• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

MK 30 mio CAD

:eek: mann,mann,mann - selbst Produzenten werden geworfen........(fast :kichern: )unglaublich!
die brauchen alle Cash........
:eek: mann,mann,mann - selbst Produzenten werden geworfen........(fast :kichern: )unglaublich!

das sind imho Banken


und dann kommen die liquiden Russen, Chinesen und Inder und vorbei war es mit der Vorherrschaft der sog. ersten Welt!

keine Rohstoffe (oder kaum)
keine Maerkte

und alle!
das sind die , die jetzt ganz schlau die Limits abstauben - zumindest im Großen, oder noch warten?
die brauchen alle Cash........
:eek: mann,mann,mann - selbst Produzenten werden geworfen........(fast :kichern: )unglaublich!

das sind imho Banken


und dann kommen die liquiden Russen, Chinesen und Inder und vorbei war es mit der Vorherrschaft der sog. ersten Welt!

keine Rohstoffe (oder kaum)
keine Maerkte

und alle!
Ich setze noch keine Abstauberlimts . Das Finale kommt noch. Auf lange Sicht bin
ich positiv gestimmt,- auf Sicht mehrerer Monate werden weitere Tiefs folgen.
Ansonsten nur Produzenten und solche die es werden auf der watch.
jepp - Cash iss fesh , wobei es in den FIngern juckt wenn ich sehe das ich eine Osisko für 3,50 bekomme, Candente für 1,05 usw.usw.usw..........
Ich setze noch keine Abstauberlimts . Das Finale kommt noch. Auf lange Sicht bin
ich positiv gestimmt,- auf Sicht mehrerer Monate werden weitere Tiefs folgen.
Ansonsten nur Produzenten und solche die es werden auf der watch.
Die Sache wird erst dann interessant, wenn klare Erkenntnisse erkennbar sind, dass Banken Q Zahlen
positiv werden und Abschreibungen nicht über Externe Töchter ausgelagert werden.
Die bestehende Rezession in den USA muss sich auch abschwächen. Dann läufts hier.
jepp - Cash iss fesh , wobei es in den FIngern juckt wenn ich sehe das ich eine Osisko für 3,50 bekomme, Candente für 1,05 usw.usw.usw..........
Ich setze noch keine Abstauberlimts . Das Finale kommt noch. Auf lange Sicht bin
ich positiv gestimmt,- auf Sicht mehrerer Monate werden weitere Tiefs folgen.
Ansonsten nur Produzenten und solche die es werden auf der watch.
mal was anderes zwischendurch - gute News für Candente:

January 22, 2008
Community of Canaris Votes in Favour of Canariaco and Candente
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 22, 2008) - Candente Resource Corp. (TSX:DNT)(BVL:DNT)(WKN:GW4) ("Candente" and/or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has renewed the annual permit for exploration (the "Acta") on the Canariaco project with the support of over 85% of the community.

"The support of the local citizens, local authorities and of the regional government is paramount to us," said Ted Muraro, Manager Community Relations, Environmental Protection and Logistics. "We work very closely with the community and with all levels of government. Their participation ensures our activities benefit as many as possible. We are committed to keeping the highest environmental standards (abiding by the Equator Principals) and to assisting in the advancement of Canaris for the benefit of all citizens."

During a meeting held in the village of Canaris on January 6th, 2008 with more than 800 local citizens in attendance, informative presentations on the project were made by the Company and AMEC (Peru) S.A. (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Consultants). Local authorities in attendance included: Community President, Mr. Francisco Rinza Lucero; the Mayor of the District of Canaris, Antonio Ventura; Canaris Governor, Mr. Nicolas Calderon; and the Energy and Mines and Agriculture Directors, Ing. Anibal Salazar and Ing. Leoncio Navarrete.

Meetings and presentations are part of the Company's policy to collaborate with the community and to ensure the Company understands the needs, opinions, questions and concerns of the citizens with respect to Canariaco and Candente. In addition, they serve to keep the community well informed of the Company's activities and intentions about the advancing nature of the Canariaco project.

The Acta was signed by the local authorities on January 16th, 2008. This authorizes the continuance of the exploration work and the culmination of the environmental impact and feasibility studies at the Canariaco project. An agreement for long term lease and/or purchase of surface rights with the right to exploit (extract minerals) was also discussed and is planned to be proposed in conjunction with completion of the ESIA.

About Canariaco Norte

On March 4, 2007, an updated independent mineral resource estimate was completed on the Canariaco Norte Zone based on 26,019 m of drilling in 82 holes (see News Release 202, March 4th, 2007). The Measured and Indicated resource was estimated as 643 million tonnes (MT) averaging 0.45% Cu at a cut-off grade of 0.3% Cu and containing 6.35 billion (B) pounds (lbs) of copper. The Inferred resource was estimated as 177 MT averaging 0.45% Cu at a cut-off grade of 0.3% Cu and containing 1.75 B lbs of Cu. Within the larger resource, a Starter Pit of 104 MT (Measured and Indicated) grading 0.60% Cu was delineated.

SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. is now working on a new resource estimate for Canariaco Norte based on the 57,355 metres (m) drilled in 203 holes as of December 31st, 2007. The additional drilling has extended the deposit both to the northeast and to the south and much deeper.

About Candente Resource Corp.

Candente is a diversified exploration company with copper, gold, silver, and zinc projects in Peru and Mexico. Canariaco is an advanced exploration stage copper deposit. Candente subscribes to principles, which ensure that its exploration and development activities are beneficial to the local communities.

NR 236
schade, ich hab jetzt kaum noch Liqui, die ich in diesem Ausverkauf gut einsetzen koennte.Wahnsinn, wie hier rausverkauft wird, teils offensichtlich ohne Limit

East Asia
Cash Minerals

da taxen die Makler runter ohne Umsaetze, alle wollen raus
Die Sache wird erst dann interessant, wenn klare Erkenntnisse erkennbar sind, dass Banken Q Zahlen
positiv werden und Abschreibungen nicht über Externe Töchter ausgelagert werden.
Die bestehende Rezession in den USA muss sich auch abschwächen. Dann läufts hier.
jepp - Cash iss fesh , wobei es in den FIngern juckt wenn ich sehe das ich eine Osisko für 3,50 bekomme, Candente für 1,05 usw.usw.usw..........
Ich setze noch keine Abstauberlimts . Das Finale kommt noch. Auf lange Sicht bin
ich positiv gestimmt,- auf Sicht mehrerer Monate werden weitere Tiefs folgen.
Ansonsten nur Produzenten und solche die es werden auf der watch.
welche von den vieren würdeste denn bevorzugen? :gruebel:
schade, ich hab jetzt kaum noch Liqui, die ich in diesem Ausverkauf gut einsetzen koennte.Wahnsinn, wie hier rausverkauft wird, teils offensichtlich ohne Limit

East Asia
Cash Minerals

da taxen die Makler runter ohne Umsaetze, alle wollen raus
Die Sache wird erst dann interessant, wenn klare Erkenntnisse erkennbar sind, dass Banken Q Zahlen
positiv werden und Abschreibungen nicht über Externe Töchter ausgelagert werden.
Die bestehende Rezession in den USA muss sich auch abschwächen. Dann läufts hier.
jepp - Cash iss fesh , wobei es in den FIngern juckt wenn ich sehe das ich eine Osisko für 3,50 bekomme, Candente für 1,05 usw.usw.usw..........
Ich setze noch keine Abstauberlimts . Das Finale kommt noch. Auf lange Sicht bin
ich positiv gestimmt,- auf Sicht mehrerer Monate werden weitere Tiefs folgen.
Ansonsten nur Produzenten und solche die es werden auf der watch.
Gold und Silber erholen sich......

Scorpio (SZ7) mal zu 0,77 Long
Cash Minerals muesste morgen mit Ergebnissen kommen, sonst macht der CC keinen Sinn, Newsspeku
Crowflight haette ich gerne fuer 0,28 genommen, war aber nicht liquide
ATW wird ein Renner, Ergebnisse aus Suedamerika stehen aus, in Australien wird im Q2 produziert und es werden 5.000m gebohrt, Gold ist hipp!
East Asia halte ich auch lange

als Zock am ehesten Cash oder Crow

welche von den vieren würdeste denn bevorzugen? :gruebel:
schade, ich hab jetzt kaum noch Liqui, die ich in diesem Ausverkauf gut einsetzen koennte.Wahnsinn, wie hier rausverkauft wird, teils offensichtlich ohne Limit

East Asia
Cash Minerals

da taxen die Makler runter ohne Umsaetze, alle wollen raus
Die Sache wird erst dann interessant, wenn klare Erkenntnisse erkennbar sind, dass Banken Q Zahlen
positiv werden und Abschreibungen nicht über Externe Töchter ausgelagert werden.
Die bestehende Rezession in den USA muss sich auch abschwächen. Dann läufts hier.
jepp - Cash iss fesh , wobei es in den FIngern juckt wenn ich sehe das ich eine Osisko für 3,50 bekomme, Candente für 1,05 usw.usw.usw..........
Ich setze noch keine Abstauberlimts . Das Finale kommt noch. Auf lange Sicht bin
ich positiv gestimmt,- auf Sicht mehrerer Monate werden weitere Tiefs folgen.
Ansonsten nur Produzenten und solche die es werden auf der watch.
ich konnte nicht anders

paar Festgelder aufgeloest und weitere Kleckerposis


Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Bluerock Announces Final Results From The 2007 Uranium Mongolian Exploration JV


Vancouver, B.C., January 22, 2008 - Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: BRD) (the Company) announces the final release of results from the 2007 exploration programs on the Mongolian uranium exploration projects. Final drilling and trenching results have been received and interpreted from work on the 10168X and 10169X licenses. These projects have been managed and operated by the Company under an option agreement with Uranerz (see News Release of September 12, 2006) where the Company has the right to earn up to a 70% interest in the 8 exploration projects. With exploration expenditures in the summer of 2007 exceeding US$ 1.5 million, Bluerock believes it has materially completed the earn-in obligations and is moving to form the joint venture with Uranerz in 2008.

The 2007 exploration programs have successfully identified:

2 new "Roll Front" reduction-oxidation systems with associated uranium enrichment (on the 10168X and 08560X [Khavtsal] licenses).
Trenching and drilling has demonstrated that the historic Ger Ovoo uranium showing extends 5 km onto the 10168X (Khar Tolgoi) license and uranium mineralization there has been interpreted to extend to depths of at least 100 metres.
Historic uranium mineralization on the 08560X license has been confirmed in trenches and drilling as well as expanded through infill trenching and drilling on southern and northern extensions.
The Discovery of never before identified coal seams in excess of 10 metres composite thickness identified over a 1 by 3 kilometre area in the 08560X license.
President Michael Collins commented: "The 2007 exploration program has been extremely successful, resulting in the discovery two new uranium targets, the expansion of two historic targets and discovered a new coal target. These discoveries that have been identified from very small portions of the 264,000 hectares of exploration ground that the Mongolian JV holds is indicative of the quality of these projects. With the pending formation of the JV with Uranerz, Bluerock will continue to work to develop value in these projects."

2007 Uranium Exploration Program Review:

1. A roll front uranium mineralized system has been identified through Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling on the 10168X license. A total of five fences of drilling, [3000 metres of RC drilling and 319 metres of Diamond Drilling (DD)] have been completed in the northwest quadrant of the license. Two distinct uranium bearing mineralized intersections below water table levels have been discovered from two fences of drilling. These intersections show strong reduction-oxidation systems and gamma probe eU% values of trace to >0.02%. The two fences are separated by a distance of 1.6 kilometres which is too far to infer a direct relationship between the two discovery holes, but given the similarity in profile and depths of 70 to 95 metres, infill drilling will be a priority going forward.
2. Also on license 10168X, work on the SW extension of the Historic Ger Ovoo Uranium showing consisted of 550 metres of trenching and 9 core recovery drill holes (totalling 1,196 metres of drilling). Exploration successfully demonstrated Uranium mineralization over 2.5 kilometres of strike and to depths of 180 metres. The trenching and drilling focused on surface radiometric anomalies identified in the Company's 2006 exploration program on the licence. The 2007 work successfully demonstrated that this basin margin hosted uranium mineralization is far more pervasive that previously recognised and represents a strong "In situ Recovery" target. Grades ranged from trace to 0.033% eU over 1 metre in trenches, with one intersection of 0.026% eU over 23 meters, and in drilling, up to 0.036% eU over 1.1 metres.
Uranium exploration work on the 08560X [Khavtsal] license was successful in; infilling and expand historical soviet resources (see release Oct 11, 2007), and identifying a newly discovered mineralized roll front system (reduction-oxidation) at depths of less than 100 metres to the south of known near surface mineralization.
Also resulting from uranium exploration on the 08560X license substantial thicknesses of coal have been identified over an area of over 1 by 3 kilometres and coal mineralization is open to extension to the north and south of current drilling. 10 of 30 drill holes intersected greater than 10 metres total thicknesses of coal. Drill hole KH07-19 returned a 26 metre thick coal horizon within a 46 metre inter-bedded section of coal, sand and clay. The coal measures are generally within 50 metres of surface and lie only 30 kilometres from rail and power, representing a strong candidate for a fast track to production.
Assaying and Analysis

Gamma log probe work was carried out by G&DS Co. Ltd., (a third party contractor), who has a long record of third party geophysical surveying for TSX listed companies. The downhole logging system, manufactured by Mount Sopris Instrument Company, included a motorized winch based MXA-1000 unit, MGX II and Matrix data interface consoles and two downhole probes, a 2PGA-1000 (Natural Gamma, SP, Single Point Resistance) and 2PEA-1000 (Normal Resistivity). The 2PGA-1000 probe was calibrated at the company's Grand Junction, Colorado calibration facilities on February 2007. Drill cutting check samples were collected and assayed by XRF to verify results and disequilibrium issues.

Drill and trenching samples from the 2007 exploration programs were prepared and analyzed by Activation Laboratories, (Actlabs) of Ancaster Ontario, at their lab in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Rock preparation consisted of crushing and pulverising to 85% passing 75 micron mesh. Uranium results were analysed by XRF. Drilling samples were collected as chips from each one metre run. Chips were gamma probed with a hand held scintillometer by Company staff and samples collected on all intervals with greater than 120 CPS. Trenching samples at License 10168X were collected from channels on trench floors through the stratigraphic (steeply lying) target horizons. All samples of interest, plus 10% of the remainder are shipped to Canada by Actlabs, for ICP-MS verification at their Ancaster facility.

XRF methodology utilized a Niton XLp 552 Analyzer which was calibrated from laboratory standard and blank samples before the analyses of the Bluerock Samples. Samples were dried and crushed to 90% passing 2 millimetres, homogenized and split to a 0.5 -- 1.5 kilogram sample which was subsequently pulverized to passing 150 mesh and then placed in a sample cup for XRF analysis. Samples with deemed greater than 0.1% UO were further analyzed by titrimetry.

Paul D. Gray, P.Geo. is the Qualified Person with respect to the Mongolian JV properties and has reviewed and approved this press release.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on discovering tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins
CEO, President and Director
Western Prospector notiert uebrigens gerade zum Cashwert... ;)

warum sind die eig. so runtergeprügelt worden? von 6 cad

wegen der drohenden Windfall Tax in der Mongolei und weil befuerchtet wurde/wird, dass die mongolischen Behoerden ev. sogar die Lizenzen zurueckziehen, da ergab dann eins das andere

auch zu sehen bei Khan und Ivanhoe

zusaetzlich gibt es noch Aerger um ein JV mit Adamas

Fri Dec 21, 2007
Western Initiates Legal Action Against Adamas Mining Co. Ltd.

Western Seeks Legal Action for Breach of Joint Venture Agreement

Press Release #07-22

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - Western Prospector Group Ltd. ("Western") (TSX VENTURE: WNP) reports that its Mongolian subsidiary, Western Prospector LLC, has initiated legal action against Adamas Mining Co. Ltd. ("Adamas") in Mongolian court. Western seeks to compel Adamas to perform its obligations under the joint venture Western-Adamas agreement ("Western-Adamas Agreement") with Western, signed December 7, 2004. The Western-Adamas Agreement provided Western with the right to earn a 70% interest in the joint venture company to develop exploration license 3367x, which is the license covering the Mardaigol, Nemer and Dor deposits.

According to the Western-Adamas Agreement, Western has fulfilled all of its obligations to earn into its 70% interest in the joint venture license. Western seeks legal action in Mongolia court to compel Adamas to finalize the joint venture agreement, establish the joint venture company to manage the license, and transfer the license from escrow into the joint venture company. To date, Adamas has refused Western's requests to perform these actions, which are included in the terms of the Western-Adamas Agreement.

The license covers the Mardiagol and Nemer deposits, and a portion of the Dor deposit, and includes approximately 12 million lbs of U3O8 Historic Russian C1, and C2 resources. The license does not impact Western's resources located at Gurvanbulag.

Western is represented in this action by Lehman, Lee, and Xu, a leading international law firm, with offices in Mongolia since 2003.
das war gestern ein Spitzentag fuer Ausverkaufskurse

Cash Minerals
Probe Mines
Western Prospector


geb heute jeweils 50% in den Markt zuruec, im Schnitt 25% vorne
Cash Minerals


wenn da heute gute Ergebnisse von IGOR kommen und der Gesamtmarkt mitmacht...

gestern zu 0,17 Euro fett gelonged
der Verkauf war mal richtig gluecklich getimed, gestern die 50% wieder rein zu 1,4 CAD


hatten heute schöne News! :)

Jan 21, 2008 07:58 ET
Canoro's Proved Reserves Increase Substantially, Updates India Operations
CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Jan. 21, 2008) - Today, Canoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:CNS) announces the results from its interim reserves estimate update for the Amguri reserve. This reserve estimate was prepared by Sproule International Limited, the Company's reserve evaluator for the Amguri field, including the successful results from Amguri 10B and Amguri 11 and the new price environment since March 31, 2007. The reserves for the AA-ON/7 block have not been updated at this time, as no work had been done on the Dergaon discovery since the last reserves update at March 31, 2007. The reserves for each block and Canoro's total for India are illustrated in the tables below:

Canoro, eine weitere kleine Oelperle, heute gehen 50% raus (K 0,85 CAD)

» zur Grafik
:up: GLW!

20mrd in ground metal value...



selbst, wenn da eine Finanzierung kommen sollte! SPOTTBILLIG!

nette Untestuetzung bei 0,4 CAD
:kichern: über meine Scorpio zu 0,77 gestern kann ich im Moment auch nicht klagen......
leider hat mein Limit bei Candente gestern nicht gegriffen
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten