• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

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Danke Fischi für Deine Tipps!! :up: :)

Jo, in Salzburg scheint die Sonne, abends arschkalt!! Darauf einen Jagertee von Treml! :beer:

Alexandria Minerals
Der Kupferpreis konnte heute in Shanghai weiter zulegen. Die Investoren und Händler erwarten, dass die Nachfrage nach dem roten Metall in China weiter zunimmt. Dazu passt, dass die Importe von Kupfer und Kupferprodukten in China in den ersten neuen Monaten des Jahres bei 2,13 Mio. Tonnen lagen und damit um 41 % über dem Vorjahresniveau.

Ein Analyst sagte, dass bei einem Preis von 66.000 Yuan je Tonne wieder nachgekauft wird und dass bei 67.000 Yuan die Nachfrage wieder zurückgehen wird.

Der Dezember-Futures stieg heute um 1 % auf 67.750 Yuan (8.993 USD) je Tonne, zum Handelsschluss lag der bei 67.420 Yuan.
-NJF- Mustang Minerals könnte wieder interessant werden!

War beim Ausverkauf im August beim Rebound kurzfristig investiert und bin nun vor einigen Tagen wieder rein! Chart sieht gut aus und der Nickelpreis steigt wieder kontinuierlich.

Rechne mit einem baldigen Ausbruch nach OBEN!!!!! :up: ;)

mustang - herrlicher chart
alexandria - scheinbar gut CASH in der TAeSCH...

corriente ???

kommt wieder die zeit der explorer? so bis ins fruehjahr hinein ...

waere doch schoen.


tolle arbeit & vielen dank an euch alle hier - fischi etc .....

Noront Artikel am WE in Kanada
so wie TCM ein imho todsicherer Long!

Is this Voisey's Bay II?

Nickel, copper grades at Noront's James Bay Double Eagle project are 'unbelievable'

Peter Koven, Financial Post
Published: Saturday, October 13, 2007

The wildest staking rush Ontario has seen in many years began with an accidental discovery.
Richard Nemis, chief executive of Noront Resources Ltd., staked out some territory in the James Bay Lowlands about three years ago. He thought it had good potential after De Beers Canada Inc. and a pair of junior miners, Spider Resources Inc. and KWG Resources Inc., made some interesting zinc and copper finds nearby.

But the area he really wanted to drill was caught up in litigation, and he didn't get his hands on it until recently. He promised to drill one hole in exchange for getting the land.

He didn't find the zinc he was hoping for in that hole. Instead, he found the mother lode.

"We hit nickel-copper, which we never expected to see," Mr. Nemis, 69, says in an interview from Wawa, Ont., where he is hiring stakers as fast as he can and sending them up to James Bay. "This could be bigger than Voisey's Bay. It's a huge discovery."

The drilling results, which started to emerge six weeks ago and feature massive amounts of copper and nickel sulphides, have astounded the mining industry and made Toronto-based Noront (as in NORthern ONTario) an overnight sensation.

The stock catapulted from pennies to more than $4 a share, and the big boys, such as CVRD Inco and Xstrata PLC, are already inquiring about the deposit. Noront expects one of them to eventually buy the company.

"They all want to come in and kick the tires. We'll get a big major in there to develop it eventually. This thing is getting bigger and bigger," Mr. Nemis says.

Noront's drilling is still in its early stages: Only a dozen holes have been drilled at the Double Eagle project.

But Jean-Francois Tardif, a fund manager at Sprott Asset Management (a major shareholder), calculated the company has already identified about $2-billion in value under the ground. He also pointed out that some of the drill holes have values of far more than US$1,000 per ton.

"Some mines are profitable at US$15 or US$20 per ton," he says."This would be massively profitable if it was being mined. The grade is just unbelievable."

If the discovery does turn out to be the next big find, it will be bought by one of the big players and put into production. But, meantime, hundreds of thousands of hectares of land surrounding the find are up for grabs, and there is a mad rush by junior miners to get their hands on it.

More than 100,000 hectares have been staked in the James Bay Lowlands in just six weeks.

Kirk McKinnon, chief executive of MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd., figures it could be as much as 200,000. Nothing in Ontario compares since the diamond exploration boom in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and the Hem-lo gold discovery in the early 1980s.

At least 10 junior companies are already there, and more land is being staked every day.

"When Noront stock was first halted, the rumours started flying around," Mr. McKinnon says. "We sent a helicopter out [to James Bay] that day and started staking the next day. We took a chance, but that's what staking is all about."

MacDonald and its joint-venture partners have already staked more than 60,000 hectares.

The remarkable thing about this staking rush is that it is happening in one of the most isolated areas in the province. The discovery is about halfway up the west side of James Bay and 150 kilometres inland to the west. The only way to reach it is by helicopter, and the only community anywhere close is Webequie, a tiny aboriginal reserve about 50 km away.

The formerly desolate region is now bustling with helicopters and prospectors flying in and out.

"I've heard it described as busy as Toronto airport, with all the airplanes flying around," says Brian Atkinson, resident geologist in Timmins with the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. His phone is ringing off the hook with people looking for property in the Lowlands.

But it remains a very difficult place to drill. There is a lot of water and no exposed mineralization on the ground's surface. The mapping of the region is also very limited; the companies are mostly working off of old government maps, and a lot of the geophysical work has to be done in the helicopters.

Geologists, essentially, have nothing on the ground to work with.

As a result of that, and the fact that exploration is still in its very early stages, it is impossible to know exactly how big this discovery is.

"We don't know how long the thing is, and we don't know how deep it goes," says Bill Nielson, a geologist on MacDonald's board of directors. "We don't even know what direction it's going in at this point in time. It could just be a few million tons [of ore]. Or it could be 30 million."

Noront is hoping for the latter. The company believes its shares are grossly undervalued, and has hired financial advisor IBK Capital Corp. to figure out how to maximize value.

IBK is already comparing the stock's recent performance to Robert Friedland's Diamond Fields Inc. shortly after it found Voisey's Bay. That company eventually sold for US$4.3-billion.

"It is probably the biggest new discovery in Canada in the last 10 years," Mr. Nemis says. "That's how big it is. It's important." He pauses. "Very important."
hallo ihr rohstoff experten!

noront hört sich ja fantastisch an!!! ärgerlich, dass ich die vorher nie auf dem schirm hatte :wallbash:

100% potenzial auf 12-monatssicht @ fish?????
oder evtl. noch mehr?

danke schonmal
News zu Donner Metals

Oct 15, 2007 08:30 ET
Commander and Donner Commence EM Survey on the Sarah Lake Nickel PropertyCommander Retains BMK Communications for Investor Relations
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 15, 2007) - Commander Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:CMD) reports that a detailed low frequency ground Electromagnetic (EM) survey has commenced on the Sarah Lake Property, Labrador. Commander also reports that it has retained BMK Communications Inc. of Vancouver, B.C., to provide investor relations and marketing services.

The Sarah Lake property is a Joint Venture between Commander and Donner Metals and is located about 90 kilometres south of the 150 Mt Voisey's Bay Nickel Mine. The property covers a portion of the extensive Pants Lake Gabbro Complex, which is similar in age and chemical composition to the intrusions that host Voisey's Bay.

On the Sarah Lake Property, as reported in the Company's news release dated September 13, 2007, previous drilling to the west of the property in the 1990's intersected 0.5% nickel to 11.9% nickel with several intercepts on the Sarah Lake Property grading 0.4 to 0.9% nickel. A large area of the key basal contact of the gabbro lies within a few hundred metres of the surface and has not been sufficiently explored for nickel-bearing massive sulphide accumulation.

Discrete geophyscical conductors on the property were identified from previous surveys to be at a depth coincident with the interpreted base of the gabbro where sulphides could have accumulated. High grade nickel sulphide deposits are usually highly conductive bodies and therefore, a detailed low frequency EM survey is required to isolate and define the strongest and potentially the most metal rich portions of the known conductors. This new geophysical data along with existing geological, geochemical and geophysical data will be used to prioritize targets for drill testing in 2008.

Commander owns 48.2% of the Sarah Lake Property. Donner Metals owns 51.8% and is operator of the Joint Venture.

Commander also holds other interests in the larger South Voisey's Bay area including 59.9% of the Adlatok 1 Property and 100% of Sally and Sadie properties on which there are existing geophysical conductors. These other properties will be surveyed with a similar EM system in 2008 and will be drill-tested if warranted.

Summary information and maps of the properties can be found on the Company's website at www.commanderresources.com.
Noront Area Plays laufen alle

immo am interessantesten ist MacDonald Mining, die waren in dem Zeitungsartikel auch explizit erwaehnt
was meinst du mit area plays???
Noront Area Plays laufen alle

immo am interessantesten ist MacDonald Mining, die waren in dem Zeitungsartikel auch explizit erwaehnt

Area bezeichnet das Gebiet in dem eine Firma gerade bohrt/was gefunden hat

Noront hatt die spektakulaeren Bohrergebnisse und es sind in demselben Gebiet/derselben geologischen Formation andere Firmen aktiv, diese anderen Firmen nennt man dann in Bezug auf den gerade gehypten Wert "Area Plays" (Play im Sinne von "Zock", "Wette", "Chance")
Sparton Resources Inc.: First Yellowcake Produced From Xiaolongtang Cola Ash, China-Test Work Continues
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 15, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SRI) (the "Company") reported today that its ongoing uranium extraction testing program has successfully produced a small amount of yellowcake (U3O8) from fly ash samples taken from the China Guodian Xiaolongtang Thermal Power Plant in central Yunnan Province PRC). The test work is being done by the Company's processing engineering consulting firm Lyntek Inc. of Denver, Colorado, USA. Yellowcake (U3O8) is the uranium compound produced and sold by most uranium producers and is the uranium bearing raw material whose price is quoted in international markets.

This test, the first one to attempt to produce yellowcake, was qualitative in nature and used 6.1 kg of mixed fly ash currently being produced by the old and new burners at the Xiaolongtang station. The ash averaged about 160 ppm U or 0.40 lb/tonne U3O8. Leaching was done with sulphuric acid and the yellowcake was produced by passing the filtered leach solution through a standard ion exchange resin, stripping the resin and precipitating the uranium compound. This process is essentially similar to the uranium extraction and yellowcake production methods used by primary uranium ore processing plants or ISL (in situ leach) operations using an acidic leaching solution. A photo of the yellowcake precipitate is shown on the Company website www.spartonres.ca.

New test work currently in progress will focus on refining the leaching, filtering and ion exchange processes. The leach solutions contain significant amounts of gypsum and iron oxide which require removal by filtering prior to passing them through the ion exchange system. The next tests will evaluate uranium extraction from ash from the large waste pile at Xiaolongtang. A 20 kg representative sample taken from drill holes used to test the waste pile will be used for this work.


42 drill holes totalling approximately 700 metres were completed in September in a systematic pattern over the entire fly ash waste pile at Xiaolongtang with a 50 metre average hole spacing. The pile averages about 17 metres in thickness, and contains about 5.3 million tonnes of ash. Systematic sampling of the ash has been completed and samples are currently being analysed at a laboratory in China. Duplicate samples have been taken and sent to SGS Lakefield Laboratories in Toronto, Canada for quality control. The results of the analyses will provide an average uranium content for the waste pile ash and also the content of several other trace heavy metals including molybdenum (similar to the uranium content) and vanadium (twice the uranium content) which have been identified in earlier analyses. Leaching and uranium extraction tests will begin shortly on this material.


The production of yellowcake from waste coal ash is another milestone in Sparton's ongoing secondary source uranium recovery programs in China and elsewhere. The Company and its process engineering consultants have demonstrated that U3O8 can be produced from this material. Refinement of the process methodologies for extraction will be a priority activity for future work. Elsewhere waste ash sampling programs are underway in Hungary and southern Africa, and new results will be reported as they become available.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.

Contacts: Sparton Resources Inc. A. Lee Barker President and CEO (416) 366-3551 or Mobile: (416) 716-5762 (416) 366-7421 (FAX) Email: info@spartonres.ca Sparton Resources Inc. Charles Ge Director +86 10 8559 0034 +86 10 8559 0034 (FAX) Email: Charlesge@vip.163.com Website: www.spartonres.ca

SOURCE: Sparton Resources Inc.

mailto:info@spartonres.ca mailto:Charlesge@vip.163.com http://www.spartonres.ca
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
@ dukezero

Wie ist Dein Infostand bei LR8, Largo Resources?

- Bohrresultate des Acer Goldprojektes "pending"?
- Scopy Studie zu Northern Dancer "pending"?

Was habe ich vergessen bzw. was ist korrekter Weise noch in der kurz- bis mittelfristigen Newspipeline?

Thx für ne Antwort... :danke:

Zu Largo: Charttechnisch klar im Aufwärtstrend. s. Chart bei den Hotstocks.
Cheff kauft eigene Aktien.
Platin fett am steigen.

Ergebnis Kaufen!
Thx für Deine Kurz-Einschätzung!

Gestern letzte Posi (von 3) gekauft..... und jetzt bleibt die erstmal liegen.

Newspipeline sollte gefüllt sein und die starken Explorermonate liegen voraus!

Chart sieht gut aus! Wann rechnest Du mit den nächsten signifikanten News?

Zu Largo: Charttechnisch klar im Aufwärtstrend. s. Chart bei den Hotstocks.
Cheff kauft eigene Aktien.
Platin fett am steigen.

Ergebnis Kaufen!
Zu Platin:

guten morgen,

@duke: was geht eigentlich? deine aktien fliegen ja alle weg!! :D hattest du nicht gestern noch macdonald erwähnt?? läuft ja alles wie verrückt!
sag mal bitte (oder auch gerne die anderen rohstoff-experten), was haltet ihr von uc recources??
sind die nicht in ähnlichem gebiet tätig?

danke und gruß
guten morgen,

@duke: was geht eigentlich? deine aktien fliegen ja alle weg!! :D hattest du nicht gestern noch macdonald erwähnt?? läuft ja alles wie verrückt!
sag mal bitte (oder auch gerne die anderen rohstoff-experten), was haltet ihr von uc recources??
sind die nicht in ähnlichem gebiet tätig?

danke und gruß

MacDonald hatte Fischi gestern ins Gespräch gebracht!
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