• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Sunshine silver mine ships 1st new concentrate in five years

Sterling Mining Tuesday shipped its first concentrate Thursday after resuming production at one of the nation’s best known historic silver producers, Idaho’s Sunshine Mine.
Author: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: Friday , 21 Dec 2007


The name "Sunshine Mine" has been associated with one of the world's great silver mines, one of the worse mine disasters in U.S. history, and financial ruin.

However, on Thursday Idaho's Sunshine Mine once became a producer as Sterling Mining (TSX: SMQ) reported it had resumed initial production at the mine and shipped its first concentrate Thursday morning.

First staked in 1884, various contiguous holdings were consolidated to become the Sunshine Mining Company. By 1921, a mill was constructed and the Sunshine mine was born.

On May 2, 1972, Sunshine would also become the site of one of the nation's worse mining disaster as 91 men died from carbon monoxide generated by a fire. Only two of the 93 men trapped inside the mine made it out alive.

The mine operated for decades after the fire, and even produced 11.5% of the nation's total silver output in 1981. By the end of 1988, the mine had reached its full production; hit a peak production of 5.4 million ounces of silver in 1991, and eventually yielded nearly 365 million ounces, making it one of the nation's richest silver producers.

However by the summer of 1982, the Sunshine Mining Company announced it would suspend production, based on low silver prices, a lack of regular and consistent exploration, and a lack of development activities. At closure mine reserves were 1.13 million tons containing 26.75 million ounces of silver. These historic reserves were later reclassified as mineral resources.

The mine remained closed until Sterling Mining Company won control of the Sunshine mine in 2003 by paying the mine's back taxes. Sterling acquired a lease with option to purchase agreement from Sunshine Mining. The property now consists of owned and leased blocks of 202 patented claims and 184 unpatented mining claims, for a mineral rights position of 5,930 acres and three surface right blocks of 423 acres. The mine has a 100 year database of detailed geological, mineralogical, mineral grade and infrastructure related to vein deposits.

In a 43-101 report completed in April 2007, mining consultant Behre Dolbear estimated that Sunshine has 23,486,698 ounces of proven and probable silver reserves. Measured and indicated ounces are estimated at 31,154,355 ounces.

Since mid-2003, Sterling has worked to rehabilitate the mine and facilities to resume production. Sunshine Mine resumed mining activities at the lower level this week with Sterling crews mining at the 2,700-foot and 3,100-foot level workplaces, which were idled at closure.

In a news release Thursday, Sterling President Ray De Motte said, "The credit for this historical event goes to the men and women at the Sunshine Mine. Without their expertise, teamwork and relentless efforts this simply would not be possible. We are grateful to the community, employees, vendors, support of shareholders, investors and investment banker TD Securities Inc. and Blackmont Capital Inc., and look forward to achieving our goal of long-term sustainable production."

The economics of the Sunshine mine are based on a seven-year mine plan that fully mines all of the proven and probable reserves. The mine capital cost estimate includes $13.2 million in pre-production capex and $2.58 million in sustaining capital over the life-of-mine plan.

The 43-101 report outlines a 2.8 million-ounce silver production forecast for 2008 with additional lead and copper credits. The first shipment of concentrate is being processed at Teck Cominco's Trail British Columbia smelter, according to Sterling.

Behre Dolbear estimated that payback for the estimated $28 million that Sterling has spent in capital and expenses prior to production will be recovered in just less than three years.

Sunshine Mine also resumed mining activities on the lower levels.

"The Sunshine Mine has considerable potential to add resources and reserves," according to the 43-101 report. "There are many areas of the mine that previously had only perfunctory exploration performed on them. This situation resulted from property boundary issues...and from the difficulties in performing exploration on the veins of the neighboring properties that are now leased by Sterling."

"It should be expected therefore, in light of the previous long mining history of the Sunshine mine, that additional resources and reserves will be discovered," Behre Dolbear concluded.
Gute Nachrichten sorgen für Anstieg des Kupferpreises
Leser des Artikels: 270

Nachdem der Preis für Kupfer seit Anfang Oktober diesen Jahres rückläufig ist, setzte er in den letzten Handelstagen zu einer Jahresendrallye an. Die Gründe für den Preisanstieg sind positive Nachrichten aus China.

Das Finanzministerium in Beijing kündigte auf seiner Webseite die Streichung einer 2-prozentigen Importsteuer für veredelte Kupferprodukte an. Dies sollte einen positiven Einfluss auf den Import des Metalls durch den weltweit größten Konsumenten von Kupfer haben. Die Importe aus Chile nach China sind bereits steuerbefreit.

Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr kletterte der Import von veredeltem Kupfer in China in den 11 Monaten bis zum 30. November um 84 % auf 1,4 Mio. Tonnen. Im November importierte China 103.410 Tonnen an Kupfer und damit 5,4 % mehr als im Vormonat und 55,8 % mehr als im Jahr zuvor.

Zusätzlich erhielt der Kupferpreis Unterstützung von Berichten der London Metal Exchange (LME), wonach die Kupferbestände um 100 Tonnen auf nun 198.225 Tonnen schrumpften.

Auch in Shanghai fielen die Kupferbestände um 2,5 % auf 25.722 Tonnen, dem niedrigsten Level seit dem 01. Februar diesen Jahres. Ein chinesischer Metallhändler sprach von einer hohen physischen Nachfrage in den letzten Wochen, auch von privater Seite. Es gab wohl Befürchtungen eines drohenden Angebotsdefizits.

Insgesamt liegen die Lagerbestände an Kupfer derzeit bei 237.902 Tonnen. Dies entspricht einem durchschnittlichen Weltverbrauch in Höhe von 4,8 Tagen. Im Jahresverlauf lagen die Bestände im Durchschnitt bei 4,9 Tagen des weltweiten Kupferbedarfs.

Der Kupferpreis gilt als wichtiger Indikator für die Entwicklung der Weltkonjunktur. Das Aufkeimen der Subprime-Krise in den USA und die eventuell daraus resultierenden Spätfolgen für die amerikanische Wirtschaft schürten Rezessionsängste auf dem weltweit zweitgrößten Konsumentenmarkt für Kupfer.

Daraufhin kam es ab Mitte Oktober zu einem Abwärtstrend beim Kupferpreis, der erst vor wenigen Tagen mit dem aktuell positiven Sentiment für Kupfer stoppte und zumindest für eine kurzfristige Gegenrallye sorgte.

Ein weiterer Indikator für die Erwartungshaltung der Märkte stellt das Verhältnis von Calls zu Puts dar. Derzeit übersteigen die Calls für das Industriemetall die Puts um das 2,3-fache. Dies bedeutet, die Marktteilnehmer erwarten in der nahen Zukunft einen Anstieg des Kupferpreises.

Autor: Sven Olsson
Schön das es auch diesen Langfristthread gibt, und euch hier auch einen speziellen Dank! :danke: :blumen:

Viele sehr interssante Leute mit ebenso vielen Ansichten,Meinungen und Beiträgen - von rumwitzeln bis ernsten Fachgesprächen!
Ich habe ne Menge über/rund um´s Trading,Investment dazugelernt - dafür Danke!

Ich wünsche allen einen angenehmen Jahreswechsel und uns allen ein wunderbares Jahr 2008!
:friends: :beer:
Laufen beide super weiter! :juchu:

Erwarte bei stabilem Nickelpreis nen ersten Schub nach oben im Zeitfenster Mitte - Ende Januar!

- Rückkäufe nach Tax-Season
- CMI Minengenehmigung "pending"
- NJF Machbarkeitsstudie in Kürze erwartet!


Heute beide mit Aufwärtstendenz....

Hab mir Nickelwerte wie "unsere" -CMI- Crowflight Minerals und eine -NJF- Mustang Minerals wieder auf Strong Watch genommen!

Nickelpreis hat gedreht!

» zur Grafik
Habe etwas Geld frei. Bin über ein Musterdepot auf Platina Energy gestoßen, habe mich ein wenig eingelesen.

Kennt jemand hier diese Klitsche bzw. kann sie empfehlen bzw. davon abraten?

Rohstoffe-Go - Shanghai 02.01.08 (<a href="http://www.rohstoffe-go.de";>http://www.rohstoffe-go.de<;/a>)

Der Kupferpreis kann heute in Shanghai zulegen. Die Investoren gehen davon aus, dass die chinesischen Betriebe die Zukäufe vor den Neujahrsfeierlichkeiten steigern werden.

Zu Beginn des Kalenderjahres 2008 hatte die chinesische Regierung einen Importzoll von 2 % auf Kupfer ausgesetzt. Dies senkt die Kosten und dürfte die Importe des Landes weiter steigern, so ein Analyst der Qilu Futures gegenüber Bloomberg.

Laut Daten des chinesischen Statistikbüros hat China in den ersten elf Monates des Jahres 2007 1,4 Mio. Tonnen Kupferprodukte importiertm 89 % mehr als im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres.

Der März-Futures legte heute in Shanghai um 2 % auf 58.000 Yuan zu (7.943 USD) zu. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span>
bei den Depotwerten SRI und VAN scheint etwas im Busch zu sein.

bei SRI geringer Umsatz und immer wieder stechen einige Käufe mit großen Blöcken raus, danach fällt der Kurs wieder mit "Nullstücken" runter (könnte bewusstes Eindecken bedeuten).

bei VAN gestern zu Handelsschluss noch hochgezogen, jedoch steht BID und ASK vorbörslich auch schon hoch, Volumen zog ebenfalls an. Mal sehen (könnte auch gut wieder gleich abrasseln).
erst mal ein Frohes Neues an alle Neuen und Alten Langfrist-fundamental-Rohstoffwert-Interessierten!


da könnten News über ein oder zwei Zukäufe kommen, nachdem Killam verkauft wurde wollte man ev. einen neuen Cash-Bringer zukaufen

Sarcee, Deep Basin usw. werden wohl auch im Laufe des Jahres ans Netz gehen (endlich) und damit Profit abwerfen. Das kam von der VAN IR

Ask yourself why Montello (MEO-V:TSX) would pay Vanguard, (a private resource company) $3.5 M in MEO shares to increase their working interest at Sarcee >from 2% to 8%. I understand from one of Vangolds larger retail shareholders that Montello put a very high value on Sarcee. Vangold got a really good deal that adds value. We increased from 6% to 33.5% and paid $100,000 for it.
Ich gehe davon aus, dass der Ölpreis in diesem Jahr fett ansteigen wird.
Gold + Silberaktien werden profitieren. :)
SOURCE: Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd.
Jan 03, 2008 03:01 ET
Sacre-Coeur Reports 250 Meter Step Out Yields 93.0 Meters Grading 0.81 g/t Au at Million Mountain; High Sulphide Porphyry Body Drilled at Old Granny Target Area 1 km to the East

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - January 3, 2008) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (TSX VENTURE: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) (the "Company") is pleased to report that drilling continues to expand the gold resource at its Million Mountain Project. Drill hole MM11007 drilled more than 250 meters South of its last reported drilling, encountering 93 meters grading 0.81 g/t Au. Step out drilling is continuing to expand the Au mineralized body to the South. The Company has now completed three lines of drilling at 50 meters, 150 meters, and 250 meters respectively, located South of the last reported drilling. In addition drilling along the Northeast margin of the known resource body has been completed. Assays remain outstanding for approximately 20 in-fill holes drilled into the Million Mountain main mineralized zone.


Drill Hole From(m) To(m) Interval(m) Assay(g/t Au)
MM11007 73.0 166.0 93.00 0.81
including 129.70 134.98 5.28 4.01
MM10707 10.13 21.3 11.17 0.58
43.90 61.80 17.90 0.81

Notes: 1) Intercepts are not resolved to true width. 2) Assays are uncut, though no significant statistical outliers occur in the sample population. 3) These assays are determined by Acme Laboratories as further described below.

Drill Hole Survey Data

Drill Hole UTM Grid East North Collar. Azimuth Inclination
No. (m) (m) Elev (m) (true N)
MM11007 21N 241223.76 696712.19 65.94 286 -60
MM10707 21N 241146.10 696840.69 71.31 286 -45

Assays have also been received for several holes aimed at testing the anticipated North-eastern corner of the resource body. Drill holes MM8107, MM8207, MM8307, MM8407, MM8507, MM8607, MM8707, and MM8907 were drilled to test the Northeastern margin of the resource body. As expected, all but MM8707 and MM8907 returned numerous scattered intercepts of > 10 meters grading > 0.5 g/t Au, consistent with the margins of the main body of mineralization.

Recent mapping of trenches located approximately 500 meters to the Southwest of the main resource body show similar rock type and veining consistent with the resource drilled to date. Presently the Million Mountain resource body remains open to the South and Southwest.

In addition, the Old Granny resource target located approximately 1 km to the East may add a further dimension to the overall Million Mountain resource target. Initial drilling in this area has revealed a large scale, sulphide-rich porphyry body, with total pyrite and chalcopyrite content ranging to more than 25%. Assays for ten holes of core drilling into this target area are pending.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "It is gratifying to see a continuation of gold mineralization as we step further to the South with our drilling. Our team is now working toward determination of an initial NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate as soon as possible."

Assay Data

The Company uses Acme Laboratories for its core sample assays. Samples are prepared at Acme's Georgetown Guyana prep facility. Prepared samples are shipped to Acme's analytical lab in Santiago, Chile for determination. Acme's facilities are ISO certified. Every tenth sample is split and a duplicate sample is shipped to ALS Chemex Vancouver, BC facility for check assay. As well, splits of all samples determined by Acme to be 5 g/t Au or greater are also shipped to ALS Chemex for check assay. The results presented herein are composites of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction (+200 mesh) and the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay.

The Company uses Loring Laboratories - Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories, Ltd. of Calgary, Alberta to analyze geo-chem and other field samples. Splits of every 10th sample and splits of all samples returning assay of greater than 5.0 g/t Au are sent to ALS Chemex Vancouver, BC facility for check assay. The results presented herein are composites of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction (+200 mesh) and the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay.

Technical Staff

The Company's exploration program is overseen by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., Senior Vice President Mining and Exploration for the Company. Mr. Sparks is a Qualified Persons under NI 43-101. Mr. Luis Gana is Chief Geologist Northwest Region. He is assisted by Joseph Calpito, Senior Project Geologist. Mr. Henry Salvado is Chief Geologist Puruni Region (which includes Million Mountain Project). He is assisted by Messrs. Alan Davies, Carlos Toro-Taylor, and Bjorn Jeune, all Senior Project Geologists. Mr. Ardito Martohardjono, a Director of the Company and laboratory specialist, provides assistance establishing lab protocols and sample handling and assay quality control.

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focusing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 850 square miles of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at www.scminerals.com.



"Gregory B. Sparks"
Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng.
Sr VP Mining & Exploration

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations.

Goldpreis auf Rekordkurs

Von Roland Freund und Jürgen Krämer, DPA

Tagesspiegel.de - Goldene Aussichten zum Jahresstart: Der Preis für Gold ist an den Märkten weltweit erneut auf Rekordjagd gegangen. In den Krisenzeiten suchen Anleger nach einem "sicheren Hafen" - und finden eine vermeintliche Rettung in dem Edelmetall.

Angeheizt vom schwachen Dollar und der politischen Krise in Pakistan verteuerte sich das Edelmetall in den vergangenen Tagen deutlich auf zuletzt knapp 840 Dollar (576 Euro) je Feinunze. Das bisherige Rekordhoch von 850 Dollar aus dem Jahr 1980 ist damit greifbar nah - und der Trend weist laut Experten weiter nach oben.

"Es ist keine Frage ob, sondern nur wann Gold 850 Dollar kosten wird", sagt Analyst James Moore vom Fachdienst TheBullionDesk.com. Seit Jahresbeginn stieg der Goldpreis um rund ein Drittel - so viel wie seit Jahrzehnten nicht. Und wer Anfang 2002 Gold für etwa 275 Dollar je Feinunze (31,1 Gramm) kaufte, hält heute ohne Bereinigung der Inflation den mehr als dreifachen Wert in Händen.

"Gold!" - Der Aufschrei der glücklichen Finder löste im 19. Jahrhundert in Nordamerika gleich mehrfach eine Goldrausch aus. Geblieben ist bis heute die Faszination des Edelmetalls - nicht immer gedeckt von den ökonomischen Fakten. Gold gilt auf den ersten Blick als "sicherer Hafen" in instabilen Zeiten und so haftet ihm immer auch ein bisschen Untergangsstimmung an.

Sinkendes Vetrauen in US-Wirtschaft ein Grund für Goldrausch

Der aktuelle Goldrausch an den Finanzmärkten hat eine Reihe von Gründen, einer der schwerwiegendsten ist das sinkende Vertrauen in die USA als größte Volkswirtschaft der Welt. Ein schwacher Dollar, die von Amerika ausgehende Kreditkrise und die Sorge vor wachsender Inflation lösen bei den Anlegern Experten zufolge Unbehagen aus.

In solchen Zeiten hatte Gold schon immer den "Ruf als krisenfeste Anlageform", sagt Rohstoffexperte Thorsten Proettel von der Landesbank Baden-Württemberg. Auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks sei derzeit "eine Flucht in den sicheren Hafen Gold" zu beobachten. "Zudem heizt der hohe Ölpreis die Befürchtung an, das Schreckgespenst Inflation könnte wieder sein Unwesen treiben."

Allerdings nimmt auch der Verkauf von Goldschmuck kräftig zu. Rund drei Viertel des Weltbedarfs entfallen auf die Schmuckindustrie, der Rest auf Zahnlabore, die Industrie und Gold als Barren und Münzen. Die Weihnachtszeit sorgte ebenfalls für hohe Nachfrage. Einen enormen Stellenwert hat Goldschmuck in den Boom-Regionen Asiens wie Indien und China. Indien war zuletzt laut World Gold Council der weltgrößte Goldimporteur mit fast einem Viertel der weltweiten Nachfrage.

Preis von 900 Dollar je Feinunze möglich

Den Goldpreis treibt zudem die laufend teurere Förderung des Edelmetalls an. Minenbesitzer müssen in immer entlegeneren Gegenden noch tiefer in die Erde bohren - mit erheblichen Folgen für die Umwelt. Knapp zwei Drittel des weltweiten Absatzes kommen derzeit dem World Gold Council zufolge aus Minen, ein Viertel ist eingeschmolzenes und wieder verwendetes Gold, 14 Prozent entstammen Zentralbank-Tresoren.

Aus politischen Gründen lösen die Notenbanken ihre riesigen Reserven aber langsamer auf als geplant. So war es eine Überraschung, als die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) Anfang Dezember auf einen Schlag 42 Tonnen ihrer rund 600 Tonnen an Goldvorrat verkaufte. Auf dem größten Berg sitzt die US-Notenbank mit rund 8100 Tonnen Gold, die Deutsche Bundesbank verfügt auf Platz 2 immerhin über noch rund 3400 Tonnen.

Ein schnelles Ende der Preisrallye bei Gold erwarten Experten nicht. Die Hausse sei derzeit nicht grundsätzlich zu bremsen, meint Commerzbank-Experte Eugen Weinberg. Wie Proettel hält er einen Preis von 900 Dollar je Feinunze oder auch mehr für durchaus möglich. Allerdings sollte Anlegern laut Proettel klar sein: Je höher und schneller der Goldpreis durch den aktuellen Herdentrieb steige, desto größer werde die Überhitzung - und die Gefahr eines Einbruchs. Auch vor dem jetzigen Anstieg war Gold erst im November auf rund 780 Dollar gefallen. Anlageexperten raten daher nüchtern betrachtet zu Gold als lediglich kleinem Teil eines breit gestreuten Portfolios.

(Quelle: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/wirtschaft/Anleger-Goldkurs-Edelmetalle;art271,2448087=
:) Hallo und ein gesundes schönes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr Euch allen!

diese Woche noch sporadisch, aber ab nächste Woche bin ich wieder regelmäßig bei Euch....

Gold,Silber und Öl iss ja very crazy ........die "kleineren" Produzent und "fast"Produzenten springen
schön an
Tournigan kommt auch gut!
TWD,NOX und PBX krabbeln auch langsam los

ich denke bei unruhiger Lage wird man mit denen u.U. mehr einfahren da sie eben Cashflow haben, ggü. Explorern

SCM - schöne News + StepOut , aber anscheinend wussten da welche was gestern Abend ...

hier noch ein sehr interessanter Wert mit einer absolut starken News heute - leider finden Kupferwerte in dem Markt immer noch nicht die Beachtung:

Jan 02, 2008 19:09 ET
Antares Intersects 943 m With 0.65% Copper at Haquira East Porphyry Copper Project, Peru
WATERDOWN, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 2, 2008) - Antares Minerals Inc. ("Antares") (TSX VENTURE:ANM) is pleased to announce the results from four additional diamond drill holes at the Haquira Project in southern Peru. The objective of the current drill program is to delineate recently discovered high-grade primary porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold mineralization beneath the secondary copper blanket at the Haquira East zone (see previous press releases of July 12, August 09, and October 26, 2007). Highlights from drill holes AHAD-104 through AHAD-107 (2,765.70 m total) include:

- AHAD-107: 943.30 m with 0.65% Cu and 0.009% Mo (0.70% Cu equivalent) - includes 442.85 m with 0.74% Cu, 0.010% Mo (0.80% Cu equivalent) - Hole remains open to depth with final 51.45 m grading 0.41% Cu - Hole terminated at 1007.60 m due to lack of available drill rods - 200 m step out from nearest deep drill holes (AHAD-106 and AHAD-098A) - Intercept may represent second, vertically extensive, higher grade copper center- AHAD-106: 496.35 m with 0.58% Cu and 0.024% Mo (0.72% Cu equivalent) - Includes 211.00 m with 0.67% Cu and 0.032% Mo (0.86% Cu equivalent)- AHAD-104 AND AHAD-105 were drilled to delineate the northeastern margin of system - AHAD-105 intersected 351.40 m with 0.45% Cu and 0.018% Mo (0.56% Cu equiv) - AHAD-104 intersected 351.95 m with 0.48% Cu and 0.016% Mo (0.58% Cu equiv) - Both holes terminated in less mineralized sedimentary wallrocks- All four holes entered directly into well mineralized porphyry beneath 49.00-89.20 m of barren colluvium (post-mineral cover). The upper 16.30- 42.35 m of the mineralized intercepts consists of secondary copper mineralization, (principally in-situ copper oxides), with grades ranging from 0.46-0.84% Cu. The remainder of the mineralized intercepts consists of primary sulphide mineralization dominated by chalcopyrite with lesser molybdenite, bornite and pyrite.

John Black, President and CEO of Antares Minerals Inc. commented as follows:

"The results from drilling at Haquira East continue to exceed our expectations in terms of both average grade and vertical extent of mineralization. The four holes presented in this press release have now confirmed the potential for a significant volume of primary copper mineralization at Haquira East with additional molybdenum and gold credits. More importantly the results from AHAD-107 indicate that a second center of thicker and higher grade copper mineralization is emerging as drilling progresses to the northwest. We had anticipated that grades and thicknesses of mineralization might gradually decrease away from the bornite-rich core defined by drill holes AHAD-098A, AHAD-099, and AHAD-102, so we were pleasantly surprised by nearly one km of well mineralized porphyry in AHAD-107 and the re-emergence of bornite and associated higher copper and gold grades. Mineralization remains open to the north and west and we look forward to additional results in the near future."
sehr feines Näschen Fischi + sehr gutes Timing beim traden, wenn ich das richtig nachgelesen
habe!!! :up:
Novagold an der AMEX weiter up

» zur Grafik

je teurer Gold wird (d.h. mit zunehmender Kreditkrise) umso eher wird Galore Creek wieder wirtschaftlich (was es zu angemessenen Projektionskosten eh schon waere, die Feasibility wurde mit 450 USD/Oz Au und 0,7 USD/lb Cu gerechnet...)

und weiter up

bei Aquiline ging es gestern auch hoch her............... :)
sehr feines Näschen Fischi + sehr gutes Timing beim traden, wenn ich das richtig nachgelesen
habe!!! :up:
Novagold an der AMEX weiter up

» zur Grafik

je teurer Gold wird (d.h. mit zunehmender Kreditkrise) umso eher wird Galore Creek wieder wirtschaftlich (was es zu angemessenen Projektionskosten eh schon waere, die Feasibility wurde mit 450 USD/Oz Au und 0,7 USD/lb Cu gerechnet...)

und weiter up

» zur Grafik
January 3, 2008
Aquila Resources Inc.: New Resource Study Planned for 2008
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 3, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced plans for continued exploration and development activities at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The Company's key asset is the Back Forty volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit located in Menominee County, Michigan. A National Instrument (NI) 43-101 compliant Back Forty resource currently stands at 6.6 million tonnes grading 5.32% zinc, 2.28 g/t gold, 28.76 g/t silver and .52% copper in the Measured and Indicated category with an additional 1.7 million tonnes grading 2.61% zinc, 2.82 g/t gold, 32.41 g/t silver and .15% copper in the Inferred category - making the Back Forty one of North America's major, undeveloped gold rich VMS deposits.

New Resource and Scoping Study Planned for 2008

Key activities and milestones planned by Aquila in 2008 include:

- Exploration and Resource Expansion. Exploration will continue throughout the Back Forty Project area. New exploration targets generated by down hole and regional airborne geophysics will be tested in 2008. In addition, ongoing massive sulfide delineation and expansion, as well as further definition and expansion of several gold mineralized zones on the project will continue. A total of 44 drill holes are still pending from the current drilling program. Three drills will continue to operate in 2008.

- Update resource calculation. An updated resource will be completed during the second or third quarter of 2008. The resource will incorporate drill holes completed since May, 2007 (115 to date) as well as drill holes planned for early 2008. Significant expansion of the existing resource has occurred in several key areas including the Pinwheel, South Limb, and 90 Gold Zone. SRK Consulting has been retained to complete the NI 43-101 updated resource calculation.

- Completion of a NI 43-101 compliant preliminary assessment (scoping study). In order to evaluate the economic potential of the updated resource, Aquila intends to engage independent third party consulting engineers to complete preliminary mine and processing plans in order to assess the preliminary economic parameters of the project.

- Advancement of metallurgical test work program. Metallurgical test work is well underway for massive sulfide ore types as well as oxide (gossan), 90 Gold Zone and PM Zone gold ores. The Company anticipates that preliminary results will be ready for release during the first quarter of 2008.

- Progression of environmental baseline studies. Studies monitoring baseline water, air, flora, fauna, and cultural resources are currently being completed by independent consulting firms and will continue through 2008.

- Community outreach. The Company will continue its community outreach program with the normal regularly scheduled meetings in the local township, as well as an expanded meeting venue throughout broader Menominee County.

Additional information about Aquila and the Back Forty Project are available on the company's website at www.aquilaresources.com.

Tom Quigley, P.Geo., and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.
sieht für mich nach ner 2. Candente aus - nich das ich jetzt Candente untreu werde, aber Antares scheitn auch ein kleines Sahnestückchen zu sein

nochmal zu Antares Min.
habe nach der News heute nochmal nen bissl gestöbert, wie es ausschaut no debts, genug Cash und über 50% der Shares in festen Händen
Zitat aus den Bullboards:

.... I have been all over this ANM story from VERY early on, I never guessed we would ever pull such a deep, rich hole out of Haquira. When you combine this hole with the other previous impressive drill results, it's clear to see that a HUGE deposit is being developed, one worthy of a very lofty offer from a cash rich mining company in need of replenishing their depleting portfolio.
Share structure is absolutely superb on ANM. Between Farallon Capital Management, MDR's ownership of ANM shares and insiders,
more than 50% of the shares are locked away. In addition, the treasury is nicely "cashed up" so we won't see more paper being printed for sometime, if ever. Bottom line, if investors want a piece of this company the only place to get it is in the market, likely at a premium to current share price.

Welcome aboard Speedy, I haven't noticed any postings from you in the past so I guess you are a Newbie.

Enjoy the ride, SL


2008-01-02 19:53 ET - News Release

Mr. John Black reports

Antares Minerals Inc. is releasing the results from four additional diamond drill holes at the Haquira project in southern Peru. The objective of the current drill program is to delineate recently discovered high-grade primary porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold mineralization beneath the secondary copper blanket at the Haquira East zone (see Stockwatch news dated July 12, 2007, Aug. 9, 2007, and Oct. 26, 2007). Highlights from drill holes AHAD-104 through AHAD-107 (2,765.70 metres total) include:

943.30 m with 0.65 per cent copper and 0.009 per cent molybdenum (0.70 per cent copper equivalent);
Includes 442.85 m with 0.74 per cent Cu, 0.010 per cent Mo (0.80 per cent Cu equivalent);
Hole remains open to depth with final 51.45 m grading 0.41 per cent Cu;
Hole terminated at 1007.60 m due to lack of available drill rods;
200-metre step-out from nearest deep drill holes (AHAD-106 and AHAD-098A);
Intercept may represent second, vertically extensive, higher-grade copper centre;
496.35 m with 0.58 per cent Cu and 0.024 per cent Mo (0.72 per cent Cu equivalent);
Includes 211.00 m with 0.67 per cent Cu and 0.032 per cent Mo (0.86 per cent Cu equivalent);
AHAD-104 and AHAD-105 were drilled to delineate the northeastern margin of system;
AHAD-105 intersected 351.40 m with 0.45 per cent Cu and 0.018 per cent Mo (0.56 per cent Cu equivalent);
AHAD-104 intersected 351.95 m with 0.48 per cent Cu and 0.016 per cent Mo (0.58 per cent Cu equivalent);
Both holes terminated in less mineralized sedimentary wall rocks;
All four holes entered directly into well-mineralized porphyry beneath 49 to 89.20 m of barren colluvium (postmineral cover). The upper 16.30 to 42.35 m of the mineralized intercepts consists of secondary copper mineralization (principally in situ copper oxides), with grades ranging from 0.46 to 0.84 per cent Cu. The remainder of the mineralized intercepts consists of primary sulphide mineralization dominated by chalcopyrite with lesser molybdenite, bornite and pyrite.

John Black, president and chief executive officer of Antares Minerals, commented as follows: "The results from drilling at Haquira East continue to exceed our expectations in terms of both average grade and vertical extent of mineralization. The four holes presented in this press release have now confirmed the potential for a significant volume of primary copper mineralization at Haquira East with additional molybdenum and gold credits. More importantly the results from AHAD-107 indicate that a second centre of thicker and higher-grade copper mineralization is emerging as drilling progresses to the northwest. We had anticipated that grades and thicknesses of mineralization might gradually decrease away from the bornite-rich core defined by drill holes AHAD-098A, AHAD-099 and AHAD-102, so we were pleasantly surprised by nearly one kilometre of well-mineralized porphyry in AHAD-107 and the re-emergence of bornite and associated higher copper and gold grades. Mineralization remains open to the north and west and we look forward to additional results in the near future."
Noront Resources Ltd.: Most Recent Assays Continue to Return High Grade Mineralization
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 3, 2008) - Noront Resources Ltd. ("Noront") (TSX VENTURE:NOT) is pleased to announce the receipt of additional assays on hole NOT-07-18 on its 100%-owned Eagle One occurrence within Noront's Double Eagle Project in the McFauld's Lake Area of northeastern Ontario. "The results of the unreported additional assays from Hole 18 are very significant with 18.8 meters that averaged 7.4% nickel, 3.2% copper, 1.05 grams per tonne platimum and 10.16 grams per tonne palladium. Our immediate drill objectives for the New Year are to test for extensions to the high grade Eagle One Deposit and to drill test several high-priority geophysical targets within the immediate area of Eagle One," states Richard Nemis, President and CEO of Noront.


- NOT-07-18 intersected mineralization between 105.2 meters and 229.8 meters that over 124.6 meters averaged 2.39% Ni, 1.09% Cu, 1.12 g/t Pt, 3.86 g/t Pd, 0.28 g/t Au and 3.89 g/t Ag. This well mineralized zone contained an 18.8 meter massive sulphide mineralized section between 211 meters and 229.8 meters that graded 7.38% Ni, 3.18% Cu, 1.05 g/t Pt, 10.16 g/t Pd, 0.23g/t Au and 8.92 g/t Ag.

- NOT-07-11 was reviewed and found to contain mineralized sulphides over greater lengths than previously reported (November 6, 2007).

- The on-going land acquisition in the Double Eagle area has increased Noront's land position to approximately 66,976 hectares (165,498 acres) in 283 claims.

Assay results (Hole 18 and Hole 11)

From To Int Cu Ni Pt Pd Au Ag
Hole # (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
NOT-07-18 105.2 229.8 124.6 1.09 2.39 1.12 3.86 0.28 3.89
including 105.2 132.5 27.3 0.22 0.50 0.33 1.06 0.06 1.05
including 132.5 211.0 78.5 0.89 1.85 1.40 3.33 0.37 3.67
including 211.0 229.8 18.8 3.18 7.38 1.05 10.16 0.23 8.92

NOT-07-11 54.5 95.0 40.5 0.58 1.00 0.55 2.20 0.07 2.31
including 54.5 75.8 21.3 1.02 1.68 0.64 3.78 0.08 3.93
including 75.8 95 19.2 0.10 0.23 0.44 0.96 0.05 0.52
NOT-07-18 was positioned at the same collar location as hole NOT-07-17 and NOT-07-16 undercutting the mineralization encountered in the two upper holes. The initial dip of this hole was set at -69 degrees. As reported earlier, (December 21, 2007) there were several samples outstanding over a 14.8 meter wide massive sulphide section. These outstanding results were recently received. Between 215 and 229.8 meters (14.8 meters long) the section averaged 2.63% Cu, 7.59% Ni, 0.5 g/t Pt, 8.72 g/t Pd, 0.22 g/t Au and 7.28 g/t Ag. Averaging these new results with the previously reported assays covers the entire massive sulphide section between 211 meters and 229.8 meters that over 18.8 meters averaged 3.18 % Cu, 7.38% Ni, 1.05 g/t Pt, 10.16 g/t Pd, 0.23 g/t Au and 7.28 g/t Ag.

NOT-07-11 was reviewed and found to contain mineralized sulphides over greater lengths than previously reported (November 6, 2007). Additional mineralization was observed above and below the previously sampled sections. The new mineralized length extends from 54.5 meters to 95 meters (40.5 meters) and averages 0.58% Cu, 1.0 % Ni, 0.55 g/t Pt, 2.2 g/t Pd, 0.07 g/t Au and 2.31 g/t Ag.

Start Up of Winter Operations

All field crews are scheduled to return to the project area over the next few weeks. A line cutting crew and maintenance crew for the drills are arriving shortly, followed by the geophysical and geological team. The first drill crew will be arriving the week of the 14th of January. Aeroquest is expected to return to the area this weekend to continue the airborne program over the entire "Ring of Fire". Two new drills have been contracted from an additional drill service provider (Forage Orbit Garant) from Val D'Or Quebec and are scheduled to arrive in mid January 2008. Ground geophysical surveys focused on the Eagle One occurrence and its immediate surroundings are being compiled and are under review. Several airborne anomalies, with geophysical attributes similar to the Eagle One occurrence have been identified in the preliminary presentation of the Aeroquest airborne data. The project will focus on these anomalies immediately. These anomalies are located to the south and west of the Eagle One occurrence as well as to the northwest, all within 5 kilometers of Eagle One. Each of these anomalies will be detailed by ground geophysics prior to drill testing.

Research Coverage

Wasserman Morris and Company, an independent investment research firm, began its initial coverage of Noront Resources on December 27, 2007. Wasserman Morris issued a speculative buy rating. The report is available for viewing at http://www.wassermanmorris.com. Wasserman Morris is an equity research firm providing research for significantly under-followed small cap companies. Wasserman Morris distributes its research to a broad audience of institutional and individual investors seeking information on under-followed small cap stocks. A third party has paid Wasserman Morris on behalf of Noront for one year of coverage as detailed in the report. Neither Wasserman Morris nor the analysts own equity or debt securities of Noront Resources. More information about Wasserman Morris policies can be found at

On Site Quality Assurance / Quality Control Measures

The aforementioned assay and sample information, as well as geological descriptions are taken from drill logs as prepared by two site geologists for the drill program, Dr. Howard Lahti, P.Geo., of Fredericton, New Brunswick and Mike Kilbourne, geologist from Newmarket, Ontario. Billiken Management Services Inc. is providing all services on site for the Noront Double Eagle Project, from their base camp at McFaulds Lake. Billiken is a holder of Certificate of Authorization issued by the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario.

All assay work and sampling procedures have been included in earlier news releases. Chain of Custody includes delivery to ALS Chemex Laboratory in Vancouver BC, where all samples undergo analysis using ALS Chemex assay procedure AA46 for nickel, copper and silver, and ICP24 for Au, Pt, and Pd. When samples received over-limit values they underwent further analysis using ALS Chemex assay procedure ICP27 (for gold, platinum and palladium), as well as GRA21 for gold. The reader is referred to: www.alschemex.com for details of these analytical procedures.

Independent Quality Assurance and Quality Control Protocol

Gold, platinum and palladium are assayed using fire assay on a 50 gram nominal sample weight with an ICP-AES finish. Nickel and copper are assayed using aqua regia (3-acid) digestion with either ICP-AES or AAS finish. A comprehensive QA/QC program has been implemented to monitor all assays on the Double Eagle Project. Samples are assembled in numbered batches of 77 samples, which equates to the number of client samples per furnace batch at ALS Chemex. Included in each batch of 77 samples are 4 certified reference material samples, 3 blank samples comprised of sterile drill core, and 4 field duplicate samples. This QC program was set up for Noront by Tracy Armstrong P.Geo, of P&E Mining Consultants Inc. ("P&E") of Brampton, Ontario. Ms. Armstrong is a qualified geologist in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Assay results are being monitored on an on-going, real time basis for accuracy, contamination and precision by P&E. The current sample set will be reviewed by Ms. Armstrong once some additional batches are completed, and will be reported upon in a timely manner.

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the US Private Securities Reform Act of 1995. Other than statements of historical fact, all statements are "Forward-Looking Statements" that involve such various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove accurate. Results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Readers of this press release are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these "Forward-Looking Statements".

This press release has been prepared by management of Noront Resources Ltd., and has been approved for dissemination by Neil Novak P.Geo., a director and recently appointed Vice President Exploration of Noront, being a Qualified Person under Canadian Securities guidelines.

Noront is a tier 2 junior resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading symbol NOT, with 118,478,582 shares issued to date.

Investors are invited to visit Noront's IR Hub at http://www.agoracom.com/IR/Noront where they can post questions and receive answers or review questions and answers already posted by other investors. Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and correspondence to NOT@agoracom.com where they can also request to be added to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and updates in real time.


R. Nemis, President and Chief Executive Officer

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Tenajon Intersects High Grade Molybdenum Values at Moly Brook

Including 0.138% Molybdenum (Mo) over 67.06 Metres

Tenajon Resources Corp (TSX-V:TJS) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that assay results have been received for Hole MB 07-3 from the recently completed 12 hole drill program at its Moly Brook Property located on the south coast of Newfoundland. Hole MB 07-3 intersected a 207.26 metre section averaging 0.084% molybdenum (0.140 MoS2) including a 67.06 metre intercept averaging 0.138% molybdenum (0.230 MoS2). The hole extends the eastern high grade portion of the Moly Brook Zone to a depth of 150 metres below surface with the zone open along strike and down dip. To date, assay data for three drill holes have been reported and the results of nine drill holes are pending.

“Results from the first drill holes have successfully tested a section of the Moly Brook deposit over both width and depth with the zone demonstrating excellent continuity. Results show that Moly Brook has the potential to host a significant bulk tonnage molybdenum deposit. In addition, both current and historic drilling indicate that molybdenum mineralization occurs near surface with very little overburden.” said Bruce McLeod, President & CEO of Tenajon. Mr. McLeod adds, “Moly Brook also benefits from being located in a mining friendly district with very good nearby infrastructure including being situated 2.5 km from the Hamlet of Grey River, less than 4 kilometres from a deep water, ice free navigable fjord on the southern coast of Newfoundland.”

In 2007, Tenajon completed twelve holes totaling 3,633 metres in length at Moly Brook. The holes tested the target zone over 750 metres of strike length. Hole MB 07-2 successfully tested the up dip extension of the mineralization in Royal Oak hole 95-01 and the along strike extension to that in Royal Oak hole 95-04. Results included a 373.08 metre intercept averaging 0.066% Mo. Within this intercept there is a 109.73 metre section averaging 0.097% Mo, corresponding with the western high grade portion of the Moly Brook Zone, and a 21.34 metre section averaging 0.133% Mo occurring in the eastern half. Hole MB 07-3 tested the eastern half of the Moly Brook Zone approximately 75 metres below Royal Oak hole 95-01. Due to the limited depth capacity of the drill, the western portion of the Moly Brook Zone as intersected in Hole MB 07-2 could not be tested at depth. Hole MB 07-3 intersected similar style mineralization with the intersections being wider and higher grade than those in holes MB 07-2 and Royal Oak hole 95-01. The results for hole MB 07-3 are summarized below, while additional assay results for the recently completed drill program are attached.

Length (metres)
From (metres)
To (metres)
Interval (metres)
Mo (%)
MoS2 (%)

MB 07-3





Hole MB 07-3 demonstrates that mineralization intersected in Royal Oak hole 95-01 can be traced from surface to in excess of 150 metres below surface with the zone being open in all directions. Overall there is a good correlation of results between Royal Oak hole 95-01 (204.81 metres of 0.061% Mo – non 43-101 compliant) and MB 07-2 (109.73m of 0.097% Mo). For current drill hole locations along with a detailed cross section, please view the accompanying maps:

http://www.tenajon.com/i/maps/MolyBrook/2008-01-03DHLocationMap.jpg and http://www.tenajon.com/i/maps/MolyBrook/2008-01-03Section.jpg

At the Moly Brook Property molybdenite occurs primarily along the rims of a series of north trending, subvertical sheeted veins and fracture faces over a 450 x 1,100 metre area. On occasion quartz vein stockwork is formed with molybdenite occurring in all of the vein orientations. Molybdenite also occurs as disseminations within the intrusion. The style of mineralization appears to be similar to that at Thompson Creek Metal’s Endako Mine in British Columbia where the majority of molybdenite occurs within a sheeted vein and fracture system. Soil sample results, using the 25 ppm Mo in soil contour, outlines a 1,200 metre long and up to 700 metre wide anomaly. Coincidental with the soil anomaly is a 1,500 metre long and up to 800 metre wide zone of high chargeability, as defined by I.P. surveying.

The work at Moly Brook was completed by GeoScott Exploration Consultants under the supervision of Dave Visagie, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

At Moly Brook, drill core is sawn into halves with one half being sent for analysis and the other kept for future reference. All samples are prepared at Eastern Analytical using a 600 gram split with the resultant pulp being analyzed at Acme Analytical Labs using a 4 acid digestion with analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). A stringent program of check, blank and duplicate sampling is employed throughout with duplicates, standards and blanks being entered into the sample stream at regular intervals.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Per: D. Bruce McLeod

D. Bruce McLeod, President

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE COMPANY AT 1-604-687-7545 or Toll Free 1-888-338-2200

Internet: www.tenajon.com Email: info@northair.com


The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release. This news release may contain forward looking statements which are not historical facts, such as ore reserve estimates, anticipated production or results, sales, revenues, costs, or discussions of goals and exploration results, and involves a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, metal price volatility, volatility of metals production, project development, ore reserve estimates, future anticipated reserves and cost engineering estimate risks, geological factors and exploration results. See the Company’s filings for a more detailed discussion of factors that may impact expected results.

2007 Moly Brook Drill Results

To accompany Tenajon Resources News Release Dated January 3, 2008

From (metres)
To (metres)
Interval (metres)
Mo (%)


MB 07-1



MB 07-2




MB 07-3


TJS - :juchu: wieder SahneNews - denke die Rakete iss am dampfen :kichern:

soviele gute News heute schon.......man weiß garnicht wo man zuerst liest
ANM - die Taxen schauen lecker aus.............. :)
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