• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
den Canadiern scheint das TWD - Vorhaben nochnicht so zu gefallen...........

Mit Ansage!!

Hard Creek Nickel Corporation

December 10, 2007

Trading Symbol: TSX.V-HNC

Preliminary Assessment for Turnagain Nickel Project
Shows Positive Economics with Potential 29 Year Mine Life

(VANCOUVER) - Hard Creek Nickel Corporation (TSX.V - HNC) today announced
that AMEC Americas Limited (AMEC) has completed a positive Preliminary
Assessment (the "Study") of the Company's 100% owned Turnagain Nickel
Project, located near Dease Lake in British Columbia, Canada. The Study
dated December 10, 2007 and entitled "Updated Preliminary Assessment of the
Turnagain Nickel Project", will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days and
available at the same time for viewing on the company's website

The Study is based on a measured, indicated and inferred mineral resource
estimate completed by AMEC. This estimate incorporates a revised and
expanded geological interpretation of the Horsetrail zone and peripheral
area which includes 19 drill holes from the 2007 drilling program. Timing
of the Study did not allow the resource estimate to include an additional 32
infill and stepout holes for a total of 11,933 metres (39,150 feet) drilled
in 2007. Samples from these drill holes have been prepared and are in the
process of being analyzed.

The Study initially considered nickel recovery by both the production of a
saleable concentrate and a hydrometallurgical process. Completion of the
study was based on the hydrometallurgical process option given its better
economic viability. Results presented below are for the open pit mining and
hydrometallurgical process scenario.

Base Case Assumptions Nickel Price US $ 7.50/lb
Cobalt Price US $11.00/lb
Copper Price US $ 1.40/lb
Exchange Rate (US$/CDN$) 0.95
Resources at 0.10% NiS Cut-Off Measured and Indicated 489 million tonnes @
0.163 % NiS and 0.012 % Co
Inferred 560 million tonnes @ 0.152 % NiS and 0.011 % Co
Mining & Production Strip Ratio 0.44:1
Annual Throughput 18 million tonnes
Daily Production Rate 50,000 tonnes
Overall Ore Milled 516.6 million tonnes @ 0.160 % NiS and 0.011% Co
Metallurgical Recoveries 73.6% Ni Overall Recovery
66.5% Co Overall Recovery
Average Annual Production 20,397 tonnes Ni in nickel hydroxide
1,301 tonnes Co in cobalt hydroxide
Capital Cost CDN$ 1.38 billion
Operating Cost CDN$ 9.43 per tonne milled
Life of Mine 29 years
Payback 6.4 years
Internal Rate of Return 12.2 %
Net Present Value 8 % discount CDN$ 422 million
10 % discount CDN$ 187 million
Key parameters and results:
* Note: "% NiS" refers to nickel percent that is present in sulfides.

"Management is pleased with the results of the Study," said Mark Jarvis,
President of Hard Creek Nickel. "Given recent escalating mine capital cost
projections we are encouraged to find out that even with these increases the
preliminary assessment came out positive with a mine life of 29 years.
AMEC's assessment indicates that the deposit is potentially mineable and has
identified that further work is justified. Hard Creek will be undertaking
additional work in all major areas to advance the project to the
pre-feasibility level. Confirmation and availability of the required power
for the project has also been identified by AMEC as critical. Hard Creek is
aggressively pursuing all possible options for providing sufficient power to
make the project feasible."

Hard Creek is waiting for analytical results from most of the 32 infill and
stepout holes around the Turnagain deposit from the 2007 drilling program
which were not included in the mineral resource estimate stated in the
Study. These results are expected to increase the overall resource and
upgrade the confidence level of a portion of the current inferred mineral
resource. Analytical results from our drilling program will be released as
they become available. An updated mineral resource estimate will be
provided once all of the results have been received.

Recent drilling results obtained since the closing date of the Study have
already indicated the potential to include platinum and palladium as a
portion of our overall Turnagain deposit resource (see news release dated
November 28, 2007). These results were obtained within the limits of the
ultimate pit identified in the Study. As previously stated, the potential to
include platinum and palladium as a portion of our overall resource could be
significant. Close spaced drilling will be required during the next drill
season to determine the significance and extent of this mineralization.

Turnagain Nickel Project Overview
The Turnagain Nickel project, which is 100% wholly-owned by Hard Creek, is
located in British Columbia about 1350 km (835 miles) northwest of Vancouver
and 70 km (44 miles) east of Dease Lake. The property consists of 81
contiguous mineral claims covering an area of approximately 29,370 ha
(72,570 acres). Nickel and copper sulfides were first identified on the
property in about 1956 with Falconbridge Nickel Mines completing the first
exploration programs during the period from 1966 to 1973. Exploration to
date on the Turnagain property has included geological mapping, geophysical
and geochemical surveys and more than 75,620 metres (248,100 feet) of
diamond drilling in 304 drill holes. The total includes an additional 56
drill holes (32 infill and stepout holes from the Turnagain deposit and 24
exploration holes) which were completed since the closing date of the Study.

Mineral Resources
The updated mineral resource estimate for the Turnagain deposit was
performed by Dr. Guillermo Pareja of AMEC under the guidance of Mr. Greg
Kulla, P.Geo. of AMEC. A significant improvement between this estimate and
previous estimates is the use of geologic domains in the model. Previous
models, which used grade shells and did not have the benefit of a lithologic
model, showed conditional bias and local excessive smoothing.

The table below presents the estimate of the resource of the Turnagain
Nickel deposit using a 0.10% NiS cut-off, as at September 25, 2007, of 489
million tonnes of Measured and Indicated Resources at 0.163% NiS and an
additional 560 million tonnes of inferred Resources at 0.152% NiS. A total
of 42,128 metres (138,215 feet) of diamond drilling in 158 drill holes were
used in interpolating grade in the resource area.

The mineral resources of the Turnagain deposit were classified in accordance
with CIM Definition Standards and Best Practices referred to in NI 43-101
which have a reasonable expectation of economic extraction. The
mineralization of the Project satisfies criteria to be classified into
Measured, Indicated and Inferred mineral resource categories.

Mineral Resource Estimate Table
Cut-off Grade
at 0.10% NiS Tonnage (thousands) % NiS % total Ni % Co
Measured 59,464 0.184 0.250 0.011
Indicated 429,688 0.160 0.218 0.012
Measured + Indicated 489,152 0.163 0.222 0.012
Inferred 560,052 0.152 0.204 0.011

The sulfide nickel and cobalt grades are based on an analytical procedure
employed by Acme Laboratories that consists of a concentrated hydrogen
peroxide plus ammonium acetate leaching solution that is believed to be
selective at dissolving nickel and cobalt from sulfide mineral species while
leaving the nickel and cobalt in silicates undissolved. As a precautionary
step all the sulfide nickel grades were assigned a value of zero if the
corresponding sulphur assay was less than 0.2% S. Sulphur assays were based
on Leco furnace method except for results obtained in 2006 which were ICP
analysis. This precaution may cause an underestimation of the nickel
resource and could be large enough to be a material impact. However, this
approach limits the possibility that an overestimation of the nickel
resource has occurred.

Mining and Processing
The mining assessment for the Turnagain nickel deposit is based on typical
industry standards for a preliminary assessment study with regard to the
nature and mineability of the resource. The Study initially considered
nickel recovery by both the production of a saleable concentrate and a
hydrometallurgical process. Completion of the Study was based on the
hydrometallurgical process option given its' better economic viability.

The proposed mining operation is a conventional shovel and truck open pit
mine feeding a 50,000 tonne per day process plant using standard mineral
flotation technology. Throughput analysis was not performed as part of the
Study. Mining and processing of the deposit will be initiated in a "starter
pit" which has been scheduled to maximize the production of high-grade
material during the first five years, to shorten the capital payback period.
Lower grade material from the starter pit will be stockpiled and fed to the
mill in the later years of operation. The pit will expand in phased
pushbacks until the ultimate pit limits are reached. The table below shows
the contained tonnes and grade in the ultimate pit shell. About 67% of the
mineral resource contained in the ultimate pit is in the Measured or
Indicated category.

Ultimate Pit Tonnes and Grade Table
Cut-off Grade
at 0.10% NiS Tonnage (thousands) % NiS % total Ni % Co
Measured 56,611 0.187 0.252 0.012
Indicated 290,871 0.164 0.222 0.010
Measured + Indicated 347,482 0.167 0.227 0.010
Inferred 169,941 0.145 0.199 0.010

Material for processing will be hauled to a primary crusher located near the
southwest rim of the Main Pit. The mine at the 50,000 tonne per day
throughput has a potential life of 29 years with approximately 516.6 million
tonnes at 0.160% NiS and 0.010% Co to the mill at an average stripping ratio
of 0.44:1. The construction schedule is estimated at 24 months.

Feed to the mill will be processed using a concentrator and
hydrometallurgical process facility on-site to produce separate nickel and
cobalt hydroxide products that will be trucked and shipped out of the
province through the Port of Stewart, for sale to ferronickel producers. In
addition, a separate copper concentrate will be produced which can be sold
to a copper smelter. Processing will be based on a conventional nickel
sulfide flotation flowsheet to produce a sulfide concentrate followed by a
hydrometallurgical process to convert nickel and cobalt from its sulfide
forms to a hydroxide form.

The overall metallurgical recoveries of metals have been estimated as

Overall Metallurgical Recoveries (%)
Metal Concentrator Hydromet Cumulative
Nickel 77.5 95 73.6
Cobalt 70 95 66.5
Copper 50 95 47.5

Metal in Saleable Product
Metal Average Annual Production Life of Mine Production
Nickel (in hydroxide) 20,397 tonnes (44.9 million lbs) 591,525 tonnes (1.304
billion lbs)
Cobalt (in hydroxide) 1,301 tonnes ( 2.8 million lbs) 37,734 tonnes
(0.083 billion lbs)
Copper (in sulfide) 2,281 tonnes ( 5.0 million lbs) 66,157 tonnes (0.145
billion lbs)

Saleable product would be paid for on the basis of 85% for nickel contained
in nickel hydroxide and 80% for cobalt hydroxide and copper in copper

Capital and Operating Costs
The initial capital cost of the project is estimated to be $CDN 1,381
million in 3rd Quarter, 2007 Canadian dollars. A contingency of $CDN 250
million has been included in this cost. The capital cost has been split in
the following manner:

Capital Cost Estimates
Type Area CDN $M
Direct Mining 116.3
Site Development 66.2
Main Process Facilities 390.9
Hydromet Plant & Reagent Services 106.0
Ancillary Buildings & Facilities 66.7
Tailings Facility 44.0
Utilities 2.2
Total Directs 792.3
Indirect Owner's Cost 79.2
Construction Indirects 64.7
Engineering Procurement & Construction Management 95.1
Construction Camp & Catering 32.4
Capital Spares 22.0
Freight 38.5
Start-up & Commissioning Allowance 6.5
Total Indirects 338.4
Contingency (~25%) 249.9
TOTAL Capital Cost Estimate 1,380.6

Sustaining capital for the project over 29 years is $CDN 173.5 million. Of
this $CDN 8.3 million is spent in Year 4 and $80.5 million is spent in Year
8 to add and replace equipment in the pit. The remainder is attributed to
the capital requirements of the process and tailings facilities.

The operating cost summary is shown in the following table:

Operating Cost Estimate
Area CDN $/tonne
General & Administration (G&A) G&A Labor 0.14
Direct 0.29
G&A Total 0.43
Mining Ore 1.40
Processing Process Labour 0.59
Consumables 5.59
Power 1.37
Miscellaneous 0.06
Process Total 7.60
TOTAL (CDN $/tonne milled) 9.43

Financial Analysis
At a price of $7.50 US/lb of nickel, $11.00 US/lb of cobalt, and $1.40 US/lb
of copper, an exchange rate of 0.95 US$/CDN$ and a discount rate of 10.0%,
the resulting net present value (NPV) is $186.9 million Canadian. The
project with these assumptions has a rate of return of 12.2%. Other cases
based on various ranges of metal price are presented as follows:

Pre-tax Net Present Value - Various Cases
Area Case 1 Case 2 Base Case 4 Case 5 Present
Commodity (US$/lb) Nickel 6.00 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.00 12.00
Cobalt 8.80 9.90 11.00 12.10 13.20 34.00
Copper 1.12 1.26 1.40 1.54 1.68 3.15
IRR % 4.8 5.0 12.2 15.3 18.3 31.8
NPV (CDN $M) Cum. Net Cash Flow 889 1,859 2,828 3,797 4,767 9,905
5.0% Discount -22 466 954 1,443 1,931 4,484
8.0% Discount -279 72 422 773 1,123 2,945
10.0% Discount -390 -102 187 476 764 2,258
12.0% Discount -471 -229 13 255 497 1,745
15.0% Discount -553 -362 -172 19 210 1,191
Payback (yrs) 13.2 8.0 6.4 5.3 4.5 2.6

AMEC indicated in the Study that the deposit is potentially mineable and
that further work is justified. It was recommended that work in all major
areas be undertaken to advance the project to the pre-feasibility level to
better determine the economic viability of the project. This work includes
drilling to better define the resources and upgrade these into reserves.
More metallurgical work is necessary to ensure that saleable metal products
can be produced. More environmental and geotechnical work is necessary to
allow the project to move forward. The pre-feasibility study would examine
variants to derive the appropriate path to the development of this deposit.
Confirmation and availability of the required power from the North American
grid is critical to this project.

Qualified Persons
The Qualified persons responsible for the preparation of the Study on the
preliminary assessment are:
. Mr. Greg Kulla, P.Geo. Principal Geologist, AMEC Vancouver office
. Mr. Gerrit Vos, P.Eng. Principal Mining Engineer, AMEC Vancouver office
. Mr. Ignacy (Tony) Lipiec, P.Eng. Senior Process Engineer, AMEC Vancouver

This Preliminary Assessment includes the use of inferred mineral resources
that are considered too speculative geologically to have economic
considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as
mineral reserves. The study is preliminary in nature and there is no
assurance the mining, metal production, or cash flow scenarios outlined in
this report would ever be realized. Mineral resources are not mineral
reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.

This press release uses the terms "measured" "indicated" and "inferred"
resources. We advise U.S. investors that while those terms are recognized
and required by Canadian regulations, the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission does not recognize them. U.S. investors are cautioned not to
assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in these categories would
ever be converted to reserves.

This press release contains "forward looking statements". Such
forward-looking statements involve a number of known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results,
performance or achievements of the company's plans to materially differ from
any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements. Known risks include, but are not limited to,
financing risks, commodity price risks, scheduling risks and engineering
risks. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these
forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statements
were made, and readers are advised to consider such forward-looking
statements in light of the risks set forth in the company's continuous
disclosure filings as found at www.sedar.com.

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Neil Froc, P. Eng, a
Qualified Person consistent with NI 43-101.

"Mark Jarvis"

MARK JARVIS, President

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or
adequacy of this news release.

1060 - 1090 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 3V7
T: 604-681-2300 F: 604-681-2310
E: info@hardcreek.com W: http://www.hardcreeknickel.com
:up: saubere Arbeit Dukezero!

:juchu: TGP-tournigan scheint jetzt doch zum Rebound anzusetzen

SPM - Scorpio gestern auch sehr gut gegangen + ein paar nette Crösschen
OSK - erholt auch auch endlich

so langsam scheint die Sonne wieder zu scheinen in der Explorerwelt............ :)
Das was wir alle ja hier eigentlich vermitteln wollen ist ja etwas anderes:
`Man sollte sich immer auf die eigene Recherche verlassen´.
Ich wolte noch was dranhängen an den Satz, aber meine Anmerkungen über (Pseudo) Analysten schenck ich mir! :beer: :friends:

Wie schon im Sommer gesagt:´Geld sucht noch immer Anlage,- und das wird noch anhalten.`
In meinem Depot sind einige Werte fett im Plus.
:up: saubere Arbeit Dukezero!

so langsam scheint die Sonne wieder zu scheinen in der Explorerwelt............ :)

Yo, allerdings hoffe ich, dass dies erst das anfängliche Schimmern des Sonnenaufgangs war - die Kursrückgänge waren doch beträchtlich und da dauerts noch eine Weile (großteils) bis wir wieder die Stände von vor gut einem Monat sehen!

- es ist explorerstarke Zeit (Dezember)
- die Rohstoffpreise sind derzeit wieder bullisch
- tax-selling-season ist vorbei
und v.a. MEIN sentiment ist bullisch :punk:
Die Dellen, und die Verwerfungen kamen ja durch die ABCP Hysterie, diese hat auch beim Tax Loss Selling
noch ihre Schatten geworfen. Fundamental ist alles beim alten,- und das ist entscheidend!
Ich sagte ja schon antizyklisch kaufen.
Dec 11, 2007 07:00 ET
Rochester Orders Additional Ball Mill to Substantially Increase Mill Production :)
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 11, 2007) - Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:RCT)(OTCBB:RCTFF)(FRANKFURT:R5I): Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO, is pleased to announce the Company has ordered a larger capacity 10 ft x 10 ft Allis Chalmers ball mill as well as a Symons 4 1/4 standard secondary crusher to increase the throughput tonnage to 300-350 tpd level for its milling facility. This new equipment is scheduled to arrive on site in January 2008. Foundations for the mill and power supply should be ready in February and the Company is expecting to have this equipment operational by April 2008.

The addition of the ball mill and secondary crusher will significantly increase our throughput tonnage by more than 33%. As previously reported September processed tonnage through the mill averaged 199.5 tonnes per day. In October processed tonnage through the mill averaged 198.0 tonnes per day. Regular monthly shipments of gold and silver precipitate have surpassed the $1-million (U.S.) mark for the first time and continue to show increases in production value on a month-to-month basis. We anticipate in April, 2008 to be operating at a significant increase in daily throughput while at the same time feeding higher grade ore through the system with silver recoveries increasing from today's 40%-50% to approximately 85%-90%. Based on current spot market prices, implementing these upgrades simultaneously should increase our monthly cash flows significantly.
Dec 11, 2007 08:30 ET
East Asia Minerals Confirms Additional Gold Zones and Commences Drilling at Abong Project
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 11, 2007) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that it has defined additional surface, epithermal gold drill targets in the 3 x 1.5 kilometre Abong Area of the Barisan Property in Aceh Province, North Sumatra, Indonesia. These include trench results of 12.11 g/t gold over 8.0 metres at the Bintang Prospect, and 4.75 g/t gold over 16.0 metres at the Fikri Prospect.

At the Bintang Prospect, trench sampling by the Company over an area of approximately 350 x 250 metres encountered several significant intervals of gold mineralization. Complete results are highlighted below, and a surface map of the Bintang Prospect can be viewed at the Company's website (www.EAminerals.com). Gold at the Bintang Prospect was outlined by previous senior explorers in a surface exposed breccia zone within sediments, covering an area of approximately 750 x 450 metres. Within this was outlined an area of approximately 400 x 100 metres grading greater than 5 g/t gold, located immediately northwest of the area sampled by East Asia Minerals. The Bintang Prospect has received very limited historic drilling.

In addition, the Bintang Prospect lies to the northwest of a related and larger flat lying, surface exposed gold bearing Jasperoid Zone. The Jasperoid Zone was drilled by two major mining companies in the mid 1990's, at which time a total of 28 drill holes ranging from 20 to 120 metres deep were completed. A speculative non-43-101 compliant resource of 40 and 60 million tonnes grading 1.0 to 1.5 g/t gold, for a total of approximately 1.5 million ounces of gold, was estimated by these companies on the basis of their drilling, surface sampling, mapping and geophysical modeling. The mineralization occurs largely as free gold at both Prospects and appears to be leachable.

At the Fikri Prospect, located 600 metres southeast of the Bintang Prospect and northwest of the Jasperoid Zone, the Company is also very encouraged to have encountered another surface exposed epithermal zone open for drill testing. The Fikri mineralization is along structures and in collapsed breccias developed along the main Abong Area corridor in the limestone. These breccias are cut by late vuggy quartz-sulphide +/- gold veins. Complete results are highlighted below, and a surface map of the Fikri Prospect can be viewed at the Company's website.

Previous exploration at the Jasperoid Zone, and the Bintang and Fikri Prospects was terminated on non-technical grounds, leaving much of the mineralization open in several directions. Plans are to commence drilling in December at the Jasperoid Zone where East Asia mapping and sampling returned an average of 1.24 g/t gold, with a high of 47.7 g/t gold, from 420 channel samples of generally 1 metre length. This will follow with initial phase drilling of the Bintang and Fikri Prospects. For more details refer to the October 30, 2007 news release.

To date, exploration in the Abong Area has been largely confined to the Jasperoid Zone, and Bintang and Fikri Prospects. Elsewhere in this low sulphidation epithermal gold corridor, numerous coherent anomalies have been defined by previous explorers and are currently being developed for drill targeting by the Company.

"We are greatly encouraged to have advanced another Property with substantial gold potential to drill stage, after recently proving similar potential at the Sangihe Property where drilling is encountering strong gold results," stated Michael Hawkins, President and CEO of EAS. "Having quickly developed additional gold plays for drill testing is further evidence of the advanced state of the gold and copper assets we acquired to grow the Company. These premier assets reflect the under-tested potential of Indonesia, which hosts amongst others the world class Grasberg and Batu Hijau Mines of Freeport McMoran and Newmont. With the region experiencing increasing competition, including drilling near our holdings, our early entry into Aceh Province has us extremely well placed for success as we develop more epithermal and porphyry drill targets."

Bintang Trenching Highlights
-----------------------------Length (metres) Gold (g/t)-----------------------------8.0 12.11-----------------------------(i)17.0 5.84-----------------------------(i)17.0 3.13-----------------------------22.0 1.93-----------------------------14.0 1.76-----------------------------(i)79.0 1.44-----------------------------(i)4.0 3.97-----------------------------18.0 1.33-----------------------------76.0 1.23-----------------------------30.0 1.0-----------------------------20.0 0.60-----------------------------50.0 0.51-----------------------------34.0 0.17-----------------------------(i)announced October 30, 2007
Fikri Trenching Highlights
-----------------------------Length (metres) Gold (g/t)-----------------------------16.0 4.75-----------------------------36.0 0.60-----------------------------66.0 0.56-----------------------------26.0 0.56-----------------------------

Samples reported were assayed at Intertek Laboratories in Jakarta. Lionel Martin, P.Geo, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101 has reviewed and approves the content of this release. EAS has not verified the classification of the historic resource reference and is not treating it as a NI 43-101 defined resource verified by a QP. Although the historical reference is relevant to recognizing the potential of the Abong Area, it should not be relied upon.

About East Asia Minerals Corporation

East Asia Minerals is an Asian-based, Canadian mineral exploration company with uranium, gold and copper assets in Mongolia and Indonesia. The Company owns the Ingiin-Nars, Ulaan Nuur and Enger uranium properties and a 75% interest in the Khok Adar copper oxide discovery in Mongolia. In Indonesia, it has a 70 to 85% interest in five advanced gold and gold-copper projects located in Aceh Province in Sumatra and North Sulawesi. East Asia currently has 55,185,372 shares outstanding. Its shares are listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "EAS".

Da möchte ich aber erst einen Aufwärtstrend sehen!
Chinas Goldminen in sechs Jahren leer?

Peking - Wie die chinesische Minengesellschaft Zijin Mining Group Co. heute mitteilte, müsse China verstärkt Vorkommen im Ausland erwerben, da die bestehenden Minen in rund sechs Jahren leer sein dürften.
China produziert rund 200 Tonnen Gold im Jahr aus Minen, die nur Gold enthalten. Aufgrund des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums und dem damit einhergehenden steigenden Wohlstand, wächst die Nachfrage nach Gold in China kräftig.
Der World Gold Council hat mit dem Unternehmen Nanostellar eine Vereinbarung über die Entwicklung eines Diesel-Katalysators getroffen, bei dem vorrangig Gold anstatt Platin, Rhodium und Palladium als katalytisch aktives Edelmetall verwendet wird. Dies könnte der industriellen Nachfrage nach Gold in den kommenden Jahren einen kräftigen Schub geben, und im gegenzug Absatzeinbrüche für die Platinproduzenten darstellen. Nanostellar wurde vor kurzem durch das Weltwirtschaftsforum (World Economic Forum) zum Technologie-Pionier 2008 ausgezeichnet. Die Marktreife dieses neuartigen Katalysators würde es der Automobilindustrie ermöglichen, schädliche Emissionen bei Dieselmotoren im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Katalysatoren um bis zu 40% zu reduzieren. Die industrielle Nachfrage nach Gold betrug im Jahr 2006 458 Tonnen oder 16,1 Millionen Unzen. Laut Johnson Matthey werden im Jahr 2007 voraussichtlich 119 Tonnen oder 4,24 Millionen Unzen Platin zur Katalysatorproduktion verwendet, bei durchschnittspreisen von 1.400-1.450 USD, dies entspricht einem Umsatz von ungefähr 6 Milliarden USD. Der Einsatz von Gold könnte zusätzlich zu den reduzierten Emissionen einen weiteren positiven Effekt für die Automobilhersteller haben: die Unze Gold ist ungefähr halb so teuer wie die Unze Platin.
betrifft das nu auch TWD? und wenn ja wie? mann könnte doch annehmen das auch TWD dann auf deutlich mehr sitzt :gruebel: nehmen wir ja sowieso an........... :kichern:

:eek: Detour Gold boosts resource at Detour Lake

2007-12-11 17:05 ET - News Release

Also News Release (C-PLG) Pelangio Mines Inc

Mr. Gerald Panneton of Detour reports


Detour Gold Corp. has received an updated National Instrument 43-101-compliant mineral resource estimate for its Detour Lake project in Northern Ontario.

Since its December, 2006, mineral resource estimate, approximately 50,000 metres of diamond drilling (phase I) were completed in the first half of 2007 and have resulted in a 243-per-cent increase in measured and indicated gold resources from 1.4 million ounces to 4.8 million ounces while inferred resources have increased 50 per cent from two million ounces to three million ounces.

Based on a gold price of $575 (U.S.) per ounce (equivalent to a cut-off grade of 0.64 gram per tonne gold), the open pit resources are shown in a table of open pit resources.


Grade capped Gold ounces
Resource Tonnes at 20 g/t Au (capped)
category (millions) (g/t Au) (000s)

Measured 19.7 1.93 1,221
Indicated 70.2 1.60 3,610
Total (M&I) 89.9 1.67 4,831
Inferred 63.3 1.49 3,025

The mineral resource increase is largely due to:

49,322 metres of diamond drilling in the West pit and Gap zone areas of the deposit;
Discovery of additional mineralized zones in the hangingwall, north of the known 200-metre-wide corridor;
Addition of previously known mineralization that was not mined by Placer Dome into the new pit shell (below the previous 2006 $450 (U.S.) pit shells);
Gold price increase from $450 (U.S.) to $575 (U.S.) per ounce.

The Detour Lake deposit has been traced over a strike length of 2.5 kilometres along the east-west Sunday Lake deformation zone. Excellent potential for additional mineralization exists along strike (west of the Calcite zone and east of the West pit) over a total distance of 10 kilometres on Detour Gold's property. The mineralized system is also open to the north, in the hangingwall outside of the 200-metre-wide corridor.

"This is a much larger mineralized system than initially anticipated when we acquired the project in August, 2006," said Gerald Panneton, president and chief executive officer of Detour Gold. "We are confident that we will continue to expand the resource base and further demonstrate the significant potential of the Detour Lake project as we release results from our ongoing phase II drilling campaign of 70,000 metres. We are moving forward with our feasibility study work which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2008."

The mineral resource estimate using different cut-off grades, based on gold prices of $450 (U.S.), $575 (U.S.) (base case) and $700 (U.S.) per ounce is shown in the table of the detailed resource estimate.


Measured Indicated
category category
Gold Cut-off
price/oz grade Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade
US$ (g/t Au) (millions) (g/t Au) (millions) (g/t Au)

$450 0.81 13.2 2.19 45.5 1.80
$575 0.64 19.7 1.93 70.2 1.60
$700 0.52 26.7 1.74 96.8 1.44

Measured and Indicated Inferred
categories category
Gold Cut-off Gold Gold
price/oz grade Tonnes Grade ounces Tonnes Grade ounces
US$ (g/t Au) (millions) (g/t Au) (000s) (millions) (g/t Au) (000s)

$450 0.81 58.7 1.89 3,563 38.9 1.70 2,127
$575 0.64 89.9 1.67 4,831 63.3 1.49 3,025
$700 0.52 123.4 1.51 5,978 93.5 1.33 3,997

Mineral resource estimate method

The mineral resource estimate is based on the concept of a large-scale open pit operating at a rate of approximately 20,000 tonnes per day. All mineral resources are contained within a Lerchs Grossman optimized pit shell using mine cost parameters (see below) to generate a preliminary in-pit mineral resource that Detour Gold believes can be economically extracted. Pit walls are projected at 50 degrees. Current projection of the strip ratio is 6.1 to 1, based on the cut-off grade of 0.64 g/t gold. The mineral resources within the pit are estimated assuming a minimum five-metre mining width. Gold assays are capped at 20 g/t.

Assumed costs to establish the cut-off grade, based on a gold price of $575 (U.S.) per ounce, are $8.25 per tonne for milling, $1.75 per tonne for ore mining, $1.50 per tonne for waste mining and $2 per tonne for general and administration (G&A), with mill recoveries of 91 per cent. All the projected cost and recovery figures should be considered preliminary and subject to a high degree of risk.

Additional information:

The database used for the current mineral resource estimate comprised a total of 533,721 metres of drilling (4,911 holes) obtained from surface and underground historical drilling and from approximately 49,322 metres of drilling (134 holes) completed and assayed by Detour Gold as of the end of October, 2007 (phase I).
Raw assays were capped at 20 g/t Au, prior to one-metre downhole compositing.
Inverse distance, power of 3 (ID3) was used for the mineral resource estimate with a block size of five by five by five metres.
Measured (zero to 7.5 m search ellipse distance) and indicated (7.5 to 20 m distance) categories required a minimum of three holes to establish continuity. The remaining estimates (from 20 to 40 m maximum distance) were classified as inferred.
The December, 2006, near-surface mineral resource estimate contained 1.4 million ounces of gold in the indicated category (20 million tonnes grading 2.14 g/t) and two million ounces of gold in the inferred category (35.4 million tonnes grading 1.8 g/t), using a $450 (U.S.) per ounce gold price and a cut-off grade of 0.85 g/t gold. It was contained within two Lerchs Grossman open pit designs (West pit and Calcite zone), located in the area of the former Detour Lake mine, which produced 1.8 million ounces of gold from 1983 to 1999.


Release of phase II drill results over the next six months;
Next mineral resource update in mid-2008;
Completion of feasibility study by end of 2008.

Conference call

The management will host a conference call and live webcast for analysts and investors on Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007, at 10 a.m. ET (7 a.m. PT) to discuss the mineral resource update. You may access the call by calling the operator at 416-849-9626 or toll-free access at 1-866-585-6398 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

The call is being webcast and can be accessed at Detour Gold's website.

Those who wish to listen to a recording of the conference call at a later time may do so by calling 416-915-1035 or 1-866-245-6755 (passcode 933242 followed by the number sign). The instant replay archive will be available until 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, 2007.

We seek Safe Harbor.
Hidden Value Speku Pelangio ein Volltreffer!
Genau wie andere Top-Picks hier von Greenhorn und Dukezero

Ich wuerde mal sagen im mittelfrist-Rohstoffbereich setzt peketec durchaus Massstaebe!

Ich habe mir die Studie genau angeschaut. Die rechnen sehr konservativ mit 7,5$ für Nickel. Beim aktuellen Nickelpreis von 12$ kommen beim NPV tolle Werte(über 3Mrd Euro bei 5% Diskont) raus und bei 20$ würden sie astronomisch! Akt. Marktkap. unter 50Mio. Euro!

Ganz klares Hochrisikopapier, aber die Chance auf eine Kapitalvervielfachung ist wirklich da.

Mal ausWO übernommen,- zu Hard Creek Nickel.
EAS hat ja gestern nen netten Sprung gemacht...... :)

habt Ihr gestern die News zu MincoSilver gelesen?
war eigentlich bereit MincoGold zu longen, da die wohl noch 45% an Minco Silver halten und nur mit einem Bruchteil dessen bewertet sind (Story sieht ähnlich wie PLG-DGC aus)
nun hat Minco Silver kaum reagiert und das ganze spielt in China........
seht ihr da Riskien die bremsen?
ansonsten würde ich MincoGold mal auf die WL nehmen wollen......... :gruebel:
Zwei weitere top Favoriten meiner Meinung nach:

-M9R- Mantle Resources

Partner und Big Player Lundin Mining kauft sich sukzessive mehr in das Unternehmen ein. Mit dem Akie Projekt hat man eine top Liegenschaft mit durchweg guten bis sehr guten Zink-Gehalten.
Mittel- bis langfristig für mich ein Selbstläufer denn entweder wird man in Kooperation mit Lundin eine Mine starten oder Lundin übernimmt nach ausreichender Exploration das Unternehmen direkt.

-LR8- Largo Resources

Mit Northern Dancer und Maracas für mich 2 weltklasse Projekte im Portfolio. Mit Moly, Tungsten, Platin und Vanadium etc. starkes Rohstoffportfolio. Platinpreis steigt fast kontinuierlich. Molybdän sollte auch die nächsten Jahre stabil in hohen Preisregionen verbleiben.
Die Entwicklung der Projekte läuft meiner Meinung nach glänzend und wie die letzte Studie zeigte kann Largo trotz konservativer Planung mit hohen Einnahmen und Cash Flow aus den Projekten rechnen.
Auf dem aktuellen Niveau für mich mittel- bis langfristig ein klarer Kauf!


Die Bohrungen für die Platinzone und der grosse Rest kommen im Februar.

Langfristchart Hard Creek Nickel aus WO.
Searchgold, Western Prospector,Fieldex,TWD,Silver Eagle Mines noch schwach!!
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