• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
eine Pendelspeku die genau aufgegangen war, Skeena

rein zu umgerechnet 0,16 Euro rausgestoppt zu 0,21 Euro

gestern wieder rein zu 0,25 CAD und das Limit liegt wieder

Fancamp gegen den Trend weiter stark und moeglicherweise Ausbruch aus der Bullflag

kenne kaum eine andere Firma, die ohne Website eine MK von knapp 80mio CAD erreicht haette...
Noront Area Play (eigentlich koennte man eher sagen "close proximity play"), soll jetzt die Tage das Drill Programm genau neben NOT's Double Eagle beginnen

26.03.2008 08:31
IRW-News: First Majestic Silver

IRW-PRESS: First Majestic Silver: First Majestic Silver Corp. (News) : Abschluss einer Finanzierung über $45.475.000

First Majestic Silver Corp.: Abschluss einer Finanzierung über $45.475.000

First Majestic Silver Corp. (First Majestic oder das Unternehmen) meldet heute den erfolgreichen Abschluss des Finanzierungsofferings vom 5. März 2008. Ein Zeichnersyndikat unter Leitung der CIBC World Markets Inc., unter Einbeziehung der Blackmont Capital Inc., Cormark Securities Inc. und GMP Securities L.P. hat von First Majestic 8.500.000 Einheiten (Einheiten) zu einem Emissionspreis von $5,35 pro Einheit (das Offering) erworben. Jede Einheit besteht aus einer Stammaktie (eine Stammaktie) von First Majestic und einem halben Warrant auf den Kauf einer weiteren Stammaktie. Jeder ganze Warrant (ein Warrant) berechtigt seinen Besitzer zum Kauf einer Stammaktie, innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 24 Monaten nach dem Abschluss des Offerings, zu einem Preis von $ 7,00 zu erwerben. Die Zeichner können bis zu 30 Tage nach Schließung des Offerings bis zu 1.275.000 Stammaktien (die Optionsschein-Aktien) zu einem Preis von $5,07 pro Optionsschein-Aktie und bis zu 637.500 weitere Warrants zu einem Preis von $0,56 pro Warrant erwerben.

Das Unternehmen will die Nettoerträge des Offerings zur Erweiterung der Erzmühle verwenden, um die Produktionskapazitäten des Unternehmens zu erhöhen, sowie für die laufenden Erschließungs- und Explorationsprogramme und als allgemeine Betriebsmittel.

First Majestic ist ein produzierender Silberförderer, der sich auf Mexiko konzentriert und aggressiv sein Ziel verfolgt, durch Entwicklung seiner vorhandenen Vermögenswerte und den Erwerb weiterer Projekte, die zu den Wachstumszielen des Unternehmens passen, zu einem führenden Silberproduzenten zu werden.

Die Wertpapiere wurden nicht entsprechend dem US-Wertpapiergesetz (US Securities Act) von 1933 in der geltenden Fassung registriert und dürfen in den USA weder angeboten noch verkauft werden, sofern nicht eine Registrierung oder eine entsprechende Befreiung von der Registrierpflicht vorliegt. Diese Pressemitteilung stellt weder ein Angebot zum Verkauf noch eine Empfehlung zum Kauf von Wertpapieren dar noch dürfen die Wertpapiere in einem Bundesstaat verkauft werden, in dem ein solches Angebot, ein solcher Verkauf oder eine solche Empfehlung ungesetzlich wären.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie von info@firstmajestic.com, oder auf unserer Website unter www.firstmajestic.com oder unter unserer gebührenfreien Rufnummer +1.866.529.2807.



Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO

Diese Pressemitteilung enthält bestimmte Prognosen für die Zukunft im Sinne des Abschnitts 21E des US-Wertpapiergesetzes (US Securities Exchange Act) von 1934 in der geltenden Fassung. Alle Aussagen, die sich nicht nur auf Tatsachen der Vergangenheit beziehen, beispielsweise Aussagen zu potentiellen Mineralisierungen und Reserven, Explorationsergebnissen und zukünftigen Plänen und Zielen der First Majestic Silver Corp. sind Prognosen mit verschiedenen Risiken und Unsicherheiten. Es kann nicht zugesichert werden, dass diese Aussagen exakt sind, und die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse und zukünftigen Ereignisse könnten wesentlich von den Erwartungen in diesen Aussagen abweichen.

Für die Richtigkeit der Übersetzung wird keine Haftung übernommen! Bitte englische Originalmeldung beachten!

Die englische Originalmeldung finden Sie unter: [http://www.irw-press.at/press_html.aspx?messageID=10780]

AXC0033 2008-03-26/08:28

In deutsch.
Yamana Gold Reports Fourth Quarter and Year End Results-Record 2007 Revenue and Earnings, Increased Mineral Reserves, Operational and Exploration Update
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Mar 25, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

YAMANA GOLD INC. (TSX: YRI)(NYSE: AUY)(LSE: YAU) today announced its financial and operating results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2007 and provided a progress update on its strategic plan. Financial results reflect the activities of Meridian Gold and Northern Orion only since their acquisition in October, 2007 and not for the full quarter or year. All dollar amounts are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise specified.



- Fourth quarter sales of $218.6 million, an increase of 9% over the third quarter. Annual sales of $747.1 million, an increase of 342% over the prior year.

- Net earnings were $47.1 million for the fourth quarter, an increase of 57% over the third quarter. For the year, net earnings of $157.2 million, an increase of 324% over the prior year.

- Adjusted earnings for the year of $259.1 million before income tax effects and $227.6 million after income tax effects or $0.55 per share, representing an increase of 686% over the prior year.

- Mine operating earnings of $384.6 million for the year, an increase of approximately 1,000% over the prior year.

- Cash and short-term investments of approximately $330 million as at December 31, 2007 compared to $69.7 million as at December 31, 2006.

- Cash flow from operations of $145.8 million for the fourth quarter after changes in non-cash working capital items. For the year, cash flow from operations of $293.9 million after changes in non-cash working capital items, representing $0.71 per share.

einer der Werte aus dem Black Rock Fond! Posting 3521
Mar 25, 2008 18:28 ET

Cooper Minerals Inc.: Drilling Intersects Significant Mineralization in Northwest Territories

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 25, 2008) - Cooper Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CQ)(FRANKFURT:JM6) ("Cooper Minerals" or the "Company") is pleased to report that it continues to discover significant base and precious metal values in both drill holes and surface rock chip samples at its Terra IOCG (iron-oxide-copper-gold) project in the Northwest Territories. This project is located in the Great Bear Lake magmatic zone, 430 kilometres north of Yellowknife. Cooper Minerals, holding 480,000 acres, is the largest public company landholder in the area.

High-grade silver, copper, uranium, zinc, lead, bismuth, cobalt, and nickel with significant gold mineralization have been previously reported by the Company for the Terra Property. This press release incorporates new assays recently received for drill core and surface samples that were collected late in the 2007 field season. The Terra mine exploited high-grade bonanza type silver veins and the purpose of the drilling and the surface sampling was to test whether there is potential for much larger systems of polymetallic mineralization, in particular, of Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) type deposits (the huge Olympic Dam deposit in South Australia is the best example of this type of deposit). The new results confirm the potential for large IOCG-type economic deposits in association with the high-grade veins.

Four drill holes were completed in the vicinity of near surface underground workings to test the alteration system observed in association with the mined conjugate vein system. Drill hole TM-DH07-01 intersected significant polymetallic (silver, copper, zinc, lead, bismuth and cobalt) mineralization separate from the vein system over core lengths of more than 22 meters with 42.3 ppm silver, 0.28% copper, 2.18% zinc, 0.66% lead, 46 ppb gold, 0.02% bismuth and 0.02% cobalt. Drill hole TM-DH07-03 also intersected significant polymetallic mineralization, but due to drilling difficulties when the drill hole intersected mine workings, the drill hole was abandoned in the zone of mineralization. TM-DH07-04 was abandoned before the vein system and appears to have intersected a new zone of silver, copper, zinc and lead mineralization. True thickness and dip of the intersected mineralization was not determined. Results of drilling are summarized as follows:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- From To Width Ag AuDrill Hole (m) (m) (m) ppm Cu% Zn% Pb% ppb Bi% Co%--------------------------------------------------------------------------TM-DH07-01 42.19 64.34 22.15 42.3 0.28 2.18 0.66 46 0.02 0.02-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Including 57.80 64.34 6.54 95.4 0.69 5.07 1.48 55 0.04 0.03--------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------TM-DH07-03 57.56 62.49 4.93 29.7 1.09 0.11 0.03 80 0.02 0.03-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Including 58.42 59.36 0.94 51.8 4.78 0.39 0.05 270 0.03 0.03--------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------TM-DH07-04 6.35 12.40 6.05 7.3 0.28 0.07 0.02 573 0.00 0.01--------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------TM-DH07-02 9.17 11.79 2.62 39.2 0.13 0.33 0.25 9 0.01 0.05--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Three of the completed drill holes were located southeast of the Terra Mine vein system and spaced approximately 50 to 60m apart along a strike of approximately 125m. The fourth hole was located northwest of the vein system oriented in the opposite direction to the three other holes. Each drill hole was drilled perpendicular to the near-vertical dipping veins with drill collar inclination angles of between 45 and 50 degrees.

During the 2007 field season, Cooper Minerals collected surface grab samples from previous mechanically stripped and washed bedrock around the near surface mine workings. A suite of 50 samples from this area representing the different types of alteration, mineralization, structures and host rocks were collected and submitted for assay. Assays of surface grab samples ranged from 259,000ppm (7551 oz/t) to less than 1ppm Silver, 2266ppb to less than 5ppb Gold, 6.42% to less than 0.01% Bismuth, 1.85% to less than 0.01% Cobalt, 2.18% to less than 0.01% Copper, 8.01% to less than 0.01% Nickel, 5.64% to less than 0.01% lead, 7850ppm to less than 1ppm Uranium and 5.40% to less than 0.01% Zinc. The assay results for selected grab samples of the 50 bedrock samples collected are summarized as follows:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------Sample Ag ppm Cu% U3O8% Zn% Pb% Bi% Co% Ni% Au ppb-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-036 259,000 0.02 0.93 0.01 0.07 2.28 1.85 8.01 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-010 9,715 1.28 - 0.02 0.58 6.42 0.55 0.39 289-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-003 477 0.03 - 0.00 0.12 1.13 1.21 0.04 67-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-038 54,200 0.02 0.21 0.01 0.02 0.03 1.51 3.33 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-042 58,400 0.06 0.13 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.64 3.21 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-013 11 0.09 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-035 4,096 1.70 0.34 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.02 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-037 530 0.17 0.17 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-048 7 0.26 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-050 4 0.06 0.10 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-046 837 1.76 - 5.40 3.87 0.00 0.03 0.01 207-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-044 34 0.01 - 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 2266-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-005 44 2.18 - 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.00 65-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-011 327 1.28 - 0.01 0.02 0.09 0.53 0.02 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-039 2,882 0.01 - 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-041 1,947 0.00 - 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.14 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-002 244 0.89 - 0.02 0.02 0.18 0.11 0.00 71-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-008 216 0.47 - 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.00 43-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-020 173 0.10 - 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 21-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-040 387 0.00 - 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------T07-030 83 0.14 - 0.47 5.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 less than 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------

The reported drill core and surface sample results confirm that a much wider zone of alteration and high-grade polymetallic mineralization is present at the Terra Mine site than was previously known. The high-grade silver, copper, uranium, zinc, lead, bismuth, cobalt, and nickel with significant gold mineralization is hosted within the Terra Formation adjacent to the Rainy Lake Intrusive Complex. Adjacent to the contact, the Terra Formation exhibits intense iron alteration and brecciation along a strike of more than 4 kilometers and a width of approximately 500 meters. This location is one of a number of significant IOCG-type targets identified within the Terra Property.

The Olympic Dam (in Australia) or IOCG model is proposed as a significant exploration target on Cooper Minerals' properties in this part of the Great Bear magmatic zone. These polymetallic targets have the potential to host billions of tonnes of copper, gold and uranium mineralization (Olympic Dam type). The resource at the Olympic Dam deposit (owned by BHP Billiton) was recently increased to 7.7 billion metric tonnes grading 0.87 per cent copper, 0.29 kilogram per tonne uranium oxide, 0.30 gram per tonne gold and 1.61 grams per tonne silver. The Olympic Dam deposit is the largest uranium deposit in the world, the fourth-largest copper deposit and the fifth-largest gold deposit.

All sample collection, handling and shipping was supervised and the integrity ensured by an independent professional geoscientist. Samples were shipped in metal or plastic containers and all containers were sealed with tamper evident tags prior to leaving the property. The samples were submitted to Loring Laboratories Ltd., Calgary, Alberta and all tamper evident seals were intact upon receipt at the laboratory.

Mike Magrum, P. Eng, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has approved the technical content of this news release.

We seek Safe Harbor.

Simon Tam, President and CEO

Cooper Minerals Inc.
M4R - Rancher Energy - bei dem Ölpreis ein Sünde wert, sind ganz schön zurückgekommen (-50%) die letzten Tage , zu Unrecht wie ich finde
gestern in USA noch Mal ein paar zu 0,36$ geholt


-produzieren im Moment 350 -400 Barrel Öl / Tag = mind. 11.000 Barrel/ Monat x ca. 95$ -ca. 1,1 Millionen $ pro Monat Erlöse............... :whistle:

-haben mit Exxon einen Deal etcetc

natürlich weiß ich nicht wann sie explodiert - aber sie wird! bei den Ölpreisen wird der Ertrag in die Höhe schiessen
im letzten Bericht hatten sie noch für durchnittlich 75$/Barrel verkauft - nun steht der Preis knapp 30$ höher
macht einen Mehrerlös von ca. 360.000$/Monat x 12 = 4,3 Millionen$

MK im Moment nur noch ca. 24 Mio EUR - ein Witz in meinen Augen........

neben den nächsten Quartalsnews steht die Inbetreibnahme des 4.Well´s an uund das müßte die nächsten Tage soweit sein!!!!!

Strong Long! :)
Bei Scorpio SZ7 habe ich meine Posi erhöht.
March 26, 2008
Aquila Expands Near Surface Gold Mineralization at the 90 Gold Zone
Results include 13.5 meters (true width) of 7.11 grams per tonne gold

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 26, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today released results from 13 drill holes targeting expansion of the 90 Gold Zone at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Drilling to date has defined the 90 Gold Zone to over 300 meters along strike and to approximately 100 meters down dip. Drilling also encountered numerous gold intercepts in footwall rocks to the 90 Gold Zone. In addition to gold, highly elevated silver values are also commonly associated with the 90 Gold Zone.

Highlights from the 11 recently completed holes include:

- 13.5 meters (est. true thickness) of 7.1 g/t gold in LK-273.

- 9 meters (est. true thickness) of 5.9 g/t gold and 204.7 g/t silver, in LK-249.

- 3.5 meters (true thickness unknown) of 15.8 g/t gold and 193.5 g/t silver in LK-252.

- 15.2 meters (est. true thickness) of 4.9 g/t gold in LK-260.

Complete results from the 13 recently completed holes at the 90 Gold Zone are tabulated below.

All Intervals
in Meters
------------- Est.
True g/t g/t % % %
Hole # From To Width Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Description
LK-249 30.1 40.0 9.0 5.86 204.73 0.03 0.20 0.65 90 Gold Zone
ing 31.0 34.5 3.2 10.41 487.31 0.05 0.20 0.04 90 Gold Zone
tuff - 90
Gold Zone
107.0 117.5 10.5(i) 0.61 19.63 0.02 1.14 1.80 footwall
LK-250 20.3 29.0 5.2 1.64 2.05 0.01 0.05 0.01 90 Gold Zone
LK-252 49.0 70.3 16.9 1.82 22.33 0.02 0.18 0.16 90 Gold Zone
ing 68.0 70.3 1.8 4.68 57.96 0.04 0.64 0.24 90 Gold Zone
201.0 204.5 3.5(i) 15.78 193.54 0.17 1.68 0.25 S. limb
South limb
204.5 226.3 21.5 1.02 14.03 0.11 0.18 10.01 sulfide
South limb
Includ- massive
ing 206.0 218.0 11.9 0.68 5.82 0.06 0.15 14.96 sulfide
243.0 249.0 6(i) 0.33 7.90 0.46 0.04 0.03 sulfides
LK-253 16.2 22.5 5.0 0.83 2.01 0.00 0.04 0.00 90 Gold Zone
LK-254 44.0 68.3 8.5 1.53 48.57 0.01 0.16 0.24 90 Gold Zone
ing 44.0 48.5 1.6 2.93 96.68 0.01 0.10 0.28 90 Gold Zone
tuff - 90
Gold Zone
LK-256 83.5 89.5 6(i) 4.36 17.38 0.02 0.75 0.88 footwall
97.0 104.0 7(i) 0.31 18.08 0.02 1.09 2.72 tuff
LK-260 2.7 23.5 15.2 4.89 24.61 0.02 0.05 0.01 90 Gold Zone
ing 9.5 15.0 4 8.48 36.17 0.02 0.07 0.01 90 Gold Zone
LK-261 25.0 32.6 5.0 5.05 13.74 0.01 0.03 0.01 90 Gold Zone
ing 31.0 32.6 1.1 11.85 28.62 0.02 0.05 0.01 90 Gold Zone
tuff - 90
Gold Zone
98.5 106.0 7.5(i) 0.35 12.69 0.02 0.53 2.11 footwall
LK-262 18.0 20.9 2.0 1.81 6.56 0.00 0.07 0.01 90 Gold Zone
77.9 88.5 10 .6(i) 0.28 7.87 0.03 0.33 1.61 tuff
LK-268 No significant values
LK-270 45.0 48.0 3(i) 2.25 57.21 0.01 0.24 0.12 90 Gold Zone
95.1 98.0 2.9(i) 2.38 65.63 0.01 0.31 0.63 90 Gold Zone
tuff - 90
Gold Zone
107.0 113.0 6(i) 0.48 13.25 0.01 0.65 3.27 footwall
LK-273 27.0 40.5 13.5 7.11 9.34 0.00 0.03 0.01 90 Gold Zone
ing 39.0 40.5 1.5 39.97 31.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 90 Gold Zone
tuff - 90
Gold Zone
LK-275 57 58.5 1.5(i) 4.01 10.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 footwall

(i)Drilled thickness, true thickness unknown

A total of 52 holes have now intersected the 90 Gold Zone at 10 to 25 meter spacing to define an envelope of mineralization partially overlapping the Tuff Zone massive sulfide and extending outward from it to the surface. "We are hopeful that this gold and silver mineralization can be included in the upcoming NI 43-101 resource estimate expected later this year," stated Tom Quigley, Aquila's president. "The continuity and grade of this precious metal zone is quite impressive, and these latest results highlight the widespread gold and silver mineralization associated with the Back Forty mineralized system."


An additional seven holes are pending from the 90 Gold Zone, and approximately 16 holes are pending from the Pinwheel extension and South Limb massive sulfides, and a newly discovered near surface gold zone located between the 90 Gold Zone and the Pinwheel massive sulfide zone. Three drills continue to operate at the project focused on resource definition and expansion.

Metallurgical test work is also progressing, and a preliminary description of these results is expected in the near future. Ongoing test work includes both open circuit and locked cycle flotation tests on sulfide ores, leach and gravity tests on gold and silver ores, and characterization of concentrates and tailings.

A NI 43-101 preliminary assessment (scoping study) is planned following completion of the updated resource calculation.

A plan view map of the 90 Gold Zone drill holes is posted on the company's website at www.aquilaresources.com.

Sample preparation and analyses for this release were conducted by Accurassay Labs in Thunder Bay, Ontario on split drill core supplied by Aquila. Standards were inserted in the sample sequences with check assays and re-run's routinely conducted. Tom Quigley, P.Geo. and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") o416-742-5600r any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.
Mar 26, 2008 08:30 ET
Tenajon Intersects Anomalous Molybdenum Values Over 150m Strike Length at Burn Project, British Columbia
Results Include 67.00 Metres Averaging 0.060% Molybdenum (Mo)
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 26, 2008) - Tenajon Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:TJS) (the "Company") today announced the results from the five hole (1,450 metres) 2007 exploration drill program completed at its Burn Property located 14 km north of Hazelton B.C. Drilling outlined a 150 metre long by up to 200 metre wide zone of anomalous molybdenum values that is open along strike and down-dip. Highlights include 67.00 metres averaging 0.060% Mo (0.100% MoS2) within a 240 metre interval averaging 0.039% Mo (0.065% MoS2). Prior to 2007, no exploration had been conducted on the Burn property since the early 1980's.

The Burn Property is underlain by sediments that locally have been intruded by an up to 400 metre wide by 1100 metre long granodiorite intrusive. Sulphides consisting of pyrite, molybdenum and chalcopyrite occur in quartz vein stockwork, along fracture faces and as disseminations within both the intrusion and sediments. In 2007, Tenajon conducted geochemical and geophysical surveys to follow up on historical exploration and in preparation for the 2007 drill program. Soil sample results, using the 25 ppm Mo in soil contour, outlined an up to 650 metre wide by 1000 metre long anomaly. Geophysical surveying outlined a 600 metre long by 900 metre wide resistivity anomaly that is in part coincidental with the intrusion and soil anomaly.

In 1979 and 1980 Amoco drilled six vertical holes of which only the results were available for one hole, 1980-6. Hole 1980-6, located approximately 75 metres to the west of the north end of a molybdenum in soil contour anomaly, intersected anomalous molybdenum values throughout its 606 metre length including an 84 metre section averaging 0.061% molybdenum, and within this intercept a 21 metre section averaging 0.133% molybdenum (not 43-101 compliant). The 2007 drill program tested the extensions to this mineralization along with the main soil anomaly and geophysical targets located in the northern end of the anomaly. The results are summarized below.

----------------------------------------------------------------- Length From To Interval Mo MoS2Hole (metres) (metres) (metres) (metres) (%) (%)-----------------------------------------------------------------B07-01 154.57 12.00 32.00 20.00 0.022 0.037 Inc. 12.00 15.00 3.00 0.077 0.128-----------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------B07-02 249.08 no significant intersection-----------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------B07-03 425.91 12.19 30.00 17.81 0.060 0.100----------------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 12.19 24.00 11.81 0.077 0.128----------------------------------------------------------------- 78.00 271.00 193.00 0.042 0.070----------------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 108.00 195.00 87.00 0.051 0.085----------------------------------------------------------------- or 108.00 129.00 21.00 0.064 0.107----------------------------------------------------------------- and 162.00 195.00 33.00 0.062 0.103----------------------------------------------------------------- 280.00 289.00 9.00 0.032 0.053-----------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------B07-04 364.93 66.00 69.00 3.00 0.053 0.088----------------------------------------------------------------- 87.00 327.00 240.00 0.039 0.065----------------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 99.00 120.00 21.00 0.046 0.077----------------------------------------------------------------- and 174.00 241.00 67.00 0.060 0.100----------------------------------------------------------------- or 174.00 207.00 33.00 0.073 0.122----------------------------------------------------------------- and 279.00 300.12 21.12 0.050 0.083-----------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------B07-05 312.8 40.00 46.00 6.00 0.039 0.065----------------------------------------------------------------- 67.00 200.00 133.00 0.036 0.060----------------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 110.00 128.00 18.00 0.057 0.095----------------------------------------------------------------- 188.00 200.00 12.00 0.060 0.100----------------------------------------------------------------- 242.00 248.00 6.00 0.047 0.078----------------------------------------------------------------- 269.00 278.00 9.00 0.038 0.063-----------------------------------------------------------------

Hole B07-01 was drilled to undercut an area of visible molybdenum mineralization exposed in a road cut located on the eastern side of the north end of the soil anomaly. Hole B07-02 was drilled to test the north end of the main soil anomaly while holes B07-03, 04 and 05 tested the area around hole 1980-6 for the continuity of the mineralization.

Holes B07-03, 04 and 05 along with hole 1980-6 show anomalous molybdenum values to occur within a 150 metre long by up to 200 metre wide north trending zone located immediately to the west of the main soil anomaly. The zone is hosted primarily by altered granodiorite and hornfels with the higher grade zones occurring in areas containing extensive quartz vein stockwork development. The zone is open along strike and down dip.

The Burn Property is located 4 km northwest of Kispiox, B.C. Access is by gravel roads. Infrastructure is excellent with a railhead being located at Hazelton. Power passes to within a kilometer of the property's boundaries.

At the Burn Property the drill core is sawn into halves with one half being sent for analysis the other kept for future reference. All samples were prepared and analyzed at Acme Analytical Labs using a 4 acid digestion with analysis by Induced Couple Polarization (ICP). A stringent program of check, blank and duplicate sampling was employed throughout with duplicates, standards and blanks being entered into the sample stream at regular intervals. In addition a limited amount of samples are being sent to other labs to determine the reproducibility of the results.

The work at the Burn Property was completed by personnel from CJL Enterprises under the supervision of Dave Visagie, P. Geo., Tenajon's Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

Moly Brook and Ajax Exploration Update

A minimum of 6,100 metres of diamond drilling is expected to commence by mid-April on the Company's Moly Brook Molybdenum Project located on the south coast of Newfoundland. The exploration camp is presently under construction and drills will be mobilized to site in the coming days. The objective of the drill program is to delineate the area of known mineralization, along strike and down dip of the currently defined Moly Brook Zone. On the Company's Ajax Molybdenum Project, data from the 2007 exploration program has been compiled and submitted to Giroux Consulting Ltd. who is completing an updated mineral resource estimate.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


D. Bruce McLeod, President
Mar 26, 2008 09:00 ET
Sparton Reports Encouraging Leach Test Results From Lincang Area Coal Ash

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 26, 2008) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI) (the "Company") reported today that initial leaching tests on coal ash from the Lincang germanium area of Yunnan PRC have returned very encouraging results (see news release dated January 3, 2008). Using sulphuric and nitric acid leaching tests, the amount of uranium recovered into solution from small samples of ash taken from the Tianhao waste piles varied from 70-80%. Sparton has an agreement with Tianhao to test and ultimately extract uranium from the Tianhao waste deposits which are estimated to contain over 450,000 tonnes of ash material.

Tianhao is a local company which controls the Lincang area government waste ash produced by other local germanium operations. It reprocesses this waste ash for secondary germanium recovery.

The current test work was done by a local Yunnan laboratory and duplicate samples are currently being tested by the Company process engineering consultants Lyntek Inc of Denver Colorado USA.

Testing Results

Initial ash sample uranium content: 281 ppm U (approximately 0.73 lbs U3O8 per tonne)

Size fraction: 80% minus 100 microns

Recovery with 5% sulphuric acid after 2 hour leach test: 70% of uranium into solution

Recovery with 10% nitric acid after 2 hour leach test: 80% of uranium into solution

Sulphuric acid consumption: approximately 250 Kg per tonne at 5% strength.

Lime content of ash: 3%


These results are very encouraging and are considered preliminary in nature. Further work is being done to increase the leaching efficiency and will involve using different acid strengths and also column testing of agglomerated ash to simulate heap leach conditions. The low acid consumption is also considered a positive factor and is consistent with the low lime content of the material. The results are also consistent with historical information on recoveries from this material when uranium was produced from Lincang area waste ash in the 1970's by the Production Bureau of the China National Nuclear Corporation.
The laboratory involved has been in operation for approximately 20 years and is recognized as the leading analytical facility in the area. The results of Lyntek test work currently under way will use similar test methods and expand on these tests based on the results reported here.

Business Licences Received

As indicated in previous new releases Sparton has organized the operating structure for uranium production in Yunnan and at Lincang in an environmental solutions company WOFE (Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise) and a joint venture company with the ARCN the branch of the China National Nuclear Corporation. Business Licences have now been received for both companies paving the way for completion of the final operating structure to begin uranium production. The rapid issuance of these licences has received the full support or both the Provincial Yunnan and local Lincang are governments who are anxious to see the commencement of the environmental cleanup of radioactive waste material in the area using the Company's patented technology.

Future Plans

Longer term testing work will involve larger samples and samples taken from other parts of the various waste piles in the Lincang area. It is anticipated that advanced bulk sampling and uranium oxide recovery programs leading to a scoping or prefeasibility level report will be the main focus of this work and are expected to be completed by year end 2008. Sparton is very encouraged with these results as they support the historical information indicating that significant amounts of uranium oxide were produced historically from waste ash from the Lincang area.

New results will be reported when available.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein
Mar 26, 2008 09:01 ET
Exeter Drilling Returns Major Gold/Copper Intersections on Caspiche Porphyry Discovery in Chile
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 26, 2008) - Exeter Resource Corporation (TSX VENTURE:XRC)(AMEX:XRA)(FRANKFURT:EXB) ("Exeter" or the "Company") is pleased to report that diamond drill hole CSD-015, on its Caspiche gold/copper porphyry project in Chile, has returned an intersection of 632.1 meters (2,074 feet) at a grade of 0.70 grams per tonne gold (0.020 ounces per ton) from a depth of 57.95 meters (190 feet).

The gold-copper mineralized zone results for hole CSD-015 received to date include the following:

- 576 meters ("m") (1,890 feet ("ft")), from a depth of 114 meters (374 ft), at a grade of 0.74 grams per tonne ("g/t") (0.02 ounces per ton ("oz/ton")) gold and 0.28% copper; including,

- 152m (499 ft), from a depth of 456m (1,496 ft), at a grade of 0.93 g/t (0.027 oz/ton) gold and 0.30% copper reflecting increasing grades with depth.

The drill hole continued in porphyry style mineralization to a final depth of 1,001m (3,284 ft). Assay results are awaited for the remaining 369.3m (1,212 ft) of the hole.

Assay results received for the gold/copper mineralized zone for diamond drill hole CSD-014, located 400m south east of CSD-015, include the following:

- 592.7m (1,945 ft), from a depth of 148m (485 ft), at a grade of 0.44 g/t (0.012 oz/ton) gold and 0.25% copper; including

- 130.67m (429 ft), from a depth of 610m (2,001 ft), at a grade of 0.60 g/t (0.017 oz/ton) gold and 0.23% copper, also reflecting increasing gold grades with depth.

The only other Exeter drill hole to test the top of the gold/copper zone was reverse circulation percussion ("RC") hole CSR-013 (results previously reported) which was located 250m (820 ft) to the east of CSD-015. That drill hole intersected 130m (426 ft) at a grade of 0.87 g/t (0.026 oz/ton) gold and 0.22% copper in sulphide mineralization. The intercept started at a depth of 214m (702 ft) and extended to the final depth of the hole at 344m (1,128 ft), the depth capacity of the RC rig.

Results reported today are the first diamond drill test results for the gold/copper mineralization which underlies the near surface, potentially heap leachable, gold blanket. All holes are drilled at a declination of 60 degrees to 060 North.
M4R - Rancher Energy - bei dem Ölpreis ein Sünde wert, sind ganz schön zurückgekommen (-50%) die letzten Tage , zu Unrecht wie ich finde
gestern in USA noch Mal ein paar zu 0,36$ geholt

» zur Grafik

-produzieren im Moment 350 -400 Barrel Öl / Tag = mind. 11.000 Barrel/ Monat x ca. 95$ -ca. 1,1 Millionen $ pro Monat Erlöse............... :whistle:

-haben mit Exxon einen Deal etcetc

natürlich weiß ich nicht wann sie explodiert - aber sie wird! bei den Ölpreisen wird der Ertrag in die Höhe schiessen
im letzten Bericht hatten sie noch für durchnittlich 75$/Barrel verkauft - nun steht der Preis knapp 30$ höher
macht einen Mehrerlös von ca. 360.000$/Monat x 12 = 4,3 Millionen$

MK im Moment nur noch ca. 24 Mio EUR - ein Witz in meinen Augen........

neben den nächsten Quartalsnews steht die Inbetreibnahme des 4.Well´s an uund das müßte die nächsten Tage soweit sein!!!!!

Strong Long! :)
Mar 26, 2008 10:41 ET
Osisko Confirms New Bulk Tonnage Gold Target in Western Porphyry Zone
Drill results include 166.5 metres averaging 1.01 g/t Au

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - March 26, 2008) - Osisko Exploration Ltd. (TSX:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) is pleased to announce results from an initial ten hole, 3600 metre drill program on the Amphi property, located immediately northwest of and contiguous to Osisko's 100%-owned Canadian Malartic gold property. Drilling was focused on the Western Porphyry Zone, located approximately 2 km northwest of the center of the Canadian Malartic deposit. The program tested a porphyry intrusion along 1200 metres of strike length on sections spaced 200 metres apart. Significant results included 1.01g/t Au over 166.5m (from 32.5m - 199.0m) in hole EA08-2011, which also included a higher grade intercept of 6.12 g/t Au over 7.5m. All reported holes are oriented southwest or northeast, perpendicular to regional fabric and are inclined 50 degrees. Significant results are summarized in the table below:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Hole No. Dip Easting From To Length Au g/t (m) (m) (m) --------------------------------------------------------------------------EA08-2010 50NE WP 200E 13.9 54.3 40.4 0.55And 188.5 241.0 52.5 1.16including 238.0 239.5 1.5 14.6EA08-2011 50NE WP 400E 32.5 199.0 166.5 1.01including 32.5 40.0 7.5 6.12And 256.0 277.0 21.0 0.51EA07-2012 50SW WP 400E 15.6 18.5 2.90 10.4And 85.0 185.0 100.0 0.61EA07-2013 50NE WP 600E NILEA07-2014 50SW WP 600E 175.5 205.0 29.5 0.46And 273.4 296.3 22.0 0.50--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mineralization consists of fine disseminated/stockwork pyrite and gold in potassic and/or carbonate-altered porphyry and mafic/ultramafic volcanics. The porphyry mineralization is similar to that of the F Zone of the Canadian Malartic deposit. Occasional higher grade intersections (greater than 4 g/t Au) are related to classic Abitibi vein-type mineralization cutting the host lithologies.

This initial program suggests the Western Porphyry Zone is constrained to a block 400 to 500 m long, 200 to 250 metres wide and 100 to 150 metres deep. The encouraging initial results indicate this block hosts potential for additional near-surface low-grade gold resources amenable to open-pit mining. Further drilling will be conducted on a 100 metre grid spacing between sections WP 100E and WP 600E.

Drill hole EA07-2009 (which tested section WP 00E) and drill holes EA07-2015 to EA07-2018 (which tested sections WP 800E and WP 1000E) did not return significant intersections. Previously reported drill hole CM07-1011 intersected 238.3m averaging 0.64g/t Au on section WP 1200E (see press release dated August 27, 2007). This hole is currently interpreted to represent the western limit of a separate mineralized zone (distinct from the Western Porphyry Zone) identified by historic drilling under the town of Malartic.

Sean Roosen, President and CEO of Osisko, commented: "Osisko has spent the last twelve months focusing on the infill drilling to upgrade our resource on the Canadian Malartic deposit to the measured and indicated category, which we expect to see by mid-summer. As Osisko nears completion of the infill program, the drilling at Malartic is now shifting to exploration. The positive early results from Western Porphyry, in addition to what we have already reported from South Barnat, suggest there is excellent potential to add new ounces. We're just getting started in 2008, and it's already looking like we'll have an exciting year on the exploration front."

All NQ core assays reported above were obtained by standard 50 g fire assaying-AA finish at ALS Chemex laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec. Reported weighted averages were calculated using a minimum of 0.4 g/t Au over successive maximum intervals of 20 metres with no upper cut-off of individual assays.

Osisko Exploration Ltd. is currently evaluating the Canadian Malartic gold deposit and adjacent areas for a large-scale open pit, bulk-tonnage mining operation. The Company is well-funded with approximately $180 million on hand and is carrying out an aggressive definition drilling and exploration campaign. An updated NI 43-101 compliant inferred gold resource estimate on the main Canadian Malartic deposit was released on July 5, 2007 and the full report is available on SEDAR.

Mr. Robert Wares, P. Geo. and Executive Vice-President of Osisko, is the Qualified Person responsible for the technical information reported in this news release.
Mar 26, 2008 10:43 ET
Millstream Cuts 29.88% Lead and 19.42 Oz Silver Per Ton in Underground Drift at Tamarack Gold Property
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 26, 2008) - Millstream Mines Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MLM)(FRANKFURT:NJD) is pleased to announce its Tamarack Gold Property appears to have the potential for a polymetallic mineral deposit. At the Lead-Zinc vein intersection (see PR March 11, 2008), a horizontal channel chip sample was taken across a 2 ft. wide section of the drift face (heading is 5ft. wide x 8ft. high) that returned assays of 29.88% lead, 19.42 opt silver, 0.120 opt gold, and 0.609% zinc.

The drift following the vein is being advanced and to date it has confirmed that the high grade Lead-Zinc section both persists and remains strong. Currently, the vein has been followed for a distance of 12 feet in a southern direction from the surface decline. Additionally, there is a 2 ft. wide section (fault gouge) laying against the right side of the Lead-Zinc section that a horizontal sample across it returned assays of 0.308 opt gold, 0.24 opt silver, .069% lead and 0.203% zinc.

Sample preparation and analyses for this release were conducted by Norris Labs of Norris, Montana on samples supplied by Millstream. Phil Brown, P.Geo., consultant of Millstream, is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Tamarack Gold Property. He has reviewed this report and press release with company management.

About Millstream Mines Ltd.:

Millstream Mines Ltd. is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company whose principle objective is to enhance and develop known mineral properties to production potential. The Company has active projects in the Province of Ontario, Canada and in the State of Montana, USA. The company's main focus continues to be the 100% owned Potter Mine Property. This past producing property is host to copper-zinc-cobalt "stacked" mineralized zones located in the highly prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt and more specifically in the Kidd-Munro Assemblage near the town of Matheson in north eastern Ontario. It is the company's ambition to fulfill drilling requirements necessary to estimate a NI 43-101 compliant resource.

63,051,707 SHARES ISSUED

Date: Mar. 26, '08

Mar. 25, '08 Close: $0.18

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Millstream seeks safe harbour with regard to forward looking statements.
:eek: watt denn bei Largo los?!

Mar 26, 2008 11:36 ET
Detour Gold Reports Excellent Results from Preliminary Metallurgical Testwork at Detour Lake, Ontario
(Overall target gold recoveries of 91% to 95% are expected)

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 26, 2008) - Detour Gold Corporation (TSX:DGC) ("Detour Gold" or the "Company") today announces the first results of metallurgical testwork on samples from the Detour Lake deposit which as of December 2007 contained an open pit resource of 4.8 million ounces in the measured and indicated categories (89.9 million tonnes grading 1.67 g/t gold) and 3.0 million ounces in the inferred category (63.2 million tonnes grading 1.49 g/t gold), using a gold price of US$575/oz (equivalent to a cut-off grade of 0.64 g/t gold and capped at 20 g/t gold) (refer to press release December 11, 2007).

Composite samples were prepared from assay rejects and drill core (QQ) at SGS Lakefield Research Limited, Lakefield, Ontario representing the full suite of geological rock types taken laterally and vertically throughout the current mineral resource.

Initial testwork results indicate excellent gold recoveries, ranging from 91% to 95%, using a standard gravity/cyanidation/carbon-in-pulp circuit (refer to table on page 2). Mineralogical examinations have confirmed that a large portion of the contained gold is present as free gold particles. High gravity recoveries in the range of 32% to 53% are being achieved in the test program. Reagent consumptions (both cyanide and lime) are low, being less than 0.6 kg/t. Testwork also indicates that a very low tail grade (non-recoverable gold which goes to the tailings) of 0.08 to 0.10 g/t gold is achievable.

With these very positive test results, the Company anticipates that the future operation would realistically be able to recover between 30% to 45% of the gold by gravity methods followed by cyanidation which would recover over 90% of the remaining gold in the circuit to give a combined circuit recovery target in the range of 91% to 95%.

Further metallurgical and comminution work are ongoing and the final process design flowsheet for the feasibility study is expected in the coming months.

Gerald Panneton, President and CEO of Detour Gold stated: "We are extremely satisfied with the overall recoveries, which indicate a very simple metallurgical flowsheet. Additional testwork in the coming months will define the optimal development route (throughput and capacity) so we can proceed with ordering the long-lead items such as the grinding mills by mid-year. We are on schedule to complete an updated mineral resource estimate by the end of June and a feasibility study by the end of 2008."

The metallurgical testwork is under the supervision of Melis Engineering Ltd. of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The technical contents of this release have been reviewed by Lawrence Melis, P.Eng., of Melis Engineering Ltd., a Qualified Person pursuant to NI 43-101.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Preliminary Metallurgical Results Averaged on Basis of Rock Blend (1,2)-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grav- ity % of Grav- Grav- Cyan- + Cyan- Rock Spe- Calc. ity ity ide ideMajor Type cific Head Tail Recov- Recov- Residue Recov-Rock in Grav- Grade Grade ery ery Grade eryType Deposit ity (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (g/t) (%)--------------------------------------------------------------------------MF 46.8 2.86 1.95 0.97 50.3 91.4 0.09 95.7--------------------------------------------------------------------------KMF 13.2 2.93 1.44 0.80 44.4 pend- pend- pend- ing ing ing--------------------------------------------------------------------------PF 15.4 2.88 1.22 0.65 52.9 90.7 0.08 95.6--------------------------------------------------------------------------KPF 11.6 2.89 1.61 0.87 45.8 88.4 0.10 93.7--------------------------------------------------------------------------TC 5.5 2.86 0.42 0.29 31.7 93.2 0.03 95.4--------------------------------------------------------------------------CG 4.5 2.85 0.53 0.36 32.2 86.5 0.05 90.8----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total/ Avg 97.0 2.88 1.57 0.80 47.5 90.7 0.08 95.1--------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) MF (mafic flow), KMF (potassically altered mafic flow), PF (pillow flow), and KPF (potassically altered pillow flow) make up 87% of the current mineral resource while the TC (talc schist) and CG (chloritic greenstone) make up another 10%. The CBPF (carbonatized pillow flow) and CH (chert) make up only 2.3% and as such are excluded from the table herein.(2) A total of approximately 2,300 samples of assay rejects representing seven of the eight rock types (not including CG) were sent to Lakefield for sample preparation and metallurgical testing. Since the sample availability for the four minor rock types (CBPF, CH, TC and CG) was limited, separate drill core samples (whole core) of these rock types were received from the site for use in metallurgical testing.

Stock Exchange: TSX-V
Symbol : SIR
Shares Outstanding : 44.2 million
Fully Diluted : 52.7 millio
Working Capital $17.3 million (Cdn.)
Warrants4.6 million
Options3.8 million
As of February 15, 2008

Stock Exchange: TSX-V
Symbol : SIR
Shares Outstanding : 44.2 million
Fully Diluted : 52.7 millio
Working Capital $17.3 million (Cdn.)
Warrants4.6 million
Options3.8 million
As of February 15, 2008

Overall 2008 budget $7 –8 million
Resource Estimate Late 2008 Scoping Study

d.h. das working capital langt bis weit in 2009,
sollten die Warrants ins Geld laufen und ausgeuebt werden ist Geld bis 2010 da

Ich würde hier Gewinnne mitnehmen und erneut ein Kauflimit setzen.
:clap: @Fischi - Riesen GLW zu SIR - habe mich dann bei 0,50 EUR gestern nicht mehr richtig getraut - meine letzten NewsTradingAktionen waren nich so der Hit, da wird man vorsichtig :kichern:

nochwas: eventuell Candente ? :gruebel:

Nachricht vom 27.03.2008 | 09:22 11 mal gelesen

Jiangxi Copper plant weitere Investitionen in Peru
Leser des Artikels: 11

Hongkong 27.03.08 (www.emfis.com) Die Jinagxi Copper Co plant laut Berichten des Standard weitere 1,4 Mrd. USD in ein Minenprojekt in Peru zu investieren. Der Standard beruft sich dabei auf den CEO des Unternehmens, Li Yihuang.

Die Produktion in der Mine soll im Jahr 2012 beginnen.

Jiangxi Copper meldete in dieser Woche eine Gewinnrückgang von 13 % im Jahr 2007. Dies sei auf die gestiegenen Kosten zurückzuführen, so das Unternehmen
1. Posi R5I, Rochester Resources heute morgen in mein Depot gewandert! 8) :evil:
Largo: schöne Kerze + Volumen = sollte weiterlaufen

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