• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Olympus Pacific Minerals
Gold Produzent in Vietnam, ein halbes Dutzend multi-mio Oz zusaetliche Explo-Projekte, weitere Posi long!

Montello Resources

ganz miese Sache!
fette Insiderverkaeufe, als das anfing hatte ich verkauft, haben angeblich eine Monster-Well in Tennessee, nun wurde gestern verkuendet, dass man noch nicht einmal mehr in diesem Jahr mit dem loggen fertig wird, stattdessen weiter Dilution, Anleger strafen massiv ab, kein Handlungsbedarf

Torch River

haben eigentlich eine schoene Moly-Resource, mit Rhenium
aber das dauert, bis da wieder was gebohrt wird, bis dahin eher abwaerts, seitwaerts, noch kein Handlungsbedarf, auch wenn der Chart nach Boden schreit (aber bei welchen Explorern macht er das momentan nicht....?

wie seht Ihr TJS - tenajon?

m.M. neben PBX und TWD einer der nächsten Kandidaten....
soll da bald noch was BE-technisch kommen oder auch erst im neuen Jahr?

apropos BE - bei Osisko erwarte ich eigentlich recht bald eine wahre Flut von Ergebnissen;
die Jungs bohren aktuell mit 16 (!!!!!!!) Rigs ca. 20.000m pro Monat :evil: !!!!
2 Labore sind nur noch mit denen beschäftigt :kichern:
denke die wollen ihre aktuellen 8,4 Mill Unzen Gold glatt verdoppeln
sind auch wie alle stark zurück gekommen........werden auch als Ü-kandidat stark gehandelt

wie seht Ihr TJS - tenajon?

m.M. neben PBX und TWD einer der nächsten Kandidaten....

Glasklarer Kauf!!!!!
da hab ich noch eine Uralt-Posi, leider relativ klein aber steuerfrei... :D
soll da bald noch was BE-technisch kommen oder auch erst im neuen Jahr?

apropos BE - bei Osisko erwarte ich eigentlich recht bald eine wahre Flut von Ergebnissen;
die Jungs bohren aktuell mit 16 (!!!!!!!) Rigs ca. 20.000m pro Monat :evil: !!!!
2 Labore sind nur noch mit denen beschäftigt :kichern:
denke die wollen ihre aktuellen 8,4 Mill Unzen Gold glatt verdoppeln
sind auch wie alle stark zurück gekommen........werden auch als Ü-kandidat stark gehandelt

wie seht Ihr TJS - tenajon?

m.M. neben PBX und TWD einer der nächsten Kandidaten....

Glasklarer Kauf!!!!!
Acero Martin heute wieder mal mit ordentlichen Ergebnissen, charttechnisch am Boden, koennte drehen

da hängt bei dem Projekt auch immer noch Marifil mit drinne - die gefallen mir auch,
haben schönes Projekt in Brasilien (Indium usw.), sollte eigentlich auch bald ein Ressourcenupdate für kommen - und dann werden sie ihren Anteil an Acero verscherbeln um Kohle zu haben

by the way - Osisko ist meine älteste Posi , jetzt auch kleiner als am Anfang, aber einfach Wahnsinn!
Acero Martin heute wieder mal mit ordentlichen Ergebnissen, charttechnisch am Boden, koennte drehen

» zur Grafik
Mexivada completes drilling at Moly Dome; Projects Update
TSX-V: MNV OTC: MXVDF Frankfurt: M2Q

VANCOUVER, Dec 18, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --

Moly Dome, Nevada: ------------------

Mexivada has completed three core drill holes of the Phase 1 exploration program at its Moly Dome molybdenum-rhenium-gold-silver project in northern Nevada, and the drill rig has been demobilized. The cores are being logged and split at the company's field office in Owyhee, Nevada. Samples from the top 165 metres of hole 2007-1 have been delivered to the assay lab. Interpretation of the results will commence upon completion of the core logging, and results will be reported after receipt of geochemical analyses for molybdenum, rhenium and silver and fire assays for gold. Molybdenite mineralization was noted in all 3 drill holes however no conclusions can be drawn as to the nature or extent of such mineralization prior to the receipt of assays.

La Republica, Yecora District, Mexico:


Mexivada Mining Corp. has completed 7 of 10 planned holes at its La Republica silver property. Drilling is scheduled to resume on January 8th 2008. The company is still awaiting assay results.

Mayoko Gold and Diamonds Projects, ROC Republic of Congo:


Mexivada continues its steady program of detailed geologic and sampling evaluation of the 8 by 23+ kilometre long Mayoko Greenstone belt, focusing on the 10 km long Bingoumi-Lemagna sector of the northern gold belt, where lode gold occurrences have been found by tracing placer gold "leads" upstream to their source rocks in this prospective area. Bingoumi is the most favorable sector found to date, where gold-mineralization to 7 metres in true width has been found and sampled. Particles of gold weighing up to 4.4 grams have been liberated from rocks at Bingoumi by crushing and obtaining panning concentrates, on site. Channel samples from this area have been sent from Mayoko by Mexivada to ISO-certified assay labs in Johannesburg. The field crews will break for Christmas and return for work on January 3, 2008. Data from Mexivada's 2007 field research program in the ROC for gold and diamonds is being compiled and interpreted by company staff in Brazzaville and Nevada, with help from third party researchers in Australia and with the U.S. Geological Survey. An airborne magnetometry - VTEM survey for both gold and diamonds is being planned for the 2008 summer field season.

This press release and its contents have been reviewed by Richard R. Redfern, Mexivada's President, who is a Certified Professional Geologist and Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101.

About Mexivada Mining Corp.


Mexivada is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring, advancing, and joint venturing high-grade Gold-Silver, Molybdenum, Diamond, and Rare Metal exploration projects in Mexico, Nevada, and the ROC Republic of Congo. Managed by experienced and successful board members and advisors, Mexivada is well financed with no debt. For further information, including area maps and photos, please visit our web site at www.mexivada.com or contact us by e-mail at info@mexivada.com.

Auch Top Invest.
Dec 19, 2007 08:00 ET
Salazar Mobilizes Second Drill Rig to Las Naves at the Curipamba Project, Ecuador
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 19, 2007) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) is pleased to announce a second drill rig has been mobilized and has now commenced drilling at the Company's Las Naves Area at the Curipamba Project, Ecuador. Thirty drill holes are planned for a total of 5000 metres. First, the drill will test the El Gallo anomaly. The drill plan is to complete 4 holes at the El Gallo anomaly, and then move the drill to the Roble, Roble Uno, Guayabillo, and Cade South anomalies for a total of 10 drill holes. The remaining holes of the drill program will be dictated from the initial drill results. We anticipate the first drill results in January, 2008.

The Las Naves Area comprises over 12 significant mineralized anomalies discovered at surface over an area 2km x 1km. For detailed maps of all the anomalies please review the Company's prior news releases. The Company is focused on discovering large tonnage deposits. The Company believes that at Las Naves there is a relationship between all mineralized anomalies; the goal of the drill program is to prove this theory correct.

Previous sampling results at El Gallo collected from several outcrops and sub-crops include (previously reported 2007-03-20):

- 17 m averaging 11.2 grams per tonne gold and 505 g/t silver

- 12 m averaging 7.09 g/t gold and 299 g/t silver

- 10 m averaging 12.13 g/t gold and 235 g/t silver

To view the map of the Curipamba Project please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl1219map.jpg

The first drill continues to test anomalies identified during the recent ground geophysics program at Sesmo Sur. Drill hole CURI-07-013 has been completed with an additional 10 drill holes planned for the completion of the Phase 1 drilling program at Sesmo Sur. Results are pending and are anticipated in January, 2008.

Since the recommencement of the exploration program in October, a field work program has been ongoing with 500 samples collected to date from trenching, channeling, chip and grab. Line cutting for ground geophysics grids is also ongoing. The samples have been shipped and are being assayed with results to be available early in the New Year.

Mr. Salazar, President and CEO, stated, "We are excited to finally test the El Gallo anomaly as we have encountered some of our highest grades project-wide from this mineralized breccia zone. Having two drills will allow us to accelerate our drill program and react quickly to positive drill results through follow-up drilling."

To view maps and photos related to the Curipamba Project please visit:


Fredy Salazar, President & CEO

Salazar Resources Limited

der erste internationale Player, der in Albanien bohrt.
Hatte da 1999 gearbeitet und mich schon gefragt, wann die ersten Internationals investieren.
Haben sich das absolute Sahnestueck, ueber 300km2 noerdlich von Tirana gesichert.
Starkes IPO (0,5 CAD) und bereits Anfang Dec ein institutional financing zu 2,75 CAD durchgezegen.
VMS Gebiet mit ausserordentlichem Potential. Bereits ueber 70mio MK, da steckt was dahinter!
Paar long!
auch zwei sehr gute

Dec 19, 2007 08:00 ET
Seabridge's Mitchell Gold-Copper Deposit Continues to Expand
Final 2007 Drill Results Extend Depth and Continuity

TORONTO, CANADA--(Marketwire - Dec. 19, 2007) - Seabridge Gold Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SEA)(AMEX:SA) -

Assay results from the final 11 drill holes confirm a significant upgrade and expansion of gold and copper resources at the Mitchell deposit. Mitchell is one of three gold-copper porphyry deposits on Seabridge's 100% owned Kerr-Sulphurets project near Stewart, British Columbia, Canada. The project is well located close to the operating Eskay Creek mine and its all-weather road to Stewart. Highway #37 also offers excellent access to several possible sites suitable for processing facilities, for which Seabridge has acquired mineral tenures.

The 2007 drill program was designed to upgrade much of the existing 13.1 million ounce inferred gold resource (564 million tonnes grading 0.72 grams per tonne gold and 0.18% copper) to the measured and indicated categories and to pursue extensions of the deposit to the south, north and at depth. All program objectives appear to have been met. Resource Modeling Inc. will now calculate a new NI 43-101 compliant independent resource estimate for the Mitchell deposit for release in February 2008. A resource model and resource estimate for molybdenum is also being evaluated.

The 2007 drill program consisted of 37 core holes totaling 15,294 meters. Results from the first 26 holes drilled in 2007 were previously announced (see news releases dated September 4, 2007 (http://www.seabridgegold.net/NSept4_07.htm), October 16, 2007 (http://www.seabridgegold.net/NOct16_07.htm)and November 29, 2007 (http://www.seabridgegold.net/NNov29_07.htm)). Results from the remaining 11 holes are as follows:

Dec 19, 2007 02:00 ET
Greystar Upgrades Angostura Resource to 10.15 Million Ounces Measured Plus Indicated
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 19, 2007) - Greystar Resources Ltd.
("Greystar") (TSX:GSL)(AIM:GSL) is pleased to report a significant increase and upgrade to the resource estimates for its wholly-owned Angostura gold deposit in northeastern Colombia.


----------------------------------------------------------- Contained Contained Au AgResource Category Au (1,000) Ag (1,000) (g/t) (g/t)-----------------------------------------------------------Measured 2,247 12,077 0.79 4-----------------------------------------------------------Indicated 7,905 37,764 1.69 8-----------------------------------------------------------Inferred 3,430 18,284 1.37 7-----------------------------------------------------------

- Measured and Indicated mineral resource estimate of 10.15 million ounces of gold and 49.84 million ounces of silver, up 37% over the December 2006 indicated gold resource estimate and now represents 75% of the total gold in the mineral resources;

- In the oxide zone the gold contained in measured plus indicated categories showed a 30% increase compared to the December 2006 estimate;

- Average gold grade of 1.35 g/t in the measured plus indicated category and 1.37 g/t in the inferred category;

- New resource estimate includes the results from 717 drill holes totalling 244,443 metres of drilling, with 144 holes and 56,541 metres having been added in the last twelve months.

"This new resource estimate continues to show the expansion potential of the very large Angostura deposit," said Greystar's Executive Vice President Frederick Felder, P. Geo. "The addition of measured resource estimates marks a milestone for the project and Greystar's exploration team will focus on further expansion and upgrades at Angostura, with particular attention to lowering the waste rock ratio and examining a staged production scenario starting with the oxide mineralization and transitioning into the sulphide material all leading to a feasibility study starting in 2008."
Fette Grades über grosse Fläche!!

Tenajon Intersects 0.066% Molybdenum (Mo) over 373.08 Metres at Moly Brook

Results include 109.73m of 0.097% Mo and 21.34m of 0.134% Mo

Tenajon Resources Corp (TSX-V:TJS) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that assay results have been received for the first two diamond drill holes from the exploration program recently completed at its Moly Brook Property located on the south coast of Newfoundland. Both holes intersected widespread molybdenum values with Hole MB 07-2 intersecting a 373.08 metre section, commencing near surface, and averaging 0.066% molybdenum. Within the intercept are 21.34 metres averaging 0.134% molybdenum and 109.73 metres averaging, 0.097% molybdenum. The holes were part of a 12 hole diamond drilling program totaling 3,633 metres in length completed in mid November. In addition to the drill program, limited prospecting has identified an area which hosts molybdenite in quartz veins that is located 1,000 metres to the southwest of the most southerly drill hole drilled in the 2007 exploration program. Grab samples taken from the veins assayed up to 0.297% molybdenum.

“Preliminary drill results from Moly Brook are very encouraging,” said Bruce McLeod, President & CEO of Tenajon. “When combined with the exploration success at the Ajax Molybdeum property, Tenajon is effectively compiling a project portfolio of large tonnage molybdenum targets located in Canada. We are committed to building a multiple project company and we are confident that Moly Brook will assist us in achieving this end.”

The 2007 drill program tested the target zone over 750 metres of strike length. Hole MB 07-1 tested a geophysical anomaly to the east of the main trend, and although modest molybdenum values were encountered, drilling showed the anomaly to be primarily composed of pyrite. Hole MB 07-2 successfully tested the up dip extension of the mineralization in Royal Oak Hole 95-01 and the along strike extension to that in Royal Oak hole 95-04. The results from the first two holes drilled this year are summarized below.

From (metres)
To (metres)
Interval (metres)
Mo (%)


MB 07-1



MB 07-2




Hole MB 07-2 ended in mineralization with the last 2.14 metre interval assaying 0.087% Mo. Hole MB 07-2 demonstrates that mineralization at Moly Brook can be traced from surface to in excess of 250 metres below surface with the zone being open in all directions. Overall there is a good correlation of results between Royal Oak hole 95-01 and MB07-2. For current drill hole locations along with a detailed cross section, please view the accompanying maps:

http://www.tenajon.com/i/maps/MolyBrook/2007-12-19DHLocationMap.jpg and


At the Moly Brook Property molybdenite occurs primarily along the rims of a series of north trending, subvertical sheeted veins and fracture faces. On occasion quartz vein stockwork is formed with molybdenite occurring in all of the vein orientations. Molybdenite also occurs as disseminations within the intrusion. The style of mineralization appears to be similar to that at Thompson Creek Metal’s Endako Mine in British Columbia where the majority of molybdenite occurs within a sheeted vein and fracture system.

In addition to drilling, limited prospecting was completed approximately 1,000 metres to the southwest of the most southerly hole drilled (MB 07-12) on the south side of Long Pond. The area is approximately 100m x 100m in size and was previously described by Royal Oak personnel as having a series of north trending, en echelon, quartz veins containing molybdenite. Individual veins are up to 10cm wide with the molybdenite typically rimming the vein. Five grab samples were collected and all of the samples returned anomalous molybdenum values with the values ranging from 0.087 to 0.297% Mo, further demonstrating the exploration potential of the Moly Brook property.

In 1995 and 1996, Royal Oak Mines Inc. completed three drill holes (non 43-101 compliant) that tested a 300 metre segment of the molybdenum anomaly. All of the holes intersected molybdenum mineralization with several sections containing high grade molybdenum values. In addition, all three holes ended in significant molybdenum mineralization leaving the zone open in all directions. Highlights are tabulated below.

From (metres)
To (metres)
Interval (metres)
Mo (%)
MoS2 (%)











The Moly Brook Property is located 2.5 km from the hamlet of Grey River Newfoundland, less than 4 km from a deepwater, ice free, navigable fjord. Previous exploration completed in 1995 and 1996 by Royal Oak Mines Inc. outlined a 450 x 1,100 metre area hosting molybdenite and chalcopyrite in outcrop as fracture fillings and as disseminations within the host intrusive and quartz veins. Incorporating the results of Tenajon’s 2007 soil survey with historic results from Royal Oak Mines, a >25 ppm in soil molybdenum contour outlines a 1,200 metre long and up to 700 metre wide soil anomaly. The I.P. Survey outlined a 1,500 metre long and up to 800 metre wide zone of high chargeability that is in part coincidental with the soil anomaly.

The work at Moly Brook was completed by Geoscott Consultants under the supervision of Dave Visagie, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

At Moly Brook, drill core is sawn into halves with one half being sent for analysis and the other kept for future reference. All samples are prepared at Eastern Analytical using a 600 gram split with the resultant pulp being analyzed at Acme Analytical Labs using a 4 acid digestion with analysis by Induced Couple Polarization (ICP). A stringent program of check, blank and duplicate sampling is employed throughout with duplicates standards and blanks being entered into the sample stream at regular intervals

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Per: D. Bruce McLeod

D. Bruce McLeod, President
TJS - gestern nochmal angesprochen, heute das ! :eek: :juchu: starke Werte...........
Bluerock gestern wieder dicke Umsätze, hält sich recht gut die Tage 8)
Dear Friends of Gran Tierra Energy,

As we round out the year you should note that Gran Tierra Energy has been successful in attracting financial analyst coverage from 5 very reputable firms: Tristone Capital (UK) - price target $3.00, Maison Placements/Josef Schachter - $3.00 price target, Blackmont Capital – $2.55 price target, and the last two, Canaccord Adams and Genuity, initiating coverage on December 17th and 18th with price targets of $3.00 and $3.10 respectively.

In addition, on December 15th, the company has arranged for Standard and Poor’s to initiate a factual coverage report (no price target associated) that will have distribution to thousands of professional investors across North America. (The report is attached for your reference and should also be up on the Gran Tierra web site at http://www.grantierra.com/investor-relations)

In today’s marketplace this is nothing short of stellar activity for a small cap company not currently listed on a recognized exchange, (more on that soon we hope) and we believe that this is a very good harbinger of things to come for GTRE. We also believe that it is a reflection of the progress this company and its management has made in a relatively short period of time.

As always, you should note that this e-mail and the attached report do not provide you with all the information you require in making an investment assessment of Gran Tierra Energy. Cameron Associates and Gran Tierra Energy strongly urge you to review Gran Tierra’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a full disclosure of the risks and uncertainties associated with the operations of a company such as Gran Tierra Energy.

Thanks for your continued interest in Gran Tierra Energy. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Happy holidays to all!


Al Palombo

Cameron Associates

1370 Avenue of the Americas

Suite 902

New York, NY 10019

(212) 554-5488 Direct

(212) 245-4165 Fax

TJS - das ist sehr anschaulich :D
G1P - läuft schön weiter.......

Dec 19, 2007 11:25 ET
Hard Creek Nickel Intersects 20 Metres of 0.24% Ni and 0.60 g/t Pt + Pd in New Discovery Area
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 19, 2007) - Hard Creek Nickel Corp. (TSX VENTURE:HNC) is pleased to provide analytical results for an additional 8 diamond drill holes, totaling 1,888 metres (6,194 feet) from the recently completed 75 hole drilling program at its 100% owned Turnagain Project, located 70 km (43.5 miles) east of Dease Lake in British Columbia. Results for 35 of the drill holes have now been released with the analytical results for the remaining 40 holes to be reported when they are received.

Results are reported from exploration holes in the Mandible, Central and Cliff areas. Drill hole locations can be viewed on a plan map at www.hardcreeknickel.com/plan.htm.

"Drilling of the three exploration targets this year resulted in the discovery of a new combined PGE and nickel mineralized zone which is over two kilometres east of the main Horsetrail deposit," said Mark Jarvis, President of Hard Creek Nickel. "The Cliff Zone mineralization is very similar to the new PGE - nickel drill intersections recently reported on November 27, 2007 in the Horsetrail deposit."

"We have now identified two totally separate areas which host both nickel and platinum-palladium mineralization. The potential to include platinum and palladium as a portion of our overall resource in two separate areas could be very significant. Close spaced drilling will be required during the next drill season to determine the significance and extent of this mineralization."

Holes 07-236, 237 and 238 were drilled in the Cliff area, located approximately 2.5 kilometres (1.5 mile) east of the main Horsetrail zone. A 1997 hole, located 600 metres (1,969 feet) east of hole 07-237 and oriented to test the depth extension of net-textured sulfides located adjacent to the ultramafic-phyllite contact, intersected 50 metres (164 feet) of elevated platinum and palladium, including nine 2 metre (6.5 feet) long samples with greater than 500 ppb (0.50 grams/tonne) combined platinum and palladium. Pt/Pd ratios are consistently close to 1:1.

A number of electromagnetic conductors, located in the southern portion of the Cliff ultramafic body, remain untested as do several other sulfide bearing rock outcrops. To date, only seven drill holes have tested the 0.6 by 2 kilometre (0.4 x 1.2 mile) Cliff ultramafic body. Two holes drilled in this area in 2007 remain to be reported.

Both holes 07-230 and 231 were drilled in the Mandible area approximately 4 kilometres (2.5 miles) northwest of the main Horsetrail zone. These holes tested areas of dunite where surface sampling indicated the presence of finely disseminated pentlandite, containing 0.1 - 0.2% nickel in sulfides.

Holes 07-233, 234 and 235 were drilled in the Central area, located approximately 3 kilometres (1.9 mile) northwest of the main Horsetrail zone, to test mineralized wehrlite outcrops, the source of mineralized float and a weak airborne electromagnetic anomaly. However, drilling indicated the diorite-granodiorite intrusion and its peripheral dykes were more extensive than originally interpreted, significantly reducing the volume of favourable ultramafic rocks.

The total nickel values reported in the table below include nickel in both sulfide and non-sulfide minerals.

From To Length Total Total Pt Pd Pt+PdArea Hole # (m) (m) (m) Ni % Co % ppb ppb ppb
Cliff 07-236 No significant results
07-237 112 140 28 0.25 0.021 123 129 252 incl 112 124 12 0.25 0.015 170 170 340 148 168 20 0.24 0.015 284 316 600 204 216 12 0.21 0.014 332 297 629 incl 204 208 4 0.20 0.014 611 591 1202
07-238 6.5 16 9.5 0.17 0.014 123 175 298
Central 07-233 No significant results
07-234 48 60 12 0.23 0.011
07-235 No significant results
Mandible 07-230 No significant results
07-231 No significant results

Given the limited amount of drilling in these exploration areas, the true widths are not known, however they have been estimated to be approximately 80 percent of reported core intervals. Samples for analysis were generally 4 metres in length of split NQ-size core. Reference pulps with known nickel, copper, platinum and palladium values were inserted every 25 core samples and rock blanks inserted every 30 samples to monitor laboratory performance as part of the QC/QA program.

Total nickel and cobalt values were determined by ICP emission spectrometry following four acid digestion of a representative pulp sample. Platinum and palladium values were determined by ICP emission spectrometry following lead-collection fire assay fusion of a 30 gram pulp. All analytical work was conducted by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd., an ISO 9001 registered facility, located in Vancouver. IPL, an ISO 9001 registered facility, also located in Vancouver, is carrying out check analyses on ten percent of the samples.

The Turnagain Nickel Project resource has been recently estimated (see December 10, 2007 News Release for details) with the measured and indicated resource estimated at 489 million tonnes grading 0.22% total nickel (0.16% nickel in sulfides) and 0.012% cobalt and an additional inferred resource of 560 million tonnes grading 0.20% total nickel (0.15% nickel in sulfides) and 0.011% cobalt. The sulfide nickel and cobalt grades are based on an analytical procedure employed by Acme Laboratories that consists of a concentrated hydrogen peroxide plus ammonium acetate leaching solution that is believed to be selective at dissolving nickel and cobalt from sulfide mineral species while leaving the nickel and cobalt in silicates undissolved. As a precautionary step all the sulfide nickel grades were assigned a value of zero if the corresponding sulphur assay was less than 0.2% S. Sulphur assays were based on Leco furnace method except for results obtained in 2006 which were ICP analysis. This precaution may cause an underestimation of the nickel resource and could be large enough to be a material impact. However, this approach limits the possibility that an overestimation of the nickel resource has occurred. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Neil Froc, P.Eng., a qualified person consistent with NI 43-101.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Hard Creek Nickel Corporation

MARK JARVIS, President

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy

Sehr schön. Ich bin jetzt hier überhaupt nicht mit den nötigen Informationen gesegnet, aber es ist halt immer auch eine Frage der Abbaubarkeit bzw. Wirtschaftlichkeit des Ganzen - das wird bei solchen Aufstellungen oft nicht mit berücksichtigt. United Bolero war bei ähnlicher Aufstellung auch mal ganz weit vorne und auch da ging long nicht so viel ...
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Oben Unten