World Largest Mining Companies, Senior Producers: Daten, Fakten, Entwicklungen, Aussichten, Pläne

Norilsk Nickel meldet im ersten Halbjahr 2011 Umsatz von 7,34 Mrd. USD

17.10.2011 | 11:03 Uhr | ROHSTOFF-WELT.DE
Russlands Norilsk Nickel veröffentlichte vergangene Woche die ungeprüften Finanzergebnisse für die sechs Monate bis 30. Juni 2011. In dem Halbjahr verzeichnete das Unternehmen einen Umsatz von 7,34 Mrd. USD. Verglichen mit dem Vorjahreszeitraum bedeutet dies einen Anstieg um 24%.

Der Nettogewinn verringerte sich dagegen im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um 22% und betrug 1,82 Mrd. USD.

Norilsks EBITDA konnte um 15% gesteigert werden und erreichte im Halbjahr 3,74 Mrd. USD.

© Redaktion
Iamgold: Eine Milliarde für neue Lagerstätten

17.10.2011 | 11:15 Uhr | EMFIS
RTE Toronto - ( - Das bekannt wachstumsstarke kanadische Gold-Unternehmen Iamgold will seinen Expansionskurs weiter fortsetzen und lässt sich dieses Vorhaben einiges kosten.

Wie das Management mitteilte plant man, in den nächsten Jahren 300 bis 500 Millionen Dollar für neue Projekte in die Hand zu nehmen. Sollte es sich um außergewöhnlich viel versprechende Lagerstätten handeln, könnte die Investitionssumme sogar bis zu einer Milliarde Dollar betragen. Interessant sind sowohl Projekte, die sich noch in der Entwicklung befinden, als auch produzierende Liegenschaften, wobei Iamgold den Aufbau jedoch am liebsten selbst vornehmen möchte.

Amerika und Afrika im Blick

Regional haben die Kanadier vor allem den amerikanischen Kontinent im Blick. Da man aktuell Projekte in Kanada, Suriname sowie Burkina Faso betreibt und man Lagerstätten bevorzugt, die in der Nähe anderer Iamgold-Lagerstätten liegen, dürfte das Unternehmen im Speziellen in den genannten Staaten auf die Suche gehen. Wann und wie man dabei fündig wird, bleibt abzuwarten.

Der ungebremste Wachstumskurs macht die Aktie von Iamgold zu einem der interessantesten Investment im Bereich der Gold-Produzenten aus der zweiten Reihe. Ob derzeit allerdings der richtige Zeitpunkt für einen Einstieg ist, muss sich angesichts der ins Stocken geratenen Gold-Rallye und des mäßigen Gesamtmarktumfelds für Dividendenpapiere erst noch zeigen.
ALCOA könnten den Bären von der Schippe springen

Uhrzeit: 21:05

Alcoa - Kürzel: AA - ISIN: US0138171014

Börse: NYSE in USD / Kursstand: 9,92 $

Rückblick: Die Alcoa Aktie befindet sich seit dem Scheitern am langfristigen Widerstand bei 17,61 $ in einer starken Abwärtbewegung, die auch vor den Unterstützungen bei 11,80 und 11,11 $ nicht Halt machte. Vielmehr führte deren Bruch zu einer Beschleunigung der Verkaufsspirale und sogar zum Bruch der Tiefs vom Sommer 2010 bei 9,81 $. Damit wurde ein mittel- bis langfristiges Verkaufssignal generiert.

Bis auf das anvisierte Kursziel des Verkaufssignals bei 8,50 $ brach der Wert anschliessend ein, ehe sich die Bullen ein Herz fassten und eine Erholung einleiteten, die Alcoa wieder knapp über 9,81 $ zurückführte und nun mit dem Bruch einer steilen Abwärtstrendlinie in eine neue Runde gehen könnte.

Charttechnischer Ausblick: Die Alcoa Aktie bleibt weiterhin übergeordnet massiv angeschlagen, könnte jedoch mit einem Anstieg über 10,44 $ eine weitere Erholung bis 11,11 - 11,90 $ vollziehen. Sollte diese Widerstandsregion durchbrochen werden, sind weitere Kaufwellen bis 12,80 $ möglich.

Setzt der Wert hingegen unter das dieswöchige Zwischentief bei 9,55 $ zurück, wäre ein direkter Test der 8,45 $-Marke die Folge. Sollte auch diese durchbrochen werden, so liegt das nächste Kursziel bei 7,45 $.

Kursverlauf vom 04.10.2010 bis 18.10.2011 (log. Kerzendarstellung / 1 Kerze = 1 Tag)

Rio Tinto kauft kanadischen Uranförderer Hathor

LONDON (Dow Jones)--Der Bergbaukonzern Rio Tinto übernimmt das kanadische
Unternehmen Hathor, das sich auf die Projektentwicklung zur Förderung von Uran
spezialisiert hat. Der Londoner Konzern bietet 4,15 CAD je Aktie und bewertet
damit die Kanadier mit 578 Mio CAD. Der Verwaltungsrat von Hathor stimme der
Übernahme zu, teilte die Rio Tinto plc am Mittwoch mit.

Rio Tinto überflügelt mit der Offerte Wettbewerber Cameco, der 3,75 CAD je
Aktie für die Kanadier geboten hatte.
Mit der Übernahme will der Londoner
Konzern in Kanada in der Region des Athabasca Basin expandieren, wo derzeit 20%
des weltweiten Uranbedarfs abgebaut wird.


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 19, 2011 11:04 ET (15:04 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011

Anglo American produziert mehr Eisenerz, aber weniger Kupfer

LONDON (Dow Jones)--Der Bergbaukonzern Anglo American hat im dritten Quartal
zwar mehr Eisenerz und Nickel produziert, bei der Kupferförderung aber
Rückschläge hinnehmen müssen. Wie der britische Konzern am Donnerstag
mitteilte, kletterte die Eisenerzförderung um 3% auf 12,2 Mio Tonnen. Die
Nickelproduktion stieg noch deutlicher um 14% auf 6.500 Tonnen. Nach unten ging
es dagegen bei Kupfer. Hier sank die Förderung in den drei Monaten um 9% auf
139.900 Tonnen.

Der Produktionsbericht von Anglo-American liefert nach Aussage aus dem Handel
für jeden etwas. Damit unterscheide sich der Zwischenbericht nicht von den
bereits veröffentlichten der Wettbewerber. Der Minenkonzern konnte beim Abbau
von Eisenerz, Nickel und Diamanten die Markterwartung übertreffen, für
Enttäuschung sorgte dagegen unter anderem Kupfer.


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 20, 2011 04:52 ET (08:52 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011
Xstrata shuts SA platinum mine shaft after fatality

The company has suspended operations at one shaft at its Mototolo platinum mine in South Africa
after a fatality and a decision to resume work will be announced in due time..
AngloGold CEO says no bubble in gold price – could easily go higher

AngloGold CEO Mark Cutifani thinks the gold price reflects current market fundamentals
and could easily rise further, given the current financial uncertainty..
Vale's iron ore shipments to China to blame for price fall - Rio Tinto

Rio Tinto's iron ore division head, Sam Walsh, says the move by rival Vale to divert shipments
destined for Europe into China has lead to the softer market, which has seen prices shed 19%
so far this month..
Randgold: Produktions-Verdreifachung in Afrika bis 2015

RTE Jersey - ( - Kürzlich hat der britische Gold-Konzern seine Ausstoß-Prognose für das Gesamtjahr 2011 leicht zurückgenommen. Auf Sicht von einigen Jahren geht der Konzern jedoch von einer massiven Ausweitung der Gold-Produktion vor allem in seinen afrikanischen Minen aus.

Im vergangenen Jahr produzierte die Gesellschaft in seinen Lagerstätten an der Elfenbeinküste sowie in Mail 440.000 Unzen Gold. In 2011 sollen es bereits mindestens 700.000 Unzen werden und ab 2015 rechnet Randgold mit einem Gold-Output von 1,2 Millionen Unzen. Gegenüber dem 2010er-Wert stellt das annährend eine Verdreifachung dar. Der überwiegende Teil dieses Zuwaches soll auf das Konto der Kibali-Liegenschaft im Kongo gehen, die man als Joint-Venture gemeinsam mit AngloGold Ashanti betreibt und die ab 2014 400.000 Unzen Gold erzeugen soll.

Rentabilität nicht gefährdet

Der entscheidende Vorteil der Minen an der Elfenbeinküste und in Mali sind die sehr erdnahen Gold-Vorkommen, die die Förderung vergleichsweise billig machen. Gemäß einer eigenen Studie wird Randgold mit diesen Projekten sogar dann noch eine 20prozentige Rate of Return erzielen, wenn der Goldpreis in den Bereich um 1.000 Dollar zurückgehen sollte. Um die Rentabilität der afrikanischen Lagerstätten brauchen sich die Briten daher vorerst keine Sorgen zu machen.

Mit dem Engagement an der Elfenbeinküste und in Mali ist Randgold ein sehr cleverer Schachzug gelungen, der dem Unternehmen auch in Zukunft klingelnde Kassen bescheren sollte, zumal die Nationalisierungsdebatte in diesen Ländern (noch) nicht so akut ist wie beispielsweise im Kap-Staat.
Bellhaven Announces Strategic Investment by IAMGOLD
IAMGOLD Acquires 10.2% Stake in Bellhaven

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 26, 2011) - Bellhaven Copper & Gold Inc. (TSX VENTURE:BHV) ("Bellhaven" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a strategic investment by IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD") pursuant to which IAMGOLD will subscribe for eleven million units of Bellhaven at C$0.55 per unit, thereby providing IAMGOLD with a 10.2% equity interest in Bellhaven (the "Subscription Agreement"). Closing of the Subscription Agreement is subject to regulatory approvals.

Paul Zweng, Bellhaven's Interim CEO and Director, commented as follows:

"The strategic investment by IAMGOLD represents a major milestone in the progress of Bellhaven as a pioneer of gold and copper exploration in Colombia. IAMGOLD is one of the world's premier gold mining companies with a successful track record of advancing projects worldwide into production in an efficient and responsible manner. This investment represents a strong endorsement of the quality and potential of Bellhaven's La Mina gold-(copper) project in Colombia. We welcome IAMGOLD as a major shareholder in Bellhaven."

"The private placement will build our treasury to approximately $9.6 million, allowing us to ramp-up the exploration programs at La Mina."

Subscription Agreement

Under the terms of the Subscription Agreement, the units are being offered on a non-brokered private placement basis for aggregate gross proceeds of $6,050,000. Each unit is comprised of one common share of the Company and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. Each full share purchase warrant will entitle IAMGOLD to acquire one common share of the Company at a price of C$0.65 for a term of 36 months from the date of issuance. If IAMGOLD were to exercise the 5,500,000 common share purchase warrants for an equivalent number of common shares of Bellhaven, it would own 15,550,000 common shares of Bellhaven or 14.59% of the outstanding common shares. The warrants will not be listed for trading. The units are subject to a mandatory four-month holding period.

The Subscription Agreement contains the following material conditions: (1) no less than 80% of the subscription amount be committed, exclusively, to the development of the La Mina Project, in Colombia; (2) IAMGOLD and Bellhaven agree on a technical program to be conducted at the La Mina Project, in Colombia, to be funded, at least partly, by the subscription amount, and Bellhaven agrees to provide such information relating to the technical program as may be requested by IAMGOLD from time to time; (3) IAMGOLD and Bellhaven agree on a social responsibility program to be conducted at the La Mina Project, in Colombia, and (4) Bellhaven grants IAMGOLD the right (but not obligation) to subscribe to any future financing of Bellhaven (on terms applicable to other subscribers), with a view to enabling IAMGOLD to maintain its percentage interest (assuming the exercise of the common share purchase warrants being subscribed for) in the total outstanding common shares of Bellhaven from time to time.

Closing of the Subscription Agreement is expected to occur on or about mid November, 2011 and is subject to certain conditions, including receipt of all necessary regulatory and stock exchange approvals including the receipt of listing approval by the TSX Venture Exchange.
Colombia Crest Gold Offers Up to 19.9 Percent Ownership to IAMGOLD

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 26, 2011) - Colombia Crest Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CLB)(PINK SHEETS:ECRTF)(FRANKFURT:EAT) ("Colombia Crest"; the "Company") is pleased to announce that IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD") has entered into a Letter Subscription Agreement with the Company pursuant to which IAMGOLD has agreed to purchase 12,000,000 units (each a "Unit") at the price of Cdn$0.285 per Unit, for gross proceeds of $3,420,000. Each Unit will be comprised of one common share and one-half of a share purchase warrant (each full warrant a "Warrant"), and each Warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one additional Share (a "Warrant Share") for Cdn$0.35 for two years after closing. The Letter Subscription Agreement also provides for technical input from IAMGOLD on the Company's upcoming exploration programs in Colombia, and grants to IAMGOLD certain anti-dilution rights in the event that the Company conducts further financings during the three years after closing, or in the event that outstanding options and warrants increase the Company's outstanding share capital by 5% or more. Completion of the Private Placement is subject to acceptance by applicable securities regulatory authorities including the TSX Venture Exchange. No finder's fee will be payable in connection with the financing.

"IAMGOLD's commitment to invest in Colombia Crest is a testament to the quality of our Colombian projects, the progress we have made in recent months, their confidence in our management and technical team, and the potential for a near-term exploration success once we drill the recently discovered Arabia porphyry target," commented Hans Rasmussen, President and CEO. "IAMGOLD is an ideal partner. They are a well-established gold mining company that is aggressive, fast-acting and very keen on adding a Colombian project to their repertoire of mining ventures all over the world. Their technical teams have visited the Fredonia and Venecia projects during the last two years and have observed our progress towards defining a porphyry gold-copper system. In addition to funding exploration, IAMGOLD will work with our management to provide technical input and assistance with the community and social responsibility programs, which further confirms their commitment to making the Fredonia and Venecia projects successful."
Barrick Gold Announces 25% Dividend Increase

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 26, 2011) -

All figures in US dollars

Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:ABX)(TSX:ABX) today announced that, consistent with its practice of paying a progressive dividend, the Board of Directors has authorized a quarterly dividend of US15 cents per share, which represents a 25% increase from the previous dividend.

Barrick's strong earnings and operating cash flows, combined with its positive outlook on the gold price, enables the Company to continue to make high return investments in its project pipeline and also increase its dividend. Over the last five years, Barrick has had a consistent track record of returning more capital to shareholders, increasing its dividend by more than 170%(1) on a quarterly basis(2).

The quarterly dividend is payable on December 15, 2011 to shareholders of record at the close of business on November 30, 2011.

Barrick's vision is to be the world's best gold company by finding, acquiring, developing and producing quality reserves in a safe, profitable and socially responsible manner.

(1) Calculated based on converting the 2006 semi-annual dividend of US11 cents per share to a quarterly equivalent.

(2) The declaration and payment of dividends remains at the discretion of the Board of Directors and will depend on the Company's financial results, cash requirements, future prospects and other factors deemed relevant by the Board.
Newmont Increases Quarterly Dividend by 17% to $0.35 per share, an Increase of 133% over the Prior Year's Quarterly Dividend

DENVER, Oct. 26, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Newmont Mining Corporation (NYSE: NEM) ("Newmont" or the "Company) announced today its Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.35 per share of common stock, an increase of 17% over the $0.30 dividend paid in the third quarter 2011, and an increase of 133% over the fourth quarter 2010 dividend. The fourth quarter 2011 dividend of $0.35 per share is payable on December 30, 2011, to holders of record at the close of business on December 8, 2011.

"The 133% increase in our dividend compared to the fourth quarter of 2010 demonstrates our commitment to returning capital to shareholders," said Richard O'Brien, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our shareholders continue to benefit from our preeminent gold price-linked dividend policy and the highest dividend yield in the industry."

The fourth quarter 2011 dividend of $0.35 per share was declared in consideration of Newmont's third quarter 2011 average realized gold price of $1,695 an ounce. Under the Company's gold price-linked dividend guideline, each quarterly dividend will be based on Newmont's average realized gold price for the preceding quarter.

The Company's quarterly gold price-linked dividend will increase at a rate of $0.05 per share for each $100 per ounce rise in the average realized gold price for the preceding quarter. The enhanced dividend policy provides an additional step up of $0.025 per share when the Company's realized gold price for a quarter exceeds $1,700 per ounce and another step up of $0.025 per share when the Company's realized gold price for a quarter exceeds $2,000 per ounce.

In addition, Newmont Mining Corporation of Canada Limited (TSX: NMC) today declared a regular quarterly dividend of CAD $0.3535 per share on its exchangeable shares, payable December 30, 2011 to holders of record at the close of business on December 8, 2011. This dividend is designated as an "eligible dividend" for Canadian tax purposes.
Goldcorp Achieves Record Adjusted Earnings in Third Quarter

Toronto Stock Exchange: G New York Stock Exchange: GG

(All Amounts in $US unless stated otherwise)

VANCOUVER, Oct. 26, 2011 /CNW/ - GOLDCORP INC. (TSX: G, NYSE: GG) today reported record adjusted net earnings1 in the quarter increased to $459 million, or $0.57 per share, compared to $244 million, or $0.33 per share, in the third quarter of 2010. Net earnings were $336 million compared to $721 million in the third quarter of 2010. Operating cash flows before working capital changes2 were $681 million for the third quarter of 2011 based on gold production of 592,100 ounces at a total cash cost3 of $258 per ounce.

Third Quarter 2011 Highlights

Revenues increased 48% over the 2010 third quarter, to $1.3 billion, on gold sales of 571,500 ounces.
Operating cash flow before working capital changes increased 49% over the 2010 third quarter, to $681 million or $0.84 per share.
Adjusted net earnings increased 88% over the 2010 third quarter, to $459 million or $0.57 per share.
Average realized gold price increased 39% over the 2010 third quarter, to $1,719 per ounce.
Cash costs totaled $258 per ounce on a by-product basis and $551 per ounce on a co-product basis.
Free cash flow generated during the quarter amounted to $224 million5.
Dividends paid amounted to $82 million.
Quarter-end cash balance of $1.5 billion; net cash position of $614 million6.
Peñasquito achieves record average throughput of 102,000 tonnes per day in September.

"Our record third quarter results illustrate the earnings power of sustained high gold prices in combination with Goldcorp's low-cost gold production profile," said Chuck Jeannes, Goldcorp President and Chief Executive Officer. "With solid third quarter performance from several key mines and substantially increased production expected in the fourth quarter, we remain on track to achieve our full-year gold production target of between 2.50-2.55 million ounces. A particularly strong performer was Marlin in Guatemala, which had record production in the third quarter. Porcupine in Ontario also exceeded production expectations in addition to continued exploration success. We are also pleased to report that progress at Peñasquito on the supplemental ore feed system and tailings facility improvements remains on track for ramp-up to full 130,000 tonnes per day throughput to resume by the end of this year toward full capacity by the end of the first quarter of 2012.

"Within our industry-best growth project pipeline, the rate of progress has been equally impressive. Cerro Negro in Argentina remains on schedule for first production in 2013 and significant new vein extensions underscores the potential for further expansion of the long-term production profile at this cornerstone asset. Development is also accelerating at our two advanced-stage Canadian gold projects. Éléonore in Quebec is progressing impressively toward first gold production in 2014, and Cochenour in Red Lake is on schedule for a similar 2014 start-up. El Morro in Chile also took a significant step forward with the completion of the technical work on the feasibility study update, confirming the project's potential as an important component of our longer-term growth profile. In the near-term, the Pueblo Viejo joint venture in the Dominican Republic is positioned for first gold production in mid-2012.

"Goldcorp's strong balance sheet and accelerating cash flows leave the Company well-positioned to fund our peer-leading growth profile while also setting the stage for increases in the dividend following completion of our mine planning and budgeting process currently underway. Together with growing, low-cost gold production in areas of low political risk, Goldcorp continues to present a unique value proposition for investors seeking exposure to gold."

Financial Review

Gold sales in the third quarter were 571,500 ounces on production of 592,100 ounces. This compares to sales of 567,500 ounces on production of 588,600 ounces in the third quarter of 2010. Total cash costs were $258 per ounce of gold on a by-product basis. On a co-product basis, cash costs were $551 per ounce.

Net earnings in the quarter were $336 million compared to $721 million in the third quarter of 2010. Adjusted net earnings in the third quarter totaled $459 million, or $0.57 per share, compared to $244 million or $0.33 per share, in the third quarter of 2010. Adjusted net earnings primarily exclude the losses from the foreign exchange translation of deferred income tax liabilities, mark-to-market gains relating to a term silver sales contract and mark-to-market losses on the conversion feature of convertible senior notes but include the impact of non-cash stock option expenses which amounted to approximately $24 million or $0.03 per share for the quarter. Operating cash flow before changes in working capital was $681 million compared to $457 million in last year's third quarter. With an average realized gold price of $1,719 per ounce for the quarter and total cash costs of $258 per ounce, Goldcorp achieved another quarter of sequential growth in cash margins4 to $1,461 per ounce of gold sold.


Gold and silver production at Peñasquito was 55,800 and 4,203,200 ounces, respectively, for the third quarter. Lead and zinc production totaled 33.6 million pounds and 66.4 million pounds, respectively. Total cash costs amounted to negative $796 per ounce of gold.

Lower production was experienced during July and August as sulphide plant modifications and tests were completed. Normal operating conditions in September led to record weekly and monthly plant throughput in excess of 100,000 tonnes per day.

Progress continued on the supplemental ore feed system in order to ensure a sufficient quantity of pebble feed to the high pressure grinding roll (HPGR) circuit. This project is on track to be completed by the end of 2011. An additional project underway to enhance the tailings dam facility is ahead of schedule. In conjunction with this project, additional water supplies have been added to eliminate current and future shortfalls from water retention issues. Following completion of these projects by year-end, 130,000 tonne per day design throughput is expected to be achieved by the end of the first quarter of 2012.

Total material mined in the third quarter decreased by 12% in comparison to the second quarter 2011 due to increased waste haul volumes and distances involved in hauling mine waste rock to the tailings storage facility to supplement the tailings dam wall construction. Oxide ore gold production amounted to 13,000 ounces in the third quarter which was 15% lower than the second quarter of 2011. Ancillary oxide ore quantities in the Penasco pit declined consistent with the mine plan as mining transitions further into the heart of the sulphide ore body.

Exploration activities in the third quarter of 2011 focused on drilling of manto deposits below and to the east of the Peñasco pit. The project is evaluating the potential for a future high grade underground operation concurrent with existing mine plans. Third quarter drilling activities included 59 RAB drill holes totaling 2,491 metres in near-pit targets and six diamond drill holes totaling 6,186 metres in the deep manto deposits.

Gold production at Los Filos increased 10% to 73,200 ounces at a total cash cost of $490 per ounce, driven by gold grades and recoveries. Higher grades were primarily attributable to a 24% increase in high grade ore processed through the crushing and agglomeration plant. The carbon plant capacity expansion completed last quarter provided an increase in pregnant solution processing capacity of 14%, which contributed to the increase in metal production. The 2011 exploration program continues to progress with the objective of proving the extension of the Los Filos deposit towards the 4P area and El Bermejal to the south and west. Results to date are positive in support for both extensions to be included in reserves at year-end.


At Red Lake in Ontario, third quarter gold production was 127,000 ounces at a total cash cost of $405 per ounce. Production was affected by lower grades that were realized from the High Grade Zone as a result of intersecting a lower grade section of the ore body. The focus continues to be on development of the Footwall Zones as planned, resulting in fewer tonnes mined from the sulphide zones and Campbell Complex. Accelerated diamond drilling activities continued throughout the quarter from the 4199 ramp and the interconnection drift. Results continue to be favorable in a number of exploration targets. Consistent with the prior quarter, exploration and development work continued to advance the Upper Red Lake Complex, the Far East Zone and the Footwall Zones into sustained production. Results from recent surface drilling will be used to evaluate bulk underground mining options.

At Porcupine in Ontario, gold production during the third quarter increased 11% to 76,300 ounces at a total cash cost of $614 per ounce, driven by higher gold grade in the VAZ zone of the Hoyle Pond underground operation. The Hoyle Pond Deep project continued to advance during the third quarter as preparation progressed toward shaft sinking in the first quarter of 2012. Exploration at Hoyle Pond focused on lateral and depth extension of current mineralized zones, as well as expansion of the TVZ zone. This zone has been successfully extended up-dip and remains open both down-dip and to the east. Seven drills on the surface continued to intercept mineralized zones similar to those found at depth and positive results continue.

Gold production at Musselwhite during the third quarter totaled 59,700 ounces at a total cash cost of $778 per ounce. Exploration continued to focus on the underground extension of the Lynx zone and PQ Deeps resources. The Lynx resource discovery has been extended 200 metres north of the resource boundary, with mineralization open along strike and up- and down-dip. Underground drilling in the PQ Deeps extended the resource 125 metres north of the resource boundary and remains open along strike. Surface drilling on the north shore of Opapamiskin Lake continues to investigate the projection of the Lynx zone.

Record Performance

At Marlin in Guatemala, both gold and silver production achieved quarterly records. Gold production increased 50% to 95,000 ounces at a total cash cost of negative $347 per ounce while silver production increased 62% to 2,291,100 ounces. Increases in production were driven by higher gold and silver grades and an 11% increase in tonnes milled. The increased head grades resulted from higher grades at the pit bottom, in line with the mine plan. Mining operations at Marlin will transition to exclusively underground mining as mining in the pit concludes during 2012. Exploration success continues at the Delmy vein discovery adjacent to current underground mining operations. Access to the vein has been developed at three levels and two ventilation raises to the surface have been completed. Mining from this zone will occur during the fourth quarter.

Advancing the Project Pipeline

At the Pueblo Viejo project in the Dominican Republic, overall construction is now more than 75% complete. A major rainfall event that occurred in May required remediation of damage to the partially constructed starter tailings dam facility and as a result, first production is now anticipated in mid-2012. Goldcorp's share of annual gold production in the first full five years of operation is expected to average 415,000-450,000 ounces at total cash costs of between $275 and $300 per ounce7.

At the end of the third quarter of 2011, brick lining of all four autoclaves was completed. During the third quarter, remediation of the starter tailings dam progressed with the joint venture in receipt of all necessary approvals to allow construction of the dam to its full height. Work continues toward achieving key milestones, including the connection of power to the site.

As part of a longer-term, optimized power solution for Pueblo Viejo, a plan is underway to construct a dual fuel power plant at an additional gross cost of approximately $300 million (100%), or $120 million (Goldcorp's 40% share). The new plant is expected to provide lower cost, longer term power to the project.

At the Cerro Negro project in Argentina, the Eureka decline continues to advance, reaching a length of 1,432 metres toward a total extent of 3,900 metres. The first vertical ventilation shaft was completed and a second, larger vertical vent raise progressed to a depth of approximately 155 meters with completion expected by the end of October. An amended Environmental Impact Assessment was submitted to Provincial authorities which, once approved, will permit plant throughput to be increased from 1,850 to 4,000 tonnes per day and; mining to occur from three separate underground mines concurrently, rather than just the Eureka vein. Earth works in and around the plant area and access road upgrades also continued during the quarter.

Exploration drilling focused on in-fill and extensional drilling at existing vein resources. Drilling in the third quarter of 2011 with a total of 48,263 metres of core completed compared to 39,823 metres drilled during the second quarter. Eight surface drills are now focused on expansion of the Mariana Central, Mariana Norte and San Marcos veins, where drilling is extending the veins mainly to the east and at depth. Reserve additions from these three veins have the potential to augment the near-term production profile at Cerro Negro. A regional exploration team is being developed that will allow exploration outside of the core Cerro Negro vein areas later in 2011 and throughout 2012.

At the Éléonore project in Quebec, 36,000 metres of in-fill surface diamond drilling has been completed year-to-date. Drilling is focused primarily in a zone between 450 metres and 800 metres below surface, significantly increasing the level of confidence in the geologic model and mineral resources. An additional 9,000 metres of drilling is planned for the next quarter to continue defining the central portion of the ore body and to test high-grade results to the north.

The exploration ramp has now advanced 500 metres in length. The ramp will provide drilling locations for further resource definition and will access the exploration shaft at the 650-metre level. The exploration shaft reached a depth of 500 metres with completion to full 725 metre depth targeted for the second quarter of 2012.

Detailed engineering of the production shaft and related infrastructure has progressed during the quarter. Long-lead time delivery equipment is being ordered. The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment permit for full construction is expected to be received in the fourth quarter of 2011.

At Cochenour in Ontario, the new 5.5 metre diameter Cochenour shaft commenced to the 150 level. Construction of surface facilities also progressed, including completion of headframe steel erection and collar house, pumping and electrical distribution equipment. The Cochenour-Red Lake Haulage Drift advanced to 35% of completion at quarter-end, with the two drills now testing the exploration potential of this underexplored area in the heart of the Red Lake district.

Successful exploration and development work continued at Camino Rojo, an advanced-stage district project near Peñasquito. A total of 18,767 metres were drilled in the third quarter, including 44 resource expansion and in-fill core holes, plus 10 condemnation holes in anticipation of site facilities. Bulk samples have been shipped to Peñasquito for metallurgical column tests. Geologic modeling has begun for completion of an updated resource block model at year-end. At Noche Buena another advanced-stage district project near Peñasquito, new exploration drilling has confirmed structurally controlled higher grade mineralization trends within the resource envelope. Follow-up drilling has been planned to in-fill the oxide portion of these trends.

At the El Morro project in Chile, technical work on the update to the 2008 feasibility study was completed during the quarter and is now under management review. The results have indicated first gold production approximately five to six years from project approval date with a capital cost anticipated to be $3.9 billion. Condemnation drilling continues with two rigs on site, operating in the future mine waste deposit area, with an additional two rigs planned for the fourth quarter.


The Company has reaffirmed revised 2011 production guidance of between 2.50-2.55 million ounces of gold. Total cash costs for the year are expected to be between $180 to $220 per ounce on a by-product basis and between $500-$550 per ounce on a co-product basis.

This release should be read in conjunction with Goldcorp's third quarter 2011 financial statements and MD&A report on the Company's website,, in the "Investor Resources - Reports & Filings" section under "Quarterly Reports".

A conference call will be held on October 27, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. (PDT) to discuss the third quarter results. Participants may join the call by dialing toll free 1-800-355-4959 or 1-416-695-6617 for calls from outside Canada and the US. A recorded playback of the call can be accessed after the event until November 27, 2011 by dialing 1-800-408-3053 or 1-905-694-9451 for calls outside Canada and the US. Pass code: 6608575. A live and archived audio webcast also be available at

Goldcorp is one of the world's fastest growing senior gold producers. Its low-cost gold production is located in safe jurisdictions in the Americas and remains 100% unhedged.
Goldcorp Inc. meldet Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals - Umsatz +48%

Goldcorp gab gestern die Ergebnisse der drei Monate bis zum 30. September 2011 bekannt. Es folgt eine Zusammenfassung des dritten Quartals:

• Es wurden 592.100 oz Gold produziert. Im Vorjahreszeitraum waren es 588.600 oz.

• Die gesamten Cashkosten betrugen in den drei Monaten 258 USD je Unze auf Beiproduktbasis und 551 USD je Unze auf Nebenproduktbasis.

• Der Nettogewinn betrug 336 Mio. USD oder 0,42 USD je Aktie (Q3-2010: 721 Mio. USD). Der adjustierte Nettogewinn belief sich auf 459 Mio. USD oder 0,57 USD je Aktie (Q3-2010: 244 Mio. USD).

• Verglichen mit dem gleichen Quartal des Vorjahres stieg der Umsatz um 48% und lag bei 1,3 Mrd. USD aus dem Verkauf von 571.500 oz Gold.

• Der operative Cashflow vor Änderungen des Betriebskapitals erreichte 681 Mio. USD, verglichen mit dem Vorjahresquartal wurde damit ein Anstieg um 49% erzielt.

• Die Dividendenzahlungen beliefen sich auf 82 Mio. USD.

© Redaktion

[url= schrieb:
CCG-Redaktion schrieb am 27.10.2011, 00:14 Uhr[/url]"]Goldcorp Achieves Record Adjusted Earnings in Third Quarter
October 26, 2011 18:33 ET

Teck Announces 33% Dividend Increase

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 26, 2011) - Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TCK.A and TCK.B, NYSE: TCK) announced today that it will pay an eligible dividend of $0.40 per share on its outstanding Class A common shares and Class B subordinate voting shares on January 3, 2012, to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 15, 2011. This represents a 33 percent increase from the previous dividend.

About Teck

Teck is a diversified resource company committed to responsible mining and mineral development with major business units focused on copper, steelmaking coal, zinc and energy. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, its shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbols TCK.A and TCK.B and the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TCK. Further information about Teck can be found at:
October 27, 2011 05:00 ET

Teck Reports Unaudited Third Quarter Results for 2011

3Q Results for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2011

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 27, 2011) - All dollar amounts expressed in this news release are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TCK.A and TCK.B, NYSE: TCK) reported third quarter profit attributable to shareholders of $814 million, or $1.38 per share, an increase of 158% from $316 million, or $0.54 per share, in the third quarter of 2010.

"We had a very strong third quarter," said Don Lindsay, President and CEO. "We set new records for each of revenue, gross profit and cash flow and our cash balance has grown to $4.5 billion today. Our coal division accomplished an important milestone that clearly demonstrates the benefits of the capital we are investing. We reached a new record in the quarter for total material moved, a critical step towards achieving our production growth targets."

Highlights and Significant Items

•Record revenue of $3.4 billion in the third quarter was up 40% from $2.4 billion in the same period a year ago.

•Record gross profit, before depreciation and amortization, of $1.8 billion in the third quarter was 58% higher than $1.1 billion in the third quarter of 2010 primarily due to higher copper and steelmaking coal prices and increased sales volumes of copper and coal.

•Record cash flow from operations of $1.4 billion in the third quarter was 79% higher than $771 million a year ago.

•Quarterly profit attributable to shareholders was $814 million, or $1.38 per share. Adjusted quarterly profit was $742 million, or $1.26 per share compared with $452 million, or $0.77 per share, in the third quarter of 2010.

•At October 26, our cash and short-term investments were $4.5 billion.

•In our sales effort to date, we have reached agreement with our coal customers to sell $5.6 million tonnes of coal in the fourth quarter at an approximate average price of US$255 per tonne. We continue to discuss further sales with our customers.

•As part of our expansion plans we moved a record amount of waste burden at our coal operations in the third quarter, which was 11% higher than our previous record set in the second quarter of 2011 and 30% higher than our historic average since 2008.

•Union employees at the Highland Valley Copper operation ratified a new five-year labour agreement in mid-October

•On October 26, 2011 we announced that we will pay an eligible dividend of $0.40 per share on our outstanding Class A common shares and Class B subordinate voting shares on January 3, 2012 to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 15, 2011. This represents a 33% increase from the previous dividend.

October 27, 2011 07:04 ET

Barrick Reports Q3 2011 Financial and Operating Results
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 27, 2011) - Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:ABX)(TSX:ABX) -


Based on IFRS and expressed in US dollars

For a full explanation of results, the Financial Statements and Management Discussion & Analysis, please see the Company's website,


Financial and Operating Results

- Reported net earnings for Q3 rose 45% to a record $1.37 billion ($1.37 per share) from $942 million ($0.96 per share) in the prior year period. Q3 adjusted net earnings increased 52% to $1.39 billion ($1.39 per share)1 from $912 million ($0.93 per share) in Q3 2010, reflecting higher gold and copper prices along with higher copper sales volumes, resulting in an annualized return on equity of approximately 25%1.

- Q3 EBITDA increased 47% to $2.46 billion1 from $1.67 billion in the same prior year period. Q3 operating cash flow rose 35% to a record $1.89 billion from $1.40 billion and adjusted operating cash flow increased 33% to $1.92 billion1 from $1.44 billion in Q3 2010.

- Q3 gold production was 1.93 million ounces at total cash costs of $453 per ounce and net cash costs of $328 per ounce1. The Company is on track to meet its full year operating guidance, with production expected to be 7.6-7.8 million ounces at total cash costs of $460-$475 per ounce, within original guidance ranges. Net cash costs for 2011 are anticipated to be $330-$350 per ounce2, reflecting a lower copper price assumption than previously assumed. Copper production is expected to be 450-460 million pounds at total cash costs of $1.60-$1.70 per pound in 2011.

- Gold cash margins expanded significantly in the third quarter, highlighting Barrick's leverage to higher gold prices. Gold cash margins increased 55% to $1,290 per ounce1 from $834 per ounce in Q3 2010 and net cash margins rose 51% to $1,415 per ounce1 from $939 per ounce in the same prior year period.

[url= schrieb:
CCG-Redaktion schrieb am 27.10.2011, 00:11 Uhr[/url]"]Barrick Gold Announces 25% Dividend Increase

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 26, 2011) -

All figures in US dollars

Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:ABX)(TSX:ABX) today announced that, consistent with its practice of paying a progressive dividend, the Board of Directors has authorized a quarterly dividend of US15 cents per share, which represents a 25% increase from the previous dividend.

Barrick's strong earnings and operating cash flows, combined with its positive outlook on the gold price, enables the Company to continue to make high return investments in its project pipeline and also increase its dividend. Over the last five years, Barrick has had a consistent track record of returning more capital to shareholders, increasing its dividend by more than 170%(1) on a quarterly basis(2).

The quarterly dividend is payable on December 15, 2011 to shareholders of record at the close of business on November 30, 2011.

Barrick's vision is to be the world's best gold company by finding, acquiring, developing and producing quality reserves in a safe, profitable and socially responsible manner.

(1) Calculated based on converting the 2006 semi-annual dividend of US11 cents per share to a quarterly equivalent.

(2) The declaration and payment of dividends remains at the discretion of the Board of Directors and will depend on the Company's financial results, cash requirements, future prospects and other factors deemed relevant by the Board.
Agnico-Eagle reports third quarter 2011 results

(All amounts expressed in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted)

Stock Symbol: AEM (NYSE and TSX)

TORONTO, Oct. 26, 2011 /PRNewswire/ - Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited ("Agnico-Eagle" or the "Company") today reported a quarterly net loss of $81.6 million (or a loss of $0.48 per share) for the third quarter of 2011. This result includes the $161.1 million ($0.95 per share) after-tax write off of the Company's Goldex operation (as announced on October 19, 2011), a $32.7 million closure provision ($0.19 per share), stock option expense of $7.7 million ($0.05 per share), and the writedown of available for sale securities of $3.4 million ($0.02 per share), partly offset by a non-cash foreign currency translation gain of $21.4 million, or $0.13 per share. Excluding these items would result in adjusted net income of $101.9 million, or $0.60 per share. In the third quarter of 2010, the Company reported net income of $121.5 million, or $0.73 per share. The lower net income in 2011 was largely due to the suspension and write off of the Company's Goldex operation.

Third quarter 2011 cash provided by operating activities was a record $197.6 million ($213.5 million before changes in non-cash components of working capital), up from cash provided by operating activities of $156.8 million in the third quarter of 2010 ($170.9 million before changes in non-cash components of working capital).

The higher cash provided by operating activities in 2011 was primarily due to a 39% higher realized gold price and significantly higher byproduct metal revenue when compared to that realized in the third quarter of 2010.

"While the suspension of production at Goldex, one of our lowest cost mines, is extremely disappointing to the Agnico-Eagle team, our strategy remains unchanged and we will continue to focus on improving our business," said Sean Boyd, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "Although we had continued operating improvements in the quarter at Kittila and Meadowbank, there is still more work to do, particularly at Meadowbank where realized gold grades are still below plan," added Mr. Boyd.

Third quarter 2011 highlights include:

Record Cash Generation - quarterly cash provided by operating activities of $198 million, or $1.17 per share
Record Nine Month Gold Production - produced 757,668 ounces
Record gold production at Low Cost at Pinos Altos - 52,739 ounces at $295 total cash costs per ounce1
Goldex Operations Suspended Indefinitely

Payable gold production2 in the third quarter of 2011 was 265,978 ounces compared to 285,178 ounces in the third quarter of 2010. A description of the production and cost performance for each mine is set out further below.

The lower level of production in the 2011 period was largely due to the processing of lower grades at Meadowbank, LaRonde and Goldex.

Total cash costs for the third quarter of 2011 were $563 per ounce. This compares with $423 per ounce in the third quarter of 2010. The higher cost in 2011 was largely attributable to the 7% lower gold production and also higher total cash costs per ounce at Meadowbank, Kittila, Lapa and Goldex. Each of these mines processed lower grades than in the prior year's period.

For the first nine months of 2011, the Company produced a record 757,668 ounces of gold at total cash costs per ounce of $553. This compares with the first nine months of 2010 when gold production was 731,138 ounces at total cash costs of $445 per ounce. The higher gold production in 2011 is mainly due to a much stronger performance at Pinos Altos (much higher mill throughput following the installation of two more tailings filters, and the start up of the Creston Mascota mine), combined with better mill performance from Kittila and Meadowbank. The higher total cash costs are largely a result of high costs at Meadowbank, Kittila, Lapa and Goldex, as mentioned above.

Mainly due to the suspension of operations at Goldex, Agnico-Eagle now expects production of approximately 1.01 million ounces of gold for the full year 2011 at total cash costs per ounce of approximately $575. This compares with previous guidance of approximately 1.08 million ounces at total cash costs per ounce of $495. The higher total cash cost reflects the loss of the relatively lower cost Goldex mine combined with high costs which continue to be realized at Meadowbank.

Take-Over Bid for Grayd Resource Corporation

On October 19, 2011, Agnico-Eagle and Grayd Resource Corporation ("Grayd") amended the acquisition agreement dated September 19, 2011 and Agnico-Eagle amended the offer (the "Offer") dated October 13, 2011 made by Agnico-Eagle for all of the outstanding shares of Grayd to increase the maximum amount of cash available under the Offer to approximately C$183 million (from approximately C$92 million). The maximum number of common shares of Agnico-Eagle available for issuance under the Offer is unchanged at approximately 2.7 million (based on the number of Grayd shares outstanding on a fully-diluted basis as at September 19, 2011). A notice of change and variation of the Offer was mailed to shareholders of Grayd on October 21, 2011. The expiry time of the Offer remains unchanged at 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on November 18, 2011, unless the Offer is extended or withdrawn.

Third Quarter 2011 Results Conference Call and Webcast Tomorrow

The Company's senior management will host a conference call on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 11:00 AM (E.D.T.) to discuss financial results and provide an update of the Company's exploration and development activities.

Via Webcast:
A live audio webcast of the meeting will be available on the Company's website homepage at

Via Telephone:
For those preferring to listen by telephone, please dial 416-644-3415 or Toll-free 800-814-4861. To ensure your participation, please call approximately five minutes prior to the scheduled start of the call.

Replay archive:
Please dial 416-640-1917 or Toll-free 877-289-8525, access code 4403803#.
The conference call replay will expire on November 27, 2011.

The webcast along with presentation slides will be archived for 180 days on the website.

Cash Position Remains Strong

Cash and cash equivalents decreased to $116.7 million at September 30, 2011 from the June 30, 2011 balance of $139.0 million as capital expenditures and investing activities exceeded the cash provided by operating activities during the quarter.

Capital expenditures in the third quarter of 2011 were $164.0 million, including $45.0 million at Meliadine, $43.6 million at Meadowbank, $23.3 million at LaRonde, $22.9 million at Kittila, $16.0 million on Goldex, $6.7 million at Pinos Altos and $4.3 million at Lapa.

With its current cash balances, anticipated cash flows and available bank lines, management believes that Agnico-Eagle remains fully funded for the development and exploration of its current pipeline of gold projects in Canada, Finland, Mexico and the USA.

Available bank lines as of September 30, 2011 were approximately $1.12 billion.

LaRonde Mine - Strong Cash Flow Generation Continues

The LaRonde mill processed an average of 6,517 tonnes per day in the third quarter of 2011, compared with an average of 6,872 tpd in the corresponding period of 2010. The lower throughput was largely due to some scheduled maintenance downtime, an unplanned 56 hour shutdown of the concentrate filter press and also due to low ore availability. The low ore availability resulted mainly from the mining of smaller stopes near the higher stress extremities of the orebody.

Minesite costs per tonne3 were approximately C$88 in the third quarter of 2011. These costs are higher than the C$74 per tonne experienced in the third quarter of 2010. The increase is largely due to the lower throughput in 2011, as discussed above.

On a per ounce basis, net of byproduct credits, LaRonde's total cash costs per ounce were minus $270 in the third quarter of 2011 on payable production of 29,069 ounces of gold. This compares with the third quarter of 2010 when total cash costs per ounce were minus $298 on production of 37,832 ounces of gold. The higher costs and lower gold production in the 2011 period are largely related to the planned mining of lower grade areas for much of the year but also due to higher than expected dilution near the extremities of the orebody (18% lower grade in the 2011 period) and due to the lower third quarter 2011 throughput, as discussed above. Higher grades are scheduled for late in the fourth quarter of 2011 with the first production from the higher grade LaRonde Extension.

Payable production was 93,487 ounces of gold at total cash costs of minus $21 per ounce in the first nine months of 2011. This compares with 124,401 ounces at $69 per ounce in the first nine months of 2010. The lower production is mainly due to the processing of lower grades and throughput in 2011 as discussed above. The lower total cash costs in 2011 are largely the result of the mine focusing on byproduct production and the associated revenues during the year, which reduces the overall total cash cost per ounce for the Company as a whole.

Goldex Mine - Production Suspended Indefinitely on October 19

As discussed in the Company's press release of October 19, 2011, the Goldex mine has been suspended indefinitely due to suspected rock subsidence in the hangingwall above the GEZ orebody. Monitoring, investigation and remediation work will continue with the hope of one day re-opening the mine. However, there is no assurance that this will occur. The Goldex reserves will be reclassified into mineral resources.

The focus of future investigation and remediation work will be in securing the infrastructure in the area, detailed investigation into the mechanisms of the failure and installing further instrumentation for monitoring of the situation.

The Goldex mill processed an average of 8,223 tpd in the third quarter of 2011. During the third quarter of 2010, the plant processed an average of approximately 7,893 tpd.

Minesite costs per tonne at Goldex were approximately C$22 in the third quarter of 2011, essentially unchanged from the C$21 incurred in the third quarter of 2010 as higher throughput helped offset general inflation in the industry.

Payable gold production in the third quarter of 2011 was 40,224 ounces at total cash costs per ounce of $411. This compares to third quarter 2010 gold production of 50,672 ounces at total cash costs per ounce of $288. The decrease in gold production was due to the mining of lower grade material during the 2011 period which also negatively impacted the total cash costs per ounce.

Payable production was 120,722 ounces of gold in the first nine months of 2011 at total cash costs of $408 per ounce. This compares with 141,275 at total cash costs of $325 per ounce in the first nine months of 2010. The lower production and higher costs are mainly due to the processing of lower grades in 2011 as discussed above.

Kittila Mine - Cost Reduction Progressing

The Kittila mill processed an average of 3,196 tpd in the third quarter of 2011. In the third quarter of 2010, the Kittila mill processed 3,067 tpd. The mill is consistently achieving its steady-state design operating rate of 3,000 tpd.

Gold recoveries in the third quarter of 2011 were 83.5%, essentially at the design rate of 83%. This compares with the third quarter of 2010 when the recoveries were approximately 81.1%. This improvement in mill recovery was largely due to improvements in the understanding of the metallurgy and in the operation of the autoclave.

Minesite costs per tonne at Kittila were approximately €66 in the third quarter of 2011, compared to €58 in the third quarter of 2010. The increase in minesite costs was largely due to cost pressure on items such as fuel and electricity costs, material costs underground and high contractor costs. However, the 2011 level is significantly lower than the €79 realized in the second quarter of 2011. Further efforts to reduce the minesite cost per tonne are ongoing.

Third quarter 2011 gold production at Kittila was 37,924 ounces with a total cash cost per ounce of $694. In the third quarter of 2010 the mine produced 40,344 ounces at total cash costs per ounce of $519. The lower gold production was due to the mining of lower grades. The higher costs were largely the result of the cost issues mentioned above. Total cash costs per ounce were also unfavorably impacted by a weaker US dollar (US dollar per Euro of 1.29 in Q3 2010 versus 1.41 in Q3 2011).

The third quarter 2011 total cash cost per ounce of $694 was a significant improvement over the second quarter 2011 level of $850. Further efforts to reduce the total cash cost per ounce are underway.

For the first nine months of 2011, payable gold production was 109,052 at total cash costs per ounce of $736. This compares with 96,484 ounces at total cash costs of $603 in the corresponding period in 2010. The higher gold production in 2011 was not able to fully offset the cost pressure at the mine, resulting in the higher total cash costs. Additionally, the relative strength of the Euro negatively impacted the total cash costs in the first nine months of 2011, as discussed above.

Lapa - Record Quarterly Throughput

The Lapa circuit at the LaRonde mill processed an average of 1,858 tpd, a quarterly record, in the third quarter of 2011. This compares with an average of 1,573 tonnes per day in the third quarter of 2010 as Lapa continues to exceed its design throughput of 1,500 tpd.

Minesite costs per tonne were C$107 in the third quarter of 2011, compared to C$105 in the third quarter of 2010. The lower cost is largely due to the increased throughput.

Payable production in the third quarter of 2011 was 27,881 ounces of gold at total cash costs per ounce of $657. This compares with the third quarter of 2010, when production was 27,688 ounces of gold at total cash costs per ounce of $509. The increase in costs is largely due to a decrease in grade due to higher than planned dilution (difficult ground in the western side of the deposit) which largely offset the positive impact of the higher throughput. Additionally, higher than expected concentrations of antimony and arsenic in the ore reduced mill recoveries below plan.

For the first nine months of 2011, payable gold production was 83,347 at total cash costs per ounce of $629. This compares with 88,168 ounces at total cash costs of $517 in the corresponding period in 2010. The lower gold production in 2011 and the higher total cash costs were largely the result of processing lower grades, as discussed above.

Pinos Altos - Record Gold Production

The Pinos Altos mill processed a record average of 4,959 tpd in the third quarter of 2011. This compares with 3,863 tonnes per day in the third quarter of 2010. The mill is now routinely performing at process rates above the initial design capacity of 4,000 tpd following the installation of two additional tailings filters in the third and fourth quarters of 2010.

Minesite costs per tonne were $27 in the third quarter of 2011, compared to $42 in the third quarter of 2010. These lower costs were largely the result of the higher tonnage mined and milled combined with the higher proportions of heap leach ore being processed due to the onset of operations at Creston Mascota.

Payable production in the third quarter of 2011 was a record 52,739 ounces of gold at total cash costs per ounce of $295, including the satellite Creston Mascota operation. This compares with production of 35,248 ounces at a total cash cost of $558 in the third quarter of 2010. The higher gold production and lower costs are largely due to the ramp up of Creston Mascota and the increased mill throughput.

The first gold production from Creston Mascota occurred during the fourth quarter of 2010. In the third quarter of 2011, payable gold production from this heap leach operation was 11,741 ounces (included in the Pinos Altos total above). Commercial production at Creston Mascota was achieved on March 1, 2011.

For the first nine months of 2011, payable gold production was a record 151,806 at total cash costs per ounce of $302. This compares with 91,141 ounces at total cash costs of $451 for the corresponding period in 2010. The higher gold production and lower costs are largely a result of the increased mill throughput and contributions from Creston Mascota.

The underground mine at Pinos Altos operated at approximately 3,300 tonnes per day during the third quarter of 2011, the first such period with underground mine production in excess of its initial design capacity of approximately 3,000 tpd. Due to this performance, the improved mill capacity and the increased underground ore reserve tonnage at Pinos Altos, the Company is evaluating alternatives with respect to increasing the underground mine capacity either through an additional production ramp or via a production shaft. The study is expected to be completed near the end of 2011.

Meadowbank - Record Mill Throughput, But Dilution and Cost Issues Remain

The Meadowbank mill processed a record average of 9,414 tpd in the third quarter of 2011. This compares with the third quarter of 2010 when the mine processed approximately 6,918 tpd. The increase in throughput was largely due to the commissioning of the permanent secondary crusher in June 2011.

Minesite costs per tonne were C$93 in the third quarter of 2011 as compared to the third quarter of 2010 when minesite costs per tonne were C$102. The lower costs in the 2011 period are largely due to the increase in the mill throughput and increased productivity in the pit. However, the minesite costs remain above budget. Initiatives to reduce these unit costs include improvements in equipment maintenance. Equipment availabilities have improved to approximately 60% towards the target of 80%. The mine is incurring additional costs to catch up on maintenance and winterizing the fleet to minimize the issues experienced last winter.

Payable production in the third quarter of 2011 was 78,141 ounces of gold at total cash costs per ounce of gold of $1033. This compares with payable production of 93,395 ounces at total cash costs of $671 per ounce in the third quarter of 2010. The decrease in gold ounces and increase in cost was largely due to the higher than expected minesite costs per tonne and the mining of 38% lower grades in the 2011 period. The main reason for lower grades was ongoing dilution issues first identified during the second quarter of 2011. However, delays in waste removal also postponed access to higher grade ore.

For the first nine months of 2011, payable gold production was a record 199,254 at total cash costs per ounce of $969. This compares with 189,669 ounces at total cash costs of $664 in the corresponding period in 2010. The higher gold production in 2011 was mainly due to higher mill throughput, but partly offset by the mining of 32% lower grades in 2011. The higher total cash costs were partly due to the low grades, but also due to the high minesite costs, as discussed above.

Dividend Record and Payment Dates for the Remainder of 2011
Record Date Payment Date
December 1 December 15
Exxon Mobil profitiert im 3. Quartal von hohen Ölpreisen

HOUSTON (Dow Jones)--Der US-Ölgigant Exxon Mobil hat im dritten Quartal von den
anhaltend hohen Ölpreisen und starken Margen im Raffinieriegeschäft profitiert.
Das Nettoergebnis kletterte um 41% auf 10,3 Mrd USD, wie der Konzern am
Donnerstag mitteilte. Je Aktie verdiente das Unternehmen 2,13 USD und damit
einen US-Cent mehr als von Analysten erwartet.

Die hohen Preise sorgten für eine Umsatzsteigerung um 32% auf 125 Mrd USD.
Von Thomson Reuters befragte Analysten waren von lediglich 114 Mrd USD
ausgegangen. Die weltweite Fördermenge von Exxon Mobil ging unterdessen um 4%

Den Investoren gefiel der Quartalsausweis. In einer ersten Reaktion stieg die
Exxon-Aktie im vorbörslichen Handel um 1,7% auf 82,44 USD.

-Von Tess Stynes, Dow Jones Newswires;
+49 (0)69 29725 102,

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 27, 2011 08:55 ET (12:55 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011
Newmont Announces Record Quarterly Revenue of $2.7 Billion, Record Quarterly Operating Cash Flow of $1.3 Billion
Maintaining 2011 Outlook for Production, Costs Applicable to Sales and Capital Expenditures This release should be read in conjunction with Newmont's Third Quarter 2011 Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 27, 2011
(available at

DENVER, Oct. 27, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Newmont Mining Corporation (NYSE: NEM) ("Newmont" or the "Company") today reported consolidated revenue of $2.7 billion for the third quarter of 2011 and $7.6 billion year-to-date, as well as operating cash flow of $1.3 billion for the third quarter of 2011 and $2.7 billion year-to-date.

Third Quarter Highlights:

Record consolidated revenue of $2.7 billion, an increase of 6% from the prior year quarter;
Average realized gold and copper price of $1,695 per ounce and $2.94 per pound, up 39% and down 20%, respectively, from the prior year quarter;
Attributable gold and copper production of 1.3 million ounces and 58 million pounds, down 7% and 30%, respectively, from the prior year quarter;
Record cash flow from continuing operations of $1.3 billion, up 48% from the prior year quarter;
Gold and copper costs applicable to sales ("CAS") of $622 per ounce and $1.10 per pound, up 32% and up 51%, respectively, from the prior year quarter ($628 per ounce and $1.25 per pound on an attributable basis(1), up 27% and up 58%, respectively, from the prior year quarter); and
Maintaining 2011 Outlook for production, CAS, and capital expenditures.

"We are pleased to announce record revenue and operating cash flow for both the quarter and year-to-date. Our operating cash flow increased by 48% to $1.3 billion compared with a 39% increase in our average realized gold price over the prior year's quarter," said Richard O'Brien, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our unique combination of per share operating and financial leverage, as well as our industry-leading gold price-linked dividend policy, offers investors a compelling investment opportunity," added Mr. O'Brien.

Newmont's third quarter 2011 adjusted net income(2) increased 19% to $635 million ($1.29 per share) for the third quarter of 2011, from $533 million ($1.08 per share) for the third quarter of 2010. Attributable net income from continuing operations was impacted by a non-cash impairment of $142 million ($0.29 per share) net of tax, related to certain marketable securities, including shares of Paladin Energy Ltd. ("Paladin") and Pilot Gold Inc., acquired as part of the Fronteer Gold Inc. and Long Canyon acquisition in April 2011. Paladin is a uranium producer and the value of the Paladin securities has declined since Japan's nuclear crisis in March 2011. As a result of the decline in these securities, partially offset by a gain of the sale of certain other marketable equity securities, third quarter 2011 attributable net income from continuing operations decreased 8% to $493 million ($1.00 per share) compared to $537 million ($1.09 per share) for the third quarter of 2010.

Newmont is maintaining its previously announced 2011 Outlook for attributable gold production of 5.1 to 5.3 million ounces at CAS of between $560 and $590 per ounce (on a co-product basis). Potentially lower grades due to mine sequencing at Gold Quarry and lower grades at Exodus in Nevada could result in the Company's attributable gold production for the year to be near the bottom of this range. Potentially lower production in Nevada as well as higher operating costs at Boddington in Australia, and a higher co-product allocation of costs to gold could result in the Company's CAS for the year to be near the top of this range.

Newmont is maintaining its previously announced 2011 Outlook for attributable copper production of 190 to 220 million pounds at CAS of between $1.25 and $1.50 per pound. A lower co-product allocation of costs to copper could result in the Company's CAS for the year to be below or near the bottom of this range.

Newmont is maintaining its 2011 attributable capital expenditure Outlook of $2.1 to $2.5 billion, or $2.7 to $3.0 billion on a consolidated basis. Capital spending through the first three quarters of 2011 has been lower than expected across the portfolio, but is expected to accelerate in the last quarter of the year as development at Akyem and Conga accelerates.

As previously announced, Newmont's Board of Directors approved a fourth quarter 2011 gold price-linked dividend of $0.35 per share(3) based on the Company's average realized gold price of $1,695 per ounce for the third quarter of 2011, an increase of 17% over the $0.30 dividend paid in the third quarter of 2011, and an increase of 133% over the $0.15 dividend paid in the fourth quarter of 2010.


North America

Nevada – Attributable gold production in Nevada was 428,000 ounces at CAS of $641 per ounce during the third quarter. Gold production decreased 6% from the prior year quarter due to lower mill grade ore and throughput, partially offset by higher leach placement and recoveries. Open pit ore tons mined increased 167% as the remediation of the Gold Quarry pit slope failure was completed and also due to additional ore tons from Twin Creeks due to mine sequencing. CAS increased 15% from the prior year quarter due to lower production, lower by-product credits and higher royalty costs.

As a result of lower grades due to mine sequencing at Gold Quarry, temporary lack of access to the Chukar mine and lower tonnage and grades at Exodus, the Company now expects 2011 attributable gold production from Nevada of approximately 1.7 to 1.8 million ounces at CAS of between $565 and $615 per ounce.

La Herradura – Attributable gold production at La Herradura in Mexico was 54,000 ounces at CAS of $575 per ounce during the third quarter. Gold production increased 29% from the prior year quarter due to higher leach placement at Soledad - Dipolos. CAS increased 24% from the prior year quarter due to higher mining, leaching and employee profit sharing costs, partially offset by higher production and by-product credits.

The Company continues to expect 2011 attributable gold production from La Herradura of approximately 180,000 to 200,000 ounces at CAS of between $480 and $510 per ounce.

South America

Yanacocha – Attributable gold production at Yanacocha in Peru was 169,000 ounces at CAS of $610 per ounce during the third quarter. Gold production decreased 8% from the prior year quarter due to lower leach placement at Carachugo and La Quinua as a result of mine sequencing and lower equipment availability, partially offset by higher mill grade. Ore tons mined decreased 29% due to mine sequencing at El Tapado. CAS per ounce increased 45% from the prior year quarter due to lower production, higher diesel, worker's participation and royalty costs, lower by-product credits and an unfavorable leach pad recovery estimate adjustment.

As a result of the lower leach placement mentioned above, the Company now expects 2011 attributable gold production at Yanacocha of approximately 650,000 to 670,000 ounces at CAS of between $560 and $600 per ounce.

La Zanja – Attributable gold production during the third quarter at La Zanja in Peru was 19,000 ounces.

As a result of better than expected performance, the Company now expects 2011 attributable gold production at La Zanja of between 50,000 and 60,000 ounces.

Asia Pacific

Boddington – Attributable gold and copper production during the third quarter at Boddington in Australia were 166,000 ounces and 17 million pounds, respectively, at CAS of $743 per ounce and $2.25 per pound, respectively. Gold production decreased 8% from the prior year quarter due to lower mill grade, partially offset by higher mill throughput. Copper production increased 21% from the prior year quarter due to higher mill throughput, partially offset by lower recovery. Gold CAS increased 20% per ounce from the prior year quarter due to lower gold production, higher royalty costs and diesel prices, partially offset by higher by-product credits. Copper CAS increased 24% per pound due to higher royalty costs and diesel prices, partially offset by higher by-product credits and copper production. CAS per ounce and per pound were also impacted by a stronger Australian dollar and a higher allocation of costs to gold.

The Company continues to expect 2011 attributable gold production at Boddington of approximately 750,000 to 800,000 ounces. As a result of higher mill maintenance costs and a higher co-product allocation of costs to gold, the Company now expects CAS of between $650 and $690 per ounce. The Company continues to expect 2011 attributable copper production of 70 to 80 million pounds at CAS of between $1.80 and $2.20 per pound.

Batu Hijau – Attributable gold and copper production during the third quarter at Batu Hijau in Indonesia were 66,000 ounces and 41 million pounds, respectively, at CAS of $476 per ounce and $0.90 per pound, respectively. Gold and copper production decreased 37% and 40% from the prior year quarter, respectively, as planned, due to lower mill grade, throughput and recovery as a result of processing more stockpiled material compared to higher grade Phase 5 ore in 2010 and the completion of mill motor replacements. Waste tons mined increased 104% as Phase 6 waste removal continues as planned. CAS increased 126% per ounce and 38% per pound from the prior year quarter due to lower production and higher waste mining costs, partially offset by higher by-product credits. CAS per ounce and per pound were also impacted by a higher allocation of costs to gold.

As a result of processing additional higher grade Phase 5 ore during the quarter, the Company now expects 2011 attributable gold production for Batu Hijau of approximately 140,000 to 160,000 ounces at CAS of between $440 and $460 per ounce. The Company continues to expect attributable copper production to be approximately 120 to 140 million pounds at CAS of between $1.10 and $1.30 per pound.

Other Australia/New Zealand – Attributable gold production during the third quarter in other Australia/New Zealand was 263,000 ounces at CAS of $684 per ounce. Attributable gold production was 9% lower from the prior year quarter due to lower mill throughput at Tanami, Jundee and Kalgoorlie and lower grade at Waihi, partially offset by higher grade at Tanami and Jundee and a drawdown of inventory at Jundee. CAS increased 27% from the prior year quarter due to lower production and higher operating costs which were driven by higher power and diesel prices and a stronger Australian dollar, net of hedging gains.

The Company continues to expect 2011 attributable gold production at the Other Australia/New Zealand operations of approximately 1.0 to 1.05 million ounces. As a result of lower operating costs and favorable inventory changes at Kalgoorlie, the Company now expects the Other Australia/New Zealand CAS of between $640 and $660 per ounce.


Ahafo – Attributable gold production during the third quarter at Ahafo in Ghana was 146,000 ounces at CAS of $501 per ounce. Gold production decreased 6% from the prior year quarter due to processing lower mill grade, partially offset by higher recovery. CAS per ounce increased 19% from the prior year quarter due to lower production and higher labor, diesel and royalty costs.

As a result of slightly higher than expected grades and recoveries, the Company now expects 2011 attributable gold production at Ahafo of approximately 560,000 to 590,000 ounces at CAS of between $470 and $500 per ounce.

Capital Update

Consolidated capital expenditures were $761 million during the third quarter. Newmont is maintaining its 2011 attributable capital expenditure Outlook of $2.1 to $2.5 billion, or $2.7 to $3.0 billion on a consolidated basis. Capital spending through the first three quarters of 2011 has been lower than expected across the portfolio, but is expected to increase in the last quarter of the year as development at Akyem and Conga accelerates. For the remainder of the year, 40% of 2011 consolidated capital expenditures are expected to be associated with major project initiatives, including further development of the Akyem project in Ghana, the Conga project in Peru, Hope Bay in Canada, and the Nevada project portfolio, while the remaining 60% is expected to correspond with growth and sustaining capital.

2011 Outlook- Q3 Update(4),(5)

Gold Resource Corp. erklärt Dividende
28.10.2011 | 10:01 Uhr | ROHSTOFF-WELT.DE

Gold Resource Corporation erklärte gestern eine Monatsdividende. Die Dividende für den Monat Oktober in Höhe von 0,05 USD je Stammaktie ist am 23. November 2011 zahlbar an alle Aktionäre per 11. November 2011.

Gold Resource ist ein Goldproduzent mit Operationen im Süden Mexikos. Das El-Aguila-Projekt des Unternehmens im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Oaxaca erreichte am 1. Juli 2010 die kommerzielle Produktion.

Bei der Oktoberdividende handelt es sich damit um die 16. Dividende des Unternehmens seit Erreichen der kommerziellen Produktion.

© Redaktion
Goldcorp CEO Sees Higher 4Q Gold Output; Company Soon To Be Major Silver Producer

..."Goldcorp To Become Major Silver Producer As Penasquito Ramps Up"
..."Goldcorp Sees Gold Production Rising Some 60% By 2015"...
BHP und Mitsubishi stecken 4,2 Mrd USD in Kohleförderung

SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Ein Joint Venture der BHP Billiton Ltd und der Mitsubishi
Corp will die Produktion um jährlich 8 Mio Tonnen Kohle erweitern. Dazu stecken
die beiden Partner gemeinsam 4,2 Mrd USD in das weltweit größte Unternehmen zur
Köhleförderung, wie beide Konzerne am Dienstag ankündigten. Die Investitionen
fließen in die Kohleaktivitäten im australischen Bundesstaat Queensland. Die
erste Kohle aus der Erweiterung soll ab dem Jahr 2014 gefördert werden.

Für das Joint Venture namens BMA stellt die Erweiterung eine Steigerung der
Produktion um 20% dar.


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 01, 2011 01:21 ET (05:21 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011
Rohstoffgiganten BHP Billiton und Norilsk Nickel vor Joint Venture?

( Moskau 02.11.11 - Der russische Minenriese Norilsk Nickel plant Berichten zufolge offenbar die Gründung eines Joint Ventures mit dem australischen Minenschwergewicht BHP Billiton Wie der Wissenschaftschef von Norilsk Nickel sagte, könne man sich die Kooperation bei der Nickelproduktion in Australien vorstellen, da die beiden Unternehmen hier in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft arbeiten. Darüber hinaus sei Norilsk Nickel an der Eisenerzproduktion interessiert. Hier ist BHP Billiton einer der größten Förderer weltweit.

Norilsk Nickel ist der größte Nickelproduzent der Welt, strebt aber auch an, einer der fünf größten Kupferproduzenten der Welt zu werden. Dazu ist die Entwicklung von Vorkommen in Chile, Argentinien und Peru geplant. Weiterhin will das Unternehmen die Produktion von Nickel im rohstoffreichen Indonesien und auf Kuba in Angriff nehmen.

Im Zuge der Finanzkrise hatte Australien die Förderung in Australien eingestellt. Dort wird nun wieder gefördert und bis Ende 2011 sollen die ersten 25.000 Tonnen Nickelkonzentrat geliefert werden.

Ein Joint Venture von BHP Billiton und Norilsk Nickel hätte für beide Unternehmen wesentliche Vorteile. Die Kosten für die aufwändige Infrastrukturentwicklung sowie den Aufbau von Verarbeitungsanlagen könnten die Unternehmen untereinander aufteilen. Allerdings liefern die Unternehmen auch an die selben Kunden, vorrangig an China.

Norilsk Nickel klettern heute am MICEX Index um 1,0 Prozent auf 5.761 Rubel.

Quelle:, Autor: (cs)
Yamana Gold declares increased dividend

(All dollar amounts are expressed in United States dollars unless otherwise specified)

TORONTO, Nov. 2, 2011 /PRNewswire/ - YAMANA GOLD INC. (TSX:YRI; NYSE:AUY; LSE:YAU) today announced that the Board of Directors approved an increase in the Company's annual dividend to $0.20 per share or $0.05 per share per quarter. This represents a 67 percent increase over the last 12 months and the second time the dividend has been increased this year. Shareholders of record at the close of business on December 30, 2011 will be entitled to receive payment of this dividend on January 13, 2012. The dividend is an "eligible dividend" for Canadian tax purposes.

Yamana is committed to delivering value to shareholders, across all measures including cash value by means of dividends.
November 02, 2011 16:46 ET
Kinross Reports 2011 Third Quarter Results

Record revenue exceeds $1 billion; margins up 50%, adjusted operating cash (5) flow up 82%

Adjusted net earnings (1,5) up 134%

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 2, 2011) - Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K)(NYSE:KGC) today announced its results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2011.

(This news release contains forward-looking information that is subject to the risks and assumptions set out in our Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information located on page 9 of this news release. All dollar amounts in this news release are expressed in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted.)

Third quarter highlights

Financial and operating results:

-- Production(2): 647,983 gold equivalent ounces, a 13% increase over Q3
-- Revenue: $1,069.2 million, a 45% increase over Q3 2010.
-- Production cost of sales(3): $634 per gold equivalent ounce, compared
with $517 in Q3 2010.
-- Attributable margin(4): $1,012 per ounce sold, a 50% increase over Q3
-- Adjusted operating cash flow(5): $421.6 million, an 82% increase over Q3
2010. Adjusted operating cash flow per share was $0.37 in Q3, compared
with $0.30 in Q3 2010.
-- Adjusted net earnings(1,5): $273.4 million, a 134% increase over Q3
2010. Adjusted net earnings per share were $0.24, compared with $0.15 in
Q3 2010.
-- Reported net earnings(1): $212.6 million, or $0.19 per share, compared
with $540.9 million, or $0.71 per share, for Q3 2010. Q3 2010 earnings
included significant one-time gains.
-- Outlook: The Company expects to be within its 2011 forecast guidance for
production (2.6 - 2.7 million attributable gold equivalent ounces) and
production cost of sales ($565 - 610 per gold equivalent ounce).

Growth projects:

-- Kinross continues to advance its major growth projects at Tasiast, Fruta
del Norte, Lobo-Marte, and Dvoinoye, all of which are proceeding on
-- The Company has received approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment
for early works at Tasiast and mobilization for construction has
commenced. Capital commitments at Tasiast to the end of Q3 were $782


-- Further drilling and exploration at Tasiast continue to increase the
Company's confidence in the orebody and define new areas for potential
-- In Chile, recent drilling at the Pompeya target at La Coipa has led to
the discovery of a significant area of mineralization close to surface,
and drilling to further define this new zone will continue in Q4 2011.

Corporate responsibility:

-- During the third quarter, Kinross was named to both the Dow Jones
Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability North
America Index, indices composed of global and regional leaders in
corporate responsibility.

Arcelor-Mittal warnt vor fallenden Stahlvolumina und Preisen ARRB

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--Arcelor-Mittal hat im dritten Quartal die Gewinnschätzungen von Analysten verfehlt und rechnet im Schlussquartal mit Druck sowohl auf die produzierten Mengen als auch auf die Preise. "Die Unsicherheiten beim konjunkturellen Ausblick haben in den vergangenen Wochen zugenommen und beeinflussen die Zuversicht unserer Kunden", sagte Lakshmi Mittal, CEO des nach Produktionsvolumen und Umsatz größten Stahlherstellers der Welt.

Der Gewinn vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen (EBITDA) stieg im dritten Quartal auf Jahressicht um 11% auf 2,41 Mrd USD. Sechs von Dow Jones Newswires befragte Analysten hatten im Konsens mit 2,49 Mrd USD gerechnet. "Ich bleibe zuversichtlich, dass das EBITDA in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2011 über dem der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2010 liegt", sagte Mittal zum weiteren Geschäftsverlauf.

Der Nettogewinn lag im dritten Quartal mit 659 Mio USD um rund 10% - und damit noch deutlicher als das EBITDA - unter der Konsensprognose von 735 Mio USD.
Milliardenschwelle übersprungen: Kinross Gold bleibt in der Spur
UPDATE: Anglo American kauft für 5,1 Mrd USD Mehrheit an De Beers

--Anglo American stockt bei De Beers auf 85% auf

--Kaufpreis für 40% sind 5,1 Mrd USD

--Weitere steigender Diamantenbedarf gesehen

Von Devon Maylie

LONDON (Dow Jones)--Der Bergbaukonzern Anglo American setzt auf steigende
Diamantenpreise und übernimmt deshalb die Mehrheit am südafrikanischen
Diamantenproduzenten De Beers. Für 5,1 Mrd USD kauft der Londoner Konzern
weitere 40% an den Südafrikanern, wie die Unternehmen am Freitag mitteilten.
Damit kommt Anglo American auf einen Anteil von 85%. Verkäufer ist die Familie

In trockenen Tüchern ist die Übernahme noch nicht. Die Regierung von Botswana
hat ein Vorkaufsrecht für Teile des Aktienpakets. Sollte sie das Recht ausüben,
käme Anglo American auf einen 75%-Anteil an De Beers. Der Kaufpreis würde sich
entsprechend verringern.

Anglo American will mit der Übernahme vom steigenden Bedarf nach Diamanten
profitieren. Die Produktion werde damit nicht Schritt halten können, glaubt der
Londoner Konzern. Der Preis für dieses edle Mineral ist seit Jahresbeginn
bereits um 40% gestiegen. Finanzieren will das Unternehmen den Zukauf mit einem
Bankkredit über 3,5 Mrd USD. Die restlichen 2,2 Mrd USD hat Anglo American
bereits als Barbestand zur Verfügung.

Mit der Übernahme endet bei De Beers eine Ära. Die Familie Oppenheimer ist
dem Unternehmen fast seit seiner Gründung verbunden. Den Ausstieg der Familie
schreiben Analysten einem Nachfolgeproblem zu. Aktuell stellt die Familie den
Chairman, ein Nachfolger für den alternden Manager ist jedoch nicht in Sicht.
Spekulationen über einen möglichen Kauf des Familienanteils durch Anglo
American zirkulierten deshalb schon seit Jahren.

De Beers produziert rund 35% des weltweiten Diamantenbedarfs. Der Konzern ist
dabei in drei Ländern im Süden Afrikas und in Kanada tätig.

-Von Devon Maylie, Dow Jones Newswires,
+49 (0)69 29725 104,

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 04, 2011 05:29 ET (09:29 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011
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