• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
:kichern: :whistle:

29Jan2008 MTC Trendinvest: TopFavorit- Hotstock-Short-Daytrading Börse
29Jan2008 MTC Trendinvest: TopFavorit- Hotstock-Short-Daytrading Börse

HotStock"hoch spekulativ"kann prozentl.zweistellig zulegen,oder uUmständen die Gewinne abgeben:
ATW Venture(a3n)Börse:X:,Kurs:0,775+10,7%,Tagesumsatz:920.000Akti en,Stop:0,70(mit steigendem Kurs nachziehen)

RSR hat heute ATW Venture ins Musterdeopt2008 ausgenommen.
:kichern: :whistle:

29Jan2008 MTC Trendinvest: TopFavorit- Hotstock-Short-Daytrading Börse
29Jan2008 MTC Trendinvest: TopFavorit- Hotstock-Short-Daytrading Börse

HotStock"hoch spekulativ"kann prozentl.zweistellig zulegen,oder uUmständen die Gewinne abgeben:
ATW Venture(a3n)Börse:X:,Kurs:0,775+10,7%,Tagesumsatz:920.000Akti en,Stop:0,70(mit steigendem Kurs nachziehen)

RSR hat heute ATW Venture ins Musterdeopt2008 ausgenommen.

grad mal bei WO so durchgestoebert, RSR schreibt bis jetzt nicht viel, nur den ueblichen Kram, Schreibstil kommt mir immer mal wieder bekannt vor von einem anderen Board... :whistle:

mich wundert wo da auf einmal die ganzen Stuecke herkamen! wochenlang kam man auf FSE nur schwer und mit einem ziemlich ueblen Spread an eine geringe Anzahl Stuecke heran, da has sich imho einer gezielt auf das heutige Szenario vorbereitet

sehr entaeuschende News vom Feni Projekt! :sick:

offensichtlich miserables Explorations-Management!!!

Sch...e!!! :twisted:

aendert nichts an den guten Aussichten insgesamt, aber damit kommt die Aktie ev. noch weiter unter Druck
habe lange nix mehr zu NioGold geschrieben - aber nachwievor für mich ein Explorer mit sehr viel Potential, muß man auch auf Sicht 2-3 Jahre sehen (Vorbild Nachbar Osisko)

Nio Gold Mining Corp.: Erste Bohrungen auf nordöstlichem Ziel Marban ergeben 20,7 g/t Gold auf 1,0 Meter

Val-d´Or, Quebec, 29. Januar 2008: NioGold Mining Corporation (TSX-V: NOX) (Frankfurt: NG1) ("NioGold") meldet die Ergebnisse des Diamantbohrprogramms 2007 auf dem Marban Block, auf dem Grundstück Malartic, in der Region Abitibi, Quebec. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse von zwei Bohrlöchern, die auf dem nordöstlichen Ziel Marban – 1,5 Kilometer nördlich und östlich der ehemaligen Mine Marban – abgeschlossen wurden, sind nun eingetroffen.

Die Bohrlöcher MB-07-021 und MB-07-022 von NioGold wurden auf demselben Abschnitt gebohrt wie die historischen Bohrlöcher MBS87-01 und MBS87-02, welche 1987 von Lac Minerals Ltd. abgeschlossen wurden und einige beachtliche goldmineralisierte Abschnitte mit 27,50 g/t Au auf 0,3 Meter und 7,99 g/t Au auf 2,5 Meter in Bohrloch MBS87-01 sowie 9,17 g/t Au auf 1,2 Meter in Bohrloch MBS87-02 ergaben. Das Bohrloch MB-07-021 von NioGold, das zwischen den Bohrlöchern MBS87-01 und MBS87-02 gebohrt wurde, ergab Abschnitte mit 6,20 g/t Au auf 1,2 Meter, 4,38 g/t Au auf 1,1 Meter und 4,09 g/t Au auf 1,0 Meter; Bohrloch MB-07-022, das unterhalb von Bohrloch MBS87-02 gebohrt wurde, ergab einen Abschnitt mit 20,70 g/t Au auf 1,0 Meter.

Die Ergebnisse sind in der Tabelle unten angegeben. Die gemeldeten Abschnitte sind in Kernlängen angegeben, stellen jedoch beinahe die tatsächliche Breite dar, da die Bohrlöcher fast senkrecht zur interpretierten Ausrichtung der mineralisierten Zonen gebohrt wurden.

Bohrung # Linie
(m) Station (m) Az Nei-gung Tiefe (m) Einheit Von (m) Bis (m) Kern-länge (m) Gehalt
(g/t Au)
MB-07-021 20+00 E 06+62 N 213° -45° 285,0 NZ-NNZ 31,7 33,0 1,3 2,91
NZ-NNZ 64,8 66,0 1,2 6,20
NZ-NNZ 74,9 76,0 1,1 4,38
Alteriertes Diorit 250,0 253,0 3,0 2,47
einschl. 251,0 252,0 1,0 4,09
MB-07-022 20+00 E 07+52 N 213° -66° 405,0 Alteriertes Diorit 194,0 195,0 1,0 20,70

Die geophysikalischen Daten weisen darauf hin, dass die nordöstliche Ecke des Marban Blocks ("Nordöstliches Ziel Marban") die südöstliche Erweiterung einer größeren goldmineralisierten Struktur, nämlich North Shear, und einen Teil der Deformationszone Norbenite-Marbanite bedeckt, welche zu den Goldlagerstätten Marban, Norlartic und Kierens gehört. Zwischen 1960 und 1966 wurden etwa 83.000 Tonnen mit durchschnittlich 16,5 g/t Au von zwei Erzlinsen auf North Shear abgebaut (interner Bericht von Norlartic Mines Ltd.). Die Linsen wurden über 350 Meter lange Stollen zugänglich gemacht, die bei der Mine Norlartic in einer Tiefe von 250 und 500 Fuß (75 und 150 Meter) angelegt wurden.

Die Goldmineralisierung des nordöstlichen Ziels Marban steht in Zusammenhang mit dicken und Dutzenden von Metern großen Zonen mit alterierten, sulfidmineralisierten und quarz-turmalin-aderhaltigen Intrusionskanälen. Im Jahr 1987 schloss Lac Minerals Ltd. auf dem Ziel insgesamt neun Bohrlöcher ab, von denen alle goldmineralisierte Abschnitte ergaben, einschließlich einiger hochgradiger Werte auf schmalen Breiten. Seither wurden keine weiteren Arbeiten durchgeführt. Die Bohrlöcher von NioGold bestätigten das Vorkommen eines bedeutenden intrusionsbezogenen goldmineralisierten Systems innerhalb des nordöstlichen Abschnitts des Marban Blocks. Weitere Testbohrungen sind für das Jahr 2008 geplant. NioGold besitzt für den Marban Block, wo zurzeit zwei Bohrgeräte aktiv sind, ein Budget für Bohrungen auf 25.000 Metern.
betrifft indirekt Sparton

Auszug aus einem gestern veroeffentlichten Interview mit James Passin, Manager von Firebird mit dem Gold Report

TGR: Any other metals you'd like to talk about?

PASSIN: Germanium has unique physical properties and is used in fiber-optics and night vision equipment. In a profound way, germanium is tied into U.S. military dominance. It is also used in LED lighting; LED lighting will benefit from the new U.S. bill phasing out the light bulb.

Germanium is usually produced as a byproduct of zinc; the principal source of germanium is Chinese zinc smelters. But China has just imposed a tax and quota system on a number of minerals and metals, including germanium. A trader was just quoted as saying that there really is no germanium in the spot market at any price.

The Defense Department, oddly enough, is one of the world’s principal suppliers of germanium. For the same inexplicable, and indefensible, reason that the U. S. military sold the beryllium stockpile, the U.S. military is selling the germanium stockpile. The Pentagon is currently reevaluating its metal stockpile strategy, which could eliminate or reverse Defense Department sales.
- HRL -

sind leider "nur" Grab-Samples, also gesammeltes Gestein und nicht mit Bohrkernen gleichzusetzen!

Jan 30, 2008 05:00 ET
Halo Samples Up to 60 g/t Gold, 6% Nickel and 2% Cobalt at Bridget Lake Area, West Red Lake Project

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 30, 2008) - Lynda Bloom, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF)(FRANKFURT:HRL), is pleased to announce that its recent sampling program at West Red Lake returned high grade gold and base metal results.

A total of 554 samples were collected of which almost half returned anomalous gold values greater than 200 ppb. The principal zones of interest fall within a 3 km east-west trending deformation zone primarily hosted in felsic volcanics including target areas in the vicinity of Bridget Lake. Trenches and outcrops were sampled with the higher grade samples reported in the table below. There is evidence of both high grade gold (greater than 5 g/t gold) in narrow veins as well as lower grade material (1 to 5 g/t gold) that defines broader zones.

Gold Silver Copper Nickel Cobalt
(g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Bridget Lake
North Shore
Sample No.
9396 59.8 57.5 2,990 281 35
9397 6.7 33.1 5,020 219 62
56219 58.1 8.0 1,620 33 4
56222 20.4 8.0 972 214 19
56434 36.0 137.0 11,000 99 47
North Zone
9388 4.4 43.3 6,450 1,590 426
9389 2.1 41.7 8,110 1,600 332
9391 3.6 48.0 1,070 62,300 23,400
9392 18.3 32.6 3,880 8,030 1,530
9395 2.8 61.2 12,400 861 449
9421 1.8 0.8 54 175 18
56276 less than 0.005 21.8 3,760 749 105
56283 less than 0.005 19.4 358 1,950 529
56400 less than 0.005 1.0 8 1,660 110

"The association of high nickel and cobalt assays at the Bridget North Zone is highly intriguing given the association with sulphide-bearing strongly magnetic mafic rocks. The Pipestone Bay ultramafic complex outcrops just 500 m to the north and we will be investigating the relationship of the recent results to the regional geology. The gold and copper association at the north shore of Bridget Lake is also significant and both areas with be included in a follow up drill program in the coming months," says Lynda Bloom, President & CEO.

Technical Background

Bridget Lake North Shore

Trenches and outcrop in an area of 100m by 200m at the northeast shore of Bridget Lake returned high grade gold and copper grades. Samples were collected of stacked quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite veins cross-cutting mafic volcanics and quartz porphyry dike. Veins occupy many orientations but the most common is N220 degrees and dipping 60-70 degrees.

Bridget North Zone

Samples were collected from a series of trenches and outcrop over an area of 300m by 100m. The area falls within a strong deformation zone that is anomalous in gold (greater than 200 ppb) over an area of 700m by 300m. Samples are either high in gold, silver and copper or nickel, cobalt and copper. The exceptionally high nickel grade (6.2% nickel) and cobalt (2.3% cobalt) is from a narrow vein comprised of chlorite, quartz, sericite and mineralized with 30% fine-grained sulphides.

Mostly mafic volcanics, in contact with magnetite-bearing banded iron formation, are exposed in trenches to the west with minor quartz-carbonate veining and disseminated chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite-pyrite. Other rock types mapped include an aphanitic strongly magnetic rock, siliceous coarse grained rock and mafic magnetic rocks with pyrite and pyrrhotite disseminated in all rock types.

Rock samples were collected as grab samples or composite chips primarily from trenches that had likely not been sampled since the 1970s. Samples weighing 3 to 5 kg were submitted to the ALS-Chemex, Thunder Bay or SGS, Red Lake sample preparation facilities and analyses were performed as ALS-Chemex Vancouver or SGS Don Mills respectively. Both laboratories are international, accredited facilities. The entire sample was crushed and a 300 g split was pulverized. Base metals and a suite of up to 30 trace elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP) after an aqua regia digestion and gold by standard fire assay with an ICP instrumental finish on a 30 g charge. Analysis for samples that reported outside the limits of the geochemical methods (i.e. 1% copper and zinc, 10 g/t silver, 1 g/t gold) were re-analyzed using assay methods. A quality control program consisting of blanks and analytical control standards has been implemented to monitor laboratory performance and no significant discrepancies are reported.

The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Lynda Bloom, President & CEO, P.Geo. who is designated as a "Qualified Person" with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the data.


Lynda Bloom, President and CEO
HRL - sind trotzdem sehr vielverprechend, und müssen auch erstmal gefunden werden!
Jan 30, 2008 08:01 ET
Rochester Discovers Multiple Veins at Two New Prospective Areas: Samples 2.8m of 4.28 g/t Gold and 1405 g/t Silver
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 30, 2008) - Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:RCT)(OTCBB:RCTFF)(FRANKFURT:R5I): Dr. Alfredo Parra, President, is pleased to report on two new prospective areas at the Santa Fe Project, in addition to the Clavellinos Area, where diamond drilling is currently in progress. The regional exploration program has identified two new prospective areas, the Samuel and San Jose Areas. A total of 10 new vein systems have been identified at the Samuel and San Jose Areas. At the Samuel Area 5 veins have been sampled and assayed. Highlight results from the five vein systems at the Samuel Area include:

Samuel Vein: 1.6 m @ 0.51 Au g/t and 956 Ag g/t;

Marquesote-Catarino Vein: 2.8 m @ 4.28 Au g/t and 1405 Ag g/t;

La Paloma Vein: 0.85 m @ 0.3 Au g/t and 348 Ag g/t;

El Zopilote Vein: 0.6 m @ 0.28 Au g/t and 1030 g/t;

Guajolote Vein: 1.60 m @ 208 Ag g/t.

The Samuel Area comprises at this early stage of exploration 5 epithermal veins and is located adjacent and to the east of the Clavellinos Area (To view Figure 1 please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/RCTFig1.pdf). Four veins have been emplaced parallel to one another trending NW-SE and all, from west to east, within 500 metres of one another. The fifth vein trends nearly N-S and is located in the northeastern section of the area approximately 500 metres away from the nearest vein system, Marquesote-Catarino. All the vein systems at the Samuel area have identified historic workings, this being a good indicator for a mineralized vein system. Until the Company began a systematic and detailed exploration program at Santa Fe to assess its potential there had been no modern exploration techniques applied to this project.

A total of 1.7 kilometres of epithermal vein strike length traced from outcrops and historic mine workings has been identified at the Samuel area. The area where these veins are located is vegetated with very little outcrop. The Company is early in their exploration efforts and expects to significantly increase their understanding of the extent of these mineralized vein systems. The Company's view is that this area is highly prospective and is a high priority for exploration follow-up in the near term. A short description of the veins is as follows:

StrikeVein System Length Widths Description---------------------------------------------------------------------------
La Paloma 100 metres 1.20 m Central: Outcrop restricted, FIG.2 - see below hidden by cover - historic mine with 1.2 metre wide quartz vein
Samuel 600 metres 0.70 m - 3.0 m Trending 300 metres along veinFIG.3 - see below historic stopes and adits occur; In addition, parallel and Detachment veins are present; quartz veins & faulting material conforms with the stopes - variable widths ranging from 0.7 metres to 3.0 metres.
El Zopilote 150 metres 1.0m Outcrop restricted, hidden byFIG.4 - see below cover - historic mine with 1.0 metre wide quartz vein.
Marq.-Cat. 550 metres 1.0m - 1.5m North: restricted outcrops but anFIG.5 - see below old stope (Catarino 5 Mine) occurs, quartz veining 1.0 metre to 1.5 m wide; Ag Values sampled 284 g/t and Au 2.6 g/t Central: Covered South: several Old Mines (Marquesote), quartz veining 1.0 metre to 1.2 metre wide; Ag Values sampled 184 g/t and Au 1.1 g/t
Guajolote 300 metres 0.75m Central area: Outcrop restricted,FIG.6 - see below hidden by cover - Historic mine workings with 0.75 metre wide mineralized quartz vein.
To view Figures 2 to 6 please click on the following link:http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/RCTFigs2-6.pdf

The second area identified is the San Jose Area at the Santa Fe Project (To view Figures 1 and 7 please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/RCTFigs1and7.pdf). The San Jose Area comprises 5 vein systems and is identified as San Jose vein systems #1-5. The San Jose Area is currently a reconnaissance project where the company is following up on previous work completed by past companies. No assay results have been published to date. All the veins have been traced at surface with strike lengths close to one kilometer with several veins striking greater than one kilometer. There is more than five kilometers of strike length noted at the San Jose area. This area will be aggressively explored over the coming months with assay results to follow. The San Jose Area is located adjacent and to the west of the Clavellinos Area at the Santa Fe Project.

All assays quoted were carried out by the Durango, Mexico, facility of SGS Laboratories, an ISO certified and independent laboratory. The exploration program is under the direction of Hector Chavez, a Mexican professional geologist who has extensive experience in Mexican epithermal deposits, and supervised by Dr. Alfredo Parra, who is a QP as defined in NI 43-101.

To view Figures 1 to 7 please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/RCTFigs1-7.pdf

About Rochester Resources Ltd.:

Rochester represents a pure-play in the exploration and development of high-grade gold and silver properties located in Nayarit, Mexico. The Company is a niche player in Mexico which has assembled an attractive portfolio of properties in the Sierra Madre Occidental Range. This is the largest epithermal precious metal region in the world, hosting the majority of Mexico's large tonnage gold and silver deposits. Current production generates growing cash flow and helps fund our ongoing exploration and development with minimum share dilution.

We have identified 37 vein structures on our two Projects (Mina Real and Santa Fe) and recently embarked on an aggressive follow-up exploration program including a 7000m drill program and a 2000m drift development program that will determine the next steps for mine development and production levels. Little follow-up work has been completed to date on the vein structures identified across both Projects.

Rochester is well positioned to advance its Projects and can very quickly become a significant player in Mexico. Rochester has a strong senior management team based in Mexico, a workforce in place to advance its projects through to mine development, and strong financial backing to implement and advance our work programs.


Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO

Forward Looking Statements

This Company Press Release contains certain "forward-looking" statements and information relating to the Company that are based on the beliefs of the Company's management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company's management. Such statements reflect the current risks, uncertainties and assumptions related to certain factors including, without limitations, competitive factors, general economic conditions, customer relations, relationships with vendors and strategic partners, the interest rate environment, governmental regulation and supervision, seasonality, technological change, changes in industry practices, and one-time events. In addition, the Company has not conducted an independent feasibility study on the Mina Real project which may increase the risk that the planned operations are not economically viable. Should any one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.

For more information, please contact

Empire Communications Inc.
Investor Information Contact
Email: info@rochesterresourcesltd.com
Website: www.rochesterresourcesltd.com
Jan 30, 2008 09:02 ET
First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Parrilla Silver Mine Update and New NI 43-101 Resource
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 30, 2008) - FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP. ("First Majestic" or the "Company") (TSX:FR)(PINK SHEETS:FRMSF)(FRANKFURT:FMV)(WKN:A0LHKJ) is pleased to announce an update regarding its activities in Mexico at the La Parrilla Silver Mine and the resource development presently underway.

The La Parrilla Silver Mine is located in the Municipality of Nombre de Dios, Durango State, Mexico approximately a 45 minute drive from the City of Durango east along Highway 45. The La Parrilla Silver Mine consists of underground silver / lead / zinc mining operations and a cyanidation and flotation ore processing plant with an installed capacity of 800 tonnes per day (tpd). The plant processes both oxide and sulphide silver ores in two separate 400 tpd parallel circuits. The La Parrilla Silver Mine property consists of 53,249 hectares (131,581 acres) of mining rights that cover 3,434 hectares (8,484 acres) within 36 titled concessions in addition to 49,816 hectares (123,091 acres) in two approved claim applications. The mill is presently running at 740 tpd or 93% capacity. This production rate continues to increase as operational efficiencies are gained. Both dore metal bars and flotation concentrates are being produced.

First Majestic is continuing an aggressive development and exploration program in the area of the La Parrilla Silver Mine. This program is focusing on developing additional Resources and Reserves and includes drilling with six rigs and underground development. The development program includes underground workings, such as ramps for access, drifting and crosscutting into the Los Rosarios System, La Blanca, San Marcos, Quebradillas and Vacas areas. This program is designed to accomplish the following: 1) planning and developing systematic production, increasing operating capacity and efficiency; 2) recovering oxide and sulphide mineralization consolidating mining blocks and increasing Reserves to support reasonable production increases; 3) supporting exploration activities for development, channel sampling and underground drilling; 4) carrying out an aggressive exploration program including deeper drilling from underground sites; and 5) focusing exploration efforts into regional exploration targets.

To date, La Parrilla Silver Mine resource development continues to exceed Management's expectations due to the success of the ongoing drilling program. In addition, production levels continue to increase as improvements in the operations are achieved.

La Parrilla Silver Mine district comprises numerous mineralized structures, vein, breccia zones and metasomatic mineral concentrations within the area, including additional geologic potential to discover other projected concentrations in regional and local structures and in their projected intersections. Some of the known deposits within the boundaries of La Parrilla Silver Mine's area are: the Los Rosarios, La Rosa and La Blanca/San Jose vein system (Los Rosarios System); San Marcos; Quebradillas; Las Vacas; San Nicolas; Las Animas, and numerous other targets for exploration along known structures and projected intersections, such as Milagros, La Vibora and Sacramento.

First Majestic launched the present aggressive drilling program in 2005 to explore the various areas of interest within the La Parrilla Silver Mine holdings. From that time to October 2007, a total of 213 drill holes have been completed for a total of 54,313 drilled metres. In addition, underground mine workings for development and exploration total 10,606 metres in declines, drifts, ramps and raises. The following Reserve / Resource Tables outline the current NI 43-101 compliant estimates as of October 31, 2007. However, only 165 holes were included in this estimate as 48 out of the 213 holes were still pending from Inspectorate Lab of Reno, Nevada.

The following summary tables were taken from the complete La Parrilla Silver Mine NI 43-101 Technical Report prepared by Pincock Allan & Holt, Lakewood, Colorado (PAH). Shareholders and interested parties are encouraged to read this positive report which can be viewed on SEDAR (www.sedar.com) and the Company's website at www.firstmajestic.com.

Total Proven + Probable Mineral Reserves (Mineable Reserves) (1)(2)(7)-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade ------------------- Contained Silver Lead Zinc Silver Eq. oz.Category Tonnes g/tonne % % (3,4,5)--------------------------------------------------------------------------Proven Reserves - Oxides 195,282 330 0.00 0.00 2,111,266--------------------------------------------------------------------------Proven Reserves - Sulphides 156,087 316 1.41 1.28 1,736,704--------------------------------------------------------------------------Probable Reserves - Oxides 104,925 325 0.00 0.00 1,116,347--------------------------------------------------------------------------Probable Reserves - Sulphides 97,101 336 1.08 0.38 1,143,235--------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Proven + Probable Mineral Reserves 553,394 326 0.59 0.43 6,107,551--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Measured + Indicated Resources (6)(7)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade ----------------------------- Contained Gold Silver Lead Zinc Silver Eq. oz.Category Tonnes g/tonne g/tonne % % (3,4,5)--------------------------------------------------------------------------Measured Resources - Oxides 380,481 0.22 402 0.00 0.00 4,986,964--------------------------------------------------------------------------Measured Resources - Sulphides 962,148 0.11 325 2.85 2.74 12,613,000--------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicated Resources - Oxides 586,079 0.17 264 0.00 0.00 5,096,324--------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicated Resources - Sulphides 738,962 0.06 196 3.35 5.39 6,640,117--------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Measured + Indicated Resources 2,667,671 0.13 287 1.95 2.48 29,336,405--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Inferred Resources (6)(7)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade ----------------------------- Contained Gold Silver Lead Zinc Silver Eq. oz.Category Tonnes g/tonne g/tonne % % (3,4,5)--------------------------------------------------------------------------Inferred Resources - Oxides 1,292,363 0.11 321 0.02 0.01 13,581,704--------------------------------------------------------------------------Inferred Resources - Sulphides 2,864,868 0.13 189 2.09 2.27 25,057,346--------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Inferred Resources 4,157,231 0.13 230 1.45 1.57 38,639,050--------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Cutoff and silver equivalent based on sales. Prices used for evaluation: Ag-US$10.50/oz; Pb-US$0.68/lb; Zn-US$1.16/lb.(2) Cutoff grade estimated for oxides ore as 221 g/tonne Ag only, and for sulfides ore as 215 g/tonne Ag only. Zinc is not considered in reserves.(3) Cutoff grade estimated for oxides ore as 215 g/tonne - Ag equivalent including Au credit equals 6 g/tonne Ag.(4) Cutoff grade estimated for Ag/Pb sulfides ore as 185 g/tonne - Ag equivalent including Pb credit equals 30 g/tonne Ag.(5) Cutoff grade estimated for Ag/Pb/Zn sulfides in resources as 132 g/tonne - Ag equivalent including Pb credit equals 30 g/tonne Ag and Zn credit equals 53 g/tonne Ag.(6) Figures in table may not match due to rounding.(7) Total Proven + Probable Reserves, Total Measured + Indicated Resources and Total Inferred Resources are exclusive of each other and thus are not combined.(8) Samples are numbered & bagged and sent to Inspectorate lab in Durango City. The samples are crushed and pulverized at Inspectorate in Durango City and sent to Reno, Nevada for assaying.

First Majestic's exploration and development efforts continue to achieve significant results. During the period from June to October, 2007, substantial increases have been achieved over the previously reported Reserves and Resources. Proven and Probable Reserves have increased by 67% from 3,660,727 ounces Silver equivalent to 6,107,551 ounces Silver equivalent; Measured and Indicated Resources increased by 123% from 13,169,493 ounces Silver equivalent to 29,336,405 ounces Silver equivalent, and Inferred Resources have increased by 8% from 35,784,493 ounces Silver equivalent to 38,639,050 ounces Silver equivalent.

It should be noted that the cut off period for the calculation of this newly updated NI 43-101 Reserve / Resource estimate was October 31, 2007. Therefore, any assays of drilling core or sampling received after October 31, 2007 has not been included in this report. Furthermore, since October 31st to December 31, 2007, an additional 16 drill holes for a total drilled depth of 5,137 metres and 901 metres of underground development have been completed. Also of interest, the original 85 diamond drill holes completed by Grupo Mexico totalling 15,563 metres at the Quebradillas/Vacas areas have not been included in the Reserve / Resource estimate since this information is considered to be of historic nature. First Majestic is in the process of updating these historic resources to NI 43-101 compliant Resources.

Significant geologic potential exists within several additional areas of the La Parrilla Silver Mine holdings. These areas are presently being mapped and studied by a geophysics program in order to define future exploration targets. The most promising areas appear to be the San Jose Mine, Sacramento, Cerro Santiago, stockwork zone to the east of Quebradillas, Las Viboras, San Marquena, Mina Santa Paula, colour anomaly to the west of San Jose de la Parrilla, La Protectora, and others. These areas of interest are being investigated and explored on a priority basis. Furthermore, in PAH's opinion, numerous other areas of outcropping mineralized structures and alteration zones within the La Parrilla Silver Mine district remain to be explored.

Geophysical investigations to confirm previous studies within the areas of Quebradillas, Sacramento, Las Vacas, and Santa Paula have now been completed. These investigations have confirmed the presence of IP, resistivity and magnetic anomalies which will be further investigated by direct methods, such as drilling and underground access where possible.

First Majestic's aggressive investment in development and exploration at the La Parrilla Silver Mine will continue throughout 2008. This year's program will include; IP, resistivity and magnetic surveying at the Cerro Santiago, La Cruz, Michis and Providencia areas; geochemical investigations to complement exploration at the Cerro Santiago, Providencia, La Cruz and Michis areas; a drilling program that includes a minimum of 24,700 metres in 119 holes from surface and underground sites at Quebradillas, Vacas, San Marcos, Santa Paula, Cerro Santiago, Sacramento and Michis areas, and approximately 900 metres of drifting, crosscutting and ramp development.

The Company's independent Qualified Persons under the policies of National Instrument 43-101, who have reviewed the contents of this news release and who authored the most recent qualifying report, are Leonel Lopez, C.P.G., P.G., and Richard Addison P.E., Principal Process Engineer, of Pincock Allen & Holt. Both are employees of PAH and are independent of the Company.

First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its corporate growth objectives.


Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO
WOW - Fehler oder habe ich noch verschlafene Augen, aber was ist denn da gerade bei Vangold passiert? Gestern noch diese miese Meldung und jetzt ein Trade über 4 Millionen!!!!!! Shares? :shock: :shock: :shock:
So, nochmals bei Orko (OK) nachgelegt. Im Bereich von 1,45-1,50 CAD ist ein schöner Boden, zudem ist es (Gott sei Dank!) sehr ruhig um den Wert die letzten Wochen geworden.

Aber der März kommt und mit ihm das Ressourcenupdate und sicherlich auch der dadurch ausgelöste Run. :beer:
hab mir mal als Trade Posi gestern und vorgestern kleine Stueckzahlen Cooper Minerals geholt, da stehen ettliche Ergebnisse aus, Anfang Januar hatte die IR vermeldet, dass man in 2-3 Wochen mit Bekanntgabe rechne, die Zeit ist reif

am Tief, in Deutschland macht Value Relations die IR, da kann man dann mit einem Push rechnen

die Sparton News von neulich hat der Markt noch nicht so ganz begriffen, Auszug:

HJ's current assets are valued at valued at 23,500,000 RMB (C$3.26million) including infrastructure, and mining licences covering three coal mines producing thermal and germanium coal feedstock. HJ also owns an ash waste pile of approximately 100,000 tonnes averaging about 170 ppm U3O8 (0.4lbs/tonne) and is producing 50 tonnes per day of new uranium bearing ash.

The germanium operation is very successful and currently produces approximately 3500 kg per year of concentrate which is sold to germanium refiners for prices which have varied from about 5000RMB per kg to the current level of 9000RMB per kg. in the past 12 month period. Net Profits after all taxes and costs averaged 1,100,000RMB (C$153,000) per month during the third quarter of 2007.

ca. 70mio shares fd, knapp 15mio CAD MK und 85% der 150k/month sind ca. 1,5mio CAD per SRI/year
KGV 10...
und daher kam/kommt ein Grossteil des Drucks bei Sparton!
ein Grosstel der RAB Warrants war mit einem exercise von ca. 20 Cent versehen, davon wurden 6,6mio durch RAB oder nahestehende veraeussert, wahrscheinlich im Paket zu einem Diskount und nun werden die gehdged oder gecashed!

Reporting Issuer: Sparton Resources Inc. (the “Issuer”)
Report for the end of: December 2007
(a) Name and address of the eligible institutional investor:
RAB Special Situations (Master) Fund Limited (“Special Situations”)
P.O. Box 908 GT
Walker House Mary Street
George Town, Cayman Islands
(b) Net increase or decrease in the number or principal amount of securities, and in the eligible
institutional investor's securityholding percentage in the class of securities, since the last
report filed by the eligible institutional investor under Part 4 or the early warning
Since the last report filed by Special Situations under Part 4 for the Issuer, there is a net
decrease in Special Situations’ holdings of 534,000 common shares (“Shares”) and 6,000,000
warrants (“Warrants”) of the Issuer representing a net decrease of 9.97% in Special
Situations’ securityholding percentage for that class of the Issuer’s securities. In addition,
there is a net decrease of 660,000 Warrants in the holdings of William Philip Seymour
Richards (“Philip Richards”), who may be considered a joint actor with Special Situations.

nette News, hab versucht Stuecke zu bekommen, Maklerpack taxt weg... :mad:
wenn Silber die 17$ knackt sollte FMV und "Konsorten" langsam mal explodieren........

!bei GW4 - Candente tut sich was....... :evil:
Ausblick Rohstoffe am Freitag: WTI über 91 Dollar, Goldpreis fester New York / Chicago / London (aktiencheck.de AG) - An den Ölmärkten herrschte am Donnerstag eine etwas verbesserte Stimmung vor. In New York notierte leichtes US-Öl (März-Kontrakt) zuletzt bei 91,05 Dollar. Ein März-Kontrakt für eine Gallone Heizöl war in New York zuletzt für 2,53 Dollar erhältlich. Ein März-Kontrakt für eine Gallone Unverbleites Benzin notierte bei zuletzt 2,36 Dollar.

In London notierte der Future für Brent Crude (März-Kontrakt) bei zuletzt 91,60 Dollar je Barrel. Das leichte US-Öl WTI (März-Kontrakt) notierte hier bei 90,92 Dollar je Barrel. Im Fokus standen weiterhin die am Mittwochnachmittag veröffentlichten Öllagerdaten. Die Lagerbestände stiegen in der vergangenen Woche um 3,6 Millionen Barrel auf 293,0 Millionen Barrel, während Analysten zuvor nur einen Anstieg um 2,6 Millionen Barrel erwartet hatten. Nach der erneuten Zinssenkung der Fed um 50 Basispunkte auf nun 3,00 Prozent konnte sich der Ölpreis vorübergehend stabilisieren, zeigte sich gegen Handelsschluss aber wieder schwächer.

Die Futures für Edelmetalle zeigten sich wiederum deutlich freundlicher. So verbesserte sich der Kurs für eine Feinunze Gold (April-Kontrakt) um 1,70 Dollar auf 928,00 Dollar. Die Feinunze Silber (März-Kontrakt) notierte wiederum bei 17,00 Dollar 24 Cents fester. Gleichzeitig wurde die Feinunze Platin (April-Kontrakt) bei 1.737,40 Dollar (+50,00 Dollar) gehandelt.

Die Agrarrohstoffe präsentierten sich ebenfalls uneinheitlich. Der Zucker-Future (März-Kontrakt) tendierte bei 12,37 Cents je Pfund 0,01 Cents fester. Der Future für Arabica-Kaffee (März-Kontrakt) tendierte bei 137,70 Cents je Pfund 0,45 Cents leichter. Robusta-Kaffee (März-Kontrakt) wiederum notierte bei 94,75 Cents je Pfund. Kakao (März-Kontrakt) wurde bei 2.320 Dollar je Tonne 6 Dollar billiger gehandelt. Der Mais-Future (März-Kontrakt) gab um 2,6 Cents auf 501,2 Cents je Scheffel nach. Bei Chicago-Weizen stieg der Preis für einen März-Kontrakt um 7,0 Cents auf 929,4 Cents je Scheffel. Bei Sojabohnen verbuchte der März-Kontrakt ein Minus von 1,2 Cents auf 1.274,4 Cents je Scheffel. (01.02.2008/ac/n/m)
wat sachste zum FR-Chart, Dukezero? für mich sieht das sehr schick für die Zukunft.... :gruebel:


Das riecht nach News,- und sieht auch charttechnisch gut aus!! :evil:
Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 03.02.08

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,620 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,284 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,500 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,155 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,392 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,238 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,150 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,156 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,266 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,217 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 05.01.08

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,820 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,270 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,520 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,159 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,492 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,334 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,210 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,210 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,366 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,315 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 08.12.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,900 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,340 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,150 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,334 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,415 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,199 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,180 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,315 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,297 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.11.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,15 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,400 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,550 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,209 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,500 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,540 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,270 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,230 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,510 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,402 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 06.10.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,20 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,360 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,520 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,155 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,367 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,497 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,340 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,170 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,405 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,425 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 01.09.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,860 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,445 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,166 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,214 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,386 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,260 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,190 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,379 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,375 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.08.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,18 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,590 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,200 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,356 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,371 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,269 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,490 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,479 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 08.07.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,24 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,473 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,424</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,225 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,354 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,50 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,41 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,25 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,60 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,52 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:
haste deine noch fischi? liest sich gut..........


Feb 01, 2008 16:30 ET
NovaGold Updates Galore Creek Resource Estimate
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 1, 2008) - NovaGold Resources Inc. (TSX:NG)(AMEX:NG) has filed with the Canadian securities regulators a National Instrument 43-101 technical report for the Galore Creek copper-gold-silver project and updated the resource estimate to reflect changes at the project. The report is available at www.sedar.com.

As a result of the decision to suspend construction and to reassess the feasibility study and project economics, all of Galore Creek's proven and probable reserves have been reclassified as measured and indicated resources as per the table below at a 0.21% copper-equivalent cutoff.

Galore Creek Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource Estimate(1)(2)Effective Date January 25, 2008
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CuEqResource Tonnes Cu Au Ag (3) Copper Gold SilverCategory (Millions) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (M lbs) (M ozs) (M ozs)--------------------------------------------------------------------------Measured 4.7 0.52 0.37 4.41 0.77 54.1 0.06 0.67--------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicated 781.0 0.52 0.29 4.88 0.70 8,872.3 7.21 122.42--------------------------------------------------------------------------Measured + 785.7 0.52 0.29 4.87 0.70 8,926.3 7.27 123.09 Indicated--------------------------------------------------------------------------Inferred(4) 522.5 0.35 0.29 4.79 0.60 3,214.6 3.93 64.32--------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Measured and Indicated resources shown on a 100% basis, of which NovaGold owns a 50% interest.(2) Rounding errors may occur.(3) Copper-equivalent (CuEq) calculations use metals prices of US$1.55/lb of copper, US$650/oz of gold and US$11/oz of silver. Copper-equivalent calculations (CuEq%) reflect gross metal content that has been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries based on the metallurgical domain testwork. Copper recovery is expressed as a formula unique to each metallurgical domain necessary to derive copper concentration grades. Gold and silver recoveries of each metallurgical domain are expressed as a proportion of copper recovery.(4) Includes the Copper Canyon Inferred Resource on an 80% basis calculated using a 0.35% CuEq cut-off grade, as previously stated in the technical report titled "Geology and Resource Potential of the Copper Canyon Property" issued in February 2005. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred Resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and whether they can be mined legally or economically. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of the Inferred Resources will ever be upgraded to a higher category. See "Cautionary Note Concerning Reserve and Resource Estimates".
och nich unbedingt schlecht - Ausübungstermin verschoben:

Rochester Resources extends expiry of 595,000 warrants

2008-02-01 16:14 ET - Miscellaneous

The TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the extension in the expiry date of the following warrants.

Private placement

Warrants: 75,000 (tranche one) and 520,000 (tranche two)

Original expiry date of warrants: Feb. 2, 2008, and Feb. 12, 2008

New expiry date of warrants: Feb. 2, 2009, and Feb. 12, 2009

Exercise price of warrants: $2.25
hab noch alle und auch die Copper Canyon
haste deine noch fischi? liest sich gut..........


Feb 01, 2008 16:30 ET
NovaGold Updates Galore Creek Resource Estimate
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 1, 2008) - NovaGold Resources Inc. (TSX:NG)(AMEX:NG) has filed with the Canadian securities regulators a National Instrument 43-101 technical report for the Galore Creek copper-gold-silver project and updated the resource estimate to reflect changes at the project. The report is available at www.sedar.com.

As a result of the decision to suspend construction and to reassess the feasibility study and project economics, all of Galore Creek's proven and probable reserves have been reclassified as measured and indicated resources as per the table below at a 0.21% copper-equivalent cutoff.

Galore Creek Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource Estimate(1)(2)Effective Date January 25, 2008
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CuEqResource Tonnes Cu Au Ag (3) Copper Gold SilverCategory (Millions) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (M lbs) (M ozs) (M ozs)--------------------------------------------------------------------------Measured 4.7 0.52 0.37 4.41 0.77 54.1 0.06 0.67--------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicated 781.0 0.52 0.29 4.88 0.70 8,872.3 7.21 122.42--------------------------------------------------------------------------Measured + 785.7 0.52 0.29 4.87 0.70 8,926.3 7.27 123.09 Indicated--------------------------------------------------------------------------Inferred(4) 522.5 0.35 0.29 4.79 0.60 3,214.6 3.93 64.32--------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Measured and Indicated resources shown on a 100% basis, of which NovaGold owns a 50% interest.(2) Rounding errors may occur.(3) Copper-equivalent (CuEq) calculations use metals prices of US$1.55/lb of copper, US$650/oz of gold and US$11/oz of silver. Copper-equivalent calculations (CuEq%) reflect gross metal content that has been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries based on the metallurgical domain testwork. Copper recovery is expressed as a formula unique to each metallurgical domain necessary to derive copper concentration grades. Gold and silver recoveries of each metallurgical domain are expressed as a proportion of copper recovery.(4) Includes the Copper Canyon Inferred Resource on an 80% basis calculated using a 0.35% CuEq cut-off grade, as previously stated in the technical report titled "Geology and Resource Potential of the Copper Canyon Property" issued in February 2005. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred Resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and whether they can be mined legally or economically. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of the Inferred Resources will ever be upgraded to a higher category. See "Cautionary Note Concerning Reserve and Resource Estimates".
Platin steigt in London auf nächstes Rekordhoch Rohstoffe-Go - London 04.02.08 (www.rohstoffe-go.de)

Platin erreichte heute morgen in London ein neues Rekordhoch. Bereits in der vergangenen Woche zog der Platinpreis deutlich an. Grund dafür waren Stromausfälle in den südafrikanischen Gold- und Platinminen. Nun setzt sich die Sorge vor einem extrem engen Markt weiter fort.
Die beiden Minenriesen Anglo Platinum und die Gold Fields konnten ihren Stromverbrauch zum Ende der vergangenen wieder steigern.

Platin kann derzeit um 1,4 % auf 1.788 USD je Unze zulegen. Gold steigt heute Morgen um 0,56 % auf 910,20 USD je Feinunze.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
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