• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

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GGL hatte ich gar nicht gesehen, halte weiter zu 0,3 CAD

PBX macht sich schick!! 0,455 CAD ;)

TJS Tenajon zieht auch an!
nochwas zu TWD aus dem stockreport:

Wusstet ihr das schon mit dem Spin-Out?

Pelangio Mines hängt ja derzeit auch noch mit Trade Winds zusammen bei dem Birch Lake Projekt, aber das wird ja wahrscheinlich ausgegliedert.

Detour Gold ist hier auch einige Beiträge weiter unten erwähnt, das teilen die sich ja 50 / 50 mit Trade Winds beim Detour Lake Gebiet! 8)



(c) stockreport.de
Spin out bekannt, kannst Du die anderen Sachen zu Osisko + Mindoro reinstellen ich packs dann oder Du in den Hotstockbereich rein!!
Morjen , lief ja gestern sauber für alle 3 - CMI ist über die 0,70 Can$ (Kaufsignal), AQA - über 1,10(zum Ende gute Käufe - very good News sollen diese Woche kommen) und mein kleiner Liebling DNT - auf der 1,74 fast TH - auch hier stehen News aus!
bin gespannt was der Tag bringt - Danke an Global Investor für die Info´s zu TradeWinds

@Global - das mit dem Spinout des Chinaprojektes war schon längere Zeit bekannt
meinen herzlichen Glückwunsch! + Respekt - das waren Supertipps.......ich habe leider gester nnich zugegriffen, hatte mir CML und AQA in s Depot gelegt...........
bei DNT schauts gut aus für die Woche - in Peru wird kräftig gekauft und auch OTC - scheint was zu kommen diese Woche
Globex Anticipates Copper Revenue
ROUYN-NORANDA, QUEBEC, Sep 19, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. (TSX: GMX) (FRANKFURT, STUTTGART, BERLIN, MUNICH, XETRA:G1M) and (OTCQX: GLBXF) is pleased to inform shareholders that First Metals Inc. (TSX: FMA) has announced the tonnage and grade of the first bench to be mined from the existing Fabie Bay open pit. The internally calculated measured mineral resource of the first bench, Bench 030, is estimated at 99,800 tonnes grading 2.25% copper including 10,563 tonnes of dilution grading 0.73% copper.

At a mill recovery rate of 92%, it is anticipated that 4.4 million pounds of payable copper will be produced after smelting of the concentrate. Copper is currently quoted at $ 3.40 US per pound.

Globex anticipates receiving a 2% of the copper produced under our agreement with First Metals and after recovery by First metals of $ 10 million dollars of capital, an additional 10% net profit interest on subsequent production.

First Metals Inc. anticipates shipping ore shortly, as soon as up-grades to the Xstrata Horne mill are completed.

We Seek Safe Harbour. Foreign Private Issuer 12g3 - 2(b) CUSIP Number 379900 10 3

Forward Looking Statements

Except for historical information this News Release may contain certain "forward looking statements". These statements may involve a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity and performance to be materially different from the Company's expectations and projections.

Contacts: Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. Jack Stoch, P.Geo, President & CEO 819-797-5242 819-797-1470 (FAX) info@globexmining.com www.globexmining.com


mailto:info@globexmining.com http://www.globexmining.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
:eek: schaut vorbörslich ganz vielversprechend aus......in Canada bei TradeWinds
hatte Stockreport nu eigentlich TradeWinds als Depotaufnahme oder als Watch?
Salazar Kaufkurs 1,67€ verkauft zu 2,90€ poste sowas selten, aber dann gerne! :juchu:
:eek: schaut vorbörslich ganz vielversprechend aus......in Canada bei TradeWinds
hatte Stockreport nu eigentlich TradeWinds als Depotaufnahme oder als Watch?

Die haben die Aktie gestern vorgestellt, bei 0,225 CA$. Im Depot ist derzeit kein Platz, würde mich aber nicht wundern wenn sie die aufnehmen.

Schick mal PN mit deiner Email-Adresse, kann dir bei Interesse ja mal die Ausgabe zukommen lassen 8)

Chartbild bei Tenajon immer besser T5Q, TJS Canada Tenajon :)
Sep 19, 2007 14:15 ET
Alexandria Continues to Intersect Shallow Gold at Orenada 2

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 19, 2007) - Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) intersected 54.00 meters grading 0.62 g/t gold from 26.80 m to 80.80 m drilled depth, further delineating shallow gold mineralization at Orenada 2 (all widths core lengths). These results come from a large exploration effort in which the Company is testing a number of targets on its Cadillac Break properties.

Gold mineralization in Diamond Drill Hole (DDH) OAX-07-8 occurs in several intersections across the Cadillac Break between 26.80 m and 182.3 m, about 50 m west of previously reported DDH AAX-07-11, which intersected 1.09 g/t gold over 89.10 m (Press Release April 25, 2007). Likewise, strongly anomalous gold occur in several intersections between 66.20 m and 179.25 m in DDH OAX-07-9, which intersected the Cadillac Break target 50 m below OAX-07-8, and approximately 50 m above hole AAX-07-10, which intersected 110.1 m grading 0.50 g/t Au (also previously reported on April 25, 2007). The results support Alexandria's belief in the potential of the Cadillac Break as a target for shallow, wide low grade gold mineralization on the Orenada property. Further information can be viewed at the Company's website, www.azx.ca.

Table of Assay Results
Hole # From To Core True Au g/t
(m) (m) Length (m) Width (m)
OAX-07-7 Abandoned due to change in orientation
OAX-07-8 26.80 80.80 54.00 41.37 0.62
incl. 26.80 47.90 21.10 16.16 0.70
and 41.30 46.40 5.10 3.91 1.19
and 63.50 80.80 17.30 13.82 1.00
108.80 114.00 5.20 3.98 0.95
147.10 168.60 21.50 15.72 0.93
incl. 156.40 166.40 10.00 7.31 1.40
and 162.15 166.40 4.25 3.11 2.25
179.50 182.30 2.80 1.31 1.82
OAX-07-9 66.20 84.00 17.80 13.01 0.33
incl. 70.20 82.45 12.25 8.95 0.40
97.35 121.50 24.15 17.08 0.40
incl. 97.35 119.15 21.80 15.41 0.45
140.10 146.50 6.40 4.36 0.11
177.70 188.40 10.70 7.30 0.36
incl. 177.70 179.25 1.55 1.04 1.57
AAX-07-22 65.30 91.80 26.50 21.70 0.25
incl. 70.40 82.10 11.70 9.58 0.38
227.00 229.00 2.00 1.29 0.58

Full results have now been received from DDH AAX-07-22, an exploratory hole near the northern boundary of the Orenada property (partial results announced on September 5, 2007), which tested a geophysical anomaly near the Centre Post Intrusion. These results returned 0.38 g/t gold over 11.70 meters (core length), hosted in sheared and altered syenite and diorite, near the southwestern margin of the intrusive.

DDH OAX-07-7 was abandoned at 147 m because the orientation of the hole was deflected significantly from its original targeted direction.

The Company continues drilling on both Orenada 2 and 4, currently testing the deeper levels of both zones for continuity of high grade mineralization with DDH holes OAX-07-25 and 26. Results are pending for 14 completed holes, which have tested both near-surface mineralization at Orenada 2 and deep level mineralization at Orenada 4.

The results presented in this press release are exploratory in nature and have been reviewed by the company's Qualified Person, Eddy Canova, PGeo. The drilling program employs a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. Drill core is NQ-sized, and is logged, sampled and split at the Company's Val d'Or office, in intervals of 0.3 meters to a maximum of 1.5 meters. The samples are recorded, bagged and sent to Bourlamaque Assay Lab in Val-d'Or for assay. Samples are analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu and Zn, via a 30 gram pulp by FAA for Au and AA for Ag, Cu and Zn. Re-assays by FA gravimetric finish are performed on samples assaying greater than 1.0 g/t Au and re-assays greater than 5.0 g/t Au are checked a second time by FA gravimetric finish.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of up-coming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Alexandria Minerals Corporation relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Mal nach vorne geholt:
Das Canada Basket im charttechnischen Überblick. Anlagezeitraum 2 Jahre plus x! Reihenfolge wie
im Thread.

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Southern Arc Minerals http://www.southernarcminerals.com/s/Home.asp
nächste Bre-Ex oder nächste Lihir (tippe auf Lihir), multi-mio Oz Potential in Indonesien, Partner von Newmont
Alexandria Minerals http://www.azx.ca/
Top aufgestellter Junior in Kanada, so viel Gelände, dass da mind. eine 1 mio Oz Mine bei rumkommt!

Mexivada Mining http://www.mexivada.com/s/Home.asp
halten ev. den weltweit letzten unerforschten Greenstone Belt, Potential 15-20mio Oz Au in der Rep. Kongo (nicht Zaire!!!), zudem etliche potentielle multi-mio Oz Gelände in Nevada neben den Majors

Int. PBX http://www.internationalpbx.com/
haben in Chile das wahrscheinlich das größte Moly Vorkommen der Welt, zudem ausgezeichnete Rhenium Werte, das fast so teuer ist wie Gold

Largo Minerals http://www.largoresources.com/
haben in Canada das größte unerschlossene Moly-Tungsten Depot der Welt, allle drei seltenen Metalle sind in der Stahlindustrie von strategischem Interesse als Härter/Veredeler, Zusatzpotential durch Platin und Palladium in Brasilien

Vangold Resources http://vangold.ca/
halten über 40.000 km2 Öl-Explorations/Produktionsanteils-Lizenzen in Burundi, Kenya, Armenien, ev. Nickel Player in Uganda, multi mio Oz Au Potential in PNG, zwei Spin-offs in Arbeit

Bluerock Resources http://www.bluerockresources.com/s/Home.asp
Uran Micro-Cap, haben etliche ex-Minen in den USA mit bestehenden Produktionslizenzen(!!!) aufgesammelt
Purepoint Uranium http://www.purepoint.ca/
bevorzugter Explorer für Cameco, die alle verfügbaren Resourcen auf die Wiederherstellung der Cigar Lake Mine verwenden müssen, Purepoint wird imho in 2-3 Jahren von Cameco übernommen

Sparton Resources www.spartonres.ca
Gold in China mit Regierungsbeteiligung, Gold in Nevada, Urangebiete, die eigentliche Phantasie steckt in dem Uranextrahierungsverfahren aus Kohleasche

Cornerstone Capital http://www.cornerstoneresources.com/s/Home.asp
Beteiligung und JVs an an die 50 Geländen und Projekten in Canada und Ecuador mit Top-Partnern
Trade Winds

Suite 300, 1620 West 8th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V6J 1V4
117 Kent Avenue
Timmins, ON P4N 3B9

This is Colin Robson with Trade Winds Ventures Inc (TWD – TSX.V). Thanks for your interest in our company. TWD’s main focus over the last several years has been their Detour Lake Project in Ontario. On October 31, 2006 we released a resource calculation for 2.3 million ounces of gold on our 50 % owned Block A property. Our joint venture partner Detour Gold Corp (Hunter Dickinson) now has 3.5 million ounces inferred on the adjoining property which contains the former Placer Dome mine that produced 1.5 million oz's in the 1990's. The majority of the indicated resource on Block A occurs between 30-300 meters.

Trade Winds has drilled over 200 drill holes on the Block A and GoWest. The resource calculation covered 1.2 KM of the M-Zone structure which is over 4KM long, 60-80 metres wide 30 - 900 metres deep (open at depth). There are several other structures that run east to west including the North Walter Lake Zone (NWL). Our drill program has been very successful and we will be soon be releasing an additional 20 holes from our latest drill program on Block A.

Tradewinds is planning a spin off of its two China properties where the shareholders of Trade Winds before the record date will receive a dividend share. We believe this will represent substantial value for our shareholders as our China properties are progressing nicely with both having significant upside. Our partner on the Silu zinc lead project owns a mine 6 KM away form our property and operates a 1000 tonne per day mill. The silu property was mined illegally several years ago before it was shut down for obvious unsafe practices. The upside is significant with an estimated 930,000 tonnes of contained metal (not rock tonnage but actual metal) on the panlong property.

Trade Winds partner Detour Gold Corp is receiving over $70/oz for there gold in the ground while Trade Winds is receiving approx $.15 at present price of $.26. Trade Winds is also not receiving any valuation for any of the other properties they have in their portfolio including China properties, Turner Lake (Nunavut) which has had several excellent previous drill results, Birch Lake (Red Lake area) with multi ounce assays several summers ago and the Treasure Mountain and Dardanelles gold and Copper prospects in BC, recently named one of the top high grade prospects in the province by the provincial government, this will change.. Trade Winds will eventually get its proper valuation and with the proper programs in place now we feel we are ready to go to the next level. If you are looking for an undervalued Jr stock with a hard asset that will continue to grow than this is it!

. Trade Winds is also planning spin offs of other key properties in order to unlock value for shareholders.

Best Regards,

Colin Robson

Investor Relations
Trade Winds Ventures Inc
Tradewinds is planning a spin off of its two China properties where the shareholders of Trade Winds before the record date will receive a dividend share. We believe this will represent substantial value for our shareholders as our China properties are progressing nicely with both having significant upside.


Weiß jemand wann das "record date" ist ?
eine krassere Unterbewertung bei zwei Nachbarn habe ich selten gesehen....eigentlich noch garnicht :gruebel:
Trade Winds
Trade Winds partner Detour Gold Corp is receiving over $70/oz for there gold in the ground while Trade Winds is receiving approx $.15 at present price of $.26.

Was soll das denn heißen? steige da nicht durch. sorry

Eine unze gold "kostet" bei TWD doch rund 5,70 € , während man bei Bravo z.B. schon rund 60 € hinlegen muss... BILDLICH
wenn du Tradewinds zu 0,26 komplett übernehmen würdest müßtest (FD 73 Mio Shares) ca. 19 Mio Can$ bezahlen und würdest im Moment ca. 2.700.000 Unzen Gold dafür haben (mindestens) - entsprechen bei 600$/UNze ca. 1,6 Mrd$ Markwert....vielleicht über die Schiene :scratch:
Trade Winds
Trade Winds partner Detour Gold Corp is receiving over $70/oz for there gold in the ground while Trade Winds is receiving approx $.15 at present price of $.26.

Was soll das denn heißen? steige da nicht durch. sorry

Eine unze gold "kostet" bei TWD doch rund 5,70 € , während man bei Bravo z.B. schon rund 60 € hinlegen muss... BILDLICH
Recnung ist mir momentan auch ein wenig suspekt, egal, krass unterbewertet!

MK TWD bei 0,24 sind 17,52mio

in Ground Value (uncut) sind 50% der 2,3mio Oz a 600 Euro/Oz konservativ= 690mio

der haette schreiben muessen 15 USD/Oz...

MK / Oz...

17,52mio Aktien / 1,15mio Oz = 15,23 USD/in ground Oz
Recnung ist mir momentan auch ein wenig suspekt, egal, krass unterbewertet!

MK TWD bei 0,24 sind 17,52mio

in Ground Value (uncut) sind 50% der 2,3mio Oz a 600 Euro/Oz konservativ= 690mio

der haette schreiben muessen 15 USD/Oz...

MK / Oz...

17,52mio Aktien / 1,15mio Oz = 15,23 USD/in ground Oz
:up: also muss es wohl 15$ und nicht 15 Cent heißen.
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