• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

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First Majestic Silver Corp.: Another Record Quarter of Silver Production
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 17, 2008) - First Majestic Silver Corp. ("First Majestic" or the "Company") (TSX:FR) (PINK SHEETS:FRMSF) (FRANKFURT:FMV) (WKN:A0LHKJ) is pleased to announce that production in the fourth quarter ending December 31, 2007 increased again to a record 1,008,299 equivalent ounces of silver representing a 7% increase over the prior quarter production and an increase of 76% over the same quarter in the prior year.

The equivalent silver production for the quarter consisted of 868,354 ounces of silver, an increase of 7% over the previous quarter and 1,107,154 pounds of lead which represents a 17% increase over the previous quarter. The large increase in lead production was as a result of improvements to the flotation circuit at the La Parrilla Silver Mine. Production of gold in the quarter amounted to 490 ounces representing a 12% increase compared to the prior quarter.

During the quarter the combined recoveries of silver at the three different mills also showed an increase from 71% to 77%. The overall average silver head grade in the quarter also improved for the three mines increasing by 12% over the previous quarter to an overall 240 g/t of silver.

The ore processed during the quarter at the Company's three operating silver mines; the La Parrilla Silver Mine, the San Martin Silver Mine and the La Encantada Silver Mine, amounted to 146,798 tonnes representing an 11% decrease and an increase of 56% over the same quarter of 2006.

An aggressive development program continues at all three mines. This activity is ongoing for the purpose of opening up additional stopes, grade control, resource development and exploration. A total of 5,346 metres of underground development was completed in the quarter which for the year, 2007, totalled 20,279 meters. This compares to 7,719 meters developed in the previous calendar year representing an increase of 163%. This program is important in giving access to new areas within the different mines for preparation of mining in order to continue the growth of silver production in 2008.

Reserve and Resource development remains to be a high priority for the Company. Presently ten drill rigs are operating on a permanent basis; six rigs at La Parrilla and the Chalchihuites areas, three rigs at San Martin and one rig at La Encantada. Two additional rigs are being added at the San Martin and two additional rigs are arriving shortly at the La Encantada, bringing the total to fourteen rigs operating on the Company's properties by the end of the first quarter. Also, in line with the Company's aggressive resource development strategy, 9,778 metres of diamond drilling was completed during the quarter, covering 43 holes. During the year ended December 31, 2007, a total of 37,176 meters of diamond drilling was completed which compares to 28,283 meters drilled in 2006 representing an increase of 31%.

Total production during 2007 reached 3,561,171 ounces of silver equivalent representing an increase of 176% compared to the previous year's 1,289,234 ounces silver equivalent. Even though management is pleased with the substantial increase in silver production compared to 2006, production for the year was lower than originally estimated. The higher tonnages feed through the mills at the La Parrilla and La Encantada resulted in a number of failures of old equipment which thus required replacement or rehabilitation. Also, at the San Martin, maintaining optimal head grade was the primary challenge which required management to decide to reduce tonnage rates to give the present development program time to prepare areas within the mine.

Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO, stated, "The year 2007 marked a year of consolidation of our three producing operations under the First Majestic umbrella. As can be expected, many challenges were experienced managing the dramatic growth of our business. This substantial achievement resulted in increases in silver production of 176% year over year, and increases in defined NI 43-101 compliant silver resources of 133%. As a result of the work completed in 2007 and the significant additions to our management team and the many improvements made at each of our three silver mines, we are targeting to reach 5,500,000 ounces of silver production for 2008 and continued increases of defined silver resources can also be expected."

In summary, some of the production improvements and advances made during the year include;

At the La Parrilla Silver Mine:

- The completion of the new 800 tpd cyanidation/flotation mill in May '07

- A new Primary & Secondary crushing system was acquired in April '07

- CCD thickener added, filtration area upgrades and oxygen injection system was installed (July through November '07)

- Construction of the new tailings dam was completed in November under budget and on time giving the La Parrilla an additional 10 years of mine life

At the La Encantada Silver Mine:

- A new 1500 KW power plant was acquired and installed and a complete upgrade of the 2000KW power plant was completed (June through October '07)

- A new screening plant was added in Feb '07 to take advantage of the above ground stock piles of ore

At the San Martin Silver Mine:

- Construction began in November '07 of a 500 tpd flotation circuit to take advantage of the large sulphide ore resource present at the San Martin

- A new discovery is being defined at the Rosarios-Condesa (Cinco Senores) vein system which is parallel to the main Zuloaga vein, where intersections of high grade silver ore are occurring

In 2008, improvements are expected to include; the completion of the flotation circuit at the San Martin; the replacement of the secondary crusher at the La Encantada; new filter presses at the La Parrilla, and; the expansion of the primary and secondary crushing system at the La Parrilla. In addition, an evaluation is presently underway to expand the La Encantada mill by adding a cyanidation circuit. A final decision on size and timing of this expansion is expected to be announced prior to the end of the first quarter.

In addition to the above, and in line with Company's program of underground equipment replacement launched with Sandvik in 2006, a total of 12 pieces of underground equipment was delivered in 2007 which added to the 6 pieces of equipment delivered in 2006. In 2008, the third year of this program, 20 additional pieces of underground equipment are expected to be delivered. These deliveries will include scooptrams, underground trucks and jumbos intended to provide for improved and more efficient underground operations.

First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its significant corporate growth objectives.


Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserves, exploration results and future plans and objectives of First Majestic Silver Corp. are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

schoene Zahlen bei First

Bluerock auch sehr ordentlich, wird Zeit, dass mal einer der Basketwerte abhebt!

kann ja wohl nicht sein, dass ich da 10 Stuecke ausgewaehlt habe, die alle nur vor sich hinduempeln! :mad:

trotz langfristiger Ausrichtung... :kichern:

(soll heissen, morgen frueh hab ich "Brand", wir werden nun einen heben...) :whistle:
det wird schon - BRD macht doch ne gute Figur heute, hängt leider ein bissl am Gesamtmarkt
FR-Zahlen wirklich schön und da können wir uns dieses Jahr sicherlich auch weiter freuen!

schoene Zahlen bei First

Bluerock auch sehr ordentlich, wird Zeit, dass mal einer der Basketwerte abhebt!

kann ja wohl nicht sein, dass ich da 10 Stuecke ausgewaehlt habe, die alle nur vor sich hinduempeln! :mad:

trotz langfristiger Ausrichtung... :kichern:
Sparton wird ja mal wieder gefaltet :confused:
Was mir nicht gefällt ist, dass der Goldpreis nicht hochgegangen ist nach dem Abverkauf im Dow gestern.
Kann ein Indiz sein, dass Rohstoffe im Preis fallen. Cash ist fesh.
Jan 17, 2008 17:22 ET
Latin American Minerals Intersects 6.5m With 26.64gpt Gold Including 4m With 43.08gpt Gold at its Paso Yobai Project, Paraguay
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 17, 2008) - Latin American Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:LAT) announces that it has received assay results for nine of twelve diamond drill holes completed at Paso Yobai. Eight holes contain gold mineralization intersected over individual sample intervals ranging from 0.3 to 2.0m. Classic fire assays results have been received for holes DDH-LAT-1 though DDH-LAT-8 and DDH-LAT-11. Metallic (screen) fire assays have been received for holes DDH-LAT-1, 3, 6 and 11. The significant classic and metallic fire assay results are summarized below.

DDH-LAT-11 Gold Bearing Zone Intersected over 4.6m from 88.2m to 92.8m Gold Bearing Zone Intersected over 6.5m from 99m to 105.5m
Au (gpt) Au (gpt) Classic Metallic From To Interval Fire Fire (m) (m) (m) Assay(i) Assay 99.00 105.50 6.50 26.64 including 100.50 104.50 4.00 43.08 100.50 101.00 0.50 138.39 104.00 104.50 0.50 105.51
88.20 92.80 4.60 3.20 including 89.20 90.20 1.00 10.70
DDH-LAT-6 Gold Bearing Zone Intersected over 6m from 112m to 118m
Au (gpt)(ii) Au (gpt) Classic Metallic From To Interval Fire Fire (m) (m) (m) Assay Assay 112.00 118.00 6.00 11.00 15.30 including 112.00 113.00 1.00 7.87 9.13 113.00 114.00 1.00 30.77 37.86 114.00 115.00 1.00 1.84 1.11 115.00 116.00 1.00 24.59 25.22 which includes 112.00 116.00 4.00 16.27 18.51
DDH-LAT-1 Gold Bearing Zone Intersected over 10m from 92.0m to 102.0m
Au (gpt)(ii) Au (gpt) Classic Metallic From To Interval Fire Fire (m) (m) (m) Assay Assay 92.00 102.00 10.00 1.03 1.64 including 92.00 94.00 2.00 4.23 5.96
DDH-LAT-3 Gold Bearing Zone Intersected over 1m from 112.0m to 113.0m
Au (gpt) Au (gpt) Classic Metallic From To Interval Fire Fire (m) (m) (m) Assay Assay 112.00 113.00 1.00 12.60 13.00
(i) Classic fire assays were not done due to the presence of visible gold. See Metallic or Screen Fire Assays, below.(ii) The classic fire assay results were released in press release dated January 3, 2008.

The metallic fire assay results are variably up to 23% higher than the conventional fire assay results reflecting the coarse visible gold content in the samples.

Mr. Wahl, President and CEO reports, "...the assay results from hole DDH-LAT-11 are very significant as they confirm very high grade gold shoots over potential mining widths exist within the 6 km long gold bearing zone and that further drilling will be required to identify the orientation and frequency of these high grade zones at Paso Yobai; furthermore, holes DDH-LAT-1, 3, 6 and 11 represent section across the gold bearing zone confirming gold mineralization in drill core along a strike length of 640m."

Classic and metallic fire assay results for the remaining holes will be released as part of ongoing diamond drill program at Paso Yobai which has resumed following the Christmas break.

Geo's Blog: In response to a number of requests from our geologist friends Dr. Waldo Perez reports that, "Paso Yobai is a very unique geologic setting in South America. Most gold deposits of the region are associated to the Andean Cordillera, the Patagonian plateau or the Brazilian Craton. Paso Yobai is an exception; because it is not related to any of those geologic settings. There is no significant gold producing mine within 2000 km of Paso Yobai and in that sense it is truly a new discovery. The geological setting of the district is unique because there are no known felsic intrusive rocks in the region. Regional geology is simply sub-horizontal coarse Permian sandstones intruded by NW oriented mafic dykes emplaced in Mesozoic times in a rift related to the spreading of the Atlantic Ocean. A nearby alkalic complex in Sierra de Ybyturuzu is the suspect heat engine of the region. Mineralization consists of carbonate, quartz and manganocalcite veins and stockwork developing inside the dikes or nearby its contacts with the sandstone. Alteration at surface is intense kaolinitization. Drill holes show that alteration across the mineralized zone is intense smectite at the mafic dyke, silica in the contacts of the dyke with the sandstone and carbonate replacement in the outer halo of the sandstone. The whole alteration halo is at least 200m wide. Sectors with multiple dykes and at least 2 of them mineralized have already been found. Intense forest cover precludes any mapping on surface. Trenches and soils are the only way to reveal what is at surface. The bonanza gold zones are found where kaolin and smectite are found together. A classic example where gold is related to smectite is the Ishikari deposit (Japan, 8MOz gold). The mineralized zone has low silver (less than 10 gpt). Other anomalous elements in the mineralized zone are V (up to 1000ppm), P (1400ppm), As (up to 900ppm), Ba (up to 1000ppm), Mo (73ppm) and Mn (2300ppm). This peculiar trace element association is related to the mafic alkalic source of the mineralized brines. Paso Yobai can be defined as a Low Sulfidation alkalic epithermal system. One of the largest analog world deposits is Cripple creek (USA, 8MOz gold)."

Waldo Perez, P.Geo is LAT's internal Qualified Person under the requirements of National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for this press release.

LAT is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of base and precious metals projects in under-explored but highly prospective countries of Latin America.

Sampling and Analytical Protocols: The sampling and analytical protocols were established, implemented and supervised by or under the direction of Dr. Waldo Perez, the Company's internal Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. At the drill site, the core was placed in core boxes and delivered to a secure field core processing center. The core was "split" using a diamond saw by experienced exploration technicians and logged by professional geologists. The typically sample interval was 1m and locally the interval was increased to 2m or decreased to 0.5m. The sample interval was designated by the project geologists. Half of the core was left in the core box as a permanent reference of the interval sampled and half of the designated sample interval was delivered to the Company's sample preparation facility, operated by Company technicians under the direct onsite supervision and QA/QC provided by professionals from Alex Stewart Laboratories. Alex Stewart Assayers Argentina S.A. ("ASAA") laboratories is an ISO 9001-certified laboratory with laboratory facilities in Mendoza, Argentina and headquarters in England. The core samples were crushed, dried and split. A portion of the split sample was tagged and archived as coarse reject and the remaining portion ground to minus 200 mesh and shipped by bonded courier to ASAA laboratories in Mendoza, Argentina. All samples were assayed for gold and multi-elements by ICP. Gold was analyzed by Fire Assay with AA finish using 50 gram sample. For the multi-elements the samples were dissolved in Aqua Regia at 120 degrees C and read in ICP-OES. Accuracy of results is tested through the systematic inclusion of blanks, duplicates and certified reference standards.

Metallic or Screen Fire Assays: Many exploration samples exhibit a pronounced "nugget" effect due to the presence of particulate gold in coarse fragments. The net result is a pronounced and unacceptable scatter in the gold analytical results making it difficult to assess the true gold concentration. To improve the analytical reproducibility a Metallic or "Screen" Assay is recommended. In the screen fire assay the sample is crushed, 400gr of pulp is sieved and the plus 100 micron (150 mesh) portion of the sample is screened out and assayed in its entirety. The minus 100 micron (150 mesh) portion of the sample is homogenized and a 50 gram fusion is used to determine its grade. Then the final assay reported is the weighted average of both fractions, coarse and fine.


Jan 18, 2008 07:30 ET
Geologix Continues to Drill Higher Grade at San Agustin, MexicoSA-133: 216.1 metres of 0.61 g/t Au, 30.45 g/t Ag, 0.29% Pb, 1.34% Zn
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 18, 2008) - Geologix Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE:GIX)(FRANKFURT:GF6)
Ich werde hier auchmal verstärkt Agrarrohstoff Zerties einstellen.
Uran Werte werden momentan allesamt verpruegelt

Bayswater werd ich jetzt mal die ersten longen, haben in 2008 8 Bohrprogramme edit: drilling on up to 15 programmes

Chart am Widerstandsbereich 0,6 CAD


Shares Outstanding: 123,995,617
Warrants: 19,522,639
Options: 10,904,860
Fully Diluted: 154,423,116
Market Cap: $155,000,000
Cash Position: $31,000,000
Cash Diluted: $74,250,000

MK fd zu momentanem Kurs um die 100mio CAD

Resources bis dato ca. 12mio lb (ca. 1 mrd USD in ground)
ein Wert, mit dem ich Ende 2006 viel Geld verloren hab kommt langsam wieder in die Puschen

Skeena Resources TSX-V:SKE

haben ein ganz vielversprechendes Au/Cu Projekt in Mexico und da wird nun gebohrt
alleine die Ankuendigung des Beginns des Bohrprogramms brachte gestern 15% Plus in Kanada.
Das Management geniesst in Nordamerika einen hervorragenden Ruf, da wird sicherlich bis zu den ersten Ergebnissen ein netter Lauf kommen.

MK fd ca. 20mio CAD

Chart sieht gut aus, bis 0,4 CAD sollte sie erstmal laufen, das waeren nette 30%

in D sind kaum mehr als 20% drin, aufgrund der fiesen Spreads auf FSE, Limit mit 0,22 und V auf 0,27 waeren aber auch hier sehr angenehme ~25%

Mexivada Discovers Two Large Diamonds at Malambani, Republic of Congo

Mexivada Mining Corp. is pleased to report the discovery of two large diamonds and probable kimberlite indicator minerals from a previously unexplored location on its 100% controlled Malambani Permis de Recherche concession, located near Mayoko, Republic of Congo.

According to government records, mining of alluvial gold (+33,000 ounces) by the Avoine Company at Mayoko after World War II included their mining of a 22 millimetre, sharp-faced white gem octahedral diamond thought to weigh approximately 75 carats and a 7 millimetre blue-yellow colored diamond, during the gold dredging operations. They never found the source of these diamonds.

Mexivada has been conducting systematic reconnaissance exploration mapping and sampling for gold and diamonds along the 8 by +23 kilometre long Mayoko Greenstone Belt at Malambani from its Mayoko field office. Heavy mineral pan-concentrate sampling in alluvium this past week led to the discovery of two diamonds in two pits (PDM17 and PDM19), located 100 metres apart from each other in a new area near Mayoko, within the boundaries of Mexivada’s Malambani concession.

The first diamond is a white, modified octahedron 7.5 millimetres in diameter, and the second stone recovered was a shiny 6 millimetre greenish-white colored dodecahedral diamond. The stones weigh approximately 0.1 gram each. The diamond indicator mineral chromite, as well as purplish pink garnets (possibly pyropes), were also found at these two sampling sites in the pan concentrates. Mexivada has applied for the necessary permits to send these minerals to the Gemological Institute of America (“GIA”) laboratory in Carlsbad, California for examination, study, and verification by diamond expert John Koivula. Mexivada will continue its sampling-mapping program at Mayoko, in search of kimberlitic pipes that could host the diamonds and indicator mineral(s). Photographs of these recovered minerals will be posted to the Mexivada website.

Although the Malambani property has had historic alluvial gold and diamond mining operations on it, the property is without a known body of primary kimberlitic or lamproitic diamond ore and Mexivada’s activities to date have been exploratory in nature. Readers are cautioned that until a primary diamondiferous source body has been found and an adequate number of holes have been drilled and NI 43-101 compliant diamond testing analyses have been obtained, reviewed, and properly interpreted by qualified personnel, any conclusions as to the nature and extent of mineralization at Malambani must be considered speculative in nature.

This press release and its contents have been reviewed by Richard R. Redfern, Mexivada's President, who is a Certified Professional Geologist and Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101.

About Mexivada Mining Corp.

Mexivada is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring, advancing, and joint venturing high-grade Gold-Silver, Molybdenum, Diamond, and Rare Metal exploration projects in Mexico, Nevada, and the Republic of Congo (“ROC”). Managed by experienced and successful board members and advisors, Mexivada is well financed with no debt. For further information, including area maps and photos, please visit our web site at www.mexivada.com or contact us by e-mail at info@mexivada.com.


mal was zu Grades bei Porphyr Targets

da langen haeufig schon 0,3 bis 0,4 (wenn leachable) als economic grades

Beispiel Newmont in Indonesien:
Project History
• In 1986 Newmont Mining acquired the rights to explore over 1.2 million
hectares on Lombok and Sumbawa Islands.
• This exploration effort culminated in
the discovery and exploitation of the
Batu Hijau porphyry Cu-Au mine (1000 Mt @ 0.52% Cu/0.46 g/t Au)
commencing in 1999.
• Newmont spent over $2.3 billion in exploration and mine infrastructure
development. Current annual production exceeds 600,000 oz gold and 600
million lbs of copper

das ist auch das, was ich bei Southern Arc erwarte... :whistle:
duke , wegen Mexivada , iss das gut? habe keine Ahnung von Diamanten............. :gruebel:
duke , wegen Mexivada , iss das gut? habe keine Ahnung von Diamanten............. :gruebel:

Die haben auf ihrem Gelände Diamanten gefunden. Da dürften wohl ein paar mehr liegen! :)
Bin bei longs zurückhaltend. Der Markt nimmt direkt Gewinne mit.
Wie gesagt inSingapur wurde heute nacht massiv Gold gehedged. Das gefällt mir nicht!! Quelle NTV

ist doch einer der Basket Werte?
war auch mein spontaner Gedanke , naja - Fischi,was du fuer Buden kennst...unglaublich
duke , wegen Mexivada , iss das gut? habe keine Ahnung von Diamanten............. :gruebel:

ich war gestern nicht up to date, aber ich glaube die News kam schon waehrend der Handelszeit, halte ich aber auch nicht fuer soooooooo bedeutend (fuer einen Zock)
wer pusht denn da die Mexivada bei den Kanadiern auf stockhouse so!


erinnert mich vom Namen her an einen Mitstreiter... ;)
wer pusht denn da die Mexivada bei den Kanadiern auf stockhouse so!


erinnert mich vom Namen her an einen Mitstreiter... ;)

das obige ist nur ein Scherz :kichern:

bei MNV's Congo Projekt ist noch so viel Grassroot Arbeit zu erledigen, denke wir hoeren eher von Moly Dome (stehen Assays aus) und Silber in Mexico (La Republica)
:lol: ne , ich meinte Skeena Res.!!!! Silber geht ab , noch nen paar FMV gelongt und SZ7

ist doch einer der Basket Werte?
war auch mein spontaner Gedanke , naja - Fischi,was du fuer Buden kennst...unglaublich
duke , wegen Mexivada , iss das gut? habe keine Ahnung von Diamanten............. :gruebel:

ich war gestern nicht up to date, aber ich glaube die News kam schon waehrend der Handelszeit, halte ich aber auch nicht fuer soooooooo bedeutend (fuer einen Zock)

ich lieg mit Limit in Can bei SKE
:lol: ne , ich meinte Skeena Res.!!!! Silber geht ab , noch nen paar FMV gelongt und SZ7

ist doch einer der Basket Werte?
war auch mein spontaner Gedanke , naja - Fischi,was du fuer Buden kennst...unglaublich
duke , wegen Mexivada , iss das gut? habe keine Ahnung von Diamanten............. :gruebel:

ich war gestern nicht up to date, aber ich glaube die News kam schon waehrend der Handelszeit, halte ich aber auch nicht fuer soooooooo bedeutend (fuer einen Zock)
Handelst Du dort über Interactive Brokers? Was kostet ein Trade?

ich lieg mit Limit in Can bei SKE
:lol: ne , ich meinte Skeena Res.!!!! Silber geht ab , noch nen paar FMV gelongt und SZ7

ist doch einer der Basket Werte?
war auch mein spontaner Gedanke , naja - Fischi,was du fuer Buden kennst...unglaublich
duke , wegen Mexivada , iss das gut? habe keine Ahnung von Diamanten............. :gruebel:

ich war gestern nicht up to date, aber ich glaube die News kam schon waehrend der Handelszeit, halte ich aber auch nicht fuer soooooooo bedeutend (fuer einen Zock)
etrade US Konto
19,99 CAN pro Trade
Handelst Du dort über Interactive Brokers? Was kostet ein Trade?

ich lieg mit Limit in Can bei SKE
:lol: ne , ich meinte Skeena Res.!!!! Silber geht ab , noch nen paar FMV gelongt und SZ7

ist doch einer der Basket Werte?
war auch mein spontaner Gedanke , naja - Fischi,was du fuer Buden kennst...unglaublich
duke , wegen Mexivada , iss das gut? habe keine Ahnung von Diamanten............. :gruebel:

ich war gestern nicht up to date, aber ich glaube die News kam schon waehrend der Handelszeit, halte ich aber auch nicht fuer soooooooo bedeutend (fuer einen Zock)
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
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