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A Case Study in Due Diligence: Southern Arc Minerals

Omar Boulden
June 19, 2007


Let's say that some exploration stock analyst, Joe Schmoe, recommends a stock (for example Southern Arc Minerals), and you are considering buying it. But being the financially responsible person you are, you say to yourself, "Well, Joe seems pretty smart, but I don't know him, and even if I did, it is my money and therefore it is incumbent upon me to do my own due diligence on Southern Arc Minerals." Congratulations for taking personal responsibility for your own finances. The problem is however, even though you are ready and willing to do your own due diligence, you are an inexperienced mineral exploration stock investor. In addition, you are not a geologist. You simply don't know how to perform due diligence on a potential investment of this type (a junior resource exploration company). What questions do you need to ask? What things do you need to research? What are the technical terms, issues and activities associated with the mineral exploration business with which you need to be aware? These are the problems this author grappled with recently and leads to the subject of this article, which is how to approach the dilemma of performing due diligence on exploration companies.

This author's personal belief is that in general, when pursuing a new endeavor in life, a good starting point usually consists of mimicking the approach of successful and experienced people in the field of interest. Therefore it makes sense to find out who some of the experienced and respected people are who analyze and work with junior exploration companies, then determine what criteria they use to pick potential winners. One can then apply the same criteria to his or her potential investment.

After spending many hours on the Web researching the subject, this author has found that certain names are mentioned repeatedly. This group includes some of the industry's most renowned newsletter writers, market analysts, natural resource website owners and geologists such as Rick Rule, Doug Casey, Keith Barron, Paul Van Eeden, Bob Moriarty, Bob Bishop, Brent Cook, Peter Megaw, Lawrence Raulston, Jay Taylor and Al Korelin, among others. Interestingly, most of these experts repeatedly mention many of the same ideas and concepts on what to look for and how to value a junior exploration company. Also, many of the experts stress that, just as in the case of analyzing any company in any industry, one must perform both a qualitative as well as quantitative assessment when scrutinizing the worthiness of an exploration company investment.

Let us go through a due diligence research exercise using Southern Arc Minerals as an example. As a disclaimer, it must be mentioned that this author owns Southern Arc Minerals stock and is therefore biased. (On Yahoo Finance, the stock symbol is SA.V and is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange and listed in Canadian dollars. In the U.S., there is an over-the-counter listing of this stock with symbol SOACF.PK and is quoted in US dollars). Also note that this author is not a licensed financial advisor or geologist.


Let us first start the exercise with some necessary background information. A typical junior exploration company might have only 10-15 people or so in the entire company. Some of them will work on the technical side (geologists) and some of them will work the "money" side (management). What they are trying to do is find and acquire a property with a volume of mineralization that is significantly large in both size and grade and which is feasible and economic to mine. Simply "finding some gold" is not sufficient, and according to some geologists, really is not that difficult. What is difficult is finding a large deposit of gold that is economic to mine. If they are lucky and/or smart enough to find and prove out such a property, then ideally some senior mining company will want to joint venture with them or simply buy them out at a premium, thus making the shareholders of the junior company rich and happy.

So what are the steps or sequence of events in the exploration process? From the Society of Economic Geologists, Special Publication #3, "Ore Reserve Estimates in the Real World" (third edition), we find the following steps outlined:

(1) Conception Stage: Selection of areas and/or district in which to conduct exploration. Literature search with some field investigation.

(2) Reconnaissance Stage: Broad-scale prospecting. Airborne geophysics, regional geologic mapping, stream sediment geochemical surveys, etc. Purpose is to screen a large area for existence of potential targets warranting detailed work.

(3) Land Acquisition: Stake claims, lease large blocks of ground with few or no known mineral showings.

(4) Detailed Exploration Stage: Detailed geological mapping, geophysical and/or geochemical evaluation of specific target areas. May include some reconnaissance drilling of anomalous areas.

In the detailed exploration stage, the geologists are trying to gradually "window" their way down to where they think the rich mineralization is. Eventually, they will start the much more expensive part of the process, which is diamond drilling to various depths. This is where they hope to show continuous mineralization of significant grade at significant depth and delineate the deposit.

The stock market is very sensitive to the results of this drill-hole activity. In general, the further (both vertically and laterally) the mineralization and the higher the grade, the higher the market will value the company. Obviously, the type of mineral itself (e.g. gold, copper, silver, etc.) will also determine market value. So (to over-simplify), exploration stocks typically move up on the heels of positive drill hole results, since the results incrementally prove out the mineralization, volume and grade of the deposit. In other words, speculation becomes replaced with fact, risk is reduced, and the market can better quantify the company's properties.

Qualitative Analysis

Clearly, the previously mentioned activities require technically astute people well versed in geology as well as business-minded people who have the ability to raise necessary capital. Remember, buying a junior exploration stock is a very speculative endeavor (more likely to fail than succeed), and to improve the odds of success, you need a strong team in place. For these reasons, it is no wonder that having the right people is one of the key criterion that is commonly cited in picking a successful junior. What we want to see are people with years of experience and proven track records of success in the industry with no serious blemishes on their records, such as being banned from trading on a stock exchange, insider trading or felony convictions, etc. Does Southern Arc Minerals, our case-study company, hold up to these criteria?

An obvious place to start hunting for information is the company's website, From the website, we find that they have directors with nearly three decades of experience in the mining industry covering all areas of technical, finance, acquisitions and administrative responsibilities:

-John Proust, CEO, President, Director, has held senior operating positions and served on the boards of numerous private and TSX Venture Exchange listed companies including director of Superior Mining International Corporation, and as a Director of Canada Energy Partners Inc., Western Uranium Corporation, GPJ Ventures Ltd. and KPS Ventures Ltd. In addition, Mr. Proust was previously the President, a Director and the majority shareholder of Canada Talc Limited, an Ontario miner and processor of industrial minerals.

-Doug Leishman, Director was most recently the director of geology and exploration for Endeavour Financial Ltd., a financial advisory firm focused on the mineral industry. Prior to joining Endeavour, he was a senior mining analyst with Yorkton Securities Inc. in Vancouver. He was trained as a geologist and prior to entering the investment industry held positions of responsibility in the exploration sector with various companies in North America, Europe and the Middle East.

-Mike Andrews, Director, is a geologist with over 26 years of research and mining industry experience in gold, copper, coal and iron exploration. He has experience as an operator of gold mining interests in the Philippines and Indonesia.

-Hamish Campbell, VP of Explorations, heads Southern Arc's exploration programs in Indonesia. He is well known and highly regarded within the Indonesian mineral exploration community. Mr. Campbell is a key contributor to the exploration and acquisition strategies. He has been active in Indonesia for over 20 years, speaks Indonesian fluently, and has held mineral exploration positions ranging from Field Geologist to Exploration Manager.

-Robert Vidoni, VP of Project Management. Mr. Vidoni has more than 20 years of domestic and international civil engineering and international development experience, including providing engineering input to infrastructure projects related to the mining industry, open cast mining and tailings facilities. He is fluent in eight languages, including Indonesian.

As part of the due diligence exercise, it behooves one to verify the background claims on at least one of the principals. Who better than the CEO? Since Southern Arc is a Canadian company, we go to www.sedi.ca and click on "access public filings" and then click on "view insider information." We can then do a search on the Proust family name and get the information that more-or-less corroborates the background claims.

To continue our scrutinization of the principals of the company, we also need to determine if there are any flag-raising blemishes on the records of these individuals who are running the company. Have they ever been banned from trading on a stock exchange? Have they been convicted of insider trading? Do they have any felony convictions? Doing due diligence here could be as simple as performing a Google search on the names of the principals followed by the words "insider trading CSA conviction" or "insider trading SEC conviction." When doing this using the names of the Southern Arc principals, no evidence of any wrong doing was found.

What about the ability of management to raise necessary capital for exploration activities? This is critical as exploration is an expensive proposition. Southern Arc's home page clearly states "Southern Arc is the first Canadian junior mining company to have raised funds (IPO - $2 million and, subsequently, $1.4 million in January 2006, $3.03 million in March 2006, and $2.1 million in April 2007) and to be concentrating in Indonesia since 1997."

Another thing that is prudent for us to investigate is insider activity with respect to the company stock. If insiders were selling a large percentage of their holdings, this would obviously be a major red flag. Conversely, insiders buying a large number of shares would be a vote of confidence for shareholders and potential shareholders.

Let's research what the CEO, John Proust has been doing. See the following link:


Select "insider family name" -> starts with Proust (leave given name blank)

Enter data of transaction range June 1, 2007 to June 18, 2007.

Select "common shares"

Select "Issuer industry classification:" -> None

Click "search"

Click "view"

Here, we see that he has recently bought approximately 300,000 shares of Southern Arc Minerals stock and now holds over 4.5 million shares.

Once we have established that the company has a solid management and technical team in place and that they are personally invested and continue to invest in their company, we should focus on trying to understand what the goals of the company are and what strategies they will use to achieve their goals. From Southern Arc's website:

"Southern Arc's intention is to advance properties that hold the potential of becoming one million ounce gold resources or greater to exploitation." Their strategy is outlined on their website as follows:

* Target geographical Sunda-Banda opportunities in a highly mineralized region that has been underdeveloped over the last 10 years with the exodus of junior mining companies after the 1997 Southeast Asia economic crisis.
* Undertake a systematic approach to the mineral evaluation of the Sunda-Banda region, particularly the islands of Sumatra, Java, Lombok, Sumbawa and Flores, for the identification of new opportunities.
* Utilize available existing data bases, which allows for a cost-effective evaluation, targeting and acquisition of advanced minerals prospects.
* Complete organized evaluations and the advancement of mineral prospects from early identification through to surveys and drill programs and, where there is a sufficiently large resource of one million or more ounces, to exploitation.
* To continue to develop strong relations with the local, regional and national levels of government, NGOs and the local communities.
* To develop significant symbiotic relationships with large mining companies such as Newmont Corporation.
* To become the premier mineral exploration and development company in Indonesia.

Once a company's basic strategy is reviewed, one must then examine the geographic region they are targeting. Does the region make sense from both a geological perspective and from a geopolitical perspective? The politics of the region is an extremely important consideration, because some of the most prospective geological regions in the world might make very poor exploration targets due to the political climate in which they exist (e.g. Angola). Let us apply the geological and geopolitical criteria to Southern Arc's target geographic area, Indonesia.

From a geological perspective, Indonesia is ranked as one of the best places in the world to explore for minerals. In 2005, Canada's Fraser Institute ranked Indonesia as the 4th most mineralized region of the world. Some of the world's largest reserves of gold, copper, nickel, and coal have been found in Indonesia. Indonesia is among the top 10 producers in the world for gold, copper, nickel and tin. Its world-class mines include Grasberg (Freeport-McMoran) and Batu Hijau (Newmont). The following link shows an interesting graphic on the plethora of gold and copper deposits in Southeast Asia:


Clearly this is an area where there are an abundance of minerals and potential mines that are just waiting to be found. But what do we know about the geopolitics, investment climate and bureaucracy in Indonesia?

A search on the web reveals that the Fraser Institute's 2005/2006 Survey of Mining Companies ranked Indonesia as a 22 (out of 100) for investment climate. Why the unfavorable ranking? One of the reasons is that Indonesian mining has long been perceived as an unfavorable jurisdiction for mining due to competition between national and regional authorities for control over the country's natural resources. In addition, there has been much uncertainty and difficulty with the country's long-standing Contract of Work (CoW) regime.

The CoW issue prompted the author to query Southern Arc's investor relations department. The company explained the CoW to this author as follows: "The CoW is a contract to perform work on behalf of the government, in this case the exploitation of a mineral resource as the mineral resources legally remain the property of the people/state. There have been 7 generations of CoWs since 1965, each one progressively evolving into a better legal instrument. It is the prevailing Indonesia mining tenure regulation and is internationally acclaimed by both industry and financial institutions alike, as the safest means to secure property tenure, along with being a proven financial guarantee to future capital investments in the case of a production scenario. In the agreement both parties' obligations and compensations are clearly spelled out and CoW's terms have thus far always been adhered to in the Indonesian mining business notwithstanding Indonesia's perhaps notorious reputation in other activities for reneging on contracts or 'reinterpreting' contracts, etc. CoWs come with provisions for future arbitration, if perhaps required, usually to be set at a third party location, often Singapore, but could be elsewhere outside Indonesia, conceivably even at the International Court at the Hague. However, there has never been much need for such measures as typically all the wrangling occurs during the negotiations for the granting of a CoW. Once a CoW is in place then a mining company can go ahead with all the activities that lead to and implementation of mineral resource extraction."

Basically, Indonesia's mining laws contemplate the granting of mining rights under contracts between government and private sector contractors. CoWs are in theory "negotiated" but in practice have followed a series of evolving standard form agreements. Obtaining a new CoW has been a complex and sometimes impossible exercise for some companies. Clearly this is an area of risk for the company and thus investors.

However, that being said, it seems the Indonesian government has recently been reforming legislation and making efforts to become more mining friendly. From Southern Arc's website, "the Indonesian Government is currently drafting a new Mining Law as it relates to mining activities in Indonesia." Southern Arc states that they will provide updates with regard to the new Mining Law as more information becomes available.

This author also discussed the issue with investor relations at Southern Arc. The message from the company was that they had a very strong working relationship with the local government and that the government was trying to help them be successful. Specifically, they stated, "With respect to possible interference or a stay of further advancement to exploitation on the part of the Indonesian government to, say, Selodong, we feel this is highly unlikely. Currently, there is no such sentiment at any of the levels of government, much less the central government, which has supported and encouraged all of Southern Arc's activities to date. This is evidenced by the fact that all applications for permits, licenses, etc. have been met with a minimum of red tape, usually within 40 days or less, which traditionally has been most unusual in a country renowned for official obfuscation. Furthermore, there is strong public pressure, at times even in the form of street protests, to advance mineral properties to production, particularly on Lombok and Sumbawa islands, as people are clamoring for jobs and for the development of the area that mining brings. For instance, Newmont's presence with their Batu Hijau mine has brought about strong local infrastructural development and about a 2000% increase in the prosperity of the nearby communities, where people traditionally lived in near-abject poverty. The Western sense of CSR is very much welcomed. Politicians at all levels of the Indonesian governments are strongly cognizant of the sentiment and therefore have also been supporting Southern Arc's activities."

Let us get back to the subject of the CoW. Has Southern Arc been able to obtain one, at least for its flagship property, Selodong? As of June 8, 2007, the company stated, "The CoW for Selodong has not been finalized yetnegotiations are to start once the Indonesian negotiations team has been ratified by the Department of Mining & Energy." This being the case, not yet having the CoW needs to be cited as an area of risk.

It is likely that another reason for the unfavorable perception of exploring/mining in Indonesia is the lingering stigma of the Asian currency crisis of the late nineties, as well as the Bre-X scandal. For those that don't know, Bre-X is the name of a former Canadian exploration company operating out of Indonesia. This company committed securities fraud by "salting" (sprinkling) its samples with gold dust to make it look like they were sitting on a huge gold deposit. The company was basically the "Enron" of the mining industry. But should this be an area of concern for a potential Southern Arc investor? In this author's opinion, no. Common sense dictates that this could have happened in any country, and there is no reason that Indonesia, one of the world's most mineralized areas, should be shunned by exploration companies and investors due to the Bre-X scandal.

Southern Arc is clearly taking advantage of the fact that other exploration companies and investors have been "gun-shy" with respect to Indonesia for at least some reasons that don't exist anymore.

Southern Arc is also leveraging a great deal of work already performed by the previous owner of some of their properties, Newmont Mining. This appears to be sensible strategy and spells opportunity for Southern Arc and Southern Arc investors, in this author's opinion. We will discuss this in more detail later on in this analysis.

As mentioned earlier, stocks tend to move sharply on drill results. Because of this, it is imperative that the integrity of that data is not questioned. This leads to the topic of what an NI 43-101 is. National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and administered by the provincial securities commissions that govern how issuers disclose scientific and technical information about their mineral projects to the public. It covers oral statements as well as written documents and websites. It requires that all disclosure be based on advice by a "qualified person" and in some circumstances that the person be independent of the issuer and the property.

A qualified person (QP) as defined in NI 43-101 as an individual who:

a) is an engineer or geoscientist with at least five years of experience in mineral exploration, mine development or operation or mineral project assessment, or any combination of these;

b) has experience relevant to the subject matter of the mineral project and the technical report; and

c) is a member in good standing of a professional association.

So, is Southern Arc compliant with NI 43-101? Near the end of Southern Arc's news releases, one will find a statement similar to, "The information in this release has been compiled under the supervision of Southern Arc's Vice President of Exploration, Hamish Campbell, B.Sc.Geology, MAusIMM... Mr. Campbell has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralization under consideration and qualifies as a Qualified Person as defined in terms of NI 43-101."

In addition, assay results need to be handled independently. What assay laboratory does the company in question use? Are they licensed? Are they ISO 9000 Series accredited? In the past, there have been cases of unlicensed assayers and analytical laboratories that had no history of working with mining companies suddenly churning out numbers. If the company can't or won't tell you the name of their lab, they should be avoided.

When the question of lab analysis was posed to Southern Arc Minerals by the author, investor relations responded, "Our assays are performed independently by an outside laboratory that holds no interest in Southern Arc Minerals and which therefore holds no bias." The CEO, John Proust, also followed up by stating that "all assaying of samples was undertaken by the ITS laboratory in Jakarta. ITS is one of the world's largest product and commodity testing, inspection and certification organizations. The Jakarta laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited and employs a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for sample tracking, quality control and reporting."

The last topic we want to address in the qualitative analysis is whether there are any industry experts who have an opinion about the company, and if so, what is that opinion? Are any respected analysts in the field endorsing the company? If so, this should boost our confidence level. For Southern Arc, we find that Bob Moriarty of 321gold.com is very bullish on the company.

We also find that Bob Bishop of the Gold Mining Stock Report (see a little blurb on Bob Bishop at Cambridge House) came out with an endorsement on June 14, 2007 in Gold Mining Stock Report Alert #407 by stating, "This week and last, I have also added to Southern Arc [SA/$1.49], for reasons I made clear in Alert #405, but also because what could be a huge hole is in progress, and because company president John Proust was buying his stock on the sharp selloff earlier this week. When someone who already owns or has exposure to eight million shares, all of it owned at much lower prices, is buying 400,000 shares on the market, that's the kind of vote of confidence I like to see.

According to Proust yesterday, drilling on hole #3 was at 640 meters, most of it in apparent mineralization, and results can be expected about one week after drilling stops on this hole. The drill's suggested limitation is 700 meters, but at 640 meters, drilling was becoming very difficult. Whether it stops here or keeps going, hole #3 appears to be further evidence that the Selodong intrusive represents a very large copper-gold system."

Quantitative Analysis

Once we have decided that an exploration company meets our qualitative requirements for investment potential, we wouldn't be diligent investors until we perform a quantitative analysis to value the company. We do this to make sure that the stock price we are paying is reasonable. Not doing a quantitative analysis would be tantamount to buying an Acura TL for $100,000. Now, an Acura TL is absolutely a fine car, but it's not worth a hundred grand. As investors, we want high quality at a great price.

An exploration or mining company can be valued in much the same way as one values real estate. That is:

1) Potential for the future.

2) Value of the materials contained by the property.

3) By looking at the "comps" (comparing to similar entities)

Let's stick with items 2 and 3 above, since it is easier to assign numbers using those methods.

What method or algorithm are we going to use for our valuation analysis? We will look at each of our company's properties which have been drilled and assayed and then:

1) Determine the value of the "in-situ" (still in the ground) metal for each property

2) Determine what percentage of this value the market assigns on average for in-situ metal of the same type (metal still in the ground is worth much less than metal which has been extracted, refined and is ready to sell)

3) Multiply this percentage by the in-situ value of the metal

4) Take the results from 3) for each property the company owns and add them together

5) Compare the results from 4) to the market capitalization for the company to determine whether the company is overvalued, undervalued, or fairly valued

What we want is for the number we calculate to be much greater than the market capitalization of the company. If this is so, we have identified a potentially undervalued asset. However, this is not the end of the story. Because there are always numerous categories of risk for exploration companies, the stock market will typically discount the value of the company by some factor which is commensurate to the risk. As an investor, you need to decide for yourself if the market is assigning too much weight to the associated risks (both known and unknown). But let us not diverge. Let us continue with our "hard number" valuation analysis.

For Southern Arc, most of their properties are in the very early exploration stages and a valuation analysis based on mineralization of all their properties is not feasible. However, their Montong Botek location in their Selodong property has enough drill hole data for us to attempt to quantify the value of Southern Arc Minerals. Since our analysis will be based solely on this property and we will use conservative numbers when dealing with any parameter which has a range of values, our estimate will necessarily be conservative, other risks not withstanding.

We start by trying to determine the value of the metal in the ground. We can do this by calculating how much one tonne (2205 lbs.) of ore is worth and then multiplying that by the number of tonnes in the ground. To figure out how much one tonne of ore is worth, we need to look at the drill data the company has released to date. As of this writing, they have completed three deep holes with results available for the first two (the third hole results are pending). The first hole, MB001, showed an average grade of 0.28% Cu (copper) and 0.42g/tonne Au (gold) for 442.2 meters. The second hole was drilled in the opposite direction and assay results showed an average grade of 0.30% Cu and 0.40 g/tonne Au for 384.65 meters. These numbers are fairly consistent which helps simple calculations.

To calculate the value of one tonne of ore, we can use Doug Casey's convenient program at http://www.caseyresearch.com/ (click on the link on the right called "Calculator: What's That Rock Worth?"). To be conservative, we will use 0.28% Cu and 0.40 g/tonne Au. The result based on today's market price of Cu and Au is that one tonne is worth US$29.65. Note also that the ore samples from the two holes were showing significant concentrations of molybdenum. This would add a few dollars to the per/tonne value, but we will ignore that to be conservative.

Now we need to determine the number of tonnes in the ground. The density of the ore in tonnes/cubic meter can be assumed to be roughly 2.5. So if we can figure out the number of cubic meters of mineralization we have, we can multiply that number by 2.5 to determine the number of tonnes in the ground. The tricky part is determining the number of cubic meters we have (i.e. the volume of the mineralization). The reason this is tricky is because only two deep holes have been both drilled and assayed and two holes are not sufficient to fully delineate the mineralization in three dimensions. (Incidentally, the reason holes are drilled at an angle is because this helps the geologists delineate the mineralization in three dimensions with fewer holes). In addition, we know from the assay results and geologist reports that we are dealing with a gold-rich copper porphyry system. In an ideal cross-section, such porphyry systems look like giant upright lightbulbs. They can have considerable vertical extent. See page 5 of May 15, 2002 Straight Talk on Mining issue at the link:


Coming up with an equation to describe the volume of a lightbulb with a long stem is not going to be worth our while, especially in light of the fact that we only have data on two deep drill holes. Thus, we are going to have to make an assumption. We are going to assume that we can approximate the volume of the deposit with a cube whose sides are equal to the length of mineralization in the second hole. This was the shorter length and therefore more conservative. How confident one is in this assumption should factor into the total risk one assigns to this investment.

Getting back to our calculations, we find that the volume is 384m x 384m x 384m which is 56,623,104 cubic meters. Multiplying this by the density of the ore, 2.5, gives us the total number of tonnes, which is 141,557,760 tonnes. Multiplying 141,557,760 tonnes by the dollar amount per tonne, US$29.65 results in an in-situ value of approximately 4.2 billion U.S. dollars if our assumptions are correct. Expressing the numbers in a different way, we can say that their property contains at least 1.82 million ounces of gold and 873 million pounds of copper. So are the assumptions correct? Only the results of future drill holes will tell us for sure, but this is the best we can do at this time. The assumptions we are making are part of what makes this a speculative endeavor. However, this is also why an exploration stock may be discounted by the market and is what allows us to get in at a favorable price.

We have now completed 1) from our valuation algorithm. Now we have to determine what percentage of this value the market assigns on average for in-situ metal. There is a very useful and interesting website that compiles and calculates the types of numbers we are looking for. It is at:


If one looks at the column called EVPU (Enterprise Value Per Unit), we can see how the market is valuing one (equivalent) gold ounce in the ground for various exploration companies. The range is quite large, from $251/ounce to $1.7/ounce. (Compare this to the spot price of gold, which is approx. $655/ounce at the time of this writing). If we take the average of the 60 companies listed, we get about $63/(gold equivalent) ounce, which we will conservatively say is about 9% of the spot price of the mineral. Now remember, this was for gold in the ground. What about the copper, which is approximately 3/4 of the value per tonne? Here, we will make an assumption that the market will value in-situ copper at about 9% of the above ground commodity price as well.

Now, we take 9% of the 4.2 billion dollar in-situ value of the ore and we obtain US$378 million. Since this is the only Southern Arc property we can legitimately value based on mineralization, we will skip step 4 from our algorithm. Now that we know that the market "should" be valuing Southern Arc at US$378 million, we can compare that to the current market capitalization of the company. We can get this information from the TSX here.

We see that the float quoted market value is about C$71million. But let's be conservative. Let's calculate the market cap by using the fully diluted number of shares. We can find this information at www.sedar.com, but we'll use the more current information we find at Doug Casey's website. (We trust Casey, but even if his number is incorrect, it will be even more conservative for our analysis.) This can be found at the bottom of the following link:


This shows that the number of fully diluted shares is 66,918,336. If we multiply that by the current market price of C$1.63, we get C$109,076,888. Multiplying this by the US/Canada exchange rate - found here at Yahoo! Finance - results in a market capitalization of US$102,128,690.

So, what does all of this mean with respect to the share price? It means the market is currently valuing SA at less than three times what it's share price "should be" based on the mineral content of just one of their properties. Southern Arc Minerals is clearly undervalued if our assumptions prove to be correct. To be safe, let's go back and revisit a few assumptions we made.

We assumed the market would assign a value of 9% of the commodity price for both the copper and gold underground. We showed that the 9% factor was reasonable for gold. However, the copper makes up _ of the value of the ore. Let's be really conservative and say the market will only value the copper underground at 5%. Then, going through the math, the market should value the in-situ copper at $US150,000,000 and the in-situ gold (still assuming 9%) at US$107,000,000. Adding these numbers together results in a value of US$257,000,000. This shows that the stock is still undervalued by a factor of 2.5.

What about our assumptions based on the volume of the mineralization? We calculated the volume based on only two holes. A third one in a different direction has been completed as of this writing with assay results pending. If it shows the same type, grade and length of mineralization, it would go a long way to validating our assumption of volume. Maybe there are clues out there which will allow us to "connect-the-dots" and possibly draw reasonable conclusions.

Let us go to the Southern Arc web page where recent activities at Selodong are discussed.

Here, we see that "the program called for each hole to be drilled to 600m." They also state that "drill holes are stopped short or extended beyond the planned 600m based on valid geological reasons." For the first hole, MB001, they state, "The hole was terminated at 476m because visually the rock material looked non-mineralized for the last 50 to 60m." So basically, they stopped drilling at a depth of 476m because the drilled rock at 416m started looking different than the rock they had been pulling up. Now, the third hole, MB003, is the hole for which we are waiting assay results. They state MB003 "was started on May 19 and was terminated on June 14 at a depth of about 643 m." Since they continued past 600m, it is reasonable to infer that the rock material did not change visibly. The web site also implies that the drilling would have continued past 643m if not for the fact that "deteriorating hole conditions were encountered that the on-site drill supervisor considered was a high risk for the recovery of down-hole drill pipe and casing." They only stopped because they were afraid the drill would be lost or damaged. The appearance of the rock material brought to the surface must not have changed. If this is so, then there is a good chance it is also mineralized. A skeptic might argue that maybe there was no significant mineralization in any of the rock, and if this was the case, there might also be no visible change in the rock. This is unlikely if one looks at the diamond compilation drilling map for the Selodong Prospect at:


Here, we see that previous Newmont drilling at PSG004, PSG015 and PSG015B were all in the vicinity of MB003. All Newmont holes showed significant mineralization. Given all we know, it is highly likely that MB003 will show continuous mineralization of significant grade at depth. This gives us more confidence that our assumption on volume of mineralization will at the least underestimate the deposit. Couple this with the fact that the CEO bought hundreds of thousands of shares on the open market as drilling was wrapping up on the third hole, and our confidence level is even greater.

Now, we have looked at the assay results from two drill holes, but we need to consider if this property will be appealing to a senior mining company. After all, we want to eventually engage with a senior. We should compare the property in question to mature properties of the same type that have been brought to exploitation by seniors. We also need to do a little research on mining.

The website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining, explains that there are two broad category types of mining - surface mining and sub-surface mining. Sub-surface mining is much more expensive than surface mining due to the time and cost of developing the infrastructure. Creating the shafts and drifts (digging, steel, concrete, timber, ventilation) along with facilitizing the mine with electricity, air and water can cost in the neighborhood of a billion dollars and take several years to develop for an underground mine. This is why surface mining is much more appealing to a senior producer.

So what kind of mine would Montong Botek be? Looking at the news releases from the company, we see that for the MB001 hole, only the first 33.8 meters was not mineralized and for the MB002 hole, the first 18.1 meters was not mineralized. This first layer that is not mineralized is called the overburden:


The overburden for Montong Botek is thin enough that the property will clearly lend itself to surface mining techniques. This translates into a lower capital investment for a senior, as well as the ability to recoup investment costs sooner.

What about the grade of copper and gold found in the Southern Arc property? The drill results showed an average grade of about 0.30% Cu and 0.40 g/tonne Au. Are these numbers any good? Tough to know if you're not a geologist. Well, let's compare the numbers to a mature mine in Indonesia that is well-regarded as being a world class mine - Batu Hijau. The following link shows that Batu Hijau averaged 0.55% Cu and 0.42g/tonne Au as of 2002:


We can also see how the numbers change with depth at Batu Hijau:


So, we can see that grade of gold at Montong Botek is world class, and the grade of copper, while not quite at the level of Batu Hijau, is at least "in the neighborhood."


We have gone through a case study on doing due diligence on a mineral exploration company using Southern Arc Minerals as an example. We have looked at:

1) Management - experienced team with the ability to raise capital and with no blemishes on their records.

2) Geologists - technical background and experienced in the exploration geography (Indonesia)

3) Company strategy - take advantage of a highly mineralized region that has been under-explored

4) Insider stock transaction activity - CEO buying hundreds of thousands of shares recently

5) Geopolitics- an area of risk historically, but risk appears to be diminishing going forward

6) Rights to exploit the mine at Selodong - CoW pending, but an area of risk nonetheless

7) Disclosure of technical data and assay results - NI 43-101 compliant

8) Assay sample analysis - handled independently by ISO 17025 compliant lab

9) Industry analyst endorsements - Bob Bishop and Bob Moriarty.

10) Valuation analysis of in-situ resources, research on how the market typically values in-situ resources and comparison to current market value of company - shows that Southern Arc Minerals appears to be undervalued by the market

11) Risks and assumptions on calculations listed above - volume assumptions due to limited drill hole data, assumptions on market value of one in-situ resources relative to another (gold vs. copper), etc.

12) Appeal to a senior producer - open pit, which is preferable to underground type mining

13) Comparison to mineral grades of a world class mine - similar gold grade to Batu Hijau, slightly lower copper grade than Batu Hijau


When making an investment of any type, it is in one's interest to perform due diligence on their investment. Even if one knows little or nothing about the industry related to the investment, the wealth of information available today on the Web leaves one with no excuse for not doing his or her own research. For this work, the author borrowed ideas from such industry notables as Rick Rule, Doug Casey, Keith Barron, Paul Van Eeden, Bob Moriarty, Bob Bishop, Brent Cook, Peter Megaw, Lawrence Raulston, Jay Taylor, Al Korelin and others. As a disclaimer, the author would like to once again state that he is not a licensed financial advisor or a geologist. If you make money on Southern Arc based on this work, it is your money to keep. If you lose money on Southern Arc based on this work, it is your loss. So please, do your own due diligence.

Jun 18, 2007
Omar Boulden
email: oboulden@cox.net

Kalkulation zu den Bohrgebnissen, die ich aber noch überprüfen muss!!

Now it works out (conservatively) to be a $5,738,303,743 hole. See my note at the bottom of this post for what I suspect to be the real value.

For those of you without a calculator, here's how it works.

Intercept 1
39.9 metres at .20% Copper and .29 gpt Gold
Tonnage = (39.9 * 39.9 * 39.9) * 2.5 = 158,803
Pounds of Copper = 700,321
Ounces of Gold = 1,481
Dollars of Copper (@ $3.77) = $2,640,211
Dollars of Gold (@ $666.99) = $987,679
Dollars of Molybdenum (@ $3.50/tonne) = $555,810

Intercept 2
407.35 metres at .25% Copper and .45 gpt Gold
Tonnage = (407.35 * 407.35 * 407.35) * 2.5 = 168,983,060
Pounds of Copper = 931,519,119
Ounces of Gold = 2,445,093
Dollars of Copper = $3,511,827,079
Dollars of Gold = $1,630,852,254
Dollars of Molybdenum (@ $3.50/tonne) = $591,440,711

Total Dollars of:
Copper - $3,514,467,290
Gold - $1,631,839,932
Molybdenum - $591,996,521
Total Dollars = $5,738,303,743

You'll note that I've cubed the two intercepts separately to be conservative (Cubing two lengths separately, even though the total intersect is the same, yields a much smaller total – e.g. Two lengths of 2 metres, each cubed yields a total of 8 * 2 = 16, whereas one length of 4 cubed yields 64.). I did so because of the differing grades of metal, just to take into account the potential that these are two separate bodies of ore. I do not believe that this is the case, and believe that the hornblende diorite dyke interrupted one pre-existing deposit. From the News Release, this is likely to be the case, as the dyke is described as 'post-mineralization'. This is consistent with what the previous holes drilled across this hornblende diorite dyke experienced.

So… here's what you'd get if we considered these two intercepts summed as one of length 447.25 metres (with weighted average grades of .2435% Cu/.4357gpt Au), and indicating one body of ore.

******** $7,437,265,380 ********
So mal nach vorne geholt:

ein hochspekulativer Langfristwert, mit einem Hebel wie ein Optionsschein!
Am Freitag gab's die Verwirrung um ein mögliches neues Mining Law in Ecuador, das scheint aber als Gerücht entlarvt sein.
Das Projekt hat einen geplanten Produktionsstart von 2009/10 und gehört damit zu den near-term Produzenten.
Wenn es eine Einigung mit der Regierung gibt und weitergearbeitet werden kann, dann ist Corriente mit einem Schlag gegenüber vergleichbaren Unternehmen zwei- dreifach unterbewertet.
Als Vergleich ziehe ich z.B. Peru Copper heran, die befinden sich in Übernahmeverhandlungen und werden mit ca. 21 mio Pfund Cu Resourcen vom Markt fd mit über 800mio CAD bewertet.
ein interessanter Langfristwert mit ver-x-fachungs-Potenzial genauso wie der Chance auf Totalverlust, Chance:Risiko imho 80:20
hatte ich auch bereits vorgestellt, hier aber mal für die Langfrister auch zum Nachlesen in Ruhe

Corriente Resources

» zur Grafik

HP: http://www.corriente.com/
letzte Unternehmenspräsentation: http://www.corriente.com/media/PDFs/November_06PPT.ppt

Shares Outstanding: (As of April 30, 2007)
Shares Authorized: 100,000,000
Issued: 74,752,393
Fully Diluted: 77,237,393

MK FD momentan ca. 280mio CAD

Cash ca. 120mio CAD


Corriente hat eine der größten near-term Cu-Au Lagerstätten bis zur Feasibility gebracht und auch schon einen starter-pit definiert, dann gab es Probleme mit den Einwohnern der Gegend und die Regierung in Ecuador hat einen Stopp der Aktivitäten verhängt

Corriente ist da schon länger dran, dass es weitergeht, wenn dann wird es sehr schnell gehen, so schnell, dass man nicht mehr reagieren kann, denn das sind die in-situ Werte:

Mirador and Mirador Norte
Total metal contained - 11 billion lbs/copper, 4.5 million oz/gold, 30 million oz/silver

Total metal contained - 5.8 billion lbs/copper within an inferred resource of 395mt @ 0.67% copper

San Carlos
Total metal contained - 8.8 billion lbs/copper within an inferred resource of 657mt @ 0.61% copper

alleine >75 Mrd(!!!!!!) USD an inferred Cu!!!

Posi longen hinlegen und abwarten!

Gehört zu Corriente:

Dr. Serrano should already be familiar with CTQ. Hopefully the permit farce will be over shortly.

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 30, 2007) - Dynasty Metals & Mining Inc. (TSX VENTURE:DMM) (the "Company") reports that Dr. Jose Serrano has been appointed the new Undersecretary of Mines of Ecuador.

Dr. Serrano has broad experience in both the private and public sectors. During his distinguished career he has held positions in previous governments that include Minister of Labour. As a former Undersecretary of Mines, he is very familiar with the developing Ecuadorian mining industry.

Company President and CEO, Robert Washer, commented: "Like the recent appointment of Dr. Galo Chiriboga as the new Minister of Mines and Petroleum, we view the appointment of Dr. Serrano as further indication of the commitment of the government to the development of modern, responsible mining industry in Ecuador."
Grüsse aus Südfrankreich und news bei Sparton!

Sparton starts drilling at Guodian Xiaolongtang

2007-07-31 16:07 ET - News Release

Mr. A. Lee Barker reports


Sparton Resources Inc. has started the drilling program to evaluate the quantity and uranium content of waste fly ash at the China Guodian Xiaolongtang thermal power plant in central Yunnan province, People's Republic of China (see earlier news in Stockwatch dated July 10, 2007).

Waste pile drilling program

Possible large increase in waste pile size

A GPS-controlled survey of the accessible fly ash piles has now been completed and drilling equipment has started systematic testing of the piles.

Based on the survey results, it appears that there may be a large increase in the size of this pile relative to earlier reports provided by the power station staff. The survey data indicate waste fly ash covers an area of about one million square metres and appears to be approximately 10 metres in average thickness. Based on an average bulk density of about 1.4 tonnes per cubic metre, there could be more than 10 million tonnes of ash in this storage area, which is nearly double the earlier estimates provided by staff at the station.

While this estimate needs to be confirmed by the drilling program, it is consistent with the known ash production of the power station since 1987, when operations began. The station has been producing between 500,000 to 700,000 tonnes of ash per year, depending on the level of power demand and coal deliveries from the adjacent coal mine, averaging about 600,000 tonnes of new ash produced per year.

Approximately 50 holes averaging about 10 metres in depth will be required to complete evaluating the entire pile and it will require about 30 days to complete the drilling work. The samples recovered will be systematically analyzed for uranium content and bulk chemistry, and leaching tests will be completed to estimate average uranium recoveries from the entire waste pile.


This is an important development in the program as it may provide additional low-lime-content ash for processing and uranium extraction, with lower acid consumption in the leaching process and overall lower production costs. (Please see news in Stockwatch dated July 10, 2007.) With a possible doubling of the amount of ash available in the waste piles for processing, the amount of available uranium that could be produced from them will increase proportionately and could have a favourable effect on project economics.

Testing program update

New ash samples totalling 200 kilograms have been sent to the Beijing No. 5 Testing Institute for additional leaching tests to finalize the design of the bulk sampling plant planned for large-scale testing at Xiaolongtang. The work to produce a small amount of yellowcake (U3O8) from the smaller ash samples being tested by Lyntek in the United States is under way, with results expected shortly. An independent technical report will be written on these programs following their completion.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, PEng, PGeol, the company's president and chief executive officer, who is a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101.

Quelle: Stockhouse.ca :)

Aug 01, 2007 03:05 ET
Petaquilla Announces New Drill Results at Molejon Gold Project
Intersects 17.24 g/t Gold over 9m
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 1, 2007) - Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. ("Petaquilla" or "the Company")(TSX:PTQ)(OTCBB:PTQMF)(FRANKFURT:P7Z) announced today the results of 10 additional drill holes in the 40,000 metre drill campaign currently underway at its Molejon gold project. Drill hole 332, located within the south-western part of the current pit design, intercepted high grade mineralization near surface: 9 metres @ 17.24g/t Au. In addition, deep mineralization was found in several holes (343 through 354) that confirm the Company's structural model and indicate a significant extension of known mineralized breccias outside of the current designed pit limits. The results offer encouraging support for the Company's stated goal of increasing the resources to 1.5 million ounces. The most recent resource calculation (see Petaquilla press release dated April 10, 2007) for Molejon outlines more than 620,000 ounces of combined Indicated and Measured resources and more than 500,000 ounces of Inferred resources.

The new hole locations were designed to test mineralization trends suggested by recent resource modeling. Results from holes 332, 334, and 337, all located within the south-western part of the current pit, indicate a significant volume of near surface, higher grade material in an area drilled previously on a wide spacing and previously interpreted as a lower grade zone. The results support upgrading previously low grade material, with new higher grade intervals.

Richard Fifer, Petaquilla President and CEO, said, "These results provide important confirmation of our view that the presently outlined Molejon deposit is capable of significant expansion. We are extremely active on the El Real trend which includes the Molejon, Botija Abajo, Brazos, and Mestizo. By year's end we expect to have drilled in excess of 70,000 metres. We will then incorporate any significant results into a revised resource calculation and mine plan."

The table below shows the results for infill and step-out drilling in the transition zone between the Northwest and Main zones of the deposit. A map will be posted on the Company's website.

Drill hole Thickness g/t Lithology Interval
MO-07-332 9m 17.24 QZBX/ANBR/FQPO 29.0- 38.0m
3.5m 7.04 ANBR/QZBX 42.2- 45.7m
3m 3 ANBR 48.7- 51.7m
MO-07-334 10.5m 3.12 QZBX/FQPO 0.0- 10.5m
MO-07-337 6m 2.25 QZBX/FQPO 9.5- 15.5m
MO-07-340 No significant interceptions
MO-07-343 9.0m 3.12 BRHM/BRHT 109.5- 118.5m
MO-07-344 No significant interceptions
MO-07-345 9.9m 3.51 QZBX/BRHM/ANDS 116.6- 126.5m
MO-07-347 4.5m 4.06 BRHM/QZBX 108.0- 112.5m
MO-07-348 6m 4.61 BRHM 115.5- 121.5m
MO-07-354 1.5m 6.7 QZBX 133.0- 134.5m
Lithology codes are as follows:

QZBX equals Quartz breccia,
FQPO equals Feldspar quartz porphyry,
ANBR equals Andesite breccia,
ANDS equals Andesite,
BRHM equals Breccia homolithic,
BRHT equals Breccia heterolithic.

All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex of North Vancouver, BC.

The deposit is a structurally controlled, low-sulfidation, epithermal gold deposit. The host rocks are felsic porphyritic rocks and breccias associated with extensive hydrothermal quartz/gold mineralization, emplaced during orogenesis.

Sean C. Muller, P. Geo., a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, has been overseeing the drilling and trenching programs. He has over 30 years experience working in the development and oversight of base and precious metals deposits. He is ensuring that the appropriate QA protocols are being followed and that the data is being qualified under strict QC. The goal of this work is to further delineate Measured and Indicated mineralization under National Instrument 43-101 compliance.

The statements contained in this news release that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may relate to the success of any of the Company's strategic initiatives, the Company's expectations, beliefs, growth and future prospects, and the Company's position in the market and future opportunities therein. Forward-looking statements may also include, without limitation, any express or implied statement relating to future events, industry performance, general business and economic conditions or circumstances, regulatory and legal requirements, and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. All forward looking statements included in this news release are based upon information available to the Company as of the date hereof and the Company does not undertake any obligations to update forward-looking statements should circumstances or management's beliefs or opinions change.

Sparton berichtet, dass die Schätzungen über das Volumen der Halden der bereits über 20 Jahren (ab 1987) gelagerten Flugasche des Xiaolongtang Kohlekraftwerks nach oben revidiert werden müssen.
"... which is nearly double the earlier estimates provided by the staff at the station."

Das heißt demnach auch, dass die ursprünglich angenommene Menge von etwa 2,5 Mio Pounds U3O8, die in den Halden lagern, auf 5 Mio. U3O8-Pounds erhöht werden müßte.

Hier geht es um Uran in Kohleasche!!!!!!!!!! :D


August 1, 2007 - Toronto, ON

Cuervo Resources Inc. (CNQ:IRON, FWB:CRR, "Cuervo" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has commenced a program of diamond drilling on its Cerro Ccopane iron ore prospect, located 65 km south of Cuzco, Perú. MDH S.A.C. of Lima, Perú has been contracted to carry out the drilling.

This program will target areas of known mineralization on surface and geophysical anomalies identified by recently completed magnetic and gravimetric surveys. Cuervo anticipates carrying out approximately 4,000 m of drilling in the coming months.

Cuervo is focused on the exploration for iron ore in Perú and currently holds a 100% interest in over 7,000 ha of prospective mineral exploration lands in that country through its wholly owned subsidiary, Minera Cuervo S.A.C.

The Company has 21,154,000 shares outstanding (33,566,000 fully diluted).

For further information, please contact Mr. John M. Siriunas, P. Eng., a director and President of the Company at 416-203-3957 x4700. Additional information about Cuervo can be found at the Company's website at www.cuervoresources.com.
MOLY MINES LTD Frankfurt A0EAPA HJ1 EUR 3,89 -5,58 % 01.08 | 14:14
ADANAC MOLY CORP. Frankfurt A0LEHD A9N EUR 1,54 -6,67 % 01.08 | 09:13
CHINA MOLYBDENUM H Stuttgart A0MND2 D7N EUR 1,48 -4,52 % 01.08 | 09:12
MOLYCOR GOLD CORP. Berlin 157085 M1V EUR 0,140 +0,00 % 01.08 | 09:20
SPROTT MOLYBDENUM Frankfurt 852067107 CHG EUR 3,50 -1,96 % 01.08 | 09:00
CHINA MOLYBDENUM CO LTD OTC CMCLF USD 2,10 -3,67 % 27.07 | 22:00

Molywerte heute schwach!
Zaruma Resources reports on Second Quarter 2007
TORONTO, Jul 30, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

(all figures in US $)

Zaruma Resources Inc., (TSX-ZMR), today reported on its activity for the three and six months ended June 30, 2007. The quarterly report will be available later today on SEDAR and on the Company's website.

As previously reported, the Company successfully completed four months of additional geological modelling and metallurgical testing since filing the November 2006 Technical Report on the feasibility of the wholly owned Luz del Cobre copper project, San Antonio, Sonora, Mexico. The ore body was methodically re-examined, section by section, to determine whether the model of the deposit could be further optimized. The ore body is open ended to the South, which could add to the reserves.

On June 20, 2007, the Company announced that Glencore International AG had confirmed its intent to provide US$22 million in debt financing for the project, with the Company committing to raise the additional estimated capital requirement of $3 million. Glencore also confirmed its interest in financing the drilling program designed to prove up the mineralized target zone at Trion, and to become involved in exploring the balance of the San Antonio property, currently 11,200 hectares, for other base metal deposits. The legal agreements are currently being finalized.

The estimated time to first production is 12-15 months from the date an engineering, procurement and construction management contract is awarded. The selection of contractors is in process.

Costs incurred and written off in Mexico during the quarter were $120,000 and for the six months, $355,000 compared to $311,000 in the first half of 2006. In addition to costs written off, a payment of $172,000 to the Government for the permit to change the land use to mining was added to the carrying cost of the property in 2007. All permits required to commence construction and to proceed with mining have been received.

In Venezuela, an economic evaluation is being completed on the Alcaravan gold project, located on the Company's El Foco property, in order to support an application to the Venezuelan government for a mine construction permit. Metallurgical tests have confirmed the excellent heap leach characteristics of this open pit, saprolite resource, which has an average depth of 60 metres from surface.

Costs incurred on the El Foco project for the six months were $7,000, compared to $163,000 in the first half of 2006.

In May, 2007 the Company completed a Private Placement of 5,515,000 shares with 1,607,500 warrants, for net proceeds of $535,000. In addition, in the first six months of 2007, $112,013 was raised through the exercise of warrants for 944,666 shares.

The Company follows the principle of expensing exploration and project evaluation costs as incurred, until economic feasibility of the project is demonstrated. The amount expensed during the first half year was $362,000 compared to $474,000 in the same period in 2006. Commencing in the third quarter of 2007 Luz del Cobre project costs will be capitalized instead of being expensed.

The net loss for the six month period was $719,000 or $0.007 per share compared to $823,000 or $0.010 per share in the first half of last year.

Zaruma Resources Inc. is a pre-production, mineral exploration company listed on The Toronto and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges (symbol: ZMR). Common shares currently outstanding: 109,356,578.

This News Release contains forward-looking statements which are typically preceded by, followed by or including the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance as they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, but not limited to securing funding to continue its development programmes.

SOURCE: Zaruma Resources Inc.

Zaruma Resources Inc., 20 Toronto Street, 12th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8, Canada, Fax: (416) 367-3638, info@zaruma.com, www.zaruma.com; Dr. Thomas Utter, President and CEO, Tel.: (416) 777-1781, thomas.utter@zaruma.com; Frank van de Water, CFO and Secretary, Tel.: (416) 869-0772, fvandewater@on.aibn.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CNW Group. All rights reserved.

REPEAT: Sparton Resources Inc.: Drilling Program Begins to Evaluate Waste Piles at Xiaolongtang Power Station

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Aug 01, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SRI) (the "Company") reported today that it has started the drilling program to evaluate the quantity and uranium content of waste fly ash at the China Guodian Xiaolongtang Thermal Power Plant in central Yunnan Province PRC. (See earlier news release dated July 10, 2007.)



A GPS controlled survey of the accessible fly ash piles has now been completed and drilling equipment has started systematic testing of the piles.

Based on the survey results it appears that there may be a large increase in the size of this pile relative to earlier reports provided by the power station staff. The survey data indicate waste fly ash covers an area of about one million square metres and appears to be approximately 10 metres in average thickness. Based on an average bulk density of about 1.4 tonnes per cubic metre there could be more than 10 million tonnes of ash in this storage area, which is nearly double the earlier estimates provided by staff at the station.

While this estimate needs to be confirmed by the drilling program it is consistent with the known ash production of the power station since 1987 when operations began. The station has been producing between 500,000 to 700,000 tonnes of ash per year depending on the level of power demand and coal deliveries from the adjacent coal mine, averaging about 600,000 tonnes of new ash produced per year.

Approximately 50 holes averaging about 10 metres in depth will be required to complete evaluating the entire pile and it will require about 30 days to complete the drilling work. The samples recovered will be systematically analyzed for uranium content and bulk chemistry, and leaching tests will be completed to estimate average uranium recoveries from the entire waste pile.


This is an important development in the program as it may provide additional low lime content ash for processing and uranium extraction, with lower acid consumption in the leaching process and overall lower production costs. (Please see news release dated July 10, 2007.). With a possible doubling of the amount of ash available in the waste piles for processing, the amount of available uranium that could be produced from them will increase proportionately and could have a favourable effect on project economics.


New ash samples totalling 200 kg have been sent to the Beijing Number 5 Testing Institute for additional leaching tests to finalize the design of the bulk sampling plant planned for large scale testing at Xiaolongtang. The work to produce a small amount of yellowcake (U3O8) from the smaller ash samples being tested by Lyntek in the US is underway with results expected shortly. An independent technical report will be written on these programs following their completion.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.

Contacts: Sparton Resources Inc. A. Lee Barker President and CEO (416) 366-3551 or Mobile: (416) 716-5762 (416) 366-7421 (FAX) Email: info@spartonres.ca Sparton Resources Inc. Charles Ge Director +86 10 8559 0034 +86 10 8559 0034 (FAX) Email: Charlesge@vip.163.com Website: www.spartonres.ca

SOURCE: Sparton Resources Inc.

mailto:info@spartonres.ca mailto:Charlesge@vip.163.com http://www.spartonres.ca
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

Daraus ergibt sich:

According to the latest press releases below just from this one project we're looking at $US55 per tonne x 10 million tonnes = $550 million. With 62 million shares fully diluted that's $9 worth of U3O8 per share at just this one location. Even with uranium prices consolidating I can't see how this stock can stay below a dollar for very long.

"As previously reported, the early stage testing of fly ash samples from XLT by Lyntek has indicated that the material contains approximately 0.46 pounds of U308 per tonne of ash (160-180 parts per million uranium), and that over 70% of this contained uranium is soluble in acid extraction solutions. At current world U3O8 prices the value of the recoverable uranium oxide in this material is over $US35 per tonne (now at $US55 per tonne)."

"Based on an average bulk density of about 1.4 tonnes per cubic metre there could be more than 10 million tonnes of ash in this storage area, which is nearly double the earlier estimates provided by staff at the station."


Here is what I do know

This past week, weekend there were numerous Newsletter writers and mining analysts visiting the Mine -Silveria.

On Sunday it was Bob Moriety.

Len said All indications and my dream is, This is as big as Toromocho, Peru Copper, which just sold for 1 billion dollars. Bob had visited Toromocho on a previuos trip to Peru.

Bob, having just been in and out of the 42 different tunnels, Silveria mine workings and looking out over the horizen,10 miles said "Len, as big as you believe this is, It is twice as big as you are dreaming."

Silvera '42 different tunnels on the various viens, mantos, stockworks, desiminated mine workings.

Bob went on to say, "I have visited thousands of properties, this is the best one I have ever seen." "You can quote me"

Believe it! or do not believe it. Believe, If you are reading this today, now, you are the early bird, this is your opportunity to make money. 'Call your broker -Buy in the morning.

Southern Arc strikes gold and nobody noticed

Bob Moriarty
May 11, 2007

I wrote about Southern Arc about two weeks ago. I told readers to watch out for a news release sometime around the 10th of May.

Here's what I said. "We were talking about 600 meter deep holes and any intercept of over 200 meters would be a strong indication of a giant system. Greater than 400 meters of similar grades to SGD-01 or SGD-02 (.5 gpt Au and .25-.35 Cu) would drive the stock price through the roof. The company told me it would take about a month for drill results to be released. So any time after about May 10th or so, things could get real interesting for Southern Arc."

Southern Arc did exactly what they said they would do; they delivered the drill results right on May 10th. And apart from a small blunder on their part, the drill hole is probably a company-making hole.

Here's what they said. "MB001 was completed at a total depth of 476 m, with the first 33.8 m intersecting a non-mineralized late-stage dike. Continuous mineralization was logged to the bottom of the hole, resulting in an overall intersection averaging 0.28 per cent Cu and 0.42 g/t Au FROM 442.9 metres (33.8 to 476.0 m)."


It should have read, "resulting in an overall intersection averaging 0.28 per cent Cu and 0.42 g/t Au FOR 442.9 metres (33.8 to 476.0 m)."

Changing the correct word, FOR to FROM completely changes the meaning. And while they were trying to show investors the 166-meter high-grade intercept, the blunder in wording made it look like that's all they did, 166 meters.

It's not 166 meters of high-grade, that's just a third of the mineralization.

Here's how the numbers should work. (sanumbers) As I said three weeks ago, Batu Hijau type numbers would drive this stock sky high. And guys, that's just what Southern Arc delivered, 442.9 meters of $34.86 ore (I'm still using $3.50 for Moly) and that works out to $7.5 billion dollars when you cube the hole and figure $34.86 ore and a specific gravity of 2.5. There is 1.2 million ounces of gold based on cubing the one hole.

That's company making.

When I first looked at the company, the market cap was about $15 million. As of yesterday, after the press release, the company was about $40 million. For a similar valuation, look at Palmarejo. They got bought out a week ago for $1.1 billion based on a preproduction status with 3 million ounces of gold. That's the potential Southern Arc has just based on the Selodong gold-rich porphyry copper system.

So far, Southern Arc has delivered everything they said they would do, when they said they would do it. That's rare and valuable all by itself. But yesterday they delivered a company-making hole. Another 600-meter hole is in progress with results in another three weeks.

I thought they were a 10 bagger from the $.35 level but I'm going to raise my estimate. They have a giant system, Newmont is going to be breathing hard down Southern Arc's neck and the Chinese with their $250 billion dollar slush fund for minerals is going to be on them like white on rice.

I think Southern Arc will be taken out in the next 12-18 months at a price between $1 billion to $2 billion. They have a Batu Hijau on their hands. The market has been looking for a giant new find and I think Southern Arc just delivered. When the market wakes up and Southern Arc goes over their press releases a little more carefully, look for a lot of fireworks.

We owned shares before, I participated in a private placement and I bought more shares on the open today. I am biased. And I love this company. They are advertisers.

Southern Arc Minerals
SA-V $.78 Canadian (May 10, 2007)
SOACF-OTCBB_53.8 million shares
Southern Arc website

Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

Alexandria erkundet 40,4 Meter mit 0,76 g/t Gold in Oberflächennähe auf Orenada 2

Toronto, Ontario – 30. Juli 2007 – Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX-V: AZX; Frankfurt: A9D) erkundet weiterhin Gold auf seinem Grundstück Orenada mit einem positiven seichten Abschnitt mit 0,76 g/t Gold auf 40,4 Meter im Bohrloch OAX-07-3, zwischen 19,5 und 59,90 Meter (Bohrtiefe). Das Bohrloch liegt etwa 150 Meter westlich des zuvor gemeldeten Bohrlochs AAX-07-11, welches 89,1 Meter mit 1,04 g/t Gold ergab (siehe Pressemitteilung vom 25. April 2007).

"Mit diesen ersten Folgeergebnissen in der Nähe des Bohrlochs AAX-07-11 zeigte Alexandria, dass auf dem Gebiet Orenada 2 Potenzial für eine Kontinuität unterhalb der Oberfläche vorhanden ist", sagte Eric Owens, President des Unternehmens. "Infolgedessen haben wir unser zweites Explorationsbohrgerät an einen anderen Ort verlegt, um diese Ergebnisse weiter zu verfolgen."

Die Mineralisierung in DDH OAX-07-3 tritt vor allem in hoch alterierten und deformierten Quarz-Akerit-Pyrit-Arsenopyrit-haltigen Serizit-Biotit-Schiefern im Cadillac-Break auf

Zur Ansicht der Grafik verwenden Sie bitte folgenden Link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/0730azx.jpg

Die Ergebnisse von DDH OAX-07-2, das Orenada 4 etwa 50 Meter unterhalb von DDH AAX-07-12 erprobte (siehe Pressemitteilung vom 27. März 2007), ergab mehrere Goldabschnitte in alteriertem und deformiertem Diorit, einschließlich 2,02 g/t Gold auf 1,85 m, sowie in alteriertem Serizit-Biotit-Schiefer mit 2,9 g/t Gold auf 1,86 m.

Das Unternehmen bohrt weiterhin mit zwei Bohrgeräten und hat bisher insgesamt acht Explorationsbohrlöcher auf den Grundstücken Airport, Mid-Canada und Orenada sowie zwölf Bohrlöcher auf Orenada 2 und 4 abgeschlossen. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse der ersten sechs dieser 20 Bohrlöcher sind bereits eingetroffen; die Ergebnisse der übrigen Bohrlöcher sind noch ausständig. In der folgenden Tabelle werden die Ergebnisse der Bohrlöcher OAX-07-2 und OAX-07-3 dargestellt:

Tabelle der Untersuchungsergebnisse

Bohrloch # Von (m) Bis (m) Bohr-breite (m) Tatsächl. Breite (m) Au (g/t)

OAX-07-2 48,45 49,00 0,55 0,26 0,77
161,35 163,20 1,85 1,00 2,02
306,10 309,00 2,90 2,55 1,86
312,20 322,30 10,10 8,28 0,42

OAX-07-3 19,50 59,90 40,40 32,32 0,76
inkl. 19,50 46,80 27,30 21,84 1,01
und 56,00 59,90 3,90 3,12 1,55


Aug 02, 2007 09:30 ET
Bluerock Closes $6.7 Million in Financings
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 2, 2007) -


Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BRD) (the "Company") announces that, further to its news releases of July 3 and July 17, 2007, it has closed its financing comprised of both a brokered and non-brokered private placement and issued an aggregate 13,999,583 units ("Units") at a price of $0.48 per Unit for gross proceeds of $6,719,799.84. Each Unit consists of one common share ("Share") and one-half of one share purchase warrant ("Warrant"). Each whole Warrant is exercisable for a period of two years at a price of $0.70 per share. 8,100,000 Units were sold pursuant to the brokered portion; and the balance of 5,899,583 Units were sold pursuant to the non-brokered portion.

PI Financial Corp. acted as agent for the brokered private placement (the "Agent"). The Agent received a 7% commission, paid as to $181,920 in cash and 188,000 commission units (having the same terms and conditions as the Units). In addition the Agent received 648,000 agent's options, whereby each agent's option entitles the holder to acquire one common share of the Company at a price of $0.70 per share for a period of two years from the date of issuance.

With respect to the non-brokered private placement, the Company paid $121,695.97 and issued an aggregate 170,975 common shares as finder's fees.

All securities issued with respect to the private placements are subject to a hold period expiring December 2, 2007.

The proceeds of this financing will be used primarily for exploration expenses on the Company's properties in Mongolia and North America and for general working capital purposes. In particular, the Company will utilize the proceeds to fund the ongoing drilling programs and underground rehabilitation at the Tramp Uranium Mine in Colorado towards production in 2008 under a toll milling structure. Further, both the Company's Utah Uranium and Mongolian JV Uranium exploration projects will see continued exploration by drilling and geophysical surveys throughout 2007.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on discovering tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins, CEO, President and Director

Kobex, news gibt es soweit bekannt nicht, hier werden Spielchen gespielt!
Bei BRR Hard Creek Nickel habe ich eine Abstauberposi in Frankfurt ergattert! :)

Wer sich die Resourcen Measuread + Indicated im Vergleich zu Mustang + Crowflight
anschaut,- die durchaus gute Werte sind,erkennt das Hard Creek Nickel krass unterbewertet ist.
10 mal mehr im Boden!!


Studie zu Hard Creek Nickel!
Das 10 kleine Negerlein Basket von Fischi! Mit Potenzial zum Vervielfacher!

Southern Arc Minerals http://www.southernarcminerals.com/s/Home.asp
nächste Bre-Ex oder nächste Lihir (tippe auf Lihir), multi-mio Oz Potential in Indonesien, Partner von Newmont
Alexandria Minerals http://www.azx.ca/
Top aufgestellter Junior in Kanada, so viel Gelände, dass da mind. eine 1 mio Oz Mine bei rumkommt!

Mexivada Mining http://www.mexivada.com/s/Home.asp
halten ev. den weltweit letzten unerforschten Greenstone Belt, Potential 15-20mio Oz Au in der Rep. Kongo (nicht Zaire!!!), zudem etliche potentielle multi-mio Oz Gelände in Nevada neben den Majors

Int. PBX http://www.internationalpbx.com/
haben in Chile das wahrscheinlich das größte Moly Vorkommen der Welt, zudem ausgezeichnete Rhenium Werte, das fast so teuer ist wie Gold

Largo Minerals http://www.largoresources.com/
haben in Canada das größte unerschlossene Moly-Tungsten Depot der Welt, allle drei seltenen Metalle sind in der Stahlindustrie von strategischem Interesse als Härter/Veredeler, Zusatzpotential durch Platin und Palladium in Brasilien

Vangold Resources http://vangold.ca/
halten über 40.000 km2 Öl-Explorations/Produktionsanteils-Lizenzen in Burundi, Kenya, Armenien, ev. Nickel Player in Uganda, multi mio Oz Au Potential in PNG, zwei Spin-offs in Arbeit

Bluerock Resources http://www.bluerockresources.com/s/Home.asp
Uran Micro-Cap, haben etliche ex-Minen in den USA mit bestehenden Produktionslizenzen(!!!) aufgesammelt
Purepoint Uranium http://www.purepoint.ca/
bevorzugter Explorer für Cameco, die alle verfügbaren Resourcen auf die Wiederherstellung der Cigar Lake Mine verwenden müssen, Purepoint wird imho in 2-3 Jahren von Cameco übernommen

Sparton Resources www.spartonres.ca
Gold in China mit Regierungsbeteiligung, Gold in Nevada, Urangebiete, die eigentliche Phantasie steckt in dem Uranextrahierungsverfahren aus Kohleasche

Cornerstone Capital http://www.cornerstoneresources.com/s/Home.asp
Beteiligung und JVs an an die 50 Geländen und Projekten in Canada und Ecuador mit Top-Partnern

Aus Stockhouse

No, bulk samples will not be ready soon. The NR says:

New ash samples totaling 200 kg have been sent to the Beijing Number 5 Testing Institute for additional leaching tests to finalize the design of the bulk sampling plant planned for large scale testing at Xiaolongtang. The work to produce a small amount of yellowcake (U3O8) from the smaller ash samples being tested by Lyntek in the US is underway with results expected shortly. An independent technical report will be written on these programs following their completion.
This is what I had expected to see at the end of June, but for some reasons, the smaller samples were shipped to US, while the Beijing lab prepares for bigger bulk samples. So I now expect the announcement of production of a small amount of yellowcake, and more information on testing “shortly”. With the drilling being completed in 30 days, results on size and composition of ash pile shouldn’t be that far off. And to top it off, SRI is again selling around the price of its natural gas property alone. Even with uranium stocks weak, this thing is a screaming buy.

Aug 02, 2007 13:03 ET
Mindoro Receives El Paso Exploration Permit
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Aug. 2, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) today is very pleased to announce that Mindoro Resources Ltd.'s Philippine subsidiary, MRL Gold Phils. Inc., has been granted an Exploration Permit (EP) covering the El Paso Prospect, Batangas Province, Philippines. The EP covers two large and strong IP chargeability anomalies, favorable intrusive rocks with extensive porphyry-related alteration, as well as abundant copper showings from which excellent trench results have been obtained. Drill testing is planned later in 2007 or 2008, once ground work has been completed and priority drill targets defined.

The El Paso EP, covering 6,315 hectares, is located 11 kilometers southeast of Phelps Dodges's Taysan porphyry copper-gold deposit and seven kilometers northeast of Mindoro's Pica porphyry copper-gold prospect.

Main features of El Paso are shown on the compilation map accompanying this release on Mindoro's website (www.mindoro.com). El Paso is immediately north of the major west-northwest-trending structural boundary that separates older northeastern batholithic terrain (San Juan Diorite), and the younger southern volcanic terrain. This major boundary is an especially favorable structural setting which served to localize mineralizing intrusions, including Taysan. The area is underlain largely by San Juan Diorite with islands of metavolcanics, intruded by younger quartz diorite and andesite porphyry intrusions, and overlain in places by younger Quaternary volcanic tuff. Extensive porphyry-related phyllic and intermediate argillic alteration has been mapped, as well as potassic alteration in places.

Widespread copper-gold mineralization occurs associated with the younger andesite porphyry and quartz diorite intrusions, as well as the older, more-eroded San Juan Diorite. The mineralization associated with the former is the principal target. In the southwest part of the El Paso prospect, copper +/- gold mineralization had been known historically and was tested with shallow drill holes by a previous operator in the mid-nineties. Results are unknown. However, the area tested by drilling is not associated with significant IP anomalies and is considered to represent copper +/- gold mineralization on the periphery of the porphyry copper-gold system.

Subsequent IP surveys by Mindoro defined two large and strong chargeability anomalies, known as Calantas and Mulawin, approximately two kilometers east of the copper showings. Each is about two kilometers by one kilometer in extent with chargeability values ranging from 20 to over 50 msec, against a background of 4 to 8 msec.

A thin cover of volcanic ash obscures much of the area, but scattered outcrops indicate geology consists of stocks of younger fine-medium grained, quartz diorite and andesite porphyry intruding metavolcanics. Independent petrology confirms that alteration consists of quartz-sericite-chlorite and sericite-clay-chlorite. These alteration assemblages are common to Philippine porphyry systems and are usually transitional to the core potassic zone at depth. The petrology also confirms the presence of quartz veining with magnetite and the copper minerals chalcopyrite and bornite. A channel sample from the metavolcanics yielded 0.24% copper over 15 meters. This suggests the strong chargeability anomaly below is of considerable potential. High molybdenum values of 806 parts per million over a 10 meter trench are associated with a younger quartz diorite stock at Calantas, and also suggest a porphyry source.

The results of a trenching and channel sampling program at El Paso, originally disclosed in an October 4, 2005, press release, appear in a compilation map accompanying this release on Mindoro's website and the following table. High copper values in the 1% plus range were outlined in most trenches over lengths from three meters to 30 meters.

Trench No. Length (m) Cu (%) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Mo (ppm)
TRN-1 20 1.65 less than 1.50
TRN-3 21 0.90 0.01 1.10
TRN-5 21 0.90 0.01 1.10
TRS-1 10 5.69 1.02 24.10
TRS-2 10 0.21 0.10 0.10
TRS-3 20 1.30 0.10 8.40
TRS-4 5 0.70 0.12 6.10
TRS-5 5 0.83 0.34 1.80
TRS-6 25 1.20 0.12 17.2
TRS-7 3 0.12 0.04 less than
TRS-8 4 1.08 0.71 4.20
TRS-9 20 0.87 0.31 3.40
TRS-10 30 1.00 0.17 3.70
TRS-11 20 0.42 less than 1.00
TRS-12 20 1.63 0.38 16.90
TAL1 15 0.26 0.05 1.00
CAL3 15 0.24 0.02 0.90

TR-1 1.0 - 254
TR-2 10 0.27 32
TR-3 20 0.24 -
TR-4 10 - 806

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.


Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 906167). The Company is carrying out three major drill programs: resource delineation and expansion drilling on the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect where a NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate is in progress; reconnaissance drilling on the Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect; and advancing a significant nickel laterite prospect towards early production; in addition to holding another 22 identified porphyry copper-gold prospects in the Philippines.
Kobex am unteren Bollinger wieder reingehüpft, ein Schelm wer böses dabei denkt! :evil: :P
zu Kobex:



Aug 02, 2007 21:03 ET
Petaquilla Announces Delay in Filing Annual Financial Statements
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 2, 2007) - Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. ("Petaquilla" or the "Company") (TSX:PTQ)(OTCBB:PTQMF)(FRANKFURT:P7Z) reports that it has been delayed in filing its annual financial statements, annual Management Discussion & Analysis related thereto and its Annual Information Form in Form 20-F, for the 15-month period ended April 30, 2007, by the required filing date under applicable Canadian securities laws, namely July 30, 2007. The delay is attributable to a combination of factors, primarily (i) the short period of time between the appointment of the Company's new auditor and the filing deadline; and (ii) the complexity of the Plan of Arrangement effected on October 18, 2006, between the Company and Petaquilla Copper Ltd.

In advance of the July 30th filing deadline, Petaquilla notified the British Columbia and Ontario securities regulators of the anticipated filing default and applied for the issuance of a management cease trade order. The order, which was issued on July 31st, 2007, by the British Columbia Securities Commission, as the Company's principal regulator, prohibits trading in Petaquilla shares by its directors, officers and other insiders of the Company and those who have been directors, officers or insiders of the Company during the period that the financial statements are being prepared until the annual financial statements and related annual filings are submitted and the order has been revoked.

The Company is working with its auditor to complete the audit of the Company's financial statements as soon as possible and anticipates filing its annual financial statements and related annual filings in approximately one month's time. Until its annual financial statements and related annual filings are filed, the Company intends to satisfy the requirements described in CSA Staff Notice 57-301 including the issuance of bi-weekly default status reports. The current Notice of Default follows and is also available for viewing on SEDAR.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of PETAQUILLA MINERALS LTD.

Richard Fifer, President and Chief Executive Officer

CSA Staff Notice 57-301

Notice of Default

Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. (the "Issuer") hereby gives notice to the British Columbia Securities Commission and the Ontario Securities Commission pursuant to CSA Staff Notice 57-301 - Failing to File Financial Statements on Time - Management Cease Trade Orders as follows:

1. the Issuer is not able to file its audited annual financial statements and related management discussion and analysis for the period February 1, 2006, to April 30, 2007 (the "Financial Statements") by July 30, 2007, the filing date prescribed by Section 4.4 of National Instrument 51-102 - Continuous Disclosure Obligations;

2. the filing of the Financial Statements has been delayed due to the complexity of the Plan of Arrangement effected on October 18, 2006, between the Company and Petaquilla Copper Ltd. Ernst & Young LLP was appointed as the Company's auditor on June 20, 2007, and is in the process of auditing both the Company and Petaquilla Copper Ltd. The time allotted to complete the audit by July 30, 2007, has been found to be insufficient to complete two audits of this complexity;

3. the Issuer intends to file the Financial Statements by August 17, 2007, and in any event will file the Financial Statements no later than September 27, 2007;

4. the securities commissions and regulators for each of British Columbia and Ontario may impose an issuer cease trade order (a "CTO") if the Financial Statements are not filed by September 27, 2007, and may impose a CTO earlier if the Issuer fails to file Default Status Reports pursuant to Appendix B of CSA Staff Notice 57-301 within the prescribed time for filing such Reports;

5. the Issuer intends to satisfy the provisions of Appendix B by filing Default Status Reports on a bi-weekly basis for as long as it remains in default of the requirement to file the Financial Statements;

6. the Issuer is not subject to any insolvency proceedings; and

7. except as may be contained in the Financial Statements, there is no material information concerning the affairs of the Issuer that has not been generally disclosed.

DATED this 25th day of July, 2007.

Sparton and WildHorse Energy Acquire Rights to Evaluate Uranium Bearing Coal Ash Waste Material in Hungary

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Aug 03, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SRI) (the "Company"), and its partner WildHorse Energy Ltd. (ASX: WHE) (WildHorse) reported today that a two year agreement has been signed with Hungary's Bakony Eromu Zrt. ("Bakony"), a major electricity producer, to evaluate the possibility of extracting uranium and other heavy metals from Bakony's Ajka Power Station waste ash sites in west- central Hungary. The program will be managed by the Sparton - WildHorse (50/50) 'Eurash' joint venture. (See Sparton news release dated May 24, 2007, and WildHorse news release dated May 25, 2007.)

The agreement allows Eurash exclusive rights to complete a full geological and technical review, based on existing data, and to sample and collect additional data as required. If the test program is successful the agreement provides for the possibility of participation of Bakony as a partner in uranium production. The work will include systematic sampling of the waste piles, and determination of their overall uranium content and bulk chemistry. Leaching tests for uranium recovery will also be undertaken. This test program will continue over the next 3-6 months. It will be conducted under the direction of US based engineering and mineral processing company Lyntek Inc, which has been involved in over 30 uranium recovery projects in 10 different countries and is a recognized leader in uranium extraction process engineering.


Bakony has been burning large quantities of locally available lignitic coals with high uranium contents at Ajka since the power station came on line and currently has approximately 20 million tonnes of waste ash material in several stockpiles. These have been carefully engineered and maintained in good condition. Historical analytical data from the period 1992 to 1995 indicate that the fly ash in these deposits contains between 92 and 154 ppm U3O8. The bottom ash contains similar values. These are similar to those in a number of in situ leach type uranium deposits under evaluation in various parts of the world. New analytical work is expected to confirm these uranium contents.


Assuming the test results demonstrate the potential for economic recovery of uranium, Eurash intends to complete a feasibility study to determine the engineering and economic parameters for commercial development of uranium extraction at Ajka. Such a study will also address environmental and community issues inherent in the development of any future project.

Commercial uranium production would result in the potential for sales within the European Union, or internationally. There is also strong environmental support for the clean up of these waste heaps at the Ajka site.

This is an important development for the Company and WildHorse as the Eurash program is now established as the leader in this field in Central Europe. Research data by the two companies indicates that other very large radioactive waste ash deposits in the region may also be potential evaluation sites for the program. Work continues towards concluding additional agreements similar to the Ajka contract.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.

Contacts: Sparton Resources Inc. A. Lee Barker President and CEO (416) 366-3551 or Mobile: (416) 716-5762 (416) 366-7421 (FAX) Email: info@spartonres.ca Sparton Resources Inc. Charles Ge Director +86 10 8559 0034 +86 10 8559 0034 (FAX) Email: Charlesge@vip.163.com Website: www.spartonres.ca

SOURCE: Sparton Resources Inc.

Aug 03, 2007 09:30 ET
Bluerock Resources Ltd. Issues Incentive Options
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 3, 2007) - Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BRD) (the "Company") announces the grant of incentive stock options under the Company's stock option plan to Officers, Advisors and Directors of the Company to purchase an aggregate of 1,300,000 treasury shares. The options are exercisable at a price of $0.53 per share; 150,000 options are exercisable for a period of three years and 1,150,000 options are exercisable for a period of five years, and are subject to the policies of the TSX Venture.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on discovering tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins, President and CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.08.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,18 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,590 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,200 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,356 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,371 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,269 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,490 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,479 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:
Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 28.07.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,16 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,385 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,600 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,219 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,340 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,550 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,430 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,280 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,540 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:
Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 08.07.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,24 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,473 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,424</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,225 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,354 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,50 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,41 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,25 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,60 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,52 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:
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