• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
8) 8) @dukezero - bei Aurelian war es ja gestern auch Extrem - sehr gute Resultate dann hoch über 7 und dann der Intradayabsturz auf unter 6............... :gruebel:
gibts schlechte Gerüchte über equador?
QUITO, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Ecuador's President Rafael Correa wants an upcoming special assembly on rewriting the constitution to forbid open pit mining and to prevent drilling in biologically rich areas, said the government's top candidate for the body.

Alberto Acosta, Correa's pick to lead the campaign to win a majority in the Sept. 30 vote for assembly seats, said reforms are needed to protect the country's ecology from the nascent mining industry.

"Ideally, I would prefer to stop all large-scale mining," Acosta, a former energy and mines minister who quit to run for the assembly, told Reuters. "But at least by stopping open pit mining, we can protect our natural wealth."

Correa, a former economy minister promising broad reforms to curb traditional parties, has put his political future on the line and vowed to quit if his supporters fail to clinch a majority in the assembly to overhaul the constitution.

The leftist president's chances of securing a majority are slim as experts warn that the proportional method for assigning seats could lead to a fragmented 130-member assembly.

Acosta said he plans amendments to forbid any mining in areas close to water sources and where local communities prohibit extraction of precious metals.

"We will set a criteria to review mining concessions... and take back some of them," Acosta said without giving any more details. "We will also talk about introducing royalties."

Ecuador lacks significant production of precious metals, but Canadian companies such as Corriente Resources (CTQ.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) (ETQ.A: Quote, Profile, Research), Iamgold Corp (IMG.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) and Aurelian Resources Resources Inc (ARU.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) are exploring for gold and copper.

Mining companies don't pay royalties to the government, but instead an annual ownership fee.

Deputy Mining Minister Jose Serrano, who in July replaced an environmentalist in the job, has started a review of concessions in the southern province of Azuay.

Environmentalists and villagers have clashed with miners to demand the government take back mining concessions they say damage local communities.

Diese press release ist gelinde gesagt bullshit ! Der journalist named Soto ist ein bekannter gruener Aktivist - das interview ist alt da Acosta NICHT mehr mining minister ist und von Correira gefeuert wurde !!! Correira wird kurzfristig nach Aussage von Corriente and Aurelian Resources Stellung zu diesen Unsinn nehmen - dies ist noch einmal eine klare Kaufgelegenheit !
GrafDago WO
Auch noch zu Corriente + Aurelian: Bezieht sich auf die darunterstehenden Meldungen.

Ein Analyst von Paradigm hat via e-mail alle verrueckt gemacht - keiner hat auf die Schnelle gesehen wie alt das sein muss - das zeigt wie nervoes die Maerkte nach wie vor sind ! Wir erwarten ebenfalls die scooping study out of Panantza die in den Buechern der Analysten bisher keine Beruecksichtung gefunden haben - weitere 6,7 Mrd. Pfund Kupfer - GESAMT reden wir in allen Kategorien von 26.6 Mrd. Pfund Kupfer und 4,5Mio Unzen Gold - wenn die politische Unsicherheit endlich mal vorbei waere steht unser Titel sicher nicht mehr bei 4$ - im Moment werden wir mit 1cent/pound bewertet - Peru Copper, Katanga sowie Aur bekamen 4-5cent pro Pfund an reserves im Boden !!!
Grenville Gold Corp: Opportunity Show features Grenville Gold
Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, FSC, Aug 23, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Grenville Gold Corp (GVG - TSX Venture, GVLGF - OTCBB_Pink_Sheets), (ISIN CA 3977181070/WKN: A0KELU) ("Grenville" or "the Company")

CEO, A. Paul Gill, was recently interviewed by Opportunity Show host Troy Duran regarding a wide range of topics from the current stock market conditions and the recent earthquake in Peru to the development of company's properties in that country. Also, Opportunity Show Producer Ellis Martin toured the Silveria Project with Grenville CEO A. Paul Gill during recent visit to Peru.

"There is considerable interest in Grenville right now and I felt it was appropriate to have a method of directly responding to questions asked by shareholders on the progress of our company," stated A. Paul Gill, President & CEO, "We want to make sure shareholders take the time to listen in and understand the scope of the Silveria Project and our strategy to re-start production from this area."

About The Opportunity Show

The Opportunity Show www.theopportunityshow.com is a weekly radio program broadcast in several key US markets featuring potentially undervalued small cap or micro cap companies. The program has also been a forum primarily for mineral, resource and energy companies or other industries wanting broad based investment from around the United States. A pod cast of the latest radio interview featuring Mr. Gill is available for review on the homepage of The Opportunity Show's website.

About Grenville Gold Corporation

Grenville Gold (www.grenvillegoldcorp.com) is a junior resource company seeking prospective properties in Peru and Ecuador. The company has three subsidiaries: 90% owned Inversiones Mineras Alexander S.A.C. in Peru which owns the Silveria Property which has a resource target of 40-100 ounces of Silver, Espanola Property and the Chorobal Property, Minera MineGreville S.A. in Ecuador which owns 100% of the approximately 56,250 Ha Rio de Oro Project and has an option to acquire the La Tigrera Project, and Parkman Diamond Corp. in Ontario, Canada which owns the Parkman Diamond Prospect. Grenville Gold plans to leverage the experience of its Board and Management in exploration and mining to develop its growth strategy in North and South America.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

"Tom Thomsen" Investor Relations Ph. (604) 669-8842 info@grenvillegold.com

"Ellis Martin" Executive Producer The Opportunity Show Ph. (310) 601-7267 opportunityshow@yahoo.com
:danke: Danke Dukezero!!!!

welchen der beiden Werte würdest du bevorzugen?
hallo leute,

wie findet ihr kobex auf aktuellem niveau??
der umsatz in der aktie macht mich etwas stutzig, da geht ja sehr wenig um!
verstehe nicht, warum der wert noch keinen rebound hingelegt hat.
gibt es da finanz. probleme?

danke für die info schonmal
hallo leute,

wie findet ihr kobex auf aktuellem niveau??
der umsatz in der aktie macht mich etwas stutzig, da geht ja sehr wenig um!
verstehe nicht, warum der wert noch keinen rebound hingelegt hat.
gibt es da finanz. probleme?

danke für die info schonmal

Gab gestern ein Update, ist hier und im Hotstockthread Kobex eingestellt. Neuer Internetauftritt,Thyssen
Mining vor Ort. Cash ist genug in der Kasse. Die Dinge laufen nach plan. Gefällt mir. Viel zu billig!!
hallo leute,

wie findet ihr kobex auf aktuellem niveau??
der umsatz in der aktie macht mich etwas stutzig, da geht ja sehr wenig um!
verstehe nicht, warum der wert noch keinen rebound hingelegt hat.
gibt es da finanz. probleme?

danke für die info schonmal

Gab gestern ein Update, ist hier und im Hotstockthread Kobex eingestellt. Neuer Internetauftritt,Thyssen
Mining vor Ort. Cash ist genug in der Kasse. Die Dinge laufen nach plan. Gefällt mir. Viel zu billig!!
"Kobex would also like to inform investors that it has been judicious in its protection of the capital it has on hand. The company has invested only in term deposits with chartered banks. As such the company has no exposure to inferior debt instruments."
hallo leute,

wie findet ihr kobex auf aktuellem niveau??
der umsatz in der aktie macht mich etwas stutzig, da geht ja sehr wenig um!
verstehe nicht, warum der wert noch keinen rebound hingelegt hat.
gibt es da finanz. probleme?

danke für die info schonmal

Gab gestern ein Update, ist hier und im Hotstockthread Kobex eingestellt. Neuer Internetauftritt,Thyssen
Mining vor Ort. Cash ist genug in der Kasse. Die Dinge laufen nach plan. Gefällt mir. Viel zu billig!!
"Kobex would also like to inform investors that it has been judicious in its protection of the capital it has on hand. The company has invested only in term deposits with chartered banks. As such the company has no exposure to inferior debt instruments."

Die Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Geschichten, werden in Kanada bis dato wesentlich entspannter
gesehen. Habe ja alle Infos zu Coventree und auch Analysten Einschätzungen hier reingestellt.
Southern ARC ist ja hiervon aus Fischies Basket betroffen. Gestern keine grosse reaktion im Kurs.
Wie sagte dort jemand: Der Hund bellt, die Karawane zieht weiter.

Bleibe hier aber am Ball. Bis dato sind 5 Exlorer betroffen, die Laufzeiten der Papiere waren aber nur 30 Tage.
China's refined-copper imports in July jumped 65 percent from a year earlier, the Beijing-based customs office said today. BHP Billiton Ltd., the world's biggest mining company, said global demand for commodities remains strong, driven by China. Copper, used in pipes and wires, has risen fourfold in the past four years as demand outpaced supplies.
bei Candente stehen sofort 20k auf der Geldseite......
China's refined-copper imports in July jumped 65 percent from a year earlier, the Beijing-based customs office said today. BHP Billiton Ltd., the world's biggest mining company, said global demand for commodities remains strong, driven by China. Copper, used in pipes and wires, has risen fourfold in the past four years as demand outpaced supplies.
Silver Spruce Announces Results of Lake Sediment and Prospecting Surveys-Straits Property
- three lake sediment anomalies defined - values to 639 ppm U
- associated rock sample values to 0.26% (5.2 lbs / ton) U3O8

BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA, Aug 23, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SSE)(FRANKFURT:S6Q) is pleased to announce that it has received the results for lake sediment and prospecting surveys carried out on the Straits Property, located in southern Labrador, to the north of the Straits of Belle Isle.

A total of 219 lake sediment samples were acquired covering the entire claim group, including the 1,320 new claims announced in the news release of June 14, 2007. The mean value for the lake sediments is 28 ppm U, with the highest value, 639 ppm, located in the northeastern part of the group. Excellent correlation is shown with the more widely spaced government lake sediment values which prompted the original acquisition of the property.

Three anomalous areas are defined. The strongest, with values from 42 to 266 ppm U and a number greater than 100 ppm, is located in the central portion of the claim group, developed along a northeast trending structure with offsetting northwest trending structures, over a seven kilometre strike length. A total of 16 rock samples were taken from this area with nine giving values greater than 100 ppm. Two of the samples had values greater than 0.1% U3O8 and a high value of 0.16% U3O8. The WD showing is located within this anomaly. It is a cluster of large boulders of orthogneiss / paragneiss showing strong uranophane staining within a 600m to 800m long radiometric anomaly which gave values from 92 to 1,391 ppm (0.14%, 2.8 lbs/ton) U3O8, with three of four samples greater than 400 ppm.

A northeast trending zone in the northeastern part of the group gives values from 15.5 to 639 ppm U. This area includes the Henley Harbour area where an 800m to 1,100m radiometric anomaly gave values of 439 ppm and 384 ppm U3O8 from two rock samples. Host rocks are aplites, mafic intrusives (gabbros), gneisses and pegmatites.

In the western portion of the group, a linear, north-south trending zone gives values from 10.6 to 125 ppm. The LP showing, a large, irregular, pegmatite dike system which can be traced for a few hundred metres and which gives erratic values (10 samples), varying from 38 ppm to 2,650 ppm (0.26%, 5.2 lbs/ton) U3O8, with 6 samples greater than 100 ppm and two greater than 0.2% U3O8 is located in the northern portion of this area.

Prospecting (78 rock samples) was carried out on the original 896 claim (22,400 ha or 224 km2) block in follow up of the airborne survey carried out in 2006 on 21 airborne radiometric targets. The targets were selected on the basis of the 95th percentile of U/Th ratios (U minimum 14 ppm). Three areas of mineralization were defined giving 36 values greater than 100 ppm (0.01%) U3O8 including nine values greater than 500 ppm (0.05% or 1 lb/ton) and four values greater than 0.1% (2 lbs/ton), with a high value of 0.26% U3O8. Uranium / thorium ratios were good (minimum of 3 to 1) in most areas although some areas of high thorium values, with low U/Th ratios were located.

The rock and lake sediment samples were analysed at Actlabs in Ancaster ON, for U by delayed neutron counting (DNC) and an ICP technique for other elements including Th. This technique was the same technique used for the government lake sediment surveys which led to the staking of the properties. Results for the ICP for the lake sediments remain pending.

Lloyd Hillier, President and CEO of Silver Spruce, comments, "We continue to be impressed with the results of our surveys which indicate that significant, previously untested, uranium potential exists in this part of Labrador. We look forward to continued follow up and the delineation of a uranium resources."

Maps showing a plan map of the lake sediment and rock sample results, and a plan map for airborne targets are available on the company website at www.silverspruceresources.com.

This release has been approved by Peter Dimmell, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration, who is a Qualified Person (QP) as defined in National Instrument 43-101.


Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SSE)(FRANKFURT:S6Q) is a junior exploration company primarily focused on uranium in the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) and other areas of potential in Labrador, Canada. With interests in over 12,500 claims totaling approximately 3,100 square kilometres, Silver Spruce is one of the largest landholders in one of the world's premier emerging uranium districts. The large ground position, experienced partners, and strong financial backing, make Silver Spruce a leading uranium explorer.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Gordon Barnhill, CFO and Director.

The Company seeks Safe Harbour.

SOURCE: Silver Spruce Resources Inc.
Silver Spruce Resources Inc. - Head Office
Gordon Barnhill
CFO & Director
(902) 527-5700
(902) 527-5711 (FAX)
Email: gbarnhill@silverspruceresources.com
Website: www.silverspruceresources.com
Ascenta Capital Partners Inc.
Keir Reynolds
Investor Relations
(604) 684-4743 ext. 231 or Toll Free: 1-866-684-4743 ext. 23
Email: keir@ascentacapital.com
Website: www.ascentacapital.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

Den watche ich auch!! :evil:
8) 8) was haltet Ihr von diesem Wert?:

Capstone Mining (TSX: CS ; FFM: OUW)


-Produzent in Mexiko; klein aber Oho
-machen gut Geld jedes Quartal
-haben zum 01.08.2007 eine Verdopperlung ihrer Produktion/Tag geschafft
Cash: ca. 35 Mio - weiter steigend
Invest: ca.65 Mio (halten Aktien an Silverstone; 19,35 Mio - ca. 22%)
MK: ca. 120 Mio Can$ !!!!! dagegen stehen ca. 100 Mio Can$ Cash und Beteiligungen!!!!!!

im September kommt eine überarbeitete Ressourcenschätzung!

für mich ein solides Investment, was auch bei der letzten Korrektur ca. 30% abgeben hat.......
habe eine kleine 1.LongPosi heute getankt
8) 8) was haltet Ihr von diesem Wert?:

Capstone Mining (TSX: CS ; FFM: OUW)


-Produzent in Mexiko; klein aber Oho
-machen gut Geld jedes Quartal
-haben zum 01.08.2007 eine Verdopperlung ihrer Produktion/Tag geschafft
Cash: ca. 35 Mio - weiter steigend
Invest: ca.65 Mio (halten Aktien an Silverstone; 19,35 Mio - ca. 22%)
MK: ca. 120 Mio Can$ !!!!! dagegen stehen ca. 100 Mio Can$ Cash und Beteiligungen!!!!!!

im September kommt eine überarbeitete Ressourcenschätzung!

für mich ein solides Investment, was auch bei der letzten Korrektur ca. 30% abgeben hat.......
habe eine kleine 1.LongPosi heute getankt


Schau ich mir mal an, Zahlenwerk ist gut!
Aug 23, 2007 10:35 ET
Nautilus Minerals Inc.: Deep Sea Copper-Gold Company Moves Up to TSX

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 23, 2007) - Nautilus Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:NUS)(AIM:NUS) is pleased to advise that as of Friday, August 24, 2007 trading in the Company's common shares will move from the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) to the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).

David Heydon, Nautilus CEO, commented: "Since our listing on the TSXV in May 2006, Nautilus has made significant strides towards the development of the world's first deep sea copper-gold mining operation in the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea."

"The North American and UK investment community and mining industry have been very supportive of our endeavours. The move to the TSX is another important milestone as we build an international company with securities across the world's major investment markets."

The move to the TSX does not affect trading in the Company's common shares on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market.

For more information regarding the TSX listing visit the recent TSX news release: http://www.tsx.com/en/news_events/news_releases/8-22-2007_TSX-NewListingNUS.html.

Neither the TSXV nor the London Stock Exchange accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this announcement.
Bluerock Resources Signs Option Agreement on Cone Mtn. Uranium Project, Mesa County, CO, USA
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug 23, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BRD) (the Company) announces it signed an option agreement to purchase 100% interest in the Cone Mountain Uranium project, Mesa County, Colorado, USA. The project is located in the Uravan Uranium Mineral Belt near the historic October Uranium Mine and the Energy Fuel's Whirlwind Uranium Mine. The Cone Mountain uranium project was developed by Atlas Mineral Corp. (Atlas) in the early 1980's but was not put into production due to unfavourable uranium prices at that time.

The Company has obtained historical data(i) from the project which describes seven discrete blocks of mineralization with grades from 0.17% U3O8 to 1.49% U3O8 and an average grade of 0.80% U3O8 (or 16 pounds of U3O8 per ton), over a thickness 1.6 feet (0.5m). Ore intervals correlate well between holes and with an average distance of 50 feet (15m), demonstrate continuity. An historic(i) 1982 Atlas "Mine Development Plan" indicates that exploitation of all seven mineralized zones would require less than 1480 feet (450m) of underground development which could be completed rapidly once a positive production decision can be made. The fact that Atlas intended to develop the Cone Mountain uranium deposit in the face of falling uranium prices in the early 1980's speaks to the high value Atlas placed on the uranium deposit.

(i) The historical work was conducted by Atlas Minerals Corp., a major integrated uranium company in the 1970's and 1980's, the reliability of this data is unknown but considered reasonable by Company management. This historical data is non-N.I. 43-101 compliant and should not be relied upon. It is the Company's intention to verify this historical data. Confirmation work may produce results that differ substantially from the historic results.

The Company intends to move quickly to permit and execute a due diligence drilling program and subsequent bulk sample program to define the economics for development of this uranium project. A total of 61 drill holes have been recorded by Atlas to May 1982. The bulk of the defined uranium mineralization is located in the "Blocks 3 and 6" which remain open to expansion on strike. The other five blocks are significantly under-drilled and also present strong targets for the development of uranium resources. On the successful closure of due diligence, the Company intends to move quickly towards a production decision by extending the drilling program to expand on known areas of mineralization and conduct a bulk sampling program.

Highlights of historic(i) drill intersections include:

Mineral Drill Thickness Grade
Block Hole # ft, (m) eU3 O8%
Block 1 BL-1 1.5, (0.4) 0.52
Block 2 BL-2 2.0, (0.6) 1.32
Block 3 BL-3 1 1.0, (0.3) 1.40
Block 3 BL-3 2 1.0, (0.3) 0.63
Block 3 BL-3 3 1.5, (0.4) 1.41
Block 3 BL-3 4 1.5, (0.4) 0.49
Block 3 BL-3 5 1.0, (0.3) 0.66
Block 4 BL-4 1.5, (0.4) 0.41
Block 5 BL-5 1 2.0, (0.6) 0.97
Block 5 BL-5 2 1.5, (0.4) 1.49
Block 6 BL-6 1 2.0, (0.6) 0.32
Block 6 BL-6 2 2.0, (0.6) 0.48
Block 6 BL-6 3 1.5, (0.4) 0.30
Block 6 BL-6 4a 1.0, (0.3) 0.17
Block 6 BL-6 4b 2.5, (0.7) 0.54
Block 6 BL-6 5 1.0, (0.3) 0.56
Block 6 BL-6 6 1.0, (0.3) 0.58
Block 7 BL-7 1 1.5, (0.4) 1.23
Average 1.6, (0.4) 0.80

President Michael Collins commented: "The Cone Mountain uranium project is an excellent example of the Company's objective of adding significant shareholder value by acquiring advanced uranium projects with solid economics, the potential to be developed rapidly and that have real potential for adding minable uranium resources. Bluerock expects that the Cone Mountain uranium project will add pounds to our uranium resource base and will form an integral part of our mine production strategy as we move forward to become a uranium producer under a toll milling scenario."

Under the terms of the agreement (which is subject to regulatory approval), the Company can purchase a 100% interest in the Cone Mountain Uranium Project by:

- Paying US$100,000 as a down payment on the project, refundable under certain conditions of a due diligence process;

- Pay US$300,000 and issue 100,000 Shares on closing due diligence, but in no event prior to April 21, 2008; and

- Paying US$450,000 and issue 200,000 Shares within five business days following the earlier of the commencement of commercial production from any part of the Property, or, two years from the date Bluerock provides notice to the Vendors that it is satisfied with its due diligence review.

Paul D. Gray, P.Geo. is the Qualified Person with respect to the Cone Mountain Project and has reviewed and approved this press release.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on discovering tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins, CEO, President and Director
Mal nach vorne geholt:
Das Canada Basket im charttechnischen Überblick. Anlagezeitraum 2 Jahre plus x! Reihenfolge wie
im Thread.

» zur Grafik» zur Grafik
» zur Grafik» zur Grafik
» zur Grafik» zur Grafik
» zur Grafik» zur Grafik
» zur Grafik» zur Grafik

Southern Arc Minerals http://www.southernarcminerals.com/s/Home.asp
nächste Bre-Ex oder nächste Lihir (tippe auf Lihir), multi-mio Oz Potential in Indonesien, Partner von Newmont
Alexandria Minerals http://www.azx.ca/
Top aufgestellter Junior in Kanada, so viel Gelände, dass da mind. eine 1 mio Oz Mine bei rumkommt!

Mexivada Mining http://www.mexivada.com/s/Home.asp
halten ev. den weltweit letzten unerforschten Greenstone Belt, Potential 15-20mio Oz Au in der Rep. Kongo (nicht Zaire!!!), zudem etliche potentielle multi-mio Oz Gelände in Nevada neben den Majors

Int. PBX http://www.internationalpbx.com/
haben in Chile das wahrscheinlich das größte Moly Vorkommen der Welt, zudem ausgezeichnete Rhenium Werte, das fast so teuer ist wie Gold

Largo Minerals http://www.largoresources.com/
haben in Canada das größte unerschlossene Moly-Tungsten Depot der Welt, allle drei seltenen Metalle sind in der Stahlindustrie von strategischem Interesse als Härter/Veredeler, Zusatzpotential durch Platin und Palladium in Brasilien

Vangold Resources http://vangold.ca/
halten über 40.000 km2 Öl-Explorations/Produktionsanteils-Lizenzen in Burundi, Kenya, Armenien, ev. Nickel Player in Uganda, multi mio Oz Au Potential in PNG, zwei Spin-offs in Arbeit

Bluerock Resources http://www.bluerockresources.com/s/Home.asp
Uran Micro-Cap, haben etliche ex-Minen in den USA mit bestehenden Produktionslizenzen(!!!) aufgesammelt
Purepoint Uranium http://www.purepoint.ca/
bevorzugter Explorer für Cameco, die alle verfügbaren Resourcen auf die Wiederherstellung der Cigar Lake Mine verwenden müssen, Purepoint wird imho in 2-3 Jahren von Cameco übernommen

Sparton Resources www.spartonres.ca
Gold in China mit Regierungsbeteiligung, Gold in Nevada, Urangebiete, die eigentliche Phantasie steckt in dem Uranextrahierungsverfahren aus Kohleasche

Cornerstone Capital http://www.cornerstoneresources.com/s/Home.asp
Beteiligung und JVs an an die 50 Geländen und Projekten in Canada und Ecuador mit Top-Partnern
Zu Trade Winds und der Beteiligung Detour!!


Just for fun, replace GL with TWD and here is what Bmoon's post on GL would now look like: "If you don't believe in TWD why didn't you sell along time ago. Or is it that you don't want to miss out when TWD soars?
Talk to Mike at TWD, or you don't believe what he says either,then no reason why you should stay.If i didn't trust in TWD's management i would not be here.

This is a great buying time.Just wish i had another 100k to spend on it,lol.


All longs know what we have.


Thank you for that WM or Bmoon!

Well WM, before you make more unsubstantiated claims and come to further erroneous mining engineering conclusions, spare yourself from looking so foolish to those of us who are trained professionals.

I have worked in the mining industry for years, both in underground and open pit opearations. My employers included Eldorado Nuclear, Sherritt Gordon Mines, Pan Ocean Exploration, Granby Mining and others.

TWD has some great assets and is very undervalued at the present time IMO.The SP is influenced by many factors, not just the value in the ground.

When investors bought during the speculative phase, they got ahead of themselves and some investors here are very bitter, right Hulot and Bacon?. That is unfortunate but understandable. No one forced them to sell out and take a loss. Hopefully both hold enough stock that their pains will soon be eased after a long drought.

Perhaps it is therapeutic, or perhaps is is just moronic to bash the stocks that you own.

We all saw the know it all bashers bashing RIM at $30, Telus at $15, and so on. The facts make fools out of many bashers. They bash when a stock has already corrected, and pump when a stock has already launched as high as it can go until more evidence is presented. I even got burned when the pro's bashed and said CP ships had no future growth potential so I sold and days later it was bought up for a 30% premium.

So Bmoon, if you really are an engineer, since you didn't have the wisdom to bash TWD at $1.10 as I did, you have lost your subtle bashing rights now when TWD is finally on very solid ground, so do not be a bash hole! Oh yes, you are bashing when you say the gold is very deep and in short little pockets. Some may be naturally, but much gold is at bonanza grades and is located as shallow as 55 m in places and extending for long distances along the hanging wall of the fault zone.

I am probably wasting my thoughts on you, but there may be others who need a broader and more accurate perspective to prevent too much distortion of the facts.

September is coming.

8) 8) Morjen , danke für den TWD - Beitrag ! - wo du das immer alles findest!Respekt!

auch gestern wieder sehr hohe Umsätze bei Capstone ohne das sich der Kurs signifikant verändert - aus meiner Erfahrung eigentlich immer ein gutes Zeichen, es wird sich positioniert............. :whistle:
8) 8) was haltet Ihr von diesem Wert?:

Capstone Mining (TSX: CS ; FFM: OUW)


-Produzent in Mexiko; klein aber Oho
-machen gut Geld jedes Quartal
-haben zum 01.08.2007 eine Verdopperlung ihrer Produktion/Tag geschafft
Cash: ca. 35 Mio - weiter steigend
Invest: ca.65 Mio (halten Aktien an Silverstone; 19,35 Mio - ca. 22%)
MK: ca. 120 Mio Can$ !!!!! dagegen stehen ca. 100 Mio Can$ Cash und Beteiligungen!!!!!!

im September kommt eine überarbeitete Ressourcenschätzung!

für mich ein solides Investment, was auch bei der letzten Korrektur ca. 30% abgeben hat.......
habe eine kleine 1.LongPosi heute getankt

» zur Grafik

Schau ich mir mal an, Zahlenwerk ist gut!
Coventree Update on ABCP Market Disruption
TORONTO, Aug. 23, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

Toronto Stock Exchange Symbol: COF

Coventree Inc. (TSX: COF) announced that Coventree-sponsored conduits today placed $169 million of liquidity-backed asset backed commercial paper ("ABCP") (liquidity-backed ABCP is also known as A notes) and no extendible ABCP (also known as E notes). Of the $169 million of A notes placed, $16 million was issued to the investors that held an equal amount of A notes that matured today (these issuances are often referred to as ABCP holders "rolling" or "rolling-over" their ABCP) and $153 million was issued to investors that rolled-over notes that matured previously during the market disruption. In total, $301 million A notes and $107 million E notes matured today. All the E notes that matured today were extended. Since the beginning of the market disruption, approximately $3.6 billion of A notes issued by Coventree-sponsored conduits has matured, of which approximately $619 million of A notes were rolled-over by holders of existing A notes. In addition, during that time, an aggregate of approximately $2.3 billion E notes has matured, of which approximately $163 million has been rolled-over into new E notes and the remaining E notes have been extended.

While Coventree sponsors and administers these ABCP conduits, the ABCP issued by them are not obligations of Coventree or guaranteed by Coventree. The assets in such Coventree-sponsored conduits are not owned by Coventree and therefore cannot be used by Coventree in its business nor are they available to meet the obligations of Coventree to its creditors. Similarly, the liabilities of such Coventree-sponsored conduits are not obligations of Coventree - the recourse of the debtholders of a conduit is generally limited to the assets of that conduit.

Coventree also announced that Coventree, the depositary in respect of the Coventree-sponsored conduits' ABCP and the note issuing agent had settled a protocol to permit the roll-over of A notes issued by Aurora Trust, Apollo Trust, Comet Trust, Planet Trust, Rocket Trust, Gemini Trust and Slate Trust. Beginning today, the depositary allowed holders of matured and unpaid A notes who wished to roll-over such A notes, to withdraw the A notes from the depositary and effect a roll-over on or following the maturity date of those A notes. Coventree expects that roll-overs of existing E notes issued by Coventree-sponsored conduits into new E notes will be available shortly for investors who wish to do so.
Mal so ein kleines Beispiel wenn ein Explorer in Produktion geht: Fortuna Silver

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Sept. 12, 2006) - Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FVI), Mr. Jorge Ganoza Durant, President of the Company, is pleased to provide an update on activities at the Company's 100% owned Caylloma Silver Mine in Peru.

Management is pleased to announce that mining has now started at Caylloma. Production of ore is underway from four stopes on the Animas vein, and ore is being stockpiled in anticipation of the commissioning of the processing plant later this month.

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Kupferproduktion fiel hinter Verbrauch zurück - Defizit von Januar bis Mai
Leser des Artikels: 90

(www.Rohstoff-Welt.de / www.GoldSeiten.de) - Von 01. Januar bis Ende Mai 2007 überstieg die Kupfernachfrage die Produktion. Laut International Copper Study Group betrug das Defizit zwischen Produktion und Verbrauch innerhalb dieser 5 Monate ganze 300.000 Tonnen. Ein Jahr zuvor lag es nur bei 6000 Tonnen. Verglichen mit dem Vorjahreszeitraum stieg der Kupferpreis in den ersten fünf Monaten um 8,7%. Der Kupferbrauch in China nahm um stolze 37% zu. Die Minenproduktion stieg im selben Zeitraum um nur 6% an.
Silver Spruce Announces No Exposure to Coventree Inc.
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA, Aug 24, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SSE)(FRANKFURT:S6Q) is pleased to report that Silver Spruce's investments are not exposed to any financial instruments involving the US residential property market, mortgages or to Coventree Inc. Silver Spruce has in excess of $3,500,000 in its treasury which is invested in an interest bearing account earning in excess of 4.2% per annum.


Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SSE)(FRANKFURT:S6Q) is a junior exploration company primarily focused on uranium in the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) and other areas of potential in Labrador, Canada. With interests in over 12,500 claims totaling approximately 3,100 square kilometres, Silver Spruce is one of the largest landholders in one of the world's premier emerging uranium districts. The large ground position, experienced partners, and strong financial backing make Silver Spruce a leading uranium explorer.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Gordon Barnhill, CFO and Director.

The Company seeks Safe Harbour.

SOURCE: Silver Spruce Resources Inc.
Silver Spruce Resources
Gordon Barnhill
CFO & Director
(902) 527-5700
(902) 527-5711 (FAX)
Email: gbarnhill@silverspruceresources.com
Website: www.silverspruceresources.com
Ascenta Capital Partners Inc.
Keir Reynolds
Investor Relations
(604) 684-4743 ext. 231 or Toll Free: 1-866-684-4743 ext.231
Email: keir@ascentacapital.com
Website: www.ascentacapital.com
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