adamas discovery hole to get a true grade of the quality of the coal at that location, and further exploration holes in the area of the discovery. Also the Company is planning extensive airborne geophysics over its area of influence, of which is yet to be determined.


In 2007, Adamas was exploring a magnetic anomaly thought to be a kimberlite target in proximity to the most recent discovery by Goldsource Mines Inc. (TSX-V symbol: GXS) (Goldsource), in western Saskatchewan. During this exploration program Adamas discovered a coal seam in the Cretaceous rock (Mannville Group Rocks) sequence containing coal similar to Goldsource, confirming the regional potential for coal deposits.

Adamas has collected proprietary aeromagnetics data for the area of interest that has been made available to North American Gem Inc. to be used to further evaluate the area for coal deposits and other minerals that may be found therein. Historical data and reports suggest that coal is present to the north edge of the Cretaceous rock sequence along the shores of Wapawekka Lake to the north of the Adamas discovery. These reports further suggest that the Wapawekka out crop is likely associated with a larger deposit to the south. The Adamas intercept is directly south of Wapawekka Lake along the low lying basin adjacent to the south east of the Narrow Hills Uplands.

Goldsource also made a significant coal discovery while drilling for kimberlites in a low lying basin south east of the adjacent uplands at Pasquia Hills to the south east of the Narrow Hills intercept. The occurrence at Pasquia is roughly 80-100 km south east of the Narrow Hills and both have similar topographical features and are in the same Cretaceous rock sequence. Airborne Electromagnetic surveys are well suited for regional exploration of this nature, and given the known location of the Adamas Coal intercept, it is likely to provide a fast track to defining regional drill targets.

The Company will announce any confirmation of the Coal Prospecting Permits that become validated through the government of Saskatchewan's permitting office process. The process time frame is determined by the permitting office and all companies in the process are dealt with similarly and given the same assurances and guarantees by the Government of Saskatchewan. North American Gem Inc. has submitted money with all the 786 applications made to the Saskatchewan permitting office.

North American Gem has made a commitment to be active in Saskatchewan for the exploration of coal, whether it be through successful permitting by the Company or through joint venture opportunities. The recent coal discovery by Goldsource Mines Inc. of bituminous coal in two drill holes 1600 meters apart, suggests the potential for a much larger coal system. Goldsource believes the coal it encountered is from the Mannville/Swan River Group of Creataceous age (Goldsource Mines Inc., Release May 5, 2008). Coal structures of the Creataceous age are generally stratigraphic and can encompass several thousand square kilometers.

Mike Magrum, PEng, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has approved the technical content of this news release.

About North American Gem Inc.
Cash Minerals

als wir die News ueber die Kohle eingestellt haben konnte man die fuer 0,14 Euro kaufen, jetzt von diesem Niveau fast 40% vorne!

als wir die News eingestellt haben lag die miese FSE Taxe bei 0,13 zu 0,163, selbst wenn man da hoch ins Ask gegangen ist und nun ins Bid verkauft sind das 20% intraday!
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417741#417741 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 09.06.2008, 19:24 Uhr[/url]"]Canasia Haelfte raus Schnitt 0,54 CAD, exakt 100% ueber Einstand


Die hab ich wie blöde getradet! :)
war das bei Dorex Minerals einer von Euch mit den 25k zu 0,105 ???

Ich hab da ettliche in CAN zu 0,145 im Schnitt, ein reines va-banque Spiel mit 1.000% Chance, wenn die ein gutes Loch vermelden, MK gerade mal 3mio CAD!
:eek: wat denn dat fürn Brocken an Einzelumsatz - das iss dann wohl ne klare Ansage! wenn Kinbauri über nen 1 CAD geht, erfolgreiches Verlassen des Seitwärtstrendes...... :whistle:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=414172#414172 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 04.06.2008, 17:37 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik

wir auch langsam was handefestes........... :)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417859#417859 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.06.2008, 22:47 Uhr[/url]"]:eek: wat denn dat fürn Brocken an Einzelumsatz - das iss dann wohl ne klare Ansage! wenn Kinbauri über nen 1 CAD geht, erfolgreiches Verlassen des Seitwärtstrendes...... :whistle:


[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=414172#414172 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 04.06.2008, 17:37 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik

wir auch langsam was handefestes........... :)
- PON - einfach unglaublich!

Jun 09, 2008 16:35 ET
Candente Resource Corp. Announces Private Placements

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 9, 2008) -


Candente Resource Corp. (TSX:DNT)(BVL:DNT)(WKN:GW4) ("Candente") is pleased to announce that it has appointed Raymond James Ltd. as lead for a syndicate of agents including Blackmont Capital Inc. and Wellington West Capital Markets Inc. (collectively the "Agents") to sell by way of private placement on a "best efforts" basis, common shares of Candente at an offering price of $1.60 per share.

Funds raised by the Agents will be part of a larger offering (the "Global Offering") by Candente of common shares, which will include a private placement through Credibolsa S.A.B. S.A. ("Credibolsa") of Peru as well as a non-brokered private placement. All of these placements will be completed at the same price.

The Global Offering will total approximately Cdn$10,000,000. Candente will pay the Agents and Credibolsa a fee of 6% in cash and issue broker warrants entitling each party to purchase that number of common shares equal to up to 6% of the number of shares sold by them.

The net proceeds of the Global Offering will be used for funding exploration and development activities on the Company's mineral properties and for general corporate purposes.

The Global Offering is anticipated to close on or about June 26, 2008 and remains subject to certain conditions, including satisfactory due diligence by the Agents and the receipt of all required regulatory and other acceptances, including the acceptance of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).

About Candente Resource Corp.
Thema: Rio Tinto erhöht Eisenerzpreise für kleine Werke drastisch

Rohstoffe-Go - Peking 10.06.08 Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters berichtet, werden die kleineren chinesischen Stahlwerke eine Preiserhöhung um 95 Prozent für Eisenerz akzeptieren. Gleichzeitig gehen Kenner der Branche davon aus, dass die großen Stahlproduzenten wie Baosteel eine solche Erhöhung nicht mitmachen werde, da diese auch von der Regierung unter Druck gesetzt werden, die Preise nicht zu stark anzuheben.
-CRR- Cuervo Resources

Sollte im Juni noch verdammt interessant werden. NI 43-101 fürs Cerro Projekt nun direkt voraus.
Alle (!) bis dato veröffentlichten Bohrergebnisse waren in den Längen und Graden mehr als überzeugend! Rechne mit einem starken NI, der das Potential noch einmal nachhaltig unter Beweis stellt!

Auch die Transportstudie könnte nun jederzeit kommen! Hast Du darüber nähere Infos oder ne Zeitangabe wann damit zu rechnen ist? Thx...

PS.: AE6 Strong Watchlist! :)

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=418094#418094 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 10.06.2008, 10:54 Uhr[/url]"]Thema: Rio Tinto erhöht Eisenerzpreise für kleine Werke drastisch

Rohstoffe-Go - Peking 10.06.08 Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters berichtet, werden die kleineren chinesischen Stahlwerke eine Preiserhöhung um 95 Prozent für Eisenerz akzeptieren. Gleichzeitig gehen Kenner der Branche davon aus, dass die großen Stahlproduzenten wie Baosteel eine solche Erhöhung nicht mitmachen werde, da diese auch von der Regierung unter Druck gesetzt werden, die Preise nicht zu stark anzuheben.
-CMI- Crowflight Minerals

Die Instis geben Vollgas seit Wochen! :)

Crowflight Minerals Inc (TSX Venture Exchange)

Sector: Basic Materials . Industry: Mining & Metals - Specialty · View CML on other exchanges

As of 8 Jun 20080.65CAD Price Change+0.00 Percent Change+0.00% Analyst Recommendations

Research Another Stock: Symbol Look-up

Independent Research | Broker Research

% Shares Owned: 46.97% # New Positions: 11
# of Holders: 18 # Closed Positions: 0
Total Shares Held: 118,034,633 # Increased Positions: 12,313,500
3 Mo. Net Change: 70,587,525 # Reduced Positions: -9,914,108
# Net Buyers: 11

Quelle: http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/institutionalHolders?symbol=CML.V

Kann alles jeden Tag kommen bei CRR!
:coffee: Juten Tach Mitstreiter - heute nur sporadisch ..... hoffe das es bei CAJ,WPX,WHD,CHX,LGO,KNB,CRR,CML und so weiter - weiter nach oben flutscht.........
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417869#417869 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 09.06.2008, 23:09 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=417861#417861 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.06.2008, 22:53 Uhr[/url]"]- PON - einfach unglaublich!

» zur Grafik

tja, das wäre ein retirement plan gewesen...

nun mal ein Wert bei dem ich gerade ein wenig upfront gegangen bin, koennte eine Alternative zu PON sein, sehr langes Posting, aber durchaus die Lektuere wert:


eigentlich mag ich den Wert nicht, war mir zu gehyped, ausserdem sind deren gesamte Ecuador Geschaefte erstmal auf Eis und die Chose mit ihrem Mexico Projekt (mit Tara Gold) war auch keine Ruhmestat.

Die Firma hat sich dann nach was neuem umgesehen und ist im April auf Phosphat gekommen, aehnlich wie Potash ein unverzichtbarer Rohstoff im Duengemittelbereich:


Monday, April 21, 2008
April 21, 2008, Vancouver, B.C.: Lateegra Gold Corp. (the "Company") (LRG-TSX.V LTG-Frankfurt) is pleased to announce the acquisition of a 100% interest in the "Fernie" claims, consisting of 117 claims encompassing 56,000 hectares in the Fernie Formation Phosphate Belt, located near Fernie, British Columbia. The Fernie claims encompass two important potential deposit areas known as the Line Creek and Barnes Lake areas.

It is important to note that these reports, being historic in nature, cannot be verified by the Company, do not comply with modern reporting standards (NI 43-101), and therefore should not be relied upon.

The Fernie property is underlain by the Fernie Formation Phosphate Belt, characterized in numerous Bulletins published by the B.C. Ministry of Mines and Petroleum. From a previous report 1987-16 Phosphate in South Eastern BC issued by the same author and published by the BC Ministry of Mines and Petroleum comes the following summary of the Fernie Formation. It is important to note that the summary figures contained in this excerpt apply to a large area, a portion of which is covered by the Fernie claims.

"Phosphate was deposited as a single bed or as two beds separated by phosphatic shale. This phosphatic unit extends throughout the basin and is consistently at least 1 to 2 metres thick and reaching thicknesses of 2 to 3 metres locally. As much as 8.4 billion tonnes of phosphate rock may have been deposited, but less than 5 per cent of this can be considered a potential resource. Resource potential is estimated to be 400 million tonnes with a grade between 11 and 29 per cent P2O5 averaging approximately 20% phosphate. A down-dip extension of 300 metres has been used as a practical mining depth in this calculation."
The following excerpt is taken from Bulletin 98 "PHOSPHATE DEPOSITS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA" By S. Butrenchuk, P.Geo, published by the British Columbia Ministry of Employment and Investment, Energy and Minerals Division, Geological Survey Branch
"In the west Line Creek area the basal phosphate can be traced for a strike length of 15 kilometres, in strata that dip 40 to 75 degrees easterly. It varies in thickness from less than 1 metre south of Line Creek, to more than 3 metres at Mount Lyne. Phosphate content ranges from a low of 3.7% P205 in a diamond-drill hole, to a high of 23.7% P2O5 across 1.6 metres in a backhoe trench (Hannah, 1980). At Mount Lyne the phosphorite averages 22.9% P205 across 2 metres or 19.8% P205 across 3 metres.

Crows Nest Resources Ltd. calculated a reserve of 972 800 tonnes to a depth of 30 metres in the west Line Creek area, based on a strike length of 5,850 metres and an average thickness of 2 metres (Hannah, 1980). The resource potential of the Line Creek area is estimated to be in excess of 25 million tonnes with a grade of approximately 20% P2O5, assuming a strike length of 15 kms, an average thickness of 2 metres and a depth of 300 metres. The estimated grade is based on surface samples and therefore could be lower depending on how much weathering of the phosphate has taken place.

In the Barnes Lake area phosphorite is exposed along the limbs of a sequence of folds. The phosphate resource potential for the Fernie Formation in this area is estimated to be 7 million tonnes to a depth of 100 metres, based on a 25.5-kilometre strike length and an average thickness of 1 metre. An additional 4.2 million tonnes may be available to the east of the Corbin logging road."
The newly acquired Fernie property encompasses the above noted areas.

Terms of the acquisition are the following:
$50,000 on signing of the agreement (paid);
$350,000 cash, 1,000,000 common shares of the Company and a share purchase warrant to purchase an additional 1,000,000 common shares of the Company at a price of $0.35 per share with an expiry date of April 18, 2010 upon TSX Venture Exchange approval of the acquisition;
$400,000 within 30 days of the Company successfully completing a financing (terms of which will be announced on or about the date of TSX Venture Exchange approval);
$400,000 within 120 days of the Company successfully completing a financing (terms of which will be announced on or about the date of TSX Venture Exchange approval);
$400,000 within 240 days of the Company successfully completing a financing (terms of which will be announced on or about the date of TSX Venture Exchange approval);
1,000,000 common shares of the Company 360 days following TSX Venture Exchange approval of the transaction;
(any shares or share purchase warrants issued will be subject to TSX Venture Exchange hold periods).
The Vendor retains a 2% Net Smelter Royalty.

A finders fee will be payable on this transaction in accordance with TSX Venture Exchange policy.

The Company intends to commence a work program as soon as possible in order to verify sample data, prepare for a winter/spring drill program, and to complete a NI43-101 compliant report.

"Chris Verrico", CEO and Director

Ich Kanada gibt es nur zwei groessere Firmen, die P205 abbauen,die kleinere der beiden hat eine MK von deutlich ueber 200mio CAD. Mitte April hat man sich einen ausgewiesenen Experten rangeholt, in der News ist auch ein wenig Hintergrundinfo:


Monday, April 28, 2008
April 25, 2008, Vancouver, B.C.: Lateegra Gold Corp. (the "Company") (LRG-TSX.V LTG-Frankfurt) is pleased to announce that the company has engaged Mr. Stephen Butrenchuk, P.GEOL, to review and author a National Instrument compliant 43-101 report. Mr. Butrenchuk will also provide consulting services to Lateegra Gold Corp to aid advancement of the Company's recently acquired Fernie Formation phosphate claims.

Mr. Butrenchuk is recognized as one of the leading authorities on phosphate deposits in British Columbia. He began his career with Cominco Ltd. where he spent 16 years as an exploration geologist. He then worked four years on contract to the B.C. Geological Survey during which time completed numerous commodity studies and authored several publications on industrial minerals including:

1999 - Fernie Phosphate Project Assessment Report, BCMEMPR
1998 - Cabin Creek Phosphate Project- Project Summary, BCMEMPR
1998 - Bulletin - Phosphate Deposits in British Columbia, Ministry of Employment & Investment, BCMEMPR
1987 - Phosphate Inventory of Northeastern British Columbia, BCMEMPR
1987 - Phosphate in Southern British Columbia (NTS 82G and 82J) Open File, BCMEMPR
1986 - Phosphate Inventory published by the Legislative Library of British ColumbiaMr. Butrenchuk states: "I am excited to have an opportunity to work with Lateegra Gold Corp. I have always believed in the potential of the Fernie Formation to host economic phosphate deposits and that could not be truer in today's economic climate. Lateegra has secured a large area of very prospective phosphate ground that has potential for economic development"

Mr. Butrenchuk has been contracted to complete a detailed NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Company's current claim holdings which will include re-evaluation of historical drilling completed in the area by Cominco, Imperial Oil, Formosa Resources and First Nuclear Energy.

The Company believes that Mr. Butrenchuk's intimate knowledge of the Fernie Formation will enable them to focus in on the most prospective phosphate areas and quickly identify drill targets.

The Company believes the worldwide economic outlook for phosphoric acid, the principal derivative of phosphate production, will remain strong for the coming years. The Company has recently acquired Fernie Formation phosphate claims totaling in excess of 120,000 acres of land along the contact between Jurassic and Triassic aged rocks where the highest grade phosphate beds are believed to be present. The Company believes that it currently owns the vast majority of the prospective phosphate lands of the Fernie Formation and plans to fast track an exploration program to identify the most economic deposits in the area.

The Fernie BC region is strategically located in proximity to target markets for phosphoric acid with excellent infrastructure including rail, power, labor and abundant supply of sulphuric acid from a nearby smelter.

Concurrent to the Company's planned 2008 summer drill campaign the Company will look to form strategic business partnerships to determine the economic potential of the development of a phosphoric acid plant in the Fernie BC region.

Phosphate, in the form P205, is an essential fertilizer component. It is a nutrient for plants and a constituent in food production. In modern intensive agriculture it is necessary to boost natural phosphate levels in the soil through the addition of phosphate fertilizers. Phosphate fertilizer products such as ammonium phosphate and triple superphosphate form 85% of the primary market for phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid is created through a wet process when sulfuric acid is added to calcium phosphate rock.

Canada consumes 1.15 million tonnes per year of phosphoric acid, importing 600,000 tonnes annually from central Florida producers. The largest shortages of phosphoric acid in Canada are currently in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The Company believes that a phosphoric acid plant located in Fernie BC would be ideally situated to supply the shortfall of phosphoric acid in western Canada.

In Canada, the phosphoric acid market is currently dominated by Agrium Inc. which operates a phosphate fertilizer production facility in Redwater, Alberta. Agrium Inc. receives the calcium phosphate rock in Alberta from their mine in Kapuskasing, Ontario.

Phoscan Chemical Corp. is the only other junior phosphate exploration company in Canada focused on the advancement of their Martison phosphate deposit, also in Ontario. They plan to develop a phosphoric acid facility near Hearst, Ontario. Phoscan Chemical Corp. trades on the TSX-Venture Exchange having a market capitalization of approximately $260 million dollars.

Fai Lee at RBC Capital Markets states "Morocco-based OCP Group's second quarter prices for phosphate rock is between $350 and $400 per tonne, which is roughly $150 to $200 per tonne higher than they were in the first quarter of 2008".

Mr. Chris Verrico, President of Lateegra states: "We have some very serious problems developing globally within the food and energy sectors. We believe fertilizer demand will continue to be extremely strong in the coming years and we are pleased to have acquired the Fernie Formation phosphate claims. The Company will now be focused on defining an economic phosphate deposit and exploring the potential of developing a phosphoric acid plant in the Fernie region. We especially look forward to working with Mr. Butrenchuk whom we believe will provide valuable assistance in fast tracking our planned exploration."


im Zuge dieser News stieg der Aktienkurs dann auch mal vom absoluten Tief kurz an, aber nicht so rasant wie bei Potash Werten, obwohl die Tonne Phophat aehnlich viel am Markt bringt wie Potash.
Charttechnisch ist das ganze auch nicht uninteressant:


Lateegra hat um die 30mio Shares, macht eine MK von ca. 7mio CAD.Im letzten Q-Bericht wies man fuer Ende Maerz noch Cash iHv um die 700k CAD aus, da kommt also demnaechst mit Sicherheit ein Financing, wird auch in der heutigen News (s.u.) erwaehnt.

Heute Morgen gab es die kleine News, die Signifiekanz liegt imho weniger in den zusaetzlichen paar tausend ha, die man sich bei dem Phosphat Projekt gesichert hat, sondern in dem Vorschlag fuer die HV die Firma umzubenennen, ausserdem hat man die Akquisitionsbedingungen verbessert:

Jun 10, 2008 03:05 ET

Lateegra Stakes Additional Claims and Amends Terms of Phosphate Acquisition

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - June 10, 2008) - Lateegra Gold Corp. (the "Company") (TSX-V: LRG) (FRANKFURT: LTG) is pleased to announce that as a result of its regional review aided by progress to date on its forthcoming NI 43-101 Report, the Company has increased its holdings to 62,227 hectares within 133 mineral claims of the prospective phosphorite geology, by staking an additional 6111 hectares. The majority of this increase encompasses ground near Wapiti Lake, B.C. which had exploratory work performed on it between 1978 and 1980 by Esso Resources. Being the northern most extent of the Company's holdings, the Wapiti claims group is road assessable where phosphorite thicknesses range from 0.8 to 3.2 metres with assays varying from 11.9 to 23.7% P2O5 in moderate terrain where mining could be conceivably done by open pit methods with a relatively low stripping ratio (Heffernan 1980), along with the addition of several other significant showings recently identified.

It is important to note that these reports, being historic in nature, cannot be verified by the Company, do not comply with modern reporting standards (NI 43-101), and therefore should not be relied upon.

Additionally, the Company's regional review and rationalization has resulted in a revised purchase option for its primary phosphate acquisition, the "Fernie" claims, having new, more favorable terms aiding the sustainability aspects of the Company's initiative within the basin.

The revised terms are as follows:

The Company and the optionor have agreed that in order for the Company to earn a 100% interest in the Property, the Company must pay a total of $500,000 to the optionor as follows:

-- $50,000 on signing of the option agreement (paid);
-- $50,000 within 7 days of the option agreement being approved by
the TSX Venture Exchange ("Exchange Approval"); and
-- $400,000 within 120 days of the Company successfully completing
a financing (the terms of which will be announced on or about
Exchange Approval) (the "Financing");

The Company must also issue the following securities to the optionor:

-- upon Exchange Approval, 500,000 common shares and an additional 500,000
common shares six months after Exchange Approval; and
-- 1,000,000 common shares 360 days after closing of the Financing;
The Vendor retains a 2% Net Smelter Royalty.

A finder's fee will be payable on this transaction in accordance with TSX Venture Exchange policy.

The Company also announces that it has called an extraordinary general meeting ("EGM") of shareholders to be held on July 16, 2008, at which management will seek approval for the following resolutions:

1. The change of name of the Company to "Phosrock Minerals Corp." There
will be no consolidation of capital

2. The repricing downward of certain stock options held by insiders;
3. An amendment to the 2008 stock option plan; and
4. The cancellation of the Company's existing Articles and adoption of new

Alles in allem die Chance auf einen Neuanfang, es wird keine Share-Konsolidierung geben, aber da erst 30mio ausstehend sind, hat die Firma mehr als genug Handlungsspielraum.

Und als Bonus gibt es die ganzen Liegenschaften in Ecuador, sollte wieder erwarten der err Corea da doch noch zur Einsicht kommen!

Langfristkauf Lateegra 0,147 Euro!
@Fischi - Lateegra wird geschmökert! :up:

hier noch was zu PON, bin gespannt:

Jun 09, 2008 17:21 ET
Potash North Resource Corporation Announces Overnight-Marketed Private Placement of Units
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 9, 2008) -


Potash North Resource Corporation (TSX VENTURE:PON) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement for an overnight-marketed private placement with a syndicate of agents (the "Agents") led by Canaccord Capital Corp. Pricing will be determined in the context of the market for gross proceeds of approximately $25,000,000 million in units (the "Units"). Each Unit is comprised of one common share and one common share purchase warrant. The Company has granted the Agents an over-allotment option to solicit an additional $5,000,000 in Units, exercisable 48 hours prior to closing.

The offering is expected to close on or about July 7, 2008 and is subject to certain conditions, including regulatory approval.

Net proceeds from the offering will be used to fund the exploration, evaluation and potential development of the Company's KP416 and KP417 potash permits in Saskatchewan and for general corporate purposes.

The securities being offered have not, nor will they be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from the U.S. registration requirements. This release does not constitute an offer for sale of securities in the United States.


Potash North Resource Corporation

David Baker, President
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