• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

lauf, platin-future, lauf ... th bei 1070.30 $. und nun weiter auf 1084.10 $. top ...
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025120#2025120 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 04.12.2020, 10:21 Uhr[/url]"]platin-future-th: 1064.60 $. 8)
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2024703#2024703 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 03.12.2020, 11:37 Uhr[/url]"]platin rennt. future-th bei aktuellen 1041.10 $.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2024408#2024408 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 02.12.2020, 17:31 Uhr[/url]"]platin mit zug zum th von 1023.50 $.
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2023974#2023974 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 01.12.2020, 18:48 Uhr[/url]"]platin springt wieder über die marke von 1000 $. th bei 1008.00 $.
:bye: war eine spannende Woche!

wünsche Euch einen besinnlichen und gesegneten 2.Advent! :friends: :beer:
Canada Nickel CNC long 1,23 Euro

News vom Wochenende und Hammer im Chart.
PEA wird zum Ende des Jahres erwartet.

Passend dazu https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/13239434-aktien-tesla-batterie-engpass :kichern:

Canada Nickel Company Announces Filing of NI 43-101 Technical Report for Previously Announced Crawford Project Updated Resource

First Majestic Announces Inaugural Dividend Policy

>>> https://www.firstmajestic.com/investors/news-releases/first-majestic-announces-inaugural-dividend-policy
mensch, was ist denn da beim gold wieder mal los???
kaum gehe ich in den markt, bewegt sich der rotz gegen mich. ich könnte schon wieder :sick: ...
=> servus miteinand!!! :danke:
gold und silber brechen aus ... :wallbash:

Jadestone Energy Inc.

Trading and Operations Update

December 4, 2020-Singapore: Jadestone Energy Inc. (AIM:JSE) ("Jadestone", the "Company", or the "Group"), an independent oil and gas production company focused on the Asia Pacific region, is pleased to provide a trading and operations update.

•Group production from January 1 through November 30, 2020 averaged 11,356 bbls/d;
•The Group remains on track to deliver full year production guidance of 11,000-12,500 bbls/d,
•Gross cash and bank balances of US$100.2 million as of November 30, 2020, versus US$99.4 million at December 31, 2019 as a result of continued profitable production throughout the year;
•Net cash of US$82.6 million, versus US$39.3 million at December 31, 2019;
•Maari acquisition progressing, but no longer expected to close before year end as a result of delays caused by COVID-19 and New Zealand's recent general election. The Company anticipates the acquisition to close in H1 2021 with the effective date remaining January 1, 2019;
•Lemang, Indonesia acquisition on track to close in Q1 2021 or earlier;
•Valaris 107 drilling rig contracted for 2021 infill drilling and well workovers in Australia; and
•Discussions with relevant authorities relating to the Vietnam Nam Du/U Minh gas fields development project are ongoing, with preparations to issue the FPSO contract tender being made.

Paul Blakeley, President and CEO commented:

"Our primary focus during this extraordinary year has been to strengthen our balance sheet and protect the Company from spending inefficiently into the low oil price environment we've seen during the course of the last two quarters. We have started to reinstate investment which will restore production at both Stag and Montara over the course of the next 12 months. This is aimed at taking advantage of what we anticipate will be stronger pricing going forwards, even as Brent edges up above $49/bbl today, the highest level since March. We have already completed the first three workovers at Stag, which were deferred during the second/third quarter and are looking to complete three more between now and the end of the year. At Montara, having encountered problems at the two Skua subsea wells, we are planning well workovers which will either be done via a subsea remote operated vehicle, or with the Valaris 107 drilling rig, which has been secured on contract commencing late Q2 2021 and which, with the right economic environment, will also drill the Montara H6 infill well.


Mark Selby von heute
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025435#2025435 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 07.12.2020, 09:28 Uhr[/url]"]Canada Nickel CNC long 1,23 Euro

News vom Wochenende und Hammer im Chart.
PEA wird zum Ende des Jahres erwartet.

Passend dazu https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/13239434-aktien-tesla-batterie-engpass :kichern:

Canada Nickel Company Announces Filing of NI 43-101 Technical Report for Previously Announced Crawford Project Updated Resource

» zur Grafik
:coffee: Guten Morgen! :)
gold-future: rennt zwischen 1850 $ und 1900 $ in einen ordentlichen widerstandsbereich hinein. stellt sich die frage, wird das charttechnisch eine bullische flagge oder wird der abwärtstrend wieder aufgenommen!? aktuell eine dröge sache um 1877 $ ...


[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025574#2025574 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 07.12.2020, 15:52 Uhr[/url]"]gold und silber brechen aus ... :wallbash:


Jamieson and Tropicana North Drilling Programs Update

TKO - Taseko 866869

mal was Long zu 0,91 - wirkt ein wenig wie "vernachlässigt".......Produktion läuft, erwarte ein sehr profitables 4.Q/2020; Kupferpreis hat sich ja deutlich besser entwicklet als erwartet; Aussichten sind positiv :gruebel: :)

neuste Präsentation:
https://www.tasekomines.com/assets/docs/presentations/Dec 2020 - Update.pdf

Taseko Mines' Florence project receives aquifier permit
2020-12-08 14:44 ET - News Release

Mr. Russell Hallbauer reports


The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has granted Taseko Mines Ltd.'s Florence copper project the aquifer protection permit.

Russell Hallbauer, chief executive officer and director of Taseko, commented: "This is a key milestone in the advancement of the company's next operating asset. By issuing this permit, the ADEQ has endorsed the environmental integrity of our project and is confident that the commercial operation will meet all state environmental laws and regulations. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency continues to advance their permitting process and our expectation is that the underground injection control permit will be issued in early 2021. With construction anticipated to commence in 2021, the timing could not be better with copper being highlighted as the metal of the future as the world aggressively transitions to a green economy."

Stuart McDonald, president of Taseko, continued: "When in production, Florence Copper will produce 85 million pounds of copper annually at $1.13 (U.S.) per pound C1 cash costs over its 20-year mine life. Based on our latest technical report, and supported by nearly two years of successful operation of the test facility, the project has an after-tax NPV (8 per cent) of $680-million (U.S.) at a copper price of $3 (U.S.) per pound. At today's copper price, the NPV rises dramatically to $920-million (U.S.), which is roughly three times our current market capitalization. We have de-risked the project significantly since its acquisition in 2014 and believe we are on the cusp of having one of the best low-cost, fully permitted and financed copper projects in the world."

"This state-of-the-art copper production facility will have an environmental footprint smaller than any conventional open-pit or underground mining operation of its size, with water consumption 14 times lower, carbon emissions six times lower and energy consumption three times lower. These attributes make Florence copper an exceptionally green project which will supply the U.S. domestic market and offset current copper imports," concluded Mr. Hallbauer.

Das Florence-Projekt von Taseko Mines erhält eine Genehmigung für Grundwasserleiter

2020-12-08 14:44 ET - Pressemitteilung

Herr Russell Hallbauer berichtet


Das Umweltqualitätsministerium von Arizona hat dem Kupferprojekt Florence von Taseko Mines Ltd. in Florenz die Genehmigung zum Schutz des Grundwasserleiters erteilt.

Russell Hallbauer, Vorstandsvorsitzender und Direktor von Taseko, kommentierte: "Dies ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein bei der Weiterentwicklung des nächsten Betriebsvermögens des Unternehmens. Mit der Erteilung dieser Genehmigung hat der ADEQ die Umweltintegrität unseres Projekts bestätigt und ist zuversichtlich, dass der Handel Der Betrieb wird alle staatlichen Umweltgesetze und -vorschriften erfüllen. Die US-Umweltschutzbehörde treibt ihr Genehmigungsverfahren weiter voran. Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Genehmigung zur Kontrolle der unterirdischen Einspritzung Anfang 2021 erteilt wird. Mit dem Baubeginn für 2021 konnte der Zeitpunkt nicht festgelegt werden Seien Sie besser, wenn Kupfer als das Metall der Zukunft hervorgehoben wird, wenn die Welt aggressiv zu einer grünen Wirtschaft übergeht. "

Stuart McDonald, Präsident von Taseko, fuhr fort: "Während der Produktion wird Florence Copper über seine 20-jährige Minenlebensdauer jährlich 85 Millionen Pfund Kupfer zu 1,13 US-Dollar pro Pfund C1-Bargeldkosten produzieren. Basierend auf unserem neuesten technischen Bericht und Unterstützt durch den fast zweijährigen erfolgreichen Betrieb der Testanlage weist das Projekt einen Kapitalwert nach Steuern (8 Prozent) von 680 Millionen US-Dollar bei einem Kupferpreis von 3 US-Dollar pro Pfund auf. Der Kapitalwert steigt dramatisch auf 920 Millionen US-Dollar, was ungefähr dem Dreifachen unserer derzeitigen Marktkapitalisierung entspricht. Wir haben das Projekt seit seiner Akquisition im Jahr 2014 erheblich gefährdet und sind der Ansicht, dass wir kurz davor stehen, eines der besten Niedrig- Kosten, vollständig zugelassene und finanzierte Kupferprojekte in der Welt. "

"Diese hochmoderne Kupferproduktionsanlage wird einen geringeren ökologischen Fußabdruck aufweisen als jeder herkömmliche Tagebau- oder Untertagebau seiner Größe. Der Wasserverbrauch ist 14-mal niedriger, die Kohlenstoffemissionen sechsmal niedriger und der Energieverbrauch dreimal niedriger." Diese Eigenschaften machen Florence Copper zu einem außergewöhnlich umweltfreundlichen Projekt, das den US-Binnenmarkt beliefern und die aktuellen Kupferimporte ausgleichen wird ", schloss Hallbauer.
YERINGTON, Nev., Dec. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) (“Nevada Copper” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the execution of binding agreements with respect to a financing package that will provide liquidity for the continued ramp-up of operations at the Company’s underground project (the “Underground Project”). >>> http://newsfile.refinitiv.com/getnewsfile/v1/story?guid=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20201209:nGNX1ybQfG&default-theme=true
das sind gute News! :up:
damit ist nun Klarheit und Geld da.........
GAP-Schluß bei 0,18 Cad sollte nun möglich sein :gruebel: 8) :)

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026345#2026345 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 09.12.2020, 13:45 Uhr[/url]"]YERINGTON, Nev., Dec. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) (“Nevada Copper” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the execution of binding agreements with respect to a financing package that will provide liquidity for the continued ramp-up of operations at the Company’s underground project (the “Underground Project”). >>> http://newsfile.refinitiv.com/getnewsfile/v1/story?guid=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20201209:nGNX1ybQfG&default-theme=true

Spanish Mountain Successfully Completes Field Program and Affirms Delivery of Preliminary Feasibility Study in the First Quarter of 2021

2020-12-09 08:34 ET - News Release

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 9, 2020) - Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. (TSXV: SPA) ("Spanish Mountain" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its technical team has successfully completed the last module of the field work for the current year and is on track to complete and deliver the results of a Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) for the proposed Phase 1 operation of its Spanish Mountain gold project (the "Project") in British Columbia, Canada.

Field Work Completed in 2020

As previously reported, the last module of the field program was designed to further expand the Project's multimillion ounce gold resource through strategic drilling near the current boundary of the deposit. A total of 28 exploration drill holes covering approximately 4,500 metres was completed. These drill holes were selected from four different areas of the deposit and the results from which are expected to provide additional targets for future resource drilling programs. Assay results will be announced and incorporated in an updated resource estimate in due course.



GoGold drills 3.4 m of 2,765 g/t AgEq at Los Ricos

2020-12-09 06:45 ET - News Release

Mr. Brad Langille reports


GoGold Resources Inc. has released additional assay results from the company's La Trini deposit on the Los Ricos North property, including 3.4 metres of 2,765 grams per tonne silver equivalent (AgEq) from hole LRGT-20-070.

Hole LRGT-20-070 intersected 61.4 m of 204 g/t AgEq from 55.6 to 117.0 m, consisting of 124 g/t silver and 1.06 g/t gold in silicified and altered quartz rhyolite units included a high-grade intercept of 3.4 m of 2,765 g/t AgEq, consisting of 1,694 g/t silver and 14.28 g/t gold.

"We're pleased with the continued strong results from La Trini and the drilling program has allowed us to define the controls on the high-grade mineralization at La Trini. Our next series of holes will be focused on following the high-grade mineralization to the northwest and expand the current limits of the deposit," said Brad Langille, president and chief executive officer. "This year, our exploration teams have visited and identified over 100 targets that have never been drilled on the Los Ricos North properties. The La Trini and the El Favor deposits were the first two selected for drilling this year and are delivering excellent results. We have identified another eight targets for drill testing next year and GoGold will be carrying out one of the largest drilling programs in Mexico during 2021 to unlock the huge potential of the Los Ricos district."


Schaut gut aus :)


[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026348#2026348 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.12.2020, 13:52 Uhr[/url]"]das sind gute News! :up:
damit ist nun Klarheit und Geld da.........
GAP-Schluß bei 0,18 Cad sollte nun möglich sein :gruebel: 8) :)

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026345#2026345 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 09.12.2020, 13:45 Uhr[/url]"]YERINGTON, Nev., Dec. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) (“Nevada Copper” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the execution of binding agreements with respect to a financing package that will provide liquidity for the continued ramp-up of operations at the Company’s underground project (the “Underground Project”). >>> http://newsfile.refinitiv.com/getnewsfile/v1/story?guid=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20201209:nGNX1ybQfG&default-theme=true
diese gold-spacken! das ist nur noch krank ... :wallbash:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026053#2026053 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 08.12.2020, 19:02 Uhr[/url]"]gold-future: rennt zwischen 1850 $ und 1900 $ in einen ordentlichen widerstandsbereich hinein. stellt sich die frage, wird das charttechnisch eine bullische flagge oder wird der abwärtstrend wieder aufgenommen!? aktuell eine dröge sache um 1877 $ ...

» zur Grafik
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025574#2025574 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 07.12.2020, 15:52 Uhr[/url]"]gold und silber brechen aus ... :wallbash:
Bin da jetzt auch mal dabei zu 0,135 CAD :friends:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026409#2026409 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 09.12.2020, 16:02 Uhr[/url]"]Schaut gut aus :)

» zur Grafik
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026348#2026348 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.12.2020, 13:52 Uhr[/url]"]das sind gute News! :up:
damit ist nun Klarheit und Geld da.........
GAP-Schluß bei 0,18 Cad sollte nun möglich sein :gruebel: 8) :)

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026345#2026345 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 09.12.2020, 13:45 Uhr[/url]"]YERINGTON, Nev., Dec. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) (“Nevada Copper” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the execution of binding agreements with respect to a financing package that will provide liquidity for the continued ramp-up of operations at the Company’s underground project (the “Underground Project”). >>> http://newsfile.refinitiv.com/getnewsfile/v1/story?guid=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20201209:nGNX1ybQfG&default-theme=true
Sieht leider weiterhin nach Abwärtstrend aus. Könnte durchaus das letzte Tief um 1750$ nochmals anlaufen. :gruebel:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026413#2026413 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 09.12.2020, 16:05 Uhr[/url]"]diese gold-spacken! das ist nur noch krank ... :wallbash:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026053#2026053 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 08.12.2020, 19:02 Uhr[/url]"]gold-future: rennt zwischen 1850 $ und 1900 $ in einen ordentlichen widerstandsbereich hinein. stellt sich die frage, wird das charttechnisch eine bullische flagge oder wird der abwärtstrend wieder aufgenommen!? aktuell eine dröge sache um 1877 $ ...

» zur Grafik
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025574#2025574 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 07.12.2020, 15:52 Uhr[/url]"]gold und silber brechen aus ... :wallbash:
Ein doppelter Test bzw. eine W-Formation beim Goldchart würde mich auch nicht stören... :whistle: ;)

:friends: :beer:

Anscheinend orientieren sich heute welche schon auf den Brexit-Deal und morgen auf die fliegenden €€€$$$-Scheinchen von Frau Lagarde.

Die Marktteilnehmer wollen am Aktienmarkt in die Übertreibungsphase starten...achte auf den VDAX! Der sinkt aktuell noch...

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026423#2026423 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 09.12.2020, 16:18 Uhr[/url]"]Sieht leider weiterhin nach Abwärtstrend aus. Könnte durchaus das letzte Tief um 1750$ nochmals anlaufen. :gruebel:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026413#2026413 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 09.12.2020, 16:05 Uhr[/url]"]diese gold-spacken! das ist nur noch krank ... :wallbash:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026053#2026053 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 08.12.2020, 19:02 Uhr[/url]"]gold-future: rennt zwischen 1850 $ und 1900 $ in einen ordentlichen widerstandsbereich hinein. stellt sich die frage, wird das charttechnisch eine bullische flagge oder wird der abwärtstrend wieder aufgenommen!? aktuell eine dröge sache um 1877 $ ...

» zur Grafik
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2025574#2025574 schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 07.12.2020, 15:52 Uhr[/url]"]gold und silber brechen aus ... :wallbash:

Freehold closes $47.3-million bought deal financing

2020-12-09 10:25 ET - News Release

An anonymous director reports


Freehold Royalties Ltd. has completed its previously announced bought deal financing, issuing 9,856,000 subscription receipts at a price of $4.8 per subscription receipt for gross proceeds of approximately $47.3-million, which included the full exercise of the overallotment option granted to the underwriters. The bought deal offering was completed through a syndicate of underwriters led by RBC Capital Markets and TD Securities Inc.

Concurrent with the closing of the bought deal financing, the pension trust funds for employees of Canadian National Railway Company invested approximately $13.4 million in Freehold through the purchase of 2,791,667 Subscription Receipts also at a price of $4.80 per Subscription Receipt on a non-brokered private placement basis.

Each Subscription Receipt represents the right to receive, without payment of additional consideration or further action on the part of the holder, one common share of Freehold upon closing of Freehold's previously announced acquisition of certain mineral title and royalty interest assets in the United States (the U.S. Royalty Transaction). Freehold expects to close the U.S. Royalty Transaction on January 5, 2021.

The gross proceeds from the sale of the Subscription Receipts pursuant to the public offering and private placement will be held in escrow pending the completion of the U.S. Royalty Transaction. If all outstanding conditions to the completion of the U.S. Royalty Transaction (other than funding) are met on or before March 1, 2021, the net proceeds from the sale of the public offering of Subscription Receipts, and gross proceeds from the private placement, will be released from escrow to Freehold or as otherwise directed by Freehold. Upon release of the escrowed funds to Freehold such funds are anticipated to be used to pay a portion of the purchase price for the assets to be acquired pursuant to the U.S. Royalty Acquisition, with the remainder of the purchase price funded by drawing on our existing credit facilities.

Holders of the Subscription Receipts will be entitled to receive payments per Subscription Receipt equal to the cash dividends paid on Freehold's common shares (the Dividend Equivalent Payments), if any, actually paid or payable to holders of such common shares in respect of all record dates for such dividends occurring from today's date to, but excluding, the last day on which the Subscription Receipts remain outstanding, to be paid to holders of Subscription Receipts concurrently with the payment date of each such dividend. The Dividend Equivalent Payments will be made regardless of whether the U.S Royalty Transaction is completed or not.

If the U.S. Royalty Transaction is not completed at or before 5:00 p.m. (Calgary time) on March 1, 2021, then the subscription price for the Subscription Receipts will be returned to holders of Subscription Receipts and holders will be entitled to receive any Dividend Equivalent Payments that remain payable to such holders or if no Dividend Equivalent Payments have been paid or are payable to the holders of Subscription Receipts such holders will be entitled to receive, such holder's pro rata share of any interest earned or income generated on the escrowed funds.

Freehold anticipates that the Subscription Receipts will be listed and posted for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol FRU.R at the open of markets today. A copy of the subscription receipt agreement governing the terms of the Subscription Receipts has been filed on Freehold's profile on SEDAR.


New Oroperu receives Nfld. exploration permit

2020-12-09 09:33 ET - News Release

Mr. T. Barry Coughlan reports


Quadro Resources Ltd. has received an exploration permit to carry out exploration work on its recently optioned Careless Cove and Yellow Fox properties in Newfoundland and Labrador, where it has the right to earn a 100-per-cent interest under an agreement with Metals Creek Resources Corp. (MEK) (see Quadro news release dated Oct. 8, 2020).

The Property is located within and adjacent to New Found Gold Corp.'s Queensway High-Grade Gold Project as illustrated on the attached map. The Quadro claims are approximately 12 kilometers southwest of New Found Gold's Keats Zone which is the main focus of its ongoing 100,000 meter drill program where results include an intersection of 92.86 g/t Au over 19.0 meters (see New Found Gold press release dated Nov. 16, 2020).




[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1975378#1975378 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 01.06.2020, 18:36 Uhr[/url]"]
New Oroperu receives $250K (U.S.) from Minera Barrick

2020-06-01 10:11 ET - News Release

Mr. Wayne Livingstone reports


New Oroperu Resources Inc. has received Minera Barrick Misquichilca SA's final payment of $250,000 (U.S.) to maintain its option agreement on the Tres Cruces project. Under the terms of the agreement, in order to exercise its option Barrick must make a production decision by December 31, 2020.

"New Oroperu commemorates the final payment from Barrick toward our 17 year-long option agreement on the Tres Cruces project, making this the most exciting year for the Company with Barrick having until December 31st to complete its 70% earn-in on the project," commented New Oroperu CEO Wayne Livingstone. "Barrick has been an exceptional partner so far, dedicating a tremendous amount of effort into managing multiple exploration programs and contributing to the delineation of 2.6 million ounces of gold in measured and indicated resources on the Tres Cruces Project."

Highlights of Tres Cruces Project

100% owned by New Oroperu with an option agreement for Barrick to earn 70%
Located in north-central Peru within the Calipuy Volcanic belt with over 55 million ounces of gold produced and host to several multi-million ounce gold deposits
Excellent infrastructure with power lines, roads, airstrip and located 10 kilometers south of Barrick's Lagunas Norte mine which has produced over 10 million ounces of gold to date.
2.61 million ounces at 1.23 g/t gold in measured and indicated category (see Table 1).
Near surface oxide mineralization with open pit potential
82% metallurgical gold recoveries
96% of resource is held within pit limits
Resource is open for expansion at depth with an abundance of holes ending in mineralization (see Figure 1 below)
Silver mineralization identified as a potential credit and not included in current resource or economic calculations
Over 73,000 meters of drilling.



» zur Grafik

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1973047#1973047 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 19.05.2020, 19:44 Uhr[/url]"]New Oroperu appoints McCarthy VP, corporate development

2020-05-19 12:39 ET - News Release

Mr. Wayne Livingstone reports


New Oroperu Resources Inc. has appointed Christina McCarthy as vice-president of corporate development.

"2020 marks an important year for New Oroperu when the option Agreement with Barrick provides for a production decision to be made by Barrick prior to December 31, 2020 on our 100% owned Tres Cruces project in Peru. In anticipation of Barrick's decision, New Oroperu has added the executive position of Vice President of Corporate Development to assist the Company in its strategic advancement" stated Wayne Livingstone, President and CEO of New Oroperu and added "We welcome Christina McCarthy whose past experience in capital markets, institutional investment banking and marketing, make her well suited for the advancement of New Oroperu and compliments the role of our financial advisors."

Ms. McCarthy brings over 10 years of resource capital market experience combined with a technical background in geology to New Oroperu. She held the position of Director of Corporate Development with an intermediate international gold miner for the past five years. Ms. McCarthy's experience in capital markets, institutional investment banking and marketing make her well suited for the advancement of New Oroperu. Ms. McCarthy holds a B.A. degree in Geology/Earth Sciences from Brock University in Ontario, Canada.

The Company also announces the issuance of 400,000 incentive stock options to Ms. McCarthy, exercisable at a price of $1.25 per share for the purchase of 400,000 shares until their expiry date on May 4, 2023.

About the Company

New Oroperu is a junior exploration company based in Vancouver, B.C., which owns the Tres Cruces gold project in Peru. The Tres Cruces gold project currently hosts a mineral resource containing an estimated 2.6 million ounces of gold at a 0.6 g/t Au cut-off in the measured and indicated category (please refer to the Company's news release dated April 22, 2020 and to the NI 43-101 report entitled "Technical Report on the Tres Cruces Project, North Central Peru" dated September 28, 2012 by Peter A. Lacroix, P.Eng. A complete copy of the report is available at www.sedar.com or through the Company's website at www.oroperu.com.). There have been no subsequent drilling or metallurgy since September 28, 2012 which would affect the resource estimate.

The Tres Cruces is a 100% Company-owned project, subject to 1 one-half% NSR royalty and subject to an option agreement with Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A. ("Barrick"), which expires on December 31, 2020. Under the terms of the agreement, in order to exercise its option Barrick must pay for all expenditures up to a production decision. To maintain the option Barrick must pay US$250,000.00 to the Company by May 31st each year until a production decision is made. The Company retains a 30% interest and its share of production costs are financed by Barrick. Additionally, under the agreement New Oroperu retains a 2% NSR royalty of which US$1,000,000 is to be paid in advance at the time of a production decision.


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[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1967875#1967875 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 22.04.2020, 18:08 Uhr[/url]"]
New Oroperu arranges $1.2-million private placement

2020-04-22 08:03 ET - News Release

Mr. K. Wayne Livingstone reports


New Oroperu Resources Inc. has provided a corporate update on certain activities being undertaken by New Oruperu to advance its Tres Cruces gold project in Peru and expand on its existing 2.6 million ounces of gold in measured and indicated resources and 600,000 ounces of gold in inferred resources.

Tres Cruces is a 100-per-cent-company-owned project, subject to 1.5-per-cent net smelter return royalty and subject to a share purchase option and joint participation agreement with Minera Barrick Misquichilca SA, which expires on Dec. 31, 2020. Under the terms of the agreement, in order to exercise its option Barrick must make a production decision by Dec. 31, 2020, and pay for all expenditures up to a production decision. To maintain the option Barrick must pay $250,000 (U.S.) to the company by May 31 each year until a production decision is made. The company retains a 30-per-cent interest and its share of production costs is financed by Barrick. Additionally, under the agreement New Oroperu retains a 2-per-cent NSR royalty of which $1-million (U.S.) is to be paid in advance at the time of a production decision.

K. Wayne Livingstone, president, chief executive officer and director, commented: "New Oroperu is committed to delivering superior value to shareholders in this critical year, as the option agreement is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2020. We are furthering our understanding of the true potential of Tres Cruces by quantifying the potential oxide mineral resources at Tres Cruces with the view of developing a possible heap leach scenario as a stand-alone operation or in partnership with Barrick. Additionally, New Oroperu is evaluating drilling opportunities on Tres Cruces for follow up on several high-priority targets, including drill holes which bottomed in high-grade mineralization and the opportunity to expand near-surface oxide mineralization."



[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1900965#1900965 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 12.06.2019, 20:34 Uhr[/url]"]:evil:

Krass, schon seit 5 Jahren verfolge ich ORO ! :oops:

New Oroperu optionee makes 2019 payment for Tres Cruces

2019-06-12 08:55 ET - News Release

Mr. K. Wayne Livingstone reports


Barrick has made the 2019 payment to maintain its option on New Oroperu Resources Inc.'s Tres Cruces project.

The Tres Cruces property, 100% owned by New Oroperu, is under an Option to Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") with a Peruvian subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corp., Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A. ("Barrick"). Maintaining the option requires an annual payment of US$250,000, subject to 30% withholding for Peruvian tax. Under the terms of the Agreement all exploration expenditures deemed necessary by Barrick to make a production decision will be paid by Barrick at no cost to the Company. Following a production decision, which must be made on or before the December 31, 2020 expiry date of the Agreement, the Company would retain a 30% fully financed interest subject to certain payback provisions, a 2% royalty interest, and receive a US$1,000,000 advance royalty payment.

The Tres Cruces project is located about 10 km south of Barrick's Lagunas Norte gold deposit, where production started in June 2005. The close proximity of Barrick's Lagunas Norte Project creates potential operating synergies which could enhance the development opportunity for Tres Cruces.

New Oroperu has a National Instrument 43-101 entitled "Technical Report on the Tres Cruces Project, North Central Peru" dated September 28, 2012 by Peter A. Lacroix, P.Eng. of Lacroix and Associated, which updated mineral resource estimates for the Tres Cruces project based on all available information to that date. According to the report, the Tres Cruces mineral resource is estimated to contain 2.6 million ounces of gold at a 0.6 g/t Au cut-off in the measured and indicated category. The resources were estimated using data from 73,000 meters of drilling in 359 drill holes. A complete copy of the report is available at www.sedar.com or through the Company's website at www.oroperu.com.

Metallurgical testwork on Tres Cruces mineralization described in the Company's National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report by Peter A. Lacroix described above, indicates 82% gold recoveries in sulphidic mineralization using a CIL flotation process. There is a component of oxide mineralization in the Tres Cruces deposit and it was assumed in the report that it would be treated with the sulphides. The oxide mineralization could also be processed separately by heap leaching.

The Tres Cruces deposit has several mineralized zones which are not fully defined. The Southwest Extension zone and the Southwest zone display shallow better grade mineralization which also contain oxidized components in their upper part. There is also deep mineralization indicated in several holes. These deeper higher-grade targets have not been completely drill tested and some holes have bottomed in mineralization.

The Company looks forward to future developments on the Tres Cruces project with Barrick.


[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1762296#1762296 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 14.06.2017, 17:51 Uhr[/url]"]
New Oroperu receives Tres Cruces payment from Barrick

2017-06-14 09:32 ET - News Release

Mr. Wayne Livingstone reports


New Oroperu Resources Inc. has noted that Barrick has made the 2017 payment of $250,000 (U.S.) to maintain its option on the Tres Cruces project.

The Tres Cruces project is located about 10 km south of Barrick's Lagunas Norte gold deposit, where production started in June 2005. On February 22, 2016, Barrick announced the results of a prefeasibility study on a plan to extend the life of Lagunas Norte by mining the refractory material below the oxide ore body in the current open pit. This study, described in a Barrick National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report dated March 21, 2016, contemplates the installation of a new grinding-flotation-autoclave and carbon-in-leach processing circuit to treat the refractory material below the current open pit. On February 15, 2017, Barrick announced that it is now evaluating a sequenced approach to extending the life of the Lagunas Norte mine by first optimizing the recovery of carbonaceous oxide ore contained in existing stockpiles by grinding and CIL extraction, followed by extraction and processing of refractory ores as described above.

K. Wayne Livingstone, President, says "We believe the potential addition of a grinding-flotation-autoclave and carbon-in leach processing circuit to extend the life of Barrick's Lagunas Norte mine could enhance the development opportunity for Tres Cruces because of the proximal advantages to and synergies with Barrick's operations. Further exploration would better define known shallow higher grade zones and expand higher grade deep mineralization. We look forward to Barrick expanding and defining further Tres Cruces resources and ultimately making a production decision."

The Tres Cruces property, 100% owned by New Oroperu, is under an Option to Purchase Agreement with a Peruvian subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corp., Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A. ("Barrick"). Maintaining the option requires an annual payment of US$250,000, subject to 30% withholding for Peruvian tax. Under the terms of the Agreement all exploration expenditures deemed necessary by Barrick to make a production decision will be paid by Barrick at no cost to the Company. Following a production decision, which must be made on or before December 31, 2020, the Company would retain a 30% fully financed interest subject to certain payback provisions, a 2% royalty interest, and receive a US$1,000,000 advance royalty payment.

Tres Cruces gold mineralization is comprised of a minor oxidized component and a dominant sulphidic component. Metallurgical test work on Tres Cruces mineralization described in the Company's National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report by Peter A. Lacroix, described below, indicates good gold recoveries in sulphidic mineralization using a CIL flotation process. The minor component of oxide mineralization in the Tres Cruces deposit is assumed, in the report, to be treated with the sulphides. The oxidized component is predominantly located in the south part of the deposit at shallow depths and associated with a higher grade part of the deposit. Further drilling of these shallow mineralized zones may better define areas with better grade and gold recoveries. Some examples of shallow mineralization in the south part (Southwest zone) of the Tres Cruces deposit which have been previously news released are:

Date Drill Hole Interval (meters) Grade g/t Au
June 18, 2007 DTC 238 48.1 to 72.5 24.4 m 2.55
DTC 241 39.0 to 55.5 16.5 m 2.67
DTC 243 44.0 to 65.0 21.0 m 3.60
DTC 255 45.0 to 65.5 20.5 m 3.06

Aug. 13, 2007 DTC 293 37.5 to 66.5 29.0 m 2.97
and in the Southwest Extension zone
DTC 279 57.0 to 144.0 67.0 m 3.42

March 4, 2008 RTC 236 54.0 to 75.0 21.0 m 2.89
and in the Southwest Extension zone
RTC 255 37.0 to 62.0 25.0 m 3.37

As mentioned in prior news release, June 8, 2016, the depth potential with better grade gold and silver remains untested. Drill Hole RTC 255, previously reported in our news release, dated March 4, 2008, is an example of a well mineralized hole which bottomed in mineralization. It averages 228.0 m. grading 2.95 g/t Au with a shallow component from 37.0 m. to 62.0 m. (25.0 m.) grading 3.37 g/t Au and a deeper component with higher grade, 197.0 m. to 210.0 m. (13.0 m.) grading 16.17 g/t Au with 67.7 g/t Ag. Drill hole DTC 278 (Twin) has a deep mineralized interval 235.0 m. to 261.0 m. (16.0 m.) grading 5.05 g/t Au with 84.2 g/t Ag. Not all deep holes measuring the deposit were assayed for Ag. Silver (Ag) reports as a recovered product in the metallurgical test work as reported in the New Oroperu Technical Report.

In summary, the Tres Cruces deposit has several mineralized zones which are not fully defined. The Southwest Extension zone and the Southwest zone display shallow better grade mineralization which also contains oxidized components in their upper part. There is also deep mineralization indicated in several holes. These deeper high grade targets have not been completely drill tested and some holes have bottomed in mineralization. New Oroperu has a National Instrument 43-101 entitled "Technical Report on the Tres Cruces Project, North Central Peru" dated September 28, 2012 by Peter A. Lacroix, P.Eng. of Lacroix and Associated, which updated mineral resource estimates for the Tres Cruces project based on all available information to that date. According to the report, the Tres Cruces mineral resource is estimated to contain 2.6 million ounces of gold at a 0.6 g/t Au cut-off in the measured and indicated category. A complete copy of the report is available at www.sedar.com or through the Company's website at www.oroperu.com.

The Company looks forward to future developments on the Tres Cruces project with Barrick.

We seek Safe Harbor.

© 2017 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.


[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1754839#1754839 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 25.04.2017, 20:53 Uhr[/url]"]WL: :evil:

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[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1690640#1690640 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 08.06.2016, 21:42 Uhr[/url]"]New Oroperu receives annual payment for Tres Cruces

2016-06-08 09:51 ET - News Release

Mr. K. Wayne Livingstone reports


Minera Barrick Misquichilca SA has made the 2016 payment to maintain its option on the New Oroperu Resources Inc.'s Tres Cruces project.

The Tres Cruces property, 100 per cent owned by New Oroperu, is under an option-to-purchase agreement with a Peruvian subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corp., Minera Barrick Misquichilca. Maintaining the option requires an annual payment of $250,000 (U.S.), subject to 30-per-cent withholding for Peruvian tax. Under the terms of the agreement, all exploration expenditures deemed necessary by Barrick to make a production decision will be paid by Barrick at no cost to the company. Following a production decision, which must be made on or before Dec. 31, 2020, the company would retain a 30-per-cent fully financed interest subject to certain payback provisions, a 2-per-cent royalty interest and receive a $1-million (U.S.) advance royalty payment.

The Tres Cruces project is located about 10 kilometres south of Barrick's Lagunas Norte gold deposit, where production started in June, 2005. On Feb. 22, 2016, Barrick announced the results of a prefeasibility study on a plan to extend the life of Lagunas Norte by mining the refractory material below the oxide ore body in the current open pit. The refractory material cannot be economically processed using heap leaching due to low recoveries. This study, described in a Barrick National Instrument 43-101 technical report dated March 21, 2016, contemplates the installation of a new grinding-flotation autoclave and carbon-in-leach processing circuit to treat the refractory material below the current open pit. The study notes that the addition of a refractory processing facility could also unlock other potential refractory mineralization sources in the region surrounding Lagunas Norte, which are not included in the scope of the study.

Prior metallurgical testwork on Tres Cruces mineralization described in the company's National Instrument 43-101 technical report by Peter A. Lacroix, described below, indicates good gold recoveries in sulphidic mineralization using a carbon-in-leach flotation process. There is a minor component of oxide mineralization in the Tres Cruces deposit, and it is assumed, in the report, that this oxide component would be treated with the sulphides.

K. Wayne Livingstone, president, says: "We believe the potential addition of a grinding-flotation autoclave and carbon-in leach processing circuit to extend the life of Barrick's Lagunas Norte mine could enhance the development opportunity for Tres Cruces because of the proximal advantages to and synergies with Barrick's operations. We look forward to Barrick expanding and defining further Tres Cruces resources and ultimately making a production decision."

New Oroperu has a National Instrument 43-101 entitled, "Technical report on the Tres Cruces project, north-central Peru," dated Sept. 28, 2012, by Mr. Lacroix, PEng, of Lacroix and Associated, which updated mineral resource estimates for the Tres Cruces project based on all available information to that date. According to the report, the Tres Cruces mineral resource is estimated to contain 2.6 million ounces of gold at a 0.6-gram-per-tonne-gold cut-off in the measured and indicated category. A complete copy of the report is available on SEDAR or through the company's website.

The Tres Cruces deposit has several mineralized zones which are not fully defined. The Southwest Extension zone and the Southwest zone display shallow better-grade mineralization which also contain oxidized components in their upper part. There is also deep mineralization indicated in several holes. These deeper high-grade targets have not been completely drill tested, and some holes have bottomed in mineralization.

Drill hole RTC 255, previously reported in the company's news release, dated March 4, 2008, is an example of a well-mineralized hole which bottomed in mineralization. It averages 228 metres grading 2.95 grams per tonne Au with a shallow component from 37 metres to 62 metres (25 metres) grading 3.37 grams per tonne Au and a deeper component with higher grade from 197 metres to 210 metres (13 metres) grading 16.17 grams per tonne Au with 67.7 grams per tonne silver. Drill hole DTC 278 (Twin) has a deep mineralized interval from 235 metres to 261 metres (16 metres) grading 5.05 grams per tonne Au with 84.2 grams per tonne Ag. Not all deep holes measuring the deposit were assayed for silver. Silver reports as a recovered product in the metallurgical testwork as reported in the New Oroperu technical report.

The company looks forward to future developments on the Tres Cruces project with Barrick.


[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1667180#1667180 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 26.02.2016, 08:21 Uhr[/url]"]:eek:

Unglaublich...letzter Kurs 0,40 CAN$

New Oroperu says it has no material news

2016-02-23 20:04 ET - News Release

Mr. Wayne Livingstone reports


New Oroperu Resources Inc., at the request of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC), confirms that it is fully disclosed of all material facts regarding the company.

The company's flagship property, the Tres Cruces project in north-central Peru, has been described in the company's earlier news releases. The company continues to maintain its 100-per-cent interest in the Tres Cruces gold project, which has been under an option to purchase agreement with a subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corp. (Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A.) since 2003. The Tres Cruces project is located about 10 kilometres south of Barrick's Lagunas Norte gold deposit, where production started in June, 2005.

Following the company's grassroots discovery and geological definition by widely spaced exploration drilling, Barrick conducted extensive exploration work on the Tres Cruces project. New Oroperu has an NI 43-101 technical report on the Tres Cruces project, entitled, "Technical Report on the Tres Cruces Project, North-Central Peru," dated Sept. 28, 2012, by Peter A. Lacroix, PEng, of Lacroix and Associates, which updated mineral resource estimates based on all available information to that date (available on SEDAR or through the company's website). According to the report, the Tres Cruces mineral resource is estimated to contain 2.6 million ounces of gold at a cut-off of 0.6 gram per tonne gold in the measured and indicated category. This estimate was based on 359 drill holes and nearly 74,000 metres of drilling. There is also an inferred resource in areas immediately adjacent to the deposit and at depth, which may be converted to a higher category with additional drilling. The gold mineralized system is open to depth, with some drill holes bottoming in mineralization. Further exploration is warranted to define the full extent of mineralization at Tres Cruces.

© 2016 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1665994#1665994 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 22.02.2016, 21:52 Uhr[/url]"]:eek:

Aktuell mit 18,5 k so 85% nach oben...

» zur Grafik

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1597859#1597859 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 25.06.2015, 23:26 Uhr[/url]"]New Oroperu Resources Inc.: $650,000 Non-Brokered Financing Announced

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - June 25, 2015) -


New Oroperu Resources Inc. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:ORO) is pleased to announce that it plans to undertake a non-brokered private placement of up to 4,333,333 units at a price of $0.15 per unit for estimated aggregate gross proceeds of $650,000. Each unit consists of one common share of the Company and one-half of a share purchase warrant of the Company. Each whole share purchase warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one common share for a period of five years after the closing of the transaction at an exercise price of $0.20 per common share. The proceeds from the financing will be used for general working capital.

This financing is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.


K. Wayne Livingstone, President


[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1504978#1504978 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 27.08.2014, 23:53 Uhr[/url]"]zu ORO:

K. Wayne Livingstone's thinly traded New Oroperu Resources Inc. (ORO) remained unchanged at 25 cents after releasing its second-quarter financials. Not much is new: the company continues to wait patiently in hopes Barrick Gold makes a production decision. Barrick has spent the past 11 years earning a 70-per-cent interest in New Oroperu's Tres Cruces gold property in Peru. It completed its required $1.7-million in exploration spending in 2005, and now has until Dec. 31, 2020, to make a production decision. At that point, New Oroperu would have a 30-per-cent free-carried interest to production. In the meantime, Barrick has been paying the company $250,000 a year to maintain the option, of which 30 per cent goes to the government of Peru as a withholding tax. New Oroperu's $175,000 a year has not been able to cover its annual expenses, which amounted to $320,000 last year, and included property maintenance payments. The company conducted no exploration at all. As a result, Mr. Livingstone will need to raise some money. He remains hopeful that Barrick is slightly closer to a production decision, since 10 kilometres away, production at Barrick's Lagunas Norte gold mine has started to decline. Last year, the company produced 600,000 ounces of gold at Lagunas, down from 755,000 in 2012 and over one million in 2011. There are still 3.75 million ounces of proven and probable gold standing in Tres Cruces's way.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1491201#1491201 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 11.07.2014, 09:47 Uhr[/url]"]Kurs :eek:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1486842#1486842 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 19.06.2014, 11:37 Uhr[/url]"]Vielen Dank für Dein Statement!
:danke: :danke: :danke:
:friends: :beer:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1486831#1486831 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 19.06.2014, 10:50 Uhr[/url]"]Kenn ich gar nicht, ein interessanter Schlaefer. Das ist so ein Wert, da weiss man nie, wann was passiert. Kann morgen sein, kann in einigen Jahren sein.

Die Lagunas Norte Mine hat noch mehr als 3mio Reserven, wird also bei momentaner Produktion fuer weitere ca. 5-6 Jahre voll ausgelastet sein. Wenn das flow-sheet fuer Tres Cruces aehnlich oder gleich Lagunas ist, kann ich mir kaum vorstellen, dass Barrick da bei nur noch 5 Jahren Reserven eine neue Mine baut, sondern eher darauf spekuliert, irgenwann wenn Lagunas erschoepft ist Mill Feed von Tres Cruces zu foerdern.

Die Grades und der Cut off bei Tres Cruces sind besser und konservativer als bei Lagunas, oekonomisch sollte das also sein.

Daher wird m.E. Barrick die Option irgendwann ziehen, nur wann...
Wenn man bis zu 5 Jahre warten kann wuerde das sicher kein Verlustgeschaeft (falls Peru nicht verstaatlicht).
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1486739#1486739 schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 18.06.2014, 22:56 Uhr[/url]"]Hier mal eine Frage an unseren Hardcore -Zocker @Fischi :friends:

Anbei ein Auszug aus dem letztem MD&A von ORO:

Haben zwar kein cash...aber 2,6 Mio. Unzen und Barrick ist seit 2003 dabei und eine Option das Projekt zu 70% zu übernehmen...

oder...das ist eher meine Sichtweise

=> ORO komplett übernehmen (ORO marketcap: ca. 4,5 Mio. !!!!)

Hälst Du eine Übernahme für wahrscheinlich???

New Oroperu is an exploration stage company engaged in the identification, evaluation, acquisition and exploration primarily of gold properties in Peru. The Company is a reporting issuer in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol ORO.

gold-short der hammer ... :shock:
SK 0,14 oder höher wäre schon ganz gut :peitsche:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026421#2026421 schrieb:
600 schrieb am 09.12.2020, 16:15 Uhr[/url]"]Bin da jetzt auch mal dabei zu 0,135 CAD :friends:
[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026409#2026409 schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 09.12.2020, 16:02 Uhr[/url]"]Schaut gut aus :)

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[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026348#2026348 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 09.12.2020, 13:52 Uhr[/url]"]das sind gute News! :up:
damit ist nun Klarheit und Geld da.........
GAP-Schluß bei 0,18 Cad sollte nun möglich sein :gruebel: 8) :)

[url=https://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=2026345#2026345 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 09.12.2020, 13:45 Uhr[/url]"]YERINGTON, Nev., Dec. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) (“Nevada Copper” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the execution of binding agreements with respect to a financing package that will provide liquidity for the continued ramp-up of operations at the Company’s underground project (the “Underground Project”). >>> http://newsfile.refinitiv.com/getnewsfile/v1/story?guid=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20201209:nGNX1ybQfG&default-theme=true
Oben Unten