• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

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Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Gerade Anaconda Mining für 0,585 ins Depot gefallen. Vor einer Woche mit gutem Gewinn verkauft. :)
Jetzt widerum geschickte Abstauber zu setzen ist bares Geld. Wer vorsichtig ist eher weiter unten, die mutigen nach eigenem Ermessen. :)
Thursday, November 15th, 2007

Platinum Supply-Demand Dynamics Point to $1,700 an Ounce in 2008
By Luke Burgess

BALTIMORE, MD--Production problems mean that the demand for platinum will exceed supply in 2007, which could push prices as high as $1,700 an ounce by the end of next year.

On an ounce-for-ounce basis, platinum is over 80% more expensive than gold and almost 10,000% more expensive than silver.

The white metal is the most precious of the traded metals simply because of its relative scarcity.

Global mine production supplied only about 214 tons of platinum in 2006. This was equivalent to only 8.7% (by weight) of the world's total gold production and about 1.2% of the silver production for the same year.

Platinum is found at much lower grades than gold or silver. On average, ten tons of ore must be mined--sometimes miles underground at temperatures greater than 120ºF--to produce a single ounce of platinum.

Relative to volume mined, platinum has more industrial uses than either silver or gold. In fact, more than 50% of the world's annual production of platinum is used in industry. Most of the rest goes toward jewelry manufacturing (about 40%) and investment (about 10%). This is unlike gold, where most of supply is used for jewelry (about 70%) and investment (about 20%).

Also unlike gold, there are no large inventories of above-ground platinum. Therefore, a breakdown in major supply sources could catapult platinum prices into orbit.

Fast-growing mining exploration company could fatten up your portfolio in just a few short months

No one has heard of this tiny exploration outfit that is flying under the radar, cashing-in on some monstrous profits.

But that is soon to change.

There has been a flood of ground-breaking news pouring from this one-of-a-kind outfit and now is the time to get in on this play before it is too late.
Unlike most other commodity metals, which are found throughout the world, major platinum deposits are limited to two main areas: South Africa and the Commonwealth of Independent States (the former USSR).

And South Africa is by far the most important of the two, as it accounts for approximately 80% of the world's total annual mine production. South Africa also accounts for 88% of the world's platinum reserves, with a proved and probable reserve estimate of 6,223 tons, or 223 million ounces.

It's also interesting that more than 90% of the world's platinum production comes from only four mines--three in South Africa and one in the CIS.

In light of the metal's extreme scarcity, platinum's supply-demand dynamics are tight and getting tighter every month.

A drop in mine supply has contributed to prices rising almost 33% this year to a recent record of $1,498.80 an ounce on November 7.

Global platinum supplies are expected to fall 135,000 ounces, or 2%, to 6.66 million ounces this year. Meanwhile, demand is expected to increase by 195,000 ounces, or 2.9%, to a record 6.925 million ounces.

This would leave the market with a supply deficit of 265,000 ounces, the seventh year in the past eight that the market has recorded a shortfall. In 2006, the market recorded a tiny surplus of 65,000 ounces.

Industrial usage of platinum is forecast to continue rising this year, up 40,000 ounces or 2.1% to 1.91 million ounces, with the automotive industry providing the main source of growth.

Heavy-duty diesel vehicles have just started to have catalysers fitted. This market is in its infancy, and further tightening of US and European emissions standards would require more platinum per vehicle. Auto catalyst makers, however, are continually seeking ways of reducing platinum usage in each catalyser. Manufactures can use palladium as a cheaper alternative.

Increasing usage of fertilizers to meet rocketing biofuel demand has also increased platinum consumption in the catalyst gauzes used in nitric acid production.

Rising prices, on the other hand, continue to weigh on jewelry demand, which has been falling since 2002 and is forecast to fall 25,000 ounces, or 1.5%, to 1.60 million ounces this year. However, China has seen a small increase in jewelry demand and sales are also reported to have been strong in the UK and Switzerland, but much weaker in the US and Japan, which account for 95% of the platinum jewelry demand.

While the western world's industrial demand is understandably a function of economic growth, which increases at a moderate rate, demand for platinum in countries with emerging economies--like China and India--is exploding.

It is well known that China has enjoyed the highest percent of annual economic growth of any nation in the world during the last ten years. And there doesn't seem to be any slowing in the foreseeable future. The country's platinum consumption has grown apace with its annual industrial production increases. China's future platinum demand alone will tax the current production capacity of the four major mines.

As platinum's supply-demand squeeze becomes tighter, prices will inevitably continue to march higher. I expect platinum prices to trade relatively flat during the first half of 2008, building a base on the strong side of $1,400 an ounce. After that, I believe platinum has the potential to peak near $1,700 an ounce later in the year.
Hier eine Zusammenfassung über Anaconda Mining:

Aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung ca. 35 Mio. Euro und das für einen Explorer, der demnächst zum Produzenten wird und der untenstehende Projekte in Kanada und in Südamerika avisiert hat und der mit Penôles, einen gewichtigen Partner im Carmen-Kupfer-Gold Projekt gewonnen hat!

Aktienzahl aktuell 55 Millionen Stück

Eine Aufstellung der Projekte und der Resourcen (geschätzt) eines Boardmitgliedes:
#5257 von Magicdax 29.10.06 18:37:41 Beitrag Nr.: 24.989.156

Hallo Anacondaaktionäre und potentielle Neuinvestoren,

ich hab mir gerade mal die Mühe gemacht alle Projekte nochmal für mich zusammenzufassen. Schaut euch mal bitte die Aufstellung an und ergänzt bzw. bessert aus. Evt. haben sich Fehler durch eine falsche Übersetzung der Zahlen von der Homepage bzw. Rechenfehler bei den Vorkommen eingeschlichen. Nichtsdestotrotz ist die Bezeichnung Witz für die aktuelle Bewertung meiner Ansicht nach sogar noch eine Untertreibung.

Zu den Rohstoffvorkommen:

1. Carmen Projekt 650.000 Unzen Gold, 165.000 Tonnen Kupfer, konservative Schätzung
2. Vicuna Projekt ???
3. Restauradora Projekt 500.000 Tonnen Kupfer, 1.2 Mio Unzen Gold, konservative Schätzung bei lediglich 50 Mio Tonnen Explorationspotential
4. Damoti Lake Projekt 22.000 Unzen Gold (auf der Homepage ist von 233.000 Unzen die Rede)
5. Pine Cove 217.000 Unzen Gold
6. Carlin Gold Projekt ???
7. Bothwick Lake 43.000 Unzen Gold, 1Mio Unzen Silber
8. Lingman Lake Gold Projekt 297.000 Unzen Gold
gesamt 2.640.000 Unzen Gold / 1.000.000 Unzen Silber / 665.000 Tonnen Kupfer Wert bei 600 USD pro Unze Gold = 1.584.000.000 USD
Wert bei 7000 USD pro Tonne Kupfer = 4.655.000.000 USD
Wert bei 12 USD pro Unze Silber = 12.000.000 USD
gesamt USD ca. 6.2 Mrd. USD

Dies bei konservativen Schätzungen der jeweiligen Projekte. Zusätzliche Ressourcen in unbekanner Höhe aus den Projekten Vicuna und Carlin Gold.

Dazu die Bewertung von Anaconda von dzt. 44 Mio. CAD Lächerlich!!!

Wenns geht mich nicht gleich als Ketzer und Anacondapusher auf den Scheiterhaufen bringen. Wie gesagt die Zahlen hab ich nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen übernommen und hochgerechnet. Berichtigungen sind willkommen!!!


Zu erwartende Gewinne bei einer Produktion von 40.958 Unzen:
$ 500,- ················$ 8,5 Mio.
$ 625,- ················$ 14,3 Mio.
$ 800,- ················$ 21,5 Mio.
$ 1.000,- ·············$ 29,6 Mio.

Aus WO
Nov 16, 2007 06:00 ET sehr schön!!! :)
Rochester Announces Mill Production and Silver Recovery Update for Its Mina Real Mill
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 16, 2007) - Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:RCT)(OTCBB:RCTFF)(FRANKFURT:R5I):

Rochester is pleased to announce a mill production update for September and October, 2007. Our regular monthly shipments of gold and silver precipitate have surpassed the $1 million mark for the first time and continue to show significant increases in production value on a month-to-month basis. Shipments to the refinery for the four-week period ending September 30, 2007 had an estimated value of US$858,612, increasing to an estimated value of US$1,031,305 for the four-week period ended October 31, 2007.
Table 1: Mill Production Results

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recov- ery Recov- Aver- Rat- ery- Aver- Aver- Average age Total es Rates age age Price Price Gold Estimated for for Grade Grade Total for for Equiv. Total Gold Silver Gold Silver Tonnage Gold Silver Ounces Gross Sales---------------------------------------------------------------------------Sep-91.57% 41.27% 5.9 115.59 5,984.20 $712.65 $12.83 1,178.40 858,612.73 te- mb- er---------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct-91.99% 46.38% 6.37 126.7 6,138.40 $754.60 $13.67 1,305.50 1,031,305.20 ob- er---------------------------------------------------------------------------

During September processed tonnage through the mill averaged 199.5 tonnes per day. In October processed tonnage through the mill averaged 198.0 tonnes per day. The throughput has been equalized in the past few months with normal start up procedures becoming further streamlined. Said Dr. Alfredo Parra, "We are making excellent strides in stabilizing our mill production. Our operation continues to be more consistent and our plans to increase our production in the not so distant future remain intact." Lower grade material continues to be processed as mill feed while the recovery rates are maximized. For head grades and recovery rates please refer to table 1.

We remain positive about the prospects for significant increases in throughput tonnage and gold and silver production from current levels. We have not changed our expectations of achieving commercial production at the 200-250 tonnes/day level during November and December, 2007 and then moving to higher levels of production in the New Year as mining activity dictates.

Update on silver recovery rates:

Joseph Keane, consulting director of the Company, and director of METCON Research Inc. of Tuscon, Arizona, has recently completed a test for silver recovery of Rochester's Florida triple vein system. The outcome was a success recording 91% recovery rates using a SO2 pre-wash followed by putting the ore back through the circuit. The Company will be following up this success at METCON Research Inc. with four additional samples representing four different types of ore found Project-wide.

We expect by early December to have a successful outcome and a go ahead to implement the new circuit and procedure into the mill production with expected silver recovery rates greater than 90%. The implementation process is expected to be complete in time for processing the silver-rich ore at Tajos Cuates early Q2 2008.

Dr. Parra is the Company's in-house Qualified Person and QP Member of the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America with special expertise in Mining.

For further information visit www.rochesterresourcesltd.com.
mit lr8 largo und fieldex habe ich mir ja genau die richtigen ausgesucht :wallbash:
Kann Deinen Unmut verstehen.

Die Explorer sind verdammt volatil und reagieren leider überproportional auf ein schlechtes Marktumfeld. Im Gegensatz dazu aber auch überproportinal positiv wenn das Umfeld passt und die Rohstoffpreise fest sind.

Mit Largo (so meine Meinung) hat man definitiv keine Luftnummer im Depot! Das Portfolio ist erstklassig und es sind weiter gute News von den Projekten zu erwarten. Die vergangenen News waren allesamt sehr vielversprechend und ich rechne damit, dass sich die Aktie auch wieder rasch erholen wird.

Ich denke mal ich kann für einige hier Im Langfrist-Explorerthread schreiben wenn ich sage, dass wir einen längeren Anlagehorizont haben aber dennoch übertriebene Peaks nach oben zum Austieg nutzen um bei Korrekturphasen wie der aktuellen wieder langsam Positionen aufbauen.

Bei Largo war die übertrieben Korrektur die im August in der ich mich hier eingekauft habe und mein Anlagehorizont liegt erst einmal bis April/Mai 2008.

ich kotze so ab wenn ich mal was längerfristig halten will! schöne depot leichen und viel zu viele
stücken! naja selber schuld was handel ich auch sachen von denen ich keine ahnung habe :twisted:
mit lr8 largo und fieldex habe ich mir ja genau die richtigen ausgesucht :wallbash:
Beide Werte sind gut, bei Fieldex stehen noch einige Bohrungen aus.
Ein Beispiel von mir: Kauf 5000 Cuervo zu 0,71€ Frühjahr, gingen fett runter auf 0,31€ um am Ende bei
1,81€ zu landen. Ich habe die konsequent gehalten, weil ich überzeugt war.

Sammel im Moment dosiert ein.

Bei Rochester den Ausstieg zu 2,30€ verschlafen
Genau das meine ich ja. Bei Werten die nach definitiv top Projekte haben kann man das zugegebenermaßen hohe Risiko eher eingehen und in Schwächephasen halten. Ist auch meine Erfahrung, dass viele (nicht alle!) Explorer nach ner harten Korrekturphase auf neue Hochs gehen.

Allerdings dennoch nur sehr dosiert. Bei Largo als Beispiel kam die Chance im Sommer zuzuschlagen bei Werten unter der 0,30 Euromarke.

Die News von R5I sind gut. Chart sieht auch nicht schlecht aus. Ist am Langfristigen Aufwärtstrend nach oben abgeprallt. Überlege nen Einstieg.
War aber bei R5I noch nicht investiert. Wie hat sie bis dato auf News reagiert? Bzw. scheint ja ne Menge Promotion im Hintergrund zu sein.

Beide Werte sind gut, bei Fieldex stehen noch einige Bohrungen aus.
Ein Beispiel von mir: Kauf 5000 Cuervo zu 0,71€ Frühjahr, gingen fett runter auf 0,31€ um am Ende bei
1,81€ zu landen. Ich habe die konsequent gehalten, weil ich überzeugt war.

Sammel im Moment dosiert ein.

Bei Rochester den Ausstieg zu 2,30€ verschlafen
Eigentlich wenig Promotion. 30% der Aktien sind in festen Händen!!
Genau das meine ich ja. Bei Werten die nach definitiv top Projekte haben kann man das zugegebenermaßen hohe Risiko eher eingehen und in Schwächephasen halten. Ist auch meine Erfahrung, dass viele (nicht alle!) Explorer nach ner harten Korrekturphase auf neue Hochs gehen.

Allerdings dennoch nur sehr dosiert. Bei Largo als Beispiel kam die Chance im Sommer zuzuschlagen bei Werten unter der 0,30 Euromarke.

Die News von R5I sind gut. Chart sieht auch nicht schlecht aus. Ist am Langfristigen Aufwärtstrend nach oben abgeprallt. Überlege nen Einstieg.
War aber bei R5I noch nicht investiert. Wie hat sie bis dato auf News reagiert? Bzw. scheint ja ne Menge Promotion im Hintergrund zu sein.

Beide Werte sind gut, bei Fieldex stehen noch einige Bohrungen aus.
Ein Beispiel von mir: Kauf 5000 Cuervo zu 0,71€ Frühjahr, gingen fett runter auf 0,31€ um am Ende bei
1,81€ zu landen. Ich habe die konsequent gehalten, weil ich überzeugt war.

Sammel im Moment dosiert ein.

Bei Rochester den Ausstieg zu 2,30€ verschlafen
so, paasend zu Largo , gerade eben rein........
im Übrigen so wie es dir geht - das machen 95% aller hier mit, man denkt guter Einstieg und brauch dann doch länger Geduld als vielleciht gedacht :friends:

Nov 16, 2007 08:00 ET
Largo Reports Drill Results and New Target Outlined at Macuchi Property in Ecuador
- 8.0 metres near true width at 3.3g Au/t, 2.09% Zn and 1.0% Pb in Hole 320-07-03

- Extensive new soil copper anomaly with coincident IP chargeability high
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 16, 2007) - Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:LGO) has been informed by Aur Resources Inc. (Aur) that it has completed an exploration program at the Macuchi property including drilling of 11 holes totalling 3938 metres, 1200 soil geochemical samples and 400 lithogeochemical samples. In addition, Aur also completed a detailed compilation and interpretation of all available data. Aur advises that it has spent in excess of $ 951,500 from October 2006 to date. The new drilling, in conjunction with previous work by Largo, has intersected significant gold, copper, silver and zinc mineralization at Macuchi (See Table 1 below). The extensive soil geochemical work by Aur has prioritized the widespread IP anomalies and defined a new target area at Yunganan where there is a strong copper soil anomaly spatially related to an induced polarization (IP) anomaly.

Highlights from the new drilling results include:

Minchoa 1

- Hole 320-07-03 intersected 8.0 metres near true width at 3.3g Au/t, 15.3g Ag/t, 1.0% Pb, and 2.09% Zn


- Hole 320-07-09 intersected 61.0 metres at 0.51% Cu

Minchoa 2

- Hole 320-07-08 intersected a new zone of hematized breccia with disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite mineralization

Aur Resources Inc. is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Teck Cominco Limited. Teck Cominco has advised Largo that it does not intend to continue Aur's option at the Macuchi property.

Andy Campbell, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration commented: "The results from the exploration program conducted by Aur Resources are encouraging and continue to demonstrate the strong polymetallic and widespread nature of the mineralization on the Macuchi property with further drilling warranted on several targets. The new target at Yunganan has excellent potential with the zone open to the north and at depth. We are currently reviewing all of the data and will plan a further exploration program."

Mark Brennan President & CEO commented "While we are disappointed that Teck Cominco will not be continuing with the joint venture, the work by Aur Resources has further advanced the project and outlined new targets and potential extensions that need to be drill tested. We have been approached by other companies interested in reviewing the project and will be actively seeking other joint venture partners to carry out further work at Macuchi." He continued, "The priority of Largo management and resources is to focus on its advanced Maracas Vanadium-PGM and Northern Dancer W-Mo properties."

Largo's Macuchi property covers over 5,000 hectares in northeastern Ecuador, hosting a number of significant polymetallic (Au, Cu, Zn & Ag) volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, including the past producing Mercedes mine (production 1940-1946 -435,000 tonnes at 11.7g Au/t and 4.7% Cu). These types of deposits are typical of other major known VMS environments including Selbaie, Quebec, Eskay Creek, B.C. and Mount Read, Tasmania.

Work by Largo has outlined two extensive parallel massive sulphide trends which occur along a major geological time horizon that extends for at least 6km along strike on the Macuchi property. As previously reported (see press release May 9, 2005), drilling by Largo has outlined an inferred mineral resource of 360,000 ounces of gold equivalent based on US $400 Au/oz, $6.00 Ag/oz and $1.25 Cu/lb (3.9 million tonnes at 1.94 g Au/t, 0.59% Cu, and 7.5g Ag/t) in the Mercedes-Patio area. This resource, which was reviewed and confirmed by T. Hennessy, P.Geo, of Micon International, is open along strike as well as at depth and can be significantly increased by further drilling.

Largo continues to hold a 100% interest in the 60,000+ hectare Cotopaxi property (Ecuador) which covers a 60km strike length of the likely extension of the mineralized belt north of Macuchi.

Analysis was carried out by ALS Chemex of North Vancouver, using fire assay with an AA finish on 30 gram pulps sample for gold and ICP 33 multi-element package. The over limits were analyzed by AAS for silver, copper, lead and zinc. Mr. Don Dudek, Aur's Exploration Manager was the Qualified Person for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101.

Andy Campbell, P. Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration, is a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed this press release.

About Largo

Largo Resources is a Canadian natural resource development and exploration company with two advanced stage projects: the Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum deposit in the Yukon and the Maracas Vanadium-PGM deposit in Brazil. Largo also has a large (60,000 hectare) land position and prospective gold exploration properties in Ecuador. The company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LGO.

For more information please refer to Largo's website: www.largoresources.com.


Statements in this release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Readers are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and those actual developments or results may vary materially from those in these "forward-looking statements".

Table 1: Summary of Significant Assay Results - Macuchi Property, Ecuador
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrueHole Au Ag Cu Pb Zn thicknessNumber From To (g/t) (g/t) % % % (m)---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-01 No significant results---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-02 No significant results---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-03 27.80 35.80 3.30 15.30 0.07 1.00 2.09 8.00 and 42.80 45.50 1.17 46.20 0.01 0.01 0.04 2.70 and 89.40 127.6 0.21 8.4 0.01 0.04 0.18 38.2---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-04 261.00 269.00 0.41 1.50 0.02 0.02 1.33 8.00 and 452.00 458.00 0.13 1.40 0.02 0.01 0.62 6.00---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-05 285.00 290.00 0.48 8.80 0.02 0.00 0.02 5.00---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-06 22.50 28.00 0.12 2.60 0.10 0.05 1.88 5.50---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-07 158.00 161.10 0.02 0.42 0.66 0.01 0.01 3.10 and 211.00 218.00 0.01 0.25 0.24 0.00 0.01 7.00---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-08 290.00 302.00 0.03 0.35 0.14 0.00 0.10 12.00 and 335.00 357.00 0.01 0.25 0.16 0.00 0.00 22.00---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-09 166.00 227.00 0.02 0.62 0.51 0.00 0.01 61.00 and 235.00 242.73 0.02 0.35 0.32 0.00 0.01 7.70---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-10 310.10 337.00 0.10 0.50 0.18 0.01 0.02 26.90 and 357.83 371.94 0.01 0.50 0.35 0.00 0.00 14.10 and 384.00 396.20 0.02 0.50 0.32 0.00 0.00 12.20---------------------------------------------------------------------------C320-07-11 343.30 347.25 0.00 0.25 0.01 0.12 0.10 3.90---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Drill hole Information - Macuchi Property, Ecuador---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hole No. Area Northing Easting Elevation Azimuth Dip Length (UTM) (UTM) (m)---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-01 Mercedes 9,896,200 716,102 1732 270 -65.8 450.18---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-02 Mercedes 9,895,900 715,900 1950 270 -65.7 167.67 South---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-03 Minchoa 1 9,894,500 715,500 2120 90 -50 302.36---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-04 Patino 9,894,860 715,620 2238 90 -70 496.21---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-05 Patino 9,894,806 715,610 2279 120 -65 377.03---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-06 Minchoa 3 9,893,300 714,600 1957 90 -65 315.16---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-07 Minchoa 2 9,894,500 714,800 2280 90 -55 241.40---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-08 Minchoa 2 9,894,300 714,560 2238 90 -51 366.36---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-09 Yunganan 9,895,700 715,060 2344 90 -51 309.98---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-10 Mercedes 9,896,690 715,915 1873 260 -51 534.00 West---------------------------------------------------------------------------320-07-11 Mercedes 9,896,200 716,102 1732 270 -50 377.95--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL METRES DRILLED 3938.30
so, paasend zu Largo , gerade eben rein........
im Übrigen so wie es dir geht - das machen 95% aller hier mit, man denkt guter Einstieg und brauch dann doch länger Geduld als vielleciht gedacht :friends:

stimmt. irgendwann muss man es nur gebacken bekommen, um mal langfristig mit profit rauszukommen.

ich schaffe dies bisher leider noch nicht. mein depot schwankt zwischen minus 30% und plus 30% hin und her. im endeffekt hab ich allerdings noch keinen wirklichen gewinn eingestreift, obwohl ich gerade noch 20% im plus war, sind es jetzt schon nur mehr 5%.

ich wäre allerdings nicht mehr investiert, wäre ich nicht der meinung, dass ich irgendwann den durchbruch mit dem depot schaffe und bald mal 100% plus habe, dann 200% usw. usf. (nat. nicht mit dem depot, aber das gibt den anfang).

zur zeit gibt es praktisch nur verlierer an der börse und halt die shorties ;)
Nov 16, 2007 08:30 ET
Tenajon Resources Corp.: Drilling Intersects 0.076% Mo Over 52.54m in the Most Easterly Hole Drilled on the Ajax Deposit
Exploration Update on Moly Brook and Burn Molybdenum Projects
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 16, 2007) - Tenajon Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:TJS) (the "Company") today announced that assay results have been received for the remainder of Hole 2007-3 and for an additional three drill holes completed at its Ajax Molybdenum Property. Highlights include 257.6 metres averaging 0.090% molybdenum from Hole 2007-3, the most westerly hole drilled on the deposit to date, and 52.54 metres averaging 0.076% molybdenum from Hole 2007-6, the most easterly hole drilled on the deposit. Significant, near surface molybdenum values have now been intersected over a 500 metre long strike length with the zone being open at depth and along strike. In addition, an update of the Company's activities at its Moly Brook and Burn Molybdenum properties is provided.

The Ajax Molybdenum Property is located near Kitsault, northwestern British Columbia. The 2007 exploration drill program is now complete, with 12 drill holes totaling 2,639 metres being drilled. Assay results for the final five drill holes are pending. Once all assay results are received, an updated NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate will be completed.

The Ajax Property hosts one of North America's largest undeveloped molybdenum deposits. At a 0.04% molybdenum cut-off the deposit hosts inferred resources of 448 million tonnes averaging 0.063% molybdenum (623.4 million pounds) and an indicated mineral resource of 38.8 million tonnes averaging 0.064% molybdenum (56.4 million pounds). The estimate was prepared by Giroux Consultants Ltd., an independent consulting firm (released March 5, 2007). The current price for molybdenum is approximately $32.75 per pound.

Prior to the commencement of the 2007 drill program Tenajon contracted Dr. Nicholas Carter to undertake a review of the Ajax Property. In Carter's study he states "The previous work on the Ajax Property suggests an area of enhanced grade may be related to an east-northeast trending fault zone near the northern limits of the current molybdenum zone." According to Carter this concept was originally proposed by Newmont geologists in 1966 but was not acted upon. Furthermore he concluded "Most of the holes completed on the Ajax Property have been inclined holes drilled on west southwest orientations essentially parallel to zones thought to contain enhanced molybdenum grades. A review of the results to date suggests that intervals of better molybdenum grade are contained in holes drilled within 100 metres of the east northeast fault zone."

Holes 2007-1 to 3, and 6 have tested a 500 metre long section of the deposit identified by Dr. Carter as potentially hosting higher grade molybdenum values. All four holes intersected extensive sections hosting anomalous molybdenum values adjacent to fault zones with Hole 2007-3, the most westerly hole drilled for which assay results are available intersecting the best grades. Holes 07-4 and 7 respectively tested the deposit along the north and south walls of a potential open pit. The results are summarized below.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Length From To Interval Mo MoS2Hole (metres) (metres) (metres) (metres) (%) (%)----------------------------------------------------------------2007-3 260.61 3.05 260.62 257.60 0.090 0.150---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 21.29 44.20 22.91 0.098 0.163---------------------------------------------------------------- And 129.78 239.27 109.49 0.126 0.210----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-4 197.21 34.33 166.73 132.4 0.026 0.043---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 104.73 166.73 62.00 0.032 0.053----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-5 79.25 Abandoned due to ground conditions----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-6 244.76 0 244.76 244.76 0.049 0.081---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 26.96 74.58 47.72 0.060 0.100---------------------------------------------------------------- And 134.91 187.45 52.54 0.076 0.127----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------2007-7 222.81 0 222.81 228.81 0.039 0.069---------------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 162.16 204.83 42.67 0.069 0.115---------------------------------------------------------------- And 212.14 222.81 10.67 0.069 0.115----------------------------------------------------------------

Moly Brook Exploration Update

At the Company's Moly Brook Molybdenum Property located on the south coast of Newfoundland, 11 holes totaling 3,250 metres in length have been completed with drilling on-going. The current drill program is designed to follow up the results of a recently completed geochemical and geophysical survey that expanded the area of potential molybdenum mineralization previously defined by Royal Oak Mines Inc. Tenajon's work outlined an up to 700 metre wide by 1,200 metre long molybdenum in soil anomaly. Coincidental with the anomaly is an up to 800 metre wide by 1,500 metre long zone of high chargeability. In the mid 1990's, Royal Oak Mines Inc. completed three holes over a 300 metre strike length within this anomaly. All three holes intersected anomalous molybdenum values with historic highlights including 44 metre and 46 metre intersections respectively averaging 0.111% and 0.081% molybdenum. The drill program is testing the zone along strike and dip from the Royal Oak Mines Inc. drill holes and other selected targets within the anomaly. It is anticipated that 13 holes will be completed in this first phase drill program.

Burn Property Exploration Update

The Company has just completed a five drill hole program totaling 1,500 metres in length at the Company's Burn Molybdenum Property located near Hazelton, British Columbia. Prior to drilling, geochemical and geophysical surveys were undertaken. Soil sampling outlined an up to 650 metre wide by 1,000 metre long molybdenum in soil anomaly. Geophysical surveying showed the soil anomaly to be in part coincidental with a resistivity high. Flanking the resistivity high are a series of chargeability high anomalies. The property was previously drilled in the early 1980s with six holes being completed of which the results are only available for only one hole, 1980-6. Hole 1980-6, located 100 metres to the west of the north end of the soil anomaly intersected an 84 metre section averaging 0.061% molybdenum. Within this intercept is a 21 metre section averaging 0.133% molybdenum. The recently completed drilling tested the extensions to this mineralization along with the main soil anomaly and geophysical targets located in the northern end of the anomaly.

The work at the Ajax Property was completed by Apex Geoscience while the work at the Burn was completed by CJL Enterprises. The work at Moly Brook is being completed by Geoscott Consultant. All three programs are completed under the supervision of Dave Visagie, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

At the Ajax, Burn and Moly Brook Properties the drill core is sawn into halves with one half being sent for analysis and the other kept for future reference. All samples were prepared and analyzed at Acme Analytical Labs using a four acid digestion with analysis by Induced Couple Polarization. A stringent program of check, blank and duplicate sampling was employed throughout with duplicates standards and blanks being entered into the sample stream at regular intervals. In addition a limited amount of samples are being sent to other labs to determine the reproducibility of the results.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


D. Bruce McLeod, President
Nov 16, 2007 09:30 ET
Amerigo Acquires Additional Common Shares of Candente
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 16, 2007) - Amerigo Resources Ltd. ("Amerigo") (TSX:ARG) announces that it has acquired beneficial ownership of an additional 2,460,008 common shares (the "Additional Shares") of Candente Resource Corp. ("Candente"). Amerigo now currently owns 9,360,946 common shares of Candente, representing approximately 13.20% of Candente's 70,923,127 issued and outstanding common shares. Amerigo currently has no future intention to acquire beneficial ownership of any additional securities of Candente.
Globex Options its Blackcliff Gold Property Interest

GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. (TSX: GMX) (FRANKFURT, STUTTGART, BERLIN, MUNICH:G1M) (OTCQX: GLBXF) and Altai Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: ATI) are pleased to report that they have optioned 100% interest in their jointly and wholly owned Blackcliff Gold Property in Malartic Township, Quebec to C2C Inc. (TSX VENTURE: CCN) and Animiki Mining Corporation (a private corporation).

Upon signing, C2C will immediately pay $25,000 cash and 400,000 C2C shares split equally between Globex and Altai and within 2.5 months, will pay a further $50,000.

Animiki will make every effort to become a publicly listed company within 6 months of the effective date of the option agreement after which all future cash payments, share issuances and work requirements shall be split 50/50 between Animiki and C2C. Should Animiki fail to become a listed public company within the 4.5 month period, C2C will assume responsibility for 100% interest in the agreement.

Further cash and share payments of $100,000 and 200,000 shares are due upon the first anniversary of the agreement, $200,000 cash and 200,000 shares upon the second anniversary of the agreement and $200,000 cash and 200,000 shares upon the third anniversary of the agreement will also be split equally between Globex and Altai. In addition, $5,000,000 of work must be completed by the end of the fourth year of the option.

Globex and Altai will jointly retain a 3% Gross Metal Royalty on any mineral production from the property as well as a 10% Net Profits Royalty. The 10% NPR will come into effect after Animiki and C2C jointly recover up to a maximum of $3,500,000 in project capital costs incurred prior to commercial production.

Further, upon the sixth anniversary of the effective date of the agreement, C2C and Animiki must commence an annual Advance Royalty Payment, of $50,000, which is deductible from future production royalties.

The Blackcliff Gold Property is an advanced gold project with a drill defined resource and is situated within a few kilometers of a contract mill. Should C2C and Animiki deem to place the property into production, they may do so at anytime but must first meet all the cash and share issuance obligations under the agreement.

For further detail, please see C2C Inc.'s press release of today's date.

We Seek Safe Harbour. Foreign Private Issuer 12g3 - 2(b) CUSIP Number 379900 10 3

Forward Looking Statements

Except for historical information this News Release may contain certain "forward looking statements". These statements may involve a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity and performance to be materially different from the Company's expectations and projections.

Contacts: GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. Jack Stoch, P.Geo, President & CEO 819-797-5242 819-797-1470 (FAX) info@globexmining.com www.globexmining.com


mailto:info@globexmining.com http://www.globexmining.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Die News bei Tenajon T5Q kommen in Canada gut an!

Why are junior exploration stocks not responding?

November 15, 2007

Well here we are in the middle of November and junior exploration stocks, by and large are languishing in the lower half of their trading range. Gold has come within 0.5% to the all-time high set 27 years ago, and yet stocks keep going nowhere, with the exception of some, particularly the most speculative stocks showing improvement. I don't understand the mentality of those of the investing public who I will term as the herd. I should not even bother to call them investors, because they are going to continue being the losers. Why such hard words? Because they are not investing on fundementals but rather on pure bluesky potential. In this regard they are no diferent than the gamblers who go out and buy some lotto 6-49 tickets, because the potential winner will win millions. They don't consider that it is virtually guaranteed that they will be losers. That is exactly how they invest in the market, as if they go to a casino and place a bet on the roulette table. There are numerous examples of this, but I will point to only some. Right now they is a lot of interest shown in an area discovery of nickel/copper/pge in the Mcfaulds area in the James Bay region of northern Ontario. Noront Resources Ltd., (NOT.V), has made what seems to be a potentially economic discovery, if the drills continue to intersect mineralization similar to what has been discovered recently. Now here is the interesting fact of the herd, or losers going for the "lottery ticket". All juniors who own even some interest in the area, have quadrupled in price on Noront's discovery alone. Macdonald Mines, (BMK.V) for instance has increased from a low of six cents to a 52 week high of $1.32 purely on this speculative mentality. With over 137.0 million shares outstanding, this junior, with no resources was valued by speculators paying $1.32 at just over $181.0 million! This is not unique. All juniors involved one way or another, who have any interest in the Mcfaulds area, are trading at a very high capitalization. Some of the other names are Probe Mines, (PRB.V), Temex Resources, (TME.V), KWG Resources, (KWG.V), Spider Resources, (SPQ.V), Freewest Resources, (FWR.V) ,etc, etc. Every single one of these companies are trading at a price that gives them a capitalization of over $30.0 million, yet they have not much to justify such a capitalization. Don't be fooled by the low share price of some of these companies. Some of them have over 200.0 million shares outstanding, and one in particular, has over 300.0 million shares outstanding. The point that I want to make is that such mentality that favors speculative juniors above those with resources, has resulted in the situation we are in right now. Companies with decent resources and potential for increasing those resources, have been abandoned, or ignored, and thus trade at a discount to their true value. Trade Winds Ventures, (TWD.V) is a victim of the gambling herd mentality. Can you believe that Trade Winds Ventures has a capitalization of just over $14.0 million with a resource of 1.1 million ounces of gold? Even if each once was valued at $50.00, meaning that it would cost more than $700.00 to extract each ounce of gold, including the cost of building a mine, and other associated costs, this Company's shares should have been trading closer to $0.90 rather than $0.23.There are others of course, like Tyhee Development Corporation, (TDC.V), Alexis Minerals Corporation, (AMC.V), to mention just a few. One of these days, and I don't know when it is going to happen, but it will, attention will once again be directed to these companies with resources and they will reflect their true value in their share prices. So, if you want to be able to sleep at night without having to worry what the next day will bring, I would suggest that you do your own due diligence, and invest in companies that the fundementals show they are undervalued.
gestern und heute weitere Montello Resources eingesackt, Schnitt jetzt 0,165 CAD
Janina Resources, der Beryllium Wert von Firebird Fund und Vangold wird uebrigens seit Ende Oktober gehandelt.
Nach meinen Infos haelt VAN 25.5 mio shares, das sind momentan bei 0,7 CAD Kurs schlappe 18mio CAD!!!
Janina Resources, der Beryllium Wert von Firebird Fund und Vangold wird uebrigens seit Ende Oktober gehandelt.
Nach meinen Infos haelt VAN 25.5 mio shares, das sind momentan bei 0,7 CAD Kurs schlappe 18mio CAD!!!

Zitat aus dem 27 Juli early warning report filing von Janina, auf SEDAR

Horn’s shares are held by two shareholders, Vangold Resources Ltd. (“Vangold”) as to
51% and Firebird Global Master Fund, Ltd. (“FGMF”) as to 49%. FGMF, the Offeror
and Vangold are deemed to be joint actors under applicable securities legislation. FGMF
and Vangold do not currently hold any securities in Janina. In connection with the
Proposed Transaction, Janina will issue 50,000,000 common shares in favour of Horn’s
shareholders, FGMF and Vangold.
If the Proposed Transaction is completed and the Subscription Receipts are converted
into common shares and share purchase warrants of Janina, the Offeror and its joint
actors will have ownership and control over an aggregate of 54,688,621 common shares
and 3,273,621 warrants to acquire the same number of common shares in the share
capital Janina representing 63.15% of the then estimated outstanding common shares of
Janina (or 64.49% assuming the exercise by the Offeror of the said warrants, including
the common shares deemed to be acquired pursuant to the exercise of warrants).
Of such numbers, 4,688,621 commons shares and 3,273,621 warrants to acquire the same
number of common shares in the share capital Janina representing 5.41% of the then
estimated outstanding common shares of Janina (or 8.86% assuming the exercise by the
Offeror of the said warrants, including the common shares deemed to be acquired
pursuant to the exercise of warrants) will be held by the Offeror, 24,500,000 commons
shares representing 28.29% of the then estimated outstanding common shares of Janina
will be held by FGMF and 25,500,000 representing 29.45% of the then estimated
outstanding common shares of Janina will be held by Vangold.
17mio der knapp 40mio MK Vangolds sind damit alleine ueber die Beryllium Beteiligung gedeckt, dasselbe Spielchen steht demnaechst mit Copper Moly (an der ASX) und Kanon (TSX) an.

We have reviewed our nickel supply-demand outlook and concluded the following:
• Extremely high and volatile nickel prices in the early part of this year ignited a significantly stronger-than-anticipated supply growth response, principally from higher-cost direct shipping laterite ore from the Philippines and New Caledonia (nickel pig iron). This source of new material has effectively closed the near-term structural supply imbalance in the nickel market, which, combined with a vicious stainless de-stocking cycle, has swung the market from a deficit to a relatively large projected net surplus of 25,000 tonnes this year. With lower nickel prices, nickel pig iron production growth has markedly slowed in recent months.
• However, despite the large expected surplus this year, we anticipate the nickel market to return close to balance in the next three years, driven by strong Chinese stainless growth and an end to the current global de-stocking cycle, which should largely offset ongoing supply additions. We now forecast relatively modest net deficits of 2,000 tonnes in 2008 (28,000 tonnes previously) and 6,000 tonnes in 2009 (17,000 tonnes previously), but a small net surplus of 8,000 tonnes in 2010. Swing capacity from high cost direct shipping ore will be extremely sensitive to nickel prices and is likely to balance the market.
• In the medium term (2011-2012), new production from several large scale Greenfield projects is likely to overhang the market. However, any further unanticipated development delay or production ramp up in even one or two of these projects could easily swing the market. And with nickel inventories anticipated to remain at reasonable levels, nickel prices are likely to remain robust and extremely sensitive to any supply side disruption. Lower prices should curb the growth of nickel pig iron.
• In the long term (2013 and beyond), the outlook for nickel remains extremely encouraging. The current slate of scheduled Greenfield developments should be absorbed by the market, as China’s insatiable appetite for nickel appears to have no immediate end in sight. From the supply side, we believe that escalating capital costs for new projects and their prohibitive absolute dollar costs, longer than anticipated production ramp-ups in Greenfield laterite projects, combined with industry consolidation leading to more rational supply decisions bode well for nickel prices.
Canaccord Adams is the global capital markets group of Canaccord Capital Inc. (CCI : TSX|AIM)
The recommendations and opinions expressed in this Investment Research accurately reflect the Investment Analyst’s personal,
independent and objective views about any and all the Designated Investments and Relevant Issuers discussed herein. For important
information, please see the Important Disclosures section in the appendix of this document.

Bezug zu Hard Creek Nickel
17mio der knapp 40mio MK Vangolds sind damit alleine ueber die Beryllium Beteiligung gedeckt, dasselbe Spielchen steht demnaechst mit Copper Moly (an der ASX) und Kanon (TSX) an.


Liest sich gut, schön recherchiert! :up:

will ja keiner, immer wieder derselbe Muell bei Hybrid-Werten aber irgendwann knallt's dann richtig

genauso bei TWD, da wird immer gemault, dass das Gold so tief liege, totaler Quatsch, knapp 1.500m SStrike liegen bis in hundert Meter, liest man den Artikel weiter unten, dann weiss man, dass das selbst bei 700 USD/Ounce Produktionskosten ein Vervierfacher sein MUSS!!! :haue:
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