• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Finger waren leider schneller wie Hirn: werde dann 1. Pos.eingehen
da lt.Stockhouse erst Ende d.Monats mit weiteren Ergebnissen zu rechnen ist, denke ich kommt sie sicher nocheinmal in den Bereich 0,8 zurück
werde mich dann mal Posi. eingehen

erstmals danke f. Atwort
brauche mal eine Expertenmeinung : VMS (R4E) m.M nach tolle Werte, bei 0,8 $ ein Kauf ?

:danke: i.Voraus

gute Frage...

immer noch relativ guenstig fuer die Werte
paar spekulative Werte aus der Reihe "3-400 Euro rein, weglegen, ein Jahr warten und beten!"

Redcorp Ventures (Gold, da haengt Tower Hill per JV-Option drin)
Amera Resources (Teil der Grosso Gruppe, gute Assays zuletzt)
Dajin Resources (Zink, Blei und ein moegliches Cu-Au Porphyr System, Salz in der Suppe ist aber eine historische 10.000.000mio Tonnen Pb/Zn Resource, nicht NI konform!)
EXN - produzieren auch bereits
EDR,FR.........die Auswahl ist einfach zu groß
ECU Silver habe ich auf der Watch.
Mexivada ist nun aber nicht unbedingt der ausgewiesene Silberwert
Mexivada und Rochester Resources habe ich noch im Depot.
:gruebel: und welche Silberwerte nehmen wir zusätzlich WL? Sabina.........andere Vorschläge?

Charttechnik Silber.
First Majestic Silver habe ich im Depot.
EXN - produzieren auch bereits
EDR,FR.........die Auswahl ist einfach zu groß
ECU Silver habe ich auf der Watch.
Mexivada ist nun aber nicht unbedingt der ausgewiesene Silberwert
Mexivada und Rochester Resources habe ich noch im Depot.
:gruebel: und welche Silberwerte nehmen wir zusätzlich WL? Sabina.........andere Vorschläge?

Charttechnik Silber.
8) 8) Wenn die Ergebnisse auch so gut werden..........sehr lecker - vor allem auch wegen des Indium´s!

Oct 09, 2007 08:55 ET
Marifil Prepares Phase 2 Drill Program at San Roque
Following Up on Strong Indium, Zinc and Gold Intercepts

SPOKANE, WASHINGTON--(Marketwire - Oct. 9, 2007) - MARIFIL MINES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:MFM) ("Marifil" or "the Company") announces a minimum 2,500 metre (m) diamond drill program is scheduled to begin in less than two weeks on the Company's wholly-owned(i) San Roque project, Rio Negro Province, Argentina (see Marifil News Release dated August 7, 2007.) With the end of the Argentine winter, this next phase of DDH exploration work will have two primary objectives:

1. To expand the extensive and open-ended zones of high-grade indium (In), gold (Au) and/or base metals, particularly zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) previously identified by drilling.

2. To complete initial drilling on a number of newly identified areas that surface geochemical sampling, geophysics and geological mapping show to be prospective for similar base metal/indium mineralization. Of particular interest is an Induced Polarization (I.P.) anomaly measuring 3 km in diameter, containing a number of large, linear, magnetic anomalies associated with structural zones, several of which have not yet been drill tested. Three previous drill holes, MIM DDH 8 and MIM RC 7 & 10, the latter two being located nearly one km further north, all tested only the east edge of the geophysical anomalies.

"During our Phase 1 drilling program, we intercepted some very rich indium and zinc mineralization as well as good gold values and we are anxious to discover the true extent of what we have found," said Marifil President and CEO, John Hite. "We believe that San Roque has the potential for bulk tonnage base metal production and this next round of drilling will give us more of the data and certainty we need."

About San Roque(i): The Company has the right to earn a 100% interest (see Marifil news release dated June 18, 2007) in the 12,700 hectare San Roque project, where strong mineralization has been found within a structural corridor at least 10 kms wide and 20 kms long. Marifil's exploration work includes a Phase-1, 28-diamond drill hole (DDH) program that intercepted high-grade Indium (In), Zinc (Zn), Silver (Ag) and Gold (Au), along with other base metals, particularly Lead (Pb). These intercepts include 5.1 meters of 2.61 g/t Au; 24 g/t Ag; and, 30.4 g/t In in DDH 11 and 0.75 meters of 2.05 g/t Au; 0.22 % Pb; 0.32% Zn; and, 448 g/t In in DDH 7, and 117 m of 0.95% Zn in DDH 4 including 4.5 meters of 0.37 g/t Au; 499 g/t In and 6.64% Zn.

This press release has been reviewed and approved by John Hite, President of Marifil Mines Ltd. under whose direction the exploration program is being carried out. Mr. Hite is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The statements made in this press release may contain forward-looking statements that may involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

For further information regarding Marifil Mines Ltd., please refer to the Company's filings available on SEDAR (Http://www.sedar.com) or at Marifil's Website (Http://www.marifilmines.com).

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Sparton Completes Data Compilation from Initial Drilling Program SBD Gold Project, Nevada

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 09, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SRI) (the "Company") announced today that is has completed a compilation of all previous drilling results combined with the seven hole drill program completed last May at its 100% owned SBD Gold Project in the prolific Battle Mountain Gold Area of Nevada, USA.

The new results have been integrated with the previously generated data available for the property and clearly indicate that the South Zone mineralization represents the extension of the West Zone, offset to the east, and down dropped approximately 50 metres vertically by prominent east - west fault.

Additionally, the new mineralization located in hole 07-07 (see news release dated June 13 , 2007) which tested a geophysical anomaly, appears to be the southern extension of the North Gold Zone, offset by the same fault structure. This new area also hosts several strong geophysical targets that require testing.

All drill holes on the property were entered into the GEMCOM mine planning computer program and plotted on a series of cross sections. The section to section correlation from south to north through holes drilled in the South and West Zones indicates that the projected strike and depth extensions of the wide zone of gold mineralization in the South Zone (15 to 33 metres wide in holes 07-05, 07-06, 19-93 etc) has never been intersected by past drilling along a 700 metre distance between the two zones.

Most of the previous holes drilled were actually completed above the projected extensions of the zones. As well, many past holes drilled in both zones were not oriented to properly cross the mineralization which, base on the new compilation dips westwards. The 700 metre gap in the effective drill pattern will be tested in a new 4000 metre drilling program planned for early 2008 at SBD. Subject to availability, core drilling will be the preferred technique for the new work in order to properly establish correlations in the various mineralized rock units.

Additional holes are also planned to test the southward extension of the North Zone and extend the new mineralization located in Hole 07-07 as well as test other geophysical targets on the 29 claim (240ha) SBD Property.

A series of cross sections and plan map illustrating the interpretation will be posted shortly on the Company Website www.spartonres.ca.

For reference, the tenor of mineralization at SBD is very similar to the historical reported grades for the past and current production from the nearby Trenton Canyon (Newmont) and Marigold (Barrick) Mines, which average about 1.13 g/t and 0.90 g/t respectively and SBD is strategically located in the heart of an area hosting over 16 million ounces of known gold mineralization.


This interpretation of the compiled data has confirmed the Company belief that much of the previous drilling done at SBD was not effective in actually developing a gold resource on the property. Assembling data from four different operators and four drill programs into a coherent picture involved challenges of properly locating drill hole coordinates and interpreting geologic data from several sources. Now that the apparent geometry and position of the zones has been established the new drilling work will be designed to identify overall size and gold grade distribution in the known zones and further explore the new area identified in Hole 07-07.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.

Contacts: Sparton Resources Inc. A. Lee Barker President and CEO (416) 366-3551 or Mobile; (416) 716-5762 (416) 366-7421 (FAX) Email: info@spartonres.ca Sparton Resources Inc. Edward G. Thompson Chairman (416) 366-6083 (416) 366-2713 (FAX) Email: egt@interlog.com Website: www.spartonres.ca

SOURCE: Sparton Resources Inc.

mailto:info@spartonres.ca mailto:egt@interlog.com http://www.spartonres.ca
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
paar spekulative Werte aus der Reihe "3-400 Euro rein, weglegen, ein Jahr warten und beten!"

Redcorp Ventures (Gold, da haengt Tower Hill per JV-Option drin)
Amera Resources (Teil der Grosso Gruppe, gute Assays zuletzt)
Dajin Resources (Zink, Blei und ein moegliches Cu-Au Porphyr System, Salz in der Suppe ist aber eine historische 10.000.000mio Tonnen Pb/Zn Resource, nicht NI konform!)

Dajin gestern netter move, muss aber nix heissen, 50k Umsatz und diese Spruenge sind normal, (noch) Microcap

Acero Martin


das war nur eine Frage der Zeit, wann da nach den ganzen guten Ergebnissen mal der Turnaround kommt, ein INsider hat verkauft und verkauft und verkauft, der hat wohl Schulden oder sowas...
Donner Metals
mal wieder vorgeholt, die hab ich jetzt schon ueber ein halbes Jahr, liege +-0 und warte weiter auf den Ausbruch, sind in der Voisey's Bay Gegend unterwegs mit Xstrata und Teck als Shareholder und Partner

MK momentan 20mio, fd ca. 35mio CAD

Amera Resources
wird v.a. in 3-4 Monaten hochspannend, wenn die ersten Bohrergebnisse eintrudeln, langsam mal positionieren!



Amera Reports High-Grade Gold and Copper Results From Cocha Project

Amera Resources Corporation (TSX VENTURE: AMS)(OTCBB: AJRSF)(FRANKFURT: OAY)(WKN: A0B54E)is pleased to report results from 41 additional rock samples collected on the East Cocha Gold-Copper-Silver Zone, the first gold mineralized zone to be identified on the 7,060 hectare Cocha property. The high gold values combined with reconnaissance geologic mapping outline a bonanza gold target over widths up to 2m that intermittently outcrops over 600m of strike length and potentially extends up to 2km. A Phase II drill program and additional surface exploration is expected to commence shortly.

A total of 41 rock samples including grab samples and chip channel samples ranging from 0.1 to 4.0m were collected from the East Zone where previous assays of up to 6.97 g/t gold, 53.4 g/t silver and 3.1% copper over 0.7m were reported. Results range from less than 0.05 g/t to 22.40 g/t gold, less than 0.2 to 329 g/t silver and 40 ppm to 66,800 ppm Cu (6.68%). A summary of significant results is provided in Table 1 and plotted on Figure 1. To view Figure 1 please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/AmeraFigure1.pdf.

Highlights from length-weighted averaged results include:

- 22.00 g/t gold, 16.2 g/t silver and 3.68% copper over 0.6m

- 4.58 g/t gold, 8.2 g/t silver and 2.30% copper over 1.2m

- 8.56 g/t gold, 95.7 g/t silver and 3.57% copper over 1.0m

- 3.13 g/t gold, 60.0 g/t silver and 2.70% copper over 1.9m

The East Cocha Zone discovery resulted from Amera's reconnaissance exploration program across its large Cocha claim block. Work to date has identified four main mineralized zones. Drilling along the Discovery Outcrop Trend at the Central Cocha Target in 2006 intersected 30.23m grading 2.67% copper and 24.1 g/t silver in diamond drill hole COCHA-06-03 (see October 17, 2006 News Release).

hier koennte ich mir in den ARS... beissen!!!

Latin American Minerals


gestern in CAN ausgesetzt, auf FSE noch 5k zu 0,245 zu haben ich wollte longen und dann gabs mal wieder Stromausfall mit Systemabsturz, bis das alles wieder lief auch auf FSE ausgesetzt und nun haette man die 5k zu 0,3 mit einem schoenen 300Euro Gewinn abladen koennen, solche scheinbar mickerigen Trades machen bei mir das Gros der Performance aus

Latin American Minerals Discovers Three New Massive Sulphide Horizons and Mineralized Breccia Zones on Its Tendal Zinc-Copper-Lead-Silver Project, Argentina 10/9/2007 10:43:07 AM

aber immer noch massig Platz nach oben!
Tyler Res. - haben sich gestern schon erholt - der Umsatzsprung so kurz vor Ende; entweder Kaufempfehlung oder es kommen weitere News.....

@ Fischi

Ich gratuliere mal hier zu 3K Postings und hervorragend recherchierten Picks!! :danke: :blumen: :clap:
Oct 10, 2007 06:00 ET
Trade Winds Intersects 19.27 Grams/Tonne Gold Over 7.18 Metres Within the M Zone on Block A Property at Detour Lake, Ontario
TIMMINS, ON--(Marketwire - October 10, 2007) - Trade Winds Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE: TWD) (FSE: TVR) is pleased to announce more results from its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase. The purpose of drilling these four holes, TWDDH-235 & TWDDH-237 on Section 16140E, TWDDH-238 on Section 16620E and TWDDH-236 on Section 16660E, is to determine the continuity of the M Zone structural corridor by infill drilling previous excellent results at a 40 meter spacing. The M Zone ultramafic and numerous other gold bearing structures were intersected in all four holes, with gold mineralization ranging from approximately 20 metres to 191 metres below surface and approximately 40 metres above or below previous drilling on those sections.

In March of 2006, Trade Winds discovered new, near surface mineralization along the M Zone corridor (see news release May 16, 2006). Phase 1 of this winter's drilling was to explore the mineralization of this new zone along a 480 metre strike between sections 15380E and 15860E. Today's results on these three sections represent the continuation of the Phase 2 infill drilling of the October 2006 Resource Estimate.

On Section 16140E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-235 returned 13.96 grams/tonne over 3.00 metres, 2.30 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres, and 7.92 grams/tonne gold over 12.00 metres including 148.50 grams/tonne over 0.50 metre.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-237 returned 5.58 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre and 93.10 grams/tonne over 0.50 metre.

On Section 16620E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-238 returned 30.59 grams/tonne over 1.25 metres, including 75.30 grams/tonne over 0.50 metre, and 19.27 grams/tonne over 7.18 metres, including 20.10 grams/tonne over 1.18 metres and 106.00 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre.

On Section 16660E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-236 returned 8.34 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres, 24.90 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre and 6.26 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres.

Details of significant fire assay results received for recent holes completed on Sections 16140E, 16620E and 16660E are as follows:


(m.) (m.) Vertical (m.) (g/tonne (g/tonne
(m.) gold) gold)

TWDDH-235 51 61 42 10.00 1.83

69 72 56 3.00 13.96

Including 71 72 1.00 38.90


TWDDH-235 102 103 83 1.00 6.91

104.7 105.2 85 0.50 6.88

186 188 152 2.00 2.30

205 217 168 12.00 7.92

Including 215.3 215.8 0.50 148.50

233.9 234.4 191 0.50 23.70

TWDDH-237 29 30 23 1.00 1.95

36 37 29 1.00 4.75

112.96 114 92 1.04 5.58

150.5 151 123 0.50 93.10

155 156 127 1.00 3.08

181 182 148 1.00 6.28


TWDDH-238 24.86 25.36 20 0.50 9.57

60 61 48 1.00 3.46

107.75 109 88 1.25 30.59

Including 107.75 108.25 0.50 75.30

133.82 141 109 7.18 19.27

Including 133.82 135 1.18 20.10

and 140 141 1.00 106.00

191 195.5 156 4.5 1.75


TWDDH-236 31 33 25 2.00 8.34
Including 32 33 1.00 14.90

163 164 133 1.00 24.90

179 181 146 2.00 6.26

Including 179 180 1.00 9.48

True Width is estimated to be between 65-75% of core length. Drawings for
Sections 16140E, 16620E and 16660E are available on the Company's website

Diamond drill hole location and final depths for the M Zone diamond drill
program on Sections 16140E, 16620E and 16660E are as follows:

Section Hole # Northing Easting Azimuth Dip Length(m)

16140E TWDDH-235 20616.9 16138.3 180 -55 240.00


TWDDH-237 20582.0 16137.8 180 -55 229.00


16620E TWDDH-238 20539.4 16618.3 180 -55 198.00


16660E TWDDH-236 20561.6 16660.1 180 -55 267.00

The M Zone structural corridor is a gold bearing structure that begins near surface at the eastern boundary of Block A, and plunges gently westward along strike for over four kilometres on to the immediately adjacent 100% owned Gowest property. Two significant mineralized zones occur along a komatiite structure, the Upper and Lower M Zone gold zones. The near surface and other portions of the M Zone structural corridor drilled to date are the subject of our recent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate (October 2006). The 2007 M Zone winter drilling program was designed to test the westward near surface extension of the known gold mineralization with the purpose of adding new gold ounces to the resource estimate, and upgrading the current near surface inferred resource to the indicated category.

Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) was commissioned by Trade Winds to provide an independent Mineral Resource Estimate in conformance with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve definitions referred to in the National Instrument NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The resource estimation work was completed in October 2006 and is based on information contained within the Technical Report prepared by Golder on Trade Winds behalf and filed on SEDAR, which, using a cut-off of 1.0 grams/tonne, outlines an indicated resource of 14,158,000 tonnes grading 1.77 grams Au/t containing 804,321 ounces of gold and an inferred mineral resource of 24,796,000 tonnes grading 1.88 g Au/t containing 1,499,552 ounces of gold.

Mr. Alex Burton, P. Eng., P. Geo., is the qualified person for Trade Winds' projects at Detour Lake. Trade Winds, as operator of the projects, has implemented a quality control program to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of the drill core. All fire assay results are being provided by ALS Chemex.

Management is looking to increase shareholder value by working towards the completion of the spin-out of its Tuole Gold/Copper and the Silu Zinc/Lead projects, located in the Peoples Republic of China, to a wholly owned subsidiary. Western China Mining ("WCH") proposes to list on a Canadian stock exchange following an Initial Public Offering (IPO) to fund the development programs for these projects. It is expected that TWD would own approximately 50% of WCH prior to the distribution to shareholders. The assignments have been made, the NI 43-101 reports are completed and signed, and the audit of WCH is underway. Following completion of the audit, the Offering Prospectus will be submitted for initial review by the BCSC, ASC and OSC.

TWD has indicated that it will look at similar spin-out strategies for its other Canadian projects, which include a 60% option in the Birch Lake, Ontario gold project and its 100% interests in the Turner Lake, Nunavut project and its Treasure Mountain copper property and Dardanelles gold property in B.C. These spin-out strategies are being designed to improve the identification and valuation of each specific TWD property and to enable TWD to separately finance and develop its various assets, selectively reducing stock dilution.

Visit our Website at www.tradewindsventures.com

This press release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address future exploration drilling, exploration activities and events or developments that the Company expects, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions.

Trade Winds vorbörslich gut! :) Detour auch fett. Schön für Pelangio, jeder Cad 20 Mio mehr in de Täsch!
Bluerock auch fett nach oben getaxt. 0,58 CAD :shock:
GLW! :up:
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