• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

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Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Tompson Creek

neben der long-Speku jetzt auch auf kurzfristige Sicht wieder ein Zock wert, gerade bei nachhaltigem Ueberwinden der 18,5 CAD, danach siehts gerade aus


long mit dem SG3R8R


nur noch kurze Laufzeit 21.09.
im Geld Strike 16 CAD

Also 2€ auf Jahressicht locker drin. MK 140 Mio Cad + 21 MRD CAD im Boden! :whistle:

Echter Witz!! Sabina Silver RXC
Grenville Gold Corp: Grenville begins to secure & priorize stockpiles of mineralized rock for transporation & processing
Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, FSC, Sep 05, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Grenville Gold Corp (GVG - TSX Venture, GVLGF - OTCBB_Pink_Sheets), (ISIN CA 3977181070/WKN: A0KELU) ("Grenville" or "the Company") announces, as per Section 21.2, 3.32 and 3.4.1 of the NI 43-101 on the Silveria Project, it has assessed the accessible rock dumps and identified, secured and priorized surface material ready for transport. Also, the Company will be stockpiling mineralized rock removed from the Alanzia and Reserva mine portals and various rock dumps located near access roads to these portals. No feasibility study has been performed on the project and no estimates are available as to the end value of the mineralized rock.

The above paragraph only refers to a small portion of the rock dumps on the Silveria property and does not include the tailings or the underground backfill. Locating and classifying rock dumps is crucial to Company's short-term objectives. Up to 34 mine rock dumps were sampled and results were released June 4, 2007. Additional testing will confirm the grade and quantity of the material, but processing bulk samples is the most cost effective way to establish if this activity will produce positive cash flow. Currently, the operating costs for removal of mineralized rock from the underground to a mill, is estimated at $ 45/tonne as per Section 21.2 (below).

"Grenville must be prepared to ship this material as we have identified a demand for mill feed in the vicinity of the Silveria Property", stated A. Paul Gill, President & CEO, "The estimated cost of extraction has been established based on past production and implementation of new techniques. Processing bulk samples from this material will identify cash-flow potential."

As announced in a news release dated July 17, 2007, Grenville has purchased the surface rights for 3,393 Ha, a land package which gives them control of all surface land underlying the Pacococho, Millotingo, Silveria and Germania mines, which are all former producers, located within the Silveria Project.

Grenville has previously reported that the Pacococha and Millotingo mines had produced 18 million ounces of silver. Additional information collected during the 43-101 process indicates that the known production from the former mines is estimated to be closer to 39 million ounces of silver.

Excerpts from the referenced 43-101 Report are provided below, the full report is available at: http://www.grenvillegoldcorp.com/Properties/Silveria/tabid/63/Default.as px

21.2 Operating Cost Estimate

Rationalization of the stoping operations, a change in stoping strategies, the use of in-stope slushers, improved rock handling facilities and a more efficiently run mill would reduce the unit cost per tonne milled to an estimated target figure of about US$ 45, which amount comprises:

? a target unit stoping cost of about US$20 per tonne of mill feed delivered to surface;

? a target unit processing cost of about US$20 per tonne of mill feed, including transport costs from surface to the mill; and

? a management overhead totaling about US$5 per tonne milled.

3.3.2 Mineralized Rock Dumps

Numerous mineralized surface rock dumps of various sizes exist across the Project area, especially in the Pacococha and Silveria mining areas. The presence of such material may be explained by the selective nature of vein drift development and stoping activity: individual veins were opened up/explored by means of vein drifting; stoping took place above only those sections of developed vein drift that were deemed to have intersected economic mineralization; and subeconomic material from the developed vein drifts was dumped as waste, either on surface or in mined-out stopes.

3.4.1 Short-Term Objectives

The Company's main short-term objective is to establish positive Project cash flow, at the earliest opportunity, by re-processing available tailings. The secondary short-term objective is to produce ore from the existing underground workings. To this secondary end, once all the relevant data is in place, formal reserve statements, reserve depletion models, stoping schedules and cash flow models will be compiled. Initially at least, produced material might be sold direct to adjacent operations for processing. Integrated with these objectives will be detailed considerations of the cash flow potential of either selling or processing material from the numerous mineralized rock dumps.

About Grenville Gold Corporation

Grenville Gold (www.grenvillegoldcorp.com) is a junior resource company seeking prospective properties in Peru and Ecuador. The company has three subsidiaries: 90% owned Inversiones Mineras Alexander S.A.C. in Peru which owns the Silveria Property which has a resource target of 40-100 ounces of Silver, Espanola Property and the Chorobal Property, Minera MineGreville S.A. in Ecuador which has an option to acquire the La Tigrera Project, and Parkman Diamond Corp. in Ontario, Canada which owns the Parkman Diamond Prospect. Grenville Gold plans to leverage the experience of its Board and Management in exploration and mining to develop its growth strategy in North and South America.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
ih denke bei normalem Marktumfeld das die 2,0 Euro dieses Jahr mehr als realistisch sind!

bei F/D sind es i.Moment ca. 83 Mio Aktien die ausstehend sind, wobei i.M. ca. 66 Mio Aktien im Umlauf sich befinden......
83 Mio x 2,86 Can$ (ca. 2 Euro) = 245 Mio Can$ MK - Höchstkurs war schon mal 3,66 Can$

im Moment haben sie ca. 21 Mrd $ an nachgewiesenen Ressourcen im Boden........bezogen auf die 83 Mio Shares wären das Pro Aktie ein Wert von 253 $ (!)
bedeutet Sabina-Aktien sind im Moment noch nicht mal mit einem 1/10 des Ressourcenwertes bewertet

die BE´s von gestern und alles was jetzt kommt ehöhen die Resserven massiv, denn das waren fette Werte

Sabina hat i.M. ca. 50 MIo Can$ Cash (sicher und ohne Risiko behaftet) + 2,8 Mio Shares von Premier Gold.........das reduziert das Risiko auch nochmal

nur eine kleine Betrachtung der Dinge - bringt mich zur Überzeugung das wir dieses Jahr noch 2,.. Euro sehen werden - eventuell auch ne Übernahme
hallo duke,

bei sabina silver: 2 euro auf jahressicht, also ende 07 oder mitte 08?

ps: bin heute rein 8) super wert in meinen augen
8) 8) SBB-Sabina: was man auh beachten sollte sind die Shareholder-Verhältnisse:

60 % - Institutionelle
12 % - Silver Wheaton
4 % - Management

bleiben nur ca. 24 % FreeFloat - wovon man sicher noch einige Prozent abziehen kann weil manche auch einfach halten!
Packt Eure Infos in die Threads im Hotstock rein. Ist ja für alle da und nicht mein Privatthread. :friends: :beer: :up:
ih denke bei normalem Marktumfeld das die 2,0 Euro dieses Jahr mehr als realistisch sind!

bei F/D sind es i.Moment ca. 83 Mio Aktien die ausstehend sind, wobei i.M. ca. 66 Mio Aktien im Umlauf sich befinden......
83 Mio x 2,86 Can$ (ca. 2 Euro) = 245 Mio Can$ MK - Höchstkurs war schon mal 3,66 Can$

im Moment haben sie ca. 21 Mrd $ an nachgewiesenen Ressourcen im Boden........bezogen auf die 83 Mio Shares wären das Pro Aktie ein Wert von 253 $ (!)
bedeutet Sabina-Aktien sind im Moment noch nicht mal mit einem 1/10 des Ressourcenwertes bewertet

die BE´s von gestern und alles was jetzt kommt ehöhen die Resserven massiv, denn das waren fette Werte

Sabina hat i.M. ca. 50 MIo Can$ Cash (sicher und ohne Risiko behaftet) + 2,8 Mio Shares von Premier Gold.........das reduziert das Risiko auch nochmal

nur eine kleine Betrachtung der Dinge - bringt mich zur Überzeugung das wir dieses Jahr noch 2,.. Euro sehen werden - eventuell auch ne Übernahme
hallo duke,

bei sabina silver: 2 euro auf jahressicht, also ende 07 oder mitte 08?

ps: bin heute rein 8) super wert in meinen augen

Nimmt man nicht 3-5% vom in ground value für solche Buden als faire Bewertung? Nicht 100%.
8) 8) Ja-kann man tun; wären dann so 7,50 Can$/Aktie....... :dance:
ih denke bei normalem Marktumfeld das die 2,0 Euro dieses Jahr mehr als realistisch sind!

bei F/D sind es i.Moment ca. 83 Mio Aktien die ausstehend sind, wobei i.M. ca. 66 Mio Aktien im Umlauf sich befinden......
83 Mio x 2,86 Can$ (ca. 2 Euro) = 245 Mio Can$ MK - Höchstkurs war schon mal 3,66 Can$

im Moment haben sie ca. 21 Mrd $ an nachgewiesenen Ressourcen im Boden........bezogen auf die 83 Mio Shares wären das Pro Aktie ein Wert von 253 $ (!)
bedeutet Sabina-Aktien sind im Moment noch nicht mal mit einem 1/10 des Ressourcenwertes bewertet

die BE´s von gestern und alles was jetzt kommt ehöhen die Resserven massiv, denn das waren fette Werte

Sabina hat i.M. ca. 50 MIo Can$ Cash (sicher und ohne Risiko behaftet) + 2,8 Mio Shares von Premier Gold.........das reduziert das Risiko auch nochmal

nur eine kleine Betrachtung der Dinge - bringt mich zur Überzeugung das wir dieses Jahr noch 2,.. Euro sehen werden - eventuell auch ne Übernahme
hallo duke,

bei sabina silver: 2 euro auf jahressicht, also ende 07 oder mitte 08?

ps: bin heute rein 8) super wert in meinen augen

Nimmt man nicht 3-5% vom in ground value für solche Buden als faire Bewertung? Nicht 100%.
8) 8) Ja-kann man tun; wären dann so 7,50 Can$/Aktie....... :dance:
ih denke bei normalem Marktumfeld das die 2,0 Euro dieses Jahr mehr als realistisch sind!

bei F/D sind es i.Moment ca. 83 Mio Aktien die ausstehend sind, wobei i.M. ca. 66 Mio Aktien im Umlauf sich befinden......
83 Mio x 2,86 Can$ (ca. 2 Euro) = 245 Mio Can$ MK - Höchstkurs war schon mal 3,66 Can$

im Moment haben sie ca. 21 Mrd $ an nachgewiesenen Ressourcen im Boden........bezogen auf die 83 Mio Shares wären das Pro Aktie ein Wert von 253 $ (!)
bedeutet Sabina-Aktien sind im Moment noch nicht mal mit einem 1/10 des Ressourcenwertes bewertet

die BE´s von gestern und alles was jetzt kommt ehöhen die Resserven massiv, denn das waren fette Werte

Sabina hat i.M. ca. 50 MIo Can$ Cash (sicher und ohne Risiko behaftet) + 2,8 Mio Shares von Premier Gold.........das reduziert das Risiko auch nochmal

nur eine kleine Betrachtung der Dinge - bringt mich zur Überzeugung das wir dieses Jahr noch 2,.. Euro sehen werden - eventuell auch ne Übernahme
hallo duke,

bei sabina silver: 2 euro auf jahressicht, also ende 07 oder mitte 08?

ps: bin heute rein 8) super wert in meinen augen

Nimmt man nicht 3-5% vom in ground value für solche Buden als faire Bewertung? Nicht 100%.
Richtig, aber das sollte man den Leuten auch so sagen! ;)
:up: und wo und wie ...........WOanders oder Hauptteil......
8) 8) Ja-kann man tun; wären dann so 7,50 Can$/Aktie....... :dance:
ih denke bei normalem Marktumfeld das die 2,0 Euro dieses Jahr mehr als realistisch sind!

bei F/D sind es i.Moment ca. 83 Mio Aktien die ausstehend sind, wobei i.M. ca. 66 Mio Aktien im Umlauf sich befinden......
83 Mio x 2,86 Can$ (ca. 2 Euro) = 245 Mio Can$ MK - Höchstkurs war schon mal 3,66 Can$

im Moment haben sie ca. 21 Mrd $ an nachgewiesenen Ressourcen im Boden........bezogen auf die 83 Mio Shares wären das Pro Aktie ein Wert von 253 $ (!)
bedeutet Sabina-Aktien sind im Moment noch nicht mal mit einem 1/10 des Ressourcenwertes bewertet

die BE´s von gestern und alles was jetzt kommt ehöhen die Resserven massiv, denn das waren fette Werte

Sabina hat i.M. ca. 50 MIo Can$ Cash (sicher und ohne Risiko behaftet) + 2,8 Mio Shares von Premier Gold.........das reduziert das Risiko auch nochmal

nur eine kleine Betrachtung der Dinge - bringt mich zur Überzeugung das wir dieses Jahr noch 2,.. Euro sehen werden - eventuell auch ne Übernahme
hallo duke,

bei sabina silver: 2 euro auf jahressicht, also ende 07 oder mitte 08?

ps: bin heute rein 8) super wert in meinen augen

Nimmt man nicht 3-5% vom in ground value für solche Buden als faire Bewertung? Nicht 100%.
Richtig, aber das sollte man den Leuten auch so sagen! ;)
fuer eine konservative Bewertung kann man 10% in-ground value nehmen und das auf 10 Jahre mit 8% abzinsen
NioGold Continues to Outline New Gold Mineralisation Around Former Marban Mine
VAL-D'OR, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Sept. 5, 2007) - NioGold Mining Corporation (TSX VENTURE:NOX)(FWB:NG1) ("NioGold") reports on results of the 2007 drilling program on the Marban Block property, located in the Malartic Gold Camp, Quebec.

The initial phase of the 35,000-metre 2007 drilling program is investigating the Marban Mine sector, one of three former gold producers on the Marban Block property. To date, NioGold has completed 17 holes for 7,265 metres (MB-07-003 to MB-07-019) drilled on three north-south sections located 350 to 550 metres east of the Marban Mine shaft (Sections 3+50E, 4+50E and 5+50E). The holes investigated the surface and depth extension of the Marban Mine Sequence over a strike length of 200 metres and to a maximum dip extent of 700 metres. All holes intersected disseminated sulphide and vein stockwork zones typical of the Marban Mine ores.

Assay results received from holes MB-07-003 to MB-07-012 highlight the gold enriched nature of the Marban Mine Sequence and its potential to host disseminated bulk-style of mineralisation with higher grade sections. Assay results for holes MB-07-013 to MB-07-019 are pending. The most outstanding gold mineralised intervals obtained from the first 12 holes in the Marban Mine sector, including the initial 2 holes completed in late 2006 (MB-06-001 and MB-06-002), are listed below:

Grade Core LengthHole # g/t Au (metres)--------------------------------------MB-06-001 3.6 26.4 including 10.8 4.0 1.3 43.0 including 6.9 2.0--------------------------------------MB-06-002 8.0 2.2--------------------------------------MB-07-005 1.2 31.7 including 5.3 4.0--------------------------------------MB-07-006 2.0 16.0 including 8.5 2.8 1.5 15.0 including 6.2 3.0--------------------------------------MB-07-007 7.6 3.8--------------------------------------MB-07-008 2.1 11.7 including 5.6 3.0--------------------------------------MB-07-010 22.8 0.5--------------------------------------

The 2007 drilling over the Marban Mine sector will continue to investigate the 4 priority targets outlined by the compilation of historical data, namely the near surface and down-dip extent of the Mine Sequence and the faulted off east and west extent of the Marban Mine orebodies.

To the north of the Marban Mine, hole MB-07-012 collared into previously unrecognized intrusive-hosted vein stockworks and associated alteration and sulphide mineralization returning anomalous gold values with several intervals grading above 1 g/t Au. The veined and mineralized sections bear strong similarities to Agnico-Eagle's Goldex deposit (21.4 million tonnes grading 2.39 g/t Au equals 1.64 million ounces of gold, Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd., 2005), located 10 kilometres to the southeast. Follow-up holes are planned.

Complete assay results of holes MB-07-003 to MB-07-012 for intervals grading over 1 g/t Au are tabulated below. Reported intervals are in core lengths. Additional drilling is needed to estimate true widths and verify the continuity of the mineralised sections from hole to hole.

Marban Mine Area - 2007 Drilling Results (greater than 1 g/t Au)
Mine Core Grade Line Station Depth Sequence From To Length (g/tHole # (m) (m) Az Dip (m) Target (m) (m) (m) Au)--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 1+56 S 182 -60 134.6 near 86.3 90.0 3.7 1.12-003 deg- deg- surface rees rees 110.7 111.5 0.8 2.21--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 1+73 S 182 -50 170.6 near 41.0 42.0 1.0 1.75-004 deg- deg- surface rees rees 53.0 69.0 16.0 0.84 74.1 75.3 1.2 1.25 141.6 146.3 4.7 1.83 including 144.2 145.2 1.0 6.37--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 0+50 S 181 -59 221.6 near 71.3 103.0 31.7 1.17-005 deg- deg- surface rees rees including 96.0 100.0 4.0 5.25 121.0 121.8 0.8 7.84--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 0+02 N 180 -60 494.0 near 38.7 40.1 1.4 1.13-006 deg- deg- surface rees rees 85.0 90.0 5.0 0.85 140.0 156.0 16.0 1.99 including 151.2 154.0 2.8 8.51 downdip 295.4 304.0 9.6 1.00 333.0 348.0 15.0 1.48 including 345.0 348.0 3.0 6.18--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 0+55 N 184 -61 494.6 near 43.3 45.1 1.8 1.08-007 deg- deg- surface rees rees 64.9 65.9 1.0 1.92 downdip 230.0 232.0 2.0 1.18 254.0 255.0 1.0 1.76 325.3 327.0 1.7 1.10 364.0 370.0 6.0 1.36 including 365.0 368.0 3.0 2.56 434.8 438.6 3.8 7.64--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 0+55 N 187 -83 667.6 near 54.0 55.0 1.0 1.21-008 deg- deg- surface rees rees 66.4 68.9 2.5 1.46 109.4 109.9 0.5 3.23 115.3 116.2 0.9 1.03 121.4 122.7 1.3 1.07 150.6 151.6 1.0 1.18 downdip 179.0 180.6 1.6 4.29 207.5 208.0 0.5 1.60 263.9 265.8 1.9 1.79 273.0 274.0 1.0 1.52 276.0 277.0 1.0 1.39 287.9 289.1 1.2 1.94 300.6 301.5 0.9 1.67 413.7 422.6 8.9 2.41 including 413.7 416.1 2.4 4.15 including 420.0 422.6 2.6 4.39 432.0 434.0 2.0 1.09 488.0 499.65 11.7 2.14 including 491.0 494.0 3.0 5.55 528.0 531.0 3.0 1.18 558.4 559.9 1.5 1.53--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 3+16 S 182 -61 216.0 updip NSA-009 deg- deg- rees rees--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 2+62 S 182 -60 254.0 updip 23.9 24.5 0.6 1.09-010 deg- deg- rees rees 28.5 30.5 2.0 1.15 49.1 49.6 0.5 22.80 138.6 139.1 0.5 1.22 216.1 217.8 1.7 1.27--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 2+11 S 182 -61 279.0 updip 15.0 16.0 1.0 2.57-011 deg- deg- rees rees 55.6 64.0 8.4 1.42 including 55.6 56.1 0.5 4.22 including 60.0 64.0 4.0 2.46 138.0 141.0 3.0 1.09 147.0 148.0 1.0 2.66 downdip 163.9 164.6 0.7 1.35 173.0 175.0 2.0 1.38 262.7 263.4 0.7 1.91--------------------------------------------------------------------------MB-07 4+50 E 1+46 N 183 -83 783.0 near 41.6 42.6 1.0 4.41-012 deg- deg- surface rees rees 73.0 74.0 1.0 1.79 80.0 83.0 3.0 1.46 106.0 107.0 1.0 1.69 111.6 113.0 1.4 1.95 downdip 175.4 176.7 1.3 3.17 257.0 259.0 2.0 2.25 including 258.4 259.0 0.6 5.82 482.0 483.0 1.0 3.80 637.3 638.6 1.3 1.05--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quality Assurance / Quality Control and Qualified Persons

Diamond drill holes were drilled with NQ-size core in order to obtain larger sample volumes for the mineralised zones. The core was delivered by the drilling contractor to NioGold's facilities located at the Norlartic mine site. The core was photographed for reference, logged and mineralized sections were sawed in half. Sample lengths varied between 0.5 to 1.5 metres. The half core samples were bagged, sealed and trucked to Activation Laboratories Limited ("Actlabs") in Ancaster, Ontario, an accredited laboratory. Samples were assayed by the fire-assay method using an atomic absorption finish on a 50-gram pulp split.

A quality assurance and quality control program (QA/QC) was implemented by NioGold and the laboratory to insure the precision and reproducibility of the analytical method and results. The QA/QC program includes the insertion of standards, blanks and duplicates in the sample batches sent to the laboratory and a systematic re-assaying from the remaining coarse reject fraction by the fire-assay method with an atomic absorption finish for samples returning values of 2 to 5 g/t Au and by gravimetric finish for samples returning values greater than 5 g/t Au. As well, 10% of the pulps are sent to Bourlamaque Assay Laboratories Ltd. in Val-d'Or for check assaying.

This press release was prepared by Rock Lefrancois, P. Geo. (OGQ), the Company's Vice-President and Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The exploration programs are conducted under the supervision of Bertrand Brassard, M.Sc., P.Geo. (OGQ), also a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

NioGold Mining Corporation - "The Golden Highway Runs Through NioGold"

NioGold Mining Corporation is a junior exploration company primarily focused on GOLD. The Company's main properties are the Camflo West and the Marban Block located in the Malartic and Val-d'Or Mining Camps, with a historic production of 25 million ounces of gold. The camps presently encompass several active advanced exploration and mine development projects such as Canadian Malartic (Osisko Exploration), Kiena (Wesdome), Midway (Northern Star Mining), Goldex (Agnico-Eagle) and Lac Herbin (Alexis Minerals). The Marban Block encompasses three former gold producers, namely the Norlartic, Kierens (First Canadian), and Marban mines that collectively produced 592,265 ounces of gold.

NioGold's experienced and qualified technical team will ensure the successful advancement of the Company's projects towards the highest quality mineral resources. NioGold invites you to visit the company website at www.niogold.com.

This Press Release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties.

The TSX Venture Exchange or the Frankfurt Stock Exchange did not approve nor do not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
Southern Arc Intersects 486.15 Metres of 0.22% Cu and 0.26 g/t Au From 2.00 Metres Depth From Second Drill Hole at Blongas II Porphyry Target
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Sep 5, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) is pleased to announce that drillhole SLD005, SA's second drillhole into the Blongas II porphyry Cu-Au target, has returned mineralized intersections of:-

486.15 m at 0.22% Cu and 0.26 g/t Au from 2.00 to 488.15 m

This interval included the following higher grade intersections:

72.10 m at 0.38% Cu and 0.30 g/t Au from 97.70 to 169.80 m

42.50 m at 0.39% Cu and 0.57 g/t Au from 200.40 to 242.90 m

80.00 m at 0.19% Cu and 0.42 g/t Au from 334.60 to 414.60 m

Blongas II is the second of fifteen porphyry copper-gold targets within the Selodong Intrusive Complex to be drill tested. The Selodong Intrusive Complex occupies an area exceeding 20 sq km located within the western part of SA's Lombok property.

SA's first drillhole into Blongas II (SLD004) returned the following, previously reported intersection:

407.25 m at 0.25% Cu and 0.45 g/t Au from 160.25 to 567.50 m

Drill hole SLD005 (Figure 1) was drilled eastward at an inclination of -65 degrees to a length of 565.6 metres. SLD005 proved lateral and depth extensions of Cu-Au mineralization previously intersected in Newmont's drillholes SGD002, PSG002 and PSG002A.

The upper 241 m of SLD005 intersected a series of altered diorite intrusives hosting porphyry-style quartz stockwork veining and secondary magnetite. From 172 to 200 m a post-mineralization hornblende diorite dyke was intersected. A fault-sliver of volcanic country rock, with metasediment equivalents, was logged from 241 to 252 m. Intrusive rocks logged between 252 and 540 m show variable secondary magnetite alteration and porphyry stockworking, overprinted by phyllic alteration. Intense phyllic alteration of intrusive units is prevalent for the remainder of the hole. Shear/fault zones often tens of metres wide were intersected throughout the majority of the hole, confirming the dominant regional N to NW trending structural regime.

Results from drillholes SLD004 and SLD005, earlier Newmont drillholes, and detailed geological mapping recently completed by SA's geologists indicates that a N to NW trending structural corridor through Blongas I and II is host to a zone of porphyry copper-gold mineralization approximately 280 m wide and 1000 m in length. This zone coincides well with mapped surface exposures of porphyry-style stockworking, Cu-Au-Mo soil geochemistry and linear magnetic highs associated with secondary magnetite alteration. A number of future drill holes will test the depth extent and grade of mineralization along the strike length of this newly identified zone.

Drill hole SLD006 located 200 m north of the outcrop of the Blongas II intrusive was commenced on August 22, 2007 and is expected to be completed by mid-September. This drillhole location is shown in Figure 1.

Qualified Person and Quality Control and Assurance

The information in this release has been compiled under the supervision of Southern Arc's Vice President of Exploration, Hamish Campbell, B.Sc.Geology, MAusIMM. Mr. Campbell has over 23 years of international mineral exploration experience including 21 years in Indonesia during which he has held such positions as Exploration Manager, Senior Geologist and Consulting Geologist. Mr. Campbell has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralization under consideration and qualifies as a Qualified Person as defined in terms of NI 43-101.

All assaying of samples was undertaken by the ITS laboratory in Jakarta. ITS is one of the world's largest product and commodity testing, inspection and certification organizations. The Jakarta laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited and employs a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for sample tracking, quality control and reporting. In addition to the laboratory's quality assurance program, the Company employs its own comprehensive quality assurance/control program including blanks and standards.

On behalf of the Board of Southern Arc Minerals Inc.

John Proust, President and CEO
8) 8) nich schlecht:

Sep 05, 2007 09:01 ET
International PBX Drills Copaquire Molybdenum, Copper, Rhenium Porphyry, Chile
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 5, 2007) - International PBX Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:PBX) is pleased to report the following results from the molybdenum-copper resource definition program comprising 15,000 metres of diamond drilling.

------------------------------------------------------ From WidthHole # (m) To (m) (m) % Mo % Cu g/t Re------------------------------------------------------CQ 61 0.0 226.7 226.7 0.047 0.14 0.13------------------------------------------------------including 22.0 128.0 106.0 0.063 0.14 0.19------------------------------------------------------including 172.0 226.7 54.7 0.042 0.12 0.10------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------CQ 62 9.9 382.1 372.2 0.044 0.13 0.08------------------------------------------------------including 24.0 160.0 136.0 0.087 0.16 0.18------------------------------------------------------including 52.0 76.0 24.0 0.185 0.18 0.38------------------------------------------------------Note 0.1% Mo equals 2 lb/short ton 1% copper equals 20 lb/short ton
Hole locations are posted on www.internationalpbx.com.

Both holes expand the mineralization to the south of Cerro Moly.

All analyses were carried out at ALS Patagonia Laboratories, Coquimbo, Chile.

Tor Bruland, MSc, P.Geo. is the qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 in charge of the program. The results should be considered preliminary exploration data.

Copaquire is located in northern Chile on the west fissure which hosts some of the largest copper-molybdenum porphyry mines in the world. It is the last well-exposed major porphyry system in Chile yet to be fully explored. The company has an option to purchase a 100 per cent interest in the property.


Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo., President and CEO

The company relies on "forward-looking" statement litigation protection.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Newsflow bei den Werten hier durch die Bank gut!! :up:
Re: News Releases - Tuesday, September 04, 2007

La Republica Silver-Gold-Zinc-Lead Project, Yécora District, Chihuahua,
Mexico: Mexivada Mining Corp. has mobilized a core drilling rig to
its La Republica property, to conduct a 2000 metre Phase 1 drilling
program. Aerial photography of the project area was flown for the
company by Eagle Mapping, which is constructing a new topographic map
of the La Republica mine area, using new survey data. Mexivada has been
modeling the La Republica mine workings, which are reported to have
yielded a historical mine production of more than 5,000,000 ounces of
very high grade silver to 1908. The presence of visible gold in the
mine suggests the possible presence of a hidden, early gold-quartz vein
system in addition to the main silver-rich veins. The average reported
mine head grade at La Republica was over 100 ounces per ton silver.

La Republica was mined first between 1906 through 1908, with later,
lesser production to 1910 or 1911, when the Mexican Revolution erupted.
It was selectively mined down through a decline shaft down to the 50.6
metre level and possibly down to the 91.5 metre level. A 99 metre deep
vertical production shaft was sunk and a crosscut was driven on the 81
metre level to or toward the decline shaft, and these mine workings may
be useable in a new mining operation on site. Channel sampling on the
91.5 metre level was reported in May 1908 to have assayed 5,990 grams
per tonne ("g/t") silver across a 3.65 metre true vein width, along a
drift length of 33.8 metres. This "Main Stope" zone never has been
drill tested, and Mexivada's first two drillholes will explore its
downdip projection, below the 91.5 metre level, on each side of the
decline shaft. Other holes will test the southern extensions of the
Main Stope zone and the northern "Polverine" zone, where Mexivada's
channel sample of the La Republica vein across a 2 metre true width
assayed 1,230 g/t silver, 0.88% zinc, 0.31% lead, and 0.2 g/t gold.

Gold Junction Drilling Project, Round Mountain District, Nevada:
Mexivada completed a 3-hole Phase 1 reverse-circulation drilling
program at its Gold Junction, Nevada property. Locally anomalous gold
values, of up to 39 parts per billion gold over a 1.5 metre drilling
sample interval, were found in both holes of the "OP Target" zone.
These assays have led to definition of a new Gold Hill-type,
westerly-trending gold target, which heretofore was unknown by the
company. This new target zone will be shown on a cross section to be
posted to the Mexivada website at www.mexivada.com The third drillhole,
situated to the east of the "OP Target" on a different fault target,
also yielded several similarly anomalous gold values, but have not led
to definition of a viable gold exploration target there. Mexivada is
formulating a program to test the newly discovered target zone.

Moly Dome, Nevada, Molybdenum-Copper-Gold Project: Mexivada has
received approval of its Notice of Intent to Conduct Exploration
drilling at its 100% owned Moly Dome property with the U.S. Bureau of
Land Management. The company is evaluating core drilling contractors,
with drilling expected to commence in October, 2007.

Mexivada's geophysical contractor completed a Self-Potential survey in
the Moly Dome porphyry molybdenum-copper-gold target area. The SP
survey data generated were consistent with the presence of a
mineralized (sulfide-bearing) "porphyry" target system present at
shallow depths at Moly Dome. An induced polarization ("IP") survey was
re-started, but again had to be temporarily suspended due to extreme
fire hazard weather conditions at Moly Dome. The IP survey is scheduled
for resumption on October 1st by Durango Geophysical Operations.

Mayoko Greenstone Belt Gold and Diamonds Project, ROC Republic of
Mexivada's ROC subsidiary, Compagnie Minière du Chaillu ("M2C"), is
continuing its steady program of geologic and geochemical exploration
for gold and diamonds near Mayoko, in its exclusive Malambani
concessions area.

Gold: Gold is present at Mayoko in two, 20 plus kilometre long,
sub-parallel mineral belts. M2C found a new gold bearing area in August
at Lesseseti in the southern belt, by tracing gold placers upstream to
their source, where gold-quartz veining is present across substantial
widths in quartzite and biotite gneiss. Mexivada is presently sampling
this area and will send the channel samples off for rush fire assaying
at ISO-approved labs in Johannesburg. Seven areas with gold in banded
iron formations have been found by M2C along the northern mineral belt
at Mayoko. Work on these target areas will continue in September, with
the goal of defining drill targets for testing in 2008. Several placer
gold targets have also been defined by M2C.

Diamonds: M2C has dropped its southerly "Nzambi" Permis de Recherche
for diamonds, to focus on the higher potential gold and diamond areas
further northward at Bikélélé, Carrefour, and Malambani. M2C recently
discovered 11 small alluvial macrodiamonds through geochemical
sampling, each less than 2.5 millimetres in diameter, at its Bikelele
and Carrefour target areas in M2C's Bitsandou exclusive permit area.
M2C will conduct follow-up investigations in this area during September
and October, looking for primary diamondiferous kimberlite host rocks.

M2C presently is exploring a diamond target on the Malambani concession
at Bilala where the Avoine Company found a 22 millimetre colorless
octahedral gem diamond crystal after World War II. An Avoine map shows
diamonds having been found in east-northeast trending creeks near
Bilala, possibly indicating trend-parallel diamondiferous dikes or pipe
sources for the Bilala diamonds. M2C's initial wash sampling recovered
the following diamond indicator minerals: ilmenite, chromite, and a
possible pyrope garnet. M2C now is studying an 800 by 200 metre
gravel-covered area at Bilala using bulk sample testing. Test samples
will be sent to Mineral Services Laboratory in Capetown for
verification of mineral identities.

Mexivada Cash Resources: All of Mexivada's cash resources are being
held in cash and Guaranteed Investment Certificates at a major Canadian
bank. Mexivada has no exposure to asset-backed commercial paper
("ABCP") investments that could be subject to creditor default.

This press release and its contents have been reviewed by Richard R.
Redfern, Mexivada's President, who is a Certified Professional
Geologist and Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument

About Mexivada Mining Corp.

Mexivada is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company focused
on identifying, acquiring, advancing, and joint venturing high-grade
Gold-Silver, Molybdenum, Diamond, and Rare Metal exploration projects
in Mexico, Nevada, and the ROC Republic of Congo. Managed by
experienced and successful board members and advisors, Mexivada is well
financed with no debt. For further information, including area maps,
sections, and photos, please visit our web site at www.mexivada.com.



Richard R. Redfern

Contact: LionsGate Communication Corp.
Telephone: (866) 922-6774 or (604) 866-7700

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the
adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This news release and related texts and images on Mexivada's website
contain certain "forward-looking statements" including, but not limited
to, statements relating to interpretation of mineralization potential,
drilling assay results, future exploration work, and the expected
results of this work. Forward looking statements are statements that
are not historical facts and are subject to a variety of risks and
uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ
materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements,
including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metals
and diamond prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient
financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable
terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical,
technical, governmental, social, or other factors; the possibility that
results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived
potential of the company's projects; uncertainties involved in the
interpretation of sampling and drilling results and other tests; the
possibility that required permits may not be obtained in a timely
manner; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns or other unanticipated
difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or
unanticipated expenses in these work programs.

Forward-looking statements contained in this release are based on the
beliefs, estimates, and opinions of management on the date the
statements are made. There can be no assurance that such statements
will prove accurate. Actual results may differ materially from those
anticipated or projected. Mexivada Mining Corp. undertakes no
obligation to update these forward-looking statements if management's
beliefs, estimates, opinions, or other factors, should change.

Copyright (c) 2007 MEXIVADA MINING CORP. (MNV) All rights reserved.
For more information visit our website at http://www.mexivada.com/ or
send mailto:info@mexivada.com
Message sent on Wed Sep 5, 2007 at 6:31:00 AM Pacific Time
Mexivada to Begin Drilling at La Republica in Mexico: Projects Update
TSX-V: MNV OTC: MXVDF Frankfurt: M2Q

VANCOUVER, Sept 05, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --

La Republica Silver-Gold-Zinc-Lead Project, Yecora District, Chihuahua, Mexico: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Mexivada Mining Corp. has mobilized a core drilling rig to its La Republica property, to conduct a 2000 metre Phase 1 drilling program. Aerial photography of the project area was flown for the company by Eagle Mapping, which is constructing a new topographic map of the La Republica mine area, using new survey data. Mexivada has been modeling the La Republica mine workings, which are reported to have yielded a historical mine production of more than 5,000,000 ounces of very high grade silver to 1908. The presence of visible gold in the mine suggests the possible presence of a hidden, early gold-quartz vein system in addition to the main silver-rich veins. The average reported mine head grade at La Republica was over 100 ounces per ton silver.

La Republica was mined first between 1906 through 1908, with later, lesser production to 1910 or 1911, when the Mexican Revolution erupted. It was selectively mined down through a decline shaft down to the 50.6 metre level and possibly down to the 91.5 metre level. A 99 metre deep vertical production shaft was sunk and a crosscut was driven on the 81 metre level to or toward the decline shaft, and these mine workings may be useable in a new mining operation on site. Channel sampling on the 91.5 metre level was reported in May 1908 to have assayed 5,990 grams per tonne ("g/t") silver across a 3.65 metre true vein width, along a drift length of 33.8 metres. This "Main Stope" zone never has been drill tested, and Mexivada's first two drillholes will explore its downdip projection, below the 91.5 metre level, on each side of the decline shaft. Other holes will test the southern extensions of the Main Stope zone and the northern "Polverine" zone, where Mexivada's channel sample of the La Republica vein across a 2 metre true width assayed 1,230 g/t silver, 0.88% zinc, 0.31% lead, and 0.2 g/t gold.

Gold Junction Drilling Project, Round Mountain District, Nevada:


Mexivada completed a 3-hole Phase 1 reverse-circulation drilling program at its Gold Junction, Nevada property. Locally anomalous gold values, of up to 39 parts per billion gold over a 1.5 metre drilling sample interval, were found in both holes of the "OP Target" zone. These assays have led to definition of a new Gold Hill-type, westerly-trending gold target, which heretofore was unknown by the company. This new target zone will be shown on a cross section to be posted to the Mexivada website at www.mexivada.com. The third drillhole, situated to the east of the "OP Target" on a different fault target, also yielded several similarly anomalous gold values, but have not led to definition of a viable gold exploration target there. Mexivada is formulating a program to test the newly discovered target zone.

Moly Dome, Nevada, Molybdenum-Copper-Gold Project:


Mexivada has received approval of its Notice of Intent to Conduct Exploration drilling at its 100% owned Moly Dome property with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. The company is evaluating core drilling contractors, with drilling expected to commence in October, 2007.

Mexivada's geophysical contractor completed a Self-Potential survey in the Moly Dome porphyry molybdenum-copper-gold target area. The SP survey data generated were consistent with the presence of a mineralized (sulfide-bearing) "porphyry" target system present at shallow depths at Moly Dome. An induced polarization ("IP") survey was re-started, but again had to be temporarily suspended due to extreme fire hazard weather conditions at Moly Dome. The IP survey is scheduled for resumption on October 1st by Durango Geophysical Operations.

Mayoko Greenstone Belt Gold and Diamonds Project, ROC Republic of Congo:
eine News jagt die andere.........wahnsinn heute, leider blödes Umfeld!

Sep 05, 2007 10:02 ET
Alexandria Drills 3.18 g/t Gold Over 6.60 Meters at Orenada 4; Begins Titan Survey
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 5, 2007) - Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) intersected 2.11 g/t gold over 17.05 meters, including 3.18 g/t gold over 6.60 meters at Orenada 4, continuing its success at depth on this zone (all widths core lengths). To-date, the Company has completed 9,132 meters of drilling since early June, and is drilling with 2 drill rigs on the Orenada 2 and Orenada 4 zones. Results remain pending for 15 holes.

Diamond Drill Hole OAX-07-6 intersected the Orenada 4 zone 80 meters above previously announced hole OAX-07-13, which hosted visible gold and assayed 3.24 g/t gold over 10.50 meters (Press Release August 15, 2007). These drill results indicate that strong gold mineralization occurs down plunge over significant widths at depth at Orenada 4, and supports the Company's decision to continue testing further down-plunge. An updated longitudinal section showing recent drilling at Orenada can be viewed by visiting the Company's website at www.azx.ca or with the link http://www.azx.ca/currentdrilling.asp.

Table of Assay Results---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hole # From To Core True Au g/t Cu% Length (m) Width(m) Avg---------------------------------------------------------------------------Exploration---------------------------------------------------------------------------AAX-07-19 300.20 302.00 1.80 1.56 0.38---------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------AAX-07-20 73.50 74.60 1.10 0.95 0.13---------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------AAX-07-21 10.35 11.40 1.05 0.64 0.27---------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------AAX-07-22 65.30 83.40 18.10 16.40 0.29 0.13--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 70.40 82.10 11.70 10.60 0.38 0.14---------------------------------------------------------------------------Orenada 4---------------------------------------------------------------------------OAX-07-6 382.90 389.20 6.30 4.45 0.44--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 401.45 421.90 20.45 14.95 1.89--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 401.45 418.50 17.05 12.46 2.11--------------------------------------------------------------------------- And 409.30 415.90 6.60 4.82 3.18--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 428.40 430.50 2.10 1.56 0.55---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Exploratory drilling on the Airport (AAX-07-19) and Mid-Canada (AAX-07-20 and 21) properties, testing geophysical targets, have yielded weakly anomalous gold values. However, partial assay results have been received to date from Hole AAX-07-22, which tested a geophysical anomaly near in the Centre Post Intrusion, on the Orenada property. These results returned 0.38 g/t gold over 11.70 meters (core length), hosted in sheared and altered syenite and diorite, near the southwestern margin of the intrusive.

Separately, the Company has begun a 5-line Titan 24 survey with Quantec Geoscience over the Orenada 4 and Orenada 2 areas. The Titan survey can measure rock resistivity and chargeability to a depth of 750 meters and magnetotelluric resistivity down to 1.5 kilometers. This survey will assist in defining deeper drill targets on the Orenada property.

The results presented in this press release are exploratory in nature and have been reviewed by the company's Qualified Person, Eddy Canova, PGeo. The drilling program employs a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. Drill core is NQ-sized, and is logged, sampled and split at the Company's Val d'Or office, in intervals of 0.3 meters to a maximum of 1.5 meters. The samples are recorded, bagged and sent to Bourlamaque Assay Lab in Val-d'Or for assay. Samples are analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu and Zn, via a 30 gram pulp by FAA for Au and AA for Ag, Cu and Zn. Re-assays by FA gravimetric finish are performed on samples assaying greater than 1.0 g/t Au and re-assays greater than 5.0 g/t Au are checked a second time by FA gravimetric finish.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of up-coming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Alexandria Minerals Corporation relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Benton Resources Corp.: Benton Resources Corp. (BTC) Receives new results from the King Lake copper-nickel-cobalt project in Labrador
Sep 05, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Thunder Bay , Ontario CANADA -- Benton Resources Corp. (BTC - TSX Venture), ("Benton") is pleased to report the first batch of assays for grab samples collected from several conductive zones on the King Lake property in Labrador where it is in partnership with Teck Cominco Limited ("Teck Cominco"). The results confirm the occurrence of copper, nickel and cobalt mineralization on five separate zones being explored by the joint venture.

A total of 73 grab samples were collected from five conductive areas identified by an AeroTEM survey completed in April 2007. The conductive zones outlined by the airborne have been labeled Targets P, Q, S, G, and D. A summary of highlights follows:

Target P: 39 samples collected from a 700 metre by 300 metre zone returned assays grading up to 2.25% copper (Cu), 0.93% nickel (Ni), and 0.14% cobalt (Co). These significant results are consistent with the first four King Lake samples reported by Benton on July 18, 2007, which were also taken from this target area.

Target Q: 27 samples collected in two groups. The samples were gathered from two separate linear zones, 300 metres apart, with each zone measuring approximately 200 metres by 30 metres. Assays from Target Q graded up to 1.97% Cu, 0.70% Ni and 0.13% Co.

Target S: 3 samples collected from a 150 metre by 75 metre zone returned assays grading up to 1.90% Cu, 0.22% Ni and 0.14% Co. Samples from Target S also returned the highest gold and silver values at 674 ppb and 4.82 ppm respectively.

Target G: 2 samples collected 5 metres apart returned assays grading up to 1.00% Cu, 1.18% Ni, and 0.15% Co. The highest platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd) values came from these two samples, including 239 ppb Pd and 115 ppb Pt.

Target D: 2 samples collected 10 metres apart returned assays grading up to 0.24% Cu, 0.85% Ni and 0.06% Co.

In addition to the above areas, a single sample was collected from a showing discovered in the mid-1990s by Castle Rock Exploration ("CRE"). This showing is situated 6 km due south of Targets D and G and 10 km east of Targets P and Q. Assays from four samples reported by CRE contained values of 0.22% to 0.78% Cu and 0.23% to 0.86% Ni. This showing did not appear to have a conductive response based on the new AeroTEM survey and the single sample recently collected by Benton and Teck Cominco personnel returned 0.22% Cu, 0.49% Ni, and 0.04% Co.

Please visit Benton's website at www.bentonresources.ca for a complete table of all assay results and to view a map showing locations of the various conductive zones and samples taken.

Benton and Teck Cominco remain excited about the project as the results demonstrate that most of the high priority electromagnetic anomalies have associated copper-nickel-cobalt mineralization. Benton and Teck Cominco are now in the process of mobilizing a ground geophysics crew to the property to better define some of the large conductive zones and to prioritize potential diamond drill targets. A second batch of grab samples collected from the property has been submitted for assay and will be reported on when received.

Clinton Barr (P.Geo.), V.P. Exploration for Benton Resources Corp., is the qualified person responsible for this release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Benton Resources Corp.

"Stephen Stares" Stephen Stares, President

THE TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE HAS NOT REVIEWED AND DOES NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS RELEASE. Forward-looking statements in this release are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities.

Source: Benton Resources Corp.(TSX-V: BTC) http://www.bentonresources.ca

CONTACT: Stephen Stares, Benton Resources Corp Tel: +1 807 475 7474 Fax: +1 807 475 7200 WWW: http://www.bentonresources.ca Daniel Boase, Investor relations, First Canadian Capital Tel: +1 416 742 5600 Fax: +1 416 742 6410 Kelly Boatright, The Windward Agency Tel: +1 704 588 8600 Filing Services Canada Inc. Tel: +1 403 717 3898 Fax: +1 403 717 3896 WWW: http://www.usetdas.com

M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at http://www.presswire.net on the world wide web. Inquiries to info@m2.com.
Aquila Announces Major Expansion of Pinwheel Massive Sulfide-Including 5.0 Meters of 19.89% Zinc and 23.5 Meters of 3.1 Grams Per Tonne Gold
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Sep 06, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX: AQA)(FRANKFURT: JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced results from the first seven holes targeting down dip and strike extensions of the Pinwheel massive sulfide zone. Sixteen step-out holes have been completed at the Pinwheel target, with 14 returning significant massive sulfide intercepts, which have significantly expanded the Pinwheel lens down dip and along strike. Results from the first seven holes are summarized in the table below.

in Meters Est.
---------- True g/t g/t % % %
Hole # From To Width Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Description
LK-173PE 55.4 80.9 23.5 3.11 11.88 0.35 0.12 2.10 Pinwheel Massive
including 55.4 60.0 4.2 0.97 18.33 0.40 0.14 10.17 Pinwheel Massive
71.0 80.9 9.1 5.80 10.40 0.21 0.12 0.13 Pinwheel Massive
LK-174PE 74.2 76.4 2.2 0.73 9.84 0.09 0.13 0.98 Pinwheel Massive
LK-175PE 54.6 57.7 3.0 0.24 40.72 0.05 0.90 1.38 Tuffaceous
57.7 77.5 19.5 1.40 14.66 0.54 0.13 0.95 Pinwheel Massive
including 57.7 60.5 2.8 1.04 19.67 0.59 0.17 5.02 Pinwheel Massive
LK-177PE 46.5 49.5 2.7 8.27 183.12 0.13 0.59 0.02 Altered Rhyolite
51.5 52.1 .63 0.86 98.97 0.04 3.89 20.23 Pinwheel Massive
58.8 80.0 19.1 1.30 15.37 0.38 0.25 1.73 Pinwheel Massive
including 58.8 63.0 3.8 0.62 20.47 0.19 1.04 8.07 Pinwheel Massive
LK-178PE 104.6 115.8 5.04 0.42 42.28 0.05 3.66 19.88 Pinwheel Massive
121.3 159.5 17.2 1.10 11.98 0.13 0.25 1.59 Pinwheel Massive
LK-181PE 95.0 161.3 25.2 0.80 11.06 0.39 0.17 3.89 Pinwheel Massive
including 95.0 119.0 9.12 0.82 22.25 0.54 0.26 10.29 Pinwheel Massive
and 102.7 109.0 2.4 0.48 14.75 0.34 0.25 22.09 Pinwheel Massive
LK-182PE 50.7 65.6 14.9 1.70 33.78 0.52 0.12 0.22 Pinwheel Massive

The Pinwheel massive sulfide was previously the target of close spaced drilling to define near surface gossan and copper rich massive sulfides resulting in a 43-101 compliant measured and indicated resource of 1.25 million tonnes of 1.64% copper, 0.89% zinc, 2.53 g/t gold and 65.7 g/t silver - part of a larger 6.6 million tonne measured and indicated massive sulfide resource identified at the Back Forty Project (see Technical Report dated April 30, 2007 by Theodore DeMatties).

Significant thicknesses of base-metal bearing massive sulfides encountered in recent drilling has increased the size of the Pinwheel Zone for greater than 100 meters along strike and 100 meters down dip beyond the limits used in the 2007 NI 43-101 resource calculation. The drill holes reported above were step outs of 25 to 40 meters from previous intercepts.

The zone remains open to the southwest, and current drilling is continuing to trace the down dip and southwest strike extensions of the Pinwheel zone, encountering both copper and zinc rich massive sulfides over significant widths.

Drilling is also ongoing to further define the Main Zone Hinge massive sulfide and closely related porphyry margin gold mineralization, down plunge extensions of the Main Zone South Limb and the Deep Zone massive sulfides, as well as associated stringer mineralization.

An up to date plan map of completed and pending holes is available on the company's website at http://www.aquilaresources.com/projects.php#map.

Sample preparation and analyses for this release were conducted by Accurassay Labs in Thunder Bay, Ontario on split drill core supplied by Aquila. Standards were inserted in the sample sequences with check assays and re-run's routinely conducted. Tom Quigley, P.Geo. and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.

Aquila Resources Inc. (Toronto)
Robin Dunbar
(416) 203-1404
Email: info@aquilaresourcesinc.com

Aquila Resources Inc. (U.S.)
Thomas O. Quigley
(218) 733-1452
Email: toquigley@qwest.net

Renmark Financial Communications, Inc.
Christine Stewart
(514) 939-3989
Email: cstewart@renmarkfinancial.com

First Canadian Capital Corp.
Jason Monaco
(416) 742-5600
Email: request@firstcanadiancapital.com

SOURCE: Aquila Resources Inc.

mailto:info@aquilaresourcesinc.com mailto:toquigley@qwest.net mailto:cstewart@renmarkfinancial.com mailto:request@firstcanadiancapital.com
8) 8) Aquila - net schlecht , aber auch nicht so der Hammer.........
Mustang Minerals Prefeasibility Study Update $2 Million Financing Announcement
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Sep 06, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE: MUM)(FRANKFURT: NJF) today provided an update and revision to the prefeasibility study on the Maskwa Nickel Deposit. The Company also announced that Western Areas NL has notified the Company that it is exercising 4.5 million warrants into common shares of Mustang. The increased common share ownership of Western Areas will provide an additional $2 million to Mustang and will increase Western Areas equity ownership in Mustang to approximately 19%.

Maskwa Prefeasibility Study

The Maskwa Prefeasbility Study is currently in progress for a mine at Maskwa targeting approximately 10 million pounds of nickel in concentrate per annum and other metal credits. The scope of work for mine design has been revised to include a combined open pit / underground mining operation . The revised mine design will compensate for changes in the expected strip ratio of the project from the Preliminary Economic Analysis. The anticipated plan will be an approximately 8 year mine life with an initial six year open pit at one million tonnes of ore per annum. The total rock (ore and waste) mined in the life of the open pit will be approximately 48 million tonnes to be followed by an estimated two year underground operation. Production of ore from underground is assumed to be at a similar tonnage rate and at a higher grade than from the proposed open pit. This planned design compares to a proposed nine year open pit mine (at one million tonnes of ore per annum) in the Preliminary Economic Assessment (Micon International - January 2007) with total rock mined of 42.2 million tonnes. It is anticipated that an incremental increase in grade in the open pit will be achieved and a significant increase in grade for the underground component will also be achieved using the revised mine design. Wardrop Engineering Inc. will complete the revised scope of mine design.

Ongoing work is being completed on the Maskwa Prefeasbility Study by Wardrop Engineering Inc. (Mine Design, Geotechnical and Resource Model), Golders Associates Ltd. (tailings disposal), F Wright Consulting Inc. ( metallurgical test work ) and Met-Chem Canada Inc. ( Metallurgy and Process Definition, Ore Processing Facilities and Mine Site Infrastructure).

Western Areas NL Exercises Warrants

Western Areas NL has notified Mustang that it will exercise the 4,570,401 warrants it received as part of the private placement to Mustang announced November 15, 2006 into common shares of Mustang. The warrants will provide cash proceeds of $2 million to Mustang and will increase Western Areas equity interest in Mustang to approximately 19% of the outstanding common shares of the Company.

Ernie Marcotte P.Eng is the Qualified Person for Mustang Minerals Corp. for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

To find out more about Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX-V: MUM)

visit our website at www.mustangminerals.com.

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements may include the Company's plans for its mineral projects in Manitoba, the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risks involving the Company's operations, uncertainty of production and costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2006 and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at www.sedar.com.

Shares Outstanding: 63,923,359

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this press release.

Contacts: Mustang Minerals Corp. David Black Investor Relations (416) 955-4773 Email: info@mustangminerals.com Website: www.mustangminerals.com

SOURCE: Mustang Minerals Corp.

mailto:info@mustangminerals.com http://www.mustangminerals.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Sep 05, 2007 21:30 ET
Petaquilla Reports New Drill Results
Extends Mineralization Between Molejon Gold and Petaquilla Copper Projects
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 5, 2007) - Petaquilla Minerals ("Petaquilla" or the "Company") (TSX:PTQ)(OTCBB:PTQMF)(FRANKFURT:P7Z) today provided further results and details concerning its ongoing 40,000 metre drill program at its 100% owned Molejon Gold Project and Petaquilla Copper Ltd.'s ("Petaquilla Copper") adjoining Botija Abajo/Brazo project zone, also known as The El Real copper gold trend.

Cooper Minerals

sinn macht der abverkauf gestern nicht, die daten sind super, momentan 40mio shares out und 8mio cad cash, ist ja ein witz was da passiert! 16mio MK bei einem Junior zur Haelfte mit Cash abgesichert, 2mio Budget dieses Jahr, da koennen die mit den bestehenden fiannziellen Mitteln 4 Jahre arbeiten

Share Structure
���� Issued: 39,362,853 shares
���� Warrants: 11,350,000 shares
���� Stock Options: 1,830,000 shares
���� Fully Diluted: 52,542,853 shares
���� Cash on Hand: $8,000,000 CDN
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