• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
:gruebel: schaut nich weltbewegend aus.........oder überlese ich was?
Jan 24, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc Releases Drill Results From Blongas I and Kekalik Porphyry Cu-Au Target Areas
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 24, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) announces results of drill holes SLD008 drilled at the Blongas I porphyry Cu-Au target and drill holes SL009-10 drilled at the Kekalik porphyry Cu-Au target, both contained within the Selodong Prospect.

Drill hole SLD008 (Figure 1) was collared 324 metres north of SLD007, in order to test one of several northern extensions of an inferred 2.0+ kilometre long, 250 to 300 metres wide, open-ended structurally controlled corridor of porphyry style alteration and mineralization. Drill holes SLD009 and SLD010 were collared in the Kekalik target area (Figure 1) to test coincident outcropping diorite intrusive with variable porphyry-style quartz stockwork veining, Au+/-Cu+/-Mo soil anomalism and strong magnetic signatures. SLD010 was collared 196 metres west of SLD009 to test western portions of the same general target. All drill holes encountered porphyry Cu-Au style mineralization and associated hydrothermal alteration, but Cu-Au grades were severely downgraded because of late-stage phyllic overprinting and/or dilution relating to mineralized components being part of an extensive diatreme breccia unit.

Based on these results (see below for additional details) both drill rigs have been moved to test other porphyry Cu-Au targets, or extensions of known mineralization. Hole SLD011 targeting northern extensions of Montong Botek porphyry Cu-mineralization was completed on January 13, 2008, with final results expected in the next 7-10 days. SLD012 is currently targeting gold anomalous stockworks coincident Au-Cu-Mo soil and magnetic-IP anomalism and in the Belikat target area. Hole SLD013 is targeting a potential northwest extension of Montong Botek toward Kekalik.

SLD008 reported insignificant Cu-Au values. SLD008 drilled westward at an orientation of 270 degrees and an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 521.1 metres. The hole intersected strongly faulted and sheared diorite intrusives +/- porphyry-style quartz stockwork veining, metavolcanics and metasediments from 0.0 m to 382.8 m. The remainder of the hole encountered fault slivers of potassic altered diorite porphyry and basement metavolcanics. All logged rock lithologies show later intense phyllic/argillic overprinting. Episodic fault movement and later phyllic/argillic overprinting probably remobilized and/or destroyed earlier Cu-Au mineralization in the area.

Drill hole SLD009 reported only a low grade gold intercept of 70.80 m at 0.18 g/t Au from 95.7 to 166.5 m. SLD009 drilled southward at an orientation of 195 degrees and an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 600.0 metres. Whilst variably stockworked diorite was encountered between 0.0 to 78.7 m, the majority of the hole (78.7 to 441.0 m) intersected phyllic altered polymict breccia (diatreme?) cross-cut by zones of anhydrite-pyrite stockwork with trace amounts of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. From 441.0 to 600.0 m fault slivers of diorite porphyry with phyllic overprinting, skarn and metavolcanics were logged.

SLD010 intersected intercepts of 32.0 m at 0.16 g/t Au from 63.8 to 95.8 m and 22.0 m at 0.20 g/t Au from 160.5 to 182.5 m. SLD010 drilled northeastward at an orientation of 040 degrees and an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 600.5 metres. For the entire length of the hole intense phyllic to argillic altered polymict breccia (?diatreme) with stockwork andhydrite-carbonate-pyrite veining was encountered. Diorite intrusive with variable porphyry-style quartz stockwork veining and later intense phyllic overprinting were logged as a component of breccia clasts. Targeted stockwork vein zones mapped in stream tributaries are most likely large rafted blocks (up to 180 m length x 50 m wide) that were stoped out of pre-existing mineralized intrusive body through diatreme brecciation events.
Purepoint Uranium Group Inc: Begins Winter Drill Program at Turnor Lake
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jan 24, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE: PTU) is pleased to announce the commencement of their diamond drill program at their 100% owned Turnor Lake project located in the Athabasca Basin. The company has planned 4,000 metres of diamond drilling prior to spring break-up in April of this year.

"Last year our drilling confirmed the existence of extensive uranium rich alteration halos on this property. In light of this early success, we refocused our efforts on the enhancement of our understanding of the area using more sophisticated and detailed geophysics" said Scott Frostad, Purepoint's Vice President Exploration. "We are excited to be returning drills to the project and have very high expectations for this year's program".


- The Turnor Lake conductors wrap around the Kelsey Dome, the same structural feature associated with neighboring high grade uranium showings (including Cameco's La Rocque Deposit which encountered grades up to 33.9% U3O8 over 5.5 m);

- Diamond drilling in the winter of 2008 will concentrate on new geophysics completed on the Quetzal Zone and Serin Conductor;

- The Quetzal Zone is comprised of a complex series of untested, electromagnetic conductors interpreted to represent faulted graphitic rocks of a nature typically associated with uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin.

- Holes completed by Purepoint south of the Quetzal Zone have outlined uranium-rich alteration similar in nature to those that surround many of the known ore deposits hosted in the Athabasca Basin;

- IP resistivity survey results suggest extensive zones of sandstone alteration underlie the Quetzal Zone, and the detailed magnetic and gravity surveys indicate a high degree of structural complexity in that Zone. The association of these promising indicators (hydrothermal alteration and structural complexity) makes this untested Zone highly prospective;

- A seismic survey conducted over the Serin Conductor indicates it is cut by a significant step-fault. Similar faults elsewhere in the Basin have provided structural traps that have localized uranium bearing hydrothermal fluids and resulted in the formation of ore bodies.

The Turnor Lake Project

The Turnor Lake Project is 100% owned by Purepoint and includes five claims with a total area of 9,705 hectares situated in the eastern plane of the Athabasca Basin. Depth to the unconformity is shallow at approximately 180 metres.

The property covers graphitic conductors that are associated with uranium showings on adjoining properties, namely Cameco's La Rocque occurrence (up to 33.9% U3O8 over 5.5 m) to the west and Areva's HLH-50 intercept (5.2% U3O8 over 0.38 m) located to the south. The project lies in close proximity to several uranium deposits including Midwest Lake, McClean Lake and Eagle Point.

Quetzal Zone

The untested Quetzal Zone is located north of Purepoint's previous drilling and was the subject of one airborne and four types of ground geophysical surveys during 2007. These surveys (electromagnetics, magnetics, IP resistivity and gravity) defined over seven kilometers of electromagnetic conductors within a complex structural setting that will be the focus of the 2008 winter drill program. Areas interpreted to be underlain by graphitic rocks and crosscutting structures will be targeted as they are ideally suited to host a typical Athabasca Basin unconformity uranium deposit.

Serin Conductor

The Serin conductor is interpreted to be the northeastern extension of the conductor which hosts Cameco's La Rocque showing. The Serin conductor was first identified by Purepoint during a 2005 ground EM survey. Results from EM surveys suggest the conductor is offset (dislocated) by approximately 150 metres at the same location that a refraction seismic survey, conducted by Saskatchewan Energy and Mines (SEM) in 1984, reflects a significant down drop in the basement topography. The MacArthur River Deposit, one of the world's largest uranium mines, was formed at the site of a similar basement step-fault. Three drill holes are planned for this target area.

Previous Drill Results

To date Purepoint has drilled 34 holes on the Turnor property, concentrating on the southern end of the Turaco grid. All assays have been received and almost all the drill holes have returned significant uranium assays (up to 0.15% U3O8) spatially associated with the Athabasca Group unconformity.

The hydrothermal fluids that contribute to the formation of uranium ore bodies also tend to create alteration halos in the rocks surrounding the deposits. These halos are marked by the addition or removal of minerals and results in changes to the composition of these rocks. Twenty five of the 34 holes drilled on the Turaco grid returned results from the Athabasca sandstone that are consistent with this type of alteration and assayed uranium concentrations as high as 300 times the generally accepted 'background' concentration standard for the Athabasca Basin.

About Purepoint

Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. is focused on the precision exploration of more than 42 defined target areas on its seven 100% owned projects in the Canadian Athabasca Basin, and its two Basin projects joint ventured with Cameco Corporation and AREVA Resources Canada Inc. Established in the Basin well before the resurgence in uranium, Purepoint is actively advancing this large portfolio of multiple drill targets in the world's richest uranium region.

Scott Frostad BSc, MASc, PGeo, Purepoint's Vice President, Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for technical content of this release.


Contacts: Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. Chris Frostad President and CEO (416) 603-8368 Website: www.purepoint.ca

SOURCE: Purepoint Uranium Group Inc.
das erste Loch war ein step-out definition hole,
die beiden anderen zum Testen einer oberflaechennahen Anomalie

nix dolles

:gruebel: schaut nich weltbewegend aus.........oder überlese ich was?
Jan 24, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc Releases Drill Results From Blongas I and Kekalik Porphyry Cu-Au Target Areas
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 24, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) announces results of drill holes SLD008 drilled at the Blongas I porphyry Cu-Au target and drill holes SL009-10 drilled at the Kekalik porphyry Cu-Au target, both contained within the Selodong Prospect.
dafü kommt Cash M. in die Gänge............ :)
das erste Loch war ein step-out definition hole,
die beiden anderen zum Testen einer oberflaechennahen Anomalie

nix dolles

:gruebel: schaut nich weltbewegend aus.........oder überlese ich was?
Jan 24, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc Releases Drill Results From Blongas I and Kekalik Porphyry Cu-Au Target Areas
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 24, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) announces results of drill holes SLD008 drilled at the Blongas I porphyry Cu-Au target and drill holes SL009-10 drilled at the Kekalik porphyry Cu-Au target, both contained within the Selodong Prospect.
neuerdings lieg ich da auch immer mal gut daneben mit meinen Trades

Southern Arc hab ich fuer 0,89 vor 2 Wochen gelonged
Temex fuer 0,46
ATW fur 0,72

alles satt hinten...

bleiben aber liegen!
Cash auf dem Weg zum "W"

Scorpio hat bei den Investoren einen sehr sehr guten Eindruck hinterlassen auf der Vancouver Conference.... :) .
Jan 24, 2008 11:16 ET das iss FEtt!!!!!!!!!!!!
ECU Silver Doubles NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate and Highlights Significant Potential Resources

- Measured & Indicated Resources have increased by 116% to 38 million ounces of silver equivalent.

- Inferred Resources have increased by 121% to 179 million ounces of silver equivalent.

- Potential Resources have increased by 1,300% - 1,365% to 465 - 807 million ounces of silver equivalent
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 24, 2008) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. ("ECU Silver" or the "Company") (TSX:ECU) is pleased to report the results of its "Updated" National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") compliant mineral resource estimate (the "Resource Estimate") on its Velardena District Properties in Durango State, Mexico (the "Velardena Properties"). The results confirm an increase to over twice ECU Silver's mineral resources. A report of the Resource Estimate will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days. The Resource Estimate (refer to Tables 1,2 and 3 below) was audited by MICON International Limited ("MICON").

The previous resource estimate in respect of the Velardena Properties was set out in the NI 43-101 technical report dated October 2006 completed by Broad Oak and Associates (the "BroadOak Report"). The result of this latest Resource Estimate represents a 121% increase over the BroadOak Report.

NI 43-101 Resource Estimate:

- Measured Resource: 24,768,000 ounces of silver equivalent.

- Indicated Resource: 12,864,000 ounces of silver equivalent.

- Inferred Resource: 179,004,000 ounces of silver equivalent.

The Resource Estimate does not include several areas within the Velardena Properties where the potential may exist to increase future mineral resources. Many of the veins and vein packages in the Velardena Properties remain open along strike in both directions and at depth, providing for an estimate of potential resources ("Potential Resources") which has been reviewed by MICON (refer to Table 4 below).

- Potential Resources: 464,660,000 to 806,503,000 ounces of silver equivalent.

ECU Silver and MICON believe the potential to increase mineral resources on the Velardena Properties is substantial. As such, MICON has reviewed the conceptual Potential Resource, which is not included in the Resource Estimate.
Macdonald um 0,3 Euro war auch ein guter Einstieg, da wird jede Schwaeche mzum massiven Einstieg genutzt, die Riege der illustren Investoren, die im Herbst 07 eingestiegen ist laesst mich da noch einiges erwarten!

Probe Mines seit Rueckkauf 30% vorne

deieser Crash war eine wahre Goldgrube!

und jetzt zur harten Realitaet, was die juengst eingegangenen langfristigeren Invests angeht... :kichern:

Southern Arc zu 0,89 Euro


Temex zu 0,46 Euro


ATW zu 0,72 Euro


Emed Mining 0,285 Euro

und unsere beiden multi Milliarden in-ground-metal-value Nachzuegler, die momentan fuer einen Appel und ein Ei zu haben sind, absolute Top-Invests auf Mittelfrist, gerade zu den momentanen Kursen!





4! :kichern:
selbst eine gebuetelte Western Prospector macht sich schick, fein! (K 0,68 CAD)


Gold und Platin steigen auf neue Rekordstände

Frankfurt, 25. Jan (Reuters) - Der Goldpreis ist angesichts eines schwachen Dollar und der Sorge vor einer Verknappung des Angebotes am Freitag auf einen neuen Rekordstand geklettert. Die Feinunze des Edelmetalls kostete am Morgen bis zu 919,80 Dollar nach 907 Dollar im späten New Yorker Handel am Donnerstag. Zudem führte der feste Ölpreis und die Erwartung weiterer US-Zinssenkungen zu der Rally an den Edelmetallmärkten.
Auch der Platinpreise war zwischenzeitlich auf ein Rekordhoch von 1640 Dollar je Feinunze gestiegen.

Der Dollar war gegenüber dem Euro weiter unter Druck geraten. Für die Gemeinschaftswährung mussten bis zu 1,4776 Dollar gezahlt werden. Ein schwacher Dollar macht Anlagen in Edelmetallen attraktiver.
Hey nochmal.... sorry, dass ich mich momentan nur selten sehen lasse aber ich habe einfach zu wenig Zeit im Moment! :(

Eine Frage an die Mitstreiter:

-T5Q-, Tenajon Resources

Was haltet ihr AKTUELL von dem Wert? Can Chart mit nen Boden im Bereich um die 0,43 Can $.

Die letzten Bohrergebnisse waren meiner Einschätzung nach ALLE vielversprechend, da die Grades und die Längen absolut überzeugten. Weitere Ergebnisse vom Moly Brook-Projekt pending!

Gute Reboundchance? Thx für Eure Meinung dazu....

Alexandria has Two Diamond Drills Under Contract to Drill 20,000 Meters in 2008
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jan 24, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) has two drill rigs contracted to complete 20,000 meters of drilling in 2008 on its properties in the Abitibi greenstone belt of northern Ontario and Quebec, a region that has produced some 180 million ounces of gold since the early 1900's.


One of the drill rigs will soon be dedicated to the Orenada block, to continue enlarging Orenada 2 & 4 (two, near surface gold zones) where the Company completed 38 holes during 2007. Recent drill results show that higher-grade and wider zones of gold occur along multiple flat-lying trends within the Cadillac Break fault zone, and that they are open along strike and at depth.

Other targets

One drill rig is currently operating, exploring highly prospective exploration targets on the 35 km long Cadillac Break properties, where the Company will continue to focus most of its efforts. Initial drilling is testing targets previously identified by prior Alexandria drill holes. One of these targets to be drilled shortly, when ice conditions permit, will be the historic deposit at Sleepy, located at the eastern end of the Cadillac Break properties, approximately 25 km east of Orenada.

Elsewhere, a small 4-hole drill program is underway on the Company's Matachewan property in Ontario, which has similar geology to the nearby Young-Davidson gold deposit of Northgate Minerals, with inferred and indicated resources of 2 million ounces of gold. The purpose of this program is to test below encouraging holes completed by Alexandria in 2005 and to test historical trench results that yielded a number of encouraging results, including 6 g/t Au over 2 m, 2 g/t Au over 2 m, and 68 g/t Au from a chip sample.

In other matters, the Company has granted an aggregate of 2,655,000 incentive stock options exercisable at a price of $0.21. Of these, 2,420,000 are exercisable for a period of 5 years, of which 2,400,000 are to the Company's directors and officers, the remainder issued to employees. 235,000 stock options are to be issued to employees and consultants of the Company, are exercisable for 3 years.

The exploration results presented in this press release are historical in nature and have been reviewed by the company's Qualified Person, Eddy Canova, PGeo. Alexandria Minerals Corp. is a Toronto-based mineral exploration and development company, currently focused on the exploration for precious metals on mineral properties located in Northern Ontario and Quebec. The Company's management has extensive global experience with small to large mining companies, from grass-roots exploration to the exploitation of mineral deposits. The Company is a reporting issuer in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of up-coming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Alexandria Minerals Corporation relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: Alexandria Minerals Corporation

Coal Harbor Communications Steve Kubota (604) 662-3237 or Toll Free: 1-866-405-3955 Email: steve@coal-harbor.com Alexandria Minerals Corporation Eric Owens (416) 363-9372 Email: info@azx.ca Website: www.azx.ca
Copyright (C) 2008 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
Jan 25, 2008 03:55 ET
Electricity Supply Interruptions Stop AngloGold Ashanti's South African Mining Operations
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA--(Marketwire - January 25, 2008) - AngloGold Ashanti (NYSE: AU) stops its South African operations after electricity supply interruptions.

Following notification from Eskom regarding interruptions to power supplies, AngloGold Ashanti has halted mining and gold recovery operations on all of its South African operations. Only underground emergency pumping work is being carried out. According to Eskom, the current situation arises from reduced generating capacity aggravated by problems associated with coal supplies to power stations caused by unusually heavy rainfall. Eskom has not yet indicated how long the present situation will continue but the company is in contact with the electricity supply body.

The company will provide further information as it becomes available.

Certain statements made during this communication, including, without limitation, those concerning the economic outlook for the gold mining industry, expectations regarding gold prices, production, cash costs and other operating results, growth prospects and the outlook of AngloGold Ashanti's operations including the completion and commencement of commercial operations of certain of AngloGold Ashanti's exploration and production projects, and its liquidity and capital resources and expenditure, contain certain forward-looking statements regarding AngloGold Ashanti's operations, economic performance and financial condition. Although AngloGold Ashanti believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Accordingly, results could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, changes in economic and market conditions, success of business and operating initiatives, changes in the regulatory environment and other government actions, fluctuations in gold prices and exchange rates, and business and operational risk management. For a discussion of such factors, refer to AngloGold Ashanti's annual report for the year ended 31 December 2006, which was distributed to shareholders on 29 March 2007. AngloGold Ashanti undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after today's date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
allet jut, bleibe weiter Long! ;)
Hey nochmal.... sorry, dass ich mich momentan nur selten sehen lasse aber ich habe einfach zu wenig Zeit im Moment! :(

Eine Frage an die Mitstreiter:

-T5Q-, Tenajon Resources

Was haltet ihr AKTUELL von dem Wert? Can Chart mit nen Boden im Bereich um die 0,43 Can $.

Die letzten Bohrergebnisse waren meiner Einschätzung nach ALLE vielversprechend, da die Grades und die Längen absolut überzeugten. Weitere Ergebnisse vom Moly Brook-Projekt pending!

Gute Reboundchance? Thx für Eure Meinung dazu....

allet jut, bleibe weiter Long! ;)
Hey nochmal.... sorry, dass ich mich momentan nur selten sehen lasse aber ich habe einfach zu wenig Zeit im Moment! :(

Eine Frage an die Mitstreiter:

-T5Q-, Tenajon Resources

Was haltet ihr AKTUELL von dem Wert? Can Chart mit nen Boden im Bereich um die 0,43 Can $.

Die letzten Bohrergebnisse waren meiner Einschätzung nach ALLE vielversprechend, da die Grades und die Längen absolut überzeugten. Weitere Ergebnisse vom Moly Brook-Projekt pending!

Gute Reboundchance? Thx für Eure Meinung dazu....

habe mir heute mal ein paar ECU-Silver geholt zu 1,34
Bei PBX nur Kaeufe zuletzt, irgendwann macht es BUMM! und dann steht das Ding auf 0,5 CAD

International PBX Ventures Ltd. (PBX) As of January 23rd, 2008
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Jan 22/08 Jan 22/08 Medford, Gary Allan Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 9,000 $0.225
Jan 18/08 Jan 18/08 Medford, Gary Allan Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.250
Jan 17/08 Jan 17/08 Medford, Gary Allan Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.250
Jan 15/08 Sep 20/07 Waskett-Myers, Michael, David Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 300,000 $0.650
Dec 27/07 Dec 27/07 Medford, Gary Allan Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.245
Dec 20/07 Dec 20/07 Medford, Gary Allan Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 15,000 $0.260
Dec 18/07 Dec 18/07 Medford, Gary Allan Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.260
Dec 14/07 Dec 14/07 Medford, Gary Allan Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.265
Nov 20/07 Nov 20/07 Medford, Gary Allan Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.335
Oct 17/07 Oct 12/07 De Melt, Len Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $0.650
- Amended Filing
bei Largo gabs die letzten Inseiderveraeufe im August 07

Largo Resources Ltd. (LGO) As of January 23rd, 2008
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Jan 20/08 Jan 16/08 brennan, mark peter Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.449
Jan 20/08 Jan 16/08 brennan, mark peter Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 9,000 $0.470
Nov 27/07 Nov 20/07 brennan, mark peter Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 20,000 $0.560
Oct 30/07 Oct 26/07 Hoffman, Michael Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 500 $0.720
Oct 30/07 Oct 26/07 Hoffman, Michael Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 4,000 $0.710
Oct 30/07 Oct 26/07 Hoffman, Michael Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 30,500 $0.700
Oct 30/07 Oct 26/07 Hoffman, Michael Direct Ownership Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
Sep 18/07 Sep 11/07 brennan, mark peter Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 20,000 $0.500
Sep 18/07 Aug 15/07 brennan, mark peter Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -100,000 $0.520
Sep 18/07 Aug 15/07 brennan, mark peter Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -17,000 $0.510
- Amended Filing
bei Macdonald wurden nur Optionen eingecasht, aber keine/kaum Altbestaende, trotz Hoechstkursen...

MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. (BMK) As of January 23rd, 2008
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Nov 19/07 Nov 16/07 Sanderson, John Peter Direct Ownership Common Shares Class A 10 - Disposition in the public market -550,000 $0.989
Nov 19/07 Nov 13/07 Sanderson, John Peter Direct Ownership Common Shares Class A 51 - Exercise of options 550,000
Nov 19/07 Nov 13/07 Sanderson, John Peter Direct Ownership Options 51 - Exercise of options -550,000 $0.125
Nov 13/07 Oct 26/07 Wolfe, Elgin M Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 75,000 $0.860
Nov 13/07 Oct 16/07 Wolfe, Elgin M Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 25,000 $0.480
Nov 13/07 Oct 05/07 Wolfe, Elgin M Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
Nov 13/07 Oct 30/07 Wolfe, Elgin M Direct Ownership Common Shares Class A 10 - Disposition in the public market -300,000 $0.745
Nov 13/07 Oct 05/07 Wolfe, Elgin M Direct Ownership Common Shares Class A 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
Nov 13/07 Oct 26/07 Heng, Joseph, Ching-Hiang Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 375,000 $0.860
Nov 13/07 Oct 26/07 Schler, Richard Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 765,000 $0.860
- Amended Filing
Southern Arc

trotz der gestern vermeldeten 3 Nieten-Loecher keine Verkaeufe zuletzt, im Gegenteil!
Ein 2km x 300m grosses Porphyr Target (bis jetzt!) bis auf 600m Tiefe (und da wurde die Bohrung gestoppt)
Open pitable Bulk Tonnage leachabe Target mit imho bis zu 10mio Oz Au-equivalent (Au+Cu)

Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (SA) As of January 23rd, 2008
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Jan 02/08 Dec 17/07 Leishman, Douglas Direct Ownership Warrants 53 - Grant of warrants 50,000
Jan 02/08 Dec 17/07 Leishman, Douglas Direct Ownership Common Shares 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption 100,000 $1.200
Jan 02/08 Dec 27/07 Proust, John Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -3,000 $1.200
Dec 27/07 Dec 20/07 Vidoni, Robert Indirect Ownership Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 8,750
Dec 27/07 Dec 20/07 Vidoni, Robert Indirect Ownership Warrants 54 - Exercise of warrants -8,750 $0.660
Dec 27/07 Dec 17/07 Vidoni, Robert Direct Ownership Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 4,531
Dec 27/07 Dec 17/07 Vidoni, Robert Direct Ownership Warrants 54 - Exercise of warrants -4,531 $0.660
Dec 03/07 Nov 29/07 Proust, John Graham Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 3,900 $1.200
Dec 03/07 Nov 29/07 Proust, John Graham Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 7,500 $1.170
Dec 03/07 Nov 29/07 Proust, John Graham Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $1.180
- Amended Filing
:blumen: zu deinen 4k Postings, Fischi!!! mach weiter so!
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten