World Largest Mining Companies, Senior Producers: Daten, Fakten, Entwicklungen, Aussichten, Pläne

Goldgroup Mining Inc.: Auf dem Weg zu einem mittelgroßen Goldproduzenten in Mexiko!

Während der Goldpreis vor kurzem ein neues nominales Hoch erreichte und die Aussichten weiter extrem gut sind, können die meisten Goldexplorer und sogar Produzenten mit dem Metall nicht mithalten. Diese Diskrepanz wird sich früher oder später auflösen. Wer das Risiko der reinen Explorations-Plays scheut, der kann sich an etablierten Produzenten beteiligen, die einiges an Kurspotential versprechen. Wer etwas mehr Risiko gehen will und sich höhere Gewinne erhofft, der investiert besser in Unternehmen, die ein starkes Wachstumsprofil aufweisen. Ein solches Unternehmen ist Goldgroup Mining Inc.. Goldgroup produziert aktuell ca. 25.000 oz Gold pro Jahr und will dank der Inbetriebnahme zweier neuer Minen in ca. 3 Jahren über 200.000 oz Gold produzieren.

Goldgroup Mining ist entstanden durch den Zusammenschluss, einen sogenannten "Reverse-Takeover", von Sierra Minerals Inc. durch Goldgroup Holdings Corp. am 30. April 2010. Das Unternehmen erhielt anschließend seinen heutigen Namen. Goldgroup besitzt in Mexiko 4 Projekte, darunter eine produzierende Mine, zwei Entwicklungsprojekte und ein Explorationsprojekt in der Frühphase. Das Unternehmen wird von einem Team aus Bergbau- und Finanzprofis geführt, die ihre Fähigkeiten bei Unternehmen wie Peru Copper, Adastra, Diamond Fields Int. u.a. bewiesen.


Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd.: Sector Perform mit Kursziel 66 USD

Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited veröffentlichte vergangene Woche die Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals 2011.

Das Unternehmen übertraf hinsichtlich der Produktion die Erwartungen von RBC Capital Markets, allerdings blieben Gewinn und Cashkosten hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Der Grund dafür sind anhaltende Schwierigkeiten bei Meadowbank. Die zahlbare Produktion belief sich auf 265.978 oz, die gesamten Cashkosten betrugen 563 USD/oz. In den drei Monaten bis zum 30. September wurde zudem ein Nettoverlust von 81,6 Mio. USD oder 0,48 USD je Aktie verzeichnet.

Wie erwartet hat das Unternehmen die Produktionsplanung verringert und rechnet im Gesamtjahr nun mit 1,01 Mio. oz zu gesamten Cashkosten von 575 USD/oz (bisher 1,08 Mio. oz zu 495 USD/oz). Die Analysten schätzen die Gesamtjahresproduktion auf 1,01 Mio. oz zu 555 USD/oz.

RBC behält die Bewertung mit 'Sector Perform' bei und verringert das Kursziel von 71 USD auf 66 USD.

© Redaktion
Newmont Mining Corp.: Kaufen mit Kursziel 84,00 CAD

Newmont Mining Corporation veröffentlichte vergangene Woche die Ergebnisse der drei Monate bis zum 30. September 2011. Die zurechenbare Produktion belief sich in dem Quartal auf 1,3 Mio. oz Gold zu 628 USD/oz und 58 Mio. Pfund Kupfer zu 1,25 USD je Pfund. Die Analysten von GMP Securities hatten mit einer zurechenbaren Produktion von 1,29 Mio. oz Gold zu 598 USD/oz und 51 Mio. Pfund Kupfer zu 1,32 USD je Pfund gerechnet.

Der Gewinn pro Aktie betrug 1,00 USD und der Cashflow pro Aktie belief sich auf 2,50 USD. GMP hatte mit 1,21 USD je Aktie und 1,86 USD je Aktie gerechnet.

Das Unternehmen hat das Produktionsziel für 2011 von 5,1 - 5,3 Mio. oz Gold zu Cashkosten von 560 - 590 USD/oz bestätigt. Die Analysten rechnen nun im Gesamtjahr mit 5,11 Mio. oz zu Cashkosten von 595 USD/oz.

GMP behält die Kaufempfehlung für die Aktien von Newmont Mining und das Kursziel von 84,00 CAD bei.

© Redaktion
Newmont halts Peru mine works on fears of protester invasion

The company halted work at its Minas Conga project on Thursday as a precaution for fear it would be invaded by protesters after talks with the local residents over the building of the mine failed.

Author: By Patricia Velez (Reuters)
Posted: Friday , 04 Nov 2011

[url= schrieb:
CCG-Redaktion schrieb am 04.11.2011, 15:16 Uhr[/url]"]Newmont Mining Corp.: Kaufen mit Kursziel 84,00 CAD

Newmont Mining Corporation veröffentlichte vergangene Woche die Ergebnisse der drei Monate bis zum 30. September 2011. Die zurechenbare Produktion belief sich in dem Quartal auf 1,3 Mio. oz Gold zu 628 USD/oz und 58 Mio. Pfund Kupfer zu 1,25 USD je Pfund. Die Analysten von GMP Securities hatten mit einer zurechenbaren Produktion von 1,29 Mio. oz Gold zu 598 USD/oz und 51 Mio. Pfund Kupfer zu 1,32 USD je Pfund gerechnet.

Der Gewinn pro Aktie betrug 1,00 USD und der Cashflow pro Aktie belief sich auf 2,50 USD. GMP hatte mit 1,21 USD je Aktie und 1,86 USD je Aktie gerechnet.

Das Unternehmen hat das Produktionsziel für 2011 von 5,1 - 5,3 Mio. oz Gold zu Cashkosten von 560 - 590 USD/oz bestätigt. Die Analysten rechnen nun im Gesamtjahr mit 5,11 Mio. oz zu Cashkosten von 595 USD/oz.

GMP behält die Kaufempfehlung für die Aktien von Newmont Mining und das Kursziel von 84,00 CAD bei.

© Redaktion
IAMGOLD Announces Investment in Colombia Crest Gold Corp

All amounts in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.


TORONTO, Nov. 4, 2011 /CNW/ - IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD" or the "Company") (TSX: IMG) (NYSE: IAG) today announced that by way of a private placement it has acquired 12,000,000 units (each a "Unit") of Colombia Crest Gold Corp. ("Colombia Crest"), at the price of $0.285 per Unit, for a total amount of $3,420,000. Each Unit is comprised of one common share and one-half of a common share purchase warrant (each full warrant a "Warrant"), with each Warrant entitling IAMGOLD to purchase one common share for $0.35 for up to 24 months after the date of issuance.

IAMGOLD's ownership of 12,000,000 common shares of Colombia Crest represents approximately 14% of the outstanding common shares. If IAMGOLD were to exercise the 6,000,000 Warrants it acquired together with the common shares, it would own 18,000,000 common shares of Colombia Crest, or approximately 19.7% of the outstanding common shares.

IAMGOLD's President and Chief Executive Officer, Steve Letwin said, "IAMGOLD has extensive experience in South America. The mineralization of Colombia's Middle Cauca gold belt is well known to our technical team and we have established strong relationships with the government. The combination of Colombia's untapped mining potential together with the increasing stability of the country is a key reason why we have our periscope up in this region. Colombia Crest has several early stage projects with attributes characteristic of the type of exploration opportunities we are looking for."

IAMGOLD and Colombia Crest have agreed on both technical and social responsibility programs to be implemented at certain Colombia Crest exploration projects. These programs will be funded for the most part by the proceeds of the placement. In addition, in connection with its subscription, IAMGOLD has certain anti-dilution rights in the event that Colombia Crest conducts further financings during the three years after the date of issuance, or in the event that outstanding options and warrants increase Colombia Crest's outstanding share capital by 5% or more.

The common shares and Warrants to purchase common shares of Colombia Crest acquired today by IAMGOLD were acquired for investment purposes. IAMGOLD does not have any present intention to acquire ownership of, or control or direction over, additional securities of Colombia Crest. It is the intention of IAMGOLD to evaluate its investment in Colombia Crest on a continuing basis and such holdings may be increased (including increases resulting from the exercise of the Warrants) or decreased in the future.
Goldcorp declares eleventh monthly dividend payment for 2011

VANCOUVER, Nov. 7, 2011 /CNW/ - GOLDCORP INC. (TSX: G, NYSE: GG) is pleased to declare its eleventh monthly dividend payment for 2011 of $0.034 per share. Shareholders of record at the close of business on Thursday, November 17, 2011 will be entitled to receive payment of this dividend on Friday, November 25, 2011. Goldcorp has paid a monthly dividend to its shareholders since 2003. Canadian resident individuals who receive dividends from Goldcorp after 2005 are entitled to an enhanced gross-up and dividend tax credit on such dividends.

Pursuant to tax legislation enacted in 2007, Canadian resident individuals who receive "eligible dividends" in 2006 and subsequent years will be entitled to an enhanced gross-up and dividend tax credit on such dividends. All dividends paid in 2006 and subsequent years by Goldcorp Inc. are "eligible dividends" for this purpose.

Goldcorp is one of the world's fastest growing senior gold producers. Its low-cost gold production is located in safe jurisdictions in the Americas and remains 100% unhedged.
IAMGOLD announces investment in Bellhaven Copper and Gold Inc. in Colombia


All amounts in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.

TORONTO, Nov. 8, 2011 /CNW/ - IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD" or the "Company") today announced that, as a result of a subscription to a private placement, it has acquired 11,000,000 units (each a "Unit") of Bellhaven Copper and Gold Inc. ("Bellhaven"), at the price of $0.55 per Unit, for a total amount of $6,050,000 (the "Subscription"). Each Unit is comprised of one common share and one-half of a common share purchase warrant (each full warrant a "Warrant"), with each Warrant entitling IAMGOLD to purchase one common share for $0.65 for up to 36 months from the date of issuance.

IAMGOLD's ownership of 11,000,000 common shares of Bellhaven represents approximately 10.4% of the outstanding common shares. If IAMGOLD were to exercise the 5,500,000 common share purchase Warrants, it would own 16,500,000 common shares of Bellhaven, or approximately 14.8% of the outstanding common shares.

IAMGOLD's President and Chief Executive Officer, Steve Letwin said, "I've had good experiences in Colombia, and Bellhaven's La Mina Gold (copper) discovery is a quality project. We like the work Bellhaven has completed to date and look forward to future results. Our investment in Bellhaven is typical of those that have the potential to add significant value to shareholders in the years to come. We hope to do more transactions like this, which together with expansion opportunities at our existing mines, continued exploration work and potentially larger acquisitions underpin a unique growth story at IAMGOLD."

IAMGOLD and Bellhaven have agreed on both technical and social responsibility programs to be implemented at Bellhaven's La Mina Project. These programs will be funded for the most part by the proceeds of the placement. In addition, in connection with its subscription, IAMGOLD has certain anti-dilution rights in the event that Bellhaven conducts further financings.

The common shares and Warrants to purchase common shares of Bellhaven acquired today by IAMGOLD were acquired for investment purposes. IAMGOLD does not have any present intention to acquire ownership of, or control or direction over, additional securities of Bellhaven. It is the intention of IAMGOLD to evaluate its investment in Bellhaven on a continuing basis, and such holdings may be increased (including increases resulting from the exercise of the Warrants) or decreased in the future.
IAMGOLD Reports Strong Third Quarter Results With Adjusted Net Earnings Up 182%

All amounts are expressed in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise indicated.

TORONTO, Nov. 8, 2011 /CNW/ - IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD" or "the Company") today reported its unaudited consolidated financial and operating results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2011.

In the third quarter of 2011, revenues from continuing operations increased by 84% to $431.9 million and gold margins1 increased by 42% to $1,001 per ounce from the prior year quarter. Adjusted operating cash flow2 increased by 116% to $211.0 million ($0.56 per share) during the third quarter of 2011 from $97.6 million ($0.26 per share) in the third quarter of 2010. Net earnings from continuing operations attributable to equity shareholders were $50.0 million ($0.13 per share) in the third quarter of 2011 compared to $37.4 million ($0.10 per share) in the third quarter of 2010. Adjusting for items that are not indicative of future operating results, primarily unrealized losses due to fluctuating exchange rates, adjusted net earnings from continuing operations attributed to equity shareholders2 increased by 182% to $112.5 million ($0.30 per share) in the third quarter of 2011 compared to $39.9 million ($0.11 per share) in the third quarter of 2010.

"As indicated by our results this quarter, our core operating activities continue to generate significant cash flow", commented Steve Letwin, IAMGOLD's President and CEO. "Our focus on rationalizing our business mix and pursuing options to augment growth are yielding the results we expected. Production is strong, and we continue to focus on plant optimization and opportunities to drive down our cost structure."

Mr. Letwin further commented, "Unlocking the value of Niobec continues to be one of our key initiatives for creating value for shareholders. Our initial announcement of a near 700% increase in mineral resources confirmed our belief in the potential of this asset, and as time passes our view of its value has grown. There's a lot of excitement around this project and we are expanding the financing alternatives. As well as an equity infusion as a source of financing, we are exploring options that are available in a low interest rate environment. We are not dependent on cash flow from our gold operation to finance this very economically attractive expansion."

Third Quarter 2011 Highlights

Revenues from continuing operations increased by 84% to $431.9 million from $234.7 million in the third quarter of 2010.

Gold margins1 increased by 42% to $1,001 per ounce from $703 per ounce in the third quarter of 2010 as higher gold prices more than offset the increase in costs.

Net earnings from continuing operations attributable to equity shareholders were $50.0 million ($0.13 per share) compared to $37.4 million ($0.10 per share) in the third quarter of 2010.

Adjusting for unrealized losses, mainly due to fluctuating exchange rates, adjusted net earnings from continuing operations attributable to equity shareholders2 increased by 182% to $112.5 million ($0.30 per share) from $39.9 million ($0.11 per share) in the third quarter of 2010.

Adjusted operating cash flow2 from continuing operations of $211.0 million ($0.56 per share) increased by 116% compared to $97.6 million ($0.26 per share) in the third quarter of 2010 due to higher production and gold margins.

Cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and gold bullion (at market) was $1.2 billion as at September 30, 2011, compared to $0.4 billion at the end of 2010. The increase was mainly due to the $667 million in cash proceeds received from the sale of Tarkwa and Damang in the second quarter of 2011.

The disposition of the Mupane gold mine in Botswana was completed for total consideration of $34.2 million.

In November 2011, IAMGOLD announced that it had acquired an interest in two companies with exploration projects in Colombia. An equity interest with a third company is expected to close in the near future. The combined investment of all three is approximately $20 million.

Production, Cash Costs and Margins

Gold Operations

Attributable gold production of 222,000 ounces from continuing operations increased by 27,000 ounces, or 14%, from 195,000 ounces in the third quarter of 2010. This increase was mainly due to higher production at Essakane, which, in the prior year quarter, was ramping up production. Partly offsetting the increase, were lower production levels at Mouska due to the timing of the commencement of batch processing and lower grades mined at Rosebel. Total attributable gold production, including discontinued operations, was 231,000 ounces compared to 256,000 ounces in the third quarter of 2010.

Weighted average cash costs from continuing operations1 were $674 per ounce compared to $539 per ounce in the third quarter of 2010. Cash costs at IAMGOLD-operated sites were $602 per ounce compared to $475 per ounce in the third quarter of 2010. The industry continued to be impacted by the rising costs of fuel, labour and raw materials. Despite the recent decline in oil prices, the worldwide price for crude oil continued to be higher than the prior year. Higher oil prices led to higher haulage and power generation costs. In addition, higher gold prices resulted in a $38 per ounce increase in royalties and lower grades and hard rock contributed to higher cash costs.

Gold margins per ounce1 increased 42% from $703 in the third quarter of 2010 to $1,001 per ounce in the third quarter of 2011 as price increases more than offset cost increases.

Niobec Mine

Niobium revenues were $42.4 million in the third quarter of 2011 compared to $40.4 million in the same period in 2010, due to a higher realized niobium price partly offset by lower volume of Niobium sold. The operating margin per kilogram of niobium1 decreased by $5 per kilogram during the third quarter of 2011 compared to the same quarter in the prior year. Notwithstanding the higher average price sold, the lower than expected operating margin was due to lower grades and costs resulting from mine re-sequencing to align to future plan changes in mining approach, higher prices of consumables and a stronger Canadian dollar.

A pre-feasibility study is underway to confirm the potential upside of Niobec and is planned for completion by the end of 2011. This follows the completion of the independently prepared NI 43-101 compliant preliminary economic assessment confirming Niobec's potential for a near 700% increase in measured and indicated mineral resources and a three-fold increase in niobium production. After-tax net asset value is estimated to range between $1.6 billion and $2.0 billion.

Rare Earth Element (REE) Zone

In September 2011, IAMGOLD announced the assay results of four drill holes at the rare earth elements zone located near the Niobec mine. Assay test work has commenced on eighteen additional holes. Based on the recently completed drill campaign, the Company anticipates preparing a resource estimate in early 2012.

Review of Third Quarter 2011 Results

Results from discontinued operations and the related gain on disposal of Mupane are presented separately as net earnings (loss) from discontinued operations in the consolidated statement of earnings, and comparative periods have been adjusted accordingly.

Financial Performance

Revenues from continuing operations in the third quarter of 2011 were $431.9 million, an 84% increase from $234.7 million in the third quarter of 2010, primarily due to higher gold sales3 from higher production and higher gold prices. For IAMGOLD's continuing operations, including joint ventures, the number of ounces of gold sold increased by 49% while the average realized gold price rose by 35% compared to the third quarter of 2010.

Net earnings attributable to equity shareholders were $40.7 million ($0.11 per share) during the third quarter of 2011, compared to $52.0 million ($0.14 per share) in the third quarter of 2010, including a $9.2 million ($0.02 per share) loss from discontinued operations.

Net earnings from continuing operations attributable to equity shareholders were $50.0 million ($0.13 per share) compared to $37.4 million ($0.10 per share) in the third quarter of 2010. Adjusting for items not indicative of future operating performance, primarily unrealized losses due to fluctuating exchange rates, adjusted net earnings from continuing operations attributable to equity shareholders2 were $112.5 million ($0.30 per share), up 182% from $39.9 million ($0.11 per share) in the third quarter of 2010. The following table provides a reconciliation of net earnings from continuing operations attributable to equity shareholders with adjusted net earnings from continuing operations attributed to equity shareholders.

Allied Nevada Gold Corp. meldet Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals

Allied Nevada Gold Corporation gab am Montag die finanziellen und operativen Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals bekannt. In den drei Monaten bis 30. September verzeichnete das Unternehmen eine Produktion von 26.339 oz Gold und eine Rekordproduktion von 121.264 oz Silber. Es wurden 26.971 oz Gold und 112.856 oz Silber verkauft. Die adjustierten Cashkosten lagen bei 478 USD je Unze Gold.

Der Nettogewinn betrug in dem Quartal 14,7 Mio. USD oder 0,16 USD je Aktie. Im Vorjahreszeitraum hatte sich dieser auf 3,1 Mio. USD oder 0,03 USD je Aktie belaufen.

Die Barmittel und -äquivalente des Unternehmens beliefen sich Ende des Quartals auf 297,7 Mio. USD.

Der operative Cashflow belief sich auf 15,5 Mio. USD. Im Vorjahresquartal hatte dieser bei 11,5 Mio. USD gelegen.

© Redaktion
November 09, 2011 01:05 ET

AngloGold Ashanti Q3 Profit at Record $457m; Raises Dividend
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA--(Marketwire - Nov 9, 2011) - AngloGold Ashanti (NYSE: AU) --

•Record quarterly adjusted headline earnings* of $457m, 118 US cents a share
•Record quarterly operating cash flow of $863m
•Net Debt 28% lower at $620m
•Change to quarterly dividend; Q3 2011 dividend of 90 South African cents a share
•Strong demand from Central Banks, ETF's and jewellery

AngloGold Ashanti posted record quarterly adjusted headline earnings* of $457m and boosted its dividend to improve cash returns to shareholders. Payouts to shareholders will now be made quarterly, instead of twice yearly.

"Our power to generate earnings and strong cash flow is clear in these numbers," Chief Executive Officer Mark Cutifani said. "The upward jump in the dividend demonstrates the fundamental strength of the business and the market, while maintaining the ability to fund our growth pipeline."
November 08, 2011 21:07 ET

Pan American Silver Reports a 66% Increase in Adjusted Net Earnings for the Third Quarter of 2011

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 8, 2011) - (All amounts in US dollars unless otherwise stated and all production figures are approximate) -

Pan American Silver Corp. (TSX:PAA)(NASDAQ:PAAS) ("Pan American" or the "Company") today reported unaudited financial and operating results for the quarter ended September 30, 2011. The Company also provided an update on its operations and development projects.

Starting January 1, 2011, the Company is required to report its financial results in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"). Consequently, beginning January 1, 2011 Pan American is reporting under IFRS for interim and annual periods, with comparative information for 2010 restated under IFRS. A detailed description of the changes is included in Note 2 of the condensed consolidated financial statements for the nine months ended September 30, 2011, available on SEDAR (

This earnings release should be read in conjunction with the Company's MD&A, Financial Statements and Notes to Financial Statements for the corresponding period, which have been posted on SEDAR at and are also available on the Company's website at

Third Quarter 2011 Highlights (unaudited)(1)

•Consolidated silver production of 5.6 million ounces

•Consolidated gold production of 20,647 ounces

•Consolidated cash costs(2) of $9.58 per ounce of payable silver, net of by-product credits

•Revenue increased 34% to $220.6 million

•Mine operating earnings(3) increased 73% to $106.2 million

•Net earnings attributable to common shareholders of $52.4 million, or $0.49 per share

•Adjusted net earnings attributable to common shareholders(4) increased to $45.6 million, or $0.42 per share as compared to $27.4 million or $0.26 per share for the corresponding period in 2010

•Operating cash flows, before changes in working capital(5), rose to $99.9 million, or $0.93 per share

•Cash and short term investments at September 30, 2011 climbed to $485.1 million

•Working capital rose to $625.7 million
November 9, 2011 - 6:30 AM EST

Silver Wheaton revenues and operating cash flows double in the third quarter

VANCOUVER, Nov. 9, 2011 /PRNewswire/ - Silver Wheaton Corp. ("Silver Wheaton" or the "Company") (TSX:SLW)(NYSE:SLW) is pleased to announce its unaudited results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2011.



Attributable silver equivalent production increased slightly compared with Q3 2010, to 6.1 million ounces (5.9 million ounces of silver and 5,100 ounces of gold).

Revenue doubled compared with Q3 2010, to US$185.2 million, on silver equivalent sales of 5.1 million ounces (4.8 million ounces of silver and 6,300 ounces of gold).

Net earnings increased 96% compared with Q3 2010 (on an adjusted basis1), to US$135.0 million (US$0.38 per share).

Operating cash flows more than doubled compared with Q3 2010, to US$167.2 million (US$0.47 per share1).

Cash operating margin1 more than doubled compared with Q3 2010, to US$32.11 per silver equivalent ounce, demonstrating Silver Wheaton's leverage to increasing silver prices.

Average cash costs of US$4.121 per silver equivalent ounce.

Quarter-end cash balance of US$715.6 million, with a net cash position of US$629.9 million.

Third quarterly dividend for 2011 of US$0.03 per common share was paid.
Quadra FNX Mining Ltd. meldet Gewinn von 143 Mio. USD im dritten Quartal
11.11.2011 | 13:01 Uhr |

Quadra FNX Mining Limited gab gestern die finanziellen und operativen Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals 2011 bekannt. Es folgt eine Zusammenfassung:

• Der gesamte Umsatz stieg im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um 26% auf 326 Mio. USD an.

• Der Gewinn belief sich auf 143 Mio. USD bzw. je Aktie 0,75 USD. Verglichen mit dem Vorjahresquartal, in dem dieser 20 Mio. USD bzw. 0,10 USD je Aktie betragen hatte, ist dies ein Anstieg um über 600%.

• Der adjustierte Gewinn belief sich auf 51,9 Mio. USD bzw. 0,27 USD je Aktie.

• Das EBITDA stieg im Vergleich zum Vorjahresquartal um 130% an und erreichte 167 Mio. USD.

• Die gesamte Produktion belief sich auf 60 Mio. Pfund Kupfer und 27.000 oz Edelmetalle. Die Cashkosten betrugen 2,13 USD je Pfund Kupfer.

• Ende des Quartals verfügte das Unternehmen über Barmittel und -äquivalente in Höhe von 1,07 Mrd. USD.

© Redaktion
Eni will nach Gasfunden massiv in Mosambik investieren

MAILAND (Dow Jones)--Der italienische Öl- und Gaskonzern Eni SpA will am
Erdgas-Boom in Ostafrika partizipieren. Nach der Entdeckung von 22,5 Bill
Kubikfuß Gas in Mosambik und weiteren Funden in Tansania wollen die Italiener
insgesamt 50 Mrd USD in der Region investieren, wie Eni-CEO Paolo Scaroni am
Freitag im Interview mit Dow Jones Newswires sagte.

"Wir wollen mehrere Verflüssigungsanlagen errichten", so der Manager. Das Gas
sei vornehmlich für Abnehmer in Südostasien bestimmt. Für eine Anlage im Norden
Mosambiks, nahe der Fundstelle, sollen 40.000 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt werden.
Insgesamt sollen in dem Land zwei oder drei Gasverflüssigungsanlagen entstehen,
wovon die erste 2016 in Betrieb gehen könnte. Die potenziellen Einnahmen aus
den Gasfeldern könne man noch nicht beziffern.

Die jüngsten Gasfunde - nicht nur durch Eni - hätten Mosambik, eines der
ärmsten Länder der Welt in die Riege der großen Erdgasproduzenten katapultiert.
Auch die US-Ölfirma Anadarko Petroleum hat bereits mit der Planung zweier
Flüssiggasanlagen begonnen.

-Von Jennifer Clark, Dow Jones Newswires;
+49 (0)69 29725 102,

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 11, 2011 11:45 ET (16:45 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011
Anglo shares climb on $5.4bn Chile stake sale

Anglo American's shares rose as much as 4% Thursday on news that it sold a stake in its southern Chilean copper business for $5.4 billion to Japan's Mitsubishi Corp, a move that brings it into conflict with Codelco.

Posted: Friday , 11 Nov 2011

LONDON (Reuters) -

Global miner Anglo American's shares rose as much as 4 percent on Thursday after it sold a stake in its southern Chilean copper business for $5.4 billion, a surprise move that signalled an aggressive stance in negotiations with state-owned Codelco.

Analysts and investors broadly welcomed the preemptive strike from Anglo -- one of the more conservative players in the sector -- and the high valuation secured, though some fretted that in the long-term Anglo may have damaged ties with the world's largest copper producer and the Chilean government.

Anglo said late on Wednesday that it had sold a 24.5 percent stake in Anglo American Sur to Japanese group Mitsubishi Corp, valuing the assets at $22 billion and reducing the stake Codelco can buy in January through a long-held option.

Codelco -- which before the deal could have taken as much as 49 percent in Anglo American Sur -- has said Anglo was undermining its option to take a stake and has signalled it could seek to sue the London-listed miner.

Codelco's labour federation said on Thursday that it rejected Anglo's attempt to "elude and block the legitimate and legal right of Codelco to buy 49 percent" of AAS.

"Of course there is a risk (of a courtroom battle). But it comes down to what is in the original contract," Collins Stewart analyst John McGloin said, referring to the option contract, inherited when Anglo bought Anglo American Sur -- then Minera Disputada de Las Condes -- in 2002.

"I doubt (Anglo) would have taken the steps that they have if they did not feel pretty confident that it was legal and I doubt that Mitsubishi would have stepped up to the plate if they were not confident it would go through."

Anglo American shares were up 2.97 percent at 1451 GMT at 2,420 pence, against a mining sector off 0.7 percent.

Codelco Chief Executive Diego Hernandez has said Anglo violated "good faith" under Chilean law.

Anglo on Thursday reiterated it was wholly confident its move was compliant with the Codelco agreement.

Anglo began to meet other parties including Mitsubishi after talks in which it sought to buy out the option failed.

It approached Mitsubishi afresh after Codelco said last month it planned to exercise the option in January.

"The biggest risk for (Anglo American) is in our view that its relationship with the Chilean government/Codelco may be impacted after this move," analyst Alain William at Societe Generale said in a note.

Chile is a significant part of Anglo's operations and Anglo American Sur accounted for 41 percent of its copper production in 2010.


RBS analysts said the deal's valuation -- 17.4 times EV/EBITDA compared with 13.2 times for other copper transactions over the past 12 months -- reflected "the lack of significant copper opportunities available and the desperation that Japan has in securing access to copper concentrates".

Others pointed out Anglo had secured for 24.5 percent virtually the same amount the market had expected it to achieve in a sale of 49 percent to Codelco, based on the $6.75 billion bridge loan the state-owned miner secured with Mitsui. That would have valued AAS at around $13.8 billion.

Codelco, which last month announced the Mitsui deal and plans to buy the stake, delayed exercising the option in 2009, and was widely seen lacking financing to exercise it this time.

Anglo has said that under the terms of the deal it could still seek to sell an additional stake in Anglo American Sur, up to the moment in which Codelco exercises the option.

"We expect extreme rancour from Codelco on valuation grounds, plus it can now only acquire 24.5 percent ... therefore this has the potential to scupper its side deal with Mitsui," Liberum analysts said in a note.

"The speed and boldness of Anglo American's M&A guile in the last week has materially exceeded market expectations."

Anglo surprised the market on Friday with news it would take control of diamond producer De Beers, buying out the Oppenheimer family in a $5.1 billion deal.

(Reporting by Clara Ferreira-Marques in London, Alexandra Ulmer and Simon Gardner in Santiago; Editing by Dan Lalor and David Cowell)

Gazprom steigt in deutschen Strommarkt ein

WALLUF (Dow Jones)--Der russische Energiekonzern Gazprom will in kürzester Zeit
Strom an deutsche Endkunden liefern. Am vergangenen Donnerstag sei der Kauf des
hessischen Energieanbieters Envacom besiegelt worden, sagte Jonathan Feingold,
Direktor von Gazprom Energy, zu Dow Jones Energy Daily. "Wir werden das
Endkundengeschäft von Envacom fortführen, aber den Markennamen schon in ein bis
zwei Wochen zu Gazprom Energy umändern".

Der Kauf sei der "Schritt in den deutschen Strommarkt" für Gazprom, sagte
Feingold. Geplant sei, das Geschäft des Anbieters zunächst "in den nächsten
sechs bis neun Monaten zu stabilisieren." Mittelfristig strebe Gazprom Energy
im Gewerbekundenbereich einen Marktanteil von 10% an, sagte Feingold. "Bei den
Privatkunden wird es wahrscheinlich weniger sein", so der Direktor von Gazprom
Energy. Der Fokus liege klar im Business-to-Business.

Gazprom Energy wurde für die Vermarktung von Gas und Strom gegründet und ist
eine Tochter von Gazprom Marketing & Trading, die wiederum die Handelstochter
des Konzerns ist. Gazprom Energy hat die Strom- und Gasprodukte des russischen
Konzerns bisher etwa auf den britischen, niederländischen und französischen
Markt gebracht. Jetzt ist Deutschland an der Reihe. Gas soll hier allerdings
nicht verkauft werden.

Schon kurz- und mittelfristig solle sich die Deutschland-Tochter selbst
tragen. "Wir werden den Markt nicht mit Dumpingpreisen unterwandern, bei denen
wir selbst draufzahlen." Welche Summe Gazprom für die 1999 gegründete Envacom
bezahlt hat, sagte Feingold nicht.

Den Gewerbekunden will die Handelstochter "nicht nur Strom, sondern
Komplettlösungen anbieten", sagte Jozua Knol, der neue Geschäftsführer der
Envacom. Dazu gehörten etwa Smart-Meter-Systeme der Gazprom-Tochter Global
Energy Solutions und Beratungsleistungen. "Im Gewerbebereich gibt es etwa 10
Mio Kunden in Deutschland, die je nach Branche sehr unterschiedliche
Bedürfnisse haben", so Knol. So brauche eine Baugenossenschaft andere Lösungen
als eine Bäckerei. "Die Nachfrage nach auf den Kunden abgestimmten Produkten
ist auf jeden Fall da, es ist ein höchst profitables Segment."

Die neue Deutschland-Tochter des russischen Monopolisten wolle auch Ökostrom
anbieten, so Gazprom-Energy-Chef Feingold. "Ein breites Portfolio soll den
Kunden komplette Flexibilität in ihrer Auswahl geben."

Gazprom prüfe den deutschen Markt weiter nach möglichen Neueinkäufen, sagte
Feingold. "Wir suchen immer nach Gelegenheiten, in Deutschland und weltweit."


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 13, 2011 04:51 ET (09:51 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011
Brasilianische Petrobras leidet unter schwacher Heimatwährung

RIO DE JANEIRO (Dow Jones)--Brasiliens staatlich kontrollierter Energiekonzern
Petrobras leidet unter der deutlichen Abwertung des brasilianischen Real. Die
Währung des südamerikanischen Landes hat knapp 20% ihres Wertes eingebüßt, was
den Gewinn des Ölkonzerns im dritten Quartal um 6,5 Mrd BRL (entspricht 2,7 Mrd
EUR) geschmälert hat. Das Unternehmen konnte somit kaum von dem deutlich
höheren Ölpreis profitieren.

Das Nettoergebnis sank im Zeitraum von Juli bis September nach Angaben vom
Freitagabend um 26% auf 6,34 Mrd BRL, allerdings nicht so stark wie erwartet.
Analysten hatten mit 5 Mrd BRL gerechnet. Bei den weiteren Finanzkennzahlen
konnte die Petrobras Petróleo Brasileiro SA überzeugen: Der Umsatz stieg auf
64,2 Mrd BRL und das Ergebnis vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen (EBITDA)
auf 16,7 Mrd BRL. Die Analystenprognose hatte bei 62,3 BRL bzw 15,8 Mrd BRL

-Von Jeff Fick, Dow Jones Newswires;
+49 (0)69 29725 102,

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 13, 2011 06:28 ET (11:28 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011
Goldcorp secures certificate of authorization for construction of Éléonore Project

VANCOUVER, Nov. 14, 2011 /CNW/ - GOLDCORP INC. (TSX: G, NYSE: GG) today announced that a certificate of authorization has been issued by the Quebec Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks allowing full construction of the Éléonore gold project in northern Quebec to commence immediately. With life-of-mine gold production expected to average approximately 600,000 ounces of gold per year, Éléonore will be one of the largest underground gold mines in Canada and a key element of Goldcorp's leading growth profile.

"Receipt of approvals for construction at Éléonore ensures that the strong pace of development will continue at this pure gold project," said Chuck Jeannes, Goldcorp President and Chief Executive Officer. "With robust, low-cost gold production in the heart of one of the most attractive mining jurisdictions in the world, Éléonore is well positioned as one of Goldcorp's future cornerstone assets. A strong, experienced team is already in place and we remain on track for first gold production in late 2014."

Issuance of the certificate of authorization follows the execution of the collaboration agreement among the Cree Nation of Wemindji, the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee), the Cree Regional Authority (the "Cree") and the Company earlier this year. "Our solid relationship with the Cree and the timely processing of the application by the government of Quebec were essential to achieving this next step toward our common interest in constructing and operating what we believe will be the best new gold mine in Canada," added Jeannes.

The current Éléonore development plan details an average throughput rate of 7,000 tonnes per day, contributing to the forecast average 600,000 ounces of gold production per year at cash costs below $400 per ounce over an approximate 15-year mine life. Total capital cost is expected to be approximately $1.4 billion to full production.

Significant progress has already been achieved at the site. The exploration shaft has advanced to a depth of 588 metres, with completion to full 725-metre depth on track for the second quarter of 2012. The exploration ramp has reached 663 metres in length and will provide drilling locations for further resource definition as mine development progresses. The receipt of the certificate of authorization now allows for the commencement of construction of the second production shaft and related infrastructure, as well as the 7000 tonne per day process facility, the 63-kilometre access road and the 120 Kv electrical sub-station.

Goldcorp is one of the world's fastest growing senior gold producers. Its low-cost gold production is located in safe jurisdictions in the Americas and remains 100% unhedged.
BHP Billiton stakes out shale market

MELBOURNE, Nov. 15 (UPI) -- With assets in the United States, mining giant BHP Billiton announced plans to tap deeper into the emerging shale gas market.

BHP Billiton in early 2011 spent billions of dollars to acquire shale gas assets in the United States from Petrowawk Energy and Chesapeake Energy.

The United States holds some of the richest deposits of shale gas in the world, with most of those deposits situated east of the Mississippi River. J. Michael Yeager, chief executive of BHP's petroleum arm, told investors there was "no doubt" that regional shale booms would spill over to international markets.

"Shale gas is changing the landscape," he stressed.

Countries with large shale deposits have expressed concern over the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Fracking involves injecting water laced with chemical and abrasives like sand to break up underground rocks to get access to natural gas. Environmentalists worry some of those chemicals could find their way into groundwater supplies.

Yeager noted chemicals used in fracking fluid is "becoming more and more benign" as shale gas operations expand.

"This is going to be a game changer around the world and for BHP Billiton not to be part of it would be irresponsible," he added.

Source: United Press International (November 15, 2011 - 10:17 AM EST)
Thompson Creek Metals - Produktionsdelle erwartet
Drucken Speichern Empfehlen Donnerstag, 17. November 2011 | 13:18

Die Förderung von Molybdän des Konzerns soll im kommenden Jahr rückläufig sein, dafür sollen die Kosten steigen. 2013 soll sich die Lage wieder verbessern.

Thompson Creek Metals (WKN: A0MR6Q) gibt einen eher ernüchternden Ausblick auf das kommende Jahr. Der Molybdän-Förderer will zwar im laufenden Jahr seine Produktionsziele erreichen, im kommenden Jahr soll der Ausstoß allerdings zurückgehen. Damit nicht genug: Die Gesellschaft erwartet zudem noch steigende Kosten. Für das kommende Jahr geht der Konzern von einem Fördervolumen zwischen 26 Millionen Pfund bis 28 Millionen Pfund Molybdän aus, die zu rund 60 Prozent aus dem Projekt von Thompson Creek Metals in Idaho (USA) stammen sollen - der Rest kommt aus einer Mine in der kanadischen Provinz British Columbia. Die Produktionskosten für das kommende Jahr sieht der Konzern zwischen 7,75 Dollar und 9,00 Dollar je Pfund Molybdän.

Im Jahr 2013 sollen die Kosten wieder auf 6,75 Dollar bis 7,75 Dollar fallen - dann will man zwischen 30 Millionen Pfund und 34 Millionen Pfund des Rohstoffes fördern.

Für das laufende Jahr sei man auf Kurs, die Zielsetzungen zu erreichen, so Thompson Creek Metals. Der Konzern rechnet damit, zwischen 28 Millionen Pfund und 32 Millionen Pfund des Metalls zu fördern, das vorwiegend in Legierungen zum Einsatz kommt. Die Kosten je Pfund sollen dabei zwischen 7 Dollar und 8 Dollar liegen.
AngloGold takes significant stake in gold/silver explorer Mariana

AngloGold Ashanti, one of the world's largest gold producers, has taken a 19.9% stake in exploration minnow Mariana Resources with an eye on the latter's exciting Patagonian gold and silver discoveries.

Author: Lawrence Williams
Posted: Thursday , 17 Nov 2011


In yet another indication that Patagonia's Deseado Massif is becoming one of the world's significant gold/silver provinces, junior explorer, Mariana Resources, has announced that one of the world's major gold miners, South Africa's AngloGold Ashanti, has taken a 19.9% share in the company for £5.4 million (about US$8.5 million). Mariana is listed on London's AIM market and the price AngloGold is paying represents a 41% premium to Mariana's last closing price (although only a 9% premium on the company's 60 day volume weighted average price - Mariana's stock having been hit fairly hard by the September gold price turndown.

Mariana has a number of exploration projects in Argentina and Chile of which its Las Calandrias property in Patagonia is perhaps the most exciting - and the company states that the funds raised from AngloGold will largely be used to facilitate advancement of this wholly-owned project and also at the 70% owned Sierra Blanca (70% owned) property. Mariana has previously announced a preliminary NI 43-101 compliant resource for Las Calandrias of 519,000oz gold-equivalent from only two target areas within just two years of initial discovery.

Of course AngloGold is not new to the area - indeed it is the pioneer gold/silver miner there with its Cerro Vanguardia mining operation which it has turned round over the past few years into being a significant, and profitable, revenue earner for one of the world's largest gold producers.

In truth, $8.5 million is quite a small investment by AngloGold, but does give it another foothold in the district after it had let go some of its other properties there some time back. What though perhaps makes Mariana's Las Calandrias project of particular interest is that Mariana has defined what could become a bulk mining relatively low grade gold/silver resource in one of the rhyolite domes which abound throughout the Deseado Massif and have been associated with the more normal very high grade, but narrow, vein systems which most explorers there have been concentrating on. AngloGold itself at Cerro Vanguardia has been mining a series of such high grade veins from steep sided, narrow, open pits for some years now and is now going underground to exploit them at deeper levels. Mariana too has some very high grade veins at Las Calandrias, but defining these requires a huge amount of drilling which can be expensive for a junior explorer and a capital inflow from a major will be very welcome for the company.

The AngloGold interest will also be of major interest to Minera IRL which has a neighbouring property into which the low grade rhyolite dome gold/silver bearing material extends. It would seem unlikely that any subsequent mine which might be put in place there would not include this ground too - subject of course to a suitable deal being negotiated.

There are a good number of high quality projects under way in this area of Argentina (see Patagonian gold and silver rush under way and growing) , which all comes into the Santa Cruz province which has been, so far, very mining friendly, not least perhaps because this is a very sparsely populated part of the country and mining offers great revenue raising potential. Other significant players in the region include Goldcorp, Minera Andes, Extorre, Hochschild, Pan American Silver, Coeur, Mirasol, Minera IRL, Patagonia Mining, Argentex etc. to name just a few! Reports of bonanza grade drill intersections on the vein deposits abound - in short an exciting region for gold and silver exploration.

Commenting on the AngloGold investment in his company, Mariana's Executive Chairman John Horsburgh said, "We view the transaction with AngloGold, one of the world's leading gold producers, as a major endorsement of the Las Calandrias Project and its potential to develop into a top tier project with a significant mineral endowment.....This transaction is further recognition by AngloGold of our management's extensive knowledge base and experience in Santa Cruz and our exploration team's achievements in such a short time frame. As a result of this arrangement, Mariana will now have access to AngloGold's technical expertise, representing a significant step up in the Company's advancement of its Argentinean assets."

Yamana Begins Operations at the Mercedes Mine in Mexico

TORONTO, Nov. 18, 2011 /CNW/ - YAMANA GOLD INC. (TSX:YRI) (NYSE:AUY) (LSE:YAU) ("Yamana" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that it has started operations at its Mercedes mine. The Mercedes mine, located in Sonora, Mexico, is Yamana's newest mine and represents the first of a number of new mines to begin production into 2013.

With mine development and plant commissioning well advanced, and a sufficient stockpile having been created during the mine development period, a first gold pour occurred, which marks the formal start-up of production at the mine. The Company has been working on the commissioning of various components of the operation since October. The Company announced in August that it was six months ahead of schedule and would be starting operations by the end of year instead of the middle of 2012. With further progress and advancements, the Company is again ahead of schedule with start-up occurring well before year end.

To date, there have been over 11,000 metres of underground development completed, including the start of development of the Barrancas zone, which includes the higher grade Lagunas Norte vein, one of the newest discoveries at the mine, which was not included in the original mine plan and represents a significant opportunity to increase production.

Mining is at a rate consistent with the original plan and the plant is ramping up to the rate of 1500 tonnes per day as contemplated in the feasibility study.

During the mine development period, 114,000 tonnes of ore were stockpiled with an average gold grade of 7.84 g/t and 114.9 g/t of silver which represents approximately 30,000 gold equivalent ounces (GEO)(1) in stockpile.

Production is initially planned at 120,000 GEO per year although the Company is evaluating the potential to increase throughput to 1800 tonnes per day through modest plant modifications and optimizations. With increased plant capacity along with the additional ore from Barrancas, and as accelerated underground development work advances during 2012, the Company expects production to increase to over 130,000 GEOs in 2013.

An updated mineral reserves and resources statement for Mercedes is expected in February which will reflect the new ounces from the additional vein structures in the Barrancas zone, and the more recently discovered Diluvio zone of the Lupita vein structure. Commercial production is expected in the second quarter of 2012.
Franco-Nevada announces C$340 bought deal financing

Franco-Nevada says it intends to use the net proceeds from the offering for acquisitions, working capital and general corporate purposes.
Author: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: Wednesday , 23 Nov 2011

Toronto's Franco-Nevada announced Tuesday that it had entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters who have agreed to purchase 8 million common shares at a price of C$42.50 for aggregate gross proceeds of C$340 million.
The company said it plans to use the net proceeds from the offering "for acquisitions, working capital and general corporate purposes."

The underwriters, led by BMO Capital Markets, have the option to purchase an additional 1.2 million common shares to cover over-allotments, if any. If the option is exercised in its entirety, the aggregate gross proceeds of the offering will increase to C$391 million.
The offering is scheduled to close on or about November 30, 2011.
At the end of the third quarter Franco-Nevada had more than $420 million in working capital, another $175 million in available credit and no debt. The company had completed or announced $100 million in new royalty transactions in the third quarter. Franco expects 2011 revenues in the range of US$375 million to US$400 million.

Franco-Nevada started trading on the NYSE on Sept. 8, 2011.
In the first half of the year, Franco added five streams from the acquisitions of Gold Wheaton and new gold royalties at Perseus' Edikan project and Osisko's Canadian Malartic project. In the third quarter Franco closed a gold royalty acquisition on Rubicon's Phoenix project.
When the Lumina Royalty Corp. acquisition closes during the current quarter, it will add four new copper royalties to Franco's portfolio. Franco Nevada will own 212 mineral assets of which 41 are classified as producing.
Franco-Nevada is a gold-focused royalty and stream company with assets in PGMs, oil and gas, and other assets.

Rio Tinto receives Canadian Competition Bureau clearance for its offer for Hathor Exploration

LONDON, UK, Nov. 22, 2011 /CNW Telbec/ - Rio Tinto today received Canadian Competition Bureau clearance for its offer, made through an indirect wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, to acquire all the common shares of Hathor Exploration Limited ("Hathor") for C$4.70 in cash per common share.

The Commissioner of Competition issued a "no action letter" which constitutes compliance with all requirements of the Competition Act (Canada) in relation to Rio Tinto's offer for Hathor.

Rio Tinto's recommended offer values Hathor at approximately C$654 million on a fully-diluted basis and represents a premium to the unsolicited revised offer of Cameco Corporation's of C$4.50 per common share of Hathor made on 14 November.

Hathor's board of directors unanimously recommends that Hathor shareholders accept and tender their common shares to Rio Tinto's offer which is open for acceptance until 5:00pm (Toronto time) on 30 November 2011, unless extended or withdrawn in accordance with its terms.

Shareholders with questions regarding Rio Tinto's offer can contact Rio Tinto's information agent, Laurel Hill Advisory Group toll free at 1-877-452-7184 or collect call at 416-637-4661 or email
Anglo to more than double output from Chile copper mine

By: Brindaveni Naidoo
23rd November 2011

JOHANNESBURG ( − Global mining giant Anglo American expects the output from its expanded Los Bronces copper mine to more than double in the first three years of full production from its existing output of 221 000 t/y.

Announcing the delivery of first copper production from the Los Bronces expansion project, CEO Cynthia Carroll said in a statement that the opencut copper and molybdenum mine would be the world’s fifth-largest copper mine at peak production levels.

Los Bronces has reserves and resources that support a mine life of over 30 years and with further expansion potential.

The miner expects to produce 233 400 t of copper this year, up from 2010’s 221 000 t.

John Mackenzie, CEO of Anglo American’s copper business, said there was a 12-month ramp-up period ahead until full production was reached.

During this time, he explained, the company would increase processing plant throughput from 61 000 t/d to 148 000 t/d of ore.

"We have delivered this major expansion of Los Bronces on schedule owing to the hard work and dedication of 16 000 people who have been working on the project over the last three years,” Mackenzie said.

Further, Carroll said apart from the existing copper operations in Chile, Peru and the US, exploration activities were under way in several other geographies.

Earlier this month, Anglo American sold a 24.5% stake in its subsidiary Anglo American Sur, which includes the flagship Los Bronces mine, to Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation for $5.39-billion.

State-owned copper miner Codelco is gearing up for a legal battle as it planned to exercise its option to buy a 49% interest in the Sur mining complex in January 2012.

Anglo maintained that the transaction was fully compliant with the option agreement between Anglo American, certain of its affiliates and Codelco.

Edited by: Mariaan Webb
Anglo's Los Bronces mine expansion delivers 1st production

The Los Bronces expansion will help the Chilean copper-moly operation eventually become the world's fifth largest copper mine.

Author: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: Thursday , 24 Nov 2011


Anglo American announced Wednesday that it has delivered the first copper production from its Los Bronces expansion project expected to more than double the mine's existing copper output of 221,000 tonnes per year.

Located 65 km northeast of Santiago, Chile, the Los Bronces copper-molybdenum mine is expected to produce more than 233,400 tonnes of copper this year for a 5.6% increase over last year and eventually become world's fifth largest copper mine.

Cynthia Carroll, Anglo American CEO, said, "The commissioning of the Los Bronces expansion marks the second major new project that we have delivered on schedule this year. At peak production levels, Los Bronces is expected to be the fifth largest copper mine in the world, with reserves and resources that support a mine life of more 30 years with further expansive potential."

The expansion involves several sub-projects that spanned various areas.

A new primary crusher was installed near the Los Bronces open pit. A new stockpile, grinding building, thickeners and other associated equipment were installed at Confluencia to produce slurry, which is transported to a new copper and molybdenum concentrate plant built near the existing concentrator at the Las Tortolas complex.

The expansion also required the construction of new 220KV electric power lines. Improvements have also been made to the operation's tailings dam, fresh water supply and water recirculation systems.

John Mackenzie, CEO of Anglo American's Copper Division, said, "We have a 12-month ramp up period ahead until we reach full production, during which time we will be increasing processing plant throughput from 61,000 tonnes to 148,000 tonnes of ore per day."

Los Bronces is part of Anglo's Sur unit, now the subject of a battle between Anglo American and Chilean über copper miner Codelco. Anglo is trying to block Codelco from exercising an option to buy 49% of its Sur unit by selling a 24.5% stake to Mitsubishi Corp.

Anglo American zeigt sich extrem bullisch für Eisenerz

Anglo American Plc RTE London - ( - Der britische Minen-Konzern Anglo American lässt sich von der momentan stark rückläufigen Stahlnachfrage, die auch die Eisenerzpreise unter Druck setzt, nicht irritieren, und prophezeit dem Eisenerz-Sektor langfristig eine glorreiche Zukunft.

Die Briten gehen davon aus, dass die Eisenerz-Nachfrage seitens der Stahlindustrie im Zeitraum 2010 bis 2020 um 39 Prozent anziehen wird. Im Durchschnitt soll der globale Bedarf in etwa um 3,4 Prozent jährlich steigen. Als Nachfrage-Turbo soll sich dabei primär die wachsende chinesische Stahlindustrie entpuppen. Um die Industrialisierung des Riesenreichs voranzutreiben, werden nämlich unvorstellbare Mengen an Stahl benötigt.

Den ganz Großen die Stirn bieten

Inwieweit Anglo American mit dieser Prognose Recht behält, wird sich zeigen. Auf jeden Fall möchte der Bergbau-Gigant zu den ganz Großen der Eisenerz-Branche wie beispielsweise Vale aufschließen. Aus diesem Grund hat man sich das brasilianische Eisenerz-Projekt Minas-Rio gesichert, das über Gesamtvorkommen an Eisenerz von sagenhaften 5,3 Milliarden Tonnen verfügt und darüber hinaus das Potenzial für weitere Ausweitungen besitzt. Die Mine dürfte in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2013 die Produktion aufnehmen und circa 80 Millionen Tonnen Eisenerz jährlich ans Tageslicht fördern. Die Entwicklungskosten werden sich laut Anglo American auf rund fünf Milliarden Dollar belaufen.

Selbst für einen Multi wie Anglo American sind fünf Milliarden Dollar kein Kleingeld und es bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Eisenerzpreise in der kommenden Dekade wenigstens stabil bleiben. Andernfalls könnte sich das Projekt schnell als nur mäßig rentabel herausstellen.

EMFIS, 24.11.11 - 13:25 Uhr
November 24, 2011 17:00 ET
Kinross Adjusts DD&A Guidance

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 24, 2011) - Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K)(NYSE:KGC) announced today that it is adjusting its forecast for depreciation, depletion and amortization in 2011 to approximately US$600 million compared with the previously-stated forecast of US$651 million. The Company's guidance for production and cost of sales in 2011 remains unchanged.
Gazprom kauft Pipeline-Betreiber in Belarus komplett

MOSKAU (Dow Jones)--Der russische Gasmonopolist Gazprom kauft den
weißrussischen Pipeline-Betreiber Beltransgaz komplett. Für den ausstehenden
Anteil von 50% zahlt das Unternehmen 2,5 Mrd USD, wie die OAO Gazprom am
Freitag mitteilte. 2006 hatte sich der Gasriese die Hälfte an Betransgaz für
ebenfalls 2,5 Mrd USD gesichert.

Moskau senkt im Gegenzug den Preis für das nach Minsk gelieferte Gas um mehr
als die Hälfte. Das Risiko von Gas-Engpässen in Europa dürfte durch den Deal
sinken. Der Gastransit durch Belarus und Ukraine war wegen Preisstreitigkeiten
in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder unterbrochen worden.

-Von Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, Dow Jones Newswires;
+49 (0)69 29725 102,

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 25, 2011 09:36 ET (14:36 GMT)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.2011
Newmont Mining: Wird in Peru doch noch alles gut?

Newmont Mining Corp. RTE Greenwood Village - ( - Wie an dieser Stelle kürzlich berichtet, hat der amerikanischen Gold-Förderer Newmont Mining momentan in Peru massive Schwierigkeiten, die allerdings lösbar erscheinen, vor allem nachdem es zuletzt positive Signale seitens der Behörden gab.

Das Conga-Projekt in Peru hatte den US-Gold-Produzenten bislang einiges an Nerven gekostet: Politische Gruppierungen sowie die Bevölkerung hatten sich in der Vergangenheit massiv gegen das milliardenschwere Projekt zur Wehr gesetzt, da sie erhebliche Umweltbedenken bezüglich der örtlichen Wasservorkommen haben. Aus diesem Grund besserte Newmont Mining die Umweltstandards des Conga-Projekts nach: Die peruanische Regierung reagierte positiv und erteilte dem amerikanischen Rohstoff-Konzern daraufhin die Zustimmung für die Umweltplanungen. Ob dies die Wellen in der Bevölkerung glätten wird, bleibt jedoch abzuwarten.

Genehmigung wird kommen

Das Conga-Gold-Projekt jedoch ist für Peru und natürlich auch für Newmont Mining von größter Bedeutung. Immerhin wollen sich die Amerikaner die Entwicklung der Lagerstätte einen mittleren einstelligen Milliarden-Dollar-Betrag kosten lassen. Und nach der Inbetriebnahme werden die Einnahmen aus der Conga-Mine die peruanische Staatskasse ordentlich klingeln lassen. Die Behörden rechnen mit zusätzlichen Steuereinnahmen von mehreren 100 Millionen Dollar. Gleichzeitig wird die Mine tausende neue Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Darauf zu verzichten dürfte sich der Anden-Staat nur schwerlich leisten können, so dass das definitive O.K. zur Errichtung der Mine nicht mehr allzu lange auf sich warten lassen sollte.

Da der Aufwärtstrend seit Mitte des Jahres trotz der unlängst erfolgten Rücksetzer vollumfänglich intakt ist, können Investoren, die an weiter steigende oder zumindest nicht großartig fallende Gold-Notierungen glauben, können sich den Aufbau erster Positionen auf dem reduzierten Kursniveau ernsthaft überlegen.

EMFIS, 25.11.11 - 13:15 Uhr
Oben Unten