• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

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19. Oktober 2012

Auf dem Tiefpunkt Uran: Es wird Zeit für einen Neuanfang

Die Preise für Uran sind auf einem Zwölf-Monats-Tief angekommen. Experten glauben jedoch, dass die Zeit zum Einstieg jetzt reif ist.

17 Oct 2012 - Kip Keen

Possible junior zinc takeover targets

A supply crunch in zinc is predicted by leading analysts and some miners have already said they're on the hunt for acquisitions leaving open the question of which juniors might get taken out.


It wasn't so long ago, as reported by Reuters, that Lundin Mining told the press in Sweden that it was on the prowl for zinc and copper acquisitions. While you're never going to get too many specifics about potential targets from a miner, Lundin did give some rough parameters of what it was after. Lundin CEO Paul Conibear said it was interested in copper and zinc mines - especially in Europe, Canada and Mexico with 30,000 to 70,000 tonnes metal production a year. He also signalled Lundin was ready to take a pretty quick shot. "We are going to be very disciplined, but when we find something for the right price, we will act quickly and aggressively," Reuters quoted Conibear as saying back in late September.

This hunger for base metals, zinc especially, is not all that surprising. It is shaping up to be a good year for zinc hunting and in that Lundin's pursuit is probably not alone in donning a camouflage jacket and loading its gun with cash, among other kinds of powder. A key theme that has emerged as far as base metals go is a current overabundance of zinc, depressing its short term price, but a medium to longer term supply issue. As Mineweb writer Dorothy Kosich reported earlier this year, Scotiabank's Patricia Mohr, a commodities specialist, said "Zinc may represent the next big base metal play. Zinc will shift into ‘deficit' (at latest by 2014) due to ongoing demand growth in the face of significant global mine depletion in mid-decade." The supply crunch is chiefly predicated on the closure of a few mines around the world: Brunswick 12 in Canada, Century in Australia and Lisheen in Ireland, Mohr has pointed out. Yet, as covered in these pages, there has not been a concomitant flurry of activity to replace such mines. On this point Mineweb's Geoff Candy quoted RBC Capital Markets as saying: "The most interesting bit of all this is that none of the majors are investing significantly in zinc."

Yet analysts predict a ripening zinc market in a few years time. Mohr gave the possible zinc deficit some real world numbers at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada Conference in March this year, predicting zinc would hit around $1.40 a pound by mid-decade. Of course, if you're a base metal miner, and if you hold to the above supply crunch scenario, you aren't going to want to buy zinc assets come 2014-2015 at such prices when it is going for well under C$1 per pound now. Indeed, as Lundin's Conibear made it clear: the miners are looking for assets. Stefan Ioannou, a Haywood Securities analyst that focuses on base metals, put the situation in zinc miners such as Lundin are facing this way: Though at the moment zinc warehouses are overflowing, "the guys are sitting around just scratching their heads wondering what to do about the mid to long term." There just aren't that many zinc juniors to takeover, especially producing ones. This would suggest Lundin, and perhaps others such as Hudbay, have a limited field of opportunity outside exploring new projects or expanding existing operations in shoring up production or betting on improving zinc prices by acquiring juniors.

So I asked Ioannou which advanced-stage juniors might make a hypothetical takeover target list for miners such as Lundin looking to boost production relatively quickly. In the course of our conversation, Ioannou singled out: Trevali Mining, Capstone Mining, Nevsun Resources, Sunridge Resources, Canadian Zinc and Donner Metals as names that might be on a list of potential takeover targets for the likes of Lundin. (And note: Ioannou said he doesn't own shares in the junior companies we spoke about, though he does cover all the names above except Trevali and Canadian Zinc.)

Trevali Mining

Putting it near the top of his list, Ioannou pointed out that in Trevali you get two zinc-polymetallic mines ramping up to full production (both around 2,000 tonnes per day): Halfmile in New Brunswick and Santander in Peru. In addition, Trevali has a couple other zinc projects at an advanced stage in the same countries. On what Ioannou called a "pretty short list," he added "Trevali for sure."

Capstone Mining

Primarily a copper producer, it also churns out significant zinc as byproduct at its mines in Mexico and the Yukon (respectively called Cozamin and Minto). In its latest quarter it produced 23 million pounds of copper in concentrates along with 4.1 million pounds zinc at respectable cash costs under C$2 per pound copper. Further, as Ioannou noted, anyone thinking of taking over Capstone would also be eyeing its 70 percent stake in the huge Santo Domingo copper project in Chile, which also comes with a major Korean partner (KORES) that owns the remaining 30 percent.

Nevsun Resources

While best known for its Bisha mine in Eritrea where Nevsun has been producing gold for a couple years now, operations are to shift into copper production next year and then into zinc ore thereafter. As such, Ioannou figured it "would probably be on the takeover list."

Sunridge Gold

Indeed, Lundin has shown an appetite for Eritrea, Ioannou pointed out, having already invested in Sunridge before, which, following in Nevsun's footsteps, is advancing copper-zinc-gold-silver projects in Eritrea that have yielded strong economics in scoping studies. There is "a fair bit of zinc in this story," Ioannou pointed out.

Canadian Zinc

It owns the past-producing Prairie Creek zinc-lead-silver-copper project in the Northwest Territories. Though Ioannou noted permitting is not yet in the bag here, he likes the look of its high-grade deposit. In all, Canadian Zinc reports 5.4 million tonnes @ 10.8 percent zinc, 10.2 percent lead, 160 g/t silver and 0.31 percent copper in measured and indicated resources, with about the same tonnage again at similar grades in inferred resources.

Donner Metals

This might be a tougher buy, but Ioannou didn't rule it out. Donner has a 35-percent stake in the Bracemac-McLeod project - otherwise owned by Xstrata - that is supposed to hit initial production in early 2013 at an average 2,500 tonnes per day rate of production. Proven and probable reserves are 3.7 million tonnes 9.6 percent Zn, 1.26 percent Cu, 28.25 g/t Ag and 0.43 g/t Au. The 35 percent stake might be "attractive to a Lundin," Ioannou said, though were offers to come, "Xstrata could trump anything pretty quickly."

Rupie gewinnt an Wert

Indiens Goldimporte steigen wieder

Geschrieben von Redaktion • 19. Oktober 2012 • Druckversion

Dank einer gegenüber dem Dollar erstarkten indischen Währung erholen sich die Goldimporte in diesem Quartal wohl wieder.

Gute Nachrichten für den Goldpreis: Nachdem die indischen Goldimporte über einen langen Zeitraum rückläufig waren, dreht die Marktlage nun. Laut Aussage von Bachhraj Bamalwa, Vorsitzender der All India Gems & Jewellery Trade Federation, könnten die Importe in diesem Quartal von 157 Tonnen im Vorjahresquartal auf rund 200 Tonnen steigen. Das wäre der erste Zuwachs seit sechs Quartalen. Noch im gerade beendeten dritten Quartal 2012 haben die indischen Goldimporte gegenüber dem vergleichbaren Vorjahreszeitraum einen Rückschlag von 205 Tonnen auf 170 Tonnen verzeichnet.

Die Goldnachfrage aus Indien ist für den Weltmarkt eine alles andere als zu vernachlässigende Größe. Eine riesige Schmuckindustrie benötigt große Mengen des Edelmetalls. Vor allem zum Jahresende hin, wenn zahlreiche Festivitäten verschiedenster gesellschaftlicher Gruppen anstehen, wächst die Nachfrage.

In den vergangenen Quartalen hatten verschiedenste Faktoren die Nachfrage und damit die Importe negativ beeinflusst. Neben steuerlichen Faktoren hatte eine im Vergleich zum Dollar schwache Rupie das Gold für die indischen Konsumenten teurer und teurer gemacht. Zuletzt hat die Rupie aber gegenüber dem Dollar wieder deutlich an Wert gewonnen, was sich auch auf die Goldnachfrage in Indien auswirkt. Nun wird erwartet, dass sich ein „Nachfragestau" auflöst - das könnte weltweit den Goldpreis treiben.

The following list of companies is comprised of all the components of the XAU, HUI, GOX, JSE Gold, and TSX Gold indexes.


Oct 18, 2012

Cormark Securities: Maintaining Buy (S) Recommendation for CDY and Raising Target To C$2.50

According to Cormark Securities:

Advancing Forward: Post the PFS, Management is looking to quickly advance Carbon Creek through feasibility and permitting. A bankable feasibility study has been slated for Q2/13, which will investigate various options proposed in the PFS and serve to further derisk the economics of the project. Concurrently over the near term, the Company will continue to collect baseline data for the Carbon Creek Environmental Assessment (EA) process. The main submission for the EA certificate is expected in Q2/13, which will allow the EA office about 180 days for review and approval by Q4/13. In addition to the EA process, environmental and associated permits must be obtained before full-scale mining. With approval expected in Q1/14, the Company believes construction can begin immediately with first production in late 2014. As we indicated previously, the Carbon Creek project does exhibit certain characteristics which should make it more amenable to a timely permit issuance. In addition to a large component of production being sourced via underground mining, the surface mining methods are designed to minimize waste rock mining, processing will not require groundwater or a tailings impoundment, and the use of a barge system eliminates the need for a haul road, tunnel or overland conveyors. As such, Management is confident in the permitting schedule laid out, which should allow all approvals in hand in H1/14. That said, meeting this timeline will be key to delivering the value presented.

Representing a potential risk to Cardero’s plans, we note the Company currently has port allocation at Ridley Terminals for 0.5MMtpa through 2014, increasing to 0.9MMtpa in 2015. The agreement has a 15 year term until December 31, 2008, which is extendable by 3 years. While these allocations are enough for the initial years, it is insufficient thereafter. Management is confident in its ability to acquire the needed port allocation as it expects several regional projects with significant port allocations to become delayed or cancelled. Recall, the deal is subject to Ridley receiving the Federal Government approval for addition of a fourth stacker/reclaimer that will increase capacity from 24MMtpa to 30MMtpa when sufficient capacity should be available.

Carbon Creek Scoped For A Major?

By increasing the production rate, the Company has also raised the upfront capital costs significantly for the project. This would normally make financing the mine even more difficult for the junior developer, especially given that the project economics (IRR, NPV) did not increase drastically from the PEA case. That said with its larger scale at a reasonable cost, we believe the Company has made the project more attractive and palatable for a regional producer. Recall that Carbon Creek is located on the Peace River coal trend, a district which hosts several major met coal operators, including Xstrata, Anglo American, and Walter Energy. We would especially note Xstrata, which has been an active consolidator in the area (most recently with the Sukunka coal deposit). In Figure 3, we present a regional concession map highlighting Carbon Creek’s position relative to other major operators in Peace River.

Maintaining Buy (S) Recommendation, Raising Target To C$2.50: Cardero continues to aggressively develop Carbon Creek, a met coal project which is sure to receive strong consideration by regional players in the near term. We see the potential for a rerating in the event a partner is brought in on the project or the coking coal market recovers materially. While interest in the met coal space is subdued due to near-term issues, we continue to see long-term potential and note that high-quality, low-risk assets are always in demand. With a pre-feasibility in hand, we recommend CDU to investors seeking exposure to metallurgical coal in the Peace River coalfield in a high-quality development asset. Having updated our model for the PFS findings, we reiterate our Buy (S) recommendation, and increase our target to C$2.50 from C$2.40 (based on 0.50x NAV plus cash and investments). As further development hurdles are overcome, our discount would be expected to narrow.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1308933#1308933 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 11.10.2012, 14:44 Uhr[/url]"]Dundee Securities: Buy rating for CDY and $1.70 price target
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1308648#1308648 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 11.10.2012, 03:46 Uhr[/url]"]Die Insider kaufen :up:
Insider Overview :: Cardero Resource Corp. (T:CDU)
» zur Grafik
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1307210#1307210 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 06.10.2012, 21:08 Uhr[/url]"]Cardero Resource - Fact Sheet - October 2012
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1269587#1269587 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 05.07.2012, 02:30 Uhr[/url]"]CDU - Kurzfristchart
» zur Grafik
CDU - Langfristchart
» zur Grafik

New Ubika Research Bulletin on the Strategic Investment by Stonehouse at the Abzu Gold Ltd. (TSXV: ABS) Nangodi Gold Project

TORONTO, Canada: Today Ubika Research has released a research bulletin on the Stonehouse Construction Pte Ltd. strategic investment in Nangodi gold project in Ghana of Abzu Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: ABS) (CVE: ABS), on which Abzu is earning an interest in pursuant to an option agreement with Kinross Gold (TSX: K) (NYSE: KGC).

To download the research bulletin please visit:

Abzu Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: ABS) (CVE: ABS) is a gold exploration and development company working in Ghana, Africa’s second largest gold producer and host to some of the world’s largest gold deposits. Abzu has invested several years developing local and national relationships, key to its strategic land position on more than 1,100 square kilometres of productive and highly sought gold belts.

Learn more- visit the Abzu Gold Investor Hub on Smallcappower.com to view the initiation research report, research bulletins, and analyst commentaries:

About Ubika Research
Ubika is an investment research and capital market services firm based in Toronto and Vancouver with a proven track record of identifying and launching coverage of high potential small cap stocks at an early stage, thus offering timely market insights. Its specialty is small-cap companies with a market capitalization of <$1 billion.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1306311#1306311 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 04.10.2012, 00:34 Uhr[/url]"]Abzu Gold Announces the Signing of its $2.5 Million Strategic Investment Proposal
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1304906#1304906 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 28.09.2012, 19:23 Uhr[/url]"]Abzu Gold Further Amends Non-Brokered Private Placement
1 Jahreschart
» zur Grafik
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1301230#1301230 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 19.09.2012, 03:33 Uhr[/url]"]Abzu Gold Announces Update to Stonehouse Investment Proposal
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1279556#1279556 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 27.07.2012, 03:34 Uhr[/url]"]4 Jahreschart
» zur Grafik

Indico Provides Update From Annual General Meeting

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 19, 2012) - Indico Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:IDI)(OTCQX:IDIFF) ("Indico" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the results from its annual general meeting of shareholders held on Thursday, October 18, 2012. At the meeting, the shareholders elected four new members to the Company's board of directors. The shareholders also re-appointed the current auditors, Smythe Ratcliffe, Chartered Accountants, and approved the renewal of the Company's Stock Option Plan.

Election of Directors

At the meeting, the Indico shareholders elected seven directors, including the following four new directors:

Patrick Evans - Mr. Evans is the President and CEO of Mountain Province Diamonds Inc. and Kennady Diamonds Inc. In 1999, he was appointed a Vice President of Placer Dome Inc. and a non-executive director of SouthernEra Resources Ltd. In 2001, he was appointed President and CEO of SouthernEra Resources Ltd. and Messina Limited. In 2004, he was appointed President, CEO and a director of Southern Platinum Corp., which was acquired by Lonmin Plc in June 2005. In September 2005, he was appointed President, CEO and a director of Weda Bay Minerals Inc., which was acquired by Eramet S.A. in May 2006. Mr. Evans was also the CEO and a director of Norsemont Mining Inc., which was acquired by HudBay Minerals Inc. in March 2011. He was also non-executive director of Anvil Mining Ltd. acquired by Minmetals in March 2011. Mr. Evans is currently a director of Pan Global Resources.

Mr. Evans is a graduate of the University of Cape Town where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1977 and Bachelor of Science degree in 1978. He is a resident of Arizona, USA. He was a career diplomat from 1979 to 1998.

Brian Kerzner - Mr. Kerzner has over 23 years of experience as a successful entrepreneur in retailing and real estate. Mr. Kerzner is the Founder and President of Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Canada Inc., which operates retail chocolate stores from coast to coast in Canada. He has also founded several other private companies that have completed extensive residential and commercial development in Toronto, Phoenix, Whistler and Vancouver. Mr. Kerzner has been extensively involved in providing seed capital for many successful public and private companies in the resources, environmental and technology sectors. He is also a member of the BC Children's Hospital Circle of Care and is actively involved in many other charitable organizations.

Mr. Kerzner is an Honours graduate of the University of Toronto Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) program and was a Director of Norsemont Mining Inc.

David Savage - Mr. Savage has held senior executive roles in the construction industry in Australia, Asia and the Middle East for more than 25 years. From 1988 until March 2011, Mr. Savage was a senior executive with the Leighton Group of Companies, Australia's largest construction and project development group. Mr. Savage is Chairman of Stonehouse Construction Limited, a project development company based out of Singapore with activities in South East Asia, Central Asia and Africa and holds non-Executive Director positions with both Keller Group PLC, a ground engineering company listed on the London Stock Exchange and Mudajaya Corporation Berhad, a Malaysian construction conglomerate, listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange.

Mr. Savage holds a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Deakin University in Victoria, Australia.

Bob Parsons - Mr. Parsons is a Chartered Accountant and retired PricewaterhouseCoopers partner after a career spanning 34 years. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Mining Association and the International Affairs Committee of the Prospectors and developers Association of Canada. He has served on the boards of the PDAC (1985-2003), the Indonesian Mining Association, the Canada Indonesia Chamber of Commerce, the World Mines Ministries Forum, the Canadian Minerals Industry Federation, the Advisory Council of the Centre for Resource Studies at Queens University, and the Professional Advisory Board of the Government of Canada's Petroleum Monitoring Agency. He has previously served on the boards of several listed exploration companies. Mr. Parsons is an active independent consultant in developing countries, where he has advised nineteen governments on mineral policy matters.

The four new directors join Indico's CEO and President, Robert Baxter and current directors Henk van Alphen and Leonard Harris, all of whom were re-elected to the Board. These directors will all hold office until the next annual meeting of the Company. The new directors replaced Gary Freeman, Keith Henderson and Susannah Coille van Alphen.

"We are very pleased to welcome four outstanding new directors to the Indico Board," said Robert Baxter, CEO and President of Indico. "Their unique and extensive backgrounds will help guide the Company as it moves forward in advancing the Ocana property and closing on the proposed Maria Reyna acquisition. I would also like to take this opportunity on behalf of all shareholders to thank Gary Freeman, Keith Henderson and Susannah Coille van Alphen for their respective years of service as directors of Indico."

About Indico Resources Ltd.
Indico Resources Ltd. is a resource exploration company focused in the discovery and exploration of porphyry copper-gold deposits in South America. The Ocaña Porphyry Project is the Company's primary exploration project and is currently the main focus of exploration activities. In addition, the Company has reviewed multiple additional porphyry exploration projects and is in negotiation to acquire interests in additional porphyry exploration projects. For more information, please visit our website at www.indicoresources.com; follow us on Twitter: @indicoresources and Facebook: Indico Resources Ltd.

On behalf of Indico Resources Ltd.
Robert Baxter, President and Chief Executive Officer
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1310965#1310965 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 18.10.2012, 04:02 Uhr[/url]"]Indico Signs Binding MOU on the Maria Reyna Property
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1310459#1310459 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 16.10.2012, 22:39 Uhr[/url]"]Indico Appoints Dean Linden as Manager, Corporate Develoment
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1309941#1309941 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 15.10.2012, 18:17 Uhr[/url]"]Copper Porphyry Deposits - Factsheet | Indico Resources Ltd. - Mon Oct 15, 2012
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1302593#1302593 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 22.09.2012, 04:49 Uhr[/url]"]1 Jahreschart
» zur Grafik
22. Oktober 2012

Nach 30 Jahren: Queensland hebt Verbot der Uranproduktion auf

Der australische Bundesstaat Queensland wird einen jahrzehntelangen Bann der Uranproduktion schon bald aufheben.



Daniel Gros - Warum Europa mit dem Fracking warten sollte

In Amerika ist bereits ein Frackingboom ausgebrochen. Kritiker fragen, warum Europa sich diesem Trend verschließt und plädieren für ein stärkeres Engagement. Daniel Groß widerspricht diesen Forderungen: Aus gutem Grund warten die europäischen Entscheidungsträger damit, die Schiefergasvorkommen auszubeuten.

von Daniel Gros

22. Oktober 2012

Schwäche des US-Dollars erwartet: HSBC hebt Goldpreisziele für 2013 und 2014 an

Die Analysten der HSBC erwarten, dass sich die Rallye des Goldpreises bis in das kommende Jahr fortsetzen wird. Unterstützung solle nach Ansicht der Experten von einer soliden Investmentnachfrage und den hohen Rohstoffpreisen kommen.


CDU-Politiker dürfen Goldreserven nicht sehen

Schon lange wird über die Goldreserven der Bundesbank spekuliert. Niemand hat sie je vollständig gesehen. Zwei Bundestagsabgeordnete wollten das ändern – und sind mit ihrem Wunsch gescheitert.

Die Bundesbank verweigert den Bundestagsabgeordneten Philipp Mißfelder und Marco Wanderwitz (beide CDU) die Besichtigung der in Paris und London gelagerten deutschen Goldbestände.

Wie die "Bild" berichtet, hat sich Bundesbank-Vorstand Carl-Ludwig Thiele in einem Brief an die beiden Abgeordneten gewandt. Darin heißt es, die Zentralbanken in Paris und London verfügten nicht über geeignete Räume für Besuche.

Nur ein kleiner Teil der Goldreserven lagert in Deutschland

Große Teile der deutschen Goldreserven von insgesamt 3.400 Tonnen im Wert von mehr als 150 Milliarden Euro lagern im Ausland, nur ein kleiner Teil bei der Bundesbank in Frankfurt am Main.

Mißfelder, außenpolitischer Sprecher der Unionsfraktion, hatte im Februar die deutschen Goldbestände bei der Federal Reserve Bank in New York besichtigt und dies nun auch in London und Paris tun wollen.

Hintergrund ist die massive Kritik von Bilanzexperten und vom Bundesrechnungshof an der Lagerung der deutschen Goldreserven im Ausland.

Montag, 22. Oktober 2012

Bundesrechnungshof will's wissen

Gibt es die deutschen Goldreserven?

Die Bundesbank soll - nach den USA - die zweitgrößten Goldreserven der Welt besitzen. Genau wisse das niemand, sagen Kritiker und Verschwörungstheoretiker unisono, denn die Reserven werden nicht nur in der Bundesbank sondern auch an drei Lagerstellen im Ausland verwahrt. Dort, so moniert der Rechnungshof, sind sie aber noch nie auf "Echtheit und Gewicht" geprüft worden.

Der Bundesrechnungshof hat von der Bundesbank eine genaue Bestandsaufnahme der riesigen Goldreserven im Ausland sowie regelmäßige Kontrollen gefordert. Die Bestände sollten in bestimmten Zeitabständen mit einer Stichprobeninventur vor Ort erfasst werden, mahnen die Rechnungsprüfer in einem Bericht an den Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestages an, der bekanntwurde. Sie begründen dies mit dem "hohen Wert der Goldbestände".

October 22, 2012

Zinc Mines Are Closing Down - Good News for Zinc Stocks



Insider Overview :: Corvus Gold Inc. (T:KOR)



Oct 19/12 Oct 18/12 Pontius, Jeffrey A. Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 2,100 $1.30
Oct 17/12 Oct 17/12 Mai, Quentin Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $1.36
Oct 17/12 Oct 17/12 Mai, Quentin Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $1.39
Oct 17/12 Oct 17/12 Mai, Quentin Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $1.37
Oct 17/12 Oct 17/12 Mai, Quentin Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,900 $1.34
Sep 27/12 Sep 27/12 Mai, Quentin Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 4,400 $1.14
Sep 27/12 Sep 26/12 Mai, Quentin Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $1.14
Sep 25/12 Sep 25/12 Mai, Quentin Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 15,000 $1.14
Sep 25/12 Sep 25/12 Mai, Quentin Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $1.17
Sep 26/12 Sep 21/12 Carriere, Daniel Anthony Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 83,200 $1.00

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1310487#1310487 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 17.10.2012, 04:47 Uhr[/url]"]Corvus Gold - Corporate Presentation - October 15, 2012
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1310456#1310456 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 16.10.2012, 22:30 Uhr[/url]"]IIROC Trading Halt - KOR (all issues)
Corvus Gold Arranges Non-Brokered Private Placement
Oct. 16, 2012
IIROC Trade Resumption - KOR
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1309570#1309570 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 13.10.2012, 21:11 Uhr[/url]"]Corvus Gold is Firing on All Cylinders
An update on Corvus Gold with Corvus founder and CEO Jeff Pontius.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1265219#1265219 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 25.06.2012, 02:25 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik


Vorstellung Corvus Gold



[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1312545#1312545 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 23.10.2012, 03:16 Uhr[/url]"]Insider Overview :: Corvus Gold Inc. (T:KOR)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1310487#1310487 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 17.10.2012, 04:47 Uhr[/url]"]Corvus Gold - Corporate Presentation - October 15, 2012
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1310456#1310456 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 16.10.2012, 22:30 Uhr[/url]"]IIROC Trading Halt - KOR (all issues)
Corvus Gold Arranges Non-Brokered Private Placement
Oct. 16, 2012
IIROC Trade Resumption - KOR
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1265219#1265219 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 25.06.2012, 02:25 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik

Indico Announces Granting of Stock Options

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 22, 2012) - Indico Resources Ltd. ("Indico" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:IDI)(OTCQX:IDIFF) announces the granting of incentive stock options to certain of its directors, officers and consultants to purchase up to an aggregate of 2,750,000 common shares in its capital stock at a price of $0.24 per share, exercisable for a period of two years.

About Indico Resources Ltd.
Indico is a resource exploration company focused in the discovery and exploration of porphyry copper-gold deposits in South America. The Ocaña Porphyry Project is the Company's primary exploration project and is currently the main focus of exploration activities. In addition, the Company has reviewed multiple additional porphyry exploration projects and is in negotiation to acquire interests in additional porphyry exploration projects. For more information, please visit our website at www.indicoresources.com; follow us on Twitter: @indicoresources and Facebook: Indico Resources Ltd.

On behalf of Indico Resources Ltd.
Robert Baxter, President and Chief Executive Officer
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1312115#1312115 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 21.10.2012, 02:41 Uhr[/url]"]Indico Provides Update From Annual General Meeting
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1310965#1310965 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 18.10.2012, 04:02 Uhr[/url]"]Indico Signs Binding MOU on the Maria Reyna Property
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1310459#1310459 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 16.10.2012, 22:39 Uhr[/url]"]Indico Appoints Dean Linden as Manager, Corporate Develoment
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ixilon. schrieb am 22.09.2012, 04:49 Uhr[/url]"]1 Jahreschart
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Mining Stocks Now Provide Bargain Trade Opportunities: Florian Siegfried


Source: Zig Lambo of The Gold Report (10/22/12)

Florian Siegfried Many precious metals mining stocks are now trading at bargain prices but the old "buy and hold" strategy no longer applies in this fluid market environment, says Florian Siegfried, CEO of Precious Capital AG. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Siegfried says investors need to do their homework and pick their entry and exit points carefully as he names some undervalued opportunities he expects to provide above-average returns in the next market run-up.

K+S-Aktie: Gewinnrückgang dürfte nicht von Dauer sein


Berlin (www.aktiencheck.de) - Die Experten von "Fuchsbriefe" raten, die K+S-Aktie (ISIN DE000KSAG888 / WKN KSAG88) bei 33,50 Euro zu kaufen.

China wolle angeblich wieder verstärkt in Eisenerzproduzenten investieren. Mit einem im September neu aufgelegten Konjunkturprogramm in Höhe von umgerechnet 124 Mrd. Euro solle in rohstoffintensive Projekte wie Autobahnen, Häfen und Eisenbahnen investiert werden. Außerdem könnten weitere Konjunkturprogramme folgen. Denn kurz vor dem bevorstehenden Machtwechsel in China wolle die Regierung ein zu geringes Wirtschaftswachstum vermeiden.

Viele der großen Minenkonzerne seien aktuell mit einstelligen KGVs bewertet. Und charttechnisch seien sie kurz davor, wichtige Widerstandslinien zu überwinden. Insgesamt sähen die Experten eine interessante Einstiegsgelegenheit in die Aktien der Bergbauunternehmen und Anleger sollten vor allem auf Marktführer mit China-Fantasie setzen.

Die K+S-Aktie sei für antizyklische Anleger interessant. Der Titel hinke dem Gesamtmarkt hinterher und weise auch gegenüber dem DAX eine Underperformance auf. Während das Unternehmen bisher in diesem Jahr mit Kalidünger sehr gut verdient habe, sei der Gewinn in der Salzsparte in H1'2012 zusammengeschmolzen. Da es zu Beginn des Jahres kaum geschneit habe, seien die Streusalz-Lager der Gemeinden prall gefüllt.

Die Experten würden prognostizieren, dass in diesem Jahr bei K+S der Nettogewinn aus dem fortgeführten Geschäft um 14% zurückgehen dürfte. Unterstelle man in 2013 eine Normalisierung der Lage, würden sie dann wieder einen Gewinn je Aktie von 3,40 Euro für möglich halten. Zusätzlich sorge die Erschließung neuer Kali-Vorkommen in Kanada für viel Fantasie.

Bevor man in die K+S-Aktie einsteige, sollte man die Quartalszahlen abwarten, welche am 13.11.2012 publiziert würden. Alternativ könne ein Abstauberlimit platziert werden.

Die Experten von "Fuchsbriefe" empfehlen, die K+S-Aktie bei 33,50 Euro zu kaufen. Das Kursziel sähen sie bei 44,69 Euro und ein Stopp sollte bei 30,50 Euro platziert werden. (Ausgabe 42 vom 18.10.2012) (19.10.2012/ac/a/d)


Silber: Ende der Konsolidierung eingeläutet

In dieser Ausgabe des Rohstoffmonitors dreht sich alles um Silber. Der Preis des Edelmetalls befindet sich seit der jüngsten Aufwärtsrallye nach wie vor in einem kurzfristigen Konsolidierungsmodus. "Das ist aber auch nicht verwunderlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass der Preis bis auf 35 US-Dollar je Feinunze gestiegen ist", so Thorsten Proettel, Rohstoff-Experte bei der LBBW. Eine kleine Verschnaufpause sei also durchaus angebracht. Wie Thorsten Proettel Silber auf lange Sicht einschätzt, erfahren Sie in diesem Rohstoffmonitor!

Im April 2011 hatte der Silberpreis bei 50,00 US-Dollar sein 31-Jahres-Hoch erreicht. Seitdem befindet sich das Edelmetall in einem ausgedehnten Konsolidierungsmodus mit starken Schwankungen. "Dieser starke und schnelle Anstieg von 18,00 US-Dollar im August 2010 bis auf 50,00 US-Dollar im April 2011, das war einfach zu viel des Guten", so Thorsten Proettel. Der Markt sei nach wie vor dabei diesen Preisanstieg zu verdauen. Aus charttechnischer Perspektive könnte sich allerdings bald ein Ende der Konsolidierung ankündigen. Auf welche Marken es dabei ankommt und wie der Experte Silber und auch Gold fundamental einschätzt, sehen Sie im Video!

DAF-Video: http://www.daf.fm/video/silber-ende-der-konsolidierung-eingelaeutet-50158015.html
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