• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

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Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
mich wuerde mal interessieren, wieso bei einigen dieser wirklich interessanten und in CAN auch durchaus liquiden Werten wie Serengeti, Southern Arc, Sparton, Montello, PBX und und und hier in D die Taxen so dermassen unverschaemt sind! :mad:

Kann man echt nur mit Abstaubern handeln. :evil:

"stink bids" :kichern:

freue mich jedesmal wenn ich das basket aktualisiere über die deutschen kursstellungen :juchu:
can umrechnen auf € und den nächsten wert nehmen??? :sick:
Peak Gold IHK1 sieht interessant aus! :)

Das riecht nach Musik!!
:) Scorpio Mining finishes Nuestra Senora mill

2008-03-31 11:35 ET - News Release

Mr. Peter Hawley reports


Scorpio Mining Corp. is providing an update on its progress toward production at the 100-per-cent-owned Nuestra Senora project, Sinaloa state, Mexico.

Peter J. Hawley, chairman, chief executive officer, comments: "The Scorpio team is extremely proud to have reached completion of the Nuestra Senora mill facilities. Considering that the initial groundbreaking for the mill facility was on Aug. 1, 2007, attaining this milestone within a period of only eight months is an achievement that demonstrates the know-how and dedication of the Scorpio team. This extraordinary fast-track timeline is particularly impressive given current mining industry shortages of supplies, components and experienced professionals, including tradespeople. In addition to this feat, the company also cleared and constructed a tailings dam impoundment area, a 34-kilometre power line, 4.8-kilometre water line, mine personnel living complexes and 4.3 kilometres of bypass road, all while underground development and stockpiling of mineralized material continues to progress. At the same time, the geological team has recently delineated some new discoveries and controls of high-grade mineral emplacement that is expected to significantly enhance the grade of the mill throughput in the future, as well as offer more flexibility in mine planning."

Project update

Mill construction

As of March 27, 2008, the company has received the mill facility construction completion certificate sign-off from Exergy Engineers & Constructors Inc., which has overseen the mill construction and precommissioning, and will oversee the commissioning.

From this point in time, the company will proceed with eight scheduled weeks of verification of the equipment and mill commissioning. This will include approximately two weeks of final verification confirming that all equipment is mechanically sound, and that electrical panels and wiring are correctly installed. This will be followed by powering up the facility to check on motors and the rest. This is to be followed by the initial ore processing, including further commissioning for the first three months (April to June), during which time mill throughput will average 500 tonnes per day. The purpose of this preliminary production is to determine the reagent consumption and maximize the recovery of metals. Following these steps, throughput will be increased to 1,000 tonnes per day commencing July, 2008.

Construction of the company's 100-per-cent-owned and dedicated 34-kilometre power line from the main hydro dam to the mill facility has been fully completed, including the building of an electrical substation. It is expected to go live on April 1, 2008.

The two one-million-litre water tanks are full and ready for processing start-up. It is anticipated that 80 per cent of the water used will be recovered for recycling in the process.

Ore stockpile inventory as of the end of February, 2008, was as follows:

Stockpile 1 -- 52,148 tonnes grading 69 grams per tonne Ag, 0.08 gram per tonne Au, 0.25 per cent Cu, 1.42 per cent Pb and 2.55 per cent Zn;
Stockpile 2 -- 22,724 tonnes (assay results pending).

Bypass road -- housing

The 4.3-kilometre Cosala bypass road has been completed. This road was used for moving oversized mill equipment, trailers and the rest for installation at the mill facility, and the future transfer of daily metal concentrates to smelters without impacting the town of Cosala with heavy traffic.

Construction work on the permanent facility camp is 75 per cent complete; final details in progress consist of completion of the installation of doors and windows, roof tiles, and exterior and interior painting. Sewage lines have been connected to Cosala's municipal system with fresh water now being connected.

When finished, the camp will initially house 48 persons in 16 houses and the site allows expansion for further construction. This facility is being built on 14 hectares of land that the company has purchased which is ideally situated on both sides of the company's Cosala bypass road. This purchase of the land is a cost-effective measure allowing the company to build houses for employees and to construct its own core logging and equipment storage facilities rather than rent these facilities.

Currently, land is being cleared and prepared for the construction of a main central office, core logging and equipment storage facilities, which will allow the company to relocate its entire support staff to the new facility.

Tailings pond and dam construction

Tailings dam construction has been completed for phase 1 (first year of production).

The bottom of the tailings receiving pond has been completed and the geomembrane installation is in progress. The tailing facility is now ready to receive material from the milling process.

The contouring of the tailings pond area for the second phase (years two to five) is in progress.

Water supply for the mill

A water supply system consisting of a well by the river, a storage tank, a pumping station and a 4.8-kilometre pipeline to the mill is under construction. The pipeline construction is at 90-per-cent completion.

The pipeline consists of a six-inch-diameter steel pipe along the road with cement holding supports and anchors, whereas the cement water well holding tank consists of an 18-inch-diameter steel pipe under the river bed with three different pipe water feeders that feed the well. In addition, a backup supply of excess clean mine water can also be pumped from level 6 of the mine into the storage tank. The entire infrastructure is 95 per cent complete. The Habitas river flows all year long, thus ensuring a constant flow of water available for the milling process even in the driest months.

The staging storage tank has been constructed on site.

The cement work for the pump station is completed.

Although it is planned to recirculate approximately 80 per cent of the process water, the water supply system will have the capacity to supply 100 per cent of the mill needs.

Underground development

As of the end of March, 2008, a total of 6,769.5 metres of development were done, which includes crosscut and access points of four by four metres. Of this total, 1,804 metres of ramp (section of four by five metres) have been excavated.

During one 10-hour shift, the company is currently capable of moving over 1,550 tonnes of waste/ore from stope development and preparation activities in three zones to the mill site. This only requires eight 12-cubic-metre trucks completing 82 trips per shift, which supports management's view that the company can easily haul from underground the initial 1,000 tonnes per day projected for mill feed.

The initial full-scale mining is planned to start from the lower-grade Hoag zone, where primary and secondary blocks have been outlined. Each primary block contains approximately 23,000 tonnes on level 10.5 and between 30,000 to 45,000 tonnes on level 10. Long-hole drilling of the blocks from the level 10 to level 10.5 (15 metres) began in February, 2008, with the first blasting of blocks begun in March, 2008. In addition, five blocks have been excavated at the bottom and the top, and two of these blocks are currently ready for long-hole drilling; development is continuing to prepare the others.

The Alimak ventilation raise from the sixth level of the Nuestra Senora mine to the Candelaria mine has been completed and installation of the vent fan system will be completed by July.

The up ramp from the third level of the Nuestra Senora mine to the Candelaria mine (located 175 metres vertically above) has advanced 220 metres of the overall 470 metres required to connect with the above Candelaria mine ramp. Once connected, this will allow the company to access the high-grade Candelaria mineralization for the blending of mill feed to increase mill head grades.

Surface and underground exploration

The company currently has three underground diamond drills performing infill delineation drilling for areas of exploitation as well as exploration drilling, which is also targeting the zones outlined by the recent successful surface drilling of the Santa Teresa and Santo Domingo satellite deposits, and based on new exploration models established from underground structural mapping. Recent exploration results in the Santa Teresa extension and below the main northwest zone (Jewel Box area) have been surpassing the company's expectations.

On Feb. 18, 2008, the company completed a geophysical program of down-hole pulse electrical magnetic (DHPEM) surveying to determine if this system will accurately locate known mineralized bodies within the Nuestra Senora project. The survey was successful in identifying the known orebodies, particularly in the main zone. This tool is expected to greatly enhance the company's exploration efforts in underexplored and/or structurally complex areas.

The company is in the final stages of signing commercial smelter agreements and once finalized will inform the public during the next month.

The president, D. Roger Scammell, PGeo, is the company's qualified person for the Nuestra Senora project. Mr. Scammell is responsible for the current exploration and development program, and has reviewed the content of this release.

We seek Safe Harbor.
Osisko gets study results from Canadian Malarctic

2008-03-31 07:36 ET - News Release

Mr. Sean Roosen reports


Osisko Exploration Ltd. has released results of the preliminary assessment study of its 100-per-cent-owned Canadian Malartic gold project located in Malartic, Que. The study was compiled by BBA Inc., with the collaboration of RSG Global Consulting, G Mining Services, Genivar, Golder Associates and the Osisko Technical Group. Osisko released its current inferred resource of 8.4 million ounces of gold in mid-2007 (see July 5, 2007, news in Stockwatch). For the purposes of this preliminary assessment study, only in-pit inferred resources between surface and a vertical depth of 400 metres were considered. A gold price of $775 per ounce was assumed for the financial analysis, and current market prices for all materials were applied. All dollar amounts presented in this press release are expressed in United States dollars. An exchange rate of 1.10 was used with respect to Canadian expenditures.

Results of the study are highly encouraging and Osisko is continuing to work toward definitive feasibility on the Canadian Malartic project, expected to be delivered by year-end. The study shows that over the first three years of production, Canadian Malartic will average 572,000 ounces of gold per year at an average head grade of 1.05 grams per tonne (g/t) Au and with cash costs averaging $314 per ounce (including royalties). Over the first three years, the operation would generate pretax cash flow of $731-million. Over a projected 14-year mine life, the current deposit would produce an average of 457,800 ounces of gold per year at an average cash cost of $381 per ounce (including royalties), generating pretax operating cash flow of $2.58-billion, with over $1-billion pretax cash flow generated in the first five years of production. The study shows an internal rate of return (using a 5-per-cent discount rate) of 22.2 per cent and possible payback period of 39 months........

auch schon eine kleine "Ewigkeit" in meinem Depot...............
MK mittlerweile nur noch 6 Mio EUR - ca. 9,36 Mio $ - bekommen tun sie 7,3 Mio!!!! Cash + Aktien:whistle:
da sollte doch was gehen heute

Apr 01, 2008 02:00 ET
Nirek Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire 49% of Millstream Mines' Tamarack Gold Property
ONTARIO, CANADA--(Marketwire - April 1, 2008) - Nirek Resources Inc.("Nirek") (FRANKFURT:3N6)(Gold Warrant: CA6546411175) is pleased to announce they have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to acquire a 49% undivided working interest in the Tamarack gold producer from Millstream Mines Ltd.(TSX VENTURE:MLM). The gold property is located in the state of Montana, USA.

The LOI specifies that Nirek will pay Millstream a total of approximately US$7,300,000 cash payment as outlined below:

a) A cash payment of US$1,300,000

b) A further cash payment of US $1,000,000 to the Joint Venture, to develop and exploit the Tamarack Gold property

c) One million Nirek common shares with a 12-month trading restriction

d) Purchase four million (4,000,000) Millstream flow-through shares priced at $1.00 per share with a 12-month trading restriction or in lieu of cash, in the absolute sole discretion of Millstream will take 4,000,000 Nirek common shares to be valued at CDN$1.00 equivalent per share.

The LOI contemplates that upon Nirek's completion of its purchase, the parties will form a single purpose Joint Venture to develop and exploit the Tamarack Gold property. Millstream will remain as the Operator/Manager of the property. Nirek will have the right to draw upon 100% of the net gold recovered up to an amount of 10,000 gold ounces, with Nirek being indebted to Millstream for 51% of such amount of gold drawn. Additionally, Millstream will assign to Nirek, in trust, a further 26% interest in the property for a period of either nine (9) months or when 2,500 gold ounces are recovered; upon whichever first occurs, such 26% interest shall revert back to Millstream. The agreement is subject to completion of mutually acceptable binding legal agreements and maybe subject to regulatory approvals or exemptions, and financing by Nirek.

About Nirek Resources Inc.

Nirek Resources Inc. ("Nirek") is a Canadian exploration company focused on exploring for precious and base metals in US and Canada. The company is focused on acquiring gold and precious metal properties with proven reserves through a series of joint ventures, mine and property acquisitions. It is the company's ambition to fulfill drilling requirements necessary to estimate a NI 43-101 compliant resource.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings.

Outstanding Shares: 16,952,220

Makler gibt keine Stuecke, das ist so ein Saupack! :mad:

stellt schoen eine Anzahl rein und dann wird nix ausgefuehrt

alle restlichen mit Verlust raus... :cry:

Lucky Jack Projekt wird nicht weiterverfolgt
mit Kobex tut mir leid! :confused:

Millstream haste jetzt?! ;)
:) NioGold auch gestern wieder starke Umsätzte und + 27% - scheint auch was in der Pipline zu sein


NioGold - NOX - urplötzlich sind Käufe da, war sehr ruhig geworden um den Nachbarn von
Osisko Explorations..........aber da scheint sich was zu bewegen! :evil:

» zur Grafik
01.04.2008 12:29
News Alert: Orko Silver mit Doppelschlag, Scorpio Mining stellt Verarbeitungsanlage fertig!
Orko Silver Corp.

Orko Silver Corp. (News) (WKN: A0JKUL) versetzte uns gestern gleich mit zwei Meldungen in Erstaunen. Zuerst meldete das Unternehmen wieder hervorragende Bohrergebnisse vom La Preciosa Projekt. In der Vertiefungsbohrung BP06-71ext stieß man auf die Martha-Ader über eine wahre Breite von 20,85 m. Der Gehalt an Silberäquivalent (Gold wird hier auch in Silber umgerechnet) betrug 458,36 g/t. Nach dieser Meldung kam die mit Spannung erwartete neue Ressourcenschätzung. Es gelang Orko, die letzte Schätzung um 41% auf nunmehr 103,2 Mio. Unzen Silberäquivalent zu vergrößern. Hierbei sind die Bohrungen bis einschließlich Loch BP07-149 und die 7 Erweiterungsbohrungen enthalten. Bedenken Sie bitte, dass Orko jetzt gerade Loch 220 bohrt! Die Aktie kam gestern nach der Meldung etwas unter Druck. Auch die schwachen Edelmetallpreise waren nicht hilfreich. Sehen Sie das als neue Chance. Man kann nur mutmaßen, doch eine Ressource von über 170 Mio. Unzen Äquivalent ist dieses Jahr absolut realistisch und damit kommt Orko definitiv auf den Übernahmeschirm. Die Aktie bietet solide 100% Kurspotential.

Scorpio Mining Corp. (News)

Scorpio Mining Corp. (WKN: 121237) meldete gestern den Bauabschluss der Nuestra Senora Verarbeitungsanlage. Ein großer Meilenstein für das Unternehmen. Während der sich jetzt anschließenden Inbetriebnahme wird Scorpio bis Anfang Juli ca. 500 t niedriggradiges Material verarbeiten und damit die Reagenzien und die Anlage testen und einstellen. Ab Juli wird die Anlage mit 1.000 t Tagesdurchsatz gefahren. Zeitgleich mit dem Bau der Anlage wurden auch die Stromleitung, Wasserversorgung der Anlage, Behausungen für das Personal und die Umgehungsstraße fertiggestellt. Eine logistische Großleistung! Nach dem Abschluß dieser Arbeiten wird sich das Unternehmen verstärkt auf die Exploration konzentrieren, wo man mit elektromagnetischen DHPEM-Untersuchungen ein gutes Werkzeug zum Aufspüren unterirdischer Erzzonen hat. Ende März wird als Krönung der Arbeiten eine große Einweihungszeremonie für die neue Anlage stattfinden. Mitte Juni werden wir Ihnen wieder einen Vor-Ort-Bericht liefern. Nutzen Sie die Schwächephase zum Aufstocken Ihrer Aktien.

© Rohstoff-Spiegel

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Apr 01, 2008 08:00 ET
Kinbauri Drills 3.15m Grading 11.6g Au/t and 2.76% Cu, Including 1.5m Grading 19.5g Au/t and 5.1% Cu
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 1, 2008) - Kinbauri Gold Corp. ("Kinbauri") (TSX VENTURE:KNB)(FRANKFURT:3KG.DE) is pleased to announce the latest results from its on-going 23,000m underground drilling program at El Valle in northwestern Spain. Highlights of the assay results from the 107 Area/Black Skarn North zones include:

- 3.15m grading 11.6g Au/t, 64g Ag/t and 2.76% Cu in DDH 08KV1061 including 1.5m grading 19.5g Au/t, 109g Ag/t and 5.1% Cu

- 3.65m grading 6.2g Au/t and 0.51% Cu and 1.25m grading 16.0g Au/t and 0.15% Cu in DDH 08KV1067

- 19.25m grading 2.5g Au/t and 0.77% Cu in DDH 08KV1070 including 7.25m grading 4.0g Au/t and 1.06% Cu

Results From The In-Fill Drilling: Area 107 and Black Skarn North

The underground infill program continues to generate excellent results, most notably high grade Au and Cu values. Assays as received from a further six diamond drill holes from the in-fill drill program are summarized as follows:

HOLE From To Interval %(2) Au Ag Cu Zone/(DDH)(1) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) Section(3)08KV1061 140.50 143.65 3.15 84 11.55 64 2.76 107W1125including 140.50 142.00 1.50 " 19.50 109 5.1108KV1061 155.20 156.85 1.65 " 3.60 4 0.02----------------------------------------------------------------------08KV1064 No Intercepts greater " BSN West than 2 g/t Au eq ----------------------------------------------------------------------08KV1066 50.35 53.50 3.15 60 1.45 6 0.69 BSN/10.508KV1066 56.40 82.35 25.95 " 1.72 8 0.50Including 56.40 57.90 1.50 " 3.10 17 2.72Including 73.05 82.35 9.30 " 2.27 14 0.58----------------------------------------------------------------------08KV1067 53.70 56.20 2.50 97 1.76 13 0.59 BSN/102508KV1067 65.35 66.60 1.25 " 15.99 11 0.1508KV1067 73.35 79.60 6.25 " 4.72 16 0.51Including 73.35 77.00 3.65 " 6.16 19 0.5108KV1067 87.30 92.40 5.10 " 4.15 10 0.81----------------------------------------------------------------------08KV1069 70.95 95.65 24.70 40 2.00 13 0.62 BSN/10.5Including 79.00 83.10 4.10 " 3.33 24 0.00Including 85.40 86.25 0.85 " 8.48 53 2.84Including 88.80 91.30 3.10 " 2.52 15 1.11----------------------------------------------------------------------08KV1070 54.85 74.10 19.25 85 2.54 12 0.77 BSN/1025Including 59.45 66.70 7.25 " 4.09 15 1.06Including 63.85 65.50 1.65 " 9.06 27 1.43
(1) See Schedules A and B for Location. (2) % value gives estimate of True Thicknesses. (3) 107W is Area 107 West and BSN is Black Skarn North

Thick skarn sections continue to be intersected in both the Central and East Areas of Black Skarn North; high grade gold intervals reflect the intersection of epithermal structures with the skarn.

Results From Area 208 Exploration Drilling

Results have also been received from the last hole (07VAL236) drilled on the eastward extension of Area 208. The hole intersected several oxidized and silicified zones, being characterized by jasperoid, jasperoid breccias and silicified dolomites, which generally host gold. Resources for Area 208 are currently included in those determined for the East Breccia, which appears to be a northern extension of Area 208. Results from 07VAL236 are listed below:

----------------------------------------------------------------------HOLE From To Interval Au Ag Cu (m) (m) (m)(1) (g/t) (g/t) (%)----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 120.45 124.2 3.75 5.58 less than 0.012 1.99 Including 120.45 122.45 2 8.56 less than less than 1.99 0.01----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 134.95 136.95 2 4.93 less than 0.01 1.99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 142.2 143.75 1.55 0.05 less than 0.84 1.99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 151.6 162.45 10.85 2.38 2.28 0.02 Including 151.60 154.70 3.10 5.28 2 0.02----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 169.95 172.00 2.05 4.05 less than 0.02 1.99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 215.15 221.80 6.65 2.90 less than 0.01 1.99 Including 219.90 221.80 1.9 7.30 less than 0.01 1.99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 256.40 257.65 1.25 1.21 6 1.54----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 260.50 261.25 0.75 3.22 14.00 5.12----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 273.65 277.35 3.70 1.86 5.41 1.20----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 284.75 289.30 4.55 2.23 10.34 1.61 Including 284.75 287.10 2.35 3.9 17.68 2.83 Including 285.90 287.10 1.20 6.97 26 3.43----------------------------------------------------------------------07KVAL236 292.25 301.00 8.75 0.5 5.15 1.36 Including 293.25 293.55 0.3 3.02 34.00 7.25----------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) True Thickness cannot be realistically estimated without further drill confirmation.

These results indicate a multiplicity of gold bearing zones and at least two stages of mineralization, one leading to very high copper values, within Area 208; this is the first time that copper sulphides were observed in this area. Additional drilling will be required to determine the continuity of these zones and the total potential of Area 208 and the East Breccia zone; further drilling of these two zones has been deferred until the in-fill program is completed in July.

The drill program is being supervised by Mr. Santiago Gonzalez-Nistral, Kinbauri Espana's senior geologist, with quality control being provided by Dr. C. F. Gleeson, P. Eng., Kinbauri's Vice-President of Exploration: both are qualified persons as defined by N.I. 43-101. Details of Kinbauri's Assay and Quality Assurance Programs are reported in press release of February 27th, 2008.

This press release was prepared by Dr. V. N. Rampton, P. Eng in his capacity as a qualified person. Dr. Rampton will record a "Beyond The Press Release" on the Company's official Investor Relations Site at http://www.agoracom.com/IR/kinbauri, where these results will be discussed in detail. The recording is expected to be available on or after April 1st, 2008.

Kinbauri is a TSXV - Tier 1 Mineral Exploration Company focused on the development of mineral properties, primarily precious metal prospects in northwestern Spain, Nevada and Canada. Its immediate focus is to expand and upgrade resources to reserves at the El Valle property in Asturias, Spain in order to start operations at the mine and existing mill complex there in 2010. It currently has 44,416,320 common shares issued and outstanding.


This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, which are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected. Kinbauri undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

Schedules A & B are available on the following address: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/KNB_MAP.pdf
Apr 01, 2008 09:00 ET
Starcore International Mines Ltd.: Positive New Results on Guadalupe Vein at San Martin Gold Mine
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 1, 2008) - Starcore International Mines Ltd. (the "Company") (TSX:SAM) is pleased to announce additional exploration data on the recently discovered Guadalupe vein.

Exploration drifting to date on the Guadalupe vein has extracted 3,040 tonnes, the majority of which has been sent to the mill. During February, a total of 1,760 tonnes, grading 3.76 g/t Au and 22 g/t Ag were broken and 2,140 tonnes, grading 3.26 g/t Au and 23 g/t Ag, were milled.

The majority of the mined material is from the 9 1/2 level where the vein width averages 2.2 meters.

The advancing decline has provided a third access to this vein. Below the 9 1/2 level, an exploration drift has advanced 9 meters on the structure, and has extracted 260 tonnes grading 2.14 g/t Au and 7 g/t Ag, with a vein width of 1.2 meters. Drifting is continuing.

Nine underground diamond drill holes (SM - 16 to - 24) have tested the down dip and strike extension of the structure. Four holes intersected the vein with economical values, as reported in the Company's news release dated March 25, 2008. A new diamond drilling station has recently been completed and drilling will commence within the next month.

Based on the data that had been collected prior to January 1, 2008, a probable reserve of 84,978 tonnes, grading 4.88 g/t Au and 34 g/t Ag, or 13,334 oz of gold and 92,900 oz of silver was estimated for the Guadalupe structure.

Robert Eadie, President and CEO of the Company stated, "We are pleased with the recent results from the Guadalupe vein and the efforts of the exploration team to process higher grades at the mill."

The cross sections and three dimensional models can be viewed at the Company's website at www.starcore.com.

The technical content of this release has been reviewed by Starcore director Gary Hawthorn, P.Eng., who is a Qualified Person as defined by NI43-101.

Starcore is dedicated to the principles of environmentally sound mining practices and believes that environmental stewardship and mining can co-exist. Details on the Company and its properties are available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and the Company's website at www.starcore.com.


Robert Eadie, Chief Executive Officer and Director
das ging ja schnell:

News Release


Val-d’Or, Quebec, April 1, 2008: NioGold Mining Corporation (TSX-V:NOX) (Frankfurt: NG1) (“NioGold”) reports on results of the 2008 diamond drilling program on the Marban Block property located in the Malartic Gold Camp, Abitibi, Quebec. One of the two drill rigs mobilised on the property in January is investigating the west strike extent of the favourable units hosting the former Marban Mine gold ores (Mine Sequence), where limited drilling was conducted in the past. To date, three widely-spaced (100 metres) drill sections were completed to the west of the Marban Mine shaft.

Hole MB 08 035, drilled on the westernmost section (line 300W), cut a wide gold mineralised zone that averages 4.30 g/t Au over 13.9 metres and includes an impressive interval grading 6.46 g/t Au over 7.0 metres as well as a second higher grade interval of 9.19 g/t Au over 1.2 metres. The results have great impact on the Company’s efforts at Marban as it opens up the potential of defining new gold zones of significant grade and width along the west strike extent of the Mine Sequence. Step out drilling is presently progressing on line 400W.

Readers are invited to review the drilling location figure available at www.niogold.com/marban. Assay results received for six holes completed on lines 200W and 300W (MB-07-031 to MB 08 036) are tabled on the following page. Reported intervals are in core lengths but are inferred to be close to true width as the holes were drilled perpendicular to the general structural trend.

Wedge Zone

A third drill rig was mobilised in late March on the Marban Block property in order to define the promising Wedge Zone discovered in 2006. The Wedge Zone is located near surface, above the Marban Mine stopes, and remains sparsely tested. Previous drilling by NioGold from lines 550E to 300E returned intervals of:

• MB-06-001: 10.78 g/t Au over 4.0 m within 3.62 g/t Au over 26.4 m;
• MB-06-002: 8.02 g/t Au over 2.3 m;
• MB-07-005: 5.38 g/t Au over 4.0 m within 1.05 g/t Au over 35.7 m;
• MB-07-006: 4.35 g/t Au over 7.0 m incl. 11.97 g/t Au over 1.8 m;
• MB-07-024: 13.14 g/t Au over 1.9 m within 1.65 g/t Au over 26.4 m.

Footwall Zone

In addition, deeper drilling by NioGold has recognised an important gold mineralised structural zone developed along the lower contact of the Mine Sequence. The Footwall Zone returned thick low grade gold intersections enclosing some higher grade sections:

• MB-06-001: 1.30 g/t Au over 43.0 m incl. 6.87 g/t Au over 2.0 m;
• MB-06-013: 2.40 g/t Au over 9.0 m incl. 5.59 g/t Au over 1.0 m;
• MB-07-028: 0.70 g/t Au over 57.25 m incl. 9.47 g/t Au over 1.2 m;
• MB-07-031: 0.61 g/t Au over 25.3 m;
• MB-08-032: 0.54 g/t Au over 36.2 m;
• MB-08-035: 7.16 g/t Au over 1.1 m.

The Footwall structural zone remains sparsely tested over the entire Marban Mine area.

Drilling over the Marban Mine sector since late 2006 has highlighted the robust nature of the Marban gold mineralised system that provides numerous targets to define new gold resources. NioGold has budgeted for 25,000 metres of drilling on the Marban Block in 2008.

Download drilling results table in PDF format:

Readers are invited to review the previously reported results for holes MB-06-001 to MB-07 029 at www.niogold.com/marban.

Quality Assurance / Quality Control and Qualified Persons

Diamond drill holes were drilled with NQ-size core in order to obtain larger sample volumes for the mineralised zones. The core was delivered by the drilling contractor to NioGold’s facilities located at the Norlartic Mine site. The core was photographed for reference, logged and mineralised sections were sawed in half. Sample lengths varied between 0.5 to 1.5 metres. The half core samples were bagged, sealed and trucked to Activation Laboratories Limited (“Actlabs”) in Ancaster, Ontario, an accredited laboratory. Samples were assayed by the fire-assay method using an atomic absorption finish on a 50-gram pulp split.

A quality assurance and quality control program (QA/QC) was implemented by NioGold and the laboratory to insure the precision and reproducibility of the analytical method and results. The QA/QC program includes the insertion of standards, blanks and duplicates in the sample batches sent to the laboratory and a systematic re-assaying from the remaining coarse reject fraction by the fire-assay method with an atomic absorption finish for samples returning values of 2 to 5 g/t Au and by gravimetric finish for samples returning values greater than 5 g/t Au. As well, 10% of the pulps are sent to Bourlamaque Assay Laboratories Ltd. in Val-d’Or for check assaying.

This news release was prepared by Rock Lefrançois, P.Geo. (OGQ), the Company’s Vice-President and Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The drilling was conducted under the supervision of Yan Ducharme, M.Sc., P.Geo. (OGQ), also a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

NioGold Mining Corporation – « The Golden Highway Runs Through NioGold »

NioGold Mining Corporation is a junior exploration company primarily focused on GOLD. The Company’s main properties are the Camflo West and the Marban Block located in the Malartic and Val-d’Or Mining Camps, Abitibi, Quebec, with a historic production of over 27 million ounces of gold. The camps presently encompass several active advanced exploration and mine development projects such as Canadian Malartic (Osisko Exploration), Kiena (Wesdome), Midway (Northern Star Mining), Goldex (Agnico-Eagle) and Lac Herbin (Alexis Minerals). The Marban Block encompasses three former gold producers, namely the Norlartic, Kierens (First Canadian), and Marban mines that collectively produced over 590,000 ounces of gold.

NioGold’s experienced and qualified technical team will ensure the successful advancement of the Company’s projects towards the highest quality mineral resources. For information on NioGold Mining Corporation contact:

Michael A. Iverson, President & CEO
Tel: (604) 856-9887

Rock Lefrançois, P.Geo., Vice-President
Tel: (819) 825-7400

:) NioGold auch gestern wieder starke Umsätzte und + 27% - scheint auch was in der Pipline zu sein

» zur Grafik
NioGold - NOX - urplötzlich sind Käufe da, war sehr ruhig geworden um den Nachbarn von
Osisko Explorations..........aber da scheint sich was zu bewegen! :evil:

» zur Grafik
Apr 01, 2008 09:20 ET
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Discovery of New High Grade Ore Shoot on the Vacas Vein at the La Parrilla Silver Mine

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 1, 2008) - First Majestic Silver Corp. (TSX:FR)(PINK SHEETS:FRMSF)(FRANKFURT:FMV)(WKN:A0LHKJ) is pleased to announce that it has identified and defined a new silver-lead- zinc-rich vein and replacement zone located about 2.5 km southeast of the main Rosario vein area within the Company's property boundaries at the La Parrilla Silver Mine. The discovery appears to represent the southern extension to the San Marcos and vein and replacement system delineated by the Company to the north of Vacas. The new ore-deposit area has been named Vacas. The Company has received the assay results from fifteen drill holes in the Vacas area.

Mineralization at the Vacas ore body is a typical assemblage of a metasomatic system of mineralization including: replacement mantos, vein type structures, dissemination and skarn related deposits which occur in association with igneous rocks like dikes and stocks intruding a sequence of cretaceous limestone rocks. Sulphides consist of pyrite, sphalerite, galena, some chalcopyrite and argentite with calcite and quartz as gangue minerals. Similar geologic conditions exist at San Martin/Sabinas (Grupo/Penoles); Chalchihuites and other districts close to La Parrilla Mining District.

Old historic mining works and an initial diamond drill program executed by Grupo Mexico in this area in the 1970's consisting of 9 diamond drill holes with a total of 2,837 meters of which 5 holes indicated that economic ore existed in this area, however those holes did not confirm the continuity of the structure. First Majestic designed a new diamond drill program to test and confirm the historic information. The total program to date has consisted of 31 diamond drill holes with a total of 10,221 meters drilled, of which 15 holes intercepted the ore body. The average grade over the 15 holes is; 623 grams per ton of silver equivalent and an average true width of 3.84 meters in a section of 260 X 300 meters. These intercepts ranged from a grade of 259 to 1,508 g/t of silver equivalent and from a true width of .52 to 15.87 meters. The drill hole VC-31, has pending results from the laboratory.

Keith Neumeyer, President and CEO commented, "This is the fifth mineralized area identified and defined within the surrounding ground of the original 350 hectare property which now consists of an entire district of 53,249 hectares. The La Parrilla mining district continues to show a significant and wide spread mineralized system. Results of geophysical studies carried out by the Company in 2007 and Grupo Mexico in the past in this area indentified an anomaly at the Vacas area that has now been confirmed with this drilling program. In addition, several additional targets have been defined which have the potential for vein and replacement type ore bodies at La Parrilla. Drilling and development continues in an ongoing basis to evaluate these targets. This exploration program will continue with a focus on increasing the Reserves and Resources to support a decision to increase the mill capacity going forward."

Due to the encouraging results received to date, the Company has two rigs presently drilling in the Vacas area to define the lateral extension and the continuity at depth of the Vacas Orebody. In addition, a 1.5 km ramp from surface is under construction in order to access the Orebody from underground.

Highlights of the results from the Diamond Drill Holes include:

From To Length True Ag Pb Zn Eqv.
Hole # (m) (m) (m) Width g/t % % (g/t)
VC-01 267.75 270.00 2.25 1.95 328 7.19 3.99 841
VC-01 277.40 282.00 4.60 4.00 311 6.37 7.16 912
VC-02 263.00 265.15 2.15 1.86 127 3.46 15.03 899
VC-03 289.25 289.85 0.60 0.52 137 3.53 4.50 491
VC-04 242.30 244.15 1.85 1.60 332 3.67 6.19 760
VC-08 238.65 240.70 2.05 1.57 386 8.42 8.16 1,126
VC-10 264.35 275.35 9.15 7.01 299 7.37 7.25 952
VC-11 311.40 322.60 11.20 7.92 79 0.89 11.15 569
VC-14 338.90 343.30 4.40 3.11 138 0.65 6.70 438
VC-24 300.20 302.60 2.40 1.70 545 10.44 11.25 1,508
VC-25 319.15 323.25 4.70 3.32 352 3.68 9.33 906
VC-26 291.10 292.60 1.50 1.06 68 1.74 7.38 449
VC-27 352.20 357.55 5.35 3.78 82 0.53 6.44 366
VC-28 328.95 334.60 6.25 4.42 59 1.31 3.39 259
VC-29 377.30 399.75 22.45 15.87 91 1.14 4.51 328
VC-30 367.20 369.85 2.65 1.81 437 5.88 6.64 992

(1) Estimates by First Majestic, reviewed by PA&H. "In-situ" Resources with
no mill recovery included.
(2) Silver equivalent based on prices used: Ag: $17.88, Pb: 1.28 lb;
Zn-$1.04 lb (Prices March 28, 2008)
(3) Holes VC-01 to VC-10 and VC-14, assays from Inspectorate Laboratory

This mineralization is an extension of the previously identified Indicated and Inferred Resources in the Company's Amended Technical Report for La Parrilla Silver Mine dated March 18, 2008 for the Vacas area.

Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Following detailed geological and geotechnical logging, drill core samples are split on-site by diamond saw. One quarter of the core is submitted to La Parrilla certified laboratory for sample preparation and analysis, which are assayed for silver by standard fire assay methods and lead and by atomic absorption. The other quarter of the core is shipped to the Inspectorate preparation laboratory in Durango, Mexico for drying, crushing and pulverizing. Inspectorate Mexico then sends the pulps by air-freight to Inspectorate America Corporation in Sparks, Nevada for assaying for gold and silver by fire assay and 30 elements ICP package. Systematic assaying of standards and blanks are performed for precision and accuracy; check assays are regularly conducted by Inspectorate America Corporation. The remaining half core is retained on-site for verification and future reference purposes.

Qualified Person

Mr. Leonel Lopez, P.Geo., from Pincock Allen & Holt in Denver, CO. is the Company's Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for the accuracy of the technical information contained in this news release.

First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its corporate growth objectives.


Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserves, exploration results and future plans and objectives of First Majestic Silver Corp. are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
WSR and Partners to Commence Drilling on its James Bay Properties

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Mar 31, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

WSR Gold Inc. ("WSR") (TSX VENTURE:WSR) is pleased to announce that a 2,500 meter drill program has commenced on its recently acquired James Bay nickel and copper properties. Through three separate agreements WSR will operate the exploration of 17 Claim Blocks on the northeast corner of the "Ring of Fire" on behalf of its partners, Noront Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:NOT), Metalex Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MTX) and MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BMK). The agreements allow WSR an option to earn a 50% beneficial interest in both the NOT and MTX claims (as per our recent press releases) and WSR has an option to earn a 75% interest in the BMK claims (collectively the "Properties").

Since mobilization on February 25, 2008 WSR has:

1. Mobilized and completed construction of a 20 person exploration camp
with all the required equipment;
2. Mobilized an extensive exploration team;
3. Reviewed flight data and prioritized exploration targets;
4. Cut ground geophysics lines over the targets and a ground geophysics
program is underway;
5. Delineated a drill program; and
6. Mobilized a drill to the Properties.

A 2,500 meter drill program is now underway on the prioritized exploration

WSR's total land position in the Ring of Fire, James Bay, Ontario is:

Under option to acquire 50% interest: 25,900 hectares
Under option to acquire 75% interest: 11,200 hectares
Total 37,100 hectares

About WSR

WSR is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with extensive property holdings strategically located on and around the nickel/copper "Ring of Fire" in northern Ontario near James Bay.

WSR can earn a 50% interest in the McFauld's Lake Property pursuant to an option agreement with Noront Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:NOT) (see press release dated November 1, 2007). The area will include 15 Claim Blocks, approximately 4,400 hectares (9,600 acres) in the Ring of Fire, McFauld's Lake, Ontario near Noront's prolific nickel copper and platinum group metals discovery.

WSR has agreed to acquire a 75% interest in the Big Mac Property from MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BMK) consisting of 51 Claim Blocks, approximately 27,660 acres (see press release dated February 15, 2008).

WSR has entered into an agreement with Metalex Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MTX) and Arctic Star Diamond Corp. whereby WSR has the right to fund a maximum of $20.0 million in expenditures on the James Bay Lowlands Properties over a 4 year period to earn a maximum 50% interest. The James Bay Lowlands Properties comprise approximately 214.4 square kilometers (52,980 acres) (see press release dated March 26, 2008).

Forward looking statements: Certain information set forth in this news release may contain forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the control of WSR, including but not limited to the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, volatility of commodity prices, risks associated with the uncertainty of resource and reserve estimates, currency fluctuations, dependence upon regulatory approvals, the unavailability of future financing and exploration risk. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

Shares Outstanding: 93,737,652

To view a map of the McFaulds Lake Area map, please visit the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/McFaulds.pdf


WSR Gold Inc. John Tait President and Chief Executive Offic WL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

knapp am Hoch vorbeigeschrammt, das sollte morgen gleich zur Eroeffnung genommen werden

die miserable Entwicklung des CAD macht unseren CAN-Plays gehoerig zu schaffen, zumindest, wenn man ueber D kauft

die miserable Entwicklung des CAD macht unseren CAN-Plays gehoerig zu schaffen, zumindest, wenn man ueber D kauft

» zur Grafik

diese miserable Entwicklung kann auch fuer den ein oder anderen ein Grund zum V gewesen sein, der zwar in CAN gekauft hat, seine Konten aber in Euro fuehrt, da wurde ev. bei dem ein oder anderen nach 25% Devisenverlust die Notbremse gezogen
Apr 02, 2008 03:30 ET
Advanced Explorations Inc. Economic Study Underway
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 2, 2008) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(the "Company or AEI") is pleased to announce that work is progressing on its Economic Study of the Roche Bay iron ore project. A team of iron ore industry leaders has been assembled which is being led by MAN Ferrostaal of Germany. The team also includes Golder & Associates (UK) Limited, Siemens GmbH, ABB Switzerland, Agricosales, SGS Lakefield and EBA Engineering. While many of the team members are capable of delivering a full study independently, the Company has intentionally designed a program that will allow for a transition to a Definitive Feasibility Study with each team member capable to deliver an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) contract on their respective components of the Study.

John Gingerich, President and CEO of AEI, commented;

"The Company is pleased to be moving ahead and setting new standards for fast tracking the project. We are particularly proud of the team of industry leaders that has been assembled. We believe it would be difficult to find another junior mining company with the confidence and capability of making such an aggressive commitment to undertake an Economic Study of this kind. While the cost of this approach is substantially higher, our objective is to engage a team not only capable of delivering a reliable economic study but able to deliver on the proposed plan if a development decision is made. Assembling the team we have is also a clear statement as to our commitment to moving the project forward, and the wishes of industry leaders to take lead roles in the project only 9 months after drilling began. With a strong balance sheet, an economic study underway and a major drill program ramping up; the Company is well positioned entering the 2008 exploration season."

Florin Gheorghiu, Advanced Explorations Inc.'s VP Engineering and Technology is overseeing the economic study. The Company is pleased to have someone of Florin's calibre and expertise helping guide the economic study. He has extensive experience in ore crushing, grinding and enrichment processes. As a consulting engineer Florin has participated in important mining R&D projects, feasibility studies with some of the world's leading major iron ore and pellet producers. His involvement goes from true R&D to field application and includes Greenfield construction, new plant start-up and capital equipment design, selection and commissioning. Dr. Florin Gheorghiu is author or co-author of more than 150 technical papers, reports, books and abstracts on carbon and graphite electrode manufacture and mineral processing.


John Gingerich, President & CEO

ABOUT Advanced Explorations Inc.

AEI, based in Toronto, Canada, is exclusively focused on developing high quality iron ore opportunities. In early 2007 the Company expanded its capabilities in iron ore exploration and development with the acquisition of strategic management personnel. AEI has the management, technical and exploration expertise and experience to rapidly advance the Roche Bay magnetite project which was acquired in June, 2007, as well as develop new opportunities in the area and globally. The Roche Bay magnetite project located proximal to a natural harbour makes it potentially one of the world's premier iron ore opportunities. Shares of the company trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol AXI. For more information please visit www.Advanced-Exploration.com.

This news release also includes forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. The information reflects numerous assumptions as to industry performance, general business and economic conditions, regulatory and legal requirements, taxes and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of the company. Similarly, this information assumes certain future business decisions that are subject to change. There can be no assurance that the results predicted here will be realized. Actual results may vary from those represented, and those variations may be material.

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.


For more information, please contact

Advanced Explorations Inc.
John Gingerich
President & CEO
(416) 203-0057
Website: www.Advanced-Exploration.com
:) NioGold - nach der guten News gestern leider abverkauft................

Millstream dafür stark - hoffe hier das es so weitergeht, die haben ja neben dem TmaerackProjekt wo sie jetzt das JV mit Nirek haben ja noch ihr PotterProjekt was auch kurz vor Produktionsreife iss

Apr 02, 2008 09:00 ET
Mindoro Signs Benefits Sharing Agreement With Indigenous CommunityEDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - April 2, 2008) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN906167) is pleased to announce that its Philippine operating subsidiary, MRL Gold Phils. Inc., has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Mamanwa and Manobo Tribes and the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). The MOA is a result of the continuing consultation process by the company with the stakeholders within the company's Agata Project area, Northern Mindanao, the Philippines.

The MOA will allow the people of the Mamanwa and Manobo Tribes to participate in the company's future success by granting a royalty of one percent of the gross output of any mining project. In addition to the royalty payments, Mindoro has committed to provide skills training, employment opportunities, educational scholarships, and medical and dental services. The MOA also ensures the preservation and development of the community's culture, traditions and institutions, and the protection of burial grounds and sacred places.

Mindoro will sponsor economic development training for tribal leaders and elders who, along with representatives of the NCIP, will comprise a committee for the formulation of a community development plan. The goal is to ensure that the financial resources flowing back to the community from the company's mining project will be properly utilized for the benefit of the whole community and will foster economic sustainability.

Upon signing of the MOA, Mindoro's president, Tony Climie, commented: "We have been committed to socially and environmentally responsible exploration practices in the Philippines since 1997, designed to identify and develop economic mineral deposits that will provide lasting benefits to all stakeholders; including our shareholders, our employees and the local communities in which we work. As part of our commitment to this philosophy, we welcome the Mamanwa and Manobo Tribes as partners in the Agata nickel project."

Mindoro's Agata Project hosts significant areas of nickel laterite mineralization. Mindoro is initially advancing the project as a direct shipping ore operation, due to the low capital investment required and the opportunity for near-term cash flow. However, the company believes adquate nickel laterite tonnage exists to justify a local processing plant and management is actively evaluating various processing technologies as part of its long-term plan for Agata.
denke der Rebound läuft an: :)


» zur Grafik :whistle:
M4R - Rancher Energy - bei dem Ölpreis ein Sünde wert, sind ganz schön zurückgekommen (-50%) die letzten Tage , zu Unrecht wie ich finde
gestern in USA noch Mal ein paar zu 0,36$ geholt

» zur Grafik

-produzieren im Moment 350 -400 Barrel Öl / Tag = mind. 11.000 Barrel/ Monat x ca. 95$ -ca. 1,1 Millionen $ pro Monat Erlöse............... :whistle:

-haben mit Exxon einen Deal etcetc

natürlich weiß ich nicht wann sie explodiert - aber sie wird! bei den Ölpreisen wird der Ertrag in die Höhe schiessen
im letzten Bericht hatten sie noch für durchnittlich 75$/Barrel verkauft - nun steht der Preis knapp 30$ höher
macht einen Mehrerlös von ca. 360.000$/Monat x 12 = 4,3 Millionen$

MK im Moment nur noch ca. 24 Mio EUR - ein Witz in meinen Augen........

neben den nächsten Quartalsnews steht die Inbetreibnahme des 4.Well´s an uund das müßte die nächsten Tage soweit sein!!!!!

Strong Long! :)
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