• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Sollten, die Märkte sich langsam beruhigen, werden wir bei allen Produzenten und dann den Explorern deutlich steigende Kurse sehen. :)
Sollten, die Märkte sich langsam beruhigen, werden wir bei allen Produzenten und dann den Explorern deutlich steigende Kurse sehen. :)

Euro / Cad $ sieht nun auch besser aus zumindest für die can. Werte!


Rechne aber erst im 3. Quartal mit stabileren Märkten. Dennoch sollte in den Rohstoffsektor vorab wieder etwas mehr Risikokapital fließen und erste Rebounds der gut aufgestellten Werte einleiten!

Hab vereinzelte Posis aufgebaut! .... mal sehen :whistle:
Apr 03, 2008 08:30 ET
Salazar Extends Mineralization for 120 Metres at El Domo Anomaly and Reports 8.6 Meters of 7.53% Zinc & 0.9% Copper
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 3, 2008) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) is pleased to announce the latest results from the drill program at the El Domo anomaly, Las Naves Central area, Curipamba Project, Ecuador.

The El Domo geophysical anomaly was recently confirmed from drill hole 39 (see news release dated March 19, 2008) with reported grades over 12.4 metres(i) of 4.54% zinc, 1.20% copper, 3.62 g/t gold, and 51.75 g/t silver. The Company is reporting on the follow-up drill hole (42) to this recent discovery. Results are encouraging in that the Company believes it is on the verge of discovering a significant new VMS district in western Ecuador.

Reported results from drill hole 42 include:

- 8.6 metres(i) of 7.53% zinc, 1.78 g/t gold; 48.0 g/t silver; 0.9% copper, and 0.52% lead;

- 9.6 metres(i) of 0.81 g/t gold, 30.7 g/t silver, 0.10 % copper, 0.36% lead and 1.13% zinc.

Drill hole 42 is located approximately 120 metres north from drill hole 39 (to view Figure 1 please click on: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/srl0403a.jpg). This potentially extends the mineralization at El Domo by 120 metres. The Company is in the process of following up this success through further drilling and results are expected shortly. El Domo is located 800 metres north from El Gallo and 400 meters south from Roble 1. Drill Hole 42 is located at coordinates 695189 mE and 9855400 mN, azimuth of 090 degrees, and -55 degrees dip. Total depth of the dril hole was 308 metres.

(i) Note: widths reported are not true widths.


Length Au Ag Cu Pb ZnHole # From To (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%)--------------------------------------------------------------------------CURI-07-042 186.35 194.93 8.58 1.78 47.94 0.90 0.52 7.53-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228.10 237.68 9.55 0.81 30.7 0.10 0.36 1.13--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Roble 1 Drill Results

The El Roble 1 anomaly has recently been tested with 5 drill holes for a total of 1,014.8 metres. Results at Roble 1 also confirm the presence of Volcanic Massive Sulphides (VMS) in the Las Naves area and conform to the geological model the Company has developed. These results build on the theory that a new VMS district has been discovered. The anomaly is located 1200 meters north from the El Gallo anomaly and 400 metres north from the El Domo anomaly, within the Las Naves Central area (to view Figure 2 please click on: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/srl0403b.jpg).

Significant results from the Roble 1 drill program include:

- 62.15 meters averaging 0.20 g/t gold; 4.2 g/t silver and 0.70% zinc

The following is a description of all holes drilled:

Drill hole 29, from 8.9 to 25 meters and from 86 to 108 meters is a hydrothermal breccia with silica-argillic alteration, in a matrix of pyrite-sphalerite. There is a fault between 9 and 25 meters.

Length Au Ag Pb ZnHole # From To (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)-------------------------------------------------------------------CURI-07-029 11 19 8 1.71 31 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 107 20 1.0 29.04 0.19 0.41-------------------------------------------------------------------

Drill hole 25, from 100.8 to 106.9 meters is a shear zone with strong pyrite-sphalerite dissemination. Between 106.9 and 185 meters is a hydrothermal breccia with a pyrite-chalcopyrite and sphalerite matrix.

Length Au Ag Cu ZnHole # From To (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)-------------------------------------------------------------------CURI-07-025 100.8 162.95 62.15 0.20 4.2 - 0.70-------------------------------------------------------------------Include: 125 129.4 4.4 0.28 2.7 0.25 2.08-------------------------------------------------------------------Include: 150 162.95 12.95 - 1.4 - 1.02-------------------------------------------------------------------

Drill Hole 21, from 122.4 to 145.2 meters and from 173 to 199.7 meters is a hydrothermal breccia plus stockwork of quartz-sphalerite with traces of chalcopyrite (sulphides range from 5 to 10%).

Length Au Ag Pb ZnHole # From To (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)-------------------------------------------------------------------CURI-07-021 6 10.66 4.66 0.14 5.8 - 0.14------------------------------------------------------------------- 121.52 139 17.48 - 5 - 0.65------------------------------------------------------------------- 174 182 8 0.14 1.6 - 0.40-------------------------------------------------------------------

Drill Hole 20, from 13.4 to 16.2 meters and from 22 to 24.2 meters is a hydrothermal breccia with silica clasts, and traces of pyrite and chalcopyrite in the matrix.

Length Au Ag Pb ZnHole # From To (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)-------------------------------------------------------------------CURI-07-020 11.59 13.84 2.25 0.13 58.2 0.18 0.47------------------------------------------------------------------- 16.90 18.38 1.48 0.27 9.3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------

Drill Hole 19, from 14 to 19 meters is a hydrothermal silica breccia with traces of sulphides comprised of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite in the matrix.

Length Au Ag ZnHole # From To (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%)------------------------------------------------------------CURI-07-019 13.71 19 6.3 0.19 6.6 0.25------------------------------------------------------------

Dr. Howard Lahti, P. Geo, the Qualified Person (QP) for the Company, has reviewed this news release and is responsible for its accuracy.

Samples preparation was performed by ALS Chemex and BSI Inspectorate Labs in Quito, Ecuador, using standard industry practices (Sample prep -32). Analytical work was carried out at the ALS Chemex and BSI Inspectorate Laboratories in Lima, Peru using fire assay methods for gold (Au-25 procedure). Standard samples, blanks and duplicate check samples were randomly inserted to the sample lot to ensure quality control.

To view maps and photos related to the Curipamba Project please visit www.salazarresources.com.


Fredy Salazar, President & CEO

Salazar Resources Limited
@ greenhorn

Wann rechnest Du mit den nächsten Zahlen bzw. relevanten News bei -R5I- ? thx...

denke der Rebound läuft an: :)

» zur Grafik
» zur Grafik :whistle:
M4R - Rancher Energy - bei dem Ölpreis ein Sünde wert, sind ganz schön zurückgekommen (-50%) die letzten Tage , zu Unrecht wie ich finde
gestern in USA noch Mal ein paar zu 0,36$ geholt

» zur Grafik

-produzieren im Moment 350 -400 Barrel Öl / Tag = mind. 11.000 Barrel/ Monat x ca. 95$ -ca. 1,1 Millionen $ pro Monat Erlöse............... :whistle:

-haben mit Exxon einen Deal etcetc

natürlich weiß ich nicht wann sie explodiert - aber sie wird! bei den Ölpreisen wird der Ertrag in die Höhe schiessen
im letzten Bericht hatten sie noch für durchnittlich 75$/Barrel verkauft - nun steht der Preis knapp 30$ höher
macht einen Mehrerlös von ca. 360.000$/Monat x 12 = 4,3 Millionen$

MK im Moment nur noch ca. 24 Mio EUR - ein Witz in meinen Augen........

neben den nächsten Quartalsnews steht die Inbetreibnahme des 4.Well´s an uund das müßte die nächsten Tage soweit sein!!!!!

Strong Long! :)
Apr 04, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc's Drilling of the Montong Botek NW Extension Intersects Longest Mineralized Intercept to Date with Encouraging Results
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 4, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) is pleased to announce that drill hole SLD013, drilling at the northwest extremity of the Montong Botek high-grade Cu-Au porphyry target on its Selodong Intrusive Complex (SIC) prospect on Lombok, Indonesia, has returned the longest mineralized intercept to date, intersecting a broad mineralized interval along nearly the complete length of the hole of:

576.95 m at 0.12% Cu and 0.25 g/t Au from 0.00 m to 576.95 m


113.9 m at 0.06% Cu and 0.34 g/t Au from 21.50 m to 135.40 m

106.6 m at 0.18% Cu and 0.30 g/t Au from 262.75 m to 369.35 m

52.0 m at 0.15% Cu and 0.45 g/t Au from 441.35 m to 493.35 m

SLD013 was collared 150 metres northwest of the historic Newmont drill hole SGD001 to test potential northwestern extensions of high-grade Cu-Au mineralization (QD1) intersected in drill holes SLD001, SLD002, SLD003 and SGD001. Given that Southern Arc's more recent drilling work in this area has been to test extensions of the known high-grade mineralization at Motong Botek and Blongas II, the results from SLD013 are very encouraging and have further extended Cu-Au mineralization to the northwest extremity of the target.

SLD013 adds to the known mineralization identified by Southern Arc with holes SLD001, SLD002, SLD003 and SGD001.

SLD001 returned 442.2 m at 0.28% Cu and 0.42 g/t Au from 33.8 m to 476.0 m.

SLD002 returned 384.65 m at 0.30% Cu and 0.40 g/t Au from 18.1 m to 402.75 m.

SLD003 returned 363.50 m at 0.30% Cu and 0.51 g/t Au from 33.30 m to 396.80 m.

SGD001 returned 416.0 m at 0.21% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au from 2.0 m.

SLD013 was drilled north-northeast at an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 600.0 m. Dacite and quartz diorite intrusives were logged from surface to 28.0 m. From 28.0 m to the end of the hole polymictic breccia, with variable amounts of mineralized quartz diorite (QD1) clasts, was intersected. Similar QD1-style stockwork veining has been mapped elsewhere in the vicinity of the SLD013 collar. Abundant altered and mineralized diorite clasts within the polymictic breccias are very encouraging and may indicate the potential of proximal QD1 hosted mineralization east and north of SLD013 as well as at depth.

SLD015 was located 160 m west of SLD013 to further test inferred NW extensions of Montong Botek Cu-Au mineralization. Detailed geologic mapping had shown continuity of anomalous quartz stock work outcrops into this area. Two zones of lower-grade Cu and Au mineralization were intersected including;

53.0 m at 0.07% Cu and 0.23 g/t Au from 260.0 to 313.0 m

232.0 m at 0.05% Cu and 0.17 g/t Au from 361.0 to 593.0 m

SLD015 was drilled at the same orientation and inclination as that of SLD013 to a depth of 600.4 m. Late stage post-mineralization diorite was drilled from the surface to 129.0 m. From 129.0 m to the end of the hole mineralization is associated with variably phyllic altered QD1 clasts hosted in polymictic breccia. The locations of drill holes SLD013 and SLD0015 at Montong Botek are shown in Figure 1.

SLD012 and SLD014 located at the Belikat porphyry prospect targeted extensions of anomalous Cu-Au intersections from previous shallow Newmont drill holes (Figure 2). These holes targeted anomalous geophysical and geochemical signatures coincident with extensive zones of outcropping quartz stockworks. Phyllic and propylitic altered diorites and minor breccias were intersected in both drill holes hosting zones of quartz stockwork and low-grade Cu-Au mineralization (see Table 1).

These results indicate the presence of an extensive area of porphyry style alteration and mineralisation which remains largely untested at Belikat. Hole SLD012 intersected a number of lower-grade zones of Cu-Au mineralization. Hole SLD014 returned 77.45 m grading 0.13% Cu and 0.22 g/t Au. Further work at Belikat will be considered while drilling continues on other Selodong targets.

SLD012 was drilled west at an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 600.0 m whilst SLD014, located 330.0 m southwest, was drilled south-southwest at an inclination of -65 degrees to a depth of 600.0 m.


Southern Arc's on-going drilling program on the SIC will continue to meet its strategic objective, that is, to test both lateral and depth extensions of Cu-Au mineralization at Montong Botek, Blongas II and Blongas I along with drill testing of the other 12 peripheral porphyry targets such as Kedaro and Lapangan Geres.

Three drilling rigs are concurrently in operation on the SIC. Rig No. 1 and the larger deep drill (Rig No. 3) are focused on testing the lateral and depth extensions of Montong Botek, Blongas II and Blongas I to better define the size of mineralization of the target, while Rig No. 2 continues to drill test the other 12 porphyry Cu-Au targets that comprise the 15 SIC targets.

- Drill Rig No. 1, with a capacity to reach a depth of 600 m, is focused on testing the lateral extensions of Motong Botek, Blongas II and a Blongas I to medium depth. These three porphyry targets form a N to NW-trending structural corridor hosting porphyry copper-gold mineralization approximately 280 m wide and 1,700 m in length. This area coincides well with mapped surface exposures of porphyry-style stockworking, Cu-Au-Mo soil geochemistry and linear magnetic highs associated with secondary magnetite alteration. A number of future drill holes will test the depth extent and grade of mineralization along the strike length of this area. Drill Rig No. 1 has completed hole SLD018 to test for a southern extension of Montong Botek, for which assay results are being awaited, and it is currently drilling hole SLD020 halfway between Blongas II and Montong Botek.

- Drill Rig No. 2, also capable of reaching a depth of about 600 m, will continue to drill test the remaining 12 SIC Cu-Au porphyry targets. Drill Rig No. 2 has completed hole SLD016, testing the northern extent of the Kekalik anomaly, and the assay results are being awaited. It is currently drilling hole SLD019 at the Kedaro target.

- Drill Rig No. 3, capable of drilling to 1,100 metres, is focused on establishing continuity of grade at greater depth at Montong Botek, Blongas II and Blongas I, and any new high-grade targets that become identified. In the near term, the rig will progressively be moved northward from Montong Botek towards Blongas II. It is currently drilling hole SLD017 from the western flank of Montong Botek into the centre of that porphyry target.

Qualified Person and Quality Control and Assurance

The information in this release has been compiled under the supervision of Southern Arc's Vice President of Exploration Hamish Campbell, B.Sc.Geology, MAusIMM. Mr. Campbell has over 23 years of international mineral exploration experience including 21 years in Indonesia during which he has held such positions as Exploration Manager, Senior Geologist and Consulting Geologist. Mr. Campbell has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralization under consideration and qualifies as a Qualified Person as defined in terms of NI 43-101.

All assaying of samples was undertaken by the ITS laboratory in Jakarta. ITS is one of the world's largest product and commodity testing, inspection and certification organizations. The Jakarta laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited and employs a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for sample tracking, quality control and reporting. In addition to the laboratory's quality assurance program, the Company employs its own comprehensive quality assurance/control program including blanks and standards, along with reassays of selective drill pulps by independent industry-accredited laboratories.

On behalf of the Board of Southern Arc Minerals Inc.

John Proust, President and CEO

Table 1: Significant Intersections from Drill Holes SLD012 to SLD015 (Selodong Prospect)
---------------------------------------------------------------- From ToDrill Hole (m) (m) Intersection----------------------------------------------------------------SLD012 0.00 9.45 9.45 m @ 0.04% Cu/0.10 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 75.45 95.45 20.00 m @ 0.03% Cu/0.12 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 219.45 241.80 22.35 m @ 0.06% Cu/0.12 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 265.60 309.45 43.85 m @ 0.07% Cu/0.13 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 331.00 364.30 33.30 m @ 0.04% Cu/0.10 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 418.20 431.95 13.75 m @ 0.05% Cu/0.13 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 460.00 537.60 77.60 m @ 0.10% Cu/0.15 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 565.95 570.40 4.45 m @ 0.25% Cu/0.08 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 576.40 588.40 12.00 m @ 0.07% Cu/0.22 g/t Au----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------SLD013 0.00 576.95 576.95 m @ 0.12% Cu/0.25 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 21.50 135.40 113.90 m @ 0.06% Cu/0.34 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 169.40 409.35 239.95 m @ 0.15% Cu/0.23 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 262.75 369.35 106.60 m @ 0.18% Cu/0.30 Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 279.35 409.35 130.00 m @ 0.18% Cu/0.26 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 319.35 391.35 72.00 m @ 0.23% Cu/0.28 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 441.35 493.35 52.00 m @ 0.15% Cu/0.45 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 445.35 549.35 104.00 m @ 0.15% Cu/0.30 g/t Au----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------SLD014 4.00 14.50 10.50 m @ 0.17% Cu/0.09 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 84.00 100.30 16.30 m @ 0.05% Cu/0.23 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 110.30 187.75 77.45 m @ 0.13% Cu/0.22 g/t Au----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------SLD015 10.00 14.00 4.00 m @ 0.07% Cu/0.32 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 260.00 313.00 53.00 m @ 0.07% Cu/0.23 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 361.00 593.00 232.00 m @ 0.05% Cu/0.17 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 361.00 473.00 112.00 m @ 0.06% Cu/0.18 g/t Au---------------------------------------------------------------- 503.00 593.00 90.00 m @ 0.04% Cu/0.17 g/t Au----------------------------------------------------------------

To view Figure 1 please click on the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/SA44WLP.pdf

To view Figure 2 please click on the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/SA44WLP2.pdf

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Apr 04, 2008 11:55 ET
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Exercise and Closing of Over-Allotment Option
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 4, 2008) -


First Majestic Silver Corp. ("First Majestic" or the "Company") (TSX:FR)(PINK SHEETS:FRMSF)(FRANKFURT:FMV)(WKN:A0LHKJ) is pleased to announce the issuance today of an aggregate of 637,500 common share purchase warrants (the "Additional Warrants") pursuant to the exercise by CIBC World Markets Inc., on behalf of a syndicate of underwriters (the "Underwriters") that includes Blackmont Capital Inc., Cormark Securities Inc. and GMP Securities L.P., of the over-allotment option (the "Over-allotment Option") granted to the Underwriters in connection with the public offering of 8,500,000 units of First Majestic which closed on March 25, 2008. The Additional Warrants were sold to the Underwriters at an issue price of $0.56 per Additional Warrant. Each Additional Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one additional common share at a price of $7.00 until March 25, 2010. The gross proceeds to First Majestic from the exercise of the Over-allotment Option is $357,000.

The Company plans to use the net proceeds of the offering for mill expansion plans to increase the Company's production capacities going forward, ongoing development and exploration programs presently underway, and for general working capital.

First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its corporate growth objectives.

The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any State in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.


Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO
Endlich mal eine vorsichtige Bewegung von den Tiefs weg, das allerdings bei schwachen Umsaetzen.
Entscheidender wird das Tiefenbohrloch.


Apr 04, 2008 08:30 ET
Southern Arc's Drilling of the Montong Botek NW Extension Intersects Longest Mineralized Intercept to Date with Encouraging Results
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 4, 2008) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) is pleased to announce that drill hole SLD013, drilling at the northwest extremity of the Montong Botek high-grade Cu-Au porphyry target on its Selodong Intrusive Complex (SIC) prospect on Lombok, Indonesia, has returned the longest mineralized intercept to date, intersecting a broad mineralized interval along nearly the complete length of the hole of:

576.95 m at 0.12% Cu and 0.25 g/t Au from 0.00 m to 576.95 m
nichts fuer schwache Nerven war in der Vergangenheit unser Langfrister Coriente Resources, nicht nur wegen des stark schwankenden Kurses sondern auch wegen der politischen Situation in Ecuador (die wiederum natuerlich auc auf den Kurs niederschlug)

Meine Anfangsposi lag bei 2,3 EUR, inzwischen laengst steuerfrei, wenn etzt der Gesamtmarkt nicht wieder vollkommen einknickt, dann sehen wir in den kommenden Wochen imho endlich de Fall der 6 CAD Marke und mitelfristig den Bruch des ATH


gestern wurde eine aktualisierte Feasibility Studie vorgestellt:

News Releases

Corriente Resources Inc.: Updated Feasibility Study for Mirador Shows Attractive Starter Project With Major Copper Growth Potential

Project to produce 130 Million pounds of copper annually


Corriente (TSX: CTQ)(AMEX: ETQ) announces that an updated Feasibility Study Technical Report ("FS") has been completed for the company's 100% owned Mirador Project ("the Project") in southeastern Ecuador. The FS projects an average of almost 130 Million pounds of annual copper production for the Project and shows a projected initial capital cost of approximately US$ 399 Million and approximately US$ 19 Million in working capital, which would be spent over a two year construction period prior to the start of production. The FS calls for daily throughput of the concentrator facility of approximately 30,000 tonnes per day, which is a material improvement over the original Feasibility Study results released by the company in April 2005, which planned for 25,000 tonnes per day.

Mr. Ken Shannon, CEO of Corriente, stated, "The Company is pleased that its efforts to continue to refine the economics of the starter project at Mirador are meeting with success and each iteration of the project shows increasing value for shareholders and stakeholders. Combined with our Panantza - San Carlos project, Corriente now has a fully stocked pipeline of near term and longer term projects from which to build a significant copper producer from the ground up."


- Base Case Net Present Value ("NPV"), after-tax, of US$ 265 Million and an after-tax Internal Rate of Return ("IRR") of 17.7% (using metal prices of US$ 1.75/lb Cu, US$ 7.50/oz Ag, US$ 550/oz Au, 8% discount rate, US$ 75/tonne and US$ 0.075/lb treatment and refining charges, respectively, for Cu).

- Average annual metal production over the first 10 years is approximately 137 Million lbs of copper, 34,000 oz gold, and 394,000 oz silver.

- The FS modeled a base case mine plan using 181 million tonnes of Measured and Indicated resources, at a grade of 0.62% Cu, 0.20g/t Au and 1.63 g/t Ag, with estimated recoveries of 90% Cu, 46% Au, and 67% Ag.

- The base case mine plan only utilizes 41% of the Measured and Indicated Resources at Mirador and none of the 235 Million tonnes of Inferred Resources. In addition, the base case does not consider the 171 Million tonnes of Measured and Indicated Resources or the 46 Million tonnes of Inferred Resources at the nearby Mirador Norte project. These additional resources provide significant opportunities for expansion in the future.

- Cost to produce a payable pound of copper, net of other metal credits over the Life of Mine (LOM), is estimated to be US$ 0.84/lb.

- The Project would generate up to 1,200 jobs during the construction period and is expected to create annual employment of over 415 direct and almost 2,700 indirect jobs during the 20 year Project life.

- Total estimated value of taxes, profit sharing and expenditures within Ecuador over the twenty year base case LOM is approximately US$ 1.8 Billion.

- Capex for the project is estimated at US$ 399 Million, including an estimated contingency of US$ 33 Million. In addition, working capital requirements are estimated to be US$ 19 million.


Total estimated resources for the Mirador Project (excluding Mirador Norte), at a 0.4% copper cut-off, are as follows:

Category Tonnes Cu% Cu (lbs) Au oz Ag oz
Measured 52,610,000 0.65 753,000,000 360,000 2,770,000
Indicated 385,060,000 0.60 5,134,000,000 2,380,000 18,760,000
----------- ---- ------------- --------- ----------
Measured & Indicated -
total 437,670,000 0.61 5,887,000,000 2,740,000 21,530,000
----------- ---- ------------- --------- ----------
----------- ---- ------------- --------- ----------
Inferred 235,400,000 0.52 2,708,000,000 1,250,000 9,900,000
----------- ---- ------------- --------- ----------
----------- ---- ------------- --------- ----------

The mine plan for the FS utilized 181 Million tonnes or approximately 41% of the overall Measured and Indicated Resource contained within the Mirador deposit. Mineral resources at the adjacent Mirador Norte project have not been included in the FS.

Total estimated resources for Mirador Norte, at a 0.4% copper cut-off, are as follows:

y Tonnes Cu% Cu (lbs) Au oz
Indicated 171,410,000 0.51 1,921,000,000 489,000
--------- ----------- ---- ------------- -------
--------- ----------- ---- ------------- -------
Inferred 45,820,000 0.51 513,000,000 101,000
-------- ---------- ---- ----------- -------
-------- ---------- ---- ----------- -------


Ore and waste quantities were generated from a 3-D model of the deposit. The FS resource at Mirador of 181 Million tonnes was arbitrarily restricted in this starter project FS and with infrastructure changes, the portion of Mirador resources that could be available for mining would significantly increase (see Table above). The LOM strip ratio is estimated to be 0.81 (waste):1(ore).


The process plant is a conventional concentrator that would process 30,000 tonnes per day of copper ore containing 0.62% Cu, 0.20g/t Au and 1.63 g/t Ag over the life of the mine. The plant has been specifically designed to allow a doubling of throughput to 60,000 tonnes per day by twinning the process circuit beside the existing layout. Several major components of the flow sheet are already sized to cope with such an expansion, including the crusher and main ore conveyor.

The copper concentrate produced is expected to average 30% Cu. The concentrate would be transported via a 418 km highway to a dedicated bulk materials port at Machala that is included in the planned mine infrastructure. The Corriente port site was granted approval for an Environmental Impact Assessment, as announced by the company on December 10, 2007.


The existing Amazon highway system comes within six kilometres of the Project site and local gravel roads will require upgrading to improve mine access. The conceptual design of the FS calls for a 111 km, 230 kV transmission line to be constructed to connect directly to the main electrical grid at Sinincay.


The principal needs of the local communities and government are employment and infrastructure development. Extensive migration of residents within Ecuador and abroad has occurred because of the poor local job market. The company has been working on a program of dialogue over the last six years with the local communities and government to ensure that any development at Mirador is sensitive to their needs and fits with the requirement that projects are environmentally and socially responsible.


The estimated cost to build the 30,000 tonne per day plant and associated infrastructure is US$ 418 Million, including working capital of approximately US$ 19 million. Labour is estimated at 2.7 Million man-hours of direct construction work and mine pre-development. The execution period to allow for long lead-time items for the Project is estimated to be 36 months total, which includes a construction period of approximately 24 months.

Copper Price Sensitivity

The Project base case uses a long term copper price assumption of US$ 1.75/lb. Holding all other costs and prices constant, varying copper prices provides the following table. These results highlight the strong economics of the Project at various copper prices up to US$ 3.00/lb, a level which is significantly less than current spot market price for copper.

Copper Price US$ million IRR
US$/lb (8% discount rate) %
After Tax
$1.50 116 12.6
$1.75 265 17.7
$2.00 427 22.8
$2.25 592 27.5
$2.50 758 32.0
$2.75 923 36.3
$3.00 1,089 40.4

In general, the FS indicates that the Project is more sensitive to copper revenue and less sensitive to capital cost, gold price or operating cost fluctuations.

The cost estimates and financial analyses set out above are subject to important qualifications, assumptions and exclusions, all of which are set out in the FS. In order to fully understand these figures, the NI 43-101 Technical Report referred to below should be read in its entirety.

The FS study was completed by a team of in-house staff and external engineering consultants, including SNC-Lavalin Chile S.A., Merit Consultants International Inc., Hoffert Processing Solutions Inc. and Knight Piesold Ltd. The full NI 43-101 Technical Report will be available on SEDAR within 45 days of this announcement.

The Qualified Person for the above disclosure is John Hoffert, P. Eng.

Current Activity at Mirador

Work at the site is currently focused on the continuation of activities related to the Environmental Impact Assessment Amendment ("EIAA"). A work force of approximately 50 people is currently upgrading infrastructure at the Project for the required EIAA activities. Work is continuing on new home construction in the nearby village of Tundayme as part of the program of relocating several local residents away from the area of proposed mining activity at Mirador. Studies on local hydropower options are being carried out as part of a long-term development plan for energy needs at Mirador. A new office has been opened in the canton capital of El Pangui, which will serve as the regional headquarters for work on the Mirador Project. Next Steps at Mirador

Over the next three months, the work force at Mirador is expected to double as work starts on technical studies which are part of the EIAA program. In addition the company is working with the Government of Ecuador to define the terms of an Investment Contract. The Government has indicated a timeline for this process that would see completion in mid-2008. According to Mr. Jose Serrano, the Sub-Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, "The Ministry is in dialogue with the company's Ecuador subsidiary, Ecuacorriente S.A., about designing agreements that permit a development at Mirador that entail benefits for all sectors involved."

Panantza - San Carlos Project

Corriente is in the process of securing a partner for the company's US$ 1.3 Billion Panantza - San Carlos project approximately 40 km to the north of Mirador, as announced by the company on January 31, 2008.

At US$ 1.75/lb copper, this project has an after-tax Net Present Value of US$ 1.2 Billion at an 8% discount rate, and an after-tax Internal Rate of Return of 19.7%. Corriente has executed Confidentiality Agreements with multiple parties who are engaged in preliminary project data review.

Following completion of the data review, the company plans to move to an in-country due diligence process. During this phase of due diligence, Corriente will work with CORPEI, which is the Ecuadorian Corporation for Exports and Investments Promotion.

According to CORPEI President, Mr. Ricardo Estrada, "CORPEI considers the Panantza - San Carlos project an unprecedented opportunity for Ecuador to gain investors competitive with those of other large mining countries in Latin America. The Government is aspiring to initiate responsible mining and a new era of development based on mineral resources and for these reasons, CORPEI is prepared to work together with the company to advance this project."

Kurse von der TSX in € umgerechnet, ab dem Monat 04.08 ...

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 05.04.08

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,474 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,278 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,461 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,085 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,411 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,209 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,171 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,117 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,316 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,199 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 09.03.08

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,510 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,303 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,464 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,140 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,280 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,210 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,130 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,380 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,258 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 03.02.08

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,620 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,284 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,500 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,155 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,392 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,238 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,150 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,156 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,266 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,217 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 05.01.08

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,820 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,270 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,520 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,159 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,492 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,334 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,210 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,210 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,366 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,315 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 08.12.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,900 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,340 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,150 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,334 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,415 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,199 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,180 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,315 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,297 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.11.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,15 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,400 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,550 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,209 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,500 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,540 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,270 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,230 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,510 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,402 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 06.10.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,20 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,360 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,520 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,155 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,367 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,497 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,340 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,170 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,405 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,425 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 01.09.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,860 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,445 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,166 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,214 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,386 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,260 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,190 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,379 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,375 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.08.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,18 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,590 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,200 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,356 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,371 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,269 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,490 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,479 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 08.07.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,24 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,473 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,424</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,225 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,354 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,50 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,41 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,25 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,60 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,52 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:
Kennt sich jemand von euch mit der story von PQ4 aus ?

Hält sich recht stabil immer mal wieder ein Käufer die Tage der aggressiv aus dem ask nimmt.

Falls einer infos hat die über den W:O Thread hinnausgehen wäre ich sehr dankbar dafür.
sorry - kenn ich noch garnicht, muß ich mich mal reinlesen
Kennt sich jemand von euch mit der story von PQ4 aus ?

Hält sich recht stabil immer mal wieder ein Käufer die Tage der aggressiv aus dem ask nimmt.

Falls einer infos hat die über den W:O Thread hinnausgehen wäre ich sehr dankbar dafür.
Apr 07, 2008 08:30 ET
Salazar Intercepts 16 Meters of Massive Sulphides and Extends Mineralization 300 Meters at El Domo
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 7, 2008) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) announces the intersection of 16 meters of massive sulphide mineralization in drill hole 46 at the El Domo anomaly, Las Naves Central Area, Curipamba Project, Ecuador.

Drill hole 46 is the fourth drill hole completed at the El Domo anomaly. Massive sulphide mineralization predominant in chalcopyrite and sphalerite was intersected from 50 metres to 66 metres (-60 degrees dip) for a total intersection of 16 metres (not true width). The Company has intercepted massive sulphides in all drill holes targeting the El Domo anomaly (# 39, 42, 45 and 46) and with this latest success, the mineralized body has been extended for 300 metres and remains open in all directions. The drill program continues at Las Naves Central and assay results for drill holes 45 and 46 are pending.

Mr. Fredy Salazar states, "The recent drill results at the El Domo anomaly validate our belief that the Curipamba project can provide the Company with significant exploration results. The Las Naves Central area may become the next major VMS district in Ecuador. We plan to focus our exploration efforts at El Domo to prove up what we believe can be a significant discovery. We remain confident that Curipamba can host more than one discovery and our systematic exploration efforts to identify other discoveries are continuing."

Dr. Howard Lahti, P. Geo, the qualified person for the company, has reviewed this news release for its accuracy.

To view maps and photos related to this release and the Curipamba Project please visit www.salazarresources.com.


Fredy Salazar, President & CEO
Zeit, mal auf ein paar erfolgreiche Langfrister zu schauen, die beweisen, dass man mit Explorerstocks auch in diesen für Commodity-Werten schwiereigen Zeiten mittel- bis langfristig durchaus gute Gewinne einfahren kann.

Das sollte man auch immer im Hinterkopf haben, wenn man sich die momentan hundsmiserable Performance des Baskets ansieht, da liege ich fast 50% hinten, aus 5.000 Euro wurden ca. 2.500...

Abgerechnet wird im Mai 2009!

Norsemont Mining

da bahnt sich imho eine Uebernahme an, weiter long und steuerfrei zu 1,68 CAD


viele Positionen, die letzte datiert von der 1. Bekanntgabe einer Resource, Schnitt ca. 7 CAD
Zeit fuer ATHs!


in den Spike im Juni 2007 reingekauft, Schnitt 0,16 CAD, demnächst steuerfrei

Global Copper

exzellente Entwicklung, MK knapp 300mio, Flagship Projekt ist Relincho in Chile, ein Cu Porphyr Projekt mit insg. um die 8/9 mio lb Cu


und jetzt schauen wir mal auf das geologische Setup


und sehen, dass unsere PBX da ganz in der Nähe sein "Tabacco" Projekt hat, bis dato nur ein "kleines 70mio lb Cu-Kathode Projekt", dass aber seit Mitte Februar durch die Entdeckung einer grossen 3D Anomalie plötzlich zu einem möglichen Porphyr Projekt mutiert, und da sehen wir weiter, dass eines der "shallow holes" ev. den upper part des Porphyr-Body getroffen hat


Bohrbeginn Mitte April!
etwas ungewöhnlich hat Dajin kurz vor Handelsschluss seine Ergebnisse vom Jackpot Projekt veröffentlicht, per email!
und naja...
da hatte ich mehr erwartet, aber das ist das Risiko beim News-Frontrunning

hier mal ein link:

sehr schön die kurzfristige Entwicklung bei einem meiner Anfang 2008 eingegangenen strategischen Invests auf Jahressicht

Emed Mining

LSE Chart

u.a. mehrere Porphyr Au-Projekte in der Slowakei und als Trumpf-As die mögliche Übernahme und Wiederinbetriebnahem vom Rio Tinto Cu Projekt in Spanien (was ein Name!)


EMED Mining has now established a strong position in the following areas within its area of interest:

* Caucasus exploration areas form a cluster of gold prospects centred in Georgia. EMED Mining&#65533;s main prospects are within the Upper Racha Licence, the country&#65533;s largest minerals licence with many untested prospects. The Company has confirmed Russian Resources of 1.0 million ounces gold at the Zopkhito Prospect and discovered high grade mineralisation at surface at other prospects.
* Cyprus exploration areas are centred on the Troodos ophiolite complex. The targeted mineralisation style is volcanic-hosted massive sulphide copper deposits under shallow cover rocks, similar to the larger past Cyprus copper mines - three of which exceeded 10 million tonnes of ore running at grades between 1% and 4.5%.
* Eastern Europe exploration areas are centred on a cluster of volcanic centres in Slovakia. Low-detection geochemical methods are being applied to these areas for the first time together with open pit bulk mining concepts. The targeted mineralisation styles are high-grade epithermal gold, or bulk-mineable epithermal gold and porphyry copper-gold. EMED Mining has discovered a porphyry gold district with discoveries at the Biely Vrch, Kralova and Slatinske Lazy Prospects in Slovakia.
* Kefi Minerals Plc was admitted to AIM in December 2006 and is 32%-owned by EMED Mining. KEFI Minerals owns carefully selected licence areas in Turkey, as well as an extensive proprietary database of regional and specific exploration data providing a pipeline of further projects to evaluate. The KEFI Minerals team has mobilized into the field to explore the company&#65533;s tenements and to expand the portfolio of licenses as opportunities warrant.
* Spain was added to the portfolio in May 2007 when EMED Mining was granted an option to acquire Proyecto de Rio Tinto, a copper mine and processing plant in Spain. The mine was placed on care and maintenance in 2001 due to then-prevailing low copper-metal prices of below $US1.00/lb.

hier kaufe ich weiter antizyklisch zu und zwar häppchenweise u.a. bei

Bayswater (TSX:BAY)


Purepoint (TSX:PTU)


Bluerock (TSX:BRD)


Western Prospector (TSX:WNP)


Cash Minerals (TSX:CHX)

ein ganz ganz trauriges Bild gibt momentan Trade Winds Ventures ab...
u.a. ein Management Problem, muss man leider deutlich sagen
bin jetzt meine inzwischen 5. oder 6. Position eingegangen (ein weiterer Verbilliger), Schnitt so um die 0,22 CAD...

wenn ich in einer Unternehmenspräsentation vom März 2008 sowas lesen muss:

• Acquired 100% ownership of the property in 2006
• $ 1.5 million dollar work program during 2006
• Drilled holes to date totaling over 25,000 metres
• Gowest property is part of the 4.6Km strike length which begins
near surface on Block A
• High grade mineralization discovered
Near surface testing planned for Summer 2007

dann frag ich mich ernsthaft, ob dieses Investment ein weises war...
ein ganz ganz trauriges Bild gibt momentan Trade Winds Ventures ab...
u.a. ein Management Problem, muss man leider deutlich sagen
bin jetzt meine inzwischen 5. oder 6. Position eingegangen (ein weiterer Verbilliger), Schnitt so um die 0,22 CAD...

» zur Grafik
der Grund, warum ich dieses Invest überhaupt eingehe ist der folgende:

sobald der Spin Out und die Konditionen bekanntgegeben werden (ich hoffe da mal schwer auf günstige Bonus-shares der "Newco") könnte ähnliches passieren wie bei unserem anderen Langfrister Detour Gold


wenn ich in einer Unternehmenspräsentation vom März 2008 sowas lesen muss:

• Acquired 100% ownership of the property in 2006
• $ 1.5 million dollar work program during 2006
• Drilled holes to date totaling over 25,000 metres
• Gowest property is part of the 4.6Km strike length which begins
near surface on Block A
• High grade mineralization discovered
Near surface testing planned for Summer 2007

dann frag ich mich ernsthaft, ob dieses Investment ein weises war...
ein ganz ganz trauriges Bild gibt momentan Trade Winds Ventures ab...
u.a. ein Management Problem, muss man leider deutlich sagen
bin jetzt meine inzwischen 5. oder 6. Position eingegangen (ein weiterer Verbilliger), Schnitt so um die 0,22 CAD...

» zur Grafik
einer meiner alten Lieblingswerte (sowas sollte man an der Börse ja eigentlich nicht haben...)

Cornerstone Capital

Opfer der Ecuador-Problematik, da die Investoren Gedeih und Verderb der Firma mit den Ecuador-Goldprojekten, insb. Shyri gleichsetzen


imho ein großer Fehler, da die Firma einen ganzen Köcher an herausragenden Projekten im minenfreundlichen (alllerdings auch teuren) Canada hat

Cu, Ni, Au, die ganze Palette, alles noch recht am Anfang aber mit Potential und das Risiko wird dadurch minimiert, dass man selber gar nicht an denProjekten arbeitet, sondern einen Mehrheitsbeteiligung ausoptioniert, langfristig kann sich diese Strategie als durchaus richtig erweisen, deshalb auch ein Langfristwert

und das wahre Blue Sky Potential wird erschlossen,wenn dan auf einmal doch in Ecuador gebohrt werden darf (u.a. mit dem neuen JV Partner Newmont!)
auch ein m.M. sehr interssanter Wert - JuniorProduzent, ein Stückchen weiter als Scorpio mit sehr guten Zahlen.....damit sollten sie den Sprung in die Gewinnzone geschafft haben!

Apr 07, 2008 17:21 ET
Great Panther's Record Output Continues With 431,639 Ag Eq Oz in Q1
Forecasting 1.75 million Ag Eq Oz, including 1.15 million ounces of silver, for 2008

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 7, 2008) - Great Panther Resources Limited (TSX:GPR) (the "Company") is very pleased to report that the operations improvement at both its 100% owned Mexican mines continues, with many quarterly production records being broken. The benefits from the ongoing exploration and the mine development at Guanajuato and Topia are now being realized.

Operational highlights include:

- Highest ever metal production of 431,639 silver equivalent ounces (Ag Eq Oz), a 24% increase over the previous quarter, and an increase of 36% over the first quarter of 2007.

- New record for total production of 285,139 ounces of silver, a 35% increase over the previous quarter, and an increase of 59% over the first quarter of 2007.

- Records for silver and gold production from Guanajuato; at 198,663 ounces Ag and 1,369 ounces Au, were up by 56% and 45%, respectively, compared to the fourth quarter of 2007.

- Records for silver and lead production from Topia; at 86,476 ounces and 217 tonnes, were up by 4% and 12%, respectively, compared to the fourth quarter 2007.

(Silver equivalents for 2008 are established using prices of US$800/oz Au, US$16/oz Ag, US$1.15/lb Pb and US$1.00/lb Zn.)

The Q1 2008 production of 431,639 Ag Eq Oz from both of Great Panther's mines includes 285,139 oz of silver, 1,589 oz of gold, 478,400 lbs of lead, and 523,400 lbs of zinc. This production level represents a 24% increase over the previous quarter, and an increase of 36% over the first quarter 2007.

The Guanajuato Mine produced a record 198,663 ounces of silver and 1,369 ounces of gold, from processing 40,393 tonnes of ore with average grades of 1.40g/t gold and 188g/t silver. The ore grades were 74% higher than the 2007 average and the production of silver and gold was 56% and 45%, respectively, greater than in the previous quarter. The turnaround reflects the success of the grade control measures coupled with the higher grade ore sources, a direct benefit from exploring and developing access to the Cata Clavo, Guanajuatito, Rayas and Promontorio mining areas.

The metal output in terms of equivalent ounces of silver, at 267,132 Ag Eq Oz, the processing plant metal recoveries, at 75.5% for gold and 81.5% for silver, and the concentrate quality of 6.40 kg/t silver, were all the highest for any quarter to date. The improvement plans for the Guanajuato plant were initiated in December and further improvement is expected as more modifications are being made. Improvements were made in the crushing plant, to deliver a consistent and finer mill feed; the grinding circuit, by increasing the power draw to produce a finer flotation feed; and in the flotation circuit, where the reagents were replaced in March with the effect of increasing the concentrate quality.

Mine development was focused on deepening the Guanajuatito area in the northwest portion of the mine property, at the deep Clavo de Cata in the central part, and exploratory development of the Promontorio area. Production from Guanajuato is projected to increase further in 2008. The internal, inclined ore hoisting shaft, servicing the 430 Level of the Cata Clavo area, was recommissioned and is now fully operational; cut and fill mining of the Guanajuatito Zona Norte is established on two levels; and exploratory development of two levels at Promontorio is in progress.

In addition, Great Panther Resources has committed to the purchase of two new 3.5 yd3 scoop trams, to be supplied by Atlas Copco for delivery by the end of the 2nd quarter, which will further enhance underground development and production performance.

Underground development is being supported by three small underground diamond drills, and exploration drilling continues in the Cata Clavo area to a depth of 200 metres below current workings, with all drillholes intersecting mineralization and excellent assay results being reported. Further exploration of this and the area between it and the prolific Rayas Clavo will continue through 2008.

In the first quarter, the Topia operations produced 86,476 ounces of silver, 220 ounces of gold, 217 tonnes of lead, and 237 tonnes of zinc, or 164,507 Ag Eq Oz. Silver production was a record 4% above the previous record quarter and 19% above the same period last year. Lead production was also a record, at 12% above the last quarter and 6% above the previous record quarter of a year ago. The Topia plant processed 9,457 tonnes of ore at grades of 326g/t Ag, 0.8g/t Au, 2.80% Pb and 2.89% Zn, and achieved excellent overall recoveries of 87.2% for Ag, 91.0% for Au, 81.8% for Pb and 86.8% for Zn.

The Topia operations are continuing to demonstrate improvements as a direct result of the investment to rehabilitate the many small mines, to explore, with surface and underground diamond drilling, and to develop the veins for production mining. On the Argentina vein, the production sub-level above Level 2 has exposed excellent vein widths and ore grades which confirm intersections from earlier surface drilling, (refer to drill results for A04-04 shown on the Argentina longitudinal section on the Company website at www.greatpanther.com), while the ramp has been extended to access the main level and is being deepened further to the 3rd and 4th levels. A decline has been driven from the Oliva Mine and has accessed the Victoria adit level, a main adit which intersects many veins including the Argentina vein below the 6th level. This level had been inaccessible for many years and it will provide access to the lower levels of the Argentina vein. The Don Benito vein is being developed for production at four locations and is expected to provide a source of higher grade ore, (refer to the plan and longitudinal entitled "Underground Exploration on the Don Benito Vein" on the Company website).

With the ongoing improvements in the mines and plants, the Company anticipates that quarterly production will continue to climb throughout the remainder of 2008 such that the Q1 production is on target to meet or exceed the annual goal of 1.75 million Ag Eq Oz.

Robert F. Brown, P.Eng. and Vice President of Exploration for the Company is the Qualified Person for both the Guanajuato Mine and the Topia Mine, under the meaning of NI 43-101. Aspects of both mines relating to mining and metallurgy are overseen by Charles Brown, Chief Operating Officer for Great Panther and its Mexican subsidiary, Minera Mexicana El Rosario, S.A. de C.V.


Robert A. Archer, President & CEO
SOURCE: Tournigan Gold Corporation
Apr 08, 2008 08:00 ET
Tournigan Reports High Grade Chemical Assay Results at Kuriskova

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - April 8, 2008) - Tournigan Gold Corporation (TSX-V: TVC) (FRANKFURT: TGP) today reported results from geochemical assays taken from 13 diamond drill holes on its Kuriskova deposit in Eastern Slovakia. The results are part of Tournigan's 10,129 metre, 30-hole, 2007 infill drilling program on the deposit. Results from an additional 13 holes will be reported in subsequent news releases. Two of the holes in the program were abandoned, one was structurally pinched and on one hole, drilling will be continued in June this year.

Highlights from assay results include:

Hole From To Length %U3O8
KG-J-19A 232.6 241.0 8.4 0.328
KG-J-21A 313.2 327.0 13.9 0.321
KG-J-21D 305.5 311.5 6.0 0.592
KG-J-24B 346.0 353.0 7.0 0.436
KG-J-25A 301.5 307.2 5.7 0.880

Assay results from all the reported drill holes are listed in Appendix A and on Tournigan's web site at http://www.tournigan.com/i/misc/AppendixA.pdf.

"As anticipated, the geochemical assays that we received correlate well with the previously disclosed radiometric results. Given the long lead times for obtaining chemical assays this correlation justifies announcing radiometric assays so that investors have the latest information available to them," said Tournigan President, James Walchuck. "We expect to report the remainder of the 2007 chemical assay results followed by the radiometric results from our initial 2008 drilling at Kuriskova in May."

Assay results from the 2007 program will be used for a new NI 43-101 resource estimate expected mid-2008. Tournigan anticipates the next estimate will upgrade a significant portion of the deposit to the indicated resource classification. Tournigan continues its 2008 infill drilling program at Kuriskova where the company has planned approximately 9,000 metres of core diamond drilling.

Tournigan employs a rigorous QAQC program for its uranium analytical program. Core is sampled and saw split in Slovakia, where field blanks are inserted. The entire half core sample is shipped to SGS Lakefield, Ontario, for crushing and pulverization. Duplicates and certified standards are inserted blindly by a third-party independent lab prior to analysis. SGS Lakefield analyzes all samples for uranium by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). All samples are then analyzed for 50 elements by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometry with a four acid digest. Check assays are performed on ore grade samples by an independent lab at a minimum rate of 5%.

Joseph Ringwald P. Eng., Tournigan's VP Sustainable Development, is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained herein.

Continuation from Yukon to British Columbia

Tournigan is pleased to announce the completion of the continuation of its jurisdiction of incorporation from the Yukon Territory into British Columbia under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) effective as of March 27, 2008 and the adoption of new articles, as approved at the annual shareholders meeting held March 14, 2008. The continuation is not a reorganization, amalgamation or merger and does not alter shareholdings of Tournigan's shareholders. The CUSIP and ISIN number for the common shares of the Corporation remain the same after the continuation. The Corporation's new constating documents have been filed on SEDAR (www.sedar.com).

About Tournigan

Tournigan has built a portfolio of highly prospective uranium and gold properties in both Europe and North America. Tournigan is a mineral resource company with a focus on developing its best projects. Tournigan has obtained licenses in countries that are economically and politically stable, have good infrastructure, and a highly educated population.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of
könnte spannend werden - Ausbruch sehr gut möglich die Tage, die guten News von gestern und der abendliche "Kaufrausch" lassen hoffen - einzig die Umsätze könnten noch zulegen....
hatte die nich auch ein BB auf der Watch :gruebel:

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