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Grenville Gold Corp: Grenville receives Silveria 43-101 report, focuses on starting production
Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, FSC, Aug 29, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Grenville Gold Corp (GVG - TSX Venture, GVLGF - OTCBB_Pink_Sheets), (ISIN CA 3977181070/WKN: A0KELU) ("Grenville" or "the Company") announces that the NI 43-101 Report on the Silveria project has been filed on www.sedar.com.

"Grenville has already acted upon much of the advice of Minefill Services Inc. during the months leading up to production of this report," stated A. Paul Gill, President & CEO, "We are moving forward on a number of key development items as can be seen from a review of this year's news releases."

The report's focus is to clearly outline the historical production of the immediate area, the project scope and objectives of the company in the short, medium and long range. The Executive Summary is reproduced below.

Executive Summary of the Silveria Project

Grenville Gold Corporation (the "Company") is engaged in the consolidation, appraisal and development of the Silveria Project area (the "Project area"), which comprises one of three mineral properties in Peru held by the Company's Peruvian subsidiary, Inversiones Minera Alexander S.A.C. (the "Subsidiary"). The concessions that comprise the Project area are wholly owned by the Subsidiary and the Subsidiary acts as the Company's agent regarding its current agreements with respect to its three Peruvian mineral properties. The Company holds 90 percent of the issued and outstanding shares of the Subsidiary. The remaining 10 percent is held by Minera Prospex S.A., a Peruvian company that is jointly owned by L. de Melt, director and Chairman of the Company, and A.E. Ernesto Viduarre Otayza.

The Project area is some 80 kilometres west-northwest of Lima, the capital of Peru. In July 2007 it comprised 2,797.16 hectares in 224 concessions that cover four historical mining areas (Germania, Millotingo, Pacococha and Silveria). The Germania and Silveria operations were integrated with Pacococha mine at some unknown date or dates in their production histories. The Millotingo and Pacococha mines closed in 1992, due to a combination of weak metal prices and local terrorist activity by Shining Path.

It is anticipated that additional concessions, both within and around the main Project area, will in future be purchased by the Company, through the Subsidiary. Concessions within the main Project area are required to consolidate the Company's control over the Project area. The extensively mineralized nature of the main Project area, as well as the presence of significant adjacent properties with similar mineralization and geological characteristics, emphasizes the potential future value of concessions acquired around the main Project area. It is anticipated that the Company will issue news releases in relation to additional concession purchases, as and when it is appropriate to do so.

3.1 Mineralization

Numerous underground mine workings exist across the Project area, which workings are marked by the presence of drift portals and related rock dumps. The exploited mineralization is contained within vein deposits of the epithermal quartz-adularia, low-sulfidation type. Broad alteration zones are also apparent. There are approximately 33 mineralized veins in the Pacococha mining area, seven mineralized veins at Germania-Silveria and two mineralized veins at Millotingo. Not all the veins appear to have been previously exploited. Field indications, as well as historical geology plans, suggest that additional mineralized veins might exist. The metals with economic potential include gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc (not listed in order of economic significance). Polymetallic mineralization, lack of gold and enriched arsenic-antimony in the Pacococha veins indicate that the upper levels of the epithermal system are eroded to below the boiling level, thereby exposing the base metal (plus silver) horizon. High-grade silver values, ore-grade gold values and low base metal values at Millotingo mine suggest it is higher in the epithermal system (i.e. where precious metals are enriched and base metals are depleted), possibly approaching the same or equivalent mineralogical environment as that found at the neighboring Coricancha mine (that was recently reopened Gold Hawk Resources Limited and which will soon reach design production capacity of 600 tonnes per day).

3.2 Exploration Activity

The Silveria Project is in the early phase of development, hence in the early phase of exploration activity. To date (July 2007), the Company has concentrated on consolidating the available database of historical Pacococha mine records, plans and sections into digital, three-dimensional ("3-D") format. The results will be tied-in with the digital results of surface topographic mapping to create a 3-D model in AutoCAD. Once the model is complete it will be used by the Company to facilitate decisions concerning underground channel sampling programs, drilling programs and a scoping study. A similar 3-D modelling program is planned for the Millotingo mining area.

There is little evidence that any systematic exploration was undertaken across the Project area, although historical geophysical plans show that an induced polarization (IP) survey was carried out across the northeast extension of the known vein area at Pacococha. There is, however, no back-up report to substantiate the nature of the identified anomalies.

3.3 Opportunities

No formal, NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource or reserve estimates exist for any of the four historical mining areas. However, the following potential mineral resources have been identified:

* tailings dams adjacent to the Millotingo mill;

* numerous, small- to medium-size mineralized surface rock dumps (not including dumps left by artisan miners for collection and sale);

* unstoped vein areas in the underground mine workings, on existing production levels and in newly developed stoping areas both beyond and beneath the developed limits of the existing production levels; and

* various surface exploration targets.

3.3.1 Tailings Dams

Consideration of the potential similarities of the Millotingo vein deposits with those found at Coricancha mine suggest that significant gold and silver grades might be present in the Millotingo tailings sited on a concession held by the Company, through the Subsidiary. The Company is currently (July 2007) planning a sampling program of the Millotingo mine tailings to assess the viability of heap leaching to recover the contained silver and gold.

3.3.2 Mineralized Rock Dumps

Numerous mineralized surface rock dumps of various sizes exist across the Project area, especially in the Pacococha and Silveria mining areas. The presence of such material may be explained by the selective nature of vein drift development and stoping activity: individual veins were opened up/explored by means of vein drifting; stoping took place above only those sections of developed vein drift that were deemed to have intersected economic mineralization; and subeconomic material from the developed vein drifts was dumped as waste, either on surface or in mined-out stopes. A total of 34 grab samples of rock have been collected from dumps located down slope of accessible drift portals. The assay results show anomalous to low-grade gold values in all the Pacococha and Germania mine samples, but ore-grade gold values from Millotingo mine. Silver grades are consistently high in all the dump samples, with assays ranging from 3.50 g/t to 2,220 g/t Ag. Base metal values vary between 0.007% and 3.90% Cu, 0.01% and 7.15% Pb and 0.07% to 19.70% Zn, with the lowest values reported for the Millotingo samples.

3.3.3 Current Mine Workings

Consideration of historical underground mining practice and reserve definition for Pacococha mine shows that potentially significant mineral resources might exist in the current mine workings, both in new stoping areas beyond the existing production levels and/or in unmined blocks between previously stoped areas. A central objective of compiling the 3-D AutoCAD model earlier outlined is to help strategize underground channel sampling and drilling programs aimed at identifying resource blocks that could be exploited in the existing workings. Once potential underground stoping blocks have been identified, the workings will be investigated to determine rehabilitation requirements and the practicalities of, and mining needs for, selective stoping.

3.3.4 Future Mine Workings

Consideration of the geology of the mineralized veins, as well as available, historical stoping sections, suggests that possibly significant resources might exist below the current bottom production levels. Formal underground drilling programs are required to assess the vertical continuation of individual veins. Additional mine development will be required to facilitate underground drilling. Decline development (in preference to vertical shaft development) would eventually be required to access targeted stoping blocks.

3.3.5 Exploration Potential

The results of a preliminary geological assessment suggests that there exists a potential to expand the available resources and define new resources through structured exploration programs that target potential extensions of known vein structures, potential new vein areas and areas of extensive but untouched alteration and disseminated mineralization.

3.4 Project Development

The Company has adopted a structured program of Project development, due to the range of opportunities and the size of the overall Project area. The following comments apply.

3.4.1 Short-Term Objectives

The Company's main short-term objective is to establish positive Project cashflow, at the earliest opportunity, by re-processing available tailings. The secondary short-term objective is to produce ore from the existing underground workings. To this secondary end, once all the relevant data is in place, formal reserve statements, reserve depletion models, stoping schedules and cashflow models will be compiled. Initially at least, produced material might be sold direct to adjacent operations for processing. Integrated with these objectives will be detailed considerations of the cashflow potential of either selling or processing material from the numerous mineralized rock dumps.

3.4.2 Medium-Term Objectives

The Company's main medium-term objective is to build a new (Pacococha) processing plant, and thereby establish steady-state Project cashflow. To this end, batch samples of average Pacococha mineralization will, at the appropriate time, be taken for purposes of metallurgical testing. The results will be used to design an appropriate metallurgical process, hence a new processing plant that will be sited at a location to be defined by Knight Pi?sold. Initial mill capacity will probably be limited to 350 tonnes per day, but designed so that future expansions to at least 500 tonnes per day can readily be achieved at minimum additional cost. The initial limit is to an extent fixed by Peruvian Mining Law that considers 350 tonnes per day to constitute a small mine operation, but allows capacity expansions of up to 50 percent (i.e. to about 500 tonnes per day) without the need for additional Government permitting. The provisional and preliminary estimate of an average on-site operating cost is US$45 per tonne milled.

This compares with the cut-off value for economic mineralization of US$56 per tonne that was applied in the mine's 1990 and 1991 reserve estimations, which cut-off value was probably the mine's average on-site operating cost per tonne milled.

3.4.3 Longer Term Objectives

Once steady-state mill feed production has been achieved, the Company's longer term objective of exploring the potential for decline mining below the bottom levels of the existing underground workings will be considered through targeted underground sampling and drilling programs. Surface exploration potential will also be assessed, through structured exploration programs. It is at this time that further expansions to mill capacity (i.e. beyond 500 tonnes per day) might be contemplated.

3.5 Recommendations

MineFill supports fully the structured approach adopted by the Company for the development of the Silveria Project. Emphasis should in the short-term continue to be placed on data consolidation to better identify opportunities for exploitation. Detailed research is recommended to definitively classify the Silveria mineral deposits so that a targeted approach to their exploitation, at least capital cost, may better be defined, especially as regards mineral processing requirements. In these regards, petrographic, spectroscopy, mineralogy, isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion studies are recommended. Permitting issues should be reviewed to ensure any planned activities do not contravene existing Peruvian Mining Law. Environmental liabilities should be closely identified and scoped to ensure that penalties are not inadvertently incurred. The company should continue to actively pursue legally binding agreements with the local community and artisan miners as regards their future status on the Company's property.

The technical information contained in this release has been reviewed by Jeffrey Reeder P.Geo technical advisor for Grenville Gold and qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

In addition, Grenville will issue 300,000 options at CD$0.60 to certain Directors, Officers and Consultants. The options will be exercisable for a five year period and expire August 27, 2012.

About Grenville Gold Corporation

Grenville Gold (www.grenvillegoldcorp.com) is a junior resource company seeking prospective properties in Peru and Ecuador. The company has three subsidiaries: 90% owned Inversiones Mineras Alexander S.A.C. in Peru which owns the Silveria Property which has a resource target of 40-100 ounces of Silver, Espanola Property and the Chorobal Property, Minera MineGreville S.A. in Ecuador which has an option to acquire the La Tigrera Project, and Parkman Diamond Corp. in Ontario, Canada which owns the Parkman Diamond Prospect. Grenville Gold plans to leverage the experience of its Board and Management in exploration and mining to develop its growth strategy in North and South America.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

"Tom Thomsen" Investor Relations

Ph. (604) 669-8842 info@grenvillegold.com

We Seek Safe Harbour The TSX-Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations are disclosed in the Company's documents filed from time to time with the TSX Venture Exchange, the British Columbia Securities Commission, the Ontario Securities Commission, and the Alberta Securities Commission.

Source: Grenville Gold Corp. (TSX-V: GVG) http://www.grenvillegold.com

CONTACT: Tom Thomsen, Investor Relations Tel: +1 604 669 8842 e-mail: info@grenvillegold.com WWW: http://www.grenvillegold.com Filing Services Canada Inc. Tel: +1 403 717 3898 Fax: +1 403 717 3896 WWW: http://www.usetdas.com

M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at http://www.presswire.net on the world wide web. Inquiries to info@m2.com.

© 2007 Stockgroup Media Inc. | Disclaimer
8) 8) hi dukezero, was meinste, ist das ist der Durchbruch für Greenville Gold?
8) 8) hi dukezero, was meinste, ist das ist der Durchbruch für Greenville Gold?

Ich hab den Report auf Sedar zwar noch nicht gefunden, aber hier sollten deutlich steigende Kurse
in den nächsten Wochen drin sein.

Das bezieht sich auch auf die anderen hier besprochenen Werte. Bei Sparton werden auch Ergebnisse
aus China erwartet!
:kichern: dachte schon ich sei blind..........haste schon die Meldung CP-Minerals gelesen, der Hammer oder? was bremst ist das sich Schweden mit dem UranAbbau so schwer tut....

8) 8) hi dukezero, was meinste, ist das ist der Durchbruch für Greenville Gold?

Ich hab den Report auf Sedar zwar noch nicht gefunden, aber hier sollten deutlich steigende Kurse
in den nächsten Wochen drin sein.

Das bezieht sich auch auf die anderen hier besprochenen Werte. Bei Sparton werden auch Ergebnisse
aus China erwartet!
:kichern: dachte schon ich sei blind..........haste schon die Meldung CP-Minerals gelesen, der Hammer oder? was bremst ist das sich Schweden mit dem UranAbbau so schwer tut....

8) 8) hi dukezero, was meinste, ist das ist der Durchbruch für Greenville Gold?

Ich hab den Report auf Sedar zwar noch nicht gefunden, aber hier sollten deutlich steigende Kurse
in den nächsten Wochen drin sein.

Das bezieht sich auch auf die anderen hier besprochenen Werte. Bei Sparton werden auch Ergebnisse
aus China erwartet!

Cornerstone Partners With Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada, Limited to Explore for Copper in New Brunswick
MOUNT PEARL, NEWFOUNDLAND, Aug 29, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CGP) (FRANKFURT:GWN) (BERLIN:GWN) (PINK SHEETS:CTNXF) today announced a Joint Venture/Earn-in Agreement with Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada, Limited ("Phelps Dodge"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., to explore for sediment-hosted, stratiform copper (SSC) deposits in the Maritimes Sedimentary Basin of southeastern New Brunswick.

Cornerstone generated an exploration program for copper in New Brunswick in mid-2006 and subsequently staked 282 claims (45.12 sq km) in two licences approximately 60 km apart covering two significant SSC-type copper prospects. The more northerly licence includes the past-producing Dorchester Copper Mine and its northern strike extension. The Dorchester deposit is reported to host a historic resource of 6 million tonnes of low-grade copper, including zones of 2-10% Cu. The second licence, some 60 km southwest from Dorchester, covers the Goshen Copper Prospect, which is reported to host 25,000 tonnes of 2.25% Cu. (Note: These resource figures, reported on the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources website, are not National Instrument 43-101 compliant.). CVRD-Inco recently staked a large claim position between these two licences. (A map showing the properties is available on the Cornerstone Web site at www.cornerstoneresources.com.).

This initiative is an extension of Cornerstone's previous work in the Codroy Sedimentary Basin of Southwestern Newfoundland, where a joint venture was also undertaken with Phelps Dodge (See Press release dated August 25, 2005).

The sedimentary basins of southeast New Brunswick currently produce natural gas, oil, salt and potash. The basins all indicate a geologic environment that is potentially favourable to the development of SSC mineralization. The last drilling for copper mineralization in the Dorchester Mine area was completed in the late 1970s. Understanding of the controls of SSC-type mineralization and the regional geological setting of south-eastern New Brunswick has improved vastly since that time.

The Earn-in Agreement will be structured in two phases during the 4 year Earn-in Period. During Phase I (Year 1), the work will consist of mapping and prospecting focused on defining drill targets along the Dorchester Mine horizon, north of the historic mine, and at the Goshen Prospect. In this first phase, Phelps Dodge will make cash payments to Cornerstone of US$25,000 and the two companies will jointly fund a US$175,000 exploration program to which Phelps Dodge will contribute US$100,000 (57%) and Cornerstone US$75,000 (43%). On completion of Phase I, Phelps Dodge may elect to enter into Phase II, whereby it can earn a 51% interest in the property by spending US$3 million on exploration and making cash payments to Cornerstone totaling US$225,000 over three years. Upon earn-in, Cornerstone may elect to participate at 49% or give Phelps Dodge the option, under certain conditions, to increase its interest to 75%.

Cornerstone gratefully acknowledges a CDN$40,000 grant from the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, under their Junior Mining Assistance Program (JMAP), to conduct exploration on the Dorchester Property.

Copper and silver are the metals of primary interest in the project, but the work will also document results pertaining to other metals, such as uranium and gold, for which the area may also be prospective. The Phase I work program is currently under way. Cornerstone will be the project operator during the earn-in period.

Cornerstone's President and CEO, Glen H. McKay, commented: "Expanding into New Brunswick further demonstrates Cornerstone's ability to generate exploration projects and attract respected joint venture partners, such as Phelps Dodge, to advance the projects. This is the third joint venture agreement that Cornerstone has entered into with Phelps Dodge to explore for SSC-type deposits, since 1999."

The New Brunswick project is in addition to currently active projects in the Voisey's Bay Nickel area and the Michelin Basin (uranium) in Labrador; the Central Mineral VMS belt, the Green Bay copper mining district, the Deer Lake basin (uranium) and the Burin Peninsula gold project in Newfoundland and gold and VMS projects in Ecuador.

Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company with a strong technical team that has proven its ability to identify, acquire and advance properties of merit. The company's business model is based on generating exploration projects whose subsequent development is funded primarily through joint venture partnerships. Cornerstone's current and past joint venture partners include Agnico Eagle, Celtic, Cash Minerals, Candente, Coastport, Cogitore, Falconbridge, Inmet, Kermode, Mountain Lake, Moydow, Noranda, Phelps Dodge, and Thundermin.

This press release was prepared by Bruce Mitton, PGeo, Exploration Manager Canada for Cornerstone and a Qualified Person as per National Instrument 43-101.

On Behalf of the Board,

Glen H. McKay, President & CEO

SOURCE: Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc.

Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. Glen H. McKay President & CEO Toll Free: 1-877-277-8377 Email: communications@crigold.com Website: www.cornerstoneresources.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.
Mal nach vorne geholt:
Das Canada Basket im charttechnischen Überblick. Anlagezeitraum 2 Jahre plus x! Reihenfolge wie
im Thread.

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Rochester Reports Improved Production Results and Exploration Update
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug 29, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:RCT)(OTCBB:RCTFF)(FRANKFURT:R5I): Dr. Alfredo Parra, President, is pleased to advise that its Phase I exploration program has been completed and that preparation is underway for an aggressive Phase II exploration and development program that could see a major expansion of its milling operations in 2008.

Net smelter revenues from the sale of gold and silver for the three-month period ending September 1, 2007 are expected to reach $1.7 million, representing deliveries of about 2,200 ounces of gold and 20,000 ounces of silver. Excellent progress has been made in stabilizing our milling process at the planned 200 tonnes/day level with fine tuning of the mill and improved recovery rates expected to continue in the coming months as we work through normal start up issues and the seasonal rainy period. As a result, production figures could increase by up to 50% for the second quarter ended November 30, 2007 under normal operating conditions.

"This is an exciting period for our company," commented Dr. Parra. "Initial indications are that our primary and secondary crushers and the main section of the mill could accommodate throughput tonnage approaching the 350 tonnes/day level with the addition of a larger capacity ball mill to maintain optimum grind and recovery levels. We are about to embark on an aggressive exploration and development program at our Santa Fe property and the two other exploration/development targets - Tajos Cuates and Florida North - which we are hopeful will establish a more broadly based mining complex, with the capacity to increase gold and silver production well above existing levels."

"Based on my extensive working years in sourcing, developing and operating gold and silver mines in Mexico, the following summary results lead me to believe that we have uncovered a major system of high-grade epithermal veins with areas of multiple parallel veins and some intervening mineralization. There is a strong possibility that these systems contain significantly more potentially economic gold and silver mineralization than has currently been identified," concluded Dr. Parra.

Tajos Cuates - The Tajos Cuates vein system is located 1 kilometre southwest of the Florida Mine site and is a primary target in the near term to outline additional potential ore sources for the existing 200 tonnes/day milling operation. The vein system is a robust low sulphidation epithermal vein which has been traced on surface over 1.8 kilometres, and known workings and a historical drill intercept extend over a vertical horizon of at least 200 metres. The mineralization is silver rich compared to the Florida Vein system - a 1.70 metre wide sample collected by Victor Jaramillo P.Geo. from the Chalata Adit assayed 2.7 g/t gold and 1300 g/t silver. Three drill holes completed in 2006 provided confirmation that the mineralized vein structure continues to depth and established a base of the mineralized horizon at about the 900 metre level. Drill hole No. 800-7-04 intersected 2.42 metres (estimated true width 1.5 metres) of mineralization which assayed 4.9 grams/tonne of gold and 310 grams/tonne of silver at the 915 metre elevation.

Recent work has extended road access to Tajos Cuates, and initial underground rehabilitation work is underway to allow exploration and bulk sampling of the vein system in detail. In addition, surface work has identified two new mineralized systems in the area, Tomas and El Crudo. Preliminary surface sampling has returned 2.10 metres grading 3.7 g/t gold and 137 g/t silver from Tomas, and 0.70 metres grading 4.9 g/t gold and 106 g/t silver from El Crudo.

The veins systems at Tajos Cuates are the primary target for expansion of our mining operations. Drift development activities are already underway to supplement more extensive trenching and surface sampling activities.

Santa Fe (70% owned) - Initial exploration activities on the recently acquired Santa Fe property, which adjoins the Florida tenements to the east and northeast, has concentrated on developing approximately 8 kilometres of new road access to the central portion of the property, thereby allowing systematic sampling and development of the multiple vein systems in that area.

The work to date has better defined the three main vein systems, all of which trend northwesterly and are sub-parallel with some cross veining. From west to east, these are the Jonas system, the Clavellino system, and the Tajitos system.

To view the map accompanying this press release please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/RCT.pdf

Of the three, initial indications are that the Clavellino system is the most extensive, having been traced over a length of more than 3 kilometres. The width of this structure varies from 1 metre to 40 metres. At the south end, multiple quartz veins occur over a width of 30 to 40 metres, with some values in the intervening wallrocks. At the north end (El Picacho), the vein structure is more discrete, consisting of a 5.4 metre wide zone of silicification. The central 0.5 metres returned values of 3.36 g/t gold and 163 g/t silver.

Two samples taken from old surface workings in the Tepehuaje section of Clavellino returned a grade of 2 grams/tonne of gold and 235 grams/tonne of silver over a 1.6 metre average width. A centre section of 0.7 metres produced 5 grams/tonne of gold and 481 grams/tonne of silver.

Sampling along new exposures created by recent road building has exposed the Jonas system in a number of places. Jonas is a silver-rich system, with one main and several subsidiary northwest-trending quartz structures. Continuous sampling by Mina Real has shown that silver values are not just confined to the main veins however, and occur in some of the intervening altered volcanic wallrocks. Many sample results have yet to be received, however sampling to date on the main level has defined three parallel zones grading 0.27 g/t gold and 162 g/t silver over 2.40 metres, 0.81 g/t gold and 378 g/t silver over 0.62 metres, and 0.23 g/t gold and 234 g/t silver over 0.83 metres. Individual sample results for gold range from less than 0.03 g/t to 3.6 g/t and silver from less than 3 g/t to 796 g/t, which includes samples taken from the intervening rock.

The Tajitos system is relatively narrow (1-1.5 metres true width) exposed in a series of old workings, but well mineralized over more than 300 metres of the 700 metre length identified to date. A sample from the north end of the system produced 4.68 g/t gold and 1,380 g/t silver over 0.7 metres width.

A significant feature of these systems at Santa Fe is the identification of gold and silver mineralization over a vertical extent of almost 700 metres (833 metres above sea level at the El Bagre vein and at the 1522 metre elevation at the north end of the Tajitos system), twice that found on our Mina Real property. It is also important to note that these types of epithermal vein systems vary in width and grade over strike and depth. Grades obtained from surface outcrops may or may not be depleted from exposure to the elements with significantly higher grades potentially occurring at depth and then tapering back to lower grades as the base of the system is approached. However, the Santa Fe structures appear to be very similar to those we have encountered at Mina Real where strong gold and silver grades have been experienced and reported from our mining activities between the 1090 to 1200 metre elevations.

Florida North - The north end of the Florida Veins within the mine workings is defined by a late dacite intrusive which truncates the veins. On surface further north, a number of quartz veins oriented parallel to the Florida trend have been identified in outcrop up to 1.5 kilometres further to the north. Initial exploration for the projected northern continuation of the Florida Vein system was done by means of an underground drive across the intrusive on the 1160 level of the Florida Mine. This work successfully crossed through 180 metres of the intrusive and emerged into highly faulted and altered volcanic rocks to the northwest. The next phase of exploration work will consist of more extensive surface trenching, sampling and mapping of the Florida North system combined with a limited drilling program to identify the exact location of the vein system in Florida North and continued drift development in the form of a cross-cut approached from the northeast.

The work that has been done to date on the aforementioned three target areas has consisted of building access roads, trenching, mapping and sampling of vein systems. All assays quoted were carried out by the Durango, Mexico, branch of SGS Laboratories, a certified and independent laboratory. The exploration program is under the direction of Ing. Hector Chavez, who has extensive experience in Mexican epithermal deposits, and supervised by Dr. Alfredo Parra, who is a QP as defined in NI 43-101.


Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO
8) 8) perfekte Arbeitsteilung! du hier, ich in Tradingchancen............... :kichern:

uups, habs gesehen - ich war doch langsamer...............naja macht nix
8) 8)

Aug 29, 2007 09:00 ET
International PBX: Copaquire, Chile 43-101 Resource Report on Track

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 29, 2007) - International PBX Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:PBX) -

The company is pleased to report that the three-drill program at Copaquire is continuing and that it expects the first 43-101 resource calculation on the Cerro Moly molybdenum zone to be ready by the end of September. To date a total of 12,375 meters of drilling has been completed on the Cerro Moly zone. This is in addition to 2,100 meters previously drilled in the 2005 program. The drilling will continue as thus far only a small part of the total mineralized system has been tested.

Copaquire is a large porphyry-mineralized body of rock, a situation generally amenable to low-cost bulk-tonnage open pit mining, that at present is open to the north, south, west, and to depth. The depth of mineralization has not been determined but below the valley floor drill hole CQ-63 terminated in mineralization at a depth of 530 metres (1700 feet). Above the valley floor Cerro Moly mountain rises approximately 250 metres (800 feet) giving a vertical mineralized dimension of a minimum of 780 metres (2500 feet). Across the valley and to the south of Cerro Moly recent drilling has encountered similar mineralization in the mountain to the south opening up a new area that may contribute additional large tonnage to the mineralized system.

A very large volume of copper-molybdenum-rhenium mineralized rock has been outlined but this represents only a small part of the total area of the property with other centres such as the Marta and Sulfato zones providing additional blue sky. For a graphic depiction see the company's website at www.internationalpbx.com.

The company has engaged the services of Eagle Mapping Survey of Vancouver & Santiago to fly aerial photographic surveys over the Tabaco and Copaquire properties. The high resolution photographs will be used to create high definition three-dimensional topographic contour mapping necessary for accurate resource definition and open pit mine design.

The company plans to engage the services of SJ Geophysics to carry out "Deep 3D Induced-Polarization (IP)" surveys on the Sierra Pintada, Tabaco and Copaquire properties. SJ Geophysics is a leader in this leading edge method of geophysical surveying. The Deep 3D survey along with the use of the 3D IP algorithms developed at The University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility provides substantial additional benefits over the traditional 2D surveys such as the ability to define subsurface targets at a much higher degree of accuracy and at greater depths.

On the Copaquire the 3D IP will help in defining drill targets in new areas of the Cerro Moly Molybdenum and the Sulfato Copper zones. On the Tabaco property the 3D IP will help in expanding the current size of the copper deposit by testing the depth extensions of the copper sulphide mineralization and at the Sierra Pintada property the 3D IP will survey three strongly mineralized copper-gold zones, the Gloria and Vina zones in the northern portion of the claim and the Totora zone in the south east. It is possible that these districts are centered above deeper Andacollo style porphyry systems.

The company is currently proceeding with the spin-off of all properties into new public vehicles leaving Copaquire in International PBX.

Finally, the company has no exposure to sub-prime paper. All funds are in Bank of Montreal term deposits.


Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo. , President and CEO
Endlich gibts hier bei vielen Werten fette News!! :juchu:
8) 8) perfekte Arbeitsteilung! du hier, ich in Tradingchancen............... :kichern:

uups, habs gesehen - ich war doch langsamer...............naja macht nix

Das Zuarbeiten ist hier sehr wichtig, Fischi wird ja auch ab Mitte September, abends reinschauen.
Hat dann ne eigene Wohnung mit Internet. :)

Torch River President on the Radio
CALGARY, ALBERTA, Aug 29, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Torch River Resources Ltd ("Torch") (TSX VENTURE:TCR) is pleased to announce that Dr. Bill Pfaffenberger, President and CEO of Torch River Resources will be appearing on Market Matters Radio to discuss the recently received and reported updated NI 43-101 resource estimates for molybdenum at Torch's Red Bird property in British Columbia.

Tonnage of the resource at a 0.03% cutoff increased over the 2006 report by 51% while the contained molybdenum increased by 40%. This 2007 report reclassified 43.3 million tonnes to the indicated category, while in 2006 all the resource was reported as inferred. The full report is located on www.sedar.com or on Torch's website at www.torchriver.ca.

Market Matters is a nationally syndicated radio program on the Corus Radio Network. The broadcast is scheduled to air on Saturday, September 1, 2007, nationally across Canada on the Corus Radio Network. It will be aired on the following stations at the below listed times.
Tach die Herren, noch 3 Wochen, dann gibts abends Inet! :D
is dahin muss ich mir die Zeit mit nebenbei Lesen vertreiben, waehrend der Dienstzeit ist das Surfen kaum moeglich.
Bleibt festzuhalten, dass das Basket nach wie vor satt im Minus ist, aber bei dem Newsflow ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis der erste der 10 Werte die erwartete Bewegung Richtung Norden einschlaegt!
Tyler Resources gibt auffällig Gas 0,59 CAD! :)
Mindoro Announces Private Placement
EDMONTON, ALBERTA, Aug 29, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) today announced that it intends to raise up to CDN$3,900,000 through the sale of 6,500,000 units to qualified investors at a price of $0.60 per unit. Each unit will consist of one Common Share and one Common Share Purchase Warrant. Each Purchase Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one additional Common Share at a price of $0.90 per share for a period of one year after the close of the offering, and thereafter at $1.10 per share for one additional year. The Company may pay finder's fees as allowed by the policies of the TSXV.

Net proceeds of the offering will be used for advancing the Company's projects in the Philippines. The terms of the private placement are subject to regulatory approval. A news release will be made when the placement closes and shares are issued.


Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 906167). The Company is carrying out three major drill programs: advancing a significant nickel laterite prospect towards production, resource delineation drilling on the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect, and reconnaissance drilling on the Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect, in addition to holding another 22 identified porphyry copper-gold prospects in the Philippines.

SOURCE: Mindoro Resources Ltd.
Mindoro Resources Ltd.
Penny Gould
Executive Vice President
(780) 413-8187
Email: penny@mindoro.com
Website: www.mindoro.com
Ascenta Capital Partners Inc.
Trent Dahl
Investor Relations-Canada
(604) 628-5800 or Toll Free: 1-866-684-4209 ext. 228
Email: info@mindoro.com
Argentuminvest GmbH
Richard Mayr
Investor Relations-Europe
+49.9421.785255 (FAX)
Email: info@argentuminvest.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.
Nautilus Minerals Inc
Nautilus Minerals Inc.: Financial Results For the 2nd Quarter Ended June 30, 2007
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug 29, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Nautilus Minerals Inc. (TSX:NUS)(AIM:NUS) (the "Company" or "Nautilus") announces the release of its unaudited consolidated financial results for the 2nd quarter ended June 30, 2007 together with Management's Discussion and Analysis.

2nd Quarter 2007 Highlights:

- US$272 million in cash held on deposit with major banks.

- US$9.4 million invested during the quarter on the world's largest commercial exploration program for high grade seafloor massive sulphide systems.

- Discovery of four new seafloor massive sulphide prospects (named Solwara 5, 6, 7 and 8) in the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea.

- Completion of fieldwork for the environmental baseline study on the Solwara 1 prospect.

- Appointment of Mr. Farhad Moshiri as an independent director to the Board.

David Heydon, President and CEO, commented: "The June quarter has been very successful for the Company with important new discoveries and the continued exploration and mine planning activities for Solwara 1."

"The loss reported this quarter of US$6.2 million is in line with our expectations and is a reflection of the investment and expense we are making as an exploration company in pre-development mode."

"As we reported to the market on August 20, 2007, our cash - which stood at $272m at June 30, 2007 - is not invested in asset backed commercial paper but on deposit for periods of less than 90 days with leading banks."

The Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis have been filed on www.sedar.com.

About Nautilus Minerals Inc.

Nautilus is the first company to commercially explore the seafloor for high grade gold-copper-zinc-silver massive sulphide deposits and is positioned as a world leader in underwater mineral exploration.

The Company's main focus is the development of the Solwara 1 Project, located in the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea between the island chains of New Britain and New Ireland in the western Pacific Ocean.

Nautilus is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and on London AIM, and has among its largest shareholders four of the world's leading international resource companies, including Epion (16.8% holding), Anglo American (6.4%), Teck Cominco (5.8%), and Barrick Gold (3.7%).

SOURCE: Nautilus Minerals Inc.
8) 8) juten Morjen - gesternging nich mehr bei mir..........wir freuen uns auf deine Anwesenheita permanencia...... :kichern:
Tach die Herren, noch 3 Wochen, dann gibts abends Inet! :D
is dahin muss ich mir die Zeit mit nebenbei Lesen vertreiben, waehrend der Dienstzeit ist das Surfen kaum moeglich.
Bleibt festzuhalten, dass das Basket nach wie vor satt im Minus ist, aber bei dem Newsflow ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis der erste der 10 Werte die erwartete Bewegung Richtung Norden einschlaegt!
8) 8)
Aug 30, 2007 04:00 ET
Mindoro Receives Target-Rich Batangas Exploration Permit
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Aug. 30, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) is pleased to announce that it has been granted an Exploration Permit (EP) covering five parcels of land within its Batangas Project area, Luzon Island, Philippines. The EP parcels cover multiple gold and copper-gold targets, with IP chargeability and resistivity anomalies, favorable intrusive rocks with associated porphyry-related alteration, as well as abundant copper and gold showings. Drill testing is planned for 2008 once ground work has been completed and priority drill targets defined.

The EP, covering 1,538 hectares, is located within Mindoro's overall Batangas Project area, comprising more than 30,000 hectares in a well-mineralized copper-gold belt. The EP was acquired under an agreement with Philex Mining Corporation wherein Mindoro and its partner, Egerton Gold Phils. Inc., can acquire a 100 percent interest, subject to an underlying net smelter royalty of two percent to Philex. A summary of the main features defined by due diligence work follow:

- Parcel 1 (162 hectares) is located on the western side of the Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect which is currently being drill-tested. The parcel covers several copper showings associated with argillic to advanced argillic alteration. Outcrop grab samples taken from the eastern part of the parcel assayed up to 3.0 g/t Au, 56.0 g/t Ag, and 3.80 percent Cu.

- Parcel 2 (405 hectares) is located immediately to the mid-east portion of the Lobo Project, where in 2005 Mindoro announced a small NI 43-101 compliant gold resource. The parcel includes a copper-gold prospect.

- Parcel 3 (567 hectares) is located immediately to the west of the Archangel Project. It covers the Talon copper prospect where disseminated copper mineralization is associated with argillic to intermediate argillic-altered andesitic and dacitic volcanics. An 18 meter channel sample located near the headwaters of Talon Creek assayed 3.8 g/t Au, 1.91 g/t Ag, and 0.10 percent Cu.

- Parcel 4 (243 hectares) is located immediately northeast and contiguous to the Archangel Project. It covers the northeast extension of the Bootin Prospect. Bootin is characterized by high chargeability, resistivity and magnetic anomalies associated with high-sulphidation epithermal copper-gold mineralization and advanced argillic alteration. In addition, phyllic alteration and the magnetic anomaly suggest a porphyry copper-gold target at depth.

- Parcel 5 (161 hectares) is located immediately northeast and contiguous to the Archangel Project. It covers the projected extension of the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect on which Mindoro has drilled over 150 drill holes and is carrying out a NI 43-101 resource estimate. The parcel contains strong and extensive chargeability anomalies. It includes part of Mindoro's strongest porphyry copper-gold prospect on the Archangel Project, the Marita Prospect, which covers a two by 1.5 kilometer, very strong IP anomaly with coincident phyllic alteration, iron oxide (after sulphide) stockworking and copper-gold showings. The main features of Parcels 4 and 5 appear on the Archangel Project compilation map accompanying this release (to view this map please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/mio0830map.pdf).

8) 8)
Aug 30, 2007 09:00 ET
Silver Spruce Resources Inc. and Universal Uranium Ltd.: Third Phase Drill Program Intersects 17m of 0.109% U3O8BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA and VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 30, 2007) - Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SSE)(FRANKFURT:S6Q) and Universal Uranium Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:UUL) -


- Drilling intersects 17m of 0.109% U3O8 (2.18 lbs/ton)

- Widest zone of mineralization located to date in drilling - 199 m at 0.026% U3O8 (0.52 lbs/ton)

- Two Time Zone strike length extended to 425m

- New mineralized areas located in float and outcrop with values to 0.93% U3O8 (18.6 lbs/ton)

- Radon Gas (RadonEx) surveys show significant potential mineralized zones

Silver Spruce Resources Inc. and Universal Uranium Ltd. are pleased to announce further results of the continued third phase drilling at the Two Time Zone and prospecting and Radon Gas (RadonEx) surveys from the CMBNW claim block in central Labrador.

Results for holes CMB-07-15 to 20 are reported. The new holes continue to expand and define the mineralization, along strike and to depth. The best values were: CMB-07-16 - 192 m from 256 to 448 m, assaying 0.022% U3O8 (0.44 lbs/ton) including 9 m from 286 m to 295 m at 0.127 (2.54 lbs/ton); CMB-07-18 - 17 m from 211 m to 228 m at 0.109% U3O8 (2.18 lbs/ton); and CMB-07-19 - 199 m at 0.026% U3O8 (0.52 lbs/ton) including 4 m from 299 m to 303 m at 0.129% U3O8 (2.58 lbs/ton). The drilling was targeted to test the Two Time zone at depth to the south.

Mafic dikes disrupted the mineralized zone in hole 15, which tested the zone at a vertical depth of 250 m under hole 14 on Section 0+00. The hole stopped in the mineralized zone due to bad ground conditions. Hole 16 tested under hole 12 on Section 0+75 S, at a depth of approximately 250 m. It intersected a wide, lower grade section with narrow higher grade zones and included mafic dike from 311 m to 329 m. Holes 17-19 were drilled as a fence on Section 1+25 S, 50 m to the south of drill holes 5, 6, 12 and 16, on Section 0+75 S, to test the southern extension of the zone from approximately 150 m to 250 m vertical depth. All of these holes intersected wide zones (90 m plus) of lower grade mineralization in the 0.02% to 0.03% U3O8 range with higher grade intersections including 17 m of 0.109% U3O8 in Hole 18. Hole 19 which gave the widest zone of mineralization to date, 199 m of 0.026% U3O8 was stopped while in mineralization due to mechanical difficulties. Hole 20 was drilled to the west to test for a possible western offset to the Two Time Zone mineralization. It did not intersect any significant radioactivity and no samples were taken. Drilling is continuing.

"We continue to be excited by the mineralization that we are finding on the CMBNW property," stated Lloyd Hillier, President and CEO of Silver Spruce. "Ongoing results indicate the strength of the uranium mineralizing system and the increased potential for a large uranium deposit on the property."

The zone has been traced over a strike length of approximately 425 m from 2+75 N to 1+50 S and it remains open. The host for the mineralization is an altered, brecciated and fractured intrusive, monzodiorite to diorite, with extensive chlorite, carbonate and hematite alteration. The orientation of mineralization in the Two Time Zone appears to be near vertical to steeply dipping. An estimate of true widths cannot be established at this time.

RadonEx radon gas surveys have been utilized to trace uranium mineralization on the CMBNW and Snegamook properties as a guide for exploration. The non-invasive RadonEx technique uses a computer chip based radon detector which is buried in the earth in the morning, recovered in the late evening and then read in the night to give results immediately. The technique, which relies on Radon gas escaping from buried uranium mineralization, was tried on the Two Time and Near Miss showings in the early summer as an orientation. Both surveys detected and traced the mineralization giving confidence in the technique. The survey has been successful in defining a trend of radon anomalies, thought to represent uranium mineralization, along the Two Time area and these anomalies are being tested by drilling.

The surveys have also shown a number of other mineralized structural trends, particularly an east-northeast (ENE) trending zone, to the south of the Two Time on the Snegamook property, which remain to be tested. This survey has located significant anomalies, some much larger and stronger than the anomaly over the TT zone. Prospecting, guided by the RadonEx surveys, has located significant mineralization along these trends.

In the prospecting surveys, 76 rock samples taken from float and outcrop with scintillometer readings from a few hundred to greater than 10,000 cps have been analyzed. Of these, five gave values greater than 0.5% U3O8 (10 lbs/ton) and 31 gave values greater than 0.1% U3O8 (2 lbs/ton). The majority of these samples were taken outside of known mineralized areas and represent new areas of significant uranium mineralization. Most of the anomalous samples are associated with major east-northeast (ENE) or north-northwesterly (NNW) trending structures, the most significant of which is a 12 km long east-northeast trending suture which extends from the Near Miss showing across the Snegamook property, approximately 2.5 km south of the Two Time zone to the area of the highly anomalous lake sediment values noted in the news release of June 26, 2007. The uranium values are hosted in hematite bearing breccia zones close to the trace of the structure and in pegmatitic zones to the north of it. Another area, trending ENE and giving values up to 0.93% U3O8 (18.6 lbs/ton) in float boulders and 0.4% U3O8 (8 lbs/ton) in outcrop is located in the southeastern portion of the group. These samples are generally hematite breccias and are related to alteration (carbonatization, chloritization) in the host units. The Near Miss Showing, located in the southwestern portion of the Snegamook property, gives values from 78 to 5000 ppm (0.008% to 0.5%) U3O8 in rock samples from outcrop and also shows good coincidence with RadonEx radon gas anomalies. It has not yet been drilled. Other rock samples have been taken and submitted to the laboratory. These results are pending.

Analyses were performed by Activation Laboratories in Ancaster, Ontario, an approved, accredited laboratory, using the delayed neutron activation technique, which gives accurate results for samples carrying up to one percent uranium. Selected analytical values for the drill holes are shown in Table 1. A revised plan map of the drilling, a compilation map showing the RadonEx anomalies, the anomalous rock sample values and the associated structures plus a more detailed map showing the RadonEx anomalies in the Two Time Trend area, are shown on Silver Spruce's and Universal Uranium's websites.

TABLE 1 - ANALYTICAL RESULTSDiamond Drilling - CMBNW Property - Two Time Showing - DDH's CMB-07-15 to 20------------------------------------------------------------ Length lbs/tonDDH # From To m % U3O8 U3O8------------------------------------------------------------CMB-07-15 241 289 48 .011 0.22------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 259 270 11 0.029 0.58------------------------------------------------------------ " 447 499 52 0.014 0.28------------------------------------------------------------CMB-07-16 256 448 192 0.022 0.44------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 267 311 44 0.045 0.9------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 286 295 9 0.127 2.54------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 349 354 5 0.10 2.0------------------------------------------------------------CMB-07-17 173 263 90 0.022 0.44------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 236 263 27 0.043 0.86------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 249 262 13 0.063 1.26------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 249 253 4 0.095 1.9------------------------------------------------------------ " and 255 262 7 0.057 1.14------------------------------------------------------------CMB-07-18 198 326 128 0.028 0.56------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 205 228 23 0.089 1.78------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 211 228 17 0.109 2.18------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 216 228 12 0.134 2.68------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 305 310 7 0.08 1.6------------------------------------------------------------CMB-07-19 251 450 199 0.026 0.52------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 286 443 157 0.029 0.58------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 287 303 16 0.071 1.42------------------------------------------------------------ " incl. 299 303 4 0.129 2.58------------------------------------------------------------CMB-07-20 No significant Scint readings------------------------------------------------------------ No samples taken------------------------------------------------------------
All core showing significant total count scintillometer values was cut andanalyzed. Core samples were halved by sawing on site, with one half sent for analysis and the other half retained for further study.
Auf Sedar.com findet man seit heute einen "Rapport de gestion" (managements discussion and analysis) und die "interim consolidated financial statements, three and six months ended june 30, 2007" von Sparton

Habe auf den ersten Blick aber nichts Neues drin entdeckt.
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Highlights from 2nd Quarter Financial Statements

FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP. (TSX VENTURE: FR)(PINK SHEETS: FRMSF)(FRANKFURT: FMV) (WKN: A0LHKJ) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the financial results of the Company's second quarter ending June 30th, 2007. The full version of the financial statements can be viewed on the Company's web site at www.firstmajestic.com or on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. The following are highlights from the second quarter financial results of the Company and shareholders or interested parties are encouraged to review the complete statements for further details.

Overall Operating Performance and Highlights

- Sales revenue for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 increased to $10,846,344, reflecting sales of 801,324 equivalent ounces of silver in the quarter, and representing a 7% increase from the prior quarter's revenues of $10,158,621 and a 298% increase over revenues of $2,725,624 for the same quarter in the prior calendar year ended June 30, 2006.

- Mine earnings (excluding amortization and depreciation) continued positively in the quarter. Mine earnings (excluding amortization and depreciation) were $2,699,669, and $6,075,400 for the six months ended June 30, 2007.

- Direct cash costs per ounce of silver (see Non-GAAP measures below) decreased to US$6.59 per ounce for the quarter ended June 30, 2007, from US$6.90 per ounce from the prior quarter. This cash costs disclosure reflects the Company's revised calculation of cash costs to align this measure with industry standards (see Non-GAAP Measure, below).

- Silver production in the second quarter ending June 30, 2007 has increased to 852,721 equivalent ounces of silver, an increase of 13% over the prior quarter production of 753,442 equivalent ounces of silver, which is also an increase of 298% over the same quarter ending June 2006. The equivalent silver production for the quarter consisted of 782,674 ounces of silver an increase of 9% over the previous quarter, 604 ounces of gold and 534,324 pounds of lead, showing an increase respectively of 16% and 63% on the previous quarter.

- Net loss for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 decreased to $1,227,422 representing a 60% decrease from the prior quarter's net loss of $3,061,899, and a decrease of 61% from the prior year's net loss of $3,151,859 for the same quarter.

- The Company completed three new NI 43-101 technical reports, one for each of its primary producing mines. As a result, at June 30, 2007, these reports indicated combined Proven and Probable Reserves of 17,012,762 ounces of silver equivalent; combined Measured and Indicated Resources of 41,751,766 ounces of silver equivalent, and combined Inferred Resources of 68,465,698 ounces of silver equivalent. The different categories of Reserves and Resources are non-inclusive of one another and thus are shown separately and not combined.

- During the period, the Company completed a private placement of special warrants for gross proceeds of $34,415,000. A total of 6,883,000 special warrants were sold at a price of $5.00 per special warrant through Cormark Securities Inc. (formerly Sprott Securities Inc.) and CIBC World Markets Inc. (as co-lead underwriters) and Blackmont Capital Inc. The Company filed a short form prospectus dated July 25, 2007 qualifying the distribution of 6,883,000 common shares and 3,441,500 share purchase warrants issued upon the exercise of 6,883,000 special warrants.

- Year to date silver production at June 30, 2007 is 1,618,689 equivalent ounces of silver, compared to 273,651 equivalent ounces of silver for the two quarters ended June 30, 2006. The Company's increase in production is due to a 259% increase in production at the Company's flagship La Parrilla Silver Mine compared with the same period in 2006, or by 37% compared to the previous quarter. Production has also increased significantly due the acquisitions of the San Martin Silver Mine and the La Encantada Silver Mine, completed in the quarters ending September 2006 and December 2006, respectively.

- A combined total of 9,716 metres of drilling was completed during the quarter. This ongoing drill program which includes 11 rigs presently operating is focusing on upgrading and defining resources for the upcoming NI 43-101 reports to be published prior to year end.

- Significant underground development consisted of a combined total of 4,985 meters in the quarter for all three mines. In addition there have been significant improvements and upgrades carried out at each mill. This ongoing program of enhancements will continue for the balance of the year and is focused on increasing the Company's silver production in each of the following quarters.

It should be noted that certain financial results regarding operations, cash costs and average realized revenues were reclassified to conform to peer company presentation standards which required historical comparatives to be adjusted.

Management is very encouraged by the continued positive results coming from the mining operations. Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO states, "Over the past year, the ongoing work at our mines is beginning to yield positive financial results. We anticipate that these improvements will progress in the coming quarters and that increases in silver production and optimization of our operations will continue."

First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its corporate growth objectives.


Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserves, exploration results and future plans and objectives of First Majestic Resource Corp. are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Cautionary Notes to U.S. Investors Concerning Reserve and Resource Estimates

The definitions of proven and probable reserves used in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") differ from the definitions in the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") Industry Guide 7. Under SEC Guide 7 standards, a "Final" or "Bankable" feasibility study is required to report reserves, the three year history average price is used in any reserve or cash flow analysis to designate reserves and the primary environmental analysis or report must be filed with the appropriate governmental authority.

In addition, the terms "mineral resource", "measured mineral resource", "indicated mineral resource" and "inferred mineral resource" are defined in and required to be disclosed by NI 43-101; however, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and normally are not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves. "Inferred mineral resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, except in rare cases.

The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and the TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Contacts: First Majestic Silver Corp. Keith Neumeyer President & CEO (604) 688-3033 or 1-866-529-2807 (604) 639-8873 (FAX) Email: info@firstmajestic.com Website: www.firstmajestic.com

SOURCE: First Majestic Silver Corp.

mailto:info@firstmajestic.com http://www.firstmajestic.com
International PBX: Copaquire, Chile 43-101 Resource Report on Track
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug 29, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

International PBX Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:PBX) -

The company is pleased to report that the three-drill program at Copaquire is continuing and that it expects the first 43-101 resource calculation on the Cerro Moly molybdenum zone to be ready by the end of September. To date a total of 12,375 meters of drilling has been completed on the Cerro Moly zone. This is in addition to 2,100 meters previously drilled in the 2005 program. The drilling will continue as thus far only a small part of the total mineralized system has been tested.

Copaquire is a large porphyry-mineralized body of rock, a situation generally amenable to low-cost bulk-tonnage open pit mining, that at present is open to the north, south, west, and to depth. The depth of mineralization has not been determined but below the valley floor drill hole CQ-63 terminated in mineralization at a depth of 530 metres (1700 feet). Above the valley floor Cerro Moly mountain rises approximately 250 metres (800 feet) giving a vertical mineralized dimension of a minimum of 780 metres (2500 feet). Across the valley and to the south of Cerro Moly recent drilling has encountered similar mineralization in the mountain to the south opening up a new area that may contribute additional large tonnage to the mineralized system.

A very large volume of copper-molybdenum-rhenium mineralized rock has been outlined but this represents only a small part of the total area of the property with other centres such as the Marta and Sulfato zones providing additional blue sky. For a graphic depiction see the company's website at www.internationalpbx.com.

The company has engaged the services of Eagle Mapping Survey of Vancouver & Santiago to fly aerial photographic surveys over the Tabaco and Copaquire properties. The high resolution photographs will be used to create high definition three-dimensional topographic contour mapping necessary for accurate resource definition and open pit mine design.

The company plans to engage the services of SJ Geophysics to carry out "Deep 3D Induced-Polarization (IP)" surveys on the Sierra Pintada, Tabaco and Copaquire properties. SJ Geophysics is a leader in this leading edge method of geophysical surveying. The Deep 3D survey along with the use of the 3D IP algorithms developed at The University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility provides substantial additional benefits over the traditional 2D surveys such as the ability to define subsurface targets at a much higher degree of accuracy and at greater depths.

On the Copaquire the 3D IP will help in defining drill targets in new areas of the Cerro Moly Molybdenum and the Sulfato Copper zones. On the Tabaco property the 3D IP will help in expanding the current size of the copper deposit by testing the depth extensions of the copper sulphide mineralization and at the Sierra Pintada property the 3D IP will survey three strongly mineralized copper-gold zones, the Gloria and Vina zones in the northern portion of the claim and the Totora zone in the south east. It is possible that these districts are centered above deeper Andacollo style porphyry systems.

The company is currently proceeding with the spin-off of all properties into new public vehicles leaving Copaquire in International PBX.

Finally, the company has no exposure to sub-prime paper. All funds are in Bank of Montreal term deposits.


Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo. , President and CEO

The company relies on "forward-looking" statement litigation protection.

SOURCE: International PBX Ventures Ltd.

International PBX Ventures Ltd. Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo. President and CEO (604) 681-7748 or Toll Free: 1-877-681-1154 (604) 681-0586 (FAX) Email: info@internationalpbx.com Website: www.internationalpbx.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.
Re-Rating Underway for Moly Pure-Play mal zum Vergleich zu PBX Venures

By Jon A. Nones
30 Aug 2007 at 06:49 PM GMT-04:00

St. LOUIS (ResourceInvestor.com) -- U.S. moly market darling Idaho General Mines [AMEX:GMO] today announced the completion of a much anticipated bankable feasibility study for its 100%-owned Mount Hope project in Nevada. Investors celebrated the news, sending shares as much as 20% higher during the day.

According the feasibility study, the project has a net present value (NPV) of $1.4 billion at a 10% discount using price forecasts by CPM Group. At $15 per pound of molybdenum, the Mt. Hope project has an estimated NPV of over $1 billion, an increase of nearly 20% compared to the company's prior estimate of $840 million.

“The estimated NPV of $1.4 billion continues to compare favorably to our fully-diluted market capitalization of $429.3 million,” said CEO Bruce D. Hansen. “We believe the company will provide value to our investors given the company's current nearly 70% valuation discount to the NPV of Mt. Hope and the unique growth opportunity that Hall-Tonopah provides.”

During the first five years, Mt. Hope will produce 38.3 million pounds of moly at average grades of 0.10% with operating costs of $4.42 per pound. This is an increase in production rates by more than 15% from the historical feasibility study completed in 2005.

Hansen told analysts in a conference call that Mt. Hope will generate revenues of $827 million per year in the first five years. With roughly 71 million shares outstanding on a fully diluted basis, this comes to $11.6 per share of cash flow.

The study calculates 1.31 billion pounds of moly in Proven & Probable reserves at an average grade of 0.068%, using a cutoff grade of 0.034%. For the 44-year life of the mine, the deposit will produce on average 25.5 million pounds per year at a grade of 0.068% at costs of $6.05/lb.

Mt. Hope will require a capex of approximately $852 million, an increase from the previous estimate of $600-$700 million, while sustaining capital is expected to be about $14 million per year. Even so, the company estimates an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of over 37% and a capital payback of just 2 years.

Concerning funding, Hansen said the company plans to finance the mine’s development using 60%-70% debt and the rest equity. However, he added that Idaho General has had discussions with steel producers and trading companies for offtake and financing agreements.

Hansen anticipates placing long-lead equipment orders in the fourth quarter of this year and receiving the required permits in the first quarter of 2009. Pre-stripping at Mt. Hope is anticipated to begin in 2009, with production to commence in the second half of 2010.

“Clearly we have a lot of work ahead of us,” said Hansen, but “we’re here at the right time.”

From 1950 to 2006, the average molybdenum price has been $9.45/lb. In the past 15 years, the price of moly has been as low at $1.82/lb and as high as $40/lb. Today, moly is priced above $32/lb.

Molybdenum is mainly used as an alloy to strengthen iron and steel, increasing the melting point and enhancing resistance to corrosion. It is a vital component in the making of stainless steel and oil and gas pipelines.

CPM Group expects demand growth for molybdenum to remain robust in the next 10 years, driven largely by China’s hunger for steel, and thus keeping prices elevated.

The China Iron and Steel Association recently predicted that China's steel consumption growth rate would be 10%-13% in 2007 at 437-450 million tonnes.

Statistics from the U.S. Geological Survey show world-wide molybdenum consumption at an apparent 44,500 tonnes, while mine production came in at just 60,500 tonnes last year.

GMO closed up 68 cents or 11.5% at $6.60 on AMEX.

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GMO market cap = $362 million
PBX market cap = $20 million.

A few points to note:

- Their Moly deposit is 1.2 Billion Tonnes, ours is 1.4 Billion
- Their grade ranges from 0.03 - 0.09, ours is from 0.06 - 0.1 Moly.

So the question remains... Does PBX's value make it an equally valued stock? GMO now sits at $6.40.

Das mal so als peer to peer Vergleich!!
Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc.: Clarification of August 29, 2007 News Release
MOUNT PEARL, NEWFOUNDLAND, Aug 30, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CGP) (FRANKFURT:GWN) (BERLIN:GWN) (PINK SHEETS:CTNXF) wishes to clarify information provided in the News Release of August 29, 2007 detailing the historic resources of the Dorchester Deposit and the Goshen Copper Prospect.

Dorchester Deposit

The statement describing the Dorchester Deposit's historic resource of 6 million tonnes low-grade copper, previously reported in the August 29th News Release, is corrected below.

An historic estimate of 2.3 million tonnes 2.0% Cu was reported by Kirkham R.V. utilizing a private report prepared in 1974 by Canerpa-Amax. They classified the resource estimate as a 'possible reserve' using 'questionable data' which does not follow the guidelines in sections 1.2 and 1.3 of National Instrument 43-101.

The historic resource category of possible reserve is not a valid resource classification under the current CIM categories. As no current feasibility study has been done on the Dorchester Deposit's historic resource there is no assurance that the deposit will be found to be economically viable. As such the historic resource should not be considered as a reserve under the current CIM categories.

An additional historic estimate was filed in a work assessment report with the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources by Gulf Minerals (Boyd,1977. They estimated 9,577,367 tons of 0.73% Cu which was not classified according to National Instrument 43-101.

Goshen Copper Prospect

An historic estimate of 25,000 tons 2.25% Cu was provided by Hawkins(1958) in his M.Sc. thesis utilizing a series of drill holes reported in the thesis. No classification of this historic estimate was provided by the author.

A qualified person has not done sufficient work with either the Dorchester Deposit or the Goshen Prospect to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves and the issuer is not treating either historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves as defined in sections 1.2 and 1.3 of National Instrument 43-101.

The historical estimates provided here should not be relied upon. They are provided to illustrate the occurrence of copper mineralization hosted within Maritimes Basin stratigraphy in southern New Brunswick.


Kirkham, R.V., Distribution, settings, and genesis of sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits, in Boyle, R.W., Brown, A.C., Jefferson, C.W., Jowett, E.C. and Kirkham, R.V., eds. (1989); Sediment-hosted Stratiform Copper Deposits: Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper 36, p. 3-38.

Boyd, J.A. (1977); Report on Geological Investigations - Dorchester Copper Area, Westmorland County, New Brunswick; Gulf Minerals Canada Ltd. Assessment Report number 470479.

Hawkins W.M. (1958); The Geology of the Goshen Copper Prospect, Goshen, New Brunswick. A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Geological Sciences at McGill University, 97 pages.

Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company with a strong technical team that has proven its ability to identify, acquire and advance properties of merit. The company's business model is based on generating exploration projects whose subsequent development is funded primarily through joint venture partnerships.

This press release was prepared by Bruce Mitton, PGeo, Exploration Manager Canada for Cornerstone and a Qualified Person as per National Instrument 43-101.

On Behalf of the Board,

Glen H. McKay, President & CEO

SOURCE: Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc.

Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. Glen H. McKay President & CEO Toll Free: 1-877-277-8377 Email: communications@crigold.com Website: www.cornerstoneresources.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.
ECU Silver Mining Inc
ECU Silver Announces New Discovery at Terneras Mine
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Aug 29, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU) -

Highlights - New discovery at Terneras Mine. - Hole BV 07-04 cuts Terneras vein yielding grades of 3,130 g/t silver. - Significant lateral and vertical continuity of Terneras vein. - Western lateral extension of over 900 meters. - Vertical extension of over 600 meters.

ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU) is pleased to announce a new discovery at the historical Terneras mine within the Velardea Project. The Terneras vein is located approximately 460 meters south of our Santa Juana mine that hosts the Mineralized Corridor (MC), 180 meters north of the San Mateo mine where high grade results have been found and 1,950 meters north of our Chicago vein, where a material new discovery of the vein's western extension was announced in July 2007.

The following points are considered key to this latest discovery:

1) If the geology of this structure continues to show characteristics that are consistent to other known areas in Velardea, higher gold grades are expected at depth;

2) Both, the lateral (900 meters) and vertical (600 meters) extensions are known and clearly defined;

3) The Terneras vein remains open laterally and at depth;

4) Modern day equipment and mining methods allow for extraction of deeper rich mineralized material;

5) The Company is confident that it has found the extension of the Terneras vein that has eluded historical exploration efforts over the past century.

Michel Roy, CEO and Chairman stated that "The Terneras vein is the most prominent vein in the Velardea district and we are very excited about this discovery. We have suspected for quite some time that the extension of the Terneras vein existed and we are delighted to have found it."

Stephen Altmann, President added that "The discovery of the Terneras extension has opened up another opportunity for ECU to have several operating mines in its future. Starting with Santa Juana, ECU's growth profile will be supported with a strong pipeline of potential mines coming from San Mateo, Chicago, San Diego and now Terneras."

Terneras History and Geology

The Terneras mine was the largest mining operation in the Velardea district in the early 1900's with more than 1,000 miners working on site. It was the largest historical producer in the Velardea area until 1968. The main characteristics of the Terneras mine was the impressive continuity of the main vein which was mined laterally for 1,200 meters and vertically for 600 meters.

The western and eastern limits of the mine were related to faults that displaced the vein in an unknown direction and many efforts since the early 1900's to find the extensions were unsuccessful until now.

As for the vertical continuity, the vein continues at depth below level 22, the lowest level mined historically. The mineralized material changed from oxide to sulfide near the 600 meters depth and the miners of the last century could not mine the harder sulfide material with the hand tools of the time. Given the technological advances made in the mining industry over the last 100 years, the mining of harder sulfide material at depth is now common practice and is currently being done at our Santa Juana and San Mateo mines.

Sampling and drill results

Company's geologists used aerial photographs and ground work to localize the western extension of the Terneras vein.

With the use of aerial photographs, the first step in identifying the potential extension of the Terneras vein was the surface sampling of all the structures interpreted. Several structures were sampled by the Company in 2003, including 15 samples collected of the highly altered surface expression of a vein which gave the following results:

Surface Samples - Terneras Extension
Sample Width m Au g/t Ag g/t Pb% Zn%
6613 1.40 3.70 134 NA 2.60
6614 0.30 2.10 261 NA 2.20
6615 0.40 1.00 261 NA 2.00
6616 0.60 1.40 24 NA 0.30
6617 1.10 2.70 60 NA 0.70
6618 0.55 1.70 52 NA 0.40
6634 0.50 0.00 44 NA 0.10
6635 0.45 0.80 91 NA 0.20
6636 0.60 0.80 166 NA 0.80
6638 0.26 1.50 104 NA 0.80
6639 0.74 1.20 179 NA 0.20
6640 0.48 7.40 345 NA 0.20
490 0.22 2.70 184 NA NA
491 0.20 2.90 411 NA NA
492 0.25 1.10 121 NA NA

Considering the extreme weathering of the surface and the associated leaching of metals, caused by infiltration and circulation of ground waters, the Company's goal was to identify the presence of precious and base metals in the structure. The above results clearly confirmed the presence of precious and base metals.

The above results, despite yielding positive grades, were not thought to be significant in 2003 on their own as the Company did not have enough information about the area. Since then, new underground work and confirmation of fault displacements at the Santa Juana mine have allowed our geologists to reinterpret the local geology and confirm this structure as the most likely for being the western extension of the Terneras vein.

All assays from surface sampling that are above 0.50 g/t gold and 50 g/t silver are considered as very positive. In other nearby locations, such as the western extension of the Sanjuanes vein (between Terneras and San Mateo), we have done underground ramping and drifting that confirmed precious metals contents 3 to 10 times higher than values obtained from surface sampling of the same vein.

The second step in verifying the extension of the Terneras vein was to drill the structure and intersect it at a shallow depth of 40 to 50 meters below the surface sampling area.

Drilling was carried out and the Company is pleased to announce that Hole BV 07-04 yielded the following results:

Drilling Results - Terneras Extension
Hole Sample From To Width Au Ag Pb Zn Cu
# m g/t g/t % %
BV 07-04 44935 46.77 47.17 0.40 2.30 3,130 15.4 1.16 0.25

These assay results are consistent with the historical assays from the Terneras vein which was extremely rich in silver and lead close to the surface with gold mineralization increasing at depth. The width is also consistent with the historical widths observed and mined at the Terneras mine.

Going forward

The next step in the exploration/definition process of the Terneras extension is to continue delineating the structure to the 600 meter known depth in the original mine and along the identified 900 meters of strike length. A surface drill location has been identified and drill set-ups are being prepared to initiate drilling within the next month. This work will be completed before testing further extensions laterally and vertically.

Readers are cautioned that until a complete pre-feasibility study is completed, there are no assurances this latest mineralized zone will be economically viable, and although the above points are based on the best available data the company has collected to date, a material difference between the actual results and the Company's expectations may arise once further drilling is completed at the Terneras mine.

The Company is also currently drilling underground both at our Santa Juana and San Mateo mines and on surface at the Chicago vein as we continue to define the MC and other veins, results are expected on all of these fronts shortly.

Mr. Michel Roy, P. Geo., a "qualified person" within the meaning of N.I. 43-101, prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.

Statements in the release that are "forward-looking statements" are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially. We undertake no duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statements to actual results or changes in our expectations.

SOURCE: ECU Silver Mining Inc.

ECU Silver Mining Inc. Stephen Altmann President (416) 644-8640 (416) 644-8801 (FAX) Website: www.ecu.ca
Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

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