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:kichern: heute "hagelts" wieder News..........

die hier immer noch nich handlebar und sehr sehr fette Werte!!!!!!

Jun 11, 2008 08:24 ET
Colossus Minerals Drills Further High Grade Gold-Platinum-Palladium at Serra Pelada
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 11, 2008) - Colossus Minerals Inc. (TSX:CSI) announces results from three drill holes, SPD-002, SPD-003 and SPD-004 from the Company's ongoing program on the Serra Pelada Project, a Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture.


- SPD-002 intersected 46.72 metres @ 24.11g/t gold, 9.04g/t platinum and 11.57g/t palladium (50.95g/t gold equivalent(ii)) plus 14.65 metres @ 22.51g/t gold, 4.56g/t platinum and 5.01g/t palladium (35.64g/t gold equivalent(ii))
- SPD-004 intersected 53.50 metres @ 5.35g/t gold, 2.51g/t platinum and 4.01g/t palladium (13.20g/t gold equivalent(ii))
- Both holes exhibit very high grade Au- and PGE-rich subzones
- Drilling to date shows continuity of high grade gold-platinum-palladium mineralisation along 100 metres of strike length and vertical intervals of more than 50 metres in the Central Mineralised Zone up to 260metres southwest of the historic Serra Pelada open pit.


Diamond drill holes SPD-002, SPD-003 and SPD-004 were HQ-cored for a total of 902m as part of 5000m drill program by the Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture on the Serra Pelada gold-platinum-palladium deposit, located in Para State, Brazil. SPD-002 was collared 90m southwest of SPD-001 at an initial inclination of -68.5 deg. and azimuth of 310 deg. to test the Central Mineralised Zone on Section 00, 260m southwest of the historic Serra Pelada open pit. SPD-003 undercut SPD-002 on a similar azimuth, but steepened unexpectedly, largely missing its target. SPD-004 was drilled at an initial azimuth of 305 deg. and inclination of -75deg. on Section 50NE, to test the Central mineralised zone between Section 100NE and Section 00. An additional hole (SPD-012) is currently drilling on Section 50NE. A plan view of Serra Pelada drill traces may be examined on www.colossusminerals.com.

SPD-002 intersected two intervals of continuous gold-platinum-palladium mineralisation, hosted mainly by altered metasediments of the Central Mineralised zone but separated by a weakly-mineralised felsic dyke. These subzones respectively contain intervals of spectacular grades of platinum plus palladium and high grade gold. Assay results for SPD-002 are presented in the following table.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------From To Recovered/ Gold Platinum Palladium Gold(metres, (metres, assay g/t g/t g/t equivalentdown-hole) down-hole) interval g/t (metres) (i) (ii)----------------------------------------------------------------------------204.5 253.60 46.72 24.11 9.04 11.57 50.95Incl. 219.00 253.60 32.22 33.25 12.79 16.25 71.18incl. 228.00 231.00 3.00 233.85 101.35 130.75 535.37
----------------------------------------------------------------------------AND274.65 289.50 14.65 22.51 4.56 5.01 35.64

Other intersections (greater than 0.5g/t gold equivalent) in SPD-002 include 256.25-257.45m down-hole: 1.20m@ 1.2g/t Au, 0.47g/t Pt and 0.18g/t Pd; 269.3-270.5m.: 1.20m@ 0.66g/t Au, 0.32g/t Pt and 0.27g/t Pd; 295.25-296.4m: 1.15m@ 1.05g/t Au, 1.15g/t Pt and 1.93g/t Pd. The latter interval appears to represent a mineralized zone footwall to the Central Zone which may correlate with a similar zone observed in SPD-001.

SPD-004 intersected broadly continuous gold-platinum-palladium mineralization between 193.0 and 258.0m down-hole, mainly in altered metasediments of the Central Mineralized Zone. Core recoveries were low in a number of intervals and this has probably contributed to underestimation of Au-PGE grades and mineralized intervals for SPD-004, to be clarified by additional drilling on Section 50NE. Assay results for SPD-004 are presented in the following table.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------From To Recovered/ Gold Platinum Palladium Gold(metres, (metres, assay g/t g/t g/t equivalentdown-hole) down-hole) interval g/t (metres) (i) (ii)----------------------------------------------------------------------------193.00 258.00 53.50 5.35 2.51 4.01 13.20
Incl. 193.00 199.70 6.7 17.83 18.50 29.24 75.56
(i) Total assayed interval - excludes intervals of no core recovery; true widths to be established
(ii) Gold equivalent assuming Au:Pt:Pd prices in the ratio 1:2.33:0.5

Other intersections (greater than 0.5g/t Au equivalent) in SPD-004 include 180.4-181.5m down-hole: 1.0m@ 0.69g/t Au, 3.01g/t Pt and 2.16g/t Pd; 186.5-187.8m: 0.60m@ 1.59g/t au, 0.09g/t Pt and 0.12g/t Pd; 261.2-262.3m: 1.10m@ 0.10g/t Au, 4.63g/t Pt and 2.25g/t Pd.

Due to its unexpected steepening, SPD-003 cored mainly siliceous-altered metasediments which commonly envelope the Central Mineralised Zone and are less well mineralised. Evidently SPD-003 clipped the south east margin of the Central Mineralised Zone, and an additional hole will be drilled to examine the untested parts of this Zone on Section 00. Assay results are expected shortly.

The complete assay data sets for SPD-002 and SPD-004, plus geology-drill Section 00 for may be examined on www.colossusminerals.com.

To date, the Company has completed 11 holes for approximately 3350 metres of an initial 5000 metre drilling program.

Vic Wall, Colossus President comments "Colossus' drilling at Serra Pelada continues to realise the potential of this extraordinary noble metal deposit. The results of SPD-001, SPD-002 and SPD-004 demonstrate the continuity of high value gold-platinum-palladium mineralisation through large vertical intervals and over 100m of strike length of our main target zone well south of the historic Serra Pelada open pit. The apparent persistence of high grade PGE subzones is particularly encouraging."


Sampling of SPD-002, SPD-003 and SPD-004 core (by Colossus personnel) and sample preparation (by SGS GEOSOL LABORATORIES LTDA., Belo Horizonte) were carried out under strict protocols recommended in the 43-101 Technical Report on Serra Pelada. After photographing and logging, nominal 1 metre intervals of HQ core were cut and/or split in half, yielding samples of 2 to 3 kilogram mass. Where core recoveries were low, intervals were composited to yield 1 kilogram minimum sample masses. Duplicates, blanks and certified gold-PGE reference materials were inserted in the sample train by Colossus personnel prior to secure shipping to SGS.

SGS pulverised 1 kilogram splits (greater than 95% passing 106 microns) from the crushed (greater than 95% passing 1.7mm) dried samples. The resulting pulps were quartered by rotary splitter and a 50gram fire assay, with ICP-AES finish was performed on one 250gm. aliquot, the remaining splits being archived. Additional blanks and duplicates were inserted in the assay stream by SGS and replicate assays were performed every twenty samples. SGS dispatched assay certificate originals directly to Resource and Exploration Mapping Ltd. an independent Company which manages Colossus' database.

The assay results for blanks, duplicates, replicates and reference materials were generally satisfactory. However one of the reference materials in one assay batch assayed gold, platinum and palladium values much lower than certified values for this material. The reference material and high value samples in this batch will be check assayed by SGS and an independent laboratory.

Dr. Vic Wall, President of Colossus Minerals and qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for this release and has verified the contents disclosed.


Colossus is an exploration and development Company focused on mineral resource properties in Brazil. The Company is currently concentrating on the high grade gold-platinum-palladium Serra Pelada project in Para State, Brazil. Between 1980 and 1986 Serra Pelada was host to the largest precious metals rush in Latin American history. Coverage by 60 Minutes of this famous mining rush can be viewed at the following link: www.sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=299887. In addition, the Company is advancing its Sumidouro property located near Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais State, Brazil and the Natividade Property in the State of Tocantins, Central Brazil.
Purepoint Uranium Group Inc: Athabasca Basin Exploration Update

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 11, 2008) - Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PTU) is pleased to provide the following update on its exploration programs in the Athabasca Basin. In addition to the successful follow up of the Red Willow Osprey Zone announced in April, the company is now able to announce the discovery of two additional radioactive structures on the Red Willow Property found within the Long Lake and Lyon Lake Zones.

"These are no longer mere geophysical targets" said Scott Frostad, VP Exploration of Purepoint. "Our drill programs are now advancing these areas into unique zones of merit, delineating radioactive structures and alteration zones that are typical to high grade uranium ore deposits."

In 2008, twenty-nine holes for a total of 5,718 metres were completed at the Turnor Lake and Red Willow properties. The company recently initiated its spring drill program at Red Willow's Radon Lake Zone.


- A 1.6 metre radioactive structure at Long Lake (hole LL08-05) returned up to 2385 cps from the downhole gamma probe (15 times background) while three narrow mineralized structures at Lyon Lake (hole LL08-07) returned gamma readings that ranged between 1106 and 2433 cps.

- Two of three eastern electromagnetic conductors drill-tested this winter on the Long Lake and Lyon Lake zones are now known to reflect altered, graphitic rocks. These two target areas represent 8.7 kilometers of prospective EM conductors.

- Drill holes on the Quetzal zone at Turnor Lake encountered broken, blocky, and desilicified Athabasca sandstone as well as narrow radioactive shear zones (up to 1463 cps), while holes in the Cotinga conductor encountered anomalous radioactivity at the unconformity (up to 1247 cps). These two target areas represent a further 8.0 kilometers of prospective EM conductors.

- Drilling at the Serin Lake Zone of the Turnor property intersected an interpreted uplifted block of basement rocks, an important feature associated with many of the larger uranium deposits found in the Athabasca Basin.

All drill holes were probed with a Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000 Poly-Gamma Probe and downhole surveyed using a Reflex EZ-SHOT tool. Drill core samples are being analyzed at the Saskatchewan Research Laboratory in Saskatoon, with the most recent results still pending.

Red Willow

Purepoint's 100% owned Red Willow project adjoins AREVA Resource Canada Inc.'s claim group that contains the JEB, Sue, McClean and Caribou deposits to the west, as well as UEX's Hidden Bay project that surrounds the Rabbit Lake, Collins Bay and Eagle Point deposits to the south. In April 2008, Purepoint reported on diamond drill hole RW-19 from the Osprey zone that intersected a structure averaging 0.58% U3O8 over 1.0 metre at a shallow depth of less than 100 metres and included an interval assaying 3.03% U3O8 over 0.1 metres. RW-19 is located approximately 80 metres north from the Osprey zone discovery hole RW-07, which reported 0.20% eU3O8 over 5.8 metres in December 2007.

Long Lake Zone

Four holes, LL08-01 through 04, tested the 4.5 kilometer electromagnetic (EM) conductor that partially runs beneath Long Lake. Three of the four holes intersected graphitic rocks that explained the conductor and all holes encountered strong silicification and/or strong chlorite alteration associated with fault zones. Significant radioactivity was not encountered. The source of the historic Long Lake boulder train, located due north of Long Lake, remains unknown. Less than a kilometer of the 4.5 km Long Lake conductor was drill-tested, and it is now thought that the source of the radioactive boulders remains further up-ice from the recent drill program.

One hole, LL08-05, tested the 1.0 kilometer EM conductor that partially runs beneath Riche Lake (located 500 m west of Long Lake). LL08-05 encountered a 1.6 metre radioactive fault zone with the downhole gamma probe returning greater than 1000 cps over the entire structure and a maximum reading of 2385 cps. Prospecting by Purepoint during the summer of 2006 discovered two radioactive boulders approximately 200 metres due south of Riche lake that returned uranium values up to 1.30% U3O8.

Lyon Lake Zone

Two holes, LL08-06 and 07, were drilled along the 4.2 kilometer EM conductor named the Lyon Lake zone. Both holes encountered graphitic rocks associated with strongly chloritic fault zones and strong silicification. LL08-06 did not intersect anomalous radioactivity but the second hole in the conductor, LL08-07, intersected three distinct radioactive zones. The LL08-07 zones of radioactivity were associated with small structures (less than 20 cm) at 31.1, 92.3 and 148.3 metres depth that returned 2433, 1106 and 1248 cps, respectively.

The Lyon Lake conductor was identified by Purepoint and had never been tested by drilling. The recent drilling has shown the EM conductor to be reflecting graphitic rock, making the entire length of the 4.2 km conductor prospective. Boulder sampling by Purepoint in 2007 returned values of 1.02% U3O8 and 1.14% U3O8 immediately south (down-ice) of the Lyon Lake conductor.

Turnor Lake

The Turnor Lake Project is 100% owned by Purepoint. This 9,705 hectare property covers graphitic electromagnetic (EM) conductors that are associated with uranium showings on adjoining properties, namely Cameco's La Rocque occurrence (up to 33.9% U3O8 over 5.5 m) to the west and Areva's HLH-50 intercept (5.2% U3O8 over 0.38 m) located to the south. The project lies in close proximity to several uranium deposits, including Midwest Lake, McClean Lake and Eagle Point, and has a shallow depth to the unconformity at less than 200 metres in most areas.

Quetzal Zone

Six holes (TL-35 to 40) tested the Quetzal zone and determined the depth to basement in this area to vary between 110 and 145 metres. The Quetzal Zone is located north of Purepoint's previous drilling. Approximately 7.0 kilometers of EM conductors were defined during 2007.

Three of the six holes (TL-36, 39 and 40) encountered graphitic basement rocks but did not intersect any major structure. TL-36 intersected a radioactive pyrite band (less than 20 cm) that returned up to 2392 cps. TL-39 intersected 35 metres of broken, blocky, desilicified and lost portions of core in the Athabasca sandstone immediately above the unconformity. Unfortunately, the hole was lost before the downhole gamma survey could be conducted. TL-40 intersected five narrow (less than 10 cm) radioactive shear zones hosting graphite and pyrite in a dark green strong chlorite altered matrix. The TL-40 shear zones returned gamma results up to 1463 cps.

The other three holes in the Quetzal Zone (TL-35, 37 and 38) targeted electromagnetic conductors proximal to granitic domes but encountered granitic basement rocks and failed to explain the conductor. No anomalous radioactivity was intersected in these three holes.

Cotinga Lake

Three holes (TL-41 to 43) tested the 1.0 km EM conductor in the Contiga Lake target area and showed the depth to basement ranges from 130 to 150 metres. TL-41 encountered numerous zones of blocky and rubbly core and desilicification in the Athabasca sandstone and intersected anomalous radioactivity just below the unconformity, up to 1237 cps, from a zone of missing core. TL-42 tested the same conductor as TL-41 600 metres along strike and also encountered anomalous radioactivity near the unconformity at 1247 cps. The radioactivity encountered in these holes is not thought to explain the radon anomaly in Cotinga Lake found by Asamera Oil Corporation in 1977. TL-43 encountered granite and non-graphitic pelitic basement rocks and did not explain the EM anomaly it was testing.

Serin Conductor

One hole (SL08-01) tested the Serin conductor, which is interpreted to be the northeastern extension of the conductor which hosts Cameco's La Rocque showing.

SL08-01 intersected the unconformity at Serin Lake 210 meters below surface, although results from the transient EM indicated the unconformity depth was approximately 350 meters. The basement rocks intersected were comprised of non-graphitic pelites and pegmatite, leaving the conductor unexplained. Downhole gamma readings returned weak radioactive anomalies (less than 800 cps) from the pegmatite contacts.

Results from a 1984 seismic survey suggest that SL08-01 was drilled into an unlifted block of basement rock, and that a major offset in the basement rocks lies just in front of SL08-01. An offset would be a significant discovery, as offsets in the unconformity are associated with many of the unconformity associated uranium deposits found in the Athabasca Basin.

About Purepoint

Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. is focused on the precision exploration in the Canadian Athabasca Basin of more than 42 defined target areas on its eleven 100% owned projects, and its two Basin projects joint ventured with Cameco Corporation and AREVA Resources Canada Inc. Established in the Basin well before the resurgence in uranium, Purepoint is actively advancing this large portfolio of multiple drill targets in the world's richest uranium region.

Scott Frostad BSc, MASc, PGeo, Purepoint's Vice President, Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for technical content of this release.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419188#419188 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 11.06.2008, 13:49 Uhr[/url]"]hast du eigentlich ne Datenbank? - bin immer wieder erstaunt wen du von wo kennst! :eek: :up:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419178#419178 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 11.06.2008, 13:39 Uhr[/url]"]bei Raytec ist uebrigens auch der Lateegra Direktor Verrico an Bord, wenn der LRG auf eine aehnliche MK bringt, dann waer ich nicht boese

Verrico war u.a. auch bei Candentes Boersengang instrumental

Ne, leider nicht, koennte ich aber mal anlegen.
Alles nur angelesen, haette ich in meinen BWL und Jura Studien derart gelernt und INteresse gezeigt, dann waere ich jetzt nicht im Kosovo, sondern irgendwo bei Roland Berger mit 6-stelligem Gehalt angestellt... :kichern:

Aber wer will schon 15 Stunden am Tag arbeiten!
und vorallem um immer zu derselben Erkenntnis zu kommen und zu verkaufen:

"....sie müssen Leute entlassen!..."............... 8)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419280#419280 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 11.06.2008, 14:57 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419188#419188 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 11.06.2008, 13:49 Uhr[/url]"]hast du eigentlich ne Datenbank? - bin immer wieder erstaunt wen du von wo kennst! :eek: :up:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419178#419178 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 11.06.2008, 13:39 Uhr[/url]"]bei Raytec ist uebrigens auch der Lateegra Direktor Verrico an Bord, wenn der LRG auf eine aehnliche MK bringt, dann waer ich nicht boese

Verrico war u.a. auch bei Candentes Boersengang instrumental

Ne, leider nicht, koennte ich aber mal anlegen.
Alles nur angelesen, haette ich in meinen BWL und Jura Studien derart gelernt und INteresse gezeigt, dann waere ich jetzt nicht im Kosovo, sondern irgendwo bei Roland Berger mit 6-stelligem Gehalt angestellt... :kichern:

Aber wer will schon 15 Stunden am Tag arbeiten!
<<<<<<<<<<<< Conference Call: Halo Resources >>>>>>>>>>>>
Hallo Herr XXX
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HEUTE: Halo Resources Conference Call
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Sehr geehrte Leser,

heute am 11.06.2008 um 18 Uhr deutscher Zeit wird ein Conference Call mit unserem Musterepotwert Halo Resources stattfinden, zu dem wir Sie auch gerne einladen daran teilzunehmen.

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Gesprächsleiter ist Herr Christoph Brüning, der Ihnen auch gerne Ihre Fragen und Antworten übersetzt. Sie müssen also kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen. Scheuen Sie sich nicht Ihre Fragen zu stellen.

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Ihr Team von stockreport.de
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419369#419369 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 11.06.2008, 15:37 Uhr[/url]"]Duengemittel-Explorer weiter der Hammer :eek:

raytec :shock:

alles weiter stark! und CAJ kommt heute auch wieder in Schwung.............
Also ich denke man sollte sich von allen Potash Buden was reinlegen und liegenlassen!
Man kann es traden aber manchmal schwierig!
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419401#419401 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 11.06.2008, 15:53 Uhr[/url]"]Also ich denke man sollte sich von allen Potash Buden was reinlegen und liegenlassen!
Man kann es traden aber manchmal schwierig!

yep! :up:

ausserdem bau ich weiter bei Phosphat Buden auf, die sind noch gar nicht so stark gelaufen, die Tonne wird aber sogar mit an die 1.000 USD gehandelt, Potash um die 600 USD

da steht der naechste Run ins Haus!
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419455#419455 schrieb:
KOC schrieb am 11.06.2008, 16:28 Uhr[/url]"]hallo

kennt ihr den wert A0M6HF ringbolt ventures


Kohle oder Potash??? :shock:

Welche hasten da auf Watch? thx....

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419461#419461 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 11.06.2008, 16:34 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419401#419401 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 11.06.2008, 15:53 Uhr[/url]"]Also ich denke man sollte sich von allen Potash Buden was reinlegen und liegenlassen!
Man kann es traden aber manchmal schwierig!

yep! :up:

ausserdem bau ich weiter bei Phosphat Buden auf, die sind noch gar nicht so stark gelaufen, die Tonne wird aber sogar mit an die 1.000 USD gehandelt, Potash um die 600 USD

da steht der naechste Run ins Haus!

hier die letzten news

Ringbolt clarifies June 5 news

Ringbolt Ventures Ltd (C:RBV)
Shares Issued 17,096,531
Last Close 6/4/2008 $1.22
Thursday June 05 2008 - News Release

Mr. Jason Walsh reports


Further to Ringbolt Ventures Ltd.'s news in Stockwatch dated June 5, 2008, in respect to the size of the K2O beds, the company did not intend to imply that there is a current mineral resource, as defined in National Instrument 43-101, and the average grades refer to the average grade of samples from historic drill holes.

© 2008 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Ringbolt acquires historical data for Utah potash site

Ringbolt Ventures Ltd (C:RBV)
Shares Issued 17,096,531
Last Close 6/4/2008 $1.22
Wednesday June 04 2008 - News Release

Mr. Jason Walsh reports


Ringbolt Ventures Ltd. is continuing to explore its prospecting permits and exploration licences on its potash property near Moab, Utah.

The company has acquired complete data on 20 of the 33 oil and gas wells drilled on or near its property (field verified). This data includes hole location as well as thickness and grade of the potash zones. The company is continuing its search for further information on the other 13 drill holes. These wells were drilled in the 1950s and 1960s before the NI 43-101 requirements were in place, so the results of the data must be viewed as historical in nature.

Radiometric data is available on all of the 20 holes and chemical data is available on 10 of the holes. Two major potash beds have been identified, the same beds from which potash is being produced in a mine 40 miles away. The data has allowed the company to make determinations of the permissive geometry of the two potash beds, including thickness, grade and aerial extent of the beds.

The lower of the two beds, identified as bed No. 9, has an aerial extent of 650 million square feet, as measured within one mile of a mineralized well. The bed averages 8.6 feet in thickness and grades 22 per cent K20.

The upper of the two beds, identified as bed No. 5, has an aerial extent of 550 million square feet, as measured within one mile of a mineralized well. The bed averages 6.5 feet in thickness and grades 16.5 per cent K20.

If the search radius is extended to five miles from a mineralized hole, as is done in the Saskatchewan basin, the aerial extent of bed No. 9 increases to three billion square feet with similar thickness and grade.

If the search radius is extended to five miles, the aerial extent of bed No. 5 increases to 2.5 billion square feet with similar thickness and grade. The majority of the historical drilling cited in this press release was carried out by Superior Oil Co. in the 1950s and the 1960s. The drill logs from these drill holes have been summarized in open file report No. 78-148 entitled "The Geology of the Lisbon Valley Potash Deposits, San Juan County, Utah" by Robert J. Hite, published by the United States Department of the Interior-Geological Survey. The company believes that this data is reliable because it appears to have been prepared internally for a major company, apparently seeking to make an objective appraisal of the economic potential of the potash beds; it does not appear to have been used for promotional or publicity purposes at the time. No more recent data or resource estimates are available in the public domain.

Stuart Havenstrite, CPG, and Mike Magrum, PEng, both qualified persons under NI 43-101, have approved the technical content of this news release.

© 2008 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419474#419474 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 11.06.2008, 16:41 Uhr[/url]"]Welche hasten da auf Watch? thx....

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419461#419461 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 11.06.2008, 16:34 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419401#419401 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 11.06.2008, 15:53 Uhr[/url]"]Also ich denke man sollte sich von allen Potash Buden was reinlegen und liegenlassen!
Man kann es traden aber manchmal schwierig!

yep! :up:

ausserdem bau ich weiter bei Phosphat Buden auf, die sind noch gar nicht so stark gelaufen, die Tonne wird aber sogar mit an die 1.000 USD gehandelt, Potash um die 600 USD

da steht der naechste Run ins Haus!

Pacific Ridge
EX-ZEL-LEN-TE Sharestructure!!!

die laeuft bis auf 3-5 CAD!
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419475#419475 schrieb:
KOC schrieb am 11.06.2008, 16:42 Uhr[/url]"]potash

hier die letzten news

Ringbolt clarifies June 5 news

Ringbolt Ventures Ltd (C:RBV)
Shares Issued 17,096,531
Last Close 6/4/2008 $1.22
Thursday June 05 2008 - News Release

Mr. Jason Walsh reports


Further to Ringbolt Ventures Ltd.'s news in Stockwatch dated June 5, 2008, in respect to the size of the K2O beds, the company did not intend to imply that there is a current mineral resource, as defined in National Instrument 43-101, and the average grades refer to the average grade of samples from historic drill holes.

© 2008 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

Ringbolt acquires historical data for Utah potash site

Ringbolt Ventures Ltd (C:RBV)
Shares Issued 17,096,531
Last Close 6/4/2008 $1.22
Wednesday June 04 2008 - News Release

Mr. Jason Walsh reports


Ringbolt Ventures Ltd. is continuing to explore its prospecting permits and exploration licences on its potash property near Moab, Utah.

The company has acquired complete data on 20 of the 33 oil and gas wells drilled on or near its property (field verified). This data includes hole location as well as thickness and grade of the potash zones. The company is continuing its search for further information on the other 13 drill holes. These wells were drilled in the 1950s and 1960s before the NI 43-101 requirements were in place, so the results of the data must be viewed as historical in nature.

Radiometric data is available on all of the 20 holes and chemical data is available on 10 of the holes. Two major potash beds have been identified, the same beds from which potash is being produced in a mine 40 miles away. The data has allowed the company to make determinations of the permissive geometry of the two potash beds, including thickness, grade and aerial extent of the beds.

The lower of the two beds, identified as bed No. 9, has an aerial extent of 650 million square feet, as measured within one mile of a mineralized well. The bed averages 8.6 feet in thickness and grades 22 per cent K20.

The upper of the two beds, identified as bed No. 5, has an aerial extent of 550 million square feet, as measured within one mile of a mineralized well. The bed averages 6.5 feet in thickness and grades 16.5 per cent K20.

If the search radius is extended to five miles from a mineralized hole, as is done in the Saskatchewan basin, the aerial extent of bed No. 9 increases to three billion square feet with similar thickness and grade.

If the search radius is extended to five miles, the aerial extent of bed No. 5 increases to 2.5 billion square feet with similar thickness and grade. The majority of the historical drilling cited in this press release was carried out by Superior Oil Co. in the 1950s and the 1960s. The drill logs from these drill holes have been summarized in open file report No. 78-148 entitled "The Geology of the Lisbon Valley Potash Deposits, San Juan County, Utah" by Robert J. Hite, published by the United States Department of the Interior-Geological Survey. The company believes that this data is reliable because it appears to have been prepared internally for a major company, apparently seeking to make an objective appraisal of the economic potential of the potash beds; it does not appear to have been used for promotional or publicity purposes at the time. No more recent data or resource estimates are available in the public domain.

Stuart Havenstrite, CPG, and Mike Magrum, PEng, both qualified persons under NI 43-101, have approved the technical content of this news release.

© 2008 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

:danke: Danke!
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419479#419479 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 11.06.2008, 16:47 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419474#419474 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 11.06.2008, 16:41 Uhr[/url]"]Welche hasten da auf Watch? thx....

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419461#419461 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 11.06.2008, 16:34 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419401#419401 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 11.06.2008, 15:53 Uhr[/url]"]Also ich denke man sollte sich von allen Potash Buden was reinlegen und liegenlassen!
Man kann es traden aber manchmal schwierig!

yep! :up:

ausserdem bau ich weiter bei Phosphat Buden auf, die sind noch gar nicht so stark gelaufen, die Tonne wird aber sogar mit an die 1.000 USD gehandelt, Potash um die 600 USD

da steht der naechste Run ins Haus!

Pacific Ridge
ARISE Technologies Signs Six-Year Agreement for Supply of Silicon Wafers From ReneSola
ARISE Technologies Corporation APV
6/11/2008 9:36:52 AM
WATERLOO, ON, Jun 11, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH (ARISE Germany) has signed a six-year agreement with a wholly owned subsidiary of ReneSola Ltd (NYSE: SOL and AIM: SOLA.L) to supply ARISE with 203.5 MW of silicon wafers. ReneSola Ltd is a leading solar wafer manufacturer based in China.

The agreement with Zhejiang Yuhui Energy Source Co., Ltd. commences July 1, 2008 and extends through June 30, 2014. Shipments are expected to consist of 203.5 MW of silicon wafers over the 6-year term. Pricing and payment terms are consistent with current standard industry practices.

"With this agreement, ARISE now has supply contracts for 100 percent of the solar wafers that we require in 2008 and approximately 60 percent of our needs for 2009 for our PV (photovoltaic) cell production plans at our new German manufacturing plant," said Bart Tichelman, President and Chief Executive Officer. "ReneSola is the seventh, high-quality silicon wafer manufacturer with which ARISE now has developed a supply relationship that we believe will enable us to meet our longer-term requirements."
@ duke

Wie siehts du Canasia? Könnte bei dem Hype locker an den 1 Can $ laufen!! Wie siehst du die Bewertung? Canasia hat allerdings noch keine NI konforme Resource.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=419392#419392 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 11.06.2008, 15:48 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik
Canasia wird locker zu 1Cad laufen. Daneben gefällt mir Raytec (Kali +Eisenerz und Uran)extrem gut. man muss einfach den Mut haben einzusteigen, auch wenn die Charts immer nach Korrektur rufen!
- HLO -

So, Halo-Telefonkonferenz ist vorbei!
Wer von euch war dabei?

Marc und Lynda von Halo waren am Start.

Das interessanteste für mich war:
Der nächste NI-43-101 beinhaltet ALLE Deposits in EINEM REPORT !!
Also Cold, Lost, Bob, Jungle, Park ..... ALLES in einem NI-43-101.
Dann sollten es endlich alle Analysten checken, was hier für eine Potential schlummert!

Es wurde nach der Share Structure gefragt.
Hier die Antwort von Lynda Bloom:

35-40% retail (frei am Markt)
50% Institutionelle (nach dem letzten Financing)
10% Management
3% Zinifex

Von allen Aktien sind 12-15% in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten