• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
sollte da Largo nich endlich mal losstoffeln? :scratch:
Platin steigt in London auf nächstes Rekordhoch Rohstoffe-Go - London 04.02.08 (www.rohstoffe-go.de)

Platin erreichte heute morgen in London ein neues Rekordhoch. Bereits in der vergangenen Woche zog der Platinpreis deutlich an. Grund dafür waren Stromausfälle in den südafrikanischen Gold- und Platinminen. Nun setzt sich die Sorge vor einem extrem engen Markt weiter fort.
Die beiden Minenriesen Anglo Platinum und die Gold Fields konnten ihren Stromverbrauch zum Ende der vergangenen wieder steigern.

Platin kann derzeit um 1,4 % auf 1.788 USD je Unze zulegen. Gold steigt heute Morgen um 0,56 % auf 910,20 USD je Feinunze.
Geduld! Ich weiß ist einfach gesagt aber es herrscht einfach noch zuviel Unsicherheit im Markt.

Durch das aktuell gespielte Rezessionsszenario herrscht ein großes Misstrauen im Sektor. Selbst bei top News sind die Aufschläge moderat und beim nächsten Downmove des Gesamtmarktes werden die Gewinne rasch wieder abgegeben. Selbst die besten News bringen aktuell keinen nachhaltigen Anstieg.

Die Entwicklung bei Largo passt, das Maracas Projekt hat beste Chancen und erste Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten stehen jetzt schon im Raum. So wie sich der Gesamtmarkt derzeit entwicklet hat rechne ich mit einer Marktberuhigung spätestens zur Jahresmitte (Ende 2. Quartal). Sollten sich dann die Rezessionsängste legen wird es im Sektor und speziell bei Largo zügig wieder nachhaltig hoch gehen.

Ich bleibe wie gesagt mit meiner Longposition weiter drin da ich damit rechne, dass Largo vom jetzigen Niveau aus in den nächsten Monaten schon wieder 50 % + X gemacht hat bevor die Masse wieder bereit ist Risikokapital zu investieren! ;)
sollte da Largo nich endlich mal losstoffeln? :scratch:
Platin steigt in London auf nächstes Rekordhoch Rohstoffe-Go - London 04.02.08 (www.rohstoffe-go.de)

Platin erreichte heute morgen in London ein neues Rekordhoch. Bereits in der vergangenen Woche zog der Platinpreis deutlich an. Grund dafür waren Stromausfälle in den südafrikanischen Gold- und Platinminen. Nun setzt sich die Sorge vor einem extrem engen Markt weiter fort.
Die beiden Minenriesen Anglo Platinum und die Gold Fields konnten ihren Stromverbrauch zum Ende der vergangenen wieder steigern.

Platin kann derzeit um 1,4 % auf 1.788 USD je Unze zulegen. Gold steigt heute Morgen um 0,56 % auf 910,20 USD je Feinunze.
Feb 04, 2008 08:30 ET


East Asia Continues to Expand Binebase With 1.52 g/t Gold, 80.03 g/t Silver Over 45 Metres
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 4, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that the latest hole of its phase one drill program on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, encountered significant epithermal gold and silver mineralization from surface. Drill hole BID-15 cut 45.0 metres of 1.52 g/t gold and 80.03 g/t silver from zero metres depth, with the intercept under-reporting the true composite grade of the interval due to 3.90 metres of lost core being assigned zero value.

This shallow gold zone remains open along strike in both directions. Drilling is continuing to test the mineralization towards the Bawone Prospect, which is probably contiguous with the Binebase Prospect and located 1.2 kilometres along strike to the southeast. All holes drilled at Binebase to date have encountered significant near surface intercepts of epithermal gold and silver mineralization.

Binebase drill assays to date (with gold equivalent)(i)-------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Interval Gold Silver Gold Equiv.Hole (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)(i)-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-11(ii) 0.00 45.00 45.00 1.28 50.51 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-12 4.00 46.35 42.35 1.34 107.54 3.26-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 8.00 33.00 25.00 2.03 159.96 4.89-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-13 8.00 43.95 35.95 4.03 188.28 7.39-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 9.00 31.00 22.00 5.74 121.64 7.91-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-14 0.00 96.20 96.20 1.30 48.25 2.16-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 3.00 45.00 42.00 2.67 86.38 4.21-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-15(ii) 0.00 45.00 45.00 1.52 80.03 2.95-------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)Note - The gold equivalent uses a silver:gold ratio of 56:1 based oncurrent precious metal market prices, and assuming total recoveries ofboth metals.(ii)Note - BID-11 and BID-15 under report the composite grades due to 3.95and 3.90 metres respectively of lost core being assigned a zero value.

BID-15, a scissor hole, is located 35 metres to the northwest along section of BID-11 and was drilled to a depth of 113.10 metres with a southeast azimuth (refer to the Company's website at www.EAminerals.com for a plan view of drilling). This hole was designed to test significant trench results which included 2.00 g/t gold over 62.0 metres, 1.98 g/t gold over 45.5 metres, and 2.28 g/t gold over 28.5 metres (December 3, 2007 news release), and follow-up on recently completed BID-11 which intersected 45.0 metres of 1.28 g/t gold and 50.51 g/t silver from surface (January 8, 2008 news release). BID-11 also under reported the composite grade due to 3.95 metres of no core recovery being assigned a zero value for the composite calculation.

BID-16 is drill testing towards the Bawone Prospect, and was collared 110 metres southeast of BID 11, along the BID-11/15 section where previous East Asia trenching results included 38.0 metres of 1.80 g/t gold. The hole has a northwest inclination to test the southeast extension of the BID-11/15 mineralization. Assays are pending.

Samples reported were assayed at PT SGS Indoassay (SGS Group) in Balikpapan. Lionel Martin, P.Geo, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101 has reviewed and approves the content of this release.
Feb 04, 2008 09:02 ET
International PBX Ventures Ltd. Announces Appointment of George Sookochoff as CEO of the Company
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 4, 2008) - The board of directors of International PBX Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:PBX) is pleased to announce that effective February 1, 2008, George Sookochoff, a director of the company, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer.

George Sookochoff graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, marketing major. For the past 25 years he has been consulting junior exploration companies in advanced methods of exploration data acquisition, processing and management.

Mr. Sookochoff stated, "I am pleased to accept the challenge of advancing PBX's extensive exploration projects in Chile. My objectives are to maximize the full potential of the current projects and aggressively identify additional assets and opportunities in Chile."

International PBX Ventures Ltd. is a Canadian junior mining exploration and development company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. The company has acquired a diverse portfolio of copper, molybdenum, gold and cobalt properties in the mineral rich country of Chile.


Dr. Gary Medford, Ph.D., P.Geo., President
Feb 04, 2008 09:15 ET
NovaGold Enters into $30 Million Credit Facility
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 4, 2008) - NovaGold Resources Inc. (TSX:NG)(AMEX:NG) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with The Bank of Nova Scotia for a C$30 million credit facility maturing on July 30, 2008. The proceeds borrowed under the credit facility will be used by NovaGold Resources Inc. ("NovaGold") for general corporate purposes.

The credit facility will bear variable interest based on The Bank of Nova Scotia's Canadian prime rate, or United States base rate. The loan is secured only against certain marketable securities held by NovaGold Canada Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of NovaGold. NovaGold Canada Inc. has also guaranteed the obligations of NovaGold related to the credit facility.

The credit facility provides the usual and customary representations and warranties, and covenants and negative covenants restricting the amount of indebtedness. Advances under the credit facility are subject to customary conditions.

"With this $30 million credit facility, we are pleased to strengthen our relationship with Scotiabank, one of North America's leading financial institutions," said Don MacDonald, Senior Vice President and CFO of NovaGold. "We look forward to working with Scotiabank as we continue to advance our portfolio of projects and examine new opportunities."
Gold Mining Stocks
What's Wrong With The Juniors
Kenneth J. Gerbino
Kenneth J. Gerbino & Company
Feb 4, 2008

The reasons Junior mining stocks are underperforming are as follows:

1. The larger companies are getting all the action from newly-converted gold enthusiasts and interested investors.

2. The junior market is still being weakened by insiders and promoters who are always sellers.

3. There are hundreds if not thousands of new promotional mining stocks being foisted on the readers of gold pages in the last three years and there is just so much money to invest in this sector. Therefore premium prices are diluted.

4. The invasion into the Hard Money camp by the Uranium companies. Every investor I know who owns gold and precious metal stocks but never owned a uranium stock now owns some. This diversion of capital to uranium diluted some funds that would have entered the Junior market.

5. Gold ETFs. Investor money can now go into an easy way to invest in bullion. This also could be argued that it helps the miners as it creates demand for gold.

6. Delays in drilling, engineering reports, permits.

A Big Rally Soon?

We are very near a major turning point in the mid tier and junior mining sector. The table below shows the lowest junior mining valuation ratios in the last six years. We are using the TSX S&P Venture Index which is mostly mining stocks. The current ratios are at levels that in the past have signaled a major and substantial rise in the smaller gold and silver mining stocks.

As a reality check we can look at the ratio of the XAU to the Gold Price to see if this ratio is at a speculative level that may be signaling a major top in the making for all the gold stocks, which would of course include the juniors. During the above mentioned time period (September-November 2002) the Gold/XAU ratio was 4.8 (not shown). Today it is 4.8. This means the XAU gold stocks are tracking the gold rise at the same ratio when gold was $320, signifying a stable relationship. It confirms that the juniors on a relative basis are extremely undervalued and that a substantial rally should be starting soon.

New money into the gold arena is going into the big names. These managers and investors have not started to look at Canada and the junior sector yet. But as they eventually get more familiar and comfortable with the industry they start looking for smaller growth and value situations and that leads them into the junior sector. Quality juniors will eventually have a substantial move up from these levels but most others with speculative exploration programs will be left behind because of the stark reality that only one exploration stock out of a few thousand ever produces an ounce of minerals. This old ratio should change for the better as high metal prices, technology, more sophisticated exploration groups and increasing demand for resources increase their chances but it is still long-shot investing.

The Three Amigos

Gold has many developments impacting its price and we have mentioned them many times. But currently we see three drivers at work that spell out a higher gold price: 1) The dollar has nowhere to go but down since interest rates are being sent lower and lower by the Fed to bail out the banks and our friends on Wall Street. 2) The credit/mortgage/real estate bubble dictates inflating the money supply or face possible immense institutional disasters. 3) Global money supply increases are continuing at a torrid rate especially in India and China.

Mining Analysis

The mining sector despite the volatility allows one to have a very clear idea of value. This intrinsic value is an inventory of basically rocks. These rocks contain a certain known percent of minerals. When companies spend $20-50 million with hundreds of drill holes and thousands of man hours on an area the size of 3-4 city blocks (maybe 400 feet thick, and underground) you have a pretty good idea what is in that mass of rock and what it is worth at various metal prices. When they do sophisticated testing on sometimes 5-10 miles of drill core, one can evaluate how easy or hard and costly it might be to extract the minerals.

Basic mining costs are known from hundreds of other mining projects: the cost to build the roads, buy crushers, build small towns for the workers, power and food costs etc. These are known factors and estimates can be made. Then it's a matter of math and know how. That's how you find winners. That is how you know if you have a good project. That is all we care about at my company on hundreds of projects and mining companies. You should try and do the same if you want to get serious about investing in this sector.

The key to making an above average return is competent evaluations and patience. This sometimes takes many years. Patience will outweigh the volatility of the gold and silver mining sector as intrinsic value eventually gets recognized. The laws of supply and demand let you sleep comfortably.

Inflationary Future

With all the money, people, and industrial progress globally we are confident that minerals (especially the precious ones) will be well above average investments for the next decade.

We are at a time when the central banks should be at least attempting to control inflation but instead most are printing more money. As the future unfolds and inflation accelerates, tangible assets especially mining companies with known resources of valuable minerals should be a top priority for investors.

For more articles on gold, the economy, and stock market visit our website at: www.kengerbino.com.

Feb 1, 2008
Ken Gerbino
re: das vorherige Posting

es gibt momentan Dutzende Artikel derselben Art,
ein Grossteil des Geldes aus den Venture Fonds scheint abgeflossen zu sein. viele Kleinanleger haben die miese Performance der Juniors genutzt, um ihre Gewinne bei den Blue Chips abzusicher und warten nun mit dem Neueinstieg, der aeusserst egringe Kaufdruck bei unseren Explorerperlen beweist das.
Wir haben ettliche Unternehmen die mit in-ground-values von 10-30mrd USD bei einer MK von weniger als einem tausendstel notieren, das wird sich in naher Zukunft aendern, davon bin ich felsenfest ueberzeugt, insofern mache ich mir bei Werten wie:

Southern Arc
South East Asia
und und und

UEBERHAUPT keine Gedanken!

andere Firmen, die kurz davor stehen recurring revenues zu erzielen wie

und und und

werden folgen!
ja, das iss im Moment leider echt blöde............ :(
Shnäppchenzeit für Großinvestoren und die Produzenten um sich Nachschub zu sichern.......
eigentlich ne sehr schöne News - mal sehen was der Markt draus macht

SOURCE: Pan African Mining Corp.

Feb 05, 2008 03:01 ET
Panel Samples From Pan African's Mountain of Gold in Madagascar Corroborate Strong Geophysics Targets and Confirm 8.5 km. Gold-Bearing Trend
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - February 5, 2008) - PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (TSX-V: PAF) (FRANKFURT: P2A) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that results of its extensive regional geochemical sampling program undertaken in 2007 have now been received from ALS Laboratories and confirm existence of the gold-bearing trend to at least 8.5 km on its Mountain of Gold Project. The project is situated in the Dabolava area, in Madagascar's central-west plateau. The Company's license in this region encompasses approximately 900 sq. km. situated 125 air miles west-southwest of the capital city of Antananarivo, in the provinces of Toliary and Antananarivo.

Results from an extensive surface sampling campaign along the regional trend have to date returned 70 samples over 0.5 g/t Au, with 24 samples greater than 3.0 g/t Au. These include 12 panel samples between 5 and 10 g/t Au, one grab sample at 14.3 g/t and another grab sample at 71.6 g/t Au. The Company's focus during the current Phase 2 exploration and drilling program has been to develop a better understanding of the complex structural model controlling location of the high-grade gold bearing structures within the region. Specifically, we set out to identify additional zones similar to Dabolava East and to corroborate targets with strong geophysics signatures generated in our ground geophysics work, which included an induced polarization study over key targets in the regional trend.

Following the structural interpretation of the successful induced polarization survey recently conducted, combined with prospecting and geological mapping, the Mountain of Gold Trend can now be followed over a strike-length of at least 8.5 km towards the west. The trend (shear zone) consists of numerous subparallel gold-bearing shears over a width averaging 50 metres, with an additional strong parallel structure a further 30 metres to the south which is interpreted as the extension of the Andimaka Trend. Another similar structure, the Morataitra Trend, is shaping up approximately 1 kilometre to the south. It can be followed over a strike length of 4 km so far. These trends are illustrated on the maps posted on our website.

The surface sampling of the individual structures within the regional trends is ongoing and additional results are pending. Numerous diamond drilling targets have been generated.


g/t m m m
71.600 7835561 566157 GRAB
14.300 7834720 563653 GRAB
9.110 7837190 558737 PANEL 1 x 1
9.080 7836461 564150 PANEL 1 x 1
8.150 7836406 562767 PANEL 1 x 1
7.840 7835580 567184 PANEL 1 x 1
7.010 7837190 558737 PANEL 1 x 1
6.570 7834782 561932 PANEL 1 x 1
6.460 7834413 560799 PANEL 1 x 0.5
6.220 7836416 563903 PANEL 1 x 1
5.960 7835791 567559 PANEL 1 x 1
5.850 7835006 568139 PANEL 1 x 1
5.250 7835516 566292 PANEL 1 x 0.5
5.040 7835479 567618 PANEL 1 x 0.5
4.790 7835252 568587 PANEL 1 x 1
4.720 7833497 561826 PANEL 1 x 1
4.020 7836419 564419 PANEL 1 x 1
3.850 7835786 566917 PANEL 1 x 1
3.790 7834638 564020 PANEL 1 x 1
3.730 7834679 563576 PANEL 1 x 1
3.590 7834822 563185 PANEL 1 x 1
3.430 7834829 562017 PANEL 1 x 1
3.430 7836109 561963 PANEL 1 x 1
3.300 7835453 567609 PANEL 1 x 0.5
The Company is planning an aggressive diamond drilling campaign to test these newly identified targets as well as to continue the delineation of the Dabolava-East Zone using its own Atlas Copco CS14 skid mounted wireline drill. Drilling of the Dabolava-East zone is presently under way. Further drilling along the Mountain of Gold Trend is scheduled to start in several months.

The Mountain of Gold Project is being managed by Canadian Marthe Archambault, P.Geo., with total program oversight provided by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., a Director of the Company. Both are Qualified Persons under NI 43-101. Sample preparation and assistance in establishing laboratory protocols and sample handling and assaying quality control are supervised by Ardito Martohardjono, Vice-President of Laboratory Services and a Director of the Company.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "These exceptional surface sample results give great encouragement to the potential for discovering further gold deposits along trend throughout the region. Of particular significance is the fact that a number of these strong geochemical targets coincide with strong geophysics targets in the immediate vicinity of the Mountain of Gold. Core drilling is under way and will continue all year on the project."

About Pan African Mining Corp.

The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at www.panafrican.com.

Feb 05, 2008 08:30 ET
Tenajon Drilling On Ajax Continues to Intersect Near Surface Molybdenum (Mo) Mineralization
Results include 0.086% Molybdenum over 34.02 Metres and 0.076% Mo over 38.52 Metres

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 5, 2008) - Tenajon Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:TJS) (the "Company") today announced that assay results have been received for the final two holes drilled at its Ajax Property in 2007. Hole 2007-12 intersected a 143.26 metre intercept averaging 0.058% Mo. Within the intercept are high grade sections of 34.02 metres averaging 0.086% Mo and 4.87 metres averaging 0.094% Mo. Hole 2007-13 intersected a 38.52 metre section averaging 0.076% Mo within a 130.01 intercept averaging 0.054% Mo. Ajax, one of North America's largest undeveloped molybdenum deposits, is located 14 km north of Alice Arm in northwestern British Columbia. Infrastructure in the area is very good with both tidewater access and hydro electric power situated at Kitsault 16km to the south.

"The 2007 drill program was successful in defining near surface Molybdenum mineralization accessible from surface," said Bruce McLeod, President & CEO of Tenajon. "Once the updated resource calculation is complete Tenajon will finalize its plans for advancement of the Ajax Property."

In 2007, thirteen drill holes totaling 2,639 metres in length were completed at Ajax. The holes were concentrated along the northern portion of the deposit within an area identified as having the lowest strip ratio of a potential open pit operation. Assays have now been received for all of the 2007 drill holes. The data is presently being compiled in preparation for an updated NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate. The results for Holes 2007-12 and 13 are summarized below, with additional results from the 2007 drill program being attached.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Length From To Int Mo MoS2Hole (metres) (metres) (metres) (metres) (%) (%)----------------------------------------------------------------2007-12 196.90 50.90 194.15 143.26 0.058 0.097---------------------------------------------------------------- 81.38 155.76 74.38 0.067 0.112---------------------------------------------------------------- 81.38 115.40 34.02 0.086 0.143---------------------------------------------------------------- 150.89 155.76 4.87 0.094 0.157---------------------------------------------------------------- 171.18 177.51 6.35 0.072 0.120----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-13 185.02 54.97 185.02 130.01 0.054 0.090---------------------------------------------------------------- 87.48 126.00 38.52 0.076 0.127----------------------------------------------------------------

Hole 2007-12 was drilled orthogonal to a 196.90 metre intercept averaging 0.098% Mo located approximately 140 metres down-dip intersected in Hole 05-1.

Hole 2007-13 was located to test the continuity of the northwest trending zone of molybdenum mineralization approximately 50 metres to the southeast of Hole 07-7 (42.67 metres averaging 0.069% Mo). Both holes occur outside of the proposed open pit. Hole 2007-13 intersected significant molybdenum values over the final 130.01 metres with a 38.52 metre long high grade near surface intercept being intersected at 87.48 metres. Combining the results of the 2007 drill program with those of previous programs, significant molybdenum values have been intersected over a 300 metre strike length along a northwest trend.

A plan showing the Ajax drill hole locations is available in the map gallery on the Company's website at www.tenajon.com.

The Ajax Property hosts one of North America's largest undeveloped molybdenum deposits. At a 0.04% Mo cut-off the deposit hosts inferred resources of 448 million tonnes averaging 0.063% Mo (623.4 million pounds) and an indicated mineral resource of 38.8 million tonnes averaging 0.064% Mo (56.4 million pounds). The estimate was prepared by Giroux Consultants Ltd., an independent consulting firm (released March 5, 2007). The current price for molybdenum is approximately $32.75 per pound.

The work at the Ajax Property was completed by Apex Geoscience under the supervision of Dave Visagie, P. Geo., Tenajon's Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

At the Ajax Property the drill core is sawn into halves with one half being sent for analysis and the other kept for future reference. All samples were prepared and analyzed at Acme Analytical Labs using a 4 acid digestion with analysis by Induced Couple Polarization (ICP). A stringent program of check, blank and duplicate sampling was employed throughout with duplicates, standards and blanks being entered into the sample stream at regular intervals. In addition, a limited amount of samples are being sent to other labs to determine the reproducibility of the results.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


D. Bruce McLeod, President

This news release may contain forward looking statements which are not historical facts, such as ore reserve estimates, anticipated production or results, sales, revenues, costs, or discussions of goals and exploration results, and involves a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, metal price volatility, volatility of metals production, project development, ore reserve estimates, future anticipated reserves and cost engineering estimate risks, geological factors and exploration results. See the Company's filings for a more detailed discussion of factors that may impact expected results.

2007 Ajax Property Drill ResultsTo accompany Tenajon Resources News Release Dated January 10, 2008
---------------------------------------------------------------- Length From To Interval Mo MoS2Hole (m) (m) (m) (m) (%) (%)----------------------------------------------------------------2007-01 313.64 109.42 287.14 177.72 0.056 0.093---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 149.35 283.16 131.24 0.064 0.107----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-02 294.14 103.99 217.44 113.45 0.050 0.083---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 153.93 187.45 33.52 0.067 0.112----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-03 260.61 3.05 260.62 257.6 0.090 0.15---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 21.29 44.2 22.91 0.098 0.163---------------------------------------------------------------- And 129.78 239.27 109.49 0.126 0.21----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-04 197.21 34.33 166.73 132.4 0.026 0.043---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 104.73 166.73 62 0.032 0.053----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-05 79.25 Abandoned due to ground conditions----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-06 244.76 0 244.76 244.76 0.049 0.081---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 26.96 74.58 47.72 0.06 0.1---------------------------------------------------------------- And 134.91 187.45 52.54 0.076 0.127----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-07 222.81 0 222.81 228.81 0.039 0.069---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 162.16 204.83 42.67 0.069 0.115---------------------------------------------------------------- And 212.14 222.81 10.67 0.069 0.115----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-08 222.7 14.63 70.17 55.54 0.065 0.108---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 14.63 41.04 26.41 0.071 0.118---------------------------------------------------------------- And 58.00 70.17 12.17 0.071 0.118----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-09 190.81 0 190.81 190.81 0.077 0.128---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 44.45 142.04 97.59 0.097 0.162---------------------------------------------------------------- or 104.86 151.18 46.32 0.144 0.24---------------------------------------------------------------- or 114.61 142.04 27.43 0.194 0.323----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-10 186.84 5.59 127.1 121.51 0.075 0.125---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 12.8 82.18 69.38 0.099 0.165---------------------------------------------------------------- or 12.8 64.11 51.31 0.118 0.196---------------------------------------------------------------- or 15.01 56.67 41.66 0.126 0.21----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-11 118.57 20.76 58.97 38.21 0.019 0.032---------------------------------------------------------------- 75.78 88.09 12.31 0.015 0.025----------------------------------------------------------------2007-12 196.90 50.90 194.15 143.26 0.058 0.097---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 81.38 155.76 74.38 0.067 0.112---------------------------------------------------------------- or 81.38 115.40 34.02 0.086 0.143---------------------------------------------------------------- And 150.89 155.76 4.87 0.094 0.157---------------------------------------------------------------- or 171.18 177.51 6.35 0.072 0.120----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-13 185.02 54.97 185.02 130.01 0.054 0.090---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 87.48 126.00 38.52 0.076 0.127----------------------------------------------------------------

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

For more information, please contact

Tenajon Resources Corp.
D. Bruce McLeod
(604) 687-7545 or Toll Free 1-888-338-2200
(604) 689-5041 (FAX)
Email: info@northair.com
Website: www.tenajon.com
Feb 05, 2008 08:27 ET
NioGold Acquires 10 Claims in Malartic Gold Camp
VAL-D'OR, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Feb. 5, 2008) - NioGold Mining Corporation (TSX VENTURE:NOX)(FRANKFURT:NG1) ("NioGold") is pleased to announce that it has acquired ten (10) mining claims covering 340 hectares in Malartic Township, Abitibi region, Quebec, from prospector Jean Robert. The claims are contiguous to the Heva property that has now grown to 32 mining claims covering 1,300 hectares. The Heva property is part of the Company's Malartic Gold Camp land holdings and is strategically located along the northwest projection of major structures hosting gold mineralisation on the Marban Block property where two drill rigs are presently active.

The acquired claims cover an auriferous quartz vein that returned values of up to 135 g/t Au in grab sample and up to 6.8 g/t Au over 1.8 metres in channel samples obtained from the initial sampling in 1962 (GM-12419, GM-14133). Mechanical stripping in the fall of 2007 by prospector Jean Robert exposed the quartz vein contained within a 1 to 2 metre wide mineralised fracture zone. Channel sampling of the structure returned gold values of up to 4.4 g/t Au over 1.0 metre.

Under the terms of the purchase agreement, NioGold can acquire a 100% undivided right, title and interest in the claims by paying a total of CAD $20,000 and issuing a total of 200,000 common shares, subject to regulatory approvals. The vendor retains a 1.5% net smelter return royalty on the claims. NioGold has the right to buy back half of the royalty at any time for $200,000.

This news release was prepared by Rock Lefrancois, P.Geo. (OGQ), the Company's Vice-President and Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
Mineralfields mal wieder... :whistle:

die kaufen sich bei vielen unserer Perlen deutlich ueber Markt ein, letztens Largo, jetzt Probe Mines

Feb 05, 2008 07:00 ET
Probe Mines Announces $2,000,000 Non-Brokered Private Placement With the MineralFields Group to Explore McFauld's Lake Project
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 5, 2008) - The Directors of PROBE MINES LIMITED (TSX VENTURE:PRB) ("Probe") are pleased to announce a proposed non-brokered private placement financing with the MineralFields Group of up to $2,000,000 through the sale of up to 2,666,666 Flow-Through Units at $0.75 per Unit, subject to regulatory approval and closing. Each Unit consists of one flow-through common share and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. Each whole common share purchase warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share for $1.50 for a period of 24 months from the closing of the transaction (the "Closing Date"), provided, however, that should Probe's shares close on the TSX Venture Exchange for a period of 20 consecutive trading days at a price of $2.00 per share or higher during the exercise period, Probe may accelerate the expiry time to 30 calendar days from the date express written notice is provided by Probe to the holder by way of registered mail. All securities issued in conjunction with the offering will be subject to a hold period, which expires four months after closing.

Proceeds of the financing will be used to fund exploration on the Company's McFauld's Lake West Project, located immediately north of Noront Resources' high-grade nickel-copper-platinum group element (PGE) discovery in the McFauld's Lake area. The exploration program is described in detail in Probe's January 30, 2008 Press Release (2/2008).

"We are very pleased to be continuing our relationship with MineralFields Group", said Dr. David Palmer, President and CEO. "This is an important milestone in the growth of Probe Mines Limited and we look forward to working with MineralFields Group as we develop our holdings in the McFauld's Lake region."

The McFauld's area is receiving considerable attention with the continuing reports of high-grade nickel-copper-PGE mineralization on Noront Resources' Eagle One property. The most recent drilling intersection returned the highest grade material to date averaging 6.25% nickel, 2.75% copper, 1.85 g/t platinum, 10.23 g/t palladium, 3.0 g/t gold and 10.3 g/t silver over 46.6 meters. Located only 450m from the Eagle One zone, management is encouraged by the proximity of the McFauld's West property to this significant discovery and believes there is a strong potential for the property to also host mineralization. Probe Mines has been established in the McFauld's Lake area since 2003 and also owns the nearby Tamarack property, under option to Mantis Minerals, as well as significant holdings to the east comprising the Victory Project. In addition to Noront's nickel-copper discovery, the McFauld's Lake area is host to numerous volcanic-hosted Cu-Zn discoveries, one of which is located on the Tamarack claims, and management believes the area has the potential to develop into Canada's next major mining camp.

About MineralFields, Pathway and First Canadian Securities®:
Rochester Resources Ltd
Posted on February 4, 2008
Rochester Resources Ltd


Recent Price: 2.25

Shares outstanding: 32.3 million

Fully diluted: 38.9 million



Institutional: 30%

I was down in the state of Nayarit in Mexico shortly after the Vancouver Cambridge House conference on a due diligence trip visiting Rochester Resources Ltd (Rochester). I spent a total of 4 days traveling to and visiting the mine sites as well as the mill. I must say, going to Mexico was a nice change of scenery from Vancouver. The sun was shining and I didn't have to carry an umbrella the entire time.

Rochester has a lot going for it, and one of those things is that it is still in stealth mode which makes it a great candidate for the WCMS Newsletter.

The first thing I liked about the company is that they are producing gold already. This is a big plus for me because they have solved a crucial problem that many junior companies face; their life blood is venture capital. When that dries up, most junior pure exploration companies can't sustain themselves. Rochester, to a large part has solved that. They are producing gold. They are in the early stages of production and are working out some of the bugs, but that is to be expected with any new company. They currently predict that they have an 8-12 year mine life with a 300 tonne per day milling operation. That would be good for about 40 cents a share earnings. That is not bad at all considering the stock is trading in the 2.20 range.

Some of the details about production are that they are milling 14 g/t gold equivalent at the moment. That is taking into account that about 50% of the silver is unrecoverable due to technical difficulties which will be rectified by early April. The milling facility is a very clean one, with the tailings pond only having 1.5 pars per billion (ppb) of cyanide, about half the legal requirements. There are plans to expand the size of the plant. They should have a new and larger ball mill in place by the beginning of April. On top of that, there is some very nice blue sky potential.

The potential lies in the zone known as the Santa Fe. It is a 3,823 hectare parcel of land that runs contiguous to the Mina Real property. Rochester is currently in an agreement to acquire a 70% interest in the Santa Fe property. This is an epithermal vein system that is gold and silver bearing. To date about 26 veins have been found with a larger than 4 kilometer strike length and up to 40 meter width. There will be a 7000 meter drill program to start to define what this system could potential hold. The system lay near a volcano that erupted only about 200 years ago, a perfect setting for mineralization.

Currently they are mining from the Florida and Tajos Cuates veins. These vein systems run about 1 kilometer on strike and range from 30 cm to 3 meters in width (1-2m on average). Rochester holds 100% interest in the Mina Real gold/silver property comprising 7,381 hectares of exploration and mining concessions located east of the capital city of Tepic, in the state of Nayarit, Mexico. The project encompasses the continuity of five vein structures - La Florida, El Puerto 1, El Puerto 2, Tajos Cuates 1 and Tajos Cuates 2 - as well as six recently discovered vein systems on the property. The Company has also announced that it has located several outcrops on the properties that indicate the existence of additional veins that were previously undiscovered. The Company currently has identified 11 vein structures property-wide. Drift development at Florida and Tajos Cuates will provide bulk sample-like information and assist in generating a NI43-101 compliant reserve report while at the same time providing feed for the mill. Drift development at the Mina Real Property continues at Florida's triple vein structure and at the Tajos Cuates vein system with 600 metres of development budgeted for each project. So far they are advancing in the drifting at about 5 meters a day and are having impressive mineralization. The gold values run at an average of 12 g/t and the silver values at about 200 g/t.

It was a distinct pleasure to meet Dr Alfredo Parra. He is a real, down to earth kind of guy. There aren't too many people that I have met that have real passion. Dr. Parra is a person who has it. It is visible in his eyes; it is audible in the way he speaks about the project and the potential. Dr. Parra is the President and CEO of Rochester and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with him to the company. From 1973 to 1981 Dr. Parra held various positions at CIA Minera Penoles ranging from mine production superintendent to general manager. In 1982, Dr. Parra completed his PhD in mineral economics from the Colorado School of Mines. He was the vice president of Kennecott's Mexican operations from 1981to1983, the vice president of operations at Luismin SA from 1983 to 1987. For the past 12 years Dr. Parra has run his own exploration and development company with the past 3 years focused on developing Mina Real to its present state.

He first found out about this mineralized zone through word from the locals, and as a very accomplished geologist, he was able to determine what was there and what would be needed to put this together. He is on the forefront of understanding epithermal mineralization and therefore has had a visible advantage in putting this mine together. It took very few drill holes to determine what he had in the Mina Real property (Florida and Tajos Cuates zones).

Another gentleman of note is Eduardo Luna, a consulting director. He is the chairman of Silver Wheaton and recently retired as the president of Goldcorp's Mexican mining operations. He holds an advanced management degree from the Harvard School of Business and was the president of Luismin S.A. It is evident that Dr. Parra and Mr. Luna have worked together and know each others' style. I believe there is great benefit to that. Information about the rest if the management can be seen at


The share structure in this company is very good. They only have about 38.9 million shares fully diluted. The shares are very tightly held by insiders and the company that did most of the financings, the Venture Group of Canaccord, based in Vancouver. There are some other large private investors from around the world that hold large positions of Rochester. I believe that this is still a stage in the story where Rochester is fairly unheard of and thus a good entry point

The financings for Rochester were don't at the following prices

Date Price Description $ Raised # Shares Warrants

12 - 2005 $0.50 PP $ 2,500,000 5,750,000 1,750,000 @ $0.65

05 - 2006 $0.72 SFOD $ 720,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 @ $0.80

09 - 2006 $0.90 PP $1,800,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 @ $1.15

12 - 2006 $1.15 PP $ 805,524 700,456 700,456 @ $1.40

02 - 2007 $1.85 PP $2,748,024 1,200,000 600,000 @ $2.25

05 - 2007 $2.50 Bought Deal $1,750,000 700,000 700,000 @ $2.75

10 - 2007 $2.00 PP $4,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 @ $2.25

TOTAL: $13,795,524

As we can see most of the money was raised at above 2 dollars per share. We could see some pressure in the market due to the fact that there are warrants coming due that are in the money so it is possible that we could see some selling pressure. If this was one of the financings that Canaccord did, I would hesitate to say that there will be some selling pressure from the exercising of warrant. I have spoken with the financiers and it seems like they want to hold these shares for the long run as they too understand the potential of this company.

The challenges that face the company are in perception by the public. The company has not produced a 43-101 compliant resource calculation. This does not carry the most positive view in the market place and I believe the main reason why we see the stock price where it is. The reasoning for not producing that report is very good. The company is sitting on a vein system. Drilling that with 50 meter intervals would realistically be a waste of money because it isn't an ore body type mineralization and thus dry holes will be produced. The theory is to drift the sections and take the ore they get and create cash flow with it. That is a far less diluted way of doing it. Further, a mill facility was built without much in the way of a feasibility and scoping study. So some very smart people already looked at this and were able to finance the mill without those "standard" reports.

The market seems to have had a difficult time valuating this company. Currently there is production of 300 tonnes per day at about 14 g/t (0.5 OZ/T). This gives us about 150 oz/day with 300 day operating per year, this would give us about 45000 ounces per year at a cost of 215 dollar per ounce. Seeing as the company is currently producing, I will use a slightly discounted price of gold of about 850 dollars/oz. After taxes and any potential other expenses we can see an EPS of about 60 cents a share. A gold price of 650 dollars would give an EPS of about 45 cents per share. This operation has an 8 – 12 year mine life.

This is a very profitable business. These numbers are using a 300 tpd ball mill and only with the Mina Real property. The Santa Fe property holds 26 veins that are longer and wider. If we hypothesis the potential just for a minute, say we have half of the veins hit mineralization of 4 gram gold equivalent, so far lower grade then they are currently milling, that could add another 4-6 million ounces. Dr. Parra is excited and believes there is a world class deposit in the making with Rochester. If that is in fact the case then a vastly larger mill will need to be built to accommodate the ore feed. This is of course pending results. Rochester should know more by July once they have completed the 7000 meter drill program and received the assays back.

All that being said, I have a near term price target of about 5-7 dollars a share. (Depending on the markets and company results.) Long term, if all goes well, I would say Goldcorp, watch out.
BHP bietet 147,7-Mrd-Dollar für Rio Tinto
Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008, 07:02 Uhr
Sydney (Reuters) - Der australische Bergbaugigant BHP Billiton hat für den Rivalen Rio Tinto eine 147,4 Milliarden Dollar schwere Übernahmeofferte auf den Tisch gelegt.

Das offizielle Angebot vom Dienstag sieht vor, dass BHP 3,4 eigene Aktien für jeden Rio-Anteilsschein zahlt. Bislang hatte der Branchenführer lediglich drei eigene Aktien in Aussicht gestellt. Am Markt wurde aber seit langem über eine Nachbesserung spekuliert. Für eine formelle Offerte war eine Frist bis zum 6. Februar gesetzt.

Sollte das Geschäft zustandekommen, wäre es die größte Übernahme, die es im Bergbausektor jemals gegeben hat und die zweitgrößte weltweit überhaupt. Allerdings beteiligte sich das chinesische Staatsunternehmen Chinalco unlängst an Rio Tinto und kaufte zusammen mit dem US-Aluminiumhersteller Alcoa für 14 Milliarden Dollar zwölf Prozent an dem Konzern. Dieser Vorstoß könnte die Pläne von BHP noch durchkreuzen. Rio selbst hatte sich monatelang gegen eine Übernahme durch BHP gestemmt, zuletzt eine Fusion aber nicht mehr grundsätzlich ausgeschlossen. Am Dienstag erklärte Rio in einer ersten Stellungnahme lediglich, das Angebot zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben. Die Aktionäre sollten erst einmal nichts unternehmen.

BHP-Chef Marius Kloppers betonte, er gehe davon aus, dass die Offerte Unterstützung finde. Es sei ein überzeugendes Angebot. Auch Experten zeigten sich verhalten optimistisch: Die Offerte sollte reichen, um Rio zu Gesprächen mit BHP zu bringen, meinte etwa Rob Patterson von Argo Investments. Die Nachbesserung des Angebots sei wohl sinnvoll gewesen.

BHP hatte kurz vor der Vorlage des Rio-Angebots seine Halbjahreszahlen veröffentlicht und darin einen Rückgang beim Netto-Gewinn um 2,4 Prozent auf gut sechs Milliarden Dollar ausgewiesen. Das Ergebnis vor Zinsen und Steuern belief sich auf 9,6 Milliarden Dollar - zum Vorjahreszeitraum ein Plus von 5,4 Prozent.
Feb 06, 2008 08:01 ET
Rochester Brings Second Drill to Florida North
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 6, 2008) - Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:RCT)(OTCBB:RCTFF)(FRANKFURT:R5I): Rochester is pleased to announce that a second diamond drill has arrived at the Company's property in Nayarit, Mexico. This drill will be mobilized at the Florida North Project. Currently the Company has a 7000m drill program scheduled for three different projects. In November 2007, drilling commenced at the Santa Fe property and with the addition of this second drill it will enable the Company to accelerate its exploration program.

An initial 2000 metre drill program will be implemented at Florida North to test the continuation of the current Florida Vein system which the company is currently mining. The mineralization at Florida North has been traced at surface for approximately 1.5 kilometres to the north-northwest of the Florida mine. The Company feels this area will supplement the current mill with feed and increase the mine life of Florida significantly.

At the Santa Fe Property, the Company has been drilling the Clavellinos vein system where they are testing the a 40-metre-wide mineralized alteration zone with three subparallel high-grade epithermal veins emplaced within; there has been a strike length of over 5km traced at service. Drill results are expected shortly.

Dr. Parra is currently the Company's in-house Qualified Person and QP Member of the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America with special expertise in Mining.
bei TSX-V:EAS wird´s spannend - schaut nach Ausbruch nach oben aus..............bin gespannt :)

ein interessanter Gold-Wert, der eine aehnliche Entwicklung wie unsere Perle Detour nehmen koennte:

Premier Gold

Red Lake Mining District, direkt zwische Goldcorp's Red Lake Mine und Gold Eagle's Red Lake Projekt
- HRL -


Halo Resources Ltd. / Sonstiges


Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------


Toronto, Ontario, 7. Februar 2008 - Lynda Bloom, Präsidentin und CEO von Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX:HLO; FSE:HRL) ist erfreut, bekannt zu geben, dass das aktuelle Feldprogramm auf dem Middle Bay Projekt, Red Lake Ontario, die höchsten Gold- und Basismetallgehalte in der Firmengeschichte erzielte. Auf das Projekt besteht ein Vorkaufsrecht, das von Red Lake Gold Mines erworben wurde, einer Partnerschaft von Goldcorp Inc. (TSX: G, NYSE: GG) und Goldcorp Canada Ltd. (siehe auch die Pressemeldung vom 6. Juli 2006). Das Projekt liegt am westlichen Ende einer 3 km ost-westlich verlaufenden Deformationszone und auf halbem Weg zwischen den May-Spiers und Miles Red Lake Minen aus den 1930er Jahren.

Es wurden Proben des Aufschlusses (sog. Outcrop) und aus Abraum- oder Gesteinseinschnitten (sog. Trenches) genommen, sowie hochwertige Proben, die in der unten aufgeführten Tabelle aufgelistet sind. Hochgradige Goldwerte stehen in Verbindung mit kleinkörnigen Sulfiden und/oder Quarz-Karbonatadern und kommen meistens mit hochgradigen Metallwerten vor - z. B. Kupfer von bis zu 5,60% (56.000 ppm), Zink von bis zu 4,56% (45.600 ppm) und Silber von bis zu 314 g/t.

Probe Nr. Gold (g/t) Silber (g/t) Kupfer (ppm) Zink (ppm) Blei (ppm) 56440 172 314 10.900 1.580 1.160 9376 19,6 237 9.620 352 311 9378 16,2 80,5 4.020 10.900 7.160 56314 15,3 75,0 286 6.130 7.990 56441 12,5 52,5 4.080 1.260 369 56439 6,98 251 56.000 45.600 5.650 56443 5,01 46,5 7.140 603 589 56437 4,49 5,0 806 151 72 9375 3,44 16,9 314 11.100 494 9379 3,34 8,6 1.490 226 101 56264 2,3 59,0 39 27.000 3.480 9374 2,2 12,7 312 8.340 449

'Die Ergebnisse der West Red Lake Middle Bay Liegenschaft sind ein gutes Zeichen dafür, dass die hochgradige Mineralisierung dort in Oberflächennähe vorkommt. Halos West Middle Bay, May-Spiers und Bridget Lake Liegenschaften liegen alle entlang einer 3.000 m langen Deformationszone und es wurden dort historisch wenige Bohrungen durchgeführt. Es gibt dort eine Reihe an erstklassigen Bohrzielen, die wir hoffentlich in den nächsten paar Monaten testen werden.' sagte Lynda Bloom, Präsidentin & CEO.

Technischer Hintergrund Die Proben wurden aus einem 150 m mal 50 m großen Gebiet entnommen, wo eine Reihe von 41 Proben Gold- und Basismetallwerte aufwiesen. Die Mineralisierung kommt in verschiedenen Formen vor: a) als Sulfid, das mit kleinen Partikeln an wertvollen Mineralien angereichert und über eine gewisse Fläche verteilt ist, b) als Quarz-Karbonatadern mit Sulfidspuren über regionalen, geschichteten Materialien und c) als meterbreite Goldzonen die in Verbindung mit kleinkörnigem Sulfid stehen, das in subparallelen Zonen zu den dominanten, geschichteten Materialien vorkommt.

Das Sammelgebiet von 2007 liegt 350 m südlich der Sammelzone aus dem 4. Quartal 2006, wo eine Reihe alter Einschnitte verkieselte Abbruchzonen freilegten, welche Werte von bis zu 4,93 g/t Gold, 75,5 g/t Silber und 3,63 % Kupfer über 0,80 m enthielten.

Gesteinsproben wurden als Zufallsproben oder zusammengesetzte Splitterproben (sog. Chip Samples) hauptsächlich aus Einschnitten genommen, aus denen höchstwahrscheinlich seit den 1970er Jahren keine Proben entnommen wurden. Die Proben, Auswertungen und die Qualitätskontrolle hier entsprechen denen, die im technischen Hintergrundbericht der Pressemeldung vom 30. Januar 2008 beschrieben wurden.

Die oben genannten Informationen wurden von Lynda Bloom, Präsidentin und CEO, P.Geo beaufsichtigt. Sie ist eine qualifizierte Person und verfügt über die Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten die Authentizität und Richtigkeit der Daten zu beurteilen.

Über die West Red Lake Gold Liegenschaft Der Red Lake Greenstone Gürtel beherbergt das weltweit reichste Golddepot. Die hochgradige Zone der Red Lake Mine enthält 4,6 Mrd. Unzen Gold mit einem Wert von 2,35 oz/t. Das Red Lake Camp produzierte über 25 Mio. Unzen und es wird dort derzeit von einer Reihe an Senior Goldunternehmen exploriert, wie z. B. AngloGold, Teck Cominco, Barrick und Goldcorp.

Halos West Red Lake Liegenschaft liegt etwa 30 km westlich der reichhaltigen Campbell und Red Lake Minen im Red Lake Camp. Die Liegenschaft bedeckt eine weitverbreitete Goldmineralisierung mit Anzeichen an der Oberfläche und kleinen Golddepots. Frühere Explorationen fanden seit 1935 in der Gegend statt und wurden von Unternehmen wie Hemlo Gold Mines Ltd, Goldcorp, Cochenour-Willans Gold Mines Ltd., Dumont Nickel und May-Spiers Gold Mines Ltd. durchgeführt. Mittlerweile wurden viele der kleinen Landpakete zu zusammenhängenden Claims zusammengefasst.

Über Halo Resources Ltd. Halo ist ein Rohstoffunternehmen mit Sitz in Kanada, das sich auf den Erwerb von produktionsnahen Vorkommen von Basis- und Edelmetallen konzentriert. Derzeitig besitzt das Unternehmen 3 Projekte oder Beteiligungen daran: Duport, ein Goldprojekt in fortgeschrittenem Stadium; das Red Lake Projekt, ein Goldexplorationsprojekt und das Sherridon Projekt, welches eine Kombination aus fortgeschrittenen und sog. 'Grass-Root' VMS , Kupfer, Zink und Gold Explorationsmöglichkeiten ist. Das Unternehmen wird von einem erfahrenen Managementteam geleitet und von einem soliden Netzwerk von Bergbaufinanziers gestützt. Die Wachstumsstrategie des Unternehmens besteht in der Entwicklung eines diversifizierten Portfolios von fortgeschrittenen Bergbauprojekten.

Im Auftrag des Vorstands

Lynda Bloom, Präsidentin & CEO & Marc Cernovitch, Chairman Halo Resources Ltd.

Kontakt Deutschland: Value Relations GmbH T. 069 / 959246 - 11 F. 069 / 959246 - 20 HALO@ir-services.de www.halores.com

07.02.2008 <a href="http://www.dgap.de">Finanznachrichten übermittelt durch die DGAP</a>

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Sprache: Deutsch Emittent: Halo Resources Ltd. Suite 1280, 625 Howe Street V6C 2T6 Vancouver, BC Kanada Telefon: +1 604 484 0068 Fax: +1 604 484 0069 E-Mail: info@halores.com Internet: www.halores.com ISIN: CA40637D1087 WKN: A0DQZ4 Börsen: Freiverkehr in Berlin; Open Market in Frankfurt

Ende der Mitteilung DGAP News-Service

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ISIN CA40637D1087

AXC0069 2008-02-07/10:27
sind schoene Ergebnisse aber eben nur grab samples, wird ein fizzle, wenn ueberhaupt
das' mal nett!

Feb 07, 2008 08:02 ET
Osisko Intersects 151 Metres Averaging 2.10 g/t Au at Canadian MalarticMONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Feb. 7, 2008) - Osisko Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to announce new results from the 30m x 30m infill drilling program at its 100%-owned Canadian Malartic gold property. Highlights from holes CM07-1101 through to CM07-1250 are summarized below and include intersections that were either longer or better grade than expected from the resource model, as well as new mineralized intersections in areas where barren rock was anticipated. All other results from the infill program, including sterilization holes immediately outside the deposit, are in line with expectations and continue to confirm the integrity of the resource model for the deposit.
Halo - da stimme ich dir zu!
Osisko - einfach goil..........und solche Ergebnisse werden jetzt öfter kommen :whistle:
Feb 07, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc Releases Drill Results From Montong Botek North Target Area
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 7, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) announces results of drill hole SLD011 cored to the north of the Montong Botek porphyry Cu-Au target at the Selodong Prospect.

Drill hole SLD011 was collared 245 metres north of SLD001 (Figure 1), testing potential northern extensions of high-grade quartz diorite hosted Cu-Au mineralization (QD1 phase) intersected in drill holes SLD001, SLD002 and SGD001. Porphyry-style quartz stockwork veining similar to that logged in these holes had been mapped in headwater tributaries in the vicinity of the SLD011 collar.

SLD011 returned erratic lower grade Cu-Au intersections including:

89.9 m at 0.16% Cu and 0.22 g/t Au from 91.1 m to 181.0 m

(including 24.8 m at 0.24% Cu and 0.34 g/t Au from 111.3 m to 136.1 m)

26.0 m at 0.13% Cu and 0.11 g/t Au from 251.0 m to 277.0 m

22.7 m at 0.14% Cu and 0.09 g/t Au from 377.0 m to 399.7 m

12.0 m at 0.16% Cu and 0.23 g/t Au from 491.6 m to 503.6 m

SLD011 was drilled eastward at an orientation of 095 degrees and an inclination of -60 degrees to a depth of 600.1 metres.

From surface to 163.5 m a number of altered diorite porphyry intrusives hosting weak to moderate amounts of diorite hosted quartz-sulfide stockworking (QD2 phase) were logged. For the remainder of the hole (163.5 to 600.1 m) polymictic breccia (a possible diatreme) with minor clast components of QD1 and QD2 phase mineralized intrusive were intersected. These showed variable propylitic alteration overprinting and associated anhydrite veining.

Results confirm both the extensive and complicated geometry of both the Montong Botek porphyry stock and interpreted subsequent diatreme breccia, which stoped out northern portions of the mineralized intrusive body.

A larger drill rig capable of coring to 1,100 metres NQ will be mobilized later this month to focus on establishing size and continuity of grade at depth at Montong Botek, and progressively move northward towards Blongas II.

Forth-coming news releases will be issued on a target by target basis, with results from SLD012 and SLD014 (Belikat) to be released first, followed by results from SLD013 and SLD015 currently testing an inferred extension of mineralization between Montong Botek and Kekalik.
Feb 07, 2008 08:00 ET
Mustang Minerals Corp.: Nickel Resource Updated at Maskwa Project

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 7, 2008) - The Board of Directors of Mustang Minerals Corp., (TSX VENTURE:MUM)(FRANKFURT:NJF) today announced the results of an updated resource estimate for the Maskwa Nickel Deposit. The resource was authored by Cliff Duke P.Eng. - Wardrop Engineering Inc. as part of National Instrument 43-101 compliant Prefeasibility study being completed. The Geological Resource was estimated to contain combined Measured and Indicated resources of 10.12 million tonnes grading 0.60% nickel, 0.12% copper, 0.015% cobalt, 0.38 grams/tonne palladium and 0.10 grams/tonne platinum. An additional 832,000 tonnes at 0.40% nickel and other associated metals were reported in the Inferred category. (see Table 1) The mineral inventory at Maskwa now contains a total of 133.8 million pounds of nickel in the Measured and Indicated categories.

Table 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------Category Tonnes Ni(%) Cu(%) Co(%) Pt (ppm) Pd (ppm)--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade---------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Measured 586,000 0.77 0.17 0.005 0.05 0.16---------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Indicated 9,534,000 0.59 0.12 0.016 0.11 0.39---------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Inferred 832,000 0.40 0.09 0.017 0.10 0.34---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The definitions for resource categories used are consistent with CanadianInstitute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) standards as of August,2000 which is incorporated by reference in Ni 43-101. Mineral resourceswhich are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

The previous most recent resource work on the Maskwa property was completed by Micon in January 2007. The current geological resource estimate was completed using a Gemcom data base supplied by Mustang Minerals along with additional information from the 2007 diamond drilling program.

Wardrop completed a comparison of the potentially mineable portion of the Micon Open Pit to the Wardrop Grade Model. A comparison is given in the table as follows:

Table 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pt PdMicon Potentially Mineable Tonnes %Ni %Cu %Co (g/t) (g/t) Open ------------------------------------------------------------------- Pit Portion of Resource 9,048,200 0.62 0.13 0.02 0.15 0.58---------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Wardrop Measured 584,000 0.77 0.17 0.01 0.05 0.16---------------------------------------------------------------------------Micon Indicated 7,648,000 0.63 0.13 0.02 0.11 0.40---------------------------------------------------------------------------Pit Inferred 107,000 0.42 0.14 0.02 0.04 0.12---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The mineable open pit resource for the prefeasibility study will be calculated using the Indicated and Measured portion of the resource from Table 2. The tonnage difference between the two models was noted as largely due to the different specific gravities used in the models. Wardrop used a lower specific gravity based on additional test work of 2.88 t/m(3) compared to a specific gravity of 3.05 t/m(3) by Micon.

Wardrop also noted that there were no known environmental, permitting, legal, taxation, socio-economic, marketing or other relevant issues known to the authors that may affect the estimate of mineral resources.

Wardrop suggested that additional assaying of the hangingwall could develop into cohesive zones. Mustang has implemented additional systematic assaying of hangingwall drill core to further this initiative.

Micon International Inc. is authoring the final prefeasiblity study at Maskwa.


A drill program aimed at exploration targets in the immediate project area (Maskwa North and Maskwa West targets) is ongoing. Additional infill resource definition is also planned for the Maskwa deposit.

Mustang Minerals Corp. - Base Metal Resources

Mustang owns 100% of the mineral rights to Maskwa subject to a 1% Net Smelter Royalty with no obligations for offtake or back-in rights held by a third party. Mustang also owns the mineral rights to the Mayville Property which is located 35 km by road from Maskwa. The geological resource at Mayville M2 Zone consists of an open pit Indicated Resource of 21.9 million tonnes grading 0.20% nickel and 0.48% copper containing 94.3 million pounds of nickel and 232 million pounds of copper. The M2 resource was prepared by Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates in January 2007.

Technical Notes:

1) Wardrop created a wireframe model of the Maskwa deposit using Gemcom version 6.04. The wire frame model was based on a minimum grade of 0.2% nickel.

2) Wardrop created a series of variograms for nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum and palladium along the principle axes of the mineralized zone and averaged to 200 feet down dip, 120 feet along strike and 75 feet across dip.

3) A block model was constructed that included rock type, density, interpolated grade and class- Measured, Indicated or Inferred.

4) Grades for the ore blocks were estimated using an inverse distance squared method with two passes.

5) The resource estimate is supported by 188 diamond drillholes. The drill hole intersections are typically on sections spaced approximately 30 meters apart and 30 to 60 meters apart vertically.

6) Wardrop as part of data verification sampled a set of six check samples from drill core from various locations throughout the deposit. The results showed good correlation between samples and the original database values. Samples were assayed at SGS, Lakefield Ontario.

Carey Galeschuk P. Geo is the Qualified Person for Mustang Minerals Corp. for purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

To find out more about Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX-V: MUM) visit our website at www.mustangminerals.com.

We seek safe harbour.

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements may include the Company's plans for its mineral projects in Manitoba, the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risk, uncertainty of production and capital costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the nine month period ended September 30, 2006 and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at www.sedar.com.

This news release uses the terms "inferred resources", "indicated resources", "measured resources", and "mineral resources". The Company advises investors that although these terms are recognized and required by Canadian securities regulations (under National Instrument 43-101 "Standards of Disclosures for Mineral Projects"), the US Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize these terms. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves and be economically feasible.

Shares Outstanding: 72,407,427

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this press release.
Feb 07, 2008 09:24 ET
NovaGold Resources Inc.: Donlin Creek Measured & Indicated Gold Resource Increased to 29.4 Million Ounces
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 7, 2008) - NovaGold Resources Inc. (TSX:NG)(AMEX:NG) today announced that the Measured and Indicated Resource for the Donlin Creek gold project has increased by 77% to 29.4 million ounces of gold, compared to NovaGold's previous resource estimate of 16.6 million ounces published in September 2006, successfully converting a majority of the Inferred Resources to the Measured and Indicated category. The new resource estimate includes an additional 135,000 meters (443,000 feet) of drilling from 359 holes, incorporating all of the 2006 drill program and roughly 72% of the 2007 drill program at Donlin Creek. The remaining approximately 20,000 meters of 2007 drill results will be incorporated into future modeling.
Blackrock: Hedgefonds kauft Rohstoffe zu
Datum 22.01.2008 - Uhrzeit 16:48 (© BörseGo AG 2007, Autor: Stanzl Jochen, Redakteur, © GodmodeTrader - http://www.godmode-trader.de/)
WKN: 965515 | ISIN: XC0009655157 | Intradaykurs:

Graham Birch, der für den US-Hedgfonds Blackrock Vermögenseinlagen von über 40 Milliarden Dollar verwaltet, sieht „keinerlei Anzeichen“ für eine Kursschwäche oder Korrektur bei den Rohstoffen. In einem Telefoninterview mit Bloomberg teilte der legendäre Hedgefonds-Manager mit, dass die weltweite Aktienkorrektur sich nicht im gleichen Maße auch auf Rohstoffe auswirke.

„Es besteht zwar die Gefahr einer US-Rezession, aber nicht einer globalen. Die Weltkonjunktur geht selten auf weltweiter Ebene zurück. Es ist ohne weiteres möglich dass sich die Entwicklung in den Schwellenländern von derjenigen in den USA abkoppelt. Ein Kraftwerk, das in Indien gebaut wird, hat herzlich wenig mit der Wall Street zu tun“, so Birch. „Es gibt gar keinen Zweifel daran dass wir Verschiebungen in der Weltwirtschaft sehen und sich die Kräfte von West nach Ost verschieben. Und das spricht für eine höhere Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen.“

Die Unternehmen, in die Blackrock investiere, seien all diejenigen Unternehmen, die Produkte anbieten, die die Welt heute benötigt. Es sei laut Birch extrem unwahrscheinlich, dass die Nachfrage nach allen Rohstoffen falle.

„Ich sehe überhaupt keine Anzeichen dafür, dass sich die Rohstoffe über alle Kategorien abschwächen. Es gibt keinen Nachfragerückgang für Eisenerz, Kohle oder andere Massengüter. Es ist keine Schwäche in den Edelmetallen zu erkennen und Öl ist immer noch auf einem sehr hohen Niveau. Agrarprodukte zeigen keine Hinweise, die auf einen Rückgang der Nachfrage hindeuten. Die einzige Rohstoffgruppe, die schwächer notiert, sind die Basismetalle. Also wie könnte ich denn auf die Idee kommen negativ gegenüber den Rohstoffen eingestellt zu sein, besonders für Massenrohstoffe?“

Birch habe seinen Angaben zufolge seine Position in profitablen Unternehmen wie BHP Billiton erhöht. Es gebe derzeit ein großes Maß an Angst im Markt und dies sei eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, dies auszunutzen.

Feb 07, 2008 09:24 ET
NovaGold Resources Inc.: Donlin Creek Measured & Indicated Gold Resource Increased to 29.4 Million Ounces
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 7, 2008) - NovaGold Resources Inc. (TSX:NG)(AMEX:NG) today announced that the Measured and Indicated Resource for the Donlin Creek gold project has increased by 77% to 29.4 million ounces of gold, compared to NovaGold's previous resource estimate of 16.6 million ounces published in September 2006, successfully converting a majority of the Inferred Resources to the Measured and Indicated category. The new resource estimate includes an additional 135,000 meters (443,000 feet) of drilling from 359 holes, incorporating all of the 2006 drill program and roughly 72% of the 2007 drill program at Donlin Creek. The remaining approximately 20,000 meters of 2007 drill results will be incorporated into future modeling.
@Fischi - na wat meinste zu NovaGold? war doch ne Klasse-News?!
Drill Results nicht berauschend, aber das sind definition holes, geht aber wohl am Markt vorbei.
SA geht nach folgendem Prinzip vor:

Target definieren
widely spaced Drilling on Target (um festzustellen, ob es sich lohnt, so wie bei Blongas II)
widely spaced Drilling step outfrom Target (um die Ausmasse des Systems zu erkunden)
erst dann kommt das Resourcendefinition Programm! (u.a. mit dem Deep Drill Rig)

Insofern aendert sich nichts an der Einschaetzung, dass SA auf einem Porphyr Target mit um die insg. 8mio Oz equi sitzt!!!

Feb 07, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc Releases Drill Results From Montong Botek North Target Area
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 7, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) announces results of drill hole SLD011 cored to the north of the Montong Botek porphyry Cu-Au target at the Selodong Prospect.
drill map

das jetzt gemeldete Hole 11 war zwischen den Systemen Montok Botek und Blongas II


Drill Results nicht berauschend, aber das sind definition holes, geht aber wohl am Markt vorbei.
SA geht nach folgendem Prinzip vor:

Target definieren
widely spaced Drilling on Target (um festzustellen, ob es sich lohnt, so wie bei Blongas II)
widely spaced Drilling step outfrom Target (um die Ausmasse des Systems zu erkunden)
erst dann kommt das Resourcendefinition Programm! (u.a. mit dem Deep Drill Rig)

Insofern aendert sich nichts an der Einschaetzung, dass SA auf einem Porphyr Target mit um die insg. 8mio Oz equi sitzt!!!

Feb 07, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc Releases Drill Results From Montong Botek North Target Area
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 7, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) announces results of drill hole SLD011 cored to the north of the Montong Botek porphyry Cu-Au target at the Selodong Prospect.
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