• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
17mio der knapp 40mio MK Vangolds sind damit alleine ueber die Beryllium Beteiligung gedeckt, dasselbe Spielchen steht demnaechst mit Copper Moly (an der ASX) und Kanon (TSX) an.


Liest sich gut, schön recherchiert! :up:

will ja keiner, immer wieder derselbe Muell bei Hybrid-Werten aber irgendwann knallt's dann richtig

genauso bei TWD, da wird immer gemault, dass das Gold so tief liege, totaler Quatsch, knapp 1.500m SStrike liegen bis in hundert Meter, liest man den Artikel weiter unten, dann weiss man, dass das selbst bei 700 USD/Ounce Produktionskosten ein Vervierfacher sein MUSS!!! :haue:

Habe ich auch gelesen, teilweise ziemlicher Unsinn. TWD werden noch fett kommen.
gestern und heute weitere Montello Resources eingesackt, Schnitt jetzt 0,165 CAD

satte Unterstuetzung

Searchgold hatte ich mir anders vorgestellt, da sitz ich jetzt auf Miesen, die dann aber auch aus, denn die Ergebnisse mit u.a. 30.2m 1.53 g/t und 24m 1.54g/t sind nicht sooo schlecht
in Infills wurden u.a. 28.7m 3.42 g/t gefunden und ein drittes rig ist auf dem Gelaende, ein viertes geordert, da weiss man imho intern wieso!

Rohstoffe-Go - New York 16.11.07 (http://www.rohstoffe-go.de)

Die Platinpreise können heute an der New York Mercantile Exchange zulegen. Grund dafür ist eine Prognose der Anglo Platinum, dass das Unternehmen in diesem Jahr nur 2,5 Mio. Unzen des weißen Metalles produzieren wird und nicht, wie im Juli prognostiziert, 2,65 Mio. Unzen.

Ein Analyst sagte, dass es bei Platin ein größeres Defizit geben wird und dass es neue Allzeithochs bei Platin und Palladium geben dürfte.

Der Januar-Future kann derzeit um 1,81 % auf 1.451,20 USD je Unze zulegen.

In dieser Woche hat das Handelsinstitut Johnson Matthey wird es in diesem Jahr ein Defizit von 260.000 Unzen geben.

Bezug zu Largo Resources als zukünftigen Produzenten.
Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 18.11.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,07 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,380 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,570 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,190 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,500 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,453 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,233 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,220 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,409 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,315 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.11.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,15 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,400 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,550 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,209 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,500 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,540 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,270 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,230 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,510 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,402 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 06.10.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,20 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,360 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,520 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,155 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,367 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,497 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,340 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,170 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,405 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,425 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 01.09.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,860 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,445 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,166 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,214 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,386 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,260 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,190 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,379 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,375 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.08.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,18 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,590 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,200 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,356 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,371 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,269 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,490 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,479 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 08.07.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,24 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,473 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,424</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,225 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,354 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,50 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,41 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,25 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,60 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,52 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:

bin neu hier und habe mal ne Frage an die Minenexperten??(Fischländer,dukezero etc)

Aktuell bin ich interessiert in Purepoint Uranium, Int. PBX und Trade Winds zu investieren!

Alles Werte, die charttechnisch angeschlagen sind. Wie seht Ihr die Werte fundamental, und ist ein Totalverlust möglich oder sogar wahrscheinlich!!

mfg :post:
Rohstoffe-Go - Stuttgart (http://www.rohstoffe-go.de) In den letzten Tagen fiel der Goldpreis wieder unter die psychologisch wichtige Marke von 800 USD pro Feinunze. Trotz dieser technischen Korrektur bleiben die Aussichten für Gold ausgezeichnet.

Auf einer Konferenz in London, organisiert durch RBC Capital Markets, kündigte Greg Wilkens, der CEO von Barrick Gold Corp. (ISIN: CA0679011084, WKN: ABX) an, dass das weltweit zur Verfügung stehende Goldangebot schneller fallen könnte, als die meisten Analysten bisher glauben.

Er begründete die Prognose damit, dass viele Minen, die in Produktion gehen sollen, viel mehr Zeit zur Fertigstellung benötigen bzw. erst gar nicht in Produktion gehen werden. Hinzu treten technische Probleme, da es schwieriger wird, das wertvolle Edelmetall aus den älteren und tiefer gelegenen Minen zu gewinnen.

Erst kürzlich kletterte der Goldpreis in die Nähe seines bisherigen Allzeithochs. Auf diesem Level versuchen natürlich die Goldminenbetreiber, den Ausstoß ihrer Minen zu erhöhen. Doch Streiks oder technische Schwierigkeiten in tiefere Minenregionen vorzustoßen, haben z. B. bei Barrick in Südafrika die Produktion erschwert.

Da auf der anderen Seite die physische Nachfrage nach dem Edelmetall weltweit weiter ansteigt, könnte ein Angebotsdefizit entstehen. So stieg allein im dritten Quartal 2007 die Goldnachfrage um 19 %. Hauptsächlich verantwortlich hierfür war eine Versiebenfachung der Goldnachfrage aus Investmentgründen durch Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), so ein Bericht des World Gold Council.

Barrick Gold ist der weltweit größte Goldproduzent. Insgesamt verfügt das Unternehmen derzeit über 27 produzierende Minen und zahlreiche Explorations- und Entwicklungsprojekte verteilt auf alle 5 Kontinente.

Erst kürzlich gab der Konzern eine Vereinbarung mit NovaGold (ISIN CA66987E2069, WKN 905542) bekannt, um die Entwicklung des Galore-Creek-Projekts voranzubringen und die Rechtsstreitigkeiten zwischen den beiden Unternehmen beizulegen.

Neben Barrick und NovaGold zählen auch Kirkland Lake Gold (ISIN CA49740P1062, WKN 157217) und Agnico-Eagle Mines (ISIN CA0084741085, WKN 860325) zu unseren Favoriten unter den Goldwerten.
Salazar Drill Program Recommences at Sesmo Sur, Curipamba Project, Ecuador
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Nov 19, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) is pleased to announce that the drill program recommenced Thursday, November 15, 2007 at the Sesmo Sur area, Curipamba Project, Ecuador. Additionally, there will be a second drill rig mobilized shortly to arrive on site in early December to accelerate the exploration diamond drill program.

New drill targets will be added to the 9000 metre drill program. The Company will add six drill holes totaling an additional 1500 meters. The new targets will test the large IP anomaly identified during the recent ground geophysics program at Sesmo Sur.

Drill results update from holes 3 and 5:

The following drill holes successfully intersected the hydrothermal breccias located near surface corresponding with the magnetic low and coincident geochemical anomalies (to see Figure 1 please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl1119Fig1.jpg). The recent drill holes completed and being reported on have not tested the strong IP geophysical anomalies identified from the ground geophysics program.

Drill holes 3 and 5 were sent to the laboratory prior to the disruption at the Project while drill hole 4 had yet to be delivered and due to the disruption half the drill core from this hole was compromised. In addition, drill holes 6 through 9 were also compromised.

On a move forward basis all drill core will be shipped off site to a secure storage location in a large neighboring city where logging of the core and preparation of the core for lab analysis will take place.

Drill hole CURI-07-003 results include:

HOLE ID (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%)
CURI-07-003 0.70 8.00 7.30 2.56 14.37 0.050 0.36 0.02
41.14 79.24 39.63 0.64 15.35 0.10 0.24 0.69
including 64 79.24 16.8 0.90 30 0.05 0.54 1.21

Drill hole CURI-07-005 results include:

HOLE ID (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%)
CURI-07-005 0.20 15.24 15.04 2.54 50.11 0.23 0.19 0.25
including 0.20 2.68 2.48 11.14 107.33 0.07 0.57 0.04

Mr. Salazar, President and CEO, stated, "I am very pleased with the recommencement of our drilling operations. To bring a second drill rig to the property will allow us to accelerate the exploration program, make up for downtime, and test additional promising targets at our second high priority target area. With a workforce of over one hundred people back in the field conducting sampling and trenching programs, ground geophysics programs, and multiple diamond drill programs, we will be positioned on a move forward basis to provide you, the shareholders, with a steady flow of news over the coming weeks and months."

Dr. Howard Lahti, PGeo, the qualified person for the company as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed this news release for accuracy.

Sample preparation was performed by ALS Chemex Quito, Ecuador, using standard industry practices (sample prep minus 32). Analytical work was carried out at the ALS Chemex Laboratory in Lima, Peru, using fire assay methods for gold (Au-25 procedure). Standard samples, blanks and duplicate check samples were randomly inserted to the sample batch to ensure quality control.

To view maps and photos related to the Curipamba Project please visit:



Fredy Salazar, President & CEO

Salazar Resources Limited

Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly prospective areas of Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador, including Aurelian's Fruta del Norte discovery, IAMGOLD's Quimsacocha Deposit, Mozo Deposit, Ex Newmont's Cangrejos Project and International Minerals' Rio Blanco and Gaby Deposit. The Company's Ecuadorian base provides a strategic advantage, enabling exploration to be completed at a rapid pace. The Company employs over sixty personnel on the ground, including twelve geologists. With an excellent property portfolio (4 projects - 131,300 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador.

SOURCE: Salazar Resources Limited
Tenajon Drilling Intersects 0.097% Molybdenum (Mo) Over 97.59 Metres at Ajax
Results include 27.43m of 0.194% Mo and 46.32m of 0.144% Mo

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Nov 19, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Tenajon Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:TJS) (the "Company") today announced that high grade assay results have been received for Holes 2007-8 and 9 drilled at its Ajax Property. Both holes intersected significant near surface molybdenum mineralization with Hole 2007-9 intersecting a 97.59 metre section averaging 0.097% Mo. The Ajax Molybdenum Property is located near Kitsault, northwestern British Columbia. Twelve drill holes totaling 2,639 metres were completed in the 2007 exploration drill program. Assay results for the final three drill holes are pending. Once all assay results are received, an updated NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate will be undertaken.

"The primary objective of the 2007 drill program was to further define near surface higher grade mineralized zones within a potential starter pit. With the drill results received to date, we believe that we are a step closer in achieving this goal," said Bruce McLeod, President & CEO of Tenajon. "In addition to intersecting extensive sections hosting near surface and higher grade molybdenum values along a 580 metre strike length, the deposit has demonstrated excellent down dip continuity, further strengthening our hypothesis that the deposit has open pit potential." The results for Holes 2007-8 and 9 are summarized below.

Length From To Int
Hole (m) (m) (m) (m) Mo (%) MoS2
2007-08 222.70 14.63 70.17 55.54 0.065 0.108
Inc. 14.63 41.04 26.41 0.071 0.118
And 58.00 70.17 12.17 0.071 0.118

2007-09 190.81 0 190.81 190.81 0.077 0.128
Inc. 44.45 142.04 97.59 0.097 0.162
or 104.86 151.18 46.32 0.144 0.240
Inc. 114.61 142.04 27.43 0.194 0.323

Holes 2007-1 to 3, 6, 8 and 9 tested for higher grade molybdenum mineralization along a 580 metre long section of the deposit with Hole 2007-08 being the most westerly hole drilled for which assay results have been received. All of the holes have intersected extensive sections hosting molybdenum mineralization adjacent to fault zones. Hole 8 began in resource grade mineralization and is located approximately 80 metres west of Hole 2007-03 (257.6 metres averaging 0.09% Mo including 109.49 metres averaging 0.126% Mo). Hole 2007-9 also began in resource grade mineralization and was drilled approximately 45 metres up dip along section from Hole 2007-03. Drilling has now shown that there is continuity between the high grade molybdenum drilled in Holes 2007-03 and 2007-9.

The Ajax Property hosts one of North America's largest undeveloped molybdenum deposits. At a 0.04% Mo cut-off the deposit hosts inferred resources of 448 million tonnes averaging 0.063% Mo (623.4 million pounds) and an indicated mineral resource of 38.8 million tonnes averaging 0.064% Mo (56.4 million pounds). The estimate was prepared by Giroux Consultants Ltd., an independent consulting firm (released March 5, 2007). The current price for molybdenum is approximately $32.75 per pound.

The work at the Ajax Property was completed by Apex Geoscience under the supervision of Dave Visagie, P. Geo., Tenajon's Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

At the Ajax Property the drill core is sawn into halves with one half being sent for analysis and the other kept for future reference. All samples were prepared and analyzed at Acme Analytical Labs using a 4 acid digestion with analysis by Induced Couple Polarization (ICP). A stringent program of check, blank and duplicate sampling was employed throughout with duplicates, standards and blanks being entered into the sample stream at regular intervals. In addition a limited amount of samples are being sent to other labs to determine the reproducibility of the results.

Exploration Update

At the Company's Moly Brook Molybdenum Property located on the south coast of Newfoundland, 11 drill holes totaling 3,250 metres in length have been completed with drilling on-going. It is anticipated that 13 holes will be completed in this first phase drill program. In addition, the Company has just completed a five drill hole program totaling 1,500 metres in length at the Company's Burn Molybdenum Property located near Hazelton, British Columbia. Assay results for both programs are pending.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


D. Bruce McLeod, President

This news release may contain forward looking statements which are not historical facts, such as ore reserve estimates, anticipated production or results, sales, revenues, costs, or discussions of goals and exploration results, and involves a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, metal price volatility, volatility of metals production, project development, ore reserve estimates, future anticipated reserves and cost engineering estimate risks, geological factors and exploration results. See the Company's filings for a more detailed discussion of factors that may impact expected results.

SOURCE: Tenajon Resources Corp.

Tenajon Resources Corp. D. Bruce McLeod President (604) 687-7545 or Toll Free: 1-888-338-2200 (604) 689-5041 (FAX) Email: info@northair.com Website: www.tenajon.com
Copyright (C) 2007 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
International PBX Drills Copaquire Molybdenum, Copper, Rhenium Porphyry, Chile
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Nov 19, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

International PBX Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:PBX) is pleased to report the following results from the molybdenum-copper resource definition program comprising 15,000 metres of diamond drilling.

From To Width
Hole # (m) (m) (m) %Mo %Cu g/t Re
CQ 66 20.0 169.5 149.5 0.023 0.42 0.05
including 36.0 144.0 108.0 0.024 0.54 0.04

CQ67 10.1 250.0 239.9 0.013 0.19 0.01
including 20.0 142.0 122.0 0.012 0.23 0.01

CQ 68 6.0 480.0 474.0 0.024 0.12 0.03
including 6.0 30.0 24.0 0.076 0.15 0.09

CQ 69 0.0 488.8 488.8 0.019 0.08 0.04
including 322.0 370.0 48.0 0.031 0.08 0.06

CQ70 0.0 156.0 156.0 0.016 0.13 0.06
including 4.0 30.0 26.0 0.003 0.39 0.03
including 104.0 150.0 46.0 0.034 0.04 0.08

CQ71 12.0 355.2 343.5 0.017 0.08 0.04

CQ72 15.0 172.0 157.0 0.017 0.09 0.05
including 116.0 138.0 22.0 0.027 0.13 0.08

CQ73 0.00 290.00 290.00 0.028 0.11 0.06
including 134.00 228.00 94.00 0.051 0.12 0.09
including 250.00 268.00 18.00 0.065 0.07 0.11

Note 0.1% Mo equals 2 lb/short ton
1%copper equals 20 lb/short ton
Hole locations are posted on www.internationalpbx.com

All analyses were carried out at ALS Patagonia Laboratories, Coquimbo, Chile.

Peter LeCouteur, PhD, PEng is the qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 in charge of the program. The results should be considered preliminary exploration data.

Copaquire is located in northern Chile on the West Fissure which hosts some of the largest copper-molybdenum porphyry mines in the world. It is the last well-exposed major porphyry system in Chile yet to be fully explored. The company has an option to purchase a 100 per cent interest in the property. The current program is designed to expand upon the interim resource reported in the news release of 1 October 2007 that is summarized below:

Cutoff greater
Grade than Average Grade Contained Metal
(Mo%) Cutoff Mo% Cu% lbs Mo lbs Cu
Indicated 0.02 183,200,000 0.046 0.107 185,800,000 432,200,000
0.03 160,000,000 0.049 0.106 172,800,000 373,800,000
0.04 98,000,000 0.058 0.097 125,300,000 209,500,000
Inferred 0.02 212,800,000 0.041 0.097 192,400,000 455,100,000
0.03 193,400,000 0.043 0.096 183,300,000 409,300,000
0.04 110,200,000 0.049 0.094 119,100,000 228,400,000

A considerable amount of the higher-grade resource is above the valley floor and without any barren rock cover, an advantageous situation absent in most similar deposits, and a feature that the company will exploit to the fullest.


Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo., President and CEO

The company relies on "forward-looking" statement litigation protection.

SOURCE: International PBX Ventures Ltd.

International PBX Ventures Ltd. Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo. President and CEO (604) 681-7748 or Toll Free: 1-877-681-1154 (604) 681-0586 (FAX) Email: info@internationalpbx.com Website: www.internationalpbx.com
Copyright (C) 2007 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
Latin American Minerals Reports Initial Rock Chip Assays, Completes Two Drill Holes Below the Minera Guaira Open Pit and Expands Gold Soil Geochemical Anomaly at its Gold Project in Paraguay
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov 19, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Latin American Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:LAT) announces that it has received very encouraging assay results from the initial batch of rock chip samples collected at various artisan workings along the Paso Yobai Gold Trend, completed two drill holes below the Minera Guaira Open Pit and expanded the A-2 Gold Soil Anomaly at its Paso Yabai Gold Project in Paraguay.

Rock Chip Sample Results - The rock chip samples were taken by qualified technicians under the direct supervision of LAT's Project geologist. Details of the sampling method and analytical procedures are presented at the end of this press release. Several representative pits on the Property were selected for the initial sampling program. The samples were taken to establish a lithogeochemical "finger print" for each pit. Where practical several samples were taken across individual quartz manganese and quartz pryrite veins and stockwork veins worked by artisan miners and others were taken as a matter of geologic interest. The trenches are up to 3m wide and up to 5m deep and the pits are up to 10m wide and 15m deep and were excavated to expose the mineralized zone consisting of calcite, smectite, manganese and kaoline veins and to exploit the individual gold bearing veins up to one metre wide within the zone. Typically the artisans focused on exploiting only the gold bearing veins to maximize their gold recovery. Very little if any wall rock is exposed in the many "rabbit warren" headings. Sampling in these areas is difficult and very dangerous. Safety is our first concern. A total of 124 samples were collected during the initial sampling program. The assay results show that most of the samples are anomalous in gold and several are highly anomalous reporting up to 99 gpt Au. The following summarizes the significant assay results:

Guaira Open Pit is one of the two past producing mines on the Property and northernmost known gold showing in the trend. Rock chip samples across individual stockwork veins returned 99 gpt Au over 0.5 meters, 15 gpt Au over 0.6 meters and 9 gpt Au over 0.5 meters. A total of twenty nine samples were taken in the Guaira Pit.

Cola Artisanal Pit is located 600 meters southeast along strike of the Guaira Open Pit and returned 10 gpt Au over a maximum exposed width of 0.7 meters. Twenty-four samples were taken at various locations in the Cola Pit.

Granadas Artisanal Pit is located 700m southeast along strike of the Guaira Open Pit and returned 32 gpt Au over 0.6 meters, 12 gpt Au over 0.5 meters and 11 gpt Au over 0.4 meters over a maximum exposed width across three individual veins. A total of seventeen samples were taken during the geological sampling of the Granadas Pit.

Delfin Artisanal Pit is located 320 meters southeast along strike of the Cola Pit and returned 28.6 gpt Au over 0.5 meters. The wall rock on either side of this vein returned 0.77 gpt Au and 0.44 gpt Au across 1 meter respectively for a weighted average grade of 6.2 gpt Au over a maximum exposed width of 2.5 meters. Twenty nine samples were taken at various points of geologic interest in the pit.

Tony Pit is located 300 meters southeast along strike of the Delfin pit and returned 1 gpt Au over 4.1m in the mafic dyke and the host sandstone exposed over 0.5 meters returned 0.5 gpt Au. A total of twenty-five samples were taken in the Tony Pit.

New Gold Discovery is located 1.5km east of the Guaira Open Pit and a grab sample of sandstone returned a gold grade of 5.1 gpt.

Diamond Drill Results - Equally significant is the geology and mineralization intersected in the first two holes of the 5,000m diamond drill program announced earlier this month. Assay results are expected in December. The holes were collared to intersect the gold bearing zone (mafic dike) at depth below the Guaira Open Pit containing individual stockwork veins running up to 99 gpt Au across 0.5m as noted above.

DDH-LAT-01 was drilled at a dip of -50 degrees and to a depth of 137 meters. The mafic dyke was intersected between 83 meters and 110 meters. The mineralization, consisting of fine sulfides, calcite, smectite, manganese and kaolin veins is hosted in the mafic dyke and concentrated in one shoot from 86 meters to 98 meters (12 meters).

DDH-LAT-02 was collared from the same drill platform as DDH-LAT-1 and was drilled at a dip of -65 degrees and to a depth of 165.3m. The mafic dyke was intersected between 107 meters and 136 meters. The mineralization, consisting of fine sulfides, rodocrosite, chalcedony, smectite and calcite veining, stockwork and breccia zones is also hosted in the mafic dyke and concentrated in three shoots from 109 meters to 117 meters (6 meters), from 123 meters to 126 meters (3 meters) and from 130 meters to 135 meters (5 meters).

In both holes the mafic dyke hosts disseminated pyrite. Significantly, the deeper hole DDH-LAT-2 indicates the width of the mafic dyke and intensity of the mineralization increases with depth. This mineral assemblage confirms the low sulphidation nature of the epithermal system. Currently, the core is being logged and sampled for delivery to Alex Stewart Laboratories in Mendoza, Argentina. The third hole is currently being drilled under the Granadas Artisanal Pit. Assay results are expected in December.

Dr. Waldo Perez, Sr V.P. Exploration states "... in addition to the very encouraging geochemical soil results, the rock chip channel sample results from the artisan pits confirm the extension of a low sulphidation high grade vein system. Equally encouraging are the high gold grades associated with the host sandstone. The drill logs of holes DDH-LAT-1 and 2 confirm the downward continuation of the geology exposed in the various pits to a depth of at least 100m on the gold bearing trend at Paso Yobai ..."

Rock samples and drill core will be available at Latin American Mineral's booth at the London Mines and Money show from November 21 to 22nd.

Soil Geochemical Results - Of regional significance are the results of the second batch of soil geochemical samples collected at Paso Yobai. In July, LAT announced the start of a large detailed soil geochemical sampling program (10,000 samples) over the central portion of the Property. Results have been received for approximately 5000 soil samples.

The new soil results extend the A-2 Anomaly (Press Release October 15, 2007) a further 1.75km along strike to the southeast. The total length of this anomaly is currently 2.75km and is open to the northwest and southeast along strike. The anomaly is defined by gold in soil values greater then 50ppb and covers an area measuring 1,000m x 3,000m. The core of the anomaly reports gold values ranging from 50ppb to 100ppb and covers an area measuring approximately 330m x 2,750m. Contained within the core area are 5 highly anomalous gold zones ranging from 100ppb to 1000ppb (1gm) over continuous soil sample intervals ranging from 50m to 200m along the soil sampling lines and continuously on adjacent lines for over 500m.

Mr. David Wahl, President and CEO reports that "...the second batch of geochemical results are very encouraging as they confirm the regional significance to the A-2 Anomaly as a definitive marker of the 5.7km long gold bearing corridor at Paso Yobai."

To review the recent geochemical soil and rock sample results please refer to the Paso Yobai maps www.latinamericanminerals.com, which show the gold geochemical results superimposed on the magnetometer and electromagnetic maps.

The Paso Yobai Project is located in southeastern Paraguay, approximately 150 kilometers east of Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay. The Property covers approximately 20,666 hectares. Gold was discovered at Paso Yobai in 1996 by local prospectors. Since that time local artisan miners have extracted gold from numerous pits which have continuously exposed the gold bearing zone (quartz manganese and quartz pyrite veins, parallel veins and stockwork with visible gold) along a northwesterly strike for 3.7km.

Warrant Expiry: LAT would like to thank those warrantholders who have exercised their warrants and reminds warrantholders that the expiry date for the $0.35 warrants is November 20, 2007.

Cerro Amarillo Update: As reported on June 20, 2007, LAT suspended work on its Cerro Amarillo project in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina, due to new mining legislation banning the use of any chemical substance in mineral processing. Given the local political uncertainty, significant access challenges and rising cash option payments, LAT has decided to terminate its option on the Cerro Amarillo project to focus its efforts and resources on its Paso Yobai gold project in Paraguay, Tendal VMS Project in La Rioja Province, Argentina, and its new venture in Colombia.

Waldo Perez, P.Geo is LAT's internal Qualified Person under the requirements of National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for this press release.

LAT is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of base and precious metals projects in under-explored but highly prospective countries of Latin America.


The soil samples were collected on northeasterly trending grid lines established at 250 metre intervals perpendicular to the known mineralized trend. Individual samples were collected at 25 metre intervals on all grid lines. The sample was collected below the level of organic matter, between 0.8 and 1.2 metre deep. A total of 5 kilogram sample was collected and sieved to -150#. Several tests have been done at different depth and grain size in known mineralized zones to maximize reproducibility and minimize nugget effects. All of the samples were collected by qualified technician and/or qualified technicians under the direct supervision of the project geologist. The samples were tagged with a pre-numbered tag and bagged in micropore bags to allow humidity to evaporate. The samples were sent to LAT's preparation facility in Paso Yobai that is supervised by Alex Stewart Assayers Argentina S.A. ("ASAA").

The rock chip samples were collected using a geological hammer to obtain a representative samples across the desired or exposed area of interest. The channel was approximately 10cm wide and variably up to 10 cm deep. The rock chip samples were dried in stainless steal containers at 80 degrees C, crushed and split at LAT's ASAA supervised sample preparation facility to obtain a 200 gram pulp that was shipped by a company truck from Paso Yobai to Asuncion and by an international courier from Paraguay to Mendoza Argentina to the laboratories ASAA in Mendoza (Argentina). ASAA is an ISO 9001-certified laboratory with headquarters in England. The soil samples were dried in stainless steal containers at 80 degrees C and sieved at -140# mesh. In those cases that small pellets were formed during drying due to high clay content of the sample the pellets were crushed by hand using a stainless steal ball. After drying and sieving the sample was split as many times as needed to obtain a 200 gram pulp that is shipped to Mendoza. All samples were assayed for gold and multi-elements by ICP. Gold was analyzed by Fire Assay with AA finish using 50 gram sample. For the multi-elements the samples were dissolved in Aqua Regia at 120 degrees C and read in ICP-OES. Accuracy of results is tested through the systematic inclusion of blanks and certified reference standards.

This news release contains forward-looking statements, which can be identified by the use of statements that include words such as "could", "potential", "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "intend", "plan", "likely", "will" or other similar words or phrases. These forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the Corporation's beliefs in potential mineralization, are based on current expectations, assumptions and projections about future events and entail various risks and uncertainties that are beyond the Corporation's ability to control or predict. Actual results may materially differ from expectations as more information regarding a property is gathered or if the Corporation's estimates or assumptions prove inaccurate. Factors that may materially affect actual results include, but are not limited to, political, business and economic conditions in Argentina and in jurisdictions where the Corporation conducts business, and risks associated with mineral exploration and production. The Corporation does not intend, and does not assume any obligations, to update forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The results described herein are exploratory in nature and there can be no assurance that they are indicative of Mineral Resources as defined in accordance with National Instrument 43-101.

SOURCE: Latin American Minerals Inc.

Latin American Minerals Inc. David Wahl (416) 363-0841 Website: www.latinamericanminerals.com
November 19, 2007
Orko Silver Hits 16.55 metres grading 377.7 g/t silver-equivalent on Martha Vein
VANCOUVER, British Columbia - Orko Silver Corp. (TSX.V - OK) is pleased to announce that it has received further assay results from the current diamond drilling program on La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico.

Ten more drill holes have extended the Martha Vein structure from the previously reported Inferred Resource Estimate area (see news release 01 October 2007), of which seven exceed 5 metres true width, illustrating the continuity of this major structure. Hole BP07-135 hit a true width of 16.55 metres grading gold 0.363 g/t, silver 355.9 g/t for a silver-equivalent of 377.7 g/t.

Gary Cope, President of Orko, adds, "Since the last resource estimate that included holes to BP07-120, the focus of the ongoing drilling program has been to drill test the Martha Vein both to the east and to the south of the previously defined area of Martha Vein resource reported in the Oct 1 resource estimate (see news release Oct 1, 2007 for details). To date the company has drilled approximately 35 holes further testing the extent of the Martha Vein which now has been intercepted continuously in numerous holes up to a further kilometer south and east of the holes that contain the Martha Vein mineral resource estimate. The Martha Vein is an encouraging structure, varying in thickness but consistent in predictability as the drills move east and south of the previous Martha resource estimates. Grades for many of the Martha vein holes recently drilled are unknown and will be released as the company receives the results of the sampling.
The discovery of Martha and the newly available drilling data suggests that we are onto a deposit of much larger scale and scope than had originally been conceived. To that end, we are focusing our attention and resources on drill testing the Martha Vein more aggressively. We are proud of what our team has accomplished at La Preciosa and are excited about the prospect of releasing more drill results. We look forward to releasing new resource estimate in Q1 2008."

The following holes highlight results from drilling targeted to intercept the Martha Vein and other veins.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha 472.83 490.44 17.61 16.55 0.363 355.9 377.7
Includes 476.68 490.44 13.76 12.93 0.451 430.5 457.6
Includes 481.91 483.76 1.85 1.74 0.684 1,033.6 1,074.6

Hole BP07-135 is located on the east side of La Preciosa Ridge, azimuth 090o, dip -50o, 100 metres east of hole BP06-69, on mine-section 15,000 N.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha 308.23 321.26 13.03 11.28 0.358 126.3 147.8
Includes 310.94 321.26 10.32 8.94 0.412 139.6 164.3
Includes 318.21 321.26 3.05 2.64 0.540 186.4 218.8

Hole BP07-133 is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,100 N, 100 metres east of hole BP06-71 and 100 metres north of hole BP07-135. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -50 degrees.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha(total) 230.73 246.55 15.82 13.70 0.144 79.7 88.3

Marthita 230.73 234.03 3.30 2.86 0.305 141.7 160.0
Includes 231.38 234.03 2.65 2.29 0.342 160.1 180.6

Martha 241.33 246.55 5.22 4.52 0.097 109.0 114.8
Includes 244.03 246.55 2.52 2.18 0.072 161.0 165.4
Includes 244.03 245.55 1.52 1.32 0.077 235.9 240.5

Hole BP07-132 is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,300 N, 100 metres east of hole BP06-72. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees. The Martha(total) is the structure of Martha plus Marthita intersections and lower grade material in between.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha 241.17 253.50 12.33 11.17 0.322 129.1 148.4
Includes 241.17 247.26 6.09 5.52 0.346 144.7 165.4
Includes 241.17 243.03 1.86 1.69 0.546 236.5 269.3

Hole BP07-131 is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,200 N, 100 metres east of hole BP06-62. It is oriented azimuth 000, dip -90 degrees.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha 257.05 262.20 5.15 4.46 0.538 182.8 215.1
Includes 257.05 259.65 2.60 2.25 0.950 210.2 267.2
Includes 257.05 258.60 1.55 1.34 1.359 306.9 388.4

Hole BP07-130 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,400 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-126. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha 288.65 296.74 8.09 7.33 0.186 105.2 116.4
Includes 288.65 292.92 4.27 3.87 0.242 171.7 186.2
Includes 288.65 290.37 1.72 1.56 0.259 257.8 273.3

Hole BP07-128 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,500 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-96. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha(total) 298.34 315.41 17.07 16.04 0.167 72.5 82.5

Marthita 298.34 306.02 7.68 7.22 0.259 87.1 102.7
Includes 298.74 302.92 4.18 3.93 0.313 113.8 132.6
Includes 302.59 302.92 0.33 0.31 0.650 484.3 523.3

Martha 312.28 315.41 3.13 2.94 0.176 131.6 142.2
Includes 313.60 315.41 1.81 1.70 0.199 190.9 202.8

Hole BP07-126 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,400 N, 100 metres east of hole BP06-77. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees. The Martha (total) is the structure of Martha plus Marthita intersections and lower grade material in between.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha 256.33 267.34 11.01 9.98 0.244 144.8 159.4
Includes 256.33 263.17 6.84 6.20 0.293 208.4 226.0
Includes 258.16 260.02 1.86 1.69 0.560 374.7 408.4

Hole BP07-125A is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,800 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-127. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha 269.36 274.86 5.50 5.17 0.286 125.9 143.1
Includes 270.16 273.94 3.78 3.55 0.373 146.8 169.1
Includes 270.16 270.36 0.20 0.19 0.530 355.4 387.2

Hole BP07-124 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,600 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-118. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Martha 423.40 425.22 1.82 1.71 0.096 245.8 251.5
Includes 423.40 424.89 1.49 1.40 0.109 298.8 305.4
Includes 423.40 424.27 0.87 0.81 0.118 488.8 495.9

Hole BP07-121 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge, 100 metres east of BP07-119. It is on mine grid 15,900 N, azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees.

Vein From
(metres) To
(metres) Core Length True Width Au
(g/t) Ag
(g/t) Ag-Eq
Unnamed 130.10 132.26 2.16 1.96 0.324 124.6 144.1
Includes 130.10 131.84 1.74 1.58 0.389 137.8 161.2
Includes 130.10 131.05 0.95 0.86 0.646 194.9 233.6

Hole BP07-116 did not reach target depth for the Martha Vein due to a jamming of the drill rods, but did intercept a vein. It is located on the east side of La Preciosa Ridge, 200 metres east of hole BP06-65, on mine grid 14,800 N, azimuth 090, dip -50 degrees.

A complete table of drill results is available at the link below:


A detailed drill plan map is available at the link below:


A printer friendly PDF format of this news release is available at the link below:


Ben Whiting, P.Geo., is the Qualified Person and takes responsibility for the technical disclosure in this news release. Full details of the Company's sampling protocols and QA/QC program can be located at our website at the link below:


Silver-equivalent for the purposes of this drilling program is defined as silver grade plus 60 times gold grade. Metallurgical recoveries and net smelter returns are assumed to be 100%.

About Orko Silver Corp.

Orko Silver Corp. is a professional exploration company with an increasing silver resource. Orko Silver's principal project, La Preciosa, located near the city of Durango, Mexico, is an advanced silver and gold project. The Company is currently drilling at La Preciosa using 3 rigs working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The deposit remains open in all directions and to depth. Two additional projects include the Santa Monica east of La Preciosa and the San Juan west of La Preciosa. All are undergoing exploration.
Bei Grenville Gold kauft der Chef!!

Nov 17/07 Nov 15/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 13,000 $0.465

Nov 17/07 Nov 15/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.465

Nov 17/07 Nov 15/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 15,000 $0.465

Nov 17/07 Nov 15/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,500 $0.465

Nov 17/07 Nov 16/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.460

Nov 17/07 Nov 16/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.460

Nov 17/07 Nov 16/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 50,000 $0.475

Nov 17/07 Nov 16/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 50,000 $0.475

Nov 17/07 Nov 14/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 500 $0.465

Nov 17/07 Nov 13/07 Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 22,000 $0.475


Nov 20, 2007 01:00 ET
Globex Acquires Donalda Gold Deposit

Increases Globex's Gold Resource Base by + 700,000 Tonnes
ROUYN-NORANDA, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Nov. 20, 2007) - GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. (TSX:GMX)(FRANKFURT, STUTTGART, BERLIN, MUNICH:G1M) (OTCQX:GLBXF) is pleased to announce that it has acquired 100% interest in the Donalda gold deposit in Rouyn Township, Quebec.

The Donalda gold deposit is located next to the large Horne and Quemont massive suphide deposits, both of which averaged 5.5 grams/tonne gold. Previous work outlined historical non NI 43-101 resources of over 1.5 million tonnes grading 6.9 grams/tonne gold of which approximately 790,000 tonnes have been mined and approximately 710,000 tonnes remain unexploited.

The gold deposit consists of two shallowly dipping quartz veins. The number 1 vein was mined over a strike length of 825 metres and a dip length of 400 metres. Drilling in 1986 located an extension to the number 1 vein measuring 425 metres by 300 metres which was not mined. The number 2 vein is located 300 metres below the number 1 vein and is more steeply dipping. A small amount of production, 29,156 tonnes, came from the number 2 vein. Both vein structures are open down dip so the opportunity exists to increase the resource. A 620 metre shaft provides access to the two known gold bearing vein structures. In addition, below the 700 metre depth, very little exploration has been undertaken.

Much of the technical data presented above comes from a geological paper entitiled "The Donalda Gold Deposit, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, by G. Riverin, D. Bernard and B. Boily, 1990, and presented by the Exploration Division of Minnova Inc., the owner of the property at that time.

Because of the very recent acquisition of the asset, Globex has not independently verified the information in the geological paper but Globex's Vice-President is a co-author of the paper.

This press release was written by Jack Stoch in his capacity as a Qualified Person (Q.P.)
Bin bei G1M paar LONG! Auf dem Niveau könnte es auch ne mittel- langfristige Posi werden.

Heute mit News:



Nov 20, 2007 01:00 ET
Globex Acquires Donalda Gold Deposit

Cooper Minerals Identifies More Significant Gold and Base Metal Values at Terra
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Nov 19, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Cooper Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CQ)(FRANKFURT:JM6) continues to receive significant precious metal and base metal values at the Terra IOCG project, 430 kilometres north of Yellowknife, in the Northwest Territories. Cooper Minerals, holding 480,000 acres, is the largest public company landholder in the area.

Simon Tam, president of Cooper Minerals, says, "The continuing flow of significant gold, silver and base metal values within IOCG mineralization is the reason that Cooper has greatly expanded the size of our Terra IOCG project."

The best gold values were collected from the Omni prospect where three grab samples collected from historic trenches returned values of 36.0 grams, 6.3 grams and 5.1 grams of gold per ton, respectively (previously reported on October 24, 2007). Thirty-three grab samples were collected from six historic trenches dispersed over an area approximately 35 x 5 metres. These samples were composed of quartz with pyrite, chalcopyrite, hematite and magnetite occurring as a matrix up to 30 centimetres thick within brecciated basalt. Final assay results for these samples have returned the following anomalous values:

Sample # Au g/t Ag g/t Bi% Cu%
OMNI 1 6.6(i) 29.5 0.24 1.58
OMNI 2 5.13(i) 85.8 0.67 1.66
OMNI 3 36.03(i) 68.6 0.49 2.71

((i) previously reported)

Gold values have been received for the remaining 30 samples with silver and base metal results to follow. Gold values ranged from 0.06 to 14.53 g/t in these samples, with high values of 14.53 g/t, 13.13 g/t, 5.10 g/t, 4.57 g/t and 3.83 g/t. Assay results will be updated when results for silver and base metals are returned from the lab. Newly acquired data also indicates that significant silver, copper and bismuth mineralization occurs in association with the gold in the quartz veins and that the precious- and base-metal mineralization has penetrated the host rock mafic volcanics.

The Omni prospect is located between two prominent structures that apparently continue for more than 15 kilometres to the southwest and are directly associated with other brecciation and alteration zones that are several hundred metres wide and more than a kilometre long. The full extent of the mineralization at the Omni prospect has not been determined as there is limited outcrop in the area and the mineralization is concealed beneath surficial cover along strike in both directions. Previous exploration work at the Omni Prospect focused on the quartz veining and did not appear to have tested the extent of precious- and base-metal mineralization in association with the alteration and brecciation of the host rock volcanics.

The Olympic dam or IOCG model is proposed as a significant exploration target on Cooper's properties in this part of the Great Bear magmatic zone. These polymetallic targets have the potential to host billions of tons of copper, gold and uranium mineralization (Olympic dam type). The resource at the Olympic dam deposit (owned by BHP Billiton) was recently increased to 7.7 billion metric tonnes grading 0.87 per cent copper, 0.29 kilogram per tonne U3O8, 0.30 gram per tonne gold and 1.61 grams per tonne silver. The Olympic dam deposit is the largest uranium deposit in the world, the fourth-largest copper deposit and the fifth-largest gold deposit.

Mike Magrum, P.Eng., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has approved the technical content of this news release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Simon Tam, President and Director

This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction. "Safe Harbor" statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains Forward Looking Statements that are not historical facts and are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in or implied herein.

SOURCE: Cooper Minerals Inc.

Cooper Minerals Inc. Simon Tam President and Director (604) 871-9930 Email: info@cooperminerals.com Website: www.cooperminerals.com
Copyright (C) 2007 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
Na ja Greenhorn ist ja wieder da, hoffe die Magen Darm Probleme haben sich beruhigt.
Gestern war allen Ernstes Tag der internationalen Toilette! :kichern:
hallo leute,

wollt gerne mal eure meinung zu den rohstofftiteln allg. hören derzeit.
normale schwankungen wie in der vergangenheit oder eher trendwende?
bisher gings ja meist wieder up, akt. hab ich etwas bedenken.
bin ich da der einzige?

danke und gruß
Also, wenn ich mir die Vola bei deut. Nebenwerten anschaue ist das hier doch recht überschaubar.
Ich denke, dass man bei den hier besprochenen Werten nicht viel verkehrt machen kann.
Zusätzlich zu einer Longposi empfiehlt sich aktives Trading bei positiven News. Kauf + Verkauf bei Halten
der gedachten Long.
Natürlich würden die Werte bei einem positiveren Wirtschafts Newsflow in den USA bessser laufen. Solange
nicht 100% geklärt ist ob Banken noch verdeckte Abschreibungen haben werden wir einen Vola
Markt haben.
ein Nachtrag noch zu gestern , hatte nach den DoppelTopNews bei
Tenajon mir noch eine SpekuPosi geholt....sollte dann die Tage gut laufen, wenn das
Marktumfeld mitmacht
Rohstoffe-Go - London 20.11.07 (RIA Novosti)

Der Preis für Kupfer ist heute in London auf den tiefsten Stand seit acht Monaten gefallen. Grund dafür ist die Erwartung, dass die Krise auf dem US-Häusermarkt die Nachfrage nach dem roten Metall deutlich dämpfen wird.

Laut einer Umfrage von Bloomberg erwarten die Analysten, dass in den USA im Oktober so wenig Häuser neugebaut wurden, wie seit 14 Jahren nicht mehr. Laut einer Analyse der Macquarie Bank sind 20 % des Kufperbedarfs in Industrienationen auf den Immobilienbau zurückzuführne.

Kupfer zur Lieferung in drei Monaten verliert heute an der LME 0,5 % auf 6.750 USD je Tonne, zwischenzeitlich ging es auf 6.550 USD nach unten.

Das US Handelsministerium wird heute 14.30 Uhr MEZ die Daten zum Hausneubau bekannt geben.
Rochester Commences Drift Development and Mobilizes Drill at the Santa Fe Project, Clavellinos Area

Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: RCT)(OTCBB: RCTFF)(FRANKFURT: R5I): Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO, is pleased to advise that 800 metres of drift development has commenced at the Clavellinos vein system and the drill rig has been mobilized. A 3000 metre diamond drill program is planned and will commence shortly on the Clavellinos area of the Santa Fe Project, Nayarit State, Mexico. The exploration and development program (see Figure 1) will test the extensive vein systems identified by previous surface sampling and mapping.

To view Figure 1 please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/RCT1120.pdf

Note: Theoretical Geological Model - green lines indicate proposed drill hole locations; lighter red thatched expressions indicate breccia zones mapped from surface; darker red lines indicate veins.

Work to date has defined three main vein systems at Clavellinos, all of which trend northwest and are sub-parallel with some cross veining. From west to east, these are the Jonas System, the Clavellinos System and the Tajitos System. The Jonas system is located 120 metres west of and parallel to the Clavellinos System, and the Tajitos System is located 220 metres east of and parallel to the Clavellinos System. The strike length traced at surface for Clavellinos has increased and is now greater than 5 kilometres, Jonas has a strike length of 2.7 kilometres and Tajitos has a strike length approximately 1 kilometre. The strike extensions of all three vein systems are vegetation covered, and may mask greater strike lengths.

The Company has recently constructed approximately 8 kilometres of new road access to the central portion of the Clavellinos area. This work exposed at surface the aforementioned vein systems with a significant discovery of a 40 metre wide mineralized alteration zone at the Clavellinos System with three sub-parallel high grade epithermal veins emplaced within.

Work to date at the Clavellinos area includes trenching, channel sampling, mapping, structural interpretation, and geological modeling. Channel and trench samples to date have returned the following results:

8.80 metres 1.96 140.19 1490 metres
8.32 metres 1.76 115.27 1470 metres
5.58 metres 2.94 271.16 1460 metres
18.40 metres 0.09 80.32 1300 metres

In addition, a significant feature of the vein systems at Clavellinos is the identification of gold and silver mineralization over a vertical extent significantly greater than what is found at the Company's adjacent Mina Real Project. This will be better defined by the phase 1 diamond drill program. The vein structures on the Santa Fe Project appear similar to those encountered at Mina Real where strong gold and silver grades have been reported from the Company's mining activities.

Dr. Parra states, "This is an exciting time for Rochester as the drill program will provide an initial test of the extent and strength of the Santa Fe project and whether the project warrants its own processing plant. With the operating Mina Real mill nearby we will be able to quickly capitalize on success in this drill program and move forward with a separate plant if required."

All assays quoted were carried out by the Durango, Mexico, facility of SGS Laboratories, a ISO certified and independent laboratory. The exploration program is under the direction of Hector Chavez, a Mexican professional geologist who has extensive experience in Mexican epithermal deposits, and supervised by Dr. Alfredo Parra, who is a QP as defined in NI 43-101.


Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO

About Rochester Resources Ltd.

Rochester represents a pure-play into the exploration and development of high grade gold and silver properties located in Nayarit, Mexico. The Company is a "niche" player in Mexico which has assembled an attractive portfolio of properties in the Sierra Madre Occidental range. This is the largest epithermal precious metal region in the world, hosting a majority of Mexico's large tonnage gold and silver deposits. Current production generates growing cash flow and helps fund our ongoing exploration and development with minimum share dilution (http://www.rochesterresourcesltd.com/s/ShareStructure.asp). We have identified 36 vein structures (http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/vein_structures.jpg) on our three projects and embarked on an aggressive exploration program including a 7000m drill program and 2000m drift development program that will determine the next steps for mine development and production levels. Rochester is well positioned to advance its projects and can very quickly become a major player in Mexico. It has a strong senior management team (http://www.rochesterresourcesltd.com/s/Management.asp) based in Mexico, the workforce in place to advance its projects, and the capital to implement the work programs to advance our exploration and development projects towards production.

Forward Looking Statements

This Company Press Release contains certain "forward-looking" statements and information relating to the Company that are based on the beliefs of the Company's management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company's management. Such statements reflect the current risks, uncertainties and assumptions related to certain factors including, without limitations, competitive factors, general economic conditions, customer relations, relationships with vendors and strategic partners, the interest rate environment, governmental regulation and supervision, seasonality, technological change, changes in industry practices, and one-time events. In addition, the Company has not conducted an independent feasibility study on the Mina Real project which may increase the risk that the planned operations are not economically viable. Should any one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.

Contacts: Empire Communications Inc. Investor Information Contact 1-866-841-0068 Email: info@rochesterresourcesltd.com Website: www.rochesterresourcesltd.com

SOURCE: Rochester Resources Ltd.

mailto:info@rochesterresourcesltd.com http://www.rochesterresourcesltd.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
With the operating Mina Real mill nearby we will be able to quickly capitalize on success in this drill program and move forward with a separate plant if required."

Rochester einer meiner Favorites. Wenn der Silberpreis noch mitgeht, dann aber hallo. :)
:cry: :mad:
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