Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

Dynasty Gold (TSXV DYG / WKN A2DW87) hatte das Jahr 2023 mit wahrhaft spektakulären Bohrergebnissen begonnen. Insbesondere die Bohrung DP22-03 mit bis zu 246 g/t Gold (Höchstwert) und durchschnittlich 7,35 g/t Gold über 51 Meter überzeugte die Anleger und ließ den Aktienkurs damals um rund 200% steigen. Neue Ergebnisse aus dem gleichen Bohrloch führten nun gestern zu einem weiteren Kurssprung!

Bei starkem Handelsvolumen ging es nämlich um 32% nach oben, nachdem Dynasty meldete, dass man Ergebnisse zuvor nicht beprobter Abschnitte der Bohrungen DP22-02 und DP22-03 erhalten habe. Denn die zeigten, dass sich die Vererzung in DP22-03 nicht nur über 51 sondern sogar über 73,5 Meter erstreckt und der durchschnittliche Goldgehalt der gesamten Bohrung auf 8,42 g/t steigt! In dem neu analysierten Abschnitt wurden dabei u.a. 6,5 Meter mit 72,23 g/t Gold nachgewiesen.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-22 um 09.44.19.png

Dynasty Gold Gets Lucky

Bob MoriartyArchivesJun 21, 2023

It has been said that Napoleon valued luck in his generals more than skill. That makes a lot of sense because you can always beat skill but you can never beat luck.

Dynasty Gold (DYG-V) ran a 1,000-meter drill program in 2022 and announced results in January and February of this year. Those results from three drill holes showed both bonanza grade and impressive widths. Then Dynasty gold got lucky.

Some twenty years ago I made my first international trip to a mining project in Western China for Dynasty. They were focused on China at the time and actually put a 70% owned gold mine into production. Their Chinese partner screwed them and Dynasty spent years and millions of dollars fighting for their 70% interest. And lost.

In 2018 the company made a pivot to gold projects in North America with their lead property the 2,250 ha Thundercloud Gold project in Ontario. They picked up the property through an option with Teck Resources and earned their 100% interest subject to a 2% NSR in September of 2021. Geologically it is similar to the Abitibi Gold belt of eastern Ontario but with far less exploration. It came with an 182,000 ounce 43-101 gold resource.

In March of this year I got a call from Ivy Chong the president of Dynasty. I’ve known her for twenty years and she wanted to chat about the drill results they released in January and February. While it was a tiny 1,000-meter drill program, the results were outstanding. Initially the market exploded higher on the news but drifted lower. With some of the best results I have seen lately out of such a short program, the company only had a market cap of about $8 million and little money to follow up.

Investors don’t know this but I talk to a number of mining companies about a lot of things. I’m an unofficial advisor to various management teams who actually appreciate a direct response to their questions. I can be very direct at times on about any subject. And since I don’t get paid for my advice, I’m a cheap source of opinions.

Ivy wanted to know what she should do. Since Rob McEwen had already committed to a major piece of any upcoming private placement I put some people in touch with Dynasty and suggested she swing for the fences. She announced a $2.8 million non-brokered placement on March 30th and it was highly over-subscribed at $3.74 million in short order.

That’s when she got lucky. Since she was trying to get by with spending only pennies in 2022, her geos sampled the obvious mineralized zones and left the hanging wall and footwall portions to be tested when they had some spare cash.

I’m going to dumb things down a little so everyone gets it so ignore the fact it is not a highly technical discussion. Many deposits are made up with veins consisted of mineralizing fluids flowing up cracks in the earth’s surface. At times both sides of the newly formed veins may have absorbed some of the fluids. They are called the hanging wall for the top surface and the footwall for the lower rock. Sometimes they are mineralized and other times they are not.

With some spare cash in the bank, Dynasty sent out hanging wall and footwall samples from the successful drill holes from the 2022 program for assay. The assays just came back on June 20th and they rocketed the shares higher by 32% from $.25 to $.33.

Hole DP 22-02 was reported to have a 25.5-meter interval of 5.37 g/t Au on January 10th. The assays just released show an increase in the interval to 34.5 meters and an increase in grade to 5.98 g/t gold. Not only was the interval 24% greater, the recently assayed sections were slightly higher grade.

Hole DP 22-03 was reported as 51 meters of 7.35 g/t gold in the January press release. The additional assays now show a total interval of 73.5 meters of 8.42 g/t gold giving a 40% longer interval and again, higher grade. That was already a world-class hole including 6.5 meters of 72.23 g/t of gold.

Dynasty plans a 5,000-meter drill program at Thundercloud for 2023 and an additional 5,000-meter program depending on results from the first program. The company has management, geological expertise, money in the bank and some luck. That’s a winning combination. I suspect the price is going to go a lot higher.

Dynasty is an advertiser. I participated in the PP and have also bought shares in the open market. I am biased so do your own due diligence.

Dynasty Gold CorpDYG-V $.33 (Jun 20, 2023) DGDCF-OTCBB 61 million sharesDynasty Gold website


Bob MoriartyPresident: 321goldArchives
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Discovery Silver to begin Cordero permitting

2023-06-22 07:01 ET - News Release

Mr. Tony Makuch reports


Discovery Silver Corp. has provided a project update on its flagship Cordero project, located in Chihuahua state, Mexico.

Tony Makuch, president and chief executive officer, stated: "We have made excellent progress so far this year on the critical de-risking items for Cordero - surface rights, water, power, permitting and the Feasibility Study - as we systematically advance Cordero towards a construction decision. We recently secured surface rights covering the proposed open pit and key infrastructure locations at the Project. We have also identified the potential sources of water for the Project and recently acquired a significant volume of water rights. We received two power studies earlier this year confirming there is sufficient capacity in the existing grid to supply the Project for mine operations and establishing the work required to access the grid.

"We are putting the final touches on our Environmental Impact Statement, a significant step in the permitting process for Cordero and the culmination of detailed social and environmental assessment work completed by the Company.

Our Feasibility Study work is well advanced and remains on schedule for completion in 1H 2024. Recent drill results highlight the potential to further grow reserves within and on the margins of the open pit. We also remain focused on optimization opportunities within the study including potentially reducing reagent costs, achieving higher recoveries and lowering mining costs through adopting larger benches and bigger mining equipment."



zeigt sich nun ein klares vk-signal. die untere trendlinie wurde bereits um den support bei 1050$ geknickt, der zwischenhalt um "1000$" wird auch schon im rückspiegel betrachtet. kurzfristig werden die shorties das ziel 950$ anpeilen, bevor es zur "900" geht (es sei denn, die bullen haben schlagkräftige argumente im köcher).



: vom tt bei 965.50$ nun auf das th bei 995.70 $. test der 1k-marke von unten.


: th 1002.60$. von dort geht nun auf ein tt von 981.00$ und der widerstand bei 1000$ wurde durch den rücklauf und test von unten als ein solcher bestätigt. mustergültig ...


: das ausgerufene short-ziel "900" kommt deutlich näher. das tt wurde bei 926.30$ markiert.
auch wenn ich mich hier etwas rar gemacht habe - bleibt das hier mein gallisches Heimatdorf! :beer:
ab nächste Woche kann der Goldpreis wieder steigen.......wir fahren in den Urlaub :kichern:
auch wenn ich mich hier etwas rar gemacht habe - bleibt das hier mein gallisches Heimatdorf! :beer:
ab nächste Woche kann der Goldpreis wieder steigen.......wir fahren in den Urlaub :kichern:
Hi @greeni!

Wünsche Dir und deiner Familie einen schönen & erholsamen Urlaub!

Viel Spaß!

Viele Grüße

:beer: :friends:
Danke 😊
Monument Mining begins Au concentrate shipments

2023-06-23 12:22 ET - News Release

Ms. Cathy Zhai reports


Monument Mining Ltd. has begun the first gold concentrate shipments and sales from the newly constructed flotation plant at the Selinsing gold mine.

President and chief executive officer Cathy Zhai commented: "This is a momentous occasion for us as we begin to ship and sell gold concentrates from the flotation plant. The initial offtake of 2,000 dry metric tonnes (DMT) of concentrate from Selinsing marks the beginning of a gold concentrate revenue stream and restores our operating cash flow. We would like to give thanks to our hard-working operation teams, backroom administration support personnel and our business partners to make this happen."

Gold concentrate shipments and sales

Significant interest has been received from potential buyers of the Selinsing gold concentrate. All export and transport permits have been received and the first truckloads of concentrate were shipped from the Selinsing warehouse on June 18, 2023, to Johor Free Trade Zone. To date 490 DMT of concentrate have been dispatched out of an initial offtake of 2,000 DMT. Weighing, sampling and moisture determination of the delivered concentrate are being conducted at the Johor Free Trade Zone by an appointed internationally recognized survey company.

An additional 3,000 DMT of concentrate are currently available for sale. The company intends after a trial shipment to gradually increase the number of trucks to speed up the logistic process in selling backlogged product. In the future concentrates will be shipped to buyers on a routine basis. The backlog was caused by a lengthy initial administrative process for obtaining all relevant permits and organizing logistics. Over the past six months, the company has built a logistic team and sales chain at the Selinsing project.

Commercial production update

The flotation plant operation is improving with up to 99 per cent of design capacity achieved during June, 2023, and overall 83-per-cent capacity achieved for the 30-day period up to June 17, 2023. Torn filter cloths remained an issue with new cloths still awaited from the filter press supplier McLanahan. New HDPE (high-density polyethylene) pipework was received to upgrade the concentrate thickener underflow pipeline. A similar upgrade was planned for the flotation cleaner concentrate pipeline which emerged as a bottleneck with increasing flotation mass pull.

Flotation recovery has shown a steady improvement as increasing proportions of newly mined transition and fresh ore were processed. Daily recoveries in excess of 80 per cent have been recorded during June, 2023, although an average of 68-per-cent recovery month to date was caused by some poorly performing old transition ore processed at the start of the month.

Construction of the concentrate shed continued with the main roof completed and the perimeter concrete wall approximately 50 per cent done. Work continued extending the lean-to roof to the filter press building. The bagging system has been prepared for shipping to Malaysia.

Mining update

Mining of Buffalo Reef stage 1 BRC2 and BRC3 pits continued with both transition and fresh ore delivered to the ROM pad and maintained around one month supply of ore feed to the flotation processing plant. A new drill rig was delivered in June, 2023, with nine grade control drilling rigs now operational; a 10th unit is scheduled for delivery in August, 2023. The mining operation is aiming to achieve and maintain a three-month supply of ore at the ROM.

Construction of the explosive's depot progressed well with delivery of the bulk emulsion gassing container and the connection to mains power completed. This is to remove dependency on explosives delivery from the sole dominant supplier in the country due to its shortfall of trucks over the past several months. The isotainer storage tanks are due for delivery in late June, 2023, and the explosives depot will be commissioned in early July, 2023.

Work started on the conversion of the old core shed to an expanded sample preparation facility capable of processing up to 700 grade control samples per day, which will remove another major bottleneck in the mining cycle.


Other operation risks in related to mining and processing processes are under continuous evaluation to improve the performance.

The company closely monitors uncontrollable risk factors with building and operation of the flotation plant including but not limited to: change of market conditions, change of gold prices, operation risks including critical parts shortages which may cause a longer-than-expected ramp-up period, and changes in regulatory restrictions in relation to arsenic level contained in gold concentrate.

About Monument Mining Ltd.

Monument Mining is an established Canadian gold producer that 100 per cent owns and operates the Selinsing gold mine in Malaysia and the Murchison gold project in the Murchison area of Western Australia. It has 20-per-cent interest in the Tuckanarra gold project jointly owned with Odyssey Gold Ltd. in the same region. The company employs approximately 200 people in both regions and is committed to the highest standards of environmental management, social responsibility, and health and safety for its employees and neighbouring communities.!MMY-3425560/C/MMY


zeigt sich nun ein klares vk-signal. die untere trendlinie wurde bereits um den support bei 1050$ geknickt, der zwischenhalt um "1000$" wird auch schon im rückspiegel betrachtet. kurzfristig werden die shorties das ziel 950$ anpeilen, bevor es zur "900" geht (es sei denn, die bullen haben schlagkräftige argumente im köcher).



: vom tt bei 965.50$ nun auf das th bei 995.70 $. test der 1k-marke von unten.


: th 1002.60$. von dort geht nun auf ein tt von 981.00$ und der widerstand bei 1000$ wurde durch den rücklauf und test von unten als ein solcher bestätigt. mustergültig ...


: das ausgerufene short-ziel "900" kommt deutlich näher. das tt wurde bei 926.30$ markiert.


: kommt intraday bis 908.50$ voran. das short-ziel ist mit dem tt bei 897.70$ am heutigen 29.06.2023 erreicht.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


-future klopft an der 1900$-marke und erreicht einen wichtigen unterstützungsbereich. der kursverlauf sieht aber nach einem mustergültigen rounding-top aus ...


Öl + Gas


29 June 2023, 17:46

1045 ET - Natural gas prices erase earlier declines and climb 2.1% to $2.723/mmBtu after a weekly EIA storage report comes in bullish compared to both expectations and averages, highlighting stronger demand amid early-summer heat in Texas. The US government agency says gas inventories rose last week by 76 billion cubic feet, which is below the five-year-average rise of 80 bcf, and also below forecasts in a WSJ survey for an 82-bcf increase. Total inventories now stand at 2.805 trillion cubic feet, which is 25% above last year and a 14.6% surplus to the five-year average.
( (END) Dow Jones NewswiresJune 29, 2023 10:46 ET (14:46 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Kinross Gold is said to reject takeover approach from Endeavour

Endeavour Mining Plc made a takeover approach to rival Kinross Gold Corp. in recent months that was rebuffed by the Canadian company, according to people familiar with the matter.Endeavour, an acquisitive gold miner backed by Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris, was considering a potential cash and stock deal for Kinross, the people said. It held talks with potential partners about teaming up on a bid, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the information is private.Discussions between Endeavour and Kinross didn’t proceed beyond the initial stage due to differences over valuation and other issues, the people said. Kinross shares have gained 16 per cent in Toronto trading this year. Both companies have market capitalizations of about US$5.9 billion.It wasn’t immediately clear whether the talks could revive at a later date. A spokesperson for Endeavour declined to comment. Kinross didn’t respond to calls or emails seeking comment. Endeavour’s takeover attempt is the latest sign of consolidation in the gold industry as miners face the prospect of stagnating production levels and rising input costs. The sector has seen a flurry of dealmaking in the past few years, as smaller companies seek to combine or snap up assets following large transactions by the two biggest producers. Most recently, industry leader Newmont Corp. agreed to buy Australian rival Newcrest Mining Ltd. for about US$19 billion.Endeavour has been one of the most acquisitive among the industry’s mid-sized players, having sealed several deals in recent years. The miner agreed to buy Teranga Gold Corp. in 2020 in an all-share deal. In the same year, it agreed to buy rival Semafo Inc. for about US$1 billion in stock to add West African assets.Still, the company has also backed away from deals in the past if it couldn’t reach a friendly agreement — it abandoned an attempt to buy Centamin Plc, which owns the Sukari mine in Egypt, after the company rebuffed its advances. In 2017, it ended talks about a potential combination with the former Acacia Mining Plc, a gold miner in Tanzania that has since been reabsorbed by Barrick Gold Corp.Toronto-based Kinross has long been mooted as a takeover candidate, especially after selling its Russian assets last year. The company, which has mines and projects in the US, Canada, Brazil, Mauritania and Chile, said in September it had been having discussions with activist investor Elliott Investment Management and announced a US$300 million share buyback.
servus, moinsen und hollerei miteinand! :danke:
der wettergott (m/w/d) hat ein erbarmen mit den hitzegeplagten hier im süden (ich warte noch auf die radiodurchsage, dass in den biergärten auf krankenschein als gesundheitsfördernde maßnahme hopfen-kaltschalen :beer:ausgegeben werden! :kichern:). wie auch immer, ich wünsche euch einen erfolgreichen handelstag und wochenabschluss. ich selbst habe heute einen prallgefüllten terminkalender und keine zeit zum traden. bis montag in alter frische. :up:





..Gregor Gregersen, Gründer des in Singapur ansässigen Händlers Silver Bullion. Die Solarindustrie hat sich so entwickelt, dass sie mit geringeren Silbermengen viel effizienter arbeiten kann, aber das ändert sich jetzt, sagte er. Die standardmäßigen PERC-Zellen (passivierte hintere Emitterzelle) werden laut BloombergNEF in den nächsten zwei bis drei Jahren wahrscheinlich von TOPCon-Solarzellen (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) überholt werden. Während PERC-Zellen etwa 10 Milligramm Silber pro Watt benötigen, liegt der Bedarf bei TOPCon-Zellen bei 13 Milligramm und bei Heterojunction-Solarzellen 22 Milligramm der knappen Ressource.

..Chinesische Unternehmen in der Solarindustrie erforschen jedoch aktiv die Verwendung billigerer Alternativen wie galvanisch abgeschiedenes Kupfer, auch wenn die Ergebnisse bisher durchwachsen sind. Technologien, die billigere Metalle verwenden, sind inzwischen weit genug fortgeschritten und werden bald in die Massenproduktion gehen, sobald die Silberpreise in die Höhe schnellen, so Zhong Baoshen, Vorsitzender von Longi Green Energy Technology, dem weltweit größten Hersteller von Solarpanels.

Topcon-Zellen weisen gegenüber Perc etwas höhere Wirkungsgrade auf, zudem sind sie robuster gegenüber höheren Temperaturen. Hinzu kommt ein besseres Schwachlichtverhalten.
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Montage Gold drills 23 m of 12.91 g/t Au at Kone

2023-05-11 09:42 ET - News Release

Mr. Rick Clark reports


Montage Gold Corp. has released further results from continuing resource drilling at the Gbongogo Main deposit within the Kone gold project (KGP). A resource definition program began in late November, 2022, designed to upgrade the inferred mineral resource of 5.2 million tonnes at 2.1 grams per tonne for 351,000 ounces (1.2 g/t cut-off). This program is nearing completion and continues to confirm higher-grade zones in the overall deposit.


Kauf Montage Gold 0,54 CAD Toronto (kleines GAP aus November 2022 geschlossen)
Montage Gold drills 23 m of 12.91 g/t Au at Kone

2023-05-11 09:42 ET - News Release

Mr. Rick Clark reports


Montage Gold Corp. has released further results from continuing resource drilling at the Gbongogo Main deposit within the Kone gold project (KGP). A resource definition program began in late November, 2022, designed to upgrade the inferred mineral resource of 5.2 million tonnes at 2.1 grams per tonne for 351,000 ounces (1.2 g/t cut-off). This program is nearing completion and continues to confirm higher-grade zones in the overall deposit.


Kauf Montage Gold 0,54 CAD Toronto (kleines GAP aus November 2022 geschlossen)
0,58 CAD erstmal wieder raus, noch einiger Druck drauf


zeigt sich nun ein klares vk-signal. die untere trendlinie wurde bereits um den support bei 1050$ geknickt, der zwischenhalt um "1000$" wird auch schon im rückspiegel betrachtet. kurzfristig werden die shorties das ziel 950$ anpeilen, bevor es zur "900" geht (es sei denn, die bullen haben schlagkräftige argumente im köcher).



: vom tt bei 965.50$ nun auf das th bei 995.70 $. test der 1k-marke von unten.


: th 1002.60$. von dort geht nun auf ein tt von 981.00$ und der widerstand bei 1000$ wurde durch den rücklauf und test von unten als ein solcher bestätigt. mustergültig ...


: das ausgerufene short-ziel "900" kommt deutlich näher. das tt wurde bei 926.30$ markiert.


: kommt intraday bis 908.50$ voran. das short-ziel ist mit dem tt bei 897.70$ am heutigen 29.06.2023 erreicht.


: so, der okt-23-kontrakt hat nach dem erreichen der short-zielzone um 900$, heute die vierstelligkeit wiedererlangt. das aktuelle th liegt bei 1003.60$.

Öl + Gas

-butze liberty energy kommt heute nach us-börsenschluss mit den qu-zahlen ums eck. chart sieht aktuell gut aus ...



-future: sieht charttechnisch betrachtet auch gut aus. kann zwar die letzten beiden tage nicht über den bremsklotz bei 25.500$ hinaus, ist aber im bereich um 25.000$/24.800$ gut unterstützt. nach diesem lauf sollte der gewogene trader aber mit rücksetzern rechnen. das heutige tt liegt bei 24.995$, das th bei 25.475$.
=> good luck! :up:

Kauf Monument Mining Toronto TSXV:MMY 0,11 CAD

... wenn die 0,11 CAD geknackt werden sind ein paar schnelle Cent drin 2023_20_07_Monument_Mining.jpg
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
heiße nummer, der


-future im h1-chart. kann sich von der support-zone um 25.000$/24.800$ nicht lösen. charttechnisch sieht der kursverlauf seit gestern nicht mehr gut aus. sollte der boden wegbrechen, dann könnten sich die bären gemüßigt fühlen, gas zu geben. mögliche short-ziele, im schnelldurchlauf, bei 24.500$, im worst case die retourkutsche bis 23.500$.

Oben Unten