Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

Oil Prices Decline Slightly in Range-Bound Trading -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


30 January 2023, 15:25

0825 ET - US crude prices began 2023 at $80 a barrel and haven't veered too far from that level since, trading 0.4% lower this morning at $79.38 a barrel. Bullish factors such as China's reopening are fully offset by several bearish factors including weak US demand and a manufacturing slowdown, say traders. For this week, much of the focus will be on a meeting Wednesday of the OPEC-plus group of major oil producers including Russia and Saudi Arabia, though the group is expected to stay the course and not make any surprise policy changes as they await more clarity on China's rebound and the latest European energy sanctions against Russian exports.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires January 30, 2023 08:25 ET (13:25 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
=> jetzt geben die bären aber deutlich mehr gas ....
WTI Oil Drops 2.2% to $77.91 a Barrel; Would Be Lowest Close Since Jan. 11
Natural Gas Drops Further Despite Texas Ice Storm -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


30 January 2023, 15:53

0853 ET - Natural gas prices drop another 5% to $2.706/mmBtu, putting them on track for their lowest closing price since Apr. 21, 2021, as the market seems to keep shrugging off anything but bearish news. "Frigid conditions rule most of the interior US this week w/lows of -10s to 20s, including 10s to 30s into Texas for strong to very strong national demand," says in a note. "However, last week, cold was already in the forecast for this week, and it didn't stop nat gas prices from dropping to the lowest levels since May 2021."
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires January 30, 2023 08:53 ET (13:53 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Trending: Rio Tinto Loses Radioactive Capsule in Australia

Rio Tinto Plc ADR


Rio Tinto Plc


Rio Tinto Ltd.


30 January 2023, 15:26

1326 GMT - Rio Tinto is among the most mentioned companies across news items over the past six hours, according to Factiva data, after the company admitted that it had lost an eight-millimeter-long capsule of radioactive material that can burn or sicken anyone who touches it. The capsule is believed to have fallen off a piece of equipment that was sent for repair from a mine in Newman to Perth, Western Australia. Authorities have started a search on the 870-mile highway amid worries that the capsule could have become lodged in a tire of any passing vehicles. The search efforts may also be affected by the time gap of nearly two weeks between the transport of the equipment and when the capsule was discovered to be missing on Jan. 25. "We recognize this is clearly very concerning and are sorry for the alarm it has caused in the Western Australian community," Rio's iron-ore division chief executive said in a statement. Dow Jones & Co. owns Factiva.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires January 30, 2023 08:26 ET (13:26 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Retail US Gasoline Prices May Be Plateauing -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


30 January 2023, 18:03

11:03 ET - Gasoline prices at the pump may be starting to flatten out after rising by 15% over the past six weeks, the sharpest increase since 1H22. AAA says today's average price nationwide for a gallon of regular stands at $3.51, unchanged from a day earlier but up from $3.42 a week ago, $3.18 a month ago and $3.36 a year ago. The price of both major crude-oil benchmarks declined last week, with WTI falling 2.4% and Brent dropping 1.1%. Those declines in crude oil, the main raw ingredient for gasoline, could allow pump prices to plateau or even decline some ahead of the spring and summer driving seasons.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires January 30, 2023 11:03 ET (16:03 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Öl + Gas

heizöl: der feb-23-kontrakt erreicht eine unterstützungszone um 3.4000$/3.3500$. nachhaltige kurse darunter eröffnen ein short-ziel bis 3.2000$. damit könnte sich die aktuelle chartsituation, neben dem kurzfristigen aufwärtstrend, zu einer bärischen flaggen-formation entwickeln.

Öl + Gas

heizöl: ey, karamba. endgeile, bärische flaggen-formation, die hier gebaut wird. der feb-23-kontrakt fällt auf ein tt von 3.1230$ (mar-23: 3.0654$).
Big Oil Could Get Bigger, Analyst Says. Why Trans-Atlantic Mergers Make Sense. --

Öl + Gas


30 January 2023, 20:26, By Avi Salzman
Big U.S. oil companies have soared since the pandemic, hitting record highs in the stock market this month, while their peers in Europe are still far from their previous heights. Now one analyst is suggesting a dramatic way to close that gap.
Exxon Mobil (ticker: XOM)

Exxon Mobil Corp.

and Chevron ( CVX)

Chevron Corp.

could consider buying companies like BP ( BP)

BP Plc.

, Shell (SHEL)

Shell PLC

, and TotalEnergies ( TTE), wrote Citi analyst Alastair Syme. The proposal is a long shot because oil investors have been wary of large acquisitions for the past few years and have sold off stocks of companies that engage in them. But it at least serves to highlight the widening gulf between oil companies in each region. Stock in Chevron and Exxon trades at 11.2 times and 10.6 times those companies' expected 2023 earnings per share, while Shell, BP, and TotalEnergies are at 6.5, 6.5, and 5.5 times, respectively. Syme's basic point is that the European majors are now operating in a political climate that makes it harder for them to grow profitably. European countries have imposed windfall taxes on oil companies, and several pensions and other large investors there won't buy the stocks for environmental reasons. The courts have also been more strict with the companies: In 2021, a judge ordered Shell to cut its carbon emissions 45% by 2030. The European companies have pivoted more quickly to renewable energy than their U.S. counterparts, and investors tend to value those businesses at lower multiples than oil and gas production. They are skeptical that wind power and other renewables, which sell into slow-growing utility markets, will pay off as handsomely as fossil fuels. If they were swallowed by U.S. companies, the combined earnings of the companies would presumably be valued at higher multiples, Syme wrote. "Markets are unlikely to close the gap by themselves: the cost of equity of European oils remains handcuffed by investor and political headwinds, " Syme wrote. "What is really needed is for the industry to arbitrage this value itself." The U.S. companies would also be able to cut considerable costs, likely amounting to 15% to 30% of the market capitalization of the acquired company, Syme projected. Exxon, which reports earnings on Tuesday, had no comment on the report. Asked in an interview with Barron's last week about the idea of trans-Atlantic energy mergers, Chevron CFO Pierre Breber said he wouldn't comment on specific companies. But he said that Chevron has a strong recent history of making profitable acquisitions, including its purchases of Noble Energy and Renewable Energy Group over the past two years. "Any acquisition, we have to clear a high bar to make us an even better company," he said. "So of course we're always on the lookout, but we'll only act, in a disciplined way, if we think it makes our value proposition even better." A cross-ocean acquisition would shake up the energy sector even more than the megamergers between Exxon and Mobil and Chevron and Texaco that created today's oil giants 25 years ago. It isn't just the price tag that would make a deal momentous. Investors in Europe investors may not value their oil companies the way they used to, but the oil companies are still closely associated with the countries where they have operated. BP is no longer called British Petroleum, but it is undoubtedly still closely connected to Great Britain. Nonetheless, Syme doesn't expect that pride or protectionism would derail a deal, given that governments in Europe have been so critical of the oil companies that operate there. "European politicians would undoubtedly rattle their sabres, but given they have already set out an anti-oil narrative it seems unlikely they would intervene directly," Syme wrote. "Competition authorities are unlikely to put up blockers, at least not enough to remove the value-accretion potential. European managements may well argue that they are better stewards of capital, but it is tough to get the upper-hand over their US peers that have looked after investor interests well in recent years." An acquisition could change more than just oil company valuations. The U.S. majors have been wary of investing in renewables, so if they took control of a European major, they would be likely to curb spending on some of the clean-energy projects that the Europeans have been planning, Syme wrote. "We would not expect Europe's prospective capital allocation into 'low carbon' to fully survive in the hands of US peers," he wrote. That might be a win for investors who question the financial merits of the strategy, but a loss for global efforts to slow climate change.
Write to Avi Salzman at (END) Dow Jones Newswires January 30, 2023 13:26 ET (18:26 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


: kann als industriemetall mit dem long-run von


nicht mithalten. unterstützung um 1070$ wurde aufgegeben. sehe hier kurzfristig eher kurse um 1000$ bis 970$.


-future-tt: 1010.30$.


-future: mit dip zu 1004.10$ und damit knapp an die 1k-marke gerumpelt. allerdings treiben die bullen den kurs schon wieder an, auf aktuelle 1020$.


-future erreicht mit dem tt bei 996.90$ das zielgebiet "1k $$".
Natural Gas Steadies, May Avoid Biggest 1-Month Decline Ever -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


31 January 2023, 17:27

10:27 ET - Natural-gas prices appear to be steadying, up 0.2% at $2.684/mmBtu, which may help the market avoid seeing its largest one-month decline on record. The front-month contract is currently down 40% for the month of January, which would be the largest one-month decline since the month of January 2001, when it fell by 41.6%. But if another bout of selling ensues between now and the end of the trading day at 2:30 pm ET, and prices settle at or below $2.6127/mmBtu, January 2023's decline would be nearly 42%, and it would go down as natural gas's worst-performing month percentage-wise on record, with data going back to April 1990.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires January 31, 2023 10:27 ET (15:27 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


: und ich dachte, jetzt geht es hier endlich mal in den short-modus über. heute vormittag querbeet vorherrschende farbe "rot". nun alles in grün gefärbt und der kontrakt braucht keine 5 stunden, um in einem affenzahn den abschwung über 10 handelstagen auszugleichen ... :wallbash:


-future: tt 23.050$, jetzt am th bei 23.835$. kinners, was macht ihr mit mir!?
valero energy corporation: stoße blöderweise erst jetzt wieder auf den wert. da wurden gestern die longs aber ordentlich genarrt. fieser mini-kerzenkörper mit monster-docht!!! morgen kommen vorbörslich die qu-zahlen. man darf gespannt sein, vola-erhöhung inbegriffen.
valero energy corporation: tt 138.07$.
US-Umweltbehörde stoppt Gold- und Kupferminenprojekt in Alaska
WASHINGTON (AFP)--Die US-Umweltbehörde EPA hat ein umstrittenes Vorhaben für eine riesige Gold- und Kupfermine im Bundesstaat Alaska gestoppt. Die EPA begründete ihr Vorgehen am Dienstag mit einem Wasserschutzgesetz und argumentierte, die für ihre Wildlachs-Vorkommen bekannte Bucht Bristol Bay müsse "geschützt" werden. EPA-Chef Michael Regan erklärte, die Bristol Bay im Südwesten Alaskas sei "das produktivste Wildlachs-Ökosystem der Welt". Die Bucht habe deswegen eine große wirtschaftliche Bedeutung, garantiere Arbeitsplätze und habe "bedeutenden ökologischen und kulturellen Wert für die Region". Laut der Umweltschutzbehörde hätten Abwässer der geplanten Pebble-Mine negative Auswirkung auf Fischerei-Gebiete. Umweltschützer, Fischer und Ureinwohner stemmen sich schon seit langer Zeit gegen die geplante Mine. Aus der Bristol Bay stammt rund die Hälfte des weltweit gefischten Rotlachses, der auch als Sockeye-Wildlachs bekannt ist. Die Fischerei-Industrie beschäftigt in der Region rund 15.000 Menschen. Zugleich sollen sich in der Region Vorkommen von Gold und Kupfer im Wert von hunderten von Milliarden Dollar befinden. Der kanadische Bergbaukonzern Northern Dynasty Minerals, der die Pebble-Mine plant, kritisierte am Dienstag die Entscheidung der EPA und kündigte rechtliche Schritte an. Das Vorgehen der Behörde sei "illegal und beispiellos", erklärte der Projektträger Pebble Partnership. "Der nächste Schritt wird wahrscheinlich sein, rechtliche Schritte gegen diese Ungerechtigkeit zu ergreifen."
A $100 Billion Question: Will Exxon or Chevron Go Shopping in Europe? -- WSJ

31 January 2023, 19:40, By Jinjoo Lee
U.S. oil companies Chevron

Chevron Corp.

and Exxon Mobil

Exxon Mobil Corp.

are swimming in cash. Meanwhile, their stock-valuation premium over European peers is becoming wider. At what point should they acquire a peer rather than buy back their own comparatively expensive shares? Chevron said last week that it would increase its dividend about 6%, and the company raised its share-buyback authorization to $75 billion. Exxon Mobil said Tuesday that it would repurchase as much as $35 billion of its own shares this year and next. For some perspective, the companies' combined share-repurchase authorizations are enough to buy British oil company BP. Major European oil companies have been cheaper than U.S. peers for some time, in large part because European equities have been trading at a discount that has only widened since the Brexit referendum in 2016. Still, while the Euro Stoxx 50 index

Euro Stoxx 50

is 28% cheaper than the S&P 500 on the basis of enterprise value as a multiple of expected earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, the three major European oil companies trade at an even steeper discount of 42% -- compared with Exxon and Chevron. That gap used to be smaller: 38% at the end of 2021 and about 32% on average from 2009 to 2019. Part of it can be explained by major U.S. oil companies' larger exposure to high-return assets such as U.S. shale, according to a recent Citi report led by equity analyst Alastair Syme. Major European oil companies have also spent more on green technologies such as wind and solar, which have steady but unexciting returns compared to oil and gas. Another part of it is European investors' reluctance to own energy stocks in a policy environment that is tougher on the fossil-fuel industry. Cross-border deal activity might be the only viable way to close that valuation gap, according to Citi's report, which also notes that a trans-Atlantic merger-and-acquisition deal has significant potential synergies and could hypothetically reduce operating expenses by as much as 15-30% of the target company's market capitalization. Major U.S. oil companies certainly have the balance sheet to consider it: Exxon and Chevron ended the year with net debt around 5% and 3% of capital, respectively. A tie-up doesn't seem that far-fetched considering the fact that Exxon and Chevron were contemplating one with each other just over two years ago. Of course, one significant difference is that oil prices are buoyant today. Previous tie-ups tended to occur when oil and gas prices were weak: The initial demand shock of Covid-19 preceded Exxon and Chevron's talks and Asia's financial crisis preceded Exxon's merger with Mobil in 1999 and Chevron's merger with Texaco in 2001. While there would be antitrust scrutiny, it isn't insurmountable. Upstream assets are less likely to pose an issue because the oil majors have such diverse global asset positions. The five major oil companies combined produced just 9% of the world's oil and gas in 2022, a far cry from their 32% market share in 1971, according to Citi's analysis. Refining operations could get more scrutiny, but companies could meet regulatory requirements by divesting themselves of certain assets. And, while the EU and U.K. have instituted energy-windfall taxes, they apply to profits in the region, which don't account for a significant share of production for any of the major oil companies. Exxon and Chevron's chief executives said on their most recent earnings calls that they are open to acquisitions, though neither mentioned major European oil companies specifically. When asked about M&A opportunities on Exxon's earnings call on Tuesday, Chief Executive Darren Woods mentioned the Permian Basin and the low-carbon-solutions space as areas where the company could extract more value through acquisitions. Chevron CEO Mike Wirth said on the company's earnings call on Friday that the bid-ask spread is still wide on oil-and-gas and clean-energy companies. Notably, both companies have boasted about progress on "high-grading" their portfolios by selling noncore assets, so a trans-Atlantic megamerger would be quite a pivot. Still, as the valuation gap with European peers widens, it will be difficult for Exxon and Chevron to keep their eyes off those giant, juicy targets.
Write to Jinjoo Lee at (END) Dow Jones Newswires January 31, 2023 12:40 ET (17:40 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Natural Gas Declines Toward New, 21-Month Low -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


1 February 2023, 15:38

0838 ET - Natural gas prices fall 1.1% to $2.654/mmBtu, a level that if maintained would be the lowest closing price since mid April 2021. A weekly EIA storage report due tomorrow may once again be bearish compared to averages. A survey from S&P Global Commodity Insights forecasts a 146 billion cubic feet withdrawal that, if confirmed, would widen a 4.9% storage surplus to 6.7% above the five-year average. "Exceptionally mild weather in January and correspondingly weak gas demand has reshaped the US market outlook, flipping storage levels from a 7% deficit in late December to an estimated 7% surplus in late January," says S&P Global in the survey.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires February 01, 2023 08:38 ET (13:38 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


im monatschart massiv bullisch und richtung ausbruch unterwegs. allerdings auch eine kurszone, die die bullen schon zweimal abgewiesen hat!

Öl + Gas

heizöl: der feb-23-kontrakt erreicht eine unterstützungszone um 3.4000$/3.3500$. nachhaltige kurse darunter eröffnen ein short-ziel bis 3.2000$. damit könnte sich die aktuelle chartsituation, neben dem kurzfristigen aufwärtstrend, zu einer bärischen flaggen-formation entwickeln.

Öl + Gas

heizöl: ey, karamba. endgeile, bärische flaggen-formation, die hier gebaut wird. der feb-23-kontrakt fällt auf ein tt von 3.1230$ (mar-23: 3.0654$).

Öl + Gas

heizöl: tt nearest future (mar-23): 3.0038$, -4%.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Öl + Gas

heizöl: der feb-23-kontrakt erreicht eine unterstützungszone um 3.4000$/3.3500$. nachhaltige kurse darunter eröffnen ein short-ziel bis 3.2000$. damit könnte sich die aktuelle chartsituation, neben dem kurzfristigen aufwärtstrend, zu einer bärischen flaggen-formation entwickeln.

Öl + Gas

heizöl: ey, karamba. endgeile, bärische flaggen-formation, die hier gebaut wird. der feb-23-kontrakt fällt auf ein tt von 3.1230$ (mar-23: 3.0654$).

Öl + Gas

heizöl: tt nearest future (mar-23): 3.0038$, -4%.

Öl + Gas

heizöl: leck-o-mio, tt 2.9350$, -6.6%! :eek:


: und ich dachte, jetzt geht es hier endlich mal in den short-modus über. heute vormittag querbeet vorherrschende farbe "rot". nun alles in grün gefärbt und der kontrakt braucht keine 5 stunden, um in einem affenzahn den abschwung über 10 handelstagen auszugleichen ... :wallbash:


-future: das war gestern dann doch bloß ein long-fake. aktuell handelt der mar-23-kontrakt am tt bei 4.1060$.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Trending: Rio Tinto Loses Radioactive Capsule in Australia

Rio Tinto Plc ADR


Rio Tinto Plc


Rio Tinto Ltd.


30 January 2023, 15:26

1326 GMT - Rio Tinto is among the most mentioned companies across news items over the past six hours, according to Factiva data, after the company admitted that it had lost an eight-millimeter-long capsule of radioactive material that can burn or sicken anyone who touches it. The capsule is believed to have fallen off a piece of equipment that was sent for repair from a mine in Newman to Perth, Western Australia. Authorities have started a search on the 870-mile highway amid worries that the capsule could have become lodged in a tire of any passing vehicles. The search efforts may also be affected by the time gap of nearly two weeks between the transport of the equipment and when the capsule was discovered to be missing on Jan. 25. "We recognize this is clearly very concerning and are sorry for the alarm it has caused in the Western Australian community," Rio's iron-ore division chief executive said in a statement. Dow Jones & Co. owns Factiva.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires January 30, 2023 08:26 ET (13:26 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
rio tinto

Rio Tinto Plc


Rio Tinto Plc ADR

fallen auf 75$ zurück ...


-update: topbildung im anzug? freitäglicher intraday-dip bereits bis 4.1720$, wurde zum handelsschluss aber wieder etwas hochgekauft. sk unter dem sma10, macd mit beginnendem schnitt oberhalb der nulllinie.


nunmehr im kurzfristigen short-modus. auf der oberseite wird seit gestern bereits um 4.2000$/4.2200$ getestet und massiv ausgebaut (heutiges th bei 4.1995$). auch schon gestern führte der markt den kurs an ein tt um 4.1000$, das aktuell ein wenig ausgebaut wird (tt 4.0885$).
Discovery Silver to trade on TSX Feb. 3

2023-02-01 23:57 ET - New Listing

The Toronto Stock Exchange reports that Discovery Silver Corp. will be listed and posted for trading on the TSX at the open on Feb. 3, 2023. According to the TSX, there will be 351,954,080 common shares of the company issued and outstanding, and 35,195,408 shares reserved for issuance. The shares will trade under the symbol DSV, in Canadian dollars and with Cusip No. 254677 10 7.


: sind das irre bewegungen an zwei tagen. hatte mich gestern über den long-run zusammen mit den indizes gewundert! :gruebel:
Oil Edges Down Ahead of Ban on Russia Oil Products -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


3 February 2023, 10:46

0846 GMT - Oil prices tick lower despite an impending European Union ban on Russian oil product exports which is expected to tighten crude markets further. Brent crude oil edges down 0.2% to $82.00 a barrel while WTI weakens 0.3% to $75.70 a barrel. The EU's ban is set to come into force Sunday. Ample time to prepare and strong Russian exports of crude and oil products ahead of the ban are keeping prices in check, ING says in a note. "Despite this imminent disruption to flows, the market appears relatively calm...the market has had a significant amount of time to prepare for the ban. We have seen strong inflows of middle distillates into Europe ahead of Feb. 5," ING says.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires February 03, 2023 03:46 ET (08:46 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


: US-Arbeitsmarktbericht im Fokus
von Tomke Hansmann, 10:39 Uhr, 03.02.2023

Aufmerksamkeit gilt dem am Freitagnachmittag zur Veröffentlichung kommenden US-Arbeitsmarktbericht für Januar. Ein starker Bericht dürfte die Zweifel am Markt an einem schnellen Rückgang der hohen Inflation in den USA weiter nähren.


konsolidiert am Freitagvormittag seine kräftigen gestrigen Verluste. Von seinem frischen Neuneinhalbmonatshoch bei 1.959,59 US-Dollar je Feinunze war das Edelmetall im Umfeld eines sich auf breiter Basis deutlich von seinem Neuneinhalbmonatstief erholenden US-Dollars bis 1.909,30 US-Dollar pro Unze zurückgefallen. ...
Precious Metals Lower Following Strong Jobs Data -- Market Talk





3 February 2023, 16:02

0901 ET - Precious metals futures are lower after Labor Department data shows an acceleration of hiring in January -- creating questions around if the economy is cooling fast enough for the Federal Reserve to slow down and soon stop raising interest rates. For precious metals like gold, prices have been strong this week in reaction to the Federal Reserve's quarter-point increase to interest rates -- and hopes that the Fed will soon have inflation under control. However, today's jobs data was a linchpin in keeping that rally going, says SP Angel in a note this morning before the report's release. Gold futures are down 1.5%, while silver falls 3% and platinum slips 2%.
(; @kirkmaltais) (END) Dow Jones Newswires February 03, 2023 09:02 ET (14:02 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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