• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Habt Ihr schon den gestrigen Kursverlauf von Searchgold gesehen? Da sollen in Kürze ja die nächsten Bohrergebnisse bekannt gegeben werden. Sieht so aus, als ob Insider schon wieder mehr wissen.

Issuer: Trade Winds Ventures Inc. (the “Company”).
Offering: Brokered private placement of up to $2,000,000 of units (“Units”) and non brokered private placement of up to $1,000,000.
Offering Price: $0.30 per Unit.
Units: Each Unit will consist of one common share (“Common Share”) and one half of one common share purchase warrant (“Warrant”). Each whole Warrant shall entitle the holder thereof to purchase one additional Common Share of the Company at a price of $0.40 during the first year and $0.50 during the second year from the date of the closing of the Offering (“Closing”).
Over-Allotment Option: At the option of the Agent, the Offering may be increased for additional gross proceeds of up to $1,000,000 of Units, offered on the same terms and conditions, up to Closing by written notice to the Company.
Use of Proceeds: Net proceeds from the Units will be used for exploration and development of properties, and general corporate purposes.
Blackout Provision: The Company shall not offer or issue any Common Shares (or securities convertible into Common Shares) at a price less than the Offering Price except in the normal course relating to employee options, or incentive stock options, or convertible securities already outstanding, for a period of four months and a day following Closing without the written consent of Octagon Capital Corporation, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.
Listing: The common shares of the Company are currently listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “TWD” and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol “TVR”.
Hold Period: No prospectus or offering memorandum will be prepared. The Units and FT Shares will be subject to a hold period of four months and a day from Closing.
Offering Jurisdictions: The Units will be sold in Canada to accredited investors on a private placement basis in British Columbia and Alberta and Ontario, subject to available private placement exemptions. The Units will be sold in the United States and other jurisdictions as may be agreed upon by the Company and the Agent, subject to available private placement exemptions.
Commission: Cash commission: 8.0% of gross proceeds of the Offering.
Compensation Warrants: 8.0% of the Offered Securities exercisable up to December 31, 2008 at a price equal to the price of the Offered Securities.
Closing: Closing shall occur on or about October 31, 2007 or another date to be agreed upon.
Agent: Octagon Capital Corporation.

Das dürfte hier wohl der Bremsklotz gewesen sein. Hier sollten auf Sicht mehrere Monate sehr
deutliche Steigerungen möglich sein.
Gold - einfach Goil! :) - sollte auch Osisko weiter Beine machen...........

bei TWD sind gestern 3,3 Mio Aktien gehandelt worden(das sind mehr als 5% der vorhandenen Aktien) - kann mir nich vorstellen das da viel im Daytrading lief, dazu war die Vola zu niedrig(denke ich)
denke das sich da auch viele positioniert haben und ein längeres Invest eingegangen sind - die letzten Ergebnisse haben sich alle getopt und TWD wird für Detour immer wertvoller; und damit auch für Pelangio

ich für meinen Teil denke auch wie Ihr das wir hier am Beginn einer sehr nachhaltigen Wertsteigerung stehen und ich kann mir bis Jahresende durchaus den 1,-Can$ als realistische Größe vorstellen - dann sind wir bei ca. 65 Mio Can$ MK - bei einer wahrscheinlichen Verdoppelung der Resserven immer noch das absloute Schnäppchen schlechthin

bin gesapnnt was/wie Stockreport begleitet.........wenn es jemand reinstellen würde wäre sehr nett!

Man achte auf die Dezemberanstiege!! 2 Jahreschart!! :evil:

Globex Mining G1M

war klar, dass da demnaechst ein PP kommen musste und es ist gottseidank erst jetzt soweit. Auch gut ist, dass es nur einen halben Warrant je neuer Aktie geben wird. Alles in allem rechnen wir mal mit 10mio neuen Aktien und 5 mio Warrants. Kann ich gut mit leben!


da kommt was grosses! ;)
Kurzfrist Value Speku


geht auf, Empfehlung zu 2 CAD, gestern Close 2,35, pre-bids prima (2,49), Cash Dividend 1,3 CAD

http://www.marketwire.com/mw/release.do?id=779721Oct 11, 2007 09:30 ET
Bluerock Announces Mongolian Results From the 2007 Uranium JV Exploration Projects, and New Coal Discovery
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 11, 2007) - Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BRD) (the Company) announces drilling and trenching results from the 2007 exploration programs on the Ulaan Nuur Basin uranium projects in Mongolia. The drilling programs were focused on three separate licenses, the Khavtsal, Khudgiin Us and Tolgod, all of which are located south of Ulaanbaatar in the Ulaan Nuur Basin.

Assay results defined anomalous uranium mineralization in drillholes and trenches on the Khavtsal license. Uranium in drill holes returned grades ranging from trace up to 0.026% U3O8 over 1.85 metres with 5 intervals over 0.014% U3O8. Assays from trenching sampling returned grades from trace up to 0.265% U3O8 over 0.75 metres with 9 intervals over 0.06% U3O8.

Additionally, the 2007 Khavtsal drilling program identified substantial thicknesses of coal with 18 of the 30 drill holes returning intervals greater than 1 metre of coal. 10 of these drill holes intersected greater than 10 metres total thicknesses of coal. Drill hole KH07-19 returned a 26 metre thick coal horizon within a 46 metre inter-bedded section of coal, sand and clay. These newly discovered coal intervals have been identified over a 1 by 3 kilometre area and are open to extension to the north and south. As the drill program was designed to identify and measure uranium mineralization, the drill technique, sampling and logging was not optimized to define coal resources. The Company is planning a focused drill program to define the quality and continuity of these coal seams.

President Michael Collins commented: "The drilling program succeeded in expanding the known uranium mineralization at Khavtsal in both area and to depth. In addition, the company has identified significant intervals of coal located only 30 kilometres from a railhead. Bluerock will move aggressively to capture the value of this new coal asset."

Uranium Results:


Assay results from the drilling program on the Khavtsal property have demonstrated continuity between two known, near surface, uranium occurrences and more importantly, indicated that uranium mineralization does extend to depth within the basin. Bluerock's geologists interpret the defined uranium anomalies as related to reduction (redox) fronts in the hosting sandstone's lignite horizons. This may indicate the presence of a large tonnage roll-front type deposit in the area, a program is being designed explore this potential. Bluerock crews drilled 30 Reverse Circulation holes (2,938 total metres) on the Khavtsal property in 2007, with an averaged depth of 100 metres. Khavtsal had received a limited amount of uranium exploration work during the 1980's by a Soviet/Mongolian JV. The Soviets outlined two zones of near surface, lignite hosted uranium, and a preliminary (non N.I. 43-101 compliant) resource was calculated at that time.

A summary of significant intercepts from the 2007 Khavtsal drilling and gamma probing programs are listed below. Hole KH07-16 was successful in confirming 1980's exploration results. Holes KH07-21, KH07-28 and KH07-29 expanded the area of known mineralization:

------------------------------------------------------------Hole From To Thickness GradeNumber (metres) (metres) (metres) eU3O8(%)------------------------------------------------------------KH07-28 74.35 76.85 2.5 0.020------------------------------------------------------------KH07-28 26.9 29.05 2.15 0.019------------------------------------------------------------KH07-29 27.75 29.6 1.85 0.026------------------------------------------------------------KH07-21 10.15 12.7 2.55 0.014------------------------------------------------------------KH07-16 (twin) 23.95 25.25 1.3 0.026------------------------------------------------------------

Concurrent with the drilling program, Bluerock crews excavated 12 trenches on the Khavtsal license designed to confirm and test near surface uranium mineralization as defined from the 1980's vintage Soviet uranium exploration programs. Trenches averaged 2 metres in width and 3 metres in depth.

All trenches expanded upon and/or confirmed the reported uranium mineralization. Trench TR07-01 established an interpreted continuity between two historical(i) uranium showings.

A summary of significant trench sample results,by XRF technique, are listed below:
-----------------------------------------Trench Sample Thickness Grade Number (metres) (%U3O8)-----------------------------------------TR07-01 0.25 0.255-----------------------------------------TR07-01 1.5 0.078-----------------------------------------TR07-08 2.3 0.073-----------------------------------------TR07-08 2.2 0.075-----------------------------------------TR07-08 2 0.064-----------------------------------------TR07-08 2.4 0.027-----------------------------------------TR07-09 0.75 0.265-----------------------------------------Including 0.2 0.886-----------------------------------------TR07-09 1.35 0.041-----------------------------------------TR07-10 1.8 0.104-----------------------------------------TR07-10 2.3 0.041-----------------------------------------TR07-10 1.3 0.060-----------------------------------------

All drill and trench results from the 2007 Khavtsal exploration program are being integrated with historic(i) Soviet data by Company staff.

Khudgiin Us

Nine widely spaced RC holes (904 total metres) were drilled on the Khudgiin Us license. The drill program was designed to locate the northern extension of known uranium mineralization in the Ulaan Nuur historic(i) uranium anomaly and integrated both surface mapping and the spring 2006 Bluerock geophysical surveys. While favourable sedimentary horizons were encountered, they were generally thin and relatively un-mineralized with assay values ranging from trace to 47 ppm U over 0.3 metres.


Four RC drill holes (159 total metres) were completed on the Tolgod concession and designed to target sedimentary hosted uranium mineralization. The basin was found to be shallower than postulated, constraining its potential to host a significant deposit. No significant assay were returned from this program.

Central Gobi

Bluerock's 2007 Mongolia uranium exploration projects remain active with a planned 4,000 metre RC, 2,000 metre diamond drilling and combined trenching program currently underway on the Central Gobi Project. The first samples from this program have been sent to the lab and initial results are expected in approximately one month.

Assaying and Analysis

Gamma log probing was carried out by G&DS Co. Ltd. (a third party contractor), who has a long record of third party geophysical surveying for TSX listed companies. The downhole logging system, manufactured by Mount Sopris Instrument Company, included a motorized winch based MXA-1000 unit, MGX II and Matrix data interface consoles and two downhole probes, a 2PGA-1000 (Natural Gamma, SP, Single Point Resistance) and 2PEA-1000 (Normal Resistivity). The 2PGA-1000 probe was calibrated at the company's Grand Junction, Colorado calibration facilities on February 2007. Drill cutting check samples were collected and assayed by XRF to verify results and disequilibrium issues.

Drill and trenching samples from the 2007 exploration programs were prepared and analysed by Activation Laboratories, (Actlabs) of Ancaster, Ontario, at their lab in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Rock preparation consisted of crushing and pulverising to 85% passing 75 micron mesh. Uranium results were analysed by XRF. Drilling samples were collected as chips from each 1 meter run. Chips were gamma probed with a hand held scintillometer by Company staff and samples collected on all intervals with greater than 120 CPS. Trenching samples were collected from in vertical channels through the stratigraphic (flat lying) target horizons. All samples of interest, plus 10% of the remainder are shipped to Canada by Actlabs, for ICP-MS verification at their Ancaster facility.

These projects are under an option agreement with Uranerz (see News Release of September 12, 2006) where the Company has the right to earn up to a 70% interest in the 8 exploration projects.

Paul D. Gray, P.Geo. is the Qualified Person with respect to the Mongolian JV properties and has reviewed and approved this press release.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on discovering tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins, CEO, President and Director
:lol: KLasse , wo ihr immer so schnell sowas findet............ :up:
:scratch: du meintest Tyler - gelle?
bei PBX kommt auch wieder Leben rein..........



La Republica Silver-Gold-Zinc-Lead Project, Yécora District, Chihuahua, Mexico: Mexivada Mining Corp. has completed the first core drill hole of its 2000 metre Phase 1 drilling program at the La Republica property. A second hole is in progress. The first 3 drill holes are designed to test possible northern extensions to the high-grade Main Stope silver-gold zone, which reported silver assays of 175 ounces per ton (“oz/ton”; 5.99 kg/tonne) and up to 0.25 oz/ton gold (8.56 grams per tonne, “g/t”) in the old mine workings. Data from Sierra Nevada Gold was found that described their drilling of one core hole in 1998 into the Main Stope on approximately the 91 metre level. This hole intersected a mine working 5.5 metres high, which contained floor rubble that assayed 398.7 grams per ton (“g/t”) silver, and two additional one meter thick quartz veins in the footwall that assayed 179.1 and 110.7 g/t silver respectively. Sierra Nevada Gold terminated their program at La Republica after this drillhole. The historic information provided above is for reference only and the reader should not infer or assert that the information is correct, reliable, relevant or accurate and should not be relied upon.

Mexivada’s drillhole LR-07-1 intercepted the La Republica vein north of the Main Stope at approximately 115 metres below the collar of the vertical Parker Shaft, and had a true width of approximately 6 metres of fault breccia and white to gray silica veining in the Republica fault-vein structure, between 165 and 172 metres. Additionally, mineralized rhyolitic porphyry dikes are present in the footwall, being quartz-veined and sulfide-bearing to a depth of 177 metres, and quartz-veined to a depth of 186 metres. All of these rocks are being assayed. This 21 metre interval is the widest discrete, mineralized drilled interval of the La Republica system reported to date. The footwall to the dikes in hole LR-07-1 comprises andesitic flows and flow breccias of the Sierra Madre Lower Volcanic Sequence. While mineralization was noted in portions of the drillhole, no conclusions can be drawn as to the grade or extent of the mineralization prior to the receipt of assays. The drill samples were sawed and delivered to ALS Laboratories in Hermosillo, who are processing the samples.

Mexivada’s drillhole LR-07-2 is testing the area north of LR-07-1 and south of the Polverine mineralized surface zone, where Mexivada sampled and assayed a 2 metre thick zone of breccia from the Republica Fault Zone that assayed 1,230 g/t silver, 0.88% zinc, 0.31% lead, and 0.2 g/t gold. Drillhole LR-07-3 will test the downplunge projection of Polverine.

Moly Dome, Nevada, Molybdenum-Copper-Gold-Silver Project: Zonge Engineering of Reno, Nevada has resumed Mexivada’s induced polarization (“IP”) survey at the Moly Dome project, in advance of core drilling that is scheduled to start on October 21st. Mexivada has staked an additional 9 mining claims to protect its target area at Moly Dome.

Mexivada’s self potential (“SP”) survey on the Moly Dome porphyry molybdenum-copper-gold-silver target area yielded an open ended +1600 metre long conductive anomaly that was interpreted by Durango Geophysical Operations to possibly be indicative of a significant zone of near-surface sulfide mineralization. An earlier geological interpretation by Wright Geophysics shows this SP anomaly to occur along the arcuate margin of an interpreted large intrusive body, as shown on Mexivada’s website. The IP survey is being conducted to target electrically conductive sulfide mineralization at depth, using dipole-dipole arrays. The initial two IP lines indicate the presence of two moderate strength IP chargeability anomalies, including one directly beneath the Moly Shaft, where quartz-molybdenite mineralization is exposed at the surface. These IP anomalies will be tested during Phase 1 drilling. The target sought for by Mexivada at Moly Dome is a large scale Robinson- or Mount Hope- type molybdenum-copper porphyry system with peripheral enrichments in gold and silver.

This press release and its contents have been reviewed by Richard R. Redfern, Mexivada's President, who is a Certified Professional Geologist and Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101.

About Mexivada Mining Corp.

Mexivada is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring, advancing, and joint venturing high-grade Gold-Silver, Molybdenum, Diamond, and Rare Metal exploration projects in Mexico, Nevada, and the ROC Republic of Congo. Managed by experienced and successful board members and advisors, Mexivada is well financed with no debt. For further information, including area maps, sections, and photos, please visit our web site at www.mexivada.com or contact us by e-mail at info@mexivada.com.



Richard R. Redfern

Detour Gold Awards Contracts for Feasibility Study at its Detour Lake Property in Northern Ontario, Canada
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 11, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) ("Detour Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to report that it has awarded several contracts for the start of the feasibility study at its Detour Lake property in northern Ontario.

The contract for open pit geotechnical investigations (pit slope design) was allocated to Golder Associates, under the management of Luiz Castro from their Mississauga office. The complete geomechanical investigation of the rock mass for the proposed open pit mine will be based on a 2,500 metre oriented-core drilling program totaling eight holes that will start in mid-October. Field work will also include Packer test investigation along with installation and monitoring of piezometers. Mr. Castro completed a three-day orientation visit earlier this month.

Metallurgical testwork on the Detour Lake deposit will be conducted by SGS Lakefield of Lakefield, Ontario under the supervision of Melis Engineering Ltd. of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Approximately 250 composite samples have already been received at Lakefield where a full geo-map profile of the deposit (2.5 kilometres long by 250 metres wide) will be tested. A total of 703 diamond drill hole intersections, comprising 2,710 assay rejects samples, will be used to verify gold recoveries and grade variability throughout the deposit. Historical gold recoveries in the open pit (low-grade), operated from 1983 to 1987, averaged between 92% and 94%.

Detailed mine design and pit optimization will be conducted by Patrice Live, P.Eng., from Montreal-based Breton, Banville & Associates (BBA).

ARD (Acid Rock Drainage) testing is scheduled to start in late October under the supervision of Mark Bednarz, BZ Environmental Consulting of Timmins, Ontario. The testing program will comply with Ontario regulatory requirements. An ABA (Acid Base Accounting) will first be run to assess all the different waste rock geological units.

Detour Gold is currently completing a 100,000 metre drilling program at its Detour Lake property. In Phase I, the Company completed 134 holes totaling 49,322 metres and has released the assay results for 76 holes (57%). The Phase II drilling campaign, which started on July 9, is expected to be completed in November. As of October 9, 2007, 120 holes totaling 40,330 metres have been completed in Phase II, for a combined total of 254 holes (89,652 metres) thus far in 2007. Detour Gold's exploration program is being managed by Project Manager, Mr. Roger Aubertin, P.Eng., a Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101.

About Detour Gold

Detour Gold is a Canadian gold exploration and development company with a highly experienced management and technical team whose primary focus is to advance the development of its flagship Detour Lake project located on the northern most, relatively under-explored Abitibi Greenstone Belt in northeastern Ontario. The Detour Lake asset encompasses 242 square kilometres of prospective ground, including the Detour Lake deposit, which contains a near-surface gold resource of 1.4 million ounces in the indicated category (20.0 million tonnes grading 2.14 g/t) and 2.0 million ounces of gold in the inferred category (35.4 million tonnes grading 1.80 g/t), using a US$450 per ounce gold price and a cut-off grade of 0.85 g/t gold. The deposit is situated in the area of the former Detour Lake mine, which produced 1.8 million ounces of gold from 1983 to 1999.

Forward-Looking Information

Certain statements herein may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information appears in a number of places and can be identified by the use of words such as "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking information includes statements regarding the Company's exploration plans with respect to the Property and the estimation of mineral resources and are subject to such forward-looking risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such risks include gold price volatility, change in equity markets, the uncertainties involved in interpreting geological data, increase in costs and exchange rate fluctuations and other risks involved in the gold exploration and development industry as well as those risk factors discussed under "Risk Factors" in the Company's final prospectus dated January 22, 2007 available at www.sedar.com. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information referenced herein will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements or information. Also, many of the factors are beyond the control of Detour Gold. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. All forward-looking information herein is qualified by this cautionary statement. The Company does not undertake to update such forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Contacts: Detour Gold Corporation Gerald Panneton President and CEO (416) 304-0800 Detour Gold Corporation Laurie Gaborit Director Investor Relations (416) 304-0581 Website: www.detourgold.com

SOURCE: Detour Gold Corporation

Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
International PBX's Current Activities in Chile
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Oct 11, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

International PBX Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:PBX) -

The company is pleased to report to shareholders on the progress of its key exploration programs.

Copaquire Molybdenum-Copper Property

Cerro Moly Molybdenum Zone

Having recently announced a substantial molybdenum-copper resource the company will now focus on producing a 43-101 compliant Preliminary Economic Assessment. The report will evaluate the nature and mine-ability of the resource. Drilling will now be divided between exploration and development. Development or in-fill drilling of Cerro Moly mountain which hosts a significant portion of the resource will commence in order to upgrade resource categories to measured and indicated. By concentrating on above-surface mineralization the company will emphasize delineating mineralization that should be relatively inexpensive to process relative to open pit and more quickly moved to the pre-feasibility stage of development.

Sulfato Copper Zone

One drill will move to the adjacent Sulfato copper zone to the north. From the results of the 2006 drilling the company has determined that a substantial leachable copper resource may be available near the Sulfato mountain top and this additional in-fill drilling should allow a copper resource estimate to be published in the near future.

Marta Molybdenum Area

The third drill will be sent to test the Marta molybdenum area to the west of Cerro Moly zone. Underground workings in the area indicate the possibility of high grade shears as well as porphyry bulk tonnage molybdenum mineralization. Upon completion the drill will return to Cerro Moly or Sulfato as required.

Sierra Pintada Copper-Gold Property

Concurrently, a deep-penetration 3D Induced Polarization (IP) geophysical survey has begun on the company's copper-gold Sierra Pintada property to search for potential porphyry bulk-tonnage or iron-oxide-copper-gold targets below the high-grade structurally controlled gold and copper showings on the property. Following completion of this survey, the IP crew will move to the Copaquire Marta molybdenum area and Sulfato copper zone where IP will evaluate drill targets and investigate the size and depth of mineralization. The IP will then move to the Tabaco copper-oxide/sulphide property to test the lateral extension and vertical depth of the copper deposit.

Tabaco Copper Property

The company is pleased to announce that it has engaged mining engineer Jorge Alvarez P.Eng. of Vancouver to begin the preliminary work required to move the Tabaco oxide copper resource to production. For details of this mineralization see the NI43-101 report on the company's website. The program will first be directed at establishing a direct shipping program, if feasible, while the economics of an onsite plant construction are investigated to process Tabaco mineralization and other similar oxide copper mineralization owned by the company.

Tierra de Oro Gold-Copper Property

A drill program on this extensive shear-hosted gold property is now in the planning stage.


Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo, President and CEO

The company relies on "forward-looking" statement litigation protection.

SOURCE: International PBX Ventures Ltd.

International PBX Ventures Ltd. Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo President and CEO (604) 681-7748 or Toll Free: 1-877-681-1154 (604) 681-0586 (FAX) Email: info@internationalpbx.com Website: www.internationalpbx.com
Copyright (C) 2007 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
Pelangio Exploration Update
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 11, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Pelangio Mines Inc. (TSX:PLG) ("Pelangio" or the "Company") is pleased to give an update on its exploration properties in Ghana and Ontario, Canada.

Obuasi Property, Ghana

Pelangio completed 19 diamond drill holes totaling 2,038 metres at its Obuasi property in Ghana. The Company has an option to earn a 100% interest in three prospecting licenses covering approximately 290 square kilometres, immediately northeast and east of AngloGold Ashanti's Obuasi gold mine. Results of the drilling program will be announced this month.

An airborne survey program covering the extension of the Obuasi mine Main Mine Trend is being flown at this time. The 1,600 line kilometre program will consist of VTEM electromagnetic and magnetometer measurements. The airborne survey will serve as a structural mapping tool to define sheared argillites that are similar to the Obuasi gold mine located 2.5 kilometres southwest of Pelangio's property boundary. A portion of AngloGold Ashanti's ground will also be flown for orientation purposes.

Pelangio is continuing with its trenching, soil sampling and prospecting program on several other target areas. The Brofoyeduru East and West gold targets, located on the Central Trend in the southeastern portion of the property, will be the subject of a prospecting and trenching program later on this year. These targets were defined by follow-up gold-in-soil anomalies. Approximately seven kilometres northwest of the Brofoyeduru target, in the north-central and northern parts of the Meduma concession, the Company is carrying out a follow-up soil sampling and prospecting programs on a 100 metre by 25 metre grid.

Seeley Property, Ontario

Pelangio's 100% owned Seeley property comprises 19 contiguous unpatented mining claims (760 acres) located within the Seeley Lake and Page Lake areas, approximately 14 kilometres northeast of Marathon, Ontario. The Company is planning to start a 1,600 metre diamond drilling program in November. The program will investigate gold mineralization intersected in a 1997 drill hole completed by Pelangio, which returned 4.71 g/t gold over one metre, and several zinc and alteration anomalies that are characteristic of VMS (Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide) mineralization.

Black Property, Ontario

Pelangio's 100% owned Black property includes leased and staked mining claims totaling approximately 640 acres in the Black Township, approximately 100 road kilometres east of the City of Timmins, Ontario. Historic reports indicate that there are two known gold mineralized zones on the property that merit exploration. The Company is expected to complete a ground geophysical survey covering 22 line kilometres (V.L.F., magnetics, and induced polarization) by the end of October. Based upon the results of the survey, a drill program would be performed in the winter 2007-2008.

Pelangio's exploration program in Ghana is being managed and supervised by Mr. Chris Pegg, P. Geo, consultant for the Company, Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Warren Bates, Vice President Exploration, P. Geo., is the Qualified Person for Pelangio's projects in Canada.

Detour Gold Corporation

Pelangio has a 49.6% equity interest in Detour Gold Corporation ("Detour Gold") (20 million shares). Detour Gold issued a press release today announcing that it has awarded several contracts for the start of its feasibility study at its Detour Lake property in northern Ontario:

(1) Open pit geotechnical investigations: The contract for pit slope design was allocated to Golder Associates under the management of Luiz Castro from their Mississauga office;

(2) Metallurgical testwork on the Detour Lake deposit will be conducted by SGS Lakefield of Lakefield, Ontario under the supervision of Melis Engineering Ltd. of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan;

(3) Detailed mine design and pit optimization will be conducted by Patrice Live, Eng., from Montreal-based Breton, Banville & Associates (BBA); and

(4) ARD (Acid Rock Drainage) testing is scheduled to start in late October under the supervision of Mark Bednarz, BZ Environmental Consulting of Timmins, Ontario.

About Pelangio

Pelangio is a gold exploration company active in the top-ranked mining jurisdictions in the world, Canada and Ghana. The Company's main focus is to advance its exploration programs on its premier land position in Ghana totaling 290 square kilometres, located on strike and adjacent to AngloGold Ashanti's Obuasi gold mine.

Pelangio also has a 49.6% equity interest in Detour Gold, which controls the Detour Lake advanced exploration project. The near-term objective of Detour Gold is to advance the Detour Lake project to development and production.

SOURCE: Pelangio Mines Inc.

Pelangio Mines Inc. Ingrid Hibbard President & CEO (905) 875-3828 or Toll-free: 1-877-746-1632 (905) 875-3829 (FAX) Pelangio Mines Inc. Warren Bates Vice President Exploration (905) 875-3828 or Toll-free: 1-877-746-1632 (905) 875-3829 (FAX) Email: info@pelangio.com Website: www.pelangio.com
Copyright (C) 2007 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
Weiss jemand was bei US Gold los ist? Haben die ne Leiche im Keller oder was?

Seit Tagen sau schwach
Guten Morgen ! :coffee:

Wie steht ihr zu Sabina Silver, RXC ?

Das Resourcenpotential ist gewaltig. Silberpreis ist weiter auf dem Vormarsch.
Der Newsflow fand verstärkt immer in den Herbst- und Wintermonaten bei der Aktie statt.

RSR ist doch auch ganz angetan von der Aktie....

Eure Meinugen/Einschätzungen zu dem Wert?

Vielen Dank! :danke:

Sabina ist zwar nur Explorer mit jeder neuen Resourcenausweitung wird dieses gewaltige Deposit weiter
steigen. Unabhängig von Tradingmöglichkeiten wird dieser Wert auf Sicht von 3 Jahren gewaltig steigen.
Vervielfacher mit Ansage.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten