• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
das Depot hat ~4% diese Woche verloren und notiert momentan knapp unter dem Kaufwert vom Mai :down:
Hauptgrund bei PBX Ventures sind 5 Mio Warrants im Juli fällig geworden!
Danke Kaschper für die Liste! :)

Werde in Kürze in das 10 kleine Negerlein Basket, dass ich immer mal wieder nach vorne hole, die entsprechenden News mit reinschreiben (Kurzform), sodass mann sich einen Eindruck über
die Firmenentwicklung machen kann.

Bei PBX Ventures gibts es sehr gute Kaufkurse durch das Ausüben der Warrants!! 8)
das Depot hat ~4% diese Woche verloren und notiert momentan knapp unter dem Kaufwert vom Mai :down:

sell in May and go away

das war natuerlich riskant ausgerechnet im Fruehjahr vor dem Sommerloch dieses Basket auzulegen, aber irgendwann muss man anfangen.
Ein richtiger Treffer im Basket und das urspruengliche Invest ist bereits iweder raus mit den anderen 9 Werten als Surplus. Und ich bin persoenlich fest davon ueberzeugt, dass in diesem Basket mind. ein Veryzehnfacher auf 2-Jahressicht schlummert, m.E. haben alle 10 das Potential, deshalb diese Auswahl.

das Depot hat ~4% diese Woche verloren und notiert momentan knapp unter dem Kaufwert vom Mai :down:

sell in May and go away

das war natuerlich riskant ausgerechnet im Fruehjahr vor dem Sommerloch dieses Basket auzulegen, aber irgendwann muss man anfangen.
Ein richtiger Treffer im Basket und das urspruengliche Invest ist bereits iweder raus mit den anderen 9 Werten als Surplus. Und ich bin persoenlich fest davon ueberzeugt, dass in diesem Basket mind. ein Veryzehnfacher auf 2-Jahressicht schlummert, m.E. haben alle 10 das Potential, deshalb diese Auswahl.


Sehe ich genau so, wenn man sich die Werte aus dem Newsflow genau anschaut schlummern hier
absolute Valueperlen, darüberhinaus sind ja noch andere Perlen hier besprochen, die ähnliches
Potential haben. Das Basket ist ja auf mindestens 2 Jahre angelegt. Man muss sich natürlich auch genau
mit den Werten beschäftigen!! :)
imho ein glasklarer Kauf momentan ist

Tyler Resources

die Gewinne nach der Bekanntgabe der Ni-Resoucenschaetzung sind fast komplett weg, zur Erinnerung, am 23.05. wurde folgendes veroeffentlicht:

...Copper more than tripled from the initial resource estimate from 1.44 billion pounds to 4.56 billion pounds (217% increase), molybdenum went from 26.67 million pounds to 96.19 million pounds (261% increase), silver went from 18.39 million ounces to 67.95 million ounces (270% increase), gold from 216,529 ounces to 550,626 (154% increase) and zinc from 248.92 million pounds to 6,308 million pounds (2,434% increase)...


die nachfolgenden Ergebnisse sind nach wie vor herausragend u.a. am 02.08.

Tyler Reports Continuing Bahuerachi Drill Results Including 228.9 Meters Grading 0.61% Copper and 4.81 g/t Silver


und das im minenfreundlichen Mexico und Tyler stellt sich mit den Behoerden offenbar gut:

Tyler Resources Announces Receipt of Key Development Permit and Filing of New Independent Resource Estimate Report

130mio shares fd ergeben ca. MK 85mio CAD
ein im Stile Candentes konservatives Cu-Basisinvest mit hervorragendem Chance-Risiko Verhaeltnis auf diesem Niveau

klarer Kauf!
das Depot hat ~4% diese Woche verloren und notiert momentan knapp unter dem Kaufwert vom Mai :down:

sell in May and go away

das war natuerlich riskant ausgerechnet im Fruehjahr vor dem Sommerloch dieses Basket auzulegen, aber irgendwann muss man anfangen.
Ein richtiger Treffer im Basket und das urspruengliche Invest ist bereits iweder raus mit den anderen 9 Werten als Surplus. Und ich bin persoenlich fest davon ueberzeugt, dass in diesem Basket mind. ein Veryzehnfacher auf 2-Jahressicht schlummert, m.E. haben alle 10 das Potential, deshalb diese Auswahl.


Sehe ich genau so, wenn man sich die Werte aus dem Newsflow genau anschaut schlummern hier
absolute Valueperlen, darüberhinaus sind ja noch andere Perlen hier besprochen, die ähnliches
Potential haben. Das Basket ist ja auf mindestens 2 Jahre angelegt. Man muss sich natürlich auch genau
mit den Werten beschäftigen!! :)

v.a. Kobex und Hard Creek Nickel

super Werte! :)
Unter der Woche hab ich mir in Kanada ein paar K First Point Minerals TSX:FPX gekauft, Ni-Speku, die noch ganz am Anfang steht

MK ca. 10mio CAD fd, naechstes WE dazu mehr, kann ein aehnlicher Frontrunner werden wie Sparton mit seiner Uranextrahierung

Von WO zu Zaruma ZMR:

Die fehlenden 3 Mio brauchen wir ja nicht sofort und es ist auch nicht 100% sicher ob wir diese ueberhaupt brauchen.

Das umfangreiche Vertragswerk mit Glencore ist bald fertig.

Es geht ja um insgesamt 4 Hauptvertraege mit umfangreichen Anhaengen:

1. 22 Mio US$ Darlehensvertrag mit entsprechenden Garantien, Hypotheken etc, teils in Mexico teils auf internationaler Ebene

2. Kupferabnahmevertrag (mit Verbindung zu 1. da damit ja das Darlehen bezahlt wird)

3. Explorationsvertrag und Finanzierung Trion Projekt

4. Regionaler Kupferexplorations-Joint-Venture-Vertrag

Da es sich hier steuerlich auch im grenzuebergreifende Dinge handelt, muessen dabei und noch Steuerabkommen beruecksichtigt werden etc etc etc.

Es ist sehr viel, uebliche Papierarbeit. Das braucht halt seine Zeit zumal im ganzen 4 Laender involviert sind (Mexiko, Kanada, Schweiz, Peru).

Ich gehe davon aus, siehe auch unserer web Seite, dass alles in diesem Monat abgeschlossen wird.


Thomas Utter

Mexiko 0052 1 6622220663
Base Metals Bears
Source: Casey Research: David Galland 07/27/2007

It is not our purpose here at Casey Research
to massage the data to fit our point of view. In fact, we are nothing if not open minded. Recently, we asked readers to propose scenarios that might cause things to break in a direction other than that we expect. In response, a subscriber forwarded an article from Bloomberg with a very sound-sounding bearish view on base metals. You can read the entire article by clicking here.

To save you some reading time, the theme of the article is that, due to high prices, the supplies of base metals coming onto the market will quickly reach the point where they’ll overwhelm demand, driving prices down. This scenario will be exacerbated, according to the base metals bears, because China’s rocket-like economic expansion must surely slow, thereby simultaneously reducing the demand at the same time supplies are increasing.

According to the Bloomberg article, despite the strength of their argument, these same bears, most notably the folks at JP Morgan, have been wrong about the base metals for some time now. To quote…

"An investor who acted on the advice of JPMorgan, the third-largest U.S. bank, missed gains of 67 percent for nickel, 30 percent for copper and 41 percent for lead, the best-performing commodities in the 26-member UBS Bloomberg CMCI Index."

Even so, just because they have been wrong in the past doesn’t mean they are going to continue to be wrong, and so one shouldn’t use that as an excuse to dismiss their arguments. (We have also been cautious on the base metals, but rather than eschew the sector altogether, we have simply tightened the criteria a base metal play has to meet before we recommend it in the pages of our monthly International Speculator newsletter.)

Always happy for a second opinion, I forwarded the Bloomberg article on to long-term friend Clyde Harrison, the brains behind both the Rogers International Commodity Index and now the Bridgewater Index.

After reading it, he gave me a call. His view can be summed up, as "They may be right, in the short term But a year down the road, the base metals are going to be trading much higher than they are today.”


According to Clyde, the debate about China’s growth is already over, underscoring that contention by sharing just a few data points.

For instance, there are currently 168 power plants being built in China. In addition to the massive amount of metal used in constructing those plants, consider the copper wire those power plants are going to be connected to. “Will there be a fall-off in demand for copper? Not likely,” Clyde replied, answering his own question.

He also noted that China built and sold as many cars as the U.S. last year.

And it is important to understand, Clyde continued, that today one billion people use two-thirds of the world’s natural resources. The balance of 5.6 billion people use the other third, but they are quickly becoming more successful, setting up a serious competition.

Which goes a long way toward explaining why there are now 50,000 students studying geology in China, versus 900 in the U.S. (of which 300 are foreign). And why the Chinese are increasingly showing up in remote corners of the world, checkbooks open, eager to trade our dollars for tangible resources. Unlike businessmen from the U.S., the Chinese buyers don’t insist that the sellers start labor unions or clean up their pay practices, they’re just there to do business.

In that regard, the Chinese have no qualms of passing across a briefcase full of cash if that’s what’s required to get the deal done. That’s something a U.S. executive would go to jail for. Behind Door A is a briefcase full of cash. Behind Door B is a Happy Meal and nothing else. Who do you think is going to get the deal?

Then there’s this.

According to Clyde, historical data shows that when a country starts to industrialize, per-capita usage of oil typically goes from about 1 bbl at the beginning of the industrialization, to between 17 and 27 bbl per capita by the time the industrialization is completed.

That China is just beginning to industrialize, and has much further to go, is evident when you consider the Chinese currently consume just 1.7 bbl per capita per year. And the citizens of India use just 0.9.

Like Clyde, we believe there is no putting the Chinese genie back in the bottle. In fact, in our view, what we are witnessing in China is evidence that when the mainland Chinese, while preparing to take Hong Kong back from the British, came to the realization that free market capitalism with little hindrance from the state was the only way forward.

A New Economic Age in the Making?

The implications of that shift in thinking are making itself felt around the world, with the world’s largest nation now super-charged by the world’s best economic system.

That is not to say that there won’t be rough spots in China’s future—the level of stock market speculation there is bound to cause a problem—but the trend in China, and elsewhere, is well entrenched and not going to change any time soon.

If you take another step or two back, it is worth noting that Dubai, a patch of desert with little in the way of natural resources, has used the same laissez-faire economic approach to transform itself into a global economic powerhouse. It is not out of the question that other countries may begin to take note, and follow suit. In which case, the future is bright indeed… as is the case for all the natural resources.

David Galland is the managing editor of Doug Casey’s International Speculator newsletter


Gold Positive: Iran Wants Yen from Japan not the U.S.$ for Oil – Who and What Next?
Source: Julian D.W. Phillips, Gold Forecaster - Global Watch 07/27/2007

At the heart of the global monetary system lies the use of the U.S.$ as the currency used to pay for the globe’s oil. Any change in that role has a disproportionate impact on the importance of the $ as well as its value relative to the globe’s other currencies. If the oil producing nations of the world decided to use other currencies for oil payments then the global monetary system itself is undermined, making gold more attractive and long-term a safer place to hold one’s savings.

So when we heard that Iran asked the Japanese refiners to switch to the Yen to pay for all crude oil purchases, after Iran's central bank said it is reducing its holdings of the U.S.$, we realized that this is an undermining blow to the $ and will also contribute to the current fall of the $ in exchange rate values, despite any short-term rally.

Iran wants Yen-based transactions "for any/all of your forthcoming Iranian crude oil liftings," according to a letter sent to Japanese refiners that was signed by Ali A. Arshi, general manager of crude oil marketing and exports in Tehran at the National Iranian Oil Co. The request is for all shipments "effective immediately," according to the letter, dated July 10.

Japan's annual oil imports from Iran costs 1.24 trillionyen ($10.1 billion) against the entire world’s demand for oil of around $2.354 trillion a year. This is not a huge amount of Yen let alone U.S.’, but it is significant in that it is a breakaway from the $ and it is possible to break away.

Now add this to the new policy of the Central bankers of Venezuela, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates, which have said they will invest less of their reserves in $ assets because of its weakening prospects. At what point will they permit the switch to other currencies in payment of oil?

Iran isn't alone in wanting to drop the $ as the oil currency. Russia has been favoring the Ruble payment for the Urals oil export blend in rubles to curb currency risks. The nation plans to open the Energy Stock Exchange in St. Petersburg in the first half of next year to trade oil in rubles, U.B.S. AG reported June 14. Russia’s ambitions as the major supplier of Europe will have considerably more impact on the $ as well as bring the Ruble into the mainstream of global currencies.

Iran asked the refiners to use the Yen exchange rate quoted at the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi on the date oil cargoes are loaded. The use of yen-based letters of credit for oil "has finally been approved" by the Iranian central bank and the NIOC, according to the letter, titled "New payment mechanism for Iranian Crude Oil Cargoes."

Japan imported 1.59 million kiloliters of Iranian crude oil in May, the least since June 2006, according to government data. Only Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are larger oil suppliers to Japan than Iran.

In addition, but not of nearly so much significance, is the policy of Iran in cutting its U.S.$ reserves to less than 20% of total foreign currency holdings. Consequently it will buy more Euros and Yen as tensions with the U.S. increase, Central Bank Governor Ebrahim Sheibany said on March 27 2007. It is important to realize that the content of reserves is not nearly as significant as the daily use of the $ in paying for oil, unless it is in the hands of a nation like China with its [so far] $1.3 trillion, sitting statically in U.S. Treasuries and other $ denominated assets.

If one, for example cut the use of the $ in global transactions in oil by half $1.177 trillion, where will these dollars go? They will be surplus to global requirements. As we all know this amount of unutilized $s is sufficient to swamp the foreign exchanges looking for a place to go. Their eventual path will be to absorb it back into Treasuries, a burden that will hit both the Treasury yields as well as the $ exchange rate, heavily. This is why the paths we have described that lie ahead will be so pernicious to the U.S.$. We have ignored the effect on all other $ users, which if brought in more than justify short, medium and long-term investments in gold.

We have just been informed that China is now quoting in the € on export contracts. Has the change begun to spread significantly? If this is common practice in China, the $ will come under heavy long-term pressure. We will continue to keep you informed of such $-impacting events.
Osisko Intersects 8.4 Metres Averaging 8.8 g/t Au at Malartic CHL
MONTREAL, QUEBEC, Aug 7, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Osisko Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:OSK)(FRANKFURT:EWX) and Golden Valley Mines Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GZZ) are pleased to announce results from the first seven holes of a 3600 metre drill program on the Malartic CHL property, located immediately to the northeast of Osisko's 100%-owned Canadian Malartic gold property. The new drilling was focused on the CHL porphyry, a 260 metre X 450 metre porphyry intrusion located within the Cadillac fault.

All holes were oriented perpendicular to regional E-W fabric and were inclined 50 to 65 degrees. Two holes tested the "Shaft Zone" located at the northern margin of the intrusion. Results are summarized in the table below along with significant historical drilling results compiled from the East Malartic data base:

Hole No. Section From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au g/t
CM07-2006 6800E 186.5 194.9 8.4 8.82
including 187.7 190.5 2.8 24.0
CM07-2007 6770E 63.0 82.0 19.0 1.03
And 124.5 134.5 10.0 1.22

EMS-009 6770E 30.5 75.3 44.8 0.77
EMS-010 6740E 36.6 43.6 7.0 2.33
and 50.9 73.9 23.0 3.76
including 65.6 67.4 1.8 30.8
EMS-011 6710E 71.8 93.1 21.3 3.12
EMS-012 6790E 29.6 52.1 22.5 1.95
EMS-013 6750E 13.4 41.8 28.4 2.70
EMS-018 6650E 45.5 65.5 20.0 1.55
EMS-020 6620E 78.6 86.3 7.6 3.40
EMS-023 6530E 30.2 37.8 7.6 1.71
EMS-029 6890E 25.6 31.7 6.1 3.59
EMS-044 6730E 110.0 143.1 33.1 1.90
EM82-04 6730E 106.7 118.9 12.2 1.92
EM82-05 6780E 38.1 65.5 27.4 1.24
EM82-06 6780E 79.3 112.8 33.5 0.93

The Shaft zone is east-west striking, at least 270 metres long as outlined from historical drilling and is open at depth as well as to the east and west. The deepest intersection to date in this zone (CM07-2006) is located at a vertical depth of 160 metres. True average width of the zone is estimated at 15 metres.

Other drill holes collared in the CHL porphyry all intersected mineralization, including narrow vein-type mineralization in holes CM07-2001, -2003 and -2005. Drill hole CM07-2002, intersected 21.1 metres averaging 2.93 g/t Au in a newly-discovered breccia zone located at depth near the eastern margin of the porphyry, which had not been previously drilled. Results from the other five holes of the program are tabled below:

Hole No. Section From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au g/t
CM07-2001 7170E 233.7 235.0 1.3 6.87
CM07-2002 7050E 287.0 308.1 21.1 2.93
including 288.5 293.1 4.6 7.28
CM07-2003 7050E 245.0 247.5 2.5 5.86
CM07-2004 6850E 177.0 198.0 21.0 0.68
CM07-2005 6810E 98.0 102.5 4.5 4.76

Commenting on the new exploration results, Sean Roosen, President of Osisko stated: "We are very pleased with the initial drilling on the Golden Valley joint-venture ground. The new holes demonstrate that the CHL property hosts significant potential to add to Osisko's resource balance sheet with both shallow low-grade material, as well as what is promising for developing traditional higher grade underground zones. The gold mineralization being outlined by the current drilling on the CHL property is especially promising because of its very close proximity to the main Canadian Malartic deposit and the proposed mill site, which could definitely have a positive effect on the per-tonne mining costs."

Osisko has the right to acquire a 70% interest in the Malartic CHL Property in consideration for $150,000 in cash payments over a four year period ($70,000 paid to date) and by completing a minimum $2,000,000 in exploration work over a four year period. Upon earning its 70% interest, Golden Valley will maintain a free-carried interest of 30% to production.

The Canadian Malartic gold deposit and adjacent areas are being evaluated for a large-scale open pit, bulk-tonnage mining operation. An updated NI 43-101 compliant, inferred gold resource estimate on the main deposit was released on July 5, 2007 and the full report will be filed on SEDAR shortly.

All NQ core assays were conducted using standard 50 g fire assaying-AA finish at ALS Chemex laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec. Reported weighted averages were calculated using a minimum of 0.5 g/t Au over successive 5 metre intervals with no upper cut-off of individual assays. Mr. Robert Wares, P. Geo. and Executive Vice-President of Osisko, is the Qualified Person responsible for the technical information reported in this news release.

SOURCE: Osisko Exploration Ltd.
Pflichtprogram!!! :evil:

Thema Ecuador:

So gab das Land Ecuador die Ernennung von Dr. Galo Chiriboga zum neuen Bergbau- und Erdölminister bekannt. Dr. Chiriboga verfügt über viel Erfahrung, unter anderem in Stellungen als Minister of State und Labour Minister (Minister für Arbeit). Er ist darüber hinaus der frühere Executive President der Petroecuador. Außerdem wurde nun Dr. Jose Serrano zum neuen Bergbau-Ministerialrat (Undersecretary) von Ecuador ernannt.

Auch Dr. Serrano verfügt über viel Erfahrung und ist mit der Entwicklung der ecuadorianischen Bergbauindustrie vertraut. Rob Washer, der CEO von Dynasty, wertet die Ernennung der beiden Herren als ein positives Zeichen für die Entwicklung des gesamten Bergbausektors in Ecuador. Das Land Ecuador ist mittelfristig abhängig von den Einnahmen aus dem Minensektor und erkennt nun mehr und mehr die Vorteile einer modernen Bergbauindustrie.

Davon sollte nicht nur das Land selbst, sondern auch die Investoren von Minenunternehmen, die dort engagiert sind, profitieren. Insgesamt sind dies ausgezeichnete Nachrichten, die unserer Meinung nach der Aktie weiterhin Auftrieb geben sollten!

Ecuador to name moderate as deputy mining chief
Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:45AM EDT


QUITO, July 27 (Reuters) - Ecuador's new oil and mines minister, Galo Chiriboga, on Friday will name a moderate as the new deputy mining chief, only a day after an environmentalist holding the job resigned, a ministry spokesman said.

Chiriboga will name Jose Serrano, a lawyer who acted as economy minister in the past administration, later on Friday to head the post that defines mining policy and grants concessions.

His predecessor, Jorge Jurado, was an environmentalist who was at odds with miners over his push to enforce tighter control over the country's nascent mining sector and overhaul the mining law.

"The financial community is not that interested anymore in changes inside the ministry, but in the upcoming popular assembly," said Mark Turner, a Peru-based analyst with Hallgarten & Company.

Ecuadoreans will head to the polls on Sept. 30 to elect a 130-member assembly that will rewrite the constitution and is expected to overhaul the country's mining law and possibly even shut down some mining projects.

The appointment of Chiriboga, a former state oil company president, by President Rafael Correa last week was welcomed by mining companies who see him as a moderate.

Chiriboga has not commented about his future mining policy, but Correa was vowed to revise concessions and boost state control over natural resources.

Correa has also named a moderate to head the key economy ministry, a show of pragmatism in his leftist rhetoric that resembles that of his ally, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Ecuador lacks significant production of precious metals, but Canadian companies such as Corriente Resources (CTQ.TO: Quote, Profile, Research), Iamgold Corp. (IMG.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) and Aurelian Resources Inc. (ARU.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) have started exploring for gold and copper. Their shares have suffered from the government's sometimes hard rhetoric on mining.
Zu Salazar Resources:


Tyler Reports Continuing Bahuerachi Drill Results Including 228.9 Meters Grading 0.61% Copper and 4.81 g/t Silver
CALGARY, ALBERTA, Aug 2, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Tyler Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:TYS) is very pleased to announce further drill results from its ongoing exploration and development drill program at the Company's 100% owned Bahuerachi project, Mexico.

Assay data from 14 drill holes have now been received by the Company. These drill holes included holes targeting expansion of the Main Zone resource base, resource classification upgrade and condemnation drilling for possible infrastructure sites for future development of the Main Zone Deposit.

Significant results for these drill holes are presented in the following table and discussed below. Drill hole collar locations are shown on the attached drill plan map, and an updated drill section 6 NE is available with a copy of this news release on the Tyler website at tylerresources.com.

(Please see link at: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/tysmap1.pdf)

Significant Intervals, Main Zone

From To Interval Copper Gold Silver Zinc Mo Rock
Hole # (m) (m) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) Type
DDH 120 70.5 366 163.35(1) 0.30 0.03 5.79 0.24 0.006 Marble,

DDH 121 27 363 228.9(2) 0.61 0.06 4.81 trace 0.003 Porphyry

DDH 122 - - Redrilled
as 124

DDH 123 76.3 299 165.29(3) 0.37 0.04 4.12 trace 0.011 Marble,
including 145.1 179.6 34.5 0.86 0.08 10.52 0.21 0.02 Skarn

DDH 124 108.4 159 31.55(4) 0.53 0.17 15.57 0.32 0.006 Sediments,

RC-84 138.8 165.68 26.88 0.17 0.02 1.55 trace 0.017 Porphyry

RC-85 6.08 33.44 27.36 0.22 0.05 1.12 trace trace Porphyry
and 71.44 85.12 13.68 0.29 0.05 2.27 trace trace Porphyry
and 130.72 190 59.28 0.25 0.03 2.04 trace 0.004 Porphyry
(1) Excluding 126.85 meters of unmineralized dykes and 5.3 meters of no core
(2) Excluding 107.7 meters of unmineralized dykes.
(3) Excluding 57.41 meters of unmineralized dykes.
(4) Excluding 19.05 meters of unmineralized dykes. Drill hole is continuing.

All intercepts are interpreted to represent true widths of mineralization. Unmineralized dykes are oblique to the drilling direction and their thickness may be overrepresented by 20 to 40%.

Drill Hole Results Discussion

Drill hole BAH-121 was drilled on section 3 NE, between drill holes BAH 50 and 52 to improve resource classification for near surface, higher grade porphyry mineralization. Grades were slightly higher than expected, and consistent with the drill holes closest to this location. This drill hole targeted conversion of resources from the indicated to the measured category, as this part of the deposit contains near surface higher grade porphyry critical in early years of possible production.

Drill holes 120, 123 and 124 (see map) were drilled as part of a test program to expand the Main Zone Deposit to the west in areas that were previously largely untested, as outlined in the Company's press release of June 13th. Drill hole 122 was initially lost at 145 meters depth in skarn grading 1.3% copper due to difficult ground conditions. It was re-drilled as drill hole BAH 124, the drilling of which is currently ongoing at 272 meters. Assays are currently available and reported to a depth of 159 meters. Drill hole 124, drilled 120 meters west of the last hole on this section has so far encountered a section dominated by the thickest interval of skarn and most strongly altered porphyry on the property since inception of the drilling program in 2004. This opens the western edge of the current deposit to further expansion, as well as provides incentive to the company to further test this increasing alteration north of section 6 NE, which will take place over the next few months.

Drill holes RC 84, 85, 86 and 87 tested the eastern edge of the deposit, and confirmed the presence of new low to medium grade mineralization extending east of the current deposit model space.

Drill holes RC-88 and RCCd 1 to 6 were drill holes testing the western edge of the system, outside of the current model space, as well as areas identified as possible development sites for both plant development and waste dumps. The potential plant site (RCCd 1 to 3) has been cleared of potential near surface mineralization and appears to be a favourable area to develop required processing infrastructure within 1.7 km of the deposit, indicating that short hauls of material for beneficiation seem possible.

Holes RCCd 4, 5 and 6 tested an area with potential for short haul waste storage. Indications of propitious alteration and mineralization at depth on RCCd 4 and 6, some 300 meters west of the current deposit model space prompted the company to initiate drilling of core hole Bah-125 to test a wide section of previously untested material west of the Main Zone.

Drilling is currently ongoing with holes RCCd6, and BAH-124 and 125.

Scoping Study Guidance Update

Final scoping level field visits and evaluations have been completed by all firms from the Scoping Team, including Independent Mining Consultants (Principal authors and mining engineering), K.D. Engineering (metallurgy, process and plant design) and Tyler's geotechnical consultants.

At the suggestion of the scoping team, the scoping study has been extended to evaluate the impact of higher mining and processing throughput for development scenarios than those initially requested by the Company at the onset of the study. While the Company had initially requested that IMC evaluate the potential economics of a 30,000 tonnes per day (10 million tonnes per year) mining and processing operation for the Main Bahuerachi Deposit, the scoping team has indicated that evaluation of higher mining and throughput rates should also be evaluated for any beneficial impact on economics outlined at the scoping level.

This expansion of the Scoping Team mandate will require a short extension of the scoping study period. At the current time, and in consultation with its Consultants, Tyler now expects the results of the expanded scoping study within the next 6 weeks.

About Tyler

Tyler Resources is a well funded Canadian junior exploration company focused on base and precious metals exploration in Mexico. Tyler's primary project is the Bahuerachi property, which hosts Mexico's fourth largest mineralized porphyry system. The Company is now in the advanced stage of an increased 35,000 meter combined diamond and reverse circulation drilling program extended into 2007, making it one of the most active Canadian junior exploration companies operating in Mexico.

All assay work was performed by ICP at ALS-Chemex labs of Vancouver, with gold done using standard fire assay methods. All samples sent to the lab are sealed with security tags for delivery to ALS-Chemex. Duplicate samples as well as standards and blanks are inserted in each batch of samples delivered to the laboratory and then checked to ensure proper quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC).

The Qualified Person responsible for the design and implementation of the Field Program as well as the preparation of this news release was J. P. Jutras, P.Geol., and President of the Company. The work program is being carried out with the participation of Dr. Shane William Ebert, Ph.D, P.Geo, Vice President and Director, Grant Couture, M.Sc Geology, Paul Turnbull, B.Sc, P.Geol, Cornell McDowell, B.Sc Geology and Charla Boyer, B.Sc geology, consultants to the Company.

Jean Pierre Jutras, President/CEO/Director

Aus Sedar:

August 2, 2007
Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:BRD) (the “Company”) announces that, further to its
news releases of July 3 and July 17, 2007, it has closed its financing comprised of both a
brokered and non-brokered private placement and issued an aggregate 13,999,583 units
(“Units”) at a price of $0.48 per Unit for gross proceeds of $6,719,799.84. Each Unit
consists of one common share (“Share”) and one-half of one share purchase warrant
(“Warrant”). Each whole Warrant is exercisable for a period of two years at a price of
$0.70 per share. 8,100,000 Units were sold pursuant to the brokered portion; and the
balance of 5,899,583 Units were sold pursuant to the non-brokered portion.
PI Financial Corp. acted as agent for the brokered private placement (the “Agent”). The
Agent received a 7% commission, paid as to $181,920 in cash and 188,000 commission
units (having the same terms and conditions as the Units). In addition the Agent received
648,000 agent’s options, whereby each agent’s option entitles the holder to acquire one
common share of the Company at a price of $0.70 per share for a period of two years
from the date of issuance.
With respect to the non-brokered private placement, the Company paid $121,695.97 and
issued an aggregate 170,975 common shares as finder’s fees.
All securities issued with respect to the private placements are subject to a hold period
expiring December 2, 2007.
The proceeds of this financing will be used primarily for exploration expenses on the
Company’s properties in Mongolia and North America and for general working capital
purposes. In particular, the Company will utilize the proceeds to fund the ongoing
drilling programs and underground rehabilitation at the Tramp Uranium Mine in
Colorado towards production in 2008 under a toll milling structure. Further, both the
Company’s Utah Uranium and Mongolian JV Uranium exploration projects will see
continued exploration by drilling and geophysical surveys throughout 2007.
Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on
discovering tomorrow’s energy today through the acquisition and
development of conventional uranium resources.

Das Canada Basket im charttechnischen Überblick. Anlagezeitraum 2 Jahre plus x! Reihenfolge wie
im Thread.






R5I Rochester Resources könnte weiter nach oben laufen!!! :evil:
Zum Thema Uran:

SILBER löst sich wieder nach oben
Datum 03.08.2007 - Uhrzeit 18:33 (© BörseGo GmbH 2007, Autor: Rain Andre, Charttechniker, © GodmodeTrader - http://www.godmode-trader.de/)
WKN: 965310 | ISIN: XC0009653103 | Intradaykurs:

SILBER - ISIN: XC0009653103

Kursstand: 13,06 $ pro Feinunze

Kursverlauf vom 11.12.2006 bis 03.08.2007 (log. Kerzenchartdarstellung / 1 Kerze = 1 Tag)

Rückblick: SILBER prallte im Februar 2007 am Widerstandsbereich des Hochs aus 2006 bei 14,73 - 15,22 $ nach unten hin ab und korrigierte heftig bis 12,10 $. Der Rückfall unter wichtige Chartelemente entpuppte sich aber als Fehlausbruch, das Edelmetall kletterte wieder bis an den kurzfristigen Abwärtstrend bei 13,50 $. Dort prallte es Ende Juli nach unten hin ab und korrigierte bis an die Unterstützung bei 12,65 $, wo es sich in den letzten Tagen stabilisierte und wieder nach oben drehte. Das kurzfristige Chartbild ist neutral mit leicht bullischer Tendenz zu werten.

Charttechnischer Ausblick: SILBER sollte nun wieder bis an den kurzfristigen Abwärtstrend bei 13,43 $ klettern. Steigt SILBER schließlich per Tages- und Wochenschluss über 13,50 $ an, wird weiteres Aufwärtspotenzial bis 14,73 und 15,22 $ generiert. Fällt SILBER hingegen per Tages- und Wochenschluss wieder unter 12,60 $ zurück, drohen mittelfristige Abgaben bis 12,10, 10,40 und darunter 9,23 - 9,65 $.

Zu Mexivada sehr ausführliche Studie:

was passiert eigentlich bei alexandria ? :twisted:

Ich würde mal sagen die üblichen Sommerspiele bei Explorern, Alexandria hat ein ein sehr grosses
Bohrprogram bis in den Spätherbst. Bis dato waren die Ergebnisse gut bis sehr gut.
Charttechnisch ist der Wert angeschlagen, aber das ist ja wohl beabsichtigt!
unter www.rohstoffspiegel.de gibt es eine sehr schöne Studie zu Alexandria. Letzte Ausgabe.
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