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Rohstoffe-Go - Shanghai 05.12.07 (<a href="";><;/a>)

Die Kupfer-Futures konnten heute in Shanghai zulegen, nachdem die Barclays Plc für das kommende Jahr Rekordpreise prognostiziert hatte. Grund dafür seien zurückgehende Lieferung und die weiter steigende Nachfrage in Asien, so Barclays.

Barclays erwartet, dass der Preis im nächsten Jahr auf 8.800 USD je Tonne klettern wird um durchschnittlich bei 7.800 USD je Tonne liegen wird. In London lag der Durchschnittspreis für Kupfer in diesem Jahr bei 7.131 USD je Tonne.

Der Februar-Kontrakt stieg heute um 2,6 % auf 57.500 Yuan (7.784 USD) je Tonne.
Aquila Resources Inc.: Drilling at Back Forty Continues to Yield High Grade Gold and Zinc Intercepts
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Dec 05, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX: AQA)(FRANKFURT: JM4A)("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced additional results from infill drilling on the Hinge Zone and step out drilling on the South Limb massive sulfide zones.

Highlights include:

- 7.5 meters of 6.09 g/t gold and 82.35 g/t silver in LK-207

- 6.0 meters of 20% zinc and 3.5 meters of 9.3 g/t gold and 324 g/t silver in LK-195

- 9.0 meters of 14.13% zinc in LK-186

- 6.6 meters of 8.07% zinc and 11.5 meters 2.6 g/t gold in LK-197

- 24.0 meters of 8.31% zinc and 1.6 g/t gold in LK-190

Significant intercepts from this drilling are summarized below.
All Intervals
in Meters Est. g/T g/T % % %
---------------------- True ----------------------------
Hole # From To Width Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Description
LK-184 256.5 261.0 4.5 1.59 40.22 0.26 0.16 2.97 Siliceous
crystal tuff
including 256.5 257.5 1.0 0.35 45.52 0.17 0.28 12.50 Massive
South Limb
LK-186 156.0 166.7 10.7 0.28 10.61 0.10 0.12 5.99 Hinge massive
221.0 235.5 9.0 0.66 13.04 0.26 0.18 14.13 South Limb
253.5 256.5 3.0 4.44 73.87 0.12 1.52 0.38 Siliceous
(i) rhyolite
crystal tuff
282.5 311.0 28.5 0.72 4.81 0.04 0.25 5.21 Sulfide
(i) stringer
LK-190 144.4 174.6 24.0 1.60 15.83 0.17 0.10 8.31 Hinge massive
LK-192 173.3 174.0 0.7 0.80 13.10 0.18 0.04 15.60 Hinge zone
178.2 181.3 2.5 3.67 19.10 0.56 0.08 0.05 Hinge zone
220.0 244.0 24.0 0.40 4.16 0.33 0.01 0.02 Sulfide
(i) stringer
LK-193 No significant values
LK-195 159.5 162 2.5 9.7 89.3 0.06 0.56 0.48 Quartz
(i) feldspar
169.9 173.43 3.53 9.3 324.7 0.11 2.84 0.33 Porphyry
(i) margin
180.22 190.23 6.0 0.80 11.8 0.16 0.05 20.02 South Limb
LK-197 143.28 151.46 6.6 1.6 20.9 0.38 0.06 8.07 Hinge zone
151.46 165.83 11.5 2.6 23.1 0.53 0.05 0.15 Hinge zone
ing 151.46 159 6.0 3.6 24.3 0.73 0.05 0.23
LK-201 148.5 151.0 2.5 7.05 91.76 0.11 1.19 0.10 Rhyolite
(i) crystal tuff
153.0 162.1 9.2 0.89 24.09 0.24 0.56 9.43 Hinge zone
LK-207 135.6 148.0 7.5 6.09 82.35 0.11 0.64 3.33 South Limb
including 135.6 141.9 3.8 9.03 149.78 0.11 1.17 5.31
(i) True width not estimated

Drill hole LK-207 represents a significant expansion the South Limb massive sulfide and for the first time a possible fold closure with the Hinge zone. Drilled in a gap in previous testing along the axis of the central fold, LK-207 intersected the South Limb 50 meters up-dip from previous intercepts.

LK-184 was a test of the western deep extension of the South Limb. The narrow, but rich, intercept (12.5% zinc) is considered an encouraging near miss of the South Limb since the thickness of massive sulfides at Back Forty can change greatly over short distances.

The remaining drill holes are important in-fill intercepts on the Hinge and South Limb zones drilled on sections with relatively little information compared to other sections. These holes verify the robustness of the two massive sulfide zones.

Three drills are currently targeting more South Limb expansion as well as the 90 Gold Zone where step out holes continue to encounter altered, silicified sediments characteristic of this near surface, gold mineralized zone. Ongoing drilling will focus on delineation of this and other near surface gold mineralization as well as definition of expanded massive sulfide zones with the goal of adequate definition for inclusion in an updated resource calculation.

Metallurgical testwork is progressing and preliminary mine modeling for near surface portions of the existing resource is underway, as are environmental studies in the potential development area.

An up to date plan map of completed and pending holes is available on the company's website at

Sample preparation and analyses for this release were conducted by Accurassay Labs in Thunder Bay, Ontario on split drill core supplied by Aquila. Standards were inserted in the sample sequences with check assays and re-run's routinely conducted. Tom Quigley, P.Geo., and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.
Was haltet Ihr von der RSR Empfehlung -OVX- , Ovoca Gold ?

PSR + RSR scheinen ja schön zu trommeln.....

Hat jemand nähere Infos bzw. welche Aussagen kamen von RSR? Thx...

schaut euch mal die umsätze bei globex an kommt da irgendwas das gleiche war die letzten tage
bei crowflieght zu beobachten auf xetra ein kauf von 45k ???!!!! :scratch:

KOC :lol:
ich kaufe JETZT im Dez MASSIV meiner Meinung nach zu Unrecht abgestrafte Explorer?Junior-Produzenten ein, die werden wir im Fruehjahr imho DEUTLICH hoeher sehen!


Momentan verkaufen ettliche Instis, Hedge und normale Fonds auf Teufel komm raus entweder

a) fuer Tax-Loss Selling

b) die billig eingesackten Shares aus den KEs

c) sie hedgen ihre Warrants

d) oder sie verschleudern die Aktien um ueberhaupt an Liquiditaet ranzukommen

Der Explorerboom, wie wir ihn hier in D durch die unserioesen BB erlebt haben wird in dieser Form wahrscheinlich vorbei sein, aber das aendert langfristig nichts an dne hervorragenden Aussiichten auf die naechsten 5-6 Jahre fuer die Top-Werte

Ergänzend ist noch zu sagen, das untersteuerlicher Betrachtung in Canada bis Mitte Dez. die Bücher
bei Fonds und Insties geschlossen werden.
Das erklärt den spärlichen Newsflow im Moment und den moderaten Abverkauf bzw. Anstieg bei Top News wie Aquila.Die gehen vorher short und verkaufen dann bei einer guten News in den Anstieg hinein.
Bei Globex gab es in der tat gestern in Canada auffälliges Volumen, der Kurs wurde abgefangen.
Da kommt was!!! :evil:
Jetzt mal im Ernst: das sind für mich absolute top News!

Klingt evnt. übertrieben aber man sollte mal diese Werte mit den Werten von anderen Explorern vergleichen. Aquila hatte bei der deutlichen Mehrzahl der Drills top Werte und fiel wie ein Stein im Kurs.
Habe mir nochmal nen Überblick über den Newsflow verschafft und kann nur den Kopf schütteln.

Soweit ich weiß warten die glaub auch noch auf ne Genehmigung die wohl für Unsicherheit sorgt bzw. sieht der Zinkpreis nicht mehr so stark aus aber dennoch ist der aktuelle Kurs meiner Meinung nach mehr als grotesk! Werde hier mit ner 1. Posi LONG gehen!

Mein anderer Zinkfavorit Mantle Resources, -M9R- konnte sich etwas besser halten und bewegt sich im Bereich der 0,65 - 0,70 Euro. Hier kauft sich Partner Lundin Mining sukzessive mehr ins Unternehmen ein. Für mich langfristig ein Selbstläufer der entweder mit Partner Lundin und dem Akie-Projekt in Produktion geht oder kurz davor von Lundin Mining ganz übernommen wird wovon ich eher ausgehe.

Aquila Resources Inc.: Drilling at Back Forty Continues to Yield High Grade Gold and Zinc Intercepts
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Dec 05, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX: AQA)(FRANKFURT: JM4A)("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced additional results from infill drilling on the Hinge Zone and step out drilling on the South Limb massive sulfide zones.

Highlights include:

- 7.5 meters of 6.09 g/t gold and 82.35 g/t silver in LK-207

- 6.0 meters of 20% zinc and 3.5 meters of 9.3 g/t gold and 324 g/t silver in LK-195

- 9.0 meters of 14.13% zinc in LK-186

- 6.6 meters of 8.07% zinc and 11.5 meters 2.6 g/t gold in LK-197

- 24.0 meters of 8.31% zinc and 1.6 g/t gold in LK-190

Significant intercepts from this drilling are summarized below.
All Intervals
in Meters Est. g/T g/T % % %
---------------------- True ----------------------------
Hole # From To Width Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Description
LK-184 256.5 261.0 4.5 1.59 40.22 0.26 0.16 2.97 Siliceous
crystal tuff
including 256.5 257.5 1.0 0.35 45.52 0.17 0.28 12.50 Massive
South Limb
LK-186 156.0 166.7 10.7 0.28 10.61 0.10 0.12 5.99 Hinge massive
221.0 235.5 9.0 0.66 13.04 0.26 0.18 14.13 South Limb
253.5 256.5 3.0 4.44 73.87 0.12 1.52 0.38 Siliceous
(i) rhyolite
crystal tuff
282.5 311.0 28.5 0.72 4.81 0.04 0.25 5.21 Sulfide
(i) stringer
LK-190 144.4 174.6 24.0 1.60 15.83 0.17 0.10 8.31 Hinge massive
LK-192 173.3 174.0 0.7 0.80 13.10 0.18 0.04 15.60 Hinge zone
178.2 181.3 2.5 3.67 19.10 0.56 0.08 0.05 Hinge zone
220.0 244.0 24.0 0.40 4.16 0.33 0.01 0.02 Sulfide
(i) stringer
LK-193 No significant values
LK-195 159.5 162 2.5 9.7 89.3 0.06 0.56 0.48 Quartz
(i) feldspar
169.9 173.43 3.53 9.3 324.7 0.11 2.84 0.33 Porphyry
(i) margin
180.22 190.23 6.0 0.80 11.8 0.16 0.05 20.02 South Limb
LK-197 143.28 151.46 6.6 1.6 20.9 0.38 0.06 8.07 Hinge zone
151.46 165.83 11.5 2.6 23.1 0.53 0.05 0.15 Hinge zone
ing 151.46 159 6.0 3.6 24.3 0.73 0.05 0.23
LK-201 148.5 151.0 2.5 7.05 91.76 0.11 1.19 0.10 Rhyolite
(i) crystal tuff
153.0 162.1 9.2 0.89 24.09 0.24 0.56 9.43 Hinge zone
LK-207 135.6 148.0 7.5 6.09 82.35 0.11 0.64 3.33 South Limb
including 135.6 141.9 3.8 9.03 149.78 0.11 1.17 5.31
(i) True width not estimated

Drill hole LK-207 represents a significant expansion the South Limb massive sulfide and for the first time a possible fold closure with the Hinge zone. Drilled in a gap in previous testing along the axis of the central fold, LK-207 intersected the South Limb 50 meters up-dip from previous intercepts.

LK-184 was a test of the western deep extension of the South Limb. The narrow, but rich, intercept (12.5% zinc) is considered an encouraging near miss of the South Limb since the thickness of massive sulfides at Back Forty can change greatly over short distances.

The remaining drill holes are important in-fill intercepts on the Hinge and South Limb zones drilled on sections with relatively little information compared to other sections. These holes verify the robustness of the two massive sulfide zones.

Three drills are currently targeting more South Limb expansion as well as the 90 Gold Zone where step out holes continue to encounter altered, silicified sediments characteristic of this near surface, gold mineralized zone. Ongoing drilling will focus on delineation of this and other near surface gold mineralization as well as definition of expanded massive sulfide zones with the goal of adequate definition for inclusion in an updated resource calculation.

Metallurgical testwork is progressing and preliminary mine modeling for near surface portions of the existing resource is underway, as are environmental studies in the potential development area.

An up to date plan map of completed and pending holes is available on the company's website at

Sample preparation and analyses for this release were conducted by Accurassay Labs in Thunder Bay, Ontario on split drill core supplied by Aquila. Standards were inserted in the sample sequences with check assays and re-run's routinely conducted. Tom Quigley, P.Geo., and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.
Kupfermarkt zeigt Anzeichen der Erholung (05.12.07) - Einige Analysten sehen Anzeichen einer Belebung der physischen Nachfrage auf dem Kupfermarkt. In letzter Zeit waren die Lagerbestände deutlich angestiegen und der Preis daher unter Druck geraten. Die Trendwende könnte allerdings bevorstehen: In den LME-Lagerhäusern werden mehr und mehr Warrants annuliert.

Die rapide ansteigenden Lagerbestände hatten einige Marktbeobachter befürchten lassen, dass China an Stelle neuer Käufe seine Vorräte aufbrauchen könnte. Auch die Sorge wegen der US-Immobilienkrise drückten laut dem Nachrichtendienst "Dow Jones" auf den Preis des roten Metalls. Nun sähen Analysten jedoch einen Gezeitenwechsel nahen.

So berichtet Catherine Virga von CPM Group dem Naxchrichtendienst von einer Belebung der physischen Nachfrage. Die Zahl der annullierten Warrants in den LME-Stocks nehme zu, und das lasse erwarten, dass die Lagerbestände nicht mehr so schnell zunehmen werden.

Auch Will Adams von sieht ein Indiz für wachsende physische Nachfrage, die zu einer Periode von Bestandsabnahmen führen könnte. Das Volumen sei im Moment aber noch nicht groß, fügt er hinzu. Offenbar würden Verbraucher nun die Gelegenheit niedrigerer Kupferpreise nutzen.

Bart Melek von BMO Capital Markets indessen erwartet weiterhin Preisdruck durch steigende Lagerbestände. Dagegen rechnet Barclays Capital für Anfang 2008 mit einem Rückgang der Vorräte auf neue Tiefststände.
Dec 06, 2007 07:00 ET
Tyler Resources Mails Letter to Shareholders; Reiterates Recommendation to Reject Mercator Minerals' Hostile Offer
CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Dec. 6, 2007) - Tyler Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:TYS) ("Tyler" or the "Company") today mailed the following letter to all Tyler shareholders affirming the Tyler Board of Directors' recommendation that shareholders reject the unsolicited offer from Mercator Minerals Ltd. and not tender their shares.

The full text of the letter, as mailed and filed with Canadian securities regulators, is as follows:

Dear Tyler Resources Shareholder:

By now you should have received a copy of the Tyler Resources Board of Directors' Circular recommending that you reject Mercator Mineral's hostile takeover bid. If you haven't already, we would urge you to read the Circular, especially the sections entitled "Analysis and Reasons for Rejecting the Offer" (page 2) and "Background to the Offer and Response of Tyler" (page 15).

The Tyler Board continues to believe that the Mercator Offer does not serve the best interests of Tyler Shareholders. Its timing is highly opportunistic and it fails to adequately compensate Tyler Shareholders for the loss of opportunity to participate in the Company's future growth as the Bahuerachi deposit advances towards feasibility, development and production.

Mercator's interest in the Bahuerachi deposit comes as no surprise. Bahuerachi is an emerging world-class asset with exceptional development potential. It is the fourth largest porphyry deposit in Mexico in terms of copper resources, the largest in terms of its zinc resources, and it ranks among the largest undeveloped deposits of its kind in North America. To date, the Bahuerachi deposit and district remain open for both expansion of the current resource and for further discoveries.

With the Mercator Offer set to expire December 17th, 2007, unless it is withdrawn or extended, it is an appropriate time to reiterate the Tyler Board's unanimous recommendation and to provide shareholders with a brief update on the Company and the process it is following in response to the Mercator Offer.

Tyler's exploration efforts are bearing fruit...

Since Mercator commenced its offer on November 9th, Tyler has issued two important news releases, both indicating positive drill results at our polymetallic deposit in Bahuerachi. On November 14th, Tyler announced a new discovery five kilometres from the Main Zone, where we have already identified a resource of 525 million tonnes of mineralization since 2004. On November 29th, Tyler announced successful step-out drilling at the Main Zone, which increased the width of known mineralization to the west over a strike length of approximately 800 meters and, in some cases, more than doubled the previous deposit widths compared to the May 2007 model. This is expected to have a positive affect on both the size and value of the deposit.

In the western portion of Bahuerachi, all sections remain open for further expansion and drilling will continue to test this potential until year-end for the new resource modeling scheduled for January 2008. In addition to what has already been identified, there is still significant, untested exploration potential on the property. Since Mercator commenced its offer on November 9th, Tyler has clearly and publicly demonstrated the significant potential to increase the size and economics of the Bahuerachi project. To date, Mercator has refused to assign any additional value for this potential in its offer.

... and Mercator is attempting to acquire Tyler before the fruit ripens...

By mid-2008 we expect to complete a pre-feasibility study that will provide shareholders with far more information about the size and value of Bahuerachi. Additionally, we have made significant progress on a number of logistical fronts, including locating favourable areas for tailings and the processing plant, begun a water testing program, received the pre-feasibility level geotechnical report and begun to assemble required samples for advanced metallurgical studies. With the Main Zone's extended width, we expect to be able to develop a wider and deeper pit than proposed in the November 2007 scoping study, allowing access to a greater portion of the existing resource and positively impacting the scale of the project. Mercator is attempting to acquire Tyler before it can achieve these important and widely recognized value-enhancing milestones. If Mercator's hostile bid succeeds, you will be denied the opportunity to fully benefit from the pre-feasibility study as well as Tyler's long-term development plans for Bahuerachi.

...while offering Tyler Shareholders a small fraction of a combined company...

Simply put, Mercator is asking Tyler Shareholders to trade a 100% interest in this emerging world-class asset for a 14.6% fully diluted interest in a combined company with a number of significant operational and financial risks, none of which are currently associated with the advancement of Tyler's business plan. What's worse, Tyler Shareholders face the potential for even greater dilution should Mercator need to raise additional capital to fund the development of Bahuerachi or to maintain its existing operations, something we believe is likely to happen as Mercator has limited borrowing capacity.

...and proposing to use Tyler's own cash to fund development on a slower track.

On a conference call with the investment community on October 19th, Mercator indicated that it planned to use Tyler's own cash to fund the continued development of the Bahuerachi project. Mercator further indicated that it would advance the project on a timeline that is slower than the plan Tyler already has in place, a plan that Tyler's Board, its officers and its team of consultants have the experience required to effectively execute on.
In its Offer Circular filed November 9th, Mercator failed to identify and quantify any meaningful synergies in the proposed combination. In fact, none of the benefits Mercator has alluded to in the Offer Circular can be quantified, nor would they be unique to the transaction that Mercator is proposing in this hostile manner to Tyler Shareholders.

REJECT the Mercator Offer and do NOT tender your shares.

The Board firmly believes the Mercator Offer significantly undervalues Tyler. But don't just take our word for it. Mercator's own financial advisor, Jennings Capital Inc., issued research reports in mid October that indicate that Jennings believes that Tyler is worth significantly more than what Mercator is offering. Those same reports, dated October 10th and October 18th, also indicate that Jennings believes that Tyler has substantially greater upside than Mercator.

Moreover, the terms of the Mercator Offer are substantially lower than an offer Mercator made to Tyler on October 5th, 2007, which contemplated an offer price of $1.25 for each Tyler common share implying an exchange ratio of 0.1437 on October 5th, 2007, and which Tyler viewed as inadequate and allowed to expire on October 10th, 2007. We see no reason for Tyler shareholders to accept Mercator's offer considering that it is less than full value for Bahuerachi.

Your Board of Directors and its Special Committee of independent directors, together with Tyler's management, financial and legal advisors, is now actively soliciting, evaluating and working towards potential alternatives to the Mercator Offer that may enhance shareholder value. Tyler has been solicited by and initiated contact with a number of third parties who have expressed an interest in considering alternative transactions.

To facilitate this process, Tyler has established an electronic data room, which has now been populated with more than 3,500 pages of documents covering all aspects of the Bahuerachi project, Tyler's operations and the structure of its technical, environmental, legal and financial situation. The data room is providing access to critical information for third parties around the world and is being expanded on a routine basis as the Company receives requests for further due diligence materials. Tendering Tyler Shares to the Mercator Offer before Tyler fully explores all available alternatives will preclude the possibility of a financially superior transaction emerging.

Taken as a whole, we do not see how the Mercator Offer serves the best interests of Tyler Shareholders. The Tyler Resources Board is unanimous in its recommendation that shareholders reject the Mercator Offer and not tender their shares to it. If you have tendered your shares to the offer, the Board recommends that you withdraw them immediately. For assistance in doing so, please contact Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc., the information agent retained by Tyler, at toll free 1-866-639-3460.

If you have not yet received the Directors' Circular in the mail, a copy can be obtained from our web site at and on SEDAR at A copy can also be obtained by calling Kingsdale Shareholder Services at 1-866-639-3460.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Tyler Resources.



Jean-Pierre Jutras, Director, President and Chief Executive Officer

Alan Craven, Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Special Committee
Übernommen! könnte dem ganzen Sektor einen Aufschwung geben!.....z.B. Candente....... :whistle:

Dec 06, 2007 08:00 ET
China Minmetals/Jiangxi Copper to Acquire Northern Peru Copper Corp for C$13.75 Per Share in CashVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 6, 2007) - Northern Peru Copper Corp. ("NOC" or the "Company") (TSX:NOC) is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive agreement (the "Support Agreement") with China Minmetals Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd ("Minmetals") and Jiangxi Copper Company Ltd. ("Jiangxi"; collectively "the Offerors") under which the Offerors have agreed to make an offer to acquire all of the Company's outstanding shares (the "Offer") for C$13.75 per share in cash.
sehr schön - Scorpio kommt in die Gänge, der Deal , mit Batec iss durch und die Produktion läuft auch demnächst an........
04.12.2007 20:07
Mexivada acquires Goldstorm Midas-style gold-silver property, Nevada

VANCOUVER, Dec. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Mexivada Mining Corp. (Nachrichten) is pleased to announce that it has executed a 20-year renewable mining lease on the 800 acre, privately-owned Goldstorm property in Elko County, Nevada, from NFC Land and Cattle Company. Goldstorm is located 18 kilometres ("km") northwest of the Midas Mine along the Carlin Trend and Northern Nevada Rift, and 18 km east of the large Twin Creeks-Turquoise Ridge-Getchell gold mine complex of Newmont and Barrick.

Goldstorm is an exploration property with outcropping high-level Midas-style low-sulfidation, gold-bearing quartz veining in felsic volcanic rocks, exposed along more than a 1.75 km length. Rock chip samples collected from a trench at one prospect at Goldstorm assayed 9.0 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold and 43.9 g/t silver over a 3 m sample width. Exploration has been conducted on the property by companies that include Battle Mountain Gold, Crown Resources/Romarco, and Newmont. Mexivada's consultant Dr. Jim Shannon worked at Goldstorm for Crown Resources in the 1990s. The modern exploration model for Midas-type deposits suggests that previous drilling at Goldstorm may have been too shallow. Mexivada will attempt to acquire more existing data on Goldstorm and design a program to explore the property for hidden, Midas-style gold-silver deposits. No mineral resources or mineral reserves have been defined by Mexivada for any of its targets at Goldstorm.

The term of the Mining Lease with NFC Land and Cattle call for an initial payment of $1,000 and an annual work requirement of $2,500 in calendar 2008, $5,000 in 2009, $7,500 in 2010 and $7,500 per year thereafter. Annual minimum royalty payments required are $1,000 in 2008, $2,000 in 2009, $3,500 in 2010-2011, $5,000 in 2012-2013, and $10,000 per year thereafter. The property is also subject to a 5% net smelter return royalty.

The Company's President and CEO, Richard R. Redfern, M.Sc. and Certified Professional Geologist, a 'qualified person' for the purposes on National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Properties, has verified the information (including maps, sampling, and analytical test data) and evaluated the interpretations contained in this news release.

About Mexivada Mining Corp. ---------------------------

Mexivada is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring, advancing, and joint venturing high-grade Gold-Silver, Molybdenum, Diamond, and Rare Metal exploration projects in Mexico, Nevada, and the ROC Republic of Congo. Managed by experienced and successful board members and advisors, Mexivada is well financed with no debt. For further information, including area maps, sections, and photos, please visit our web site at or contact us by e-mail at

ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS "RICHARD R. REDFERN" Richard R. Redfern President The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

CONTACT: LionsGate Communication Corp., Telephone: (866) 922-6774 or (604) 866-7700,,
Wirtschaftsnews - von heute 09:52
Platin-Futures steigen 7. Tag in Folge

Tokio 07.12.07 (
Die Platin-Futures konnten heute den siebten Handelstag in Folge zulegen. Grund dafür ist vor allem der erwartete Nachfrageanstieg aus der Automobilindustrie. Dort wird Platin in Katalysatoren verwendet.

Im Wochenverlauf legte Platin um 3,2 % zu, Gold stieg lediglich um 1,4 %.

Ein Analyst sagte, dass die Marktlage für Platin durchaus bullisch einzuschätzen sei.
Der Oktober-Kontrakt stieg heute an der Tokyo Commodity Exchange um 0,6 % auf 5.114 Yen je Kilogramm (1.428 USD je Unze).
Der Spotpreis stieg heute um 0,2 % auf 1.468,50 USD je Unze.

Nicht börsenbriefgeschädigt, völlig losgelöst. Klarer Verdoppler auf Sicht von 12 Monaten! :)

Also hier hat nach dem starken Anstieg, ein Instie seine Positionen glattgestellt, und immer wenn das
Teil nach oben wollte reinverkauft. Das dürfte bald ein Ende haben! :evil:

Eines der grössten und fettesten Nickeldeposits. :)
» zur Grafik

Also hier hat nach dem starken Anstieg, ein Instie seine Positionen glattgestellt, und immer wenn das
Teil nach oben wollte reinverkauft. Das dürfte bald ein Ende haben! :evil:

und bei nahezu NULL Umsaetzen und NULL Insti Interesse angesichts des Marktumfeldes rutscht dat Teil gemaechlich zu Boden...
MK nur noch 10mio CAD!!!


Da die Bücher zugemacht werden haben wir bei den meisten Werten einen syncronen Anstieg, wie jedes Jahr um diese Zeit! Die kommt in den nächsten Tagen.
Spin Off Detour
Finanzierung 6,25mio CAD

Toronto, ON December 07, 2007

FSC / Press Release


Not for Distribution to U.S. Newswire Services or for Dissemination in the United States

Toronto, Ontario CANADA, December 07, 2007 /FSC/ - Trade Winds Ventures Inc. (TSX - VX: TWD, FWB: TVR, OTCBB_Pink_Sheets: TWDIF), ("Trade Winds" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, subject to the conditions set out below, its Detour Lake properties (all Detour assets including Block A, operated as a 50/50 joint venture with Detour Gold Corp., and its 100% owned Gowest property) will be transferred to a new company to be formed, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario ("Newco"). Trade Winds expects to receive consideration of approximately 50% of the common shares of Newco, which is anticipated to be financed with a minimum $15,000,000 private placement followed by an Initial Public Offering expected later in 2008. In addition, Newco expects to have the option to fund Trade Winds' expenditures related to the Detour Lake properties from the earlier of the completion of the transaction or May 31, 2008. Newco intends to conduct an aggressive exploration program at the Detour Lake project during 2008 and 2009 with the objective of increasing the current resource and work toward initiating a feasibility study. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. has the option to provide up to 100% of the funding for Newco.

Ian Lambert, President and CEO of Trade Winds, stated: "With an NI 43-101 compliant gold resource of 804,321 indicated ounces of gold and 1,499,552 inferred ounces of gold, the Detour Lake Block A and Gowest properties are now ready for the next level in the mine development life cycle. We believe that the logical next step is to bring in new exploration management expertise and the necessary funding going forward, and augmenting that team with the experience that we have gained over the last several years of exploration at Detour Lake." Mr. Lambert added: "This proposed transaction is consistent with Trade Winds' partnership and spin-out strategies which are being designed to improve the identification and valuation of each specific Trade Winds' property, enabling Trade Winds to separately finance and develop its various assets, selectively reducing stock dilution. We believe our shareholders will realize greater upside value through a 50% equity ownership in Newco than is currently being recognized at this point in time."

General Terms of the Agreement

The transaction is subject to:

1. Regulatory approvals, including acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSX-V");
2. Approval from the shareholders of Trade Winds by April 30, 2008;
3. Completion by Newco of a minimum $15 million private placement within 45 business days of the date of the agreement; and
4. Other customary conditions.

If Newco fails to close the private placement within the required time or if shareholder approval is not obtained by Trade Winds, Trade Winds shall retain its interest in the Detour Lake Block A and Gowest properties.

Upon closing of the transaction, Trade Winds will have two representatives on Newco's board of directors, which shall consist of at least five members. Trade Winds expects to call a special meeting of its shareholders to seek approval for the transaction in April, 2008. Octagon Capital Corporation is acting as advisor in this transaction.

Detour Lake Block A and Gowest Properties

The Detour Lake Block A and Gowest properties contain the M Zone structural corridor. The M Zone structural corridor is a gold bearing structure that begins near surface at the eastern boundary of Block A, and plunges gently westward along strike for over four kilometres on to the immediately adjacent 100% owned Gowest property. Two significant mineralized zones occur along a komatiite structure, the Upper and Lower M Zone gold zones. The near surface and other portions of the M Zone structural corridor drilled to date are the subject of our NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate (October 2006). The 2008 and 2009 M Zone drilling program will be designed to test the westward extension of the known gold mineralization both near surface and at depth, with the purpose of adding new gold ounces to the resource estimate and upgrading the current near surface inferred resource to the indicated category.

Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) was commissioned by Trade Winds to provide an independent Mineral Resource Estimate in conformance with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve definitions referred to in the National Instrument NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The resource estimation work was completed in October 2006 and is based on information contained within the Technical Report prepared by Golder for Trade Winds and filed on SEDAR, which, using a cut-off of 1.0 grams/tonne, outlines an indicated resource of 14,158,000 tonnes grading 1.77 grams Au/t containing 804,321 ounces of gold and an inferred mineral resource of 24,796,000 tonnes grading 1.88 g Au/t containing 1,499,552 ounces of gold.

Trade Winds Announces a Private Placement of up to $6.25 Million

Trade Winds further announces that it has agreed to a brokered private placement led by Octagon Capital Corporation as lead agent (the "Agent") of up to 14,000,000 non-flow-through units ("Units") at $0.25 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to $3,500,000 (the "Brokered Offering"). RBC Dominion Securities Inc. has agreed to subscribe for 8,000,000 Units.

Each Unit consists of one non-flow-through common share and one-half of one transferable non-flow-through common share purchase warrant, with each whole warrant entitling the holder to acquire one additional common share of the Company for a period of two years from closing at an exercise price of $0.30.

The Agent will receive a cash commission of 8.0% of the gross proceeds raised in the Brokered Offering, payable in cash or, in whole or in part, at the option of the Agent, in units of the Company having the same attributes as the Units. In addition, the Agents will receive compensation warrants equal in number to 8.0% of the aggregate number of Units sold pursuant to the Brokered Offering ("Agent's Compensation Warrants") exercisable for two years following closing at the offering price of the Units.

Concurrent with the Brokered Offering, the Company is undertaking a non-brokered financing for up to 3,333,334 flow-through units at a price of $0.30 per flow-through unit ("FT Units") for gross proceeds of up to $1,000,000, consisting of one flow through common share and one-half of one transferable non-flow through common share purchase warrant ("Warrant"). Each whole Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one additional common share of the Company for a period of one year from the date of closing at a price of $.50 per share. The non-brokered financing will also consist of up to 7,000,000 non-flow through units having the same attributes as the Units for gross proceeds of up to $1,750,000. A finder's fee in cash and/or Units is payable in connection with the non-brokered financing. In addition, The Company will issue finders warrants having the same attributes as the Agent's Compensation Warrants equal in number to 8% of the aggregate number of units and FT Units sold under the non-brokered financing.

The net proceeds from the issue of FT Units will be used for exploration and development of the Company's Birch Lake Property in Ontario and Treasure Mountain Property in British Columbia. The flow-through funds will constitute Canadian Exploration Expenses and will be renounced for the 2007 taxation year. The net proceeds raised from the issue of Units and non-brokered units will be used for exploration and development costs, property acquisition costs, investments, and working capital.

Ian D. Lambert, CEO/President (604) 742-2522
Terry McGee, Investor Relations
Toll Free (877) 811-4518 ext 228 or (604) 742-2531

An den Werten, die wir hier vorgestellt haben, werden wir in den nächsten Monaten viel Freude
haben. Die Bücher sind zu,- und wie ich im Sommer schon sagte:`Antizyklisch agieren, kaufen
wenn alle das Segment meiden.´
Spin Off Detour
Finanzierung 6,25mio CAD

Toronto, ON December 07, 2007

FSC / Press Release


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