• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

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Oct 29, 2007 16:30 ET
East Asia Minerals to Distribute 58% of CAD$1.30 Cash Payment as a Return of Capital
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 29, 2007) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) reports that 58% of the CAD$1.30 per share cash distribution announced October 10, 2007, and approved by the Company's shareholders October 18, 2007, will be distributed as a return of capital.

Funds for the cash payment to registered shareholders of East Asia as of the record date of October 19, 2007, are provided by the amalgamation of East Asia and East Asia Minerals Corporation (Ontario), and the CAD$83 million in proceeds received through the sale of shares of EAM Energy LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of East Asia, to CFMM, a subsidiary of Areva NC.

The Company is relying on proposed amendments to Canadian income tax laws to avoid the return of capital from being deemed a dividend for income tax purposes and calculated that 58% of the total cash distribution is a return of capital. In addition, the residual per share distribution (42% of the CAD$1.30 cash distribution) is a taxable dividend designated as an "eligible dividend" for Canadian tax purposes. As previously disclosed, in the event that the proposed amendments to Canadian income tax laws are not enacted, it is expected that 100% of the cash distribution would be designated as an "eligible dividend" for Canadian tax purposes.

The shareholders are advised to consult with their own tax advisors as to the implications and income tax treatment of the distribution. The Company will withhold and remit income tax based on the CAD$1.30 cash distribution to non-residents of Canada. The non-resident shareholders may be eligible to obtain a refund of the taxes withheld on the return of capital by filing an application with the Canada Revenue Agency.

T5 statements will be issued to Canadian shareholders recognizing 42% of the total distribution as a dividend and designated to be an eligible dividend. NR4 statements will be issued to the non-resident shareholders indicating the dividend and the return of capital received for the 2007 tax year and the related income tax withholdings. For further information please review the Company's Information Circular posted on SEDAR.
Oct 29, 2007 18:46 ET
Vangold Awarded Block 3A in Kenya

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - October 29, 2007) - Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: VAN) ("Vangold") has signed a production sharing o (PSC) for Block 3A in the Anza Graben in the Eastern Province of Kenya, covering 12,192.12 sq kms.

At a signing ceremony in Nairobi on October 16, 2007 the Honourable Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kenya, Kiraitu Murungi, and the President and CEO of Vangold, Dal Brynelsen executed the PSC on Block 3A. Mr. Brynelsen said, "Vangold has chosen Block 3A on technical merit based on a study conducted by Vangold's technical team over the last year. This study found five prospects and one lead on Block 3A. The next phase will be to reprocess part of the seismic data with new Canadian technology to establish the detailed geometry of the prospects and to come up with the appropriate in-fill seismic program."

Under the terms of the PSC, in the Initial Contract Period of three years, in addition to a signing bonus of US$75,000,00 which has been paid, Vangold will expend a minimum of US$3,000,000 to conduct a technical study and plan to acquire 1000-line kilometer 2D seismic and 50 sq km 3D seismic. Provided these results are positive, during the third year of the Initial Exploration Period, Vangold will drill one exploratory well to a minimum total vertical depth of 3,000 meters with a minimum expenditure of US$6,000,000. A finder's fee of 200,000 common shares of Vangold will be paid subject to regulatory approval.

In 2006, Chinese National Oil Company (CNOOC Limited) announced that its subsidiary CNOOC Africa Limited signed PSCs for six blocks located in three basins in Kenya including the Anza Graben (Block 9) adjacent and to the north of Vangold's Block 3A. In total, the CNOOC acquired a total area of 115,343 sq kms. On October 4, 2007, Lundin Kenya B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Lundin Petroleum signed a PSC for Block 10A which covers an area on 14,748 sq kms also in the Anza basin and adjacent to CNOOC's Block 9. A news release dated October 5, 2007 stated: "Past exploration efforts dating back to the late 1980's have proven the existence of excellent quality, oil-prone source rocks, good quality sandstone reservoirs, and a multitude of structural traps which remain undrilled." Vangold intends to share technical resources and data with CNOOC and Lundin Petroleum.

Prospectivity of Block 3A acreage include Tertiary, Cretaceous and Jurassic petroleum plays which are equivalent to the plays found in Lamu, Anza and Mochesa basins. The three basins of Lamu, Anza and Mochesa converge in Block 3 acreage. Good reservoir development has been confirmed in Bahati-1, Anza-1 and Endela-1 exploratory wells drilled in Block 3A. Potential lacustrine and marine hydrocarbons source rocks of Upper Cretaceous age have been confirmed from these exploratory wells data in Anza Graben. Hydrocarbons trapping mechanism includes tilted fault blocks, faulted anticlinal closures and stratigrahic traps.

In the northeastern part of the Block 3A is the southwestern extension of the Mochesa basin into the block 3 acreage. Mochesa basin is a sub-basin within the Mandera-Lugh basin and has a frontier play with poor seismic coverage. Mochesa high is the basin's structural culmination that extends in to Block 3A and could be interpreted as an accommodation zone. Mochesa basin play is conceptualized as marine Jurassic carbonates and clastics with the Upper Cretaceous shales providing the effective seals across normal faults and tilted fault blocks closures. Mochesa basin prospect [Mocheas high] in Block 3 has limited data with no well control. Reconstruction of Madagascar with East Africa depicts Mochesa basin as equivalent to Majunga Basin in Madagascar where rich [TOC 11-19%] source rocks of Jurassic age have been encountered in the exploratory wells. In Majunga basin play, Lower Cretaceous sandstones units form the potential reservoirs.

The south-eastern continuation of the Anza Graben forms part of the Block 3A acreage to the northwest. Good hydrocarbon shows have been encountered within the Cretaceous sections in the wells Ndovu, Hothori and Anza drilled in southeast part of the Anza Graben. Potential lacustrine and marine hydrocarbons source rocks of Upper Cretaceous age have been confirmed in these exploratory wells. The northwest part of Block 3A therefore, occupies the south-eastern extension of the Anza Graben, where potential evaporite seals and lacustrine/estuarine hydrocarbons source rocks of Upper Cretaceous age may exist. Traces of residual oil or Gilsonite noted in the Upper Cretaceous sandstones in Anza-1 well further emphasizes the existence of Cretaceous source rocks in Block 3A.

Lower Tertiary good reservoir quality [10-19% porosity] fluvial-lacustrine sandstones units exist in southern Anza Graben and extend to Block 3A acreage as encountered in Endela-1, Anza-1 and Hothori-1 wells. The Tertiary play associated with Lamu basin in Block 3B has good reservoir facies in Lower Tertiary as encountered in Bahati and Wal Merer exploratory wells. The trapping is mainly structural, associated with a typical rift structural development setting. Source rocks include the Lower Tertiary Walu Shales encountered in Wal Merer [268m]. In Walu-1 well in Lamu basin, the thickness of Walu shales is approximately 2,000m.

The gravity anomalies in Block 3A range from -20 to -50 mGals around Meri and northeast of Habaswein -80mGals. The gravity data strongly suggest that the Anza Graben continues to Block 3 acreage to the northwest. Cross sections of bouguer gravity along latitudes 0o 00, 0o30N and 1o 00N in Block 3A reveal sharp subsurface gravity variations indicating heterogeneity in physical features such as the thickness of sediments, basement depth and direction of shallowing and deepening. The bouguer gravity values ranging from -30 to -40 mGal, indicates the presence of subsurface of low-density sedimentary rocks. The increasing gravity negativity from Habasweni to Meri areas indicates the down-warping of the upper mantle in that direction and thickening of the sedimentary sections. Contouring the top of the basement shows the deepening from west [0-10km] towards the centre of graben structures in Block 3A along the west-east 0o 30N profile. A steep rise of the basement to the east of Bahati well location becomes progressively gentler and deeper towards Meri depression. The variations in basement depths suggests existence of series of approximately North-South oriented intra-basin block faults within the Block 3A acreage that have affected both basement and upper mantle. A basement gravity high separates the Endela and Meri depressions and Mochesa basement high separates the Meri depression [part of Lamu basin] from the southern margin of the Anza Graben. The Mochesa high is probably an accommodation zone with a Cretaceous-Jurassic structural culmination. The early [Karroo-Jurassic] generation of the hydrocarbons in Mochesa basin may have been trapped in the Mochesa high. Endela and Meri basin depressions have relatively thick sediments raging from Jurrasic-Cretaceous to Quaternary age Seismic data in Southern Anza Graben also confirms the continuation of the Anza Graben extensional rift structural setting in to Block 3A. However, the seismic is too widely spaced to permit detailed mapping of structural closure units. The available seismic data can only manage to image the large tilted fault blocks but with the combination of the gravity data additional high standing blocks can possibly be delineated.


Hydrocarbons trapping mechanism in Block 3 includes tilted fault blocks, faulted anticlinal closures and stratigrahic traps. Faulting in Block 3 was initiated in the Mesozoic and has intermittently been activated through Tertiary with structures being filled with chiefly fluvial-lacustrine and deltaic sediments. Evidence of Marine incursion into the southern margin of the Anza Graben including Block 3A acreage from Lamu Embayment include the presence of Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary deep marine facies encountered in the wells Anza-1, Duma-1 and Ndovu-1 drilled in Blocks 3A and 9 respectively.


Reservoirs in the Lower Tertiary section are expected to be porous sandstones equivalent the thick Tertiary sands penetrated in the Anza-1 well. The Anza-1 Well reservoir facies has porosities from 12-20%. In Sudan continental rift basins, Cretaceous reservoirs with porosities ranging from 20-30% and permeability 500-5,000 millidarcies have been encountered in some wells. Prospective sandstone reservoirs having similar porosities are expected to be present in the Lower Tertiary and Cretaceous sections in Block 3A. Analogies may be drawn to the Gulf of Suez, where the rift in-fill sediments include porous reservoir quality sandstones, both beneath and within the evaporite sequence such as found in the El Morgan field.

Jurassic Carbonate and deeper Karroo sandstones sections could also provide additional reservoir objectives when found on highstanding tilted fault blocks in Mochesa High. Several horizons of Jurassic oolitic grainstones with moldic porosity have been mapped in southern margin of the Anza Graben and Mandera-Lugh Basin. Similar porous Jurassic carbonates should provide an attractive exploration objective where located in the subsurface such as interpreted on the seismic line K75-6 in Block 3A.

Source Rocks

Geological conceptual model recognizes that lacustrine oil prone source rocks are likely to have been deposited in the deeper part of the Anza basin extending in to Block 3A. Rich, organic shales are expected to have accumulated in the lakes and shallow marine estuary environments in which evaporites were probably deposited at later stages. It is interesting to note that there were no significant source rocks encountered in Anza-1 and Bahati-1 exploratory wells. The reason being the two wells were drilled on a Cretaceous high along the margin of the restricted Anza rift Graben located in the northwest area of block 3A. The geologic conceptual model suggests oil prone source rocks concentrate in the deeper basin and would not be expected to occur along the basin margin where the two wells were drilled. Endela -1 well was drilled closer to the actual basin depression but unfortunately the well was terminated at 2,800m before reaching the prospective Cretaceous section.


Bahati prospect in Block 3A was matured for drilling to test the Lower Cretaceous fluvial-lacustrine sandstones sourced by intra depositional lacustrine claystones. The cap rock being the shales of Upper Cretaceous. The Bahati-1 well penetrated an interval in the Lower Tertiary of fair source rocks at 2410-2510m. Though immature in Bahati-1 well, these potential source rocks could have been mature in the deeper part of the Lamu Basin or in other parts of Block 3A. The well terminated at 3,420m in the Lower Tertiary-Upper Cretaceous and failed to test the prospectivity of the Cretaceous section.

Available Geophysical Data

-- Chevron shot 3,437 line km of seismic in Blocks 3 and 2 [SEG -B]
1,967 line km in Block 3
-- Amoco shot 50 line-km of seismic in the current Block 2 -[SEG Y]
-- Gravity and magnetic data available
Wells drilled

-- Anza, Endela, Bahati, & Meri [stratigrahic well]
-- Deep wells close to the Blocks 3B Walmerer-1 and 3A Hothori-1

-- Geological and Landsat data interpretation available
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at www.vangold.ca or contact Dal Brynelsen at (604) 684-1974 or by email brynelsen@vangold.ca.

On Behalf of the Board of

"Dal Brynelsen"

Dal Brynelsen
President and CEO
Oct 29, 2007 16:38 ET
Osisko Exploration Ltd. Announces C$75,075,000 "Bought Deal" Financing
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 29, 2007) -


Osisko Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:OSK) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Westwind Partners Inc. as lead underwriter on behalf of a syndicate of underwriters (collectively, the "Underwriters") to purchase, on a bought deal private placement basis, 11,550,000 special warrants of the Company at a price of C$6.50 per special warrant, for aggregate gross proceeds of C$75,075,000. The Underwriters will arrange for purchasers of the special warrants. Each special warrant shall be automatically exercised for no additional consideration to acquire one unit in the capital of the Company, subject to adjustment in certain events, at 5:00pm (Toronto time) on the earliest of (a) the third business day after the date that a receipt is issued by the securities regulatory authorities in a jurisdiction of Canada for the Final Prospectus qualifying the units to be issued upon the exercise of the special warrants and (b) the date that is four months and one day following the closing date. Each unit will consist of one common share and one half of one common share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one additional common share of the Company at a price of C$7.90 for 24 months following completion of the offering.

The Underwriters will have the option to purchase up to an additional 7,700,000 special warrants at the issue price for a period of up to two days prior to closing for additional gross proceeds of up to C$50,050,000.

Osisko plans to use the net proceeds of this financing to fund the exploration and development of the Malartic project. The Underwriters shall receive compensation comprised of cash upon closing of the offering.

The offering is scheduled to close on or about November 15, 2007 and is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary approvals including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The securities to be issued under this offering will be offered by way of private placement exemptions in all the provinces of Canada, offshore including in the United Kingdom pursuant to applicable exemptions and in the United States on a private placement basis pursuant to exemptions from the registration requirements of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

The securities being offered have not, nor will they be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from the U.S. registration requirements. This release does not constitute an offer for sale of securities in the United States.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy
Oct 29, 2007 18:46 ET
Vangold Awarded Block 3A in Kenya

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - October 29, 2007) - Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: VAN) ("Vangold") has signed a production sharing o (PSC) for Block 3A in the Anza Graben in the Eastern Province of Kenya, covering 12,192.12 sq kms.


Hm, hab´s versucht zu lesen, bin aber ab 2/3 dann doch ausgestiegen - eine irre lange News.

Was halten die Spezialisten davon?

M.m. nach einfach ein weiteres Öl- & Gasprojekt, das Cash-Flow abwirft, um die Metallexploration voranzutreiben - Meinungen?
Oct 29, 2007 18:46 ET
Vangold Awarded Block 3A in Kenya

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - October 29, 2007) - Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: VAN) ("Vangold") has signed a production sharing o (PSC) for Block 3A in the Anza Graben in the Eastern Province of Kenya, covering 12,192.12 sq kms.


Hm, hab´s versucht zu lesen, bin aber ab 2/3 dann doch ausgestiegen - eine irre lange News.

Was halten die Spezialisten davon?

M.m. nach einfach ein weiteres Öl- & Gasprojekt, das Cash-Flow abwirft, um die Metallexploration voranzutreiben - Meinungen?

das liest sich folgendermassen:

nicht verkaufen!
Oct 29, 2007 18:46 ET
Vangold Awarded Block 3A in Kenya

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - October 29, 2007) - Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: VAN) ("Vangold") has signed a production sharing o (PSC) for Block 3A in the Anza Graben in the Eastern Province of Kenya, covering 12,192.12 sq kms.


Hm, hab´s versucht zu lesen, bin aber ab 2/3 dann doch ausgestiegen - eine irre lange News.

Was halten die Spezialisten davon?

M.m. nach einfach ein weiteres Öl- & Gasprojekt, das Cash-Flow abwirft, um die Metallexploration voranzutreiben - Meinungen?

nicht verkaufen!

Hihi - Danke, so wollen wir das lesen!

das liest sich folgendermassen:
Alexandria sieht stark aus in canada!! 8)
Pelangio Advised of Drill Results From Detour Gold's Drilling Program at Detour Lake, Ontario
(Detour Gold intersects 2.69 g/t over 91 m and 2.50 g/t over 120 m in the Gap Zone)

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 30, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Pelangio Mines Inc. (TSX: PLG) ("Pelangio" or the "Company") has been advised by Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) that it has released drill results from an additional four holes from the now completed Phase I drilling program at its Detour Lake property in northern Ontario. In Phase I, Detour Gold completed 134 holes totaling 49,322 metres and has now released the assay results for 105 holes (78%). Drilling resumed on July 9 for a Phase II drilling program consisting of an additional 50,000 metres. As of yesterday, 140 holes totaling 48,220 metres have been completed in Phase II, for a combined total of 274 holes (97,542 metres) in 2007.

Pelangio has a 49.6% equity interest in Detour Gold (20 million shares). Detour Gold issued a press release today, the verbatim text of which follows:

"Detour Gold Intersects 2.69 g/t over 91 m and 2.50 g/t over 120 m in the Gap Zone of its Detour Lake Property in Northern Ontario, Canada"

Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) ("Detour Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to report the drill results of an additional four holes in the Gap Zone (area between the two proposed pits - West Pit and Calcite Zone) from its completed Phase I drilling program at its Detour Lake property in northern Ontario. Thus far, the Company has released the assays of 105 holes representing 78% of the Phase I program. As of yesterday, 140 holes totaling 48,220 metres have been completed in Phase II, for a combined total of 274 holes (97,542 metres) in 2007.

Significant mineralized (uncut) intervals are as follows:
On Section 18,750E, hole DG-07-92 intersected:
- 91.0 m at 2.69 g/t from 302.0 to 393.0 m
- 19.3 m at 6.54 g/t from 413.0 to 432.3 m
- 18.4 m at 5.82 g/t from 507.6 to 526.0 m
On Section 18,800E, hole DG-07-98 intersected:
- 6.0 m at 31.94 g/t from 159.0 to 165.0 m
- 21.0 m at 1.71 g/t from 200.0 to 221.0 m
- 120.0 m at 2.50 g/t from 444.0 to 564.0 m
On Section 18,800E, hole DG-07-104 intersected:
- 32.0 m at 1.63 g/t from 104.0 to 136.0 m
- 10.0 m at 22.89 g/t from 215.0 to 225.0 m
- 5.2 m at 11.31 g/t from 464.8 to 470.0 m

Mr. Gerald Panneton, President and CEO, commented: "We are continuing to receive strong results from the Gap Zone, which not only have confirmed the continuity of the gold mineralization between the West Pit and Calcite Zone but have extended the width of the mineralized corridor from 200 metres to over 350 metres in some areas. With additional mineralized gold structures found in both the Gap Zone and West Pit, we are planning to add an additional 20,000 metres of drilling to our Phase II drilling program to follow up on these newly discovered zones, which are mostly located in the hanging wall outside of the 200 metre mineralized corridor."

The Company remains on track for an updated mineral resource, in compliance with NI 43-101, at the end of 2007, which will include all of the Phase I drilling (near 50,000 metres). Detour Gold is confident in significantly expanding the September 2006 near-surface resource of 1.4 million ounces in the indicated category (20.0 million tonnes grading 2.14 g/t) and 2.0 million ounces of gold in the inferred category (35.4 million tonnes grading 1.80 g/t), using a US$450 per ounce gold price and a cut-off grade of 0.85 g/t gold.

The Company has awarded several contracts for the start of its feasibility study on the Detour Lake project (press release dated October 11, 2007). The drilling for both the geothechnical and metallurgical testwork started last week.

Complete tables of results, surface and longitudinal plans and cross-sections for the Detour Lake deposit are posted on the Company's website www.detourgold. com/Projects/Detour Lake or http://www.hdgold. com/dgc/LatestDrill Results.asp or on the home page "Explore Detour Lake".

Detour Gold's exploration program is being managed by Project Manager, Mr. Roger Aubertin, P.Eng., a Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Aubertin has verified and approved the data disclosed in this release, including the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information. The Qualified Person for the resource estimate filed in December 2006 is Mr. Eric Kallio, P.Geo.

Samples are prepared and assayed at SGS Minerals Services in Don Mills, Ontario, Canada. Analysis for gold is done on sawn half core samples using fire assay (AA finish). Samples with higher grade gold (greater than 5 g/t) are re-assayed using the pulp and metallics procedures. Standard reference materials, blank and field duplicate samples are inserted prior to shipment from site to monitor the quality control of the assay data. For additional information on Quality Assurance and Quality Control, refer to the press release dated April 11, 2007.

Details on the current mineral resource are available in the Detour Lake Project December 2006 Technical Report posted on the Company's website or on SEDAR (www.sedar.com).

For further information, please contact: Gerald Panneton, President and CEO Tel: (416) 304.0800 Laurie Gaborit, Director Investor Relations Tel: (416) 304.0581

Detour Gold Corporation, Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower, 200 Bay Street, Suite 2040, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J1

Forward-Looking Information

Certain statements herein may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information appears in a number of places and can be identified by the use of words such as "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking information includes statements regarding the Company's exploration plans with respect to the Detour Lake property and the estimation of mineral resources and are subject to such forward-looking risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such risks include gold price volatility, change in equity markets, the uncertainties involved in interpreting geological data, increase in costs and exchange rate fluctuations and other risks involved in the gold exploration and development industry as well as those risk factors discussed under "Risk Factors" in the Company's final prospectus dated January 22, 2007 available at www.sedar.com. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information referenced herein will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements or information. Also, many of the factors are beyond the control of Detour Gold. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. All forward-looking information herein is qualified by this cautionary statement. The Company does not undertake to update such forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Information Concerning Estimates of Mineral Resources

This news release uses the terms 'indicated' and 'inferred' resources. Detour Gold advises investors that although these terms are recognized and required by Canadian regulations (under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects), the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize them. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves. In addition, 'inferred resources' have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, or economic studies except for Preliminary Assessment as defined under 43-101. Investors are cautioned not to assume that part or all of an inferred resource exists, or is economically or legally mineable.

Detour Lake Project - Highlights of Drill Results
Au Cut to Host
Hole No. Section From To Length Uncut 20 g/t Rock
No. (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) Unit
DG-07-92 18,750E 123.0 128.0 5.0 1.50 1.50
(Gap Zone) ---------------------------------------------------------
147.0 160.0 13.0 1.17 1.17
181.0 192.0 11.0 2.04 2.04
252.0 257.0 5.0 1.13 1.13
282.0 287.0 5.0 3.69 3.69
302.0 393.0 91.0 2.69 2.41 PF/MF Contact
Inc. 349.0 349.5 0.5 25.06 20.00
Inc. 385.0 386.0 1.0 30.88 20.00
Inc. 386.0 387.0 1.0 32.34 20.00
413.0 432.3 19.3 6.54 4.49 Upper Pillow
Inc. 418.0 419.0 1.0 23.48 20.00
Inc. 419.0 420.0 1.0 31.38 20.00
Inc. 420.0 421.0 1.0 39.65 20.00
Inc. 431.7 432.3 0.6 28.57 20.00
482.0 487.0 5.0 1.62 1.62
507.6 526.0 18.4 5.82 2.80 Upper Pillow
Inc. 508.2 508.7 0.5 127.77 20.00
Inc. 508.7 509.3 0.6 22.87 20.00
551.0 556.0 5.0 2.25 2.25
DG-07-93 18,750E 75.0 95.0 20.0 1.38 1.38
(Gap Zone) ---------------------------------------------------------
138.0 151.0 13.0 0.93 0.93
170.0 179.0 9.0 1.65 1.65
192.0 197.0 5.0 1.68 1.68
226.0 240.0 14.0 1.27 1.27
DG-07-98 18,800E 89.0 98.0 9.0 1.01 1.01
(Gap Zone) ---------------------------------------------------------
159.0 165.0 6.0 31.94 3.52 Upper Pillow
Inc. 159.0 160.0 1.0 190.52 20.00
200.0 221.0 21.0 1.71 1.71 Upper Pillow
250.5 256.0 5.5 1.23 1.23
358.0 387.0 29.0 0.90 0.90
444.0 564.0 120.0 2.50 1.46 Upper Pillow
Inc. 481.7 482.2 0.5 27.46 20.00
Inc. 495.0 496.0 1.0 35.69 20.00
Inc. 500.5 501.0 0.5 58.49 20.00
Inc. 513.0 514.0 1.0 80.87 20.00
Inc. 533.9 534.4 0.5 69.37 20.00
DG-07-104 18,800E 104.0 136.0 32.00 1.63 1.63 Upper Pillow
(Gap Zone) Flow
Inc. 121.0 122.0 1.00 20.16 20.00
215.0 225.0 10.00 22.89 3.78 Massive Flow
Inc. 224.0 225.0 1.00 211.07 20.00
293.0 310.0 17.00 1.49 1.49 Lower Pillow
370.0 375.0 5.00 8.56 4.31
Inc. 374.0 375.0 1.00 41.26 20.00
387.0 402.0 15.00 1.75 1.75 Lower Pillow
433.0 439.0 6.00 1.20 1.20
464.8 470.0 5.20 11.31 4.40 Lower Pillow
Inc. 468.0 469.0 1.00 55.92 20.00
483.5 490.0 6.50 0.90 0.90
527.0 539.1 12.10 2.13 2.13 Massive Flow
Note: All values above 20 g/t in the composite are reported in the table.
True width is estimated to be 65 to 75% of the drilled length."

About Pelangio

Pelangio is a gold exploration company active in the top-ranked mining jurisdictions in the world, Canada and Ghana. The Company's main focus is to advance its exploration programs on its premier land position in Ghana totaling 290 square kilometres, located on strike and adjacent to AngloGold Ashanti's Obuasi gold mine.

Pelangio also has a 49.6% equity interest in Detour Gold, which controls the Detour Lake advanced exploration project. The near-term objective of Detour Gold is to advance the Detour Lake project to development and production.

Reliance on Detour Gold and Forward-Looking Statements

The information contained in this press release is a verbatim extract of the press release issued by Detour Gold. Although Pelangio believes the information included in the press release to be generally reliable, the data has not been independently verified and Pelangio does not assume any liability for the accuracy or completeness of such information. Furthermore, as noted above in the verbatim extract, the press release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such information includes the statements contained in the verbatim extract regarding Detour Gold's exploration and drilling plans, plans to update the mineral resource and the estimation of mineral resources and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. The risks include those that are set out above in the verbatim extract and those contained in Detour Gold's prospectus as noted above. See also, the risks set out in Pelangio's annual information form, management information circular and quarterly and annual management's discussion and analysis. There is no assurance that the forward-looking information contained in the press release will prove to be accurate. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance of the forward-looking information.

All of the information contained in the press release is qualified by this cautionary statement.

Pelangio Mines Inc.
Ingrid Hibbard
President & CEO
(905) 875-3828 or Toll Free: 1-877-746-1632
(905) 875-3829 (FAX)

Pelangio Mines Inc.
Warren Bates
Vice President Exploration
(905) 875-3828 or Toll Free: 1-877-746-1632
(905) 875-3829 (FAX)
Email: info@pelangio.com
Website: www.pelangio.com
Oct 30, 2007 08:30 ET
East Asia Minerals Reports High Grade Gold, Including Channel Samples of 17 Metres at 5.8 g/t Gold, From the Abong Prospect, Indonesia
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 30, 2007) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to announce results of ongoing channel sampling from its Abong prospect on the Barisan 1 Property, Aceh Province, Indonesia. These results indicate several potentially significant, near surface gold mineralized zones. Better results from the program include 17 metres at 5.8 g/t gold, 17 metres at 3.13 g/t gold, 79 metres at 1.44 g/t gold, and 4 metres at 3.97 g/t gold.

Sampling to date has been largely confined to the northwestern part of a 3 km x 1.5 km northwest trending corridor at the Barisan 1 Property, within which numerous coherent anomalies have been defined by previous explorers. The Abong prospect was drilled by two major mining companies in the mid 1990's, at which time a total of 28 drill holes ranging from 20 to 120 metres deep were completed. A speculative non-43-101 compliant resource of between 40 and 60 million tonnes grading 1.0 to 1.5 g/t gold, for a total of approximately 1.5 million ounces of gold, was estimated by these companies on the basis of their drilling, surface sampling, mapping and geophysical modeling. Previous exploration was terminated on non-technical grounds, leaving much of the defined mineralization open in several directions.

Michael Hawkins, President and CEO of East Asia Minerals Corporation, commented that the Company was very encouraged by the grade and width of the mineralization encountered by its sampling of the Abong prospect. "Whilst we understand that the potential quantity and grade referred to by previous explorers is conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource, our results support the veracity of the earlier work and the potential for additional mineralization. We see that further work is necessary to define the full potential of the property and intend to commence drill testing of this exciting project in November. Our new results from Abong and other Aceh properties are validation of our decision to be early entrants into Aceh Province, and to be able to "cherry pick" some superb advanced exploration projects. With the region now progressing and attention to its potential increasing, we are extremely well placed for success."

The geology of the northwestern and central part of the Abong prospect is dominated by sedimentary rocks that formed in a back-arc basin environment. The back-arc basin rocks comprise reefal limestone with flow breccias and clastic / calcareous sediments grading into silty limestone, calcareous siltsone and mudstone. To the southeast the lithology changes to intermediate volcanics and exposed intrusives of the eroded volcanic arc. A northwest trending, district scale, deep crustal feature tapped by north-northeast dilational structures, transects the back-arc basin lithologies and appears to localize the numerous prospects along a 3 km x 1.5 km northwest corridor.

Alteration and mineralization in the district is consistent with the interpretation of the project as a sediment-hosted epithermal gold system. Mineralization/alteration is grouped into 3 main zones; northwest, central and southeast. The northwest zone is dominated by strongly brecciated and silicified calcareous siltstone along structural zones with peripheral decalcification and later stage cross-cutting quartz micro-veinlets. The quartz veinlets and breccia matrix contain pyrite, arsenopyrite and rare stibnite. The gold grades within this zone are the most consistent, with historic channel samples assaying up to 16 metres at 3.84 g/t gold and spot values to 15.9 g/t gold. These values are consistent with the new channel samples reported by East Asia Minerals. In the central zone, a recrystallized limestone core is flanked by massive silica sediment replacement rock (jasperoid) on its western periphery. This jasperoid is cross cut by later quartz - minor sulphide veinlets. The silica alteration front terminates abruptly at the limestone contact with a thin rind of calcite recrystallization and minor quartz stringers. The gold grades in this zone, as defined by historic sampling and wide spaced pattern drilling are consistently above 1 g/t gold from surface, but historic samples grading up to 129 g/t gold are noted. Recent field work conducted by East Asia Minerals has additionally identified northeast trending zones within the jasperoid with free gold common in hand specimen. The southeast zone is poorly understood, but is thought to be porphyritic andesite and diorite with narrow silica, and clay-sulphide alteration localized along structures. Grab samples of float and sub-crop material assayed up to 9 g/t gold.

Elsewhere in Aceh Province, East Asia Minerals reports that it continues to make good progress on its extensive portfolio of copper-gold projects. At its Tangse porphyry copper project, grab outcrop and channel samples of fine grained diorite from the supergene zone at East Tangse, where previous explorers had indicated potential for a supergene enriched zone of 30Mt grading between 0.6 to 0.8% copper (reported May 1, 2007) returned 1.8% to 3.25% copper in 8 grab samples, and channel samples of 3 metres at 0.92% copper and 2 metres at 0.83% copper. This sampling verifies the tenor of the supergene copper grades and extends the zone of supergene enrichment another 150 metres north of its previously defined limits.

At the Miwah high sulphidation epithermal project exploration activities have verified the surface results reported from previous explorers, with samples returning up to 15.3 g/t gold. Observed alteration styles include vughy silica - alunite +/- clay with a peripheral silica - sericite envelope with reported mineralization consisting of predominantly pyrite with enargite +/- chalcocite +/- covellite.

Samples reported were assayed at Intertek Laboratories in Jakarta. East Asia Minerals conducts a rigorous and continuous QA/QC program. Lionel Martin, P.Geo, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101 has reviewed and approves the content of this release. East Asia has not verified the classification of the historic resource references and is not treating them as NI 43-101 defined resources verified by a QP. Although the historical references of resource potential are relevant to recognizing the potential of the Aceh projects, they should not be relied upon.

About East Asia Minerals Corporation

East Asia Minerals is an Asian-based, Canadian mineral exploration company with uranium, gold and copper assets in Mongolia and Indonesia. The Company owns the Ingiin-Nars, Ulaan Nuur and Enger uranium properties and a 75% interest in the Khok Adar copper oxide discovery in Mongolia. In Indonesia, it has a 70 to 85% interest in five advanced gold and gold-copper projects located in Aceh Province in Sumatra and North Sulawesi. East Asia currently has 54,055,172 shares outstanding. Its shares are listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "EAS".

Forward Looking Statements - This News Release contains forward looking information within the meaning of the Ontario Securities Act and the Alberta Securities Act, which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results and the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits, the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with our expectations, metal recoveries, accidents, equipment breakdowns, title matters and surface access, labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties with or interruptions in production, the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of new or updated feasibility studies, the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, commodity price fluctuations (including uranium, fuel, steel and construction items), currency fluctuations, failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and other risks and uncertainties. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The words anticipate, believe, estimate and expect and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management, are intended to identify forward looking statements relating to the business and affairs of the Company. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, we undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

To receive or stop receiving EAS news via email, please email Info@EAminerals.com and state your preference in the subject line.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Oct 30, 2007 08:30 ET
Southern Arc Announces Securing a 2nd Drill for its Selodong Porphyry Cu-Au Prospect
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 30, 2007) - Southern Arc Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SA) is pleased to announce that a second diamond drill rig has been secured for exploration activities at its Selodong Porphyry Cu-Au prospect. The drill rig will be mobilized to site on November 5, 2007 and immediately commence drilling at Kekalik (Figure 1), one of 15 defined porphyry Cu-Au drill target areas within SA's Selodong Intrusive Complex (SIC). Details of each of these targets were previously reported in NR 07-19, August 14, 2007.

The drill rig supplied by PT. Antero Indodrill is capable of coring 150-200 m PQ, 400-450 m HQ and 650-700 m NQ. Management feels based on encouraging Cu-Au drill intercepts from the first six holes (SLD01-06), together with information from detailed geologic mapping and 3D geological/geomagnetic modeling that an increase in drilling production is warranted to accelerate the advancement of the project.

On behalf of the Board of Southern Arc Minerals Inc.

John Proust, President and CEO
Oct 30, 2007 09:30 ET
Bluerock Resources Signs Five Agreements to Purchase 100% of Utah Uranium Projects

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 30, 2007) - Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BRD) (the Company) announces it has signed option agreements with Blue Bird Partners (BBP) and Randy Mecham (Mecham) to earn 100% interests in five uranium projects in the San Rafael Swell and Temple Mountain Uranium Districts, Utah, USA. The acquisition of these mineral claims in the historically important San Rafael Swell and Temple Mountain Uranium Districts gives Bluerock a solid base from which to develop uranium resources in south central Utah.

The Sinbad Head, On Strike, Herbie, Big Fish and Little Fish Projects are comprised of both Bureau of Land Management claims and state leases, encompassing a total of 5,778 acres of uranium exploration ground. The projects have seen historical development ranging from uranium mining to grass roots conceptual exploration.

The Sinbad Head and the On Strike Projects both target Chinle Formation channel hosted uranium mineralization on the strike extensions to the historic Sinbad and Lucky Strike #1 mines (as well as Chinle channel targets parallel to these past producers. These two projects cover approximately 5,179 acres of prospective Chinle Formation targets. A 1973 United States Geological Survey (USGS) report indicated the Sinbad Mine had a grade(i) of 0.25% U3O8. While this mine is not with the boundary of the Company's land package, Bluerock intends to explore for the strike extension of the host paleochannel system. The On Strike Project covers the strike extension of the historic Lucky Strike #1 Mine where historic grades(i) of 0.21% U3O8 are reported in 1954 USGS reports.

Located in the San Rafael Swell, the Herbie Project encompasses 227 acres, including the past producing "Wickiup Mines #1, #2 and #3, where uranium mineralization is hosted in the Chinle Formation. A 1973 USGS report indicates that the Wickiup #1 hosted(i) 45,000 insitu tons at a grade of 0.2% U3O8 (a non N.I. 43-101 compliant resource estimate). While it is uncertain what, if any, uranium mineralization is left from this non-compliant resource, it is indicative of the tenor and scale of mineralization in this area.

(i) The historical data and information stated herein is not N.I. 43-101 compliant and a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources, the issuer is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources and the historical estimate should not be relied upon.. The Company intends as part of its work program to verify the same using methods and calculations recognized under N.I. 43-101.

The Big Fish and Little Fish Projects encompass 372 acres of prospective uranium ground in the Temple Mountain Uranium District. These projects target collapse breccia pipe uranium mineralization similar to the Arizona Strip type uranium deposits which host up to 3 million lb deposits and grade in excess of 1% U3O8. Information from local sources suggests that uranium mineralization has been previously encountered in drilling on the Little Fish project at a relatively shallow depth of 300 feet (100 metres).

Planning and execution of an exploration strategy has begun and will include ground geophysics, outcrop and underground mapping and sampling followed by RC and core recovery drill programs.

President Michael Collins commented:

"Bluerock is committed to developing shareholder value in the near term through toll milled production in Colorado, in the medium term with the development of resources and a mill in Utah, and in the long term, through the development of large minable resources through our Mongolian exploration. The acquisition of these five projects addresses our medium term goal to build sufficient uranium resources in Utah to support a 1200 ton per day Utah mill."

Under the terms of the agreement (which is subject to regulatory approval), the Company can acquire 100% the Sinbad Head Project by:

- issuing to BBP 480,000 common shares of the Company;

- issuing to BBP 477,000 common shares of the Company on the first anniversary of the date of the option agreement;

- completing US$550,000 in exploration work on the project over a period of three years;

and making advanced royalty payments of:

- $158,000 on exchange approval;

- $239,250 on the first anniversary of the date of the option agreement;

- $40,700 on the second anniversary; and

- $40,700 on the third anniversary.

- Any production from these projects is subject to a net smelter royalty of 4% on U3O8, and V2O5, and a payment of US$0.75/lb on U3O8 reserved or mined.

Under the terms of the agreement (which is subject to regulatory approval), the Company can acquire 100% the On Strike Project by:

- issuing to BBP 50,897 common shares of the Company and pay 33,600 within 5 days of exchange approval;

- issuing to BBP 152,692 common shares of the Company on or before January 5, 2208;

- completing US$550,000 in exploration work on the project over a period of three years;

and making advanced royalty payments of:

- $50,900 on the first anniversary of the date of the option agreement;

- $8,653 on the second anniversary; and

- $8,653 on the third anniversary.

- Any production from these projects is subject to a net smelter royalty of 4% on U3O8, and V2O5, (excepting production in state leases) and a payment of US$0.75/lb on U3O8 reserved or mined.

Under the terms of the agreement (which is subject to regulatory approval), the Company can acquire 100% the Herbie Project by:

- issuing to BBP and Mecham 15,125 common shares of the Company and pay US$9,983 within 5 days of exchange approval;

- issuing to BBP and Mecham 45,375 common shares of the Company on or before January 5, 2208;

- completing US$425,000 in exploration work on the project over a period of three years;

and making advanced royalty payments of:

- $15,125 on the first anniversary of the date of the option agreement;

- $2,571 on the second anniversary; and

- $2,571 on the third anniversary.

- Any production from these projects is subject to a net smelter royalty of 4% on U3O8, and V2O5, and a payment of US$0.75/lb on U3O8 reserved or mined.

Under the terms of the agreement (which is subject to regulatory approval), the Company can acquire 100% the Big Fish Project by:

- issuing to BBP and Mecham 12,250 common shares of the Company and pay US$8,250 within 5 days of exchange approval;

- issuing to BBP and Mecham 37,500 common shares of the Company on or before January 5, 2208;

- completing US$325,000 in exploration work on the project over a period of three years;

and making advanced royalty payments of:

- $12,500 on the first anniversary of the date of the option agreement;

- $2,125 on the second anniversary; and

- $2,125 on the third anniversary.

- Any production from these projects is subject to a net smelter royalty of 4% on U3O8, and V2O5, and a payment of US$0.75/lb on U3O8 reserved or mined.

Under the terms of the agreement (which is subject to regulatory approval), the Company can acquire 100% the Little Fish Project by:

- issuing to BBP and Mecham 10,000 common shares of the Company and pay US$6,600 within 5 days of exchange approval;

- issuing to BBP and Mecham 30,000 common shares of the Company on or before January 5, 2208;

- completing US$325,000 in exploration work on the project over a period of three years;

and making advanced royalty payments of:

- $10,000 on the first anniversary of the date of the option agreement;

- $1,700 on the second anniversary; and

- $1,700 on the third anniversary.

- Any production from these projects is subject to a net smelter royalty of 4% on U3O8, and V2O5, and a payment of US$0.75/lb on U3O8 reserved or mined.

Paul D. Gray, P.Geo. is the Qualified Person with respect to the Bluerock Resources uranium properties and has reviewed and approved this press release.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on developing tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins, CEO, President and Director

Statements contained in this document that are not historical facts are forward looking statements as that term is defined in the private securities litigation reform act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from estimated results. Such risks and uncertainties are detailed in the Company's filing with the B.C. Securities Commission. We seek Safe Harbour.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

For more information, please contact

Bluerock Resources Ltd.
Cary Martin
Manager, Investor Relations
(604) 687-2471
(604) 687-2472 (FAX)
Email: cmartin@bluerockresources.com
Website: www.bluerockresources.com

Nicht gerade die höchsten Grades, aber in der Fläche gewaltig!
heute ein Newsflow.........mannomann......leider einige hier nicht handelbar ......Puma Exploration,DIAGNOS,Los Andes........

aber Pelangio - WOW!
müßten von TWD auch mal wieder news eintrudeln
fieldex heute wieder böse :cry:
man man hier brauch man nerven
die Woche bitte unbedingt auf Candente achten - die Leachtestergebnisse sind in der Pipline! ;)
Seit gestern wird mit Macht versucht, den Kurs von AZX (Alexandria) zu drücken,
gestern in Fra. 1,3 Mio Stck im ask bei 0,21, heute 880.000 Stück zu 0,2 im ask.

Dies ist (wie gestern) unter pari, kann nur den Zweck haben, den Kurs unten zu halten.

Auffällig sind auch die hohen Umsätze bei stabilem Kurs in den letzten Tagen.

Hat jemand eine Erklärung? Wer stellt bei einem ansonsten umsatzschwachen Wert so einen dicken
Block ins ask und warum??

Was könnte sich da hinter den Kulossen abspielen?

Vielleicht hat ja einer der Experten hier Ähnliches schon mal bei anderen Explorern erlebt und hat eine mögliche Erklärung?

fieldex heute wieder böse :cry:
man man hier brauch man nerven

Wie wirklich interessanten Bohrungen, wie Fischi darstellte kommen ja noch nahe am Deposit!!
Wenns noch eine PP gibt, könnte auch nochmal Druck im Getriebe sein. Geduld haben und
dann geniessen. Hat sich im meinem Depot mit über 30 Rohstoffwerten sehr bewährt.
Gabs bei NJF, Mustang nen Push?

Enorme Umsätze und Kaufdruck!!
mein Rohstoffwerte Depot hats gestern auch gut 5% nach unten gerissen

GGL hab ich mich z.B. total verschaetzt

Fieldex bleibt LONG!
Wenn ich eine solche Stückzahl verkaufen will bzw. muss, dann hau ich die doch nicht als Block ins ask,
so dämlich kann doch keiner sein?
Ich kapier´s einfach nicht, was da vorgeht

Seit gestern wird mit Macht versucht, den Kurs von AZX (Alexandria) zu drücken,
gestern in Fra. 1,3 Mio Stck im ask bei 0,21, heute 880.000 Stück zu 0,2 im ask.

Vermute, dass sich jemand vom Bestand trennen muss,- und das auch Deuvel komm Raus unter Pari.
Ist schon seltsam was da bei A9D abläuft.

Wer sich von einem hohen Bestand bestmöglich trennen möchte stellt üblicherweise einen solchen Block nicht ins Ask. Aber es gibt auch Ausnahmen.
Zum Absturz wird der Kurs bis dato auch nicht gebracht. Kann es mir nicht wirklich erklären.

Die fundamentale Seite spricht imho klar für Alexandria. Weitere News sind pending. Sollte die Aktie Aufmerksamkeit in Sachen Promotion bekommen könnte es schnell gehen. Bleibe weiter dabei!

Wenn ich eine solche Stückzahl verkaufen will bzw. muss, dann hau ich die doch nicht als Block ins ask,
so dämlich kann doch keiner sein?
Ich kapier´s einfach nicht, was da vorgeht

Seit gestern wird mit Macht versucht, den Kurs von AZX (Alexandria) zu drücken,
gestern in Fra. 1,3 Mio Stck im ask bei 0,21, heute 880.000 Stück zu 0,2 im ask.

Vermute, dass sich jemand vom Bestand trennen muss,- und das auch Deuvel komm Raus unter Pari.
es gab schon mal vor 2 Wochen so ne Abverkaufsaktion.........
Ist schon seltsam was da bei A9D abläuft.

Wer sich von einem hohen Bestand bestmöglich trennen möchte stellt üblicherweise einen solchen Block nicht ins Ask. Aber es gibt auch Ausnahmen.
Zum Absturz wird der Kurs bis dato auch nicht gebracht. Kann es mir nicht wirklich erklären.

Die fundamentale Seite spricht imho klar für Alexandria. Weitere News sind pending. Sollte die Aktie Aufmerksamkeit in Sachen Promotion bekommen könnte es schnell gehen. Bleibe weiter dabei!

Wenn ich eine solche Stückzahl verkaufen will bzw. muss, dann hau ich die doch nicht als Block ins ask,
so dämlich kann doch keiner sein?
Ich kapier´s einfach nicht, was da vorgeht

Seit gestern wird mit Macht versucht, den Kurs von AZX (Alexandria) zu drücken,
gestern in Fra. 1,3 Mio Stck im ask bei 0,21, heute 880.000 Stück zu 0,2 im ask.

Vermute, dass sich jemand vom Bestand trennen muss,- und das auch Deuvel komm Raus unter Pari.
Oct 31, 2007 07:24 ET
Alexandria Extends Orenada 2 at Depth, Intersects 2.45 g/t Gold Over 13.65 m

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 31, 2007) - Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) intersected 2.45 g/t Au over 13.65 m in hole OAX-07-19, including 4.12 g/t Au over 4.60 m, at 335 meters vertical depth, making it the deepest hole penetrating Orenada 2 to-date (all reported widths are core lengths). Assay results from fourteen holes remain pending as the Company continues to enlarge the gold-bearing zones at its Orenada project.

-vielleciht ist die Tiefe ein Problem :scratch:

These results occur 225 meters down dip from previously reported hole OAX-07-16, which yielded 11.44 g/t Au over 8.15m (Press release, October 16, 2007), and substantially increase the size of near-surface mineralization at Orenada 2.

The Company believes Orenada, which is located 6 km southeast of Agnico Eagle's Goldex Project (underground reserves and resources of 2.4 million ounces Au at 2.39 g/t Au), is part of a large gold-bearing system along the Cadillac Break where significant gold mineralization has been intersected in drill holes and trenches over a minimum strike length of 4 kilometers. This zone remains open to the east and west, and at depth, where little or no historic exploration has taken place.

Table of Assay Results
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Core TrueHole # From To Length(m) Width(m) Au (g/t)--------------------------------------------------------------------OAX-07-17 401.30 405.80 4.50 3.50 1.19--------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------OAX-07-18 7.00 10.65 3.65 2.58 0.55-------------------------------------------------------------------- 93.40 104.15 10.75 7.60 0.30-------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 101.80 104.15 2.35 1.66 0.83-------------------------------------------------------------------- 123.95 127.10 3.15 2.02 0.39--------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------OAX-07-19 336.35 359.20 22.85 18.72 0.65-------------------------------------------------------------------- 382.20 383.00 0.80 0.46 1.94-------------------------------------------------------------------- 388.85 410.20 21.35 13.72 1.59-------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 388.85 392.50 3.65 2.35 3.69-------------------------------------------------------------------- and 390.25 403.90 13.65 8.77 2.45-------------------------------------------------------------------- and 394.85 399.45 4.60 2.96 4.12--------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------Historic Drilling--------------------------------------------------------------------407-22 410.02 423.18 13.16 9.31 3.11-------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 410.02 414.89 4.87 3.44 8.12--------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------407-23 463.42 469.30 5.88 4.16 2.07--------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------407-24 389.08 412.39 23.31 16.48 1.72-------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 398.59 410.66 12.07 8.53 2.07--------------------------------------------------------------------

Also at Orenada 2, drill hole OAX-07-18, a near surface hole drilled 50 m above OAX-07-16, yielded 0.30 g/t Au over 10.75 m. These results suggest that the hole is located near the edge of the gold-bearing zone at Orenada 2. Alexandria has intersected similar results from exploratory holes elsewhere on the Cadillac Break properties, and views such results as targets with potential for follow-up exploration.

At Orenada 4, drill hole OAX-07-17 intersected 1.45 g/t over 3.45 m at a vertical depth of 400m, including a grade of 5.24 g/t Au over 0.80 m. These results extend mineralization 270 m east of previously reported hole OAX-07-13A, which intersected 2.60 g/t Au over 14.40 m(Press release, August 15, 2007).

As part of ongoing activities, the Company has been compiling historic exploration data from the Cadillac Break properties, including drill hole information from Orenada. Three deep historic holes drilled by Aur Resources Inc. at Orenada 4, within the 240 m gap between holes OAX-07-13 and OAX-07-17, intersected strong gold values, including 8.12 g/t Au over 4.87 m (Hole 407-22) and 2.07 g/t Au over 12.07 m (Hole 407-24).

Further information can be viewed by clicking the link http://www.azx.ca/currentdrilling.asp or visiting the Company's website, www.azx.ca.

The results presented in this press release are exploratory in nature and have been reviewed by the company's Qualified Person, Eddy Canova, PGeo. The drilling program employs a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. Drill core is NQ-sized, and is logged, sampled and split at the Company's Val d'Or office, in intervals of 0.3 meters to a maximum of 1.5 meters. The samples are recorded, bagged and sent to Bourlamaque Assay Lab in Val-d'Or for assay. Samples are analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu and Zn, via a 30 gram pulp by FAA for Au and AA for Ag, Cu and Zn. Re-assays by FA gravimetric finish are performed on samples assaying greater than 1.0 g/t Au and re-assays greater than 5.0 g/t Au are checked a second time by FA gravimetric finish.

NOTICE: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of up-coming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Alexandria Minerals Corporation relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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