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Fett seit dem Reverse Split dabei!
-CMI- Crowflight Minerals

Ausbruchsversuch in Canada mit riesen Umsätzen!

Produktionsaufnahme im 2. Quartal 2008 geplant! :whistle:

Small caps: four rules to follow


Globe and Mail Update

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October 26, 2007 at 4:17 PM EDT

If you want to think big, you have to think small – as an investor anyway. Big companies have done well. The S&P/TSX composite index is up 49 per cent in the past seven years.

But small-capitalization stocks have done a lot better. The S&P/TSX small-cap index is up 68 per cent this millennium. The S&P Venture index has tripled. As bigger capitalization companies – BCE, Inco, Alcan – disappear into the folds of global finance, you have less of a choice but to think small.

But that's easy to say. It's harder to do.

Small-cap companies always sound great on paper. They're all more nimble, more responsive, more innovative than the bigger firms they plan to steal market share from. Or they have a high-grade deposit or better reserves that the big boys overlooked. Or they're run by the former management team at ABC Blue Chip, so they know all the industry's secrets and are ready to dominate.

Right. Truth is, being a small business is exceedingly hard. It's common to underestimate how much money it's going to take to get going and overestimate how easy the going will be. And because of that, small caps are more vulnerable. For instance, the two small-cap indexes mentioned above suffered much worse damage in the August credit crunch compared with the big board.

But with risk comes rewards, so to that end, here are a few ideas about investing in small companies. It's not an exhaustive list, but it's a start: Rule No. 1: Take a hard look at management. Big banks, for example, can pretty much run themselves. Their chief executives make maybe two or three decisions a year, and half of them are bad ones. The banks shrug these errors off and keep churning out profits.

Not so at a small company: the CEO probably makes two or three decisions a day, partly because there's more action and partly because he doesn't have a team of vice-presidents to do it for him. And his (or her) decisions can sink the ship.

So you obviously want the CEO getting out of bed early in the morning and staying at the office late at night. Incentives are crucial. Someone making decisions has to own a lot of stock. That's stock, not options. There's a big difference. Options pay off handsomely if management makes good decisions, but there's not downside if they blow it.

Look, for example, at CV Technologies, the maker of that popular cold relief pill COLD-fX.

As it entered 2005, the company had 91.6 million shares and a staggering 17.3 million stock options outstanding. The company, profitable at the time, decided to enter the U.S. market.

It was a disaster. The stock, worth more than $4 a year ago, is now quoted at less than a buck. Management and directors owned actual stock too, but rest assured that the asymmetrical payoff of the options played a role in the bad decision making. So make sure management has some skin in the game.

That said, too much ownership can be a bad thing, especially with really small companies.

There are dozens of interesting little companies out there that could go places if the entrepreneurs that founded them really wanted to build something. As a shareholder, that's what you want.

But instead, they sometimes have different goals from what you might as a shareholder. Buhler Industries is an example. Founded and controlled by the avuncular John Buhler, it did okay building farm tractors and implements. But with control of the stock, Mr. Buhler could do as he pleased, and what pleased him was to stay small, and to eventually agree to sell most of the company to a Russian business for what looks like a low price.

Rule No. 2: Don't believe everything you hear. If it doesn't make sense, or if you don't get it, don't buy it. It probably won't go anywhere. Many people get seduced by great ideas that don't have a developed business plan behind the idea. Usually it's the simple, proven business plans that pay off.

Case in point: three years ago, I noticed that the utility poles in my Toronto neighbourhood were being replaced with wooden poles. The old ones were made of some first-generation concrete and they were crumbling. I rooted around and found a publicly traded company – Stella-Jones – that made wooden poles (and railway ties among other things.) As I researched, I learned the majority of poles in Canada are made of wood, and have a lifetime of about 50 years. They were, on average, almost 45 years old. Demand looked good. I also discovered another company – Resin Systems – that made poles out of resin, which it claimed to be stronger, lighter and cheaper than wood. It sounded good, and it had a bigger market cap – $200-million versus less than $100-million for Stella-Jones, despite the fact that Resin wasn't profitable (no one was buying these new-age poles yet).

I picked Stella -Jones, and I've owned it pretty much ever since. Today, it has a market cap of $530-million. Resin Systems, which says it's starting to ship poles now, still has a market cap of $200-million (but more shares outstanding.) The lesson: It's hard to steal market share from entrenched players, even if your technology is better.

Rule No. 3: Let the market do some of your research for you. You are not a mutual fund. You're a little guy.

An institution has to buy a stock on the way down or when it's idle because that's when there are lots of shares for sale. He needs big blocks of thousands of shares to build a decent-sized position in a fund that is hundreds of millions of dollars in size. He can't wait until the stock starts to rise because then no one wants to sell to him in volume unless he really bids high.

A small investor doesn't have that constraint. You can use the market to predict who's going to do well, and as you know, the market tends to be right. So how do you do that? Simple: By reading the 52-week high and low list in the newspaper or on the Web. Stocks that are going up, tend to keep going up, while those that are going down, tend to keep doing so.

That doesn't excuse you from doing homework. Stella-Jones was on the high list when I bought it. It had tripled in a year, and it wasn't exactly easy to buy it then because it's hard to see it going up even more.

But some digging convinced me it would keep going up and it has more than tripled again.

This approach means you don't catch a stock at its lowest point – you only buy when it's had at least a year of gains – but it can still do well.

Rule No. 4: I also like to avoid commodity small caps when looking at 52-week high and low stocks. Look for companies with reasonable valuations, that provide an understandable service that you believe will be in brisk demand, and that aren't commodity oriented. Why? Because you can't predict what commodity prices are going to do. A badly managed or dubious company's stock can ride a rising commodity price higher. That's not what you want here. You want small companies that have some inherent advantage.

In some research I did last year, I went back two years to look at what stocks were hitting the high list then and found that, filtered along the lines above, they did considerably better than the index despite not having commodities. That's not to say don't invest in small commodity plays, just that doing so involves a different approach.
Klingt vermessen: Aber wenn sich der Gesamtmarkt wacker schlägt und die Rohstoffmonate ähnlich laufen wie in den letzten Jahren sehe ich hier nen Verdreifacher vom derzeitigen Niveau.

Aber dafür müssen die Rahmenbedingungen gegeben sein. Und der Nickelpreis darf uns keinen Strich durch die Rechnung machen. :kichern:

Haste sonst noch nen Nickelplay im Auge?

-CMI- Crowflight Minerals

Ausbruchsversuch in Canada mit riesen Umsätzen!

Produktionsaufnahme im 2. Quartal 2008 geplant! :whistle:

» zur Grafik

Wird sich mehr als verdoppeln bis dahin!
Hard Creek Nickel. Keine hohen Grades aber gewaltige Mengen!

Anlagehorizont 2 Jahre plus x.
Ja... thx :up:

Hab deren Präsentation auf der IAM in Düsseldorf gesehen. Fast schon unglaublich was die im Boden haben.

Vorallem das Turnagain-Projekt blieb mir in Erinnerung mit wahnsinns Resourcen im Boden.

Was mich damals abgeschreckt hat war der Zeitplan des Unternehmens. Glaube die rechnen 2011 mit einer Startphase der Produktion mit einem ersten Projekt. Müsste nochmal meine Unterlagen durchforschen. Absoluter LONG-PLay.

Hard Creek Nickel. Keine hohen Grades aber gewaltige Mengen!

Anlagehorizont 2 Jahre plus x.
Ich denke hier im speziellen an die Abgeltungssteuer 2009!! Sich geschickt zu positionieren ist nicht verkehrt!!!!!
Ja... thx :up:

Hab deren Präsentation auf der IAM in Düsseldorf gesehen. Fast schon unglaublich was die im Boden haben.

Vorallem das Turnagain-Projekt blieb mir in Erinnerung mit wahnsinns Resourcen im Boden.

Was mich damals abgeschreckt hat war der Zeitplan des Unternehmens. Glaube die rechnen 2011 mit einer Startphase der Produktion mit einem ersten Projekt. Müsste nochmal meine Unterlagen durchforschen. Absoluter LONG-PLay.

Hard Creek Nickel. Keine hohen Grades aber gewaltige Mengen!

Anlagehorizont 2 Jahre plus x.
;) Stimmt....

Nervt mich eh die S...... aber müssen wir eben bestmöglich mit umgehen.

So dann mal sehen wie sich CMI heute noch in Canada anstellt... :whistle:

Ich denke hier im speziellen an die Abgeltungssteuer 2009!! Sich geschickt zu positionieren ist nicht verkehrt!!!!!
Ja... thx :up:

Hab deren Präsentation auf der IAM in Düsseldorf gesehen. Fast schon unglaublich was die im Boden haben.

Vorallem das Turnagain-Projekt blieb mir in Erinnerung mit wahnsinns Resourcen im Boden.

Was mich damals abgeschreckt hat war der Zeitplan des Unternehmens. Glaube die rechnen 2011 mit einer Startphase der Produktion mit einem ersten Projekt. Müsste nochmal meine Unterlagen durchforschen. Absoluter LONG-PLay.

Hard Creek Nickel. Keine hohen Grades aber gewaltige Mengen!

Anlagehorizont 2 Jahre plus x.
Ich denke hier im speziellen an die Abgeltungssteuer 2009!! Sich geschickt zu positionieren ist nicht verkehrt!!!!!
Ja... thx :up:

Hab deren Präsentation auf der IAM in Düsseldorf gesehen. Fast schon unglaublich was die im Boden haben.

Vorallem das Turnagain-Projekt blieb mir in Erinnerung mit wahnsinns Resourcen im Boden.

Was mich damals abgeschreckt hat war der Zeitplan des Unternehmens. Glaube die rechnen 2011 mit einer Startphase der Produktion mit einem ersten Projekt. Müsste nochmal meine Unterlagen durchforschen. Absoluter LONG-PLay.

Hard Creek Nickel. Keine hohen Grades aber gewaltige Mengen!

Anlagehorizont 2 Jahre plus x.

Kann man das nochmal genau erleutern? Abgeltungssteuer 2009 und wie uns das tangiert - wäre nett, danke!
Bei Orko geht es weiter steil aufwärts. Gewinnmitnahmen werden Intraday abgefrühstückt, News stehen an, da noch 30 Bohrlöcher unveröffentlicht sind, es drehen sich jetzt sogar 4 Rigs 24/7 und man wird wohl bald übernommen, was zusätzlichen Auftrieb gibt.

Hier der Chart:

Rochester Achieves Profitability From Operations in First Quarter of Commercial Production

Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: RCT)(OTCBB: RCTFF)(FRANKFURT: R5I):

Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO, is pleased to report that Rochester realized net revenue of $1,766,783 on 2,656 oz. of gold equivalent (gold 2,252, silver 20,824) shipped during the three months ended August 31, 2007 (the "2008 First Quarter") and generated an operating profit of $213,538 after non-cash charges for depletion and amortization of $237,407. Since August 31 2007 there has been a significant increase in the spot price of gold to a close of $789.50 per ounce on October 31 2007. During the 2008 First Quarter, head grades averaged approximately 7 grams per tonne gold and 140 grams per tonne silver. Recovery rates for gold surpassed 90% but silver recovery is expected to remain in the 45-60% range until planned modifications are implemented to the milling circuit in early 2008.

"We expect significant improvement in net revenues and profitability as we continue to reduce operating costs, improve recovery rates and increase head grades over the coming months. Rochester is well positioned to take full advantage of the current bull market in gold and silver." commented Dr. Parra.

The Company reported a net loss of $761,527 for the 2008 First Quarter after recognizing $506,785 in non-cash compensation charges associated with the issuance of stock options and $394,199 in general and administrative expenses.

During the 2008 First Quarter the Company recorded total charges of $635,456 for additions to mineral property interests, of which $109,282 was attributed to exploration activities on the Santa Fe Property and $526,174 for exploration activities on the Mina Real Project.

As of August 31, 2007, the Company had working capital of $684,866 compared to $768,740 as of May 31, 2007. A brokered private placement was completed on October 27, 2007 which raised gross proceeds of $4,000,000 through the issuance of 2,000,000 units at a price of $2.00 per unit (the "Units"). "We are now in the enviable position of having a strong balance sheet supported by the ability to generate meaningful cash flow from our mining and milling activities, which will enable us to adopt a more aggressive exploration program, make capacity and recovery improvements to the mill and related infrastructure and provide adequate working capital for ongoing operations." stated Dr. Parra.

Dr. Parra is currently the Company's in-house Qualified Person and QP Member of the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America with special expertise in Mining.

We are also pleased to report that Marc Cernovitch will be added as a consulting director to the Board of Directors of Rochester. Mr. Cernovitch brings a strong background in corporate governance and finance. He studied Economics at McGill University. He started his career in the financial sector as a stockbroker and has lived and worked in Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver, New York and Toronto. Since leaving the brokerage industry, Marc has focused on corporate development, funding and building companies primarily in the resource and energy technology fields. He is currently Chairman of Halo Resources Ltd. and an Advisory Board Member to Salazar Resources Ltd. Mr. Cernovitch replaces Douglas F. Good who has concurrently resigned as a director and employee of Rochester in order to focus his efforts on his other business interests and allow him to devote more time to his family. The board thanks Mr. Good for his contributions to the company's development and wishes him every success in the future.

Rochester represents a pure-play high-grade gold and silver exploration and development company with properties in Nayarit, Mexico. The state of Nayarit is located in the Sierra Madre Occidental range which is the largest epithermal precious metal region in the world and hosts a majority of Mexico's gold and silver deposits. The Mina Real Mine could certainly be considered a "high-grade" gold/silver deposit with grades reported in 2007 from mine development averaging 12 grams/tonne gold and 200 grams/tonne silver over 775 metres of drift development.


Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO

Forward Looking Statements

This Company Press Release contains certain "forward-looking" statements and information relating to the Company that are based on the beliefs of the Company's management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company's management. Such statements reflect the current risks, uncertainties and assumptions related to certain factors including, without limitations, competitive factors, general economic conditions, customer relations, relationships with vendors and strategic partners, the interest rate environment, governmental regulation and supervision, seasonality, technological change, changes in industry practices, and one-time events. In addition, the Company has not conducted an independent feasibility study on the Mina Real project which may increase the risk that the planned operations are not economically viable. Should any one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.

Contacts: Empire Communications Inc. Investor Information 1-866-841-0068 Email: Website:

SOURCE: Rochester Resources Ltd.
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
-A9D- Alexandria Minerals

Das große ASK-Paket ist verschwunden :scratch:

Mal sehen wie sich der Kurs nun entwickelt... oder ob es im Laufe des Tages wieder auftaucht..?
was meint ihr - ich neige zum weiteren Zukauf auf dem 0,60 Euro Niveau.... :gruebel:
Klingt vermessen: Aber wenn sich der Gesamtmarkt wacker schlägt und die Rohstoffmonate ähnlich laufen wie in den letzten Jahren sehe ich hier nen Verdreifacher vom derzeitigen Niveau.

Aber dafür müssen die Rahmenbedingungen gegeben sein. Und der Nickelpreis darf uns keinen Strich durch die Rechnung machen. :kichern:

Haste sonst noch nen Nickelplay im Auge?

-CMI- Crowflight Minerals

Ausbruchsversuch in Canada mit riesen Umsätzen!

Produktionsaufnahme im 2. Quartal 2008 geplant! :whistle:

» zur Grafik

Wird sich mehr als verdoppeln bis dahin!
Meine Einschätzung:

>>> Chartbild sieht sehr gut aus! Aufwärtstrend und ein Ausbruch latent gegeben!
>>> Produktionsaufnahme relativ zeitnah (Q2 2008)
>>> Nickelpreis wieder mit nachhaltiger Auwärtstendenz
>>> Crowflight schon bei einem Nickelpreis von 8 $ profitabel!! (derzeit 14-15)
>>> erfahrungsgemäß beste Rohstoffmonate liegen voraus

Kann Dir nur sagen, dass ich erst kürzlich mit 2. Position rein bin!!! :whistle:

Duke dürfte die Aktie ähnlich einschätzen mit einem Anlagehorizont mindestens bis 2.Quartal 2008.

Aber er wird sich sicher auch noch dazu äußern....

Gruß! :friends:
was meint ihr - ich neige zum weiteren Zukauf auf dem 0,60 Euro Niveau.... :gruebel:
Klingt vermessen: Aber wenn sich der Gesamtmarkt wacker schlägt und die Rohstoffmonate ähnlich laufen wie in den letzten Jahren sehe ich hier nen Verdreifacher vom derzeitigen Niveau.

Aber dafür müssen die Rahmenbedingungen gegeben sein. Und der Nickelpreis darf uns keinen Strich durch die Rechnung machen. :kichern:

Haste sonst noch nen Nickelplay im Auge?

-CMI- Crowflight Minerals

Ausbruchsversuch in Canada mit riesen Umsätzen!

Produktionsaufnahme im 2. Quartal 2008 geplant! :whistle:

» zur Grafik

Wird sich mehr als verdoppeln bis dahin!
Das wird schon so laufen wie beschrieben! :)
Meine Einschätzung:

>>> Chartbild sieht sehr gut aus! Aufwärtstrend und ein Ausbruch latent gegeben!
>>> Produktionsaufnahme relativ zeitnah (Q2 2008)
>>> Nickelpreis wieder mit nachhaltiger Auwärtstendenz
>>> Crowflight schon bei einem Nickelpreis von 8 $ profitabel!! (derzeit 14-15)
>>> erfahrungsgemäß beste Rohstoffmonate liegen voraus

Kann Dir nur sagen, dass ich erst kürzlich mit 2. Position rein bin!!! :whistle:

Duke dürfte die Aktie ähnlich einschätzen mit einem Anlagehorizont mindestens bis 2.Quartal 2008.

Aber er wird sich sicher auch noch dazu äußern....

Gruß! :friends:
was meint ihr - ich neige zum weiteren Zukauf auf dem 0,60 Euro Niveau.... :gruebel:
Klingt vermessen: Aber wenn sich der Gesamtmarkt wacker schlägt und die Rohstoffmonate ähnlich laufen wie in den letzten Jahren sehe ich hier nen Verdreifacher vom derzeitigen Niveau.

Aber dafür müssen die Rahmenbedingungen gegeben sein. Und der Nickelpreis darf uns keinen Strich durch die Rechnung machen. :kichern:

Haste sonst noch nen Nickelplay im Auge?

-CMI- Crowflight Minerals

Ausbruchsversuch in Canada mit riesen Umsätzen!

Produktionsaufnahme im 2. Quartal 2008 geplant! :whistle:

» zur Grafik

Wird sich mehr als verdoppeln bis dahin!

Ich kann dir nur Auskunft über den Chart an der TSX geben und da sieht es sehr gut aus!

- schön ansteigendes Momentum (über 100).
- RSI im mittleren Bereich (also Luft nach oben).
- MACD über 0, jedoch entscheiden die nächsten Tage, ob es ein Kauf oder Verkaufssignal gibt, da sich blaue und rote Linie gerade schneiden.
- gleiches gilt für die Slow Stochastic.
- die Fast Stochastic bildet schönes Kaufsignal.
- der Kurs bewegt sich schön zwischen oberen und mittleren Bollinger (wenngleich man allerdings Intraday vom oberen abgeprallt ist).

Mein Fazit (ohne die genauen Fundamentals zu kennen):

Je länger ich auf den Chart gucke, desto mehr juckt es mich im Finger, selber ein paar rein zu legen.
Typische Chartformation, bevor der Ausbruch nach oben kommt (ähnliches Bild bei Rochester).
:danke: :blumen: Herzlichen Dank - na dann werde ich mich mal in die Gänge machen und sehen was ob ich was abbekomme!
More Hi-Grade Gold at Windfall Lake
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov 01, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Noront Resources Ltd. ("Noront") (TSX VENTURE: NOT) is pleased to provide the following update of activity, including significant assay results of recent diamond drilling completed on the Company's Windfall Lake Project, situated in Urban Township, Quebec.

Four drill holes completed in the north-east portion of the Noront property near old drill hole NOT-06-100 (1327.9 g/t (metallic assays) over 4.8 meters) recently intersected significant intervals of gold mineralization as detailed in the table below:

HOLE (W) (N)
(m) (m) (degrees) (degrees) (m) (m)
NOT-07-134 860 493 330 -80 105.00 108.65
NOT-07-143 895 440 330 -85 4.00 11.00
NOT-07-144 910 415 330 -50 34.00 37.00
NOT-07-150 835 425 270 -75 32.13 34.29
and 38.40 46.10
(m) (ft.) (g/t) (opt)
NOT-07-134 3.65 12.0 6.19 0.18
NOT-07-143 7.00 23.0 14.44 0.42
NOT-07-144 3.00 9.8 6.57 0.19
NOT-07-150 2.16 7.1 21.17 0.62
2.70 8.9 23.29 0.68

True widths of these intersections are not known at this time.

These holes are situated in the area within 100 m of NOT-06-100. They tested to about 100 m below surface with the objective of linking surface showings and existing shallow drill intersections.

The intersections in holes 134, 143 and 144 lie generally on strike with the NOT-06-100 zone. Hole 143 in particular underlines the potential dimensions of high-grade mineralization.

Hole 150 lies -70 m perpendicular to strike testing below a surface showing in an area where relatively little drilling has been completed. The interval from 33.29 to 38.40 m was not submitted for analysis. This interval is now being sampled and will be submitted for analysis.

Past work by Tracy Armstrong, P.Geo., has suggested that gold mineralization lies within a series of narrow, parallel zones that trend ENE and dip steeply northwards. Second order structures were interpreted to occur with an influence on the gold mineralization; however the orientation of these structures could not be positively identified with the previous amount of drilling. The current results broadly confirm this interpretation, however, variations in grades and widths suggesting that the significance of the other, possibly, second order structural controls may be significant.

Year to date two surface diamond drills have been utilized on the Company's 100% owned property and on the contiguous property optioned from Murgor Resources Inc. (MUG-V) and Freewest Resources Canada Inc. (FWR-V) since May 2007. Sixty-one diamond drill holes, including three lost in overburden, have been completed on the combined properties, for a total of 14,000 m.

Assay samples are taken from (NQ) drill core sawed in half with one half, packaged and delivered to the Bourlamaque Assay Laboratory located in Val d' Or, Quebec for analysis. The remaining half core is stored in a secure location for future reference or further testing. The initial gold assay method comprises a 30-gram fire assay charge with an atomic-absorption finish for which the upper detection limit of this method is 10 ppm. Samples reporting greater than 2 g/t gold are re-assayed in duplicate using aliquots of the original pulp and of an additional split of the coarse rejects. The re-assay method comprises a 30g fire assay charge followed by a gravimetric finish.

Noront designates samples in batches of 20. Each batch includes a certified standard, blanks (currently silica gel) and duplicates that are inserted at random at a rate of about one of each per batch. Duplicate samples are prepared by quartering a sample interval and submitting the quarters under separate tag numbers. The assay laboratory also reports its interval standards, and blanks and duplicates. The Bourlamaque Assay Lab holds a certificate of laboratory proficiency for the analysis of gold issued under the Proficiency Testing Program for Mineral Analysis Laboratories which is administered by CANMET.

Gold assays are reported to the company in parts per million (ppm) and reported publicly by the company in grams per tonne (1 ppm equals 1 gram per tonne). Conversion to ounces per ton (oz/ton) on the attached Table employs a factor of 34.28 grams per tonne equalling 1 troy ounce per short ton and core width of significant zones is also given in feet (1.0 meter equals 3.28 feet).

One of the qualified persons responsible for overseeing and reviewing the technical data on the Windfall Lake project is Patrick Chance P.Eng. The technical information prepared for disclosure in this Noront news release has been approved by Mr. Chance.

The current diamond drill program utilizing two diamond drills is being completed in an orderly fashion as determined by the Company's geological team including Tracy Armstrong, P.Geo., (a qualified geologist in the Province of Quebec) of P & E Mining Consultants.

Noront is a tier 2 junior resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading symbol NOT, with 115,485,982 shares issued to date.

Investors are invited to visit the Noront Resources IR Hub at where they can post questions and receive answers or review questions and answers already posted by other investors. Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and correspondence to where they can also request to be added to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and updates in real time.


"R. Nemis", President and Chief Executive Officer

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Contacts: Noront Resources Ltd. Richard Nemis (416) 864-1456 (416) 367-5444 (FAX) Email: Website:

SOURCE: Noront Resources Ltd.
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Zaruma Resources: Awards Construction Contract and Appoints General Manager Luz del Cobre Copper Project (Sonora, Mexico)
TORONTO, Nov. 1, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

Zaruma Resources Inc., (TSX-ZMR) is pleased to announce that the Company has awarded the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management, ("EPCM") contract for the Luz del Cobre Copper Project, (San Antonio, Sonora, Mexico) to M3 Engineering and Construction, Inc., (Tucson, Arizona and Hermosillo, Sonora).

On site activities have started, with the current estimate to first production from Luz del Cobre being 14 months. As outlined in a Technical Report on the project, prepared in compliance with NI 43-101 standards, (news release November 10, 2006), Luz del Cobre is designed to produce 15 million pounds of cathode copper per year, with a pre-tax net operating cash flow estimated to average US$19.4 million per year for at least five years, at a copper price of US$2.23 per pound. The London Metal Exchange price for copper delivered in 2009 is currently approximately US$3.30 per pound.

The Company is also pleased to announce the appointment of Michael R. Carter as General Manager of the Luz del Cobre Project. Mr. Carter is a geologist with more than 35 years experience in the development, design, construction and operation of gold and copper projects.

The President and CEO of Zaruma, Thomas Utter, commented that: "We are very pleased with Mike's appointment. His experience in comparable and larger projects, and his specific experience working in the State of Sonora, where he was responsible for the overall development, construction and operations of major open pit, heap leach gold projects, will strongly support the Company in achieving its objective of developing Luz del Cobre on a fast-track basis. We are also pleased about the EPCM contract with M3, a company with an exemplary track record in building similar copper projects in Mexico".

As announced on October 5, 2007, development drilling commenced on October 1 on the open end of the Luz del Cobre ore body, and moved to the Trion area, a mineralized exploration target zone 1000 metres to the west immediately thereafter. Assays are pending at this time. The initial programme for this area calls for 3,300 metres to be drilled over three to four months.

Zaruma Resources Inc. is listed on The Toronto and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges, (symbol: ZMR). Common shares outstanding: 110,829,251.

This News Release contains forward-looking statements which are typically preceded by, followed by or including the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance as they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including securing additional funding to continue its development programmes.

Dr. Thomas Utter, Dr.Phil.Nat, Dipl. Geo., is the "Qualified Person" as defined in NI 43-101 and is responsible for the technical information presented in this news release.

SOURCE: Zaruma Resources Inc.

Zaruma Resources Inc., 20 Toronto Street, 12th Floor, Toronto ON, M5C 2B8, Canada, Fax: (416) 367-3638,,; Dr. Thomas Utter, President and CEO, Tel.: 521 662 222 0063, 521 662 210 5650,; Frank van de Water, CFO and Secretary, Tel.: (416) 869-0772,
Copyright (C) 2007 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
Wo steckt eigentlich Fischi? Scheint wohl an keine IT-Verbindung zu kommen?? :gruebel:
Fischi ist hier, hab momentan jeden Tag 15-16h Dienst :eek:

Aurelian, was lange waehrt! ATH in Sicht!

Corriente, da haben wir hier bei 2,8 CAD das erste mal daruaf hingewiesen, jetzt verdoppelt

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten