• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
04.11. 09:05

Edelmetallmesse München 2012: Bilder, Meinungen, Impressionen

Die Internationale Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmesse 2012 in München ist vorbei. Sie ist die größte Edelmetallmesse Europas. Ich war beide Tage draussen, um Interviews mit der Kamera zu machen. Hier ein paar Impressionen. Die Interviews werde ich in den kommenden Tagen Schritt für Schritt auf Youtube veröffentlichen.

ThyssenKrupp-Aktie: Stahldivision wird anderes Gesicht haben

J.P. Morgan Cazenove

London ( www.aktiencheck.de ) - Alessandro Abate, Analyst von J.P. Morgan Cazenove, stuft die Aktie von ThyssenKrupp unverändert mit "overweight" ein.

ThyssenKrupp Uhde habe von CF Industries einen Großauftrag über die Planung und Lieferung von Düngemittelanlagen an den Standorten Port Neal (Iowa) und Donaldsonville (Louisiana) in den USA erhalten.

Nach einem Verkauf von Steel Americas werde die Stahldivision ein anderes Gesicht haben. 50% des Verkaufserlöses dürften für den Schuldenabbau verwendet werden und die anderen 50% zur Unterstützung des Wachstum der Technology-Sparte. Material Services dürfte als nächstes auf der Verkaufsliste stehen, sobald sich Gelegenheiten bieten würden.

Eine Aufspaltung des Unternehmens in zwei verschiedene Asset-Klassen dürfte zu höheren Bewertungsmultiplen führen (Kapitalgüter vs. Stahl).

Das Votum der Analysten von J.P. Morgan Cazenove für die ThyssenKrupp-Aktie bleibt bei "overweight". (Analyse vom 05.11.12)

Moin :)

@ Steines :friends:

6. November 2012

Trotz schwachen ersten Halbjahres: World Gold Council erwartet Anstieg der indischen Goldnachfrage zum Jahresende

Der World Gold Council (WGC), die Marktentwicklungsorganisation der Goldbranche, geht davon aus, dass die indische Goldnachfrage 2012 bei rund 800 Tonnen liegen wird. Im Vorjahr lag die Goldnachfrage auf dem Subkontinent noch bei 933 Tonnen.

6. November 2012

Auf der Suche: China und die Goldakquisitionen

China hat ein Problem. Es konsumiert mehr Gold, als es produziert. Chinesische Unternehmen suchen nach einer passenden Lösung.

Junior Mine 2012

Must survive before you can thrive

Review and analysis of the Top 100 mining companies on TSXV

Aussie Mine November 2012

Staying the cource

Welcome to the 6th edition of Aussie Mine – Staying the
Course. This report focuses on the annual results of the
largest 50 mining companies listed on the Australian Stock
Exchange with a market capitalisation of less than $5 billion
at 30 June 2012 (the mid-tier 50).

Björn Junker • 5. November 2012

Ernst & Young

Australiens Bergbaufirmen noch immer attraktive Übernahmeziele

Das Volumen und der Wert der Fusionen und Akquisitionen im australischen Bergbausektor sind in den ersten neun Monaten 2012 gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 17 bzw. 50% gefallen. Das zeigen Daten der Experten von Ernst & Young.

Wie die Untersuchungen des Beratungsunternehmens zeigen, wurden von Januar bis Ende September rund 167 Mio. Transaktionen mit einem Gesamtwert von 14 Mrd. Dollar abgeschlossen. In den ersten drei Quartalen 2011 wurden noch Deals mit einem Wert von 28,2 Mrd. Dollar vollzogen.

Mergers, acquisitions and capital raising in the mining and metals sector — 9M 2012


Trevali Closes Acquisition of Maple Minerals to Acquire Modern 3,000 Tonne-Per-Day Caribou Mill Complex and Mine in New Brunswick

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 5, 2012) - Trevali Mining Corporation ("Trevali" or the "Company") (TSX:TV)(TSX:TV.WT)(OTCQX:TREVF)(LMA:TV)(FRANKFURT:4TI) is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of Maple Minerals Corporation ("Maple"), a private New Brunswick incorporated company, that owns the 3,000 tonne-per-day Caribou mill and mine complex located in the Bathurst Mining Camp of northern New Brunswick (herein, the "Transaction").

Pursuant to the terms of a combination agreement dated May 14, 2012, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Trevali, Trevali Mining (New Brunswick) Ltd., and Maple have amalgamated in a three cornered amalgamation with Trevali, and Trevali has issued to the former shareholders of Maple 20,000,010 common shares of Trevali and 3,999,986 common share purchase warrants with each warrant exercisable at $2.00 per share for one year following the closing date ("Closing") of the Transaction. Based on the closing price of Trevali on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") on November 2, 2012, the Transaction implies an acquisition price of approximately $22 million for Maple. Trevali shares issued under the Transaction are subject to a lock-up agreement and the former principal shareholders of Maple receiving Trevali shares are also subject to voting support and stand-still agreements (see Transaction Details).

"We are extremely pleased to complete the acquisition of this highly strategic asset as we continue to consolidate our position within the Bathurst Mining Camp. The modern Caribou Mill provides Trevali with a cost-effective, fast-track milling solution for our New Brunswick operating unit, and it positions the Company to maximize shareholder value in light of anticipated near-term global zinc deficits," stated Dr. Mark Cruise, Trevali's President and CEO. "We look forward to continued positive relationships with the Province of New Brunswick and our Mi'gmag First Nation partners in order to expand Trevali's operations in a timely and responsible manner. As stated previously, subject to receipt of all necessary approvals and permits, Trevali is confident that it can quickly provide an additional 120-150 initial full-time employment positions in a short-timeframe as well as expand upon our very successful First Nations Underground Core Mining Training Program. Medium-to-longer term, the Company hopes to be in a position to provide 400-450 full-time positions within the region."

- Provides Trevali with a modern, state-of-the-art 3,000 tonne-per-day processing plant (that will produce zinc, lead and copper concentrates) and includes a metallurgical and geochemical laboratory and permitted tailings treatment facility (Figures 1 and 2).
- Addition of a former producing mine with significant underground development workings and historic resources that can be rapidly and cost effectively brought on-line. The deposit remains open for expansion and Trevali classifies the upside potential as good to excellent: the deepest underground intercept to date returned 34.77 metres at 7.22% zinc, 2.69% lead, 0.25% copper, 76.8 g/t silver and 2.19 g/t gold.
- Very significant financial, technical and timing advantages/de-risk versus permitting and building a new stand-alone milling complex for the Company's Halfmile and Stratmat deposits.
- Preferable from a social and sustainability perspective - near-term creation of an additional 120-150 full-time employment positions, establishing Trevali as one of the larger employers in northern New Brunswick, and utilization of a working brown-field industrial site versus a green-field site.
- Due to superior quality of the Halfmile-Stratmat mineralization (coarser mineralogy with good metallurgical characteristics), modeling of the mill grinding circuit indicates it is readily modifiable to produce saleable zinc, lead (silver) and copper (gold) concentrates.
- Near optimal timing from a production scheduling perspective for the Company to benefit from predicted significant zinc deficits as Brunswick 12 shuts-down followed by closures of several other globally significant marque zinc producers in Europe, Africa and Austral-Asia.
- Further strengthens and confirms Trevali's position as a near-term intermediate zinc producer.

To view Figure 1, please visit the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/trefig1.pdf .

A 2006 historic resource estimate by the previous operator at Caribou tabled significant resources in the deposit (Table 1). Trevali plans to undertake an updated National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) compliant resource estimate for the Caribou polymetallic deposit in early 2013.


*Note: The Company cautions that although the 2006 resource estimate was calculated under NI 43-101 regulations, it is not treating such estimates as a current resource under NI 43-101. Investors are further cautioned that a qualified person has not yet completed sufficient work to be able to verify the historical resource estimates, and therefore such historic resource estimates should not be relied upon.

Between 2006 and 2007, the previous operator of the Caribou mill and mine complex invested approximately $100-to-120 million in a major overhaul and modernization of the processing plant and mine infrastructure (effectively new state-of-the-art milling and grinding circuits - Isa Mills and On-Stream analysers to optimize recoveries) (Figure 1). The mine operated for approximately 13 months prior to going into receivership in 2008 due to depressed commodity prices and adverse global financial conditions.

Immediately prior to shut down, mill records indicate recoveries of 71% Pb and 83% Zn to produce saleable concentrates. Historically no copper concentrates were produced, which represents additional near-term upside as Trevali intends to add a copper circuit to the processing plant.

Trevali believes that the historically defined deposit contains excellent exploration potential and production can be fast-tracked to provide additional mill-feed (and employment opportunities). Specific upside includes:

- Historically defined deposit remains open along strike and at depth;

- Silver and gold may be under-estimated by up to 20-30% as there was no routine precious metal analysis in historic drill holes; and

- Significant copper 'feeder' zones were not mined due to lack of a copper circuit. A historic non- NI 43-101 resource** for one such near-surface zone suggests that it could contain 2.5 million tonnes at 0.89% copper, 3.2% zinc, 1% lead and 40 g/t silver within which significant higher grade zones occur.

**The Company cautions again, however, that the foregoing is historical in nature and that more work is required in order to define a NI 43-101 resource. As previously stated, Trevali plans to undertake an updated NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the Caribou polymetallic deposit in early 2013.

To view Figure 2, please visit the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/trefig2.pdf .

In order to facilitate the closing of the Maple transaction, Trevali and Sprott Resource Lending Partnership ("Sprott") have amended the $10-million bridge-loan credit facility agreement announced on August 15, 2012, increasing it to $16-million under similar terms. The additional proceeds were used to redeem Maple's $6 million debenture issued earlier this year to Breakwater Resources Ltd. (Nyrstar). In connection with Sprott's advance of an additional $6 million to Trevali, Sprott received a $60,000 structuring fee and 158,127 common shares as a bonus.

Trevali and RMB Resources continue to make progress on securing a $60-million senior, corporate-level debt facility in order to support the Caribou Mill re-start. It is anticipated that upon completion of such a senior-debt facility, that Trevali will repay the $16 million Sprott bridge credit facility in full.

As previously announced, since May 14, 2012, the date Trevali and Maple executed the Combination Agreement, Trevali has, through a transition services agreement, managed the Caribou Mine operations. This has included Trevali providing Maple with equity advances in the amount of approximately $3,943,800 through the end of October, 2012 to enable Maple to meet its financial obligations for the Caribou Mine as such obligations fell due prior to Closing. In addition, on Closing, Trevali has (subject to certain limitations set forth in the transaction documents) agreed to assume all other financial (including short-term, non-interest bearing debt in the principal amount of $729,972 USD) and other obligations of Maple in relation to the Caribou mine and mill complex. Such other obligations include a legal claim (the "Claim") commenced in New Brunswick in May 2012 by two plaintiffs (Margaret Kent and Ross F. Burns) against Maple and certain of its principals. In the Claim, the plaintiffs claim, among other things, a 24.5% interest in Maple and/or its underlying assets. Trevali and Maple, including Maple's former principals who are named defendants, believe that the Claim is without merit and plan to defend the matter vigorously. On Closing of the Transaction, a finder's fee of 2% is payable to an arms-length third party.

The majority shareholder of Maple, MMC Holding - a private limited company incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ("MMC"), has entered into a voting support and standstill agreement (herein, the "Lock-Up Agreement") pursuant to which, among other things, MMC has agreed to support, for a period of one year from Closing, the Company's Board nominees and has further agreed to restrictions on the disposition of certain of the Trevali common shares issuable to MMC at Closing. Furthermore, pursuant to the Lock-Up Agreement, MMC has agreed not to acquire any additional Trevali common shares (other than through the exercise of warrants issued to MMC at Closing) for a period of 2 years from Closing, without the consent of Trevali. In addition, under the Lock-Up Agreement, MMC has agreed not to (and to cause any transferee of its shares not to) dispose more than 10% of its shareholdings through the facilities of any stock exchange on which Trevali's common shares are listed for a period of one year from Closing. The shares issued to MMC on Closing contain a four month and one day statutory resale restriction. MMC has also agreed to guarantee the representations and warranties given by Maple under the Combination Agreement and, to this end, has escrowed 20% of its Trevali shares (namely 3,967,399 common shares) received at Closing in support of its guarantee.

Upon completion of the Transaction, Trevali has 197,098,695 common shares issued and outstanding with the current shareholders of Maple now holding approximately 10.15% of the common shares of Trevali.

The Company continues to work closely with the Province of New Brunswick in respect to securing an environmental liability sharing agreement in form and substance similar to that enjoyed by previous operators of the Caribou Mine.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1306596#1306596 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 04.10.2012, 14:53 Uhr[/url]"]Trevali Appoints Mr. David Huberman to Board of Directors
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1304435#1304435 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 27.09.2012, 19:16 Uhr[/url]"]Raymond James Ltd.
Target Price (6-12 mths) C$1.85
» zur Grafik» zur Grafik
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1298993#1298993 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 13.09.2012, 03:35 Uhr[/url]"]2 Jahreschart
» zur Grafik

Trevali Enters Into a US$20-Million Working Capital Facility With Glencore International for Santander Mine

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 6, 2012) - Trevali Mining Corporation ("Trevali" or the "Company") (TSX:TV)(TSX:TV.WT)(OTCQX:TREVF)(LMA:TV)(FRANKFURT:4TI) announces it has arranged a US$20-million working capital facility from development partner Glencore International A.G. ("Glencore"). The working capital facility is to cover short-term capital and cash management needs at the Company's 100%-controlled Santander Zinc-Lead-Silver Mine in Peru during the upcoming commissioning/ramp-up phase and in ongoing operations.

The secured working capital facility is payable over a 4-year period following commercial production at the Santander Mill and bears an interest rate of LIBOR +5%. It may be pre-paid at any stage without penalty. The working capital facility has been provided by way of a first addendum to the Company's Framework Agreement for the Development and Operation of the Santander Project.

The Company also wishes to announce that it has entered into a concentrate off-take agreement with Glencore for future metal concentrates produced from the Company's Caribou operation located in the Bathurst Mining Camp of New Brunswick.

"Through this ongoing support from Glencore, one of our largest shareholders and Santander Mine development partner, we are pleased to establish this working capital facility as our Santander operation approaches production; and additionally to expand our business relationship and further de-risk and streamline our New Brunswick development plans," stated Dr. Mark Cruise, Trevali's President and CEO. "Securing a long-term concentrate sales agreement with Glencore, the world's largest commodity trader, is a major vote of confidence in the potential of Trevali's Caribou mine, the management team and our growth vision for the Bathurst Mining Camp in New Brunswick."

Trevali is a zinc-focused base metals development company with operations in Canada and Peru - the Halfmile and Santander mines respectively. In Canada, Trevali owns the Halfmile zinc-lead-silver mine, the Caribou mine and mill, and Stratmat polymetallic deposit all located in the Bathurst Mining Camp of northern New Brunswick. The Company also has the past-producing Ruttan copper-zinc mine in northern Manitoba. Initial trial production from the Halfmile mine was successfully undertaken in 2012 and underground development is ramping up to achieve a planned production rate of approximately 3,000-tonnes-per-day to feed planned operations at the Company's Caribou Mill Complex in 2013.

In Peru, the Company has the Santander zinc-lead-silver mine and the former-producing Huampar silver mine, both located in the Central Peruvian Polymetallic Belt. Mine commissioning is anticipated to commence at the Santander operation in Q4-2012 with ramp up to full 2,000-tonnes-per-day production in 2013. Additionally through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Trevali Renewable Energy Inc., Trevali plans to undertake a significant upgrade of its wholly-owned Tingo run-of-river hydroelectric generating facility to allow, in addition to supplying power to the Santander mining operation, the potential sale of surplus power into the Peruvian National Energy Grid.

The common shares of Trevali are listed on the TSX (symbol TV), the OTCQX (symbol TREVF) and on the Lima Stock Exchange (symbol TV). Warrants to purchase common shares of Trevali are listed on the TSX (symbol TV.WT). For further details on Trevali, readers are referred to the Company's web site ( www.trevali.com ) and to Canadian regulatory filings on SEDAR at www.sedar.com .

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of
Mark D. Cruise, President
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1317593#1317593 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 07.11.2012, 02:15 Uhr[/url]"]Trevali Closes Acquisition of Maple Minerals to Acquire Modern 3,000 Tonne-Per-Day Caribou Mill Complex and Mine in New Brunswick
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1306596#1306596 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 04.10.2012, 14:53 Uhr[/url]"]Trevali Appoints Mr. David Huberman to Board of Directors
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1304435#1304435 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 27.09.2012, 19:16 Uhr[/url]"]Raymond James Ltd.
Target Price (6-12 mths) C$1.85
» zur Grafik» zur Grafik
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1298993#1298993 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 13.09.2012, 03:35 Uhr[/url]"]2 Jahreschart
» zur Grafik
The following list of companies is comprised of all the components of the XAU, HUI, GOX, JSE Gold, and TSX Gold indexes.

Mittwoch, 07.11.2012, 05:18

Barack Obama gewinnt US-Präsidentschaftswahl

Bei der US-Präsidentenwahl siegt Amtsinhaber Barack Obama nach Berechnungen der TV-Sender NBC und CNN auch in den Swing States Iowa und Ohio. Damit liegt er uneinholbar vorne.
US-Präsident Barack Obama ist nach Angaben von US-Sendern wiedergewählt. Der Demokrat erhielt am Mittwoch (Ortszeit) die nötige Mehrheit der Wahlmänner. Obama hatte sich bis zuletzt ein knappes Rennen mit Herausforderer Mitt Romney geliefert.

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