Jan 24, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc Releases Drill Results From Blongas I and Kekalik Porphyry Cu-Au Target Areas
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 24, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) announces results of drill holes SLD008 drilled at the Blongas I porphyry Cu-Au target and drill holes SL009-10 drilled at the Kekalik porphyry Cu-Au target, both contained within the Selodong Prospect.
Drill hole SLD008 (Figure 1) was collared 324 metres north of SLD007, in order to test one of several northern extensions of an inferred 2.0+ kilometre long, 250 to 300 metres wide, open-ended structurally controlled corridor of porphyry style alteration and mineralization. Drill holes SLD009 and SLD010 were collared in the Kekalik target area (Figure 1) to test coincident outcropping diorite intrusive with variable porphyry-style quartz stockwork veining, Au+/-Cu+/-Mo soil anomalism and strong magnetic signatures. SLD010 was collared 196 metres west of SLD009 to test western portions of the same general target. All drill holes encountered porphyry Cu-Au style mineralization and associated hydrothermal alteration, but Cu-Au grades were severely downgraded because of late-stage phyllic overprinting and/or dilution relating to mineralized components being part of an extensive diatreme breccia unit.
Based on these results (see below for additional details) both drill rigs have been moved to test other porphyry Cu-Au targets, or extensions of known mineralization. Hole SLD011 targeting northern extensions of Montong Botek porphyry Cu-mineralization was completed on January 13, 2008, with final results expected in the next 7-10 days. SLD012 is currently targeting gold anomalous stockworks coincident Au-Cu-Mo soil and magnetic-IP anomalism and in the Belikat target area. Hole SLD013 is targeting a potential northwest extension of Montong Botek toward Kekalik.
SLD008 reported insignificant Cu-Au values. SLD008 drilled westward at an orientation of 270 degrees and an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 521.1 metres. The hole intersected strongly faulted and sheared diorite intrusives +/- porphyry-style quartz stockwork veining, metavolcanics and metasediments from 0.0 m to 382.8 m. The remainder of the hole encountered fault slivers of potassic altered diorite porphyry and basement metavolcanics. All logged rock lithologies show later intense phyllic/argillic overprinting. Episodic fault movement and later phyllic/argillic overprinting probably remobilized and/or destroyed earlier Cu-Au mineralization in the area.
Drill hole SLD009 reported only a low grade gold intercept of 70.80 m at 0.18 g/t Au from 95.7 to 166.5 m. SLD009 drilled southward at an orientation of 195 degrees and an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 600.0 metres. Whilst variably stockworked diorite was encountered between 0.0 to 78.7 m, the majority of the hole (78.7 to 441.0 m) intersected phyllic altered polymict breccia (diatreme?) cross-cut by zones of anhydrite-pyrite stockwork with trace amounts of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. From 441.0 to 600.0 m fault slivers of diorite porphyry with phyllic overprinting, skarn and metavolcanics were logged.
SLD010 intersected intercepts of 32.0 m at 0.16 g/t Au from 63.8 to 95.8 m and 22.0 m at 0.20 g/t Au from 160.5 to 182.5 m. SLD010 drilled northeastward at an orientation of 040 degrees and an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 600.5 metres. For the entire length of the hole intense phyllic to argillic altered polymict breccia (?diatreme) with stockwork andhydrite-carbonate-pyrite veining was encountered. Diorite intrusive with variable porphyry-style quartz stockwork veining and later intense phyllic overprinting were logged as a component of breccia clasts. Targeted stockwork vein zones mapped in stream tributaries are most likely large rafted blocks (up to 180 m length x 50 m wide) that were stoped out of pre-existing mineralized intrusive body through diatreme brecciation events.