• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

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Hab bei den Chart eine Möglichkeit gefunden es ausgeschrieben links oben einzustellen s. Noront.
Noront Resources Annual General Meeting
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 24, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Noront Resources Ltd. ("Noront") (TSX VENTURE: NOT), would like to remind its shareholders that the 2007 Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 30th, 2007 at 10:30 am eastern time. The meeting will take place in the Ketchum Room at the Toronto Board of Trade located at 1 First Canadian Place, Adelaide Street Entrance, Toronto, Ontario.

Bluerock stark seit paar Tagen, habe auch schon Kaufeisberge gesehen :rolleyes:
Die Kupferpreise können heute in Shanghai wieder zulegen. Die Investoren gehen davon aus, dass die Importe Chinas den möglichen Bedarfsrückgang der USA kompensieren werden.

China importierte in den ersten neuen Monaten nahezu doppelt so viele Kupferprodukte wie noch im Vorjahr. Hingegen fiel die Zahl der Hausverkäufe in den USD (gebrauchte Häuser) um acht Prozent auf summierte 5,04 Mio. USD bis Ende September. Dies lag deutlich unter den Erwartungen der Analysten.

Der Januar-Future stieg heute an der Shanghai Futures Exchange um 0,8 % auf 65.290 Yuan (8.721 USD) je Tonne.

An der LME geht es heute Vormittag um 0,7 % auf 7.740 USD je Tonne nach oben.
habe mir heute mal ne Posi von Gemini gegönnt - die Samples sind nicht schelcht und ie MK iss nen Witz
denke zum liegenlassen und in 1 Jahr freuen......

Gemini Explorations, Inc. Reports Further Sampling Results for the Los Chorros Gold Mine
Vein Samples Ranging Up to 243 g/tonne Au With an Average of 41.94 g/tonne Au

CALGARY, AB--(Marketwire - October 25, 2007) - Gemini Explorations, Inc. ("Gemini") (OTCBB: GXPI) is very pleased to report further sampling results from the Los Chorros Gold Mine, a producing gold property in the El Bagre-Zargoza mining district, department of Antioquia, Colombia.

The vein samplings analyzed are of the continuous chip type along the principal vein with thickness varying between 0.20 m and 1.15 m and an average of 0.63 meters.

The samples reported in Table 2 below ranged up to 243 g/tonne Au showing excellent consistency overall. Gemini recently reported vein sample results from Los Chorros of 6.4 g/tonne Au to 190.6g/tonne Au on September 19, 2007. The combined averages of the two reports to date are 41.94 g/tonne Au.

TABLE 2 Gold Content sampling made

ID Vein Wall Rock & Gold Content Au
Thickness(m) Vein(m) g/tonne
3021 0.45 1.04 12.11
3022 0.30 1.20 52.57
3023 0.25 1.04 60.21
3024 0.76 1.20 19.55
3025 0.55 1.12 22.53
3026 0.76 1.30 26.72
3027 0.80 1.30 8.29
3028 1.12 1.50 5.28
3029 0.45 1.15 15.23
3030 0.40 1.20 48.21
3031 0.59 1.10 76.41
3032 1.08 1.30 66.93
3033 0.60 1.15 0.00
3034 1.15 1.30 0.00
3035 0.40 1.00 14.15
3036 1.10 1.30 243.77
3037 Tailings 12.82
3038 Tailings 12.87
The results of the tailing samples could indicate that the veins carry a high percentage of free gold, although this situation must be confirmed later with further lab analysis.

Based on these new results Gemini will provide a detailed update of the Los Chorros Gold Mine production estimates in the coming days.

The Los Chorros Mine presents an excellent opportunity for Gemini to take advantage of the near-record-high gold bullion prices and provide an internal source of cash flow to fund its ongoing exploration programs and the development and exploitation of its wholly owned La Planada Gold Project, a potential multimillion-ounce gold deposit in southern Colombia.

Historically one of the largest gold producing countries in the world, Colombia's vast mineral potential has remained virtually unexplored using modern exploration and mining techniques. The Department (Province/State) of Antioquia alone produces over 1,000,000 ounces of gold per year currently, and most of it is produced from antiquated production equipment and facilities. Driven by a new era of political and economic stability and an investment-friendly mining code, Colombia has emerged as one of the resource sector's most attractive new mining frontiers.

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains "forward-looking statements," as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Statements in this press release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward-looking statements include, among other things, the expectation of the gold production of the property, the expected completion date of the redevelopment and modernization of the Los Chorros Gold mine, the low capital costs to upgrade the Los Chorros operating plant, the assumed production and net cash flow and the multi million ounce potential of the La Planada Gold project.Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainties associated with mineral exploration. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and we assume no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that the beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in our annual report on Form 10-KSB for the 2006 fiscal year, our quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Oct 25, 2007 05:00 ET
Candente Resource Corp.: Third Drill Mobilized to Test Southern Extension to Canariaco Norte Copper Deposit

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 25, 2007) - Candente Resource Corp. (TSX:DNT)(BVL:DNT)(WKN:GW4) ("Candente") is pleased to report that a new zone of typical leach cap alteration, quartz vein stockwork and traces of copper mineralization has recently been exposed by trenching 350 meters (m) southeast of the known deposit margin. A third drill rig is now being mobilized to test this zone.

In addition, a fifth deep hole, 07-159, has intersected copper mineralization to a depth of 718 m near to the southern edge (75 m) of the previously defined deposit margin. The strength of the copper mineralization to a depth of 718 m and the new surface showing indicate excellent potential for expansion of the deposit to the south as well as at depth. Drilling to date has shown copper mineralization over a length (north-south) of 1.25 kilometres (km) (1250 m).

This brings the total number of deeper holes to five (07-129, 07-135, 07-141, 07-146 and 07-159) and all have bottomed in copper mineralization at depths of 639 m to 767 m. The five deeper holes extend over a length of 875 m north-south within the 1.25 (km) deposit length and have demonstrated a vertical extent of at least 968 m (3,175 feet). The bottom of hole 07-141 is at an elevation of 2,110 m above sea level (ASL) and the top of the deposit is at an elevation of 3,078 m ASL.

Analyses have been received for ten additional holes 07-145 to 07-159 including two of the deeper holes, 07-146 and 07-159. Drill hole 07-146, the most northern deeper hole to date, intersected 727 m averaging 0.53% Cu (from 34 to 761 m) of which 261 m averaged 0.76% Cu (from 34 to 295 m). Hole 07-159, intersected 675 m averaging 0.41% Cu (from 43 to 718 m). As previously reported, 07-141 intersected 702 m averaging 0.59% Cu of which 292 m averaged 0.70% Cu. The remainder of the holes reported in this news release are infill holes within the planned grid to bring the starter pit and ultimate pit into the measured and indicated categories respectively. A total of 181 holes and 50,650 m have been drilled by Candente to date.

Highlights of Results for Holes C07-145 to 159 are as follows:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) % Total Copper-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-145 0.00 77.00 77.00 Leached Cap (volc)-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 77.00 225.00 148.00 0.51-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 77.00 86.90 9.90 0.76------------------------------------------------------------------------- 127.80 225.00 97.20 0.56-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-146 0.00 34.00 34.00 Leached Cap-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 34.00 760.50 726.50 0.53-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 34.00 295.00 261.00 0.76-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 219.00 295.00 76.00 0.80-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-148 0.00 37.90 37.90 Leached Cap-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 37.90 246.90 209.00 0.48-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 37.90 70.00 32.10 0.61------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70.00 106.40 36.40 0.23 (Dyke)------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106.40 136.00 29.60 0.62-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-150 0.00 72.00 72.00 Leached Cap-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 72.00 300.20 186.50(i) 0.65-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 72.00 123.00 51.00 0.75------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123.00 157.00 34.00 Dyke------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157.00 167.50 10.50 0.62------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167.50 175.20 7.70 Dyke------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175.20 300.20 125.00 0.62-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-152 0.00 46.00 46.00 Leached Cap-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 46.00 303.25 257.25 0.52-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 46.00 74.70 28.70 0.75-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-154 0.00 41.90 41.90 Leached Cap-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 41.90 260.60 218.70 0.55-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 41.90 228.00 186.10 0.64------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41.90 141.00 99.10 0.75------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228.00 260.60 32.60 Unmineralized Breccia -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-155 0.00 35.00 35.00 Leached Cap-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 35.00 300.25 265.25 0.48-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 35.00 48.00 13.00 0.75-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 48.00 168.00 120.00 0.53-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-156 0.00 77.40 77.40 Leached Cap-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 77.40 323.10 245.70 0.48-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 77.40 127.50 50.10 0.74-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 93.00 127.50 34.50 0.90-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------C07-159 0.00 43.40 43.40 Leached Cap-------------------------------------------------------------------------entire hole 43.40 717.75 674.35 0.41-------------------------------------------------------------------------includes 43.40 89.20 45.80 0.38------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89.20 120.00 30.80 dyke/weak mineral------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120.00 500.00 380.00 0.41------------------------------------------------------------------------- 500.00 717.75 217.75 0.44-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Complete results, maps, cross-sections and all reports can be viewed at: http://www.candente.com/s/PeruProjects_Canariaco.asp.

Environmental, Social (ESIA) and Feasibility studies have been underway since January and May, respectively. Preliminary results from some of the recent leach and flotation testing by SGS Lakefield in Chile are expected to be received soon. In March 2007 a resource of 820 Million tonnes (Mt) grading 0.45% Cu average (cut-off of 0.3% Cu) and containing 8.1 billion pounds of copper was estimated based on the 82 holes (26,018.72 m) drilled as of Dec 2006 (see News Release 202, March 4th, 2007).

Sampling and analytical procedures conform to NI 43-101 standards and are detailed in the April 26th, 2007 Minefill report which can be found on the Candente Web site shown above. All samples were submitted to Actlabs in Lima, Peru. Robert van Egmond, P.Geo., Manager Exploration Peru is the Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 for the project discussed above and he has read and approved the contents of this release.

Candente is a diversified exploration company with copper, gold, silver, and zinc projects in Peru and Mexico. Candente subscribes to principles, which ensure that its exploration and development activities are beneficial to the local communities.

NR 226

This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Candente relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.
Oct 25, 2007 08:30 ET
East Asia Minerals Intercepts 16 Metres of 2.7 g/t Gold at Brown Sugar Zone
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 25, 2007) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) reports the intersection of 16 metres (from 8 to 24 metres) grading 2.71 g/t gold, 33.2 g/t silver and 0.41% copper in hole BOD-06, drilled in the Brown Sugar Zone, a new area at its Sangihe Project in Northern Sulawesi. Drilling at the Brown Sugar Zone was conducted in a previously un-drilled area located 400 metres southwest of and sub-parallel to the Bawone Prospect.

East Asia has defined the Brown Sugar Zone on surface over 120 metres and it remains open in both directions along strike. Trench sampling by EAS includes 7.8 metres of 15.6 g/t gold and 195 g/t silver, 12.0 metres of 2.45 g/t gold, and 10.0 metres of 2.65 g/t gold (reported August 30 and September 18, 2007). This mineralization is in addition to and expands on gold intersections recently announced for the Bawone Prospect where drilling encountered wide gold zones including 95 metres of 2.15 g/t gold in BOD-01 (reported October 16, 2007).

Due to positive results being encountered at the Bawone and Binebase Prospects, and now the Brown Sugar Zone, the drill rig originally scheduled to move to the Aceh projects will remain at Sangihe and return to Bawone to commence delineation drilling. A second rig will begin drilling on the Aceh projects in November, starting at the Abong Prospect where historic trench results include 16 metres of 3.84 g/t Au, and 8 metres of 2.0 g/t gold. East Asia sampling at Abong averaged 1.22 g/t gold and 10 g/t silver, with a high of 3.52 g/t gold and 29 g/t silver, in sediment-hosted silica-replacement (jasperiods) of calcareous sediments (August 30, 2007 press release).

Samples reported were assayed at PT SGS Indoassay (SGS Group) in Balikpapan. East Asia Minerals conducts a rigorous and continuous QA/QC program. Lionel Martin, P.Geo, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101 has reviewed and approves the content of this release.
Kobex - gestern große Umsätze in Canada..........kommt da was?
EAS wieder mal sehr schoen! :D

Dajin visible mineralization confirming Cominco Data!!! :juchu:

News Releases

Dajin Updates Drilling at Oscar Project
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Oct 25, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --
Dajin Resources Corp. ("Dajin") (TSX VENTURE:DJI)(FRANKFURT:C2U) is pleased to report on the progress of the 15 hole drill program on the Oxide and Jackpot Deposits at the Oscar zinc/lead project located in the Ymir region, 50 kilometers from the Trail smelter, in southeastern British Columbia.

To date Dajin has completed 6 diamond drill holes at the Jackpot Deposit and 4 diamond drill holes at the Oxide Deposit. Four holes drilled at the Jackpot Deposit encountered visible sphalerite mineralization over intervals similar to those encountered in the drilling by Cominco Ltd. and New Jersey Zinc of Canada Ltd., which intersections were the bases of the historical resource reported by the Geological Survey of Canada on the Jackpot Deposit. No assays have been received at this time.

Pictures of the drill core can be viewed on Dajin's website at www.dajin.ca.
Was haltet ihr von Kodiak?
Scheinen ja auf einem richtigen Goldberg zu sitzen. :gruebel:
@ Fischländer

bist du noch bei D7E dabei? Ich warte noch auf den Ausbruch bei über 0,20 €, oder sollte man lieber die schon Gewinne mitnehmen? Seh ich das richtig, das in US eingesammelt wird?
Oct 25, 2007 11:31 ET
CCM Research Summary: Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 25, 2007) - In the most recent full equity report dated September 25, 2007, the analyst, Thomas Tustin, MA, MBA, CFA, stated:

"Alexandria Minerals' gold properties lie within the Abitibi Greenstone belt of Northern Ontario and Quebec. This region is a world-class gold mining belt that has produced more than 170 million ounces of gold over the last 90 years."

"Alexandria's property acquisition strategy has been to acquire properties within close proximity to proven gold bearing fault structures. Their acquisition strategy employs three criteria; that they lie adjacent to known gold deposits; there is the occurrence of gold on the property; and the potential for finding gold is in significant amounts."

"Results from early drilling have shown significant high-grade gold values found on the Airport, Joannes Township, Orenada, Sleepy and Bloc Sud West properties. New gold zones have been discovered on Oramaque, Orenada, Sleepy and Siscoe East Properties as well."

"These drilling results indicate the presence of a large gold system in the western portion of the Company's Cadillac Break properties."

In the most recent technical report dated July 24, 2007, the analyst, Jason Suttmeier, stated:

"the weekly cycle will remain positive on weekly closes above the 5- week modified moving average at 0.382, which keeps the focus on projected monthly resistance at 0.412."

Reports on Alexandria Minerals Corporation can be found at: www.ccmopportunitybase.com/company.asp?company=98

CCM Research is a division of Cronus Capital Markets, Inc. Cronus Capital Markets, Inc., through its CCM Consulting division, entered into a one year $45,000 contract with the Company to assist it with the creation and execution of information-based strategies to overcome market inefficiencies that are commonplace for the vast majority of public companies; such as share illiquidity and stagnant market capitalization.

Cronus Capital Markets (CCM) is a global investment information firm who strategically produces and introduces, through various forms of analytics and worldwide distribution, information on equity market opportunities. CCM's equity indexes receive international attention and represent important new benchmarks of growth.

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of the press release.
HRL geht ab

Bericht in "Morning Coffee": Halo wird im Zusammenhang mit HudBay genannt!

HudBay Minerals (HBM : TSX : $26.70), Net Change: 1.56, % Change: 6.21%, Volume: 4,836,815
Flin Flon? What part of the Lowlands is that? While the James Bay Lowlands has attracted attention as a hot new mineral
exploration area, note that exploration in the more established Flin Flon Greenstone Belt in Manitoba and Saskatchewan is
heating up again. Yesterday, HudBay Minerals (HBM), which already produces zinc in the area, announced that it has made a
new zinc discovery at Lawlor Lake of 18-20 million tonnes grading 7.7% to 8.8% zinc, based on results from 16 drill holes so
far, with an additional nine holes underway or out for assay. The area has also attracted interest from more junior companies.
Halo Resources (HLO) announced yesterday that drilling at its Sherridon VMS property recently encountered 1.2% copper and
6.3% zinc over 6.5 metres at the Lost Lake zone and last week, indicated that drilling at the Cold Lake area intercepted 1.4%
copper over 2.6 metres. Another area play that is being watched closely is VMS Ventures’ (VMS) Reed Lake property, where
an intersection of 11.1% copper over 10.5 metres within a 43-metre zone of 4.3% copper was announced earlier this month.
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