• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
naechste Uebernahme, letzter Kurs waren 2,77 CAD, nette Praemie

Apr 14, 2008 10:27 ET Pan African Mining Corp. to Be Acquired by Asia Thai Mining Co., Ltd.

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - April 14, 2008) - PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the "Company") (TSX-V: PAF) (FRANKFURT: P2A), Asia Thai Mining Co. Ltd. ("ATM") and 0819615 B.C. Ltd. (the "Purchaser"), a wholly owned subsidiary of ATM, are pleased to announce that they have entered into an agreement for the Purchaser to offer to purchase all of the outstanding common shares of the Company at the price of $4.00 cash per share and for the Purchaser to also offer to purchase for cash all outstanding warrants and all outstanding options (vested and not yet vested) of the Company for a price equal to the difference between $4.00 and the exercise price of the respective warrant or option (the "Transaction").
Noront und Sabina sehe ich ebenfalls als Kaufkandidaten. Die werden die noch ein bisschen bohren lassen
und dann hopp!! :evil:

Kommt Volumen rein!
higher low als Anfang Februar, jetzt mit Volumen und Drill Programm ab!
Ausserdem stehen noch Bohrergebnisse von TdO aus!


die Global Copper Uebernahme rueckt den Fokus nun verscharft auf einige unserer Langristwerte als moegliche naechste Uebernahmekandidaten, u.a. Norsemont (heute mit erweiterter Resourcenschaetzung) und natuerlich v.a. Candente

in dem Zusammenhang weise ich auch immer wieder gerne auf das Potential von PBX hin, die diese Woche (so der Plan) mit Probebohrungen im Tabaco Projekt beginnen, ev. ein Porphyr Cu Target

The Tabaco property is located on the same trend as the Relincho copper-molybdenum porphyry property now being explored by Global Copper Corp. (GLQ-T), in that it skirts the edge of the same volcanic-batholithic contact. The company believes it may have located a similar porphyry system at Tabaco that has not been unroofed, and that the shallow copper resource developed to date merely represents related manto-skarn leakage mineralization.

» zur Grafik

haben schon ueber 3mio an Resourcen in 3 Projekten in Alaska, voll durchfinanziert und jetzt kommt das 4. Projekt (Nevada) in die Resourcenkalkulationsphase!

Apr 14, 2008 12:14 ET
ITH Discovers Bulk Tonnage Gold System in Nevada
Intersects 51.8m @ 2 g/t Gold on its North Bullfrog Project, Nevada

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 14, 2008) - International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. ("ITH" or "the Company") - (TSX VENTURE:ITH)(AMEX:THM)(FRANKFURT:IW9) is pleased to announce initial results for the first 11 holes of its resource definition drill program at the North Bullfrog project, Nevada. Results to date from the Mayflower target are highly encouraging, with broad zones of gold mineralization cored by narrower zones of high grade gold being intersected, such as 51.8 meters of 2.0 g/t gold (including 9.1 meters of 7.2 g/t gold) and 38.1 meters of 1.4 g/t gold (including 15.2 meters of 2.9 g/t gold) (See Table 1).
mmmmhh, gerade wieder online und was sehe ich : kaum Reaktion bei Millstream....was iss denn nu schon wieder?????

wenigstens kommt DNT langsam in die Gänge - die letzten Tage waren im Gegensatz zu D und CA in Peru sehr starke Umsätzte!
:) zu Candente aus Canada:

Global Copper sold for $425 million. They had 9.9 billion pounds.

We have 8 billion pounds now...and more next month.

At $425 million...DNT would be worth approx $6.07 per share. This is not unrealistic.

das sehe ich genauso, persönlich rechne ich nach dem Update mit mind. 12 Mrd Pfund - Global hat 4 Cent pro Pfund bekommen........
das sollte auch mind. drinne sein, zumal wir hier von OpenPit-Mineable sprechen!
so isses!

:) zu Candente aus Canada:

Global Copper sold for $425 million. They had 9.9 billion pounds.

We have 8 billion pounds now...and more next month.

At $425 million...DNT would be worth approx $6.07 per share. This is not unrealistic.

das sehe ich genauso, persönlich rechne ich nach dem Update mit mind. 12 Mrd Pfund - Global hat 4 Cent pro Pfund bekommen........
das sollte auch mind. drinne sein, zumal wir hier von OpenPit-Mineable sprechen!
Lasst uns mal ein wenig spekulieren, welche 10 Explorer Werte man in ein "Takeover-Basket" aufnehmen koennte.


exzellente Share Structure
near term Producer (3-5 Jahre)
entpsrechende kritische Groesse was Resource und MK angeht


Vista Gold



total an mir vorbeigegangen ist der Deal, den Palladon (TSX-V:PLL) da mit einem chinesischen Stahlkocher getaetigt hat, da huepft der Chart erstmal!



das bringt so zwischen 25-40mio USD/anno an Profit

die Finanzierung duerfte auch gelingen, da einige Warrants ins Geld gelaufen sind

Share Structure


Common Shares



Stock Options:

$0.45 per share expiring Sept. 9, 2008 400,000
$0.80 per share expiring Nov. 26, 2008 50,000
$0.50 per share expiring Oct. 22, 2009 100,000
$0.70 per share expiring Oct. 22, 2009 100,000
$0.75 per share expiring April 21, 2009 350,000
$0.85 per share expiring Aug. 8, 2010 180,000
$0.75 per share expiring Aug. 29, 2010 450,000
$0.75 per share expiring Oct. 11, 2010 160,000
$0.80 per share expiring Dec. 15, 2011 1,370,000
$0.40 per share expiring Oct. 31, 2012 600,000

Total Options 3,760,000

Share Purchase Warrants:

$0.75 per share expiring March 31, 2008 10,000,000
$0.70 per share expiring July 20, 2008 700,000
$0.70 per share expiring Aug. 31, 2008 1,802,249
$0.50 per share expiring Sept 11, 2009 13,376,080

Total Warrants 25,878,329

Agent Options:

$0.50 per unit expiring March 31, 2008 721,308

Agent Warrants:

$0.75 per share expiring July 13, 2008 278,602



MK momentan fd ca. 66mio CAD, wobei dann Cash ca. 20-25mio CAD waeren

bei 25-40mio CAD Profit/Year ein Selbstlaeufer, kaufen, weglegen und in zwei Jahren steuerfrei 200% einsacken!
Novagold weiter long

guter Q1 Bericht, insb. dass die suspension liabilities bezueglich Galore Creek um 30% reduziert werden konnten, von 93mio auf ca. 62,7mio (1/3 NG 2/3 Teck)

Skeena Resources (TSX-V:SKE)

angekuendigte Swing Speku mit +30% Ziel geht wohl erneut auf
insgesamt 3 mal bei 0,25 CAD rein und 2 mal zu 0,35 raus, jetzt auf dem Weg zum dritten?


kam durch gute Ergebnisse


News Releases

April 14, 2008
Skeena's Malpica Project Cu-Au-Mo drill results; Mazatlan, Mexico
Skeena Resources Limited (TSX.V: SKE) is pleased to announce assay results from the first 10 diamond drill holes and an up-date to the on-going evaluation program at its advanced MALPICA copper-gold Project in Sinaloa State, 30 km east of Mazatlan, Mexico.

The primary focus of the current program at Malpica is to drill test the open-ended strike and dip extent of the two main mineralized tourmaline breccia pipes, Cerro Tunel and Cerro Pelon (news release May 8, 2007), where a historic, non 43-101 resource* of 29 million tonnes grading 0.64% copper has been reported. Initial results from hole SM-01 in an untested area north of Cerro Pelon referred to as Pelon Norte, (drill plan map link) yielded an intercept of 112 metres grading 0.949 % copper, 0.427 g/t gold, 3.0 g/t silver and 188 ppm molybdenum. Three additional step-out holes to the east (SM-04, 07, and 08) yielded similar results. It is considered particularly noteworthy that significant widths of coincidental, strong molybdenum mineralization (0.019 to 0.05% Mo) have been intersected since the historic Asarco and Cambior drilling was not assayed for molybdenum. Pelon Norte is characterized by a strong Induced Polarization ("IP") chargeability anomaly, a coincidental resistivity low, and strongly anomalous Au, Cu, Ag, and Mo values in soil geochemistry.

Two step-out holes west of Cerro Tunnel (SM-05, 10) have also yielded highly encouraging results (higher than average gold values, slightly lower copper, but no significant Mo).

Drill holes SM-11 to SM-17, in-fill and marginal to Cerro Pelon, are now competed and assay results will be reported upon receipt. Proposed drill holes SM-18 to SM-21 will test an extensional zone to the southeast of Cerro Tunel where a strong IP response and coincidental soil geochemical anomaly is further validated by good surface mineralization.

Significant mineralized intercepts from the first 10 holes is reported in the table below:

Hole No. From
(metres) To
(metres) Interval
(metres) Cu
% Au
g/t Ag
g/t Mo
SM-01 20.0 - 132.0 112.0 0.949 0.427 3.0 188
Incl. 40.0 - 80.0 40.0 1.534 0.699 3.2 311
166.0 - 174.0 8.0 1.489 2.120 15.9 531
196.0 - 200.0 4.0 0.399 1.943 1.7 222
212.0 - 220.0 8.0 0.168 0.289 0.9 624

0.0 - 4.0 4.0 0.373 0.480 8.4 14

No significant values

82.0 - 86.0 4.0 0.968 4.284 5.7 141
90.0 - 100.0 10.0 0.379 0.339 1.4 69
136.0 - 150.0 14.0 0.161 0.338 3.0 57
160.0 - 174.0 14.0 0.585 0.501 1.7 83
192.0 - 206.0 14.0 0.391 1.739 3.0 186

SM-05 30.0 - 94.0 64.0 0.598 1.245 1.8 49
incl. 58.0 - 76.0 18.0 0.629 3.436 1.9 149
124.0 - 198.0 74.0 0.412 0.384 1.5 7

SM-06 34.0 - 40.0 6.0 0.564 0.123 1.7 388
82.0 - 90.0 8.0 0.513 0.320 1.9 110

SM-07 66.0 - 202.0 136.0 0.653 0.417 4.2 267
incl. 164.0 - 182.0 18.0 0.660 1.893 2.6 394

SM-08 34.0 - 116.0 82.0 0.587 0.247 1.8 161
incl. 92.0 - 96.0 4.0 3.335 0.983 23.5 476
132.0 - 172.0 40.0 0.266 1.817 3.3 272
incl. 158.0 - 172.0 14.0 0.269 4.828 4.7 439
196.0 - 206.0 10.0 0.202 1.099 2.4 337

No significant results

SM-10 2.0 - 46.0 44.0 0.463 0.355 1.3 16
64.0 - 88.0 24.0 0.682 0.639 3.9 4
*The reader is cautioned that this historic resource does not conform to Canada's National Instrument 43-101 requirements for reporting purposes; as such, the Company is not treating this estimate as current reserves or resources. These estimates should not be relied upon until they have been verified by further due diligence and re-calculated by an independent qualified person.

The majority of analytical results from 5,500 soil samples have now been obtained over a 130 line kilometre geochemical grid (100 m spaced crosslines and 25 m station intervals). Strongly anomalous copper in soil (from 240 ppm to > 10,000 ppm), and coincidental gold (from 42 ppb to 2,285 ppb), silver (from 0.6 ppm to 12.6 ppm), and antimony (from 1 ppm to 12.5 ppm) responses are noted over the Cerro Tunel, Cerro Pelon, Pelon Norte and Zona Oeste areas, and over a 2 km+ long northwest trending zone in the very southwest sector of the grid (link to soil maps). The Cerro Tunel and Cerro Pelon area is also characterized by a strong molybdenum (from 5 to > 600 ppm) response. (link to soil geochemical maps). Sample coverage is currently being expanded to cover anomalies that trend off grid.

A helicopter-borne DIGHEM electromagnetic and magnetic survey has now been completed over the majority of the property by Fugro Airborne Surveys. The final interpreted data is expected in a few weeks time.

Follow-up diamond drilling to the geochemical survey results awaits the airborne geophysical survey interpretation as several new targets appear to be structurally controlled in a setting somewhat different from Cerro Tunel and Cerro Pelon.

Elsewhere, a helicopter-borne DIGHEM electromagnetic and magnetic survey has now been completed over the majority of the Company's TROPICO copper-platinum-palladium-gold project, located 20 km north of Mazatlan. Final interpreted data is expected in a few weeks time.

Quality Assurance & Quality Control

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed by Rupert Allan, P.Geol., President and CEO of Skeena Resources Limited, the designated Qualified Person for this project. On site drilling supervision is provided by the Company's Latin American management team of, Peter E. Boies, and Felipe Ortega. To ensure best practices in sampling and analyses, the N thin-walled diameter core is logged, photographed, and cut in half with a diamond saw. One half of the core is submitted for analysis and the second half is retained in permanent core facilities on site. A rigorous chain-of-custody and QA/QC program, consisting of the insertion of blanks, certified standard control samples, duplicates of coarse rejects and pulps, and as well as 2% of the second half of the core samples are submitted as analyses to test geological variability. Samples are trucked to Guadalajara, Mexico and crushed by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. The final analysis are completed in Acme's ISO-registered laboratory in Vancouver, BC. Gold is analyzed by 30 gm fire assay fusion with an ICP-ES finish, and 31 additional elements by 0.5 gm ICP-ES analyses. Assays of greater than 10 g/t Au are repeated by 30 gm fire assay with a gravimetric finish, and copper greater than one percent is analyzed by 1 gm ICP-ES.

All drill holes reported on in this news release were drilled vertically. Drill intercepts are reported as down hole lengths of various metals over widths in metres, as true widths of the various zones have not yet been reliably ascertained.

The Qualified Person under Canada's National Securities Instrument 43-101 responsible for the content of this news release is the Company President and CEO, J. R. Allan, P. Geol.


"Rupert Allan"
eigentlich eine schoene Basis, gute Shareholder Structure, paar mio Oz Resource, riesiges Upside durch weitere Projekte



haben schon ueber 3mio an Resourcen in 3 Projekten in Alaska, voll durchfinanziert und jetzt kommt das 4. Projekt (Nevada) in die Resourcenkalkulationsphase!

Apr 14, 2008 12:14 ET
ITH Discovers Bulk Tonnage Gold System in Nevada
Intersects 51.8m @ 2 g/t Gold on its North Bullfrog Project, Nevada

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 14, 2008) - International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. ("ITH" or "the Company") - (TSX VENTURE:ITH)(AMEX:THM)(FRANKFURT:IW9) is pleased to announce initial results for the first 11 holes of its resource definition drill program at the North Bullfrog project, Nevada. Results to date from the Mayflower target are highly encouraging, with broad zones of gold mineralization cored by narrower zones of high grade gold being intersected, such as 51.8 meters of 2.0 g/t gold (including 9.1 meters of 7.2 g/t gold) and 38.1 meters of 1.4 g/t gold (including 15.2 meters of 2.9 g/t gold) (See Table 1).
:) du hattest uns ITH mal an s Herzl gelegt - sieht doch gut aus im MOment könnte gut drehen!
nun ja , die Reaktion gestern war nicht ganz wie ich es mir erhofft habe - aber das Chartsignal spricht zumindest für die nächsten Tage was sehr psoitives:

Dragonfly Doji
Eine positive Trendumkehr ist zu erwarten (aus einem Abwärtstrend heraus).
Es liegt ein Intraday-Reversal vor

bei Osisko auch seit einigen Tagen der "Wurm" drin -total überverkauft.....Gegenreaktion kommt

Moin green! :)

Hab "wo anders" gelesen, dass du versucht hast paar Infos zwecks Zahlen bei R5I aus einem rauszukitzeln :kichern:

Hat er gesungen oder war er stur? Solange dürfte es nicht mehr dauern bis da was kommt. ;)
bis jetzt : Sturkopp.........leider, dabei würden doch alle davon profitieren!
Moin green! :)

Hab "wo anders" gelesen, dass du versucht hast paar Infos zwecks Zahlen bei R5I aus einem rauszukitzeln :kichern:

Hat er gesungen oder war er stur? Solange dürfte es nicht mehr dauern bis da was kommt. ;)
So ein Depp.......... na was solls lange dürfte es nicht mehr dauern. :whistle:

bis jetzt : Sturkopp.........leider, dabei würden doch alle davon profitieren!
Moin green! :)

Hab "wo anders" gelesen, dass du versucht hast paar Infos zwecks Zahlen bei R5I aus einem rauszukitzeln :kichern:

Hat er gesungen oder war er stur? Solange dürfte es nicht mehr dauern bis da was kommt. ;)
heute so gedacht, man der Dukezero iss im Moment nich ganz so bei uns........und plopp, da issa! :D

wie siehste meine Chartansichten zu MLM,DNT und OSK? so als Profi...........kratz,schleim,bettel :kichern:
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
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