• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
bei WO schreibt Kauf das das NI43-101 bei Sedar+TSX-V vorliegt und zur Veröffentlichung freigegeben weren soll - könnt u.U. einen Trading HAlt zum Start in Canada geben!
ich zitiere mal:
"...Also nochmals direkt bestätigt, 43-101 am Montag nach TSX Freigabe. TDO soll nun auch endlich gedrillt werden. Wer nächste Woche in Zürich oder Genf ist sollte mal Tom kontaktieren bei Interesse. ..."
:gruebel: PBX machts aber spannend!
nochmal ein paar geholt
bei WO schreibt Kauf das das NI43-101 bei Sedar+TSX-V vorliegt und zur Veröffentlichung freigegeben weren soll - könnt u.U. einen Trading HAlt zum Start in Canada geben!
ich zitiere mal:
"...Also nochmals direkt bestätigt, 43-101 am Montag nach TSX Freigabe. TDO soll nun auch endlich gedrillt werden. Wer nächste Woche in Zürich oder Genf ist sollte mal Tom kontaktieren bei Interesse. ..."
:gruebel: PBX machts aber spannend!
war ne gute Entscheidung denke ich! :up: und ich kann heute nich gucken wie´s läuft........der ganze Nachmittag und Abend ist zu - naja, lass ich mich eben überraschen -aber wehe ihr macht sellongoodNews :evil:
nochmal ein paar geholt
bei WO schreibt Kauf das das NI43-101 bei Sedar+TSX-V vorliegt und zur Veröffentlichung freigegeben weren soll - könnt u.U. einen Trading HAlt zum Start in Canada geben!
ich zitiere mal:
"...Also nochmals direkt bestätigt, 43-101 am Montag nach TSX Freigabe. TDO soll nun auch endlich gedrillt werden. Wer nächste Woche in Zürich oder Genf ist sollte mal Tom kontaktieren bei Interesse. ..."
:gruebel: PBX machts aber spannend!
Mal nach vorne geholt:
Das Canada Basket im charttechnischen Überblick. Anlagezeitraum 2 Jahre plus x! Reihenfolge wie
im Thread.

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Southern Arc Minerals http://www.southernarcminerals.com/s/Home.asp
nächste Bre-Ex oder nächste Lihir (tippe auf Lihir), multi-mio Oz Potential in Indonesien, Partner von Newmont
Alexandria Minerals http://www.azx.ca/
Top aufgestellter Junior in Kanada, so viel Gelände, dass da mind. eine 1 mio Oz Mine bei rumkommt!

Mexivada Mining http://www.mexivada.com/s/Home.asp
halten ev. den weltweit letzten unerforschten Greenstone Belt, Potential 15-20mio Oz Au in der Rep. Kongo (nicht Zaire!!!), zudem etliche potentielle multi-mio Oz Gelände in Nevada neben den Majors

Int. PBX http://www.internationalpbx.com/
haben in Chile das wahrscheinlich das größte Moly Vorkommen der Welt, zudem ausgezeichnete Rhenium Werte, das fast so teuer ist wie Gold

Largo Minerals http://www.largoresources.com/
haben in Canada das größte unerschlossene Moly-Tungsten Depot der Welt, allle drei seltenen Metalle sind in der Stahlindustrie von strategischem Interesse als Härter/Veredeler, Zusatzpotential durch Platin und Palladium in Brasilien

Vangold Resources http://vangold.ca/
halten über 40.000 km2 Öl-Explorations/Produktionsanteils-Lizenzen in Burundi, Kenya, Armenien, ev. Nickel Player in Uganda, multi mio Oz Au Potential in PNG, zwei Spin-offs in Arbeit

Bluerock Resources http://www.bluerockresources.com/s/Home.asp
Uran Micro-Cap, haben etliche ex-Minen in den USA mit bestehenden Produktionslizenzen(!!!) aufgesammelt
Purepoint Uranium http://www.purepoint.ca/
bevorzugter Explorer für Cameco, die alle verfügbaren Resourcen auf die Wiederherstellung der Cigar Lake Mine verwenden müssen, Purepoint wird imho in 2-3 Jahren von Cameco übernommen

Sparton Resources www.spartonres.ca
Gold in China mit Regierungsbeteiligung, Gold in Nevada, Urangebiete, die eigentliche Phantasie steckt in dem Uranextrahierungsverfahren aus Kohleasche

Cornerstone Capital http://www.cornerstoneresources.com/s/Home.asp
Beteiligung und JVs an an die 50 Geländen und Projekten in Canada und Ecuador mit Top-Partnern
Zitat aus Fischis Basket:

Int. PBX http://www.internationalpbx.com/
haben in Chile das wahrscheinlich das größte Moly Vorkommen der Welt, zudem ausgezeichnete Rhenium Werte, das fast so teuer ist wie Gold ist...."

dazu wissen wir heute mehr! :)
Cooper Minerals Begins Drilling on Terra Property, Great Bear Lake Area
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Oct 1, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Cooper Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CQ)(FRANKFURT:JM6) is pleased to announce that diamond drilling has commenced at the Terra project, 430 kilometres north of Yellowknife, in the Northwest Territories. Cooper Minerals, holding 175,000 acres, is the largest public company landholder in the area. A minimum $2-million program, including drilling, is under way.

Simon Tam, president of Cooper Minerals, says: "The identification of large mineralized structures with intense hydrothermal alteration is guiding our selection of drill targets. We intend to aggressively drill these targets."

The Great Bear Lake area contains three historic mining camps, which are in close proximity and are geologically connected. These are the Port Radium, the Contact Lake and the Terra camps. The formerly producing mines in these camps produced intermittently from 1930 until 1985 over 48 million ounces silver, 15 million pounds of U3O8 and 7,000 tons of copper (Strand, 1996). A number of large hydrothermal systems have affected the area, consisting of intense iron and alkali-rich alteration zones. Uranium, copper, gold, silver, cobalt and bismuth showings have been documented on the properties.

The Cooper properties are situated in a geological setting that has the potential to host Echo bay-type, high-grade uranium and silver mineralization as well as the potential to host high-unit-value polymetallic mineralization associated with large-tonnage, IOCG-type deposits.

The Olympic Dam or IOCG model is proposed as a significant exploration target on Cooper's properties in this part of the Great Bear magmatic zone. These polymetallic targets have the potential to host billions of tons of copper, gold and uranium mineralization (Olympic Dam type). The resource at the Olympic Dam deposit (owned by BHP Billiton) was recently increased to 7.7 billion metric tonnes grading 0.87% copper, 0.29 kg/tonne U3O8, 0.30 g/t gold and 1.61 g/t silver. The Olympic Dam deposit is the largest uranium deposit in the world, the fourth largest copper deposit and the fifth largest gold deposit.

Mike Magrum, PEng, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has approved the technical content of this news release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Cooper Minerals Inc.

Simon Tam, Director

This News Release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction. "Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This News Release contains Forward Looking Statements that are not historical facts and are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in or implied herein.

SOURCE: Cooper Minerals Inc.

Cooper Minerals Inc. Simon Tam Director (604) 871-9930 (604) 871-9926 (FAX)
Copyright (C) 2007 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
nach den letzten Samples von Cooper ist das sehr realistisch mit dem Volltreffer - brauchen ja nur da ansetzten - was meint Ihr wie lange das dauert bis die ersten Ergebnisse vorliegen?
4-6 Wochen?
Also ne Posi hab ich schon!:whistle:
na gut - dann bleibt noch Zeit zum sammeln.....aber ich denke die sollte man unbedingt auf WL haben - gelle?!
nach den letzten Samples von Cooper ist das sehr realistisch mit dem Volltreffer - brauchen ja nur da ansetzten - was meint Ihr wie lange das dauert bis die ersten Ergebnisse vorliegen?
4-6 Wochen?

Vielleicht ein bisschen länger! :rolleyes:
Bei Mexivada MNV ist auch was im Busch! Drilling results. :evil:
Also ne Posi hab ich schon!:whistle:
na gut - dann bleibt noch Zeit zum sammeln.....aber ich denke die sollte man unbedingt auf WL haben - gelle?!
nach den letzten Samples von Cooper ist das sehr realistisch mit dem Volltreffer - brauchen ja nur da ansetzten - was meint Ihr wie lange das dauert bis die ersten Ergebnisse vorliegen?
4-6 Wochen?

Vielleicht ein bisschen länger! :rolleyes:

Zitat aus Fischis Basket:

Int. PBX http://www.internationalpbx.com/
haben in Chile das wahrscheinlich das größte Moly Vorkommen der Welt, zudem ausgezeichnete Rhenium Werte, das fast so teuer ist wie Gold ist...."

dazu wissen wir heute mehr! :)
Wieviel Moly soll denn da liegen? Und bei welchen Grades ungefähr?


PDF Copaquire. Könnte eine realistische Vermutung sein.

Oct 02, 2007 00:15 ET
Trade Winds Intersects High Grade Gold, 120.83 Grams/Tonne Over 1.50 Metres, Within the M Zone on Block A Property at Detour Lake, Ontario

TIMMINS, ON--(Marketwire - October 2, 2007) - Trade Winds Ventures (TSX VENTURE: TWD) (FRANKFURT: TVR) is pleased to announce more results from its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase. The purpose of drilling these three holes, TWDDH-220, TWDDH-221, & TWDDH-223 on Section 15900E, hole TWDDH-225 on Section 15980E and hole TWDDH-227 on Section 16020E, is to determine the continuity of the M Zone structural corridor by infill drilling previous excellent results at a 40 meter spacing. The M Zone ultramafic and numerous other gold bearing structures were intersected in all three holes, with gold mineralization ranging from approximately 20 metres to 200 metres below surface and approximately 40 metres above or below previous drilling on those sections.

In March of 2006, Trade Winds discovered new, near surface mineralization along the M Zone corridor (see news release May 16, 2006). Phase 1 of this winter's drilling was to explore the mineralization of this new zone along a 480 metre strike between sections 15380E and 15860E. Today's results on these three sections represent the beginning of the Phase 2 infill drilling of the October 2006 Resource Estimate.

On Section 15900E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-220 returned 3.10 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres, 2.97 grams/tonne over 5.00 metres, and 2.07 grams/tonne gold over 7.00 metres.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-221 returned 7.64 grams/tonne over 3.00 metres, 15.45 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre and 3.77 grams/tonne over 3.25 metres.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-223 returned 13.40 grams/tonne over 0.92 metre, 25.8 grams/tonne over 0.50 metre, and 1.65 grams/tonne over 7.00 metres.

On Section 15980E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-225 returned 2.15 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre, 120.83 grams/tonne over 1.50 metres, and 14.35 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre.

On Section 16020E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-227 returned 3.54 grams/tonne over 3.00 metres and 2.59 grams/tonne over 8.00 metres.

Details of significant fire assay results received for recent holes completed on Sections 15900E, 15980E and 16020E are as follows:

NAME (m.) (m.) Vertical(m.) (m.) (g/tonne gold)(g/tonne gold)
TWDDH-220 108 112 88 4.00 1.16

153 155 125 2.00 3.10
Including 153 154 1.00 4.46

TWDDH-220 159 164 130 5.00 2.97

170 171 139 1.00 9.50
179 186 146 7.00 2.07
Including 179 180 1.00 4.78
And 185 186 1.00 6.52

198 199 162 1.00 3.27

236 240 193 4.00 2.17
Including 237.7 238.2 0.50 6.13

244 247.25 200 3.25 2.29
Including 244 245 1.00 4.65

TWDDH-221 54 57 44 3.00 7.64
Including 54 55 1.00 21.10

70 71 57 1.00 15.45

162 163 132 1.00 6.87

192 195.25 157 3.25 3.77
Including 194.75 195.25 0.50 15.60

TWDDH-223 41 42 33 1.00 2.25

45 46 36 1.00 2.22

78.08 79 64 0.92 13.40

96.25 09.75 78 0.50 25.80

152 159 124 7.00 1.65

165 165.71 135 0.71 3.11

186 187 152 1.00 3.25

TWDDH-225 49 50 40 1.00 2.15

140.5 142 115 1.50 120.83
Including 140.5 141 0.50 124.50
And 141 142 1.00 119.00

192 193 157 1.00 14.35

TWDDH-227 27 30 22 3.00 3.54
Including 29 30 1.00 8.26

36 44 29 8.00 2.59
Including 39 39.75 0.75 8.36
And 40.57 41.25 0.68 6.96

True Width is estimated to be between 65-75% of core length. Drawings for Sections15900E, 15980E and 16020E are available on the Company's website www.tradewindsventures.com
Trade Winds Intersects High Grade Gold, 120.83 Grams/Tonne Over 1.50 Metres, Within the M Zone on Block A Property at Detour Lake, Ontario
TIMMINS, ON, Oct 02, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Trade Winds Ventures (TSX-V: TWD) (FRANKFURT: TVR) is pleased to announce more results from its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase. The purpose of drilling these three holes, TWDDH-220, TWDDH-221, & TWDDH-223 on Section 15900E, hole TWDDH-225 on Section 15980E and hole TWDDH-227 on Section 16020E, is to determine the continuity of the M Zone structural corridor by infill drilling previous excellent results at a 40 meter spacing. The M Zone ultramafic and numerous other gold bearing structures were intersected in all three holes, with gold mineralization ranging from approximately 20 metres to 200 metres below surface and approximately 40 metres above or below previous drilling on those sections.

In March of 2006, Trade Winds discovered new, near surface mineralization along the M Zone corridor (see news release May 16, 2006). Phase 1 of this winter's drilling was to explore the mineralization of this new zone along a 480 metre strike between sections 15380E and 15860E. Today's results on these three sections represent the beginning of the Phase 2 infill drilling of the October 2006 Resource Estimate.

On Section 15900E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-220 returned 3.10 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres, 2.97 grams/tonne over 5.00 metres, and 2.07 grams/tonne gold over 7.00 metres.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-221 returned 7.64 grams/tonne over 3.00 metres, 15.45 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre and 3.77 grams/tonne over 3.25 metres.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-223 returned 13.40 grams/tonne over 0.92 metre, 25.8 grams/tonne over 0.50 metre, and 1.65 grams/tonne over 7.00 metres.

On Section 15980E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-225 returned 2.15 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre, 120.83 grams/tonne over 1.50 metres, and 14.35 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre.

On Section 16020E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-227 returned 3.54 grams/tonne over 3.00 metres and 2.59 grams/tonne over 8.00 metres.

Details of significant fire assay results received for recent holes completed on Sections 15900E, 15980E and 16020E are as follows:

NAME (m.) (m.) Vertical(m.) (m.) (g/tonne gold)(g/tonne gold)
TWDDH-220 108 112 88 4.00 1.16
153 155 125 2.00 3.10
Including 153 154 1.00 4.46
TWDDH-220 159 164 130 5.00 2.97
170 171 139 1.00 9.50
179 186 146 7.00 2.07
Including 179 180 1.00 4.78
And 185 186 1.00 6.52
198 199 162 1.00 3.27
236 240 193 4.00 2.17
Including 237.7 238.2 0.50 6.13
244 247.25 200 3.25 2.29
Including 244 245 1.00 4.65
TWDDH-221 54 57 44 3.00 7.64
Including 54 55 1.00 21.10
70 71 57 1.00 15.45
162 163 132 1.00 6.87
192 195.25 157 3.25 3.77
Including 194.75 195.25 0.50 15.60
TWDDH-223 41 42 33 1.00 2.25
45 46 36 1.00 2.22
78.08 79 64 0.92 13.40
96.25 09.75 78 0.50 25.80
152 159 124 7.00 1.65
165 165.71 135 0.71 3.11
186 187 152 1.00 3.25
TWDDH-225 49 50 40 1.00 2.15
140.5 142 115 1.50 120.83
Including 140.5 141 0.50 124.50
And 141 142 1.00 119.00
192 193 157 1.00 14.35
TWDDH-227 27 30 22 3.00 3.54
Including 29 30 1.00 8.26
36 44 29 8.00 2.59
Including 39 39.75 0.75 8.36
And 40.57 41.25 0.68 6.96

True Width is estimated to be between 65-75% of core length. Drawings for Sections15900E, 15980E and 16020E are available on the Company's website www.tradewindsventures.com

Diamond drill hole location and final depths for the M Zone diamond drill program on Sections15900E, 15980E and 16020E are as follows:

ction Hole# Northing Easting Azimuth Dip Length(m)
15900E TWDDH-220 20644.9 15901.76 180 -55 297.00
TWDDH-221 20606.0 15902.49 180 -55 235.00
TWDDH-223 20565.3 15902.71 180 -55 259.00
15980E TWDDH-225 20536.4 15979.85 180 -55 195.00
16020E TWDDH-227 20459.5 16021.59 180 -55 106.00

The M Zone structural corridor is a gold bearing structure that begins near surface at the eastern boundary of Block A, and plunges gently westward along strike for over four kilometres on to the immediately adjacent 100% owned Gowest property. Two significant mineralized zones occur along a komatiite structure, the Upper and Lower M Zone gold zones. The near surface and other portions of the M Zone structural corridor drilled to date are the subject of our recent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate (October 2006). The 2007 M Zone winter drilling program was designed to test the westward near surface extension of the known gold mineralization with the purpose of adding new gold ounces to the resource estimate, and upgrading the current near surface inferred resource to the indicated category.

Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) was commissioned by Trade Winds to provide an independent Mineral Resource Estimate in conformance with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve definitions referred to in the National Instrument NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The resource estimation work was completed in October 2006 and is based on information contained within the Technical Report prepared by Golder on Trade Winds behalf and filed on SEDAR, which, using a cut-off of 1.0 grams/tonne, outlines an indicated resource of 14,158,000 tonnes grading 1.77 grams Au/t containing 804,321 ounces of gold and an inferred mineral resource of 24,796,000 tonnes grading 1.88 g Au/t containing 1,499,552 ounces of gold.

Mr. Alex Burton, P. Eng., P. Geo., is the qualified person for Trade Winds' projects at Detour Lake. Trade Winds, as operator of the projects, has implemented a quality control program to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of the drill core. All fire assay results are being provided by ALS Chemex.

Management is looking to increase shareholder value by working towards the completion of the spin-out of its Tuole Gold/Copper and the Silu Zinc/Lead projects, located in the Peoples Republic of China, to a wholly owned subsidiary. Western China Mining ("WCH") proposes to list on a Canadian stock exchange following an Initial Public Offering (IPO) to fund the development programs for these projects. It is expected that TWD would own approximately 50% of WCH prior to the distribution to shareholders. The assignments have been made, the NI 43-101 reports are completed and signed, and the audit of WCH is underway. Following completion of the audit, the Offering Prospectus will be submitted for initial review by the BCSC, ASC and OSC.

TWD has indicated that it will look at similar spin-out strategies for its other Canadian projects, which include a 60% option in the Birch Lake, Ontario gold project and its 100% interests in the Turner Lake, Nunavut project and its Treasure Mountain copper property and Dardanelles gold property in B.C. These spin-out strategies are being designed to improve the identification and valuation of each specific TWD property and to enable TWD to separately finance and develop its various assets, selectively reducing stock dilution.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.


Distributed by Filing Services Canada and retransmitted by Marketwire


Ian D. Lambert

Terry McGee
Investor Relations
Toll Free (877) 811-4518 ext 228
(604) 742-2531

Email: Email Contact
Visit our Website at www.tradewindsventures.com

Suite 300, 1620 West 8th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V6J 1V4

117 Kent Avenue
Timmins, ON P4N 3B9

SOURCE: Trade Winds Ventures Inc.

http://www2.marketwire.com/mw/emailprcntct?id=4B81E72F9719AB17 http://www.tradewindsventures.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
:gruebel: liest sich nich so gut für die Equador-Werte.............?

Ecuador folgt dem Vorbild Venezuelas
Klare linke Mehrheit im Verfassungskonvent

Klaus Ehringfeld

MEXIKO-STADT. Für Ecuadors Präsidenten Rafael Correa stand viel auf dem Spiel. Sein Amt wolle er zur Verfügung stellen, wenn sein Bündnis "Alianza País" nicht die absolute Mehrheit bei der Wahl zur Verfassunggebenden Versammlung erzielen würde, hatte der Linksnationalist angekündigt. Wie es aussieht, darf Correa bleiben: Laut einer Hochrechnung der Nichtregierungsorganisation Participación Ciudadana erzielte Correas Plattform knapp 62 Prozent der Stimmen und käme damit auf maximal 79 der 130 Sitze in der Versammlung. Keine andere Liste erzielte ein zweistelliges Ergebnis. Für das Bündnis des Rechtspopulisten und Bananenunternehmers Alvaro Noboa, der Correa vor einem Jahr in der Stichwahl um das Präsidentenamt unterlegen war, stimmten nur 6,7 Prozent der Ecuadorianer. Es sei der Moment gekommen, die "lange neoliberale Nacht" zu beenden, sagte Correa.

Mit der Verfassunggebenden Versammlung, einem zentralen Wahlversprechen, will Correa seinem Freund Hugo Chavez nacheifern und den "Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhunderts" in seinem Andenstaat verwirklichen. Hauptaufgabe des Gremiums ist die Ausarbeitung eines neuen Grundgesetzes für Ecuador. Correa, der seit Anfang des Jahres amtiert, will das Land "neu gründen". Gemeint ist damit vor allem die gerechtere Verteilung der nationalen Reichtümer. Trotz reicher Ölvorkommen leben knapp 40 Prozent der 13 Millionen Ecuadorianer in Armut. Besonders groß ist ihr Anteil unter den Ureinwohnern.

Zudem sollen Parlament und Parteien entmachtet werden, die für den in den USA ausgebildeten Ökonomen Correa die Wurzel allen Übels sind. Sie tragen nach seiner Meinung nicht zur Demokratisierung des Landes bei, sondern sind Instrumente zur Wahrung der Besitzstände der Eliten. So wundert es nicht, dass die erste Aufgabe der Verfassungsgebenden Versammlung, die Ende Oktober ihre Arbeit aufnehmen soll, die Auflösung des Einkammer-Parlaments sein wird.

Jederzeit abwählbar

Zudem soll der Verfassungskonvent Elemente der direkten Demokratie schaffen. Künftig sollen vom Gemeinderat bis zum Präsidenten alle Politiker jederzeit abgewählt werden können. Auch die Unabhängigkeit der Zentralbank steht auf der Streichliste.

Mit seinem Projekt folgt Correa seinen Amtsbrüdern Chavez in Venezuela und Evo Morales in Bolivien. Beide Staatschefs hatten rasch nach ihren Wahlsiegen eine Verfassungsversammlung wählen lassen. In Venezuela glückte das Vorhaben 1999, doch die Magna Charta lässt der Linksnationalist derzeit erneut überarbeiten, um seine unbegrenzte Wiederwahl zu ermöglichen.

Weniger erfolgreich verläuft der Prozess in Bolivien. Dort hat die Verfassunggebende Versammlung seit ihrer Konstituierung vor einem Jahr nicht einen einzigen Artikel verabschiedet. Derzeit sind die Beratungen abermals ausgesetzt. Eigentlich hätte der Verfassungstext schon vor einem Monat vorliegen sollen. Nun hoffen alle Beteiligten auf Mitte Dezember.

Berliner Zeitung, 02.10.2007
Corriente + Salazar erfüllen diese Bedingungen in jedem Fall!
Einbindung der ortansässigen Bevölkerung und deren Zustimmung,Ökologie usw... :)
Oct 02, 2007 07:59 ET
NioGold Mining Corporation: Roxane Uranium Prospect Traced Over 2 Km at Pump Lake
Magnetite Horizon Returns 40% Iron Content
VAL-D'OR, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Oct. 2, 2007) - NioGold Mining Corporation (TSX VENTURE:NOX)(FRANKFURT:NG1) ("NioGold") reports: Prospecting and ground geophysical surveying on the Pump Lake property, Quebec, uncovered several more radioactive units up to 2.3 kilometres on trend from the Roxane uranium prospect where intrusive units returned values of up to 0.20% U3O8 or 4.0 lbs / ton U3O8 (see News Release dated September 11, 2007).

Follow up work conducted in September on the Roxane prospect discovered in July consisted of line-cutting, ground radiometric and magnetic geophysical surveying and prospecting over a 2.6 by 1.0 kilometre area. The geophysical survey was conducted by Abitibi Geophysics. Several more intrusive units with high uranium CPS counts were uncovered and sampled. The Roxane radioactive zone has now been traced over an east-northeast strike extent of 2.3 kilometres. Assay results are pending. Several radiometric anomalies recorded by the geophysical survey remain to be investigated. Mechanical stripping of select areas is planned for the month of October.

Magnetite Horizon

Initial sampling of a magnetite-bearing horizon exposed 1 kilometre northeast of the Roxane uranium prospect returned values of up to 40% total iron. Mechanical stripping is planned in October to determine the orientation and thickness of the horizon and to collect more samples for Davis Tube recovery tests of the magnetite.

Pump Lake is an early stage project that displays characteristics comparable to the iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) class of mineral deposits. World-Class examples of IOCG's are found at Olympic Dam and the Cloncurry district (Australia), Candelaria (Chili), Salobo (Brasil), and the Kiruna district (Sweden). On Pump Lake, occurrences of iron oxides (magnetite), copper, gold and uranium are found to be closely related to a recently recognised alkaline intrusive complex of yet unknown extent.

The Pump Lake project is located 50 kilometres north of the Mt-Laurier uranium district, Quebec. Under the terms of an option agreement with Ressources Maxima inc. ("Maxima"), NioGold is earning a 100% interest in the Pump Lake property by paying a total of $100,000, issuing a total of 500,000 common shares to Maxima and incurring at least $500,000 of exploration expenditures.

Quality Assurance / Quality Control and Qualified Persons

The rock samples are bagged and sealed by NioGold personnel and are delivered to ALS-Chemex in Val-d'Or, Quebec, an accredited laboratory. The samples are analysed for a suite of 38 elements by lithium meta-borate fusion and ICP-MS for quantitative results of all elements, including those encapsulated in resistive minerals.

This press release was prepared by Rock Lefrancois, P. Geo. (OGQ), the Company's Vice-President and Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The exploration programs are conducted under the supervision of Bertrand Brassard, M.Sc., P.Geo. (OGQ), also a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

NioGold Mining Corporation - "The Golden Highway Runs Through NioGold"

NioGold Mining Corporation is a junior exploration company primarily focused on GOLD. The Company's main properties are the Camflo West and the Marban Block located in the Malartic and Val-d'Or Mining Camps, with a historic production of 25 million ounces of gold. The camps presently encompass several active advanced exploration and mine development projects such as Canadian Malartic (Osisko Exploration), Kiena (Wesdome), Midway (Northern Star Mining), Goldex (Agnico-Eagle) and Lac Herbin (Alexis Minerals). The Marban Block encompasses three former gold producers, namely the Norlartic, Kierens (First Canadian), and Marban mines that collectively produced 592,265 ounces of gold.

NioGold's experienced and qualified technical team will ensure the successful advancement of the Company's projects towards the highest quality mineral resources. NioGold invites you to visit the company website at www.niogold.com.

This Press Release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties.

The TSX Venture Exchange or the Frankfurt Stock Exchange did not approve nor do not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
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