• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=409773#409773 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 29.05.2008, 13:12 Uhr[/url]"]habt ihr ma ne Meinung Jungs? - Donner hatte sehr gute Werte veröffentlicht...........
» zur Grafik

Der Chart sagt ja alles: Gewinne wurden immer mitgenommen unter hohem Volumen. Also abwarten.
Hallo Gerf:

Zu Vangold kann ich Dir nicht sehr viel sagen aber da würde ich bei Fischländer anfragen, denn begleitet die schon ne Weile und ist da bestens informiert :)

Kurzanalyse zu Sparton Resources:

Sparton Resources hat meiner Meinung nach ein sehr diversifiziertes und aussichtsreiches Projektportfolio. Neben den Gold- bzw. Edelmetallprojekten (alle in frühen Stadien) hat Sparton noch Germanium, Uran und eine Beteiligung an einem Erdgasprojekte!

Da Germanium als Nischenmetall bezeichnet werden kann und recht unbekannt ist; hier eine kurze Erläuterung/Definition:

Germanium findet Anwendung in der Hochfrequenztechnik (z.B. als SiGe-Verbindungshalbleiter) und Detektortechnologie (z.B. als Röntgendetektor). Für Solarzellen aus Galliumarsenid werden zum Teil Wafer aus Germanium als Trägermaterial verwendet. Seine zweite Hauptanwendung findet es in der Infrarotoptik in Form von Fenstern und Linsen-Systemen aus poly- oder monokristallinem Germanium sowie optischen Gläsern mit Infrarotdurchlässigkeit, so genannten Chalkogenidgläsern. Einsatzgebiete hierfür sind militärische und zivile Nachtsichtgeräte sowie Thermografiekameras. Mit diesen können beispielsweise Häuser auf Lecks in der Isolation untersucht werden. Weitere wesentliche Verwendungen liegen in der Herstellung von Lichtwellenleitern und Polyesterfasern: In modernen Lichtleitfasern der Telekommunikation wird mit Hilfe von Germaniumtetrachlorid eine Germaniumdioxid-Beschichtung des inneren Faserkerns zur Erreichung der Totalreflexion von Lichtwellen herbeigeführt. In der Polyesterchemie kommt Germaniumdioxid als Katalysator bei der Herstellung von bestimmten Polyesterfasern und -granulaten zum Einsatz, speziell für recyclingfähige PET-Flaschen (PET = Polyethylenterephthalat). (Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanium).

Sparton übernahm im April diesen Jahres einen 85% Anteil an einem bislang privaten Germanium- und Kohleproduzenten (Hua Jun Coal Industry Co. Ltd.) aus Yunnan, China.

Sparton Resources sicherte sich nun 85% Anteil an Hua Jun Coal Industry Co. Ltd. (http://www.spartonres.ca/pressreleases/PR2008Apr17.htm) Im Umkehrschluss bedeutet das über
90 000 Cad $ Gewinn/Monat für Sparton! Hochgerechnet auf ein Jahr etwas über 1 Mio. CAD Gewinn. Sicher nicht die Welt aber man generiert Cash-Flow!

Die Uranprojekte basieren auf einer neuen Technik der Uranextrahierung und dort macht Sparton weiter Fortschritte, wobei sicher noch Geduld gefragt ist. Aber hier sehe ich potentielle Kursphantasie sollte die Entwicklung so wietergehen.

Sparton sicherte sich zudem einen 12,5%igen Anteil an einer natürlichen Erdgasressource, Haupteigentümer hier sind Exxon Mobil in Verbindung mit Shell!

Sparton Resources hält 12,5% Besitz an der Erdgasressource des Chebucto Gasfelds in Kanada. Die Produktion soll hier wahrscheinlich schon in etwa 1,5 Jahren starten.
Als Operator sind Exxon Mobil in Verbindung mit Shell die Haupteigentümer dieses Gasfeldes. Mit Exxon Mobile und Shell arbeitet man also mit Big Playern der Szene zusammen!

Die Gasressource wurde in einem unabhängigen Gutachten aus dem Jahr 2005 auf einen Gegenwert zwischen 25 – 31 Mio. Cad $ testiert. Damals notierten die Erdgaspreise aber noch bei ca. 6 Dollar. Heute hat sich der Preis aber fast verdoppelt, und somit auch der Gegenwert der Ressource!!
50 - 60 Mio Cad $ wäre diese Beteiligung grob geschätzt wert und bringt zusätzlich langfristige Kursphantasie!

Link zum Gutachten: http://www.spartonres.ca/download/Chebucto-evaluation-2005.pdf .

Also meiner Meinung nach auf dem derzeitigen Niveau ein kauf mit langfristigem Anlagehorizont!

Gruß ollinho

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=409809#409809 schrieb:
gerf schrieb am 29.05.2008, 13:38 Uhr[/url]"]Darf man die Herren Rohstoffspezialisten auch mal um aktuelle Einschätzungen zu den Basket-Werten SRI (Sparton Ressources) und VAN (Vangold) bitten?

LG, Gerf

Ps.: STX (Strike Oil) erwähne ich hier öfters mal. Sollte jemand hier Bedarf für ein fundamental top-aufgestelltes Invest in der Gas&Öl-Branche haben, wäre das mein Tipp; warum und wieso, da gibt es X-Gründe, der qualitativ hochwertige Thread bei W.O. zu Strike Oil gibt hierauf großteils Antworten (ja, ich weiß, Qualität und W.O. sind nahezu schon paradox, aber bei kleinen, unbekannten Werten gibt es diese oft schon noch).

zum Thema Solar,- dem unbegrenzten Rohstoff.
:danke: duke! wegen Donner.........

das hier sind ja gute BE´s

May 29, 2008 08:02 ET
Colossus Minerals Drills High Grade Gold-Platinum-Palladium at Serra Pelada

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 29, 2008) - Colossus Minerals Inc. (TSX:CSI) announces assay results from SPD-001, the Company's first drill hole on the Serra Pelada Project, a Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture.


- SPD-001 intersected 88.00 metres @ 5.80g/t gold, 6.11g/t platinum and 6.83g/t palladium
- broad down-hole intervals within SPD-001 of high grade gold-platinum- palladium including 50.05 metres @ 5.63g/t gold, 9.58g/t platinum and 10.24g/t palladium and also 37.95 metres @ 6.02g/t gold, 1.56g/t platinum and 2.34g/t palladium,
- For gold:platinum:palladium prices in the ratio 1:2.33:0.5, these values equate to 88.00 metres @ 23.7g/t gold equivalent 50.05 metres @ 33.1g/t gold equivalent 37.95 metres @ 10.8g/t gold equivalent
- Collared 170 metres southwest of the historic Serra Pelada open pit, SPD-001 demonstrates continuity of high grade mineralisation over a vertical interval of 89 metres in the Central Mineralised Zone.
- SPD-001 also confirms the occurrence of very high grade PGE- and also gold-rich subzones within the Central Mineralised Zone.


Diamond drill hole SPD-001 is the first hole of a 5000m drill program by the Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture on the Serra Pelada gold-platinum-palladium deposit, located in Para State, Brazil. Collared 170m southwest of the Serra Pelada open pit, SPD-001 was HQ-cored for 311m at an initial azimuth of 310 degrees and an inclination of -69 degrees, to test the Central Mineralised Zone. The drill hole trace may be examined on Section 100NE on www.colossusminerals.com.

From 183.20m to 276.35m down-hole, SPD-001 intersected continuous gold-platinum-palladium mineralisation within altered metasediments of the Central Mineralised Zone. This 93metre interval includes broad PGE- and also gold-rich subzones. These subzones respectively contain intervals of spectacular grades of platinum plus palladium and high grade gold. Assay results are presented in the following table. The complete assay data set for may be examined on www.colossusminerals.com.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------From To Recovered/assay Gold Platinum Palladium Gold(metres, (metres, interval g/t g/t g/t equivalentdown-hole) down-hole) (metres)(i) g/t (ii)----------------------------------------------------------------------------183.20 237.50 50.05 5.63 9.58 10.24 33.1Incl. 186.00 203.85 17.85 10.69 6.71 6.99 216.00 228.00 11.15 1.89 8.50 7.98 232.00 236.40 4.40 9.64 54.20 57.72----------------------------------------------------------------------------237.50 276.35 37.95 6.02 1.56 2.34 10.8Incl. 242.25 262.75 20.20 9.36 2.72 3.90 259.55 262.75 3.20 26.08 5.99 10.41----------------------------------------------------------------------------Totalintersection183.20 276.35 88.00 5.80 6.11 6.83 23.7----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(i) Total assayed interval - excludes intervals of no core recovery; true widths to be established
(ii) Gold equivalent assuming Au:Pt:Pd prices in the ratio 1:2.33:0.5

An additional intersection (between 302.0 -303.0 metres down-hole @ 0.15g/t gold, 1.66g/t platinum and 0.92g/t palladium) appears to represent a mineralised zone, footwall to the Central Zone and of as yet unknown lateral extent.

To date, the Company has completed eight drill holes or approximately 50% of the initial 5000 metre drill program. It is anticipated that the turn-around time for assay results will begin to move at a more expeditious pace.

Vic Wall, Colossus President comments "These results, from our first Serra Pelada drill hole, are truly excellent. SPD-001 has demonstrated the continuity of high grade gold-platinum-palladium mineralization over a large vertical interval in Colossus' main target zone, well south of the historic Serra Pelada open pit. Colossus' ongoing drilling attests to the potential of this unique noble metal deposit. Our team is working hard to realise this potential."


Sampling of SPD-001 core (by Colossus personnel) and sample preparation (by SGS GEOSOL LABORATORIES LTDA., Belo Horizonte) were carried out under strict protocols recommended in the 43-101 Technical Report on Serra Pelada. After photographing and logging, nominal 1 metre intervals of HQ core were cut and/or split in half, yielding samples of 2 to 3 kilogram mass. Where core recoveries were low, intervals were composited to yield 1 kilogram minimum sample masses. Duplicates, blanks and certified gold-PGE reference materials were inserted in the sample train by Colossus personnel prior to secure shipping to SGS.

SGS pulverised 1 kilogram splits (greater than 95% passing 106 microns) from the crushed (greater than 95% passing 1.7mm) dried samples. The resulting pulps were quartered by rotary splitter and a 50gram fire assay, with ICP-AES finish was performed on one 250gm. aliquot, the remaining splits being archived. Additional blanks and duplicates were inserted in the assay stream by SGS and replicate assays were performed every twenty samples. SGS dispatched assay certificate originals directly to Resource and Exploration Mapping Ltd. an independent Company which manages Colossus' database.

The assay results for blanks, duplicates, replicates and reference materials were generally satisfactory. However one of the reference materials in one assay batch assayed gold, platinum and palladium values much lower than certified values for this material. The reference material and high value samples in this batch will be check assayed by SGS and an independent laboratory.

Dr. Vic Wall, President of Colossus Minerals and qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for this release and has verified the contents disclosed
Rohstoffe-Go - London 29.05.08 Der anglo-australische Minenbetreiber Rio Tinto geht davon aus, dass sich die Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen bin zum Jahr 2022 verdoppeln könnte.

Der CEO der Rio Tinto geht davon aus, dass damit auch die Nachfrage bei Rio Tinto in den nächsten 15 Jahren auf das Doppelte steigen dürfte. Darüber hinaus geht das Unternehmen von hohen Preisen aber auch steigender Nachfrage aus. dies solle der Cash-Position des Unternehmens zu Gute kommen und das Marktrisiko minimieren.

Der Wachstumsmotor hierbei sollen vor allem Städte in Indien und China und anderen Emerging Markets sein.

Bis zum Jahr 2015 geht der CFO der der Rio Tinto davon aus, dass die Produktion jährlich um 8,6 Prozent wachsen werde. Auch danach sieht das Unternehmen sehr gute Marktchancen.
May 29, 2008 08:30 ET
Detour Gold Reports More Consistent Results From 2007 Phase II Drilling at Its Detour Lake Property in Northern Ontario, Canada
(4.11 g/t over 43.0 m in Gap Zone and 8.86 g/t over 17.0 m in West Pit area)
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 29, 2008) - Detour Gold Corporation (TSX:DGC) ("Detour Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to report the drill results of 21 holes from the Gap Zone and West Pit of its Phase II drilling program at the Detour Lake property in northern Ontario. The Company started Phase II drilling in July 2007 and thus far has completed 294 holes totaling 115,739 metres (including 17 holes abandoned for 1,411 metres). The Company has now reported 160 holes totaling 55,852 metres (including 13 holes abandoned for 1,146 metres). There are four (4) active drill rigs on site.

Results from 17 holes in the Gap Zone continued to return consistent positive drill results as the Company completes its 40 m X 40 m infill program. Of importance, 4.11 g/t (uncut) over 43.0 metres was intersected in hole DG-07-245, which is near the outline of the current US$575 pit shell. Gold mineralization was encountered in all four (4) holes drilled in the West Pit area. Holes DG-07-232 intersected 1.00 g/t over 30.0 metres within 50 metres of surface and 400 metres northward into the hanging wall. The extent of the northern limits of the mineralized corridor remains to be defined in certain areas of the Gap Zone and West Pit.

The best mineralized (uncut) intervals encountered are shown below.

Gap Zone----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-245 DG-07-249 DG-07-254 DG-07-257--------- --------- --------- ---------1.85 g/t over 8.60 g/t over 1.31 g/t over 3.45 g/t over 28.8 m 12.0 m 27.0 m 15.0 m4.11 g/t over 8.46 g/t over 3.81 g/t over 1.48 g/t over 43.0 m 26.0 m 12.0 m 34.0 m 3.12 g/t over 14.0 m
DG-07-268 DG-08-285 DG-08-290 DG-08-293--------- --------- --------- ---------3.70 g/t over 1.46 g/t over 2.45 g/t over 1.82 g/t over 39.0 m 59.0 m 36.0 m 22.0 m3.24 g/t over 1.86 g/t over 1.57 g/t over 14.0 m 22.0 m 29.2 m
West Pit----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-225 DG-07-232 DG-07-240--------- --------- ---------1.10 g/t over 7.40 g/t over 8.86 g/t over 54.0 m 8.0 m 17.0 m

The 135,000 metre Phase II program is expected to be completed by mid-2008. Approximately half of that program, along with Phase I, will be included in the end of June resource update. The Company is extremely confident in meeting its objectives of outlining a mineral resource of over 10 million ounces of gold at Detour Lake. The planned June resource update will be based on a fully designed and engineered open pit that will serve as the basis of our 2008 feasibility study to be completed by year-end.

The December 2007 mineral resource contained 4.8 million ounces in the measured and indicated categories (1.22 M oz in measured and 3.61 M oz in indicated) and 3.0 million ounces in the inferred category, using a gold price of US$575/oz (equivalent to a cut-off grade of 0.64 g/t gold and capped at 20 g/t gold).

Regional Exploration Program

Detour Gold completed a 12,055 metre regional drilling program on the Detour Lake property in the first quarter of 2008. Approximately six kilometres of the Sunday Lake Deformation Zone, east of the Detour Lake deposit were tested with 5,389 metres in 20 holes. Several high deformation zones were intersected into the volcanic assemblage, but with only anomalous to low grade gold mineralization. The best holes included: 1.46 g/t over 8.0 metres (DGE-08-319) and 1.08 g/t over 4.0 metres (DGE-08-323).

Another 3,981 metres in 11 holes targeted the North Walter Lake area where the gold mineralization is localized on the south limb of a north-overturned syncline. The best hole intersected 0.91 g/t over 28.0 metres (DGE-08-346) and confirmed the previously known mineralization. The eastern continuation of the M Zone (main target on Block A) on the Detour Lake property was tested over a strike length of 2,000 metres by 2,685 metres of drilling in 7 holes. Although the same ultramafic sequence was intersected, no significant gold mineralization was found.

The 2008 regional exploration results are being assessed for a follow-up drill program next winter. The potential for gold mineralization remains to be fully tested in these areas.

Complete tables of results, surface and longitudinal plans and cross-sections for the Detour Lake deposit are posted on the Company's website www.detourgold.com /Projects/Detour Lake or http://www.detourgold.com/dgc/LatestDrillResults.asp on the home page "Explore Detour Lake".

Detour Gold's exploration program is being managed by Project Manager, Mr. Roger Aubertin, P.Eng., a Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Aubertin has verified and approved the data disclosed in this release, including the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information. The December 2007 mineral resource was prepared by Thon Consulting and audited by Michael W. Kociumbas, P.Geo., Vice-President of Watts, Griffis and McOuat Limited. Details on the current mineral resource are available in the January 2008 Technical Report, which is posted on the Company's website or on SEDAR (www.sedar.com).

Samples are prepared and assayed at SGS Minerals Services in Don Mills, Ontario, Canada. Analysis for gold is done on sawn half core samples using fire assay (AA finish). Samples with higher grade gold (greater than 5 g/t) are re-assayed using the pulp and metallics procedures. Standard reference materials, blank and field duplicate samples are inserted prior to shipment from site to monitor the quality control of the assay data. For additional information on Quality Assurance and Quality Control ("QA/QC"), refer to the press release dated April 11, 2007.

For the regional exploration program, samples were prepared and assayed at ALS Chemex in Vancouver, British Columbia, using a 51 analyses aqua regia ICPMS method (ME-MS41) with Au 30g FA AA finish for ore grade gold samples (Au-AA25). The same QA/QC (April 11, 2007) was applied to this program.

Detour Lake Project - Highlights of Drill Results
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Au Cut Au to 20Hole No. Section From To Length Uncut g/t No. (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) Host Rock Unit----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-225 19,600E 68.0 78.0 10.0 1.15 1.15 --------------------------------------------------------- West Pit 104.0 119.0 15.0 0.83 0.83 --------------------------------------------------------- 213.0 267.0 54.0 1.10 1.10 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 293.0 300.0 7.0 0.82 0.82----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-232 19,300E 39.0 69.0 30.0 1.00 1.00 Upper Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- West Pit 101.0 109.0 8.0 1.03 1.03 --------------------------------------------------------- 257.0 264.0 7.0 1.85 1.85 --------------------------------------------------------- 305.0 317.0 12.0 1.47 1.47 --------------------------------------------------------- 335.0 348.0 13.0 1.63 1.63 --------------------------------------------------------- 358.0 365.0 7.0 0.88 0.88 --------------------------------------------------------- 416.0 445.0 29.0 1.23 1.23 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 453.0 466.0 13.0 1.34 1.34 --------------------------------------------------------- 475.0 484.0 9.0 1.00 1.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 514.0 523.0 9.0 1.19 1.19 --------------------------------------------------------- 533.0 541.0 8.0 7.40 6.77 Lower Mafic Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 534.0 534.5 0.5 27.43 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 537.0 537.5 0.5 20.09 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 539.0 540.0 1.0 21.32 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 571.0 620.0 49.0 0.95 0.94 Lower MF/CMH --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 571.5 572.0 0.5 20.68 20.00----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-240 19,280E 49.0 85.0 36.0 1.04 1.04 Contact PF/MF --------------------------------------------------------- West Pit 128.0 145.0 17.0 8.86 2.48 Lower PF --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 137.0 138.0 1.0 128.46 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 167.0 177.0 10.0 1.61 1.61 --------------------------------------------------------- 196.0 220.0 24.0 0.83 0.83 --------------------------------------------------------- 315.0 325.0 10.0 1.86 1.86 --------------------------------------------------------- 345.0 381.0 36.0 1.09 1.09 Lower MF/Lower PF --------------------------------------------------------- 496.0 507.0 11.0 1.87 1.87----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-241 19,480E 38.0 46.0 8.0 4.70 2.49 Lower Mafic Flow --------------------------------------------------------- West Pit Inc. 38.7 39.2 0.5 55.35 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 58.0 70.0 12.0 2.65 2.65 CMH --------------------------------------------------------- 100.0 107.0 7.0 1.25 1.25----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-242 19,220E 26.5 34.0 7.5 0.95 0.95 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 64.0 71.0 7.0 0.76 0.76----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-244 19,200E Casing broke in overburden. Not assayed Gap Zone----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-244A 19,200E 46.0 55.0 9.0 1.12 1.12 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 74.0 81.0 7.0 1.10 1.10----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-245 18,840E 205.2 234.0 28.8 1.85 1.85 Upper Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 425.0 432.0 7.0 0.81 0.81 --------------------------------------------------------- 485.0 528.0 43.0 4.11 2.92 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 492.0 493.0 1.0 26.93 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 524.0 525.0 1.0 64.21 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 550.0 559.0 9.0 1.92 1.92----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-248 19,240E 96.0 103.0 7.0 1.33 1.33 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 114.0 121.0 7.0 1.51 1.51 --------------------------------------------------------- 159.0 168.0 9.0 1.80 1.80----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-249 18,920E 47.0 58.0 11.0 0.65 0.65 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 118.0 125.0 7.0 1.15 1.15 --------------------------------------------------------- 196.0 208.0 12.0 1.09 1.09 --------------------------------------------------------- 306.0 320.0 14.0 3.12 1.38 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 318.3 318.8 0.5 68.64 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 463.0 475.0 12.0 8.60 6.98 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 471.0 472.0 1.0 31.40 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 472.0 473.0 1.0 28.10 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 497.0 523.0 26.0 8.46 6.49 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 499.0 500.0 1.0 41.90 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 500.0 501.0 1.0 41.40 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 503.0 503.6 0.6 22.50 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 503.6 504.1 0.5 33.24 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 556.0 566.0 10.0 2.43 2.43----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-253 19,000E 40.0 48.0 8.0 0.87 0.87 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 124.0 131.0 7.0 0.88 0.88----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-254 18,960E 100.0 127.0 27.0 1.31 1.31 Upper Mafic Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 206.0 213.0 7.0 1.68 1.68 --------------------------------------------------------- 225.0 239.0 14.0 1.16 1.16 --------------------------------------------------------- 265.0 272.0 7.0 1.13 1.13 --------------------------------------------------------- 280.0 287.0 7.0 1.09 1.09 --------------------------------------------------------- 319.0 331.0 12.0 1.91 1.91 --------------------------------------------------------- 418.0 430.0 12.0 3.81 3.81 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 481.0 488.0 7.0 0.88 0.88----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-256 19,000E 86.0 93.0 7.0 1.32 1.32 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 374.0 381.0 7.0 1.20 1.20 --------------------------------------------------------- 401.0 415.0 14.0 1.80 1.80 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 457.0 466.0 9.0 2.49 2.49----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-257 19,000E 101.0 108.0 7.0 0.98 0.98 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 185.0 192.0 7.0 3.48 3.48 --------------------------------------------------------- 225.0 240.0 15.0 3.45 2.18 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 239.0 240.0 1.0 39.10 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 247.0 254.0 7.0 2.63 2.63 --------------------------------------------------------- 272.0 321.0 49.0 0.92 0.92 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 367.0 401.0 34.0 1.48 1.43 Lower Mafic Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 387.0 388.0 1.0 21.63 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 463.0 475.0 12.0 0.93 0.93----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-258 18,660E 53.0 64.0 11.0 0.85 0.85 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 90.0 139.0 49.0 0.81 0.81 Lower Mafic Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 153.0 160.0 7.0 0.85 0.85 --------------------------------------------------------- 173.0 187.0 14.0 1.18 1.18----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-268 18,620E 28.0 36.0 8.0 1.35 1.35 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 96.0 103.0 7.0 1.48 1.48 --------------------------------------------------------- 115.0 129.0 14.0 2.72 2.72 Upper Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 140.0 147.0 7.0 0.85 0.85 --------------------------------------------------------- 186.0 225.0 39.0 0.86 0.86 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 258.0 272.0 14.0 3.24 3.14 Lower Mafic Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 262.0 263.0 1.0 21.42 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 293.0 302.0 9.0 1.06 1.06 --------------------------------------------------------- 314.0 335.0 21.0 1.01 1.01 --------------------------------------------------------- 385.0 424.0 39.0 3.70 2.97 Lower Mafic Flow --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 389.0 390.0 1.0 33.71 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 393.0 394.0 1.0 26.02 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 410.0 411.0 1.0 28.92 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 477.0 484.0 7.0 1.42 1.42----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-07-283 18,700E 43.0 50.0 7.0 0.83 0.83 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 105.0 112.0 7.0 0.69 0.69----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-08-285 19,040E 31.0 90.0 59.0 1.46 1.46 Lower MF/Lower PF --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 111.3 118.5 7.2 0.72 0.72 --------------------------------------------------------- 140.0 148.0 8.0 1.50 1.50 --------------------------------------------------------- 187.0 209.0 22.0 1.86 1.65 Lower MF --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 192.0 193.0 1.0 24.60 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 231.0 238.0 7.0 6.07 3.98 CMH --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 237.0 238.0 1.0 34.60 20.00----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-08-289 19,160E 108.0 116.0 8.0 1.81 1.81 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 169.0 176.0 7.0 1.29 1.29 --------------------------------------------------------- 189.0 205.0 16.0 1.04 1.04 --------------------------------------------------------- 257.0 270.0 13.0 1.29 1.29 --------------------------------------------------------- 277.0 286.5 9.5 0.73 0.73 --------------------------------------------------------- 297.0 312.0 15.0 0.73 0.73----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-08-290 19,040E 34.0 41.0 7.0 0.77 0.77 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 79.0 94.0 15.0 1.00 1.00---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147.8 177.0 29.2 1.57 1.57 Lower Pillow Flow --------------------------------------------------------- 203.0 239.0 36.0 2.45 2.22 Lower PF/Lower MF --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 210.0 211.0 1.0 28.40 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 252.0 260.0 8.0 2.92 2.92 --------------------------------------------------------- 343.0 350.0 7.0 2.35 2.35 --------------------------------------------------------- 365.0 387.0 22.0 0.84 0.84----------------------------------------------------------------------------DG-08-293 19,120E 25.0 40.0 15.0 1.21 1.21 --------------------------------------------------------- Gap Zone 55.0 62.0 7.0 1.16 1.16 --------------------------------------------------------- 83.0 105.0 22.0 1.82 1.82 Lower PF --------------------------------------------------------- 154.0 165.0 11.0 3.05 2.30 Lower MF --------------------------------------------------------- Inc. 155.0 156.0 1.0 28.30 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 180.0 188.0 8.0 1.31 1.31 --------------------------------------------------------- 261.5 297.0 35.5 1.12 1.12 CMH/Lower MF----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: All values above 20 g/t in the composite are reported in the table. True width is estimated to be 65 to 75% of the drilled length.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=409823#409823 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 29.05.2008, 14:03 Uhr[/url]"]Hallo Gerf:

Zu Vangold kann ich Dir nicht sehr viel sagen aber da würde ich bei Fischländer anfragen, denn begleitet die schon ne Weile und ist da bestens informiert :)

Kurzanalyse zu Sparton Resources:

Sparton Resources hat meiner Meinung nach ein sehr diversifiziertes und aussichtsreiches Projektportfolio. Neben den Gold- bzw. Edelmetallprojekten (alle in frühen Stadien) hat Sparton noch Germanium, Uran und eine Beteiligung an einem Erdgasprojekte!

Da Germanium als Nischenmetall bezeichnet werden kann und recht unbekannt ist; hier eine kurze Erläuterung/Definition:

Germanium findet Anwendung in der Hochfrequenztechnik (z.B. als SiGe-Verbindungshalbleiter) und Detektortechnologie (z.B. als Röntgendetektor). Für Solarzellen aus Galliumarsenid werden zum Teil Wafer aus Germanium als Trägermaterial verwendet. Seine zweite Hauptanwendung findet es in der Infrarotoptik in Form von Fenstern und Linsen-Systemen aus poly- oder monokristallinem Germanium sowie optischen Gläsern mit Infrarotdurchlässigkeit, so genannten Chalkogenidgläsern. Einsatzgebiete hierfür sind militärische und zivile Nachtsichtgeräte sowie Thermografiekameras. Mit diesen können beispielsweise Häuser auf Lecks in der Isolation untersucht werden. Weitere wesentliche Verwendungen liegen in der Herstellung von Lichtwellenleitern und Polyesterfasern: In modernen Lichtleitfasern der Telekommunikation wird mit Hilfe von Germaniumtetrachlorid eine Germaniumdioxid-Beschichtung des inneren Faserkerns zur Erreichung der Totalreflexion von Lichtwellen herbeigeführt. In der Polyesterchemie kommt Germaniumdioxid als Katalysator bei der Herstellung von bestimmten Polyesterfasern und -granulaten zum Einsatz, speziell für recyclingfähige PET-Flaschen (PET = Polyethylenterephthalat). (Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanium).

Sparton übernahm im April diesen Jahres einen 85% Anteil an einem bislang privaten Germanium- und Kohleproduzenten (Hua Jun Coal Industry Co. Ltd.) aus Yunnan, China.

Sparton Resources sicherte sich nun 85% Anteil an Hua Jun Coal Industry Co. Ltd. (http://www.spartonres.ca/pressreleases/PR2008Apr17.htm) Im Umkehrschluss bedeutet das über
90 000 Cad $ Gewinn/Monat für Sparton! Hochgerechnet auf ein Jahr etwas über 1 Mio. CAD Gewinn. Sicher nicht die Welt aber man generiert Cash-Flow!

Die Uranprojekte basieren auf einer neuen Technik der Uranextrahierung und dort macht Sparton weiter Fortschritte, wobei sicher noch Geduld gefragt ist. Aber hier sehe ich potentielle Kursphantasie sollte die Entwicklung so wietergehen.

Sparton sicherte sich zudem einen 12,5%igen Anteil an einer natürlichen Erdgasressource, Haupteigentümer hier sind Exxon Mobil in Verbindung mit Shell!

Sparton Resources hält 12,5% Besitz an der Erdgasressource des Chebucto Gasfelds in Kanada. Die Produktion soll hier wahrscheinlich schon in etwa 1,5 Jahren starten.
Als Operator sind Exxon Mobil in Verbindung mit Shell die Haupteigentümer dieses Gasfeldes. Mit Exxon Mobile und Shell arbeitet man also mit Big Playern der Szene zusammen!

Die Gasressource wurde in einem unabhängigen Gutachten aus dem Jahr 2005 auf einen Gegenwert zwischen 25 – 31 Mio. Cad $ testiert. Damals notierten die Erdgaspreise aber noch bei ca. 6 Dollar. Heute hat sich der Preis aber fast verdoppelt, und somit auch der Gegenwert der Ressource!!
50 - 60 Mio Cad $ wäre diese Beteiligung grob geschätzt wert und bringt zusätzlich langfristige Kursphantasie!

Link zum Gutachten: http://www.spartonres.ca/download/Chebucto-evaluation-2005.pdf .

Also meiner Meinung nach auf dem derzeitigen Niveau ein kauf mit langfristigem Anlagehorizont!

Gruß ollinho

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=409809#409809 schrieb:
gerf schrieb am 29.05.2008, 13:38 Uhr[/url]"]Darf man die Herren Rohstoffspezialisten auch mal um aktuelle Einschätzungen zu den Basket-Werten SRI (Sparton Ressources) und VAN (Vangold) bitten?

LG, Gerf

Ps.: STX (Strike Oil) erwähne ich hier öfters mal. Sollte jemand hier Bedarf für ein fundamental top-aufgestelltes Invest in der Gas&Öl-Branche haben, wäre das mein Tipp; warum und wieso, da gibt es X-Gründe, der qualitativ hochwertige Thread bei W.O. zu Strike Oil gibt hierauf großteils Antworten (ja, ich weiß, Qualität und W.O. sind nahezu schon paradox, aber bei kleinen, unbekannten Werten gibt es diese oft schon noch).

Danke Ollinho, die meisten von dir erwähnten Fakten von SRI kannte ich schon; neu war mir das Gutachten zum Gasprojekt. Da frage ich mich, ob der Gesamtwert von rd. 30 Mio CAD sich auf die Spartonanteile bezog oder auf das gesamte Feld, denn 12,5% von rd. 30 Mio wären am Ende auch nur Gegenwerte von gut 3 Mio CAD und somit NICHTS!!!

Die wahre Fantasie steckt allerdings bestimmt im Uranextraktionsverfahren, da sind sich wohl alle einig. Der Germaniumcash-flow ist zudem ein willkommenes Geschenk!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Bluerock Anounces Phase I Drill Results Including 2.38% eU3O8 Over 1.5Ft At Sunbeam Uranium Mine


Vancouver, B.C., May 29, 2008 (BRD: TSX Venture) - Bluerock Resources Ltd. (the "Company") announces results from the Phase I exploration and delineation drilling program at the Sunbeam Uranium Mine, Uravan Mineral Belt Colorado, USA. The reverse circulation drilling program at the Sunbeam Uranium Mine defined a previously unknown mineralized zone within an "historic drillout" proximal to the Sunbeam Uranium Mine, with grades of up to 2.38% eU3O8 over 1.5 feet (0.46 metres). The Company will continue to delineate this mineralized zone, as well as a second historic target, through additional drilling while working to reopen the Sunbeam Uranium Mine under a bulk sample permit, and subsequently move towards a production decision.

"The success of the Sunbeam Uranium Mine Phase 1 drill program further demonstrates the near mine resource upside at Bluerock's existing property portfolio and potential for near term uranium production" said Bluerock President & CEO Michael Collins. "Bluerock continues with its business objective of developing uranium resources in support of the Company's aim of becoming the next uranium producer in the United States."

The Sunbeam Uranium Mine is one of four uranium properties that the Company envisions supporting the Ore Purchase and/or Toll Milling Agreement with Denison Mines' White Mesa Uranium Mill (refer to April 17, 2008 press release for details). Uranium ore* continues to be stockpiled at the J-Bird Mine, underground development work has started at the Cone Mountain Uranium Bulk Sampling Project, and exploration drilling is expected to restart shortly at the fully permitted Tramp Uranium Mine.

*Ore, as stated in this news release, is defined as material that can be mined, shipped and processed at the White Mesa Uranium Mill under the Company's 'ore purchase' agreement and/or toll milling agreement with the mill owner and operator, Denison Mines (USA).

A total of 76 reverse circulation drill holes were completed during the Phase I exploration program on the Sunbeam Uranium Mine from April through May 2008, totalling approximately 21,000 feet, (6,400 metres) of drilling. Thirty-one drillholes were gamma probed for uranium content by Century Geophysics an independent geophysical contractor. Two mineralized trends have been defined within the "near-mine" environment. Significant results include 2.38% eU3O8 over 1.5 feet (0.46 metres), and 0.402% eU3O8 over 3 feet (0.91 metres). A total of six holes returned grades of greater than 0.20% eU3O8 over intervals 1 foot (0.3 metres) or greater. Mineralization found in a "historic drillout" has been defined over an area of 800 by 400 feet (120m x 240m) and remains open to extension in all directions. A table of significant results from the Phase I exploration program is presented below:

Summary Table of selected gamma probed drillhole results from the
2008 Phase I Sunbeam Uranium Mine drilling program

Drill Hole

From (ft)
From (m)






















*Drill holes are named with reference to permitting and not with respect to the order in which they are drilled

Twenty-three drill holes remain to be drilled within the currently permitted drill program at the Sunbeam Uranium Mine. Based on the Phase I drilling results, the current permit will be amended to focus on the main mineralized zone noted above, one additional historic drill out and two "on mining trend" targets also related to historic uranium mining on the Property.

Drilling at the Sunbeam Uranium Mine was conducted using two drill rigs operated by Rimrock Exploration and Development of Nucla Colorado. Upon completion of a drillhole, Company staff used an in-house, downhole scintillometer to test the hole by gamma probing. Where significant uranium mineralization indications were identified, the hole was left open and subsequently logged, under contract, by Century Geophysics Corp. who determined the calculated uranium content with gamma logging instruments. Century Geophysical Corp. has a long history of providing third party downhole probe services to the Uranium Exploration and Development industry and is well known and respected in the industry. The downhole gamma logging reported in this release utilized a "10 inch long, GAMMA-SP-RES" unit with calibration both prior to, and after the physical logging of the bore hole. All reported Uranium values within this release were produced by Century Geophysical's logging of the Company's drilled holes.

Paul D. Gray, P.Geo. is the Qualified Person with respect to the Sunbeam Uranium Mine and has reviewed and approved this press release.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium mining company focused on developing tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins
President and CEO

For further information, please contact:
Cary Martin, Manager of Investor Relations
Bluerock Resources Ltd.
350-580 Hornby St,
Vancouver BC, V6C 3B6
Telephone: (604) 687-2471
Facsimile: (604) 687-2472
Website: www.bluerockresources.com
Email: cmartin@bluerockresources.com
May 29, 2008 09:15 ET
Buffalo Files Financial Statements

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 29, 2008) - Buffalo Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BUF)(OTCBB:BYBUF)(FRANKFURT:B4K) reports that on May 26, 2008 it completed the filing of its audited financial statements and management's discussion and analysis for the fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 2007. As reported in the press release issued May 15, 2008, trading in Buffalo's shares was halted as a result of a cease trade order issued by the British Columbia Securities Commission for failing to file these documents within the time prescribed by National Instrument 51-102.

As a result of having filed its audited financial statements and management's discussion and analysis, Buffalo is no longer on the lists of defaulting issuers maintained by the British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan Securities Commissions. The temporary cease trade order issued by the Ontario Securities Commission on May 16, 2008 will expire on Saturday, May 31, 2008.

An application to reinstate Buffalo's shares for trading has been submitted to the TSX Venture Exchange. Buffalo expects that its shares will resume trading during the week beginning June 2, 2008.

The Company would like to re-iterate that, "The cease trade order in no way related to the financial health of the company and we apologize for any concerns that it has caused our shareholders."

To find out more about Buffalo Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BUF), please visit the company website at www.buffalogold.ca.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of BUFFALO GOLD LTD.

Brian McEwen, President and CEO

wenn ich da heute unter 3 reinkomme, dann wird das ein Langfrister mit der Aussicht auf Detour oder Aurelian Entwicklung
ist das board heute lahm..?
ewige ladezeiten!

Vangold und Sparton, als Basketwert Anlagehorizont 2 Jahre, eins ist rum, Entwicklung ist langfristig weiter gut

hab ich schon laenger, demnaechst steuerfrei, die werden immer besser, eben auch ein langfrister
Donner ist wenn die so weiter machen ein super LongWert!

für Colossus drücke ich die Daumen -- die Ergebnisse sind Sahne! die letzten auch.........
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=409937#409937 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 29.05.2008, 15:18 Uhr[/url]"]Colossus,

wenn ich da heute unter 3 reinkomme, dann wird das ein Langfrister mit der Aussicht auf Detour oder Aurelian Entwicklung
Donner läuft........... :)
colossus - können die nich lesen oder gibbet da nen Haken :scratch:
Millstream's Potter Yields an Initial Resources Estimate of Over 3 Million Tonnes Indicated Along with Over 2 Million Tonnes Inferred of Copper-Zinc-Cobalt-Silver-Gold Mineralization
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 29, 2008) - Millstream Mines Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MLM)(FRANKFURT:NJD) is pleased to announce that it has filed on SEDAR an initial resource estimate, following the guidelines stipulated in National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101), for its Potter Property located in northeastern Ontario, Canada, situated approximately mid-way between Xstrata's large deposits of the Kidd Creek Mine (in Ontario) and the historic Horne Mine (in Quebec) both with milling, smelting and refining capabilities.

The previous press release dated April 14, 2008 reported only an Inferred Resource while the current formal report has up-dated the catagories to now include Indicated Resources and separately, Inferred Resources as per the below table.

Millstream points out that no recovery calculations have been applied with respect to the current resources reported, as no work has been done on the metallurgy, dilution, smelter and refining aspects.

The resources estimate was prepared and authored by Dave Gamble, P. Geo. of Dave Gamble Geoservices Inc. and Edward Bettiol, P. Eng. Independent consultant. Both of these individuals are Qualified Persons under the requirements and guidelines of Nation Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) regulating the Canadian Mining industry. Dave Gamble, P. Geo. has over 30 years extensive experience in the exploration and the mining industry. Edward Bettiol, P. Eng., who is recognized worldwide, has over 50 years experience in all phases of the mining industry as an operator and manager in both base metals and noble metals endeavours.

Eleven (11) parallel to subparallel mineralized zones have been identified to date that remain open horizontally on strike in both east and west directions, and vertically on dip both downward and upward. The exception to upward is the zone that was previously mined in the past operations from surface to 1100 feet below surface. The multiple zones were defined with a high degree of confidence using the three dimensional (3D) modeling software Datamine Studio in conjunction with Datamine Downhole Explorer.

An interactive 3D geological model of the 11 mineralized zones is available for public viewing on Millstream's website at the address: http://www.millstreammines.com/3dmodels.html.

The Resources estimate is based only on seven (7) of the eleven (11) parallel zones and is summarized in the following table of results:

A, B, C, D, E, F, and Y ZONES
Cu Zn
ZONE Cu% Tonnes x Zn% Tonnes x
NUMBER Tonnes Grade Grade Grade Grade
A 345,968 1.1218 388,108 1.0773 372,715
B 109,446 1.5583 170,554 0.9101 99,603
C 1,082,330 1.8695 2,023,427 1.3358 1,445,728
D 450,740 1.5039 677,846 0.9161 412,901
E 302,649 1.6636 503,483 1.8731 566,881
F 422,891 0.9060 383,159 1.0985 464,556
Y 314,743 0.7564 238,063 0.7737 243,512
Tonnes 3,028,767

Sum of
(Tonnes x Grade) 4,384,640 3,605,896
--------- ---------

Weighted Average Grades equals sum of (Tonnes x Grade)/(Total Tonnes)
1.4477 1.1905
% Cu % Zn
3,028,767 Tonnes @ 1.45 % Cu, 1.19 % Zn

Co Co Ag Ag Au Au
ZONE ppm Tonnes x ppm Tonnes x ppb Tonnes x
NUMBER Tonnes Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
A 345,968 323.6 111,952,516 8.9 3,084,551 63.0 21,812,734
B 109,446 329.4 36,049,380 14.3 1,561,182 126.6 13,856,476
C 1,082,330 554.0 599,645,293 15.7 17,014,475 232.8 251,994,126
D 450,740 324.4 146,221,882 9.2 4,134,055 93.0 41,922,969
E 302,649 284.1 85,972,775 10.1 3,043,081 74.5 22,542,264
F 422,891 340.4 143,956,117 8.2 3,450,722 64.5 27,295,116
Y 314,743 179.5 56,497,911 4.2 1,315,559 21.8 6,854,224
Tonnes 3,028,767

Sum of
(Tonnes x Grade) 1,180,295,874 33,603,625 386,277,909
------------- ---------- -----------

Weighted Average Grades equals sum of (Tonnes x Grade)/(Total Tonnes)
389.70 11.09 127.5
ppm Co ppm Ag ppb Au
3,028,767 Tonnes @ 389.7 ppm Co, 11.1 ppm Ag, 127.5 ppb Au

A, B, C, D, E, F, and Y ZONES
Cu Zn
ZONE Cu% Tonnes x Zn% Tonnes x
NUMBER Tonnes Grade Grade Grade Grade
A 169,007 0.5851 98,891 0.6364 107,553
B 280 1.5300 428 0.3300 92
C 715,127 1.8067 1,292,051 1.2654 904,933
D 212,027 0.3586 76,028 0.8221 174,315
E 148,326 0.4903 72,730 1.0625 157,592
F 598,762 0.8864 530,717 1.0980 657,423
Y 227,572 0.7296 166,043 0.7828 178,148
Tonnes 2,071,101

Sum of (Tonnes x Grade) 2,236,888 2,180,056
--------- ---------

Weighted Average Grades equals sum of (Tonnes x Grade)/(Total Tonnes)
1.0800 1.0526
% Cu % Zn
2,071,101 Tonnes @ 1.08 % Cu, 1.05 % Zn

Co Co Ag Ag Au Au
ZONE ppm Tonnes x ppm Tonnes x ppb Tonnes x
NUMBER Tonnes Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
A 169,007 217.4 36,744,348 3.8 637,259 70.3 11,880,504
B 280 345.2 96,656 16.5 4,620 78.3 21,924
C 715,127 403.5 288,527,648 14.8 10,594,909 142.1 101,613,051
D 212,027 136.3 28,904,898 2.6 543,298 32.1 6,808,627
E 148,326 157.2 23,319,148 3.29 488,474 35.0 5,194,565
F 598,762 340.0 203,604,496 8.16 4,883,893 65.1 38,978,420
Y 227,572 189.5 43,114,376 3.73 849,365 20.7 4,715,160
Tonnes 2,071,101

Sum of (Tonnes x Grade) 624,311,570 18,001,818 169,212,251
----------- ---------- -----------

Weighted Average Grades equals sum of (Tonnes x Grade) / (Total Tonnes)
301.44 8.69 81.7
ppm Co ppm Ag ppb Au

2,071,101 Tonnes @ 301.4 ppm Co, 8.7 ppm Ag, 81.7 ppb Au

An important factor derived from these multiple parallel zones is the vast increased mineral inventory per vertical metre that has a heavy impact on the economics of future mining plans.

To date, a total of seventy-one (71) diamond drill holes have been drilled on the Potter Project property of which a total of forty-six (46) diamond drill holes including wedged holes have been drilled specifically for exploration in the Potter Mine area. Twenty-five (25) diamond drill holes have been drilled on exploration targets elsewhere on the property away from the immediate Potter Mine area.

Based on the intersections of the forty-six (46) diamond drill holes and wedged holes a preliminary estimate of the size of the resource has been completed. A total of seven (7) significant massive to semi massive sulphide mineralized zones are geometrically arranged in a parallel to sub parallel stacked arrangement. The zones are identified from south to north as the Y Zone, the A Zone (down dip continuation of the Potter mined zone), the B Zone, the C Zone, the D Zone, the E Zone, and the F zone. Each of the mineralized zones are separated by barren unmineralized host rock. All seven (7) zones currently occur within the mine area along a strike length of 250 meters, lie within a horizontal across strike (stratigrahic) thickness of 225 meters, and occur within a vertical distance of 725 meters from +50 meters above sea level down to -675 meters below sea level. The seven zones have been determined by using the criteria of a 2.0 meter as minimum true thickness in conjunction with minimum true thickness X grade cutoff of 0.74% copper equivalent. The copper equivalency "Cu Equivalent" was based on an historical price relationship between copper and zinc of 1:0.42 such that Cu Equivalent equals Cu (wt %) + 0.42 Zn (wt %). The assay values for the other elements reported that include cobalt, silver, and gold were not incorporated into the chosen cut-off criteria. All final indicated and inferred resource estimations for each zone are reported with the individual grades for copper (wt%), zinc (wt%), cobalt (ppm), silver (ppm), and gold (ppb).

The Indicated and Inferred Resources were estimated based on analysis of a series of cross sections, horizontal plans, and vertical longitudinal sections for each mineralized zone showing all intersection pierce points for all drill holes that cut each individual zone. Industry standard polygonal estimation of final volumes and grades were completed for all polygons for each mineralized zone. A thorough review of the assay database, weighted-average composite assays, and estimation of horizontal widths of all intersections perpendicular to the plane of each vertical longitudinal section were completed.

The Indicated and Inferred Resources are in-situ and based upon a maximum of a 50 metre and a 100 metre radius of influence respectively around drill hole intersections. The specific gravity used has been 3.5 derived from the records of the past mining.

The authors of the resource estimate recommend further diamond drilling to be undertaken both from surface as well as underground at the Potter Property to further delineate the limits of the mineralization. To pursue drilling underground, they recommend the de-watering of the existing 388m shaft in order to achieve access to the past mine workings for drill station set-up. Millstream is now in the process of complying with all the necessary requirements and regulations to attain a permit to de-water.

Dave Gamble, P.Geo. and Edward Bettiol, P. Eng, both consultants of Millstream, are the Qualified Persons as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Potter Mine Project. They have reviewed this report and press release with company management.

About Millstream Mines Ltd.:

Millstream Mines Ltd. is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company whose principle objective is to enhance and develop known mineral properties to production potential. The Company has active projects in the Province of Ontario, Canada and in the State of Montana, USA. The company's main focus continues to be the 100% owned Potter Mine Property. This past producing property is host to copper-zinc-cobalt "stacked" mineralized zones located in the highly prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt and more specifically in the Kidd-Munro Assemblage near the town of Matheson in north eastern Ontario.

64,051,707 SHARES ISSUED

May. 28, '08 Close: $0.17
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Millstream seeks safe harbour with regard to forward looking statements.

Mal einen Abstauber gesetzt!
SOURCE: Sabina Silver Corporation
May 29, 2008 13:16 ET
Sabina Silver Appoints Anthony P. Walsh as New President and CEO
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - May 29, 2008) - Sabina Silver Corporation (the "Company") (TSX-V: SBB) is pleased to announce today that Mr. Anthony P. Walsh has been appointed President & CEO of the Company and has also joined as a director of the Board. Mr. Walsh will start effective June 1, 2008.
Mr. Walsh was most recently the President & CEO and a director of Miramar Mining Corporation (also with a project in Canada's Arctic) where he led the successful management team that grew Miramar from a C$175 million market cap company to a company that was recently acquired for C$1.5 billion.
"Mr. Walsh's experience in the industry and in the North fits very well with Sabina's mandates," said Bill Cummins, Chairman of the Board. "We anticipate that Tony's proven track record in growing and developing companies will translate itself into the growth that Sabina shareholders are looking forward to, and we are excited to have him aboard."
Mr. Walsh graduated from Queen's University (Canada) in 1973 and became a member of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants in 1976. Mr. Walsh has over 20 years' experience in the field of exploration, mining and development. From 1993 to 1995, prior to joining Miramar Mining Corporation, Mr. Walsh was the Senior Vice-President and CFO of a computer leasing company. Prior to that he was the CFO and Senior Vice-President, Finance of International Corona Mines Ltd., a major North American gold producer, from 1989 to 1992. From 1985 to 1989 he was Vice-President, Finance of International Corona Mines Ltd., and from 1973 to 1985 Mr. Walsh held various positions at Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants (now Deloitte & Touche LLP). Mr. Walsh is a director of three other junior resource companies.
As part of his compensation, Mr. Walsh has been granted one million options at a strike price of $1.47 expiring in 2013.
SABINA SILVER CORPORATION is a Canadian public mineral exploration and development company with assets at the Hackett River silver-zinc project in Nunavut, the Del Norte project in the Stewart-Eskay Creek Mining District and several projects in the Red Lake gold camp.
Forward-Looking Statements
Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Sabina's management on the date the statements are made. Sabina undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements should management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.
This news release has been authorized by the undersigned on behalf of Sabina Silver Corporation
ich hab heute schon wieder Probleme mit de Board, ewige Ladezeiten und Grafiken teils gar nicht, liegt das an mir oder hackt uns die Konkurrenz?
Hallo Fischi, jetzt gerade dauert das Laden bei mir auch etwas länger.
Aber sonst bisher eigentlich ganz fix alles.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=410630#410630 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 30.05.2008, 10:51 Uhr[/url]"]ich hab heute schon wieder Probleme mit de Board, ewige Ladezeiten und Grafiken teils gar nicht, liegt das an mir oder hackt uns die Konkurrenz?
also bei mir läuft es auch jut und schnell, manchmal hängt er wenn ich Mein Peketec aufrufe
zur Grafik,- wird auf einem Rechner unter Firefox auch immer angehalten und nicht aufgebaut. Vermutlich ein Firewall Problem.
Safari läuft sehr flott!!
Gestern abend hab ich umgeschichtet:

alle Tringle raus (K 0,77 Euro V 1,18 Euro umgerechnet)

Statt dessen weitere Positionen in Contact Exploration gelonged

Da bin ich im Schnitt jetzt zu 0,49 CAD massiv long, sieht auf den ersten Blick vielleicht komisch aus, da TPLM 70% earn-in Option hat und CEX lediglich 30% verbleiben. CEX ist aber schuldenfrei (TPLM hat da noch fast 20mio Debentures ausstehen, hatte ich so nicht auf der Latte) und Cash Flow positiv.
re: Board

danke fuer die Rueckmeldungen, ev. ist das hier auch nur ein neues betriebsinternes anti-Surf-Programm, die tracken wahrscheinlich eh alles, was wir machen :punish:
Es ist auch möglich, dass die Techniker von unserem Serveranbieter zwischendurch irgendwelche Einstellungen optimieren.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=410658#410658 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 30.05.2008, 11:11 Uhr[/url]"]re: Board

danke fuer die Rueckmeldungen, ev. ist das hier auch nur ein neues betriebsinternes anti-Surf-Programm, die tracken wahrscheinlich eh alles, was wir machen :punish:
Bei mir läuft es auch recht schnell und stabil!

Ganz selten spinnt mal die Reload-Funktion im Hauptthread aber das Problem hatte ich auch schon lange an keinem Rechner mehr. :up: :up:

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=410644#410644 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 30.05.2008, 11:00 Uhr[/url]"]also bei mir läuft es auch jut und schnell, manchmal hängt er wenn ich Mein Peketec aufrufe
schoene Zahlen heute bei Sherwood Copper, da hab ich ein paar zu 5,2 CAD und hoffe, dass ddas Projekt nun langsam mal gewuerdigt wird!


April- Mai . Da kommt was!! JM4A :evil: Insties kaufen.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten